April 2015 Newsletter - St. Andrews United Methodist Church in OKC

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Our Mission:
Our Method:
Our Motto:
Our Vision:
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Helping people Know Christ, Grow in Christ,
and Go in Christ
I am a minister called by God, gifted by the Holy Spirit,
ordained through baptism. I am a minister and I will
offer my gifts in service to Christ.
A loving, caring, overcoming community of faith
centered in Jesus Christ
Office 405.692.4242 * Fax 405.692.4271 * www.saokc.org
April 2015
DA Good News
What makes you come out of your seat to applaud? Your
child hitting their first home run or scoring their first
basket? A beautiful, inspiring musical number? A strong
statement of change during a “state of” address? The
beauty and pageantry of celebrating Jesus’ resurrection
from the dead? Any and all of these things can move me to
stand and applaud in appreciation, agreement and
celebration. Our first Sunday of April is Easter. We will
have amazing worship on that weekend as we applaud
God’s saving action by lifting Jesus from the grave! You
will want to be present and want to invite others to join the
What makes heaven rejoice? According to Luke’s record of
Jesus’ teaching, the repentance of a single sinner can lead
all heaven to break loose in celebration. On Sunday, April
12, we will celebrate the public profession of faith of the
confirmation students choosing to declare their
commitment to follow the resurrected One. As each student
stands before us to claim Jesus as Savior, and pledge to live
with Jesus as Lord, we must join in the celebration! It is my
hope that our participation and attendance in the
confirmation service will send a positive message to these
students – your salvation and discipleship are worthy of our
rejoicing! As an old song says, God’s favorite song is the
song of the redeemed!
Grace and peace,
D.A. •
Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 2, 7:00pm
Good Friday Service
Friday, April 3, 6:30pm
Easter Celebration Services
Saturday, April 4, 5:00pm
Sunday, April 5, 7:00am, 8:00am
9:30am and 11:00am
Confirmation Service
Sunday, April 12, 6:00pm
Spring Blood Drive
Sunday, April 19, 8:30am
Coffee with the Pastor
Sunday, April 19, 4:00pm
Sermon Series
April brings us some special Sundays
for worship on! Bring your family and
bring your friends to hear inspiring messages each week in April.
April 5 - Resurrection
April 12 - Rev. Fuxia Wang to preach
April 19 - Toll or Tribute
April 26 - What Kind of Fish
D.A. Bennett - Senior Pastor
David Johnson - Associate Pastor/Adult Ministries & Missions
Ginny Pass - Director of Music & Worship
Susan Robinson - Director of Children’s Ministry
Laura Aldridge - Director of Membership & Care
Jonathon Clinesmith - Director of Student Ministries
Darlene Power - Office Manager
Elaine Stults - Finance/Business Manager
Hazel Dodrill - Contributions
Lesa Stiger - Website Administrator
Kim McKinley - Director of Communications
Andrea Wheeler - Nursery Supervisor
Heather Ward - Director of Blessed Beginnings
Neal Zaloudik - Facilities Manager
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Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 2 at 7:00pm
Good Friday Service
Includes the drama TORN by Jeffrey B Snyder
“Produced by special arrangement with Contemporary Drama Services,
Colorado Springs, CO”
Friday, April 3 at 6:30pm
Bunko Night
Easter Celebration Services
Saturday, April 4 at 5:00pm
Sunday, April 5 at
7:00am, 8:00am, 9:30am, and 11:00am
Coffee with the Pastor
Have you been wanting to find out more
about our church? Have you been thinking
about joining St. Andrew’s? On Sunday,
April 19, at 4:00pm, you are invited to our
monthly “Coffee with the Pastor.” During
this informal time, you’ll hear the story of
St. Andrew’s, our mission, method and
vision, and we’ll lift up our five membership
expectations. After a question and answer
time, inquirers are free to go. Persons
interested in membership are invited to
remain for a time of commitment. Membership at St. Andrew’s is a great way to “get
Mexican Train
Anyone 18 years and older is invited to
come and play Mexican Train dominoes
on Friday, April 10, at 6:30pm in the
MTC (B10). Nursery is not provided.
Bring a friend and a dessert or appetizer to
share. RSVP to Sue Adams at 691-4650 or
[email protected].
Anyone 18 years and older is invited to
come play Bunko on Friday, April 24, at
6:30pm. Cost is $5. Bring a friend and a
dessert or appetizer to share. Nursery is
not provided. RSVP by contacting Jan
Stahl at [email protected] or 6921371.
