March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 1C 20. Alternate Energy CLASSIF S IEDS IED 1500 E. Wyatt Earp, P.O .O. . Box 760, Dodge City, KS 67801 1It'BYtXXXIQKDPN CLASSIFIED DEADLINE – WEDNESDAY 12:00 NOON CST PHONE NUMBERS t &."* -BET!IQKDPN FAX NUMBERS t 8& # 4*5&XXXIQKDPN Include your y ad on www w.H . J Open p rate and/or word ads $2/week. CLASS I FI E D WOR D AD RA ATE T S .JOJNVNXPSET &."* -BET!IQKDPN XFFL ............ XFFLXPSE XFFLT .......... XFFLXPSE XFFLT ...... XFFLXPSE XFFLT .... XFFLXPSE CLASS I FI E D BOR DE RS BSFOPUBWBJMBCMFGPS8PSE"ET WOR D AD E N HANCE M E NTS 1FSFOIBODFNFOU Bold, italicize, VOEFSMJOF or TUSJLFUISPVHI TUSJLF UISPVHI text. "OZ8PSET PSFOUJSFBE B LI N D BOX S E RVICE 0OFUJNFDIBSHFPGJTBEEFEUPUIFDPTUPGZPVSBE *ODMVEFZPVSBEPOMJOFGPS3FQMJFTBSFNBJMFEEBJMZ CLASS I FI E D DI S PLA AY RA ATE T S .JOJNVNJODI AY E N HANCE M E NTS CLASS I FI E D DI S PLA Bold, italicize, VOEFSMJOF or strike UISPVHI ISPVHI text BOECPSEFSBSPVOEUIFBE Multi-column borders:/PDIBSHF 0QFO3BUFyQFSJODIXLyMJOFXFFLFBDI XLDPOUSBDUyQFSJODIXL yMJOFXFFLFBDI XLDPOUSBDUyQFSJODIXLyMJOFXFFLFBDI XLDPOUSBDUyQFSJODIXLyMJOFXFFLFBDI XLDPOUSBDUyQFSJODIXLyMJOFXFFLFBDI PHOTOS – LOGOS – QR CODE S Logos/QR Codes: (Min. height ½”). Charge for space only. Photos: (Size 2” wide by 1” tall min). Charge for space only. Photos, Logos, QR Codes setup up deadline, Wednesday e y, 12:00 no noon CST. E R ROR NOTICE HPJJ will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion and only for that portion of the ad that mayy have been rendered valueless by our error. Each insertion is proof of publication and it is the responsibility of the Advvertiser to check it. Only classification can be guaranteed, not the placement within it. HPJ does not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions beyond the cost of the ad itselff. HPJJ has the iffy any ad. right to edit, reject or properly classif I M PORT TANT A NOTICE TO ADVE RTI S E RS AN D R EADE RS Acceptance of classified advvertisements does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement or promotion by the publisher of the product or services advvertised. Don’t forget g your y Clas ssification when p placing g an ad! 10 ....................................... Airplanes 20 ...........................Alternate Energy 30 . .......................... Announcements 40 ............... Antiques & Collectibles 50 ....... Antiques - Farm Equipment 1110 .....................................Auctions 70 ................................... Auctioneers 80 ........................ Building Materials 90 ............... Business Opportunities 100 ................... Campers/R RV Vs/Boats 110 . ..................................Car/T Trucks 115 ................................... Truck Parts 120 .................. Computers/Software 130 ... Consultants - Ag Engineering 140 ................... Cleaning Equipment 150 .................................... Chemicals 160 .............................. Commodities 170 .......................Cotton Equipment 171 ............................. Crop Spraying 180 ............ Disc Rolling/Sharpening 190 ..................... Ditching/T Teerracing 200 ................. Electronic Equipment 210 ................. Employment Wanted 220 ............................ Engine Repair 221..... En nvir ironmental Produ ucts/Serrvices i 230 ......................Equipment Leasing 240 ........ Farms/Ranches/Real Estate 250 .............. Farms/Ranches Wanted 260 .................................. Feed/Grain 270 . ............................................. Seed 280 ......... Seed Cleaning/Equipment 290 ......................... Fencing Material 300 ..Fertilizer/Fertilizer Equipment 310 ............ For Sale - Miscellaneous 320 ..................... Financial/lnsurance 321 .......................Fishing & Hunting 330 ............. Grain Bins/Dryers/V Vaacs 340 ................................... Harvesting 350 ............................... Help Wanted 360 ................ Industrial Equipment 370 ..................................... Irrigation 380 ................... Land for Lease/Rent 390 .......... Livestock/Animal Health 400 .................. Livestock Equipment 410 .......................Livestock Services 420 ........ Alt. Livestock Pets/Exotics 430 .................... Stocker/Feed Cattle 440Commercial Cows/Pairs/Heiffeers 450 ............................................. Dairy 460 ...........Bulls/Registered Females 470 ........................ Livestockk Wanted 480 ............................................. Hogs 490 .............................. Horses/Mules 500 ................................ Sheep/Goats 510 ......................................... Pasture 520 .............................. Working Dogs 530 ............... Machinery (Compact) 540 ........ Machinery (Farm) For Sale 550 ............................................. Loans 590 ........ Machinery (Farm) Wanted 600 ...........................Metal Buildings 610 ..............Manufactured Housing 620 ........................ Modular Housing 630 ...................... Motorcycles/A ATVs 640 .................................. Oil Drilling 650 ................................ Parts/Repairs 660 ...............................................Pipe 661. .......................... Plastic Products 665 ........................ Pond/Pond Liner 670 ................................ Precision Ag 680 ................... Pre-Site Built Homes 690 ........................... Rodent Control 700 ......................................... Salvage 710 ............................................ Scales 720 ............... Shop Tools/Equipment 730 .......................... Solar Equipment 740 ......... Storage Containers/T Tanks 750 .............................................Tarps 760 .................................Tires/T Trac r ks 770 ......................................... Trailers 780 . ........................... Transportation 790 ......................................... Wanted 800 ....................Water-W Well Drilling 810 . ....................... Welding Supplies 820 .......................................W Web Sites Wiindmills 830 ....................................W 840 ........................ Women’s Interest GENERATORS: 15KW-2,500 KW, (DIESEL, propane, natural gas and PTO), low hour, take-outs. PH-701797-4766. OIL AND gas mineral rights, Weld, Adams Colorado, Roger Mills, Oklahoma, ill health forces sale, current production, future devl, proven HD and fracking. Silent Auction, for Legal descriptions Call Larry, PH-303-525-0590. 30. Announcements NOTICE If you purchased a piece of equipment that you feel was misrepresented in an advertisement appearing in High Plains Journal, Call 1-800-452-7171 ext. 1854 AMERICAN WALNUT buying standing walnut timber, 25 or more trees. PH-816-232-6781, Saint Joseph, Missouri. 30. Announcements 1st Annual KS Natural Resource Coalition Conservation Easement Summit April 8 & 9, 2015 Buffalo Bill Cultural Center Oakley, KS 67748-1233 Purpose: This Conference will facilitate dialogue on the history, benefits, cost, tax and property implications of Conservation Easements. For More information: (620) 214-9913 30. Announcements ATTENTION !!! All Advertisers If you have emailed your ad to [email protected] and don't receive an acknowledgement from us, please call us ASAP for verification! Call Us Toll-Free 888-227-7171 April 8-9-10, 2015 80 acres of exhibits Cutting Edge Technology Find All Your Livestock Needs Here Office: 866-685-0989 Cell: 785-332-6506 Email: [email protected] GYPSUM AG FINES: 3-Sizes of fines, analysis upon request, $8.50/Ton. Several other sizes of assorted rock, driveways, county roads, oilfield locations, various other uses. Call for pricing. PH-620-248-3246; PH-620-886-1643. Paradise Gypsum, Sun City, Kansas. Internet and Telephone Scams Please be aware of third parties who insist they have buyers/sellers for your equipment. It is recommended that you NEVER give any of your personal information over the phone including credit cards or bank information, as High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal cannot verify their intent. ************************************************************ Please be aware of third parties that pose as agents of High Plains Journal or Midwest Ag Journal through the phone, email or internet. We do not get involved in financial transactions for buyers or sellers. LIMESTONE NAME ROCKS, been in business 20 years, have own quarry. PH-785-398-2545. OIL/GAS PAYING Top$ for producing interests. Paul Thomas, PH-325-6951329. TRAVELING? Find places to go and things to do along the way. Visit: 40. Antiques & Collectibles 1949 CHEVROLET 4100, 5-WINDOW truck, sells March 30th. Wellington, Kansas. Details Theurer Auction/Realty, PH-620-326-7315. 1958 APACHE CHEVROLET 1/2T PU, longbed, restorable; 1942 International 11/2T Truck, restorable; 1955 Ford, mint condition; 1969 Cadillac, mint condition. PH-785-625-6452. 50. Antiques - Farm Equip. If you are contacted by anyone claiming to represent High Plains Journal or Midwest Ag Journal as a sales intermediary please do not give them any of your private information. 1974 DODGE T800, TWIN-SCREW, Cummins diesel, 10-speed, $8,000/OBO. PH-812-867-5221; Cell812-568-5221. If you have questions regarding the reliability of information concerning High Plains Journal or Midwest Ag Journal, please call 1-800-452-7171. We are here to assist you from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM CST, weekdays. (4) 1950’s CASE 930’s; 1950’s JD 720; Massey Ferguson 65-50. PH-405-3979979. The Farm Show With More to See 11th ANNUAL 81/2’ DOZER AND frame, fits 1952 JD AR. Reinert Farms, PH-785-798-5326; PH-785-798-3312. GLEANER COMBINE R52, brand new, always shedded. PH-785-6256452. RARE ONE owner, 3000 hours, JD 7020, mint, $14,500; Case 80 hp steam engine; 150 antique tractors, cars, trucks, buy, sell, trade. PH-620326-7784. SELLING SOME OF DAD’S EQUIP. 707 LP Mini, D JD on propane; 841 Ford with ldr.; LA Case with 315D Cat eng.; ‘50 Chevy trk. w/new B&H; HD 5 Allis with ldr.; JD manure spreader. 620-656-4425 (O) - 620-546-6077 (C) [email protected] 70. Auctioneers APRIL 16-18, 2015 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA SHOW HOURS THURS-FRI. 9AM - 5PM SAT. 9AM - 4PM FREE ADMISSION FREE PARKING Gentle Horse Training Clinics Live Cattle Equipment Demos Rick Jones Commercial Cattle Grading Scholarship Winners Announced Over 400,000 Sq. Ft. of Exhibit Space Available For Exhibit Space, Call: FARM & RANCH REALTY, INC. REALTORS AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS 2707 Broadway, Hays, KS 67601 PH-785-628-2851 2C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 70. Auctioneers 70. Auctioneers 110. Car/Trucks 110. Car/Trucks 110. Car/Trucks SCOTT AUCTION AUCTION & REAL ESTATE For All Your Agricultural Needs 1145 East Kansas Plaza Garden City, Kansas 67846 Office PH-620-275-8200 PH-1-800-222-2048 After Hours PH-620-275-9557 Fax-620-276-2681 Auction SMITH & CO Auction & Realty, Inc. Woodward, OK 580-254-3975 Ira Y. Smith Auctioneer - R.E. Broker Berning Auction,Inc. P. O. Drawer Q Leoti, Kansas 67861 PH-620-379-4446 PH-800-466-5202 ALL TYPES OF AUCTIONS Don’t Trust Your Auction To Just Anyone! “THERE IS A REASON” Complete Auction Service FARM MACH.-REAL ESTATE BANKRUPTCY & LIQUIDATION Garden City, KS 67846 Listings - “” 620-276-8282 1-800-466-8214 The Best Way To Buy And Sell Used Equipment. Period. Preview hundreds of items including tractors, excavators, trucks, trailers and more at! 888-433-5426 800-251-3111 110. Car/Trucks Heald Truck Sales PRESTON, MINNESOTA Denny Brusse Ron Gehling DEL PETERSON & ASSOCIATES National Auctioneers & Appraisers Specializing in Appraisals, Fertilizer, & Construction Equipment and Farm Implement Auctions 419 W Judy Dr., Fremont, NE 68025 E-mail [email protected] 704 N.E. Hwy. 24, Topeka, KS 785-235-5604 ‘00 8100 IHC tdm axle Daycab ISM Cum 9 spd., 650K . . . . . . . . $14,000 ‘99 Volvo Daycab, tdm axle, D12 10 spd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,500 ‘86 24’ Frame type end dump Fruehauf steel tub with liner. . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 Radcliffe Truck Sales Hill City, KS PH-785-421-3465 GROENDYKE TRANSPORT 810 N 54 St Enid, OK 73701 01-07 International and Freightliner Multiple Units Available Fleet Maintained 580-213-9271 For Details Call ‘02 Frtlnr Century 20’ B&H ..$29.500 ‘96 FLD 112Frtlnr 20’B&H ...$26,500 ‘95 Chevy 6500 Allison auto, CC.....$6,500 ‘93 379 Pete 22’ alum B&H ...$27,500 Check out our Condo to daycab conversion M T SALES GOODLAND, KS 1-888-227-7171 785-821-2300 FREE Service See Announcements Class 30 or GENE FRANCIS & ASSOCIATES Real Estate Brokers & Auctioneers Jon Briel, Great Bend, KS 620-793-5750 Gene Francis, Wichita, Kansas 316-524-8345 Brian Waldschmidt 620-842-3796 Jim Froetschner Chris Froetschner Larry Carr - Auctioneers Call 620-285-3148 PO Box 300 W. Hwy. 156 909 Auction Ave. LARNED, KS 67550 Kansas Colorado Nebraska Real Estate Auctions Appraisals St. Francis, Kansas PH-1-888-613-1121 GOODLAND, KANSAS 1990 FORD LOUISVILLE L9000, Cummins engine, 9 speed, SA, AC, solid truck. PH-620-585-2321; PH620-242-7198. Marion, SD ‘04 KW T800 single axle Daycab tractor, ISX Cumm., 450 hp., 10 spd., Jakes, Air-Ride, Dif-Lock ..............................................$17,900 ‘09 Int’l 8600 SA Daycab tractor, ISM Cummins, 370HP w/Fresh OH, 10 spd, AR, 422K miles, 180” WB ..............................................$37,500 (2)‘07 Frtlnrs M2 Single Axle Tractor, C7 Cat, 250 HP, AllisonAuto, Air Brakes, A/C Cruise, 175190K mi......................stg @ $24,500 ‘06 Sterling, single axle Daycab tractor, C11 Cat, 305 hp., 10 spd., AirRide, 476K miles .................$17,500 (6) ‘05-’07 Int’l 8600 Single Axle Daycab Tractors, ISM Cummins & C11 Cat, 10 spd, AR, 150” WB, 439550K miles ...................stg@$19,900 (2) ‘00 Chevy C7500, SA Tractors, 3126 Cat, 250 HP, Allison Auto, A/C, Cruise, Spring Ride, 155” WB, 110K miles ..........................Stg @ $10,900 (5) Int’l 4400 single axle Daycab tractors, 310 hp., 10 spd., A/C, air-ride, 32K GVW, 154-196K miles ...................................stg. @ $22,900 1951 CHEVROLET GRAIN truck, metal floor, white cab, red sides, shedded, $3,500. PH-620-544-5986. 2007 Frtlnr Columbia, Mercedes 410hp, 10spd, A/R susp, 821k miles, Sell Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$19,500 Hoyt's Truck Center Topeka, KS 1-866-365-3131 ‘00 Ford F350 Super Duty, 7.3 Diesel, DewEze bale bed, Great Work Truck!........................$12,950 2012 Sports Chassis, white w/black leather, Air bags, lots of extras, NICE!........................$108,000 2013 Ford F350 Crew Cab, Dually, 4x4, Diesel, Platinum, Nav/roof! ................................................$45,900 2008 Dodge 2500 4x4, dependable work truck.................................$20,900 2011 Ford F450 4WD, 6.7 Dsl., Auto, Lariat, Loaded, 1-Owner ..............................................$46,900 1991 IHC 4800 4x4, DT-466, 210 HORSEPOWER, ALLISON automatic, 130,000K, 33,000 GVWR, double framed, very nice, Texas title, $26,900. PH-816-230-8400; 1993 DODGE RAM 2WD, 5.9 CUMMINS, 5 speed, air and heat work, new paint, flatbed, toolbox, 5th wheel, headache rack, fuel pump rebuilt by Mark Stum, transmission rebuilt recently and has 171K miles on it, radio works, no rust, $10,000/OBO. PH-620465-3458. 2013 GMC 1/2 Ton Crew Cab, 11K Miles, 4x4, Leather Loaded, 6.2 V-8, Very Clean Trade . . . . . . . . . $31,500 We can UpFit Any Truck! McKinsey Motors 1994 FORD PICKUP, F250, diesel, powerstroke, 4WD, runs good, no rust; 1959 International 2T truck, 5 speed, Knapheide bed and hoist. PH-620381-4480. 1995 FORD F250, 4x4 DIESEL pickup, 2nd owner, garaged, 160K, $11,500/OBO. Lots of options, details, Cell-620-797-2022. 1995 IHC 4800, 4x4, DT-466, 230 HORSEPOWER, ALLISON automatic, 33,000 GVWR, double framed, 127,000K, air-conditioned, very nice, Texas Title, $29,900. PH-816-2308400; 1999 KENWORTH T-300 ISC-CUMMINS, 347,400 miles, single axle, with 600 bushel grain trailer, home built , new tarp, $22,500; 2011 Toyota Seneca Van, leather, 99,000 miles, $18,000. PH-785-799-5877. 2000 IHC 9400 PRO SLEEPER, N14 10 speed, 22 aluminum, lots of work done, $10,000. PH-316-706-7174. 2001 IHC 4800, 4x4, DT-466, 139,000K, 230 HORSEPOWER, ALLISON automatic, 35,000 GVWR, double framed, differential lock, airconditioned, very nice, Virginia Title, $32,900. PH-816-230-8400; 2002 379 PETE, C15 CAT, 18 speed, 500,000 on overhaul, very good condition, $35,000/OBO. PH-303-888-8165, Dodge City. 2003 CHEVROLET 2500 4x4, DURAMAX diesel, Economy Manufacturing bale bed, Bar-6 Cube feeder. PH-785292-4287. 1-40 & Hwy 183, Clinton, OK Ask for Max 800-481-8458 580-323-0416 2011 Ford F350, Crew Cab, Single Wheel, 1-Ton, 4x4, Lariat, 64K Mi, B&W Hitch, New Truck Trade $35,995 800-610-3888 785-460-8785 On I-70, Colby, Kansas WWW.SEMITRUCK.COM 2013 VFI Spray King Sprayer Trailer Demonstrator $36,500 2013 Ford F250, Crew Cab, Lariat, 78K miles, 4x4, 6.7 Diesel, 1Owner, New Truck Trade ...$37,995 2012 Ford Edge, Leather, Loaded, Nav-Roof, 56K Miles, 1-Owner, Extra Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,995 Call Us in Weatherford! WE KNOW TRUCKS! Call Us For Details! I40-Exit 84 Weatherford, OK 580-772-3319 2003 FL80, 6x6, 97K MILES, 3126 CAT motor, 250 horsepower, Allison automatic, double framed, 56,000 GVWR, air-conditioned, Braden front winch, Georgia title, $34,900. PH816-230-8400; 2004 COLUMBIA FREIGHTLINER, 22’ grain box. PH-405-2340803. NO-SOLICITORS. 2005 STERLING C7 CAT, 6 speed Allison, locking diff, $14,995/Neg, trade for farm equipment or construction, stock #815, 40 more trucks on hand. PH-800-748-2513; PH-719-337-1944 anytime. PH-405-794-5092 "SPECIALIZING IN GOOD CLEAN LOW MILEAGE TRUCKS!" Check Our Website For More Trucks SEVERAL IN STOCK NEW & USED SPORTS CHASSIS ‘06-’13 Starting @ $79,000 WIEMAN LAND & AUCTION, INC. Selling all types of Machinery and Land since 1949 Rust Free Trucks PH-507-765-2131 ‘07 Pete 379 475 Cat, 18 spd . . . .$54,500 (2) ‘07 FL Col, 450 Mer, 10sp . . . .$12,500 (3) ‘07 FL Col-DC 455hp 10spd . .$44,500 ‘06 Volvo VNL 500ISX, 10 spd, .$24,500 ‘05 KW T800 550, 18sp, . . . . . . . .$44,500 ‘05 KW T800dc, 435 Cat, 10 sp . .$39,500 ‘01 FL Day, Det. 430, 13sp . . . . . .$19,500 ‘98 Pete 475 Cat, Jake 10spd . . .$34,500 ‘86 Pete 362, 425 Cat, 13sp . . . . .$29,500 ‘76 Chev C65, 16’,box . . . . . . .$8,500 1986 MACK RENAULT, DIESEL, 5 speed, covered bulk feedbox, 300 bushel capacity, hydraulic unload, weak clutch, $5,000/OBO. PH-806206-4599. Single/Tandem Tractors & Chassis COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN FARM MACHINERY 2015’s Are In Check Out Our Inventory 800-475-8033 --’13 Ford F250 ext 4wd Lariat v/8 auto Butler BB only 34k m. $36,995 --‘08 Chev 1T Crew Cab 4WD Duramax Dsl., PW, PL Butler BB . . . . . . .$22,995 --‘08 Ford F350, 4WD, Reg Cab, XLT, Dsl, Man Trans, Bale Bed . . . . .$21,995 99 T800, N14 Red Top 435+HP, 10spd, 3.90 ratio, Jake, 210” W/B, A/S 5th, 579k miles Cash Priced @ ONLY $37,950 Call Today!! Missouri Truck Sales, Inc. Kansas City, MO 816-443-3821 If you’re reading this ad, and you don’t subscribe to the High Plains Journal, Call 1-800-452-7171 and ask for LEANN, Ext. #1882. We’ll see that you get your own copy every week at a special introductory rate. CALL-TODAY! 12 Ford F150 CC 4x4 XLT ...$28,500 82 Chev Kodiak, Pole Winch Trk...$3,250 07 FL Classic XL, Det 13spd........$37,900 07 FL Columbia, Daycab, Cat C-15, Ultrashift .............................$33,900 06 FL Columbia, Daycab, Detroit, Ultrashift ..............................29,900 10 IHC Pro Star, Daycab, 10spd ISX, Auto Starting at ..................$38,900 05 KW W900, 72" Aero, Cummins, 13spd ....................................$37,900 97 KW T800, 12.7 Detroit, Allison Auto ......................................$22,900 06 Pete 378, Daycab,C-13 Cat, 10spd Starting at.................$32,400 02 Pete 385, Daycab,C-15 Cat, 10spd ..............................................$25,900 94 Pete 379, Daycab, Cat, 13spd, Needs engine work ..............$14,900 06 Volvo Daycab, ISX, Needs engine work......................................$19,900 JD 8420 New engine.............$94,000 JD 8520, 6500 hours.............$97,900 Belleville, KS 785-527-2293 800-536-2293 ‘09 ‘06 ‘04 ‘02 AUTOMATICS M2, ISB Cum, 3060P, SA IH 8600, ISM, 4560, TS M2, 3126 Cat, 3060P, SA IH 4400, DT466, 3060P, SA USED TRUCKS '06 Volvo, ISX, 10spd, TS ‘05 IH 7600, ISM, 10 spd, TS ‘04 KW, 3126 Cat, 10 spd, TS '01 Sterling, ISM, 9spd, TS '01 IH 8100, ISM, 9spd, SA New Maurer grain trailers Used Feed Mixers: See Ad Class 400 March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 3C 110. Car/Trucks BOECKMAN 2015 F350 SRW 4x4 Reg Cab & Chassis, 6.2L Gas, Auto, XL, 3.73 Locking Rear Axle, Spare Tire & Wheel, Cab Steps, Shift on the Fly, Trailer Brake Cont., XHD Front Susp., Cruise/Tilt, Butler Spike Bed, Ranch Hand Grille Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36,530* 2015 F350 4x4 Supercab Cab & Chassis SRW 6.7L Diesel, Auto, 3.73 Locking Rear Axle, Spare Tire & Wheel, Power Windows / Locks / Mirrors, Cab Steps, Shift on the Fly, Block heater, Trailer Brake Cont., XHD Alt., XHD Front Susp., Cloth 40/20/40 Seat, Cruise/Tilt Dew Eze Parallel Bed........$53,461* USED TRUCKS 2011 F350 DRW 4x4 Crew Cab, 6.7L Diesel. Auto, Lariat, 98K Miles, Nice Truck!...............$34,980 2007 Chevy 3500 Crew Cab 4x4 DRW, 8.1L V8 Engine, Auto, Power Windows, Power Locks, Spike Bed, 164K Miles..........................$14,580 *Factory rebates applied on all new vehicles current at time of print. Require Ford Credit financing(WAC). 1-800-749-3943 Kingfisher, OK BOGNER, INC. 110. Car/Trucks G&J Truck Sales 806-248-7007 --------Daycabs-----(7) 2003 FTL Daycabs, single axle Cummins engines, 10 spd $7,950-$8,950 View Our Complete inventory at IF You are a Bidder at auction, why would you take the risk of bidding on any piece of engine-driven farm equipment or other vehicles without knowing their OilScore™ ? IF You are a Seller at auction, why would you allow anyone to take the risk of buying any piece of your engine-driven equipment or vehicle without knowing its OilScore™ ? IF You are an Auctioneer, why would take the risk of selling to your bidders an engine without telling them in advance of the strike the engine’s OilScore™ ? IF Anyone can use the OilScore™ handheld, electronic oil contamination and detection tool, then much of their risk in buying gas or diesel engines is eliminated. OilScore LLC Steve 307.220.7044 [email protected] New 2015 Chev. Trucks in stock 2-Regular Cab Chassis in stock. We sell new Besler Bale Beds 2014 Chev. 1/2 Ton Crew Gas 4x4 10K 2011 Chev. Duramax 3/4 Ton Crew Dsl. 2010 Chev. Duramax 1-T Single Whl. Dsl. 2008 Chev. 3/4Ton Gas 4x4, 37k 2007 Chev. Duramax 3/4 Ton Crew Dsl. IRELAND SALES Wichita, Kansas 888-922-9664 11 F-350 Lariat 4x4 dsl auto 67k $39,500 05 M2 D/C MBE 370hp 10 spd 153K $32,500 89 KW T-400 Cum,9spd SA 499K$7,500 10 Timpte grn42x66x96 A/R ag hpr $29,500 99 TrailKing belly dump . .. $14,500 CALL US FREE 1-800-462-0731 Closing Out 2014’s (4)Chrysler 300's .............Save! (3)Dodge Chargers .................Save! (2)Dodge Durango’s ...............Save! (2)Ram 1500 Reg Cabs 4x4 & 4x2 Save! (3)Ram 1500 Quad Cabs 4x4, 4x2 Save! (1)Ram 1500 Laramie Crew 4x4 Save! (2)Ram 1500 Sport Crew 4x4 Save! (2)Ram 2500 Crew 4x4 ..........Save! (1)Ram 2500 Longhorn Mega 4x4 Save! (1)Ram 3500 DRW Crew 4x4 Save! (3)Ram 3500 DRW Mega 4x4 Save! CUSTOM BEDS AVAILABLE "CUMMINS " YOUR HEAVY DUTY DEALER Wide Selection Of 3500, 4500 & 5500's 4901 East Main Weatherford, OK 73096 580-772-5522 1-800-375-3351 Daycabs! Daycabs! Wamego, KS 785-456-7333 Lebo, KS 620-256-6609 ‘06 M2, 11’ dump, C7 . . . . . . . 32,500 ‘04 4300, 11’ dump, DT466 . . . . Call ‘01 DM600, 17’ dump, 300 hp 29,750 (4) ‘05 4400, 285 hp, low mi. . . . Call ‘96 378, 3400 gal, 250 hp . . . . 32,500 T & R TRUCK ‘05 Frtlr Columbia, mid-roof slpr, ultrashift, 450 Mercedes, 600K mi, wet kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reduced $16,900 2-‘04 Frtl Columbia, mid roof slpr, ultrashift, 450 Mercedes, 600K-700K mi, wet kit . . . . . . Reduced $16,750 ‘98 Frtlr daycab, 375 hp Cat, 10 spd, alum whls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,250 More Trucks Coming 785-738-5263 PH-800-664-2269 Beloit, KS ’12 Dodge Ram 2500, Laramie Longhorn, Mega Cab, 4WD, 6.7L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$44,988 ’11 Chevy Silverado 2500, HD, LTZ, Ext Cab, 4WD . . . . . . . . . . .$34,988 '10 Dodge Ram 2500 ST, Crew Cab, 4WD, auto., 57K miles . . . .$29,988 800-375-5718 Visit Us On The Website WANT TO Buy used 4WD mini truck. Call Brock Baker. PH-316-249-1907. Quality Low Mileage Pre-Owned Trucks 11 IHC Pro Star, TS Daycab, ISX Cumm., 10 spd., AR, Jake, air -slide 5th whls, alum wheels, like new...... ..............................................$49,895 ‘08 KW T800 TS Daycab, 470 HP Cat, 13 sdp., 185” WB, Jake, alum. wheels, new rubber, only 506M, ..............................................$50,895 ‘07 Sterling AT9513, TS daycab, 435 HP MBE, low hole 10 spd., AR, Jake, air-slide 5th whl., only 496M nice truck .............................$35,895 07 IHC 8600 TS Daycab, 420 hs Cumm., 6 SPEED ALLISON AUTO, AR, cruise, ONLY 133,488 MILES, very nice...............................$47,895 07 IHC 9200 TS Daycab, ISM Cumm., low hole 10 spd., Jake, rust free, like new .......................$38,895 ‘07 Columbia TS Daycab, 410 hp. Cat, low hole 10 spd., Jake, alum wheels, loaded, 436M, like new ..............................................$46,895 ‘06 Freightliner Century, TS Daycab, 12.7 Det. @ 435 hp., 10 speed, Jake, virgin rubber, rust free Southern truck .....................................$42,895 ‘03 Sterling TS Daycab, 400 hp MBE 10 spd., Jake, lockers, only 315M, truck is like new ..................$28,895 BACKLOT SPECIALS ‘85 IHC LWB Daycab TS........$2,475 ‘98 IHC 9200 Daycab TS .......$8,300 ‘93 KW T400 Daycab TS.........$8,750 ‘96 Volvo WCA tract. slpr .......$5,700 MISC ‘02 IHC 2554 SA HEAVY, DT530 power, 30/60P, HD Allison auto, 18,000# front axle, 23,000# rear axle, double frame, all new virgin rubber, 85M .........................$41,895 ‘01 Sterling 9500 HEAVY-HAUL Cummins Power, 8LL trans., 20,000# front axle, 46,000# rears, lockers, long double frame, Hendrickson susp., all new virgin rubber ..............................................$55,895 ‘00 Volvo WG HEAVY HAUL, Cumm power, 13 spd., 20 FA 46 RA, T-Ride, LWB double frame, lockers, Jake, ONLY 45,357 MILES, truck like new .......................................$55,895 ‘99 IHC 2554, SA HEAVY, DT530E, 3060P HD Allison auto, 18,000# FA, 23,000# RA, double frame, new virgin rbr., 74M ........................$38,895 TRAILERS IN STOCK (10) New Neville grain trailers in stock ‘81 Merritt 42 alum grain trailer, clean .......................................$8,950 For Trucks & Trailers Call Mike 785-567-8052 HEAVY-DUTY USED PICKUPS ‘13 Silverado 3500 hd 4x4, w/Dew Eze bale bed, Duramax loaded, dual rear wheels new price was $62,275, 17,000 miles, Mike demo, like new, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48,985 ‘12 Silverado 3/4T Reg cab, 4x4, 6.0 V8, Positraction, new Michelins, nice, with only 30M . . . . . . $25,895 ‘10 Silverado 3/4T 4x4 crew, LT1 package, Duramax, very nice, truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,895 ‘09 Silverado 3/T Ext. cab, 4x4, Duramax Allison auto, local one owner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,950 ‘07 Silverado 3/4T Ext. cab, 4x4, 1WT package, 6.0 gas, local 1 owner, nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,895 ‘06 Silverado 3/4T crew, 4x4, 6.0 gas., auto, good equipment, like new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,895 ‘05 Silverado 3/4T Ext cab, 4x4, LS Pkg., Dura-Max dsl., Allison, only 84M, very sharp . . . . . . . . . $23,995 ‘04 Silverado 3/4T 4x4 crew, LT package, HARD TO FIND 8.1 GAS, only 67M, sharp . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,895 ‘03 Silverado 3/4T crew, 4x4, 6.0 gas, local nice clean truck . . . . . $11,895 CALL JERRY OR MARTY Money Chevrolet Inc. IN STOCK! '06 Volvo VNL64T300, Cummins, ISX, 400hp, 10spd, Jake, White (4) ‘07 Freigliner Columbias, Det. 14L, 455 hp. 10 spd., Jake, Blue Garden City, KS Wichita, KS 877-625-2121 800-887-1551 620-277-2121 316-744-1551 Carthage, MO 844-237-0304 417-237-0304 SEE OUR AD IN THE TRAILER CLASS - #770!! 110. Car/Trucks HILL CITY, KANSAS LOOKING FOR FACTORY 1/2, 3/4 or 1T pickup beds, new or used, will pickup. PH-800-440-0721. Neville Built Trailer’s Highest Volume Dealer 10 Years Running PH-785-421-2112 See pictures of all our trucks at: 110. Car/Trucks Lopp Motors Check Out Our Lower Prices 52708B ‘11 Ram 2500 Mega Cab, Laramie, 4x4, dsl, 44K ........$43,900 C1124A ‘97 Ram 2500 Reg Cab, diesel 6 speed 4x4 200023k...$6,500 52535A ‘06 Ram 2500 Quad cab, 4x4 diesel, 300035k ....................$15,900 42933A ‘08 Ram 3500 Quad cab, 4x4 diesel, 145k ..........................$21,900 42786A ‘03 Ram 2500, Quad Cab, SLT, dsl. 4x4, 169K .............$16,900 42909A ‘12 Ram 3500 Crew Cab, 4x4, dsl. SLT 70K ........................$35,500 42776A ‘09 Ram 3500, Quad Cab, SLT, 4x4, dsl. 147K .............$19,900 32768A ‘09 Ram 2500, quad cab, 4x4, dsl, 131K ..............................$23,500 32781C ‘08 Ford F350, super cab, Fx4, 4x4, 6.4 dsl, 124K ........$18,500 PH-800-698-0271 DODGE CITY, KS NEW ENGINES 350 CARB Long block ‘55-’86 .$1,659 350 FI Long block ‘87-’95........$1,959 350 HDFI Long block ‘87-’95..$2,109 350 Vortec Long block ‘96/up .$2,150 6.0L Production.......................$3,399 2.2L 4 cyl., long block ‘95dn ...$ 899 4.3L Production ‘96/up............$1,799 5.3L V-8 Production ‘99/up.....$2,099 3800 V6 ‘95/down....................$ 899 2.8L V6 Long block .................$ 899 3.1 L&3.4L.V-6 Long block.....$1,599 TRANSMISSION 4L60.........................................$1,099 4L60E (‘93-’95) ........................$1,199 4L60E (‘96-’98) ........................$1,199 4L60E (‘99/up).........................$1,349 4L80E 2wd, 4x4 ......................$1,799 Core Required On Engines/Trans 3yr/100,000 mi. Warranty NUSSER MOTORS INC. 610 S Main, Jetmore, KS PH-800-344-2641 110. Car/Trucks THE WRAYS L.L.C. SAWYER, KS PH-620-594-2299 visit our website for pics & details DAY CABS ’11 IHC 430hp 160kmi 10s $44,500 ‘05Sterlingmerc450hp10sp $13,750 ‘05Sterling450hpsingleaxle $12,500 ‘95Volvo425hp14spdtriaxle $14,500 SLEEPER TRUCKS ’10IHProStar430auto384mi$37,500 ’06WesternStar450hp532k $32,500 ’04Columbia500hp14.0Det $26,500 ‘03 IHC 9400i 475hp 10spd $19,500 ’02Pete 550hp 13spd wetkit $34,500 Three to choose from 2015 Chevrolet’s High Country Crew Cab Dually Loaded Up!!!!! *2013 GMC SRW 3500, Crew Cab SLT, Dsl,auto, 4WD, . . . . . . . . .Call *2013 Chevrolet 2500 Crew Cab, LWB, LT DSL, 4WD . . . . . . . . .Call *2011 Chevy 2500 Ext Cab, 4WD, 6.0 Auto., LWB, Ready to Work! Call *2012 Chevy 2500 Crew Cab, 4WD, SWB, DSL, Leather, Auto, Low Mi Call *2013 GMC Ext Cab, SWB, DSL, Auto., 4WD, Low Miles . . . . . . .Call *2008 Chevy 1500 Ext Cab, 4WD, 6" Lift, Cloth, 40/20/40 seat . . .Call *2013 Dodge 3500 MegaCab Dly, Laramie Longhorn, Loaded Up DSL, Auto., 4WD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call *2015 Ford F250 Crew Cab, Platinum, 4WD, Ultra Low Mi ...Call Nobody Beats Our Price! 1-800-533-5521 View Inventory At Place your ad for Stolen or Missing Livestock Equipment Machinery or Related Items FREE Service 140. Cleaning Equipment HOT PRESSURE WASHERS SALE - $500 to $1,000 Off! Superior Service Co. 800-798-7724 (Service Guidelines) Must be an "active" subscriber Choose a classification Please call to renew the ad each week before Noon (CST)Wednesday Please notify the Journal when item is recovered. Ad will not exceed 32 words 150. Chemicals® SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Generic and Brand Name Chemicals 4# Glyphosate Plus - US Made CALL FOR PRICE Custom Quantities, Instant Quotes Call: 888-227-7171 To Speak With A Classified Customer Service Rep. Or Your High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal Marketing Consultant Fax: 620-227-7173 Email: [email protected] TEEL'S TRUCKS Hays, KS 785-625-8019 Financing Available, Great Rates 12 D3500 4x4 6.7 Crew LB DRW 6sp 12 3500 Ram Laramie 4x4 6.7L Mega DRW 08 D2500 4x4, 6.7L, Reg, AT 07 F250 4x4 6.0 SCab AT 07 D3500 4x4 DRW 5.9 Flat AT 07 G3500 4x4 6.6L Crew 6 sp 06 D2500 4x4 5.9 Mega AT 05 D2500 4x4 5.9 6sp, LB 04 D2500 4x4 5.9L Quad AT 04 G2500 4x4 6.0 Crew AT 04 D2500 4x4 5.9 6sp 03 C2500HD 4x4 6.6 Crew AT 97 D2500 4x4 5.9 Reg AT 96 D2500 4x4 5.9 Reg 5sp 94 D2500 4x4 5.9 Reg AT Krogman Elec Bale bed 8’ single rear whl Grill Guards, Bale beds, Flat beds in stock Toll Free 888-425-7024 A Farmtrade Co. - Formerly XSAg Name Your Price for Farm Chemicals Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides and more Save 10-20%+ Call or Log on Today Toll Free 877-497-2436 Ag Chemicals PRICES BELOW WHOLESALE 1-800-658-4394 VERY CHEAP GLYPHOSATE! For Prices And Delivery RED WILLOW CHEMICAL MCCOOK, NE 69001 Web Site: Banvel $63.00, Glyfos+ $10.75, LV6 $20, Extreme $17.50. Will meet or beat all prices! Benes Service, Valparaiso, Nebraska. PH-402-784-3581. CROP PROTECTION chemicals, wholesale prices, Fry Brothers Fertilizer. PH-800-357-3996. 4C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 150. Chemicals 1-800-821-4289 Buy Right, Buy Sims Chemical Fertilizer Fungicide Seed Seed Treatment Call 1-800-876-9115 visit us at Wickman Chemical Staunch $36.55/Gal. Compare to Surestart IOWA: 712-243-7739 KANSAS: 408-560-2802 171. Crop Spraying ACRES WANTED: Custom rye wicking, GPS Auto-Steer, front mount booms, sponge wicks, Oklahoma to South Dakota, references available. Robert Moss, Cell-580-216-4141. 180 Disc rolling/Sharpening CUSTOM DISC Rolling. Darrell Wagoner, Hays, Kansas, will travel. PH785-625-5886; Cellular 785-650-4094. DISC ROLLING and disc blades for sale, Charge no mileage. Jess Putnam, Overton, Nebraska, PH-800987-6612; CELL-308-325-0050. ZOGGS Professional Disc Rolling Landoll Specialists. Custom machines for the absolute best job in the industry! 55 years combined experience. Servicing 7 states. Cell-575-749-3103 or 575-749-6175 190. Ditching/Terracing BEST TILE carts in the Midwest. Best Prices. PH-515-789-2005. 200. Electronic Equipment ADVANTAGE COMMUNICATIONS TECNET MOTOROLA ICOM MARINE BAND TECNET TM 8000 50 watt. . . . . .$199 FCC LICENSING SERVICE & REPAIR We repair IPAD, IPOD, or Cell Phone 1-800-721-9631 2-Way Radios BEST PRICES Motorola 240. Farm/Ranches/Real Estate 240. Farm/Ranches/Real Estate 240. Farm/Ranches/Real Estate 240. Farm/Ranches/Real Estate 1-800-247-7863 3 QUARTERS IN Morton County in CRP until 2021, no mineral rights, serious inquiries only. PH-620-640-3506 for location or to make offer. BACA COUNTY, CO LAND AUCTION Grass and Farmland 199.7 Ac NW of Walsh, CO Bid by Phone: Starting 3/31 Ending 4/30 5pm MST Bidding Packets & Auction Bills Available Bidding Info: Call Cruikshank Realty, Inc. 800-341-6039 COLORADO 611.39 acres of dryland, 50% planted to wheat and 2/3 retained by seller, south of Vona, CO, Kit Carson County, CO (B) New Listing! 654.7 acres of CRP available for sale with 2020 contract and 5% return, in Kiowa County, CO (C) 182.5 acres of CRP available for sale with 2015 contract. South of Flagler, CO in Kit Carson County, CO (B) 636.60 acres of CRP available for sale with 2020 contract in Cheyenne County, CO (C) 153 acres of prime dryland. 100% planted to wheat, South of Flagler, CO on Kit Carson County, CO (B) 593.9 acres of CRP South of Burlington in Kit Carson County (B,L) 320 Acres of CRP with 2020 contract South of Flagler, in Kit Carson County (B,L) KANSAS 160 acres of irrigated farm land, Southeast of Lakin, KS in Kearny County. (L) Office: 719-346-8661 Larry Hostetler: 719-346-8661 Breck Vassios: 719-349-1785 Cary Schlosser: 719-349-0478 See our new website at KANSAS: TH – 320 ac cropland NE of Levant, KS – E/2 of 36-6-36 - PRICE REDUCED RH – 270 ac expiring CRP, grass & cropland, 2 ½ mi W of Otis on Hwy 4 NORTON: 320 ac w/2 pivots & 2 wells – immed possession – 160 acres growing wheat to the Buyer – all minerals to the Buyer – S/2 of 8-5-25 320 ac irrigated & dryland SE of Clayton, SW/4 of 28-4-25 & NW/4 of 33-4-25- approved for 95 acre pivot with115AF at 800 GPM – PRICE REDUCED DC – 160 ac irr cropland, 1 mi S of Traer, ½ alfalfa, 1,000 GPM, 112 AF - NW/4 of 2-2-30 RA – 480 ac cropland & grass, W of Herndon, E/2 of 11-2-32 & SW/4 of 12-2-32 GOVE: 160+ac cropland, S of Grainfield off Hwy 23 – SE/4 of 12-12-29 – PRICE REDUCED Two qtrs of cropland & grass, SW of Gove, SE/4 of 8-14-30 & NW/4 of 28-14-30 – avail in 2 tracts SD – 160 ac cropland, 1½ mi E of Rexford cemetery- NE/4 of 17-7-30 TR – 320 ac– 83 ac cropland, balance in grass – 2 mi from Cedar Bluffs Reservoir – includes modern farmstead w/2 homes – S/2 of 22-1423 COLORADO: PROWERS - 138+ ac on county line NE of Hartman – 121 ac cropland KIOWA: 160 ac CRP, SW of Sheridan Lake – 143.6 ac enrolled thru 2020 w/ $4,634 ann pmt, 100% of 2015 pmt to Buyer – NEW LISTING 742.4 ac CRP, ann pmt $24,967 thru 2022, SW of Eads – 5% return 943.6 ac CRP, ann pmt $33,970 thru 2021, SW of Eads – 5% return 160 ac cropland SW of Sheridan Lake, Co – NE/4 of 4-19-44 1,550+/- ac cropland & CRP w/hunting potential, SE of Eads, avail in 2 tracts BENT - 260+/- cropland, just NE of Las Animas, immed poss - great hunting & fishing property, good place to winter cow herd UPCOMING AUCTIONS: See ads in auction section 3/31/15 – 960 acres Rawlins County, KS 4/2/15 – 150+ ac Graham Co, KS on Solomon River 4/7/15 – 2,565+ acre Russell Co, KS grass ranch & cropland 4/10/15 – 475+ acres excellent Decatur Co, KS cropland 4/14/15 – 775+ acres irr & dryland cropland in Cheyenne Co, CO & Wallace Co, KS 4/16/15 – 400 acres Ford Co, KS grassland w/Country Home 4/21/15 – 480 acres Sheridan Co, KS grassland NE of Hoxie 4/24/15 – 320 acres Norton Co, KS cropland 4/28/15 – Farm Machinery & Equipment for Kistler Farms, 9S & 2W of Colby 5/12/15 – 290 acres Decatur Co, KS cropland & grass near KS/NE state line by Cedar Bluffs LAWTON COMMUNICATIONS PH-800-583-8383 FARM & RANCH REALTY, INC 210. Employment Wanted IF YOU need trucks for wheat silage, Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. PH620-874-5207. 240. Farm/Ranches/Real Estate 173 Acres Thomas County cropland located 3 miles West of Oakley, KS. Immediate possession or 3-year cash lease available to an investor. $1,480/Acre Call Rock today! WANTED: Your Ag Listings! Rock L. Bedore (785) 443-1653 Tom Harrison (785) 443-0136 179 +/- Ac Irrigated Farm Lamb Co TX Very nice farm with large amounts of depreciable assets. 