भारत सरकार अ तिरक्ष िवभाग सतीश धवन अंतिरक्ष के द्र शार ीहिरकोटा डा.घ.524124 आं.प्र. भारत टे िलफोन:+91 8623 225023 फेक्स: +91 8623 225170 Government of India Department of Space Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR SRIHARIKOTA P.O. 524124, AP, INDIA Telephone: +91 8623 225023 Fax: +91 8623 225170 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA :: DEPARTMENT OF SPACE SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTER SHAR :: SRIHARIKOTA – 524 124 SRI POTTI SREERAMULU.NELLORE DISTRICT (A.P) TENDER NOTICE NO. SDSC SHAR/HPS/PT/20/2014-15 On behalf of President of India, Head Purchase and Stores, SDSC SHAR, SRIHARIKOTA invites on line quotations for the following: Sl No 01 02 Ref. No. Description Qty. Work Contract to carryout maintenance works for Heavy Vehicles of TOMD, SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota for Two Years Procurement, Manufacture, Supply, SHAR VAST 2015 00 2321 Erection, Testing & Commissioning of e-procurement Platforms for Second Vehicle [TWO part basis] Assembly Building, SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota SHAR SC 2015 00 2246 e-procurement [SINGLE part basis] 1 LS Tender Fee `.230/- 1 LS `.230/- Last Date for downloading of tender documents : 27.04.2015 at 16:00 hrs. Due Date for submission of bids online : 27.04.2015 at 16:00 hrs. Due Date for Bid Sealing on : 27.04.2015 at 16:01 hrs. to 27.04.2015 at 17.30 hrs. Due Date for Open Authorization : 27.04.2015 at 17.31 to 29.04.2015 at 17:00 hrs. Due Date for opening of tenders : 30.04.2015 at 14:30 hrs. Instructions to Tenderers: 01. For full details/scope of work and terms and conditions etc., please see the enclosed annexures. 02. Interested tenderers can be downloaded the e-tender from isro e-procurement website and offer submitted on line in the e-procurement portal. Offers sent physically by post/courier/in person will not be considered. The Tender Fee of Rs.230/- by Crossed Demand Draft drawn on State Bank of India, Sriharikota in favour of Accounts Officer, SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota for the above material may be submitted to the Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer before the due date. 03. Tender documents are also available on ISRO website; isro e-procurement website and SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota website The same can be down loaded and offer submitted on line in the e-procurement portal. 04. Offers sent physically by post/courier/in person will not be considered. 05. Quotations received after the due date/time will not be considered. 06. While sending online quotations, superscribe respective Tender Number and Due Date. 07. The tender documents are available for download upto 27.04.2015 at 1600 hrs and last date for receipt of tenders on line 27.04.2015 at 1600 hrs. and Tender Opening on 30.04.2015 at 14:30 hrs. 08. Head, Purchase and Stores, SDSC-SHAR, Sriharikota reserves the right to accept or reject any/or all the quotations. DT: 25.03.2015 HEAD, PURCHASE AND STORES 1 . SPEC NO. SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT TCE:7517A-D-856/7-001 SECTION: TITLE SHEET : 1 of 2 PLATFORMS FOR SVAB ANNEXURE T0 INDENT NO. : SHAR/VAST/2015002321 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP). FOR PROCUREMENT, MANUFACTURE, SUPPLY, ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISIONING OF PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SPECIFICATIONS & PRICE SCHEDULE OWNER : INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION PROJECT : SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING LOCATION : SDSC-SHAR, SRIHARIKOTA SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING SATISH DHAWAN SPACE CENTRE SRIHARIKOTA -524124. INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ISSUE R0 . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE:7517A-D-856/7001 PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SECTION: CONTENTS SHEET : 2 OF 2 CONTENTS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PLATFORMS SPECIFICATIONS & ANNEXURES SECTION SPECIFICATION NO: TCE:7517A-D-858-001 ISSUE NO. TITLE: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PLATFORMS SPECIFICATIONS A SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 GENERAL SPECIFICATION B SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION C SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 BILL OF QUANTITIES D SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN E SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC RO WELDING SPECIFICATION ANNEXURES F1 SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 SCHEDULE OF PRICES F2 SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 PREQUALIFICATION CRITERIA F3 SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 SCHEDULE OF GENERAL PARTICULARS / VENDOR EVALUATION FORMAT F4 SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 CONFIRMATION OF ACHIVEING ACCURACY F5 SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 DATA TO BE FILLED F6 SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 SCHEDULE OF DEVIATIONS FROM SPECIFICATIONS F7 SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 SCHEDULE OF TIME FOR MANUFACTURE, DESPATCH AND SHIPMENT TO SITE. F8 SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 SCHEDULE OF BIDDERS EXPERIENCE & DETAILS OF PRESENT WORKS BEING EXECUTED. F9 SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC R0 CHECK LIST F10 SVAB/PLATFORM/SPEC BREAK UP DETAILS FOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 1 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SECTION -A GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: A SHEET : 2 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB PROPOSAL DOCUMENT, CLARIFICATION AND ADDENDUM Quotations are invited from the interested bidders for the enclosed scope of work in two part bid. Part-1 technical & unpriced part of the work and Part-2 Priced commercial part. Only experienced Bidders who are qualifying in bid-qualification criteria given in Section F2 only should quote. The RFP document is organized in six sections as follows. Section –A General Specification, Terms and Conditions of the Contract Section –B Scope of Work & Technical Specifications Section –C Bill of Quantities. Section –D Quality Assurance Plan. Section- E Welding Specification. Section-F Annexures. Title of the proposal: “Procurement, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of platforms for SVAB” Date Public Notification issued by ISRO: as per the notification Last Date of downloading tender Document by tenderer: as per the notification Last date of submission of tender documents in online by tenderer: as per the notification Last date of Bid sealing in online by ISRO: as per the notification Last date for giving open authorisation in online by tenderer: as per the notification A PROPOSAL DOCUMENT 1.1. Successful Bidder shall sign & stamp each page of the tender document (RFP) as token of his acceptance and submit the same before order placement. 1.2. Proposal documents shall remain the property of SDSC SHAR and shall not . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 3 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB be used for any another purpose without the consent of SDSC SHAR. 1.3. The proposal shall be completely filled in all respects and shall be tendered together with requisite information & Annexure. Any offer incomplete in any particulars is liable to be rejected. 1.4. The Proposal (Unpriced Techno-commercial bid) with a complete set of the required documents shall be up-loaded in ISRO e-procurement website. 1.5. The Proposals shall be submitted on-line before the time limit for bid submission specified in the Letter Inviting Bid. 1.6. Supplier shall submit the open authorisation on line with in the time limit specified in the Letter Inviting bid. 1.7. The Proposal will be opened on the date and on the time specified in the Letter Inviting Bid or as soon thereafter as convenient. Proposal not received in time will not be considered. 1.8. Bidders shall set their quotations in firm figures and without variations/additions in the terms of the Proposal documents. 1.9. AMBIGUITY Should there be any ambiguity or doubt as to the meaning of any of the tender clause/condition or if any further information is required, the matter shall be immediately brought to the notice of Head, Purchase & Stores of SDSC SHAR in writing B. PREPARATION OF BIDS 1.1 SITE VISIT Bidder is advised to visit & examine the site and its surroundings to familiarize himself of the existing facilities & environment and shall collect all other information which may require for preparing & submitting the Bid and entering into the contract. Claims and objections due to ignorance of existing conditions or inadequacy of information will not be considered after submission of the Bid and during implementation. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 4 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 1.2 VALIDITY OF OFFER Bid shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 4 (four) months from the due date of submission of the Bid. The Bidder shall not be entitled during the said period to revoke or revise his Bid or to vary the Bid except and to the extent required by SDSC SHAR in writing. Bid shall be revalidated for extended period as required by SDSC SHAR in writing. In such cases, unless otherwise specified, it is understood that validity is sought and provided without varying either the quoted price or any other terms & conditions of Bid finalized till that time. 1.3 COST OF BIDDING All direct and indirect costs associated with the preparation and submission of bid shall be to Bidder's account and SDSC SHAR will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bid process. 1.4 APPLICABLE LANGUAGE/ MEASUREMENTS The bid and all correspondence incidental to and concerning the bid shall be in the English Language. For supporting document and printing literature submitted in any other language, an accurate English Translation shall also be submitted. Responsibility for correctness in translation shall lie with the Bidder. All the measurements shall be given in metric system. 1.5 ARRANGEMENT OF BID The Bid shall be neatly presented on white paper with consecutively numbered pages. It should not contain any terms and conditions which are not applicable to the Bid. The Bid and all details submitted by the Bidder shall be signed and stamped on each page as token of acceptance, by a person legally authorised to enter into agreement on behalf of the Bidder. (Corrections / alteration, if any, shall also be signed by the same person). 1.6 SCHEDULE OF PRICES The schedule of prices shall be read in conjunction with all the sections of proposal document. The price must be filled online in the same format of . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 5 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB ‘Schedule of Prices’ in Section F1. No copy of price bid shall be enclosed along with other document and upload the same any where in the e-procurement portal. 1.7 DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BID Bids shall be arranged in the following order. 1.7.1 Part – I : Technical and Unpriced Commercial Part Technical and unpriced commercial part shall comprise the attachments, specifying attachment number arranged in the order as follows: (a) Submission of bid letter. (b) Demand draft of Rs: 1 lakh as Earnest money Deposit (EMD). (c) Demand draft for tender fee (d) Power of attorney in favour of authorised signatory of the bid / proposal documents. (e) All the annexure in Section-F1 to F9 enclosed in proposal duly filled, signed and sealed (f) Bid qualification criteria for supply of platforms and all supporting documents. (g) Write-up on the detailed procedure to be followed for erection and handling equipment including mobile cranes / winches proposed to be followed for erection of platforms. (h) Fabrication shop layout where fabrication of platform are planned. (i) Furnace details for stress relieving guide columns of 12 m length, brackets & liners. (j) Details of machines for machining the sub-systems like Guide columns of 12 m length, brackets, liners, pulleys, wheels, base frames, rope drum etc. (k) Hydraulic circuit for the proposed SCVRP swinging operation along with major details of pump, motor actuator, direction control valves, . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 6 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB etc.. (l) Unpriced copy of schedule of prices with all other commercial terms, taxes, duties, exemption certificates and conditions duly filled (Prices to be kept blank), signed and stamped. (m) Firm establishment certificate. (n) Audited balance sheet including profit and loss account for last three financial years showing annual turn over (o) Latest income tax returns certificates for last three years. (p) Latest solvency certificate from a scheduled bank. (q) Description of the procedures adapted for material procurement, fabrication with deviations from technical specification and proposed design modifications. (r) Data sheets for all the equipment & checklists enclosed in proposal duly filled, signed & stamped. (s) Technical literature & data sheets of equipment / machinery used by him and any other document as mentioned in the proposal. (t) Project execution plan (u) Bar chart for supply & erection schedule indicating the date of completion of various activities so as to complete the execution of the contract within the time frame stipulated in the tender specification. (v) Any other relevant document, bidder desires to submit. (w) Section: F10 should be submitted in a sealed cover along with hard copy of technical bid. Top of the cover should written as “ DONOT OPEN” price break up details for bought out items. 1.7.2 Part – II : Priced Commercial Bid Priced commercial bid shall be filled on line in the price bid format. Schedule of prices also to be filled in the online format and no separate document shall be attached. Deviations in terms and conditions, assumptions, conditions, discounts etc. shall be stipulated in format specified in the portal. SDSC SHAR will not take . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 7 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB cognizance of any such statement and may at their discretion reject such bids. C. BID SUBMISSION Bids duly filled in by the Bidder should invariably be submitted as stipulated in the Letter inviting bid. Bids shall be submitted in the following manner. 1.1 PART – I : UN PRICED TECHNO-COMMERCIAL PART OF THE BID FOR THE WORK 2 Complete Techno–commercial part of the bid shall be filled online in the “vendor Specified Terms’ form of the e-tender. Any documents related (demand draft for tender fee & EMD ), technical literature, guarantee / warrantee certificates and any other relevant documents as per the tender shall be scanned in lower resolution format and uploaded to the e-tender under ‘Documents solicited from Vendor’ form only in ISRO e-procurement portal ( ). In case if the space for uploading is not sufficient, hard copy of the balance documents shall be submitted before due date. Envelope of technical bid shall be marked with following: PART-I TECHNO-COMMERCIAL BID Name of client : Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR Indian Space Research Organisation Title of the proposal : “Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Platforms for SVAB” Due date and time of the opening : From (Name of the bidder with : address) To: Head, Purchase & Stores Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR ISRO, Dept. of Space Govt. of India DD/MM/YYY . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 8 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Sriharikota – 524124, SPSR Nellore Dist, Andhra Pradesh, India The deviation statement and checklist shall be filled online, without which the bid will not be considered. 2.1 PART – II : PRICE PART OF THE BID FOR THE WORK Price bid shall be filled in the on-line ‘price bid’ form of the e-tender only in ISRO eprocurement website . The cost of spares and other prices shall be filled in the respective forms available on-line in the eportal. Any other terms and conditions given in this part shall not be considered and if insisted upon by the Bidder, bids are liable for rejection. a) SDSC SHAR may open Part – I of the bid on the due date of opening subject to meeting the minimum evaluation criteria. Price Bids (Part-II) of technically and commercially acceptable offers shall be opened at a later date. b) SDSC SHAR reserves the right to reject any or all the Bids without assigning any reasons thereof. c) Any bids/offers with price details in Techno-Commercial Offer (Part –I) shall be rejected. d) SDSC SHAR reserve rights to place order for either full quantities of all items or partial quantities and partial items based on the unit rates available. D. Vendor Evaluation Format SDSC SHAR seeks response to the given questionnaire for assimilating data which would be used for evaluating the capability of the supplier for executing the referred work. Hence, the supplier is requested to provide only genuine data and any discrepancy found at a later point of time may result in rejection of the supplier from purchase process. Furnishing of data cannot be construed as automatic qualification for participation in the tender. Questionnaire should be signed by a responsible and authorized person of the Company / Agency. Schedule of general particulars / vendor evaluation format shall be filled as per Section: F3. Schedule of Bidders experience and details of present works being . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 9 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB executed are to be filled as per Section :F7. Note: In order to consider as valid experience, all the experience has to be supported with the technical details, completion certificate and purchase order. E. DETERMINATION OF RESPONSIVENESS SDSC SHAR will scrutinize tenders to determine whether the tender is substantially responsive to the requirements of the tender documents. For the purpose of this clause, a substantially responsive tender is one which inter-alia conforms to all the terms and conditions of the entire Tender document without any deviations and reservations. The decision of SDSC SHAR shall be final in this regard. F. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT 2.1 The tenderer shall remit Rs. 1 Lakh as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of demand draft (DD) with the tender, failing which the tender will not be considered. 2.2 If any party is exempted from paying Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) relevant exemption certificate is to be provided along with offer. 2.3 The EMD shall be remitted by a DD from any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in favour of ACOOUNTS OFFICER Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, Payable at SBI, Sriharikota. 2.4 Cheque will not be accepted towards EMD. 2.5 EMD by the unsuccessful tenderer will be refunded after the finalization of tender. EMD shall not bear any interest. 2.6 EMD of the successful tenderer will be refunded after receipt of Performance Security. 2.7 DD Number and other reference details shall be filled on-line, and the original DD shall be sent to Head, Purchase & Stores, Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, ISRO, Dept. of Space, Govt. of India,Sriharikota – 524124, before the tender due date. G BID EVALUATION . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 10 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 2.1 During evaluation, SDSC SHAR may request Bidder for any clarification on the bid OR additional documents. 2.2 Techno-commercial discussion shall be arranged with Bidder, if needed. Bidder shall depute his authorised representatives for attending discussions. The representatives attending the discussions shall produce authorisation from his organisation to attend the discussion and sign minutes of meeting on behalf of his organisation if required. The authorised representative must be competent and empowered to settle/decide on all technical and commercial issues. 2.3 Bidder must provide the point by point compliance to the technical specifications along with deviations as per “Schedule of deviations” attached in section F5. The tender will be rejected, if the deviations are not acceptable to the Department. 2.4 Performance of Bidder on similar nature of works executed/ under execution shall be taken into consideration before selecting the Bidder for opening his price bid. 2.5 The time schedule for completion is given in the Proposal document. Bidder is required to confirm the completion period unconditionally. 2.6 If necessary, to arrive at evaluated prices, wherever applicable, loading on total quoted prices shall be done. Lowest offer is based on landed cost only along with taxes. 2.7 SDSC SHAR reserves the right to accept a bid other than a lowest and to accept or reject any bid in full or part without assigning any reasons. Such decisions by SDSC SHAR shall bear no liability whatsoever consequent upon such decision. 2.8 SDSC SHAR reserves the right to split the order or alter the quantities specified based on prices quoted for part work or unit rate quoted by BIDDER. 2.9 The Bidder, whose bid is accepted by SDSC SHAR, shall be issued a Letter of Intent (LOI) /Purchase Order (PO) to proceed with the work. Bidder shall confirm acceptance by returning a signed copy of the LOI/PO. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SECTION-A.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATION SECTION: A SHEET : 11 OF 31 . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 12 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 1.0 INTRODUCTION SDSC SHAR invites tenders in sealed covers from reputed firms with proven ability to “Procurement, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Platforms for SVAB” as per the specifications 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK AND TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The detailed scope of work and technical specifications are given in Sections B, C, D, & E of RFP document. The general terms and conditions are given below. 3.0 SUPPLIER's OBLIGATIONS & FUNCTIONS 3.1. SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS The Supplier shall execute the works in compliance with the provisions of CONTRACT, good engineering practices and codes requirements. 3.2. SUBMISSION OF TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS Supplier shall prepare and submit to SDSC SHAR for approval of following documents and drawings: 3.2.1. Technical literatures & data sheets of equipment used by him. 3.2.2. Fabrication shop layout for fabricating platforms, guide columns etc & support brackets. 3.2.3. Details of heat treatment / stress relieving equipment for Guide column & support brackets. 3.2.4. Details of Turning machines / milling machines to be used for machining guide columns. 3.2.5. Assembly Shop layout drawings suitable for control assembly of drives & platforms. 3.2.6. Erection sequence schedule along with erection drawings. 3.2.7. Detailed Quality assurance Plan 3.2.8. No activity shall be executed unless SDSC SHAR’s approval is obtained. The above documents shall be submitted in a format approved by SDSC SHAR. 3.3. DESIGN, FABRICATION & SUPPLY . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 13 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Supplier shall carry out detailed engineering, fabrication and supply the platforms in accordance with the scope, technical specifications and terms & conditions of contract. 3.4. DELIVERY AND STORAGE 3.4.1. Dispatch Instructions given in the Contract shall be strictly followed. Failure to comply with the instructions may result in delay in payment apart from imposing any other charges as may be deemed to fit. 3.4.2. The Supplier shall be responsible for transporting all the equipment to site, unloading and storage. 3.4.3. No equipment shall be delivered without obtaining dispatch clearance from SDSC SHAR. 3.4.4. All the equipment shall be properly packed to avoid any damage during transportation / handling / storage. 3.4.5. The equipment received at site shall be stored at a place assigned for this purpose. 3.4.6. Supplier shall take proper care while storing the equipment and shall provide watch & ward at his own cost. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1. GENERAL 4.1.1. Supplier’s staff shall include adequate number of competent erection engineers with proven experience on similar works to supervise the erection works and sufficient skilled, unskilled and semiskilled labour to ensure completion of work in time. 4.1.2. Supplier's erection staff shall arrive at site on date agreed by SDSC SHAR. Prior to proceeding to work, Supplier shall however, first ensure that required/sufficient part of his supply has arrived at site. 4.1.3. Erection of equipment may be phased in such a manner so as not to obstruct the work being done by other Suppliers and / or operating staff who may be present at that time. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 14 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 4.1.4. During erection, Department's quality team / their engineer will visit site from time to time with or without Supplier’s engineer to establish conformity of the work with specification. Any deviations, deficiencies or evidence of unsatisfactory workmanship shall be corrected as instructed by Department. 4.1.5. Supplier shall carry out work in a true professional manner and strictly adhere to the approved drawings. Any damage caused by Supplier during erection to new or existing building / environment shall be made good at no extra cost to Department. 4.2. RECORDS Supplier shall maintain records pertaining to the quality of erection work in a format approved by Department. Whenever erection work is complete, Supplier shall offer erected equipment for inspection to Department's engineer who along with Supplier's engineer will sign such records on acceptance. 4.3. PLATFORMS ERECTION 4.3.1. Supplier shall carry out the works in accordance with the specific instructions given on the approved drawings, method statements, manufacturer’s drawings / documents or as directed by Department. Equipment shall be erected in neat manner so that they are level, plumb, and square and properly aligned and oriented. Tolerances shall be as established in manufactures drawings or as stipulated by Department. No equipment shall be welded or bolted, until its alignment is checked and found acceptable by Department. 4.3.2. Supplier shall provide all supervision, labour, tools, machines, cranes, equipments, scaffolding, rigging material and incidental material such as bolts, wedges, anchors, etc. required to complete the works. Supplier shall also provide at his own cost all such consumables like oxygen - acetylene gas, welding rods, grinding wheels, temporary supports, shims etc. required to complete work. 4.3.3. Supplier shall take utmost care while handling instruments, delicate equipment, panels etc. and protect all such equipment on erection. 4.4. SAFETY Supplier shall follow the safety regulations / codes and shall take necessary measures at his own cost. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 15 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 4.5. ERECTION & CONSTRUCTION POWER 4.5.1. Electrical power and available material handling equipment may be extended by SDSC SHAR on chargeable basis, as per the tariff rules of State Electricity Board and SDSC SHAR. Reasonable quality of normal Construction power will be made available at one point (415V, 3 phase, 50 Hz). However onward distribution shall be by the supplier. Installation of necessary energy meters, switchgear & distribution system, etc for Construction power in a safe manner in strict conformity with local rules & regulations will be responsibility of supplier. 4.5.2. During non-availability of power, supplier shall make his own arrangement of alternate power source at their cost. 4.6. WORK RULES AT SDSC-SHAR The work shall be carried out on SDSC-SHAR working days only or permission to be obtained from the contract manager for late hours / holidays. . 4.7. SITE CLEARANCE Upon completion of work, supplier shall remove all his equipment and material from the site within one month or time mutually agreed. Supplier at all times shall keep site in clean condition and remove all unwanted material at regular intervals. In case supplier fails to remove all their equipment and material within the mutually agreed time, it is deemed that SDSC SHAR will arrange to remove the same at Supplier’s cost. 4.8. ACCOMMODATION 4.8.1. Accommodation will not be provided by SDSC SHAR to Contractors. 4.8.2. Supplier shall make their own arrangement for accommodation, transportation & canteen facility for all his staff, technicians, labour & workers. 4.9. MEDICAL FACILITIES No medical facilities will be provided by SDSC SHAR. Supplier shall make their own arrangement at their own expenses for medical facilities for site personnel. 4.10. WORK PROGRAMME . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 16 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Supplier shall prepare a detailed programme schedule for review / approval by SDSC SHAR. Supplier as per exigencies of work shall revise and update programme periodically. 4.11. SUB-CONTRACTS 4.11.1. No work shall be sub-contracted with out prior approval of SDSC SHAR. 4.11.2. Supplier shall be responsible for the proper execution of any sub-contract placed by him in connection with this purchase order. 4.11.3. Supplier shall furnish to SDSC SHAR the copies of all un-priced sub-orders showing promised delivery dates and places. 4.12. CHANGES AND MODIFICATION TO SPECIFICATIONS, DRAWINGS AND QUALITATIVE / QUANTITATIVE REQUIREMENTS 4.12.1. Supplier shall obtain approval from SDSC SHAR before initiating the action for procurement of bought out items. 4.12.2. During the fabrication review, supplier has to carryout the mutually agreed modifications to meet the overall requirement. 5.0 RECORD OF DRAWINGS AND O&M MANUALS 5.1. Supplier shall submit 3 hard copies & one soft copy of all the approved drawings incorporating any modification / changes made during the execution of CONTRACT. All these drawings shall be marked as 'As Built'. 5.2. Supplier shall submit 3 hard & one soft copy of O&M manual. These manuals should indicate weekly, monthly and yearly maintenance schedule and other instructions necessary for safe maintenance of equipment. 5.3. Submission of the drawings and manuals shall be a precondition for releasing of any final payment due to Supplier. 6.0 EXCISE DUTY SDSC-SHAR is eligible for Excise Duty Exemption under Notification No. 64/95 dated 16.03.1995 as amended by Notification No. 15/2007 dated 01.03.2007 and 10/97 with amendments SDSC-SHAR will provide necessary Exemption Certificate. No claim for payment of Excise Duty or Cenvat reversal will be . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 17 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB allowed later. Department will issue Excise exemption certificate only to the final finished product only. No certificate will be issued to input raw materials or equipment / Bought out items. The supplier has to consider this into account while submitting quotations. 7.0 CUSTOMS DUTY 7.1. SDSC-SHAR is eligible for 100% Customs Duty exemption as per Notification No.12/2012 dated 17.03.2012. This may be taken into account while considering the import of items, if any 7.2. The customs duty that becomes payable even against production of customs duty exemption certificate (limiting to the items as per the foreign exchange component indicated in the price schedule) will be reimbursed on production of documentary evidence (copy of assed Bill of entry & TR-6 Challan). Hence this component need not be included in the quoted price. 7.3. Customs clearance and other formalities at the destined port within the country shall be handled by the Supplier at his own cost. Further the transportation from the port to the work of Supplier or site shall be arranged by Supplier at his own cost. 7.4. Customs duty exemption will be issued to thruster brakes, bearings, couplings, right angle gear boxes, Hydraulic actuator, Hydraulic system, pumps, hoses, directional control valves. 8.0 SALES TAX / VAT With effect from 01.04.2007, the facility of Inter-State purchases by Government Departments against Form-D has been withdrawn. Now the rate of CST on the Inter-State sale to Government Departments shall be the rate of VAT/State Sales Tax applicable in the State of the selling dealer. Accordingly, the suppliers have to clearly indicate the %age of CST/ VAT applicable against each case in their tenders. 9.0 SERVICE TAX Service tax, if applicable shall not be included but indicated separately in schedule of prices (percentage of service tax applicable & amount on which it is applicable) . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: A SHEET : 18 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 10.0 RISK COVERAGE The Supplier shall arrange comprehensive risk coverage at his own cost covering the value of equipment including transportation to the site from manufacturer’s works, storage at site, erection, testing and commissioning at site. The period of such coverage shall be up to contractual completion period or any extension granted by Department thereof. 11.0 INCOME TAX Income tax at the prevailing rate as applicable and if applicable from time to time shall be deducted from the supplier's bills as per Income Tax Act and a certificate issued (TDS Certificate). 12.0 PERFORMANCE SECURITY 12.1. The supplier, whose tender is accepted, will be required to furnish by way of Performance security for the due fulfilment of the contract such a sum as will amount to 5 % of the contract price of the work awarded. 12.2. The Performance security (bearing no interest) shall be held by the Department as security till satisfactory completion, testing and handing over of all the system and for the due performance of all suppliers’ obligations under the contract as per delivery period or extension granted thereof by the Department. 12.3. The supplier within 10 days of Purchase Order or signing of Contract , deposit with the Accounts officer, Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR, Sriharikota as detailed above by any one or more of the following modes namely i. By a crossed demand draft in favour of Accounts officer, Satish Dhawan Space Centre SHAR drawn on SBI and payable at Sriharikota. ii. By a bank guarantee in the prescribed format (required format will be provided after award of contract). The bank guarantee shall be from a nationalized bank for & shall be valid for 30 days beyond completion period. 12.4. In case of breach of contract, the Performance Security shall stand forfeited in addition to other relief available to the Department under this contract. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 19 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 13.0 PACKING AND FORWARDING 13.1. The Supplier shall arrange to have all the material suitably packed as per the standards and as specified in the contract. Unless otherwise provided for in the contract, all containers (including packing cases, boxes, tins, drums, and wrappings) used by the Supplier shall be non-returnable. 13.2. All packing and transport charges, transit handling costs, transit risk coverage and transport fees of agents employed at the place of delivery or elsewhere, shall be deemed included in the price to be paid to the Supplier. 14.0 ARBITRATION In the event of any question, dispute of difference arising under these conditions or any conditions contained in the Purchase Order or in connection with this contract, (except as to any matters the decision of which is specially provided for by these conditions) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the head of the Purchase Office or some other person appointed by him, it will be no objection that the arbitrator is a Government Servant that he had to deal with matter to which the contract relates or that in the course of his duties as Government Servant he had expressed views on all or any of the matters in disputes or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this contract. It is Term of this contract: a. If the arbitrator be the head of the purchase office. i. In the event of his being transferred or vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, it shall be lawful for his successor-in office either to proceed with the reference himself, or to appoint another person as arbitrator, or. ii. In the event of his being unwilling or unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Purchase Office to appoint another person as arbitrator: or . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 20 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB b. If the arbitrator be a person appointed by the Head of the Purchase Office in the event of his dying, neglecting or refusing to act, or resigning or being unable to act, for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the Purchase Office either to proceed with the reference himself or to appoint another person as arbitrator in place of the outgoing arbitrator. Subject as aforesaid, the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the rules there under and any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this Clause. The arbitrator shall have the power to the extent with the consent of the Purchaser and the Contractor the time making and publishing the award. The venue of arbitration shall be place as the purchaser in his absolute discretion may determine. Work under the Contract shall, if reasonably possible, continue during arbitration Proceedings. c. In case order is concluded on the public Sector Undertakings, the following Arbitration Clause will be applicable. In the event of any dispute or differences relating to the interpretation and application of the provisions of contracts, such dispute or difference shall be referred by either party to the Arbitration of one of the Arbitrator in the Department of Public Enterprises to be nominated by the Secretary to the Government of India in-charge of the Bureau of Public Enterprises. The Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 shall not be applicable to the Arbitration under this clause. The award of the arbitrator shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute provided, however, any party aggrieved by such award may make a further reference for setting aside or revision of the award to the Law Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice, Government of India. Upon such Additional Secretary when so authorised by the Law Secretary whose decision shall bind the parties finally and conclusively. The parties to the dispute will share equally the cost of arbitration as intimated by the arbitrator. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 21 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 15.0 APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION The laws of India shall govern this purchase order for the time being in force. The Courts of Andhra Pradesh, India only shall have jurisdiction to be with and decide any legal matters or disputes what so ever arising out of the purchase order. 