september & october 2010 Wild Bananas of Vietnam Another Expedition of Musa Discoveries Creation of Plant Taxonomy at its Elementary Level vol. 42, no. 5 – $7.50 A New Taste for Quince Peachy Videos on You Tube Got Dessicated Scionwood? Improbable but nonetheless true A New Taste for Quince Harvesting Pineapple quince, Reedley, Calif. Harvesting Pineapple quince, Reedley, Calif. Smyrna quince, Navelencia, Calif. Story and images by David Karp© N eglected for decades, the quince seems an improbable candidate for revival today, when consumers demand sweet, ready-to-eat fresh fruit. Why is it, then, that in recent years three books of quince recipes and lore have appeared, the fruit increasingly is featured at high-end restaurants, and half a dozen (turn to page 16) of these have even been named after it? Packing Pineapple quince, Woodlake, Calif. Smyrna quince Meech’s Prolific quince Pineapple quince Cooke’s Jumbo quince (aka Golden) Quince in bloom, Clermont, NY Pineapple quince Sarabian Farms Pineapple quince ready for harvest, Reedley, Calif. Pineapple quince Quince Restaurant in lower Pacific Heights, San Francisco, Calif. EDGAR VALDIVIA Clockwise, from upper left: Pineapple; Golden (aka Cooke’s Jumbo); Meech’s Prolific; Smyrna; Orange Edgar Valdivia with Apple quince Valdivia’s yellow quince, a limb mutation Yellow quince compared to normal Valdivia’s Apple quince (aka Karp’s Sweet) IMPROBABLE QUINCE (from page 14) “The quince is the poster child of ‘Slowness,’ ” suggests Ben Watson, an author and food activist who organized a tasting of quince varieties for Slow Food’s Ark of Taste committee. “It’s lovely and fragrant but pretty much inedible unless transformed by peeling, coring and cooking. I think it is poised for a comeback.” It certainly is a paradoxical fruit, both homely and voluptuous, like a large, knobbly, fuzzy pear. When raw it is typically so hard, sour and astringent that in Turkey, the world’s largest producer, “to eat the quince” is slang meaning “to get into serious trouble.” But it has an intense, alluring aroma—reminiscent of pineapple, guava, Bartlett pear and vanilla—and when cooked, its flesh softens and turns a gorgeous translucent pink. The quince is a pome fruit related to apples and pears, native to the Transcaucasus area. It is most commonly grown in western Asia, southeastern Europe and parts of Latin America for use in preserves, compotes, condiments and stews. Spanish padres planted a few quince trees at California missions, but cultivation took off only with the arrival of American nurserymen and farmers in the mid-19th century. The great plant breeder Luther Burbank observed in 1914 that “the soil and climate of California are peculiarly hospitable to this fruit” because of its long, warm, dry growing season. At that time about 900 acres of quince were grown here, only a small fraction of the nation’s total plantings. Quince was popular because its high pectin content made it ideal for making jams and jellies, but its cultivation faded away with the use of powdered pectin, the decline in home preserving and the increased prevalence of fire blight, a bacterial disease that can quickly wipe out an orchard. Today California is the only U.S. state that grows commercial quantities of quince, and there are only about 300 acres, mostly in the San Joaquin Valley. The harvest runs from mid-August to early November, and the fruit, which stores well, is sold through January; small shipments from Chile come in from March to May. Careful Harvesting The quince’s aroma develops fully only when it is picked yellow-ripe, but commercial growers usually harvest when the fruit is greenish-yellow so it will ship and store better. Workers wearing cotton gloves pick the fruit gently and put it into small plastic totes, because even though quinces seem hard, they bruise easily. Packing is simple: Workers sort out the culls and discard them, rub off the fuzz from the good fruit with a soft cloth (to keep mold from developing in storage) and wrap them in protective tissues. The carotenoid molecules that give Where to Find Quince Here are a few places to buy quince fruit, trees and products. Gonzaga Farm (Ronnie and Tess Gonzaga). Pineapple quince grown in Lindsay, California. Sold at the Alhambra, Cerritos, Buena Park, Long Beach Southeast, Long Beach Uptown and Long Beach Downtown farmers markets. June Taylor Co. (June Taylor). Artisanal organic preserves, available by mail order: quince butter, quince paste, quince cheese. 