726 +/- Ac Irrigated Farm Ochiltree Co TX Good Pullman clay loam soils, saturated sands, and in a good productive farming area. 1,751 +/- Ac Grassland Union Co NM Sandy, native grass pasture that was not grazed in 2014. Two domestic wells, one solar, and one electric. 635 +/- Ac Irrigated Farm Parmer Co TX Nice level farm with some added value in 130 CRP acres. Five electric wells. Largest Land Broker In the Texas Panhandle Amarillo 806-355-9856 BEAUTIFUL BAHAMA property, 2 old to enjoy, $40,000 or trade cows or new truck. Victor, PH-620-297-3400. 320+/- ACRES NORTH of WRAY, YUMA COUNTY, CO. 250+/- pivot irrigated, excellent soils, excellent crop history, sugarbeet and potato potential two wells 400 AF per well, Zimmatic pivot 38" tires, R-MAC, effluent easement, no buildings, tenant will stay or you farm, $2,100,000 970-221-2607 Les 970-214-6139 or Greg 970-218-5911 719-523-6802 Baca County, CO Land For Sale 2,217 +/- Acres Grassland, 207 Acres in CRP, includes ranching improvements, residence, grain storage, existing wells, tanks & pipeline. . . . . .$1,400,000 160 Acres Dry farmland located SE of Walsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$128,000 2,610 Acres, 309 Acres Grassland, balance dry farmland, includes residence, shop, barns and other improvements ...............$1,750,000 218 Acres, 189 Acres CRP balance native grass........................$122,000 ACCREDITED LAND BROKERS LAND & RANCHES FOR SALE 844-ALB-LAND/844-252-5263 ALTO/CAPITAN, NM – Choice grama grass ranch w/fresh air & mountain scenery! 1,500 ac. +/deeded, 6,400 ac. +/- forest lease, 160 ac. +/- State lease, beautiful areas for a home sight. Adjoins major hwys. on two sides, excellent access. CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE ALTO/CAPITAN RANCH Minutes from Ruidoso. A multi-purpose property w/15.6434 ac. +/-laboratory/office, covered pens, home. Ideal for use for horse or cattle breeding, embryo transfer facility, vet clinic or many other uses in a beautiful area of NM. PRICEOWNER MOTIVATED! TUCUMCARI VALLEY - Choice 960 ac. irr. farm, 5 circles, 3 phase power, 2 large hay barns enclosed on three sides, 755.5 ac. of Arch Hurley dist. water rights, on pvmt. & all weather road. CHOICE ¼ in the strong water area of S. Castro Co., Texas w/sprinkler. TRIANGLE TRUCK WASHOUT on Hwy. 60 – Hereford, Texas. PRICE REDUCED! PLEASE view our websites for details on these properties, choice NM ranches (large & small), choice ranches in the high rainfall areas of OK, irr./dryland/CRP & commercial properties. We need your listings on any types of ag properties in TX., NM, OK & CO Ben G. Scott – Broker Krystal M. Nelson – Qualifying Broker 800-933-9698 CAPITAL GAINS tax legally forgiven on the sale of real estate, stocks, s-corps, or c-corps, livestock, family businesses, even if selling to family members, without having to do a 1031 exchange. We have the capability of eliminating or reducing the inheritance tax. Hoffman Associates PH-866-500-8600 FARMS, RANCHES, and Recreational Properties. Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota. PH-402-336-4110 Gene Cruikshank/Broker 20 South Main, Lamar, CO 81052 719-336-7802 CATTLE RANCH: 920 Acres, house, shop, corrals, irrigated pastures, farm ground. Small farm/ranch, approximately 61 acres, 2000 manufactured home on permanent foundation, newer 42x80 barn with large overhang, newer garage/shop 30x48. Additional parcels available. Properties located in Burlington, Wyoming. John Davidson, Big Horn Realty LLC. PH-307272-5060. COLORADO Kit Carson County 320+/- acres CRP. Exp 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$384,000 Prowers County 480+/- acres dryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Reduced $424,800 Kiowa County 320± acres irrigated……..$950,000 Adams County 1397+/- acres dryland 4 tracts .$4,470,400 77+/- acres dryland S2SW4 .....$134,750 77+/- acres dryland N2SW4.....$134,750 621+/- acres dryland . .$1,117,800 El Paso County 987+/- acres CRP . . . . . . . . . .$1,480,500 Dale Stull - Broker Cell-719-349-5710 Toll Free 866-346-5710 Company Phone - 785-260-0209 Price Reduced: 960 Acres: Pueblo County Colorado, 880 crop ground, 80 acres native pasture, $525 an acre. Call Emery, 785-656-2756 or Tami, 719-651-0515. Sold: Cheyenne County CRP 619 Acres. Call Tami Witt 719-651-0515. 785-656-2756, Emery Jennings 719-651-0515, Tami Witt FARM & RANCH REAL ESTATE LOANS Available In Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, And Arizona Specializing in large financing packages. Purchase, refinance, convert from variable to fixed rate, FSAFarm ownership guaranteed loans. For friendly, knowledgeable service Contact: DERYL HUNTER FARMERS NATIONAL COMPANY Serving America's Landowners Since 1929 Over the last five years, FNC sold $2.65 billion of property - 3,700 farms, 1,200 sold at auction. For all of your landowner needs, contact: Brock Thurman, AFM Area Vice President (620) 825-4320 or (620) 886-0576 Kiowa, Kansas [email protected] HOUSE, 10 ACRES with 500 sow farrow to feeder pig operation, $150,000. Whitewater, Kansas, PH-316-7992226; PH-316-210-6636. NO-SOLICITORS. LAND AUCTION 356.36+/- Acres Custer County, Nebraska Monday, April 27, at 1:00 PM at the Custer County 4-H Building in Broken Bow, Nebraska Irrigated and dryland farm ground, and pasture One mile of Middle Loup River frontage and secluded cabin Located north and east of the river bridge from Gates, Nebraska For additional property details, contact: Jim Eberle, Agent/Auctioneer 308-870-1785 [email protected] or Dave Davis, Broker 1-877-872-6413 [email protected] Broken Bow, Nebraska 675 Ac. Harper Co. KS & Alfalfa Co 68,000+/- acres leasehold OK.......................................$1.7 Million 624 Woods Co OK....................$650,000 for sale in N Central MT 894 Irrigated Harper Co OK....$2,800,000 Call Us To 860 Woodward Co OK.............$903,000 Sell Or Lease 2,000 ac. Clark Co., KS ranch......$2,600,000 Harper Co OK 900 ac IRRIG Cropland Your Oil & Gas .................................................$2.8MM Minerals Listing agent: Nick Zerr 785-673-6424 www.HuntingCountry.Net www.MineralMarketing.Com National Headquarters - Alva, OK 580-327-4440 Shane Terrel 580-327-7889 March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 5C 240. Farm/Ranches/Real Estate 240. Farm/Ranches/Real Estate 240. Farm/Ranches/Real Estate Circle W Ranch Premier central Oregon cattle and sporting ranch encompassing 11,615± deeded acres and featuring four miles of the John Day River, excellent improvements, a working cattle operation, and superb hunting for big game and upland birds. Located 85 miles east of Prineville. $12,500,000 Trent Jones – 208.622.4133 [email protected] HALLANDHALL.COM FEEDLOT FOR SALE By Owner: 27,000 Head capacity, modern Gearnsteam flake mill, good water, 8 miles to ethanol plant, Plainview, Texas. Good spot to collect, grow or finish cattle, $50/head, $1,350,000. PH-254883-3811; PH-806-685-0540. Finney Co. N 1/2 of 22-25-31 Sprinkler Irr. appr. 315 A equipment, good water, $4,000/acre Jon Fort, Owner/Broker Email @ [email protected] 1145 E. Kansas Plaza Garden City, KS 67846 PH-620-275-8200 PH-800-222-2048 Fax-620-276-2681 ***FOR SALE: 3 tracts of pivot irrigated land located in Thomas County KS. Seller will sale individually or together. Land all located within the same vicinity. Contains 1,600+/- Total Acres. (Land is owned by a licensed real estate agent). Call Molly J. Oliver for details! Molly J. Oliver 785-462-5203 Kevin M. Barnett 785-443-1722 Rusty Tooley 620-338-0682 Lee Juenemann 785-871-0960 Paul Juenemann 785-871-5040 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE & AUCTION SERVICE, LC 180 Acres Native Grass, Chase Co. Ks. $2,050.00/acre. Rolling hills, watered by 2 ponds KEARNY COUNTY, KANSAS 320 Acres Irrig. SE of Lakin Bid By March 31, 2015 LANE COUNTY, KANSAS 1,600 Acres pasture & improvements Bid By March 31, 2015 MORTON COUNTY, KANSAS 320 Acres CRP, SW of Richfield Bid By March 31, 2015 GRANT COUNTY, KANSAS 139 Acres, Farmland-Selling Absolute Bid by April 7, 2015 HAMILTON COUNTY, KANSAS 240 Acres & prod minerals Bid by April 14, 2015 STANTON COUNTY, KANSAS 320 Acres CRP W of Johnson Bid by April 14, 2015 GRANT COUNTY, KANSAS 320 Acres CRP-S. of Hickok Bid by April 21, 2015 UpComing HASKELL COUNTY, KANSAS 640 Acres good irrigation TOLL FREE: 1-866-365-2243 12 Licensed Agents Serving Kansas, Colorado, Oklahoma & Missouri Over 30,000 Acres Sold Last Year 138.8 Ac. Ft. Lyon Irrigated Farm. 145 Shares Ft. Lyon 2 Irr. Wells Drip Irr. Otero Cty., CO....$524,300 8,624 Ac Ranch, 7,664 deeded acres; 25 miles Southwest of Lamar, CO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,739,00 Updated Listing - Exceptional Property - 10,125 +/- acres of tillable land, open pasture, and woods in northern MS. Set up for stocker cattle with improved grasses, a grow yard for 700 head, grass traps for 2,000 head, and will handle 4,000 head on summer grass. Also has a 90,000 bu. grain facility and a commodity barn with stationary mixer. As a cow operation the property would handle 3,000 to 3,500 cows year-round and has a purebred sale facility. Land cost per cow is one of the lowest in the US. With the woods, a minimal amount of marsh, 45 minutes to downtown Memphis, and numerous lakes and streams, this property has exceptional recreational value. The property also has a modern 4,500+/- sq. ft. owners’ home with a private lake. Listed in cooperation with a MS Broker. New Listing - 13,000 head yard with nearly 900 acres of land and dry roll feedmill in central Kansas. 12,000 head feedyard in the Dodge City, KS area. Permitted for 20,000 head. Newer steam flake feedmill, bunker style commodity barn, 48,000 bushels of grain storage, and two bunker silos. Has modern cattle handling facilities. The yard, structures, and all equipment are in excellent condition. Includes 500 irrigated acres under 4 pivots. In excellent environmental condition. An excess of water rights and pumping capacity at 12,000 head. ESLABON PROPERTIES A Division of Clift Land Brokers Richard Bretz 806-463-3371 - 806-674-7211 Land Buyers! Look For More Land In Our Auction Section At The End Of The Classifieds! Land Buyers! Look For More Land In Our Auction Section At The End Of The Classifieds! 620-273-6421 Cottonwood Falls, KS Hale & Hale LTD 2,700A m/l 800 cow S.W. MO cattle ranch, avg 40” rainfall 4,400A m/l N.E. OK, 1,000 cow ranch, good fences, plenty water, very nice improvements 3,265A Bourbon Co., KS, 1/2 tillable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,700/A For more info call: 417-884-2211 INVESTORS, LARGE crop farms for sale, South and Southeast USA, 5-100 million cash prices, 4-6% returns. PH515-493-9345. KIT CARSON COUNTY, CO 1,560 +/- Deeded ac. GR/IR/DL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,500,000 360 +/- acres GR/CRP/DL with Improvements . . . . . . . . . .$320,000 WASHINGTON COUNTY, CO 320+/- acres DL . . . . . . .$480,000 ROCKING X LAND CO. LTD Virgil George, Owner Broker 719-349-1966 or 719-346-5420 [email protected] Brian Rose, Managing Broker Cimarron, KS Office 620-855-4809 240. Farm/Ranches/Real Estate Nebraska Sand Hills Ranch Farm and Ranch Mortgage Loans Long-term fixed, floating or adjustable rate financing Mike Borowski Kearney, NE 308-338-8917 [email protected] Jeff Holaday Highlands Ranch, CO 303-997-7750 [email protected] Dan Serna Austin, TX 512-947-7056 [email protected] Ken Crump Amarillo, TX 806-622-0302 [email protected] 240. Farm/Ranches/Real Estate Gene Cruikshank/Broker 20 South Main, Lamar, CO 81052 719-336-7802 1,920 acres w/9 Pivots & 15 Wells, Moore Co., TX, $3,200/acre LICENSED IN OKLAHOMA & KANSAS Contact us for marketing consultation and visit our website for current listings. WWW.CROSSTIMBERSLAND.COM Lee Holcombe Jeff Henry Jerry Brabander Ben Allen (918) 287-1996 5,754 Acres All Contiguous Mike Cerny 402-670-3875 Home Real Estate Ranch Division New Mexico Ranch 16,755 Deeded $9,000,000 Historic Headqtrs Santa Rosa, NM Charles Bennett Vista-Nueva, Inc. 575-356-5616 THIS COULD BE YOUR AD CALL 620-227-7171 and ask about the options we have available Real Estate Auction 560 Ac res of Wilson County land (9660 Pratt Road Altoona, KS) w/180.5 Tillable, balance in fescue/grassland, with 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath home, CH & CA. Property will be offered in tracts & then as a unit. Mineral rights are included – subject to oil & gas lease. Sale Day–Sat. April 11, 2015 -1:00 P.M. at Fredonia VFW, 1 Mi S of Fredonia on Harper Road. For details or brochure contact Sellers Agent – Larry Marshall Auction & Realty, Fredonia, KS 620-3784356 or 620-485-6136 Carver Trust Owner LAND FOR SALE 150 Acres CRP–Grant County KS 1280 Acres Irrigated, Dryland and CRP – Grant County, Kansas Jerry Stutzman, Broker 620-353-9411 Tobias Stutzman, Agent 620-952-1478 Richard Hagerman, Agent 620-353-9191 Licensed in Kansas & Oklahoma 260. Feed/Grain WANTED DAMAGED GRAIN We pay top dollar for damaged grain. Trucks and vac’s avail. Immediate response anywhere. Call For A Free Quote Today! Pruess Elevator Inc PH-1-800-828-6642 250 BALES NET wrapped milo stalks, $50/Ton. PH-620-278-6014. Texline, TX Farm: 1,650+/- acres, center pivot irrigation with dryland corners. Diversity of crop production and cattle applications, excellent roads and nearby grain facilities, feedyards, and sale barns. Dalhart, TX Farm: 2,400-acre corn/wheat farm w/ center pivot irrigation, improvements include grain storage, nice shop. Spring Lake, TX Farm: 1,490 acres, highly productive w/ center pivot irrigation, drip irrigation and some side roll applications. Texas Panhandle Feedyard: Efficient feedyard w/flaking capabilities in the TX Panhandle. 1,216 acres grass, 330 acres farm ground. Very nice home. Oklahoma Farm & Feedlot: 480+/acres, 124+/- acres irrigated, 245+/CRP program, 6,000 head cattle handling facility, Victorian home, manager’s home, apartment, shops, barns in OK panhandle. TX #9000849 OK #170710 Zurick Labrier 806-681-9099 (250) BALES GOOD quality grinding prairie hay, approximately 1,300#, $55/Ton. PH-620-845-4168. 300 BMR CANEX ROUND bales, net wrapped, very low nitrates, 7% protein, small stem, $75/Ton. PH-785754-3611 or PH-785-769-3458. 300 HAYGRAZER 3X4 SQUARE Bales, $75/Ton; 2,000+ shredded Milo stalks, 3x4x8 square bales, came off good irrigated Milo. Sublette, Kansas area, $60/Ton, can deliver. PH-620-260-5782. 3x4 CRABGRASS HAY, 3x4 HAYGRAZER, LOW nitrate. El Reno, Oklahoma, PH-405-314-2589. 3x4x8 CORN STALKS. Northeast New Mexico, PH-575-207-9873. 500T MID-SIZE RECTANGULAR Bluestem grass hay, barn stored, never pastured. PH-620-496-5044. 600+ ROUND BALES OF CANE, 8.4% protein, 428 PPM, excellent quality, delivery available, $80/ton. Hays, Kansas, PH-785635-3310. 800+ 5x6 ROUND BALES, mulch hay, net wrapped. PH- 580-327-7139. 940-723-5500 Land Auction Macon County, MO 1,350 Ac. 2 Tracts Productive Tillable Cropland! Improved Pasture Land! Outstanding hunting/rec. tracts! Sat., Apr. 25 1 PM 217-847-2160 PRIVATE AUCTION 320 Acres CRP – Grant County, KS – Bid By April 14, 2015 264 Acres Irrigated – Grant County, KS – Bid by May 5, 2015 175T ALFALFA, GRINDING quality, 4x4’s; 50T Prairie hay, 4x4’s. PH-785691-7498. SOUTHERN PLAINS LAND CO. 2,300 Ac of Irrig Land Haskell CO 517 CRP Haskell CO/950 640 Mineral Acres Gray CO 728 Gray County IRR 407 Wet 3,200 Ac. ranch with house, El Paso County CO. The Land Company Cheryl Zortman-Land Broker PH-620-338-6063 212 N. Main St-Ulysses, KS 67880 620-356-1954 PUBLIC AUCTION 4,800 Acres Irrigated–Grant County Kansas. Thursday April 23, 2015 @ 10:00 am, Grant County Civic Center / South Room 1000 W. Patterson Avenue – Ulysses, KS 67880 Live Auctions Online Auctions Real Estate Brokerage Crop Insurance The Simplest Way To Buy & Sell Land Anywhere in the U.S. A-1 HORSE QUALITY Brome, small squares, 60-65#’s, 20,000 bales, can load semis, any size orders welcome, $4/bale. PH-913-897-3026; Cell-913742-0303. ALFALFA AND Prairie hay for sale, 3x3’s, 3x4’s and round bales. C&H Hay and Cattle, PH-620-496-7174. O: 580-596-3838 C:580-748-0787 Cherokee, OK NEBRASKA Cherry County 276+/- Acres Excellent horse property w/modest home, detached garage, set of corrals, & calving barn w/balance native range. Price: $385,000 Heartland Country Real Estate PH-402-376-2000 VERY PRODUCTIVE NE Texas ranch, runs 200+ pairs and produces hay, barns, corrals and 2 houses. PH-405-313-2231. Whole Plant Milo Corn Stalks Alfalfa Testing Available Located in Pratt & Hoxie, KS Delivery Available Contact Lee At 620-672-4490 ALFALFA AND prairie hay, delivered. John Waechter, Emporia, Kansas, PH-620-342-1080; PH-800835-0260. ALFALFA BIG rounds, outside. Eastern Nebraska, PH-402-690-7811. 6C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 260. Feed/Grain ALFALFA HAY For Sale: Dairy quality round bales, $160/Ton. Texas Panhandle. Cell-806-205-1278. ALFALFA HAY Wanted: Rounds and squares. Central Kansas, PH-800952-4146; PH-620-285-1213. ALFALFA HAY: Ralston, Wyoming and Billings, Montana, 3x4x8 squares. PH-406-698-7337. 260. Feed/Grain 270. Seed NETWRAP 64"x7,000' 67"x7,000' 48''x9,840' 51''x9,840' $215 $220 $220 $225 4,000’ - 350 4,000’ - 440 4,150’ - 525 20,000’ - 110 7,000’ - 170 $32 $36 $38 $27 $29 Call 800-552-3295 ALFALFA PELLETS sun cured ¼’’ and alfalfa meal, 17% protein; Chopped alfalfa; We Buy & Sell Alfalfa. PH-620-793-7701. PRAIRIE HAY: 3x3x8 square, good quality, delivery available. PH-620496-7253. ALFALFA WANTED: Big squares or rounds. Chris, PH-620-253-2661; Toll Free-877-394-0890. PRAIRIE/BROME excellent quality, small squares. Emporia, PH-620-7944293. ALFALFA, SMALL squares, 75# bales, horse and dairy quality. Eastern Nebraksa, PH-402-690-7811. PREMIUM RANGE Cubes. $199/Ton. We Deliver. Brock Baker, PH 316249-1907. ALFALFA; Prairie and Cane hay; Corn and Milo stalks, grinding and delivery available. PH-620-653-4733; Cell-620-793-2094. Hoisington, Kansas. PREMIUM SMALL square prairie hay, will load your truck. PH-918-7606644. BIG ROUND AND big squares of Brome, Milo stalks, prairie hay. Cell316-772-3675. Alfalfa, Grassy Alfalfa, Straw, Corn Stalks, Soybean Stubble, Milo Stalks, Brome, Prairie Hay, Etc. We deliver bales, ground or grind on site. 785-527-2450 "Cold Tolerant Bermuda Grasses" WRANGLER STAMPEDE STAMPEDE PLUS RIATA 1-800-375-4613 Enid, Oklahoma Lic #SDRW217 Crabgrass Seed QUICK-N-BIG & RED RIVER CRABGRASS VARIETY SEEDS Cert. by OK Crop Improvement Assn. Non-Certified Also Available CAN SHIP * DEALERS WELCOME DALRYMPLE FARM * THOMAS, OK 580-670-0043 * Fax 580-661-3997 FREE Management Booklet Available DAMAGED GRAIN WANTED We Buy Damaged Grain In Any Condition, Wet Or Dry, Including Damaged Silo Corn At Top Dollar, Anywhere We Have Vacs & Trucks Call Heidi or Larry NORTHERN AG SERVICE INC. SHREDDED MILO stalk round bales $50/T, grass bales. PH-620357-5113. SORGHUM SILAGE: Excellent test, 3,000/Ton, $40/Ton. Cell-417-7771136. WANTED TO Buy: Round or square alfalfa bales. Steve, PH-620-357-4095. SPRING COVER CROP MIXES: GREENSPRING (FEB-MAR) Oats, Peas GREEN-UP (Feb-March) Oats, Forage Peas, Spring Barley, Chickling Vetch, Spring Tritacale Full line of custom mix cover crops NATIVE GRASSES & TURF Pasture & Permanent Cover solutions Brome, Orchard, Reeds Canary, Timothy, Barefoot Buffalograss, Tuff Turf Fescue, K-31, and others LARGE ROUND brome bales, approximately 1600#’s, net wrapped, $50/each. PH-913-886-8485. LARGE SQUARE 3x4 corn stalk bales; Round bales of Milo and grass; Small square straw bales. PH-620428-5657; PH-580-651-4250. OAT BALES, round wrapped. PH620-826-576; PH-580-727-5059. PRAIRIE HAY, big square, big rounds, delivery available. PH-620433-1781. PRAIRIE HAY, good 5’ rounds, net wrapped, near Wichita, Kansas, $75/Ton, delivery possible. PH-316371-0812. 800-567-3125 Soybeans: Partridge, KS Group III-V Non-GMO and organic seed, corn, soybeans, milo, oats and barley. Roberts Seed, PH-308-743-2565. Cover Crop: Winter Peas, Oil Seed Radish, Ryegrass, Rye, Turnips Plant the Best WL Alfalfas Oats Shelby 427, Jerry, Goliath WL 372HQ.RR WL 356HQ.RR Also Conventional Alfalfas Milo: 90-125 RM Miller Seed Farms Sorghum Sudans: Forage Sorghums: 800-567-3125 SPRING CREEK AG PRODUCTS For Early Forage Seeding: SAS W-4 Beardless Forage Wheat exceedingly vegetative Tri-Cal 141 beardless forage triticale Everleaf 126, an elite class of forage oats Kona Oats, enhanced forage, yield potential Flex, high bio mass yielding pea Also, Jerry, Shelby, Horsepower and Goliath Oat Seed, Barley Seed Delivery Available PH-800-432-5672 BMR Early Booking & Volume Discounts Haven, KS 620-465-2245 Denver, CO 888-577-5650 Lehi, UT 800-992-5040 CRP Cover Crops Reclamation Improve your returns by improving pasture. Did You Know??? Oats Inhibit Kocia & Palmer Amaranth! Shelby 427 Forage Oats Black Cover Crop Oats Cleaned, Ready-to-Plant Call Dave Reisig: 785.483.1464 4462 189th Street Russell, KS SPRING OATS SPRING BARLEY Booking MAGNUM OATS EVERLEAF 126 OATS JERRY OATS OAT/PEA BLENDS AVAILABLE IN 50# BAGS, TOTES OR BULK Booking BMR & CONVENTIONAL SORGHUMS BMR BRACHYTIC DWARFS FORAGE SORGHUMS SORGHUM SUDANS Booking GREEN SPIRIT ITALIAN RYEGRASS TIFFANY TEFF GRASS IRRIGATED & DRYLAND PASTURE PROGRAMS WHOLESALE & RETAIL PRICING CASH DISCOUNTS Delivery is available Three locations to serve you! Clovis, N.M. Dumas, TX 806-241-8644 844-683-5868 Burlington, CO 866-655-7380 “Seeding Tomorrow’s Success Today” Best Seed - Best Price Can Deliver Call T. John Hayden Guymon, Oklahoma PH-405-880-6710 WHOLESALE -RETAIL LOWEST PRICES NOW BOOKING SPRING CROPS BIG CROP BRAND MILO RIBBON GRAZER FORAGE SORGHUM ALSO AVAILABLE NK & MYCOGEN CORN SEED Custom Seed Cleaning, Treating & Bagging WE HAVE THE SEED YOU NEED! 800-687-2891 806-948-4642 Fax: 806-948-1606 EASTERN GAMMA Grass Seed: 2014 Crop, 50#/Bags. Cell-620-583-4523. 101 Industrial Ave., Osbonrne, KS 800-782-7311 FIRST CUTTING BMR Hay Grazer, grinding hay, $30/bale. PH-405-2340803. High Energy Liquid Feed 22% Protein 8% Fat $230 ton/Atchison, KS $235 ton/Alva, OK High Fat Feedlot Rations Available Minimum order 23 ton Truck loads National Feed Commodities 888-674-8279 Shelby 427 Jerry Horsepower 800-634-2836 270. Seed 800-205-5751 GRASS BALES, 10-11% protein, net wrapped round bales and also square bales; Also have Corn stalk round bales, $70/T. PH-785-7696080. Corn: ROUND BALES of Bermuda. King Farms, PH-405-797-3867. FARMERS: ARE you looking for ways to increase your yields without changing your operation? Call today PH-660-654-1694. Miller Seed Farms Spring Seed Oats Email: [email protected] CORN STALKS, bean stalks, grass hay and alfalfa, 4x4 or 3x4 bales, can load or deliver. Cell-620-338-2217; Cell-620-664-2872. Kauffman Seeds 100-117 RM QUALITY SMALL square Prairie hay, Eastern Kansas, Delivery available. PH-620-341-2100; PH-620-3413635. SMALL SQUARE prairie hay, $120 ton. PH-620-382-4522. Buying and Selling: 270. Seed “Seed and Service that make a World of Difference” TWINE ALFALFA LARGE square bales, crabgrass, prairie hay round bales. PH620-786-0589. BERMUDA, Alfalfa, CRABGRASS, Lovegrass, Wheat straw, 4x8 bales. Will deliver. PH-1-800-457-1348; PH405-664-7098 after 5pm. 270. Seed BULK TRITICALE Seed. Cleaned and Delivered. Call Brock Baker, PH316-249-1907. 254-582-8314 HAYSEED Super Sugar-Super Sugar DM Sweet Forever BMR - Sweet Six BMR HILLSBORO, TX Forage, Grazing & Cover Crop, Pasture & CRP Mixes, Wildlife, Grass, Alfalfa, Oats, Pea, Millet, Sorgo/Sudan, Teff, Radish, Turnip, Lawn, Retail & Dealer Sales. Toll free 866-373-2514 Sorghum Sudangrass Hybrid GRAZEX III GRAZEX BMR 718 GRAZEX BMR 301 Hybrid Forage Sorghums CANEX CANEX II CANEX BMR 208 Cool Season Grass Mixes PM6 - FAVORITE OF IRRIGATORS PM7 - FLINT HILLS DRYLAND PM8 - HIGH PLAINS DRYLAND FORAGE SPECIALISTS EXCEPTIONAL PALATABILITY & ANIMAL PERFORMANCE LEVIN FARMS Inc., Certified Jerry Seed Oats in Bulk or Jumbo Bags 575-762-4759 Clovis, New Mexico WHEAT TRITICALE FORAGE BLENDS Irrigated Pasture Grasses Native Pasture Grasses Lawn Turf Grasses Alfalfa SPECIALIZING IN INVESTMENTS THAT GROW ALFALFA SEED: Buy the best, VNS $2.45/lb; Team $2.75/lb. Grant Fesler, Abbyville, Kansas, Cell-620-727-5407. Delivery Available PH-800-569-4511 PH-785-476-3252 Kensington, KS MEGA GREEN SUPERIOR QUALITY SORGHUM SUDAN No Seed Head All Summer Long Up to 21 4’ Leaves per Plant 3 to 4 Times the Yield Lower Seeding Rate Drought Tolerant Higher Weight Gains Unbelievable Regrowth 254-840-4774 [email protected] Wheat CERTIFIED & REGISTERED Beardless Wheat SEED STOCK ASSOCIATE FOR Rye Triticale Beardless Triticale Sorghum Sudan Grass Seminole, Texas CERTIFIED ASSOCIATE FOR 877-758-9473 432-758-5311 OGI March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 7C 270. Seed WW SPAR, B-Dahl, Side oats, Little Blue Stem, Sand Blue Stem, Switch grass, Yellow Blossom Clover. PH580-254-1436, Guy’s Seed Company, Vici, Oklahoma. 290. Fencing 290. Fencing 290. Fencing 300. Fertilizer/Fertilizer Equip. Butterfly Supply 800-249-7473 Tri-Beam Guard Rail Tubing Rods Cable Clips I-Beam Post Railroad Ties Steel Fencing & Building Supplies OIL PRICE DROP BENEFITS RANCHERS IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE… 100 Year Cattle Pens! For cattle Producers Or Sale Barn Operators 4-20’ Sect. x 2” OD Pipe Reinforced with yield strength of 55,000 lbs. 328 lbs. / panel CLIPS - CAPS Feedlot Fencing LLC 888-216-4455 UPS SHIP OUT DAILY! DOING ALL kinds of wire fences, removal and installation, Continuous on wood or steel, Pipe and sucker rod fences, Give us a call, we might be able to save you some money. PH-402-366-6460. INTRODUCTORY PRICING For A Limited Time CONTINUOUS FENCE PANELS Round or Square Tubing YOUR CHOICE!! 4,5,6 & 7 Rail Available As well as custom sizes Corral panels, and farm gates BUT THE WINDOW IS CLOSING! See to learn why. 1-855-490-9631 OILFIELD TUBING 2 3/8” - 2 7/8” - 3 1/2” Clean Rods -3/4- 7/8 - 1” 1-855-490-9631 405-282-7373 - 785-587-0400 CBI PIPE & SUPPLY OKLAHOMA KANSAS Ready for your spring fencing projects? Call for prices on Good Used Oilfield Tubing and Casing! Ask for our new Weldable Saddles No More Having To Cut Saddles! WWW.CBIPIPE.COM Box 385, Strong City, KS 66869 FURMAN FENCING And Pasture Clearing: All types of fence: Pipe, Pasture Corrals, Feedlots and much more. No job too big or small, free estimates, insured, pasture cleaning, clearing and dirt work, clean out ponds, dozer and excavator work. Prices vary with every job. Will travel. Call/Text Dustin at PH-785-492-7313. GUARDRAIL: 26’ AND 13.5’, used, straight, no rust, 12 gauge, please call for a delivered quote. PH-423791-4771; PH-620-546-3507; PH712-726-3562. HEDGE POSTS for sale, delivery available. PH-620-433-1325; PH-620625-2363. LIVESTOCK PANELS, 5’3”x10’ 8Bar, $65/each. Rockin’ V Sales, PH620-546-5155, (620)241-2582 - McPherson, KS 2-3/8''; 2-7/8''; 3-1/2'' oilfield tubing ¾'' thru 42'' new & used line pipe square & rectangular tubing plate steel sucker rods beam, channel & angle iron Call us for all your pipe needs. WE CAN DELIVER! BARBWIRE FENCE Builders LLC: Removal, construction and repairs. PH-785-625-5819; PH-800-628-6611; Cell-785-635-1922. PLAINS CUSTOM Fencing: Tear out old, install new, Pasture clearing, tree removal, can travel. Tim Busenitz, PH-316-258-1510. SMITH BROTHERS PIPE: Midland, Texas, New/Used structural pipe, all sizes. PH-325-347-7122; PH-432-6311886. SMITH POST YARD LLC. Hedge Post. Delivery Available. Jeff Smith, PH-620-496-8956. 2011 JD 4830 SPRAYER, 100’ BOOMS, Norac auto-boom height, 15’’ spacing, Auto-Trac, 2485 hours, $147,000, $155,000 including floater tires. Cell-580-763-4025. 60’ 1,000 GALLON WYLIE pull-type sprayer, 450 Raven, single axle, new booms, $4,000. Sharon Springs, Kansas, Cell-785-821-2124; PH-785852-4450. AT CACTUS Tanks - buying all sizes of propane and NH3 tanks. PH-877-258-1020; PH-405-850-9390. DALTON 2010 DW6035 15-SHANK AA bar, Raven cooler, 2-shutoff’s, closing disk. PH-402-297-9602. Fertilizer Placement Norwesco Poly Tanks Biby Ag Nurse Trailers Dual Cone Bottom Trailers Bestway Sprayers Outback GPS Systems Complete Line of All Parts & Equip. For Most Spray Equipment. BIBY AG WAKITA, OK 800-749-2429 WHETHER PLANTING OR DOING OTHER FIELD OPERATIONS We make tubes to place fertilizer for planters, sweep, chisels, etc. Tank Mounts for planters & drills Many styles pump mounts for ground driven pumps for your Imp. KENNETH’S SALES & SVC INC 620-324-5562 WIRE WINDERS gas and hydraulic powered. Pro-Tatch Inc. Toll Free-877-407-8645; JD 4700 SPRAYER, LOW hours, excellent, $49,500. PH-785-985-3605; PH-816-387-6091. 300. Fertilizer/Fertilizer Equip. SCHABEN 4,035 GALLON tank, blue in color, 4” drain. PH-417-359-6753. Sprayer Listings Page 17 Garden City, KS 800-475-4114 NOTICE NEW ECONO TUBE ONLY .30¢ LB B-DECK/WINDBREAK .024”x 36” x 20’ 3” GUARDRAIL FENCING 877-724-5411. All galvanized straight used 12 gauge 12” & 20”w -13.5’ & 26’ lengths Russell, KS/Over 20 years 2006 APACHE 1010, 1,000 GALLON poly tank, 90’ booms, Trimble 750 field IQ controller, steering booms and height, clean machine. $76,000. PH316-833-1119. Brian Ellis 620-200-2647 JOHN DEERE FINANCING AVAILABLE ..Call For Details Deals of the Week ‘08 4730, 100’, 1950h . . . .$125,000 ‘12 4730, 100’, 1400h . . . .$169,900 Sprayers ’12 4940, 120’ DI 1865h . . .$249,900 ’12 4940, 120’ 1350h . . . . .$239,000 ’12 4940, 120’ 1418h . . . . .$227,000 ’13 4940, 120’ 690h . . . . . .$265,000 ’13 4940, 120’ 749h . . . . . .$249,500 ’13 4940, 120’ DI 1200h . . .$259,000 ’14 4940, 120’ 543h . . . . . .$287,500 ’14 4940, 120’ 789h . . . . . .$270,000 ‘09 4930, 120’ 1994h . . . . .$163,500 ’’10 4730, 100’ 1800h . . . . .$159,500 ’13 4730, 100’ 20” 1390h . .$189,900 ’08 4830, 90’ 15” 1550h . . .$159,500 ’10 4830, 90’ 15” 3700h . . .$107,500 ’13 4830, 100’ 20” 1500h . .$199,000 ’14 4830, 100’ 20” 700h . . .$242,500 ’14 4830, 100’ 15” 772h . . .$236,500 ’14 4830, 100’ 15” 687h . . .$249,000 ’13 4830, 120’ 15” 475h . . .$260,000 ’05 4720, 90’ 20” 2950h . . .$105,000 ‘06 4720, 90’ 20” 1463h . . .$118,000 ’10 Rogator 1286C, 90’ 1950h .$169,000 ’11 Rogator 1396, 100’ . . . .$112,900 ’96 Spra Coupe 3430, 60’ 2400h $17,500 ‘95 Tyler XL750, 75’ 3230h .$30,500 4920/30/40 Floatation Tires/rims 75%$12,500 4730 320/90R46 Row Crop Tires/Rims$3,000 47/4830 100’ 15” booms (new) . .$22,000 4930 120’ Wet System . . . . . .$9,000 Bucklin, KS 800-334-4823 Greensburg, KS 888-723-3331 Ness City, KS 800-572-2251 Pratt, KS 800-573-5606 Hoxie 844-688-4362 Quality Liquid Fertilizers Apply pre-plant, dual, at planting side-dress, foliar or irrigation "Assuring Crop Success For You" 1-800-635-4743 Delivery Direct To Your Farm Sure Crop - Seneca, KS SPRAYERS FOR SALE BARBWIRE FENCE CONSTRUCTION; Crews available anywhere USA. Burl Scroggs, PH-800-8390397. Bruning, NE Since 1961 Pipe-Rod-Tubing-Guard Rail Cable-Panels-Gates-Creosote Posts Hi-Tensile-Continuous Fence Custom Gates 888-216-4455 Cable/Fast Delivery/ Pipe 4 1/2 , 5 1/2 Call Scott 785-483-7655 Free 888-634-9345 Call Saraton Pipe & Supply Muskogee, OK - 800-256-5865 Rogers, AR - 866-900-8736 Springfield, MO - 888-862-5281 ALL SIZES of hedge posts, bulk discount. PH-620-654-6066. ALL TYPES Fence: Built and repaired, wire and pipe. Stebbins Fence. Jimmy, PH-1-620-782-3436; Clint, PH-1-316-258-1475. '07 GVM Prowler, 70/90' boom, Raven, Epro, SmartTrax ‘13 PLA 2250, 600 gal, 80’ boom, Raven Epro, Smtx, Accuboom DMI/CNH 5310 Dual Applicator 30’, NH3 & Liquid DMI 5310 Dual Applicator 30’, NH3 & Dry DMI 5300 3pt, 1x2 Shanks, Coulters, Like New BBI Liberty 8 ton Fertilizer Spreaders, 80’ Swath BBI Magnaspread Variable Rate Fertilizer, Lime Speader ‘13 PLA 2500, 660 gal, 90’ Boom, Epro, Smtx, Accuboom, 275 hrs ‘02 Case Patriot XPS Sprayer, 60’ Boom, 600 gal, JD diesel ASK ABOUT AUTOGLIDE BOOM HEIGHT CONTROL Check out our website at: 800-228-4582 No SplitsTOP QUALITYNo Scale GOBOB - The place where REAL CATTLEMEN SHOP! Because Everyone KNOWS we have The BEST PRICES 300. Fertilizer/Fertilizer Equip. ONLY $32.80 EA Oilfield Pipe & Rods All Sizes / Top Quality We provide free delivery on full truckloads in Kansas & the surrounding states. John Seib 785-798-5959 Larry Seib 785-798-5245 S & S Pipe & Steel, Inc, Ness City, KS If you purchased a piece of equipment that you feel was misrepresented in an advertisement appearing in High Plains Journal, Call 1-800-452-7171, ext. 1854 1997 PATRIOT 150, 75’ BOOMS, Trimble auto steer, 3400 hours. PH620-338-6336. ROW CROP MACHINES ‘11 RoGator 1396, Air Max 180 ‘06 JD 4720, 800 Gal, 90’ ‘10 Case 4420, 1200 Gal, 100' '06 RoGator 1274C, 1200 Gal, 90’ ‘06 RoGator 1074, 1080 Gal,90’ ‘05 Case 4410, 1200 Gal, 60-90’ ‘04 Case 4260, 1200 Gal, 60-90’ ‘04 RoGator 1064, 1000 Gal, 100’ ‘04 Wilmar 8500, 800 Gal, 80/90’ ‘01 RoGator 854, 1000 Gal, 60-80’ '02 Case 4260, 1200 Gal, 60-90 ‘97 RoGator 854, 800 Gal., 60-80’ ‘10 ‘09 ‘03 ‘01 ‘01 ‘99 ‘95 ‘09 ‘03 '02 ‘02 LIQUID FLOATERS TG 8203, 1800 Gal, 85' TG 8244, 1800 Gal, 60’-80’ TG 8103, 1800 Gal, 85' TG 8103, 1800 Gal, 80’ TG 8104, 1800 Gal, 70’ TG 8103, 1800 Gal, 60’-80’ Loral, 1600 Gal, 55’-85’ DRY FLOATERS TG 8204, Air Max Precision TG 8103, NL 30/20 G4 TG 9103, Siolection, 70' TG 8104, Air Max, 60' Deerfield Truck & Equipment 866-929-3500 Toll Free; 402-640-6250 Cell Financing Available GREYN FERTILIZER SUPPLY 406-466-5356 406-476-3402 Choteau, MT Dutton, MT 1,450 Gal. NH3 wagons$4,500/ea ‘09 Case 4520 single bin, 70’ 2,000 Gal. twin pack, on older pe- booms............................$164,000 terbilt..............................$36,500 ‘06 AgChem twin bin 5300 hrs., (2) ‘12 AgChem wth twin bins, clean................................$82,000 70’ booms, 1600 hours, extended ‘09 Int. GVM, spinner bed, 1000 warranty..................$228,000/ea hrs., like new...................$99,000 ‘12 Case 4520 3 bin, 70’ bm, 1100 ‘04 Rogator with 60’ air bed, 5500 hrs, extended warr.......$242,000 hrs...................................$67,000 ‘07 Case 4520 3 bin, 3000 hrs., 70’ (5) 25T Wilmar, Adams and boom..............................$164,000 Tyler tenders.........................Call ‘00 Loral Air-Max 5 bed...$56,000 ‘02 Sterling with G4 New Leader bed...................................$49,000 For more inventory visit 275 GALLON CAGE tanks. PH-402285-0460. FERTILIZEREQUIPMENT.NET 8C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 300. Fertilizer/Fertilizer Equip. CORNHUSKER AG GROUP, LLC SPRAYERS ‘12 R/G 1100, 120’, A15, 2400 hr........ ............................................$155,000 ‘12 R/G 1100, 100’, ldd.........$225,000 ‘07 R/G 874 SS, JD A15, A/B, 100’, 2500 hr .................................$84,000 ‘06 R/G 1074, 2500 hr, new rbbr, Outback A15 ........................$85,500 ‘05 R/G 874, 90’, 3K hrs ....Coming In ‘07 Nitro 3275HT, 100’, A/S, 2400 hrs ......................................$125,000 TRACTORS ‘10 JD 320R, PS, ILS, 2100 hrs, F/R, dls ............................................Call $ FLOATERS New BBI sprdrs Call for Details/$ ‘06 T/G 6103, 1800 SS, 80’, DL 3220 G4 w/M1P, 5100 hr, Call Bo...............$84,500 ‘04 T/G 9103, A/R, Max 1000, 4500 hr, Raven...............................................$67,500 ‘02 T/G 8104, A/R Max V, A15, 5K hr ..............................................$34,500 ‘00 T/G 1803, CIC, 3K hrs .....$30,000 TRAILERS NEW RoadRunner sprayer trlrs. Call for Model & Price MISC. ‘12 BBI Endurance, 18’, pull-type, self cont. ...............................$22,500 PH-888-234-8590 Cell-402-380-3094 300. Fertilizer/Fertilizer Equip. Grain Carts & Augers Spray up to 140' without booms For all your spraying needs Broadcast & Row Crop Use 1 three point & 3 eng. models to choose from Northern Ag Mist Sprayers 701-883-6643 [email protected] 8" to 16" Diameter 32 to 122 ft long Seed Cleaners, Grain Vacs Grainfield KS Doug Zimmerman 1-785-673-3273 Doug Ziegler 1-785-673-9500 Harder Ag Products #1 Rated by the Livestock Industry 1-877-924-2474 [email protected] 310. For Sale - Miscellaneous For More Details MINERAL DEED high volume oil-gas well, only $25,000. Victor, PH-620297-3400. 320. Financial/Insurance Contact Eli 785-741-2818 SALE 0% for 24 mths Ag Lending & Crop Insurance Amarillo, TX Mark Nicklaus – Area Mgr 806-553-2918 Victoria, TX Clint Hille – Area Mgr 361-237-1717 330. Grain Bins/Dryers/Vacs AGRI-VACS BY WALINGA: I-70, Exit 140, Ellis, Kansas, serving Western Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado. PH-785-259-5788. BEST PRICES On Bins & Grain Handling Systems EXPERT DESIGN ASSISTANCE 800-235-5359 Ransom Beloit Store PH-888-232-8558 Great Bend Store PH-866-379-1426 Hays Store PH-888-228-3611 SCHABEN 40’ NO-TIL Anhydrous applicator, like new! $29,000 NO-SOLICITORS. Cell-620-326-0204. WANTED TO BUY: Row crop sprayers, RoGators, Case-IH, John Deere, Patriot. Call us, PH866-929-3500. WILMAR 765HT, 60’ BOOM, 600 gallon tank, Raven control, GPS, good condition. PH-785-744-3533. Grain bin, Commerical & Farm, Repairs, Dryers, Mill Rights, & Buildings. Will travel & Winter discounts Keith Miller 660-572-0016 Richard Morgan 940-256-8081 NEW & USED GRAIN DRYERS Authorized dealer of PureGrade Liquid Fertilizer On Selected Used Inventory Only ‘13 AS1025 504h .............$180,000-G ‘12 AS1020 677h .............$171,000-H ‘12 AS1020 1017h ...........$165,000-H ‘12 AS1020 487h .............$162,000-R ‘12 AS1020 975h .............$159,000-R ‘11 AS1020 986h .............$158,000-R ‘11 AS1020 988h .............$157,000-R ‘12 AS1020 1363h ...........$145,000-B ‘12 AS1020 959h .............$140,000-R ‘10 AS1010 1114h ...........$129,000-G ‘11 4460 1526h ..................$72,000-R ‘06 4450WF 2368h ............$50,000-R SEE WEBSITE Miller Welding LLC 800-544-6530 Brock Bins, Superb, Meyer & KanSun Grain Dryers & Shivvers Systems, Sales & Service D&B AGRO-SYSTEMS, LTD. 27845 Hwy 65 Hubbard, IA 50122 1-800-931-9382 FOR SALE: Used grain bin, 40’ high x21’diamater, 12,000 bushel. Details, PH-785-418-4441, after 4p.m. USED WALINGA 614 Dlx grain vac, through shop, new hoses, $10,500. PH-785-259-5788. New Brock SQ20D 975 BU Used Brock SQ24D 1200 BU Used Beard SD250VQ 450 BU Dryers Rated Full Heat 5pts SCOTT-HOURIGAN CO. York, NE 1-800-284-7066 Turn-Key Construction Prairie Building Systems Moundridge, KS 800-713-2698 1-800-557-4689 Spring Discount Heavy Drying Bins Size 21'x18' 27'x21' 42'x24' Bu. 5,785 11,265 32,245 Price $4,554 $7,357 $16,399 CUSTOM ROUND baling, $11/Bale, net wrapped. Central Kansas. Trey, PH-620-282-0004. Custom Silage Harvesting crew looking for additional clients. JD 7980s, yield and forage quality mapping, 10R heads, pick-up, earlage, support trucks, and packing. Family ran crew since 1990. Cell-815-2603514. CUSTOM WHEAT silage hauling wanted, Texas, Oklahoma or Kansas, have 3 trucks available. PH-620-8745207. E & D Custom Silage Cawker City KS 800-221-4383 785-781-4383 MARCH SPECIAL 48’ 12- ring bin 50,000 bu. w/18 ga. Perf-Lok floor, 28” fan, 12 roof vents, 11” Springland U-T Powersweep, $44,347. Estimated concrete & erection $36,175. Total $80,522 (does not include tax or freight) Call For More Specials! "Complete Grain Management At Your Fingertips" Family owned for 40 years Fully insured * References available 340. Harvesting Quality Farm & Commercial Bins ProTec Buildings & Livestock Equip. 