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抄 録プ
ム日 ︵
土︶ 7日︵日︶
B3-6 シンポジウム
Symposium Ⅰ
Techniques for Alar Modifications
JUNG Dong -hak, MD, PhD【Shimmian Rhinoplasty Clinic】
Weir(1892)was the first who mentioned Alar Base Surgery. This type of surgery is not that popular among Westerns but
and wide.
an ideal size that maintains the continuation of the nostril. The amount of the incision of the exterior and interior of the
rather among African-Americans and Asians; it's a method to reduce the nares if it is too big or if the base is way too flat
One thing to be aware about when carrying out Alar Base Surgery is when incising the nostril sill; the incision should be
特別講演 シンポジウム 一般演題
nostril and whether the base needs to be incised depends on the shape of the nostril.
Simply the nostril appearances can be devided by three types in terms of alar base surgery which is bigger alar rim, wide
nostril base and mixed one. It is better to perform the alar base surgery follows the types.
Alar base surgery can be carried out simply by local anesthesia or IV anesthesia. Since width of the base will decrease as
it is pulled up when the nasal bridge and the tip gets augmented; and as the size of the nose increases the alar base will
appear smaller so it is necessary to plan ahead the incision amount depending on the nose because the nose tends to look
relatively wide when it's flat and small.
The incision line should be made 1mm above the alar base groove because if it's incised following the alar base line, not
only the suture gets complex but the scar will be too exposed. The shape of the alar base varies depending on the race.
However, the incision of the alar base can be divided into two main methods. First case is big alar rim and the second is
the wide nares floor.
There are special alar base surgery techniques those are one side alar resection for correction of nostril asymmetry, just
cut outside of alr base for correction of wide alar and small nostril sizes and thinning of alar rim etc.
Alar Base Surgery is a powerful tool that should be mastered as an adjunt to rhinoplasty to achieve a more aesthetic