Tender Document Outsourcing of Various Work/Services for Swami Vivekanand Govt. Model Schools in Rajasthan on Job Contract Basis Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education 6th Block, Ground Floor, Dr. R.K.Shiksha Sankul, JLN Marg, Jaipur Phone No.0141--2700375, E-mail – [email protected] 1 RAJASTHAN COUNCIL OF SECONDARY EDUCATION Dr. S.Radhakrishnan Shiksha Sankul, 6th Block, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jaipur Telephones: Telephones:01412700375 E-mail – [email protected] Tender Document No.................................. Date :................. Ref. : Short Term Tender for Outsourcing of Various Works/Services on Job Contract Basis for Swami Vivekanand Govt. Model Schools under Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education (RCSE) situated at various districts/blocks of Rajasthan State. Sealed Tenders are hereby invited for “Outsourcing of Various Works/Services on Job Contract Basis” as detailed below for Swami Vivekanand Govt. Model Schools (Annexure 'A') situated at various blocks of Rajasthan State under RCSE. Date of Sale/Download of Bidding Document From 26.03.2015 to 9.4.2015 upto 1800 Hrs. Date of Pre bid Meeting & Place 30.3.2015 at 1100 00 Hrs. Hrs Rajasthan ajasthan Council of Secondary Education, Dr. S.Radhakrishnan Shiksha Sankul, 6th Block, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jaipur Last date for submission of Bidding Document 10.4.2015 at 1400 Hrs. Time and date of opening of bids 10.4.2015 at 1530 0 Hrs. Place of opening of bids STATE PROJECT OFFICE, RCSE, JAIPUR Tender Form Cost Rs.1000/- Earnest money Rs.94060/- Period of Validity of Bid 90 days from the Opening of Technical Bid 2 GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN RAJASTHAN COUNCIL OF SECONDARY EDUCATION OPEN TENDER FOR Outsourcing of Various Works/Services on Job Contract Basis for Swami Vivekanand Govt. Model Schools under Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education (RCSE) situated at various districts/blocks of Rajasthan State INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 1. RAJASTHAN COUNCIL OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, JAIPUR invites sealed Technical & Financial Bids through Open Tender for Outsourcing of Various Works/Services on Job Contract Basis for Swami Vivekanand Govt. Model Schools under Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education (RCSE) situated at various districts/blocks of Rajasthan State. 2. A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased by any interested eligible bidder on the submission of a written application to the above office and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee as indicated below in the form of a Demand Draft/Banker’s cheque in favour of Commissioner, Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education payable at Jaipur. If a bidder download the tender document from the web sites; www.rajrmsa.nic.in, or www.sppp.rajasthan.gov.in, the Cost of Tender Document and EMD Amount in the form of DD/BC /BG must be submitted with the technical bid, if failure the Proposal may be treated as 'Rejected'. 3. Bidders have to submit the Demand Draft/Banker Cheque/ Bank Guarantee of Earnest Money with the Technical Bid. The D.D./ B.C. / B.G. should be of a Nationalized or Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of Commissioner, R.C.S.E., Jaipur 4. The envelope containing the Technical Bid/Financial Bid will be opened on the specified date & time in presence of Bidders. In the event of the date specified for bid receipt and opening being declared as a holiday the due date for submission and opening of bids will be the following working day at the appointed times. 5. The tender process comprises of two bid system i.e. Technical Bid and Financial Bid. For this, two envelopes system would be adopted. Envelope-1 shall contain Technical Bid, Bid Document, DD/ Bankers cheque / Bank Guarantee of earnest money, Tender fee DD/BC/ receipt, Service/Sale tax clearance certificate, service tax registration certificate and Envelope-2 shall contain the Financial Bid. Each envelope would be sealed separately. Envelopes-1 to be addressed as Technical bid with bidders details & Envelopes-2 to be addressed as Financial bid with bidders details. 6. Pre-bid meeting will be held on 30.3.2015 at 11:00 Hrs. in the office of RCSE, VIth Block, Shiksha Sankul, JLN Marg, Jaipur. Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur 3 Scope of work and Terms & conditions 1. Non-transferable tender document containing details along with terms and conditions can be obtained from office of the undersigned on all working days on payment of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees Five hundred only) by Demand Draft payable to "Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur."(Non-refundable). Tender form can also be downloaded from the website "www.sppp.rajasthan.gov.in or www.rajrmsa.nic.in” and the cost of tender document may be enclosed with Technical Bid in the form of Demand Draft/Pay Order failing which tender will be rejected. NOTE If the date up to which the tender is open for acceptance is declared to be a holiday, the Tender shall be deemed to remain open for acceptance till the specified time on next working day. Scope of work- Job description 2. The Job description of personnel deployed by the contractor (Service Provider Agency) under job contract is as follows :I. II. III. IV. Physical Trainer cum Yoga Instructor - Services are to be carried out on all working days (Full time) of the month as per calendar for Swami Vivekanand Government Model School and the school time table. To conduct prayer as well as assembly activities, physical training and Yoga. Educate students about health and hygiene, conduct health check-up of all students. Maintain discipline in school. To conduct all games and sports activities as per CBSE and State Govt. Norms, any other related school work allotted by the principal of school. Art and Craft Instructor – Services are to be carried out on all working days (part time – 04 hours per day) of the month as per calendar for Swami Vivekanand Government Model School and periods given in school time table. Enhance creative development of student give training to student of class 6 to 10 for socially productive work, art and craft. Take classes for this and conduct evaluation process. Any other related work allotted by the Principal of the school. Drawing and Painting Instructor – Service are to be carried out on all working days (part time – 04 hours per day) of the month as per RCSE calendar for Swami Vivekanand Government Model School and periods given in school time table. Take classes of Drawing and Painting for class 6 to 10 and conduct related activities and give wings to the creativity and imagination of student conduct evaluation process, any other work Allotted by principal of school. Music Instructor – Service are to be carried out on all working days (part time – 04 hours per day) of the month as per RCSE calendar for Swami Vivekanand Government Model School and periods given in school time table. Take classes of 4 vocal & instrumental music for class 6 to 10. Conduct activities related to above and evaluation process. To develop skills of students and prepare them for school orchestra. To organise inter departmental and intra school activities. Any other work Allotted by principal of school. (3) Volume:-In order to discharge the job contract assigned, the contractor shall at present deploy following personnel:Physical Trainer -cum-Yoga Instructor (ii) Art & Craft, Music, Drawing and Painting Instructor - 71 person (i) Qualification & Experience:-Qualification (4) - 71 person in each activity and experience for the personnel deployed by the contractor as follows SI.No. Personnel/Category 1 Physical Trainer -cum-Yoga Instructor on Job Basis Fixed Remuneration (Per Month) Rs. 12000/- Candidate should have one year diploma holder from any Govt. recognized institute in CPED/BPED. Rs. 6000/- 5 years diploma in Drawing and Painting/graphic art/sculpture from Govt. Recognized organization. Rs. 6000/- Passed by 50% in higher secondary and Graduation from Govt. Recognized institute with Music Subject. Total Number - 71 2 Art & Craft Instructor on Job Basis Total Number – 71 Music Instructor 3 Total Number - 71 Drawing and Painting Instructor 4 Rs.6000/Total Number - 71 Qualification 5 years diploma in drawing and painting from Govt. Recognized institute. 5 5. Earnest Money:-. Tender shall be accompanied by an Earnest Money of Rs. 94060/- (Rupees Ninety four thousand sixty only) must be deposited, without which Tender will not be considered. The amount should be deposited in the following forms in favour of Commissioner, RCSE payable at Jaipur “(i) Bank Draft/Bankers Cheque of the Scheduled Bank/Nationalised bank, (ii) Bank Guarantee of any Scheduled Bank/ Nationalised Bank. 1 The earnest money of unsuccessful Applicant shall be refunded as soon as possible after final acceptance of Tender. 