5th WHEEL COMBINE trailer, 22.5 tires, $8,500. PH-785-499-3077, NOSOLICITORS. CUSTOM HARVEST Insurance, all states. Copeland Insurance, PH-888-291-7593. Vacs For The Farm, Commercial Use Handlair/Vac Boss Made In The USA 800-658-3145 NEBCOM DIST. - ELM CREEK, NE / [email protected] INSTA PRO extrusion plant for sale. PH-620-673-4002. 3-LATE MODEL JD Combines, tractor, grain cart, 4-Semi’s. Seeking acres, Northern Texas, Oklahoma. Professionally harvested the way you want! Taff, PH-620-617-7770. ADAMS HARVESTING Seeking Wheat Acres, Texas to Montana, family ran crew. PH-580-522-1060. New, recond., PTO or eng. driven. Pumps, air locks, pipe, parts, service. 5-Yr loans with great rates available. 40+ MACHINES IN STOCK Our High Volume Means Your Best Deal! We Deliver! 800-480-2487 ** Macedonia, IA FREE Service 340. Harvesting 2-CLAAS CHOPPERS: Chopping, bagging, hauling, pick-up, earlage, head chop milo. Chuck, PH-785-7702130; John, PH-785-565-3723. ACRES WANTED: Custom rye wicking, GPS Auto-Steer, front mount booms, sponge wicks, Oklahoma to South Dakota, references available. Robert Moss, Cell-580-216-4141. Midwest Pneumatic Brandt, Conveyair, Rem, VacBoss, Handlair See Class 30 "Announcements" Low Salt Non-Corrosive Economical Easy to Handle Apply in-furrow, 2x2, or foliar BINS ON WINTER DISCOUNT NOW! 800-224-3786 Alva OK 580-327-3786 GSI GRAIN BINS 21’x5 Ring Used Bin Pkg. 5,554 Bu. 27’x5 Ring Bin Package 9,553 Bu. GSI HOPPER BINS 9’x3 Ring 45º 523 Bu. 12’x3 Ring 45º 1,039 Bu. 12’x4 Ring 45º 1,290 Bu. 15’x4 Ring 45º 2,127 Bu. LIMITED NUMBER OF BINS AT THESE PRICES PH-620-983-2158 PEABODY, KS A-1 Mist Sprayers Resources Inc. ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘13 ‘13 ‘13 ‘12 ‘11 ‘09 ‘07 330. Grain Bins/Dryers/Vacs Successful Sales & Construction For Over 37 Years Feterl, Artsway Spray up to 140'...Without Booms! LIBERAL, KANSAS R4038 100’ 357h.............$285,500 R4030 120’ 250h.............$257,000 R4030 100’ 400h.............$245,500 4730 100’ 410h .............$219,500 4730 100’ 601h .............$215,500 4730 100’ 1380h ...........$159,500 4730 120’ 770h .............$199,500 4730 100’ 814h .............$187,500 4730 100’ 1545h ...........$149,500 4720 90’ 2282h ............In Soon 800-528-9568 620-624-1668 330. Grain Bins/Dryers/Vacs 1996 PARK AVENUE 45’ FIFTH Wheel, park model trailer house, 3slides. 2-bedrooms, 1-with queen bed over fifth wheel, 1-in rear with four bunks. Full size kitchen appliances including deep freeze, washer/dryer. Garaged in off season. PH-620-2782334; PH-620-669-7820. 1999 HESSTON 8400 SWATHER, Cummins 16’ head, new tires, AC, radio, air seat, field ready, extra parts, $22,500. PH-719-940-2525. Conveniently located in Central KS. Claas 900 machine w/K.P. & inoculant. 8R head & PU head. Support trucks & equip. Dependable crew & equip. Jobs of any size. Dustin, 620-635-0238 T.R., 620-786-4646 Cort, 620-786-5172 FOR RENT: CIH 8230 combine for 2015 wheat harvest. Call Jerry PH217-443-3600. FOR RENT: JD 670F combines, for wheat harvest. PH-605-6851061. FULL SERVICE custom silage operation seeking to expand acres in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska, 15 years experience with references available. USCHI Member. PH-605228-5440. HARVESTING ACRES wanted. Gleaner combines with GPS. Shelbourne stripper headers. Grain cart and semis. Experienced crew. Cody, PH-580-591-3702 or Clint, PH-580591-1452. JD 914 PICKUP HEAD, good condition, single point hookup. PH-620747-0815. JD COMBINES with headers for lease, $130/separator hour. CELL620-886-1884. LOOKING FOR spring, summer, and fall silage, 2-JD 7780’s, harvest ready also doing ear-silage. PH-785-675-9286. LOOKING FOR summer and fall acres to harvest willing to help farmer or other harvesters. Call Dan, PH-815-238-4844. LOOKING FOR Wheat Acres in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana. 2-Late Model Case Combines, 35’ Draper headers and all the support Equipment. PH-580-706-0640. COMBINES FOR RENT JOHN DEERE COMBIENS FOR RENT FOR ALL CROPS Draper Heads Available for Wheat Harvest Drying Floors w/12" Supports & Flashing 21' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,303 27' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,177 42' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,180 Call For All Your Grain Bin Needs GMLS Industries, Inc. (888) 983-2136 WESTEEL, CHIEF bins and grain handling systems. Patterson Family Farms, Kansas, PH-316-680-6684, RENTING ADVANTAGES: John Deere S670 & S680 Combines Field Ready and Reliable Combines 24/7 Customer Service Tax Deductible On-Time Delivery Call Chad: 507-275-3176 March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 9C 340. Harvesting LOOKING FOR wheat to harvest. PH-316-258-5658; PH-316-258-2335. LOOKING FOR wheat to harvest. Texas to North Dakota. JD combines and support equipment. Call Dustin Erickson PH-605-448-8237. NEED SWATHING? Brannon Ag Services offers custom swathing throughout the US. We run top of the line equipment outfitted w/GPS and 35' drapers for maximum efficiency. Nick Brannon 661-330-4900. SEASONAL HARVEST help needed, up to $3,000/month, farm experience preferred, room and board included. Scott, PH-620-562-8453. TEXAS TO Dakota’s: 4-new IH 8230’s, 40’ headers. PH-701-370-2673; PH-701-370-5429. WANTED WHEAT and fall harvest acres, in Central Plains. PH-316-2536603; PH-316-737-7993. WANTED: ANY kinds of silage chopping, Claas choppers, baggers, trucks for hauling, packing tractors, swathing and merging. Call for estimate. Also manure hauling and spreading. Nebraska, Les, PH-701567-3154; Travis, PH-308-737-9159. WANTED: CHOPPING, Claas 980’s, with bagger available; Contract trucks wanted. PH-620-351-1750. WANTED: SILAGE cutting, JD 7750, 4-Supporting trucks, and will do pickup work. E&E Harvesting, CELL-785-567-7134. WANTED: WHEAT acres to harvest, JD equipment. Mike, Cell-406-2178543. What can silage do for you? Let us come cut for you to enjoy the benefits! We have a JD 7500 with 8 Row head and supporting trucks. Big or small we cut it all! Baxter Bros Inc. Joe - 785-543-4822 Nate - 785-543-4293 Wheat Acres Wanted Texas to North Dakota & Montana 3-JD Rotors w/Grain Carts, 4-Semi’s Full Support Crew - Lots of Experience References Available (Fall Acres wanted as well) Call John - 701-230-3879 or Call Mike - 701-230-1295 350. Help Wanted 2002 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK for sale, full-time job and financing to qualified buyer. For details, PH-785852-4299. 2015 Harvest Help Wanted. Looking to hire combine, grain cart and CDL truck drivers. Monthly wage, board and food allowance. Contact Travis at Carlson Harvesting. 218-686-9189 or 218-378-4245. See more info and fill out application at 2015 HARVEST HELP: Combine, grain cart, truck, CDL a plus. Housing provided, pay based on experience. PH-580-706-0640. Buckles Farms in the Texas panhandle is looking for an assistant farm manager. Large family operation w/pivot irrig., dryland & stocker cattle. Prior ag. experience necessary. Large equip. operation Experience necessary. Salary commensurate w/experience. Housing & utilities provided. Send resume to [email protected] or call Scott @ 806-769-4469. BULL DEVELOPMENT HERDSMAN Position available at Circle A Ranch in Iberia, MO. Responsibilities will include daily feeding of bulls with TMR, maintenance of all facilities, fences, and general maintenance on equipment used in area. Must have good eye for spotting sick cattle, practical Vet knowledge, and assist with routine vaccination of bulls as developed for 2 sales annually. Will also assist with registered cow herd as needed after primary responsibilities are done. Benefits are salary in the mid to upper twenties depending on experience along with housing and co-pay insurance. “References are a must, only qualified applicants need to apply”. Send resumes to Circle A Ranch, 41 Hwy K, Iberia, MO 65486 or CDL TRUCK DRIVER(S) needed for custom harvesting operation for 2015 wheat harvest. PH-785-628-8267; PH785-432-1413. WHEAT HARVESTING wanted, Texas to South Dakota, CIH combines, stripper heads and supporting equipment. PH-719-342-1091. WHEAT HARVESTING Wanted: (3) 670 JD combines, grain cart and support trucks; Also combines for rent. Contact Van Beek Harvesting, PH605-889-2836; CELL-605-848-1080. WHEAT HARVESTING WANTED: Texas, Kansas, 4-JD S670 combines, flex draper, references available. PH620-923-7577. E-mail: [email protected] 350. Help Wanted Hansen Agri-Placement Grain Elevator Manager ...To $125K Purchasing Partner .........To $110K+ Precision Ag Mgr. ..............To $100K Lead Sales Agronomist......To $95K+ R&D Agronomy Manager..To $75K+ Precision Ag Systems Consultant.To$60K Irr Sales & Service Mgr. .To $60K + Bonus Ag Division Mgr. (TX)........To $150K Farm Mgr. (VA)..................To $110K Feedlot Operations Mgr. (KS) ..$80K Irrigation Mgr. (TX) ..................$75K Livestock Foreman (TX) ...........$50K Farm Asst. Mgr. (NV) ...............$60K Employer Paid Fees - Confidential 308/382-7351 Construction Worker Flag Ranch LLC is seeking a Construction Maintenance Foreman for agricultural construction projects. Must have experience in dirt work, cement work, building construction, feedlot construction and employee management. Competitive salary DOE, Benefits include vacation and 401K. Send resume to: PO Box 1816, Scottsbluff, NE 69363 or fax to (308) 635-7879. Crop Production Services Webbers Falls, Okla. We are looking for a experienced custom applicator, to run both a JD R4038 & a 1803 Terragator. We offer a competitive salary, vacation, and benefit package. If interested please call 918-464-2012 or email [email protected] DOES IT ALL! Independent Sales Reps Needed Ag chemical manufacturer is seeking YOU! Proven product line to add to your existing sales base High earning potential + bonuses Exclusive Territory 941-456-8384 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, prohibits job discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age or national origin. The High Plains Journal does not knowingly accept advertising in violation of this act. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR with corn planting experience wanted for Washington State custom farming business. Season runs from April 20 to July 20. Good pay and housing provided. PH-360-961-5221. Central Iowa Cattle/Grain operation looking for another team member. Inquires call PH-515230-3213. Combine Operators, Tractor/Cart Operators, Truck Drivers for 2015 harvest run, Texas to North Dakota. May to Nov. $3,000/month starting wage plus food/housing w/year-end bonus. Clean CDL for drivers, valid DL for operators. Farm background & harvest experience a huge asset. If you are conscientious, personable, self-motivated, enjoy harvest & traveling, give us a call. Maurer Bros Harvesting, PH-605-380-0610. WHEAT AND fall crop harvesting wanted, Texas to North Dakota. Langton Harvesting. PH-701-3501938. WHEAT HARVESTING wanted, late model Case combines and supporting equipment. PH-605-228-5356. 350. Help Wanted Come join the team at JBS Five Rivers/Grant County Feeders. We are looking for hard working & dedicated employees for the following positions: Penriders-horsemanship skills and tack required. Company horses available as needed. Mill Maintenance Mill Laborer Yard Maintenance Competitive hourly wage and full benefit package is provided. JBS Five Rivers Cattle Feeding/Grant County Feeders has well maintained facilities and equipment plus a “Safety First” Culture. Come be a part of a positive, productive workforce. Please call 620-356-4466 for more information. You may apply at the following locations: JBS Grant County Feeders, 7597 W. Road 17, Ulysses, KS, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday or on our website @ EOE/M/F/Vet/Disabled Come work with the best! Central Power Systems and Services is looking for A Corporate Controller at our Headquarters In Liberty, MO. CPA, Public Accounting, Management, and GAAP experience is a must! Apply online - EOE or [email protected] EXPERIENCED COMBINE operators wanted for 2015 harvest run, new JD equipment. PH-785-556-8962. EXTENSION AGENT Agriculture and Natural Resources opportunity in Finney County, Garden City. Details: Deadline: 4/8/15. K-State Research and Extension is an EOE of individuals with disabilities & protected veterans. Background check required. FACILITY MERCHANDISING ASSISTANT Bartlett Grain has an opening in St Francis for a Facility Merchandising Assistant This person will support facility management with the following: Sourcing and merchandising grain Providing admin support to elevator supervisor and workers Answering phones Receiving and directing visitors/ customers Creating spreadsheets and reports Fielding customer inquiries Working on special projects as needed Apply in person or through our website N Benton St, St Francis KS 67756 Call 785-332-3306 for more info We offer a competitive wage and excellent benefits including health & life insurance, dental & vision coverage, Rx card, 401k w/ co match, profit sharing, paid vacation and holidays and more. EOE/AA/D/V/Drug Screen/Background Checks FARM AND RANCH help wanted wheat, corn, milo, beans and cattle, Southwest Kansas. PH-620-338-3333. FARM HELP: Row crop experience, prefer CDL, pay on experience. CELL660-654-2207. NEED HAND to drive large square balers and swathers. PH-620-4285657; PH-580-651-4250. 350. Help Wanted Family owned farm located in Western Kansas is currently seeking applicants for two full-time positions: Crop Field Operator and Feedlot Technician. Crop Field Operators are responsible for daily farm operations including but not limited to driving farm equipment, maintenance support of farm equipment, maintaining the appearance of the farm, and assisting the Operations Supervisor in achieving farm goals. Feedlot Technicians are responsible for maintaining livestock pens, feeding and watering livestock, as well as general assistance with farm duties as time permits. Qualifications for both: High school diploma or GED required. Crop/Field Operator must have at least one year of experience within the row crop industry. Must be able to obtain a Class A CDL! We offer a competitive salary and benefits package including sign on bonus, housing (includes paid utilities), vehicle (to use at work), health insurance, and paid time off. Great place to work with career growth opportunities available for the right applicant! We perform pre-employment drug and background screenings! Equal Opportunity Employer. Please submit resume and wage requirement to: [email protected] to be considered for this wonderful opportunity FARM HELP: Southwest Kansas irrigated farming operation, Sprinkler experience, Ag background and mechanics a plus, speak and read fluent English, competitive salary, health insurance and 401K benefits. Fax resume: 620-369-2250; PH-620-339-9578. FARM/RANCH HELP wanted. NW Missouri, Registered and Comm. Cow/Calf. Right person to add to our growing team. Excellent housing and benefits. For more information e-mail to [email protected]; PH-660-425-2855. Full-Time Position on dryland farm & cattle operation. Experience & CDL helpful, but willing to train right individual. We offer competitive wages, health insurance, bonuses, retirement plan, & paid vacation. Send resume to: Barger Land & Livestock Inc, 1692 I Road, Garfield, KS 67529. Office620-285-2607; Cell-620-285-9046. FULL-TIME POSITION: ON Central Kansas crop farm, Valley sprinklers, GPS, non-smoking environment, pay based on ability, housing provided. PH-620-285-5601. HELP WANTED: Full-time farm and ranch work in Goodland, Kansas area. Need valid drivers license. Please contact Harlen D House at PH-785-8992619. Will be glad to discuss this employment opportunity with you. If you’re reading this ad, and you don’t subscribe to the High Plains Journal, Call 1-800-452-7171 and ask for NAOMI, Ext. #1880. We’ll see that you get your own copy every week at a special introductory rate. CALL-TODAY! IMMEDIATE OPENINGS CIRCULATION FIELD AGENT Be your own Boss! Work your own Hours! Call To See If Your Area Is Available. Stay in your own county & Make Money! Contact: Jeff Keeten Circulation Manager PH-1-800-452-7171, ext.1879 [email protected] MCCOY GRAIN Company in Sublette, Kansas is looking for a General Manager. Elevators capacity is 1.7 million bushels. Benefits are available. Inquires Call PH-620-629-7108 or send resume to [email protected] New Positions Available due to rapid growth! Central Power Systems and Services is looking for Professional & experienced On-Highway Sales Representatives for our Kansas and Missouri Regions. Must have related parts and Service industry experience. Apply online - EOE or [email protected] 350. Help Wanted RANCH POSITION, 850 cow/calf operation, Thermopolis, Wyoming. Housing, utilities, insurance, 401K. Call Jim Wilson, 307-864-2009 or email to [email protected] Service Technician–BTI, Inc., a 5store John Deere dealership in Southwest Kansas is seeking fulltime Service Technicians. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to working on equipment, completing necessary paperwork, and maintaining excellent customer service. Experience working on agricultural equipment and education in Diesel Mechanics is preferred, but willing to train the right candidate. Wages are competitive for the experience level up to $28/hour plus benefits and bonuses. BTI is an equal opportunity employer. For more information, please contact Emily at (800) 3344823 or apply online at SOUTH CENTRAL Nebraska Farm/Ranch seeking full-time employee. Modern and clean kept operation. CDL and farm/ranch experience preferred. Housing and benefits available. PH-308325-0846 for a job application. SOUTHWEST MISSOURI Farm needs clean cut individual, experienced with JD machinery operation and maintenance, house provided. PH-417-232-4924. 360. Industrial Equipment ‘08 NH B95B backhoe, cab w/heat & A/C, e-stick, 4wd, 2,500hrs .$38,000 '98 Kalyn 50T lowboy winch trailer, good tires, DOT inspected...$25,000 '12 Magnum MMG100 generator, 2600 hrs, trailer mounted, runs great, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25,000 ‘05 Gehl RS6-42 telehandler, 3500 hrs ........................................$31,000 Pup trailers, 3 to choose from, 2 axle, DOT legal, tarps ..........Each $5,000 ‘03 JLG G9-43 telehandler, 9k lift, 4200 hrs., OROPS .............................$34,000 ‘83 JD 8650, heat and AC ........$17,000 ‘91 Case 580K, cab, A/C, e-stick...$16,500 806-372-7800 888-309-7800 2000 BOBCAT 753, NEW tires, bucket, 1560 hours, $10,000; 2014 Cat 236D, bucket, only 18-hours, $26,500. PH-620-492-3011. 40+ WHEEL LOADERS for sale at all times. Mitzel & Sons, Aberdeen, South Dakota. PH-605-225-7464; Herreid, South Dakota. PH-605-437-2476. 71/2 YARD MISKIN SCRAPER, $5,500. PH-620-629-3887. 951B CAT LOADER, new motor, $17,500. PH-785-231-6937. CAT 920 FRONT-END loader, 1977 Model, $14,500. PH-620-629-3887. CAT D4C SERIES III, hydrostat, 5900 hours, excellent condition and appearance, farm use only, $28,000. PH-501-268-7971. CLARENDON MANUFACTURING Company, sales, parts and service. Hancock and Johnson Scrapers, Clarendon, Texas, PH-800-999-5068. FORKLIFT LIQUIDATION: Over 50, all sizes and types. PH-800-9276074. Wamego, KS 785-456-7333 Lebo, KS 620-256-6609 RENT/ LEASE / SELL ‘08 EC210 CL, cab, aux hyd. . . . . . 69,500 ‘04 SK210, AC & heat, hyd thumb 73,500 ‘99 PC 220LC-6LE, hyd thumb. . . 58,500 (2) ‘06 310G, cab, pilot control. . . . . . . Call New 8, 12, 14, 16 & 18 yard scrapers Leasing & Financing Available Track fillers for sale or rent Holcomb Scraper, Inc Days and Weekends Holcomb, Kansas 620-277-2333 10C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 360. Industrial Equipment 370. Irrigation CANOLA ROLLERS Pull Type Canola Roller . . . .$3,510 370. Irrigation 471 DETROIT SELF-CONTAINED power unit, on skids, runs good; Fairbanks diesel with Rockford clutch, not running, $1,200/pair. PH-319-6462720. '09 Zimm 7T Clean . . . . . . . .$35,000 '90 Zimm 7T . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12,500 Isuzu 4JJ1T . . . . . . . . . . . . .$14,200 Various Geardrives . . . . . . . . . . Call Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call VHS Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call Valley Main Panels . . . . . . . . . .Call St. John, KS 620-549-9600 7 SPAN ZIMMATIC 307 1/4 mile, drops, rotators, Valley tower boxes, $11,000. PH-620-285-5601. 8.1L GM FUEL INJECTED engine, 360 hours, headers, radiator included, excellent condition, always ran Mobil 1 10W-30 synthetic, call and make an offer. PH-308-379-8804. Mt. Hope, KS 316-661-2281 Under body Canola roller . . .$3,260 OTHER EQUIPMENT '84 GMC 7000 Boom Truck . .$4,790 '84 IHC S1700 Crane Truck .$8,350 CAT 631EWater Wagon . . .$69,400 3 – CAT 988B Forklift . . . .$235,000 CAT V40C Forklift . . . . . . . .$6,390 Clark C500-80LPG Forklift .$6,350 3 – Clark Forklifts, LPG .$6,500-7,500 2 – Clark Forklifts-Electric . .$7,900 JD Model 4630 Tractor . . .$ 14,500 Massey Mdl MF30B Tractor .$5,500 JD Grain Drill-14’ . . . . . . . . .$3,900 Wilbeck Offset Disc-14' . . . . .$2,800 Rome Offset Disc-9'6” . . . . . .$7,900 CAT 966 Q A Forks-48” . . . . .$2,950 POWERMAX EQUIPMENT Fairview, OK 580-227-3908 580-227-5072 or 580-744-1375 25 yrs Experience in Heavy Equip Repair Visit at TEREX TS18 TWIN engine scraper, new tires, cab, heat and air, runs very good, $45,000. Cell-785-545-5515. WANTED: BUY and Sell old Cable Scrapers: Letourneau, Cats; Tires, Parts. PH-701-680-8015. Website; 370. Irrigation 1990 8T T&L $22,000/LOADED; 1990 8T T&L, $17,000/Loaded; 1998 8T T&L, $25,000/Loaded. Mike PH620-873-5331; Ben PH-620-353-0023. ‘03 Valley 7twr 11.2x38 (8 5/8” Pipe)$41,000 ‘96 Valley 7twr 11.2x38 (8” Pipe).......$30,500 ’98Zimmatic18twr11.2x38 (10”Pipe)..$65,000 ’98 Valley 16twr 11.2x24 (8 5/8” Pipe)$65,000 ‘98 T-L 7twr w/belt dr. pump..............$23,500 Gould 6x8x13 Centrifugal pump 15hp....$5,900 All Brands used & rebuilt sprinkler pipe & trussing, gearboxes. Complete line of hard hose travelers OCMIS, ABI & MICRO RAIN. Call Kenneth Teeter in Ulysses, KS @ 1-800-524-5497 We also carry a full line of NEW Valley irrigation machines. 2-1997 ZIMMATICS, 20-TOWERS, 11.2x38 tires, hose drops, aims panels, $55,000 each. PH-580-338-2536. (4) CAT 3406 NA IRRIGATION engines, 3-runners, 1-needs overhauled. PH-806-330-2038. ‘96 IH IMT knuckle boom trk$30,000 22 Twr Lockwood 60” drops, 14.9 tires .......................................$26,500 Late Mdl Valley 8000, exc. cond...$39,000 10T T-L, very good cond........$10,000 9T Zimmatic, 1,308’, very good condition ........................................$19,500 Call: Mike Brown: 620-675-2253, Mobile: 620-353-0017 Kevin Classen: 620-675-2253 Tony Brown: 620-353-0032 It’s A Fact!!! The More Items You Advertise In High Plains Journal Midwest Ag Journal The More Items You Will Sell! ANGUS HIGH PRESSURE HOSE 4” to 10” - Up to 660’ lengths Water, Manure, Oil, Feeder & Drag Hose, Hose Reels, Deutz Diesel power units w/6x6 pumps, hose fittings & clamps. Email: [email protected] Ph-605-358-8621 Cell-605-460-6108 40 USED PIVOTS, all brands. Call Mike, PH-208-420-1480; or see 40KW LIMA PIVOT generator, 230/460 volt, 3-phase. Cell-402-6949397. S & W POWER SYTEMS & ENGINE SERVICE, INC QUALITY NEW, USED & REBUILT DIESEL & GAS ENGINES, GENERATOR SETS, PARTS & COMPONENTS CAT ENGINES: G3306 – NA & TA / G3406 – NA & TA G342 – NA & TA / G353 – NA & TA CUMMINS G855 NA & TA* Sales * Service * Parts 405-823-8577 OKC, OK [email protected] SCOTT POWER & MACHINE, INC. ELKHART, KS *IRRIGATION ENGINES* COMPLETE MACHINE & CUSTOM REBUILDING EXTENSIVE IHC PARTS INVENTORY IN STOCK-READY-NEW & REBUILT - NEW & READY 350 & 454 Chevys in stock Origin 8.0L, 9.1L & 10.3L engines Call 580-696-7140 Engine Machine Guymon, OK 580-338-3986 25+ ENGINES IN STOCK G3306NA.....$21,000 G3406..........$22,500 G855............$22,500 150KW G3406...$34,950 Trades Welcome Cooling Coils 200 HP 8” .....$825 No One Builds A Better Engine!!!! BURLINGTON, CO Irrigation Engine Parts Dept. Complete Machine and Fab Shop New Irrigation Engines 454 Chev V-8 350 Chev V-8 262 Chev V-6 PH-719-346-5348 Center Drives US & Franklin Center Drive Motors, Wheel Gearboxes, Zimmatic Center Pivots, Pivot Parts, U-joints, Lots of Parts for Most Brands of Pivots, PVC & Alum. Pipe, Fittings, Gaskets & Kits. MASSEY IRRIGATION Lubbock, TX 800-462-3386 FAX-806-763-0263 Nation Wide Irrig. Supply House Circle H Center Pivot Repair Cimarron, KS 620-855-2132 Meade, KS 620-873-5272 Sid Hodgs - 620-338-5156 Your Full Irrigation Dealer Covering Southwest Kansas CUMMINS 5.9 MECHANICAL, with 60KW generator, on skid. PH-620793-2002. 370. Irrigation 370. Irrigation DEALER - Danfoss Variable Freq Drive (VFDs) Sales & Warranty Service Service for Cat Natural Gas Engines Elec Service & Repairs on Elec Motors VFDs, GAC & Murphy Controls Altronic Ignitions & North American Vertical hollow-shaft motors ENGINES & GENERATORS (20) NEW G3306T engines 150 - 220hp (10) NEW G3306Na engines 145 hp (7) NEW G3304Na engines 95 hp (4) NEW G3306TA 150 kw Gen Sets (13) USED G3306TA engines 220 hp (2) USED- G3406TA 210 kw Gen Sets (1) USED G3408TA 300 kw Gen Set (5) Perkins 30kw trlr mntd pivot gen (2) OH’d G3408TA 450 hp engines 806-316-8283 Dumas TX - Irrigation Engines Industrial Power Units Natural Gas & Diesel G3306 NA & TA G342 NA & TA G3406 NA G353 NA & TA New irrigation product for alfalfa and other forage crops. Adapts to any shape or size field Ideal for uneven terrain and hills Easily adapts to rotational grazing Easy to install, move, and winterize 866-665-5463 "Oklahoma Irrigation Headquarters" New Ocmis Travelers all sizes in stock Aluminum pipe, gaskets and PVC Custom pump unit fabrication Small travelers Minneapolis Moline HD800 A-6A NA & TA New Sisu Diesels by AGCO - 4&6 cyl 800-373-9325 940 S. Colorado, Ulysses, KS 620-356-3873 1-888-356-3873 Marvin Meile David Meile cell-620-353-5381 cell-620-353-7876 Service on All Makes & Models Buy - Sell - Trade PIVOT MOVING, we move irrigation systems, Valley systems for sale. PH402-613-3542. LARGEST INDEPENDENT IRRIGATION COMPONENT SUPPLIER IN THE USA NEBRASKA IRRIGATION, INC. Columbus, NE 68601 For the NI supplier in your area call: 1-800-397-1100 402-564-1514 NI KANSAS 620-225-3472 NI WEST IDAHO 208-356-8250 MILES AND MILES, used aluminum pipe, siderolls, pumps, gaskets, PVC, motors, cooling jackets, hydrants, 10” water transfer pipe. WATERDOG IRRIGATION CO. Littlefield, Texas Ph-806-385-4620; Fax-806-385-5734 NEED MORE WATER? See depth, thickness, & quality of aquifer BEFORE DRILLING with our innovative MT4 Geophysical Imaging System Irrigation, Stock, & Domestic Wells Avoid areas with Poor Water Zones Environmentally Friendly & Portable Equipment Drilling, Pump Design & Service, Drilling Fluids Available 2D Image of your Geological Formations to find & drill your HIGHEST YIELD WELLS Nationwide (800) 401-9092 NEW AND REBUILT NATURAL GAS IRRIGATION ENGINES Sales Service Parts Delivery & Installation Available MONTEZUMA AUTO SUPPLY PH-620-846-2212 Montezuma, Kansas PROVIDING: Agriculture Supplies & Equipment, Irrigations Systems & Equipment Larned, KS 620-285-2111 Rebuilt Natural Gas Engines w/safety gauges, clutch, PTO 262 Chevy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,690 350 Chevy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,990 454 Chevy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,090 300 Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,590 460 Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,490 Core Charge $600 Latter Repair & Irrigation Wilcox, NE 308-478-5285 SEMCO, Inc. 5 to 500 HP VHS, US & GE Electric Pump Motors, A & B and SqD Pump Panels, E-Soft Start, Submersible Turbine Pumps, Floater, Tailwater and Irrigation Pumps, Delivery! PH-800-541-1562 or 719-336-9006 SEMCO, Inc. US & GE Rebuilt Vertical Pump Motors & New Panels Rebuilt VHS Motors Panels 30 HP $1,640 $625 40 HP $1,905 $911 50 HP $2,260 $911 60 HP $2,610 $911 75 HP $3,180 $1,575 100 HP $4,065 $1,575 125 HP $4,750 $3,260 150 HP $5,785 $3,260 200 HP $7,965 $3,260 PH-800-541-1562 or 719-336-9006 NEW PIVOT DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE New JD & Isuzu engines DML Irrigation HYDROSTATIC DRIVE PIVOTS 6 DOLLARS PER FT DISCOUNT WWW.SWCP.CO PH-405-542-6361 New GM 496 N/G engines $10,900; Used 6BG1-T Isuzu diesels $8,000; 250 HP Isuzu diesels. Call Orthman Energy LLC, PH-308-962-6101 or [email protected] PH-316-617-3126 PIVOT BRIDGES SOUTHWEST RAAFT CO. Rotating Auto-Aligning Flotation Track Reduces center-pivot irrig rut problems No tire slippage & digging Works on all brands of sprinklers Bob Gruner - 806-678-0268 [email protected] TIRES? 11.2x24’s $125, 14.9x24’s $179, 11.2x38’s $200, 11.2x38 on rims $450. We ship! PH-888-5138473. March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 11C 370. Irrigation 400. Livestock Equipment 400. Livestock Equipment BALE HANDLERS featuring Used Pivot Systems Valleys, Zimmatics, Reinkes & more All from Good Water More details and pictures at 400. Livestock Equipment Heavybilt Manufacturing Inc. Hydraulic Chutes Working Circles Cake Feeders Continuous Fencing Panels & Gates Go to P O Box 385 Strong City, KS 66869 CARRY ALL DUMP BOX 970-848-3846 For more details see vendors on Quality Irrigation Yuma, CO 400. Livestock Equipment PAMPA, TX 800-299-8017 Vertical Hollow Shaft Motors IN STOCK 10HP THRU 500HP If the Chute fits, Swear by It 800-692-4474 ‘07 Pete C15 475 hp., 10 spd., SS-20 Super Spreader, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call 18990 CR 29, Brush CO 80723 970-542-0640 #1 STRUCTURAL TUBING, 23/8, 27/8 Any size sucker rod or cattle guards, prices include delivery. PH-325-721-4950 Brook, PH-325721-0103 Shea. 2002 KNIGHT 8024 PRO-TWIN slinger, just through shop, $14,500. PH-785-615-9240. 866-441-2555 Brute Facilities CAPPEL SALES INC. McCook, Nebraska PH-308-345-5115 ‘97 Intl /Sup 1200 ............................$43,500 ‘11 Supreme 1200T.........................$57,500 ‘12 Laird VR1400 ..................$74,500 ‘12 Laird VR 1200 .................$65,000 ‘12 Laird VR 750 ...................$58,500 ‘11 WS/Laird VT 1200 .............CALL Check Out Our Complete Inventory at Two Year Warranty Inverter Duty Rated Space Heaters / Thermal Protection Ball-Type Non-Reverse Ratchets VFD Panels / Soft Start Panels NOW IN STOCK Premium Efficient VHS Motors Best Prices on Motors & Controls in the Industry! 24”, 26” & 30” 5/16 Wall Heavy Pipe Splits 20 Ft Lengths 8” Heavy Pipe Legs Crosswise OVER 15,000 SOLD Also Sell O.D. Pipe 8” – 42” CPI PIPE * 405-350-8555 Concrete Agricultural Products Cattle Guards Feed Bunks Freeze Proof Waterers Spring Tanks Storm Shelters Delivery Available 1-888-262-7383 WANTED TO Buy: Vertical hollow shaft electric motors, any condition. PH-620-668-5416; PH-620-277-8004. WANTED: VERTICAL hollow shaft electric motors, any condition. PH806-336-4424; PH-719-336-9006. WESTERN KANSAS VALLEY, INC. SHARON SPRINGS, KS 1-1993 7 Tower Zimmatic center pivot, 1,300’, exc. cond.........$31,000 PH-785-852-4606 785-852-4580 eve. Your Solution To Clogged Sprinkler Nozzles American Agriculture Products 580-338-7104 400. Livestock Equipment 1st in the Nation for Portable Corral Sales The only wet hay, low horsepower grinder on the market! We Deliver Large Inventory New & Used In Stock 800-480-2487 ** Macedonia, IA Kuhn Knight Mixers DODGE CITY, KS SCOTT CITY, KS So. Hwy. 283 1523 So. Main 800-280-7150 800-280-7251 ‘11 IHC w/575 Harsh ‘89 Ford w/375 Harsh 600-16 Roto-Mix '06 IHC w/900 Harsh 502 Harsh Trailer Authorized Dealer For HARSH, Kuhn Knight, Kirby, Schuler and MMI Product Lines NEW & USED ‘03 KW w/4500 Sioux Auto ‘00 IH w/375 Harsh ’95 IH w/3195 Knight ‘93 Frtlr. w/490-14 Roto-Mix ‘81 IH w/4052 Knight Automatic Trucks: See Ad Class 110 800-536-2293 or 785-527-2293 Belleville, Kansas LOOKING TO lease or lease to own a cattle manure big truck spreader. PH712-210-3043. New 12’ Feedbunks For Sale Delivery Available Tilt Wall Silos Atwood, KS 785-626-3282 North American Distributor for the 1150 Haybuster Truck Mt. Grinder Sales 712-249-5951 or 320-278-3560 Partial Listing ‘06 KW w/620-16 Roto-Mix ‘08 KW w/1355 Roto-Mix ‘10 KW w/620-16 Roto-Mix 354-12 Roto-Mix trailer 340 Farm Aid trailer 900 Supreme trailer RC 250 Kuhn Knight Helix ‘08 KW w/3160 Kuhn Knight 524-15 Roto-Mix trailer ‘01 IHC w/3550 Knight Central City, NE 68826 PH-1-800-658-4375 Or PH-308-946-3068 WANTED TO buy: Used bulk milk tanks, all sizes. PH-800-558-0112. Authorized Dealer for: ROTO-MIX - SILENCER CHUTES HAYBUSTER - SUPREME For Pictures And Details The LARGEST SELECTION of Used Feed Trucks in the Tri-State Area! ---Parts & Service for ALL--Makes & Models of Feed Trucks! Hereford, TX 806-364-7470 Daniels Doubly Alley Sioux Steel Portable Systems Hydraulic Chutes Titan Double Alley Ok Corral Diamond W Sorting System WW Express Corral Diamond W Wheel Corral Corrals Stg @ $10,800 & up + Freight 800-726-9091 Cell: 970-539-0641 www.AckermanDistributing.Com CW Mill Equipment, Sabetha, KS 785-284-3454 or 800-743-3491 Screens, Hammers, Other Parts & Repair for Jones, WHO, Haybuster & Other Brands. Now Offering Parallel and Pivot Squeeze Bale Beds (800) 835-1042 Ask a Hydra Bed owner! Proven Ranch Products since 1983 800-530-5624 K&S TRUCK SALES, INC. ROTO-MIX DEALER HAVEN, KANSAS ’07 IH 4400, 4x2, SA trac., DT466, auto, 3060, w/22’ Jet grain trailer, very slick ‘99 IHC 4700, DT466 w/rebuilt Roto-Mix 420 Veritcal mixers available, Roto-Mix or Jaylor Keltec bale slicer with or without bucket for your loader ’08 4850 Jaylor vert. mixer trailer, as nice as you will find anywhere Knight 3375, very sharp, barn kept (2) 533 Hay-Pro Roto-Mix trailer mounts Contact us today for more details! Kenny: 620-727-4900 Sean: 620-727-4982 Or see our website: KEAST ENTERPRISES A Bowman Mfg., Inc. Co. Hydraulic chutes, working facility, load-out facility, single animal digistar scales. Reconditioned used chutes. Garden City, KS Fremont, NE 800-426-9626 402-721-7604 Round Or Square Overhead Feed/Grain Bins Pasture Sprayers, Water Trailers, Hay Trailers 800-807-0012 Coalgate, OK Large inventory of: 12v, 110v & Solar Fence Chargers, Insulators, Hi-tensile Wire, Fiberglass Posts, And much more ******************* Authorized Repair Center For Speedrite Chargers Free Estimates and Quick Turn Around Zeitlow Dist. Co. McPherson, KS 800-364-1605 Boonville, MO 800-530-5158 Snuffy Boyles - 806-679-5885 Landon Weatherly - 806-344-6592 Concrete Feedbunks Dense Concrete Resists Acid Welded Wire Reinforcing Steam Cured To Increase Strength Round bottom means less feed loss PH-800-999-8151, 620-241-4362 McPherson Concrete Products PO Box 369, McPherson, Ks 67460 Haybuster Tub Grinders Harsh manure spreader purchased new 2010, 1998 KW W900, 400 HP Cummins 163,000 miles, $59,900, used very little. PH-308-280-1141. We specialize in selling tub grinders, parts & service to the grinding industry! We have available a fine selection of new & used truck-mounted, trailer & PTO grinders. See Them at North American Distributor of Haybuster Engine Mount Grinders Hydraulic Or Electric Balebeds KROGMANN MFG. Toll Free 877-745-3783 Call John Renz, Sales Manager, for information: CELL: 712-249-5951 For Parts Call Dale: 320-278-3560 12C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 400. Livestock Equipment 400. Livestock Equipment 430. Stocker/Feeder Cattle Attention Stocker/Feeder Cattlemen! PH-800-584-6675 Clean Fresh Water Always No Algae Feed Trap Design keeps Water Clean Low Electrical Cost in Cold Climate ROLLER MILLS Several Used Rollermills in Stock Call For Models & Prices Peerless & Renn Rollermills New & Regrove Rolls for most mills Arts-Way Grinder Mixers Roller Or Hammer Mills Stationary Mixers & Grinders Parts For Mixmill & Modern Mills New Renn 24’’ mills in stock Good used Renn 16”x48” newly regrooved, 5-groove rolls w/new bearings. 4,000BPH Sound machine. Has 18”x20’ belt conveyor discharge. PH-800-382-0106 Farm Fresh Cattle, 2,000-3,000 avail. every week. Southwest, MO Large volume of weaned and unweaned calves coming in every week. Call Joe Gammon - Springfield, MO PH-417-861-8910 Serving Colo, NE Panhandle, E .Wyo & SW So. Dakota USED TRUCK & TRAILER MIXERS 97 JD 152 Feed Wagon w/Scales 03 Roto-Mix 653-16 Hay Pro Trlr w/Scales 79 Ford Diesel\Harsh 350 Scales 78 Ford Diesel\BJM 4416 Scales 07 Frtlnr M2\Roto-Mix 620-16 10 KW T370\Roto-Mix 620-16 01 Frtlnr FL70\Roto-Mix 620-16 04 Loewen 1022 Vertical Mixer Trlr New ARTEX Spreaders on hand See website for current inventory Complete Scale Service Parts And Service On All Brands BILL'S VOLUME SALES WEST 888-978-0019 [email protected] BONDED ORDER buyer, buying stocker and feeder cattle out of Nebraska Sandhills and surrounding area. Gayle Noble, PH-402-395-2809; PH-402-649-2424, mobile. CATTLEMEN High Quality Green Nebraska & South Dakota Calves & Replacement Heifers 400-650. In load lots to suit the most particular buyer. Satisfaction Guaranteed. HEINRICHS CATTLE CO LLC Bryce Heinrichs (O) 402-365-7670 - (C) 402-768-8107 DS CATTLE CO. Starkville, Mississippi David Sanders Cell: (662) 418-0333 [email protected] We are your year-around source for quality light calves from Mississippi and Alabama. Call today for current prices for full & half loads. QUALITY STOCKER and feeder cattle, 100% Black or mixed, whatever fits your need. Fred Marley, PH-812852-4061. Roto-Mix 620-16 FEED MIXERS Roto-Mix 490-14 on 1999 IHC, UU 1209 Harsh 575 on 2006 IHC, UU 1197 Harsh 575 on 1998 IHC, UU 1204 Harsh 502 on 1986 Ford, UU 1199 Roto-Mix 490-14 Stationary, UU 1140 Roto-Mix 490-14 Stationary, UU 1141 J&A 8000 on 2000 Sterling, UU 1168 Mohrlang 580 Trk Mount, UU 1142 More Used Equip. & Photos Click On: PH-620-225-1142 SALES Sandie Bonsall Dan LaTourell Wally Stimpert PARTS & SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES INCLUDING OSWALT Dodge City Scott City Jack Klein Howard Green 620-225-1142 620-872-1100 SCALE SERVICE Myron Ricke Box 1724, East Highway 50 Dodge City, Kansas 67801 Sales - Installation - Service JOST FABRICATING LLC 620-947-5406 SEGUE MIXERS Stephenville TX - Friona TX Dalhart TX - Roswell NM 254-965-3663 Email: [email protected] THE EASIEST WAY TO WORK BABY CALVES. 440. Commercial Cows/Pairs/Hfrs THE VERTICAL MIXER SPECIALISTS Leaders In Design & Performance! Models from 350 to 1,120 cu. ft. Sioux Falls, South Dakota 1-888-336-3127 410. Livestock Services Cannonball Cattle Co. HEIFER DEVELOPMENT AND AI Can also dry lot cows & calve out. 25+ Years experience. Great Facilities. Consulting vet & nutritionist. Can also start, grow & place stocker cattle. Darren - PH-620-214-2060 Scott City, Kansas CUSTOM STARTING and growing cattle, 1,000 head capacity, nice facility. Call Kevin PH-620397-3880. 