16.0 FORCE MAJEURE Should a part or whole work covered under this purchase order be delayed due to reasons of Force Majeure which shall include legal lockouts, strikes, riots, civil commotion, fire accident, quarantines, epidemic, natural calamities and embargoes the completion period for work, equipment referred to in this agreement shall be extended by a period not in excess of the duration of such Force Majeure. The occurrence shall be notified within reasonable time. 17.0 GUARANTEES The Supplier shall guarantee that the equipment furnished by him is in conformance with the requirement of the specifications. Goods covered by the contract shall be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a period of Twelve months from the date of successful commissioning & acceptance by Department. 18.0 WARRANTY The bidder shall provide 12 months warranty for the entire system for a defect liability, after final official handing over at his cost. During this period, supplier has to provide and adhere to the following: 18.1. He has to attend quarterly based preventive maintenance visits and breakdown maintenance calls. All the defective components have to be replaced or rectified on one to one basis. 18.2. Break down maintenance should be responded within 48 Hours time and shall be completed within 48 Hours after respond. 18.3. Department will not provide any transport/accommodation. 18.4. In case vendor failed to attend and repair the system within 7 days from the date of reporting the problem, Department will reserve right to forfeiting the BG apart from withheld of any payment payable to the vendor. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 22 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 18.5. Where defects in items are remedied under warranty, the period for which the warranty operates shall be extended by such period, as the items were not available to SDSC SHAR. Where defect items are replaced by new ones, the full warranty period stipulated in the purchase order shall apply to such replacement items as from the date of their delivery. 19.0 SCHEDULE OF PRICE 19.1. CONTRACT price shall include all costs of “Procurement, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Platforms for SVAB”, shop testing, packing, forwarding, transport to site, unloading, storage, all risk coverage, erection, installation, testing & evaluation and commissioning of equipment including any other cost for proper and complete execution of the CONTRACT. 19.2. CONTRACT prices shall also include all travelling expenses, living expenses, salaries, overtime, benefit and any other compensation for engineers, supervisors, skilled, semiskilled workmen, watch and ward staff, labours and other staff employed by the Supplier, cost of tools and tackles required for erection and other consumable material required, and all taxes, duties, and levies as applicable on the date of submission of bid. 19.3. Price shall be firm & fixed. 19.4. Supplier shall quote the prices similar to price bid format enclosed as Section –F1 19.5. The rate quoted shall be on FOR SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota basis. 19.6. The taxes applicable for supply, transportation and erection & commissioning shall be indicated separately in the price bid. If the offers submitted by the tenderers are silent on taxes, it will be presumed that quoted rates are inclusive of taxes & duties and no claim in this regard will be entertained later. 19.7. Department is exempted from Customs Duty and Excise Duty necessary Exemption Certificate will be provided by the Department. This may be taken into account while quoting. 20.0 DISCOUNTS . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 23 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Tenderer shall not indicate any discount separately and quoted price should be after deducting the discount. 21.0 MODE OF PAYMENT All the payments due to Supplier will be made in Indian currency by crossed “Account Payee” cheque sent to the registered office of the Supplier. Bidders can submit the banker details and payments can also be made through ECS. 22.0 TERMS OF PAYMENTS General guideline TERMS OF PAYMENTS are as indicted below. Any deviation to these payment terms to be brought out. 22.1. FOR SUPPLY OF ITEMS INLCUDING BOUGHTOUT ITEMS (i.e. supply of fabrication items, supply of fabricated machined items, supply of forging machined items, supply of Bought out items and Design & supply of hydraulic system) 22.1.1. 20% of supply cost as advance against submission of bank guarantee for an equal amount from a reputed nationalized/scheduled bank and shall be valid till Contract completion period. Format of Bank guarantee shall be obtained from Department after award of contract. 22.1.2. 10% of supply cost as milestone payment after releasing purchase orders for major bought out items and raw material for fabrication. 22.1.3. 10% of supply cost as milestone payment on prorata basis after completion of fabrication of sub-assemblies / machining / receipt of bought-out items at supplier site. 22.1.4. 50% of supply cost payment on prorata basis against receipt of complete material at Purchasers / Department site, along with 100% VAT/CST. 22.1.5. 10% of supply cost after successful commissioning & acceptance by Department of equipment and system covered under contract and against submission of Performance bank guarantee of equal amount valid till warranty period plus 3 months claim period. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 24 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 22.2. FOR ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF PLATFORMS AT SITE 22.2.1. 20% of erection cost as mobilisation advance after mobilisation at site & against submission of bank guarantee valid till erection, commissioning and acceptance. 22.2.2. 70% of erection cost against pro-rata progress at site (duly accepted by Department). 22.2.3. 10% of erection cost along with Service tax after successful commissioning and acceptance by Department of equipment and system covered under contract and against submission of performance bank guarantee of equal amount valid for guarantee/warranty period. 22.3. FOR THIRD PARTY INSPECTION CHARGES 22.3.1. 50% of third party inspection charges after receipt of complete material at purchasers / Department site. 22.3.2. 50% of third party inspection charges along with service tax after Erection, Commissioning and acceptance of the system. 23.0 PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE 23.1. The supplier shall guarantee for the performance of the equipment by providing bank guarantee in favour of the Department for an amount equivalent to 10 % (ten percent) of the total value of this contract valid till the warranty period of the contract plus 3 months claim period. 23.2. The performance bank guarantee shall be submitted by the supplier with in fifteen days from the date of accepting the equipment as per the CONTRACT. Format for the performance bank guarantee shall be obtained from the Department. 24.0 DELIVERY SCHEDULE The realization of fabrication works within the schedule is very essential. Hence, bidders are requested to adhere to the schedules given below. Contractor shall follow the following schedule for executing the contract: . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 25 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB S.No Description of Target Respons ibility Target Completion Date 1 Purchase Order release Dept. 2 Kick off meeting Vendor & T + 10 days Dept. 3 Preparation of fabrication / part drawings Vendor & T + 2 month and bill of materials. Dept. 4 Release of orders for raw material, bought Vendor out items and fabrication works T + 3 months 5 Completion of fabrication / manufacturing of Vendor items and control assembly. T + 18 months 6 Receipt of all items at Department site. Vendor 2 months from the date of dispatch clearance 7 Erection, Commissioning of the equipment. Vendor 4 months from the date of site clearance for erection 25.0 T LIQUIDATED DAMAGES In the event of the Supplier failing to complete the work within the delivery period specified in the contract agreement or in extension agreed thereto, Department shall reserve the right to recover from the Supplier as liquidated damages, a sum of 0.5 percentage per week or part thereof of the undelivered portion of the total contract price of equipment or work. However, the total liquidated damages shall not exceed 10.0 percentage of the total Contract price. The LD reckoning date shall be T+20 months for supply portion and 4 months from the date of clearance for erection & commissioning portion of the contract price. 26.0 DISCLOSURE AND USE OF INFORMATION 26.1. If the documents supplied by SDSC SHAR are marked “Strictly Confidential”, supplier shall take all necessary steps to ensure the same. 26.2. Supplier shall guarantee that all information and data received during execution of Purchase Order from SDSC SHAR shall be classified as “confidential” within the meaning of the Official Secrets Act and will not be . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 26 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB divulged to any third party without prior written permission of SDSC SHAR. All drawings & documents shall be returned after execution of work. 26.3. No publicity of any kind whatsoever regarding this work shall be given without prior clearance from SDSC-SHAR. 27.0 ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION: ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION: On completion of the work or part of the work as specified in the contract, the representative of the Department referred to, shall check as soon as possible, but in any event within one month of notification of readiness for acceptance that the work performed complies with the contract requirements as regards quantity and quality. In the event of rejection of any of the articles, whereby the Supplier feels himself aggrieved, he may within eight days of the receipt of notification of rejection and before such articles have been removed from the place of inspection, give the Department notice of objection. Such objection shall be considered by a Board of Appeals of the Department. The Department shall, without prejudice to the arbitration clause in the contract, take a decision upon presentation of the Board's findings. On completion of tests, the members of the Inspection Organisation of the Department or Inspection agency appointed by Department shall prepare a report, which must be countersigned by the Supplier. 28.0 SUSPENSION: 28.1. Department may notify the Supplier to suspend performance of any or all of his obligations under the Contract. Such notice will specify the reasons for suspension and the effective date of suspension. Supplier there upon shall suspend the performance of such obligations until ordered in writing to resume performance of Contract by Department. 28.2. If Supplier’s performance or his obligations remain suspended or the rate of progress is reduced, then, the time of completion will be suitably extended and all costs incurred by Supplier as a result of suspension or reduction in rate of progress will be paid to Supplier provided that the suspension or reduction in . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 27 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB the rate of progress is not by reasons of Supplier's default or breach of Contract. 29.0 CANCELLATION 29.1. GENERAL RULE The Department shall have the right at any time to cancel a contract either wholly or in part by giving written notice by registered mail. From the time of receipt of the written notice, the Supplier shall undertake to observe the instructions of the Department as to the winding up of the contract both on his own part and on the part of his sub-suppliers. 29.2. WITHOUT FAULT OF SUPPLIER In the case of cancellation of a contract by the Department without any fault of the Supplier, the Supplier shall on receipt of Department's instructions forthwith take the necessary steps to implement them. The period to be allowed to implement them shall be fixed by the Department after conclusion with the Supplier and, in general, shall not exceed three months. Subject to the Supplier confirming, Department shall take over from the Supplier at a fair and reasonable price all finished parts not yet delivered to the Department, all unused and undamaged material, bought-out components and articles in course of manufacture in the possession of the supplier and property obtained by or supplied to the Supplier for the performance of the contract, except such material, bought-out components and articles in course of manufacture as the supplier shall, with the agreement of the Department, elect to retain. 29.3. WITH FAULT OF SUPPLIER: The Department reserves the right, after full consideration of all relevant circumstances, including the observations of the supplier, to cancel a contract in any of the following circumstances. 29.3.1. In the event of the Supplier's failure to meet (i) The Technical requirements of the Supplier. (ii) The Progress and/or delivery requirements. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 28 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 29.3.2. If the Supplier has not observed the provisions of the contract concerning the disclosure and use of information provided by the Department. 29.3.3. If the Supplier fails to comply with the provisions of the contract concerning the equipment, supplies and technical documents made available by the Department. 29.3.4. If the Supplier transfers his contract without the Department's authorization or concludes sub-contracts against the Department's explicit directives. 29.3.5. In the event that Supplier unjustifiably repudiates the Contract or fails to ship or dispatch all or part of the goods ordered for reasons other than those attributed to the Department’s actions or as provided in the Force Majeure clause, the Department may, by giving an appropriate notice in writing to the Supplier, fix a Date of Essence by which the Supplier must complete the dispatch in full. If the Supplier fails to do so, the Department, in addition to his right to recover Liquidated Damages in terms of the Contract, shall also have the right to cancel this Contract and make substitute purchases from other sources. If the goods are in a partial state of fabrication, Department may have the fabrication completed by other means, in which event Supplier shall be liable to Department for the additional expenses incurred thereby, but shall not have any claim on savings, if any, in such cases. In the event of such cancellation, the Department shall unless otherwise specified in the contract, only pays. - In the case of a fixed-cost contract for the supply of equipment or material. The contractual value of items delivered and accepted under the contract before receipt of notification of cancellation, or to be accepted under the special conditions of cancellation. - In the other cases. A fair and reasonable price in respect of such work as has been carried out prior to the receipt by the Supplier of notification of cancellation. FRAUDULENT PRACTICES, GOVERNMENT SERVANTS 30.0 BRIBERY AND CORRUPTION OF The contractor represents and undertakes that he has not given, offered or promised to give, directly or indirectly any amount, gift, consideration, reward, . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SECTION: A SHEET : 29 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB commission, fees, brokerage or inducement to any person in service of the department or otherwise in procuring the contracts or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of the contract or any other contract with the Government for obtaining a contract or showing or forbearing to shoe favour or disfavour to any person in relation to the contract or any other contract with the government. Any breach of the aforesaid undertaking by the contract or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf or for his benefit (whether with or without the knowledge of the contractor) or the commissioning of any offence by contractor or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf, as defined in chapter IX of the Indian Penal code, 1860 or the prevention of corruption Act. 1947 or any other Act enacted for the prevention of corruption shall, without prejudice to any other legal action, entitle the Department to cancel the contract either wholly or in part, and all or any other contracts with Contractor and recover from the Contractor such amount or the monetary value thereof and the amount of any loss arising from such cancellation without any entitlement or compensation to the Contractor. The Department will also have the right to recover any such amount from any contracts concluded earlier between the contractor and the Government of India. The contractor will also be liable to be debarred from entering into any contract with the Government of India for a minimum period of five years. A decision of the Department to the effect that a breach of the undertaking had been committed shall be final and binding on the Contractor. 31.0 GENERAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1.0 Project Title : Second Vehicle Assembly Building (SVAB) 2.0 Location of Plant : Sriharikota, AP 3.0 Elevation : 4.2 m 4.0 Access to Site : Road From North of Chennai is apprx. 100 km. From East of Sullurpetta in Nellore dist is approx 28km. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: A SHEET : 30 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Rail Chennai – Vijayawada rail track line. 5.0 Terrain 6.0 Climatic Conditions a) : Uneven with level varying significantly. Temperature Mean of daily max Mean of daily min. Maximum Temperature b) c) 9.0 45.0 0C Design ambient temperature for performance guarantee : ii. For electrical system design : 50 0C Relative humidity i. Range : ii. Design relative humidity : for performance guarantee 15% to 100% 70% Rainfall Annual average maximum : 1331.3 mm Wind Load a) 8.0 42.2 0C 11.8 0C 45 0C i. i. 7.0 : : : Basic wind speed : 65m/s (Enhanced by a factor 1.3) Seismic Data : As per IS : 1893 latest issue Zone : Zone III Auxiliary Power Supply : Electrical equipment to be supplied against this specification shall be suitable for operation on the following supply system : a. For motors rated 200kW : and below and motors rated upto 250kW with VFD 415V, 3-phase, 3-wire, effectively earthed AC . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUIDING PROJECT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: A SHEET : 31 OF 31 GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB b. Uninterrupted power supply : 230 V, 1 phase, 50 Hz, 2 wire AC supply c. Space heaters (for motors rated 30kW and above) : 240V, 1-phase, 2 wire, 50Hz AC system with effectively earthed neutral. d. Instrumentation controls : and annunciation 24V, (including solenoid valves) for instrumentation system only. This power supply has to be derived by the vendor from AC UPS supply. e. Lighting fixtures : 240V, 1 phase, 2 wire, 50 Hz, earthed system. f. Space heaters in panels : 240V, 1 phase, 2 wire, 50 Hz, earthed system g. Construction power 415 V + 10%, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz + 5%, AC supply at one place. Further distribution by Bidder on Chargeable basis. h. All devices shall be suitable for continuous operation over the entire range of voltage and frequency indicated below without change in their performance : AC supply : : Voltage variation + 10% Frequency variation + 5% Combined voltage & Frequency variation: 10% . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SECTION: B SHEET : 1 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SECTION -B TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 1.0 SECTION: B SHEET : 2 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SCOPE This specification covers the description of scope of work, functional requirements, technical parameters, general design, materials, construction features, interfaces, list of drawings, and bought out items. The scope of the tenderer shall include understanding of Platforms and its functional requirement, procurement of raw material, fabrication, stress relieving / heat treatment, machining, assembly of sub-systems along with bought out items, electrics, design & supply hydraulic system, shop inspection, testing at the manufacturer’s works, packing , forwarding, transportation, delivery at site (SDSC-SHAR), handling at site, erection, testing, commissioning, performance / acceptance testing as per the enclosed specification under the supervision of ISRO & Third party Inspection agency (TPIA) and handing over of Platforms. 2.0 QUANTITY Total 6 sets of Platforms inclusive 6 nos of Folding Cum Vertically Repositionable Platforms (hereafter referred as FCVRP) covering one half of the platform and 6 sets of Swinging Cum Vertically Repositionable Platform (hereafter referred as SCVRP) covering other half of the platform in Second Vehicle Assembly Building (here after referred as SVAB). One set of SCVRP means 2 nos of SCVRP together covering one half of platform. Each set of platform consists of 1 (one) numbers of FCVRP on east side of the building (i.e. one half of the platform on east side) and 2 (two) numbers of SCVRPs on west side (i.e. other half of the platform on west side). 3.0 ESTIMATED TOTAL WEIGHT The estimated finished weight of the system in each category is approximate only. The contractor shall agree for addition / deletion of the works and such variation is limited to ± 15% of the order value. Offer shall be valid for ± 15% of the order value. However payment will be made based on the final finished drawing weight only. 3.1 Fabricated structural items without machining. Procurement, fabrication, control assembly, transportation, handling at site, erection & commissioning of structural steel / Mild steel components conforming to IS:2062 & IS:808 is 570 t (approximate). Items coming under above category are foldable platform, fixed platform / nonfolding platform, platform, replaceable folding platform, bracings, Truss, carriage body, guards, cut out covers, hand rails, etc.. (Note: Foldable / fixed platform may have very light machining for fixing two number of brackets of size 500mm x500mm). 3.2 Fabricated structural items with machining. Procurement, fabrication, stress relieving, machining, sub assembly, control assembly, transportation, handling at site, erection & commissioning of structural . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 3 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB steel / Mild steel components conforming to IS:2062 & IS:808 is 1380 t (approximate). Items coming under above category are Guide columns, Guide frames, Interconnecting brackets / support brackets, brackets for guide pulleys, brackets for load cell pulleys, brackets for Hoisting pulleys, bearing retainers, lock plates, bearing housings, base frames, shims, pulley brackets, drum mounting brackets, base & striker for limit switch, rails, leadscrew, Vee grooved wheels, Carraige body, top/bottom pivot bracket, plumber block, Pivot frame, etc.. 3.3 Machined Special Steel components. Procurement, heat treatment if required, machining, sub assembly, control assembly, transportation, handling at site, erection & commissioning of different items from alloy steels / forged steels / cast steels like cast steel IS:1030 grade 280-520N, 45C8, 40C8, 20C8 as per IS:1570, Alloy forged steel 40NiCr4Mo3, 40Cr4M03, 40Ni2Cr1No28, ASTM A516 Gr.70, Rockstar-400 / Hardox-400, Aluminium, Bronze or any other steel mentioned in the BOQ etc.. which is 525 t (approximate). Items coming under above category are liners for guide Columns, pin, Wheels, rollers, safety link chain, axles, rope drum, shafts, pulleys, spacers with special steel, turn buckle, through bolts, etc.. 3.4 Bought out items & Electrical work. Procurement of Bought out items as per the BOQ, assembly with sub-systems, control assembly if required, procurement of 6 nos. of flame proof motors of 37kW, 6 nos. of non-flame proof motors of 45 kW, 12 nos of non-flame proof motors of 55 kW, electrics, cables, junction boxes, local control panels, motor control center panels, Bearings, 24 nos. of gear boxes, lock nuts, lock washers, Full gear couplings, limit switch, wire ropes, grease nipples, load cells, MCC, local control panels etc as mentioned in Section:F10, testing of the performance of the drive and other functions of electrics, transportation, handling at site, erection & commissioning and handling over of start-up spares mentioned in clause: 25. 3.5 Hydraulic actuators with complete power pack for SCVRPs Design of complete hydraulic system for operation of Hydraulic actuator for swinging operation of SCVRP, approval of SDSC SHAR, procurement of actuators, pumps, motors, hoses, directional control valves, pressure relief valves etc and other accessories as per specification given the document, assembly with systems, testing at vendor site, control assembly with pivot shaft at manufacturer site, transportation to site, erection and commissioning for 12 sets. Tenderer shall note that partial offer / scope is not allowed in this tender and partial offer / scope will lead to rejection of offer. Hence tenderers are requested to quote for complete scope. 4.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION / FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 4 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 4.1 SVAB is a RCC building of 52m width, 70m length and a height of 96m and is planned near VAB & SSAB. 4.2 For carrying out Vehicle integration operations in the Second Vehicle Assembly Building (SVAB), personnel are required to reach the vehicle at various levels throughout its height and the approaches are required close to the vehicle sequentially as well as simultaneously. In order to meet these requirements, six sets of Platforms are proposed to be provided from Elevation 11.5 m to 70 m inside the SVAB. 4.3 The main function of the Platforms is to provide access to the launch vehicle at required levels between 11.5 m and 70 m Elevation. 4.4 Platforms are planned to be driven by electrically operated winch drives for hoisting operation. FCVRP folding is planned by electrically operated winch drive and SCVRP swinging is planned using hydraulic operated actuator. 4.5 Platforms will have limit switches so as to operate the platform safely with in the desired limits. 4.6 Easy accesses are to be provided for maintenance / approach of guide rollers. 4.7 Similar Platforms are available in Second Launch Pad (SLP) at SDSC SHAR Sriharikota. Tenderer may visit SDSC–SHAR for better understanding of the system and familiarizing the SVAB site for realising and commissioning the Platforms for SVAB. 5.0 DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK / EQUIPMENT AND SERVVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR For Successful realization of 6 sets of platforms ( 6 nos. of FCVRPs and 6 sets of SCVRPs {1 set of SCVRP means 2 nos. of SCVRP}) the scope of tender shall include but not limited to the following items: 5.1 Complete understanding of functional requirements of Platforms, interfaces and thereby ensuring satisfactory operation of the system. 5.2 Understanding of supplied drawings and preparation of part drawings, if required. 5.3 Procurement of raw materials and bought out items with qualification. 5.4 Carrying out of fabrication as per approved fabrication drawings, stress relieving the fabricated components and machining of the items as per the drawing. 5.5 Procurement of Electrical items like motors limits switches, cables, local control panels, motor control centre panels, load cells, limit switches etc.. which are required for all platform operation 5.6 Actuator, hydraulic power pack etc. which are required for all platform operation. 5.7 Control Assembly / assembly and testing of subsystems /system such as drive units at shop along with bought out items as per approved manufacturing /fabrication drawing and bills of materials. 5.8 Receipt of manufactured items and related materials at site, unloading, storing in tenderers’ own store, transportation at site. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 5 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 5.9 Completing the platform fabrication at shop. 5.10 Finalizing the procedure for the erection, testing and trial testing at shop of the sub system and the integrated platforms to ensure all the functional requirements. 5.11 Carrying out erection, testing and commissioning of subsystems and the integrated platforms to ensure all the functional requirements. 5.12 Through bolts for fixing brackets. 5.13 Foundation bolts for Drive assemblies and grouting the Drive assembly after alignment with Fosroc make GP2 conbextra cement. 5.14 All tools, tackles, cranes etc for erection. 5.15 Submission of execution plan for all major actives including manufacturing, testing packaging, delivery to ISRO site at Sriharikota, erection and commissioning. 5.16 Paint and painting of equipment, structures, supports etc.(Inclusive of Primer Coating). 5.17 Shop inspection (in Vendor’s works & at project site) after installation along with all required calibrated measuring instruments. 5.18 All field instruments, junction boxes and Local Control Panel (LCP) along with all erection hardware & structural steel supports. 5.19 Fabrication of supports, cable trays, flexible metal conduits, cable drag system etc., as required to run and terminate the cables from the nearest cable tray header to the individual equipment & providing double earthing to all electrical equipment. 5.20 Installation, testing and commissioning of the electrical panels. 5.21 Design and supply of Hydraulic system for Hydraulic actuators for Swinging mechanism of SCVRP. 5.22 First fill of oil, grease, lubricants consumables, etc. as required during start up and commissioning operations. 5.23 Testing, commissioning of complete Platforms and handing over. 5.24 Arranging the third party inspection agency to carry out the inspection works at various stages as per the approved QAP for manufacturing and testing procedures in the document are only for the general guideline of the tenderer. The tenderer shall furnish these details in their offer as required in the relevant articles of this specification. 5.25 Preparation / Revision of Drawings if any changes made and submission of As built drawings. 6.0 EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY SDSC SHAR AT SDSC SHAR: 6.1 Power supply on chargeable basis for erection. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 6 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 6.2 Embedment plates with holes suiting the bracket interfaces for all brackets & Guide columns. 7.0 ELEVATIONS OF PLATFORMS Six sets of platforms are located in the SVAB so as to provide approach throughout the vehicle height between 11.5 m to 70.0 m levels as given in the following table. PLATFORM WORKING LEVELS PLATFORM-1 (i.e FCVRP-1 / SCVRP-1) 11.5 m to 23 m PLATFORM-2 (i.e FCVRP-2 / SCVRP-2) 19 m to 31 m PLATFORM-3 (i.e FCVRP-3 / SCVRP-3) 27 m to 38 m PLATFORM-4 (i.e FCVRP-4 / SCVRP-4) 35 m to 47 m PLATFORM-5 (i.e FCVRP-5 / SCVRP-5) 47 m to 59 m PLATFORM-6 (i.e FCVRP-6 / SCVRP-6) 59 m to 70 m 8.0 HOISTING DRIVE ELEVATION CEILING LOCATION FOR LOAD CELL PULLEY 19 m 27 m 27 m 38 m 31 m 42 m 42 m 51 m 55 m 63 m 63 m 74 m TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF FOLDING REPOSITIONABLE PLATFORMS ( FCVRP): CUM VERTICAL The Folding Cum Vertically Repositioning Platform (FCVRP) is composed of the following major subassemblies / components: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) Guide Columns Connecting Beams along with Bracings Guide Frame Fixed Platform Folding Platform Replaceable Platform Hinges Guide Rollers Safety Link Chain Drive systems Handrails Catwalk along with supporting structure & railing . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 7 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB A brief description of the constructional features required for each of the above subassemblies / components is listed here below: 8.1 GUIDE COLUMN 8.1.1 There are two Guide Columns to be provided throughout the height of the SVAB from elevations of 9 m to 74 m. All the six FCVRPs are guided in this Guide Column so as to provide access to the vehicle from EL. 11.5 m to EL 70 m. 8.1.2 The Guide Column is a welded structure having an ‘I’ section. 8.1.3 The Guide Columns of 11m length are to be stress relieved before machining. 8.1.4 In order to facilitate the transportation, handling and erection at site, the Guide Columns are split up into six segments. The individual segments of Guide Columns are to be aligned and welded at site. 8.1.5 The Guide Columns are provided with liners on its flanges as well as its web in order to withstand the rubbing forces acting due to the movement of the Guide Rollers. The liners are to be hardened to achieve a hardness of 30 to 35 HRC / 286 to 328 BHN. 8.2 SUPPORT BRACKETS / INTER CONNECTING BRACKETS BRACINGS ALONG WITH 8.2.1 The Guide Columns are supported from the Portal Frame of SVAB by means of connecting beams. The Connecting beams are located at all floor elevations of SVAB from 11 m to 74 m. 8.2.2 The Connecting beams located on successive floors are interconnected by means of welded bracings. 8.2.3 The Connecting beams are box sections fabricated from plates. Provision is also made for mounting of the Hoisting pulleys on the Connecting Beams at applicable elevations of the SVAB. 8.2.4 The Connecting beams are to be stress relieved before machining. 8.2.5 Shims are to be provided suitable at site so as to achieve the specified verticality of each Guide Column as well as the parallelity of the two Guide Columns. 8.2.6 The mounting elevation of connecting beam is to be controlled so that the elevation of the catwalks provided above connecting beam matches with the elevation of the floor level of the Portal Frame. 8.3 GUIDE FRAME . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 8 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 8.3.1 Each FCVRP is provided with a Fixed Platform having two Guide Frames. The Guide Frames for FCVRP-1. FCVRP-3 & FCVRP-5 are located on the outer side of the Guide Columns, whereas the Guide Frames for FCVRP-2, FCVRP-4 & FCVRP-6 are located on the inner side of the Guide Columns. The Guide Frames are bolted and dowelled with the Fixed Platform during shop assembly and are to be subsequently welded at site during assembly. 8.3.2 The Guide Frame is a rectangular box section fabricated from plates. The Guide Frame is to be stress relieved after welding and subsequently machined to meet the dimensional requirements. 8.3.3 For the purpose of Vertical repositioning, Guide Rollers are mounted on the Guide Frame and these Rollers move vertically inside the Guide Columns. Additionally, the hoisting pulleys as well as the folding drive pulleys are also mounted on the Guide Frames 8.4 FIXED PLATFORM 8.4.1 Each FCVRP is provided with a Fixed Platform. The entry of persons from the Portal Frame into the FCVRP is through the Fixed Platform. 8.4.2 The Fixed Platform is a fabricated structure made up of Rolled sections. A chequered plate is provided on its top surface for the movement of Personnel. 8.4.3 A base frame for mounting of folding drive components is supported below the fixed Platform. 8.5 FOLDING PLATFORM 8.5.1 A Foldable Platform is provided in each FCVRP. The Foldable Platform is supported from the Fixed Platform by means of three hinges. 8.5.2 Foldable Platform is a structure fabricated out of Rolled steel sections. A chequered plate is provided on top of the Platform. 8.5.3 Provision is made on the Foldable Platform for the bolting of the Replaceable Platforms to suit different Vehicle configurations. 8.6 REPLACEABLE PLATFORM 8.6.1 Replaceable Platform is a structure fabricated out of Rolled steel sections. A chequered plate is provided on top of the Platform. 8.6.2 Replaceable Platforms are mounted at the front end of the Foldable Platforms and they extend upto the Vehicle Centreline. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 9 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 8.6.3 Replaceable Platforms are to be provided to suit external Vehicle configurations of GSLV MK-II & LVM3. 8.6.4 The Replaceable Platforms for FCVRP – 1, FCVRP – 2 & FCVRP – 3 have additional Cut-outs to suit the Strap-on Motors of different Vehicle Configurations. The Replaceable Platforms for FCVRP – 4, FCVRP – 5 & FCVRP – 6 have a central cut-out to suit the launch Vehicle configuration. 8.6.5 All Cut-outs are to be provided with covers which may be kept closed based on the Vehicle integration requirements. 8.6.6 The Platform projections between Strap-ons are to be made of sliding / folding type so as to ensure that there is no interference of the platform with the vehicle during the folding operation. 8.6.7 The tip of Replaceable Platform located near the Vehicle Centreline is expected to deflect downwards due to the Platform’s self weight. A suitable Camber shall be provided at the edge of the Platform in order to ensure that the Platform tip is horizontal within 5 mm in the unfolded condition. 8.6.8 Inside the SVAB, the FCVRPs are provided on the east side and the Swinging Cum Vertically Repositionable Platform (SCVRP) are provided on the west side. Both FCVRP & SCVRP extend close to the centre line of Vehicle from opposite sides. A hinged cover is to be provided at the edge of the Replaceable Platform in order to bridge the gap between FCVRP and SCVRP 8.7 HINGES 8.7.1 Three hinges are provided between the Folding Platform and Fixed Platform. 8.7.2 Out of these three hinges, two Hinges are provided with antifriction bearings and the middle Hinge is provided with Bush bearing. 8.7.3 The Hinge brackets are to be stress relieved before finish machining to achieve the specified dimensional requirements. 8.8 GUIDE ROLLERS 8.8.1 Each of the two Guide Frames of each FCVRP is provided with 2 nos. of Horizontal Guide Rollers and 2 sets (each set consisting of 2 nos.) of Lateral Guide Rollers. These Guide Rollers move freely inside the Guide Column for the purpose of vertically repositioning. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 10 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 8.8.2 The Guide Rollers are mounted on antifriction bearings and the axles for Guide Rollers are fixed on the Guide Frame. 8.8.3 The Guide Rollers are to be heat treated to achieve the required mechanical properties. 8.8.4 The surface of Rollers is to be induction hardened to 40 – 45 HRC upto a depth of 4 to 6 mm. The Guide Rollers are to finish machined subsequent to heat treatment to achieve the specified dimensional requirements. 8.8.5 The Axles for the Guide Rollers are to be heat treated to achieve the required mechanical properties and subsequently finish machined to meet the dimensional requirements. 