2 The Earnest Money will be forfeited in the following cases : (a)When applicant withdraws or modifies after opening of tender but before acceptance of tender. (b)When applicant does not execute the agreement within the specified time. (c)When the applicants does not deposit the Security money As per manual of financial management and procurement, there is no any partial exemption from earnest money 6. The tenderer is being permitted to give tender in consideration of the stipulations on his part that after submitting his tender, he will not withdraw his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof. If the tenderer fails to observe and comply with the foregoing stipulation, the aforesaid amount of EMD will be forfeited by the Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur. In the event of the offer made by the Tenderer not being accepted, the amount of earnest money deposited by the Tenderer will be refunded to him after he has applied for the same, in the manner prescribed by the RCSE. 7. The Schedules of the tender form should be returned intact and pages should not be detached. In the event of the space provided on the schedule form being insufficient for the required purpose, additional pages may be added. Each additional page must be numbered consecutively and be signed in full by the tenderer. In such cases reference to the additional pages must be made in the tender form. Overwriting / erasing in rates to be quoted by the tenderer will not be allowed otherwise the tender may be rejected. 8. The tender is liable to be ignored if complete information as required is not given therein or if the particulars asked for in the schedules to the tender are not fully filled in. Individual signing the tender or other documents connected with the contract may specify whether he signs it in the capacity of (i) a sole proprietor of the firm or constituted attorney of such sole proprietor, or (ii) a partner of the firm if it be partnership in which case he must have authority to refer to arbitration dispute concerning the business of the partnership whether by virtue of the partnership agreement or power of attorney or (iii) constituted attorney of the firm if it is a company. If the Tenderer does not accept the offer, after issue of letter of award by the Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur within 7 (seven )days or the offer made is being withdrawn then the Earnest money of the tenderer will be forfeited. 9. 6 10. In case of partnership firms, where no authority to refer disputes concerning the business of the partnership has been conferred on any partner, the tender and all other related documents must be signed by every partner of the firm. A person signing the tender form or any other documents forming part of the contract on behalf of another shall be deemed to warranty that he has authority to bind such other and if, on enquiry it appears that the persons so signing had no authority to do so, the Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur shall without prejudice to other civil and criminal remedies cancel the contract and hold the signatory liable for all costs and damages. Each page of the tender and the schedules to the tender and annexure, if any, should be signed by the tenderer. (i) (ii) The original copy of the tender is to be enclosed in double cover. The inner cover should be sealed. The outer cover should be super scribed "OUTSOURCING OF VARIOUS WORKS/SERVICES ON JOB CONTRACT BASIS" with address of this office and of the tenderer. All tenders should be sent either by Registered Post or by hand. It is the responsibility of tenderer to deliver the tender in due time. (iii) Tender to be hand delivered should be put in the tender box which will be kept in the Office of the Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur not later than last date and time fixed for receipt of tenders. 11. The rates quoted by each firm in tender should be given both in words and figures failing which the same is liable to be rejected. You are at liberty to be present or to authorize a representative to be present at the time of opening of the tender. The name and address of the representative who would be attending the opening of the tender on your behalf should be indicated in your tender. Please also state the name and address of your permanent representative, at Jaipur (Rajasthan). 