120 HEAD OF 1st calf heifer pairs, the majority of the heifers are black baldy mated to sons of Really Windy, $3,450/pair to sort or $3,350/pair for the group. PH-402-340-2935. 1ST CALF HEIFER pairs, Angus-x and Red Angus-Charolais-x, calves born February 8-12. 85 Pair to select from. North Central Kansas. For more information, PH-785-737-3239. 1ST CALF HEIFER pairs, Black heifers, BWF calves. PH-785-7263478. 2 YEAR OLD Hereford bulls, sired by Jamison Hereford bulls, $3,500/each. (4) 4 and 5 year old BB cows, Jamison Hereford calves at side, $3,000/each. PH-620-222-2869. 20 NORTHERN RED Angus pairs, weigh 1,200#, gentle. PH-316-6488339. 23 BRANGUS AND Brangus Baldy bred heifers. Calving now. PH-918625-5689. TIRED OF POOR RESULTS? Let us start your cattle. 3-B Feeders, Cell316-215-1446. 250 BLACK/BB 3-4 year old fall cows, bred Angus, calve September 1. PH308-530-1144. 420. Alt. Livestock Pets/Exotics 34 RED ANGUS and Charolais-x fall calving cows, 3-5 years old, $2,750. PH-660-329-1306. 5 BUFFALO BRED cows. Good, aged, $2,800/head. Southwest Kansas, PH620-227-5029. 430. Stocker/Feeder Cattle ATTENTION CATTLE FEEDERS Your Source for calves in the Midwest RIVERSIDE CATTLE COMPANY All calves will be purchased in MO & KS, Loaded & shipped the same day (partial loads available) Delivered Price: Heifers, 350-400#, $265-$280 400-500#, $250-$275 500-600#, $225-$240 Strs. & Bulls: 350-450#, $295-$320 450-500#, $275-$295 500-550#, $250-$265 Calves will be mixed color (blk, red, Char-x) unless ordered otherwise All blacks upon request add $5 All prices includes freight Will buy back as yearling Call For Daily Price Quote & Info Brian Witt CALL TOLL FREE! 1-855-832-3400 “If you don’t like’em on delivery, you don’t own’em” B & B Cattle Co 60 Years Experience “The Good Doin Kind” Call For Quotes Bobby Brotherton - Palestine, Texas 1-800-328-3433 35 HEAD FANCY black/baldy replacement heifers; Northern origin; 1 Iron brand; All shots; OCV’d; Pelvic measured; PH-785531-9218; PH-316-833-6324. 35 OPEN BLACK heifers, 750#’s, all shots and wormed, fancy, $1,850. PH573-578-5017. 42 RED ANGUS heavy bred cows and pairs. 3 to 5 years old. PH-918-6255689. 44 BLACK, BB, RED, and Yellow Bred Cows. Solid mouth. 1,150#. $1,625/head. Nice set! PH-800-3283433. 44 MOSTLY ANGUS 1st calf springer heifers, 2 calves on ground, sell 12 or more, $2,250/each. PH-620-596-2813. 45 ANGUS 3 AND 4 year olds. Spring calvers. PH-918-625-5689. 46 MIXED COLORS, SM bred cows 1,100#. $1,775/head. PH-800-3283433. 47 ANGUS OPEN replacement heifers. Calfhood vaccinated. PH-918625-5689. 50 1ST CALF HEIFER pairs, mostly Black, $3,500. PH-785-364-6379. 50 BLACK NORTHERN pairs, 1,200#, ready to go to grass. PH-316648-8339. 62 BLACK HEIFERS, hand picked, gentle, 780#, OCV. PH-785-673-9622. 440. Commercial Cows/Pairs/Hfrs 440. Commercial Cows/Pairs/Hfrs (50) FANCY REPLACEMENT heifers, Simmental/Angus cross, 800#’s, located in Delta Colorado. White River Ranch, PH-970-878-4721. OPEN 3 AND 4 year old, Black/BB sandhill cows. PH-308-530-1144. 60 ANGUS OPEN replacement heifers, OCV’d, Traveler breeding, 800#, $1,750. PH-785-483-0242. ANGUS PAIRS: 6 and 7 year old, OCV, PI Negative, Gardiner genetics, 2013 steers, 40% prime, 58% choice. PH-580-370-1421. April 8th High Point Ranch of Harrisburg, NE will sell 250 1st calf Black Angus pairs at Ogallala Livestock Market, Ogallala, NE. Heifers are heavily influenced with Sitz & River Bend genetics, calves tagged to match mothers, born Jan. 20-Feb. 15. Heifers approx. weight 1,075# & calves 220# in ranch flesh. Heifers are extremely gentle horseback or a foot. To view pictures, call Ogallala Livestock Market, 308-284-2071. BLACK HEIFER pairs, weighing 1,150#. $3,300/each. Jan Tien, PH785-567-8515. FOR SALE: 12 OCV fancy black yearling heifers and 28 black heifer pairs still calving. Current owner will calve heifers and feed until May 1st. PH785-346-4248. David Krieg: 325-234-3067 Will Krieg: 361-945-0421 If you’re reading this ad, and you don’t subscribe to the High Plains Journal, Call 1-800-452-7171 and ask for NAOMI, Ext. #1880. We’ll see that you get your own copy every week at a special introductory rate. CALL-TODAY! 45 heifer calves, replacement stock, approx 730#, available NOW 20 blk br SM cows, Char/Ang bulls, start 3/10, avl NOW 42 mostly blk br cows, 2nd&3rd calvers, start 3-10 avl NOW ROD WRIGHT - North Platte, NE Wright Livestock - 308-530-4537 Quality replacement females BLAIR RANCH PH-316-215-5001 Producing & Supplying Quality Cattle Since 1880 450 Choice Black, BB 3 yr old cows, coming with 2nd calf, bred Bando Angus for Feb. 15, 75 day calving. Will contract for early January delivery. Located in South Central KS RED & BLACK ANGUS CATTLE *2 Loads Prem Angus Heifer Prs 1 Load Red, 1 Load Black February calves – all in 30 days On the Ranch HQ-Salina, KS *2 Loads #1 Blk Ang Hfr Prs. February calves All cattle avail. now or April del Joel Wimer/CW Ranch/Central KS 785-452-0343 RED ANGUS replacement heifers, 30 all Red, 30 RWF, 24 Black, off 2 ranches, 825#, currently grazing wheat, $1,925. Freeport, Kansas, PH620-262-1101. SELL AT AUCTION- APRIL 8 Ogallala Livestock - Ogallala, NE 130 moderate sized Red Angus based composite 2 yr old bred heifers. Due May 10, 30 days. Bred to easy calving Red Angus composite bulls. 70 Black & Red Angus 2 yr old bred 1st calf heifers. AI bred, due July 10. No clean-up bulls. 150 3-8 yr old, moderate sized Red Angus & Red Angus-x cows. Due June 25, 30 days. Bred to Red Angus based composite bulls. Solid comm. cows. All of these females never pampered, low-input cows. Not Sorted. Maddux Cattle Company John Maddux 308-350-1133 SOLID, SHORT-SOLID big cows with January-February calves. PH-620923-5119; PH-620-923-5155. WANTED: BRED heifers and or cows, short or long term. Cell-316-215-1446. Tulia Livestock Auction - Tulia,TX REPLACEMENT HEIFER SALE Thursday, April 16 - 12 Noon PARKER CATTLE CO. OF KEYSTONE, NE IS PROUD TO OFFER: 600 Head averaging 800-850# Home raised one iron heifers from Keystone, NE Coming off wheat at Memphis, TX 17 years of Jorgenssen Angus bull Genetics from Winner, SD Complete shot program including Bangs vaccination For More Information contact: Mark Hargrave Don & Becky Parker Genetic Info: 806-995-4184 (office) 308-726-5843 (Don) Todd Tamplin 806-236-3021 (mobile) 308-726-5841 (Becky) 806-333-3286 308-726-2103 (Ranch) Cody Jorgensen 605-840-1780 SPECIAL STOCK COW AND FALL BRED HEIFER SALE WED., APRIL 8 STARTING 11:00 AM The Manhattan Comm. Co., 8424 E. Hwy. 24 Manhattan, KS PH-1-800-834-1029 Consignments include: From a complete dispersal - 200 home raised, Angus and SimAngus cows, of which 50 are 1st calf hfrs and 150 are 3 yrs and older, all with Angus and Sim-Angus sired 30-40 day old calves. 90 Big, Fancy, Blk and BWF 1st calf hfrs with 30-60 day old Angus sired calves. 20 Choice, home raised Angus cows, 3 yrs and older, with 4-6 week old Angus calves. 61 OCV Angus fall bred hfrs, bred to Mill Brae Angus bulls for Aug. 15 thru Oct. calves. 50 Angus fall bred hfrs, bred to Coal Creek Cedar Ridge Hereford bulls for Sept. 1 calving. 23 Red Angus and 7 Blk fall bred hfrs, bred to Mill Creek Hereford bulls for Sept. & Oct. calves. 10 Home raised, gentle, OCV Angus and SimAngus fall bred hfrs, bred to LBW Angus bulls for Oct./Nov. calves. 30 Fancy, home raised Angus OCV cows, 3-5 yrs old, bred to Angus Final Answer sons for Oct. 1 - Oct. 25 calving. 36 Fancy Angus and Simm-X fall calving cows, 3 yrs old, with big Oct. thru Dec. Simm-Angus calves, cows are bred back. 7 3 to 4 yr. old SimAngus bulls - semen and Trich. tested 45 Choice home raised F-1 BWF cows (2 to 5 yrs) with fancy BWF 30-60 day old calves Plus many more bred cows and pairs For more info, please check website or call John E. Cline, 785-532-8381 March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 13C 440. Commercial Cows/Pairs/Hfrs 460. Bulls/Registered Females 460. Bulls/Registered Females 460. Bulls/Registered Females Stratford Angus 2 YEAR OLD Angus, Maine-x Angus, tested, vaccinated, Irish Whiskey, Gold Standard and Chill Factor sired. Lonnie Ruff, PH-620-623-0123; Todd Thrasher, PH-620-655-1540; Mike Bailey, PH-620-623-0825. 80 2 YEAR OLD bulls, Black SimAng and Angus. Tested clean and semen checked. Sell or will lease for 1st breeding season. PH-308-530-1144. ANGUS BULLS: Black, Registered, 2year olds, yearlings, easy calving, delivery, guaranteed. Black Velvet Ranch, Aaron Plunkett, Syracuse, Kansas, PH-620-384-1101. Customer Cattle For Sale. 80 Heifer pairs with Jan-Feb. calves, extra fancy calves, worked. 120 May-June calving cows & 120 running age pairs with Nov.-Dec. calves. Steve Stratford 620-546-1789 E-mail: [email protected] Also bulls & semen for sale private treaty. 450. Dairy 100 COW DAIRY herd for sale, 74# daily average, $1,400/each. PH-785666-4442. 460. Bulls/Registered Females (10) REGISTERED ANGUS yearling bulls, sired by Upshot, Complete, Objective, Total, Protégé son, performance data and pictures available. Schlegel Angus Ranch. Derrick, PH-785-731-5221. (15) 2 YEAR OLD and 25 Yearling Purebred Red Angus bulls. Wedman Red Angus, Harper, Kansas, PH-620896-2405. HEREFORD BULLS: Horned, yearlings and 2-year olds. Hunts Herefords, Cell-507-339-1964. (225) 18 MONTH old Registered Angus bulls, LBW, extremely high growth. Weaning and yearling EPD’s in the top 3% of the breed. Average EPD’s on sale bulls are 2.2 60 28 106, over 60 of these bulls are from embryo transplants, 85% of the bulls are AI sired, 100 are heifer bulls. Nemeth Angus, PH-785-626-4309; PH-785-322-5505; 4V RANCH DOUTHIT HEREFORDS has Yearling Bulls, Replacement Heifers, Show Heifers and semen. Stephen Douthit Family. PH-785-3327192. BLACK ANGUS yearling bulls, registered sires; Final Answer and Focus, vaccinated, wormed, semen tested. PH-620-282-4546. HORNED HEREFORD bulls, 18 months old, $3,500. PH-620-382-4522. WaKeeney Livestock LLC,WaKeeney, KS Stout, Rugged, Moderately Framed Coming Two-Year-Old Bulls; Coming Yearling Heifers & Yearling Horses. Gentle, Balanced Cattle, Calving Ease, Stayability Bernie and Nishi (DVM) Giefer, Bernard, Helen, Sybil &Wyndom WaKeeney, Kansas 67672 785-743-2498 Sale Mgmt. by Kyle Gilchrist: 641-919-1077 Watch and bid online DVAuction — Our Home on the Range of the Great American Plains — 36th Annual Cowboy Classic OSU Purebred Beef Cattle Center, Stillwater, OK 40 Angus Female Lots Fall Heifer Prospects, Spring Yearling Show & Donor Prospects 2 to 5-year-old Spring Cow/Calf Pairs...including several donors! Jeremy Leister, Manager 405-714-0557 [email protected] Call, text, or email Jeremy to request a catalog! HUB CITY LIVESTOCK, ABERDEEN, SD 78 Charolais Bulls 25 Charolais Heifers 100 Charolais/Cross replacement heifers Catalog online now. 605-784-3409 and 605-784-7824 Sale Broadcast Live On DVAuction 31ST ANNUAL All Breed Bull Sale Saturday, April 11, 2015 2:00 p.m. ELK CITY CONVENTION CENTER - ELK CITY, OK 54 BULLS IN THE SALE Bulls will be semen tested and guaranteed by the seller Breeds Include: Angus, Angus Composite, Char-An, Maine-Cross, Maine-Sim, Sim-Angus, Sim-Lim, Sim-Angus-Lim, Registered Polled Hereford, Gelbvieh-Angus Balancer Sires Represented Include: ANGUS: 2H Hoover Dam 318, 2H Prime Star 102, WR Final Product 205, DF Total Design 2210, CF Aberdeen 2311, VNAR Bextor 2004, Angus Alliance Trailblazer, LD Predestined 716, Gar Predeistined 6451, Connealy Final Product, Summitcrest Focus 2466, Gardens Tsunami IB2, HPCA M2C Objective 2020, JM In Focus 9702, JM Bismark 5645, Gar Predestined, Warner War Party 2417, VNAR Hoover Dam 0218, PGC Efficient 1063, Rodman. ANGUS COMPOSITE: DF Total Design 2210; CHAR-AN: Mr Driver ; MAINE CROSS: Gold Rush; MAINE-SIM: Irish Whiskey; SIM-ANGUS: 3C Macho Son, Dream on Son, Gold Card, Aftershock; SIM-LIM: ZZCC Chopper 844 V; SIM-AN-LIM: ZK CC Chopper 844U; REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD: SHF Keeper 4037 x127, SHF Waterfall R117 W201, SHF Phoenix M33 P68; Gelbvieh/Angus Balancer: Flying H Mr Pro 185Z, Flying H Regis 5Z. 2015 BULL CONSIGNORS: 2H Farms, Mike’s Seedstock Company, Mollet Angus, Bailey Patterson, Boswell Cattle Company, Spitz Farms, Rocking PB Angus, Gwartney Simmental, Diamond J Farms, Jevon West Farms, Bobby Drinnon, O’Hara Farm & Cattle, Mark Armitage. 800-280-0207 74 ANGUS BULLS For Sale by Private Treaty Featured Sires: Plainsman, Emblazon, Hoover Dam, Regis, Shear Force & Thunder. Performance-Tested. FertilityTested. Fully Guaranteed. Free Board til June 1. Free Delivery in KS & NE. Volume Discounts. See Price List at: Luray, KS 785-698-2225 Sunday, April 12, 2015 - 1 p.m. 50 Spring Yearling Bulls Angus, Hereford, Limousin, & Simmental Wells Charolais Ranch 33rd Annual Bull Sale April 4th, 2015 1:00 pm 55 YEARLING ANGUS BULLS Many calving ease bulls, EPD's SCOTT MORRIS Balko, OK 806-435-1381 580-646-3324 Red Angus Production Sale THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 12 noon CDT Oklahoma State University 50 Hereford Replacement Heifers sound, functional, Bangs vaccinated and sired by trait leading bulls. 44 Yearling Bulls For Sale. (785) 332-8575 Megan (785) 332-4034 Chuck (785) 332-2942 Ranch 460. Bulls/Registered Females Ohlde Cattle Co. Basic Black Bull Sale Monday, April 20, 2015 1:00 p.m. MARYSVILLE LIVESTOCK AUCTION - MARYSVILLE, KANSAS SELLING 127 ANGUS & ANGUS II BULLS 18 Month Olds Yearlings Two-Year-Olds SELLING 100 FEMALES OCC has proven to be the number one source for low-input, problem free cows. This sale is a must for those serious about decreasing cowherd costs. OHLDE CATTLE CO. TIM & TRUDY OHLDE PALMER, KS [email protected] Bid Online At ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015 1 PM At the Ranch, 13 Miles North Of Haviland, KS SELLING: Over 100 Polled Hereford Bulls 30 Quality Cows With Heifer calves 60 Comm. Polled Hereford and BB Open Heifers Selling Sons of: Wonder, Literal, Limelight, York Free Delivery Fertility Tested Carcass Ultrasound Data Complete Herd Records Scrotal Measurements Sight Unseen Guarantee Call Kevin at 620-995-4072 Tyler 620-546-1574 or e-mail request to [email protected] View Sale Catalog and videos on line at Heterosis Headquarters Annual Bull and Heifer Sale April 6th - 1 PM HUSS LIVESTOCK, KEARNEY, NE SimAngus - Sim Hybrids - Chi-Angus - Angus Hybrids Selling 80 Powerful Bulls and 70 Top Replacement Heifers! The industry’s most popular Angus & Simmental Sires are represented! Complete performance, ultrasound & Igenity data provided on all bulls. Heterosis...Your ONLY Free Lunch in the Cattle Business! Free Delivery in NE and Immediate Surrounding States to Central Points on Purchases of $4,000 or More! Nationwide Delivery Assistance Offering at Ranch Anytime! Sale Broadcast on Superior Livestock Auction APEX Cattle 1146 7th Ave. Dannebrog, NE 68831 308-226-2576 [email protected] HETEROSIS...DON’T BE IN BUSINESS WITHOUT IT! 8TH ANNUAL GOING TO GRASS GELBVIEH PRODUCTION SALE Sat., April 4 - 1 p.m. At The Ranch 1/4 Mi. S. of Canton, KS SELLING: 50 Gelbvieh, Balancer, Gelford Bulls 15 Hereford Bulls (Jamison Breeding) 75 Replacement & Show Heifers Comm. Gelbvieh Influence Pairs Purebred Gelbvieh/Balancer Pairs & Bred Heifers For More Info Contact: John Shearer 620-628-4621 620-654-6507 [email protected] LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE Yearling bulls on a high roughage diet. Volume discounts. All bulls tested and guaranteed. High accuracy calving ease and carcass sires. JOHNSON ANGUS FARM PHILLIPSBURG, KS Craig: 785-543-5565 or 785-543-7654 (cell) Dustin: 785-543-6342 or 785-543-4008 (cell) Annual Bull Sale Saturday, April 11th, 1 p.m. Farmers & Ranchers Livestock Salina, Kansas Selling: 21 Spring 2013 Two-Year-Olds (Including 2 Angus by GAR Predestined A0020, 1 Fall Angus by SAV First Class 0207) 12 Spring Yearling Charolais Bulls. All Charolais Bulls sired by ROR Ignition, HCR Director, HCR Outlook, VFR On Track and VFR Reward. Free Delivery within 250 miles or $50 off if loaded sale day. First Year Breeding Guarantee. All Bulls Virgin bulls and two’s are Trich tested negative. Call Corey Vaughan: 316-213-5484 or Jerry Vaughan: 316-765-3878 BETSCHART RANCH Limousin and LimFlex bulls, DNA and PI tested, most homozygous polled and black, semen checked, ready to turn out. PH-620-635-2539 evenings; CELL-620-635-5711. BLACK LONGHORN bulls out of Black progeny, (5) 26-30 month, $2,500; (10) 14-20 month old, $2,000; (5) 12-14 month Longhorns, $1,500. PH-620-826-3649; CELL-620-8265608. BLACK SIMMENTAL and SimAngus bulls, several homozygous Black. PH620-243-3355; PH-620-298-3232 leave message. BROKEN ARROW Red Angus, Registered Yearling and 2-year old Bulls for sale, $3,700-$5,000. PH-620635-5790, Mullinville, Kansas. 14C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 460. Bulls/Registered Females BULL LEASING: 33 years experience, tested, vaccinated, trichomonas, guaranteed. Tom Bertrand, PH-620326-7344; Dr. Corey Bertrand, PH405-282-3443. [email protected]; Call for help in locating Angus Seedstock or to inquire about Association programs and services. Radale Tiner - NM/TX/LA (979) 492-2663 [email protected] Jeff Mafi - KS/OK (816) 344-4266 [email protected] Jay Nordhausen - CO/NE (308) 289-1548 [email protected] Kurt Kangas - MT/WY (661) 706-2041 [email protected] Association Office (816) 383-5100 CHAROLAIS BULLS: Pasture proven Charolais genetics since 1962. Kirk Castleberry, PH-405-224-1116; CELL-405-574-2685. CHEYENNE ANGUS FARM ANGUS BULLS Two-Year-Olds & Yearlings Open Angus Heifers Great Selection Good Disposition George & Kelly Miller (620) 786-0066 1 Mile North Of Ellinwood, Kansas DIX ANGUS RANCH: “CalvingEase Headquarters” For Sale: 2 Year Old and yearling performance tested Angus Bulls. PH-785476-5168. [email protected] ESTERMANN HEREFORDS: Bulls for sale. Coming two’s, Canadian bloodlines, virgin. Priced to make you smile. PH-308-963-4473; CELL-308340-4159. Fayette, Missouri BRAUNVIEH & BRAUNV/ANGUS HYBRIDS 12th Annual SELECTION DAY Sale 460. Bulls/Registered Females Kaiser Angus PRODUCTION SALE Thurs., Apr. 2 - 1pm At The Ranch 6051 Rd. X, Park, KS SELLING: 45 BIG, STOUT 18-MONTH-OLD & 30 YEARLING BULLS 1st Breeding Season Guarantee Free Delivery 50K Tested 15 REGISTERED OPEN HEIFERS AI Sires: Hoover Dam, Buford Bluestem, Connealy Shrek KAISER ANGUS PARK, KS Darrell & Frina Kaiser 785-754-2334 (H) 785-673-3357 (C) E-mail: [email protected] Catalog/video KREGER BEEFMASTERS Since 1977 Quality, top performing, drought hardy, Beefmaster cattle. Purebred and Commercial. Bulls and Females. Also Beefmaster X Angus commercial replacements. Joe R. Kreger, Your High Plains Poet Tonkawa, OK 405-340-0852 [email protected] Stratford Angus Thanks to everyone who helped to make our inaugural bull & commercial heifer sale a success! We still have 40 bulls & semen for sale private treaty and have customer cows & heifers listed. Call or e-mail Steve Stratford 620-546-1789 E-mail: [email protected] LARGE SELECTION OF YEARLING - 2 YEAR OLD REGISTERED ANGUS BULLS Sired by the leading AI bulls, including calving ease, performance and carcass bloodlines. Complete Performance-EPD Info CORNWELL FARMS Saint John, Kansas 67576 PH-620-549-6349 CELL-620-546-3466 Leatherwood Limousin Cimarron, Kansas LIMOUSIN BULLS ALL BLACK AND POLLED Tim McDowell, Herdsman 620-338-6263 Sat., Apr. 18*10 to 2 SELLING *50 performance measured bulls *50 commercial pairs & bred heifers Grouping and marketing customers’ feeder calves since 1992. Ron McBee * 573-228-2517 FLAT IRON ANGUS, INC. 60 Quality breeding heifers, pelviced, all shots. 800# range. Haddam, Kansas, Heath and Bob Allen, PH-785-556-8982. LIMOUSIN & LIMFLEX BULLS 25 Two-Year-Olds 40 Fall Yearlings Select group of yearlings NATHAN WELLS Ranch Manager Cell: 620-224-7305 MIKE SMITH PLAINVILLE, KS Mobile (785) 737-6053 Office (785) 885-4881 460. Bulls/Registered Females Need Scale Tickets? VJS Polled Herefords STANDARD OR CUSTOM SCALE TICKETS FOR ELECTRONIC AND BEAM SCALES Customized Imprinted & numbered, multi part Spiral bound scale books in stock A few standard tickets in stock For Scale Ticket Customer Service and Quotes Contact: Mary Coday 1-800-452-7171 Ext 1852 Fax: 620-227-7173 Oklahoma Hereford Association Spring Time Sale 70 HEAD SELL! April 25th–12:00 PM Perkins, OK Bulls, Pairs, Bred Heifers, & Open Heifers, Contact: Matt Sims: 405-641-6081 Dustin Layton: 405-464-2455 ORVIL E. KUHLMANN & SONS KUHLMANN RANCH North Platte, NE Over 100 yrs in the Hereford Business 2 yr old & yearling bulls for sale by private treaty Ernie 308-530-0527 Anthony 308-530-4574 See us on Facebook Kuhlmann Ranch POLLED HEREFORD BULLS, Heifers: EPD’s, fertility evaluated, excellent dispositions. Umberger Polled Herefords, Rozel, Kansas, PH-620-527-4472; PH-620-923-5120. POLLED HEREFORD Bulls: Yearlings, performance data available. Brannan and Reinhardt, Bison, Kansas, PH-785-387-1846. email: [email protected]; Private Treaty 2 Yr. old and Yearling Bulls for sale Top AI sires Check website for ENS bulls. Performance & fertility tested. Free delivery in Kansas and surrounding states. 25 Registered Black Angus cows, spring calving to AI Sires. PH-620-397-3138 - Dighton, KS Earl or Erik Steffens Make The Move Up To Red Angus Call For Your 2015 Directory (785) 650-3881 HAROLD MILLER 970-481-3921 MATT CALDWELL 913-755-1105 GELBVIEH BULLS: Guaranteed!!!! Markes Family Farms, Waukomis, Oklahoma, PH-580-554-2307. POLLED SHORTHORN Bulls: Great selection, performance documented. Keith Lauer, Abilene, PH-785-4792288. 460. Bulls/Registered Females RED ANGUS yearling bulls, quiet and thick. Sired by Conquest, Epic, and Jackhammer. PH-402-621-0293; PH-402-621-0295. Free Delivery Volume Discounts LIMOUSIN AND LIM-FLEX BULLS: Black, Red, Polled. Easy Calving, Fast Growth, Quiet Disposition, Heavy Muscled: Braun Limousin Farms, Victoria Kansas, PH-785-735-9366 Fort Scott, Kansas Angus Bull Sale March 31, 2015 460. Bulls/Registered Females MIDWEST LONGHORN SALE APRIL 25TH 11A.M. Winfield Lvstk. Auction-Winfield, KS Registered & Commercial Longhorns, Ropers. Catalog available @ Online viewing and bidding @ PH-316-778-1717. RED ANGUS & SIMANGUS BULLS For Sale Private Treaty Bulls will be sound, fertile and quiet. Performance data, carcass ultrasound and semen tested. Call or e-mail for a catalog. [email protected] Janssen Red Angus Jack & Roxie - 620-824-6426 (H) 620-562-7041 (C) Travis & Delane - 620-824-6492 (H) 620-562-8361 (C) “Seedstock Producers with a Commercial Focus.” “Visit our website” to view the catalog & video of the bulls. REGISTERED BLACK Angus bulls, elite EPD’s, performance. Rockn-HRanch, Hays, PH-785-207-1232. Red AngusSimAngusSimmental 22nd Annual Production Sale WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 2015 LaCrosse Lvstk. Co LaCrosse, KS 160 bulls (80 18 mo. olds). Complete carcass & performance data. 125 Reg/Comm. yrlg & fall females breds & opens LYNN PELTON BURDETT, KS (620) 525-6632 A SATISFIED CUSTOMER OUR PRIMARY GOAL Registered Angus bulls for sale private treaty at the ranch. Great selection with calving ease and excellent growth sired by Consensus 7229, In Sure, Waylon, New Vision, Final Answer, and Bismarck. Also check our website for info on semen available for heifer/cow AI projects. GORDON STUCKY, KINGMAN, KS 620/532-3220 (O) 620-532-4122 (C) REGISTERED ANGUS yearling bulls. Adam Jones, Crooked Creek Angus, Saint Francis, Kansas, PH-785-332-6206; REGISTERED HORNED Hereford Bulls, 2 year old, virgin, ready to go to work, $4,500. 40 Years of Line 1 breeding. Darnell Hereford Ranch, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, PH-918-3316655. REGISTERED POLLED Charolais Bulls, great performance and disposition. BBB Charolais, PH-785-6724145. REGISTERED PUREBRED Limousin bulls, excellent disposition, heavy muscled, high growth. Paola, Kansas, PH-913-731-3011. REGISTERED Red Angus yearling bull for sale, sired by Grand Statement, excellent disposition and high growth EPD’s. PH-620478-2752. REGISTERED RED SIMANGUS and Red Angus bulls for sale. Complete data, sound, gentle, strong pedigrees. For more information or sale catalog please contact. Diamond H Ranch: Justin Herl, PH-785-623-8404 or at SHORTHORN BULLS: Canadian bloodines; bargain priced. BO’s Shorthorns, PH-785-475-3649; CELL-785470-4363. SOUTHWEST NEBRASKA BULL CENTER BENKELMAN, NE PRIVATE TREATY SALE STARTING MARCH 1 Call Now For Best Selection Of Bulls For Your Cows. SALERS, ANGUS, OPTIMIZERS & SIMANGUS Sired By The Industry’s Leading Sires We welcome cattlemen whether they need one bull or a truckload! Fertility Tested Ultrasound Free delivery on 5 or more bulls purchased. MARK DIXON CELL: 308-414-2274 OFFICE: 308-423-2700 [email protected] Texas Limited Edition Sale April 4, 2015 WILLS POINT, TX 1:00 PM at KB Cattle Co. Facility Selling 90 Summer and Fall Born Show Heifer Prospects Angus, Simmental, Chianina, Maine, Charolais, Hereford, & other breeds Contact: Matt Sims 405-641-6081 12-24 Month Old Bulls Thick Well Muscled Data Available 45 Open Polled Hereford Yrlg. hfrs can be registered Call Brian Today At: 785-623-1701 or 785-628-1102 See Data & Photos at 480. Hogs K&N Swine Systems *ADA Coated Flooring *Kane *Port-A-Hut * Trojan *Smidley *L.B. White *Airstream Ventilation *Pride Of The Farm *A.P.Bins RICK HENRY SENECA, KS PH-785-336-2130 490. Horses/Mules Kingman Draft Horse And Mule Sale APRIL 10 AND APRIL 11, 2015 Kingman Activity Center Kingman, KS FRIDAY, APRIL 10 Equipment - 9 a.m. SPECIAL EQ SALE FRIDAY - 1 PM Harness sale immediately following equipment SATURDAY, APRIL 11 Horses & Mules - 12 noon ALREADY CONSIGNED: Several Good Amish Broke Driving Horses And Several Mini Horses Rod Bergkamp - Arlington, KS PH-620-538-2333 RANCH HORSE training $700/month, lessons available. Contact Dave McCollum at PH-620-2554715. 500. Sheep/Goats 200 BIG 2-4 yr old Ramboullet-cross Ewes, bred to Suffolk Rams. Ultrasounded, ear tagged with birthing info, due to lamb April 1-24. 70% multiple births. Exceptional genetics! Also, selling 350 WF 5-6 yr old ewes, bred to WF and BF rams. Ultrasounded, (55% multiple births), ear tagged, due to lamb May 1-20. Will have other open ewes for sale after weaning April 20. Contact: Quinten (785)374-3100. located in NC Kansas RED HILLS Classic Show Goat Sale, Wethers and Does, April 11, 1 p.m., Medicine Lodge Sale Barn, Medicine Lodge, Kansas, Lunch provided. Wes Lukens, PH-620-930-8146; Bill Bailey, PH-620-886-3332. 510. Pasture AVAILABLE: PASTURE and hay, 200+ head, East Central Kansas. PH316-670-3562. AVAILABLE: PASTURE for 100 and up to 500 cows on year-around program. PH-660-492-2859. GRASS WANTED for 2015 and beyond, 80 or more Angus cow/calf pairs, long-term lease preferred. Jim PH-785-389-5111; Cell-785-282-0439, Smith Center, Kansas. KANSA DIRT SERVICES, LLC Pond cleaning, Terrace rebuilding, Tree removal Road grading, Building grades, Barn demolition. JD 850JWT w/6 way blade, 850J, 770CH grader, 310SG Backhoe. Call for Estimate Bob Kasper or Terry Unruh 620.546.3163 620.546.3368 LOOKING FOR 300 stocker cattle 56 weight to run in 7,600 acre grazing cell, prefer heifers, $260/head for 6 months. Denton Ranch, PH-620-8855010; PH-620-885-4684. NEED PASTURE for 25-50 cow/calf pairs for 2015 season or longer, for North Central Kansas. PH-785-7131976; PH-785-562-8626. NEED SUMMER Grass pasture and care for 50-100 pair. Will pay $250+/per pair. Cell-620-846-0141; PH-620-846-0142. WANTED: GRASS to rent for 50 cow/calf pairs. PH-785-302-1271. March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 15C 510. Pasture 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale PASTURE AVAILABLE for a group of 400-600 cows this summer and winter, full care or lease arrangement, southwest Nebraska. PH-308-882-5555. WANTED: PASTURE for 2015 and beyond, 75 cow/calf pairs. Cell-785545-6035. WANTED: PASTURE for 40-100 cow/calf pairs, home raised in Kansas. PH-785-283-4832. ‘01 624H, #037, 7700 hrs.......$67,500 ‘09 JD 644K #590, 8392hrs .$147,500 ‘11 JD 624K #990, 5500hrs .$133,500 ‘04 JD 624J #662, 6729hrs....$98,500 ‘09 JD 544K #751, 4000hrs .$119,500 ‘10 JD 544K #052, 3752hrs .$125,000 ‘10 JD 544K #368, 6000hrs .$104,000 ‘10 JD 544K #8368, 7406hrs .$89,500 ‘10 JD 544K #256, 8800hrs ...$87,500 ‘98 JD 544H #881, 5700hrs...$64,500 ‘03 KW T800, daycab,............$29,500 ‘15Timpte,Ag Hopper, approx. 3k mi $34,750 ‘14 Schulte FX-742, only 2,500acCall 520. Working Dogs (2) 1/2 BORDER COLLIE 1/2 Blue Heeler. PH-785-562-6096. ENGLISH SHEPHERDS, great family farm dogs! PH-580-4262311. FOR SALE: Half Catahoula, half Hangin’ Tree, 5-weeks old, will be ready 3-weeks from today. PH-660663-7664. 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale New Holland Bale Wagons: SELL/BUY/TRADE, ALL MODELS/PARTS/TIRES, FINANCING/DELIVERY. PH-208-880-2889; NOTICE If you purchased a piece of equipment that you feel was misrepresented in an advertisement appearing in High Plains Journal, Call 1-800-452-7171, ext. 1854 ‘01 4440 SpraCoupe, WF, 1700 hrs, shedded ..................................$37,500 Kelly Ryan 5x12 Feed Wagon $1,500 ‘JD 8640, 3pt PTO, 9300 hrs.$11,000 MF 860 V8 Hydro 3500h, nice.$6,000 JD 5020 Bareback cab PTO.....$6,750 785-398-2436 ‘02 JD 7810, MF. . . . . . . . . . $60,000 ‘00 JD 7810, MF. . . . . . . . . . $55,000 ‘88 JD 4450 Quad . . . . . . . . $27,500 ‘74 JD 4230 w/loader, nice. . $18,500 ‘78 JD 4440 C&A, PS, 3pt. PTO dual hyd, 18.438 . . . . . . . . . New $22,500 New ‘14 PJ 35’, GN trlr, Extra HD$15,500 View Pictures At: Clarks’ Tractor & Equip MOUNTAIN VIEW, OKLAHOMA 580-347-2250 Nites-580-347-2651 1-800-852-4283 1-2014 AND 2-2012 SHELBOURNE CVS32 STRIPPER Headers for sale after July 1. Low acres, fits newer JD combine, single point hookup. Chad, PH-507-275-3176. 12R30” 9400 BLU-JET COULTER, Pro Landtracker, 1,500 gallon liquid tank; 1 set Demco 600 gal tanks; 12R Amvac insecticide system. PH-308-440-5280 or email [email protected]. 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale '09 Dodge 1500 SLT, Qcab, 4x4$14,980 '08 Dodge 2500 4x4 crew SLT..$14,750 ‘08 GMC Acadia SLT..................$16,500 ‘07 Grand Prix GT leather$5,950 ‘06 Buick LaCrosse CXS..$8,725 '06 Jetta VW diesel42mpg....$10,900 '05 Chev Tahoe Z71, load.$11,450 ‘04 Chev Sub. leather 4wd $6,850 ‘04 Dodge 3500 diesel ......$23,000 ‘02 Chev Sub. leather 4wd $4,700 American grain Trailer Alum$9,000 Wesco Pup grain Trailer .......$7,000 1999 JD 9510 COMBINE, 1992/2809 HOURS, Contour-Master, loaded, repair records, shedded and very clean, $48,500. PH-785-410-1608, Leonardville, Kansas. 1999 VERMEER 605L BALER, twin tie only, 1000 PTO. PH-785-372-1153. 2000 JD 1710, 12R30, 3-BUSHEL BOXES, Precision meters, Trimble controlled Rawson drive, $18,000. Cell-308-352-6207. 2000 JD 9650 STS COMBINE, 3783/2627 HOURS, $55,000. PH620-982-4619, Evenings. 2000 KRAUSE 6182 LANDSMAN, 42’, 5-section folding, rear harrow, good mechanical shape, priced to move, $20,000. PH-402-759-3139. WANTED: SUMMER pasture for 3080 cow/calf pairs for 2015 and beyond, Kansas or Nebraska. PH-308-9200930. WANTED: TO rent summer grass for 2015 and beyond for 100 cow/calf pairs; Cows/calve April 1st. 1350# cows. Cell-308-991-5952. 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale UM 3750XLSeedTender Remote, Scales Brent 1396 cart ..............$67,000 Brent 1196 scales ..........$62,000 Brent 1194 '13 Brent 1082 tarp .......$40,500 Brent 882 tarp................$25,000 Tyler 4300, 70'/1700gal..$19,000 AC 8010, PS, reconditioned..$21,000 AC 8050 PD, New Paint, .....$23,000 '09 FL, DC, 450hp, 10sp ...$36,900 '07 FL, DC, 450hp, 10sp ...$24,500 ‘07 FL auto, 450hp, 650K sleeper 1999 C-IH 9370, PS, 7000 HOURS, FARMER owned, good condition, $56,500 OBO. PH-405-368-8443, NOSOLICITORS. WANTED: GRASS for 2015 and beyond for 50-150 pairs. PH-308-8300578. WANTED: GRASS PASTURE W/care for 100-2,000 head of mother cows for the current month until Sept. 2015 time period in the Oklahoma, North Texas, New Mexico, or Colorado areas. References available upon request. Please send detailed information to [email protected] or leave a message at PH-505-349-0652. 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 1997 NH 9682, 24.5x32 DUALS, PTO, 5500 hours, $52,000. PH-970-3965598. Valley, NE 402-359-2422 pictures of machines @ Hi-Plains Farm Eq. Dodge City, KS PH-800-466-0068 New and Used Sprinklers 2003 GP Model 3S 4000 40’x71/2” .Call NEW BAD BOY MOWERS..In Stock New CAN-AM ATV & SxS In Stock Denning Round bale Carrier$12,500 New CB seed tenders . . . . In Stock New CB grain carts ............ In Stock New Crustbuster no-till drls.In Stock New ProAg rd bale movers .In Stock #1 Railroad Ties...............ea $ 14.00 Zimmatic Sprinklers 1982 JD 7720 COMBINE, 1983, 224 header, 4012 hours, $12,500. PH-785666-4243. 1983 JD 8820, WITH A 224 header, $17,050/OBO. PH-580-362-5324. 1993 JD 4960 MFWD, 18.4x46, 8300 HOURS, 3 HYDRAULICS, weighted front and rear, PTO, sharp, $49,900/OBO. PH-316-613-1647. 1994 AGCO-ALLIS 9690 MFWD 4040 hours, $35,000. PH-806-382-4182. 1995 CIH 9250 W 2011 Trimble RTK Rebuilt transmission and rear-ends new interior, $45,000. PH-308-660-6275. 1997 7610 WITH 740 LOADER, powershift, 5800 hours, very nice, $42,500. CELL-316-250-2701. 1997 9300 JD TRACTOR, 5300 HOURS, shedded, very good condition, $75,250. Cell-816-809-2251. NOSOLICITORS. 1997 JD 8400, 5324 HOURS, 4 remotes, fully weighted, $85,000/OBO. PH-785-741-4520. 2001 CASE-IH 2388, 2200 HOURS, duals, field tracker, chopper, just thru shop, $69,000. PH-785-822-7019. 2001 JD 1770 CONSERVATION, 16R30 PLANTER, in-row fertilizer, good condition, $33,900. PH-970-3816359. 2001 JD 1770 PLANTER, 24-ROW, 3bushel boxes, row cleaners, fertilizer, $27,500. PH-620-626-9390. 2001 JD 467 ROUND BALER, 16,425 bales, 2nd owner, completely gone through at JD Dealership in winter of 2013, $12,500. PH-620-437-7407. 2002 1650 GARFIELD SCRAPER, 16 yard, front dolly wheels, force ejected, like new, $25,000/OBO. PH-405-642-3492. 2004 HESSTON 4790, 3x4 BIG square baler, 42,000 bales, one-owner, shedded, Livingston mobile shop every year, field ready, possible accumulator included, $40,000/OBO. PH580-515-0201. 2004 JD 9760 COMBINE, 2093S HOURS, Contour Master, duals, $75,000; 2006 JD 630F, new auger, nice, $15,500. Both shedded. Cell-620338-0341. 2005 GLEANER R75, ENGINE 2585, SEPARATOR 1732, lateral tilt, new rear tires, rebuilt precision rotor, almost field ready, $106,000/OBO; 2009 35’ MacDon FD70, (flex), with transport wheels, $52,000/OBO. Items located in SW Kansas, PH-314-968-8363. 2005 JD 9760, RWA, BIG auger, loaded, singles, 2700 separator hours, $85,000. PH-785-499-3077, NO-SOLICITORS. 2005-2007 STERLING AT9513 TRACTORS, 3 to choose from. Collis CraneWorks, Olathe, Kansas. PH866-951-3028. SPECIAL OF THE WEEK New 2013 New Holland 7150-16’ Mower Conditioner Hydraulic swing tongue, 16’ header, Steel conditioner rolls, Crop dividers, 1000 RPM PTO, Assembled and ready to go! List Price - $40,404 NO TRADE PRICE - $31,500 NEW EQUIPMENT Sunflower 1234-27 Disc Sunflower 1435-29 Disc Great Plains 24' and 30' Turbo Max Great Plains NP4000-16R Nutri Pro Orthman 8R30 & 12R30 1 TriPrs Orthman FM3 35', 42' Fallowmaster AgSynergy TR30'-12R Fertilizer DMI 2800-16R Fertilizer Applicator Loftness Shredders Bobcat S650, S205, SV300 Skid Steers Kubota Tractors and RTV's Yamaha ATV's and Utility Vehicles Kinze 3200-12R Planter Kinze 4900-16R & 24R Planter Kinze 3600-16R30 Mech Planter Great Plains YP1625A Planter Haybuster 2650 & 2655 Bale Buster NH Rollbelt 560 Round Baler Twinstar 2030G2-7 Rake NH Speedrower 130 Windrower Haukaas Quick Pick Bale Bunch Hauler Demco 1150 Grain Carts Crustbuster 850 Grain Carts Kinze 1100 & 1300 Grain Carts Check out all our New and Used equipment on our website Colby Ag Center, L.C. Colby, KS * 785-462-6132 Hoxie Implement Co., Inc. Hoxie, KS * 785-675-3201 Oakley Ag Center, L.C.Oakley, KS *785-671-3264 2007 APACHE AS1010 60/90 BOOMS, $94,500. No Sunday calls. PH-620-594-2299. 2008 VERSA AG BAGGER, 4,271.9 hours, 1014 bagger. PH-806-244-4297; PH-806-333-2598. 2009 2375 VERSATILE TRACTOR, 1900 hours, bareback, $105,000. PH785-826-6772. NO-SOLICITORS. 2009 980 CLAAS CHOPPER, 1791 hours, rebuilt top to bottom, great machine, $195,000. Cell-620-351-1750. 2009 C-IH-1250 24R30” PLANTER, front fold/markers, bulk fill, pneumatic down pressure, hydraulic drive, Pro 600 monitor, Dawn residue managers, always shedded, excellent condition, $89,000. PH-620-782-3648. 2009 JD 1710 12R30 PLANTER, trash wheels, fertilizer, low acres. PH402-443-4327; PH-402-443-3063. 2009-2010 SHELBOURNE, CVS, 32’, JD SINGLE point hookup, $36,000, $39,000. PH-785-224-6285. 2009 ROGATER, SS1084 SPRAYER, 100’ boom, 20’’ spacing, Auto-Boom height, Auto-Boom shutoff, Auto-Trac, row crop tires, floater tires included, 893 actual hours, excellent condition, $168,000. Cell-580-761-8667. NO-SOLICITORS. 2010 SPEED-KING SEED tender, 240 bushel, adjustable conveyor, Honda engine, wireless remote, excellent condition, $8,500. PH-316-8332089. 2011 D60, MACDON, 35’ PICKUP reels, FORE/AFT, gauge wheels, skid package, JD adaptor, auto-head height, only cut 2,000 acres, shedded, $50,000. Cell-405-850-8704. 2011 GLEANER S77 300 SEPARATOR hours, $235,000. PH-806-3824182. 2011 JD 4830 SPRAYER, 100’ BOOMS, Norac auto-boom height, 15’’ spacing, Auto-Trac, 2485 hours, $147,000, $155,000 including floater tires. Cell-580-763-4025. USED TRACTORS - IN STOCK! SPECIAL FINANCING LOW AS 0.90% (2) '14 CIH Mag 340's, 141-280...$239,000 (2) '11 CIH Mag 340s ..........$195,000 (2) '14 CIH Mag 280's, 433-439...$185,000 2006 CIH MX275, 3334 hrs.........$135,000 (4) '13 CIH Mag 290s, 98-532......$223,000 1997 New Holland 9682 .......$62,500 (2) '12 CIH Mag 340's, 359-551...$225,000 1996 CaseIH 9350, 9100 hrs$57,500 12 Kubota M135, 1022 hrs...$62,500 1980 Case 2390, 10866 hrs ..$11,500 USED SPRAYERS ‘13 CIH Patriot 3330, 1000 gal....$225,000 ‘08 JD 4830, 1000 gal ..$135,000 ‘12 JD 4730, 800 gal ...........$215,000 ‘07 JD 4720, 800 gal.....$115,000 ‘11 CIH Patriot 3330, 1000 gal....$175,000 ‘05 CIH SPX3310, 1000 gal..........$129,500 ‘09 CIH SPX4420, 1200 gal……$179,000 ‘96 Wilmar 765 SE, 600 gal..$24,500 ‘09 Ag Chem 1286C, 1200 gal.....$165,000 USED PLANTERS 13 John Deere XP16R30……$79,000 05 CaseIH 1200T-8R30……$25,000 12 CaseIH 1250-24R……...$158,000 04 John Deere 1770NT-16R..$50,000 11 CaseIH 1250-24R……...$120,000 02 CaseIH 1200-16R………..$48,500 10 CIH 1250-16R Trailing....$85,000 02 CaseIH 1200-8R Trailing$24,500 09 John Deere 1770NT-16R$79,500 99 JD 1770-12R Con..............$34,500 09 JD 1770NT-24R FF .........$99,000 98 JD 1770-16R Con..............$37,500 08 CaseIH 1200-8R………...$32,500 CaseIH 1200-8R .....................$19,500 08 John Deere 1720-16R…..$35,000 CaseIH 900-8R Trailing..........$8,950 USED TILLAGE & FERTILIZER EQUIPMENT 11 Sunflower SF7630-12R ...