Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 The Roman Catholic Diocese of Belleville, IL. Bishop of Belleville – Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton Pastor – Reverend Steven F. Poole Residence/Office at St. Barbara (618)243-6236 Email: [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________ TW PARISHES E PART ERSHIP Website: Baptism- Preparation Program required. Marriage-Contact must be made at least 4 months in advance. Confession - by appointment St. Anthony Parish St. Barbara Parish 6101 St. Anthony Church Rd. 305 N. Front St. Oakdale, Illinois 62268 Okawville, Illinois 62271 Phone: (618)824-6271 Phone: (618)243-6236 Secretary: Secretary: Carol Sweet Jeanne Heberer Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Hall Rental: Hall Rental: Cheri Kurtz (618)824-6597 Deb Simonton (618)910-0186 For Pastoral Emergencies Only: Joan Luechtefeld (618)910-9032 St Barbara Church awvi e Worship This Week Schedule Intention Sat 3/28 5:30pm William Rudert & For Our Sun Tue Thu Fri Sat Sun Sun Parish Family 3/29 8:00am Anna Montero 3/31 11:30am Chrism Mass at St. Peters’s Cathedral in Belleville 4/2 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper at St. Anthony’s 4/3 7:00pm Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) at St. Barbara’s 4/4 NO MASS AT ST. BARBARA’S 4/4 7:00pm Easter Vigil Mass at St. Anthony’s 4/5 8:30am For Our Parish Family & Loretta Frederking 4/5 10:30am Mass at St.Anthony’s Liturgical Ministers April 3rd and April 5 SERVERS: Fri 4/3 7pm Abby Poggemoeller, & 2 volunteers Sun 8:30am Garrett, Wyatt and Bennett Krohne LECTORS: Fri 4/3 7pm Jeanne Heberer, Dave Overmann Sun 8:30am Aaron Tebbe USHERS: Fri 4/3 7pm Linda & Don Poggemoeller Sun 8:30am Dale & Shirley Tippett COMMUNION MINISTERS Fri 4/3 7pm b-Peggy Overmann Sun 8:30am c-Beth Anderson, Pat Shaw b-Lloyd Strubhart OFFERTORY GIFTS Sun 8:30am Bob Greten Family COLLECTION COUNTERS: 4/5 8:30am Jeanne Heberer, Aaron Tebbe OUR FAITH COMMUNITY'S TITHE TO THE LORD: Total tithe for 3/22/2015: $1,443.76 Envelopes (53) $1,172.00 / Loose $66.76 Central & Eastern Europe (1) $5.00 C.S.M.A. (10 donors) $1,335.00 "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21)— St. Barbara’s News Dates to remember: Sat., April 11 at the 4:30 pm Mass nine of our students will make their First Holy Communion. Altar Sodality Meeting Wednesday, April 8 at 7pm. Refreshments by Ruth Christ and Cele Obermeier, attendance prize by Cele Obermeier. NO PSR ON EASTER SUNDAY. Condolences: We offer our deepest sympathy to the family of Theresa Mueller. Let us pray for the repose of her soul as well as for all who mourn the loss of a loved one. The Mass of Christian burial was held at St. Barbara’s with burial at St. Barbara Parish Cemetery on Saturday, March 28. Give her eternal rest, O Lord, and may your light shine on her forever. Please remember in your thoughts and prayers: Walter Rybacki and Donald Averbeck, Gene Liske, Gary Shaw and Cindy Kokott. May the Lord give them comfort and strength in their time of need. If you know of anyone who is sick and you would like to place them on our prayer list you can call Jeanne at 618660-5579, or email Jeanne at [email protected] or drop a note into the collection basket. Please keep our youth attending the Diocese Youth Conference in Collinsville this weekend in your prayers that the fire of their faith will be ignited. Attending are Nicholas and Harrison Strubhart of St Barbara and Zach Middendorf of St Libory and chaperones Glenn and Ruth Beach. Shine up those patent leather shoes bring your Easter baskets and don’t forget your camera for the Great Annual Easter Egg Hunt