12. The Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur does not pledge itself to accept the lowest or any other tender and also reserve to itself the right of accepting the tender in whole or in part of the tender. 13. Performance Security An amount Equal to the honorarium of one month of service rendered i.e. Rs. 30,000/- ( Thirty Thousand ) Per School as performance Security Deposit for the contract is to be deposited by the Selected Agency/ Successful tenderer only after receiving a communication from the Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur In the event of nondeposition of the same, the earnest money will be forfeited. Forfeiture of Performance Security Deposit- Security amount in full or part may be forfeited in the following cases: 1. When any terms and conditions of the contract is breached. 2. When applicants fails to make complete supply satisfactorily. 3. Any bonafide reason which will be deemed fit for doing so by RCSE 7 4. Notice of reasonable time be given in case of forfeiture of security deposit. 5. The decision of the commissioner RCSE in the regard shall be final. No interest on performance security deposit and earnest money deposit shall be paid by the Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur to the tenderer. 14. Any other tax in respect of this contract shall be payable by contractor and Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur will not entertain any claim- whatsoever in this respect. However, the service tax which is as. per the rules of the Govt. of India shall be paid extra as a part of the monthly bills 15. Contract period The contract will be initially for a period of 1 July to 15 May and extendable for a further period of another one year (total five years), subject to satisfactory performance of the contractor/ agency and his/her willingness to continue. 16. Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur reserves the right to reduce or terminate the period of contract by giving one month notice. 17. Decision of the Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur will be final for any aspect of the contract and binding to all parties. Disputes arising, if any, on the contract will be settled at his/her level and will not be referred to arbitration. 18 Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur will communicate Acceptance of successful bid by letter or email. Formal letter of acceptance and work order of the tender will be forwarded as soon as possible, but the earlier instructions in the letter or email etc. should be acted upon immediately. 19. Qualification criteria:(I) A company/firm/agency/(the Bidder) should have its local office and permanent representative in Jaipur (Rajasthan). (r) The firm should have a aggregate turnover of Rs. 1.80 crore in the last three financial years (2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14). The firm should have undertaken contract of providing similar works/services of Rs. 50 lakhs or more atleast during one financial year in last three years in a office/organisation of Central Govt./State Govt./PSU/ Govt institution. (iii) The Bidder should be a company under Indian Companies Act, 1956 Or partnership Firm under Indian Partnership Act, 1932. or society or trust registered under societies Act. 8 (iv) The bidder should have undertaken contract of providing similar works/services to atleast on Government organization or Government undertakings or Government Society in the last three years. The contract should have been performed successfully. (v) The bidder should have atleast three years continuous experience in the field of providing such services in Government or Government undertakings/Societies or reputed Government Institutions. 