8.9 SAFETY LINK CHAIN 8.9.1 Two Safety link chains are provided for the folding platform. This chain consists of a set of interconnected links. The main purpose of Safety link chain assembly is to support the Folding Platform in case of failure of the wire ropes. Each Safety link chain is designed so as to take the full load of the Platform. 8.9.2 The Safety link chain is to be heat treated and subsequently finish machined. 8.9.3 The pins of the Safety link chain are to be heat treated to achieve the required mechanical properties and finish machined to achieve the dimensional requirements. 8.9.4 At one end of the Safety link chain, a turnbuckle is to be provided for length adjustment 8.10 FOLDING DRIVE SYSTEM 8.10.1 The rotational movement of the Folding Platform is achieved by means of the folding drive system. The folding operation is carried out by the electrically operated winch type folding drive system located on fixed platform and by using direction changing pulleys. The motor shaft transmits power to a rope drum through a non-reversible worm gear box. In turn, the rope drum pulls up or releases down the free end of Foldable Platform by winding or unwinding the two ropes thereby folding or unfolding the platform about the hinges. Electrohydraulically operated flame proof thruster brake mounted on input shaft of worm-reducer is used for the braking operation . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 11 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 8.10.2 The drive elements (i.e. motor, gearbox, brake, etc) for the folding operation are located on a Base Frame mounted below the Fixed Platform. 8.10.3 Load sensing devices are positioned in the diverter pulleys for the folding drive mechanisms so that the drive system trips automatically in case the load on the wire rope exceeds 125% of the normal load. 8.10.4 No oil shall drip from the gear box or any part of the system. However suitable oil drip tray shall be provided for folding mechanism. 8.11 HOISTING DRIVE SYSTEM 8.11.1 The vertical repositioning of the FCVRP is achieved by means of the Hoisting drive system. The hoisting operation of the fixed platform is proposed to be carried out by an electrically operated winch mechanism. The motor shaft transmits power to a rope drum through a non-reversible worm gear box. In turn, the rope drum pulls up or releases down the guide frame by winding or unwinding the two ropes. The Guide Frame carries the Fixed platform up and down by moving along the vertical Guide Column on four wheels provided on it 8.11.2 The Drive Frame along with the drive elements for the hoisting operation is mounted inside the portal frames of the SVAB: 8.11.3 Load sensing devices are positioned in the diverter pulleys for the hoisting drive mechanisms so that the drive system trips automatically in case the load on the wire rope exceed 125% of the normal load 8.11.4 No oil shall drip from the gear box or any part of the system. However suitable oil drip tray shall be provided for Hoisting Mechanism. 8.12 WIRE ROPES 8.12.1 The wire ropes shall be ‘Usha Martin’ make and type “Powerform 8”, grade 2160, galvanised. 8.12.2 The wires shall be free from any surface defects 8.12.3 Left hand and right hand Lay ropes shall be used for the drives depending on the hand of helix on the rope drum. 8.12.4 The end of the wire rope shall be secured by means of lock plate and screws on the Rope Drum. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 8.13 SECTION: B SHEET : 12 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB PULLEYS 8.13.1 The Pulleys shall meet the requirements of IS: 3177 8.13.2 The grooves for wire rope shall be machined of appropriate shape to suit the rope & the surface shall be finished smooth and shall be free from surface defects 8.13.3 The material for pulleys shall be Cast steel of grade as specified in the drawings. 8.13.4 The Pulley shall be annealed before machining. 8.13.5 The Pulley shall be subjected to Ultrasonic test. 8.14 ROPE DRUM 8.14.1 Rope Drum shall meet the requirements of IS:3177 8.14.2 The Rope Drum shall have both left hand and right hand helix grooves. The rope drum shall be machine grooved and the contour of the grooves shall be suitable for the selected wire rope. The grooves shall be finished smooth and the edges between the grooves shall be rounded. 8.14.3 The material for Rope Drum shall be ASTM A515, Grade 70. The welded joints in Rope Drum shall consist of full penetration weld. 8.14.4 The Rope Drum shall be stress relieved before machining. 8.14.5 The weld joints of Rope Drum shall be subjected to Ultrasonic Testing. 8.14.6 The Rope Drum shall have provision for rope anchorage at both ends. 8.14.7 The Stub shafts for Rope Drum shall be forged as per IS: 1570(Part 2). The Stub shafts shall be hardened and tempered before welding to the Rope Drum. The Stub shafts shall be subjected to Ultrasonic Testing 8.15 REDUCTION GEAR BOX 8.15.1 Double reduction worm gearbox shall be used for the Folding and Hoisting drive systems. 8.15.2 Gear box selection should have service factor of minimum 2 considering starting torque of motor. 8.15.3 It shall be ensured that the gearbox selected is of irreversible type i.e. it cannot be driven from the output shaft although it can be driven in both directions from the input shaft. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 13 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 8.15.4 The efficiency of the selected gearbox shall be specified by the CONTRACTOR. The efficiency of selected gearbox shall not be less than 40%. 8.15.5 Gearboxes shall be totally enclosed having splash lubrication. The bearings shall have sufficient heat radiation area to maintain lubricant at temperatures below maximum operating temperature. 8.15.6 Gearboxes shall have fill and drain connections, breather, lubricant level indicator and shall have good accessibility for checking, maintenance and oil filling. 8.15.7 Reliable sealing arrangement shall be provided for shafts of gear boxes. 8.16 ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC THRUSTOR OPERATED DRUM BRAKE 8.16.1 The brakes shall be “electro-hydraulic thrustor released and spring actuated” type and it shall be provided between the drive motor and the Worm Gearbox. 8.16.2 Brake shall have manual release provision to permit drive movement during power stoppage. 8.16.3 Brake drums shall be made from Forged steel / Cast steel / SG Iron. Drums shall be machined to smooth surface and statically & dynamically balanced. 8.17 BASE FRAME FOR DRIVE 8.17.1 All drive elements shall be mounted on a fabricated and machined base frame. 8.17.2 The Base Frame shall be thermally stress relieved before machining. 8.18 GUARDS 8.18.1 All exposed couplings, shafts, gear wheels, pinions, drives etc. shall be safely encased and guarded. 8.19 KEY WAYS 8.19.1 Keys and Keyways shall confirm to IS 2048 /2291 /2292 /2293 as applicable. Splines and serrations shall be involute or straight-sided form. Straight-sided splines shall comply to IS 2327 / 2610 as applicable. 8.20 LOCAL CONTROL PANEL 8.20.1 A local control panel shall be provided by the Contractor at the Fixed Platform for the operation of the Folding & Hoisting Drive Systems of each FCVRP. The . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 14 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB interconnecting cables between the local control panel and Sensors / Instruments / other equipment’s shall also be supplied by the Contractor. 8.20.2 The requirements for the Control panel shall be as per electrical specification. 8.21 LIMIT SWITCH 8.21.1 Limit switches are to be provided for Hoisting up and down limits, folding up and down limits & anti-collision limit switches. 8.21.2 The detailed specification is given in electrical specification. 8.22 SPRING STOPS / BUFFERS 8.22.1 Spring stops shall be provided for the Folding Drive System to ensure that the Platform is not folded beyond 90 degrees and to give initial push to unfolding operation. 8.23 LOCKING ARRANGEMENT FOR HOISTING MECHANISM 8.23.1 A locking arrangement for vertical repositioning shall be provided at intervals of 500 mm between the working levels of each platform. 8.23.2 The locking arrangement shall consist of a Lockpin being inserted through an oblong hole provided in the two flanges of the Guide column. 8.23.3 A Stop bracket shall be provided on the Guide Frame. The downward movement of the Platform is arrested when the Stop bracket provided on the Guide Frame makes contact with the Lockpin. 8.24 LOCKING ARRANGEMENT FOR FOLDING MECHANISM 8.24.1 The Folding Platform shall be locked in the retracted position by means of a Lock pin inserted from the Guide Frame to the Platform. 8.25 HANDRAILS 8.25.1 Foldable Handrails are provided for the Platforms of FCVRP which do not interfere with the Guide Frame or the Guide Column when the Platform is folded. 8.25.2 Handrails are also provided for the fixed platform with required openings for entry from the catwalks. 8.25.3 All entry openings shall be provided with sliding hand rails. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 15 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 8.25.4 All Platforms shall be provided with toe guards. 9.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF SWINGING REPOSITIONABLE PLATFORMS (SCVRP): CUM VERTICAL • Six sets of SCVRPs are located in the SVAB so as to provide approach throughout the vehicle height between 11.5 m to 70.0m. • Each SCVRP consists of two halves. Each half is independent of other platform for all operational requirements. Each half of SCVRP consists of (a) Swinging platform (b) Non swinging part / Guide carriage assembly (c) Two guide columns. (d) Hoisting Drive mechanism. (e) Swinging drive mechanism. Fig.1: Schematic Sketch of SCVRP . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SECTION: B SHEET : 16 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Fig.2: ELEVATION – SCVRP . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 17 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB A brief description of the constructional features required for each of the above subassemblies / components is listed here below 9.1 SWINGING PLATFORM 9.1.1 Swinging part of the platform is pivoted to the non-swinging part of the platform. The non-swinging part consists of the guide carriage assembly. 9.1.2 Swing platform consists of • Truss • Fixed platform • Replaceable platform with manual sliding platform at the cut out portion. 9.1.3 Fixed platform connected to the truss. 9.1.4 Replaceable platform which extends upto the centerline of the Vehicle is bolted to the Fixed Platform. Two separate Replaceable Platforms are designed to suit the Vehicle configurations of GSLV MK II and LVM3 respectively. For ease of assembly, Guide Pins are provided between the Replaceable Platforms and the Fixed Platform. Also, the bolt head of the fasteners located between Replaceable Platform and Fixed Platform is held in a slot to prevent its rotation so as to facilitate the assembly. 9.1.5 The Replaceable Platform is provided with the cut-outs in the form of manual sliding platform to suit different launch vehicle configurations at different elevations. These cut-outs are provided only for the bottom three platforms which are located at the same elevations as the strap-on motors of different vehicle configurations. The upper three platforms are provided only with a central cut-out to suit the different vehicle configurations. In the upper three Platforms, the inner diameter of the central cut-out is made adjustable to achieve different vehicle diameters by means of the bolting of suitable radial segments. Covers will be provided for all the cut-outs in the Replaceable platforms so as to close the openings whenever required. 9.2 GUIDE CARRIAGE / NON-SWINGING PLATFORM 9.2.1 The guide carriage is made of fabricated steel construction confirming to IS:2062 of E250 quality BR. Guide carriage assembly consists of: • Horizontal and lateral guide rollers (Web and Flange rollers) • Top pivot bracket with top pivot bearing housing. • Bottom pivot bracket with bottom pivot bearing and thrust bearing housing . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 18 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB • Hydraulic actuator mounted on the top bracket • Power pack for hydraulic actuator. • Hoisting pulleys mounted on the carriage. 9.2.2 Horizontal as well as lateral guide rollers (which are having antifriction bearings) moves freely inside a Guide column for the purpose of vertical repositioning. In order to facilitate the access of the operating personnel from the portal frames of the SVAB, the catwalk is provided on the inner side and outer side of the guide carriage. 9.2.3 The carriage has opening in the middle. The bottom pivot bracket has an extension platform for access to SCVRPs from the portal frames of the SVAB through the carriage opening. 9.3 GUIDE COLUMNS 9.3.1 Four (4) nos. of vertical guide columns, two (2) nos. for each half of SCVRPs are provided. The guide columns are built up C-sections made of fabricated steel construction confirming to IS: 2062 steel. 9.3.2 Guide columns are also provided with hardened liners on its flanges as well as its web in order to withstand the rubbing forces acting due to the movement of the Guide Rollers 9.3.3 These guide columns are mounted throughout the height of the SVAB between elevations 9 m to 74 m. All the six SCVRPs are guided in this Guide Column so as to provide access to the vehicle from EL. 11.5 m to EL 70 m. 9.3.4 Connection of the guide column with the SVAB is done at every 2.0m interval through brackets. These brackets are welded to the guide columns and are bolted to SVAB columns. 9.4 HOISTING DRIVE SYSTEM 9.4.1 The Drive Frame along with the drive elements for the hoisting operation is mounted inside the portal frames of the SVAB. The Drive Frame is located sufficiently below the Load Cell Pulleys (which are mounted on the ceiling of the Portal area) so as to achieve a fleet angle of less than ±5º. As a safety measure, the diameter of rope is selected such that each of the two ropes connected to the guide carriage can independently withstand the dead weight of the platform along with the associated drive machinery in case of failure of one of the ropes. 9.4.2 SCVRPs can be locked at any vertical position with the help of self-locking type worm reducer ( non-reversible {i.e. output shaft cannot drive the input shaft). 9.4.3 Electro hydraulic operated non flame proof thruster brake which is normally in closed condition under spring force. Manual mechanism to release the brake during maintenance / manual operation to be provided. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 19 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 9.4.4 At parking position, SCVRP can be locked to SVAB floor manually by mechanical locks. Mechanical locking device with turn buckle arrangement at parking levels is provided to lock SCVRPs. 9.4.5 Load sensing devices (Load cells) are positioned in the diverter pulleys for the hoisting drive mechanisms so that the drive system trips automatically in case the load on the wire rope exceed 125% of the normal load. 9.4.6 No oil shall drip from the gear box or any part of the system. However suitable oil drip tray shall be provided for Hoisting mechanism 9.4.7 The drive system elements such as ropes, sheaves, rope drums, gear boxes, brakes, shafts & axles, couplings, wheels spring stops are selected in order to meet the requirements of IS:3177. 9.4.8 A handle shall be provided on the input side of the gear box for door operation of drive in case of power failure 9.4.9 ROPE DRUM A. Rope Drum shall meet the requirements of IS: 3177 B. The Rope Drum shall have both left hand and right hand helix grooves. The rope drum shall be machine grooved and the contour of the grooves shall be suitable for the selected wire rope. The grooves shall be finished smooth and the edges between the grooves shall be rounded. C. The material for Rope Drum shall be ASTM A516, Grade 70. The welded joints in Rope Drum shall consist of full penetration weld. D. The Rope Drum shall be stress relieved before machining. E. The weld joints of Rope Drum shall be subjected to Ultrasonic Testing. F. The Rope Drum shall have provision for rope anchorage at both its ends. G. The Stub shafts for Rope Drum shall be a forging of Material 40C8 as per IS: 1570(Part 2). The Stub shafts shall be hardened and tempered before welding to the Rope Drum. The Stub shafts shall be subjected to Ultrasonic Testing 9.4.10 PULLEYS A. The Pulleys shall meet the requirements of IS: 3177. B. The grooves for wire rope shall be machined of appropriate shape to suit the rope & the surface shall be finished smooth and shall be free from surface defects. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 20 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB C. The material for pulleys shall be Cast steel of grade as specified in the drawings. D. The Pulley shall be annealed before machining. E. The Pulley shall be subjected to Ultrasonic test. 9.4.11 WIRE ROPE A. The wire ropes shall be ‘Usha Martin’ make and type “Powerform 8”, grade 2160 N/mm2, galvanised. B. The wires shall be free from any surface defects. C. Left hand and right hand Lay ropes shall be used for the drives depending on the hand of helix on the rope drum. D. The end of the wire rope shall be secured by means of lock plate and screws on the Rope Drum 9.4.12 REDUCTION GEAR BOX a. Double reduction worm gearbox shall be used for the Hoisting drive systems. b. Gear box should have service factor of minimum 2 considering starting torque of motor. c. It shall be ensured that the gearbox selected is of irreversible type i.e. it cannot be driven from the output shaft although it can be driven in both directions from the input shaft. d. The efficiency of the selected gearbox shall be specified by the CONTRACTOR. The efficiency of selected gearbox shall not be less than 40 %. e. Gear boxes shall be self-locking type worm reducer ( non-reversible {i.e. output shaft cannot drive the input shaft}). f. The gearboxes shall be totally enclosed having splash lubrication. The bearings shall have sufficient heat radiation area to maintain lubricant at temperatures below maximum operating temperature. g. Gearboxes shall have fill and drain connections, breather, lubricant level indicator and shall have good accessibility for checking, maintenance and oil filling. h. Reliable sealing arrangement shall be provided for shafts of gearboxes. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 21 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 9.4.13 ELECTRO HYDRUALIC THRUSTER OPERATED DRUM BRAKE a. The brakes shall be “electro-hydraulic thrustor released and spring actuated” type and it shall be provided between the drive motor and the Worm Gearbox. b. Brake shall have manual release provision to permit manual operation during power stoppage. c. Brake drums shall be made from Forged steel / Cast steel / SG Iron. Drums shall be machined to smooth surface and statically & dynamically balanced. 9.4.14 BASE FRAME FOR DRIVE A. All drive elements shall be mounted on a fabricated and machined base frame. B. The Base Frame shall be thermally stress relieved before machining. C. Foundation bolts and foundation for fixing the drive base on the floor is in the scope of tenderer. For grouting the foundation bolts and base frame Conbextra Gp-2 cement shall be used. 9.4.15 GAURDS A. All exposed couplings, shafts, gear wheels, pinions, drives etc. shall be safely encased and guarded 9.4.16 AXLES COUPLINGS AND KEYS A. Shafts and axles shall be of forged steel and shall have ample strength, rigidity and adequate bearing surface for intended duties. Shafts and axles shall be accurately machined and properly supported. Shafts shall, as far as possible, be furnished straight. If shouldered, these shall be provided with fillets of ample radius or shall be tapered to avoid loss of strength and stress concentration. These shall be designed considering allowances for keys. B. All couplings shall be of steel. C. Keys and keyways shall conform to IS 2048 / 2291 / 2292 / 2293 as applicable. 9.4.17 SPRING STOPS / BUFFERS A. Spring stops are provided for the Swinging Drive System to ensure that the Platform is not rotated beyond specified angle 9.5 SWINGING DRIVE SYSTEM 9.5.1 Swinging operation is carried out by the hydraulically operated actuator that is mounted on the top of carriage pivot bracket. The hydraulic power pack is also positioned on one side of the carriage. The actuator has splined bore and rotates the male stub shaft which is welded with hinge joint of platform. These shafts are housed in bearing housings with anti friction bearings. Bearing housings are part . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 22 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB of carriage pivot bracket and stub shafts are free to rotate inside it. Hydraulic actuator is bolted to the carriage assembly. 9.5.2 The detailed specification of Hydraulic power pack and actuator is given separately 9.6 CATWALK ALONG WITH SUPPORT STRUCTURE AND RAILING 9.6.1 Catwalks are required for the operating personnel to approach the Fixed Platform of SCVRP from the Portal Frames of SVAB. 9.6.2 The Catwalks shall be provided with Railing all around its periphery. At the interface between the SCVRP & the Catwalk, a sliding type Door (having pipe construction) shall be provided on the Catwalk. 9.7 LOCAL CONTROL PANEL 9.7.1 A local control panel shall be provided by the Contractor at the Fixed Platform for the operation of the Hoisting & Swinging Drive Systems of each SCVRP. The interconnecting cables between the local control panel and Sensors / Instruments / other equipment’s shall also be supplied by the Contractor. 9.7.2 The requirements for the Control panel shall be as per electrical specification. 10.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR HYDRULIC SYSTEM FOR ACTUATOR The specification shall cover the design, engineering, manufacture, procurement, cleaning, assembly, shop testing, painting, packing, supply, site erection, testing & commissioning of twelve (12) nos. of Rotary actuators complete with Hydraulic system for swinging platform for SCVRP. 10.1 Quantity: A. Rotary actuator with hydraulic system - Twelve (12 nos) set One (1) Set of complete package of rotary actuators and hydraulic system shall include the following • Rack & pinion type Rotary Actuators : One (1) Nos. • Hydraulic Power Pack Unit & Valve Stand : One (1) set. • Interconnecting tubing, tube fittings, clamps, hose assemblies, etc for piping between hydraulic unit and Rotary Actuators. : One (1) set • System Fluid (upto & including commissioning) : One (1) lot. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 • 10.2 SECTION: B SHEET : 23 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Power panel and control panel with associated cables : 1 set Function requirement: 10.2.1 Swinging platform is provided to SCVRP. Each SCVRP is capable of swinging independently. 10.2.2 Hydraulic equipment for SCVRP shall consist of rotary actuator and associated hydraulic power pack and accessories and shall be designed to swing the SCVRP at controlled speed. 10.2.3 Swinging operation of the swing platform is performed by hydraulic actuator mounted at the top of the pivot bracket. Power pack for hydraulic actuator is mounted on swinging platform / Carriage. 10.2.4 There are two end positions of SCVRP swinging. Limit switches are provided at these two positions of parking levels to know the positions and limit the swinging travel. 10.2.5 The maximum speed of SCVRP is 24 deg/min. 10.2.6 Each power pack shall have a redundant / standby pump along with motor (i.e. totally two motors and two pumps per power pack). Shall have facility to select any motor for operation of Actuator. 10.3 Detailed scope of work. 10.3.1 Understanding the platform swinging system. 10.3.2 Designing the complete Hydraulic system (Power pack, and other associated components). 10.3.3 Submission of design details and obtaining approval from the department. 10.3.4 Realisation of the total system. 10.3.5 Testing the system at the supplier site. 10.3.6 Supply of the Hydraulic system to SDSC SHAR. 10.3.7 Supervision during assembly of actuators at SDSC SHAR. 10.3.8 Erection of complete hydraulic system on SCVRPs at SDSC-SHAR, and testing & commissioning. 10.4 Equipment and services to be provided by the contractor: 10.4.1 12 nos. of Rotary Actuators of M/s AGOP, Italy make or M/s Parker make with 113 kN-m capacity at @204 bar and rotation stroke of -1 to +93 degrees . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 24 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 10.4.2 Electrical junction box suitable for group IIB, Zone-1, T4 class. 10.4.3 Oil tank with filters, air breather, level gauge, etc. 10.4.4 Pumping unit with variable displacement axial / radial piston pump of 3 lpm (200 bar working pressure) 10.4.5 Electric motor of minimum 1.5 kW, 1500 rpm, S4 duty class, CDF 40%, 150 starts per hour, suitable for Group-IIB environment, Zone -1, T4 class. 10.4.6 Directional control valves, check valves, safety relief valves, etc suitable for group IIB, Zone-1, T4 class. 10.4.7 Pressure gauges, pipelines, pilot operated check valves, etc. 10.4.8 Operators panel or control panel on the platform (located approximately 10m away from the power pack) suitable for group IIB, Zone-1, T4 class. 10.4.9 Entire length of piping required from power pack to the actuators mounted at 15m away. 10.4.10 Flexible hoses required to connect the actuators with the pipelines. 10.4.11 Electrical power / control cables required for erection of the hydraulic actuator system. 10.4.12 Inspection & testing at Supplier’s shop, packing & forwarding, transportation to SDSC-SHAR. 10.4.13 Supervision during assembly of Actuators at SCVRP structure manufacturer’s Shop. 10.4.14 Erection, testing and commissioning of Hydraulic actuator system at SDSC – SHAR. 10.4.15 Painting of all equipment as per the detailed specifications. 10.5 Technical parameters to be considered 10.5.1 12 nos. of Rotary Actuators of M/s AGOP, Italy make or M/s Parker make with 113 kNm capacity at @204 bar and rotation stroke of -1 to +93 degrees. 10.5.2 Total weight of the platform to be rotated is about 41 t 10.5.3 Electrical junction box (located approximately 250m away from power pack) suitable for group IIB, Zone-1, T4 class. 10.5.4 Oil tank with filters, air breather, level gauge, etc. 10.5.5 Pumping unit with variable displacement axial / radial piston pump of 3 lpm (110 bar working pressure) along with redundant / standby pump. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 25 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 10.5.6 Electric motor of 1.5 kW, 1500 rpm, S4 duty class, CDF 40%, 150 starts per hour, suitable for Group-IIB environment, Zone -1, T4 class. 10.6 General Technical data: 10.6.1 The Hydraulic unit shall be designed and rated to the instructions & recommendations of DIN, CETOP & ISO. The safety instructions shall be considered according to TUV. 10.6.2 The units shall be completely piped and terminated with companion flanges fittings including oil trays as required. 10.6.3 The companion flange / fittings on the manifold blocks are the takeover points for the interconnecting piping. 10.6.4 Provision shall be made for pressure check connections. All such connections shall be equipped with minimess couplings. 10.6.5 Provision shall be made to operate the power pack using a hand pump in case of power failure. 10.6.6 Power pack shall be bolted to the platform. 10.6.7 Max. weight of Each platform to be rotated : 41t. 10.6.8 Max. acceleration / deceleration : 0.003 radian / Sec2 10.6.9 Speed of rotation : 24˚/min. 10.6.10 Angle to be rotated : 90° 10.6.11 Hydraulic Fluid : Fire retardant type Quintolubric N 888-68 of Quaker Chemical 10.6.12 Operating Pressure :200 bar max. 10.6.13 Solenoid Valves : JIC, Oil immersed Coils, manual over-ride 10.6.14 Electric Connection : All electrical appliances to be wired up to a common Junction box. 10.6.15 Sealing material :Compatible with the hydraulic fluid 10.6.16 Flexible hoses :High pressure series thermoplastic. 10.6.17 Piping : Seam less stainless steel tubes of material 1.4571 to DIN 17458(1985) with outer diameter to tolerance class T4, as per DIN 2462, Part 1-1981 10.6.18 Tube Fittings : EO-2 Ermeto Parker Fluid connector or Equivalent 10.6.19 Shut –off/Isolation valves :Ball valves with SS internals/SS needle . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 26 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Valves 10.6.20 Flanges :SAE 4 bolt socket weld type 3000# rating with O rings for low/medium pressure lines SAE 4 bolt socket weld type 10.6.21 Labelling :All electrical appliances shall be marked with black figures on metal/plastic plates 10.7 Design Input Design input for sizing & selection of rotary actuators and Hydraulic system parameters are given below for guidance only 10.7.1 Rotary Actuators • Make • Type : Rack & pinion type. • Model / Capacity : 113 kN-m • Maximum operating pressure : 204 bar • Load Torque : 60 kN-m • Rotation : 90° • Rotation tolerance : 90° (-0° +2°) • Rotation stroke : -1° to +93° • Maximum Breakaway pressure : 5 Bar • Mounting Orientation : Vertical Axis of the Stub shaft • Seal Material : Viton PTFE-Bronze • Weight : 693 Kg (approximate) • Proof Pressure : 420 Bar • Operating temperature : 0° to 100°C • Volume capacity : 9.2 litres. • The actuators shall be supplied with keyway positions. • Actuators shall be assembled with respective fixed vertical shafts of bogies : M/s AGOP, Italy / M/s Parker make only. under these keyway positions and then are keyed. These positions shall be considered as initial or starting or 0° position. • Actuator shall have clear marks indicating 0˚ and 90˚ position for easy indentification. • While operating actuator body rotates by 90° from 0° position. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 27 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB • The actuator model having load capacity of 113 kN-m has been selected based on the load conditions & torque requirement. • Taking the input data of the selected actuator, the broad specification of hydraulic system to be arrived. 10.7.2 Description of Hydraulic Equipment. • The tank and entire piping & fittings shall be of stainless steel construction. • The hydraulic power unit consisting of tank, pump-motor unit, return line filter, pump relief valve, direction control valves, manually operated stand-by pumping unit, etc shall be assembled and located inside an all weather steel cabinet. • Complete system shall be operated at 200 bar pressure. • All Pressure relief valves shall a provision for manually varying pressure relief valve setting from 10 to 200 bar. • Major units of the hydraulic system shall be as given below. • Tank unit with mounted accessories. • Pumping Unit (motor operated) along standby / redundant pumping unit. • Valve stand. • Actuator • Interconnecting piping. • Flexible Hoses 10.7.3 Tank and accessories. Tank: • Fluid tank shall be of Stainless steel 316L welded construction • Capacity of the tank is to be calculated based on the fluid consumption by of rotary actuators, plumbings / hoses and necessary reserve storage in the tank. Tank Accessories: • Oil level indicator : for visual indication of oil level. • Filler/breather : To compensate level differences . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 28 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB and to refill fluid with 5 micron filter • Return line filter clog indicator :To indicate the filter clog status • Drain valve : to drain the tank • Return line filter : to filter the fluid coming back to tank • Thermostat with temperature : for visual reading of temperature. • Float switch (3 contacts) : to signal the oil level in the tank 10.7.4 Pumping Unit • Pump : To supply pressurised fluid. • Minimum flow rate : 3 lpm at 110 bar • Electric motor, 3Ø, 415V, 50Hz : To drive the pump • Pressure Relief Valve, 0-400 bar : Pump Safety protection against excessive pressure. • Pressure gauge,0-400 bar : To read discharge pressure. • Gauge adapter minimess hose & minimess connecter : To connect Pr.Gauge to the minimess coupling • Unloading Valve : To Unload pump when actuator is not being operated • Hand Pump : To function as stand-by pumping unit • Check Valve : To avoid back flow in pump discharge line • Minimess connecter : To facilitate connection to the Pressure Gauge. 10.7.5 Valve Stand (All items to be mounted on Manifold blocks). • Direction Control valve : To change the actuator rotation direction. • Flow control module :To regulate speed of actuators (Double throttle check valve) • Minimess connecter 10.7.6 Hose Assembly. • High pressure hose assembly • High pressure piping assembly : To read pressure in delivery line : To provide flexibility for platform to rotate by 90° . : To transfer hydraulic oil from . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 29 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB power pack to the actuators 10.8 Design Consideration and technical Notes 10.8.1 Pump-motor units / Power Unit assembly shall be mounted on anti-vibration pads 10.8.2 Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding shall be done at all butt weld pipe joints, if any. 10.8.3 Material of manifold block shall be GGG-40 to DIN 1693 Part 1-1993. Test certificates to be submitted in this respect. 10.8.4 Direction control valves shall be selected for maximum 5 bar Pressure drop for blind end flow. 10.8.5 Speed control valves shall be selected for maximum 5 bar (maximum open condition) pressure drop. 10.8.6 Shutt off valves and check valves shall be of same size as that of pipelines. 10.8.7 Total pressure drop in any circuit including manifold block of valve stand, for the flow indicated for the circuit, should not exceed 15 bar. 10.8.8 All solenoids to be provided with indicating lamps and plug in type connectors (DIN connector). All solenoid coils to be oil immersed type, rated for continuous duty and epoxy coated. 10.8.9 Tool kit to be supplied for all mounting bolts and pipe joints. 10.8.10 After fabrication, all the pipes to be cleaned, degreased, pickled, neutralized, rinsed and lubricated. 10.8.11 All pipelines to be clamped with Tube clamps (polypropylene heavy series stauff clamps/eqvt). 10.8.12 All electrical items such as direction control valves, level switches, etc to be completely wired up to a junction box. Spare terminals shall be provided. 10.8.13 All systems and piping shall be pressure tested at 1.5 times system working pressure. Performance test and pressure drop test shall be carried out during inspection. 10.8.14 After testing, the unit (excluding tank) shall be filled with the system fluid and all open terminations shall be closed for air tightness. 10.8.15 All equipment shall be packed in seaworthy packing with all necessary measures to protect equipment against corrosion by marine atmosphere and damage during handling at the port, transit or during storage in open space. 10.9 Electrical Controls: . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 30 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 10.9.1 At swinging in / Swing out end position limit switches shall be provided for indicating completion of swinging in or swinging out position. 10.9.2 Local control panel for Hydraulic power pack shall be provided with following control features A. Power On / Off B. Pump On / Off C. Manual selection for Pump 1 or Pump 2. D. Push button for Swinging in operation E. Push button for Swing out operation F. Indication lamp during Swinging in operation G. Indication lamp for swing out operation H. Indication lamp for Pump 1 On I. Indication lamp for Pump 2 On J. Display of actuation of Swinging in limit switch K. Display of actuation of Swing out limit switch. 10.10 Electrical specification: 10.10.1 All electrical equipment / items shall be flame proof of group IIB environment as per IS: 2148-1981, for hazardous area zone I as per IS: 5572-1994 and temperature classification T4 as per IS:8239-1976, IP-55 enclosure 10.10.2 Available power supply is 415V±10%, 3 ph, 4 wire, frequency 50Hz ±5% and auxiliary supply is 240V, 50Hz, AC. 10.10.3 All the electrical equipment should confirm to latest standard BIS codes and the practices followed for design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance. 10.11 Inspection and testing of Hydraulic equipment at contractor’s site and purchaser site. 10.11.1 All functional checks of Hydraulic rotary actuators system are to be carried out in the presence of the ISRO representative at sub-vendor site. 10.11.2 Documented procedures shall be available for all tests, control of testing equipment, control of test results and data. 10.11.3 Stage wise and/ or final Inspection will be carried out by ISRO as per the approved Quality Assurance Plan (QAP). In case, any equipment is found to mal-function or give sub-standard performance during this activity, the same shall be replaced immediately. 10.11.4 All systems and piping shall be pressure tested at 1.5 times system working pressure. Performance test and pressure drop test shall be carried out during inspection. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 31 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 10.11.5 Hydraulic actuator shall be proof pressure tested. However, relevant test certificates shall also be obtained from the supplier / manufacturer. 10.12 General erection procedure: 10.12.1 Equipment delivered at site to be inspected and checked as per Packing List. All sub-systems shall be placed at respective positions. 10.12.2 The sub-systems shall be levelled and aligned. Packing plates/ shims have to be used as required. 10.12.3 Assemble the pre-fabricated interconnecting piping between power pack and actuators. Fabricate the piping segments wherever required to complete the piping layout and clean the piping segments by approved cleaning procedure of pickling, passivating, rinsing, drying & oiling. 10.12.4 Tighten fixing bolts evenly. 10.12.5 Recheck levels of equipment. 10.13 General Instructions for erection of interconnecting piping 10.13.1 Pipe routes shall be checked with respect to the pipe system layout and pipe line drawings. 10.13.2 All supports shall be checked for horizontality and verticality before fixing. 10.13.3 Ensure that pipe lines do not interfere with other pipes / equipment / installations. 10.13.4 Supports shall be properly bolted / welded to prevent deformation / slip-off after installation of piping. 10.14 Pipe Line Installation 10.14.1 Pre-assembled pipe lines are to be stored properly to avoid deformations/constraints. 10.14.2 Pipelines shall be connected to mechanical equipment after final alignment and levelling so that the connections are free from stresses. 10.14.3 Piping close to equipment shall be installed in such a way that dismantling and inspection of the equipment will not be hindered. 10.14.4 Edge preparation of pipes for welding shall be to ANSI B 16.25-1992 and shall be ground smooth. 10.14.5 The welding surfaces shall be uniform, smooth and free from surface defects, rust scale, grease, paint, etc. Welding shall be free from slag. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 32 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 10.14.6 After ground fabrication, pipelines shall be placed in position on temporary supports and ‘in situ’ welding shall be carried out, if necessary. 10.14.7 Hydraulic pressure testing of piping for hydraulic lines shall be carried out at 1.5 times system working pressure. 10.15 Pipe Line clamping 10.15.1 All the pipes shall be clamped and supported. 10.15.2 All pipes shall be clamped with Polypropylene Pipe Clamps (PP clamps). 10.15.3 Generally, pipes shall be clamped at every 1.5 meters in straight run. At bends, clamps shall be provided on either side of bend, on straight length of pipe, as close to the bend as possible. 10.15.4 The support can be provided from top/bottom of pipe as per site condition. 10.15.5 The clamp can be directly welded to the platform structure or to the angle / channel welded to the structural body depending upon site condition. 10.15.6 Before welding the base plate of PP Clamp to the structure/angle/channel, the PP clamp is to be dismantled and bottom half to be separated from steel part to avoid burning of the polypropylene part. 10.15.7 After welding of base plate is completed and the plate cools down, the bottom half of PP clamp has to be assembled with base plate. On the bottom half of PP clamp, pipe is to be placed. On top of pipe, the top half of PP clamp is to be placed. Then top plate is placed in position, the bolts are inserted and tightened. This completes the clamping procedure. 10.16 Inspection testing and commissioning at site: 10.16.1 Checking the operation of all 12 nos. of actuators in clock wise and anti clockwise directions minimum five times. 10.16.2 Checking the working of all limit switches for all actuators. 10.16.3 Stage wise and/ or final Inspection shall be carried out on the basis of approved circuit drawings and QAP. Pressure test certificates, internal inspection report, material test certificates and manufacturer’s test certificates shall be enclosed with the inspection call. 10.16.4 In case, any equipment is found to mal-function or give sub-standard performance during this activity, it shall be replaced free of cost. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 33 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 11.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL ITEMS IN FCVRP The broad scope shall include the following electrics in the FCVRP are: 11.1 • General • Motor Control Centre (MCC) panels • Electrical Motors • Local Control panels on FCVRP & Interlocks • “Emergency push Button” near hoisting drive motor. • Limit switches • Junction Boxes • Load cell system for Over load protection • Cables • Cables laying • Earthing GENERAL 11.1.1 The design ambient temperature for all the electrical equipment shall be 50°C for both indoor and outdoor equipment’s and relative humidity of 95% shall be considered. 11.1.2 All Electrical systems shall be rated for 3 phase, 415 V±10%, 50Hz ±3 power supply and in case single phase is used the same shall be as per the above standard. 11.1.3 All electrical equipment coming on the platform shall be flame proof Ex d type with gas group Class IIB, temperature T4 class. 11.1.4 Incoming source panel to the Platforms system is located at 4 m level. Hence the required power has to be tapped from PCC at 4m level. 11.1.5 MCC incoming power cable shall be of 3.5C conductor XLPE insulated armoured PVC overall sheathed of required size. 11.1.6 1 number of MCC have to be provided at 7m level or suitable level for controlling individual LCPs for all platforms. 11.2 MOTOR CONTROL CENTRE PANELS 11.2.1 MCC shall be of metal enclosed, fully drawout, self standing, floor mounting, dust proof construction (IP54), compartmentalised, modular type suitable for indoor installation. 11.2.2 The frame of MCC panel shall be fabricated using pressed and shaped cold rolled sheet steel of adequate thickness or by using suitable steel structural . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 34 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB sections. The sheet steel used for panel shall be of minimum (2mm) 14 SWG CRCA except that the doors and covers may be made of (1.6mm) 16 SWG CRCA. Wherever required, stiffeners shall be provided to increase stiffness of large size doors and covers. 11.2.3 All openings, covers and doors shall be provided with neoprenen gaskets. Removable blanking plates shall be provided in the event of withdrawing the feeder modules. Number of blanking plates shall be 20% of each module size with a minimum of one number. 11.2.4 Suitable removable type lifting hooks and / or jacking pads shall be provided on each panel. 11.2.5 Busbars shall be high conductivity aluminium supported on insulators made of Non hygroscopic, Non inflammable material with tracking index equal to or more than the defined in BIS. The main busbars shall have uniform current ratings throughout their length as specified. Removable neutral links shall be provided on feeder to permit isolation of neutral busbar. 11.2.6 Busbar shall be capable of withstanding dynamic and thermal stresses of 50 kA short circuit currents for 1sec. 11.2.7 All busbars shall be insulated with heat shrunk PVC sleeves of 1100V grade RED,YELLOW and BLUE colour shall be used for phase busbars and BLACK clour shall be used for neutral busbars. Removable type shrouds shall be provided for joints. 11.2.8 All power and control cables shall be terminated through double compression nickel-plated brass cable glands. All cable glands and tinned copper crimping type cable lugs for all power and control cables shall be in tenderer scope. Panels shall be suitable for bottom entry of cables unless other wise specified. 11.2.9 The switch board shall be formed using distinct vertical panels each comprising of following compartments: • Metal enclosed horizontal busbar compartment running horizontally at top unless other wise specified. • Individual feeder modules in multitier mode. • Vertical bus bars serving all feeder modules in the vertical panel. The vertical busbar shall be sleeved and provided with anti-tracking barriers as an integral part of bus bar zone. • Cable termination compartment. • Perforated sheet steel / insulating material enclosed horizontal auxiliary busbars for control, interlock, indication and metering wiring running horizontally. 11.2.10 Main incoming feeder consists of Switch Fuse Unit (SFU) of suitable rating with indication lamps R,Y and B, voltmeter and ammeter. Suitable control transformer . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 35 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB shall be provided for motor control circuits and control transformer shall be sized for entire switch board with redundant transformer. 11.2.11 Fully drawout modules required for each motor control with all controls interlocks and protection. 11.2.12 For controlling intrinsic safe units in the FCVRP mechanism for all FCVPs, a suitable centralised DC power supply with redundancy has to be provided in the MCC. 11.2.13 Each motor control cubicle consists of components like power contractors, auxiliary contractors, OLR, SFU, MCBs ISU (Intrinsic safe units), Local / Remote switch, indication lamps as per standard, push buttons etc. 11.2.14 The rating of power contactors shall be minimum two times the rated motor current. 11.2.15 The following interlocks shall also be provided for safe operation in the MCC panel. If there are any other safety interlocks required during the detail engineering the same shall be provided. A. The platform operation shall be interlocked such that only hoist or fold can be operated at a time. B. The drives for folding shall trip if the platform reaches upper or lower end position. C. The drive for hoist shall trip if the platform reaches hoist up or down end position. D. The drive for hoisting shall trip if the platform if the limiting inter-platform distance reaches 4m. E. If the platform drive trips at the upper end position, it shall be possible to immediately reverse the drive by pushing hoisting down push button. Similarly, for the lower end position, it shall be possible to raise the platform. F. If the platform drive trips due to Overload, the drive shall be possible to start only after operating a reset push button. G. A local / remote selector switch at MCC shall ensure the operation is possible only from any one of the locations. H. An appropriate electrical over load shall trip the motor in the event of the motor drawing more that the set value. I. The folding and hoisting movements of the FCVRP shall be stopped if the rope if rope over load sensor (load cell) is actuated due to rope over load or due to jammed condition of platforms. J. Overload relays and single phase preventers are also form part of protection and motor operation shall be interlocked with these devices. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 36 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB K. Brake motor logics should be part of control circuit for safe operation. 11.2.16 All safe interlocks, protection and logic circuits shall be incorporated in the control circuit and interconnected with remote panel (LCP at platform). 11.2.17 Minimum two spare drawout cubicles for folding and two spare drawout cubicles for hoisting motor operations. 11.2.18 MCC shall be connected to a earth busbar running throughout the length of the switch board. The minimum earth bus size shall be 50X6 sqmm. of GI or equivalent. 11.2.19 The MCC shall comply to all relevant standards for cubicles and components including painting, clearances, metering and indication cubicles etc 11.3 ELECTRIC MOTORS 11.3.1 Six number of motors are envisaged for Hoisting of Platforms and six number of motors are envisaged for folding of platforms. 11.3.2 Motors shall confirm to latest applicable standard of IEC-34/IS-325. 11.3.3 IE2 or IE 3 category shall be provided for LT AC motors. 11.3.4 Six number of Folding motors coming on the platform shall be flame proof Ex d type with gas group Class IIB, temperature class T4. 11.3.5 Six number of Hoisting motors coming on the portal area shall be non-flame proof. 11.3.6 The drive motor shall be suitable for duty class S4, cycle duration factor 40% and number of cycles per hour shall be not less than 150. 11.3.7 Class of insulation shall be Class F and temperature rise limited to Class B tropicalized by coating with non-hygroscopic coatings, suitable for operation in Sea shore area. 11.3.8 Motor winding shall be specifically treated to provide good IR values for long period with fewer operations in the environment mentioned. 11.3.9 All motors shall be started with DOL starter. Space heaters shall be provided for motor ratings above 30 KW. 11.3.10 Motors shall have two earth terminals. 11.4 LOCAL CONTROL PANEL NEAR HOISTING DRIVE 11.4.1 Each FCVRP drive mechanism will have one LCP near the Hoisting drive mechanism and hence totally six ( 6 nos) of local control panels shall be provided for FCVRP. . SPEC NO. SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 37 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 11.4.2 Local control panels coming near hoisting drive shall be non flame proof and IP:65 protection or better. 11.4.3 The following indicating lamps & push buttons shall be provided in Local control panel provided on the Hoisting drive. A. Manual Key: • Manual key for Hoisting on / Off • Manual key for Folding on / Off B. Indication lamps • Control On Indication lamp • Hoisting On Indication Lamp • Folding ON indication lamp • Hoisting Motor trip Indication Lamp • Folding Motor trip indication lamp • Hoisting up limit Indication lamp • Hoisting down limit indication lamp • Folding pull limit indication lamp • Folding release limit indication lamp • Anti-collision limit indication lamp • Hoist Load Cell High indication lamp • Fold Load Cell high indication lamp C. Push Buttons • Hoisting Up • Hoisting Down • Folding pull • Folding release (Unfold) • Emergency Stop • Reset D. Selector switch • Selector switch for hoist load cell by-pass • Selector switch for fold load cell by-pass 11.4.4 The main contactor shall be provided to cut off the power in case of emergency stop push button pressed. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 38 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 11.4.5 The LCP shall be suitably interconnected with MCC and all protections and safety interlocks are active during the operation from LCP as well as MCC. 11.5 “EMRGENCY STOP PUSH BUTTON” NEAR HOISTING DRIVE MOTOR 11.5.1 Each FCVRP drive mechanism will have one EMERGENCY stop push button near the Hoisting drive mechanism and hence totally six ( 6 nos) shall be provided for FCVRP. 11.5.2 The main contactor shall be provided to cut off the power in case of emergency stop push button pressed. 11.5.3 An indication lamp shall be provided in the push button station to indicate the actuation of the emergency push button. 11.6 LIMIT SWITCHES 11.6.1 One number of limit switch at the upper end elevation and one number of limit switch at lower end elevation for each six FCVRPs shall be provided (i.e totally 12 nos of limit switches) 11.6.2 Limit switches for folded end position and unfolded end positions for each six FCVRPs shall be provided. (12 nos of limit switches) 11.6.3 Limit switches 2 numbers for limiting the distance between two consecutive platforms to 4m shall be provided for six FCVRPs (12 nos of limit switches). 11.6.4 Limit switches shall be of multi angle roller lever actuated & spring release type. 11.6.5 All limit switches shall confirm to Zone-1 flame proof of group IIB class, temperature class T4.. 11.6.6 If the platform drive trips at the upper end position, it shall be possible to immediately reverse the drive by pushing hoisting down push button. Similarly, for the lower end position, it shall be possible to raise the platform. 11.7 JUNCTION BOXES 11.7.1 Flameproof junction boxes shall be provided in the flameproof zone. The power cables from fixed portion to flexible portion shall be terminated to such JBs at platforms and other locations. 11.7.2 Normal junction boxes shall be used wherever junctions are required and for inspection purposes. 11.8 LOAD CELL SYSTEM FOR OVER LOAD PROTECTION 11.8.1 Load cell minimum range shall be 0-25 t, IP:67 protection, safe over load upto 150% of rated capacity, ultimate over load shall be 400% of rated capacity, . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 39 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB accuracy of load cell shall be 0.05% or better as per standards for platform applications. 11.8.2 Each FCVRP shall be provided with 2 numbers of load cells for Hoisting drive system pulleys and 2 numbers of load cells for folding drive system pulleys. 11.8.3 Load cell display system shall be provided as given below: • On the platform: The display of fold platforms and remote hoist display with suitable interface for motor tripping. • On the portal area: The display of hoist drive shall be provided near the hoist motor and suitable interface for motor tripping. 11.8.4 The local control panel provided shall have a provision for tripping the hoisting mechanism manually. 11.8.5 Load sensing devises are positioned below the drive system pulleys with amplifers and digital load indicators systems positioned near the Local control panels. 11.8.6 The system is adjusted such that in the event of load exceeding 125% of the normal load the drive system will trip automatically. The system is of flame proof type and 2 nos are provided for each of the hoisting and folding drive systems. 11.8.7 Load cells will be either shear beam type / compression type. Material of construction for the load cell will be SS316. The enclosure will be of intrinsic safe type suitable for gas group IIB, temperature class T4. 11.8.8 Load cell mounting shall be on SS plates, inbuilt constrainer, full floating top plate and anti lift protection. 11.9 CABLES 11.9.1 Control cables shall be XLPE insulated copper conductor and armoured as per BIS standards and BIS marked & as per the brands approved by the purchaser for fixed portion of wiring. 11.9.2 EPR cables are 1100V grade, multi core, annealed tinned copper conductor, elastomer type IE1 insulated, elastomer type SE4 sheathed confirming to IS4289 Part-1 for flexible portion of the wiring. 11.9.3 LT power cables are 1100 V grade, multi core, stranded Copper/Aluminium conductor of grade H4 and class 2, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner shealthed of type St-2, galvanised single round steel wire armoured and with outer shealth made of FRLS PVC compounded of type ST-2. Note: a) All cables upto 16 Sqmm. Is copper conductor . SPEC NO. SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 40 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB b) All cables above 16 Sqmm. Is Aluminium conductor near motor JB. Suitable copper conductor cable from drive motor terminal to JB shall be considered. 11.9.4 Control cables are 1100V grade, multi core, 1.5 and 2.5 cross section, stranded copper conductor having 7 strands, PVC insulated inner PVC sheathed of type St-1, galvanised steel wire armoured and outer shealth made of FRLS PVC compound of type St-1, Control cable shall be provided. 11.9.5 Miniumum Conductor cross section of power cables is selected as Copper conductor is used for cables having cross-section area upto 11.9.6 Cable terminations shall be either through standard Crimping type copper lugs for power cables and pin type or spliced lugs for electrical control cables. For all Al-Cu terminations bimetal lugs shall be used. All bolted terminations shall be using ring type lugs. 11.9.7 Double compression nickel-plated brass cables glands are to be used at both (Emanating and terminating) the ends of the cable. 11.9.8 Approximate length of the cables is as follows: (For estimation purpose only, actual may vary +/- considerably.) a) Power cable for hoist motors: 2000 mtr.for all the FCVRPs. b) Power cable for fold motors: 2000 mtr.for all the FCVRPs. c) Control cable for hoist & fold motors: 3000 mtr.for all the FCVRPs. 11.10 CABLE LAYING 11.10.1 The power and control cables shall be laid on suitable GI cable trays (closed type) fixed on the walls for the size and type of the cables used. The minimum tray size shall be 50X50mm including supply and installation. 11.10.2 The cable trays shall be used to carry LT power, control. 11.10.3 Separate cable trays shall be used to run power, control and instrumentation cables. 11.10.4 In order to avoid Electro magnetic interface (EMI), minimum distance of 300mm is maintained between the power cables trays and control cables trays and the shielding of power cables and control cables shall be so selected as to nullify the EMI effect. 11.10.5 Flexible portion of the cabling shall be done by using “Cable Chain Drag System” of IGUS/LAPP. 11.10.6 Flexible portion of cable which is to be by “Cable chain drag system” of IGUS /LAPP is approximately 17m for each FCVRP. 11.11 EARTHING . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 41 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 11.11.1 The structures, motors / brakes frames, metal enclosures of all electrical equipment, conduit and trays shall be effectively grounded with double earthing and shall be connected to building earth. 11.11.2 SDSC-SHAR will only provide ground rise at suitable location for grounding. Further connection from this riser to platforms for earthing shall be in tenderer scope. 12.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL ITEMS IN SCVRP The broad scope shall include the following electrics in the FCVRP are: 12.1 • General • Motor Control Centre (MCC) panels • Electrical Motors • Local Control panels on SCVRP & Interlocks • “Emergency push Button” near hoisting drive motor. • Limit switches • Junction Boxes • Load cell system for Over load protection • Cables • Cables laying • Earthing GENERAL 12.1.1 The design ambient temperature for all the electrical equipment shall be 50°C for both indoor and outdoor equipment’s and relative humidity of 95% shall be considered. 12.1.2 All Electrical systems shall be rated for 3 phase, 415 V±10%, 50Hz ±3 power supply and in case single phase is used the same shall be as per the above standard. 12.1.3 All electrical equipment coming on the platform shall be flame proof Ex d type with gas group Class IIB, temperature T4 class. 12.1.4 Incoming source panel to the Platforms system is located at 4 m level. Hence the required power has to be tapped from PCC at 4m level. 12.1.5 MCC incoming power cable shall be of 3.5C conductor XLPE insulated armoured PVC overall sheathed of required size. 12.1.6 1 number of MCC have to be provided at 7m level or suitable level for controlling individual LCPs for all platforms. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 12.2 SECTION: B SHEET : 42 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB MOTOR CONTROL CENTRE PANELS 12.2.1 MCC shall be of metal enclosed, fully drawout, self standing, floor mounting, dust proof construction (IP54), compartmentalised, modular type suitable for indoor installation. 12.2.2 The frame of MCC panel shall be fabricated using pressed and shaped cold rolled sheet steel of adequate thickness or by using suitable steel structural sections. The sheet steel used for panel shall be of minimum (2mm) 14 SWG CRCA except that the doors and covers may be made of (1.6mm) 16 SWG CRCA. Wherever required, stiffeners shall be provided to increase stiffness of large size doors and covers. 12.2.3 All openings, covers and doors shall be provided with neoprenen gaskets. Removable blanking plates shall be provided in the event of withdrawing the feeder modules. Number of blanking plates shall be 20% of each module size with a minimum of one number. 12.2.4 Suitable removable type lifting hooks and / or jacking pads shall be provided on each panel. 12.2.5 Busbars shall be high conductivity aluminium supported on insulators made of Non hygroscopic, Non inflammable material with tracking index equal to or more than the defined in BIS. The main busbars shall have uniform current ratings throughout their length as specified. Removable neutral links shall be provided on feeder to permit isolation of neutral busbar. 12.2.6 Busbar shall be capable of withstanding dynamic and thermal stresses of 50 kA short circuit currents for 1sec. 12.2.7 All busbars shall be insulated with heat shrunk PVC sleeves of 1100V grade RED,YELLOW and BLUE colour shall be used for phase busbars and BLACK clour shall be used for neutral busbars. Removable type shrouds shall be provided for joints. 12.2.8 All power and control cables shall be terminated through double compression nickel-plated brass cable glands. All cable glands and tinned copper crimping type cable lugs for all power and control cables shall be in tenderer scope. Panels shall be suitable for bottom entry of cables unless other wise specified. 12.2.9 The switch board shall be formed using distinct vertical panels each comprising of following compartments: • Metal enclosed horizontal busbar compartment running horizontally at top unless other wise specified. • Individual feeder modules in multitier mode. • Vertical bus bars serving all feeder modules in the vertical panel. The vertical busbar shall be sleeved and provided with anti-tracking barriers as an integral part of bus bar zone. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 43 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB • Cable termination compartment. • Perforated sheet steel / insulating material enclosed horizontal auxiliary busbars for control, interlock, indication and metering wiring running horizontally. 12.2.10 Main incoming feeder consists of Switch Fuse Unit (SFU) of suitable rating with indication lamps R,Y and B, voltmeter and ammeter. Suitable control transformer shall be provided for motor control circuits and control transformer shall be sized for entire switch board with redundant transformer. 12.2.11 Fully drawout modules required for each motor control with all controls interlocks and protection. 12.2.12 In hoist mechanism, hoist operation will be controlled by electrical motor with winch mechanism whereas for swing operation, swing operation will be controlled by electric motor with hydraulic system. The redundant hydraulic system should have redundant electric motor too. The selection of main or redundant shall be with a suitable selector switch at LCP provided on the platform. A separate power feeder shall be planned for main and redundancy motors. 12.2.13 For hoist and swing operation electrical motors shall be controlled by suitable rated DOL starters. 12.2.14 For controlling solenoid valves and intrinsic safe units in the SCVRP mechanism for all SCVPs, a suitable centralised DC power supply with redundancy has to be provided in the MCC. 12.2.15 Each motor control cubicle consists of components like power contractors, auxiliary contractors, OLR, SFU, MCBs ISU (Intrinsic safe units), Local / Remote switch, indication lamps as per standard, push buttons etc. 12.2.16 The rating of power contactors shall be minimum two times the rated motor current. 12.2.17 The following interlocks shall also be provided for safe operation in the MCC panel. If there are any other safety interlocks required during the detail engineering the same shall be provided. A. The platform operation shall be interlocked such that only hoist or swing can be operated at a time. B. The drives for swing shall trip if the platform reaches swing in or swing out end position. C. The drive for hoist shall trip if the platform reaches hoist up or down end position. D. The drive for hoisting shall trip if the platform if the limiting inter-platform distance reaches 4m. E. The selection of main or redundant swing motor shall be with a suitable selector switch at LCP provided on the platform. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 44 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB F. If the platform drive trips at the upper end position, it shall be possible to immediately reverse the drive by pushing hoisting down push button. Similarly, for the lower end position, it shall be possible to raise the platform. G. If the platform drive trips due to Overload, the drive shall be possible to start only after operating a reset push button. H. A local / remote selector switch at MCC shall ensure the operation is possible only from any one of the locations. I. An appropriate electrical over load shall trip the motor in the event of the motor drawing more that the set value. J. The hoisting movements of the SCVRP shall be stopped if the rope if rope over load sensor (load cell) is actuated due to rope over load or due to jammed condition of platforms. K. Overload relays and single phase preventers are also form part of protection and motor operation shall be interlocked with these devices. L. Brake motor logics should be part of control circuit for safe operation. 12.2.18 All safe interlocks, protection and logic circuits shall be incorporated in the control circuit and interconnected with remote panel (LCP at platform). 12.2.19 Minimum two spare drawout cubicles for folding and two spare drawout cubicles for hoisting motor operations. 12.2.20 MCC shall be connected to a earth busbar running throughout the length of the switch board. The minimum earth bus size shall be 50X6 sqmm. of GI or equivalent. 12.2.21 The MCC shall comply to all relevant standards for cubicles and components including painting, clearances, metering and indication cubicles etc 12.3 ELECTRIC MOTORS 12.3.1 Twelve number of motors are envisaged for Hoisting of Platforms and twelve number of motors are envisaged for swinging of platforms. 12.3.2 Motors shall confirm to latest applicable standard of IEC-34/IS-325. 12.3.3 IE2 or IE 3 category shall be provided for LT AC motors. 12.3.4 Twelve number of swinging motors ( which is a part of Hydraulic system) coming on the platform shall be flame proof Ex d type with gas group Class IIB, temperature class T4. 12.3.5 Twelve number of Hoisting motors coming on the portal area shall be non-flame proof. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 45 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 12.3.6 The drive motor shall be suitable for duty class S4, cycle duration factor 40% and number of cycles per hour shall be not less than 150. 12.3.7 Class of insulation shall be Class F and temperature rise limited to Class B tropicalized by coating with non-hygroscopic coatings, suitable for operation in Sea shore area. 12.3.8 Motor winding shall be specifically treated to provide good IR values for long period with fewer operations in the environment mentioned. 12.3.9 All motors shall be started with DOL starter. Space heaters shall be provided for motor ratings above 30 KW. 12.3.10 Motors shall have two earth terminals. 12.4 LOCAL CONTROL PANEL NEAR HOISTING DRIVE 12.4.1 Each SCVRP drive mechanism will have one LCP near the Hoisting drive mechanism and hence totally twelve ( 12 nos) of local control panels shall be provided for SCVRP. 12.4.2 Local control panels coming near hoisting drive shall be non flame proof and IP:65 protection or better. 12.4.3 The following indicating lamps & push buttons shall be provided in Local control panel provided on the Hoisting drive. A. Manual Key: • Manual key for Hoisting on / Off • Manual selector switch for swing main/ redundant. • Manual key for swinging on / Off B. Indication lamps • Control On Indication lamp • Hoisting On Indication Lamp • Swinging ON indication lamp for main/redundant • Hoisting Motor trip Indication Lamp • Swinging Motor trip indication lamp • Hoisting up limit Indication lamp • Hoisting down limit indication lamp • Swing in limit indication lamp for main/redundant • Swing out limit indication lamp for main/redundant • Anti-collision limit indication lamp . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 46 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB • Hoist Load Cell High indication lamp C. Push Buttons • Hoisting Up • Hoisting Down • Swing in for main/redundant • Swing out for main/redundant • Emergency Stop • Reset D. Selector switch • Selector switch for hoist load cell by-pass 12.4.4 The main contactor shall be provided to cut off the power in case of emergency stop push button pressed. 12.4.5 The LCP shall be suitably interconnected with MCC and all protections and safety interlocks are active during the operation from LCP as well as MCC. 12.5 “EMRGENCY STOP PUSH BUTTON” NEAR HOISTING DRIVE MOTOR 12.5.1 Each SCVRP drive mechanism will have one EMERGENCY stop push button near the Hoisting drive mechanism and hence totally twelve ( 12 nos) shall be provided for SCVRP. 12.5.2 The main contactor shall be provided to cut off the power in case of emergency stop push button pressed. 12.5.3 An indication lamp shall be provided in the push button station to indicate the actuation of the emergency push button. 12.6 LIMITSWITCHES 12.6.1 One number of limit switch at the upper end elevation and one number of limit switch at lower end elevation for each six SCVRPs shall be provided (i.e totally 12 nos of limit switches) 12.6.2 Limit switches for Swing in position and Swing out positions for each six FCVRPs shall be provided. (12 nos of limit switches) 12.6.3 Limit switches 2 numbers for limiting the distance between two consecutive platforms to 4m shall be provided for six SCVRPs (12 nos of limit switches). 12.6.4 Limit switches shall be of multi angle roller lever actuated & spring release type. 12.6.5 All limit switches shall confirm to Zone-1 flame proof of group IIB class, temperature class T4.. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 47 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 12.6.6 If the platform drive trips at the upper end position, it shall be possible to immediately reverse the drive by pushing hoisting down push button. Similarly, for the lower end position, it shall be possible to raise the platform. 12.7 JUNCTION BOXES 12.7.1 Flameproof junction boxes shall be provided in the flameproof zone. The power cables from fixed portion to flexible portion shall be terminated to such JBs at platforms and other locations. 12.7.2 Normal junction boxes shall be used wherever junctions are required and for inspection purposes. 12.8 LOAD CELL SYSTEM FOR OVER LOAD PROTECTION 12.8.1 Load cell minimum range shall be 0-25ton, IP:67 protection, safe over load upto 150% of rated capacity, ultimate over load shall be 400% of rated capacity, accuracy of load cell shall be 0.05% or better as per standards for platform applications. 12.8.2 Each SCVRP shall be provided with 2 numbers of load cells for Hoisting drive system pulleys. 12.8.3 Load cell display system shall be provided as given below: • On the platform: The display of fold platforms and remote hoist display with suitable interface for motor tripping. • On the portal area: The display of hoist drive shall be provided near the hoist motor and suitable interface for motor tripping. 12.8.4 The local control panel provided shall have a provision for tripping the hoisting mechanism manually. 12.8.5 Load sensing devises are positioned below the drive system pulleys with amplifers and digital load indicators systems positioned near the Local control panels. 12.8.6 The system is adjusted such that in the event of load exceeding 125% of the normal load the drive system will trip automatically. The system is of flame proof type and 2 nos are provided for each of the hoisting and folding drive systems. 12.8.7 Load cells will be either shear beam type / compression type. Material of construction for the load cell will be SS316. The enclosure will be of intrinsic safe type suitable for gas group IIB, temperature class T4. 12.8.8 Load cell mounting shall be on SS plates, inbuilt constrainer, full floating top plate and anti lift protection. 12.9 CABLES . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 48 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 12.9.1 Control cables shall be XLPE insulated copper conductor and armoured as per BIS standards and BIS marked & as per the brands approved by the purchaser for fixed portion of wiring. 12.9.2 EPR cables are 1100V grade, multi core, annealed tinned copper conductor, elastomer type IE1 insulated, elastomer type SE4 sheathed confirming to IS4289 Part-1 for flexible portion of the wiring. 12.9.3 LT power cables are 1100 V grade, multi core, stranded Copper/Aluminium conductor of grade H4 and class 2, XLPE insulated, extruded PVC inner shealthed of type St-2, galvanised single round steel wire armoured and with outer shealth made of FRLS PVC compounded of type ST-2. Note: a) All cables upto 16 Sqmm. Is copper conductor b) All cables above 16 Sqmm. Is Aluminium conductor near motor JB. Suitable copper conductor cable from drive motor terminal to JB shall be considered. 12.9.4 Control cables are 1100V grade, multi core, 1.5 and 2.5 cross section, stranded copper conductor having 7 strands, PVC insulated inner PVC sheathed of type St-1, galvanised steel wire armoured and outer shealth made of FRLS PVC compound of type St-1, Control cable shall be provided. 12.9.5 Miniumum Conductor cross section of power cables is selected as Copper conductor is used for cables having cross-section area upto 12.9.6 Cable terminations shall be either through standard Crimping type copper lugs for power cables and pin type or spliced lugs for electrical control cables. For all Al-Cu terminations bimetal lugs shall be used. All bolted terminations shall be using ring type lugs. 12.9.7 Double compression nickel-plated brass cables glands are to be used at both (Emanating and terminating) the ends of the cable. 12.9.8 Approximate length of the cables is as follows: (For estimation purpose only, actual may vary +/- considerably.) a) Power cable for Swing motors: 3000 mtr.for all the SCVRPs. b) Power cable for Hoist motors: 2000 mtr.for all the SCVRPs. c) Control cable for hoist & swing motors: 5000 mtr.for all the SCVRPs. 12.10 CABLE LAYING 12.10.1 The power and control cables shall be laid on suitable GI cable trays (closed type) fixed on the walls for the size and type of the cables used. The minimum tray size shall be 50X50mm including supply and installation. 12.10.2 The cable trays shall be used to carry LT power, control. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 49 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 12.10.3 Separate cable trays shall be used to run power, control and instrumentation cables. 12.10.4 In order to avoid Electro magnetic interface (EMI), minimum distance of 300mm is maintained between the power cables trays and control cables trays and the shielding of power cables and control cables shall be so selected as to nullify the EMI effect. 12.10.5 Flexible portion of the cabling shall be done by using “Cable Chain Drag System” of IGUS/LAPP. 12.10.6 Flexible portion of cable which is to be by “Cable chain drag system” of IGUS /LAPP is approximately 17m for each SCVRP. 12.11 EARTHING 12.11.1 The structures, motors / brakes frames, metal enclosures of all electrical equipment, conduit and trays shall be effectively grounded with double earthing and shall be connected to building earth. 12.11.2 SDSC-SHAR will only provide ground rise at suitable location for grounding. Further connection from this riser to platforms for earthing shall be in tenderer scope 13.0 LIST OF DRAWINGS The list of drawings mentioned below are tentative general arrangement drawings only and for tendering purpose only. Fabrication drawings will be issued after finalisation of order. Sl no. Drawing No. Description 1 7517A-ME-857-GA-0001 FCVRP & SCVRP plan in SVAB 2 7517A-ME-857-GA-0002 FCVRP & SCVRP elevation in SVAB 3 7517A-ME-856-GA-0010 FCVRP layout in SVAB 4 7517A-ME-856-GA-0011 FCVRP Concept 5 7517A-ME-856-GA-0012 FCVRP Concept 6 7517A-ME-856-GA-0013 FCVRP Concept 7 7517A-ME-856-GA-0014 FCVRP Concept 8 7517A-ME-856-GA-0015 FCVRP Concept 9 7517A-ME-856-GA-0016 FCVRP Concept 10 7517A-ME-856-GA-0017 FCVRP Concept 11 7517A-ME-856-GA-0018 FCVRP Concept 12 7517A-ME-857-GA-0020 SCVRP general Plan Mk-II vehicle. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 50 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 13 7517A-ME-857-GA-0021 SCVRP general Plan Mk-III vehicle. 14 7517A-ME-857-GA-0022 SCVRP general Elevation 15 7517A-ME-857-GA-0023 SCVRP carriage arrangement for 1, 3 & 5 16 7517A-ME-857-GA-0024 SCVRP carriage arrangement for 2,4 & 6 17 7517A-ME-857-GA-0025 SCVRP guide column general arrangement. 18 7517A-ME-857-GA-0026 SCVRP Hoisting drive arrangement 19 7517A-ME-857-GA-0027 SCVRP Load cell Pulley arrangement 20 7517A-ME-857-GA-0028 SCVRP Diversion and support pulley arrangement 21 7517A-ME-857-GA-0029 SCVRP Swinging drive arrangement 22 Sketch-1 23 Sketch-2 Location of Pulley arrangement for on roof truss for erection of platforms Preliminary Hydraulic Circuit for swinging of SCVRP. 14.0 MANUFACTURING, ASSEMBLY, TESTING AND INSPECTION 14.1 General instructions for fabrication and Erection are specified in the subsequent clauses. 14.1.1 The fabrication of components shall confirm to provisions of IS : 800 – 2013 14.1.2 All rolled material before being laid off shall be clean, free from bends, twist etc. and straight within tolerance allowed by IS : 1852 – 1885. If straightening or flattening is necessary, it shall be done by methods that will not injure the material. Long Plates shall be straightened by passing through a mandrel or levelling rools and structural shapes by the use of mechanical or hydraulic bar section straightening machines. 