A SERVICE OF WORSHIP ON THE LORD’S DAY PALM SUNDAY March 29, 2015 at 10:00 am *We Give Glory to God (holding hands) Glory be to the Father And to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, World without end, Amen, Amen. We Proclaim God’s Word We Gather Around God’s Word Prelude “All Glory, Laud and Honor” Wood Special Music Robert Grube, Jr., Organist Welcome Introit “House of the Lord/Who Was the Man” Caroler Choir, Elsa G. Hahn, Directing Rev. Chris Kile “Who Is the Man?” “Throughout These Forty Days” *Call to Worship Myrland Cisernos Leader: Come to this time of worship in reverent awe, and know the presence and power of the Living God. People: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Leader: O Jesus Christ, on this day you triumphantly entered Jerusalem. People: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Leader: In this week you experienced defeat and victory. People: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Leader: Remind us of what following Jesus means in our lives. People: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! All: God’s steadfast love endures forever. Thanks be to God. Valet will ich dir geben * Prayer of Adoration and Confession (unison) Myrland Cisernos O God of love and mercy, we confess that we would rather join the crowds than stand alone in our witness for what is right and just. As we celebrate the triumphant return of Jesus to Jerusalem, remind us of who Jesus is for each of us today, and help us stay faithful to him in all that we do and say. Prayer for Illumination (unison) Myrland Cisneros Speak to us, O God, by your loving and healing Spirit. That as your Word is proclaimed and heard, we may be raised to glorify you with our entire lives. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Scripture Readings Psalm 118:1-2, 26-29 (O.T. pg. 694) Myrland Cisneros Mark 11:1-11 (N.T. pg. 57) Dramatization by the Children and youth Narrator 1 and Narrator 2 Hymn of Proclamation #89 “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” Ellacombe (Children will remain to sing first verse then be dismissed to Sunday School classes.) Sermon: “Cheers to Jeers” Rev. Liz Alexander Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer We Respond to God’s Word We Worship with our Offerings Offertory Congregational Response Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. Assurance of God’s Love and Forgiveness Wagner Crusader Choir, Elsa G. Hahn, Directing Chancel Choir, Alison R. Nead, Directing *Hymn of Gathering #88 “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” Gloria Patri “Amazing Love, How Can It Be” Larson Chancel Choir, Alison R. Nead, Directing *Doxology Rev. Chris Kile Old Hundredth Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, Ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen *Prayer of Dedication, Rev. Chris Kile Hymn of Sending (insert) “The Palms” Benediction Faure Rev. Liz Alexander Postlude *Please stand as you are able. Go In Peace to Love and Serve the Lord! The Ministers of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranford NJ: The Entire Congregation of FPCC Pastor and Head of Staff – Rev. John Christian Kile Associate Pastor – Rev. Liz Alexander Music Director – Alison R. Nead Assistant Music Director– Elsa G. Hahn Organist – Robert Grube, Jr. Youth Fellowship Coordinator - Darius Tullis Administrative Coordinator – Carol Thee FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CRANFORD 11 Springfield Avenue, Cranford, New Jersey 07016 Phone (908) 276-8440 www.firstprescranford.org FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 Springfield Avenue, Cranford, New Jersey 07016 Phone (908)276-8440 E-mail [email protected] www.firstprescranford.org KNITTING FOR NEEDS – The group meets the last Friday of the month to knit together. All are invited to join them at that time or on your own time to take part in their current project which is knitting nine inch squares. Squares are sent to the group, Pink Warriors, that assembles them into afghans for people going through chemotherapy. Several of our members have been the recipients. There is a basket near the mailboxes in front of the office to accept completed knitted or crocheted squares. KEEP OUR CHURCH LOOKING NICE AND TIDY! If you see something that needs to be fixed or just have a good idea, email the trustees at [email protected]. TO REACH THE PASTORS – Pastor Chris Kile can be reached via cell phone at 215-933-8805 or at [email protected]. Pastor Liz Alexander can be reached at the church office (extension 13) or at [email protected]. TODAY WORSHIP BAGS for children may be found in a basket at the entrance to the sanctuary. Please return the worship bags following the worship service. FLOWERS – The flowers today are given in loving memory of parents. LOOKING AHEAD SIGNS OF SPRING – Sign-up is currently underway for the men’s softball team. The season will begin at the end of April. Games will be played Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Call Rob Berns at 908-283-0209 or Brian Knutson at 233-0778 to register or for information. PRAY FIRST – The Chapel is available every Wednesday morning from 10am to 10:30am for quiet, personal prayer for the congregation. All are welcome to spend time joined in silence. If you cannot be in the chapel at that time, please consider joining your prayers with ours wherever you are! HELP WANTED - Sunday School Administrative Assistant The church is seeking an extremely organized, self-starter to support our Sunday School program. Duties will include managing the day-to-day activities of Sunday School and the nursery; communicating with Sunday School teachers, nursery volunteers and parents weekly; making photocopies and assembling art supplies to coincide with our Sunday School lesson; keeping track of Sunday school enrollment and assisting pastors with recruiting volunteers. The 15-hour per week schedule is flexible but the individual must be available during Sunday School. For more information or to apply, please contact Karen McIntyre [email protected]. WORK