20. The Competent Authority at its discretion may detail a Committee consisting of twothree officers to visit the place(s) where the firm may be providing the services before finalizing the firms for technical evaluation. Only the technically found suitable firms would be called for opening the financial bids. 21. The following documents must be enclosed along with the duly filled in tender form so as to consider it eligible for providing works/services (for technical bid)-a) Registration certificate of the firm Last three years continuous experience of the firm in the field of providing such services in Central/State Govt. establishments/Autonomous bodies/Corporations or reputed public organizations/offices. b) C.A. (Chartered Accountant) Certificate for turnover of the firm for the last three financial years (2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14) in proof of its aggregate turnover of Rs. 1.80 crore in the last three years. Income Tax Return for the last 3 Years and copy of the PAN Card. Duly certified copies of the satisfactory performance where the tenderer has provided the services during the last three years along with copies of work order. Employee EPF registration certificate. ESI registration certificate. Service tax registration certificate. & Service tax Clearance receipt ( not earlier than last six months) The contractor/agency must have a registration with the contract labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. The contractor shall obtain the labour license under this Act. c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Whether the firm has any legal suit/criminal case pending against it for violation of PF/ESI, Minimum Wages Act or other law (give details). The firm/agency must enclose a certificate indicating that there 's no criminal/legal suit pending or contemplated against it. 22 Successful tenderer will have to enter into a detailed contract agreement with concerned Principal of Swami Vivekanand Govt. Model School on Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 500/-. 23. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices 9 1. The RCSE requires that Borrowers as well as Applicants/ Suppliers/ Contractors under Government /Government undertaking / Externally Aided Project contacts, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the RCSE: a) Defines, for the purposes of this provision, the terms set forth as follows (i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and (ii) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Borrower, and includes collusive practice among Applicants (prior to or after Tender submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Borrower of the benefits of free and open competition; b) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Applicant recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question; c) will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a Bank-financed contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a Bank-financed contract. 2. Furthermore, Applicants shall be aware of the provision stated in this Tender document. 10 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 1. The resume of the personnel proposed for deployment by the contractor shall be submitted before the RCSE for his consideration and only after the RCSE finds him eligible and suitable for the job, a person can be deployed. Commissioner’s decision in regard to the suitability of the person to be deployed shall be final and shall not be challenged by the contractor in any circumstance. 2. The number of persons (mentioned in above table) to be deployed by the contractor. However, the lesser number of personnel may be required initially and therefore the number to be deployed shall depend on the volume of work. The contractor shall provide services of only such number of personnel as desired by the RCSE in writing. 3. The contractor shall not sublet the work. 4. Payment of bill will be made monthly upon submission of pre-receipted bill. Payment will be made by concerned School Principal Swami Vivekanand Government Model school on approval of SMDC. 5. All the personnel deployed will perform their duty in proper dress and will maintain a smart turn out. The agency shall, at its own cost, provide suitable uniforms to the personnel with identity cards. 6. The agency shall employ reliable persons with good health and clean record above the age group of 18 years. In case any of the personnel so provided is not found suitable, the Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur shall have the right to ask for their replacement without giving any reasons thereof and the agency shall on receipt of a written communication, will have to replace such persons immediately. 7. The Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur, shall not bear any extra charge on any account whatsoever over and above the quoted amount except the service tax as per rules. 8. The contractor shall maintain register for making the attendance by the personnel deployed by him, which can be seen / verified by an officer authorised by the Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur or Principal of concerned Principal Swami Vivekanand Government Model school . 