$37,500 ‘93 Quin. FM 6-42 Flwmstr .$19,500 10 Nitromaster 40' Fert. Appl........$23,500 ‘89 Richardson 3670-35’ swp$17,500 09 GP 3000TT 30' Turbo Till$37,500 Bigham Brothers 8R Paratill..$9,500 06 DMI 5310-12R Fert. Appl$26,500 Dalton 36' Injection Rig...........$6,500 05 Orthman Tor-Line 12R…$14,500 Sunflower 24' Disc....................$7,500 05 Sunflower 3060-42'………$28,500 KM 7x5 Refurbished plow....$41,550 04 DMI 2800-16R Applic…..$26,500 DMI 16R Strip Till.................$32,500 USED COMBINES MOST COMBIENS HAVE BEEN RECONDITIONED SPECIAL FINANCING LOW AT 0.90% (4) '14 CIH 7140s, 446-613h Call (3) '08 JD 9770s, 807-1550h Call (2) '14 CIH 8230s, 657-690h Call 2007 John Deere 9760, 1297h....Call (2) '13 CIH 7130s, 474-560hCall (2) '07 CIH 8010s, 1297-1472 hrs (3) '12 CIH 7130s, 571-659h Call 2006 CaseIH 8010, 1855 hrsCall (5) '11 CIH 8120s, 1240-2013h...Call 2004 CaseIH 2388, 3136 hrsCall (3) '10 CIH 7088s, 628-904h Call 2004 CaseIH 8010, 1366 hrsCall 10 CIH 6088, 769 hours.......Call (3) '01 CIH 2388s, 2511-3020 hrs (2) '10 CIH 9120s, 539-1145 hrs. (4)'97 CIH 2188s, 2625-3981 2009 CaseIH 6088, 1213 hrsCall hrs1992 Agco R62, 2312h ...Call 2009 CaseIH 7088, 1370 hrsCall 1990 CaseIH 1680, 3591 hrsCall 2009 CaseIH 9120, 1830 hrsCall 1989 CaseIH 1680 ................Call (3) '08 CIH 8010s, 1526-2568 hrs Check out all our New and Used equipment on our website Hoxie Implement Co., Inc. 785-675-3201 Colby Ag Center, L.C. Colby, KS 785-462-6132 Oakley Ag Center, L.L.C Oakley, KS 785-671-3264 16C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale HOXIE, KANSAS - 800-322-5830 YUMA, COLORADO - 844-749-6100 Forage Harvesters '12 Claas Jaguar 980, 805 ctrhead hrs, kp, recond . . . . . . .$335,000 '13 JD 7980, kp, auto-lube warranty, 846 hrs . . . . . . . . . . $345,000 ‘14 JD 7580, 187 hrs., Duraline, harvest lab . . . . . . . . . . .$335,000 '12 JD 7750, 646 cutterhead hrs, 4wd, pro-drive, kp, auto-lube. . . .$299,000 '12 JD 7950, 788 cutterhead hrs, 4wd, kp, warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . .$315,000 '11 JD 7950, 1515 cutterhead hrs, kp, auto-lube . . . . . . . .$260,000 '10 JD 7950, 1361 cutterhead hrs, kp, auto-lube . . . . . . . .$260,000 ‘10 Claas Jaguar 980, 1224 CH hrs, K.P., Spout CAM . . .$235,000 ‘09 Class Jaguar 980, 607 CH hrs, K.P. Opti Fill . . . . . . . .$265,000 ‘09 Claas 960, 1500 CH hrs, K.P., rock stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL '09 JD 7850, 4wd, kp, auto-lube, kp, auto-lube Pro-Drive .$240,000 '09 JD 7850, 3306 cutterhead hrs, kp, auto-lube. . . . . . . . .$160,000 '08 JD 7750, 810 cutterhead hrs. pro-drive . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$225,000 '08 JD 7750, 1271 cutterhead hrs, 4wd, pro-drive, kp, autolube. . . .$225,000 ‘08 JD 7350, 1698 CH hrs., KP, auto-lube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$155,000 ‘06 JD 7700, 2066 CH hrs, Auto-lube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$135,000 ‘05 JD 7400, 1843 CH hrs., KP, auto-lube . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$138,000 '04 JD 7800, 3217 cutterhead hrs, auto-lube . . . . . . . . . . .$138,000 '03 JD 7500, 3182 cutterhead hrs, auto-lube . . . . . . . . . . .$120,000 ‘01 JD 6850, 2310 cutterhead hrs., excellen condition . . . . .$85,000 ’91 JD 5830, good condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$39,500 Tractors New ‘14 Versatile 400, Deluxe cab/leather, Auto-Trac .$44/hr 2011-2015 GRAIN CARTS for rent or sale. PH-620-885-4766 2012 JD 8235R, TOUCH SCREEN auto-steer, all options, new condition, $145,000. PH-785-332-8626. 2013 CIH 25’ 330 TURBO, GOOD condition, $38,000/OBO. PH-970-5201935. 2012 JD S680 COMBINE, 700 SEPARATOR hours, duals, extended wear, long auger, power cast tailboard, tank extentions, PowerGuard warranty, JD serviced and inspected, $230,000/OBO. PH-515-341-3188. 2013 NEW MASSEY FERGERSON 2170XD, 3x4 big square baler, single axle, 700-50x22.5 tires, $115,000. Cell-785-820-1341. "Call about our Used Combine & Used Tractor Trade-Up Program" ‘13 JD 9360R 422h ..$256,600(3) COMBINES ‘13 Gleaner S77 649h .$268,500(2) ‘12 JD 9360R 1515h $225,000(4) ‘11 Gleaner S77 735h .$237,950(6) ‘13 JD 9360R 466h ..$241,500(6) ‘95 JD 9500 4608h .....$29,900(3) ‘14 JD 9410R 586h ..$287,000(2) ‘98 JD 9510 4082h .....$55,250(3) ‘14 JD 9410R 790h ..$274,300(2) ‘96 JD 9600 5017h .....$40,630(6) ‘14 JD 9410R 400h ..$274,300(2) ‘99 JD 9610 4532h .....$45,310(4) ‘03 JD 9420 8065h .....$79,900(2) ‘98 JD 9610 4586h .....$41,765(9) ‘11 JD 9430 1272h .$206,900(10) ‘00 JD 9650 STS 2750h....$64,000(10) ‘11 JD 9430 1599h ...$213,000(4) AIR DRILL ‘05 JD 9660 2257h ...$115,000(4) ‘10 JD 9670S 1160h.$189,900(3) ‘09 CIH SDX40 ..........$99,500(5) ‘02 JD 9750S 3025h...$89,900(8) ‘12 GP ADC2350 ......$119,900(4) ‘04 JD 9760 2230h ...$102,500(8) ‘13 JD 1870 ..............$225,000(4) ‘06 JD 9760 STS 2641h $115,000(3) ‘09 JD 1870 ..............$109,000(4) ‘05 JD 9760S 2561h.$115,518(5) ‘12 JD 1890 ..............$155,000(1) ‘08 JD 9770 STS 2464h $127,500(1) ‘07 JD 1890 ................$97,900(1) ‘08 JD 9770 STS 1525h$150,300(2) ‘08 JD 1890 ..............$110,975(1) ‘10 JD 9770 STS 2448h$150,300(2) ‘11 JD 1890 ............$115,000(10) ‘09 JD 9770 STS 2046h$169,900(6) ‘11 JD 1890 ............$115,000(10) ‘11 JD 9770 STS 1755h$165,000(9) ‘13 JD 1890 ..............$150,015(2) ‘08 JD 1890 ..............$107,700(3) ROW CROP TRACTORS ‘14 JD 6170R 170HP 247h $128,000(2) ‘11 JD 1890 ..............$102,900(4) ‘11 JD 6430 2255h .....$75,000(3) ‘11 JD 1890 ............. $121,400(4) ‘02 JD 7210 9108h .....$42,797(4) ‘10 JD 1890 ............. $118,200(4) ‘14JD 7210R 210hp 263h$166,300(2) ‘13 JD 1890 ..............$149,900(5) ‘13 JD 7230R1710h$157,822(10) ‘09 JD 1890 ..............$105,218(6) ‘12 JD 7230R1820h$149,725(10) ‘07 JD 1890 ..............$105,400(6) ‘10 JD 7330 ROW 1675h .$97,500(2) ‘07 JD 1890 ..............$105,400(8) ‘10 JD 7530 Prem 1128h $119,900(3) ‘05 JD 1890 ................$50,296(8) ‘93 JD 7600 5430h .....$46,851(3) ‘09 JD 1890 ..............$102,500(8) SPRAYERS ‘10 JD 7630 3805h .....$95,000(1) ‘94 JD 7800 8448h .....$38,354(6) ‘11 JD 4630 1092.............$130,300(3) ‘14 JD 8235R 235hp 181h' $209,900(2) ‘13 JD 4730 384 ...............$222,400(1) ‘13 JD 8260R 536h ..$220,000(2) ‘13 JD 4730 1042.............$198,150(1) ‘14 JD 8260R 260hp 383h$229,300(2) ‘13 JD 4730 311 ...............$229,000(2) ‘14 JD 8295R 669h ..$227,500(1) ‘08 JD 4730 1403.............$164,500(3) ‘10 JD 8295R 3050h $155,000(1) ‘11 JD 4730 1100.............$189,900(5) ‘14 JD 8310R 545h ..$257,200(2) ‘10 JD 4730 2101.............$168,188(6) ‘14 JD 8310R 310hp 427h$258,400(2) ‘13 JD 4830 1097.............$207,900(1) ‘13 JD 8310R 310hp 540h$252,900(8) ‘13 JD 4830 830.............$245,000(10) ‘13 JD 4830 235 ...............$242,000(2) 4WD TRACTOR ‘92 JD 8760 8702h .....$46,899(2) ‘12 JD 4830 1976.............$159,400(3) ‘95 JD 8970 10165h ...$55,000(4) ‘11 JD 4830 2257.............$163,500(3) ‘97 JD 9100 6000h .....$52,500(4) ‘11 JD 4830 1750.............$175,500(8) ‘98 JD 9200 6906h ...$55,000(10) ‘12 JD 4830 700 ...............$223,900(8) JD 49302495...................$170,000(3) ‘97 JD 9200 8906h .....$58,000(4) ‘10 JD 9230 2696h ...$135,650(4) ‘09 JD 4930 3275.............$150,550(4) ‘10 JD 9230 1480h ...$176,500(4) ‘11 JD 4930 2669.............$142,500(9) ‘97 JD 9300 5950h ...$69,900(10) ‘09 JD 49303584 ..............$122,000(9) ‘01 JD 9300 8549h .....$69,900(4) ‘13 JD 4940 1326.............$272,400(1) ‘13 JD 9360R 493h ..$230,300(1) PARTNERING TOGETHER TO NURTURE THE LAND (*1) McPherson, KS: 800-364-4020 (*2) Marion, KS: 800-530-5776 (*3) Emporia, KS: 888-753-0103 (*4) Anthony, KS: 800-862-4759 (*5) Wichita, KS: 800-260-9473 (*6) Winfield, KS: 800-626-1770 (*8) Hutchinson, KS: 800-665-4620 (*9) Andale, KS: 800-658-3710 (*10) Kingman, KS: 800-845-5232 New ‘14 Vers. 310, duals, Deluxe cab, 3 yr. 3,000 hr. warr.....$33/hr New ‘14 Versatile 260, dls., deluxe cab, 3 yr 3,000 hr warr $30/hr ‘12 Versatile 305, 1055 HRS, Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$135,000 ‘11 JD 8285R, 2302 HRS, IVT, ILS, Deluxe Cab . . . . . . . .$205,000 ‘11 JD 8360R, 1606 HRS, IVT, ILS, Deluxe Cab . . . . . . . .$237,500 ‘11 JD 8360R, 1954 HRS, IVT, ILS, Deluxe Cab . . . . . . . .$233,500 ‘11 New Holland TV6070, 796 HRS, Loader . . . . . . . . . . . .$115,000 '07 JD 8330, 3325 hrs., IVT, ILS, Auto-Trac . . . . . . . . . . . .$157,000 ‘92 JD 4760, Rear End Overhaul (8,000 HRS) . . . . . . . . . . .$45,000 '90 JD 4955, 8189 hrs, Auto-Trac, Powershift. . . . . . . . . . . .$49,500 Harvesting / Tillage (3) New 2014 Parker 1348, grain carts, duals, scales . . . . .In Stock (2) 2012 Demco 1050, grain carts, duals . . . . . . . . . . . .$37,000 each '08 JD 635F, 35' flex head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$29,500 New Parker 1048, grain cart w/ scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .In Stock '12 Krause 1230 Gladiator, 12RN strip till. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$46,000 New Krause Gladiator Strip Till, 8RN & 12RN . . . . . . . . .In Stock Seeding Equipment /Sprayers '11 JD 1770NT CCS, 16RN, fert, row command . . . . . . . . .$110,000 '94 JD 7200, 16RN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15,000 JD 16RN, stack fold , Max Emerge II, Orthman bar . . . . . .$27,500 New ‘14 Versatile SX240 90’ boom, auto-trac ready . .$61/hr '11 JD 4830, 1400 hrs., 100' boom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL 2013 560RT, 326 HOURS 36” BELTS, front weights, idler weights, 5-valves, wide swing, hi-flow hydraulics, power guard warranty, $280,000 OBO. PH-515-341-3188. ATTENTION: CANOLA growers, MF 5200 30’ draper header, used on Hesston 9635, about 350 acres with or without header trailer. PH-580-7611046. NO-SOLICITORS. 2013 C-IH 1250 24-30, 1,937 ACRES, VARIABLE rate, air down pressure, liquid fertilizer, Sunco row cleaners, Pro 600, row clutches, $125,000. Cell308-250-2560. BOX SCRAPERS, 8’ for $1,500, 10’ for $3,800, 12’ for $4,200. PH-620-6401781. 2013 CIH 1250 24R planter, 3615 acres, variable rate, row clutches, pneumatic down force & row cleaners, spiked seed trench closers, liquid coulter blades (new blades and shoes), new leading coulter blades, planter mounted 400 gal tank w/pump & JD Skiles all-steer cart, 2,600 gal. $190,000. Colby KS. 785-443-3103. 2013 JD 6140R TRACTOR, 450 HOURS, with new JD 360H loader never used, front fenders, mirrors, front weight bracket, rear weights, $120,000. Larry Cochran, Cherokee, Oklahoma. PH-580-747-1833. 2013 LEON DOZER blade, Model 4714, 4-way hydraulic angle, off 9200 also will fit 20 Series, extra cylinders and parts, $20,000/Make offer. PH620-271-8004. 30’ 650 JD DISC, NEW blades, bearings and scrapers, no welds, $25,500/OBO; 8630 JD tractor, 4WD, $8,500. PH-580-370-0667. 4960 JD FWA, POWERSHIFT, 9300 hours, 20.8x42 tires 70%, factory duals, full set weights, Quick-Hitch, 3 hydraulic outlets, overhauled at 800 hours, $55,000. PH-605-421-0663. 5310 CIH PULL-TYPE 12R STRIP till, ground drive John Blue pump, 1,000 gallon tank, $35,000; 8122 12R White planter, hydraulic seed and fertilizer drive, $25,000. PH-308-352-8449. 630 JD FULL FINGER with plastic fingered pickup reel, single point, excellent sickle and guards, $8,500 firm. PH-620-272-7906. NO-SOLICITORS. 6R IHC FRONT MOUNT cultivator, #78, always shedded. PH-785-8733206. 844 ROGATOR SPRAYER, 60’ booms, 800 gallon SS tank; 1982 L II Gleaner combine, 24’ grain platform; 500 Bushel grain cart; All excellent condition. PH-970-520-6079, NO-SOLICITORS. ‘91 R60 27’ head. ...................$18,500 ‘02 R62...................................$69,500 ‘99 R62, RWA ........................$49,500 ‘86 L3 24’ head ......................$16,500 81 FARM EQUIP. SVC. McPherson, KS PH-620-241-3100 A76 GLEANER, 30’ HDR . $140,000 (2) JD 4895 swathers, w/896 headers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $51,000/ea 8770 Ford, duals, 60% rubber . . $39,000 620 Brent grain cart . . . . . . . $5,000 Rolling Plains Implement Vernon, Texas PH-940-552-2811 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale CIH 950 PULL-TYPE planter, 8R30”, $3,500; 1978 JD 4240, bad motor, comes with replacement motor, $8,000. PH-308-537-6019. CASE-IH EARLY RISER 8R36” corn planter, semi-mount, excellent shape, corn and bean drums, shedded, $6,750. PH-605-432-4337. CAT 95E TRACTOR, 1998, 7400 hours, 30” Camoplast 5500 Series tracks, $85,000. PH-806-946-8777. CAT D4C SERIES III, hydrostat, 5900 hours, excellent condition and appearance, farm use only, $28,000. PH-501-268-7971. CIH 1015 7-BELT PICKUP head. Nice. PH-785-475-3107. CIH 3950 DISK 21’; Great Plains drill 15’ 3 point with grass; Great Plains drill 15’ no-til caddy with grass. PH641-732-3020. GREAT PLAINS 2300 turbo til, very good condition. PH-785-331-5153. Challenger Hesston Great Plains Versatile Krause MT. HOPE, KS 6 MILES WEST OF ANDALE PH-316-445-2103 1-800-281-2164 COMBINES Get 0% for up to 36 mo. on select Preowned Gleaner Combines (7) ‘13 S77 Gleaner....Stg @ $249,000 (5) ‘12 S77 Gleaner....Stg @ $220,000 ‘11 S77 Gleaner ............$198,000 ‘08 R75 Gleaner ............$145,000 ‘05 R75 Gleaner ............$138,000 ‘03 R75 Gleaner ............$134,000 ‘02 R72 Gleaner .................CALL ’01 R72 Gleaner ..............$45,000 ‘94 R62 Gleaner ..............$32,000 ’89 R50 Gleaner ..............$13,000 TRACTORS NEW CHALLENGER, MF & VERSATILE TRACTORS ’‘03 MT565 Challenger...........$54,000 ‘05 MT545B Challenger ........$46,000 ‘11 8660 MF ..................$152,000 ‘09 8660 MF ..................$138,000 ‘82 8050 AC.....................$21,500 ’12 7619 MF ....................$95,000 ’78 7020 AC.......................$8,500 ’91 6680 AA w/ldr ...........$15,000 ‘95 6085 WH w/ldr..........$15,000 ‘69 190XT AC....................$7,500 ’76 175 AC.........................$8,500 ‘65 D17 AC ........................$4,000 ‘05 1547 MF w/ldr ..........$19,000 ’68 180 AC w/ldr .............$11,000 ‘05 2335 Versatile...........$98,000 ‘96 8770 JD .....................$45,000 ‘97 7410 JD w/ldr ...........$36,000 ’64 3010 JD w/ldr .............$5,200 DB9O JD 2009, ROW COMMAND, refuge, starter fertilizer, trash wheels, Pro-Max-40, low acres, excellent condition, $155,000 OBO. PH-515-3413188. DEMCO SIDE-QUEST tanks, 1,200 gallon, like new, $11,500; Stalk smasher, basic unit (JD 8330R), $4,000. PH-402-376-2706; PH-402322-0480. ESTATE SALE: 2012 JD 7320R, H480 loader, 611 hours, shedded, $167,500; 2013 JD 27’ chisel, <1,000 Acres, $42,000; 30’ JD Disc, $7,000. PH-405-250-7212. FARM EQUIP. LIQUIDATION ‘14 NH 980CR 12-30 corn hdr., knife rolls, less than 1000 acres; ‘11 JD 1720 16R30 stackfold plntr. less than 3000 acres; ‘97 JD 9400 3pt. PTO; DMI 5310 12R30 strip tiller Raven NH3 super cooler; Orthman 12R30 tool bar with Lilliston row units; Orthman 30’ tool bar no row units; Orthman rpr.; 12R30 Lilliston cult.; 4020 LP w/148; ‘69 Ford F600 428, 5&2 spd., 14’ Tradewind bed; ‘79 Ford F250 4x4 4 spd.; 32’ 4994 KR disc; 9x6 FK Blades; 63’ SF field cult.; 57’ SF field cult.; 4- Schaffer 18’ oneways. 620-656-4425 (O) - 620-546-6077 (C) [email protected] If you’re reading this ad, and you don’t subscribe to the High Plains Journal, Call 1-800-452-7171 and ask for FAE, Ext. #1884. We’ll see that you get your own copy every week at a special introductory rate. CALL-TODAY! For Technical Advice, Machine Sales Demo's & Spare Parts for both New & Used Shelbourne Reynolds Stripper Headers Contact Shelbourne Reynolds Inc. 888-895-0947 * Colby, KS FRIESEN 220 SEED TENDER poly auger, Honda motor, always shedded, just got a bigger one, $7,500. Cell-620326-1269. White Gleaner CrustBuster Massey Ferguson AGCO WINFIELD, KS 2303 W. 9th (HWY 160) PH-620-221-0300 1-800-273-9014 IMPLEMENTS ‘08 JD 568 round baler 5x6...$19,000 ’13 JD 569 baler 5x6 ......$28,000 ‘09 Hess 5546A r.blr 4x6, shdd $17,000 ‘13 NH BR7090 baler .....$21,000 Bush Hog 7ft cutter.............$800 Schulte 15ft cutter ...........$5,500 Hess 5012 12 whl rake.....$4,000 ‘03 MD 5020 Mwr Cond 16’.....$12,500 ‘06 NH 1475 Mwr Cond 16’..$12,000 ‘97 NH 1431 Mwr Cond 13’ ....$9,500 ‘95 Hess 1360 Mwr Cond 15’....$12,000 ‘11 MD M205 Windrower .....$85,000 ‘11 JD R450 Windrower 16’..$92,000 ‘13 Hess 9760 Wndrwr 16’..$108,000 ‘10 MF 9635 Windrower 16’ .$78,000 ‘07 AGCO 9365 Wind. 15’ .....$69,000 Hess 5200 Draper Head 30’ .$29,000 SF AB27 chiesel 29’..........$8,000 SF HB32 30ft chisel, nice $9,500 Krause 4994W-34 disk 34’....$20,000 SF 1433-35 disk 35’ ........$27,000 SF 1435-36 disk 36’ ........$40,000 JD 235 Disk ......................CALL ‘06 SF 9433-40 drill 40’ ..........$53,000 ’04 GP 3S4000 drill 40’ ..........$38,000 ‘97 White 6186 Plntr 16R30”$20,000 ’00 JD 1770 16R30” plntrr....$33,000 CPC 8ft 3pt rear blade................$300 Scraper 10’......................................$900 SEE OUR COMPLETE INVENTORY AT WWW.SCHMIDTINC.COM March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 17C 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale Supermarket Of Used Equipment PRICES REDUCED ON INVENTORY!! Colby, KS Dodge City, KS 800-532-6529 800-929-4265 Eve. 785-443-6684 Eve 620-339-2449 Montezuma, KS Oakley, KS 800-279-7283 800-209-4001 Eve. 620-846-0115 Eve. 785-672-2674 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale Call us for details about Financing or Waiver options that are available on most of our used equipment Elkhart, KS 800-445-5917 Eve. 620-952-0507 Scott City, KS 800-779-7244 Eve. 620-874-1844 Garden City, KS 800-475-4114 Eve 620-290-0960 Sublette, KS 800-464-2691 Eve. 620-290-6870 52958 ‘10 JD 8320R track IVT, 3 pt., PTO 2457hr.........175,500 51132 ‘08 JD 8330 MF IVT 18.4Rx50, 4645 hrs........119,500 53285 ‘08 JD 8430 MF PS 4651 hrs..................................118,500 Loaders avail for most RC Tractors Dozers avail 4WD, RC Tractors ‘14 8370R ILS 400 ............287,000 ’14 8360R ILS 300-1000(9) 262,000 ‘14 8345R Track IVT 100................283,000 ’14 8335R ILS IVT 500 ...254,000 ’14 8310 R ILS 700-900...........(6) fr 228,000 ‘148285RILS700.....................(2) ea215,000 ‘14 8245R MF ILS 900............(3) fr 168,000 ‘14 8235R ILS 100-1600........(6) fr 159,000 ‘14 8235R MF 1100-1900.....(7) fr 138,500 ’14 7290R MF TLS 100-500 .(2) fr 204,500 ‘14 7230R TLS 200-500.. .......(3) fr 169,000 ‘147230RMFIVTPS300-400(2)ea167,000 ’146170MFAQIVT500-1100(4)fr130,000 ‘14 6150R MF IVT 100.....................133,000 ‘14 6125R MF 24sp 500.............(2) ea 92,000 ‘14 5100 E MF 1600..................38,000 ‘14 5075E MF 2400 ...........24,000 ‘14 4720 MF 21,000 ’13 8360R ILS 1100 .................(2) fr 251,500 ’138360RtrackIVT300-1100..(2)fr257,000 ’138335RILSIVT1000-1100(2) fr228,000 ’13 8310R ILS 800-1200 ........(3) fr 217,000 ‘13 8310R track IVT 1100................214,000 ‘13 8260R ILS IVT 600..........200,500 ‘13 8260R MF 800 ...........175,000 ’13 8235R MF ILS 300 ...183,500 ’13 7230R MF AQ 900-1100...(2) fr 141,000 ‘13 7215R MF AQ 500............(2) fr 143,000 ’137200RMFAQIVT500-1000(5)fr127,000 ‘13 6170R MF 500-1000 (2) fr 115,000 ’13 6125M MF 24 sp 600..........84,000 ‘12 Kubota MX5100 MF ldr 23.28,000 ‘12 8360R Track IVT 1700.....233,000 ’12 8360R ILS 1800-2000........ (3) fr 228,500 ’12 8335R ILS 1300-2400.......(3) fr 201,000 ’12 8310R IVT 1700 ........194,500 ’12 8285R ILS IVT 800 ...205,500 ‘12 8235R MF PS 1000 ...142,000 ‘12 7280R ILS IVT 30 .....182,000 ’12 7260R MF IVT 4500 .127,500 ‘12 7330 Prem MF 16sp ldr 400...110,000 ‘12 NH T 5070 MF 300 .....53,000 ‘12 4310 MF ldr 1800 ........15,000 ’12 McCormick M10.55M MF 10028,500 ‘12 3320 MF cab ldr 500 ..........24,500 ’11 8360 ILS 1400-2900..........(5) fr 202,500 ’11 8285R ILS 1000............................183,500 ‘11 7930 TLS AQ 2000...........137,000 ’11 CIH 340 MF 1200 ......................189,500 ‘11 Chall MT 765C 1700..................188,500 ‘14 9460R PS 300-900.............(2) fr 265,000 ‘14 9410R PS pto 3pt 700.283,000 ’14 9360R PS PTO 700....244,000 ’13 9560R track 700........300,500 ‘13 9560R PS 1000...........319,000 Selection of 4WD Combines ’14 S680 400-600....(4) fr 284,000 ’14 S670 200-800....(8) fr 246,000 ’14 S660 200-500....(4) fr 258,000 ’13 S680 600-700....(3) fr 268,000 ‘13 9410R PS pto 400.......282,000 ’12 9510R PS 300.............263,500 ‘12 9460R PS pto 3pt 600.293,000 ‘129460RPSPTO1600-2400(2)fr222,500 ‘12 9410R PS pto 1300.....232,000 ’13 S670 200-800..(11) fr 243,000 ‘13 S660 300-600.... (2) fr 231,000 ’12 S680 400-800.....(4) fr 253,500 ’12 S670 200-1200.(10) fr 203,000 ’12 S660 200-1000...(7) fr 211,500 ‘14 MacDon FD 75 Flex 40’......72,000 MacDon FD70 40’......(2) fr 59,500 JD 640D 40’................... fr 44,500 MacDon 962 36’................ 19,500 ‘11 7750 4WD 2300-2600......(3) fr 160,000 ’09 JD 7850 F Harv 2300..172,500 ‘13 JD 690 10R30 Rot HD..90,000 ‘13 R450 Swath 16’ 300-600 .(2)fr100,000 ‘11 Deere Bauer 36R30 CCS ........199,000 ’14 Deere Orth 24R30 stack CCS 177,000 JD1770NT24R30CCS.........(17)fr 76,000 ‘10 Kinze 3800 24R30........85,500 JD DB60 24R30 CCS.........73,500 JD 936D 36’...............(2) fr 23,000 JD 635D, 35’ 34,500 JD 635 Flex 35’, 30’ 8,500 JD 630D 30’ 630R, 30’ 36,000 ‘12 JD 8360R frt 3p pto 500 ...........255,000 with frt, rear MoCo 38.5’........49,000 ‘11 D450 Swath, 625D 500.......96,000 ‘10 R450 Swath New 995 1300....107,000 JD 1770 FF 24R30....(3) fr 31,500 ‘11 JD 1770 NT 18R30 CCS..102,000 JD 1770 NT 16R30 CCS (5) fr 74,500 JD 1770 NT 16R30...(3) fr 30,000 JD 1720 16R30 CCS (3) fr 90,000 JD 1890/1910 60x10 ............216,5000 JD 1890/1910 50x10...............204,000 JD 1890/1910 42x10......(11) fr 65,000 JD 1895/1910 42x10 (4) fr 75,000 JD 1860/1900 42x10...........62,500 JD 1990 CCS 42x10 ........122,000 JD 1890/1910 42x7.5 (2) fr 67,500 JD 1890/1910 40x10........(3) fr 69,000 SF 9433 40x10”..................41,500 CB 3400 40x10...................20,000 GP 3S 4000 HD 40x10... (2) fr.55,000 GP 3S4000 40x10..............48,500 DMI 5310 16R30 strip til..41,500 Krause 1200-1230 12R30striptil liq.48,000 JD 2510S 12R30 strip til (3) fr 53,500 Orth 12R30 strip til...(2) fr 16,000 DMI 12R30 strip ............(3) fr 22,500 Uniferth 12R30 Striptil (3) 15,000 SF 7630 12R30 Striptil......30,000 ’14 JD R4038 120’ 200-300 ..(3) fr 268,500 ’14 JD R4030 100’ 300.......................232,500 ’14 JD 4940 120’ 400-800 ......(4) fr 271,500 ‘13,12 4940 120’ 600-1900..(16) fr 201,500 ’13 JD 4830 100’ 200-600 ......(2) fr 211,500 ‘13,12 4730 100’ 300-900........(8) fr 167,000 ‘14 JD 624K 100 ..............190,000 ’13JD624KHilift1100-2400..(2)fr173,000 ‘13 Cat 930K 600.............169,000 DMI 5310 8R30 strip til..(2 )fr 16,500 SF 1544 disc 45’.................41,500 SF 1444 disc 40’.................46,500 SF 1543 disc 38........(2) ea 32,000 JD 650 disc 33’ ..................23,000 SF 1543 disc 33’..................20,500 JD 637 disc 32’ .................34,500 ’12 JD 4830 100’ 600-2000. (11) fr 140,000 ‘11,’10 4930 120’ 900-2100..(11) fr 156,000 ’11 JD 4830 100’ 1100-2000 ..(6) fr 143,500 ‘11,’10 4730 100 2600-2800.....(2) fr 99,500 ‘10 AgChem 1396 100’ 2500............133,000 ’10 Apache AS1010 100’ 1200.115,500 ‘12 Cat 930K 300 .............169,000 ’10 JD 544K 2000.............139,50 JRB 96” Forks ...........(2) fr 6,000 51399 ‘11 JD 4930, 120’, 1507 hrs..................................180,500 49994 ‘13 JD 1770 NT 24R30 CCS...............................150,500 RC TRACTOR 4WD TRACTORS ‘11 9530 PS 2000.............217,500 ’11 9230 PS 700.....................189,000 ’10 9330 PS PTO 2200-3000 (3) fr 178,500 COMBINES ’11 9770 600-1900....(2) fr 134,000 ’10 9870 1300 ...................164,500 ’10 9770 1300-1400 .(2) fr 138,500 HEADER EQUIP JD 930, 930F 30’.............. fr 5,000 Shel CVS 32’ .............(5) fr 18,000 HAY & FORAGE ‘11MacDonMX150swath16’1300...70,000 ‘14 Honeybee WS 25’ draper...44,000 PLANTERS 0.9% / 5 yrs Ends 4/30 JD 1720 16R30 stack (6) fr 27,500 DRILLS CB 4740 40x7.5..................47,500 GP 3S 4000 HD 40x7.5 .....53,000 GP 3S 4000 40x7.5..............43,500 JD 1860/1900 36x7.5.........44,500 TILLAGE JD 630 disc 32’ ..................17,000 SF 6631 vert till 35’...........65,500 Landol 7431 Vert Til 33’...........47,500 GP Turbo Til 3000TT 30’...........40,000 Landol 7431 VertTil 29’...........53,.000 SPRAYING ‘09,’07 4930 120’ 1400-2200..(2) fr 129,500 ‘09,’08 4830 100’ 1200-1700..(4) fr 146,500 ‘08MillerCondorA40 90’1500.............99,000 ‘08 Apache AS1010 90’ 2400....89,000 INDUSTRIAL 00 JD 670 CH grad 3600..96,500 43527 ‘11 JD 1770 NT 16R30 CCS.................................99,500 Goodland, KS 877-320-4020 Eve-785-332-6176 Ulysses, KS 800-356-3460 Eve. 620-290-8438 Hugoton, KS 800-544-9833 Eve. 620-417-3346 Walsh, CO 888-324-5284 Eve. 719-361-0238 52981 ‘07 JD 9520 PS 3pt., 4513 hrs.................................136,500 Leoti, KS 844-484-3375 Eve 785-821-2121 Wheeler, KS 800-832-2124 Eve. 785-734-7159 53226 ‘12 JD S670STS 4WD CM 565 hrs....................245,500 ‘10 8345R IVT Track 900......220,000 ’10 8345 R ILS 1800-3500.....(8) fr 175,500 ’10 8320 R ILS 1300-2500.....(4) fr 170,500 ’10 8320R track 2400-2500 ...(2) fr 165,500 ’10 8295R ILS IVT 1300.......192,500 ‘10 8295R MF 6300 ................114,000 ’10 8270R ILS IVT 2300..176,000 ‘09 8530 ILS IVT 2100 ....188,000 ‘09 8430 ILS 2400 ...........158,000 ‘09 8430 MF PS 4400 ......125,000 ’09 8230 MF 3900-5900..(5) fr 105,000 ‘09 Kubota B3200 Hydro ldr 270....16,000 ‘08 8430 ILS IVT 3000 ....144,000 ’08 8430 MF 2900-4700.........(3) fr 118,500 ’08 8330 MF IVT 4600 ....119,500 ‘08 8130 ILS IVT 3000 ....132,000 ’08 6430 MF ldr 600 ..........87,500 ‘08 5103MF 300.................14,000 ’07 8530 ILS 4000-6300 .(3)fr141,000 ’078430ILS IVT 4200-4900 ...(2)fr135,500 ‘07 8330 ILS 5000............124,500 ’07 8230 ILS 3500............122,500 ‘07 8130 ILS IVT 1500 ....129,000 ’07 7930 MF IVT4700......................103,000 ‘07 CIH 305 MF PS 3700................132,500 ‘06 8530 ILS 4800-5800....(3) fr 138,500 ‘05 8520 ILS 6200........................125,000 ‘04 8520 ILS 9100 .....................85,000 ’04 8420 MF 4800............114,000 ‘04 8320 ILS 3600...................129,000 ‘04 6420 MF PQ Ldr 3600.......56,000 ‘02 8520 Track PS 6100 ....96,500 ’02 8320 MF 5300............100,500 ‘02 4310 MF Ldr 1800.......15,000 ‘97 8400 Track ps 6500 .....50,000 ‘10 9230 PS pto 3pt 2700.......183,000 ’10 9230 PS PTO 2700...........174,000 ’09 9230 PS 3pt 600................201,500 ‘08 9530 PS 1700-3100 .(2)fr 171,000 ’08 9430 24 sp 2900.........171,500 ‘09 9870 1000-1100........(3) fr 166,500 ’09 9770 1200-1500.......(2) fr 136,000 ‘08 9870 1200-1500..(3) fr 129,500 ‘08 9770 1100-1200.(2) fr 130,500 ‘08 9670 1200...................133,000 ’07 9520 PS 4500.............136,500 ‘05 9420 PS 4000..............137,500 ‘04 CIH STX500 5900......102,000 ‘03 9420 PS 5700..............109,000 ‘07 9760 1800.....................98,000 ‘07 9660 1300...................124,000 ‘05 9660 1800-2100 ..(2) fr 87,000 Lrg Select Grain Carts (10) fr 13,500 Frontier FM 1015R mower.....13,500 Shel CX 84 28’. ..................19,000 JD 616C 78,500 ‘10 CIH 3416 16R30...........66,500 JD 612C 43,500 ’11 Agco 5200 draper 25’...28,500 JD, Darf, Verm Rakes......(3) fr 15,500 JD 569 Rd blr 0-10k..................(9) fr 34,000 JD 568, 567 blr 4k-17k (12) fr 11,500 JD 7200 16R30 Liq ...........20,000 JD 1770 NT 12R30 CCS ........(3) fr 93,500 JD 1770 FF 12R30.............32,500 JD 1760 12R30...................24,000 CIH Early Riser 12R30.....36,500 JD 1293 12R30..........(2) fr.29,000 ‘07 Drago 12R30................41,500 JD 608C 39,500 JD853Arow crop 8R30(2)fr21,500 ’11 MF 2190 sq blr 33k......83,500 ‘09 ‘08 MF 2190 blr 39k-48k... (2) fr 54,000 ‘12 NH RB 450 sq blr 2k ...16,000 ’11 CIH SB 541 sq. blr.......18,500 JD 1720 12R30 ..................49,500 JD 1710 12R30 vert (5) fr 21,000 JD 7200 12R30 ..................12,500 CIH 955 8R30....................10,500 BST, Speed King Seed Tender (2) fr 9,500 JD 455 35’, 30x7.5.............29,500 GP NTA 3510 33x10..........38,500 CB 4030 30x10..........(2) fr 26,500 CIH SDX, cart 30x7.5........84,500 JD 455 30’x7.5...................19,500 JD 1690 CCS Soy 30x15....54,500 CIH Concord hoe 50x12.....36,500 GP AD1345 hoe 45x12......34,500 NH SD440 hoe 44x9..........50,000 JD 9400 hoe 40x12....(2) fr 39,500 JD 9400 hoe 40x10....(2) fr 24,500 Hiniker 5620 20’ shred.............22,500 Landol 7431 VertTil 23’...........36,000 JD 510 7sh ripper 17’6”....(2)fr 10,500 JD 2510H 17R ...................60,500 Landoll 2211 13 sh chisel disc 40,500 GP NF 4000 16R30 no til..34,500 Orth Fallow Master 49’......48,500 CIH 2800 40’x15 Applicator.....39,000 CIH 4400 soil finish 32’.....18,500 Schaben 31’ Toolbar..........24,500 SF 6432 mulch finish 33’...16,500 CIH 5300 PT 15R side dress...25,500 SF Rich 11x5, sweeps, pick......39,000 DMI Ecol Tiger 730 ripper.......11,500 ’06 Rogator 1074C 100’ 1200 130,500 ‘99 JD 4700 90’ 3200-4100.....(2) fr 60,500 ‘06,’05 4720 90’ 1200-3100.......(5) fr 99,500 ‘12 Top Aire 90’ PT.............39,000 ‘05 CIH SPX 3150 100’ 2400.............86,000 ‘11 Bestway 100’ PT...........30,500 ‘05 Apache AS850 80’ 2800................77,000 Schaben 120’ 90’ PT.(2) fr 16,500 ’04 AgChem 4440 80’ 1600.......44,500 Hardi 90’ PT.............(2) fr 15,000 ‘04,’02 4710 90’ 3400-4300.......(2) fr 60,500 Wylie 90’, 60’ PT .......(3) fr 9,500 ‘14 JD 326E AC 55 ............45,000 ‘14, ‘10 JD 326E 328D 40-200(2) fr 33,000 ‘14 NH C238 Track AC 400....55,000 ‘08 Bobcat S300 AC 3200..22,000 ‘10 JD 328D Rops 200.......33,000 ‘04 JD 260 skid 1300.........22,000 53156 ‘08 JD 2510S 12R30 strip til......................................53,500 51940 ‘10 JD 568 rd baler, wrap, 17,465 bales.....................20,500 18C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale NEW HOLLAND, GLEANER, SUNFLOWER, MF HESSTON, HAYBUSTER, CRUSTBUSTER, GREAT PLAINS, WHITE PLANTERS, MACDON, LANDPRIDE, VERSATILE Your Farm Equipment Dealers Since 1967 New 2015 MacDon S . .Full line 2162/FD70 30’ flex S . . .$52,500 (10) ‘14 FD 75s 35’ w/trans S .$68.500 ‘98 962 36’ w/gauge S . .$19,500 (2) ‘14 FD75s 35’ w/gauge S,G . .$67,500 ‘96 960 30’ w/gauge S . .$14,500 (2) ‘13 FD75s 35’ w/trans S .$67,500 (1) ‘13 FD75 35’ w/ gauge S .$65,500 New MacDon SPs S . . . . . .Call (1) ‘13 FD75 40’ w/trans S . .$72,500 New MacDon SP heads S . .Call (2) ‘12 FD70s 40’ DK w/trans S . .$72,500 (2) ‘10 FD70s 35’ w/trans S .$58,500 2012 M205 w/R85 600 hrs S . .$115,000 ‘08 FD70 35’ w/gauge S $55,000 2011 M205 w/R85 400 hrs S . .$105,000 ‘06 936D JD w/trans S .$29,500 2013 D65 25’ w/9bat reel S .$45,000 ‘01 936D w/trans S . . . .$27,500 2013 D65 25’ w/9bat reel S .$45,000 ‘11 9250 Dynaflex S . . .$47,500 2010 D60 30’ w/DDD S . . . .$45,000 CAN ADAPT ANY HEAD TO ANY COMBINE! BEST MACDON SHOP IN THE WORLD! (S) St. Francis, Kansas 800-421-3914 or 785-332-3351 (G) Goodland, Kansas 800-783-7343 or 785-899-6565 (I) Imperial, Nebraska 800-891-4263 or 308-882-4316 Call us or See all of our New and Used Equipment at FUEL CONTAINMENT tanks, trailers and basins for your existing tanks. Grand Island, Nebraska, PH-877-407-8645. GEAR DRIVE JD 6620 combine, 2400 hours, 28Lx26 tires, chopper, $7,500. Jack Boyle, Vermillion, Kansas. PH785-564-0511; PH-785-294-2236. HAVE SUNFLOWER and Krause disk, need to sell one or the other, retiring. Cell-620-727-6780. TRACTORS JD 8360R 583 hrs..$269,000 JD 8360R 849 hrs ...$269,000 JD 8360R 914 hrs ...$269,000 JD8360R1003 hrs ...$267,000 JD 8335R 654hrs ....$256,000 JD 8335R 700hrs ....$256,000 JD 8310R 884hrs ....$236,000 JD 8310R 1029hrs ..$222,000 JD 8285R 403hrs ....$194,000 JD 8260R 604hrs ....$177,000 JD 8530 5008hrs.....$140,000 JD 8430 4886hrs.....$126,000 COMBINES ‘14 JD S680 380/593.....$337,000 ‘14 JD S670342/500......$295,000 ‘14 JD S670450/657......$284,000 ‘14 JD S670 446/594.....$284,000 ‘14 JD S670 473/704.....$280,000 ‘13 JD S670 382/511.....$265,000 ‘13 JD S670 455/719.....$250,000 ‘13 JD S670 499/764.....$250,000 ‘14 JD S670 546/889.....$250,000 ‘13 JD S670 561/734.....$250,000 ‘13 JD S680 680/978.....$256,000 ‘12 JD S670 751/1036...$230,000 ‘12 JD S670 4WD940/1425.$220,000 ‘12 JD S670 1070/1581..$211,000 ‘12 JD S670 1155/1757 .$211,000 ‘12 JD S660 755/1059 ...$220,000 ‘11 JD9770 S1443/2031$165,000 ‘10 JD 9770S 4WD 1797/2346 $160,000 ‘10 JD 9770S 4WD 1697/2238 $160,000 ‘09JD 9670S 1114/1606$153,000 ‘08JD 9870S1756/2359 .$150,000 ‘01JD 9650W2188/3050..$78,000 SPRAYERS ‘13 JD 4940 631h lk&ld.......$241,000 ‘05 Rogator 1264 190bm3010h......$70,000 PLATFORMS '11 JD 630R.....................$29,000 '11 JD 630F.....................$33,000 '07 JD 630F.....................$22,000 '04 JD 630F.....................$16,000 HAY EQUPMENT ‘13 MD M155 w/18’ 989 hrs..$85,500 ‘12 MD M155 w/18’ 1085hrs.$77,000 ‘12 MD M155 w/18’ 1256hrs.$77,000 ‘12 MacDon D60 drpr 25’ .$38,000 ‘11 Darf 917 17whl rake....$23,800 ‘00 JD 265 disc mwr.............$4,500 ‘13 ‘14 ‘14 ‘13 ‘14 ‘14 ‘14 ‘13 ‘14 ‘14 ‘06 ‘06 GOLDEN TRIANGLE FARMS, LLC Combines w/Platforms, Tractors, Trucks, Grain Hoppers For Rent 8320R & 8270R For Rent Trucking Available IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 8320RFrtdls,3,000hrs,50”rear dls..$150,000 8270R, PS, 2,900 hrs, 46” rear dls$130,000 ‘11 635F JD head ..............$15,900 Larry: 940-782-1162; 940-562-6000 940-232-4750 JD 8120 WITH 840 JD LOADER, 7000 hours. PH-405-714-0183. DRAPERS 640D ..........................$64,000 640D ..........................$64,000 640D ..........................$64,000 640D ..........................$64,000 640D ..........................$50,000 JD 635D ....................$43,200 JD 640D ....................$50,000 JD 640D ....................$50,000 JD 640D ....................$50,000 JD 640D ....................$50,000 635D ..........................$37,300 JD 936D ....................$32,000 JD 936D ....................$29,000 SEEDING ‘14 JD 1770NT 16R .....$115,000 ‘12 JD 1720 16R..............$68,500 ‘11 JD 1770 CCS 16R ...$115,000 ‘09 JD 1770NT 12R ........$67,000 ‘07 JD 1770NT 12R ........$55,000 ‘10 JD 1890/1910 cart ..$135,000 ‘10 JD 455 35x7.5 ...........$43,000 ‘93 JD 7300 12-R planter ......$13,000 ‘97 JD 7200 8-R planter ...$9,500 ‘95 JD 1770 12-R planter ......$27,500 CORN HEADS ‘13 JD 612C.....................$72,600 ‘13 JD 6120C...................$72,600 ‘13 JD 612C.....................$72,600 ‘12 JD 612C.....................$65,300 ‘12 JD 612C.....................$65,300 ‘12 JD 612C.....................$65,300 ‘12 JD 612C.....................$65,300 ‘12 JD 612C.....................$65,300 ‘12 JD 616C.....................$69,000 ‘11 JD 612C.....................$62,000 ‘11 JD 612C.....................$62,000 ‘11 JD 612C.....................$62,000 '10 JD 612C.........................$56,000 ‘10 JD 612C.........................$56,000 ‘07 JD 1293 .........................$40,000 '06 JD 1293..........................$36,000 FLEX HEADS ‘12 635F ...............................$42,000 ‘11 635F ...............................$38,000 ‘11 635F ...............................$38,000 ‘10 635F ...............................$34,000 ‘09 635F ...............................$31,000 ‘09 635F ...............................$31,000 GRAIN CARTS ‘02 Brent 1084 ....................$31,000 MISC Rhino SR FL10 10’ mwr..........$8,500 ‘13 ‘13 ‘13 ‘13 ‘11 ‘11 '11 '11 '11 '11 ‘10 ‘06 ‘05 Great Bend, Kansas PH-620-793-3509 PH-1-800-817-9921 Evening: 620-793-0991 877-742-1332 Make Model YR Hrs Price Sprayers 15,000 Wylie 1250 ‘03 8000 153,500 Case 1250 ‘12 5137 60,000 AgChem 1264 ‘04 3690 120,000 AgChem 1264 ‘04 2678 125,000 AgChem 1286C ‘07 3122 120,000 Case 3310 ‘06 2432 145,000 Deere 4930 ‘09 3324 125,000 AgChem 8204 ‘09 21,500 ZZ-BESTWAY 1900 1 2286 135,000 Case 3320 ‘08 18,000 Field Pro Field Pro ‘08 AgChem RG1264C ‘04 4841 75,000 202,500 Challngr RG700 ‘13 20 Case 3320 ‘09 1551 135,000 187,500 Deere 4930 Track Tractors Deere 8310T ‘01 10224 70,000 Deere 8410T ‘01 8798 75,000 Cat CH55 ‘01 4822 72,000 Cat CH55 ‘01 5592 65,000 Cat CH85E ‘97 7847 75,000 Challngr MT765 ‘03 3766 130,000 Challngr MT765 ‘05 1 137,500 Challngr MT765B ‘05 5608 119,500 Case STX 375 ‘07 7837 95,000 Challngr MT755 ‘02 5330 105,000 Challngr MT765 ‘05 7835 119,000 Challngr MT765D ‘13 968 325,100 Challngr MT865B ‘06 5085 180,000 Wheeled Tractors Case MAG 315‘12 1130 225,000 Challngr MT955B ‘08 4262 140,000 New Hol. TV140 ‘02 3658 58,950 Vermeer 2210 ‘05 10089 43,750 Deere 4640 ‘80 8719 22,500 Deere 8285R ‘13 632 225,000 Challngr MT645B ‘05 10270 75,000 Challngr MT675C ‘10 1111 198,000 New Hol. TT50A ‘08 489 11,500 Balers Massey 2190 ‘08 22655 70,000 Massey 2190 ‘08 20217 70,000 Challngr LB44 ‘03 22000 35,000 60,000 Challngr LB44B ‘09 210 Challngr LB44B ‘09 23436 60,000 Challngr LB44B ‘07 33500 60,000 Massey MF2190 ‘09 32877 87,500 Challngr RB56 ‘05 4620 13,000 Combines 795 235,000 Challngr 670B ‘11 Challngr 670C ‘05 2,083 105,000 Challngr 670 ‘04 2,094 55,000 Challngr 670 ‘04 1,645 85,000 Challngr 680B ‘08 1,142 155,000 Deere 9500 ‘89 5,121 27,500 WAGNER EQUIPMENT Burlington, Colorado 719-346-7880 KRAUSE 30’ DISC with Noble harrows, $3,500. PH-620-874-4308. Garden City, KS 866-878-3010 '13 CIH 290 500h..$207,700 HARVESTING '09 CIH 8120 782S .......$235,400 '09 CIH 8120 1025S .....$215,000 '09 CIH 8120 1275S.............$199,250 ‘13 JD S680, 450h ........$294,500 ‘10 JD 9770, 1233S ......$174,750 ‘13 CIH 3412 ..................$73,500 '10 CIH 3412 ..................$50,700 '08 CIH 3412 .................$49,700 ‘08 CIH 2412 ..................$40,500 HAY & FORAGE '08 MD M150 w/18' head$64,900 '07 MF 9635 2800 hrs ....$61,900 ‘07 JD 4995 1170 hrs .....$72,900 ‘08 MF 2756A .................$25,000 Darf 917 Rake ................$10,000 H&S HD2 Rake..............$18,900 Phiber AC4104 accum ...$15,000 TILLAGE Rich 30’ mulch trdr ..........$7,900 SF 1434-36’.....................$36,000 USED COMBINES 24 Month - Fixed Interest Waiver followed by 1.9% Fixed Rate For 60 Months 28 Feb 2015 to until cancelled K 2014 JD S680 ............$330,000 SH 2013 JD S550 .........$205,375 SC 2014 JD S670 ..........$290,000 A 2012 JD S680 ............$259,000 L 2014 JD S660.............$269,900 M 2012 JD S670............$179,900 L 2014 JD S650.............$249,900 G 2012 JD S660 ............$224,000 G 2013 JD S680 ............$305,000 SH 2010 JD 9770S........$149,000 SC 2013 JD S670 ..........$259,000 H 2010 JD 9570S ..........$145,000 K 2013 JD S660 ............$272,000 P 2005 JD 9760STS........$85,000 USED TRACTORS .9% Fixed Rate For 36 Months 1.5% Fixed Rate For 48 Months 1.9% Fixed Rate For 60 Months Programs End 31 March 2015 M 2014 JD 9460R .........$272,500 K 2013 JD 8260R ..........$189,000 M 2014 JD 8360RT .......$283,500 M 2013 JD 7280R .........$189,000 A 2014 JD 8360R ..........$283,500 K 2012 JD 8335R ..........$259,000 H 2014 JD 8335R..........$283,500 M 2012 JD 8310RT .......$235,000 M 2014 JD 8310R .........$259,000 SC 2011 JD 8360R........$249,000 M 2014 JD 8285R .........$215,000 SH 2011 JD 7200R .......