DAY – Join us on Saturday, April 4th from 9am to noon as we gather together to work on projects in and around the church buildings. The Trustees will be present to coordinate the activities and will appreciate all help. There are many small tasks that when completed will make the buildings more attractive and more functional. Please come and join your hands with those of your friends in helping to improve our buildings and grounds. HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE – The 4th Annual Cranford Community Day of Holocaust Remembrance will be held on Wednesday, April 22nd at 7pm at Orange Avenue School. It is sponsored by the Cranford Clergy Council, Cranford Public Schools, St. Michael School, Cranford Interfaith Human Relations Committee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EASTER FLOWERS - Please help FPC beautify the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday with spring flowers and plants. Your donation will go toward tulips, daffodils, azaleas, hydrangeas and other spring plants. Please provide your name, phone #, and dedication wording (in memory of or in honor of) with your donation. You may use a pew envelope and place it in the offering plate or leave it in the church office. Your dedication will be published in the Easter Sunday Bulletin. Thank you for your contribution. Your Name ___________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Flowers Donated in Memory of: _____________________________________________________________ Flowers Donated in Honor of: _______________________________________________________________ What’s Happening at First Presbyterian Church this Week? Sunday, March 29th – Palm Sunday 8:30 am Lenten Bible Study 10:00 am Worship 11:15 am Fellowship Time Wednesday, April 1st 6:30 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast 10:00 am Pray First 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, April 2nd – Maundy Thursday 3:30 pm Caroler Choir Rehearsal 4:30 pm Crusader Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm “Journey Through Jerusalem” Friday, April 3rd – Good Friday 10:30 am Fun With Eggs 12:00 noon Ecumenical Service Saturday, April 4th 9:00 am Work and Clean-up Day Sunday, April 5th - Easter 8:00 am Sonrise Service 10:00 am Worship Monday, April 6th Church offices closed Board Room Sanctuary Thomson Youth Center Rustic Mill Diner Chapel Choir Room Choir Room Choir Room Bates Hall Bates Hall St. Michael Church Front Lawn/Narthex Sanctuary The Palms (Les Rameaux) Jean Baptiste Faure O'er all the way green palms and blossoms gay Are strewn this day in festal preparation, Where Jesus comes to wipe our tears away; E'en now the throng to welcome Him prepare. Chorus Join all and sing, His name declare, Let ev'ry voice resound with acclamation. Hosanna! Praised be the Lord! Bless Him who cometh to bring salvation! His word goes forth and people by its might Once more their freedom gain from degradation; Humanity doth give to each his right, While those in darkness find restored the light. [Chorus] Sing and rejoice. O blest Jerusalem, Of all thy songs sing the emancipation; Through boundless love, the Christ of Bethlehem Brings forth the hope to thee forevermore. [Chorus] Used with permission CCLI #2311351 Friends, Families and Children of All Ages! On Friday, April 3rd in Bates Hall we will be having some FUN WITH EGGS! We will be dyeing eggs (some will be given to guests at the Soup Kitchen on Easter), playing with them and hearing a story. The event is from 10:30am to 12:00pm. After the festivities, we will have lunch together if you would like to join us. Please come for a morning of fun-filled activities! Everyone is welcome! If you have questions, contact Kris Farley at [email protected]. We hope to see you there! holy week WORSHIP events These events are open to all PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29: Worship at 10 am celebrating jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. We will wave our palms while the children process. CHILDREN’S AND CHANCEL CHOIRS WILL SING. Bring your “one great hour of sharing” offering. Maundy Thursday, april 2: bates hall, 7 pm. Walk with Christ and the crowd through Jerusalem as we approach his trial and crucifixion. LEARN ABOUT THE seder meal with rabbi ben Goldstein, THE TRADITIONAL MEAL BELIEVED TO BE Jesus’ Last Supper. Finally, join in Christian worship with holy communion BY INTINCTION. good Friday, april 3: noon at st. Michael’s church. Join with the cranford community to remember the crucifixion and death of Christ at this somber and moving service. Easter “sonrise” service, april 5: 8:00 am in the narthex. Weather permitting, we will worship outside, celebrate Christ’s resurrection, and share in communion by intinction. Traditional easter service, april 5: 10:00 AM in the main sanctuary. Full choirs, glorious music, beautiful flowers symbolizing rebirth, and holy communion will celebrate Christ’s resurrection. We will sing handel’s halleluiah chorus, and organist bob grube will play widor’s “toccata.” Prayers of the Church Family Pray for those in the First Pres. family facing health challenges and the loss of family members. Pray for loved ones and friends of the First Pres. Family: those who are considering suicide that they may know that they are loved and get the help and support they need and for the unemployed. Please ask for God’s daily comfort and the blessing of faithful trust for all who serve in the military especially those who are beginning their military service and those in leadership of our nation. If you would like someone added, call the office. Emergency and immediate prayer support is available for friends and family of the Church! Please join over 80 of us on the First Presbyterian Church Prayer Chain. We would love to have you. There are no calls to make; simply receive emails and add them to your prayer list. We are here to help you with this special Spirit-filled ministry. To add someone, contact Linda Thorn at [email protected].
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