2207 4th Street, Berkeley, California; (510) 5482236; Mud Creek Ranch (Steve and Robin Smith). Organic Pineapple and Golden quince grown in Santa Paula, California. Sold at the Hollywood and Santa Monica Wednesday farmers markets. One Green World (Jim Gilbert). Aromatnaya, Crimea, Kaunching, Kuganskaya, Mellow, Orange, Smyrna and Van Deman quince trees. 28696 S. Cramer Road, Molalla, Oregon; (503) 651-3005; Oregon Quinces (Tremaine and Gail Arkley). Fresh Pineapple and Russian varieties of quince. 9775 Hultman Road, 16 september & october 2010 Independence, Oregon; (503) 838-4886. Raintree Nursery (Sam Benowitz). Aromatnaya, Ekmek, Karp’s Sweet, Orange, Pineapple, Portugal, Smyrna and Van Deman quince trees. 391 Butts Road, Morton, Washington; (360) 496-6400; Trees of Antiquity (Neil Collins). Aromatnaya, Pineapple and Smyrna quince trees. 20 Wellsona Road, Paso Robles, California; (805) 467-9909; Terry Ranch (Rebecca and Mark Terry). Pineapple quince grown in Dinuba, California. Sold at the Santa Monica Saturday (Organic) farmers market. Willowrose Bay (Edith Walden). Mediterranean quince marmalade (like membrillo); regular quince marmalade; Ambrosia (quince and applesauce); quince butter; quince syrup; and fresh quince: Aromatnaya, Cooke’s Jumbo, Havran, Karp’s Sweet, Kaunching, Kuganskaya, Meech’s Prolific, Lisle, Smyrna, Tashkent, Van Deman. P.O. Box 1652, Anacortes, Washington; (360) 299-9999. quince its yellow color break down into compounds, notably lactones and rosescented ionones, that impart the fruit’s pungent floral aroma. Phenolic chemicals in raw quince flesh coagulate proteins in your mouth, causing the fruit to taste astringent; but when it is cooked for a long time, heat and acidity convert these compounds to anthocyanins, so the pulp loses its astringency and turns a pleasing pink. Many quince growers are of Armenian ancestry. Herbert Kaprielian of Reedley, Calif., the venerable longtime “King of Quince,” who is now 80, remembers that when he started growing the fruit in the 1950s “every Armenian-owned farm had at least one quince tree.” At first he shipped mainly to Greeks, Italians and Jews on the East Coast, then starting in the 1970s, Latino customers became increasingly important. Marketers now estimate that about three-quarters of the crop goes to ethnic groups familiar with quince from their homelands. The leading variety in California is Pineapple, a smooth, roundish fruit that’s early-maturing and relatively tender. In fact, Luther Burbank, who introduced it in 1899, claimed that it “when thoroughly ripe rivals the apple as a fruit to be eaten raw.” I always considered this nonsense, but last year when I picked some Pineapples in early November, they were indeed soft and juicy enough to be fairly palatable. Ripening in mid-season, the Smyrna, brought from western Anatolia in 1897, is large and pear-shaped, with heavy brown fuzz. It’s the favorite of quince aficionados for its intense aroma but grown on limited acreage because of its susceptibility to fire blight. Latest and largest of all is Golden, also known as Cooke’s Jumbo, a blockyshaped fruit, possibly a chance genetic mutation of Smyrna, selected by Kaprielian’s father in the 1960s. Since the days of Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder, anecdotal and scientific reports have described dessert varieties of quince that are delicious to eat fresh, but whenever I encountered such fruits they tasted more like furniture than food. Eventually I came to view such accounts as apocryphal. David Karp writes a weekly column on produce and farmers markets that appears each Friday online in the Los Angeles Times food section []. He also writes longer feature articles for the newspaper’s print edition, such as this piece, which appeared originally on October 28, 2009. In May he began work as a part-time citrus researcher for the University of California at Riverside’s Department of Botany and Plant Sciences. fruit gardener A Backyard Favorite Then in 1997, I met a retired computer engineer named Edgar Valdivia at the crfg annual conference, which was that year renamed the Festival of Fruit. He said he had a sweet-fleshed quince tree in his yard in Simi Valley, derived from cuttings imported by a friend from the Majes Valley of southern Peru, where it’s too warm for most apples