$119,000 M 2014 JD 8260R .........$210,000 SH 2010 JD 8295R .......$174,500 M 2014 JD 8235R .........$199,000 P 2010 JD 8270R ..........$155,000 SH 2013 JD 8360R .......$279,500 SH 2009 JD 8230..........$149,700 Used Sprayer 24 Month - Fixed Interest Waiver followed by 1.9% Fixed Rate For 60 Months 28 Feb 2015 to until cancelled H 2014 JD R4030..........$250,000 E 2012 JD 4830.............$165,000 H 2014 JD 4830 ............$255,000 M 2012 JD 4730 ............$197,500 M 2013 JD 4940 ............$225,000 M 2011 JD 4930 ............$132,000 K 2013 JD 4730 ............$199,500 SC 2005 JD 4720 ..........$125,000 Used Planting & Seeding 0.00% Fixed Rate for 36 Months 1.50% Fixed Rate for 48 Months 2.50% Fixed Rate for 60 Months Programs End 31 March 2015 M 2014 JD DR16X 16R36...$129,500 M 2012 JD 1720 12R30..........$57,000 A 2014 JD 1720 12R36...........$65,900 A 2010 JD 1770NT 16R30 ....$59,500 M 2013 JD 1720 CCS 16R30 $92,500 SH 2010 JD 1720 12R36........$44,500 SH 2012 JD DR16 16R36......$97,500 SC 2005 JD 1770NT 16R30..$53,500 Arapahoe, NE: 308-962-7448 Holdrege, NE: 800-652-9360 Smith Center, KS: 800-748-8273 Phillipsburg, KS: 800-247- 0396 Gothenburg, NE: 800-652-1704 INTERNATIONAL 800 AIR planter, 12R, vertical fold, 1 owner, $2,500. PH-316-799-2408. Lexington, NE: 800-423-3373 Elwood, NE: 308-785-3311 Shelton, NE: 800-694-5674 Kearney, NE: 800-652-1946 Minden, NE: 800-652-1988 GRAIN CARTS Unverferth Deerfield, KS 888-303-7311 ‘11 CIH 550QT 1480h PTO$314,900 TRACTORS ‘14 CIH 340 575h .................$233,000 ‘14 CIH 315 563h .................$226,700 ‘14 CIH 290 535h .................$217,800 ‘13 CIH 340 518h .................$228,300 ‘13 CIH 315 250h .................$220,000 ‘13 CIH 315 502h .................$222,200 ‘13 CIH 290 501h .................$207,700 ‘13 CIH 225CVT175h..........$174,900 ‘12 CIH 235 665hrs..............$168,000 '00 CIH 9350 7820 hrs ..........$72,900 ‘13 JD 8360R 1000h RTK ..$269,600 ‘12 JD 8360RT 2500h RTK$219,000 PLANTING ‘09 CIH 24x30 1250 .....$109,900 ‘10 CIH 16X30 1250.......$97,500 ‘11 CIH 16X30 1250.....$108,300 CIH 3010/2300 Drill ......$29,900 APPLICATION ‘13 CIH 4430 537h 120’ $289,500 ‘12 JD 4830 120’ 800h..$216,900 ‘00 Cherokee 575............$34,900 NEW-'14 9250, 1,000 bu, 35.5x32 tires, hyd spout, 17" corner aug ..$31,800 NEW-'14 1015, 1,000 bu, 20" corner aug, 900x60x32 tires, tarp ..$38,800 NEW-'14 1115, 1,100 bu, row crop, tarp, 20.8x42 duals..............$51,900 NEW-'14 Seed runners Model 3750, Several in stock .... $19,700-$25,800 Several rebuilt grain carts in stock, 500-1,100 bushel, Harvest Ready. Harvest Rental available on all carts. Also Avail: Tarps/hydraulic drive/delivery CHISHOLM IRRIGATION 580-237-4700 ENID, OK HELTEN FARM REPAIR ‘88 876 Versatile . . . . . . . . . $28,500 ‘81 895 Versatile . . . . . . . . . $17,500 ‘90 876 Versatile . . . . . . . . $30,500 Set of 4020 JD front weights . . $500 “We Buy Versatile Tractors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For Salvage!” “We Now Sell Outback Guidance Systems” 1050 S. McComas, Wichita, KS 316-943-0203 HOELSCHER Improved Hay Accumulators Bale Claw Grabbers For NH Bale Wagons & Sm Square Bales DRY CREEK FARM & SUPPLY Hesston, Kansas PH-620-327-2183 March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 19C 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale HAY KING OF KANSAS Dodge City, Kansas '11 Case 315 w/2132 hrs.....$163,900 (2) ‘13 JD R450 w/16’ disc.....$89,000 ‘10 Case 1250 16R planter$54,500 ‘14 Case Farmall 140A......$62,000 ‘08 Case Farmall 95 new ldr$40,000 (3) ‘13 NH H8040 w/18’.....$78,500 (2) '09 H8040 w/18' ........$58,500 ‘13 JD 455 drill 35’.........$47,500 ‘08 Case 1200 16R..........$37,500 ‘11 Darf 917 rake like new.$18,900 ‘03 Case 2208 corn hdr .......$14,900 ‘04 BR750 twine...................$10,500 ‘96 Sunflower 47’ field cult.$12,500 ‘94 NH 2550 w/18’ ...............$22,500 Krause 1950 disk 24’ .......$5,900 ‘08 Darf 917 rake .............. $13,900 (2) Case 900 planter ........$3,150 Garden City, Kansas Drago 8-30 Red ..............$45,900 JD 936D Draper.............$16,500 NH H8080, 18' 1033hrs ....$79,900 (9)NH H8040, 18',...$55,000-$99,000 (2) H8060 16’ 2491h..$69-72,900 NH H8040, 30' drap.......$99,500 NH BR780A N-T....................$15,500 JD 567 Rnd Bale twine..$12,500 CIH RBX563 NT ............$19,300 CIH RB564 NT crop sp..$18,900 MF 2190 4x4...................$44,950 Pro-Ag HD 4SR ..............$22,900 GP PYP 32TR30 twin row.$127,500 NH L230SS C-A-H ................$47,500 4000 Ford 2WD ................$3,900 JD 4630 2WD 10000h....$10,500 NH TV140, Ldr, grap.....$41,900 JD 1253A ROW HEAD Frame kits and row head parts. PH-785-821-1808; PH-785821-1809. JD 1700 8R30” MAX EMERGE Plus, Precision E-Set, HD downspring, insecticide boxes, shark-tooth openers, markers, $10,000. Cell-785-443-1428. JD 1720 2008, 16R30, 3 BUSHEL, 350 monitor, $17,500. PH-620-2855601. JD 1760 12R PLANTER, 2-SEPARATE liquid fertilizer systems and pump, Thompson closing wheels, $22,500. PH-785-545-7398. JD 1770NT PLANTER, 16-30”, vac, 3 bushel boxes, fertilizer, no-till, row cleaners, rubber and Martin closing wheels, clutches, pneumatic down pressure, only 4100 acres, $78,000. PH-816-560-6024. JD 2008 9230 1 OWNER, 1020 HOURS, 3 point, PTO, $180,000, will deliver. PH-402-533-3742. JD 4240, cab, 2WD, loader.......................$19,500 BR7070 net Nice! ..................$25,000 NH BR7070 ne/twine, Nice! .$23,999 NH BR7070 auto wrap, Clean!....$16,999 NH BR7060 Auto wrap Rnd Blr .$13,999 NH BR750 net/twine ............$13,999 NH BR750 auto wrap round baler$10,999 NH BR740A auto wrap.........$14,999 NH BR740 auto wrap ...........$13,999 NH 688 auto wrap..............................$8,999 NH 650 auto wrap..............................$6,995 NH 648 Rd. blr, auto wrap. ....$8,999 NH 575 sq blr, twine.............$17,000 Winpower 7000 Watt PTO Generator $1,800 Tulsa New Holland Tulsa, Oklahoma PH-1-800-759-4554 See Our Used Equipment On Line: JD 4630 SYNCRO-RANGE, open station, JD 725 loader, joystick, grapple, excellent shape, $14,500. Cell-308991-6559. JD 4955 2WD, 18.4x42 TIRES, 90%, duals, Quick-Hitch, weights, 8000 hours, shedded and field ready, $31,500. PH-402-826-0296. JD 4960 MFWD 8000hrs......$39,500 NH 185 Spreader, nice .........$11,000 JD 955 7 Shank Inline Ripper$7,800 JD 637 26’ Disk .....................$21,000 JD 7810 PS 6300 hrs Duals .$61,800 C/IH 3900 32’ Disk................$11,500 Hoelscher Accumulator ..........$4,750 ROTTINGHAUS EQUIPMENT 785-353-2525 620-338-6388 JD 567 ROUND BALER, 10,742 bales, net wrap, mega wide, barn kept, excellent, $15,500. PH-806-3441656. 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale JD 7200 12-ROW PLANTER, very nice shape, shedded, fertilizer, Keaton seed firmers, 2-point hitch hookup, $10,500. PH-719-688-3167. JD 7200 8RN LIQUID FERTILIZER, TRASH whippers, 200 monitor, squeeze pump, Redball monitor, markers, $8,750/OBO. PH-316-6131647. JD 7200 MAX-EMERGE II PLANTER, true no-till 12R flex fold, liquid fertilizer with coulter, residue manager, wheeled seed firmer, 12R monitor, plastic boxes, 600 acres on bearings, extra parts. PH-580-5541137. JD 8130 TRACTOR, MFWD, 2006, only 1964 hours, Auto-Track ready, 1000 PTO, $125,000. PH-816-5606024. COMPETITIVE SPECIAL PRICING!! ‘10 AgCo MT755C, 18” belts, dlx cab....................................$160,000 ‘08 AgCo 8722 12R30 1.6 bu, wing fold..................................$23,000 ‘03 AgCo 8722 12R30 2 bu. wing fold.....................................$18,450 ‘12 MF 8650, Dyna VT 31 mph, 1250 hrs............................$155,500 ‘12 CIH 7088 610 sep hrs, loaded.........................................$176,500 ‘11 CIH MX290 849 hrs, cab susp, 5 scv..............................$155,000 ‘10 CIH 1250, 16R30, CCS, PDF, Yetter..................................$57,600 ‘02 CIH 2388, 2450 sep hrs, sgls, 2wd...................................$64,000 ‘08 Kinze 3600, 16/31, 1.6bu w/ext, liq....................................$46,800 ‘09 Kinze 3660, 16R30, finger p/u, 1.6 bu................................$58,000 ‘63 JD 3010, nice paint, good tires, Diesel.................................$6,924 ‘13 JD 5115M, 216 hrs, 32F/16R, mfwd...................................$60,000 ‘13 JD 6140R, 254 hrs, 20/20 AQ, GS/AT..............................$107,500 11' JD 7330, 3007hrs, ivt, 3scv, no ldr.....................................$95,000 800-925-4458 BEATRICE, NE MX8 JD ROTARY MOWER, 3 point, new blades, $2,800. PH-316-542-3210. If you’re reading this ad, and you don’t subscribe to the High Plains Journal, Call 1-800-452-7171 and ask for LEANN, Ext. #1882. We’ll see that you get your own copy every week at a special introductory rate. CALL-TODAY! If you’re reading this ad, and you don’t subscribe to the High Plains Journal, Call 1-800-452-7171 and ask for DONNA, Ext. #1889. We’ll see that you get your own copy every week at a special introductory rate. CALL-TODAY 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale JD 6105R, QUAD, MFWD, 63 HOURS, CAH, H340 loader; JD 7410 PQ, 740SL loader; Frontier bale spear. PH-641-732-3020. SP WINDROWERS (3) JD R450 $92,500-$110,000(C,S,A) ‘07 JD 4995................$64,500(C) ‘92 CIH 8830..............$12,500(F) (11)MacDon M205's ...........$83,000-$110,000(A,C,S) (3)MacDon M150 .................$75,000-$95,000(C,F) (4) MacDon M200, DWA ...........$58,000- $79,500(A,F,M) ‘11 MacDon D60, 30’, DBL draper drive .....................$38,500(C) ‘06 MacDon 3020.......$17,500(C) ‘00MacDon 9350 ........$29,500(F) ‘07 MacDon.....................$58,500 MacDon 9000.............$18,500(F) ‘14 NH H8040 ................$82,500(A) (1) '12 NH H8080, 18' hdr .................................$100,000(C) (19) MF 9770, 9195, Bias Turf .....$105,000-$137,500(A,C,F,M) (5) MF 9635 SP disc mwrs ............. $58,500-$83,500(A,C,M) (2) MF 5200 $17,000-$20,000(M) (2) MF 9365 ................$58,000-$68,500(C,M) (1)Hess 9260.......................$55,000(C) (3)Hess 8450 ............$22,000-$27,500(A,C,M) (4) Hess 8400 SP .................$14,500-$18,000(C,F) ‘96 MD 9300, 920 16’ header ..................................$17,500(A) MOWER CONDITIONERS (2) MF 1372 .$17,500-$18,000(C) ‘06 MF 1375...............$23,500(A) MF 1329 .......................$5,000(S) ‘01 JD 946 .................$13,750(C) JD 956........................$16,750(C) (2) Hess1360..$6,000-$13,500(C) ‘89 Hesston 1160 .........$3,500(F) Hesston 1170...............$4,800(A) Hesston 1008...............$5,000(C) (2) NH 1441, 2PT, S/S ................$13,500-$14,500(A,C) ‘98 NH 1475, 18 Header ....................................$9,000(A) Galfre FRD320 ............$4,500(C) Agco 5409 ....................$6,750(C) Agro 1362...................$12,500(S) CIH DCX131 .............$14,500(C) ‘07 Krone 4013cv.......$10,000(C) SQUARE BALERS (4) MF 2290 ..................$99,500-$145,000(C) (3) MF 2170 XD ..........$95,000-$115,000(A,C,M) (6)MF 1839 .............$16,500-$19,900(A,C,F) (16)MF 2190 .......$55,000-$118,750(A,C,F,M) (3) MF 2170 ...............$55,000-$110,000(C,S) (3) AGCO 7444 ...................$48,000-$79,000(M) CIH 8575, 3x3, re-cond. ..................................$32,500(C) (5)Case 8580 ..................$6,500-$10,000(C,M) ‘02 Case 8545, 950 ....$13,500(C) (2) Case IH 8590, ..................$5,000-$15,000(C,M) (6) Hess 4910 big blrs, rcnd .........$15,000-$38,500(A,C,F,M) (6)Hesston 4900 big balers... ..................$5,000-$29,500(C,A) (1) ‘03 Hess 4790 .......$38,500(C) (2) Hess 4590, 1/4 Hyd. Tens ................$12,000-$12,300(A,M) (2)‘13 NH BC5070, twine, hyd. tongue ....$16,000-$19,500(A,M) NH 565, twine tie......$10,500(C) (2) NH 575 .$8,500-$11,000(A,C) 12 NH BB9080 roller chute ..................................$65,000(C) NH 565 ......................$10,500(C) (7) JD 348 small square ..........$12,500-$25,500(A,C,F,S) ‘10 JD 338..................$13,000(A) ‘00 JD 100.......................$20,000 (2)‘08 Agco 7110 ....................$14,000-$16,000(A) ‘14 2270 XDT ...........$125,000(F) ROUND BALERS (4) Hess 956 A w/mesh ...............$15,000-16,500(A,F,S) (3) Hesston 856 ...............$6,000-$11,000(A,C,S) Hesston 946A.............$15,000(S) (1) Hess 560 .................$4,500(F) Hesston 550.................$4,500(C) (3) MF 2956A, 1000 PTO ................$36,500-$39,500(A,C) (12) MF 2856A Rd blr w/mesh, Autocycle .........$20,500-$34,000(A,C,F,M) (4)MF 2756A's ...............$18,500-$25,000(A,C,F) (4)'07 MF 2656A ............$17,000-$19,900(A,F,S) (2)MF 1745 ..$10,500-$23,000(S) '94 Case 8465A ............$4,500(C) Case 8460 .........................$5,500 ‘00 Case IH RS561A....$9,500(F) Case RBX 562..............$3,500(F) (4)JD 568, 540 PTO .............$25,000-$33,000(A,C,F) (2) Hoelsher 1000 Accum ..................$7,000-$12,000(A,M) ‘02 NH 688 ...................$7,000(S) NH BR780 ..................$7,500(M) JD 567........................$19,000(F) TRACTORS Valtra T190 ..............$70,000(A) ‘07 AGCO DT 220A, 220 PTO, duals, susp., cab.......$87,500(A) ‘75 Agco Allis 7060......$8,750(C) ‘03 CIH D35, 4WD, 35 hp., 1045 hrs., 12x12, Synchro Shuttle, loader........................$17,500(C) ‘12 Case 125 Pro........$79,000(C) Manitou MTL840 ......$86,000(C) ‘12 JD 7200R ...........$139,000(C) JD 8270R .................$170,000(C) JD 8430....................$195,000(C) JD 9320......................$95,000(C) ‘06 JD 8230..............$117,000(C) JD 4250......................$29,500(C) ‘96 JD 8200 ................$69,500(F) ‘06 Mahindra 4510, 40e, 485 hrs., 4WD, shuttle, cab, loader, 3 hyd ..................................$23,500(F) ‘12 Mahindra 8560, 83hp, 306 hrs, loader, bucket ...$41,500(C) ‘14 Mahindra 4025 ..................................$16,000(A) ‘10 Mahindra 4035 ...$22,500(C) ‘04 Mahindra 6000 ....$20,900(F) (2) MF 7624 .............$145,000(F) ‘07 MF 1533...............$21,500(C) ‘04 MF 1428VH, hydro, ldr, 4x4, canopy, 28hp.............$15,000(S) ‘08 MF 5455 ..............$55,000(S) '11 NH T9.45 400 hp., 700 hrs., PS............................$219,000(C) ‘94 NH 9480, 6100hrs., 4 Remotes, 20.8x42 ......$53,000(F) ‘76 Steiger ST250.....$18,500(A) ‘12 Versatile 400, 924hrs., Powershift, 620/70R42 Duals, HD Drawbar, Trimble ................................$200,000(F) ‘91 Hesston 80-90......$14,750(C) HAY RAKES (2) Darf 917 HD ....................$15,500-$20,500(C) (5) Darf 917 ............$14,000-$18,500(A,C,M) (2)Rowse ULT-17 ......$19,500(C) Rowse ULT-22...........$20,000(C) JD 700..........................$4,500(C) H&S 1660 ..................$12,500(F) (5) H&S HDII ................$11,500-$20,500(A,C) (8) H&S BF16 whl Bi-fold rakes .................$6,000-$12,250 (A,C) (3)H&S BF12H .................$5,500-$6,500(A,C,F) (2)H&S HM7A ........$5,250/ea(A) ‘10 Enorossi 8F carted rake ............. ........................$4,500(C) Hesston 399 1$7,500(M) Hesston 3982...............$4,250(C) Hesston 12 wheel rake ...$4,500 M&W 12 wheel............$2,650(C) Rowse ULT-20................$12,305 SEEDING & TILLAGE Great Plains 30’ drill $14,000(C) Big G 21’ .....................$4,500(F) ‘97 JD 1770, 12R30, Liq. Fert ..................................$36,500(C) '07 JD 1770 NT CSS, 2 pt. hitch, air clutch, liq. fert., Keatons ..................................$92,000(F) JD 1700.....................$22,000(M) JD 637-30’..................$31,000(C) JD 1050-50 ................$10,500(C) JD 450 drill................$10,500(A) JD 1780 ......................$25,000(F) SF 9433-40 .................$65,000(A) SF 7231-37 .................$10,000(C) ‘12 SF 9830-4 ...........$165,000(F) ‘12 SF9413-20, pull-hitch ...................................$42,500(A) ‘07 SF 1434-36 ...........$35,000(C) ‘07 SF 1435-26 disc ...$32,500(C) (3)‘08 SF 1435-36 ..$45,000/ea(C) ‘13 SF 6630-32 ...........$53,500(F) ‘12 SF 9435-40 ..........$79,500(M) ‘01 SF 9432-40, 2 pt ..$10,500(A) ‘98 SF 6432-30 Land Finisher ...................................$22,500(C) SF 2431-33 .................$13,750(C) SF 79FC-24, rigid shanks ....................................$6,000(C) (7) 9434-40, 7.5" spacing, new blades .$65,000-$79,500(A,C,M) ‘97 Kinze 2000, 8R30, PT, markers, liquid fert ...........$15,000(F) ‘11 MacFarlane HDL1036-16 ..................................$17,500(F) ‘13 Landoll 7431-33...$50,000(F) COMBINES '11 Gleaner S77 ......$265,000(A) '11 Gleaner 9250-40 ..$67,500(A) (2) Gleaner R75 .............$125,000-$126,000(F,A) ‘Gleaner R70$15,000-$24,500(F) ‘09 MacDon D60 ........$45,000(C) '06 MacDon 974 .........$42,000(F) JD 9600...........................$27,500 ATV’S ‘08 Arctic Cat 650, 4x4, auto, Red ..............................$3,000(S) TRAILERS ‘02 Holt GN FB, 20’x6’8” $4,100(S) GN Flatbed ..................$1,000(S) ‘80 Triangle K 30+5, King Pin .....................................$6,000(S) MISC. JD CX15.......................$9,000(C) (2) Super Titan S3000 ...............................$6,750/ea(A) ‘05 BH 13414SS..........$5,500(M) ‘10 Rhino TW96 ..........$4,200(M) Rhino 1310..................$3,000(M) 5 Sets of Duals 18.4-38 ..........................$Make Offer(C) Duals 20.8-38 ....$Make Offer(C) Land Pride RCR3515..$4,500(A) (2) Steffens bale hay handler ...............................$4,500/ea(C) Gopher Machine..........$2,250(C) Danser Auger...............$1,000(S) Farm King 4480 ........$37,500(C) 3 point Scoop Bucket .....$100(C) Free Form MT2000 .....$3,000(F) 20C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale The Farm Show With More to See 11th ANNUAL 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale Make greasing your equipment easy with our custom designed K & S Repairs, Inc. 1-866-735-2824 Buffalo, OK Used 50’ Baker fld. cultivator ....$10,000 New 26’ 30’ 40’ 50’ GP HD drills ....... .............................................In Stock Used 3S4000 HD...................$52,500 New GP 3pt. 8’ drill ....................Call Land Pride Zero Turn Mowers New Land Pride 12’ & 15’ Brush Beaters 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale GREASE SYSTEMS Loaders, Grain Baggers, Grain Unloaders, Round Bale Transports, Bale Caddie Accumulators 800-456-1107 and take the nightmare out of properly maintaining your equipment. Kearney Equipment APRIL 16-18, 2015 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA SHOW HOURS THURS-FRI. 9AM - 5PM SAT. 9AM - 4PM FREE ADMISSION FREE PARKING Gentle Horse Training Clinics Live Cattle Equipment Demos Rick Jones Commercial Cattle Grading Scholarship Winners Announced Over 400,000 Sq. Ft. of Exhibit Space Available For Exhibit Space, Call: JD 8420 ILS auto-steer valve, dls front and rear, 18.4x46, complete engine OH, <1000 hrs, w/paperwork, PS, $85,000; JD 1770 24R bulk fill planter, 2008, elec. row shutoffs, variable rate drive, precision planting hyd. compressor, active down force, ESets, 2020 monitor, trash whls, $75,000; JD 1690 air seeder, 40’ 15”, DICKEY-john mon., field ready, $37,000. Delivery available, PH-816390-2830, NO-SOLICITORS. JD 893 CORN HEAD, poly snouts, $8,500. Cell-620-845-0319. NO-SOLICITORS. JD 9510, 1999, 2211 SH, CHAFF SPREADER, Contour-Master, PRWD, with 2001 JD 925F flex platform, 2005 JD 693 corn head, nice, field ready, 1 owner, $92,000/OBO all. PH660-888-1743. JD 9750 STS, 2003, CHOPPER, DUALS, excellent condition. PH-970554-0470. JD 9760 STS, 4x4, CONTOUR MASTER, high rate unload, all options, reconditioned. Call for details, Cell-785-392-7401. JD COMBINES WITH All support equipment seeking work. References available. David, PH-580-374-3172. JD PLANTER 16R, MODEL 7200, with fertilizer and markers. PH-308340-2289. JOHN DEERE 6200 MFWD, 620 SELF-LEVELING loader with bucket and bale spear, cab and cold air, good condition, $27,500. PH-785-754-3611; PH-785-769-3458. KINZE 3100 830 3 POINT planter, rebuilt corn bean meters, KPTM monitor; CIH 5400 SBS 20’ 15” drill, with heavy Elk Creek caddy, excellent, new discs, monitor. PH-402-239-0714; PH402-239-0700. 800-528-9568 or 620-624-1668 Alex Parsons 620-626-9421 Nash Keating 620-655-7647 Ryan Martin 620-655-4021 Low Rate JD Financing Available On Used Equipment Liberal, Kansas 4WD TRACTORS PLANTERS ‘14 9410 3pt. PTO 605h.....$299,500 ‘13 1770 NT 24R30 ......$159,500 ‘14 9410 PS PTO 479h ......$295,500 ‘13 1770 NT 16R30 ......$109,500 ‘08 9330 1315h .............$179,500 ‘10 1720 16R30 ...............$69,500 ‘09 9330 3000h 3pt PTO..In Soon ‘09 1770 NT 16R30.........$65,500 ROW CROP TRACTORS ‘09 1710 12R30 ...............$39,500 ‘14 8360R 948h.................$295,500 ‘10 1710 12R30...............$29,500 ‘13 8360R 980h.................$267,500 HARVEST EQUIPMENT ‘14 8335R, 600h................$289,000 ‘14 S680 350h ............Coming In ‘11 8335R 1282h ..............$239,500 ’14 S680 202h ...............$369,000 ‘11 8335R 2800h ..............$195,500 ‘13 S670 454h ...............$279,500 ‘11 8310R 1523h ..............$213,500 ‘12 S670 679h ...............$239,500 ‘12 8310R IVT 2122h ......$209,500 ‘11 9770 1145h .............$215,500 ‘10 8320R, 4542h .............$159,500 ‘14 616C CH .................$109,500 3-'13 8235R, ................stg@ $139,500 ‘13 612C CH ...................$85,900 ‘03 8420 ILS 6150h .............$109,500 ‘11 612C CH ...................$61,900 ‘04 8520 5768h......................$125,500 ‘08 612C CH ...................$39,500 ‘02 8520 4480h......................$119,000 Sev. Brent 1194 GC'sst @ $45,500 UTILITY TRACTORS ‘09 Kinze 1050....................$49,000 ‘12 6115D loader 1128h .$49,790 '97 Brent 774 ..................$29,000 ‘12 4720 loader 2124h....$29,350 ‘07 Killbros 1820 cart.....$18,900 ‘10 3520D MF ldr 451h..$21,900 Header trailersIn Stock ‘07 3520 cab, ldr, 752h...$27,900 TILLAGE SPRAYERS ‘10 Krause 16R Gladiator..$59,500 ‘14 R4038, 350h.....................$279,500 ‘10 KR 12R Gladiator........$49,500 ‘14 R4030, 451h.....................$245,500 ‘12 Landoll 36’ disk, new.......$49,500 ‘14 R4030 120’ 221h..............$279,500 ‘12 Landoll 33’ VT...................$57,500 ‘13 4730 SS 100’ 1380h........$159,500 ‘Used SF 38' disk ............$19,500 ‘12 4730 SS 120’ 770h..........$199,500 '11 DMI 5310 12R30 ......$45,500 ‘13 4730 SS 100’ 600h..........$215,500 New Blue-Jet trac filler In Stock ‘07 4720 SS 90’ 2282h............In Soon Orthman Caddy......................$15,900 ‘02 4710 SS 90’.........................$67,500 HAY EQUIPMENT SEEDERS and DRILLS Hiniker 5620 Flail...................$25,500 ‘12 1890/1910 270 bu....$135,500 ‘11 Loftness 20’ shredder ......$19,500 ‘11 1890/1910 270bu.....$125,500 ‘12 Loftness 20’ shredder ......$25,500 STORE HOURS M-F 8am - 6pm, OPEN SAT. 8am - 4pm KEARNEY, NE 888-234-2485 2-’12 2190 cht/recon/warr . . . . . Call ‘09 Hess 7444 4x4 w/acc/tdm. . . Call Reconditioned with Warranty ‘09 2190 cht/recon/warr . . . . . . . Call ‘07 2190 cht/recon/warr . . . . . . . Call ‘09 2190 cht/recon, field ready. $60K (3) 2014 2270 3x4 w/chute recon w/warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call 4910 acc/chute.. . . . . . . . . . . $16,500 JD R450 SP disc, 920 hrs NH 8080 disc SP . . . . . . . . . $89,500 MF 2856A round, 4500 bale $25,500 Maize Corporation MAIZE, KS 888-722-8710 KINZE CARTS Kinze 3800 Bulk 24-30 Kinze 3700 Bulk 36-20 Kinze 3700 24-30 Kinze 3660 Bulk 16-30-31 Kinze 3600 16-30-31 JD 1790 Bulk 16-30-31 JD 1770 Bulk 16-30 SORENSEN'S - Harlan, IA PH-712-755-2455 KINZE PLANTERS For Sale: 3660 16R30, bulk fill, liquid fertilizer, used 1-season; 3800 24R30, Kinze Integra or JD ISO; 3200 12R30, discs 1-year; Hardi NAV 4000 sprayer, 60’ boom, used 1,800-Acres. R&R Sales and Service, PH-308-425-6252, Franklin, Nebraska. KRAUSE 5630 FIELD cultivator, 50’, 3 bar spike harrow, $32,000. Mount Hope, PH-316-772-3321. KUHN MERGE MAXX 300, 540 PTO pump, hydraulic swing tongue, electronic control box in cab, belt extension, like new, $28,500/OBO. Cell-970-381-7957. BARGAINS Rhino FR15, 15’ Flex-Wing mower, 540 rpm., field ready . . . . . . $7,500 ‘12 GP YT425A 4R Twin row planter, 30” spa., liquid fert, Demo . $20,000 ‘82 Case 2590, 4800 hrs . . . . $14,995 ‘01 3240 Woods 20’ Batwing shrdr, used very little, field ready . $9,950 Panhandle Impl. Co. PERRYTON, TEXAS 79070 PH-806-435-6508 COMBINES CIH 2588 '06 CIH 2388,881 sep hrs '08 CIH 7010, 1035 sep hrs '05 JD 9760 STS, 1787 sep hrs '07 NH CR9060, 985 sep hrs '12 CIH 8230, 255 sep hrs CIH 8230, 527 sep. hrs PLANTERS '97 JD 1770 ‘12 JD 1770 CCS 16R30 '08 CIH 1200, 16R30 '09 CIH 1240, 12R30 CIH 1250, 24R30 TRACTORS CIH 7240 MFD CIH 8930 MFD CIH MX 285 New CIH MX 315 John Deere 7830, MFWD '07 MX 275 2883 hrs West Point Implement PH-402-372-2408 NEW HD TILLERS, gear driven, 6’$1,650 to 10’-$3,950. PH-660-8744455. NEW HART CARTER pickup reels, most makes and sizes. PH-580-3612265. LOTS OF TRACTORS FOR SALE! Fort Scott, Kansas Make Your Cab Look Like NEW Now Available “Anyone-Can-Install” Kits on Plastic Quiets Cab/More Comfortable Cab Environment Restores Original Insulation Qualities Increases Resale Value 700+ Models Available Quality Guaranteed! Is your air seeder getting worn and need some serious maintenance? Call us! We do AIR SEEDER REBUILDING Ph-815-692-3355 Fax-815-692-2574 [email protected] Fairbury, IL 61739 Massey Ferguson COMBINES & HEADS We Buy & Sell Late Model, LowHrs. Call For Current Inventory SKORPIKS 800-284-9104 605-589-3972 NH 780A ROUND BALER, 7,500 bales, net wrap, barn kept, 1-owner, $18,500. Cell-806-323-3303. For a FREE on-site assessment and estimate for your equipment call: Dave at 620-243-2566 OR SEE OUR WEBSITE Please don't confuse us with the people making bothersome cold calls to sell airseeder parts. NO-TIL COULTERS for 7000 JD 16Row planter; Orthman MP 3.1 tracker 16-Row planter guidance; JD 915 V-ripper 9-shank, spring reset; Orthman 8-Row breaker and Sunco propellers. PH-402-3762706; PH-402-322-0480. PULL SCHABEN SPRAYER, 8500, 90’ booms, 450 Raven. PH-580-7617974. OLDER 40’ 4-WHEELED Hagie rye wicker, gas, $3,500/OBO. PH-620243-4248. SHELBOURNE CVS32 STRIPPER heads, 2011-2012, excellent condition. PH-970-554-0470. SET OF Minden Machine 300 gallon tanks, with mountings and brackets, fits JD 8000 Series tractors, $2,500. PH-402-643-8288. Bucklin, KS………800-334-4823 Greensburg, KS…888-723-3331 Hoxie, KS………...844-688-4362 Ness City, KS…....800-572-2251 Pratt, KS...............800-573-5606 (B, G, H, N, P initials indicate location) Used Low Rate Finance Available! COMBINES (P) ’14 JD S680.…363h........$338,500 (P) ’11 JD 9870 STS..840h….$194,500 (G) ’14 JD S680…400h…$334,500 (H) ’11 JD9770 STS.966h.....$191,500 (B) ‘13 JD S680…615h.....$269,500 (B) ’05 JD 9760…2095h…$74,500 (B) ’12 JD S670…440h.....$266,500 (N) ’90JD9600w/930..2923h…$38,000 (B) ’12 JD S670…793h…$237,500 (N) ’93 JD 9600…3555h…$23,500 (G) ’13 JD S670…1130h..$242,000 (P) ‘93 JD 9500 3522h......$45,000 (H) ’14 JD S670…625h…$260,000 (P) ’99 CA 2388…3182h…$46,500 TRACTORS (B) ’13 JD 8360R…1515h…$252,500 (B) ’11 JD 8310R…2217h…$192,500 (N) ’11 JD 8360R…2683h…$238,500 (G) ’14 JD 8310R…678h......$271,500 (B) ’10 JD 8345R…2760h…$191,500 (H) ’13 JD 8285R…1155h…$207,500 (H) ’14 JD 8345R…830h…..$267,500 (G) ’14 JD 8285R…855h…..$254,500 (B) ‘11 JD 8335R 2363h......$195,000 (B) ’07 JD 8430…5025h…...$142,500 (N) ‘13 JD 8335R 1034h .....$249,500 (G) ’09JD 8430w/IVT 5558h.$149,500 (P) ’10 JD 8320R…2275h…$195,000 (H) ’00 JD 8410T 7098h........$65,000 (P) ’14 JD 8320R…641h…...$260,500 (B) ‘95 JD 8100...7190h...........$45,000 4WD TRACTORS (P) ‘14 JD 9460R…735h…..$281,250 (B) '11 JD 9530…1900h…...$218,500 (P) ‘14 JD 9460R…1032h…$268,500 (N) ’00 JD 9300…6044h….....$72,500 (P) ’14 JD 9410R…719h..…$260,000 (P) ’01 JD 9300…8500h….....$85,000 (G) ‘12 JD 9410R…759h…..$228,500 (B) ’97 JD 9400…8270h….....$62,000 (P) ’14 JD 9410R…719h..…$260,000 (B) ‘80 Ford NH...11000h…...$18,500 PLANTING & SEEDING (P) ’14 JD 1890…50’x7.5”…..$193,950 (N) ’11 JD 1770NT…16R30…$92,500 (G)’13JD 1890...42.5’x7.5”…$142,500 (B)’10 JD1770NT CCS.24R30.$104,500 (N) ’12 JD 1890…30’x7.5”…..$100,000 (N) ’07 JD 1770NT…24R…....$76,000 (P) ’11 JD 730…36’x7.5”….....$105,000 (P) ‘12 JD 1720...16R30.............$79,500 (P) ’09 JD 1990…42’x10”….....$99,500 (P) ‘99 JD 1780...12R30.............$24,500 SPRAYERS (N) ’13 JD 4940..120’/749h...$249,500 (G) ’13 JD 4830..100’/1561h.$199,000 (N)’09JD 4930 120’/1994.....$163,500 (G) ’13JD 4830.90’/3750h…$107,500 (N)’08JD 4730.100’/1950h....$125,00 (G) ’12 JD494.120’/1862h…$249,000 Call for more information! Check out our entire Inventory online at March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 21C 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale 540. Machinery (Farm) For Sale ROTHER BROS., Inc New Montezuma Hyd. Tree Saw w/Spray & Rotate HF............$7,500 2012 Bobcat E50, Encl Cab Heat A/C Pwr Bob-Tach, Keyless St., BP, 208 hrs EN 1059079...................$58,100 2012 JD 328D Skid Steer, High Flow, 2 Spd, 177hrs, EN1102774 $42,000 2013 Bobcat E50 Compact Excavator, Cab Heat/AC, Hyd. Exchange, 126 hrs, EN 1077863 ..............................................$52,000 6 Mo Driveline on 2008 & Newer Bobcat®Compact Equipment from White Star-authorized dealer locations 1-800-950-3321 New Versatile 375 & 450 4WD In Stock New GP and CB Drills In Stock New SF blade plows & discs In Stock 0% on all R62 & R72’s for (2)’14 Gleaner S67 ..............$255,000 ‘13 Gleaner S77...................$225,000 '13 Gleaner S67...................$240,000 '12 Gleaner S67...................$185,000 '10 Gleaner R76 ..................$180,000 ‘05 Gleaner R75 ..................$120,000 ‘03 Gleaner R75 ....................$60,000 ‘99 Gleaner R72 ...................Reduced ‘95 Gleaner R72 ....................$45,000 ‘94 Gleaner R72 ....................$45,000 ‘02 Gleaner R62 ....................$60,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62 ....................$67,500 ‘94 Gleaner R62 ....................$40,000 '98 Agcostar 8360 fresh OH .$45,000 ‘98 JD 9610 ...........................$50,000 ‘86 Case 1680 ........................$20,000 (2) '12 Claas 960's ..................Just In (4) '08-'10 Claas 980.........Coming In (2) '07 Claas 900 ......................CALL (2) '02 Claas 900 just in...........CALL Claas RU-600' $25,000 PH-620-855-3567 NH PULL-TYPE bale wagons: 1000, 56 bales, $1,200; 1002, 56 bales, $2,200; 1033, 105 bales, $4,500; 1044, 120 bales, nice, $4,250; 1038, 105 bales, unloads both ways, $9,800; Self-propelled: S1049, 160 bales, $11,400; 1069, gas, 160 bales, $24,000; 1069, diesel, 160 bales, $34,000; JD 348 wire baler, low acreage, $7,900; JD 535 round baler, $4,900; Farmhand accumulator & fork, 8 bales, $1,700; Hoelscher accumulator & fork, black, nice, $7,000. Roeder Implement, Seneca, KS 785336-6103 Otter Angle Dozer NEW AND USED 4WD 12' or 14' MFWD 10', 12' or 14' 2WD 10', 11' & 12' Otter Dozers Since 1958 Plainville, KS 888-589-6029 Colby, KS 866-631-6761 .FARMIMP.COM www Celebrating our 70th Anniversary 1945-2015 SPECIALS-CALL! 02 NH TR99 Comb, #526243, $45,000P 14 NH SP.300F frt bm spryr#330815, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .New Unit @ old Price C 08 NH CR9070 comb, # 521444 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$149,500P 11 NHT9.390 4W/D,750hrs,#514053 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$179,500 P 08 NH CR9070 Comb, #521444, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$149,500 P 11 NH T9.390 4 W/D, 750 hrs, #514053, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$179,500 P 98 NH TR98 Comb, #525641, $34,900 P Bi-Directional Tractors 13 NH TV6070, 250 hrs, #511034, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$129,500, C 12 NH TV6070, 155 hrs, no grapple, #519877, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$119,500 C 12 NH TV6070, 1407 hrs, 3pt, no pto, #510071, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$114,500 P 12 NH TV6070, 1806 hrs, 3pt, pto EE, no aux hyds, #510070, . . . .$112,900 P 12 NH TV6070, 1882 hrs, 3pt EE, #510067, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$109,900 P 10 NH TV6070, 2350 hrs, 3pt, pto EE, #510585, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$105,900, C 06 NH TV145, 2670 hrs, #510239, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$79,500 C 05 NH TV145, 1820 hrs, pto EE, #513074, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$74,900 P 05 NH TV145, 3470 hrs, #51RVS0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$72,900 P 02 NH TV140, 4570 hrs, 3pt, pto EE, #510190, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$59,900 P 94 NH 9030, 8594 hrs, 3pt, pto EE, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$29,900 P Tractors 12 NH T8.275, 504 hrs, #515200, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$154,900 P 11 NH T8.330, 1390 hrs, #514919, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$159,900 P 12 NH T7.260, #518327, $129,900 P 05 Case MX255, 3200 hrs, #516761, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$89,500 P Roller - Easy Wire Roller Convenient for rolling and unrolling smooth and barbed wire. Powered by 6.5 HP 212cc rope start gas engine. Split spool (173/4" Dia.) standard. Solid spools available. Simple hand clutch design. Hand operated level wind for level spool winding. Easy 1 bolt removal of spools. Compact unit 20" wide x 41" long x 21" tall. Approx. 150#. Spool capacity: Smooth -2 mi. barbed - 1/2 mi. MY-D-HAN-D Dodge City, KS 620-225-0263 SUNFLOWER HARVEST systems, all sizes available. PH-800-7355848. PH-785-567-4648 [email protected] Pre-Owned John Deere Planters 14 14 10 02 13 11 11 10 12 12 12 12 93 1720 10455 . . . . . . .$65,000B 1720 10456 . . . . . . .$65,000B 1750 10313 . . . . . . .$37,700B 1770 U09847 . . . . . .$40,000H 1770 10345 . . . . . . .$129,000E 1770 10734 . . . . . . . .$87,500E 1770NT U08224 . . . . .$108,000H 1770NT U08894 . . . . .$103,000E 1770NT U09457 . . . . .$124,000H 1770NT U09642 . . . . .$117,000H 1770NT U09643 . . . . .$117,000H 1770NT 10338 . . . . . .$125,000H 7200 U09189 . . . . . . .$23,000E Beloit, KS Ellsworth, KS 877-542-4099 866-522-9600 Hays, KS 800-658-4640 THE MULCHER - Your No-Till or Conventional Hardpan Solution! There is a difference in subsoilers Lease $4.50 per acre Call Dale Niehus * 580-358-2217 UFT 600 BUSHEL GRAIN cart, good rubber, fold auger, always shedded, $6,000. PH-806-435-1994. WESSEL IRON & SUPPLY, INC. FOR YOUR UPCOMING PROJECTS We have new steel, square & round tubes in mill seconds. Wire mesh & rebar for your concrete projects. Dodge City, KS 620-225-0568 800-860-5284 WHITE 2800 12R VF 3 POINT cultivator, reconditioned, new coulters, bearings, sweeps and gauge wheels, will deliver, $5,250/OBO. PH-308882-8477. Highway 183 North, Clinton, OK (580) 323-1981 ‘04 JD 9120 4WD, 12 speed, 520/85/R38 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$98,500 2-'09 CIH 1250 Planters 24R30, Accu Row, nice . . . . . .$125-135,000 '10 JD 9670STS 4WD, JD 630 head, 470 hrs., nice local trade. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 268,500 ‘96 JD 9600 combine, 3077 hrs, 930 30’ head . . . . . . . . . . . .$32,500 ‘12 Crustbuster 4740 All Plant40’ drill, 7.5”, liquid fert, exc condition . . .$79,500 ‘12 CaseIH 350, lux cab, 1100 hrs, full autoguidance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$197,500 ‘08 CIH 2152 Draper, 40’, transport, nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$48,500 (C) Marten 16 Bar 51’ field harrow, nice.................................In Soon ‘09 JD 9430, full autoguidance, 3650 hrs, greenlight ready . . . . . . . . .$189,000 ‘11 JD 7230R, 1200 hrs, loader, loaded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$182,500 ‘13 CaseIH Magnum 260, 650 hrs, Full Autoguidance . . . . . .$159,500 Rodney Edler 580-214-2273 Harold Hammond 580-214-1198 Justin Edler 580-821-0884 TRACTORS: 13 CIH Mag 340 MFD 250h...$219,500C 13 CIH Mag 315 MFD 1465h.$185,000C 12 CIH Mag 290 MFD 693h..$189,500M 03 CIH MX285 MFD 3310h......$96,500S 12 CIH Mag 260 MFD....$155,000W 13 CIH Mag 235 MFD1678h.$126,500M 09 CIH MX215 MFD 1555h...$119,500H 08 CIH Max 115 MFD, ldr 1800h...$69,500W 08 CIH Puma 180 MFD 2656h$82,500C 90 CIH 7140 MFD 11826h.......$43,500M 90 CIH 7110 2wd 6732h...$39,500M 01 CIH STX375 Quad 4200h.$117,500C 11 CIH Stgr 400 4wd 1439h..$225,000M 96 CIH 9350 4wd 4305h....$49,500C 84 IH 5088 2wd 6700h......$19,750W 86 JD 2150 2wd 3929h.......$8,250W 12 JD 8260R MFD 565h........$172,000W HAY BALERS: 00 Case IH RS551 5x5.........$8,500C 01 Case IH RS561 5x6......$10,500W 10 Case IH RBX554 5x5...$13,500W 07 Case IH RBX563 5x6....$15,000C Gehl 2880 5x6.......................$8,500S 99 JD 566 5x6....................$11,250W 06 NH BR780 5x6................$9,500H 98 NH 664 5x6...................$12,500M 94 NH 660 5x6.....................$7,500M 96 Vermeer 605K 5x6..........$7,500C Vermeer 605M 5x6............$16,500W Vermeer 605SM 5x6..........$33,500M (C) Clay Center, KS 785-632-5621 (H) Hiawatha, KS 785-742-2261 (M) Marysville, KS 785-562-5304 (S) Seneca, KS 785-336-2111 (W) Washington, KS 785-325-2232 WHITE 8222 12Rx30”, LOW acre planter, liquid fertilizer tanks and ground driven pumps for 2x2 and in row fertilizer, markers, caddy hitch, shedded and field ready. Cell-620-3860481. WHITE 8R30 8000 SERIES planter, Yetter no-till coulters, row cleaners, markers, corn milo seed plates, low acres, $19,500; 2010 STX435, 2015 hours, PTO, 710R42 Michelin tires, excellent, $170,000. PH-806-3824182. NEW MODEL RHINOS 4150 & 3150 15’ SHREDDERS (5) EZ Trail Gravity Boxes 230 - 300 & 400 bushel WINDROWERS & MOCOS '13 JD R450 #38533 . . . . . .$110,000 '04 JD 4995 #38957 . . . . . . . .59,000 '98 NH 2550 #38478 . . . . . . .21,000 '09 JD 956 #38093 . . . . . . . . .26,500 '10 JD 956 #38202 . . . . . . . . .26,500 '05 JD 956 #38223 . . . . . . . . .22,500 '04 JD 946 #37805 . . . . . . . . .18,000 '99 JD 955 #38221 . . . . . . . . .15,000 '06 CIH SCX100 #36276 . . . .11,900 '94 JD 1600 #37956 . . . . . . . . .5,500 JD 1600 #38662 . . . . . . . . . . . .3,250 ROUND BALERS '14 JD 569 Prem #38532 . . .$38,500 '13 JD 569 Prem #37076 . . . .38,000 '13 JD 569 #37073 . . . . . . . . .37,000 '11 JD 568 #38092 . . . . . . . . .36,500 '11 JD 568 #37441 . . . . . . . . .36,000 '12 JD 568 #37178 . . . . . . . . .33,500 '08 JD 568 #38793 . . . . . . . . .28,900 '08 JD 568 #37285 . . . . . . . . .28,500 '08 JD 568 #36960 . . . . . . . . .27,500 '08 JD 568 #37062 . . . . . . . . .26,500 '12 JD 568 #38426 . . . . . . . . .26,000 '10 JD 568 #38479 . . . . . . . . .25,500 '07 JD 568 #33103 . . . . . . . . .19,500 '11 Vermeer 664M #37060 . .21,000 '02 JD 567 #37180 . . . . . . . . .16,250 '03 JD 567 #38027 . . . . . . . . .12,500 '02 JD 467 #38900 . . . . . . . . .11,000 '98 JD 566 #37745 . . . . . . . . . .9,500 '98 JD 566 #36830 . . . . . . . . . .8,000 '96 JD 535 #37759 . . . . . . . . . .7,500 '94 JD 535 #38758 . . . . . . . . . .4,500 CALL 785-243-3381 View all used equipment at Scott Power & Equipment (E) Elkhart, KS 580-696-7140 (D) Dalhart, TX, 806-384-2588 HARVESTING EQUIP. '12 CIH 8230 316 hrs . .$299,900(E) (2)'11 CIH 9120's . . . . . . . . .