Blood Drive
On Sunday, April 19, from
8:30am-12:30pm, St. Andrew’s will be conducting a
blood drive in conjunction with
the Oklahoma Blood Institute
(OBI). Healthy individuals
who are at least 17 years old
and weigh at least 110 pounds
are encouraged to donate. All
blood donors are now required to present a photo ID to be
eligible to donate. Thank you for your cooperation and
thank you for being a blood donor.
Women’s Blanket Ministry
Service of Confirmation
and Baptism
Sunday, April 12, is a special
day in the life of our church. We
get to see the fruit of our mission
to make disciples. We realize the
commitment of a loving, caring,
overcoming community of
faith. At 1:00pm you are invited
to New Hope Christian Church
for the sacrament of Holy Baptism for confirmation students choosing to be baptized by immersion. At 6:00pm you are invited to our
worship center for the service of Baptism and Confirmation. We do
ask that people dress like you are attending a wedding for this service. Following the service is a reception where you are encouraged
to greet, congratulate and welcome these students into a new step on
their journey of faith.
The women’s group will be hosting a blanket blessings tying session on Saturday, May 2, from 9:00am-12:00pm in
the MTC (B6-7). Breakfast will be provided. Everyone is
welcome to help come tie blankets. If you’re interested in
helping cut the material for the blankets, please contact
Nancy King at 834-5047.
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Prepare the Way Financial Update
Men’s Retreat
All men are invited to attend the St. Andrew’s men’s retreat on
May 8-9 at Canyon Camp Lodge. We will leave around 5:00pm
on Friday and return around 4:00pm on Saturday. We will be
looking at the “Faith Commander” Bible study by Korie Robertson and Chrys Howard of Duck Dynasty fame. Cost is $67 for
triple occupancy rooms. Camo and face paint are encouraged
throughout the weekend! You can reserve a golf tee time at
8:00am by calling (405)542-3974. Cost for golf is $25/with cart
or $15/without cart. If you are interested in attending or have any
questions, please contact Gordon Loveless at (405) 703-1299.
Men can also attend the monthly men’s breakfast meeting on
Saturday, April 18, at 8:00am in the MTC (B10).
Prepare the Way Total Funds Rec’d
Prepare the Way Total Rec’d in 2015
Balance of Loan
What do YOU want to do
through ME?
In Our Prayers
Joys & Concerns received during February and March 2015
Expectant Mothers: Courtney Wright Adams, Hillary Shatley, Marlee Robertson Kitchel and Stacy Mitchell.
Individuals and families of those currently deployed: Whitney Sandburg’s brother, Dylan Crawford, and Sylvia Wolf’s family,
Jacob Labar.
Helen McLendon, Mike Olstad, Laura West, Lee Smith, Jim Davenport, Kim Voyles, Leigh Haynes, Kelly Harrod, Larry Davis,
Parker Mayfield, Ronnie Tinney and Jan Girdner continue with cancer treatments.
MISSIONARIES: Ngoy Mulanga Kalangwa in Tanzania Africa, Fuxia Wang in Chinese Ministry at OU, Steve & Stephanie
Bredesen and Kyle & Kara Garen.
HOME-BOUND: Ila Raby, Bill & Bernice Howard, Gerald Matthews, Lou & Elmer Carpenter, Jack Koontz, Ruth Landers,
Virginia Wheeler and Hazel Cale.
Sarah & Chad Jongeling are celebrating the birth of Ephram & Kiera Jongeling.
Hayley & Jeff Elliott are celebrating the birth of Elsie Marie Elliott.
Rebecca Cantrell & Andrew McCoy were married in a lovely ceremony.
Natalie & Cameron Whilden are celebrating the birth of Blake Cameron Whilden.
Family of Shelli Hibberd, whose grandfather, Marvin Thompson passed away.
Family of Colton Barnett after the loss of his grandmother.
Family of Danielle Willeford-Lackey after the sudden loss of her husband.
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St. Andrew’s Children’s Ministry Vision:
We are here to nurture all children and families in Christ’s
love, equip students with biblical knowledge, excite families
about following Christ, AND to create lifelong servants.
Toddler Time will meet three times in April. On Monday, April 13, we will meet at the OKC
Zoo at 10:00am. If you are in need of passes, please let Susan know and she will make sure to
supply you with one of our passes so you do not need to pay to get in. On Saturday, April 25,
and Monday, April 27, we will meet at the church at 10:00am for StoryTime. Please join us! All babies through
kindergarteners, along with their adults, are invited to attend.