and pears to grow well but where quinces flourish. The next day he brought in a round yellow fruit that indeed had typical quince aroma, ribbing and light fuzz—but was softer, juicier and non-astringent, and quite pleasant to eat. Since then the variety has become increasingly popular among Southern California backyard growers. At least one farmers market vendor, Alex Weiser, has ordered trees, but it remains to be seen how the variety will fare commercially. CRFG variety registrar C. Todd Kennedy sent budwood of this tree to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s fruit collection in Corvallis, Ore. There, much to my surprise, quince curator Joseph Postman called the variety Karp’s Sweet quince, naming it after me. As grown in the Northwest, however, it might better be named Karp’s Sour; the variety needs California’s heat and long growing season to ripen properly. In Corvallis, Postman maintains an orchard of more than 100 quince clones, many of which he and other USDA scientists collected in recent expeditions to the fruit’s homeland in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. When I visited, some of the varieties were fruiting for the first time, and a few seemed remarkably tender and non-astringent, especially given the area’s cool climate; others were early-ripening, showing promise that they might be suitable for growing commercially in the Northwest, where autumn rains, which can crack and rot quince, often arrive before standard varieties ripen. With the USDA collection and several nurseries and farms growing exotic varieties, the area is already a hub of quince enthusiasm. Fruits, like stocks and clothes, are ruled by the inscrutable laws of fashion. Quince may never regain its status as a major player, but in today’s food world, it’s so out it’s in. Quince Bibliography Brunn, Stanley D. 1963. A cultural plant geography of the quince, The Professional Geographer, 15(5):16–18. Burbank, Luther. 1914. Luther Burbank: his methods and fruit gardener Golden, aka Cooke’s Jumbo, is very large and bears late in season, but is also susceptible to fire blight. The third most common quince in California, it comes from a sport of Van Deman discovered in a San Joaquin Valley orchard in the 1960s. Stan Shamoon’s orchard in Navelencia, California, southeast of Fresno. See Simply Quince Recipes on page 18 discoveries and their practical application. Hedrick, U.P. 1922. Cyclopedia of Hardy Fruits. New York: Macmillan. Ghazarian, Barbara. 2009. Simply Quince. Monterey, Calif.: Mayreni. Güngör, M.K., A. Küden, H. Gülen, 1998. Studies on the Selected Quince Types. ISHS XXV International Horticultural Congress (Book of Abstracts) p. 458–9. Joannet, Henri. 2007. Du coing et du cognassier. St. Remy de Provence, France: Editions Equinoxe. Loohuizen, Ria. 2003. Het rijk van kwee en vijg. Amsterdam/ Antwerp: Atlas (in Dutch). Loohuizen, Ria. 2009. Realm of Fig and Quince: An Anthology of Recipes. Totnes, England: Prospect Books. McGinnis, Laura. 2007. Quest for quince: expanding the NCGR collection. Agricultural Research 55(1):20–21. Meech, W.M. Quince Culture. New York: Orange Judd, 1888. (available online at text-idx?c=chla;idno=2916417) Peyre, P. Les Sorbiers & Cognassiers. Le Kremlin-Bicentre, France: Boivent, n.d. (late 1940s?). Postman, J.D. 2008. The USDA quince and pear genebank in Oregon, a world source of fire blight resistance. Acta Horticulturae. 793:357–362. Postman, J.D. 2009. Cydonia oblonga: the unappreciated quince. Arnoldia. 67(1):2–9. Sykes, J.T. 1972. A description of some quince cultivars from western Turkey. Economic Botany, 26(1):21–31. Wilson, C. Anne. 1999. The Book of Marmalade: Its Antecedents, Its History and Its Role in the World Today, Together With a Collection of Recipes for Marmalades and Marmalade Cookery. Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, rev. ed. september & october 2010 17 QUINCE RECIPES (from page 17) Simply Quince, by Barbara Ghazarian Poached Quince This recipe is the most important in the collection. Often, when using quince as an ingredient in pies, cakes and side dishes, it’s necessary to poach the fruit first. Precooking evens out the cooking times and tenderness of quince when pairing it with other fruits, such as pears, apples, or cranberries. Slices can be served with a couple spoonfuls of poaching liquid on pancakes, French toast, or waffles for breakfast; as an ice cream topping; or as a simple, pretty blush fruit compote. 