14.1.3 For butt-weld joints, edge preparation shall be preferably done by machining and may be done by mechanically controlled gas cutting machine. Sub surfaces shall be ground cleaned and inspected before fitting/ welding. 14.1.4 Welding shall be performed as per IS: 9595 – 1996. 14.1.5 All welding shall be carried out by qualified and approved welders shall perform welding in accordance to ASME Sec IX. 14.1.6 Unless otherwise specified on drawings, tolerances for fabrication shall be as per ISO:13920. 14.1.7 Edge preparation shall be carried out for all plates before welding. For butt-weld joints, edge preparation shall be preferably done by machining and may be done by mechanically controlled gas cutting machine. Sub surfaces shall be ground, cleaned and inspected before fitting / welding. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 51 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 14.1.8 Unless otherwise specified on drawings, all butt welds shall be full penetration welds. 14.1.9 Unless otherwise specified on drawings, all fillet welds shall be 50% of the minimum plate thickness and shall be on both sides of the plate. Also, the weld shall be continuous. 14.1.10 Welding sequence shall be such that the distortion and residual stresses are minimised. All welds shall be deposited in proper sequence so as to balance the applied heat as far as possible. (A wandering sequence shall be used whenever necessary). 14.1.11 The procedure to be followed by CONTRACTOR for all weld repairs shall be subject to approval by the PURCHASER. 14.1.12 Threaded joints that are to be seal welded shall be thoroughly cleaned before welding. 14.1.13 Stress relieving shall be carried out for all fabricated components prior to its machining. 14.1.14 All sharp corners of machined/ fabricated items shall be smoothened by deburring, hand grinding, chipping and filing. 14.1.15 Fabricator employed at site shall have adequate machining, welding, metrology and portable NDT facilities. 14.1.16 All fabrication work undertaken in parts shall bear distinct match marking to facilitate further identification and erection. 14.1.17 During manufacturing, assembly, erection and commissioning bolt tightening shall be carried out using torque wrench/ impact wrench to ensure required tightening/ tension in the bolts. 14.2 Fabrication at Manufacturers Work 14.2.1 Guide Column for FCVRP/ SCVRP is split up into six individual segments in order to facilitate its transportation at site. The fabrication, stress relieving & machining of the Guide Column segments shall be carried out at shop. 14.2.2 The fabrication, stress relieving and machining of the Guide Frames for FCVRP / carriage assembly for SCVRP shall be carried out. 14.2.3 The fabrication of Fixed Platform, Foldable Platform & the Replaceable Platforms and all components for the Folding and Hoisting drive system shall be carried out for FCVRP. 14.2.4 The fabrication of fixed platform, swinging platform and the replaceable platforms and all components for the swinging and hoisting drive system shall be carried out. 14.2.5 Base frame of the drive mechanism shall be machined to maintain parallelism between its resting face and equipment mounting face. 14.2.6 The components of drive mechanism viz. Motor, coupling, brake, reduction gear box and rope drum shall be assembled at manufacturer works as per assembly instructions. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 52 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 14.2.7 Drive mechanism base frame as well as structure shall have suitable provision for lifting hooks. 14.2.8 Pulley arrangement, interconnecting brackets etc.. Shall be manufactured, assembled tested at manufacturers works and shall be brought to site in grease packed condition. 14.2.9 Structural members of the platform shall be laid on the fabrication bed. The edges of the members shall be aligned for squareness, parallelism and flatness to required accuracy and tack welded. Following this intermediate members and bracing shall be tack welded ensuring required geometrical parameters. 14.2.10 The structure shall be offered for stage inspection following tack welding while full welding shall be done upon inspection clearance. 14.3 Control Assembly for FCVRPs 14.3.1 Fixed platform has to be assembled to the Guide frame individually. 14.3.2 Fixed platform has to be assembled to folding platform individually. 14.3.3 Folding platform has to be assembled to replaceable platforms individually. 14.3.4 Suitable match markings are to be done before dismantling. 14.4 Control Assembly for SCVRPs 14.4.1 Fixed platform has to be assembled to the truss individually. 14.4.2 Fixed platform has to be assembled to replaceable platforms individually. 14.4.3 Truss is to be assembled to the carriage. 14.4.4 Suitable match markings are to be done before dismantling. 14.5 Inspection at Shop 14.5.1 Dimensions, various clearances, surface finish etc as specified in drawings. 14.5.2 Levelling, alignment of all sub systems. 14.5.3 Free rotational movement of Foldable & Replaceable Platforms about the three Hinges. 14.5.4 Free sliding / rotational movement of Hinged / sliding pieces of Replaceable Platforms. 14.5.5 Alignment of shafts of Gearboxes, motors, brakes, Rope Drums, 14.5.6 No-load running test of motor along with drive for minimum of half an hour. 14.6 Fabrication at Site 14.6.1 Joining of guide columns into two or three pieces. 14.6.2 No major fabrication are to be planned at Site (i.e. at SDSC SHAR) . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 53 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 14.6.3 Minor fabrications like fixing of handrails are only to be allowed or any rectifications works with the approval of SDSC SHAR. 14.7 Erection Sequence 14.7.1 Pre-requisite for erection: a) Civil works of SVAB building shall be complete in all respect and building material including scaffoldings shall be removed and area shall be cleaned. b) Both east and west portals of SVAB shall be complete cleaned, building construction material removed and site shall be cleared. 14.7.2 Transportation & temporary placement: a) After the completion of Inspection & Testing at shop, the equipment shall be dismantled with proper match marking into transportable modules. b) The Fixed Platform, Foldable Platform & Replaceable Platforms which are of length 15 m shall be transported as single piece & not split up into smaller segments for the purpose of Transportation c) The Platforms, Guide column segments, carriage assembly, hoisting drives etc. shall be loaded on trailers at main stores, transported from stores to erection site and unloaded at a place designated for the purpose of erection. d) The material shall be loaded on truck/ trailer at Stores/ Fabrication yard using mobile crane transported to actual site and unloaded at site using mobile crane. e) Mobile crane of adequate capacity and boom length shall be used for handling and erecting guide columns, platform structures & drive mechanisms. f) Temporary storage place is approximately 500 m from SVAB building, it is open yard without roof, sandy soil with bushes and trees. Hence, clearing of bushes / trees is in the scope of tenderer /supplier only. 14.7.3 Erection procedure for FCVRP: Typical Erection Sequence shall be as follows: a) The equipment to be delivered at the site as per approved site erection plan. b) The equipment delivered at site shall be inspected and checked as per packing list for totality of requirement. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 c) SECTION: B SHEET : 54 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB The machinery parts shall be cleaned and the corrosion preventing coating shall be removed from surface of the machinery. The parts, which are delivered in dismantled condition, shall be cleaned prior to their assembly. d) The Contractor shall submit documents depicting Fabrication and Erection Procedure at site, Alignment Sequence, Detailed Trial / Test Runs at site based on the guide lines indicated in this document. e) The centerlines & benchmarks shall be checked and established in suitable place for easy reference. f) The subassemblies shall be dismantled and all the antifriction bearings, if necessary, shall be thoroughly re-visited and lubricated prior to assembly. g) The items / components / sub-assemblies shall be erected / mounted in the following sequence. However, the sequence may be altered due to site condition and local constraints, which cannot be envisaged now. h) The structural supports from the portal frames of the SVAB consisting of connecting beams / support brackets along with bracings shall be initially erected at site. i) Alignment of Support brackets / Interconnecting brackets to be checked and cleared by SDSC SHAR/ TPI j) Then the Guide Columns shall be erected ensuring that the internal surfaces of adjacent columns on which the Guide Rollers have to travel are aligned and there is no mismatch. This will be achieved by addition of shims between the Guide Columns and the Support Columns & proper alignment. k) The verticality of Guide Columns shall be checked with theodolite and also the required distance between Guide Columns shall be maintained throughout its height. l) The Platforms shall be assembled on Ground level one at a time and then lifted them sequentially from top to bottom to the required height using mobile crane and motorised winch & then locked in position. m) Install and align drive system of platforms n) Install and align Pulleys with the floor. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 55 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB o) Lay ropes and fasten in position. p) Install electrical. q) Clean and first fill all the drives. r) Check for free movement mechanically. s) Repeat the operations for other platforms. 14.7.4 Erection procedure for SCVRP: Typical Erection Sequence shall be as follows: a) The equipment to be delivered at the site as per approved site erection plan b) The equipment delivered at site shall be inspected and checked as per packing list for totality of requirement. c) The machinery parts shall be cleaned and the corrosion preventing coating shall be removed from surface of the machinery. The parts, which are delivered in dismantled condition, shall be cleaned prior to their assembly. d) The Contractor shall submit documents depicting Fabrication and Erection Procedure at site, Alignment Sequence, Detailed Trial / Test Runs at site based on the guide lines indicated in this document. e) The centerlines & benchmarks shall be checked and established in suitable place for easy reference. f) The subassemblies shall be dismantled and all the antifriction bearings, if necessary, shall be thoroughly re-visited and lubricated prior to assembly. g) The items / components / sub-assemblies shall be erected / mounted in the as approved site erection plan sequence. However, the sequence may be altered due to site condition and local constraints, which cannot be envisaged now. h) Wall Brackets for guide column are to be assembled and aligned. i) Guide columns shall be erected ensuring that the internal surfaces of adjacent columns on which the guide rollers have to travel are aligned and there is no mismatch. This will be achieved by addition of shims between the guide columns and the support columns and the support columns & proper alignment. The verticality of guide columns shall be checked with theodolite and also the required distance between guide columns shall be maintained throughout its height. j) Carriage locking brackets shall be erected as wire ropes are attached to lock the platform. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 56 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB k) Platforms shall be assembled on ground level one at a time and then lifted them sequentially from top to bottom to the required height using mobile crane and motorised winch and then locked in position. l) Install and align drive system of platforms m) Install and align Pulleys with the floor. n) Lay ropes and fasten in position. o) Install electrical. p) Clean and first fill all the drives. q) Check for free movement. r) Repeat the operations for other platforms. 14.7.5 Usage of SDSC SHAR Crane for Unloading of Platforms / Pulley Fixing on roof truss for erection on Platforms sub-assemblies in SVAB: A. SDSC SHAR will provide 130 t Groove make boom crane for unloading the material from trailer / lorry of maximum size 25t only on payable basis subjected to availability only. Party shall confirm the availability from the Department well in advance. SDSC SHAR will charge tenderer at a cost of Rs: 13,500 per hour (please note that indicated price is present charges, prevailing charges at the time unloading shall be paid by the supplier). Duration of charges will be from start time of Crane at Material handling store of SDSC SHAR up to receipt of Crane at Material handling store after completion of work on that day at SVAB site which is at a distance of 5 Km. B. Supplier should not claim any extra charges / extension of due date on account of delay in providing SDSC SHAR material handling support (i.e. cranes for unloading material from trailer). C. Supplier can fix pulleys arrangement on the roof truss at single fixed location near to the civil columns for lifting the Hoisting drive arrangement / brackets for guide column /Support brackets for SCVRP / FCVRP. Roof truss is at height of 94m height. Approximate weight of hoisting drive arrangement is 25 t. Pulleys arrangement and necessary hooks and structural material for stiffening of roof truss is in the scope of supplier only. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 57 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB D. If tenderer feels that locations identified on the roof truss for fixing pulleys is inappropriate. Tenderer can plan his own crane for erection. E. Supplier has to make his own arrangement for cranes for shifting of subsystems, platforms from storage yard to inside of SVAB. F. Supplier has to make his own arrangement of cranes for assembling the platforms to the guide frame on the ground. G. If any damages are occurred to the 130 t Groove make Boom crane or any SDSC SHAR equipment / system, supplier has to replace the damaged parts within 10 days. If supplier fails to do so SDSC SHAR will have right to deduct the cost of the damaged items in the next bill of supplier. 15.0 ERECTION &COMMISSIONING 15.1 Inspection and testing during/after erection shall be as per QAP. 15.2 Supplier shall submit detailed erection plan and procedure along with erection loads on building & also on parts being lifted shall be submitted for approval. 15.3 Supplier shall depute adequate qualified personnel i.e., Two Engineers/supervisor/ foreman, (one for mechanical and one for electrical), fitters, riggers, and electricians and helpers for carrying out quality erection work at our site within schedule. 15.4 Material (lifting equipment, lifting tackles, etc) required during erection are in Bidder’s scope. All lifting machines / tackles used shall be tested & certified as per standards before their usage for lifting crane. 15.5 Third Party Inspection Agency also shall be involved for final clearance & usage. 16.0 PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATIONS OF MAJOR BOUGHT OUT ITEMS All bought items are to be inspected by SDSC-SHAR representative & TPIA at the sub-vendors site before despatching to Vendors site. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 58 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB BOUGHT OUT ITEMS FOR FCVRP FOLDING DRIVE ARRANGEMENT Sr. No. Components Specifications 1 Wire rope for folding drive arrangement 2 Electric Motor for folding operation 3 Gear Box 4 Coupling between Rope drum and Gear box 5 Coupling between Gear box and Brake & Motor and Brake 6 Brake 8 Flame proof motor , Zone -1, Gas group: II B, T4 temperature class. Rating : 37 kW, 1500 RPM, A.C. 3Ø, Duty class : S4 CDF : 40%, Insulation class: F Temperature rise limited Class: B No. of starts per hour : 150 Double stage worm gear box Reduction Ratio : 820 Output torque : 84162 Nm Input Speed: 1500 rpm Duty : Reversing Lubrication : Splash Bearing : Antifriction Self locking type Coupling Type : Full Gear Coupling Rated Torque : 280566 Nm, Maximum Speed : 900 RPM, Allflex Type AFG114 Coupling Type : Full Gear Coupling Rated Torque : 981 Nm, Maximum Speed : 6300 RPM, Allflex Type AFG101 Flame proof Zone -1, Gas group: II B, T4 temperature class, thruster operated Drum brake Max. Torque : 940 Nm Brake diameter : 315 mm Compression Load Cell Capacity : 25 T Model No : CR253H0 Make : M/s. IPA Pvt. Ltd. Spherical roller Bearing SKF 300 (ID) x 500 (OD) x 160(W) Load Cell 7 Wire rope diameter : 28 mm Construction : Compacted Rope Tensile Grade : 2160 N/mm2 Finish : Galvanised Lay type : Ordinary Lay Direction : Right hand & Left hand Usha Martin make Type POWERFORM 8 . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 9 10 11 SECTION: B SHEET : 59 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 23160 CC/W33 Spherical roller Bearing for folding pulley SKF 23030 150 (ID) x 225 (OD) x 56 (W) CC/W33 Spherical roller Bearing for rope drum shaft SKF 24040 200 (ID) x 310 (OD) x 109 (W) CC/W33 Spherical roller Bearing for brake drum shaft SKF 21314 70 (ID) x 150 (OD) x 35 (W) CC/W33 BOUGHT OUT ITEMS FOR FCVRP HOISTING DRIVE ARRANGEMENT S.No. Components Specifications Wire rope diameter : 36 mm Construction : Compacted Rope Tensile Grade : 2160 N/mm2 Finish : Galvanised 1 Wire rope Lay type : Ordinary Lay Direction : Right hand & Left hand Usha Martin make Type POWERFORM 8 Non flame proof Electric Motor for Hoisting Rating : 45 kW, 1500 RPM, A.C. 3Ø, operation Duty class : S4 CDF : 40%, 2 Insulation class: F Temperature rise limited Class: B No. of starts per hour : 150 Double stage worm gear box Reduction Ratio : 1000 Output torque : 112252 Nm 3 Gear box Input Speed: 1500 rpm Duty : Reversing Lubrication : Splash Bearing : Antifriction Coupling Type : Full Gear Coupling Coupling between Rope drum Rated Torque : 340898 Nm, 4 and Gear box Maximum Speed : 800 RPM, Allflex Type AFG115 Coupling Type : Full Gear Coupling Coupling between Gear box and Rated Torque : 981 Nm, 5 brake & Motor and Brake Maximum Speed : 6300 RPM, Allflex Type AFG101 Non Flame proof type thrustor operated Drum brake 6 Brake Max. Torque : 940 Nm Brake drum diameter : 315 mm Compression Load Cell 7. Load Cell Capacity : 25 T . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 60 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Model No : CR253H0 Make : M/s. IPA Pvt. Ltd. 8 9 10 11 Spherical roller Bearing SKF 23160 CC/W33 Spherical roller bearing for hoisting pulley SKF 24032 CC/W33 Spherical roller Bearing for brake drum shaft SKF 22314 E Spherical roller Bearing for horizontal guide arrangement SKF 24036 CC/W33 300 (ID) x 500 (OD) x 160(W) 160 (ID) x 240 (OD) x 80 (W) 70 (ID) x 150 (OD) x 51 (W) 180 (ID) x 280 (OD) x 100 (W) Wire dia 12mm, mean dia 72mm, No. of coils:13.5, spring rate:47 N/m.S Type: Multi angle roller lever operated, spring return type Protection Category: IP55 13 Limit switch No. of contacts: 2 NO + 2 NC Rating: 240V AC, 5A Material: Aluminium alloy LM6 BOUGHTOUT ITEMS FOR SCVRP HOISTING DRIVE 12 S.No. Spring Components Specifications 1 Taper roller Bearing of FAG 32207A 35 (ID) x 72 (OD) x 24.25(W) 2 Right angle Gear Box RAN20 SA1 HS B3 of Bongfiglioli make 3 Lock Nut FAG KM7 or equivalent 4 Lock washer FAG MB7 or equivalent 5 Deep Groove ball bearing of FAG 6008-2RS 40 (ID) x 68 (OD) x 15 (W) 6 Lock Nut FAG KM6 7 Lock washer FAG MB6 8 Taper Roller bearing of FAG 32207A 35 (ID) x 72 (OD) x 24.25 (W) 9 Wire rope 10 Wire rope Wire rope diameter : 32 mm Construction : Compact type Tensile Grade : 2160 N/mm2 Finish : Galvanised Lay type : Ordinary Lay Direction : Right hand & Left hand USHA MARTIN make Type POWERFORM 8 Wire rope diameter : 64 mm Construction : Compact type Tensile Grade : 2160 N/mm2 . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SHEET : 61 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 11 Electric Motor for Hoisting operation 12 Gear box 13 Coupling between Rope drum and Gear box 14 Coupling between Gear box and brake & Motor and Brake 15 Brake 16 Load Cell 17 18 19 20 21 SECTION: B Spherical roller bearing hinge top & bottom shaft SKF 23180 Spherical roller thrust bearing for hinge shaft SKF 29272 Spherical roller thrust bearing for flange roller SKF 23252 Deep grove ball bearing for pulleys SKF 6334 Spherical roller bearing for rope drum SKF 23244 Finish : Galvanised Lay type : Ordinary Lay Direction : Right hand & Left hand USHA MARTIN make Type POWERFORM 8 NonFlame proof motor. Rating : 55 kW, 1500 RPM Duty class : S4 CDF : 40%, Insulation class: F Temperature rise limited Class: B No. of starts per hour : 150 Double stage worm gear box Reduction Ratio : 1500 Output torque : 257353 Nm Input Speed: 1500 rpm Duty : Reversing Lubrication : Splash Bearing : Antifriction Coupling Type : Full Gear Coupling Rated Torque : 60000 kgm, Maximum Speed : 710 RPM, Allflex Type AFG116 Coupling Type : Full Gear Coupling Rated Torque : 1300 kgm, Maximum Speed : 2800 RPM, Allflex Type AFG 105 Non-Flame proof thrustor operated Drum brake Max. Torque : 940 Nm Brake diameter : 315 mm Compression Load Cell Capacity : 25 T Model No : CR253H0 Make : M/s. IPA Pvt. Ltd. 400(ID) x 650 (OD) x 200(W) 360(ID) x 500 (OD) x 85 (W) 260(ID) x 480 (OD) x 174 (W) 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) 220 (ID) x 400 (OD) x 144(W) 22 Lock Nut and locking clip SKF HM-3076 equivalent. & MS 3080-76 or 23 Lock Nut & lock washer SKF HM52T & SKF MB52 . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SHEET : 62 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Spherical roller Bearing of SKF 22316 Deep groove Ball Bearing of SKF 6334 Volute Spring of alloy steel grade 60Cr4V2 as per IS:3431 24 25 26 SECTION: B 80 (ID) x 170 (OD) x 58(W) 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) 120 (ID) x 300 (OD) x 350 (H) BOUGHT OUT ITEMS FOR SCVRP SWINGING DRIVE S.No. 1 17.0 Components Specifications Hydraulic Rotary Actuator along with suitable power pack ( consisting of flame proof motor, variable displacement axial flow pump of 3 lpm at 200 bar, 1.5kW motor, flame proof directional control valve, couplings, rigid and flexible pipe line, connectors, local control panels etc ) as mentioned in Hydraulic specification for Hydraulic actuator. Type: Double rack, M-Series,Hydraulic rotary actuator Load Torque: 113 kNm Rotation: 0 to 90˚ Make: M/s. Parker or M/s Agop Italy. MAKES OF BOUGHT OUT ITEMS All bought out items shall be procured from the approved suppliers as given below: Slno Item Makes 1 Wire ropes Usha Martin only. 2 3 Selector switches and control components LED indication Lamps Siemens / L&T/ ABB/ Schneider. Siemens / L&T/ JAI BALAJI / VAISHNO 4 Induction motors CG / BHARATH BIJILEE / HM/LHP 5 Limit Switches 6 FRLS Power and control cables 7 Trailing cables & LAPP /IGUS chain drag system 8 All flameproof items BALIGA / R STAHL including Flameproof light fittings. 9 Intrinsic safe Units BALIGA / SIEMENS / ABB / L&T / Schneider / BCH /CG NICCO / INCAB / RPG / CCI / FINOLEX / POLYCAB / KEI / IGUS / LAPP P&F . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 63 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB Control panels SIEMENS /ABB/L&T/ Schneider / Rittal or as approved 11 Power panels SIEMENS/ABB/L&T/ Schneider / Rittal. 12 Flame proof Light Baliga / R Stahl fittings LED/MH 13 Flame proof switch Baliga / R Stahl sockets & limit switches 14 DC Power Supplies 10 Electrical Aux items 15 OMRON,PHONEX SIEMENS CONTACT, LAMBDA, Aux items of the main items like OLR shall be as per the recommendation of main item supplier and as per the design of the OEM. BUBenzer, INVENSYS BROOK CROMPTON, WITTON KRAMMER, SIBRE, GALVI, KATEEL Elecon / Shanti / Greaves (premium transmission)/ DB-Radicon / Renold / Sumitomo / Flender. 16 Thruster brakes 17 Gear boxes 18 Right angle gear box BONGFIGLIOLI 19 Bearings SKF, FAG, TIMKEN 20 Couplings Fenner, Elecon, Shanthi, Allflex, 21 Load cells IPA 22 Paints Bombay paints, Berger paints, Asian paints, Grand poly coats. 23 FASTENERS UNBRAKO / TVS 24 Actuators Parker / Agop Italy 25 Direction control valves Parker / Agop Italy / Europress pack / Rexroth 26 Flexible hoses Parker / Agop Italy / Europress pack / Rexroth 27 Hydraulic pump Parker / Agop Italy / Europress pack / Rexroth 28 Pressure gauges Wika Third Party TCE / LLOYDS / MN DUSTUR / MECON / DNV Inspection Agency Note: As far as possible single brand components shall be used. All models used shall be of latest but at least 2 years in the market and next 10 years’ service availability. 29 . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 64 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 18.0 CODES AND STANDARDS 18.1 The design, materials, construction, manufacture, inspection, testing and performance of HSDs shall comply with all currently applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment is to be installed. The equipment shall also conform to the latest applicable Indian or equivalent standards. Other international standards are also acceptable, if these are established to be equal or superior to the listed standards. Nothing in this specification shall be construed to relieve the CONTRACTOR of this responsibility. 18.2 The following are some of the codes and standards relevant to this specification. IS:2062 Hot rolled medium and High tensile Structural Steels IS:1367 part13 Technical supply conditions for threaded fasteners Hot-dip galvanized coatings ( second revision) IS:807 Code of Practice for Design, Manufacture, Erection and Testing (Structural Portion) of Cranes and Hoists. IS:3177 Code of Practice for Design of Overhead Traveling Cranes and Gantry Cranes other than Steel Works Cranes. IS:800 IS:3681 IS 7403 : 1974 IS 4460 : Parts 1 to 3 : 1995 IS:1835 Code of practice for use of structural steel in general building construction. Gears tooth form and modules. Code of Practice for Selection of Standard Worm and Helical Gear Boxes Gears – Spur and Helical Gears – Calculation of Load Capacity Steel Wires for Ropes IS:6594 Technical supply conditions for steel wire ropes and strands. IS:2266 Steel Wire Ropes for General Engineering Purposes. IS:2363 Glossary of terms relating to wire ropes. IS:3973 Selection, installation, maintenance and technical supply conditions of wire ropes. IS: 1364 Hexagonal Head bolts, Screws and nuts of product grades A and B. IS:816 Code of Practice for Use of Metal Arc Welding for general Construction in Mild Steel. IS:823 Code of Practice for Use of Metal Arc Welding of Mild Steel. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 65 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB IS:1181 Qualifying Tests for Metal Arc Welders (Engaged in Welding Structures other than pipes). IS:1323 Code of Practice for Oxy-Acetylene Welding for Structural Work in Mild steel. ASTM E94 Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination ASTM E165 Standard Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination ASTM E709 Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Examination ASTM A370 Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products ASTM A388 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Forgings ASTM A275 Standard practice for Magnetic Particle Examination of Steel Forgings IS:325 Three Phase induction Motors. IS:4029 Guide for Testing Three Phase induction Motor. IS:5571 Guide for selection of electrical equipment for hazardous areas IS:5572 Classification of Hazardous Areas (Other than Mines) for electrical installations. IS 2148 : 1981 Flameproof enclosures for electrical apparatus IS 5780 : 1980 Specification for Intrinsically Safe Electrical Apparatus and Circuits. IS:8239 Classification of maximum surface temperature of electrical equipments for use in explosive atmosphere. IS:1554 IS:2208 IS:2959 PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) electric cables. HRC cartridge fuse links up to 650V. Contactors for voltage not exceeding 1000V AC or 1200V DC IS:13703 Low voltage fuses for voltages not exceeding 1000V. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 66 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 19.0 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS / INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 19.1 BIDDER’S OFFER 19.1.1 In case of any deviations from the technical specifications, the BIDDER shall indicate the same in Schedule of deviations. If no deviations are listed in the schedule of deviations, it shall be considered that the BIDDER complies in total with the technical specifications. Any deviations indicated elsewhere other than schedule of deviations in the offer will not be accepted 19.1.2 The BIDDER is advised to furnish all information called for in summary of data to be furnished along with the bid. 19.1.3 BIDDER is advised to quote for the complete scope and partial response will not be entertained. In case of few items which do not directly fall under BIDDER’s manufacturing range and / or not available from indigenous source, BIDDER should take the responsibility upon themselves to arrange to procure them and supply to ensure that their offer is complete in all respects 19.2 All bought out items supplied shall have capacities not less than those stated in this specification and necessary test certificates shall be furnished in this regard. However, if the BIDDER considers that higher capacity is required to meet guarantee requirements, he should offer the same and substantiate the same by calculations. 19.3 The BIDDER shall specify all the Design modifications which he considers are necessary for him to carry out in order to meet the guarantee requirements. The details of design modifications proposed to be carried out shall be attached as Annexure to the Schedule of Deviations from Technical Specifications. 19.4 Any items which may not have been specifically mentioned herein but are needed to complete the equipment / system shall also be treated as included and the same shall also be furnished and erected, unless otherwise specifically excluded as indicated. 19.5 All tools and tackles required during various stages of execution of order right from manufacture at shop to the erection and testing at site shall be in the scope of the Contractor. 20.0 RELIABILITY AND QUALITY ASSUARANCE PLAN The inspection procedures shall be categorized as follows: (a) Category A: Stage wise and final inspection including review of documents by Department. (b) Category B: Stage wise and final inspection including review of documents by the Contractor. Department shall perform final inspection and review documents. (c) Category C: Final inspection and review of documents shall be carried out by the Contractor. Department shall carry out the final review of documents. The minimum requirements for ensuring quality at various stages are spelt out . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 67 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB below. However, the reliability and quality assurance plan shall be prepared by the vendor and will be reviewed and approved by Department. The following are the basic inspection requirements to be followed upon receipt of raw material: Review of material test certificates UT of plates for thickness greater than 20mm Category C Category C The following are the minimum in-process tests that shall be carried out: Welding procedure & welder / welding operator’s performance qualification Category C 100% MT / PT for flame cut edges for plate thickness exceeding 38mm. 100% PT after back gouging Category B 100% MT / PT for fillet welds when both plates exceed 25mm thickness. Category A 100% MT / PT for fillet welds between tension flanges & webs. Category A 100% RT / UT for butt welds Category A Category B Heat treatment shall be carried out on the following: For carbon steel plates where thickness exceeds 20 mm All other components as referred to in the drawings Category C Category C The following are the final inspection / tests that shall be carried out during various stages of manufacture, as applicable: Visual and dimensional inspection of components / subassemblies Blue matching for bolted components Complete assembly of platforms at VENDOR’s shop and testing for performance requirements Complete assembly of platforms at site and testing for performance requirements. Category A Category A Category A Category A The schedule of tests stated above is indicative and not exhaustive in nature. CONTRACTOR shall carry out any other tests at shop / site as per directions of PURCHASER. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 68 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 21.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING PROCEDURES AND SCOPE OF INSPECTION 21.1 Raw Material Inspection shall be carried out at the Vendor’s works for compliance of the raw materials to the specified standards. 21.2 Bought out components shall be inspected either at Vendor’s works or at the Sub-contractor’s premises for compliance with the Specifications. 21.3 Fabricated components shall be inspected at the Vendor’s works for compliance with the component drawings. Sub-Assemblies shall be inspected at the Vendor’s works for compliance with the Sub-Assembly drawings and for performance requirements. A major sub-assemblies shall be inspected at Vendor’s works after shop assembly for compliance with assembly drawings and performance requirements. 21.4 Full Assembly of the platforms shall be inspected at Purchaser’s premises after site assembly for compliance with the Assembly Drawings and performance requirements. 21.5 After the award of contract, CONTRACTOR shall prepare detailed Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) for inspection & testing of all subassemblies / components of the platforms. The QAP shall be reviewed and approved by the Third Party Inspection Agency and the PURCHASER. Indicative QAPs for Platforms are enclosed in Section D of this specification 21.6 The procedure to be followed for testing the accuracy requirements for Platforms shall be as specified by the PURCHASER 21.7 All measuring and testing instruments / equipment required for carrying out all tests at VENDOR’s works and at PURCHASER’s site shall be provided by the Contractor. 21.8 CONTRACTOR shall furnish calibration certificates for the instruments to be used for testing at shop and site. The calibration certificates furnished by the CONTRACTOR shall not be more than 12 months old. 21.9 TESTING Platforms mainly comprises of drive mechanism and fixed platform, foldable platform & replaceable platform from the point of view of testing. In order to realise successful operation of the platform following testing activities shall be performed 21.9.1 Testing at Manufacturer’s works a) Drive System (No load) No load run test shall be carried out for the fully assembled gear box continuously for minimum 1 hour. The drive mechanism shall be completely assembled at manufacturer’s works and shall be tested. b) Test for Major Sub-assemblies All Pulley assemblies shall be tested for proper functioning, bearing noise etc. and shall be brought to site in grease packed condition . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 69 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 21.9.2 Testing at Site. a) For Smooth movement of platforms noise & jerks. 22.0 GUARANTEES AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The platforms shall perform satisfactorily to meet the guarantee requirements stated in this specification to the entire satisfaction of the PURCHASER 23.0 ACCEPTANCE TEST 23.1 After the entire installation work has been completed, the CONTRACTOR shall make all required adjustments until all guaranteed performance requirements are met. All instruments, services required for the above tests shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR 23.2 If the stipulated performance requirements are not fulfilled, the CONTRACTOR shall make good the deficiency by providing it in every case, by altering and/ or replacing the parts or the whole equipment / system free of charge to the PURCHASER immediately. All rejected equipment shall be removed from the site at CONTRACTOR’s expense 24.0 SURFACE PREPARATION AND PAINTING Complete Platforms & Drive elements shall be painted as per the instructions given below. All the shop-fabricated items shall be grid blasted, primer painted. The site fabrication items also shall be grid-blasted and primer painted before erection. After completion of the erection, all the damaged primer painted area shall be rectified. After primer painting, All items shall be intermediate painted with inhibitive polyamide epoxy, DFT-100 microns (min). The total surface shall be final painted with sufficient number of coats using acrylic aliphatic polyurethane finish paint, having a DFT of 40 microns. All box sections, before closing, shall be painted with primer and finish paint inside the Box. 24.1 Preparation of surfaces All surfaces to be painted shall be clean, dry and free from oil, grease, dirt, dust, corrosion and weld spatters. Any other surface contaminant except tightly bonded residues of mill scale rust is permissible to a limit of not more than 5% of whole surface and a maximum of . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 70 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 10% on any particular square inch area. Surfaces that may become inaccessible after erection or installation or both, shall be prepared and painted while still accessible as per the same procedure mentioned. 24.2 Grid Blasting The entire surface of all the fabricated materials is to be grid blasted as per near white quality of steel structures painting council (SSPC) standard of SA 2.5 of SIS 055900. The surface profile after blasting shall be between 37-65 microns and should be of jagged in nature. Hand cleaning by chipping and scraping followed by wire brushing / abrasive wheels is allowed for items where surface preparation is difficult by sand blasting after taking approvals from purchaser / TPIA. All surfaces shall be degreased using a suitable solvent to remove oil & grease and shall be dried off before painting 24.3 Painting Scheme Immediately after gird blasting, one coat of inorganic zinc silicate primer shall be applied to a dry film thickness (DFT) of 65 microns (minimum), followed by a final coat of 40 microns of acrylic aliphatic polyurethane finish paint. Colour code will be finalized by purchaser after award of contract. All paint and primer shall be of standard quality and procured from approved manufacturers. The tenderer shall provide “Elcometer” / Paint thickness measuring gauges free of charge and shall measure the thickness of paint in the presence of the representative of the purchaser at random locations selected by him. Machine finished surfaces shall be protected against corrosion by a rust inhibiting coating that can be easily removed prior to erection or which has characteristics that make removal unnecessary prior to erection. Field painting shall only be done after the structure is erected, levelled, plumbed, aligned and welded / connected in its final position, tested and commissioned. However, touch-up painting for making good to any damaged shop painting and completing any unfinished portion of the shop coat shall be carried out by the Tenderer at free of cost. The materials and specification for such painting in the field shall be in accordance with the requirements of the specification for shop painting. Painting shall not be done in frosty or foggy weather or when humidity is such as to cause condensation on the surfaces to be painted. Before painting of steel, which is delivered unpainted, is commenced, all surfaces to be painted shall be dried and thoroughly cleaned from all loose scale and rust. All field rivets, bolts, welds and abrasions to the shop coat shall be spot painted with the same paint used for the shop coat. Where specified, surfaces which will . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 71 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB be in contact after site assembling shall receive a coat of paint (in addition to the shop coat, if any) and shall be brought together while the paint is still wet. Bolts and fabricated steel members, which are galvanized or otherwise treated, shall not be painted. Paints shall be stored under cover in airtight containers. Paints supplied in sealed containers shall be used as soon as possible once the container is opened. While painting the new structures, the already finished floors and structures shall not be spoilt. If there is any spillage of paint on the floors or members on the finished structures, the tenderer has to clear and provide the painting to the spoiled areas. Paints shall be checked for shelf life to meet the requirements before application. Proper action shall be taken well in advance prior to actual usage. 24.4 Paint Specifications a) Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer: • Two part, self cured • Dry temperature resistance to 400 oC • Minimum shelf life of 12 months • Excellent abrasion resistance • Minimum coverage of 9 sq m./litre at 65 microns (minimum) • Volume of solids 60% (minimum) by weight and 80% of zinc in dry film by weight • No mud cracking at an applied thickness of 75 microns. • Primer shall be applied minimum 65 microns DFT (b) All items shall be intermediate painted with inhibitive polyamide epoxy, DFT100 microns (min). (c) Air drying Acrylic Aliphatic polyurethane finish paint. • As per approved manufacturer’s specifications. • Minimum of 40 microns DFT • Colour code will be finalised by department after award of contract. 25.0 START-UP SPARES & MAINTENANCE TOOLS 25.1 The BIDDER shall include in start-up Spares & Maintenance tools in his scope. 25.2 The spares supplied shall be directly interchangeable with parts for which they are intended for replacement. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 72 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 25.3 The spares shall be treated and packed for long storage (minimum 5 years) under the climatic conditions prevailing at the site. 25.4 The BIDDER shall indicate the service expectancy periods for all the spare parts in terms of hours of operation under normal operating conditions after which replacement will become necessary. 25.5 The Start-Up Spares are those spares which will be required during start-up and commissioning of the equipment / systems until the equipment/systems are handed over to the SDSC-SHAR after completion of performance testing. 25.6 The prices of the Start-Up Spares and tools shall be included in the lumpsum supply price of the total system. An adequate stock of Start-Up Spares and maintenance tools shall be available at the site such that the start-up and commissioning of the equipment / systems, performance testing and handing over the equipment/ systems to the SDSC-SHAR can be carried out without hindrance or delay. 25.7 All Start-Up Spares which remain unused after the taking over the plant shall remain the property of the SDSC-SHAR. BIDDER’s quoted lumpsum price for the supply of the bought-out items shall be inclusive of the cost of Start-Up Spares. 25.8 Following are the list of minimum number of start-up spares for HSD to be included in the BIDDER’s scope. Description Quantity MECHANICAL SPARES 1 Linings for Brakes 2 Pairs 2 Oil Seals for each Gear box 1 Sets 3 Set of Gaskets of all sizes wherever applicable 3 sets HYDRAULIC SPARES 1 Hydraulic seals kits for actuator 6 sets 2 Flexibles Hoses 6 sets 3 Directional control valves 6 sets ELECTRICAL SPARES 1 FCVRP Hoist motor 1 no.s 2 FCVRP fold motor 1 no.s 3 SCVRP Hoist motor 1 no.s 4 Load cell 2 nos 5 Load cell control and display units 3 sets 6 Fuse links 3 no.s category. each . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 73 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 7 Power Contactors 1 no. minimum or 10% of total qty. 8 Push buttons 4 no. minimum or 10% of total qty. 9 Limit Switches 6 Nos 10 Spare FCVRP LCP ready to replace at site. 1 Nos 11 Spare SCVRP LCP ready to replace at site. 1 Nos 26.0 TENDER EVALUATION AND PENALITY FACTOR 26.1 The BIDDER shall comply with all systems / parameters specified in section B , C, D,E &F 26.2 Deviation from the specifications, if acceptable to the PURCHASER insofar as practicable will be converted to rupee value and added to the bid price to compensate for the deviation from the specification. In determining the rupee value of the deviations, the PURCHASER will use the parameters consistent with those specific in the documents and specifications and other information as necessary and available to the PURCHASER 27.0 DATA TO BE FURNISHED AFTER AWARD OF CONTRACT The BIDDER shall ensure the following documentation are prepared and submitted to PURCHASER for his review / record 27.1 Schedule of Assembly & Detailed drawings and documents to be submitted for review & approval with submission dates. 27.2 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP). 27.3 Bar chart for supply & erection schedule indicating the date of completion of various activities so as to complete execution of the contract within the time frame stipulated in the LOI / Purchase order. 27.4 Progress reports 27.5 Instrument data sheets. 27.6 Electrical wiring diagrams showing interlocks, controls, wiring sizes, rating of each electrical component etc. and logic diagrams. 27.7 Dimensioned general arrangement and section drawings of control and instrumentation panels and switchgear panel. 27.8 Detailed description of operating sequence and control and interlock system. 27.9 Erection, start-up, operation and maintenance manual complete with lubrication schedule etc. 27.10 As-built drawings 27.11 Quality Assurance documentation compiled for the project. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: B SHEET : 74 OF 74 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 27.12 The above list of documents is indicative and not exhaustive. The BIDDER / CONTRACTOR shall submit documents as specified in various sections of this specification and also as per the specific instructions of the PURCHASER. 28.0 FINAL DOCUMENTS CONTRACTOR shall submit the copies of operation and maintenance manuals well before the despatch of the equipment. The manual shall be in sufficient detail with step by step instructions to enable others to inspect, erect, commission, maintain, dismantle, repair, reassemble and adjust all parts of the equipment. Each manual shall also include a complete set of approved as built drawings together with performance / rating curves / charts of the equipment, maintenance schedule and test certificates wherever applicable. CONTRACTOR shall submit all the raw material test certificates, Ultrasonic testing of the raw material, Ultrasonic / radiography test certificates of all necessary welds. Stress relieving charts, Hardness test certificates and Dimensional inspection reports of individual components. Quality assurance documentation compiled for the project. SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 SECTION: C1 SHEET : 1 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP BILL OF MATERIALS DETAILS OF COMPONENTS FOR FCVRP Sl No DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT 1.0 Foldable Platform 1.1 Structural Members QTY. (For 1 FCVRP) OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) ISMC 400 , Total length 116 m ISMC 200 , Total length 43 m ISMB 200 , Total length 37 m ISMB 150 , Total length 28 m MATERIAL Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 1 FCVRP) TOTAL WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 FCVRPs) 5850 35100 945 5670 895 5370 420 2520 1.2 Pulley block supporting plates 1500 x 650 x 32 thk – 2 nos 1500 x 350 x 10 thk – 2 nos 1500 x 380 x 10 thk - 4 nos Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 751 4506 1.3 Chequered Plate 6 mm thk. Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 3665 21990 1.4 Miscellaneous Parts (Hinge fixing plate, link chain fixing plate etc.) 200 1200 2.0 Fixed Platform 2.1 Structural Members 2100 12600 1677 10062 ISMC 250 , Total length 69 m ISMC 125 , Total length 128 m Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 Angle 65x65x5 , Total length 83 m Angle 90x90x5 , Total length 54 m Load cell pulley mounting bracket SHEET : 2 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP ISMC 300 , Total length 30 m 2.2 SECTION: C1 2 1230 x 848 x 32 mm thk. 2 1240 x 1000 x 32 mm thk. 4 805 x 720 x 32 mm thk. 2.3 Hinge fixing plate 3 670 x 800 x 32 mm thk. 2.4 Fixing plate for Guide frame 2 1330 x 1150 x 32 mm thk 2.5 Chequered Plate 2.6 Miscellaneous Parts 3.0 Guide frame 3.1 Plate 2 970 x 5500 x 32 mm thk. 3.2 Plate 6 690 x 5500 x 32 mm thk. 3.3 Plate 2 1230 x 5500 x 32 mm thk. 3.4 Miscellaneous Parts (Mounting plates for pulleys, fixing plates for mounting fixed platform etc.) 6 mm thk. Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 1089 6534 407 2442 484 2904 524 3144 623 3738 582 3492 405 2430 768 4608 1526 9156 200 1200 2680 14622 6292 37751 3739 22432 1008 12096 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 Folding Drive Arrangement 1 4.1 Rope Drum 1 Worm Gear Reducer SHEET : 3 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP 4.0 4.2 SECTION: C1 Ø 1250 x 1292 (L) x 60 mm thk. Electric Motor 1 4.4 Full Gear Coupling 1 4.5 Full Gear Coupling 2 3706 22236 1 nos 6 nos 1 nos 6 nos 1 nos 6 nos 2 nos 12 nos 1 nos 6 nos Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 4400 26400 Double stage worm gear box Reduction Ratio : 820 Output torque : 84162 Nm (Gear Box is to be Custom built for this application) 1 4.3 ASTM A516 Gr.70 A.C. 3Ø Motor 37 kW @ 1480 rpm (flame proof type suitable for Group-II B,Zone-1, T4 class application) ALLFLEX Full Gear Coupling Type AFG 114 ALLFLEX Full Gear Coupling Type AFG 101 Brake Drum Size = 315 mm Max. Torque Capacity = 940 Nm (flame proof type suitable for Group-II B,Zone-1, T4 class application) 4.6 Electro Hydraulic Thruster Brake 1 4.7 Base Frame 1 4.8 Spherical Roller Bearing 2 300 (ID) x 500 (OD) x 160 (W) SKF 23160 CC/W33 2 nos 12 nos 4.9 Folding Pulley 24 Ø 620 x 80 (Thk.) Cast steel IS:1030 Grade 280520N 1830 10980 Spherical Roller 4.10 Bearing for all Folding Pulleys 48 150 (ID) x 225 (OD) x 56 (W) SKF 23030 CC/W33 48 nos 288 nos TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 Shaft of Folding drive rope drum - 1 Shaft of Folding drive 4.12 rope drum - 2 4.11 4.13 Wire Rope 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 Pin for folding pulley block (Platform) Pin for folding pulley block (Guide Frame) Pin for Diverter pulley Folding Pin for load cell pulley Folding Bracket of Folding Load cell pulley 1 Ø350 mm , length 1.1 m Forging 40C8 830 4980 1 Ø350 mm , length 0.72 m Forging 40C8 545 3270 2 Ø 28 mm , 90 m length Usha Martin make Powerform 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2 2 nos 12 nos 2 Ø150 mm , length 0.9 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 250 1500 2 Ø150 mm , length 1.05 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 292 1752 2 Ø150 mm , length 0.275 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 76 456 2 Ø150 mm , length 0.3 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 84 504 2210 13260 15 90 18 108 7 42 84 504 200 1200 80 480 2 nos 12 nos Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 2 1 4.20 Coupling Guard 2 1 4.21 Coupling Guard 3 1 Pin for Single Folding Pulley on Guide frame Miscellaneous Parts (Brake Drum, shafts, 4.23 shims, Rope fixing plates etc.) Plummer Block for 4.24 shaft of Rope Drum Spherical Roller 4.25 Bearing (for Rope SHEET : 4 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP 4.19 Coupling Guard 1 4.22 SECTION: C1 2 Ø150 mm , length 0.3 m Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 2 2 Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 200 (ID) x 310 (OD) x 109 (W) SKF 24040 CC/W33 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 SECTION: C1 SHEET : 5 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP Drum shaft) Plummer Block for brake drum shaft Spherical Roller 4.27 Bearing ( for brake drum shaft ) Hoisting Drive 5.0 Arrangement 4.26 5.1 Rope Drum Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 2 78 468 2 70 (ID) x 150 (OD) x 35 (W) SKF 21314 CC/W33 2 nos 12 nos 1 Ø 1250 x 2438 (L) x 65 mm thk. ASTM A516 Gr.70 6062 36372 1 nos 6 nos 1 nos 6 nos 1 nos 6 nos 2 nos 12 nos 2 nos 12 nos Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 5800 34800 SKF 23160 CC/W33 2 nos 12 nos 5.2 Worm Gear Reducer 1 5.3 Electric Motor 1 5.4 Full Gear Coupling 1 5.5 Full Gear Coupling 2 5.6 Electro Hydraulic Thruster Brake 2 5.7 Base Frame 1 5.8 Spherical Roller Bearing 2 Double stage worm gear box Reduction Ratio : 1000 Output torque : 112252 Nm (Gear Box is to be Custom built for this application) A.C. 3Ø Motor 45 kW @ 1480 rpm. Non flame proof ALLFLEX Full Gear Coupling Type AFG 115 or Equivalent ALLFLEX Full Gear Coupling Type AFG 101 or Equivalent Brake Drum Size = 315 mm Max. Torque Capacity = 940 Nm ( non flame proof) 300 (ID) x 500 (OD) x 160 (W) TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 5.9 Hoisting Pulley Spherical Roller 5.10 Bearing for all Hoisting Pulleys Shaft of Hoisting drive 5.11 rope drum - 1 Shaft of Hoisting drive 5.12 rope drum - 2 5.13 Wire Rope Pin for Diverter Pulley 5.14 Hoisting Pin for Hoisting pulley 5.15 block (Guide Frame) Pin for Hoisting pulley 5.16 block (Connecting Beam) Pin for load cell pulley 5.17 Hoisting Bracket of Hoisting 5.18 Load cell pulley SHEET : 6 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP 16 Ø 792 x 80 (Thk.) Cast steel IS:1030 Grade 280520N 32 160 (ID) x 240 (OD) x 80 (W) SKF 24032 CC/W33 1 Ø350 mm , length 1.14 m 1 2980 17880 32 nos 192 nos Forging 40C8 860 5160 Ø350 mm , length 0.72 m Forging 40C8 545 3270 1 Ø 36 mm , 800 m length for 6 FCVRPs on one side Usha Martin make Powerform 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2 1 Lot 1 Lot 2 Ø160 mm , length 0.33 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 104 624 2 Ø160 mm , length 0.8 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 251 1506 2 Ø160 mm , length 0.785 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 247 1482 2 Ø160 mm , length 0.35 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 110 660 3238 19428 25 150 27 162 7 42 200 1200 1 5.19 Coupling Guard 1 1 5.20 Coupling Guard 2 1 5.21 Coupling Guard 3 1 Miscellaneous Parts 5.22 (Brake Drum, shafts, SECTION: C1 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 6.0 6.1 shims, Rope fixing plates etc.) Plummer Block for shaft of Rope Drum Spherical Roller Bearing (for Rope Drum shaft) Plummer Block for brake drum shaft Spherical Roller Bearing ( for brake drum shaft) Replaceable Platform for GSLV MK-III for FCVRP 1 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 2 2 300 (ID) x 500 (OD) x 160 (W) 2 70 (ID) x 150 (OD) x 51 (W) ISMB 200 , Total length 6.3 m ISMB 150 , Total length 33 m 6.3 Cutout Covers for MKIII 6.4 Miscellaneous Parts 6.5 7.0 Adaptor Covers for MK-III to suit FCVRP2 Replaceable Platform for GSLV MK-II for FCVRP 1 6 mm thk. 1 1 set SKF 23160 CC/W33 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 2 ISMC 200 , Total length 42 m Chequered Plate SHEET : 7 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP Structural Members 6.2 SECTION: C1 SKF 22314 E Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 300 1800 2 nos 12 nos 92 552 2 nos 12 nos 153 153 932 932 496 496 1389 1389 1400 1400 100 300 65 65 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 7.1 ISMB 200 , Total length 26 m ISMC 200 , Total length 42 m ISMB 150 , Total length 17.4 m ISMC 400, Total length 2.5 m 7.2 Chequered Plate 7.3 Sliding Piece 2 7.4 Plate 2 7.5 Rollers 8 7.6 Cutout Covers for MKII 1 7.7 Miscellaneous Parts 8.0 Replaceable Platform for GSLV MK-III for FCVRP 2 8.1 Structural Members 6 mm thk. 2500 x 400 x 16 mm thk ISMB 200 , Total length 9.3 m ISMB 150 , Total length 39 m 8.3 Cutout Covers for MKIII 6 mm thk. 1 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 ISMC 200 , Total length 42 m Chequered Plate SHEET : 8 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP Structural Members 8.2 SECTION: C1 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 630 630 932 932 261 261 250 250 1508 1508 400 400 251 251 16 16 950 950 100 100 224 224 932 932 496 496 1400 1400 1400 1400 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 8.4 Miscellaneous Parts 9.0 Replaceable Platform for GSLV MK-II for FCVRP 2 9.1 Structural Members SECTION: C1 SHEET : 9 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP ISMB 200 , Total length 26 m ISMC 200 , Total length 42 m ISMB 150 , Total length 17.4 m ISMC 400, Total length 2.5 m 9.2 Chequered Plate 6 mm thk. 9.3 Sliding Piece 2 9.4 Plate 2 9.5 Rollers 8 9.6 Cutout Covers for MKII 1 9.7 Miscellaneous Parts 2500 x 400 x 16 mm thk Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 100 300 630 630 932 932 261 261 250 250 1508 1508 400 400 251 251 16 16 950 950 100 100 332 332 932 932 416 416 Replaceable 10.0 Platform for GSLV MK-III for FCVRP 3 10.1 Structural Members ISMB 200 , Total length 15 m ISMC 200 , Total length 42 m ISMB 150 , Total length 28 m Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 6 mm thk. Cutout Covers for MKIII 10.4 Miscellaneous Parts Replaceable 11.0 Platform for GSLV MK-II for FCVRP 3 ISMB 200 , Total length 30 m ISMC 200 , Total length 42 m ISMB 150 , Total length 38 m ISA 50x50x6 , Total length 18 m 11.2 Chequered Plate 6 mm thk. 11.3 1 11.5 Miscellaneous Parts Replaceable Platform for GSLV 12.0 MK-III for FCVRP 4, 5 and 6 12.1 Structural Members Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 1400 1400 800 800 100 300 720 720 932 932 550 550 81 81 1550 1550 225 225 300 300 100 300 650 1950 932 2796 1 11.1 Structural Members Adaptor Cover for MKII Cutout Covers for MK11.4 II SHEET : 10 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP 10.2 Chequered Plate 10.3 SECTION: C1 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 3 ISMB 200 , Total length 27 m ISMC 200 , Total length 42 m Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 ISA 50x50x6 , Total length 18 m 12.2 Chequered Plate 6 mm thk. 12.3 1 12.5 Miscellaneous Parts Replaceable Platform for GSLV 13.0 MK-II for FCVRP 4, 5 and 6 ISMB 200 , Total length 27 m ISMC 200 , Total length 42 m ISMB 150 , Total length 33 m ISA 50x50x6 , Total length 18 m 13.2 Chequered Plate 6 mm thk. 13.3 13.5 Miscellaneous Parts Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 500 1500 81 241 1900 5700 350 1050 230 690 100 300 670 2010 932 932 500 1500 81 241 2060 6180 250 750 580 1740 100 300 3 13.1 Structural Members Adaptor Cover for MKII Cutout Covers for MK13.4 II SHEET : 11 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP ISMB 150 , Total length 33 m Adaptor Cover for MKIII Cutout Covers for MK12.4 III SECTION: C1 1 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 14.0 14.1 SECTION: C1 SHEET : 12 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP Horizontal Guide Roller Arrangement Horizontal Guide Roller Spherical Roller Bearing Pin for Horizontal 14.3 Guide Roller Lateral Guide Roller 15.0 Arrangement 14.2 15.1 Lateral Guide Roller Pin for Lateral Guide Roller (Type – 1) Pin for Lateral Guide 15.3 Roller (Type – 2) 15.2 4 Ø 400 x 144 (Thk.) Forging 40Cr4Mo3 4 180 (ID) x 280 (OD) x 100 (W) SKF 24036 CC/W33 4 Ø200 mm , length 0.22 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 8 476 2856 4 nos 24 nos 216 1296 Forging 40Cr4Mo3 150 900 8 Ø85 mm , length 0.2 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 72 432 4 Ø100 mm , length 0.295 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 144 576 15.4 Bush 4 Ø75 (OD) x Ø60 (ID) x 132 (L) Aluminium Bronze 8 48 16.0 Safety Link Chain 2 To be Induction Hardened to 45-50 HRC / 423-488BHN with Depth of Hardness 4 – 6 mm To be Induction Hardened to 45-50 HRC / 423-488BHN with Depth of Hardness 4 – 6 mm TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 SECTION: C1 SHEET : 13 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP 16.1 Plate 16 740 x 240 x 40 mm thk. 55C8 as per IS:1570 (Part 2) 892 5352 16.2 Plate 6 740 x 240 x 80 mm thk. 55C8 as per IS:1570 (Part 2) 669 4014 16.3 Pin 16 Ø100 mm , length 0.265 m 55C8 as per IS:1570 (Part 2) 261 1566 16.4 Turn Buckle 2 55C8 as per IS:1570 (Part 2) 260 1560 80 480 66 396 Grade FDSiCr as per IS:4454 part 2 2 nos 12 nos Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 1782 10692 17.0 Spring Buffer Arrangement 17.1 Bracket for Spring 2 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 2 Wire dia: 12 mm Mean dia: 72 mm No. of coils: 13.5 Spring rate: 47 N/mm 17.2 Spring 2 18.0 Hinge Brackets 3 18.1 Hinge Pin 1 2 Ø150 mm , length 0.425 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 118 708 18.2 Hinge Pin 2 1 Ø150 mm , length 0.361 m Forging 40Ni6Cr4Mo3 50 300 18.3 Bush 6 Bronze, LTB-31, IS:318-81 2.5 15 900 12600 418 5852 122 1708 479 6706 19.0 Connecting Beam 1 14 (for SVAB) 19.1 Plate 2 2560 x 560 x 40 mm thk 19.2 Plate 2 2560 x 520 x 20 mm thk 19.3 Plate 1 820 x 560 x 34 mm thk 19.4 Plate 1 1350 x 870 x 52 mm thk Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 2 2560 x 610 x 28 mm thk 20.2 Plate 2 2560 x 560 x 12 mm thk 20.3 Miscellaneous Parts 21.1 Plate 21.2 Plate 1620 22680 686 13720 270 5400 661 13220 - 72560 20 (for SVAB) 20.1 Plate 21.1 Guide Column SHEET : 14 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP 19.5 Miscellaneous Parts 20.0 Connecting Beam 2 SECTION: C1 2 (for SVAB) 4 (for SVAB) 2 (for SVAB) 560 x 65500 x 63 mm thk 444 x 65500 x 63 mm thnk Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 31642 21.3 Liner plate 1 8 (for SVAB) 185 x 65000 x 25 mm thk HARDOX 400 or Rockstar 400 - 20927 21.4 Liner Plate 2 4 (for SVAB) 290 x 65000 x 25 mm thk HARDOX 400 or Rockstar 400 - 16402 ISA 150x150x16, Total Length 385.5 m ISA 150x150x16, Total Length 842.5 m Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR as per IS:2062 Bracing for Guide Column Lateral Support beam 22.1 for Guide Column Hoisting Drive Base 23.0 Frame Fixing Bolts Size - M42 For Load Cell Pulley 24.0 Bracket 22.0 17 (for SVAB) To be Volume Hardened to 30-35 HRC / 286-328BHN To be Volume Hardened to 30-35 HRC / 286-328BHN 13795 30148 60 450 48 480 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-856-001 SECTION: C1 SHEET : 15 OF 15 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR FCVRP Size - M42 For Diverter Pulley 25.0 Bracket Size - M42 For Connecting 26.0 Beams Size – M56 For Lateral Support 27.0 Beams Size – M36 28.0 Limit Switches Load Cell for Folding rope Load Cell for Hoisting 30.0 rope 29.0 120 1200 272 18150 272 2040 6 12 12 Type: Multi angle roller lever operated, spring return type Protection Category: IP55 No. of contacts: 2 NO + 2 NC Rating: 240V AC, 5A Material: Aluminium alloy LM6 BALIGA type FLS 2115 6 nos 36 nos Load Capacity: 25 T IPA make CR253H0 Load Capacity: 25 T IPA make CR253H0 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 SECTION: C2 SHEET : 1 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP BILL OF MATERIALS DETAILS OF FABRICATED COMPONENTS Six sets of SCVRPs are located in the SVAB so as to provide approach throughout the vehicle height between 11.0 m to 70.0 m levels. EACH SCVRP consists of two halves. Each half of the platform is independent of the other half of the platform for all operational requirements. Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT QTY. 1.0 TRUSS 1.1 Structural Members 1.1 Fabricated Box 7 1.1.a Fabricated Box 1 1.1.b Fabricated Box 2 1.1.c Fabricated Box 1 1.1.d Fabricated Box 1 1.1.e Fabricated Box 2 1.1.f Fabricated Box 12 1.1.g Fabricated Box 1 1.1.h Fabricated Box 1 OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL (400 x 200) x 2500 (H) x 16 (Thk.) (400 x 200) x 1280 (H) x 16 (Thk.) (400 x 200) x 1000 (H) x 16 (Thk.) (400 x 200) x 2100 (H) x 16 (Thk.) (400 x 200) x 2560 (H) x 16 (Thk.) (400 x 200) x 2950 (H) x 16 (Thk.) (400 x 200) x 1325 (H) x 12 (Thk.) (400 x 200) x 1300 (H) x 16 (Thk.) Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 (400 x 200) x 2600 (H) x 16 Mild Steel Grade E 250 APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 2500 30000 200 2400 300 3600 320 3840 400 4800 900 10800 1800 21600 250 3000 430 5160 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 2 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL (Thk.) Quality BR; as per IS:2062 APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 1.1.i ISMC 400 Box 2 ISMC 400 x 14575 Lg. IS:808 2920 35040 1.1.j ISMC 400 Box 2 ISMC 400 x 14000 Lg. IS:808 2810 33720 1.1.k ISMC 400 Box 2 ISMC 400 x 1700 Lg. IS:808 340 4080 1.1.l ISMC 400 Box 1 ISMC 400 x 1000 Lg. IS:808 100 1200 1.1. m ISMC 200 Box 1 ISMC 200 x 1000 Lg. IS:808 100 1200 1.1.n ISMC 200 Box 1 ISMC 200 x 1000 Lg. IS:808 100 1200 1.1.o ISMC 200 Box 16 ISMC 200 x 1700 Lg. IS:808 1220 14640 1.1.p ISMC 200 Box 16 ISMC 200 x 1000 Lg. IS:808 720 8640 1.1.q Lacing L 120x120x10 2 L 120x120x10x 1970 Lg. IS:808 38 456 1.1.r GST. Plate 200 (L) x 200 (W) x 10 (Thk.) Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 525 6300 1.1.s Diagonal L 120x120x10 2 L 120x120x10x 2600 Lg. IS:808 95 1140 1.1.t Diagonal L 120x120x10 2 L 120x120x10x 3300 Lg. IS:808 120 1440 1.1.u Diagonal L 120x120x10 2 L 120x120x10x 3000 Lg. IS:808 110 1320 1.1.v Diagonal L 120x120x10 36 L 120x120x10x 2100 Lg. IS:808 1380 16560 164 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 3 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 1.1. w Diagonal L 120x120x10 36 L 120x120x10x 740 Lg. IS:808 490 5880 1.1.x Diagonal L 120x120x10 36 L 120x120x10x 1870 Lg. IS:808 68 816 2.0 FIXED PLATFORM 2.1 Structural Members 2.1.a BOX ISMC 400 4 ISMC 400 x 830 Lg. IS:808 340 4080 2.1.b BOX ISMC 400 2 ISMC 400 x 2760 Lg. IS:808 560 6720 2.1.c BOX ISMC 400 2 ISMC 400 x 6430 Lg. IS:808 1290 15480 2.1.d BOX ISMC 400 6 ISMC 400 x 6200 Lg. IS:808 960 11520 2.1.e BOX ISMC 200 7 ISMC 200 x 910 Lg. IS:808 290 3480 2.1.f BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 6200 Lg. IS:808 280 3360 2.1.g BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 2600 Lg. IS:808 120 1440 2.1.h BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 4720 Lg. IS:808 210 2520 2.1.i BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 1400 Lg. IS:808 65 780 2.1.j BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 500 Lg. IS:808 22 264 2.1.k ISMB 200 2 ISMB 200 x 5870 Lg. IS:808 145 1740 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 4 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 2.1.l ISMB 200 3 ISMB 200 x 3000 Lg. IS:808 220 2640 2.1. m ISMB 200 3 ISMB 200 x 1190 Lg. IS:808 90 1080 2.1.n ISMB 200 1 ISMB 200 x 1650 Lg. IS:808 40 480 2.1.o ISMB 200 1 ISMB 200 x 860 Lg. IS:808 20 240 2.1.p ISMB 200 1 ISMB 200 x 460 Lg. IS:808 12 144 2.1.q ISMB 200 1 ISMB 200 x 1720 Lg. IS:808 42 504 2.4 Chequered Plate 1040 12480 2.3 Miscellaneous Parts 100 1200 3.0 REPLACEABLE PLATFORM FOR GSLV MK-III FOR SCVRP 1,2 and 3 3.1 Structural Members 3.1.a BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 6130 Lg. IS:808 280 1680 3.1.b BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 2550 Lg. IS:808 115 690 3.1.c BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 4720 Lg. IS:808 210 1260 6 mm thk. Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 5 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 3.1.d BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 4000 Lg. IS:808 180 1080 3.1.e BOX ISMC 200 3 ISMC 200 x 2000 Lg. IS:808 90 540 3.1.f BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 1400 Lg. IS:808 65 390 3.1.g BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 500 Lg. IS:808 25 150 3.1.h ISMB 200 1 ISMB 200 x 1350 Lg. IS:808 35 210 3.1.i ISMB 200 1 ISMB 200 x 2350 Lg. IS:808 60 360 3.2 Sliding Platform Support Structure 1 2000 12000 3.3 Sliding Platform-1 1 230 1380 3.4 Sliding Platform-2 1 360 2160 3.5 Sliding Platform-3 1 200 1200 3.6 Chequered Plate 1230 7380 3.7 Sliding Platform Mechanism 3.7.a Rails 6 Ø 30 x 3200 Lg. 100 600 3.7.b Lead Screw 6 TR 40 x 8P x 1980 Lg. 120 720 6 mm thk. Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 6 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 6 36 35 210 3.7.c Lead Screw Nut 3 3.7.d Lead Screw End Support Housing 3 3.7.e Taper Roller Bearing 6 35 (ID) x 72 (OD) x 24.25 (W) FAG 32207A 6 nos 36 nos 3.7.f Right Angle Gear Box 3 RAN20 S A 1 HS B3 BONGFIGLIOLI. 3 nos 18 nos 3.7.g Lock Nut 3 FAG KM7. 3 nos 18 nos 3.7.h Lock Washer 3 FAG MB7. 3 nos 18 nos 3.7.i Vee Grooved Wheels 6 Ø 110 x 40 Thk. 9 54 3.7.j Flat Wheels 6 Ø 100 x 40 Thk. 6 36 3.7.k Wheel Shaft 12 Ø 50 x 165 Lg. 8 48 3.7.l Deep Groove Ball Bearing 24 40 (ID) x 68 (OD) x 15 (W) FAG 6008-2RS 24 nos 144 nos Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 3.7. Lock Nut m 12 FAG KM6 12 nos 72 nos 3.7.n Lock Washer 12 FAG MB6 12 nos 72 nos 3.7.o Spacer 12 40 (ID) x 50 (OD) x 6 Thk. 2 12 3.7.p End Stopper 6 40 (L) x 40 (W) x 20 Thk. 2 12 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 7 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 120 720 OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) 3.8.q Miscellaneous Parts 4.0 REPLACEABLE PLATFORM FOR GSLV MK-II FOR SCVRP 1,2 and 3 4.1 Structural Members 4.1.a BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 6130 Lg. IS:808 280 1680 4.1.b BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 2100 Lg. IS:808 95 570 4.1.c BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 4500 Lg. IS:808 200 1200 4.1.d BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 4000 Lg. IS:808 180 1080 4.1.e BOX ISMC 200 3 ISMC 200 x 2000 Lg. IS:808 90 540 4.1.f BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 1400 Lg. IS:808 65 390 4.1.g BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 500 Lg. IS:808 25 150 4.1.h ISMB 200 1 ISMB 200 x 1200 Lg. IS:808 30 180 4.1.i ISMB 200 1 ISMB 200 x 2100 Lg. IS:808 50 300 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. SECTION: C2 SHEET : 8 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 2000 12000 250 1500 180 1080 260 1560 440 2640 1230 7380 135 810 160 960 8 48 50 300 DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT QTY. 4.2 Sliding Platform Support Structure 1 4.3 Sliding Platform-1 1 4.4 Sliding Platform-2 1 4.5 Sliding Platform-3 1 4.6 Sliding Platform-4 1 4.7 Chequered Plate 4.8 Sliding Platform Mechanism 4.8.a Rails 8 Ø 30 x 3200 Lg. 4.8.b Lead Screw 8 TR 40 x 8P x 1980 Lg. 4.8.c Lead Screw Nut 4 4.8.d Lead Screw End Support Housing 4 4.8.e Taper Roller Bearing 8 35 (ID) x 72 (OD) x 24.25 (W) FAG 32207A 8 nos 48 nos 4.8.f Right Angle Gear Box 4 RAN20 S A 1 HS B3 BONGFIGLIOLI. 4 nos 24 nos 6 mm thk. MATERIAL Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 9 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 4.8.g Lock Nut 4 FAG KM7 4 nos 24 nos 4.8.h Lock Washer 4 FAG MB7 4 nos 24 nos 4.8.i Vee Grooved Wheels 8 Ø 110 x 40 Thk. 10 60 4.8.j Flat Wheels 8 Ø 100 x 40 Thk. 8 48 4.8.k Wheel Shaft 16 Ø 50 x 165 Lg. 9 54 4.8.l Deep Groove Ball Bearing 32 40 (ID) x 68 (OD) x 15 (W) FAG 6008-2RS 32 nos 192 nos 4.8. m Lock Nut 16 FAG KM6 or Equivalent 16 nos 96 nos 4.8.n Lock Washer 16 FAG MB6 or Equivalent 16 nos 96 nos 4.8.o Spacer 16 40 (ID) x 50 (OD) x 6 Thk. 3 18 4.8.p End Stopper 8 40 (L) x 40 (W) x 20 Thk. 3 18 4.9 Miscellaneous Parts 150 900 5.0 REPLACEABLE PLATFORM FOR GSLV MK-III and MK-II FOR SCVRP 4 , 5 and 6 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 10 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 5.1 Structural Members 5.1.a BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 6200 Lg. IS:808 280 1680 5.1.b BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 4900 Lg. IS:808 220 1320 5.1.c BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 1400 Lg. IS:808 65 390 5.1.d BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 650 Lg. IS:808 30 180 5.1.e BOX ISMC 200 1 ISMC 200 x 2730 Lg. IS:808 125 750 5.1.f BOX ISMC 200 2 ISMC 200 x 5900 Lg. IS:808 270 1620 5.1.g BOX ISMC 200 2 ISMC 200 x 4600 Lg. IS:808 210 1260 5.1.h BOX ISMC 200 3 ISMC 200 x 5400 Lg. IS:808 245 1470 5.1.i BOX ISMC 200 3 ISMC 200 x 3200 Lg. IS:808 150 900 5.1.j BOX ISMC 200 3 ISMC 200 x 5000 Lg. IS:808 230 1380 5.2 Sliding Platform Support Structure 1 850 5100 5.3 Sliding Platform-1 1 420 2520 5.4 Chequered Plate 1650 9900 5.5 Cut out Covers for MK-II 3000 6000 6 mm thk. 3 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Grade E250, Quality BR HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. 5.6 DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 11 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 35 210 40 240 2 12 15 90 Sliding Platform Mechanism Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 5.6.a Rails 2 Ø 30 x 3200 Lg. 5.6.b Lead Screw 2 TR 40 x 8P x 1980 Lg. 5.6.c Lead Screw Nut 1 5.6.d Lead Screw End Support Housing 1 5.6.e Taper Roller Bearing 2 35 (ID) x 72 (OD) x 24.25 (W) FAG 32207A 2 nos 12 nos 5.6.f Right Angle Gear Box 1 RAN20 S A 1 HS B3 BONGFIGLIOLI. 1 nos 6 nos 5.6.g Lock Nut 1 FAG KM7 1 6 5.6.h Lock Washer 1 FAG MB7 1 6 5.6.i Vee Grooved Wheels 2 Ø 110 x 40 Thk. 3 18 5.6.j Flat Wheels 2 Ø 100 x 40 Thk. 2 12 5.6.k Wheel Shaft 4 Ø 50 x 165 Lg. 5 30 5.6.l Deep Groove Ball Bearing 8 40 (ID) x 68 (OD) x 15 (W) FAG 6008-2RS 8 nos 48 nos Lock Nut 4 FAG KM6 4 nos 24 nos 5.6.m HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SHEET : 12 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) 5.6.n Lock Washer 4 5.6.o Spacer 4 40 (ID) x 50 (OD) x 6 Thk. 5.6.p End Stopper 2 40 (L) x 40 (W) x 20 Thk. 5.7 SECTION: C2 FAG MB6 Miscellaneous Parts 6.0 Guide Column 6.1 Plate 4 6.2 Plate 2 MATERIAL Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 4 nos 24 nos 2 12 2 12 300 1800 62000 124000 40430 80860 74000 (L) x 585 (W) x 50 (Thk.) 74000 (L) x 740 (W) x 50 (Thk.) Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 HARDOX – 400 OR ROCKSTAR-400. 23700 47400 HARDOX – 400 OR ROCKSTAR-400. 12560 25120 73260 146520 54400 108800 6.3 Liner-1 4 74000 (L) x 510 (W) x 20 (Thk.) 6.4 Liner-2 2 74000 (L) x 540 (W) x 20 (Thk.) 6.5 Bracket (LHS) 33 6.6 Stiffener (LHS) 32 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS To be Volume Hardened to 30-35 HRC / 286-328BHN To be Volume Hardened to 30-35 HRC / 286-328BHN TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT QTY. Bracket (RHS) 33 6.8 Stiffener (RHS) 32 7.0 Carriage 7.1 Carriage Body 7.3 Top Pivot Bracket Bottom Pivot Bracket SHEET : 13 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP 6.7 7.2 SECTION: C2 OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Cast steel IS:1030 Grade 280-520N Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Cast steel IS:1030 Grade 280-520W Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Alloy Forged Steel 40NiCr4Mo3 1 1 1 7.4 Hinge Bracket 1 7.5 Hinge Shaft - Top 1 7.6 Spherical Roller Bearing 1 400 (ID) x 650 (OD) x 200 (W) 7.7 Spacer 1 400 (ID) x 440 (OD) x 35 (W) 7.8 Lock Nut 1 SKF 23180 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 SKF HM-3076 + MS 3080- APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 73260 146520 54400 108800 11700 140400 2500 30000 1300 15600 1950 23400 1450 17400 7650 91800 2200 26400 1 nos 12 nos 7.5 90 1 nos 12 nos HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SHEET : 14 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL 76 or Equivalent 7.9 Locking Clip 1 7.10 Bearing Retainer - Top 2 7.11 Hinge Shaft - Bottom 1 7.12 Spherical Roller Bearing 1 400 (ID) x 650 (OD) x 200 (W) 7.13 Spacer 1 360 (ID) x 450 (OD) x 57.5 (W) Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 1 360 (ID) x 500 (OD) x 85 (W) SKF 29272 7.14 7.15 Spherical Roller Thrust Bearing Bearing Retainer Bottom SECTION: C2 1 7.16 End Cover 1 7.17 Actuator Mounting Bracket 1 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Alloy Forged Steel 40NiCr4Mo3 SKF 23180 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 7.18 Flange Roller 4 Alloy Forged 40Cr4Mo3 7.19 Axle - Flange Roller 4 Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 Steel APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 1 nos 12 nos 130 1560 1100 13200 1 nos 12 nos 7.5 90 1 nos 12 nos 100 1200 10 120 135 1620 2500 30000 1400 16800 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS To be Induction Hardened to 45-50 HRC / 423-488BHN with Depth of Hardness 4 – 6 mm TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 SECTION: C2 SHEET : 15 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) 7.20 Spherical Roller Bearing 1 260 (ID) x 480 (OD) x 174 (W) SKF 23252 1 nos 12 nos 7.21 Bearing Retainer 4 130 1560 7.22 End Plate 4 50 600 7.23 Lock Nut 4 SKF HM52T 4 nos 48 nos 7.24 Lock Washer 4 SKF MB52 4 nos 48 nos Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 7.25 Web Roller 4 Alloy Forged 40Cr4Mo3 7.26 Axle - Web Roller 4 Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 7.27 Spherical Roller Bearing 1 7.28 Bearing Retainer 4 7.29 Spacer 4 7.30 Pulley -1 2 260 (ID) x 480 (OD) x 174 (W) Ø 742 x 130 (Thk.) Steel SKF 23252 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Cast steel IS:1030 Grade 280-520N APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 2500 30000 900 10800 1 nos 12 nos 130 1560 140 1680 280 3360 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS To be Induction Hardened to 45-50 HRC / 423-488BHN with Depth of Hardness 4 – 6 mm TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 16 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) 7.31 Pulley -2 2 Ø 932 x 130 (Thk.) 7.32 Pulley Shaft 4 Ø170 mm , length 1.51 m 7.33 Deep Groove Ball Bearing 8 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) 7.34 Spacer - 1 4 7.35 Spacer - 2 4 7.36 Spacer - 3 4 7.37 Bearing Retainer 8 MATERIAL Cast steel IS:1030 Grade 280-520N Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 SKF 6334 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Miscellaneous Parts (Railing, Entry platform, 7.38 Exit Platform, Ladder, Floor Plate etc.) Hoisting Drive 8.0 Arrangement Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 8.1 Drive Base Frame 1 8.2 Pedestal 2 8.3 Rope Drum 1 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Ø 1250 x 2800 (L) x 50 Thk. ASTM A516 Gr.70 APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 360 4320 520 6240 8 nos 96 nos 12 144 4 48 100 1200 120 1440 300 3600 2000 24000 680 8160 6800 81600 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SHEET : 17 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. 