Kids in 3rd - 6th grade will hunt eggs with flashlights in the dark after the Good Friday
service on Friday, April 3. The Good Friday service is at 6:30pm and will feature a play
called Torn. You will enjoy the service and the play! Afterwards, walk down to the CLC
for dinner, games, hunting eggs and getting prizes! Don’t forget your flashlight and your basket/
pillowcase/bag. Bring your friends!
Birth through 2nd graders will hunt eggs at 4:00 pm before the Easter Eve service on Saturday, April 4.
Be sure to stop by our photo booth and stay to do crafts and games before heading to the service.
Our Saturday service is identical to the Sunday morning Easter service. This gives you the option to
attend our service and your grandmother’s service, too, or sleep in on Sunday morning before you
head over to family activities.
Children’s Ministry Team will meet Thursday, April 30, at 6:30pm. If you are a
parent or grandparent, or just love Children’s Ministry and want to see it be
successful in our mission of making disciples, please join us in CLC 5.
Third Grade Bible Boot Camp is calling all 3rd graders! On Friday, April 17 at
6:30pm, we will meet with your parents for dinner. From there we will do some drills and
games. Your parents will be sent packing at 10:30pm while you will stay at the church overnight to learn all about the Bible. Your parents can pick you up at 9:30am on Saturday
morning. Upon graduation, you will be presented in worship with your very own engraved Bible. You must sign
up to participate!
Family Ministry Date Night
It can be hard to get out as a parent. S.A.C.R.E.D. ministries wants to support you, so
we want you to bring your kids to the church on Friday, May 1, at 6:30pm. Our
youth and some parents of older kids will keep them safe and completely entertained.
MEANWHILE, we are giving you a date night. We will be giving some local places a
heads up that you might be headed their way. When you drop your kids off at the church, you will pick a
date. You don’t have to take our suggestions, but we will have some great ideas for you to borrow for
your night out. Pick your kids up at the church by 10:30pm. We’re not going to charge by the hour or by
the kid; you leave whatever money you want and the youth will be putting that towards their mission
trips. Not a couple? No worries! We’ll have some suggestions for friend dates, too!
Need to get in touch with Susan, our Children’s Minister? You can always email her at either
[email protected] or [email protected] and her number at the church is 692-4242 ext.104.
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Highlight on
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15
Hope Board Ministry
Alive in Christ on Friday Night
The Hope Board ministry will be hosting workshops on Monday,
April 6, and Monday, April 20, at 6:00pm in the MTC (B8). Anyone interested in being a part of this team is welcome to come
join the fun!
Alive in Christ takes place downtown at First Church UMC on
Friday evenings and is put on for families and individuals that are
in difficult times. Local churches like St. Andrew’s take their turn
to provide and serve a meal. Our turn is on Friday, April 17. We
will meet in the parking lot of First Church UMC, located at 131
NW 4th St, OKC, at 5:45pm. Contact Carolyn Davis at 609-9753
or [email protected] if you are interested in joining
us or are available to cook or serve on this night.
Lunch with McKee Seniors
St. Andrew’s is scheduled to provide lunch at the McKee Center
on Wednesday, April 1. If you would like to be added to the list
as a person who can serve or provide food (recipes provided),
please contact Julie Dill at [email protected] or 550-8960.
Missions Meeting
Anyone interested in missions
or being a part of our missions
committee is invited to our next
meeting on Monday, April 13,
at 7:00pm in D.A.’s office
(A28). Come join us!
Skyline Prom Dress Event
Skyline needs gently-used, up-to-date prom dresses, especially in
larger sizes for its annual Prom Dress Event. They also need
shoes, purses and jewelry. Starting in late March, high school
senior girls who have made an appointment can go to the McKee
Center to find a prom dress. If you or someone you know has a
prom dress or accessories that are no longer needed, contact
Nancy Paulger, Missions Chair, at [email protected] or 691-4327.
Items will be collected through the end of April.
Thanksgiving in February
Thank you everyone for a huge effort in the 2015 Thanksgivingin-February food drive with 372 bags/sacks of groceries collected
and delivered to the Skyline Food Pantry. At each and every delivery, Skyline would be very thankful to St. Andrews for their
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Be a part of
Family Album
We need
To make our
book complete!
Just for participating…
each family photographed
receives a
and 8x10 portrait!
Portrait sessions will run April 28-May 16.
For easy online scheduling, go to www.saokc.org and look
for the link. From here you can view appointment dates/
times, schedule your appointment, make changes if necessary and receive special offers! If you have any questions,
please contact Laura Aldridge at 692-4242, ext. 106.
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Parents, we’re currently trying to reconstruct our
email database. Please email [email protected].