9. The contractor shall issue photo Identity card to the personnel deployed for performing duty, which will be duly signed by him and displayed by them on their persons white they are in duty. 10. The agreement may be terminated with one month's notice on either side. 11. The tender document duly signed on all pages shall be submitted along with the technical bid, failing which the technical bid shall not be considered. Outsider firms 11 (office not established in Jaipur) shall not be considered for technical bids. 12. In the financial bid, the bidder must quote the rates in figures as well as in words. 13. The contractor will discharge all his legal obligations in respect of the workers to be employed/deployed by him for the execution of the work in respect of their wages and service conditions and shall also comply with all the rules and regulations and provisions of law in force that may be applicable to them from time to time. The contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur from any claims, loss or damages that may be caused to it on account of any failure to comply with the obligations under various laws. In case of any dispute, the decision of Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur shall be final and binding on the contractor. 14. TDS will be deducted by Principal from the payments due as per rule. 15. The persons so provided by the agency under this contract will not be the employee of the RCSE/ School and there will be no employer-employee relationship between the RCSE/ School Officials and the persons so engaged by the contractor in the aforesaid services. 16. The contract is subject to the condition that the tenderer will comply with all the laws and acts of Central Govt. / State Govt. relating to this contract made applicable from time to time. 17. RISK CLAUSE Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur reserves the right to discontinue the service at. any point of time, if the services are found unsatisfactory by giving a show-cause to be replied within a week and also has the right to award the contract to any other agency at the risk and cost of current agency and excess expenditure incurred on account of this can be recovered from Performance Security Deposit or pending bills or by rising a separate claim. 18. The personnel provided shall be tinder the direct control and supervision of the Contractor/Agency. However, the contractor shall comply with the oral and written instructions given on day to day basis, by the RCSE Officials or officer(s) authorized by the RCSE from time to time. They will be bound by office timing, duty, placement, locations, wearing of uniform etc as decided by the RCSE/ School. 19. Any loss, theft or damage to the life and/or property of the employees of the RCSE and/or Property of the RCSE/ School Jaipur shall be compensated by the Contractor/Agency if the cause of such loss, theft or damage is on account of default, negligence and/or lapse of the employees of the Contractor/Agency. Liquidated damages / Penalty clause: 1. That the contractor shall be responsible for the faithful compliance of the work award order. Any breach or failure to perform the same may result in termination of the work order and forfeiture of the security deposit. 12 2, An amount of Rs. 1000/- will be levied as liquidated damages per day/per person. Whenever and wherever it is found that the work is not up to the mark in any point it will be brought to the notice of supervisory staff of the firm by RCSE/ School and if no action is taken within one hour, liquidated damage/penalty clause will be invoked. 3. Any misconduct/ misbehaviour on the part of manpower deployed by the agency will not be tolerated and such persons will have to be replaced immediately. 4. The Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur reserves the right to reject any or all Tenders in whole or in part without assigning any reasons therefore. The decision of Commissioner, RCSE, Jaipur shall be final and binding on the contractor/agency in respect of any clause covered under the Contract. 5. Leave provision -as per terms and condition of contract agreement and work order. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 1. All works and services are to be carried out on all working days of the month as per calendar for Swami Vivekanand Government Model School and school time table. 