at St Barbara after the Easter morning mass brought to you by Youth Ministry. If you DID NOT receive the mailing from the Diocese for the Bishops Appeal there are envelopes on the table at the entrance of the church. You can still make your offering to the appeal. March Birthday’s Vicky Michaud Leon Averbeck Wib Lake Dan Jansen Nicholas Strubhart Linda Miessner Marie Stein St A th y’s Church ive y Gr ve Worship This Week Schedule Sat Sun Tue Thu Fri Sat Sun Intention 3/28 No Mass at St. Anthony’s 5:30pm at St. Barbara’s Parish 3/29 10:30am Rose Zinck & Our Parish Family 3/31 11:30am Chrism Mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Belleville 4/2 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 4/3 7:00pm Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) at St. Barbara’s 4/4 7:00pm Our Parish Family & George, Marie & Kenneth Waller 4/5 10:30am Deceased Members of Henry Greten Sr. Family Liturgical Ministers th April 4 & 5th SERVERS: Sat 7:00pm Sun 10:30am J Hemker, R Kempfer, N. Lintker, and L Schmersahl A Gillespie, J Heckert, L Kurtz LECTORS: Sat Sun 7:00pm 10:30am J Luechtefeld, D Weber, A Jankowski K Heckert , M Bergkoetter USHERS: Sat Sun 7:00pm 10:30am N Weber, S Jetton L Gale, D Gross COMMUNION MINISTERS Sat Sun 7:00pm 10:30am K Kramper, D Lange C Hundelt, V & M Weber OFFERTORY GIFTS Sat Sun 7:00pm 10:30am Richard Lake Family Ed Kurtz Family COLLECTION COUNTERS: Sun 10:30am Christine Lintker, Erica Killion OUR FAITH COMMUNITY'S TITHE TO THE LORD: Total tithe for 3/22/15: $2,389.00 Envelopes (44) $1,131.00 / Loose $263.00 Easter Flowers $320.00 / Emergency Fund $100.00 Hall $350.00 / Messenger $25.00 PSR Donation (teacher’s dinner) $200.00 CSMA: 11 donors @ $1114.00 *Thank you to all who donated Wednesday evening to the local Food Pantry. We raised $245.05! "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21)— St. Anthony’s News Condolences: We offer our deepest sympathy to the family of Eugene Mathews. Let us pray for the repose of his soul as well as for all who mourn the loss of a loved one. The Mass of Christian burial was held at St. Anthony’s with burial at St. Anthony Parish Cemetery on Thursday, March 26th. Give him eternal rest, O Lord, and may Your light shine on him forever. Thank you for all the prayers, cards and get well wishes while we were in the hospital, and after we came home. It was greatly appreciated. From Walter & Viola Albers NO PSR ON EASTER SUNDAY. Shine up those patent leather shoes, bring your Easter baskets and don’t forget your camera for the Great Annual Easter Egg Hunt at St. Anthony after the Easter morning mass brought to you by Youth Ministry. (For children up to third grade.) March Birthday Blessings: Marvin Buss, Henrietta Kramper, Cindy Claro, Barb Jetton, Clyde Shubert, John Schroer and Dorothy Schroer Do you have ponds that need to be stocked with fish? Join th us at St. Anthony’s for their annual Fish Day on April 4 . st Orders must be placed by March 31 . Call Steve @ 8246292, Wendy @ 806-7067 or Allan @ 824-6422. All are welcome! The Knights of Columbus are collecting items for the Pregnancy Care Center in Belleville, IL, now through April th 12 . All baby items accepted. The next Pastoral Council Meeting has been scheduled for th Thursday, May 14 following the 6:30pm mass. th The next Blood Drive is Monday, June 29 from 1pm – 6pm at St. Anthony’s parish hall. Please remember in your thoughts and prayers: Dorothy Schroer, Barbara Sauerhage, Jeannette Pittsley, Judith Ann Robb, Marilyn Weber, Sue Schroer, Mariann Brugger, Joan Gutjahr, Ben Leyson, Donald Averbeck, Dorothy Schmersahl, Jason Smith, Georgie Brazinski, Harvey