Title the email “Add,” and in the email body include
the name and grade of your youth, your name, and
any other information you feel might help us to communicate with you more effectively. Thanks!
Youth At-A-Glance:
April 1 - Impact, 6:00pm
No Sunday School
No Small Groups
April 8 - Impact, 6:00pm
April 11 - Paintball, 8:00am
April 12 - Breakfast Club, 9:30am
Metro Worship, 5:30PM
NO Small Groups
April 15 - Impact, 6:00pm
April 19 - Breakfast Club, 9:30am
Small Groups, 4:00pm
April 22 - Impact, 6:00pm
April 26 - Breakfast Club, 9:30am
Small Groups, 4:00pm
April 29 - Impact, 6:00pm
May 16 - Senior Brunch, 10:00am
On Wednesday nights we have Impact,
our main youth worship gathering, from
6:00pm-8:00pm. During the first 45
minutes, there is dinner and time for
games and hanging out in the CLC. At
6:45pm, we come together in the youth
room for worship and a Jesus centered
Breakfast Club takes place Sunday
mornings at 9:30am in the youth room.
During the first 15 minutes we chill,
have juice and a donut (or sometimes
waffles), and just hang out. At 9:45am,
we split into smaller groups by gender
for Bible Study and group discussion.
Small groups are an awesome opportunity to experience fellowship and to receive Christian teaching in a more intimate setting. We usually meet on Sunday afternoons from 4:00pm-6:00pm.
Need more info? Email Jonathon at [email protected], or dial up the church 405-692-4242. If he’s unavailable, feel free to
text or call him.
May 8-9: Men’s Retreat at Canyon Camp Lodge
A Word from the Finance Committee Have you noticed the new drainage flume west of our
CLC? This was constructed to help solve the problem of
water damaging the floor and foundation of that building. BF
Construction out of Blanchard has given a gift to our church
that serves as an inspirational blessing. As a witness to their
faith, they donated $5,000 back to the church to assist us in
our mission of making disciples. We are grateful to the owners and managers of this company for practicing the tithe in
relation to their business!
May 10: Mother’s Day
May 16: Graduation Brunch at 10:00am
May 17: Coffee with the Pastor at 4:00pm
May 24: Pentecost Sunday
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Music & Worship Ministries
Director Ginny Pass [email protected] 692-4242 x102, Assistant Shain Baldwin x113
The Lenten Journey...
Maundy Thursday Service
April 2, 7:00pm
Jews For Jesus presentation
Shoshannah Weinisch, Guest Speaker
Good Friday Service
April 3, 6:30pm
A play for Holy Week
by Jeffrey B. Snyder “Produced by special arrangement with
Contemporary Drama Service, Colorado Springs, Colorado.”
When Jesus died, the temple curtain was torn signifying a new way
for us to enter into relationship with God. Jesus told us in John 14:6
that He is the Way, the Truth, the Life, and that no one can come to
the Father except through Him. Praise the Lord!
TORN Rehearsals
Thursday, April 2, 8pm (Following the service)
Easter Orchestra
Practices: Wed, April 1 at 6pm and Saturday, April 4 at 3:30pm
Lenten Chorale
Wednesday Rehearsals - 7:30pm-8:30pm
Childcare is provided for rehearsals by calling the nursery at least 5 days
before the rehearsal at 692-4242, x110. Join us!
Men’s Ensemble sings May 10
Join us for Wednesday Rehearsals at 7:30pm
April 22 & 29, & May 6 to sing on Mother’s Day, May 10.
SATB Ensemble sings May 24
Easter Services
Easter Saturday, April 4, at 5:00pm
Easter Sunday, April 5
Sunrise Service at 7am w/Pastor David Johnson
Easter Services at 8:00am, 9:30am and 11:00am
Join us for a great day of celebration through
music, the word and holy communion!
A BIG “thank you” to those who purchased the lilies to add to
the worship experience! The beauty of Easter is seen in this
pure white trumpet-like flower that symbolizes the hope and
life eternal found in the resurrected Christ!
He is risen! Hallelujah!
Looking Ahead…
OU Wesley in Worship Sunday AM, April 12
Confirmation Service, April 12, 6:00pm
Communion Sunday, May 3
Mother’s Day, May 10
Graduation Sunday, May 17
Pentecost Sunday, May 24
An Evening of Bells Concert, May 31, 6:00pm
Join us for Wednesday Rehearsals at 7:30pm
May 13 & 20 to sing Pentecost Sunday, May 24.