$219,000(D) ‘11 CIH 9120 1600 hrs . . . . . . . . . .Call(D) ‘11 CIH 7088 1400 hrs . .$185,500(E '11 CIH 6088 . . . . . . . . .$199,000(E) ‘10 CIH 7088 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call(E) '10 JD 9770 1450 hrs . .$142,900(E) ‘06 JD 9660 . . . . . . . . . . .$91,000(E) ‘05 JD 9760 . . . . . . . . . . .$92,000(E) ‘05 JD 9660 . . . . . . . . . . .In Soon(E) (2)‘99 CIH 2388 . . . . . . . . . . .Call(E) ‘12 CIH 2152-40’ . . . . . . .$71,900(E) ‘05 JD 936D . . . . . . . . . . .$27,500(E) ‘11 612C JD CH . . . . . . . .65,500(D) (2) ’11 Drago 16R30 . . .$101,900(D) (2)-’14 Kinze 1300 Carts . . . .Call(E) '96 Kinze 840 . . . . . . . . . .$12,000(E) 1200 Kilbros . . . . . . . . . . .$7,500(E) USED TRACTOR '12 CIH 450 Quad . . . . .$269,000(E) ‘11 335 Magnum . . . . .$164,000(D) ‘11 CIH 335 Magnum .$161,000(E) In Soon ‘11 JD 8310R . . . . . Call(E) '10 CIH 335 Magnum . .$154,500(E) ‘09 CIH 335 Magnum . .$143,900(D) '09 CIH STX335 . . . . . .$139,900(D) '07 CIH STX330 . . . . . .$129,900(D) OTHER EQUIP GP Turbo Max . . . . . . . . . . .Call (E) GP 56’ Plains Plow . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call(E) ‘04 JD 1910 & 1890, 7.5” . . .Call (E) Thunder Creek Fuel Trlrs . . .(E)(D) '11 CIH 1250 16R30...............Call(D) (2) '11 CIH 1250 16R30 w/fert . .(D) '06 White 12R30 planter . . .Call (E) '03 Kinze 3200 12R30 . . . . . .Call(E) 12R30 & 12R20 3pt. Strip tillCall(E) '08 DMI 24R20 striptill/fert bar . .Call(E) '08 Hardi NV 4000 . . . . .$19,900(E) CIH 6' Finish mower . . . .$1,850(E) Casey Copeland (E) 620-360-0730 Trevor Ramey (D) 806-333-2913 Chris Scott (E) 806-290-5340 BOX INC. Frederick, OK 580-335-2185 RHINO - SUNFLOWER 550. Loans Dixon-Kirchoff Inc. Crop Input Financing Seed, fertilizer, chemicals, fuel, rent, etc. Based on Crop Insurance and other collateral. We can buy your equipment or land and lease to you. Visit us at Call 402-431-2358 Email [email protected] KRAUSE GREAT PLAINS-McCORMICK Hollis, OK. PH-580-688-3304 Place your ad online X60.50 McCormick......................Call X1.35 w/loader.............................Call XTX 165 McCormick...........$131,000 Krause 8210-31W w/tandem $49,700 Great Plains 40’ tri-fold drill ......Call Great Plains bedded drill .....$30,000 Diamond W Portable Corrals $13,000 New Hay Van Hay Trailers 550. Loans Complete Ag Business & Financial Resource Plans Since 1985 Crop, Livestock, Real Estate Plans Renewable Energy Plans Debtor/Creditor Resolution Plans Ag Business Solutions to Maximize Profits and Control Equity Protect Your Farm Assets Website: Please call: Equity Financial Resources 816-455-4548 or toll free: 877-455-1945 FARMERS and RANCHERS: Bank problems?? Financial Issues?? I will buy your farm or ranch - lease back - with an option to repurchase. Member of BBB Call For More Details! 402-542-2564 Long-Term Agricultural Real estate loans & term operating loans up to $25 million, including hobby farms & commercial ag ventures. A Farmer Mac lender. 422 N Dewey St, N Platte, NE 69103 PH-308-532-4400 or 800-530-7769 TRUCK/EQUIPMENT financing and sales, large inventory available, all types. C.H. Brown Co. LLC, Wheatland, Wyoming, PH-800-987-7814. 590. Machinery (Farm) Wanted 16’ OR 18’ HEADER for Gleaner L combine. PH-405-279-3834. 2412 CIH CORN HEAD. Cell-806344-2049. 800-1,000 BUSHEL GRAIN wanted. PH-580-541-4001. cart GRAPPLE GB LOADER, mounting brackets IHC tractor. PH-918510-7105. PULL-TYPE WICKER. PH-580-5541137. USED WHEEL loader, needs to handle 3x3x8 bales. Cell-618-410-4293, Mike Hamilton. VERSATILE TRACTORS, 1973-2003, wrecked, burnt, running and non-running. Collyer, PH-785-769-5266. 600. Metal Buildings 1-800-537-0454 J & H BARN BUILDERS MOST SIZES AVAILABLE CALL FOR PRICES! Includes delivery, fully erected. CUSTOM BUILT 1-800-570-1752 “Pole Barn Specialists” Winsett Barn Company 30x40x10..........$ 10,200 30x50x10..........$ 10,900 40x60x12..........$15,300 40x80x14..........$19,800 50x100x14........$34,700 “Prices subject to change” “Other sizes available” Insured for your protection BILLY AND TAMMY WINSETT 2 LOCATIONS - BEST SERVICE #1 Metal With Warranty .......Starting At $54/sq. Call For Our Best Deals! Delivery Available WESTERN METAL Louisburg, KS Hays, KS 800-489-4100 800-770-2725 22C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 600. Metal Buildings 600. Metal Buildings FACTORY DIRECT HUGE SAVINGS! 1216 W. 6th Ave, El Dorado, KS 67042 Toll Free 1-800-279-4300 Pre-engineered Metal Buildings Post Frame Buildings Retrofit Roof Systems Building Components Find Us on Facebook 50x100x20 w/clear span rigid frames, Galvalume roof, color walls, 1- 18x18 framed opening, $29,500 80x150x20 w/clear span rigid frames Galvalume roof, color walls, 2- 24x18 framed openings, $59,000 Ag - Commercial - Industrial Design * Concrete * Erection Customized to your specifications Family owned for 40 years Fully insured * References available Cawker City KS 800-221-4383 785-781-4383 A & A Spray Foam Insulation Inc. Featuring ICYNENE ResidentialCommercialFarm&Ranch Reduces Energy Cost, Drafts, Dust and Allergens Cell 785-259-6737 ALL-STAR STEEL BUILDINGS Engineered Clearspan Red Iron Bolt Up 40x75x12 ...............................$14,200 50x100x16 .............................$24,675 60x100x16 .............................$26,570 80x100x18 .............................$35,734 100x100x18 ...........................$44,952 100x200x18 ...........................$82,988 Turnkey Shell Constuction Available Other Sizes- Delivery Anywhere AMARILLO, TX 800-586-3383 Diamond L Supply Dwight, Kansas 1-888-608-7913 29 ga. Lifetime ptd ..................$65/sq 29 ga. #2ptd. ...........................$60/sq 26 ga. galvalume .....................$68/sq Complete Building Packages Doors, Insulation, Livestock Equip, Scales, Waters *Jobsite Delivery Available* (prices subject to change) (1) 22’ BAT REEL, For JD 20 Series combine, with hydraulic motor, $250. PH-405-361-9790. Engineered Solid Steel Buildings 40 Year Warranty All Sizes and Styles Available Complete Turn-Key Quotes Abilene Machine is one of the largest retailers of new, remanufactured and recycled parts for tractors and combines GIDEON STEEL PANEL COMPANY HOMELAND FOAM, metal buildings, homes. PH-620-960-0452; PH785-893-2425. All States Ag Parts Mid-America Sales 30-50% Utility Savings The Icynene Insulation Systems TM Metal Bldgs, Homes, Additions Healthier, Quieter, More Energy Efficient ® 800-334-3626 Topline Steel Buildings Spring Special! Outstanding Warranties! 100% American Made 1-800-369-3882 7 huge salvage yards with millions of used, new & rebuilt parts for tractors, combines & other ag machinery **************** For the store nearest you 1-877-530-4430 1-866-783-3528 BALER BELTS: All balers. Genuine JD. Made in USA. Free shipping on sets. PH-1-800-223-1312, BIG TRACTOR PARTS INC. ~ GEARED FOR THE FUTURE ~ STEIGER TRACTOR SPECIALIST 877-275-5559 600. Metal Buildings Custom Metal Buildings for ALL your Building Needs Trusted Name for 46 Years 866-689-8904 Call or go online for a free quote! Offering repair parts and supplies for all major brands of implements! 855-428-9737 Tractor, Combine & Ag Equipment Parts Used Parts Experts! TRACTORPARTSASAP.COM Agricultural Residential Commercial Red Iron Bolt Together Packages Post Frame Packages 2800 N 2nd St. Rogers, AR 72756 Great Selection Of New, Used & Rebuilt Early & Late Model Parts Tractor Parts: 800-769-5823 Combine & Baler: 877-885-9201 Clinton, Missouri 800.255.0337 We are your source for new & used Steiger drivetrain parts S.I. - 9300 We rebuild Spicer manual transmissions, Fugi powershift transmissions, dropboxes & axle with ONE YEAR WARRANTY! We now rebuild computer control boxes for Steiger tractors 1982-1999. PH-800-982-1769 BOZEMAN MACHINERY Tractor, Combine and Cotton stripper salvage. Lubbock, Texas. PH-800-766-2076. 650. Parts/Repairs R K Products, Inc. 800-580-6818; East Moline, IL COMBINE SALVAGE NEW & USED PARTS PERKINS ENGINES & KITS *CALL FOR CATALOG* SKORPIK’S INC. 1-800-284-9104 605-589-3972 CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED WE SHIP ANYWHERE 417-342-4142; 417-846-3037 We Mfr. Metal Bldg Components Tuff-Rib R-Panel PBR Trim Cee Purlin Insulation Access. Comm’l Agri. Residential Retro-fit Roofing Complete Bldgs. 405-942-7878 650. Parts/Repairs Massey Ferguson MPC Steel Buildings Year End Deal Order and Pay for Your Building by 12/31/14-- Receive a 2% discount on Building Only OR Free Wainscot. Check Website for more building Prices. 50x100x16 .............................$25,300 60x100x18 .............................$28,790 80x150x18 .............................$49,900 Color Walls, Galv Roof, 26 GA, 25 PSF Grnd/Snow, 90 MPH Wind, IBC09 Code Price FOB Topeka, KS CUSTOM SIZES AVAILABLE Engineered Building Packages, Carport/Patio Covers, Metal Roof Systems, Trusses, Purlins, Screws and Outstanding Customer Service Call INDACO METALS today! 650. Parts/Repairs ANSLEY SALES formerly Frankie’s in Garden City. New and Used ag parts. PH-620-275-2313; PH-800-6379075. REBUILT COMBINE sieves, new reel bats, galvanized or black, call. PH580-361-2265; Cell-806-681-5532. Repairs/Attachments for Planters Gauge Wheel Arm Pivot Closing Wheel Frame Pivot Seed Tube Guards Gauge Wheel Mud Scrapers JD No-Till Drills CL & Press Wheel Arm Pivot SALVAGING SEVERAL 6620, 7720, 8820, 9500 & 9600 JD combines. Lots of good parts at Discount Prices; Also several good 404 and 466 JD engines. Jack Boyle Vermillion, KS 785-382-6848 785-564-0511 Save 50-70% On Your Tractor & Combine Parts - New, Used & Rebuilt Heads -Cranks -Blocks -Gears -OH Kits 800-992-5346 Wellington, TX STURGEON’S CORNER tractor sales and salvage. PH-580-776-2245, Meno, Oklahoma. SEVERAL GOOD running 3208 Cat engines, 168 horsepower, $2,000/each; Good 3500 AC engine off L2, $2,000/exchange. Jack Boyle, Vermillion, Kansas, PH-785-564-0511; PH785-294-2236. ENGINE KITS - JD 404D - 4010-4020 - $885 ENGINE KITS - JD 466T - 4440-4430 - $1075 ENGINE KITS: sleeves, pistons, pins, rings, rod & main bearings AC 2800, 2900/190XT..........$895 IH DT414/436 w/gaskets.....$925 AC 3500/D21........................$995 IH DT466B w/gaskets.........$895 Case 504BDT - 1370, 2390.....$1065 JD 404D 4010, 4020 EARLY....$885 Cat 3406B..........................$1475 JD 404T 4320, 4620, 4630.......$995 Cummins 855 PREMIUM...$995 JD 466T 4440, 8430............$1075 Cum 5.9L-B Series w/gsks.......$595 JD 6076T 4455, 4955, 7800......$1195 Cum 8.3L-C Series w/gsks......$1395 JD 619T 8630, 8640, 8650......$1480 *QUALITY PARTS SINCE 1988* CLEVITE-FEDERAL-MOGUL DON'S DIESEL Lawrence, KS 1-800-345-6513 Meyers Tractor & Combine Salvage Swathers, Tillage & Cutter Parts Aberdeen, South Dakota website: e-mail: [email protected] PH-605-225-0185 Complete Turbo & Fuel Injection Service for Trucks, AG, Industrial & Auto Call us for our NEW Super Competitive Prices! REPAIR FLIGHTING All Sizes 3" - 40" Dia. From Stock Replacement Flighting Supply Aurora, NE Diesel Eng Overhaul Kits New & Used Truck & Diesel Eng Parts Diesel PU Eng 6.2, 6.5, 6.9 & 7.3 Used & Reman Eng Available Fan Clutches & Spicer Clutches 888-728-0969 COMBINE & TRACTOR PARTS 1983 - 1994 & 7.3 IDI Complete Drop in Engine 1999 - 2002 7.3 Power Stroke Complete Drop in Engine Deere · AC · MF · Ford IHC · Case · White COLFAX TRACTOR PARTS Colfax, IA - 515-674-3001 NATL-800-284-3001 NORTH 81 TRACTOR, new and used tractor parts. We buy salvage tractors. PH-316-772-5491; PH-800-223-1489, Sedgwick, Kansas. Factory Exchange Available We Stock Tires & Wheels For Wilson Corrals! Same Day Shipping 24/7 Service (800)-366-4265 (800)-FON-HANK 8628 W. Reno, OKC, OK 73127 (405)-495-5656 Fax: (405)-495-4265 March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 23C 650. Parts/Repairs We can test common rail injectors! Electronic Diesel Fuel Injection Pump Rebuilt '981/2-'02 Dodge 5.9L .$1,295 ADS Master Technicians with over 150 years of combined experience! 1-877-662-6700 Hutchinson, KS 1-866-792-4333 Great Bend, KS 660. Pipe 103/4” CEMENT LINED pipe, $4.00/foot; 65/8” cement lined pipe, $2.50/foot; 23/8 #1 tubing, $30/joint. Can deliver, PH-918-225-2810. 690. Rodent Control GOPHER/PRAIRIE DOG control, use Zinc Phosphide oat bait, Ramik Green bait, stations for rats and mice, delivery available. Spring Creek Ag Products Inc., PH-800-432-5672. 750. Tarps COMPLETE ROLL-LOCK SYSTEM FOR GRAIN BEDS 16' Bed.....$823 18' Bed.....$892 20' Bed.....$949 22' Bed.....$988 GRAIN CARTS - GRAVITY WAGONS COMPLETE ROLLOVERS STARTING AT $420 THAT'S RIGHT $420 REPLACEMENT ROLL TARPS FOR YOUR TRAILERS 38' Trlr.....$345 40' Trlr.....$357 42' Trlr.....$381 43' Trlr.....$392 FITTED GRAIN BED TARPS 12" OVERHANG 16' Bed.....$155 18' Bed.....$175 20' Bed.....$197 22' Bed.....$207 ALL ABOVE 18OZ COATED PVC COMES WITH OUR "FAMOUS" GUARANTEE 800-657-2570 Edwards Canvas Inc. ONE OF THE LARGEST LINES OF CANVAS PRODUCTS IN THE USA CALL FOR FREE CATALOG ELECTRIC TARP SYSTEMS *Remote Controlled *Electric Motor *Strong Arms *Safe & Efficient *Easy to Operate *Grain Trap Openers *Made In U.S.A. Available At Mike’s Equipment 1-800-543-2535 SALVAGING OVER 4,000 UNITS Round Balers, Swathers, Tractors And Combines Buhler, Kansas Sales Service Installation "Quality Equip., Exceptional Value" Sooner Scale Inc., OKC, OK 1-800-759-3444 Nothing Less BEST PRICES Hoover Tarp Sales 800-536-2348 One-Touch™ Technology patent pending HD Arms & Brackets User-Friendly Remote Industry Leading Warranty GREAT PRICES HUGE INVENTORY INSTALLATION WICHITA, KS PH-800-887-1551 GARDEN CITY, KS PH-877-625-2121 CARTHAGE, MO 844-237-0304 760. Tires/Tracks (2) USED 16.9x34 FIRESTONE tires and tubes, $100 each; (2) 18.4x42 Goodyear tires, $250 each. PH-405361-9790. Livestock Scales For Cattlemen Who Demand Quality - Accuracy - Dependability 770. Trailers 770. Trailers ‘15 Wilson 43x66 ag. hpr. AL.........$39,450 ‘12 Wilson 43x66, Ag hpr, ..............$29,500 ‘10 Neville 40x66 AR hpr ...............$23,500 ‘05 Cornhusker 43x71.5 hopper ...$23,500 ‘97 Jet hopper SP ............................$16,500 ‘95 Wilson 42x66, sp,.......................$12,500 ‘94 Timpte 45x78 AR, hopper $10,500 ‘93 Merritt 42x86 hopper........$10,500 ‘81 Heil 6500 gal SS, ..............$24,500 ‘80 Brenner 4500 gal SS, .......$14,500 ‘78 Cornhusker, hopper ..........$5,500 ‘77 Brenner 4650 gal SS .......$19,500 ‘73 Timpte hopper ...................$6,500 ‘70 Custom tank, 9200 gal, ...$12,500 (3) 53’ drops....................starting @ $21,500 Several other Stock Electric Tarps and Traps, In Stock PH-1-785-899-5454 GOODLAND, KANSAS 2-D TRAILERS Sales & Service Butler Hay Beds * GR Trailers B & W Turnovers Diamond W Corrals New & Used Trailers 580-445-7774 2005 TITAN 20’ GOOSENECK stock trailer, $6,950. PH-580-5411116. 2015 BOURBON ground loaders and grain hoppers, highest quality steel trailers on the market. CROCKETT TRAILER SALES. PH-620-546-4445. 30’ SUMMIT ALUMINUM end dump, frame-type, 3-axle, bedliner, $13,000. PH-507-227-3961. 50’ WILSON STOCKER Feeder, crank-up nose deck, 70% tires. PH620-357-5178. 800-610-3888 785-460-8785 On I-70, Colby, Kansas OFF LEASE HOPPER TRAILERS FOR SALE 15 Maurer 42' Spring-Ride...$25,150 14 Maurer 53' Dropdeck Beavertail & Ramps ..............................$32,500 15 Merritt 42' Air-Ride.........$32,100 15 Merritt 42' Spring-Ride...$29,350 13 Merritt 42' Air-Ride.........$30,600 07 Timpte 48 Spread ............$26,500 13 VFI 50' Tandem Sprayer Trailer w/ Auto Ramps ...................$38,500 13 VFI 50' Tandem Demo ....$36,500 14 35' 435 Header Trailer ......$5,900 15 AgriLite 53' Triple Fertilizer Conveyor Trailer .................$82,825 15 AgriLite 42' Tandem Fertilizer Conveyor Trailer .................$62,400 98 & 96 Wabash Van Trailer 53' ................................................$4,500 96 Pines Van Trailer 48' ........$4,000 88 Stoughton Van Trailer 48' $4,000 2006 TIMPTE, 8’ SPREAD, 72” SIDES, very very nice, $24,500. PH620-272-7906. NO-SOLICITORS. 710. Scales All Types Of Weighing Systems Truck and Livestock Scales TIRE TOWN, INC. 18.4R38 Radial New ..............$1,230 14.9R46 used 80%......................$750 31/13.50-15 6p irregular ............$115 14.9R34 slightly used 70% ........$500 480/70R34 New FWD .............$1,100 169-30 slightly used 75%...........$325 11.2-38 New ...............................$290 600/70R28 Overstocks ............$1,200 320/90R46 Irregular ..................$900 15.5-38 10p New ........................$558 800/70R38 Used 80% ..............$1,700 184-34 New 10p .........................$690 20.8R38 New Radial ...............$1,535 Nationwide Shipping WE DEAL Other Sizes New & Used 1-800-444-7209 1-800-451-9864 913-441-4500 913-682-3201 Since 1927 1-800-333-5791 Colby, Kansas PARTING OUT: 2011 9770 JD, burnt; 2001 9750; Gleaner M. PH-785-4433065. SALVAGING COMBINES: N7, N6, N5, LII, L, M, G, F, K, CII, A&T Gleaner; 9500, 9510, 9600, 8820, 7720, 7700, 6620, 6600, 4400, 3300, JD; 860, 850, 760, 750, 510, 410, 300 MF; 1480, 1460, 1440, 1420, 915, 815, 715 IH; TR96, TR85 NH. Jack Boyle Vermillion, KS 785-382-6848 785-564-0511 Coats Rm Clmp $1,895 - 9K Lifts $1,995 Grader Tires..$350 12.5L15 12ply$109 14.9x24 ..........$175 11L15 8 ply.....$69 12-16.5 12 ply.$125 11R22.5 Hwy...$125 11.2x38 6ply w/rim.$400 10.00x16’s...$100 18.4R42 RIW...$899 14.9R30 FWD.$575 All ATV tires....$ 69 265/70R17E.$125 235/85R16 mud....$110 225/75-15 8ply...$40 888-513-8473 770. Trailers 700. Salvage DRILL SALVAGE; Belts, JD $230; Belt Tools, $170. PH-580227-4494; 760. Tires/Tracks 2-30.5x32 14-PLY A.N.S. FIRESTONE tractor tires, $1,000/Each. Jack Boyle, Cell-785-564-0511; PH785-294-2236. New Polar Fertilizer Tanks in stock now. New and Used Hoppers Available 316-832-2800 ‘04 GD flat, spd, A/R, al . . . . $13,500 ‘04 Kaufman 3 axle lo-boy . . $17,500 ‘97 Kalyn 48x102 Step . . . . . $13,500 ‘02 Deirzen 24’ frame dump $21,500 ‘97 Ranco 24’, 1/2 rd, 1/4 fr dump. . . $20,000 ‘99 Lufkin 53x102 van, A/R . . $5,750 Wayburn Smith PH-479-925-1250 E-Mail: [email protected] ‘13 Timpte 40’x66” black air ride tandem hpr., w/direct drive AG traps ‘10 Timpte 42’x66” air-ride tandem hpr., w/direct drive AG traps ‘08 Timpte 50’x72” air-ride triple w/lift hpr., w/2 spd std gear traps ‘14 Wilson 50’x72” liteweight air-ride, triple w/frt & rear lift hpr., w/2 spd std traps ‘09 Wilson 43’x72” liteweight air-ride tandem hpr., w/2 spd AG traps ’11 Cornhusker 47’x72” air-ride triple w/rear lift hpr., w/2 spd AG traps PH-800-381-1802 1991 MERRITT GOLD LINE livestock trailer, 48’x102”, spring ride, 24.5 aluminum wheels, $12,000. PH719-683-2434. 1991 POLAR 6,000 GALLON, aluminum tanker, set up for fertilizer, pumped and ready, $32,900. PH-580541-1116. 2007 AEROSWINT 36’, CHAIN floor with plastic bottom, silage extension, rollover tarp, 50% tires, 75% brakes, $42,000 OBO. PH-575-693-7628. 2007 CHAPPARAL, 48x102, 3-AXLE low pro dropdeck; 2005 Wilson 48’ dropdeck; 2000 Timpte Ag hopper; 1989 Reinke flatbed, 38x102; 1971 40’ flatbed. PH-785-243-7607. 2008 BEFORT COMBINE trailer, tires like new, also spare wheel and tire, $25,000. PH-605-680-3344. 2010 HITCHCOCK, CHAIN floor, 36’, good shape, $37,500. PH-308-3403455. 2013 WILSON 52’ STEPDECK, toolboxes, winches, $32,500; 2014 Wilson, 53’ flatbed, toolboxes, winches, $32,500; 2000 Wabash 53’ flatbed, toolboxes, winches, $10,000. PH-660-442-6323. 2015 LAMAR FUEL trailers, and skid steer trailers, 760. Tires/Tracks 97 Kalyn 40 ton Lowboy . . .$29,900 15 Jet Alum 34’ Hopper . . ..$31,900 87 Talbert 40 ton Lowboy . .$29,900 04 Great Dane 48’ Flat . . . .$12,900 16 Neville 34’ Alum . . . . . . .$27,590 16 Neville Drop BT 53’ . . . .$31,900 09 Wilson 41’ Hopper . . . . .$25,890 80 Merritt 42’ Hopper . . . .....$9,900 New 35T Lowboys from . . . .$18,990 *************** Factory Authorized Timpte, Neville, Jet, Cornhusker, CPS! DELIVERY AVAILABLE! 816-483-3676 ‘98 Merritt Gold Line, 53x102 Cattle Pot, 50% floor cleated, Spread Axle, Air Ride, 70% tires & Brakes...................$24,500 NEW Jet Steel Grain Hopper, AR, 24.5 Rubber, Shur-Lok Tarp.......Call "Also Specializing In Good Clean Low Mileage Trucks!" PH-405-794-5094 760. Tires/Tracks CHECK OUT OUR LOCATION AT I 35 AND THE KANSAS/OKLAHOMA LINE EXIT #230 BRAMAN, OKLAHOMA 520/85R42 Mich.......$1,700 480/80R50 Mich........$2,200 IF 800/70R38 Mich.....$2,900 1993 MERRITT CATTLE pot, 48’, spring-ride, excellent condition. PH-620-285-8711. 740. Storage Containers/Tanks 1994 TRAILBLAZER BELLY Dump, straight frame, $15,000. PH-806-3824182. SPECIALIZED TO MEET ALL YOUR AGRICULTURAL WHEEL & TIRE NEEDS Wichita, KS McWhorter Tire Co 1000 Gallon Anhydrous Nurse Trailers. $1300. 30+ Trailers available, while they last. 903-767-1628 Specializing in Flotation Tires and Wheels, Ag Tires and Wheels Tractor Dual Sets and Wheel Spacers Galvanized whl & tire pkgs for irrig. 800-288-9073 Ask for Rock or Jim 1996 SPREAD AXLE trailer, perfect for spray trailer. PH-785-567-7134. 1998 VANTAGE 39’ END dump. Baileyville, Kansas, PH-785-336-1478. 2-2009 CORNHUSKER HOPPERS; 1-2009 Timpte hopper; 3-2013 Pack Mules, belly dumps; 1-1988 Talbert lowboy, triple axle hydraulic. Cell620-351-1750. 2002 X-L DETACH TRAILER, aluminum pull out, always shedded, excellent. PH-913-980-4885. 21.5L-16 FST Rib Imp 10 pr TL (used) on 8-Bolt Rims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$225 480/80R38 RAD AT 23 . . . . . . . . . . .$1,002 480/80R42 RAD AT 23 . . . . . . . . . . .$1,156 520/85R38 RAD AT 23 . . . . . . . . . . .$1,305 TF-866-888-7838 ABILENE, KS 24C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 770. Trailers ARTEX SILAGE TRAILERS 2014 Artex 36ft Silage trailer used one season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 2014 Artex 38ft Silage trailer used one season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 1999 Dorsey 48’x96” combo flatbed, alum. wheels, sliding winches, chain tie downs, 80% virgin tires, LED lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 Sales - Parts - Service COLLINS CUSTOM TRAILER SALES 785-229-2429 AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR: Jet & Mauer Trailers! Have some Neville “Demo” Trailers Reserve your lease trailers for harvest! HALSTEAD TRAILERS 316-772-6900 316-772-8223 0 Down Leasing Northland Capital Call For Details NEW TRAILERS ‘15 & ‘16 Timpte's . . . .AVAILABLE '15 & ‘16 Maurer Dropdecks AVAIL. USED TRAILERS (2) ‘09 Farris 28x78x102 Grain/Header ‘10 Timpte 43x78x102 super light ‘10 Wilson 43x78x102 Commander ‘13 Wilson 43x78x96 light weight ‘08 Jet 42x70x96 alum ag ‘11 Timpte 42x72x96 super lite ‘12 Timpte 40x66x96 air-ride ag ‘06 Wilson 43x66x96 air-ride ‘08 Timpte 42x66x96 air-ride ‘10 Merritt 53x102 spread pot 770. Trailers FREE Service See "Announcements" or For More Details Call 888-227-7171 Goddard, KS ’92 Fontaine 48x96 Steel Flat A/R Sprd ‘02 TrailMobile 28’ Pup Van S/R Roll Up ‘86 Liddell Fix Neck Dbl Drop 3 axle Email: [email protected] PH-316-773-5500 SAWYER, KANSAS 620-594-2299 GRAIN Tandem ‘13 Wilson 43’x96”x66” AR/AW AgHpr ‘10 Wilson 43’x96”x66” AR/AW AgHpr ‘10 Wilson 43’x96”x66” AR/AW ‘09 Wilson 43’x96”x66” AR/AW AgHpr ‘09 Wilson 43’x96”x66” AR/AW ‘08 Wilson 43’x96”x66” AR/AW ‘07 Wilson 43’x96”x66” AR/AW ‘07 Wilson 42’x96”x66” AR/AW ultrlt LIVESTOCK ‘08 Merritt 53’x102” FtFdr spread AR/AW ‘03 Merritt 53’x102” Stk/fdr spread AR/AW GOOSENECK “New” Wilson Ranch Hand 7’x24’ IN STOCK Authorized Shurco Dealer 4500 Series Electric Tarp Systems & Electric Traps We do Vinyl Signs We sell Amplimesh Financing Available PH-620-225-6220 1-800-279-9875 Large Selection Used Ag Hoppers 2015 Timpte 42’ Ag Hopper, A/R, Aluminum Wheels . . . . . . . . . . $33,500 2012 Wilson 43’ Ag Hopper, A/R, Electric Tarp And Traps . . . . . . $35,500 2010 Timpte 50’ 3 Axle, Aluminum Wheels, Lift 3rd Axle . . . . . $39,500 2008 Timpte 42’ Ag Hopper, Spring, Electric Tarp . . . . . . . . . . . . $26,500 2002 Timpte 42’ Split Tub, A/R, Aluminum Wheels . . . . . . . . . . $22,500 Kearney, NE 800-658-3155 York, NE 800-759-1116 Columbus, NE 888-399-4645 LARRY’S TRAILER SALES WE BUY USED TRAILERS New Holden 9T Pintle hook New Neville 41’ Alum ag, A/R New Neville hoppers in stock w/rebates ‘07 Timpte 42x78 A/R, Alum ‘08 Timpte 48x66 A/S, Alum ‘11 Timpte 42x78 A/R, Alum Blk ‘12 Wilson 42x66 A/R, Elec Tarp ‘05 Cornhusker 50’x76, A/S ‘11 Cornhusker 43x84, A/R, Sup Sgl ‘12 Cornhusker 43x72, A/R Alum ‘05 Neville 35 ton Dozer New Holden 25 ton Dozer New Neville 35 & 50 ton Dozer New Neville 53’ DD Beavertail New Neville 53’ Strt floor lvstk ‘04 TrailKing 50’ Hydraulic tail (2) ‘10 Fontaine 51’ Dropdecks ‘96 Wabash 57’ Van (hay trailer?) ‘99 Pines 53’ Van, A/R ‘15 Great Dane 53’ Van, A/R ‘03 Holden CZ 20 ton Tag Trailer ‘99 Ram 40’ Alum Dump, A/S 4153 North Broadway at I-235 Wichita, Kansas NEW & USED TRAILERS MOUNDRIDGE, KS PH-(800)-835-0069 PH-785-625-5087 I-70 & HWY. 183-HAYS, KANSAS DayCabs ‘08 Chevy CC 3500HD 4x4 dually 8’ bed Duramax diesel auto tran n/s 22k miles ‘05 Frtlnr 12.7 Det 425 hp 10sp ps ac SA AR 2-‘07 IHC 9400i C13Cat470hp10sppsacts ‘08 36’x102” Jet stl SA, SR stepdeck ‘08 42’ Jet stl grain trlr w/roll tarp ‘09 42’ Jet steel grain trlr w/roll tarp ‘11 42’ Jet steel grain trlr w/roll tarp (2) ‘13 42’ Jet steel grain trlr w/roll tarp ‘08 42’ Jet alum grn trlr s/ride roll tarp ‘10 42’ Jet alum grain trlr AR tarp ‘11 42’ Jet alum grain trlr AR tarp ‘12 42’ Jet alum grain trailer s/ride ‘15 22’ Jet stl rear pup trl w/dolly (2) ‘15 34’ Jet stl gr trlr w/roll tarp (3) ‘15 38’ Jet stl gr trlr w/roll tarp (2) ‘15 42’ Jet stl gr trlr w/roll tarp (2) ‘15 42’ Jet alum grain trlr a/ride ‘14 Jet 34’x102” tagalong w/BT, ramps (3) ‘15 Jet 53’x102” stl dropdeck BT, ramps ‘16 Jet 39’x102” tdm AR, side dump, const trailer, 34’ tub, w/Aero elec tarp ‘15 Jet 43’x102” triple axle AR, side dump, const trailer, 36’ tub, w/Aero elec tarp SNO-WAY snow plows Call Today March Madness Customer Apprec $1,000 Rebate On Jet steel & alum std grain trailers 53’x102” steel drop deck w/BT 35 & 51T detachable GN trlrs Expires March 31, 2015 Price increase on 2016 Models Visit us @ LIVE-BOTTOM CHAIN DRAG BOX For More Information Please Call New 2015 Great Dane van 800-279-3540 Wichita, KS Garden City, KS PH-800-438-1595 Hitchcock, Inc. Burlington, CO 1-855-490-9631 SHOPBUILT 36’ HYDRAULIC machinery trailer, wet kit, hydraulic dovetail and winch, expandable 102” wide to 144”. Joel, Salina, Kansas, PH-785-452-0343. SUNFLOWER TRAILER SALES, new and used trailers, pickup, flatbeds and accessories. PH-800-624-3010. Neville Built Trailer’s Highest Volume Dealer 10 Years Running TRAILER SUPER STORE Titan-Elite ‘13 Featherlite 24’ . . . . . . Coming In ‘06 Titan 22’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,250 ‘11 Elite 32’ Stock . . . . . . Coming In ‘08 Elite 26’ Stock . . . . . . Coming In ‘00 Elite 20’ Alum. . . . . . . . . $11,500 ‘12 Titan 24’ Classic . . . . . . $11,250 ‘07 Titan 24’ Classic . . . . . . . . . . Call ‘08 Titan 20’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,750 ‘05 Titan 24’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,950 ‘04 Titan 24’ Classic. . . . . . . . $7,500 ‘06 Titan 20’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,250 ‘12 Titan 18’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,750 ‘14 Elite 8x36’ Stock . . . . Coming In ‘12 Elite 7.5x28 WERM . . . . $22,950 ‘10 Elite 24’ . . . . . . . WERM $16,500 TW OK Corral . . . . . . . . SR $14,300 ‘06 Trav. 7 1/2x26 . . . . . . . . Coming In ‘12 Kaufman 14+14 GN Tilt . $7,850 TRAILER FOR sale/lease: Hoppers, dropdecks, bully dump, side dump, PH-785-689-7572, We also purchase trailers. 790. Wanted WE BUY life insurance policies for a cash settlement. Reliant Group Inc. PH-800-457-2315. 830. Windmills Use Solar Powered Pumping Systems Since 1986-Low priced-Low maintenance Starting at $1,700-You can easily install Brushless motors=Longer pump life Water your livestock for less! 866-519-7892 Call Today Auctions 2-Day Auction Behne Const. & Others Friday & Saturday Apr. 10 & 11, 2015 9:00 AM Loc. 6th & East St., Guymon, OK Const . Eq. & Bridge Bldg. Eq. Shores Auction Service Terry Shores 806-339-3490 Ted Behne 580-461-2020 For Complete Listing Visit Mid-Plains Eq. PO Box 2526, Kearney, NE 68848 East Hwy 30 & 10 · 308-237-5810 Check Out Complete Listings At: 400-500 TRACTORS May 6, 2015 800-779-3924 ************************** US PATENT #8794859 5th Annual R and M Consignment Auction Monday, March 30, 2015 10:00 AM 12808 S. Broadway, Arlington, KS Already Consigned: ‘00 J.D. 8110 FWA-Duals-Quick Hitch-16 Spd. PS; ‘97 J.D. 6400 FWA- Cab- JD 640 Loader; ‘88 Versatile 936- 18.4-42s-4 SCV’s; ‘82 IHC 5288 8100 +/- Hrs; ‘81 Ford TW 10 w/ GB880 Loader; ‘78 Steiger 225 7200 Act. Hrs.; ‘98 CaseIH 2388 Combine- Nice; Grain Carts; ‘91 Terra Gator 1804-1600 Gal Tank8.3 Cummins 18 Spd.; Nurse Trailers; ‘08 Baker 30’ Disk; JD 1610 27 Shank Chisel; Full line of Tillage Tools; ‘03 Case/IH RBX 562 Baler; 350-10 Roto Mix Stationary Mixer (New Scale); 550 Farm Aid Mixer Wagon w/ Scale; ‘76 GMC 6500 Sierra Truck 20’ Box w/ Westendorf Auger For More Consignments & To See Complete Sale Bill go to: Floyd Auction and Real Estate LLC Kingman, KS 866-532-1887 HYDRASLED FLATBED LOW PRO (Pierce Frame Trailer) LARGE LOCKING TOOLBOX 2 YEAR STRUCTURAL WARR. 2ND TOOLBOX FOR HYD. EQUIP. ALL RADIAL TIRES TORSION TUBE Best Trailers Built, Period! (TF) 800-301-3487 RED RHINO HAY TRAILER Proven To Be The BEST Trailers Built, Period Manufacturer of dock/groundload conversion for your existing trailer! 580-922-4973 or 5527 visit our website for pics & details DROPDECKS ‘04 Transcraft 48x102 . . . . . $21,500 FLATBEDS ‘92 Wilson 48x96 combo..........$7,250 LOWBOYS & TAGS New Witzco 35t hyd-detach..$34,900 NewHaulass25t bvrtailramp $23,500 ‘81Shbuilt57’4axleoilfield trl $27,500 GRAIN TRLS-BELLY&END DUMP ‘08 Gallegos 40ft b-dump ......$24,500 ‘99 Beall b-dump ...................$14,500 Rebates Up To $1,000 On Steel And Aluminum Grain Trailers Now Through March 2015 Contact Your Nearest Dealer Or Call PH-800-633-6871 !GROUNDLOAD! LT Dock/Groundload If you’re reading this ad, and you don’t subscribe to the High Plains Journal, Call 1-800-452-7171 and ask for DONNA, Ext. #1889. We’ll see that you get your own copy every week at a special introductory rate. CALL-TODAY! 770. Trailers THE WRAYS L.L.C. Sahling Kenworth, Inc Garden City, KS 877-625-2121 620-277-2121 Wichita, KS 800-887-1551 316-744-1551 Carthage, MO 844-237-0304 417-237-0304 WE BUY USED TRAILERS WE RENT GRAIN TRAILERS "Also See Our Truck Ad In Class 110" 770. Trailers 855-490-9631 GROUND LOADS CATTLE HAULING MADE EASY 43’- 53’ Air-Rides Coming NEW STEEL TRAILERS 36’x6.6 Livestock HD SUNDOWNER ALUM TRAILERS (2) 24x7 w/Rubber cleated floors Super sport 2-horse bumper 16x6 Stockman Alum New Catch Trailers 16’x6 1/2-Top USED Gn 20x6 nice trailer $3,750 Fuel Trailers Save lots of $$$ 960 gallon diesel/254 DEF Available In other Sizes Special Prices on Current Inventory WW EXPRESS CORRALS 2 Express + 3 Corrals 3C Cake Commodity Feeders 4000# trailer mounted Bunk feed or on ground 1,200, 1,500 and 4,000 lb HMC 2000 HD $2,250 SUNDOWNER GOOSENECK EASLEY WW TRAILERS AUCTION - Tues., April 14, 2015 10am * 466± Ac, Major Co., OK* HUNTING PARADISE*Cimarron River*Trophy Deer*N/2 NE4, Lots 1,2,3,4 & accretion thereto of 16-21-11* For full details visit Adam Martens, (580) 744-0914 Wiggins Auctioneers, LLC -AUCTION- HWY 412 Mooreland, OK Sat, April 18 9 am Tractors * Skid Steer * Backhoe * Trailers * Implements * Industrial & Oilfield Equip * Pickups * Trucks * Vehicles * Recreational Items * Lawn & Garden * Misc. GUNS SELL AT 9:00 A.M. See our website at: 580-254-3975 Woodward, OK Auctioneer - Ira. Y Smith, ATS, R.E Broker DeWitt Auction Co. SALES IN SIKESTON, MO BOX INC. 580-335-2185 l FREDERICK, OK 1st Monday Every Month We Specialize In On-The-Farm Auctions 1-800-533-9488 March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 25C Auctions Auctions AUCTION Spring Consignment Monday April 6, 2015 - 10 AM Location: Meno, OK - 202 Hwy 412 Tractors Equipment Industrial Trucks Trailers Vehicles Contact: 580-776-2245 Sturgeon’s Tractor & Truck Sales for complete listing To Register for Online Bidding: FARM & RANCH AUCTIONS Honesty & Integrity with Results! 1401 Main, Goodland, KS 67735 John Leo Hayden, Broker (866) 741-8323 662 LOTS SELLING! ONLINE UNRESERVED AUCTION Wednesday, April 8 662 Lots Selling! First Lots Scheduled to Close at 10:00 AM Central Time NO BUYERS PREMIUM FEE & NO RESERVES!! LDI, Kansas Locations: Derrek Branham and Chris Lang, 620-260-9379, Garden City, KS 66967: '03 Challenger 670 Combine; '03 AGCO Challenger RH 30' Grain Header. Todd Hubbard, 620-271-3656 Big Iron Sales Rep Laverne Kroetsch, 620-5642255, Ellinwood, KS 66967: '84 Gleaner L3 Combine Dennis Unruh, 620-386-0503, Big Iron Sales Rep Josh Wagner, 785-825-8177, Salina, KS 67401: '00 Woods BatWing Mower Model 9581. Steven McBride, 785-488-8349, Big Iron Sales Rep Rob Tremble, 785-284-3401, Sabetha, KS: '99 Bob Cat Light Maintenance Skid Steer Bucket. Larry & Tina Samuelson, 785-556-1222, Big Iron Sales Reps Van Koon, 785-462-2412, Colby, KS 67601: Case International 950 Pull-Type Planter; '07 Westfield MK 130-91 Plus Auger; Hesston 6600 Self-Propelled Windrower; Case Chisel. Kevin Barnett, 785-443-1722, Big Iron Sales Rep Gerald Funk, 620-947-3182, Hillsboro, KS 67063: Case International 900 Cyclo Air Planter; White 6138 Planter; '08 Hesston/AGCO 5556A Round Baler; '91 AGCO Gleaner 30 Rigid Header; '90 AGCO Gleaner 20 Flex Header. Kevin Nelson, 620-245-7236, Big Iron Sales Rep Jeff Wood, 785-213-2332 & 785-267-8137, Topeka, KS 66608: Big Ox Blade; County Line Middle Buster; AGCO Gleaner 500-20F Flex Head, 20' Head; County Line Rotary Mower. Bob Eichenberger, 785-229-5892, Big Iron Sales Rep Brandon Hommon, 785-282-6861, Smith Center, KS 66967: JD 7200 Planter. Tyler Blank, 785-476-8009, Big Iron Sales Rep Aaron Talbott & Mike Zimmerman, 785-735-2651, Hays, KS 67601: Case Chisel, 10’ Wide. Kevin Barnett, 785-443-1722, Big Iron Sales Rep Myers Implement, Corbin Myers, 620-376-4299, Tribunbe, KS 67879: '05 JD 9520 Tractor; '00 JD 9400 Tractor. Homestead Farms, Stuart Smith, 785-288-0320, Wallace, KS 67761: '10 and '08 MultApplier Spreader Boxes. Tom Johnson, 620-376-8008, Big Iron Sales Rep Prairieland Partners, Mitch Guetterman, 800-530-5776, Marion, KS 66861: '12 JD 1770NT Planter; '10 JD 1770NT Planter. Alan Claassen, 316-253-6714, Potwin, KS 67123: Kinze 2200 Planter; JD P7100 Planter; Krause 4612-F3 Cultivator. Monte Dossett, 620-245-7371, McPherson, KS 67460: (2) Palmer PLB600 Fuel Tanks on Trailers. Kevin Nelson, 620-245-7236, Big Iron Sales Rep Abraham Peters, 620-640-0320, Sublette, KS 67877: Large Round Bottom Feed Bunks; Large Square Bottom Feed Bunks. Nate Meile, 620-309-0478, Moscow, KS 67952: '09 JD 8330 Tractor; '12 JD 1720 CCS Stack-Fold Planter; JD 2600 Display. Wilbur Kinser - 620-541-1330, Hugoton, KS 67951: '04 Polaris Sportsman 400 ATV; 2 - 2000 Gal. Round Poly Fertilizer Tanks; Seed Vac By Christianson Systems, Inc.; '53 International R122 Truck; '41 International K3 Winch Truck. Todd Hubbard, 620-271-3656, Big Iron Sales Rep Crosson Farms Inc., Kent Crosson, 785-392-4078, Minneapolis, KS 67467: '06 JD 1770NT Planter. Steven McBride, 785-488-8349, Big Iron Sales Rep James Forge, 913-683-4898, Leavenworth, KS 66048: Case International Field Tracker Field Tracker Attachment; 10 - Case International Insecticide Boxes; Case 5 Bottom Plow; JD Comfort Queen Tractor Cab; Firestone All Traction Dual Tires. Mark Caffrey, 816-651-3881, Big Iron Sales Rep Carl McCracken, 785-821-1535, Goodland, KS 67735: JD 7100 Planter; Redball 680 Pull-Type Sprayer; McKee Bros. BR11 Round Bale Mover. Kevin Barnett, 785-443-1722, Big Iron Sales Rep Mike Blumer, 785-562-6163, Marysville, KS 66508: '07 Homemade Combine Trailer. Larry & Tina Samuelson, 785-556-1222, Big Iron Sales Reps Auctions Every Wednesday! Sell your equipment on Call Today! 