8 cups water 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (1 lemon) One 3-inch cinnamon stick 2 pounds fresh quince, peeled, cored, quartered, and cut into ½-inch-thick wedges (about 7 cups) Combine the water, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon stick, and quince in a large heavy bottomed pot and quickly bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Gently simmer uncovered, stirring occasionally, for 1¼ hours, or until the quince is tender. The fruit will turn golden, then a blush salmon-pink. The fruit is done when it can be pierced easily with a knife. Discard the cinnamon stick. Cool to room temperature. Poached quinces may be jarred in their poaching syrup, stored in an airtight container and chilled (in the refrigerator) for a week, or frozen. Makes about 4 cups poached quince, plus 3 cups poaching liquid. Simple Baked Quince In season, cooks across the traditional quince-growing region of the world— Armenia, Iran, Turkey, and neighboring countries—value baked quince as the perfect finish to an evening meal. Variations are limited only by imagination and available ingredients. Try this simple yet elegant recipe as a beginning. 2 medium or large fresh quinces 2 to 4 tablespoons (½ stick) butter 4 tablespoons firmly packed light brown sugar Ground cinnamon Ground nutmeg 4 tablespoons (¼ cup) coarsely chopped walnuts ¼ cup heavy cream, whipped cream, plain yogurt, mascarpone cheese, crème fraîche, or kaymak (see Note) Preheat the oven to 375F. Place the fruit in a roasting pan filled 1 inch deep with water. The water prevents the fruit from burning where it rests on the pan. Cover securely with foil. Bake in the middle of the oven for 1 hour; flip the quince and rotate the pan at least once during cooking to ensure even baking and prevent burn spots. Remove from the oven and let stand until the fruit is cool enough to handle. With a sharp knife, halve each quince; core completely with a knife, melon baller, or peach pitter. Place each cored half, cut side up, on a square of foil large enough to enclose the half when folded. Score the softened flesh with a sharp knife. This will help the flavorings seep into the fruit during the second baking. Fill each half with ½ to 1 tablespoon of the butter (depending on size), 1 tablespoon of the brown sugar, and a dash or two of cinnamon and nutmeg. Then fold the sides of the foil up and around the quince and seal. Return the wrapped quince to the roasting pan (drained of water), cut side up, and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until the fruit is very tender. The baking time will vary depending on the size and quality of the fruit. Remove the pan from the oven. Carefully open the foil pouch and set each half on a dessert dish. Top each half with 1 tablespoon of the walnuts and a generous spoonful of dairy topping. Serve immediately while still warm. Serves 4. Note: In Turkey, baked quince is served topped with a heavy clotted cream called kaymak. In the United States, kaymak is imported from Lebanon, Syria, or Turkey and sold in the dairy section in most Middle Eastern groceries. 18 september & october 2010 These recipes, all from Simply Quince by Barbara Ghazarian (Mayreni Publishing, August 2009), were published as a sidebar to “There’s a new taste for quince,” which appeared under David Karp’s byline in The Los Angeles Times, October 28, 2009. To peruse the online story, go to,0,5254414.story. Candied Quince For those new to cooking with quince, this recipe is an excellent starting point. Candied quince is very easy to make, is delicious any way you serve it, and lasts for months when chilled. 1 pound fresh quince, peeled, cored, and cut into 1-inch-thick wedges (about 3 cups) 3 cups sugar Gently toss the quince wedges with the sugar in a large mixing bowl until covered. Transfer to a large heavy-bottomed pot and cook over medium heat until the sugar melts completely and begins to bubble. Stir often so the fruit does not burn. Reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 1¼ hours or until the fruit is covered with a rich red caramel-colored, thick, gooey syrup. Serve in little dishes pooled in heavy cream, yogurt, or use as a topping for vanilla ice cream. When chilled, Candied Quince will keep for months. Makes 1 pint. Lamb and Quince Tagine Tagines are savory Moroccan stews commonly served with couscous. They combine meat with vegetables, fruit, or both and are boldly spiced. The name refers to the earthenware vessel in which they are cooked. A pinot noir with herbaceous qualities complements this stew beautifully. 