Hand Bell Choirs
Kidz Bell Choir (Grades 1-6)
Tuesdays, 5:45pm-6:45pm
Director Debbie Riddle
St. Andrew's Bells (Adults)
Tuesdays, 6:45pm-8:00pm
Director Debbie Riddle
(Youth) Bells of Praise (6th –12th)
Thursdays, 5:30pm-6:30pm
Director Ginny Pass
String Ensemble: April 11
Meets every 2nd Saturday at 10am. Join us!
Sunday, May 31, at 6:00pm
Join us as ringers of all ages come together
for a concert of bells with a reception following.
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April 2015
Easter Sunday
(11:00 am Lunch at
McKee Center)
6:00 pm Orchestra
6:00 pm Girls Bible
6:00 pm Impact
6:30 pm Disciple
7:30 pm Lenten
9:30 am B.L.A.S.T.
7:00 pm Maundy
Thursday Service
8:00 pm Drama
3 Good Friday
6:30 pm Good
Friday Services
7:30 pm Flashlight
Egg Hunt
3:30 pm Orchestra
4:00pm Egg Hunt
5:00 pm Easter
Holy Week
6:30 pm Disciple
6:30 pm Hope
5:45 pm Kidz Bells
6:45 pm St. Andrew’s Bells
12:00 pm P.O.W.
6:00 pm Band
6:00 pm Impact
6:00 pm Boy’s
Bible Study
6:30 pm Disciple
7:00 pm Trustees
9:30 am B.L.A.S.T. 6:30 pm Mexican
5:30 pm Bells of
(8:00 am Youth
10:00 am Strings
12 Confirmation
1:00 pm Immersion
2:00 pm Financial
4:00pm Photos
6:00 pm Service w/
reception to follow
(6:00 pm Metro
(10:00 am Toddler
Time Zoo)
6:30 pm Disciple
7:00 pm Mission
Committee Mtg
5:45 pm Kidz Bells
6:45 pm St. Andrew’s Bells
6:00 pm Band
6:00 pm Impact
6:00 pm Boy’s
Bible Study
6:30 pm Disciple
6:30 pm SPRC
9:30 am B.L.A.S.T.
5:30 pm Bells of
(8:00 am Men’s
8:30 am Spring
Blood Drive
2:00 pm Financial
4:00 pm Youth SG
4:00 pm Coffee
with the Pastor
6:30 pm Disciple
6:30 pm Hope
7:00 pm Finance
5:45 pm Kidz Bells
6:45 pm St. Andrew’s Bells
(12:00 pm P.O.W.)
6:00 pm Band
6:00 pm Impact
6:00 pm Boy’s
Bible Study
6:30 pm Disciple
7:30 pm Men’s
9:30 am B.L.A.S.T. 6:30 pm Bunko
5:30 pm Bells of
2:00 pm Financial
4:00 pm Youth SG
10:00 am Toddler
Time Story Time
6:30 pm Disciple
2:30 pm Pictorial
5:45 pm Kidz Bells
6:45 pm St. Andrew’s Bells
2:30 pm Pictorial
6:00 pm Band
6:00 pm Impact
6:00 pm Boy’s
Bible Study
6:30 pm Disciple
7:30 pm Men’s
9:30 am B.L.A.S.T.
2:30 pm Pictorial
5:30 pm Bells of
6:30 pm Children’s
Ministry Team
Easter Worship
Service Times
* 7:00 am
8:00 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
* Sunrise Service
(5:45pm Alive in
Christ at First
Church UMC)
6:30 pm 3rd Grade Bible Boot Camp
10:00 am Toddler
Time Story Time
Deadline for Bulletin is each
Wednesday at NOON
( ) Denotes Off-Site Activities
* Denotes Tentative Activities
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Return Service Requested
St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church
Office: (405) 692-4242 Fax: (405) 692-4271
Online: www.saokc.org
We encourage you to pass on or forward this newsletter
to anyone who might be interested in knowing what’s going on here
at St. Andrew’s. If you are not currently receiving our newsletter,
and would like to receive future issues, please call the church or
send your contact information by email to our office manager at
[email protected]. You can request a digital, full-color copy of
our newsletter via email or we can mail you a hardcopy via USPS.
Also, if you wish to no longer receive our newsletter, call the
church office, day or night, and leave a message.
Worship Service Options
If you appreciate a traditional experience in worship
with a smaller, more intimate feel where more hymns are
sung, then perhaps our 8:15am service is for you! The
worship order is similar and the same sermon is
preached. Our 9:30am and 10:50am services reflect a
more contemporary style.
Offering Anticipated to Date
Offering through March 15
Sunday School
Sunday School
02/22 03/01 03/08 03/15
606 531
246 215