8.4 Plummer Block 2 8.5 Spherical Roller Bearing 2 8.6 Bearing Retainer - 1 1 8.7 Bearing Retainer - 2 1 8.8 Bearing Retainer - 3 2 8.9 Spacer - 1 1 8.10 Spacer - 2 1 8.11 Shim - Plummer Block 2 8.12 End Plate 1 OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) 220 (ID) x 400 (OD) x 144 (W) Wire Rope – 1 (LHS) 1 Ø 32 mm , 80m length Wire Rope – 1 (RHS) 1 Ø 32 mm , 80m length Double Reduction Worm Gear Reducer 1 Gear Ratio: 1500:1 Input RPM =1500 8.13 8.14 SECTION: C2 MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 550 6600 SKF 23244 2 nos 24 nos 45 540 40 480 80 960 40 480 15 180 25 300 15 180 1 nos 12 nos 1 nos 12 nos 1 nos 12 nos Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Usha Martin make Powerform 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2 Usha Martin make Powerform 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SECTION: C2 SHEET : 18 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 1 nos 12 nos 2 nos 24 nos 1 nos 12 nos 2 nos 24 nos Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 300 3600 SKF 22316 2 nos 24 nos Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 200 2400 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 640 7680 MATERIAL HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS Nominal Output Torque Capacity = 257353 N-m Self Locking Type 8.15 Full Gear Coupling 1 8.16 Full Gear Coupling 2 8.17 Electric Motor 1 8.18 Electro Hydraulic Thruster Brake 2 8.19 Plummer Block (Brake Drum shaft) 2 8.20 Spherical Roller Bearing Miscellaneous Parts (Brake Drum, shafts, 8.21 shims, Rope fixing plates etc.) Load Cell Pulley 9.0 Arrangement Load Cell Pulley 9.1 Mounting Bracket 2 1 ALLFLEX Full Gear Coupling Type AFG 116 ALLFLEX Full Gear Coupling Type AFG 105 A.C. 3Ø Motor 55 kW @ 1480 rpm Brake Drum Size 315 mm = Max. Torque Capacity = 940 Nm 80 (ID) x 170 (OD) x 58 (W) TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) Pivot Frame 1 9.3 Pin - Pivot Frame 1 9.4 Bush 4 9.5 Pulley 2 Ø 742 x 170 (Thk.) 9.6 Pulley Axle 2 Ø170 mm , length 400 mm 9.7 Deep Groove Ball Bearing 4 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) 9.8 Spacer - 1 2 9.9 Spacer - 2 2 9.10 Bearing Retainer 4 9.11 Keeper Plates 6 9.12 Load Cell 2 10.0 SHEET : 19 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP 9.2 9.13 Miscellaneous Parts SECTION: C2 Ø60 mm , length 300 mm MATERIAL Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 Bronze, LTB-31, IS:318-81 Cast steel IS:1030 Grade 280-520N Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 SKF 6334 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Load Capacity = 25T Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 280 3360 13 156 5.2 62.4 300 3600 60 720 4 nos 48 nos 2 24 5 60 60 720 3 36 2 nos 24 nos 15 180 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS Make : M/s IPA or Equivalent Horizontal Pulley Arrangement TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) 4 10.2 Pulley 4 Ø 742 x 170 (Thk.) 10.3 Pulley Axle 4 Ø170 mm , length 400 mm 8 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) Deep Groove Ball Bearing SHEET : 20 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP 10.1 Pulley Mounting Bracket 10.4 SECTION: C2 MATERIAL Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Cast steel IS:1030 Grade 280-520N Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 SKF 6334 APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 320 3840 600 7200 1200 14400 8 96 nos 20 240 10.5 Spacers 8 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 10.6 Slotted Castle Lock Nut 4 M100 IS:2232-B-8 4 nos 48 nos 10.7 Split Cotter Pin 4 Ø 13 IS:549-1999 4 nos 48 nos 20 240 1000 12000 600 7200 150 1800 8 nos 96 nos Miscellaneous Parts (Shims etc.) Diversion Pulley 11.0 Arrangement Diversion Pulley 11.1 Mounting Bracket Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 10.8 4 11.2 Pulley 4 Ø 742 x 170 (Thk.) 11.3 Pulley Axle 4 Ø170 mm , length 400 mm 8 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) 11.4 Deep Groove Ball Bearing Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Cast steel IS:1030 Grade 280-520N Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 SKF 6334 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT 11.5 Spacers 11.6 Bearing Retainer QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 8 8 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 12.1 Support Pulley Bracket 4 12.2 Support Pulley 4 Ø 742 x 170 (Thk.) 12.3 Pulley Axle 4 Ø170 mm , length 400 mm 8 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) Deep Groove Ball Bearing SHEET : 21 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP Miscellaneous Parts 11.7 (Shims, Keeper Plates etc.) Support Pulley 12.0 Arrangement 12.4 SECTION: C2 12.5 Spacers 8 12.6 Bearing Retainer 8 12.7 Fork 4 12.8 Thimble & Pin 4 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Cast steel IS:1030 Grade 280-520N Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 SKF 6334 Steel 20C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Steel 45C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Solid Thimble Grooves to be suitable for Ø32 rope APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 20 240 120 1440 30 360 3200 38400 600 7200 150 1800 8 nos 96 nos 20 240 120 1440 400 4800 4 nos 48 nos HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT 12.9 Thimble Pin Miscellaneous Parts (Shims, Keeper Plates, etc.) Support Bracket for 12.11 Diversion and Support Pulley Buffer and Stopper 13.0 Arrangement Volute Spring 13.1 120 (ID) x 300 (OD) x 350 (H) SECTION: C2 SHEET : 22 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. 4 12.10 2 1 13.2 Bracket - 1 2 13.3 Bracket - 2 2 13.4 Bracket - 3 4 13.5 Turnbuckle 2 13.6 Lock Pin - 1 4 13.7 Lock Pin - 2 2 OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) Ø 75 x 250 Lg. APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 40 480 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 30 360 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 750 9000 100 1200 1 nos 12 nos 130 1560 50 600 60 720 60 720 160 1920 80 960 MATERIAL Alloy Steel Grade 60Cr4V2 as per IS:3431-2001 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 Forged Steel 45C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Forged Steel 45C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT 13.8 Wire Rope 14.0 SHEET : 23 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. 2 OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) Ø 64 mm , 2m length MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) Usha Martin make Powerform 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2. both ends of rope is having ferrule secured eye terminal confirming to IS:5245(part-2)-1971. 2 nos 24 nos 140 1680 50 600 200 2400 100 1200 2 nos 24 nos HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS Carriage Locking Arrangement 14.1 Bracket 2 14.2 Turnbuckle 2 14.3 Lock Pin - 1 4 14.4 Lock Pin - 2 2 14.5 Wire Rope 2 15.0 SECTION: C2 Ø 64 mm , 6m length Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 Alloy Forged Steel 40Ni2Cr1Mo28 Forged Steel 45C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Forged Steel 45C8; IS:1570 (Part 2) -1979 Usha Martin make Powerform 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2. Both ends of rope is having ferrule secured eye terminal confirming to IS:5245(part-2)-1971. Limit Switch Arrangement TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT SHEET : 24 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. 15.2 Limit Switches 72 16.0 Railing 1 MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) Mild Steel Grade E 250 Quality BR; as per IS:2062 30 360 OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) Miscellaneous Parts 15.1 (Striker, Brackets, Base plates etc.) Hoisting Drive Base 17.0 Frame Fixing Bolts Size - M42 Foundation Bolts (For 6 18.0 SCVRPs) For Load Cell Pulley 18.1 Bracket Size - M42 For Diversion Pulley 18.2 Bracket Size - M42 SECTION: C2 HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS Type: Multi angle roller lever operated, spring return type Protection Category: IP55 No. of contacts: 2 NO + 2 NC Rating: 240V AC, 5A Material: Aluminium alloy LM6 Tube, 40 NB x 75 m IS:1161 3500 300 540 144 940 288 1900 TCE FORM NO. 329R5 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC.NO. TCE-7517A-D-857-001 Sl No. DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT For Support Pulley 18.3 Bracket Size - M42 For Guide Column 18.4 Brackets Size – M48 Complete electric as specified Technical 19 specification electrical items for SCVRP SECTION: C2 SHEET : 25 OF 25 BILL OF MATERIAL FOR SCVRP QTY. OVERALL DIMENSIONS (mm) MATERIAL APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (FOR SINGLE HALF OF SCVRP) APPROX. WEIGHT (kg) (For 6 SCVRPs) 288 1900 1850 40700 1 set 1 set HEAT TREATMENT / REMARKS 1 set TCE FORM NO. 329R5 Spec. No. SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT TCE-7517A-D-856/ 7001 SL. NO. COMPONENT/ OPERATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN FOR PLATFORMS CHARACTERISTICS TO BE CHECKED A. MATERIAL (RAW MATERIALS & BOUGHTOUTS) 1 Rolled plates & a. Appearance sections, Forgings & Castings b. Properties c. Internal flaws 2 Fasteners (high tensile bolts & nuts etc.) a. Quality b. Chemical composition & physical properties c. Dimensional 3 Motors, Hydraulic Actuator, Brake, Coupling, Gearbox, Wire rope, Loadcell SECTION: D Dimensional conformance Performance Tests Legend : VR – Vendor IS – ISRO TP – Third Party Inspection Agency H – Carrying out responsibility R – Review of records & results W – Test/inspection to be witnessed ``` INSPECTION AGENCY VR TP IS METHOD OF CHECKING CATEGORY EXTENT OF CHECK REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ACCEPTANCE NORMS FORMAT OF RECORDS Visual Major 100% IS:2062 -- H H R Chemical analysis & physical test UT Major 100% IS:2062 Freedom from defects like pitting, cracks, etc. Drawing, specification H R R Critical ASTM A435 H H R Visual Major 100% for plates ≥20mm thick, 100% for Castings & Forgings Sample check as per relevant specification Mill test certificates/ Lab reports NDT reports IR H W R Chemical analysis, mechanical test Measurements Major Sample check as per relevant specification IS:1367 Manufacturer’s test certificates H R R Major IS:1367 IS:1367 Part III & XIII H W R Measurements Major Sample check as per relevant specification 100% H W R Major 100% As per Manufacturer’s Specification As per Manufacturer’s Specification IR Verification As per Manufacturer’s Specification As per Manufacturer’s Specification IR H W R Signature For VENDOR IS:1367 Signature For THIRD PARTY Specification a. No cracks b. Proper matching with nuts IS:1367 Part III Signature For ISRO Date : Place : Sheet 1 of 6 REMARKS Spec. No. SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT TCE-7517A-D-856/ 7001 SL. NO. B. 1 C. 1 COMPONENT/ OPERATION SECTION: D QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN FOR PLATFORMS CHARACTERISTICS TO BE CHECKED METHOD OF CHECKING ``` CATEGORY EXTENT OF CHECK REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ACCEPTANCE NORMS FORMAT OF RECORDS Critical 100% ASME Sec IX ASME Sec IX WPS, PQR & WPQ INSPECTION AGENCY VR TP IS Sheet 2 of 6 REMARKS WELDING PROCEDURE, WELDER’S QUALIFICATION, ETC. Welding WPS, Welder’s & Welding operator’s qualification Test piece, Visual, Physical & NDT (RT) H H R FABRICATION (Swinging Platform, Fixed Platform, Replaceable Platform, Guide Frame, Guide Column, Drive Base Frame, Load Cell Pulley Brackets, Hinge Bracket, Connecting Beam, Support pulley brackets, Diverter Pulley Brackets, Hoisting Pulley Brackets, swinging drive Pulley Bracket, etc. ) Setting out / Layout / Marking / CNC programming Fitup before welding. Layout Measurement Major 100% Relevant drawings Full scale layout to be checked before cutting Shop register H W R Quality Visual alignment & check of major dimensions Major 100% Drawings IR H H R Members requiring site welding shall be match marked at joining ends for site erection 3 Welding (fillet joints) Profile, fillet size, overall physical appearance Major 100% ASME SecVIII, Vol-1 IR H W R 10% DP test at random shall be done 4 Full penetration welding a. Root inspection after back gouging Visual/ gauge, DP/ MPT after final welding Visual & LPI a. proper edge preparation b. proper tack welds c. minimum gap for butt joints as per WPS d. DIN-8570 Drawings Major 100% IS:3658 No cracks allowed IR H W R UT / RT Critical Wherever asked in the drawing ASME Sec-VIII, Vol-1 ASME Sec-VIII, Vol-1 Test report H W R 2 b. Internal defects Legend : VR – Vendor IS – ISRO TP – Third Party Inspection Agency H – Carrying out responsibility R – Review of records & results W – Test/inspection to be witnessed Signature For VENDOR Signature For THIRD PARTY Signature For ISRO Date : Place : Spec. No. SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT TCE-7517A-D-856/ 7001 SL. NO. COMPONENT/ OPERATION QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN FOR PLATFORMS CHARACTERISTICS TO BE CHECKED c. Welding quality, surface defects 5 6 D. 1 E. 1 Stress relieving (after complete welding) Dimensional inspection after welding & stress relieving SECTION: D T-T curves Dimensional METHOD OF CHECKING CATEGORY LPI / MPI Critical T-T curve verification ``` INSPECTION AGENCY VR TP IS EXTENT OF CHECK REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ACCEPTANCE NORMS FORMAT OF RECORDS ASME Sec-VIII, Vol-1 ASME Sec-VIII, Vol-1 Test report H H R Major Wherever asked in the drawing 100% ASME Sec-VIII, Vol-I Drawings T-T graph H R R Measurement of major dimensions & full size shop layout checking Major 100% Drawing / DIN 8570 Drawings IR H H W Visual & measurement by paint thickness gauge Major At random for paint thickness Drawing & specification Drawings & specification IR H W R Sheet 3 of 6 REMARKS GRIT BLASTING & PAINTING Grit blasting & painting Paint thickness MACHINING (Rope Drum, Pulleys, Guide Wheels, Shafts, Axles, Hinge Pin, Locking Pin, Pins & Links of Safety Link Chain, Guide Frame, Guide Column, Connecting Beams, Brackets, Swinging Platform, Replaceable Platform, Fixed Platform, etc.) Machining Overall dimensions Legend : VR – Vendor IS – ISRO TP – Third Party Inspection Agency H – Carrying out responsibility R – Review of records & results W – Test/inspection to be witnessed Measurement & visual Major Signature For VENDOR 100% Drawing Signature For THIRD PARTY Drawing Signature For ISRO IR H H Date : Place : R Spec. No. SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT TCE-7517A-D-856/ 7001 SL. NO. 2 B. 1 COMPONENT/ OPERATION SECTION: D QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN FOR PLATFORMS CHARACTERISTICS TO BE CHECKED Drilling, etc. Drilling & tapping Control assembly at works a) Dimensions, Leveling, Alignment of shafts of Gearboxes, motors, brakes, Rope Drums, , alignment of all sub systems etc., various clearances, surface finish etc as specified in drawings. METHOD OF CHECKING CATEGORY EXTENT OF CHECK REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ``` ACCEPTANCE NORMS FORMAT OF RECORDS INSPECTION AGENCY VR TP IS Sheet 4 of 6 REMARKS Measurement Critical 100% Drawing & DIN Drawing IR H H R of hole size & 8570 center distances CONTROL ASSEMBLY of Guide Column segments, Guide Frames, Fixed Platform, swinging Platform, Replaceable Platforms, Base Frame fitted with Drive elements, Guide Wheels on axles, Rope Drum, all Pulleys, Gearboxes, motors, brakes, Rope Drums etc. AT SHOP b) Free rotational movement of swinging / folding & Replaceable Platforms about the three Hinges, Free sliding / rotational movement of Hinged / sliding pieces of Replaceable Platforms, Free movement of Guide Wheels on axles, Free movement of Rope Drum & all Pulleys, Legend : VR – Vendor IS – ISRO TP – Third Party Inspection Agency H – Carrying out responsibility R – Review of records & results W – Test/inspection to be witnessed Visual & measurement Critical 100% Drawing Drawings IR H H H Before dismantling, reference line and match marking to be punched. Visual & measurement Critical 100% Drawing Drawings IR H H H Before dismantling, reference line and match marking to be punched. Signature For VENDOR Signature For THIRD PARTY Signature For ISRO Date : Place : Spec. No. SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT TCE-7517A-D-856/ 7001 SL. NO. COMPONENT/ OPERATION SECTION: D QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN FOR PLATFORMS CHARACTERISTICS TO BE CHECKED METHOD OF CHECKING CATEGORY EXTENT OF CHECK REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ``` ACCEPTANCE NORMS FORMAT OF RECORDS INSPECTION AGENCY VR TP IS c) No load running test of motor prior to the laying of ropes, Vertical movement of Platform with Dummy load, hoisting & swinging movement of Platform, Visual & measurement Critical 100% Drawing Drawings IR H H H G. ERECTION AT SITE 1 Fabricated material inspection Visual, dimensional, review of TC & IR Visual & measurement Major 100% TS & approved drawings TS & approved drawings IR H R R 2 Welding & welder qualification WPS, Welder’s & Welding operator’s qualification Test piece, Visual, Physical & NDT (RT) Critical 100% ASME Sec IX ASME Sec IX WPS, PQR & WPQ H W R Legend : VR – Vendor IS – ISRO TP – Third Party Inspection Agency H – Carrying out responsibility R – Review of records & results W – Test/inspection to be witnessed Signature For VENDOR Signature For THIRD PARTY Signature For ISRO Date : Place : Sheet 5 of 6 REMARKS Before dismantling, reference line and match marking to be punched. Spec. No. SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT TCE-7517A-D-856/ 7001 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN FOR PLATFORMS SL. NO. COMPONENT/ OPERATION 3 4 Positioning & alignment of Guide Columns, Platforms, Guide Frames, Drive systems, Sub assemblies etc. Welding 5 Stress relieving 6 Complete welding Dimensional check of whole assembly Visual, DPT, UT Vertical movement of all Platforms, Rotational movement of all swinging platforms, minimum distance between any two Platforms Testing with Dummy Load 7 8 9 SECTION: D CHARACTERISTICS TO BE CHECKED INSPECTION AGENCY FORMAT OF TP IS RECORDS VR CATEGORY EXTENT OF CHECK REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ACCEPTANCE NORMS Position, level, alignment Measurement and other dimensions. & visual Major 100% Drawing Drawing IR H H H Preheat / interpass / sequence of welding T-T curves Visual Major 100% Drawing & TS Drawing & TS IR H H H T-T curves, charts Visual & UT Critical 100% Drawing & TS Drawings & TS IR H H H Major 100% TS & drawings TS & drawings IR H H H Position, level, alignment and other dimensions, clearances Measurement & Visual Major 100% Drawings Drawings IR H H H Clearances Visual & measurement, smooth movement without jerks throughout the range of travel. Major 100% TS & drawings TS & drawings IR H H H Deflection at the tip Measurement Major 100% TS & drawings TS & drawings IR H H H Legend : VR – Vendor IS – ISRO TP – Third Party Inspection Agency H – Carrying out responsibility R – Review of records & results W – Test/inspection to be witnessed METHOD OF CHECKING ``` Signature For VENDOR Signature For THIRD PARTY Signature For ISRO Date : Place : Sheet 6 of 6 REMARKS . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 1.0 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 1 OF 17 SCOPE This specification shall apply to shop and site fabrication of all welded joints in carbon steel. Low alloy steel and stainless steel equipment like pressure vessels, tank, columns and heat exchangers etc. The specification shall apply to all the joints indicated below: (a) Butt joints produced by double sided welding which produce the same quality of deposited weld metal on both inside and outside weld surfaces. (b) Butt joints produced by single sided welding having backing strip which remains in place and full penetration butt weld without backing strip (c) Corner or those joints connecting two (2) members approximately at right angles to each other in the form of L or T (d) Partial penetration welds of the groove type which are used for connections not subjected to external loading (e) Fillet welded joints of approximately triangular cross-section joining two (2) surfaces at approximately right angles to each other and having a throat dimension at least 70% of the thinner of the parts being joined but not less than 6mm (f) Welds attaching nozzles and other connections (g) Welds which are used to join non-pressure parts like supports, lugs, brackets, stiffeners and other attachments to the vessel wall (h) Any other similar joint which is not specified above but may be encountered during fabrication 2.0 CODES AND STANDARDS 2.1 The welding equipment, welding consumables, preheating, Postweld Heat Treatment (PWHT), other auxiliary functions and welding personnel shall comply with all currently applicable statutes, regulations and safety codes in the locality where the equipment are to be fabricated and installed. Nothing in this specification shall be construed to relive the VENDOR/CONTRACTOR of his responsibility. Specifically, the latest editions of the codes and standards listed below shall apply: (a) ASME Bolier and Pressure Vessel Code (BPV Code), Section II Part C- Material Specification for Welding Rods. Electrodes, and Filler Metals (b) ASME BPV Code, Section V-Non-destructive Examination(NDE) (c) ASME BPV Code,Section VIII Division I-Rules for construction of Pressure Vessels . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 2 OF 17 (d) ASME BPV Code, Section IX – Welding and Brazing Qualifications (e) American Society of Recommended Practice Non-destructive Testing (ASNT) SNT-TC-IA, (f) Indian Boiler Regulations (IBR) (g) Any other codes and standards specified in Section B, C & D of enquiry specification 2.1.1 The codes and standards listed in para 2.1 form an integral part of this specification .In the event of conflict between this specification and the codes & standards, the more stringent shall govern. 2.1.2 If no specific requirements are given in this specification, the requirements of the applicable code shall govern. 3.0 WELDING PROCESSES The following welding processes shall be used: 3.1 GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING (GTAW) 3.1.1 The root pass of single-sided groove welds without backing 3.1.2 Full penetration nozzle connection where other side is inaccessible 3.1.3 Any butt and fillet weld on equipment with thickness 5 mm or less 3.1.4 For all passes of butt and fillet welding of nozzles on equipment and integral piping of size 50 mm NB or smaller 3.2 Shielded Metal-Arc Welding (SAW)\ 3.3 SUBMERGED ARC WELDING (SAW) Maximum weld deposit per pass shall be 12.7 mm for carbon steel (p-1) and 9.5 mm for other materials. 3.4 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) and Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) processes 3.5 Other processes such as plasma-arc and electro-slag welding may be used only with the approval of the PURCHASER and depending upon the process and application proposed. These processes may require testing in addition to that specified by the governing procedure qualification code. 3.6 Table 1 gives recommendations for welding processes to be used for carbon, low alloy and austenitic stainless steels. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 3 OF 17 4.0 WELDING CONSUMABLES 4.1 The VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall provide, at no additional cost, all the welding consumables such as electrodes, filler wires, flux, oxygen, acetylene, argon etc., in order to complete the welding in all respects. The consumables shall be from reputed and approved manufacturers. All the consumables shall be approved by the PURCHASER / TPI. 4.2 The electrodes and filler wires shall be of the class specified in Table 1 Welding specification chart. 4.3 Electrodes qualification test records shall be submitted for the PURCHASER’S approval. The VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall also submit batch test certificates from the electrodes manufacturer for physical and chemical tests. 4.4 Electrodes shall be in sealed containers and adequate care shall be taken for storage, strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 4.5 Electrodes, which have been removed from the original containers, shall be kept in baking ovens as per the manufacturer’s recommendations and, once these are taken out, shall be consumed within the time limits stipulated by the manufacturer. Care shall be taken in handling the electrodes to prevent any damage to the flux covering. Portable ovens shall be used for carrying the electrodes from the main oven to the field. Electrodes of different specifications shall be stored in different compartments of a baking oven to avoid mix up. 4.6 The electrodes, filler wires and flux used shall be free from contamination such as rust, oil, grease and such foreign matter. 4.7 Low hydrogen electrodes shall be used for weld joints in carbon steel if the wall thickness exceeds 19 mm and low alloy steel of all thickness except that non low hydrogen electrodes shall be permitted for the root pass of carbon steel only. 4.8 If ultimate tensile strength of base material permits, E 6010 electrodes may be used for root pass of butt welds and for fillet welds in carbon steel. 5.0 WELDING QUALIFICATIONS 5.1 Qualification of the welding procedures to be used and the performance of welders and welding operators shall conform to the requirements of the BPV Codes and Section IX. For equipment under the purview of IBR, these shall also meet the requirements of IBR. 5.2 No production welds shall be undertaken until the qualification requirements are completed to the satisfaction of the PURCHASER. 5.3 When impact testing is required by the code or by the specification, these requirements shall be met in qualifying welding procedures. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 4 OF 17 5.4 The VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for qualifying any welding procedure, welders and welding operators intended to be deployed. The VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall submit the welding procedure specification (WPS) for acceptance by the PURCHASER. After approval by the PURCHASER, the procedure qualification test shall be carried out by the VENDOR/CONRACTOR, at his own expense, duly witnessed by the TPI / PURCHASER. A complete set of test results, in specified format, shall be submitted to the PURCHASER for approval immediately after successful completion of procedure qualification test. All tests as required by the BPV code Section IX or IBR shall be carried out. The WPS shall require re-qualification, if any of the essential variables of supplementary variable is altered. 5.5 Welders and welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with BPV code and Section IX or IBR, as applicable. The qualification shall be carried out in the presence of the PURCHASER / TPI. Only those welders and welding operators who are qualified shall be deployed on the job. For equipment under the purview of IBR, approval of the local IBR inspector shall be obtained by the VENDOR/CONTRACTOR. 5.6 Welders and welding operators shall always keep their identification cards with them and shall produce them on demand. The VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall issue the identity cards after the same are duly certified by the PURCHASER Welder or welding operator, who is not in possession of the identity card, shall not be allowed to work. 5.7 The VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall use forms as per BPV code, section IX, form QW-482, form QW-483 and form QW-484. Other forms are also acceptable subject to approval by the PURCHASER. 5.8 Unless agreed otherwise, the VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall advise the PURCHASER, in writing, at least three (3) weeks before any welder or welding operator is deployed on the work, the names and qualification of the proposed welders, welding operators and welding supervisors. It shall be the VENDOR/CONRTRACTOR’S responsibility to ensure that all welders and welding operators employed by him or his SUB-VENDORS/SUBCONTRACTORS at works or at site are fully qualified as required by the code. Each welder and welding operator shall qualify for all types of welds, positions and materials or material combinations he may be called upon to weld. 5.9 Should the PURCHASER require to qualify or requalify any welder or welding operator, the VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall make available, at no extra cost to the PURCHASER the men, equipment and materials for the tests. The cost, of testing the welds shall be borne by the VENDOR/CONTRACTOR. 5.10 Welding supervisors shall have qualifications such as engineering degree or engineering diploma in welding technology with adequate knowledge of welding . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 5 OF 17 consumables welding machines & NDE and a minimum of five (5) years of experience in supervising welding of joints. 5.11 All welding, including the tacking up of welds shall be carried out by qualified welders and welding operators as per approved WPS. Any weld made by other than a qualified welder or welding operator or not carried out as per approved WPS shall be cut out and re-welded. 5.12 For purpose of identification and to enable tracing full history of each joint, each welder and welding operator employed on the work shall be given a designation. The welder and welding operator’s designation and the date on which the joint is made, shall be stamped near the relevant joint and on the relevant drawings also. Copies of the drawings so marked shall be furnished to the PURCHASER for record purposes. 5.13 For each welder and welding operator, a record card shall be maintained showing the procedures for which he is qualified. These cards shall note the production welds, the date of the welding done, the type of defects produced and their frequency. The record shall be reviewed once in a week by the PURCHASER and those welders & welding operators whose work required a disproportionate amount of repair shall be disqualified from welding. Requalification of welders and welding operators disqualified more than three (3) times shall be entirely at the discretion of the PURCHASER. As far as possible, the qualification shall be carried out at the location (site or shop) where the actual fabrication and welding work is to be carried out. 6.0 PERPARATION FOR WELDING 6.1` Surface to be welded shall be smooth uniform and free from fins, tears and other defects, which would adversely affect the quality of the weld. All welding faces and adjoining surfaces, for a distance of at least 50 mm from the edge of the welding groove or 12 mm from the toe of the fillet in the case of socket welded or fillet welded joints, shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, scale, paint, oil or grease, on both inside and outside. 6.2 Joints for welding shall be as per the project specifications and approved fabrication drawings. 6.3 Butt joints shall be prepared as per ASME BPV code Section VIII Division 1, unless specified otherwise. For equipment under the purview of IBR, these shall be as per IBR. Any other end preparation which meets the WPS is acceptable. 6.4 Internal misalignment shall be reduced by trimming but such trimming shall not reduce the finished wall thickness below the required minimum wall thickness. Trimming shall not be abrupt. It shall be tapered with a minimum slope of 1:3. Root opening of the joint shall be within the tolerance limits of the WPS. 6.5 Welds shall be as per ASME BPV code section VIII Division 1 or in accordance with IBR for equipment under the purview of IBR . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 6 OF 17 6.6 Reinforcing pads and saddles shall have a good fit with the parts to which they are attached. A tell-tale hole shall be provided on the side of any pad or saddle to reveal leakage in the weld and to allow venting during welding and heat treatment. Pad or saddle shall be added, after the branch weld has undergone satisfactory visual and NDE. 6.7 The ends shall be prepared by machining, grinding, flame cutting or plasma cutting . Where flame cutting is used, the effect on the mechanical and metallurgical properties of the base metal shall be taken into consideration. Flame cutting of alloy steel is not advisable. If alloy steel is cut using flame, the heat affected zone shall be removed completely by grinding and/or machining. Magnetic Particle (MT) or Liquid Penetrant (PT) testing shall be carried out to ensure soundness of edges. However, flame cutting of carbon steel is permitted. Wherever practicable, flame cutting shall be carried out by machine shall be cleaned free of slag. Manual flame cutting shall be permitted only where machine flame cutting is not practicable and with the approval of the PURCHASER, and such surfaces shall be ground or dressed to a smooth finish as required by the specification and to the satisfaction of the PURCHASER. Slag, scale or oxides shall be removed by grinding to bright metal at least two (2) mm beyond the burnt area. 6.8 Thermal cutting of carbon steel shall be performed under the same conditions of preheating and PWHT as for the welding of each class of material. However, PWHT is not required when: (a) The heat affected zone produced by thermal cutting is removed by mechanical means immediately after cutting. However, in any case, all remaining slag, scale or oxides shall be removed by grinding to bright metal at least two (2) mm beyond the burnt area, or (b) Thermal cutting is part of fabrication, manufacturing or erection sequence leading to a weld end preparation where welding immediately follows. 6.9 Before fitting up the weld joint, the profile and dimensions of the weld end preparation shall be checked by the PURCHASER. If the specified tolerances are exceeded, this shall be corrected (with prior approval) by grinding, machining or any other method acceptable to the PURCHASER. 6.11 Fit-ups shall be examined by the PURCHASER prior to welding the root pass. 7.0 TECHNIQUE AND WORKMANSHIP 7.1 Components to be welded shall be aligned and spaced as per the requirements of the code and WPS. 7.3 Alignment and spacing shall be achieved using suitable wires to maintain the gap. These shall be removed after tack welding. The ends to be welded shall be held using suitable clamps, yokes or other devices which will not damage the . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 7 OF 17 surfaces in any manner. It shall be ensured that welding operations do not result in distortions. 7.4 Earthing shall be provided on the job using earthing clamps of similar material as the job. Earthing shall not be given through welding rotators. 7.5 Tack welds at the root joint, for maintaining joint alignment, shall be made only by qualified welders or welding operators and with filler metal equivalent to that used in the root pass. Tack welds shall be fused with the root pass weld, except that those which have cracked shall be removed. Peening is prohibited on the root and final passes of a weld. The required preheat shall be maintained prior to tack welding. Means shall be made available to measure preheat temperature. 7.6 No welding shall be carried out if there is any impingement in the weld area of rain, snow, excessive wind or if the weld area is wet. 7.7 Irrespective of the class of steel, root runs shall be made without interruption other than for changing the electrodes or to allow the welder or welding operator to reposition himself. Root runs made in the shop may afterwards be allowed to cool by taking suitable precautions to ensure slow cooling e.g. by wrapping in a dry asbestos blanket. Welds made at site shall not be allowed to cool until the thickness of weld metal deposited exceeds one third of the final weld thickness or 10 mm, whichever is greater. 7.8 When welding alloy steels, it is strongly recommended that interruption of welding be avoided. Where such interruption is unavoidable, either the preheat shall be maintained during the interruption or the joint shall be post heated or wrapped in dry asbestos blankets to ensure slow cooling. Before recommencing welding, preheat shall be applied again. 7.9 Welding-on bridge pieces and temporary attachments shall preferably be avoided. Where approved by the PURCHASER, these may be used. Material of these shall be compatible with material with which they are temporarily welded. All such pieces shall be removed after welding of joints and the weld area ground flush. These areas shall be subjected to MT and PT examination. These pieces shall be welded by qualified welders & welding operators and with electrodes compatible with the parent material. The preheating requirements of material shall be applied and maintained during the welding of attachments. These temporary attachments shall be removed by grinding, chipping, sawing or by arc or flame gouging. When arc or flame gouging is used, at least three (3) mm of metal shall be left around the surface which shall be removed by grinding. This metal shall not be removed by hammering or by use of force. 7.10 The arc shall be struck only on those parts of parent metal where weld metal is to be deposited. When inadvertent arc-strikes are made on the base metal surfaces outside the joint groove, the arc-strikes shall be removed by grinding and shall be examined by MT and PT procedures. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 8 OF 17 7.11 Oxides shall not be permitted to form during welding or heat treatment or both, on the internal surfaces which will not be subsequently cleaned. Inert gas purging is an acceptable method to prevent such oxidation. All joints in materials which contain more than 1¼ % chromium shall be purged to assure that less that 1% of oxygen is present on the joint underside before initiation of the welding. The purging operation shall be maintained for a minimum of two (2) passes. 7.12 Argon gas used in GTAW process for shielding and purging shall be at least 99.95% pure. Purging shall be carried out at a flow rate depending on diameter until at least five (5) times the volume between dams is displaced. In no case shall the initial purging period be less than 10 minutes. After initial purging, the flow of backing gas shall be reduced to a point where only a slight positive pressure prevails. Any dams used in purging shall be fully identified and removed after welding and accounted for in order to avoid leaving them in the system. The rate of flow for shielding purposes shall be established in the procedure qualification. 7.13 Thorough check shall be exercised to maintain the required inter-pass temperature. 7.14 All equipment necessary to carry out the welding, for supporting the work, for preheating and PWHT including thermal insulation for retaining the heat and for the protection of the welder & welding operator shall be provided by the VENDOR/CONTRACTOR at no extra cost. All necessary precautions shall be taken during cutting and welding operations. It shall be ensured that proper ventilation is available in the welding area and adequate protective gear such as goggles, masks, gloves, protection for the ears and body are used at all times. For guidelines refer ASME standard Z49.1, “Safety in Welding and Cutting”. 