2. The contractor has to pay their workers the wages fixed in this tender with statutory facilities like EPF, ESIC etc. 3. The contractor has to maintain all relevant registers — salary register, attendance register, etc. and other documents as required as per Governments orders and rules. 4. Payment to the workers should be made timely through crossed cheque or e-transfer and not in cash. RCSE/ School Principal may Verify the record of payments. 5. The contractor will supervise and ensure the proper functions by the staff. 6. Payment to the service providing agency (contractor) will be made by SDMC of Schools. Note The technical bid and financial bid must be submitted in Two Separate Envelopes to be sealed and put in a main Envelope/Cover. 13 TECHNICAL TENDER FOR OUTSOURCING OF VARIOUS WORKS/SERVICES ON JOB CONTRACT BASIS 1. 2. 3. 4. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) Name of the Company/Firm/Agency: Full address with Post Box No. if any, Telephone, FAX, Mobile No., E-mail if any Constitution of the Company Firm Agency (Attach copy) a Indian Companies Act, 1956 b) Indian Partnership Act, 1932 (Please give names of partners) c) Any other Act, if not, the owners Details if not the Owners. Enclose supporting documents in respect of the following : Registration certificate of the firm Last three years continuous experience of the firm in the field of providing such services in Central/State Govt. establishments/ Autonomous bodies/Corporations or reputed public organizations/offices. C. A. Certificate for turnover of the firm far the last three financial years (2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14) in proof of its Aggregate Turnover of Rs. 1.80 Crore for last three years. Income Tax Return for the last 3 Years and copy of the PAN Card. Duly certified copies of the satisfactory performance where the tenderer has provided the services during the last three years alongwith copies of work order. One contract of Amount Rs. 50 Lakh Completed Successfully in last thre years. ESI and Employee EPF registration certificate. Service tax registration certificate along with Service Tax Clearance Receipt ( Not earlier than last six Months) The contractor/agency must have a registration with the contract labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. The contractor shall obtain the labour license under this Act. Whether the firm has any legal suit/criminal case pending against it for violation of PF/ESI, Minimum Wages Act or other law (give details). The firm/agency must enclose a certificate indicating that there is no criminal/legal suit pending or contemplated against Address of the local office in Rajasthan Enclose deed or Proof. EMD, Tender Document Fees Annexure A, B, C and D under Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act 2012/ Rules 2013 Date ... ..... . ... AUTHORISED SIGNATORY Please add, supplementary pages to be numbered wherever needed by the tendered. 14 FINANCIAL BID FOR OUTSOURCING OF VARIOUS WORKS/SERVICES ON JOB CONTRACT BASIS Full Name & Address of the renderer (should be quoted in all communications to this office) Telephone No. Mobile No. e-Mail address From To The Commissioner, Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education, Jaipur I/We have understood the terms and conditions of the contract as mentioned in the tender documents and shall provide the best services strictly in accordance with the same. The rates quoted by us is as under.(a) Service charges (the service charges should be quoted .......% in percentage of the wages/remuneration payable/paid to the personnel deployed as per demand of the RCSE). Remarks: (i) TDS shall be deducted by the Principal of Swami Vivekanand Government Model School , as per rules. (ii) Please quote your rates in figures as well as in words. (iii) Service Tax shall be paid extra as per rules of the Government. Yours faithfully, Dated: Signature & Seal of the Tenderer 15 Annexure A List of Swami Vivekanand Govt. Model School S.No. District BLOCK SCHOOL 1 Ajmer Masuda VILLAGE/ WARD NO. WITH CITY Masuda 2 Alwar Ramgarh Bagad Rajpur Govt. Model School, Bagad Rajput, Ramgarh 3 Alwar Raini Dera Govt. Model School, Dera, Raini 4 Alwar Bansur Gunta Shahpur Govt. Model School, Gunta Shahpur, Bansur 5 Alwar Laxmangarh Harsana Govt. Model School, Harsana, Laxmangarh 6 Banswara Ghatol Thikariya Chandrawat Govt. Model School, Himmatsingh