Zinck, Shirley Hagene, Grant Gall, Bryan Perkes, Hermina Taylor, Marie Jennetten, Hilda Shubert, Jesse Cordes, Joel Shubert, Mary Sabo, Bud Smith, Ruthie Mathews and Charles Gutjahr. May the Lord give them comfort and strength in their time of need. For all men and women who have been called or will be called to service to protect our country; GMSA Brock Swift US Navy; Gsgt. Joseph Weber, CPL Brad Kurtz, (Germany), Grant McClure. PRAY FOR PEACE!! *Please call or drop a note in the basket with any names that should be added or taken off of the list St. Anthony / St. Barbara Partnership News Please consider remembering your parish in your will and estate planning The Roman Catholic Parish Partnership of St. Anthony's, Lively Grove and St. Barbara's, Okawville has announced its schedule for Holy Week. Times and places will be alternating for services at the two parishes this Holy Week given the new reality of a recently formed Partnership under the leadership of one Pastor Holy Thursday (Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper) April 2 Thurs. 7:00 pm- St. Anthony's, Lively Grove Good Friday (Friday of the Passion of the Lord) April 3 Fri. 7:00 pm- St. Barbara's, Okawville Easter Vigil April 4 Sat. 7:00 pm- St. Anthony's, Lively Grove Easter Sunday April 5 Sun. 8:30 a.m. St. Barbara's, Okawville / 10:30 a.m. St. Anthony's, Lively Grove From the Pastor’s desk: THANK YOU for your continued generosity toward the annual diocesan CATHOLIC SERVICES AND MINISTRY APPEAL (CSMA). Your pledge enables the Catholic Church to make Christ visible through her ministry in Southern Illinois. If you haven't had a chance to give toward the CSMA yet. Please prayerfully consider a gift that will do so much to change the lives of so many, right here in our own Diocese. *CATHOLIC SERVICES AND MINISTRY APPEAL pledges to date (3/ 22): St. Barbara's, Okawville: Goal $4,450.00 from 44 donors. To Date: $2,040.00 from 22 donors St. Anthony's, Lively Grove: Goal $3,850.00 from 35 donors. To Date: $3,540.00 from 27 donors May the Lord bless you for your kindness toward enabling His work to continue! There are envelopes available if you did not receive one in the mail. Please keep our youth attending the Diocese Youth Conference in Collinsville this weekend in your prayers that the fire of their faith will be ignited. Attending are Nicholas and Harrison Strubhart of St Barbara and Zach Middendorf of St Libory and chaperones Glenn and Ruth Beach. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt following mass on Easter Sunday at both parishes. Don’t forget your baskets! (For children up to 3rd grade). Have you been faithfully contributing to the CRS Rice Bowl in your almsgiving this Lenten season? The CRS Rice Bowls were distributed at the beginning of Lent to all parishioners of our Partnership. Please bring your CRS Rice Bowl with your contained contributions back to church at Easter so that we can forward the proceeds onto Catholic Relief Services and that vital ministry to those in need around the globe. THANK YOU! On Sunday, June 7, 2015, at 1:00 PM, His Excellency, Bishop Braxton will celebrate a Mass at the Cathedral of St. Peter honoring the sacrament of Matrimony. All couples who (within the calendar year of 2015) are married 25, 30, 40, and 50 as well as all years from 60 on up (60, 61, 62, etc.). If you fall into one of these categories please submit your name and the date of your wedding to Fr. Steve by dropping a note into the collection basket and we will get your name submitted to the Bishop so that you can receive your invitation from the Bishop’s office.
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