1-800-937-3558 Auctions APRIL 11 10 A.M. CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Pond Creek, OK JD 7720 combine, 224 Rigid header; 9600 Combine, 3900 SH; IH 1066 tractor; Ford 4400 tractor w/loader; ‘11 Kinze 16R no-til planter; Yetter row cleaners; (2) ‘13 Best Way sprayers, 90’ & 60’ booms; 2 McFarlane harrows; ‘08 CM Rt 66 cargo trailer, 6x12’.; JD 566 baler, net & twine; JD 158 front-end loader w/spike; My-D Han-D 1000# & 3000# feeders; riding lawn mowers; 2 3,000 gal poly tanks on portable Jet Blue stand; Krause 17’ chisel; JD 1060 cultivator; Kent 52’ cultivator; GP 45’ drill’ Pickups, Trailers, AirStream 31’ travel trailer. APRIL 18, 10 AM Lynn Bowen Estate Northwest of Enid, OK ‘10 CIH Magnum, 948 hrs, FWA, 275 HP; 2010 CHI Maxxum 115 w/loader, 671 hours, FWA; ‘07 Versatile 2375, 4WD, 2407 hrs; Kubota FWA M125 w/loader; ‘06 CIH 2388 combine, 790 eng hrs; CIH 1015 pickup & 1010 rigid headers; Neville ground load livestock trailer; Fruehauf 40’ end dump trailer; NH 8060 swather w/16’ discbine, 478 hours; CIH 8820 swather, 25 ‘ draper, 1500 hrs; JD 568 round baler; GP NTA 3510 no-til drill; GP 3S-3000 drill; JD 750 no-til drill, liq fert; Wako BCW 160 chisel, 29’; Baker 8450 field conditioner, 59’; Baker 777 disc, 36’; 3pt gopher machiner; Eagle Ditcher terrace machine; Trucks/Pickups. TERMS: Cash or approved check day of sale. Current Oklahoma Sale Tax Permit required or sales tax will be collected. Full listings and photos: JKJ REAL ESTATE Enid, OK 580-233-9800 AUCTION April 11, 2015 10:00 AM Bill Moore & Neighbors Location: HWY 83 & 64 Y, 5 mi E to NS124, N 41/2 mi Forgan-12 Mi W to NS 124, 41/2 Mi N JD 8300 4x4, 5374 hrs., JD 440/DuAl Loader (1-owner), AC 645 Payloader, Wyle 60’ Sprayer 1000 ga, 2 JD 750 No-Til drills w/Dual Hitch & liq. fert., Att., 36 Martins 12 bar Harrow; KR 25’ disk; 7 shank Blu-Jet sub-tiller, Blu-Jet Track filler, 15’ Rhino brush hog (like new); 14’ SF disk-ripper; 01 Chevy 3500 PU/Big Green bale bed8.2 gas eng.; 97 Frghtlnr FLD 120 Semi-Tractor; ‘98 Wabash float trlr; 36’ S&H Livestock GN trlr (like new); 24’ Tandem dual GN FB trlr; 2 older Chevy grain trucks(no-titles); 63 IH 110 PU; 48 Chevy 2 door; 2-4-Wheelers; Several lots of fencing, livestock, tools, shop eq, scrap iron, antiques. Auctioneers note: All equipment has been well cared for with most of it shedded. Mr & Mrs. Moore are retiring and selling everything farm related. Complete Sale bill at Sale Conducted By Brown Real Estate and Auction Inc Beaver, Oklahoma 580-625-4396 - 580-527-1960 580-571-4617 BACA COUNTY, CO LAND AUCTION Grass and Farmland 199.7 Ac NW of Walsh, CO Bid by Phone: Starting 3/31 Ending 4/30 5pm MST Bidding Packets & Auction Bills Available Bidding Info: Call Cruikshank Realty, Inc. 800-341-6039 Gene Cruikshank/Broker 20 South Main, Lamar, CO 81052 719-336-7802 Sat, April 18 - Otis, Kansas Accepting Consignments Call Mike “Rooster” Niedens 620-793-0383 Auctions Auctions Auction 150 Acres +/- Ness County, Kansas For: Kelly Walker Date: Wed. April 8, 2015 Time: 10 AM Auction Location: McCracken Community Building 402 1st St. McCracken, KS 67556 Live Internet Bidding Avail. Legal: NW/4 10-17-21 F.S.A. Info: 149.94 Acres Cult. Land Location: From the S edge of McCracken, KS on I Rd, go 4 mi. W to GG Rd, then ½ mi. N to the SWC of the property. Possession: March 1st, 2016. For terms, conditions or a complete brochure, contact: Farmland Auction & Realty Co., Inc. 2707 Broadway, Hays, KS 67601 785-628-2851 Toll Free: 1-888-671-2851 [email protected] AUCTION Wednesday, April 15, 2015 @ 9:30 a.m. Location: From Dighton, KS, 3 miles North on Hwy. 23 TRACS., COMB. GR. CART & ROAD GRADER: 6175 White trac., FWA, 18 sp. PS (4126 hrs); 5020 AC trac., 2WD, 1552 hrs.; AC 7060 trac.; AC 7020 trac., (6197 hrs); D-17 Trac., gas, w/AC ldr. & tines to unload shuttles, 3530 hrs.; 8N Ford trac.; M&M “U” trac., LPG, M5 blocks & pistons; DRMCO (Cleveland) mtr. grdr. w/12’ moldboard, Mod. 562B, cab; Unverferth 7000 gr. cart; L3 Glnr. comb., hydro, big engine, chaff sprdr.; 24' L Glnr. gr. hdr., hyd. reel dr.; 6 Spider reel, HD auger; Glnr. 20’ flex hdr. for L3; 6R AC row crop hd.; Fiat Allis 605B whl. ldr., cab. TRKS., TRLRS. & PU’S: (2) ‘90 Ford L8000 trk. w/4 sp AT, A/C, 6 cyl dsl., sngl. axle, 5th whl.; ‘72 Ford trk., F600, 10’ FB, 4 sp w/2 sp, 51,000 mi., w/150 gal. fuel tank & 12 volt pump; ‘86 Dodge D350, 1T PU, dl. whls., 9’ FB, combination fuel tank & toolbox., 12 volt pump, 38,147 mi.; ‘80 Ford F350 dl. PU 6 cy, w/8.5’ FB, w/fuel tank & 12 volt ele. pump, side toolbox & gas air comp., 78,744 mi., good; ‘68 Dodge 1T PU, 4 sp w/3 sp Brownlite box behind trans. w/dls. & HD homemade FB w/2 sets gin poles, GN hitch & winch; ‘65 Chevy trk., 60 Ser., w/dump box & drill fill auger (47,368 mi); (2) ‘00 Grain trlrs., w/ele tarp, spring ride suspension; 8'’ Homemade sngl. axle trlr.; 10' Tilt bed trlr., single axle; Circle M GN trlr., dl. tand.; 32’x102” bed, Beavertail w/fold ramps; Hillsboro bed on Donahue 2 axle trlr. w/hyd. seed fill auger, bed 14’6” w/40” sides w/ele. hoist; Hpr. btm. side slope; 150 Bushel box on 4 whl. trlr. w/drill fill aug. & 110 volt ele. mtr.; 4 Whl. running gear trlr. recycled into hdr. trlr. for 24’ L3 Glnr. hdr.; 32’ Donahue trlr. w/rollin hitch; Tandem axle homemade GN trlr. w/ramps, Well built good cond. MACH.: KR 4755 HR field cult. w/KR 3R tine harr., Mod. 4241, 10” ultra wing swps. on 7’ spacing (high residue mod.) ’08 Spra-Coupe 4455 spryr. w/Raven guidance system, Cruise II GPS, mapping w/80’ boom; JD 7200 MaxEmerge 2 plntr., pull-type, w/markers & liquid fert., 8R w/30” sp.; Richardson 7x5 swp. plow w/NH3 & Richardson pckrs., large HD hitch; JD 600 Hi-Boy spryr. frame, no booms only wiper bar; Blue Jet pull-type Sub-Tiller II w/winter points, 20’; Unverferth rolling harr., Mod 1225, 3 sec. hyd. fold.; GP 24’ pull-type 2 sec. dbl. disc gr. drill, new discs, 28,790 acres, 10” spacing, liquid fert. att.; CB 3 pt. drill, DD 22x8”; CB pull-type hoe drill, 12” spacing; 33’ 1614H AGCO Allis mwr. w/38” deck & bagger; LaTourneau 8’ force ejection scrpr.; SF disc, 24’ Mod. 1231-24, 22” blades new; FK 5 x 6 w/FK pckrs. & NH3; Hoeme chisel, 4 shanks w/chisel points; KR 2800 disc chisel; 15’ KR chisel, pull-type w/homemade ext., 30’ working width; 8R Lilliston cult. w/frt. & rear swps. & shovels, 4 spider gangs; 9 Shank 3 pt toolbar (4x4)w/NH3, complete w/meter, hoses & shanks; Snow blower for Allis-Chalmers 5020 trac. (used very little); 12’ Garfield rigid scrpr., hyd. cyl, & hoses; 30' JD 3 pt rot. hoe; 3 Sec w/hyd. fold; Case OnLand moldboard plow, 7 btms. w/coulters, Mod. 400; 3 Pt. toolbar (214’ & 2-5’) toolbars (2.25”) w/hitch & ga. whls.; 8R corrugators, 3 pt, twin 2.25” diamond toolbars w/shank & point ahead of corrugators; 8R furrower w/dl. mrkrs.; 3 Bar, 2.25” diamond frame, 3 pt hitch; 3 Pt. toolbar (4x6”) w/ga. whls., & single 2.25” diamond toolbar behind main bar, 9 shanks w/18” swps. on Diamond bar; FK rodweeder; 30’ Miller 16’ offset disc., 2 bar frame w/hyd. cyl. & hoses; IHC 15’ oneway w/rbr. & cast land whls.; Noble sngl. 7’ swp. bld., pull-type, no hyd. cylinder; F-8 Danhuser posthole digger w/18” ext. 9” auger; Homemade circle pull-type track closer w/Blue Jet ground working tools; BMB twin fury twin blade mwr. (shredder). Pull-type homemade sngl. belt terracer; BMB 6’ rot. mwr. (junk); (2) JD 71 plntrs. IRRIG.: 460 Ford irrig. mtr. (overhauled ready to go); M&M 605 irrig. eng. on stand, (needs overhaul); (100) 40’ Jts, 6” PVC; (75) 40’ Jts., 8” PVC; (40) 30’ Alum. pipe, 8”-8” & 10” alum. pipe fittings; (7) Pipe trlrs. SHOP: (2) Cutting torches; Avery jacks; Impact & ele. drills; Anvil #12; Lincoln 180 amp wldr.; Cherry picker; Band saw; Large shop press, 110 Volt over hyd.; Drill press; DR wood eater; Sears jointer; Radial arm saw; T&E tool cabinet, 40”x52”; Shop Fan. MISC.: Westfield gr. semi hpr. (drive over); Yamaha 4 whlr., Moto 4 w/spryr.; Cement Mixer w/ PTO on trlr.; (5) Unverferth rolling baskets, (almost new); 3 Axle trlr. w/1,000 gal. spray tank & gas eng., pump, mix tank (equip. needed for water transfer); 500 Gal. nurse tank used for Fert.; Saddle tanks; 500 Gal. spray tank on homemade trlr. w/30’ booms & handgun; JD 2 Whl. spryr. w/200 gal fiberglass tank & booms; Berkeley tailwater pump, 540 PTO, w/30’ of pipe; Sngl. axle trlr. w/750 gal. tank, (water or fert.), also 100 gal. tank for mixing chemicals & Briggs mtr. w/transfer pump; 500 Gal. dsl. tank on homemade tndm. axle trlr., Briggs eng. in enclosed metal box used for transfer pump; LPG Tank, 250 gal. on homemade trlr., w/fill hose & end; 200 Gal. fuel tank w/12 volt ele. pump; Sngl. axle trlr., wood bed & homemade frame w/150 gal. fuel tank & hand pump; “The Guide” guidance hitch; 25’ Gr. auger w/ele mtr.; (2) 4 Whl. running gears converted into hdr. trlrs.; JD 20 Ser. frt. frame wt. se; Comb. bin on trlr.; Misc. Not Listed. OWNER: GENE W. BOOMHOWER ESTATE 9675 S. Hwy. 83 Garden City, KS 67846 620-276-6397 26C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 Auctions Auctions Auctions BEHLEN MFG. CO. AUCTION THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 9:30 A.M. START EAST HWY. 30 - COLUMBUS, NE Inspection: Wed., April 15, 2015, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Selling: Tanks * Gates * Feed Bunks * Corral Panels * Building Materials * Pickups * Trailers * ADP Panels * Industrial Machines * And More Behlen Mfg. Co., Owners Auctions Classified advertising 1-888-227-7171 Fax: 620-227-7173 Deadline: Wednesday Noon CST, Each Week Go Online: Email ads to: [email protected] Go To Our Homepage and Select ONLINE MARKETPLACE TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD! 1-800-WE-SELL8 ABSOLUTE “MULTI-PARCEL” LAND AUCTION 960 ACRES CROPLAND, GRASS & FARMSTEAD RAWLINS COUNTY, KANSAS TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 2015 @ 10:30 AM, CDT Auction Location: American Legion, Bird City, KS Seller: Faimon Special Trust Land is located W of Atwood near McDonald LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: TRACT 1: 214.6+ acres of cropland in S/2 of 10-3-36 TRACT 2: 221.8+ acres of grassland in S/2 of 10-3-36 & in the N/2 of 15-3-36 TRACT 3: 190.0+ acres of cropland in N/2 of 15-3-36 TRACT 4: 6.0+ acre farmstead in N/2 of 15-3-36 TRACT 5: NE/4 of 30-3-36 TRACT 6: SE/4 of 30-3-36 To view the house, attend the OPEN HOUSE on Monday, March 30, ‘15 from 1 pm to 3 pm or call for an appointment ABSOLUTE LAND AUCTION 150+/- ACRES ON SOLOMON RIVER IN GRAHAM CO., KS PLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 @ 10:30 AM, CDT Auction Loc.: At the farmsite 1 mile East of Morland, Kansas Seller: Everett Harvey Estate LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S/2S/2 of Section 13- 8-25, less 2 tracts in SW corner Excellent hunting property w/modular home located on the Solomon River PERSONAL PROPERTY & GUNS SELL IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE LAND: including Farmall 560 w/loader, shop tools & guns -- visit for complete list J.D. Hininger, Listing Agent (785-567-8019) ABSOLUTE LAND AUCTION 2,565+/- ACRE GRASS RANCH & CROPLAND RUSSELL COUNTY, KANSAS TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015 @ 10:30 AM, CDT Auction Loc.: Dole-specter Conference Center, Russell, KS Sellers: Beverly Harris & Linda Quinn This property is located N of Russell & will be sold in 7 individual tracts. Visit our website for legals & location map! This outstanding land offering has 1,975 acres of pasture land, 535 acres of cropland, and a modest farmstead. This operation is conducive to raising livestock and crops, and would make a great location for adding to an existing operation, or as a “stand alone” unit with enough acreage to sustain a family enterprise! The SALINE RIVER runs thru Tract 6 and PARADISE CREEK runs thru other tracts. There is EXCELLENT HUNTING on the entire ranch! Mineral rights are believed to be 100% intact & go to the Buyers. 6% buyer’s premium applies. Neal Mann, Listing Agent (785-635-2102) ABSOLUTE “MULTI-PARCEL” LAND AUCTION 475+/- ACRES CROPLAND DECATUR COUNTY, KANSAS FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2015 @ 10:30 AM, CDT Auction Location: City Hall, Jennings, KS Seller: Ronald Rahjes Land is located 2N & 4W of Jennings LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: TRACT 1: SW/4 of Section 8-4-27 TRACT 2: NW/4 of Section 17-427, less improvements TRACT 3: NE/4 of Section 17-4-27 Mike Bailey, Listing Agent (785-678-8082) ABSOLUTE “MULTI-PARCEL” LAND AUCTION 775+/- ACRES IRRIGATED & DRYLAND CROPLAND CHEYENNE CO, COLO & WALLACE CO, KS TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2015 @ 10:30 AM, MDT Auction Location: Community Bldg at Fairgrounds, Cheyenne Wells, CO Sellers: Dennis & Rita Smith Land is located NW of Weskan, KS LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: TRACT 1: SE/4 of Sect. 36-13-42, Cheyenne Co, CO ( pivot irrig.) TRACT 2: W/2 & NE/4 of Section 36-13-42, Cheyenne Co, CO TRACT 3: S/2 of Section 36-13-43, Wallace Co, KS ( on KS/CO line) NEAL MANN, Listing Agent (785-635-2102) ABSOLUTE AUCTION 400 ACRES GRASSLAND WITH COUNTRY HOME FORD COUNTY, KANSAS THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 @ 10:30 AM, CDT Auction Location: Magouirk Conf. Center at Boot Hill Casino, Dodge City, KS Sellers: Ross & Stephanie Niedens LAND LOCATION: From the intersection of Iron Road and 111 Road, go 2 miles North to Garnett Road, and 1 mile east to the NW corner of the property. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: W/2 & SW/4NE/4 of Section 6-2624 ABSOLUTE LAND AUCTION 480 ACRES SHERIDAN COUNTY, KS GRASSLAND TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 2015 @ 10:30 AM, CDT Auction Location: Bowen Scout House, Hoxie, KS Sellers: Treu Heirs LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N/2 & N/2S/2 of Section 35-7-27 Land is located NE of Hoxie Immediate possession Mineral rights going to the Buyer! ABSOLUTE “MULTI-PARCEL” LAND AUCTION 320 ACRES CROPLAND & GRASS NORTON COUNTY, KANSAS FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2015 @ 10:30 AM, CDT Auction Location: St. Francis Parish Hall, Norton, KS Seller: Marion Goldsby Tracts 1 & 2 are located S of Clayton and Tract 3 is on the Lenora Road S of the lake LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: TRACT 1: S/2SE/4 of Section 29-4-25 TRACT 2: E/2NE/4 of Section 32-4-25 TRACT 3: SE/4 of Section 10-4-24 Immediate possession to the Buyers All of Seller’s interest in the mineral rights will go to the Buyers Grant Bailey, Agent (785-871-7065) 4/28/15 - Farm Machinery & Equipment for Kistler Farms, 9S & 2W of Colby 5/12/15 – 290 acres Decatur Co, KS cropland & grass near KS/NE state line by Cedar Bluffs For virtual tours visit Internet Bidding Available! Auctions April 2: Guns, Boats, ATV, Utility tractors, '12 Honda Gold Wing, Motor Home, Enid, OK April 7: 70+/- Acres, Hunting/Fishing/Livestock, Pawnee, OK April 8: 160+/- Acres Farmland, Major Co., - Fairview, OK area April 14: 466-/- Ac. Cimarron River, hunting paradise, Cleo Springs Area, Fairview, OK April 18: Farm & Tillage Equip., Wheat Trucks, Enid, OK Accepting Consignments 580-233-3066 April 11: 160+/-ac., No Minimums, No Reserves, Farm & Grassland, West of Calumet, OK April 14: 160+/-ac., 2 Ponds, Farm & Grassland, Hunting, NE of Putnam, OK April 17: 160+/-ac., Productive Farmland w/1450 sq. ft. House, SE of Corn, OK April 18: 280+/-ac., Farmland South of Carnegie, OK April 23: 240+/-ac., No Minimums, No Reserves, Farmland, Pivot, Home, Barn, N. Alfalfa, OK April 25: Home & 80+/-ac., Grassland, South of Hydro, OK May 5: Equipment Consignment Auction-Entz Auction Facility, Hydro, OK May 16:160+/-ac.,Farmland w/Home, West of Geary, OK 405-663-2200 Hydro, OK March 31: Grant County Equip. Auction, Lamont, OK - Consignments welcome - Call Jay 580-761-4855 April 6: 154+/- AC Exc Cropland Absolute Auction, Waukomis, OK April 9: 80+/- AC Cropland, grass pasture, Class I & II soils, Garfield Co., Goltry, OK April 15: Garfield County Equip. Auction, Enid, OK - Consignments welcome, Call Rodney 580-548-6652. April 25: 390+/- AC - Exc hunting home - Cabin - Ponds - Offered in (3) tracts. Tractor - Equip., - Tools - Misc April 27: BEBCO - Right of Way Equip;. - Bucket trucks - Forklifts Spray Trucks - Vehicles - Chippers & More - Complete liquidation - Enid, OK April 28: 840+/- AC - Live water, water wells, CRP Grassland, exc. hunting, Harper county, Buffalo, OK April 29: 82+/- AC - Crop - Pasture Ponds - Logan Co., Marshall, OK Online Bidding on All Auctions 580-237-7174 Peterson Ranches Farm Equip Disp Auction Sat., April 11th, 2015 - 9:00 AM 12055 WCR 2 (168th Ave.), Brighton, CO Seller: Peterson Ranches Estate of Donald O. Peterson Go to: to view direction, terms, complete listing and pictures! (5) JD Trac; Swthr; Wndrwrs; Stack Wgn; (5) Blrs; Semi Trac; Cattle Pot; FB Trls; Supr Feed Mixer; Skid Steer; Trks; Lots of Farm Equip & Misc. Sale conducted by: Linnebur Auctions, Inc. Byers, CO 303-822-9298 [email protected] WEBSITE: March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 27C Auctions Auctions 866-608-9283 NO RESERVE INTERNET AUCTION Ag Equipment Bidding starts to close on Wed., April 15 at 10 a.m. CDT 200+ items selling! Including: tractors, planters, grain drills, tillage, balers, mowers, sprayers, applicators, heads, swathers, pickup trucks, grain trucks, tank trailers and more. 10% buyer's premium. Aaron McKee TX Lic. #16401. BID NOW! ADVERTISE TO THE WORLD! 1-888-227-7171 For More Information ADAMS/MORGAN COUNTY LINE FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Thursday, April 9, 2015 - 1:30 pm, MT Reck Agri Auction Center -Sterling, CO The following farm equipment to be offered for sale by virtual photo following the Adams/Morgan Cty Line Dryland Auction at the Reck Agri Auction Center. Equipment to be sold no earlier than 1:30 pm., MT. Equipment will be available for inspection prior to the auction at the Reck Agri Auction Center, 535 E Chestnut, Sterling, CO. All items shedded by current owner. Auctions Real Estate Auctions Wichita County: Saturday - April 11, 2015 Sale Time - 10:00 am Location: From Leoti, Ks., N on Hwy 25 for 9 mi to Rd H, then 4 mi E, 1/2 mi S and 1 mi E. Auc Loc: At the farm site (588 E CR Rd H 1/2) Legal: S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of 10-17-36 Containing 75 ac of native pasture land with a very nice farmstead, 3,369 sq ft. brick home, 4 bdrms, 2 1/2 baths, large living & family rooms, large kitchen, new sun room, CHA, all appliances & 22x50’ garage shop bldg. This has been run as a bed & breakfast in the past & works very well for this purpose with many repeat customers. Home shown by appt only prior to sale day. Scott County: Wed - April 15, 2015 Time - 10:00 am Auction Loc: Wm Carpenter 4-H building Land Location: From Scott City, 8 mi E on Hwy 96, then 2 mi N Legal: Tract 1: SE 1/4 of 5-18-31, containing approx 158 ac of dryland cropland; Tract 2: NE 1/4 of 5-18-31, containing approx 158 ac of dryland cropland, Tract 3: Comb of Tracts 1 & 2 FSA Info Base Acreage CC Yield, Wheat 97.8, 45, Milo 105.3, 66; Terms: 10% down day of sale with balance due in certified funds at closing. Closing to be on or before May 22, 2015. Announcements day of the auction take precedence over printed material. Buyer to receive seller's 1/3 of the 2015 wheat and milo harvest and 1/3 of any USDA FSA payments. Possession: Poss of the land planted to wheat after the 2015 wheat harvest, Poss on land planted to fall crop after the 2015 fall harvest Taxes: 2014 taxes-$1,519.76 / 2014 taxes paid by the seller, 2015 taxes prorated to day of closing; Minerals: Buyer to receive 1/2 of seller's mineral interest, seller to retain 1/2 mineral interest for 10 yrs, unless there is production, then for life For more info contact Lawrence & Assoc Realty at 620-872-5267 or Berning Auction @ 1-800-466-5202 Auctions Auctions FARM & RANCH EQUIPMENT SEMI-RETIREMENT AUCTION Fri., April 3, 10 AM - Preview any time after March 23. 10108 SW Tinney Rd. - Faxon, OK Directions: Lawton, OK, South I-44 to Faxon Exit, Hwy. 36, go west 41/2 miles to SW 82nd, 1 north to SW Tinney Rd., 11/4 west. Tom Horschler, owner – (580)591-3149 Please be on time - very little small items. Late model, well maintained, much barn kept. TRKS. – TRLRS.: ‘00 Dodge 2500, 4WD w/bale bed, dsl.; ‘97 Freightliner, daycab, TS, 10 spd.; ‘92 Ford L9000, daycab, TS, 10 spd.; ‘78 IHC 4300, 22’ gr. bed, 10 spd.; ‘75 Ford N700 w/20’ gr. bed; ‘73 Ford F-600 w/gr. bed; ‘10 Genuine Jack 34’ gr. trlr., hpr.; Wilson alum. gr. trlr., 40’; Dovetail 16’x4’, 20,000# axle; Neckover 32’x6’ stk.; ‘14 Red Rhino bale trlr., 35’; TRACS. – COMBS. – FIELD SPRYR.: C-IH 9280, 4WD, 95% rubber dls., PS, 9330 hrs.; JD 8760 4WD, 9798 hrs., 24 spd.; I-H 766 (needs mtr.); JD 9650 STS comb., 4WD, LA, bin ext., Greenstar ready; JD 930 hdr. w/trlr.; Gleaner M2 w/18’ hdr.; JD 4700 SP spryr., 60’, new rbr.; SF 9435 grain drill, 40’, 71/2”, liq. fert.; JD 455, 30’; (2) JD 7300 6R air plntrs.; SF 1435 offset 36’’ SF 1434 tdm. 26’; Flexcoil 3003 chisel 41’; KR chisel 17’; JD 680 chisel 41’; Miller offset 14’; GP 41’ harr.; Bush Hog 20’ shredder; Other Tillage; ‘14 MF/Hess. 2956 A baler, 300 bales; ‘97 Hess. 8500 disc swthr.; H&S 14 whl rake; 2004 7460 SP cotton stripper; Big 12 module builder; SS boll buggy; Other Items. View web for pictures & complete listing. BRIDGES AUCTION & SALES CO. (580)492-5260 - Billy (580)591-2719 - Kelly (580)695-5420 - Jason (580)695-6692 Looking for Livestock Equipment? Find it on 610 LOTS SELLING! ONLINE UNRESERVED AUCTION Wednesday, April 1 610 Lots Selling! First Lots Scheduled to Close at 10:00 AM Central Time NO BUYERS PREMIUM FEE & NO RESERVES!! 2002 CAT 65E: (new "rounded" body style), ~ 5750 hours, NEW (not retread) tracks, (250 hours), Bareback, trimble Auto-Steer $$$$ How To Save $$$ Six Ways Advertise your Auction in: High Plains Journal Midwest Ag Journal Ask about our Early Bird Discount! 2007 JOHN DEERE 1890/1910 AIR CART AND DRILL: 41.5 feet wide, 10" spacing disc opener, ~ 20,000 acres total, 3,500 +/acres on new discs & bearings, two medium (black) roller meters for wheat and fertilizer and one small (yellow) roller meter for millet, hydraulic calibration, brown box Run your ad two consecutive times and get a discount. Get listed in the Auction Calendar! Find out how to get your Auction Calendar listing linked to your web site. 2007 INTERNATIONAL NAVISTAR 4300 TRUCK: 260,000 miles, origianl paint, 38,000#, single axle, 2012 Parkway grain box w/hoist & rollover tarp, double frame 2012 EZ TRAIL 350 BUSHEL GRAVITY WAGON 2012 THUNDER CREEK 500 GALLON FUEL TRAILER 2012 JOHN DEERE 855D DIESEL GATOR: 35 hours *For auction terms and conditions, equipment pictures, and terms of online bidding, see Select the Auction Class that is right for you!! If your Auction is missing from the JOURNAL CLASSFIEDS then your auction is missing results!! Call Today 888-227-7171 And ask about our auction specials! • Kejr Farms, Joe Kejr, 785820- 1341, Brookville, KS 67425: '10 JD 5105M Tractor; Sunflower Model 5552-52 Field Cultivator; New Holland 5980 17 Wheel Rake; Sunflower 7630 12 Row Strip Till Unit; Hutchinson Auger; Model 4416 Box Scraper; Quinstar Fallow Master Frame Only; Shop-Built Circular Harrow; '08 Doonan Drop Deck Trailer; '07 Doonan Aluminum Ramps. Kent Studt, 785-738-8142, Glasco, KS 67445: '03 MCM Grain Trailer, 42' Long. Steven McBride, 785-488-8349, Big Iron Sales Rep Myron Popp, 785-731-5746, Utica, KS 67584: '92 JD 7200 Conservation Planter. Todd Hubbard, 620-271-3656, Big Iron Sales Rep Monte Dossett, 620-245-7371, McPherson, KS 67460: HercuLift 4500HD 3 Point Mount Forklift; Unverferth HT-30 Trailer (2); '09 JD 635F Hydraflex Header; '04 JD 635F Hydraflex Header; East Mfg. Aluminum Headache Rack. Prairieland Partners, Curtis Trecek, 800-626-1770, Winfield, KS 67156: '12 JD 1770NT Planter (2); '08 JD 1790 Planter. Unruh Custom Spraying Inc., Scott Unruh, 620-960-6345, Haven, KS 67543: '85 Mack R767S Flatbed Truck; '05 Homemade Combine/Sprayer Trailer. Kevin Nelson, 620-245-7236, Big Iron Sales Rep Appanoose Creek Community Sale, Located in KS: '02 Dodge 3500 Flatbed Pickup; '94 White GMC WCA Truck Tractor; '93 White GMC Truck Tractor; '75 Gleaner L Combine; Case International 183 Cultivator; Case International 183 Vibra Shank Cultivator; Caldwell Grain Cart; Massey Ferguson 880 Moldboard Plow; JD 400 Rotary Hoe; Glencoe 13 Shank Soil Saver; '79 Chamberlin JAGH-500 Grain Trailer; Ez Go Golf Cart. Bob Eichenberger, 785-229-5892, Big Iron Sales Rep Cliffton Beth, 620-224-4080, Fort Scott, KS 66701: Kinze 3600 Planter; '12 Great Plains 2400TM Disk. Lance Anderson, 785-456-3858, Big Iron Sales Rep Bainter Oil Service Inc. - Jeannine Taylor, 785-675-3903, Hoxie, KS 67740: '14 Arctic Cat Prowler 700 UTV. Kevin Barnett - 785-443-1722, Big Iron Sales Rep Auctions Every Wednesday! Sell your equipment on Call Today! 1-800-937-3558 28C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 Auctions Auctions Auctions Auctions Retirement Sale - Jim Toole Thurs., April 2nd, 2015 10:00 AM MT LOCATION: 55995 West Hwy. 116, Manter, Kansas. DIRECTIONS: From Johnson, KS., go west 16 mi on Road 12 (Hwy 116) to auction site (1 mi across state line) From Two Buttes, CO., go east 19 mi Hwy 116 to auction site. TRACTORS-GRAIN TRUCK-PICKUPS & TRAILERS: JD 4955 Tractor, PS trans, 3 remotes,18.4 R42 steel duals, 9227 hrs; 60 Ford 841 tractor w/ldr 4 cyl dsl eng; 74 Chevy C/65 sgl axle grain trk, Westfield hyd drill fill auger; 74 IHC Transtar Mdl CO4070 cabover semi truck. 903 V8 Cummins mtr, 759,091 mi; 57 GMC Mdl 350 grn trk, 6 cyl motor; 03 Ford F150 ext cab pickup, auto trans, pw, pl, 116,000 mi; 10’ Pace sgl axle enclosed trlr; 20’ PJ dual axle bumper pull fb trlr; 12’ sgl axle fb trailer w/dropdown ramp. FARM MACHINERY: 28’ Landoll Mdl 6230 tandem disc, (approx. 300 acres, like new); 35’ Richardson 7x5 sweep plow w/like new Quinstar pickers; 30’ Great Plains hoe drill, 12” spacing, hyd fold, pull-type; 28’ Int pull-type chisel; 30’ Noble 5x6 sweep plow; 30’ Flex-King rodweeder; 35’ CrustBuster springtooth harrow; 14’ JD pull-type chisel; 14’ Grahm Hoeme chisel; 80’ Golden Plains Ag Tech pull-type sprayer; 4-Ark Valley oneways; 2-JD one-ways; 5-Krause one-ways; 5’ Rotary 3pt mower; 2-‘ Rolacone 4x8 toolbar. FUEL TRAILER & LIVESTOCK EQUIP: Palmer 600 gal fuel trlr w/Honda transfer pump; 2-500 gal rd overhead fuel tanks on stands; 5-10’ livestock tanks; Rnd bale fdr; TPost’s & rebar posts; Feeder panels; Portable loading chute; Wire roller on trlr; 1,000 gal water tank on gn trlr; JD L120 lawn mower w/48 deck Misc Shop tools and equipment. Steve Higgs Auctioneer/REALTOR® 620-353-0066 Randy Morris Auctioneer/REALTOR® 620-492-1855 Announcements day of sale take precedence over printed material See photos & sale bill at Auction For: Ed & Louise Swartz Date: Sat., April 11th Time: 10 AM Auction Location: From Bazine, KS 1 mi. E on K-96 to EE Rd, then N 4 ½ mi. to the auction site. Item Lists: Specialty GN Livest. Trailer 6’ 8”x24, 750x16 8 Bolt Tires & Wheels, 1 Center Gate, Good Floor & New Jack. Flex-King Sweep Plow, 4-5s w/FK Pickers & NH3. Approx. 80 Cattle Panels 10 ft. to 16 ft. (2) Bumper Pull 3 Bale Trailers, Self-Dumping. JD 4010 Tractor, w/a GB 660 Loader & Joystick, Diesel, 3-Point, Syncro Range. Terms and Conditions: Cash or check w/proper I.D. day of sale. Announcements made day of sale shall take precedence over printed material. Auctioneer’s Note: Ed & Louise have sold their cows & are offering to you their nice line of livestock related items. There aren’t many small items, so please be prompt. The sale will not last long. Thank you! For a complete brochure, contact: Farmland Auction & Realty Co., Inc. 2707 Broadway, Hays, KS 67601 785-628-2851 Toll Free: 1-888-671-2851 [email protected] ONLINE FARM AND CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AUCTION APRIL 2, ‘15 10 AM CST COMPLETE LISTING AND ONLINE BIDDING AT WWW.CORNLEAIRON.COM Construction Equipment: '11 JD 315; '82 JD 644C Payloader; Case 350B Dozer/Crawler; Lowe Hyd Auger 1650 w/ 9", 12"&18" bit - NEW; Stout Pallet forks 48" - NEW; Stout Brush Grapple HD724 Close-tine-NEW; Stout Receiver Hitch Plate - NEW; Stout Rock Bucket Grapple - HD72-3 Open-end- New; Stout Solid Weld-on Skid steer plate - NEW; Stout Stump Bucket - NEW; Stout Walk-through Pallet forks 48" - NEW. Harvest Equipment: IHC 1680 Combine; JD 8820 Combine; 2011 CIH 7120 Combine; Killbros 385; 2011 CIH 2162 35'; NH 971 30' Wheat Header; 11 CIH 3408 30" Spacing Corn Head; 2011 PK MFG. 25 Head Trailer; Hull 40' Highway Trailer. hay Equipment: '12 JD 568; Hesston 4800 Baler; NH 116 14' Swather; Rouse 36 foot dump rake; Vermeer 605J Baler; Vermeer Twin-rake R-21. Irrigation Equipment: (2) 11.-24 pivot tires on 8 hole rims (multiple lots); 11-22.5 pivot tire; Fertilizer Injection Pump; Pair of Chief pivot walkers; Travel Gun w/ hose. Livestock Equipment: 6 Bar 12' Corral Panels - Bundle of 10 - NEW (multiple lots); 6 Bar 20' Continuous Fence - Bundle of 10- NEW (multiple lots); Henke Roller Mill; Meyers M300 Tandem Spreader. Miscellaneous: JD 145 48" Mower w/ Bagger; Easy Kleen Mag Gold Pressure Washer - NEW (3); (2) Sutton Fans 110/220V compatible (multiple lots); (4) 8' Shop lights w/ bulbs; (40) 8" PVC Irrigation pipe w/ 20" gate spacing; 11.2-24 tires and rims (2); 14.9-24 tires and rims (2); 14.9-24 tires and rims (2); 6 5/8" x 8' Core 10 Steel Pipe (29); 6 bolt Steel Wheels; Electric PTO on Cart; Fertilizer Pump; JD 10 Bolt Hubs w/ 18.4x38 duals; Miller 130 XP 110V Welder; V-Openers off 1770 (48); Cement mixer w//34hp mtr.; Westfield Quick mount rear fill auger. Planting Equipment: 2008 JD 1770NT 16R30; 2011 JD 1770NT 16R30; Kinze 2000 8-15-split Planter * Sprayers & Tillage: '01 Case IH SPX3185; Bush Hog 21' Disk; CIH 4300-28' FC; J&M TF212 27' Rolling Field Conditioner; JD 726 Mulch Finisher; JD 650-32'; Kewanee 15' Roller Packer; Tractors '79 JD 4640; '91 Case IH 5140 MFD; Ford 335 Industrial Tractor W/ Loader. Trucks & Trailers: 20' x 10' low boy trailer; '93 Clement 42' Belly Dump Trailer; '97 Int 9400; 1967 Ford F 100 Pickup. BID ONLINE & VIEW COMPLETE LISTINGS OWNERS & LOCATIONS AT A Michael Wegener Implement Company Cornlea, Nebraska 402-923-1160 888-923-0511 Get More $'s From Your Auction! Planning your once in a lifetime auction? Consider the following: Auctions 160 AC. GRANT CO. LAND AUCTION FRI., APR. 17 @ 11:00 A.M. SELLERS: MARGARET (YEAGER) NAIRN & JOHN YEAGER LOCATION: PIONEER ELECTRIC BLDG.–1850 W OK, ULYSSES, KS TRACT #1. Surface & Wind Rights in & to: NE/4 22-28-36, Grant Co., KS—Consisting of 160 Ac., +/-, All Productive Dry Cropland. 80 Ac. Planted to Wheat, Balance is Open Ground. 2014 Taxes Were $342.81. TRACT #2. All Mineral Interest in & to: NE/4 22-28-36, (with and including all unitization rights), Grant Co., KS—Producing Gas Wells Exist with 2014 Income Reported by Sellers Being $4712.26. 2014 Taxes Were $512.82. Call for Well Info. Each Tract Will Sell Individual From Another. No Combination of the Tracts Will Be Offered. TERMS: $20,000 Down on Tract #1; $2,500 Down on Tract #2 Day of Sale. Balance Due in 30 Days or Sooner With Title Approval. Title Insurance & Mineral Certificate Will Be Used, Cost Will Be Shared 50/50 Between Buyer & Seller. POSSESSION: Open Ground Day of Auction with Receipt of Earnest Money and Execution of Purchase Contract, After 2015 Wheat Harvest or August 1, 2015, Whichever is Sooner on Acres Planted to Wheat. CROPS: 2015 Wheat Crop is Retained by Seller. No Growing Crops To Buyer. TAXES: Sellers to Pay 2014 Taxes & All Prior Years. 2015 Taxes to be Split 50/50 (Buyer to Receive Credit at Closing, Based on 2014 Taxes.) Any Announcement Made Sale Day Shall Take Precedence Over All Advertised Material. Call For Brochure or Check Our Web Site For More Information. Fact: 80% of all farm purchases are made by large Ag producers. Question: How will you reach the "big boys" with your ad? Solution: The Journal reaches over 100,000 Farmers/Ranchers with the highest income and the largest farms. They are the buyers of your farm equipment. Tired of HIT or MISS Marketing Strategies? High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal Fact: Your auction is already the "talk of the town". You need to get the word out beyond just your neighbors and the folks in your own backyard. Solution: The Journal will put your equipment in front of an 11 state audience and online through our website, This provides you with MORE bids, HIGHER bids and the fast pace of the Internet. IT'S YOUR AUCTION Classified Display and Word Ads are On Target for over 53,200 readers! ________________ DEADLINES: Classified Ads - Wed. @ Noon CALL 1-888-227-7171 DEMAND THE BEST FROM YOUR AUCTIONEER Fax-620-227-7173 or E-Mail: [email protected] DEMAND HIGH PLAINS/MIDWEST AG JOURNAL ADAMS/MORGAN COUNTY LINE DRYLAND AUCTION - WITH RESERVE See the list of Auctioneers in Class 70 of our Classifieds or tell your auctioneer that you want your auction in Thursday, April 9, 2015 - 10:30 am, MT Reck Agri Auction Center -Sterling, CO 2,634 +/- Total Ac - Dryland Adams County, CO 2,602 +/- ac Dryland From Ft. Morgan, CO 17 mi S, 3 mi E Growing wheat crop to buyer Owned minerals to buyer Possession of stubble Primarily Class III w/areas upon closing of Class IV soils Above average NO TILL Level, productive, & in farming operation excellent condition Offered in 6 parcels, Currently farmed in 2 combos & single unit 3 crop rotation High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal! BUYERS INFORMATIONAL MEETING Questions? Sellers Note: The line of equipment used to farm the property being sold will be offered for sale after the land auction. Call: 1-888-227-7171 Equipment may be inspected at Reck Agri Center at 535 E. Chestnut, Sterling, CO. Go to for complete listing of equipment. Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 10:30 am, MT Reck Agri Auction Center - Sterling, CO March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 29C Auctions Auctions Auctions LARRY BRIDWELL FARM MACHINERY DISPERSAL Auctions FARM EQUIPMENT & TOOL AUCTION 10 am – Saturday – April 11, 2015 Cole, Oklahoma Location: 5 miles west of Jct. HWY 76 or 5 miles East of HWY 74 on HWY 74B **Extremely well maintained & cared for line – up of Farm Equip.** JD 8310 MFWD trac., 3703 hrs; JD 8300 MFWD trac., 3962 hrs (both duals, weights, PS & slick); JD 7320 MFWD Premium trac., 2520 hrs w/741 self-leveling ldr. (IVT trans); JD 469 & JD 468 Mega Wide Plus balers, 200 & 10,210 Bales (Excellent Condition); Massey Hess. 9770 swthr., 190 hdr. & 212 eng. hrs.; SF 9434 no-til drill (30’); H&S 1410/1660 hi capacity 14 whl. rake; H&S hay mach. (Tedder); NH 216 Hyd. Rake; 2-SF 1433-25’ offset disks; 2-JD 980 field cults. (24’); 2-JD 680 chisels (15 shank); Brillion fold-up 24’ cultipacker; Martens 33’ fold-up harr.; Imperial 30’ springtooth, alfalfa teeth; Hess. 4900 big baler w/accum.; JD 935 land plane; JD 965 5 bot. switch-plow; Case 7-shk. rpr.; JD 1518 Batwing mwr.; Timpte super hpr. gr. trlr.; Wylie 1,000 gal. spryr., ground drive , 38’ hyd. booms; Hutchinson 6”x40’ PTO auger; ‘98 Chevy 1T 4x4, sngl. cab, DewEze bed; Misc. Farm Equip. Parts & Shop Items. Neighbors Equip.: 32’ & 40’ Impl. GN, 48’ DD & 20’ car hauler trlrs.; JD 347 blr. & JD 1600A swthr. Charlie Brown Auction Company Chickasha, OK – Contact: Jon Brown 405-694-8882 For more info. & photos – website: Auctions SATURDAY APRIL 11, 2015 10:00 A.M. Leading Wheat Market High Plains Journal Covers the core of production agriculture like no other: 54% - The Journal's circulation area acounts for 54% of winter wheat acreage. 18 Millions - Acres of wheat in the Journal's circulation area. 785 - The average reader grows 785 acres of wheat Percentage of subscribers growing Wheat: 73% - Western Kansas Edition 55% - Eastern Kansas Edition 56% - Western Plains Edition 62% - Southern Plains Edition 1450 SW COUNTY LINE RD., BENTON, KS 67017 TRACTORS:’ 92 JD 4560 8337 hrs * ‘99 JD 9100, 1800 hrs on new 2011 engine, reconditioned in ‘14 * ‘83 JD 4455 Tractor, Quad-Range, 8518 hrs, OH’d in ‘10 COMBINE: ‘96 John Deere 9600 Combine, shows 5575 hrs combine, 4282 on separator. TRUCKS & PICKUPS: ‘02 Freightliner FL 80 Truck, w/2010 Alameda Grain Trailer * ‘00 Peterbilt Truck, 8 spd. * ‘05 GMC Z71 SLT 4 door. EQUIPMENT: Friesen 220 Bulk Seed Tender *JD 1770 12 Row Planter * Great Plains 30’ Drill 2SF30 * JD 40’ Field Cult., Model 2210 ————————————————————— Payment can be made by cash, approved check, or credit card. There will be a 3% buyers premium on all purchases. All announcements made the day of the auction take precedence over any printed material. ————————————————————— WWW.SUNDGREN.COM SUNDGREN REALTY INC. * LAND BROKERS JOE SUNDGREN, BROKER 316-377-7112 JEREMY SUNDGREN 316-377-0013 RICK REMSBERG 316-322-5391 HOW TO WRITE A CLASSIFIED AD THAT GETS RESULTS Classified advertising can be the most effective advertising you will ever use. By following these 7 basic tips, you can make your ad in High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal work its hardest for you. Leading Corn Market Make the Journal the foundation of your advertising program in the Western Corn Belt. Have something to sell? Put the Classifieds to Work For YOU? CALL: High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal 1.8 Billion - Bushels of corn harvested in the Journal subscriber 13 Million - Acres of corn in the Journal's circulation coverage area. 672 - The average reader grown 672 acres of corn. Percentage of subscribers growing Corn: 44% - Western Kansas Edition 45% - Eastern Kansas Edition 48% - Western Plains Edition 70% - Southern Plains Edition WHO WHAT WHERE WHY HOW - Who are you? What's your offer? What makes you different than others? Where can the buyer pick up the product? Why should they buy it? And last, but not least, How do they see or buy the product? Write? Call? Come by? Email? Fax? *********************************************************** Tip 4: List a price. You'll get more serious calls if you do, and $$$$. Speak with a Classified Customer Service Representative today!! We're waiting to hear from you!!!! Tip 2: Answer the 5 basic W's: Tip 3: Appeal to the readers. Let them know your product meets their needs. and 1-888-227-7171 Tip 1: Don't just think about writing the ad, write it, then perfect it. Tip 5: Try different classifications, find out which gives you the most response. If it dwindles, change classifications. You'll be surprised. Hay and Forages The cattle capital of the U.S is also a leading forage region 7.7 Millon - Tons of hay produced in the Journal coverage area. 2.2 Million - Acres in the Journal circulation area 1.3 Billion - Dollars in alfalfa production 59% of readers produce hay and other forages Tip 6: Remember the more products you advertise, the more you will sell. Tip 7: Now go ahead, experience the power of the High Plains/ Midwest Ag Journal classified. Our classified ad specialists are trained to help you, so give them a call.......NOW! Toll Free: 1-888-227-7171 Fax: 620-227-7173 Email: [email protected] Website: High Plains Journal PO Box 760 Dodge City, KS 67801 RICHARD D. TOOMBS ESTATE LAND AUCTION - WITH RESERVE Soybeans Major coverage of Western Soybean Belt 1,531 +/- Total Ac - Dryland - CRP - Pasture Kimball County, NE 8 Million - Acres in the Journal's circulation area 332 Million - bushels of soybeans in subscriber area. 504 - The average reader grows 504 acres of soybeans. TUESDAY, April 28, 2015 - 10:30 am, MT Kimball County Event Center - Kimball, NE 782+/- Ac Dryland 637+/- Ac CRP 109+/- Ac Pasture Growing wheat to Buyer Possession upon closing Offered in 6 Parcels 2 Combos, Single Unit Seller reserving owned minerals Primarily Class III, V & VI soils 100% of 2015 CRP pymt to Buyer Home w/quonset & windbreak 2 CRP contracts @ $26.46 & $25.02 per acre. Exp. 9/30/2020 From Kimball, NE 12 mi. S, 3.5 mi. W BUYERS INFORMATIONAL MEETING Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - 10:30 AM, MT Kimball County Event Center - Kimball, NE Percentage of subscribers growing Soybeans: - Western Kansas Edition - Eastern Kansas Edition - Western Plains Edition - Southern Plains Edition 29% 59% 20% 77% AUCTION - ESTATE FARM MACHINERY Thurs. April 9, 2015 1:00 PM CT Location: from Johnson, KS, 17 mi. south on KS Hwy 27 (Rd Y16); From Richfield, KS, 3 mi. north on KS Hwy 27 (Rd Y16) COMB., TRAC., TRLR.: ‘92 JD 9600 dsl. comb.; 30’ JD wheat hdr.; 30’ Wemco hdr. trlr.; ‘94 JD 8870 turbo dsl. trac. FARM MACH., TANKS, PARTS: Fast 7400 pull-type spryr.; 30’ JD 7100-12R plntr.; 20’ Land Pride bat wing mwr; 30’ Tye dbl. disc drill; 40’ JD 9300 hoe drill, 30’; KR 1950 dbl. offset disc; 50’ CB 3400 folding hoe drill; 42’ JD chisel; 4-18’ Ark Valley oneways; Lots of older mach. & scrap iron; Nurse tanks; Fuel tanks; Parts & repairs for equip. The following items sold by Don Ediger: ‘88 Frtlnr. semi; 42’ Timpte dbl. hpr. gr. trlr.; ‘80 Chev tndm. trk.; ‘77 Chev C70 tndm. trk.; SF 11x5 swp. plow; 40’ JD 9300 hoe drill; JD 653A-6R rowhead. For more info call Don Ediger 620-453-1006. Auctioneer’s Note: Please be on time. There are very few small items.Terms: Cash or honorable check SALE FOR WILLIAM EDIGER ESTATE AND DON EDIGER Box 121 Johnson, KS 620-492-1868 For info see auctioneer ID# 4884 30C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015 March 30, 2015 | All Editions | | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 31C The catfish lays ten thousand eggs. The lonely hen lays one. The hen will proudly cackle, To tell us what she’s done. We scorn the humble catfish, While the lowly hen we prize; Which only goes to show you— It pays to advertise. Call today 1-800-452-7171 32C JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS | | All Editions | March 30, 2015
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