1 large yellow onion, chopped ¼ cup olive oil ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon ground allspice ¼ teaspoon ground cloves ½ teaspoon turmeric Pinch of cayenne ¼ cup tomato paste 2 pounds boneless lamb, fat trimmed, cut into 1-inch cubes 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon ground black pepper One 14½-ounce can peeled, diced tomatoes 3 cups water 1 pound fresh quince, peels left on, cored, and cut into bite-sized pieces (about 2 cups) ½ cup sugar ¼ cup red lentils, washed and picked free of debris Juice of 1 lemon Chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley Sauté the onion in the olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat until tender and golden, about 8 minutes. Lower the heat and stir in the cinnamon, allspice, cloves, turmeric, and cayenne. Add just a pinch of cayenne at this stage in the recipe: you can always add more later. Stir in the tomato paste and mix thoroughly; then add the lamb, salt, black pepper, and tomatoes. Raise the heat to medium-high and allow the mixture to bubble for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the water, bring the stew back to a boil, and then lower the heat, cover, and simmer for 30 minutes. Add the quince, sugar, lentils, and lemon juice. Mix well. Simmer for another 30 minutes, or until the meat and quince pieces are tender and the sauce has thickened. Adjust the sugar and seasonings to taste. Serve hot over a bed of pilaf, couscous, basmati rice, or mashed potatoes garnished with fresh parsley. Also delicious served with a wedge of hard cheese such as Manchego and a chunk of hearty bread. Serves 8. fruit gardener Pineapple quince, Reedley, Calif. Typical knobbly specimen of Cooke’s Jumbo, Visalia, Calif. Quince Clafouti Light, rich, and creamy, this pudding-like dessert is a French classic. As long as you have poached quince in the refrigerator, it assembles quickly and cooks fail-proof. Sublime when served slightly warm or just at room temperature. For the Quince 1¾ to 2 pounds fresh quince, poached according to the directions on page 18 (3½ cups poached quince, drained, patted dry with paper towels, and chilled in an airtight container for at least 2 hours before using) For the Pan 1 tablespoon unsalted butter, room temperature For the Custard 1 /3 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar 3 extra-large eggs, room temperature 6 tablespoons white all-purpose flour 1½ cups heavy cream 1 teaspoon lemon zest 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 tablespoons apricot brandy ¼ teaspoon salt To Finish Confectioners’ sugar Prepare the quince as directed. Preheat the oven to 375F. Butter a 9-inch round baking pan (no substitutions). Sprinkle the bottom and sides of the pan with 1 tablespoon of the sugar. Set aside. To prepare the custard, beat the eggs and the remaining 1/3 cup sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer on medium-high speed until pale yellow, light, and fluffy. This important step takes 3 minutes. Add the flour, cream, lemon zest, vanilla, brandy and salt. Mix at low speed until combined. Set aside to stand for 10 minutes. Slice the chilled quince wedges lengthwise so they are of uniform thickness, if necessary. Arrange the slices in a fan or wheel pattern in a single layer in the prepared pan. Pour the custard evenly over the fruit. Bake in the middle of the oven for 35 to 40 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the custard is firm. Cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Loosen the sides from the pan with a knife, place a large plate over the pan, flip upside down, and gently pat the bottom to loosen and release whole. Place a serving dish on the exposed fruit layer and flip again, so the browned custard top is showing. Dust with confectioners’ sugar, slice, and serve slightly warm or at room temperature. Best served the day of preparation; the custard tends to firm and crack when held over. Serves 10. fruit gardener Pineapple quince harvest, Sarabian Farms, near Reedley, Calif. Packing Pineapple quince, Sweeney Ranches, Woodlake, Calif. september & october 2010 19
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