Ka Garha, Ghatol 7 Baran Sahbbad Sahbbad Govt. Model School, Shahbad 8 Baran Chabra Kadya Van Govt. Model School, Kadyavan, Chabra 9 Baran Atru Atru Govt. Model School, Atru 10 Barmer Shiv Detani Govt. Modal School, Detani, Shiv 11 Barmer Siwana Siwana Govt. Modal School, Siwana 12 Barmer Barmer Aadarsh Chuli Govt. Modal School, Aadarsh Chuli , Barmer 13 Barmer Chohtan Chohtan Govt. Modal School, Chohatan 14 Barmer Balotra Chirdani (Pachpadra) Govt.Model School,chirdani(Pachpadra) 15 Bhilwara Ashind Ashind Govt. Model School, Ashind 16 Bhilwara Jahajpur Jalampura Govt. Model School, Jalampura, Jahajpur 17 Bhilwara Hurda Taswaryia Govt. Model School, Taswariya, Hurda 18 Bhilwara Shahpura Ward No 25 Shahpura Govt. Model School, Shahpura 19 Bhilwara Kotri Kotri Govt. Model School, Kotri Govt. Model School, Masuda 16 S.No. District BLOCK VILLAGE/ WARD NO. WITH CITY SCHOOL 20 Bhilwara Mandlgarh Ratyakheda Govt. Model School, Ratyakheda, Mandalgarh 21 Bhilwara Raipur Raipur Govt. Model School, Raipur 22 Bhilwara Sahada Potlan Govt. Model School, Potlan, Sahada 23 Bhilwara Mandal Bagour Govt. Model School, Bagour, Mandal 24 Bundi Nainwa Nainwa Govt. Model School, Nainwa 25 Bundi Hindoli Amartya Govt. Model School, Amartya, Hindoli 26 Bundi Talera Barundan Govt. Model School, Barundan, Talera 27 Dausa Dausa Kherla Khurd Govt. Model School, Kherla Khurd, Dausa 28 Dausa Lalsot Didwana Govt. Model School, Didwana, Lalsot Govt. Model School, Sikrai Dausa Sikrai Sikrai Dausa Mahwa Naya Goan Govt. Model School, Naya Goan, Mahuwa 31 Dungarpur Dungarpur Khemaru Govt. Model School, Khemaru, Dungarpur 32 Dungarpur Sagwada Ghotad Govt. Model School, Ghotad, Sagwada 33 Dungarpur Aspur Gada Eklingji Govt. Model School, Gada Eklingji, Aspur 34 Dungarpur Simalwara Kishanpura Govt. Model School, Kishanpura, Simalwara 35 Ganganagar Suratgarh Ward-6, Suratgarh Govt. Model School, Ward-6, Suratgarh 36 Ganganagar Anoopghar Ward-3, Anoopgarh Govt. Model School, Ward-3, Anoopgarh 37 Jaisalmer Sankara Pokaran Govt. Modal School, Pokaran, Sankara 38 Jaisalmer Sam Fethegarh Govt. Modal School, Fethegarh, Sam 29 30 17 S.No. District BLOCK SCHOOL 39 Jaisalmer Jaisalmer VILLAGE/ WARD NO. WITH CITY Jaisalmer 40 Jalore Raniwara Dodwadiya (Raniwara) Govt. Model School, Dodwadiya, Raniwara 41 Jhalawar Jhalarapatan Asnawar Govt.Model School, Asnawar, Jhalarapatan 42 Jhalawar Bakani Bakani Govt.Model School,Bakani 43 Jodhpur Mandor Badli, Mandor Govt.Model School, Badli, Mandor 44 Jodhpur Luni Luni Govt.Model School, Luni 45 Jodhpur Shergarh Saai, Shergarh Govt.Model School, Saai, Shergarh 46 Jodhpur Bap Bap Govt.Model School, Bap 47 Jodhpur Phalodi Phalodi Govt.Model School, Phalodi 48 Jodhpur Osian Osian Govt.Model School, Osian 49 Jodhpur Bilara Pichiyak, Bilara Govt.Model School, Pichiyak, Bilara 50 Jodhpur Balaser Khui Govt.Model School,Khui 51 Karauli Karauli W.No.-32, Karauli Govt. Model School, Karauli 52 Karauli Sapotra Nayaganv (Mandrayal) Govt.Model School,Nayaganv(Mandrayal) 53 Nagaur Merta Indawad Govt. Model School, Indawad, Merta 54 Nagaur Riyan Riyan Badi Govt. Model School, Riyan Badi 55 Nagaur Parbatsar Ward No.-14, Parbatsar Govt. Model School, Parbatsar 56 Nagaur Jayal Jayal Govt. Model School, Jayal 57 Nagaur Didwana Manda Basni Govt. Model School, Manda Basni, Didwana 58 Rajsamand Devgarh W.No.-5, Devgarh Govt.Model School, Devgarh 59 Rajsamand Aamet W.No.-12, Aamet Govt.Model School, Aamet 60 Rajsamand Rajsamand Hamerpal, Kelva Govt.Model School, Hamerpal, Kelva Govt.Model School,Jaisalmer 18 S.No. District BLOCK SCHOOL 61 Rajsamand VILLAGE/ WARD NO. WITH CITY Kumbhalgarh Kumbhalgarh 62 Rajsamand Khamnor Sema, Khamnor Govt.Model School, Sema, Khamnor 63 Rajsamand Relmangra Relmangra Govt.Model School, Relmangra 64 Sawai Madhopur Bamanwas Batoda Govt.Model School, Batoda, Bamanwas 65 Sawai Madhopur Gangapur City Dibsya Govt.Model School, Dibsya, Gangapur City 66 Sawai Madhopur Khandar Jaisinghpura Govt.Model School, Jaisinghpura, Khandar 67 Sirohi Reodar Derol Govt. Model School, Derol, Reodar 68 Sirohi Pindwara Jhadoli Govt. Model School, Jhadoli, Pindwara 69 Tonk Todaraisingh Ward No. 20 Todaraisingh Govt. Model School, Todaraisingh 70 Tonk Newai Dhani Jugalpura Govt. Model School, Jugalpura, Newai 71 Udaipur Kherwara Mothali, (Badla) Govt. Model School, Mothali, Kherwara Govt.Model School, Kumbhalgarh 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
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