7.15 After deposition, each layer of weld metal shall be cleaned with a wire brush to remove all slag, scale and defects, to prepare for the proper deposition of the next layer. The material of wire brush shall be compatible with parent material. Special care shall be taken to secure complete and thorough penetration of the fusion zone into the bottom of the weld. It is recommended that the root run be checked by MT or PT procedures for critical equipment. 7.16 If specified, upon completion of welding, the joints shall be wrapped in dry asbestos blankets to ensure slow cooling, unless PWHT is applied immediately. 7.17 No welding or welded parts shall be painted, plated, galvanised or heat treated until inspected and approved by the PURCHASER. Welds shall be prepared and ground in such a way that the weld surfaces merge smoothly into the base metal surface, particularly for welds which are to undergo NDE. 7.18 Except where necessary to grind flush for NDE, reinforcement for butt welds may be provided. The height of such reinforcement shall meet the requirements of the code. The reinforcement shall be crowned at the centre and tapered on each side of the joined members. The exposed surface of the weld shall be ground where required to present a workmanlike appearance and shall be free from depressions below the surface of the joined members. The exposed surface of . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 9 OF 17 the butt welds shall be free from undercuts, overlaps or abrupt ridges or valleys and shall merge smoothly into the surface at the weld toe. 7.19 Repair of weld metal defects shall meet the requirements of the code. 7.20 Any weld repair shall be subject to the approval of the PURCHASER. 7.21 In the event of several unsuccessful repair attempts or if the PURCHASER feels that a satisfactory repair is not feasible, the joint shall be completely remade. 7.22 It is preferable to use welding rectifier or DC generator for welding of ausenitic steels and while using low hydrogen electrodes. 7.23 IDENTIFICATION OF WELDS Wherever code symbol stamps are required on carbon steel and ferritic alloy steel they shall be applied directly on to the member with low stress dotted design metal die stamps or to a small stainless steel plate especially provided for such marks. These plates shall be lightly tack welded using electrodes, of diameter three (3) mm or less, of the type specified for the material. Before making the required tack weld, the material in the immediate surrounding area shall be preheated, as required, by electric means or propane or natural gas burners. Cooling shall take place under asbestos insulation in a draft-free area. Stress relieving of these welds is not required. Steel stamping directly on the surface of alloy steel with other than low stress die stamps shall not be used. 7.24 SEAL WELDS 7.24.1 Seal welding shall be carried out by qualified welders & welding operators and in accordance with approved drawings. 7.24.2 Threaded joints that are to be seal welded shall be made without the use of thread lubricating compound. Seal weld shall cover all exposed threads. 7.25 WELD ENCROACHMENT AND MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN WELDS 7.25.1 Welded joints, more specifically longitudinal welds, shall be placed not closer than 50 mm to opening or branch welds, reinforcements, attachment devices or from supports etc. In case of deviation, the PURCHASER may specify additional NDE. 7.25.2 The longitudinal welds of two adjacent components shall be staggered by at least 30°. The minimum distance between welds shall be 5 0 mm or eight (8) times the wall thickness, whichever is greater. Intersection of welds shall be avoided as far as possible. If such welds are present, they shall be subject to suitable NDE at the discretion of the PURCHASER. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 10 OF 17 8.0 PREHEATING 8.1 Preheating prior to tack welding, welding and thermal cutting shall be used as a means of crack prevention and improving weld reliability. The general requirements of PWHT also apply to preheating. 8.2 Preheating shall be used as per the recommendations of ASME BPV Code Section VIII Division 1. For equipment under the purview of IBR, the requirement of IBR shall govern, Table 2 gives the requirements of preheating for commonly used materials. 8.3 The preheating zone shall extend to 75 mm or a distance equal to four (4) times the material thickness, whichever is greater, beyond the edges of the weld. 8.4 The preheat temperature shall be measured at least 75 mm away from the weld preparation. 8.5 Where preheating is specified, welding shall continue without interruption. In case interruption cannot be avoided, preheating shall be carried out before recommencement of welding. 8.6 Oxy-acetylene preheating shall not be applied. 8.7 For preheating, fuel gas/air torches, burner systems (high velocity gas or oil burners) or electrical heating may be used either locally or in a furnace. For preheating above 250°C, electric heating (resistanc e or inductive heating) is recommended. 8.8 Approved temperature – indicating crayons, thermocouples or digital contact or laser pyrometers shall be used to measure preheat and inter-pass temperatures. A calibration report of the pyrometers and thermocouples shall be available. 8.9 When the preheat temperature is 150°C or higher , the metal shall be maintained at or above the preheat temperature until the weld is completed. 8.10 The welding of groove welds in low alloy steels of P-3 to P-5 groups with wall thickness of 19 mm or greater may only be interrupted, provided at least 10 mm of weld metal is deposited, or 25% of the welding groove is filled, whichever is greater. If the welding is interrupted prior to the above, the weld area shall be adequately covered with insulating material to ensure slow cooling. After cooling and before welding is resumed, visual examination of the weld shall be performed to assure that no cracks are formed. Required preheat shall be applied before welding is resumed. 9.0 POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT (PWHT) PWHT shall meet the requirement of ASME BPV code Section VIII Division 1. Table 3 summaries the PWTH requirement for commonly used materials. For equipment under the purview of IBR, PWHT shall be as per IBR. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 11 OF 17 9.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 9.1.1 A complete automatic temperature recording shall be made of preheating and stress relieving operations. Where propane gas burners or electrical resistance coils are employed, a complete temperature record of the preheating and stress relieving operation shall be made by means of a box type potentiometer. Other means of recording temperatures are permissible, subject to the PURCHASER’S approval. 9.1.2 Stress relieving may be local or full furnace. Local stress relieving shall be performed with electric induction or electric resistance coils. Suitable gas burning equipment using natural gas or propane may be employed. 9.1.3 At no time during a stress relieving/preheating cycle, shall any water or liquid cooling medium be employed. 9.1.4 Where members being joined are unequal in thickness, the dimension of the heavier section shall govern the selection of width of the heated band and the duration of holding period shall be based on maximum weld thickness. 9.1.5 For local stress relief, using electrical methods, a minimum of two (2) thermocouples tack-welded to the surface and potentiometers shall be used on the part under at least four (4) layers of asbestos paper. The hot junctions of the thermocouples shall be located on either side of the joint at least 12 mm from the edge of the joint but no farther away than 100 mm. When employing induction heating, at least six (6) turns of induction cable shall be used on each side of the weld. Induction coils shall be wrapped on top of the asbestos paper protecting the thermocouples with the first turn approximately 150 mm from the centre of the weld. 9.1.6 Local stress relieving, using gas torches or ring burners may be employed. However, the procedure shall be limited to small items and shall be approved by the PURCHASER. 9.1.7 The stress relieving temperature shall be maintained for a period of time proportioned on the basis of one (1) hour per 25 mm of weld thickness at the joint, but in no case less than one (1) hour. 9.1.8 For piping joints and socket welded joints, pads, bosses, branch welds and couplings, one (1) thermocouple shall be positioned at a minimum distance of two (2) pipe wall thickness from the weld. 9.1.9 Equipment on both sides of any joint shall be adequately supported throughout the preheating, welding and stress relieving operations to prevent distortion. 9.1.10 All heating and cooling rates shall be maintained as per ASME BVP Code and time-temperature charts from the recorder shall be made avaible for review and acceptance. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 12 OF 17 9.1.11 The VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall submit a detailed written procedure for the PWHT for approval of the PURCHASER. 9.2 CARBON STEEL 9.2.1 Welded joints in carbon steel shall be stress relieved, upon completion of the welding operation, in accordance with Table 3. 9.2.2 When local stress relief is employed, the welded joint shall be heated to a temperature of not less than 600°C. The temperature level shall be maintained between 600 and 650°C, one (1) hour per 25 mm of we ld thickness but in no case less than one (1) hour. The weld area shall then be allowed to cool undisturbed in still air to a temperature not exceeding 315°C. 9.2.3 Heating and Cooling Carbon steels, after having reached their specific stress relief temperatures, may be cooled in the furnace or under wraps, i.e., leaving the induction coils or resistance heaters and insulation in place. This means that, at the stress relief temperatures, power to the furnace or heating coils may be shut off and cooling takes place in the furnace or with all insulation and coils remaining on the part. For furnace stress relief, the doors of the furnace may be opened after the power is shut off, at or below 315°C. Thermocouples contr olling the temperature shall remain during the cooling cycle so that excessive cooling, if it occurs, can be observed and immediately corrected. The stress relieving coils and insulation shall only be removed after the part has cooled to below 315°C or if stress relieved in a furnace the part may be removed from the furnace and permitted to cool in still air at a temperature not below 10°C. 9.3 ALLOY STEEL 9.3.1 Welds in alloy steel shall be stress relieved after the welding operation in accordance with Table 3. 9.3.2 For full furnace stress relief of a welded assembly, the entire fabricated section shall be heated uniformly to the temperature specified. The temperature shall be maintained for a period of time proportioned on the basis of one (1) hour per 25 mm of weld thickness of the piece having the greatest weld thickness in the furnace charge, but in no case, less than one (1) hour. 10.0 ELETRODES 10.1 The specification and size of the electrodes, voltages and amperages, thickness of beads and number of passes shall be as specified in the approved welding procedure or otherwise agreed in writing. Only basic coated electrodes shall be used, which will deposit weld metal having the same or higher physical properties and similar chemical composition to the members being joined. For each batch of approved brand, certificate showing compliance with the specification shall be submitted to the PURCHASER for review before being released for use. All electrodes shall be purchased in sealed containers and . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 13 OF 17 stored properly to prevent deterioration. As welding electrodes deteriorate under adverse conditions of storage leading to dampness in the electrode coating, they shall normally be stored in dehumidified air-conditioned rooms or in hot boxes or ovens in their original sealed containers whose temperature shall be maintained within specified limits. The conditions of electrodes shall be frequently inspected. Electrodes with damage to coating shall not be used. Electrodes shall remain identified until consumed. It is preferable to produce low hydrogen electrodes in hermetically sealed containers and preserve them without damage to the containers. 10.2 All low hydrogen electrodes, after baking as per the manufacturer’s recommendations, shall be stored in ovens kept at 80 to 100°C before being used. Recommendations of the electrode manufacturer shall be strictly followed. Until the electrodes are taken out for welding, they shall be stored in portable ovens. The electrodes shall not be exposed to open atmosphere. 10.3 For welding of all grades of steel and alloys by the GTAW process, a 2% thoriated tungsten electrode conforming to SFA-5.12-86 EWTh-2(AWS-A5.1280, EWTh-2) classification shall be used. 10.4 All electrodes to be used on alloy and carbon steel shall conform to ASME BPV Code Section II part C or any other equivalent code. 10.5 The type of electrodes used shall be only those recommended by the manufacturer for the use in the position in which the welds are to be made. 10.6 Current and polarity shall be maintained as recommended by the electrode manufacturer. 11.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING 11.1 The PURCHASER shall have free access to inspect welding or any other related operations at any time and at any stage of fabrication. 11.2 The PURCHASER may require NDE of any weld for reasons other than those given in the specification. The responsibility for the cost of such testing shall lie with the VENDOR/CONTRACTOR. 11.3 The VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall inform the PURCHASER when the weld preparation and set-up for welding of various members selected by the PURCHASER are in progress so that the PURCHASER can inspect the assembly before welding starts. 11.4 The responsibilities of the PURCHASER’s representative shall in no way reduce the VENDOR/CONTRACTOR’s responsibilities to ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with the specification. 11.5 Any examination by NDE methods shall be performed before or after PWHT based on the applicable code requirements. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 14 OF 17 11.6 For a welded branch connection and for any weld, necessary repairs and NDE shall be completed before any reinforcing pad is added. 12.0 EXAMINATION OF WELDS 12.1 Examination refers to the quality control functions performed by the VENDOR/CONTRACTOR during fabrication, erection and testing. 12.2 As a minimum, the following shall be examined by visual examination: (a) Materials and components to ensure that these are as per the specification and are free from defects. If defects are noticed on “freeissue” items, these shall be brought to the notice of the PURCHASER without delay. (b) Joint preparation and cleanliness (c) Fit-up, joint clearance and internal alignment prior to joining (d) Preheating as applicable (e) Variables specified by the welding procedure, including filler material, position and electrode (f) Condition of the root pass after cleaning- external and where accessible, internal (g) Slag removal and weld condition between passes (h) Appearance of the finished joint and weld dimensions 13.0 QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF NDE PERSONNEL 13.1 Approved and documented NDE procedure prepared by level III personnel shall be made available. 13.2 The VENDOR’s/CONTRACTOR’s examining personnel shall have training and experience commensurate with the needs of the specified examinations. NDE supervisors/examiners shall be qualified at level II or above of ASME BPV Code Section V. 13.3 The VENDOR/CONTRACTOR shall make available to the purchaser copies of certificates of qualification of the examiners he proposes to use for the PURCHASER’s approval. 14.0 METHODS OF EXAMINATION The methods of examination used, viz. Ultrasonic (UT), Radiographic (RT), MT and PT shall be in accordance with ASME BPV Code Section V. . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 15 OF 17 15.0 ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS 15.1 Levels of acceptance of defects in welds shall be in accordance with ASME BPV Code Section VIII Division 1. 15.2 For equipment under the purview of IBR, the levels of acceptable defects shall be as per IBR. 16.0 REPAIR WELDING 16.1 All defects in welds requiring repair shall be removed by flame or arc gouging, grinding, chipping or machining. The major repairs may involve: (a) Cutting through the weld (b) Cutting out a portion of material containing the weld, or (c) Removing the weld metal down to the root depending upon the magnitude of the defects. 16.2 After removing the defect, the repaired portion and adjacent area shall be examined by the same NDE methods as specified for the original weld and the same acceptance criteria shall hold good. 16.3 All the repair welds shall be made using the same or other specified welding procedures as those used in making the original welds including preheating and stress relieving if originally required. TABLE 1 WELDING SPECIFICATION CHART FOR COMMONLY USED MATERIALS SL. NO. BASE MATERIAL P NO WELDING PROCESS FILLER MATERIAL ROOT FILLER ROOT FILLER 1 GTAW GTAW ER 70S2 OR ER 70S3 ER 70S2 OR ER 70S3 >5mm AND < 19mm THICK 1 GTAW OR SMAW SMAW OR SAW E6013 F6—EL8 OR F7—EL12 1.3 > 19 mm THK 1 GTAW OR SMAW SMAW OR SAW 2.0 2.1 LOW ALLOY STEELS 1¼%Cr ½% MO < 5mm THICK 4 GTAW GTAW ER 70S2 OR ER 70S3 OR E 6010 ER 70S2 OR ER 70S3 OR E 6010 ER 80S B2 1.0 CARBON STEELS 1.1 < 5 mm THICK 1.2 E 7018 F7—EL12 ER 80S B2 NOTES 1 . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 16 OF 17 2.2 1¼%Cr 1% MO > 5mm THICK 4 GTAW SMAW ER 80S B2 ER 8016 OR E8018-B2 2.3 2¼%Cr 1% MO < 5mm THICK 5 GTAW GTAW ER 90S B3 ER 90S B3 2 TO 7 ER 90S B3 E9015 OR E9016 OR E9018-B3 2 TO 7 2.4 1¼%Cr 1% MO > 5mm THICK 5 GTAW SMAW NOTES 1. Low hydrogen electrodes shall be used for critical systems such as chlorine, hydrogen, caustic and similar toxic inflammable fluids and also when ever the wall thickness exceeds 19mm. 2. The argon shielding gas flow rate shall not be less than 0.34 M³/Hr. 3. For purging and shielding argon gas shall be used. However, nitrogen may be used as an alternative to argon for purging purpose only . In case of stainless steel, nitrogen may be used where corrosion resistance is not critical. 4. For fillet welds, SMAW may be used instead of GTAW for thickness above 5 mm. 5. For GTAW, electrode shall be 2% thoriated tungsten. 6. Initial purging prior to welding process shall be a minimum of five (5) times the volume between dams or ten minutes minimum whichever is higher. Where welding commences, the purge gas flow shall ensure that the gas pressure is only marginally higher than atmospheric pressure to ensure no root concavity. 7. Back purging using argon/nitrogen shall be maintained for the root run and a minimum of one (1) additional pass. 8. Electrodes and filler wires manufactured by reputed firms duly approved by the PURCHASER shall only be used. 9. Electrodes shall have at least the same or higher physical properties and similar chemical composition to the members being joined. 10. Read the table in conjunction with para 3.0 . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT WELDING SPECFICATIONS FOR SHOP AND SITE FABRICATED EQUIPMENT SECTION: E SHEET : 17 OF 17 TABLE-2 PREHEAT REQIREMENTS SL NO. BASE MATERIAL P.NO NOMINAL WALL THICKNESS, Mm SPECIFIED MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH, mPa RECOMMENDED MINIMUM PREHEAT TEMPERATURE, °C 1. CARBON STEEL 1 <25 490 10 2. CARBON STEEL 1 >25 490 100 3. LOW ALLOY STEEL1¼%Cr ½%M0 4 ALL ALL 149 4. LOW ALLOY STEEL2¼%Cr 1%M0 5 ALL ALL 210 TABLE-3 POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS (FOR COMMONLY USED STEEL MATERIALS) SL. NO. BASE MATERIAL 1. 2. CARBON STEEL CARBON STEEL 3. LOW ALLOY STEEL 1¼%Cr ½%M0 4. LOW ALLOY STEEL 2¼%Cr 1%M0 P.NO. 1 1 4 GR 1 AND 2 5A GR 1 NOMIANL WALL THICKNESS mm METAL TEMPREATURE RANGE °C <32 >32 NONE 600 TO 650 ALL 600 TO 650 ALL 680 TO 700 NOTES 1. In IBR systems, in carbon steels, PWHT is also required, when the carbon percentage exceeds 0.25% at the temperature range of 600+/- 20°C. 2. For all low alloy steel welds under the purview of IBR, the PWHT shall be carried out at the temperature range of 620 to 660°C for 1 ¼% Cr ½% M 0 steels and at a range of 660 to 750°C for 2 ¼% Cr 1% M0 steels. 3. Solution annealing shall be carried out after welding of austenitic stainless steel as per the applicable services. 4. For equipment in carbon steels or alloy steels and meant for lethal service, PWHT of all welds shall be carried out. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: F1 SHEET : 1 OF 3 SCHEDULE OF PRICES PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SCHEDULE OF PRICES & GENERAL PARTICULARS 1. Bidders shall not alter the contents of this schedule of prices. If the bidder wants any additions / alterations, these shall be brought out separately in the format as given in this schedule of prices. 2. Equipment and material to be supplied and erected shall be in accordance with section A, B, C, D & E of this specification. 3. The quantities indicated are an order of magnitude only. In case there is any variation in the quantities of items actually supplied and installed from the quoted quantities, the price of the same shall be adjusted based on the unit rates furnished by the bidder. 4. The quoted price shall be price in Indian Rupees for supply of material, manufacture, inspection and testing at manufacturer’s works, packing, forwarding, transportation from place of manufacture to site, transit insurance, unloading / receipt at site, storage / handling at site, erection, testing, commissioning and carrying out performance test at site inclusive of all taxes and duties as applicable except sales tax on finished products, and service tax which shall be separately indicated in the price bid. 5. Total price towards Third Party Inspection (to be borne by the supplier) shall be indicated separately in the price bid. 6. Bidders shall quote in full scope of the tender. Bidders shall note that partial offer will lead to rejection of bid. Hence Bidders are requested to quote for complete scope. 7. SDSC SHAR reserves right to place order in full or part of the scope. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 (A) SECTION: F1 SHEET : 2 OF 3 SCHEDULE OF PRICES PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SCHEDULE OF UNIT PRICE Item Qty. 570 t 1 Procurement, fabrication, control assembly, transportation, handling & storage at site of fabricated structural steel / Mild steel conforming to IS:2062 & IS:808 items without machining (Items coming under above category are foldable platform, fixed platform / non-folding platform, platform, replaceable folding platform, bracings, Truss, carriage body, guards, cut out covers, hand rails) as per specification enclosed with this tender but excluding taxes and duties. 2 VAT on total supply price (price mentioned in cloumn 7) @_________applicable on above items. 3 Procurement, fabrication, stress relieving, machining, control assembly, transportation, handling & storage at site of fabricated structural steel / Mild steel conforming to IS:2062 & IS:808 items with machining (Items coming under above category are Guide columns, Guide frames, Interconnecting brackets / support brackets, brackets for guide pulleys, brackets for load cell pulleys, brackets for Hoisting pulleys, bearing retainers, lock plates, bearing housings, bearing retainers, base frames, shims, pulleys brackets, drum mounting brackets, base & stricker for limit switch, rails, lead screw, Vee grooved wheels, Carriage body, top/bottom pivot bracket, plumber block, Pivot frame etc) as per specification enclosed with this tender but excluding taxes and duties. 4 VAT on total supply price (price mentioned in cloumn 7) @_________applicable on above items. 5 Procurement, fabrication / machining, heat treatment, control assembly, transportation, handling & storage at site of forged steel / alloy steel/ cast steels like cast steel IS:1030 grade 280-520N, 45C8, 40C8, 20C8 as per IS:1570, Alloy forged steel 40NiCr4Mo3, 40Cr4M03, 40Ni2Cr1No28, ASTM A516 Gr.70, Rockstar-400 / Hardox-400, Aluminium, Bronze or any other steel mentioned in the BOQ items (liners for guide columns, pin, Wheels, rollers, safety link chain, axles, rope drum, shafts, pulleys, spacers with special steel, turn buckle, through bolts, etc. ) as per specification enclosed with this tender but excluding taxes and duties 6 VAT on total supply price (price mentioned in cloumn 7) @_________applicable on above items. 7 Procurement, Sub-assembly, Control assembly, transportation, handling & storage at site of all bought-out items (like 6 nos. of flame proof motors of 37kW, 6 nos. of non-flame proof motors of 45 kW, 12 nos of non-flame proof motors of 55 kW, electrics, cables, junction boxes, local control panels, motor control center panels, Bearings, gear boxes, lock nuts, lock washers, Full gear couplings, limitswitch, wire ropes, grease nipples, load cells, local control panels, other items mentioned in Section:F10 & BOQ etc testing of the performance of the drive and other functions of electrics, transportation, handling at site, erection & commissioning and handling over of start-up spares mentioned in clause: 25 ) mentioned in the specification. 8 VAT on total supply price (price mentioned in cloumn 7) @_________applicable on above items. 9 Design & supply of complete hydraulic system for operation of Hydraulic actuator for swinging operation of SCVRP, approval of SDSC SHAR, procurement of actuators, pumps, motors, hoses, directional control valves, pressure relief valves etc and other accessories as per specification given the document, assembly with systems, testing vendor site, control assembly with pivot shaft at manufacturer site, transportation to site. Cost in Rs. 1380 t 525 t Lumpsu m 12 sets ISSUE R0 . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: F1 SHEET : 3 OF 3 SCHEDULE OF PRICES PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 10 VAT on total supply price (price mentioned in cloumn 9) @_________applicable on above items. 11 Erection and commissioning of 6 sets of platforms including storage / handling at site, erection, testing, commissioning and carrying out performance test of platforms as per specification enclosed with this tender but excluding taxes and duties. 12 Service tax on total Erection and commission price (price mentioned in column no:11) for Platforms @_________applicable on above items. 13 Third party Inspection charges for Platforms 14 Service tax on Third party inspection charges (price mentioned in column no:8) @_________applicable on above item. Total Cost: (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14) SIGNATURE : NAME : DESIGNATION: SEAL OF THE COMPANY DATE . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: F2 SHEET : 1 OF 1 BID QUALIFICATION CRITERIA PLATFORMS FOR SVAB BID QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR SUPPLY OF PLATFORMS Bidders who are qualifying / meeting following Technical and financial criteria are eligible to participate in the bid for supply of Platforms. Bidder shall furnish all the information mentioned in the criteria with documentary proof and submit along with quotation. Bids of the parties which are not meeting the following criteria will not be considered for evaluation and will be rejected without seeking any further clarifications. A. Technical Qualification Requirements: The bidder shall meet the following technical qualifying requirements and shall submit relevant certificates to establish his credentials. 1 . The Bidder shall be an organization with long experience in having executed contracts for manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of heavy structural works using structural built-up sections. 2 . The firm shall have successfully completed Manufacture, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of at least 1500 T of heavy structural work either in one year or under one single work order during last 7 years ending with 28.02.2014. Bidders have to provide relevant certificates from the Owners (end users) along with the submission of bid for consideration of bid document. 3 . The firm shall have facilities for fabrication and handling big structural items of 19 m long and 8 m wide for fitment, alignment, welding etc. 4 . The firm shall have facility for stress relieving and machining of 12m length guide column and 1m wide. 5 . The firm should have successfully completed manufacture and establishment of high Structures to the satisfaction of reputed third party inspection agencies like M/s MECON, M/s M N Dastur, M/s Lloyds. B. Financial Qualification Requirements: 1. The Bidder should have annual turnover of not less than a value of Rs. 150 crores in any one of the last three financial years ending with 31.03.2014. C. Bid Selection Procedure and Process of Pre-Qualification 1. Short listing based on documents submitted, satisfying the all eligibility criteria given above by the firm or individual along with their Bid / application. (Non-submission of any document as given in above list within stipulated time leads to rejection of Bid). 2. Subsequently Bidder's competency, their technical achievements and financial status will be evaluated suitable for this project. Feedbacks from Bidder's clients will be verified. 3. Visit to sites by technical team (ISRO or Third party) where Bidder has established above mentioned works. 4. If required, visit will be made to their factory/ firm by technical team (ISRO or third party) for accessing the capability of manufacturer. Scrutiny of all technical specification and supply conditions mentioned in technocommercial bid. Bids with partial offer (i.e. without complete scope) will not be considered for evaluation. 5. 6. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: F3 SHEET : 1 OF 3 SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL PARTICULARS HORIZONTAL SLIDING DOORS FOR SVAB SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL PARTICULARS / VENDOR EVALUATION FORMAT SR. NO. DESCRIPTION 1. Name of Company 2. Address of Company 3. (Proprietary/Pvt.Ltd/Public Ltd/Joint Venure/Consortium) 4. Registration number 5. Year of inception of the company 6. Registered address 7. Name & address of the office of the Chief Executive of the company 8. Name & Designation of the officer of the Bidder to whom all correspondence shall be made for expeditious technical/ commercial co-ordination. Type of Company Telephone number Fax number E-mail address 9. Locations of the Branches of Company (if any) 10. Annual turn-over of the company for the last three years 11. IT returns for the last 3 years 12. Major customers (Enclose copies of the Purchase Orders) 13. Any customers feedback on the services which is in writing (Pl. enclose copies) 14. Quality certification of the company 15. PAN Card Copy 16. The Profit & Loss Account details for the last 3 years which is duly audited and Submitted as part of the Annual Report . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SHEET : 2 OF 3 SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL PARTICULARS HORIZONTAL SLIDING DOORS FOR SVAB 17. Orders executed during last three years, > 100 T or > Rs. 15 crores, references are is to be mentioned. (Separate sheet can be attached). 18. Shop floor area covered 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. SECTION: F3 No. of employees (Supplier shall mention contract personnel separately) Engineers Supervisors Technicians Quality control engineers Administrative Staff. Handling facility available: Over head / Gantry Crane details (Capacity , span lift). Mobile Cranes. Load testing facility Available: Maximum weight available. No. of weights Total test load available. Welding / fabrication workshop (Type / capacity / quantity of machines shall be provided) MMAW machines GMAW machines Gas cutting machines Plasma cutting machines Welding Fixtures Welding professionals: No. of Welders (MMAW), Qualification details, No. of Welders (GMAW), Qualification details, No. of Welders (TIG), Qualification details, Welders Qualified by: Details of welding Inspection Equipment & Welding inspector available with supplier (LPT, UT, MPT, Xray, etc) Forming facilities available ( with brief specification of each machine) Shearing Machine Cutting Machine Cutting Machine Bending Machine Machining Facilities available ( with brief specification of each machine) Turning lathe (Conventional /CNC) Milling Machine (Conventional / CNC) Gear Cutting / Hobbing Machines Drilling Machines (conventional / CNC) Cylindrical Grinding Machine ( Conventional / CNC) Any other machines. Details of inspection facilities / Instruments available ( Brief description & specifications shall be provided) . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: F3 SHEET : 3 OF 3 SCHEDULE FOR GENERAL PARTICULARS HORIZONTAL SLIDING DOORS FOR SVAB 28. 29. 30. If third party Inspection Services are taken for fabricating similar works give details. Design Software’s available Drafting & modeling software packages FEM software Other softwares Design Engineers ( with qualification & experience) Bid validity period (Min. 4 months from date of bid opening) 31. COMPLETION SCHEDULE 32. Period required for supply of equipment at site (from date of LOI) 33. Period required for erection, testing and commissioning (from date of LOI) SIGNATURE : NAME : DESIGNATION: SEAL OF THE COMPANY DATE : ___ months ___ months . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE:7517A-D-858-001 SECTION: F4 SHEET : 1 OF 1 CONFIRMATION OF ACHIEVING ACCURACY PLATFORMS FOR SVAB CONFIRMATION OF ACHIEVING ACCURACY The BIDDER shall furnish performance guarantees as listed below based on the data specified in section B: 1. Misalignment of guide column straightness from 11m to 74m shall be limited to ± 2 mm. 2. Misalignment of Support brackets / interconnecting brackets with respect other brackets shall be limited to ± 2 mm. SIGNATURE : NAME : DESIGNATION: SEAL OF THE COMPANY DATE : ISSUE . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: F5 SHEET : 1 OF 1 SCHEDULE OF DEVIATIONS FROM SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB EXCEPTIONS AND DEVIATIONS In line with Proposal Document, Bidder may stipulate Exceptions and deviations to the Proposed conditions if considered unavoidable. Reference in Specification Slno Page no Dept. Specification Offered Specification Deviation Clause no NOTE : Only deviations are to be written in the above form. Any deviations taken by the Bidder to the stipulations of the Proposal document shall be brought out strictly as per this format and enclosed along with the bid. Any deviations not brought out in this Proforma and written elsewhere in the Proposal document shall not be recognized and the same is treated as null and void. Any willful attempt by the Bidders to camouflage the deviations by giving them in the covering letter or in any other documents that are enclosed may render the Bid itself non-responsive. SIGNATURE : NAME : DESIGNATION: SEAL OF THE COMPANY DATE : . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SCHEDULE OF TIME FOR MANUFACTURE, DESPATCH AND SHIPMENT TO SITE PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SECTION: F6 SHEET : 1 OF 1 SCHEDULE OF TIME FOR MANUFACTURE, DESPATCH AND SHIPMENT TO SITE The Bidder shall indicate hereunder the time for manufacture, despatch and completion of each equipment from the date of Letter of Intent (LOI)/ purchase order (PO) as shown below. Time for manufacture Equipment from date of LOI / PO excluding control Time for packing and Time for Total time from ready for despatch from shipment to date of LOI / PO to Works site shipment to site. assembly The Bidder hereby undertakes to meet the above time schedule from the date of LOI / PO SIGNATURE : NAME : DESIGNATION: SEAL OF THE COMPANY DATE : SPEC no: SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SECTION: F7 PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SHEET : 1 OF 2 TCE 7517A –D-856/7-001 SCHEDULE OF BIDDERS EXPERIENCE The bidder shall furnish here under a list of STRUCTURAL works executed by him to whom a reference may be made by the PURCHASER in case the PURCHASER considers such a reference necessary. SL. NO. Name & address of Client / Name & address of project or plant (incl., fax no., e-mail and name & designation of person who can be contacted. Purchase Order / Contact no. and Date. COMPANY SEAL Brief details of equipment / system covered Scope of services Contract price (Rs) Scheduled date of completion Actual date of completion Reasons for delay in completion, REMARKS if applicable. SIGNATURE: : NAME : DESIGNATION: COMPANY : DATE : Sheet 1 of 2 SPEC no: TCE 7517A –D-856/7-001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SECTION: F7 PLATFORMS FOR SVAB SHEET : 2 OF 2 SCHEDULE OF BIDDERS PRESENT WORK The bidder shall furnish here under a list of Structural doors being executed to whom a reference may be made by the PURCHASER in case the PURCHASER considers such a reference necessary. SL. NO. Name & address of Client / Name & address of project or plant (incl., fax no., email and name & designation of person who can be contacted. Company Seal Purchase Order / Contact no. and Date. Brief details of equipment / system covered Scope of services Contract price (Rs) Scheduled date of completion Expected date of completion REMARKS SIGNATURE: : NAME : DESIGNATION: COMPANY : DATE : Sheet 2 of 2 . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT DATA TO BE FILLED ALONG WITH BID FOR SUPPLY & COMMISSIONING OF HORIZONTAL SLIDING DOORS FOR SVAB SECTION: F8 SHEET : 1 OF 3 DATA TO BE FILLED ALONG WITH THE BID FOR SUPPLY & COMMISSIONING OF PLATFORMS SR. NO. 1.0 DESCRIPTION TENDERS OFFER Confirm that the system shall be realised as per technical specification, approved manufacturing drawings, bill of material to meet the functional requirement. Yes / No Confirm that all the electrical items (motors, limit switches, local control panels, cables) shall be procured as per specification and to be erected tested & commissioned at site. Yes / No Confirm that all the bought out items are to be procured as per the specification from the approved makes mentioned in clause 17 of Section:B Yes / No Confirm that Hydraulic system shall be designed and realised as per technical specification, approved design calculations & approved Hydraulic circuit Yes / No Confirm that all the bought out items are to be inspected at the inspected by TPIA / Departmental representative at Vendors shop before reaching to manufacturer’s shop Yes / No Confirm that fabrication of all items shall be done as per IS:800 & tolerance in fabrication shall be maintained as specified in relevant drawings. Yes / No Confirm that all sub-assemblies shall be tested for proper functioning, free running, bearing noise etc. & shall be brought to site in grease packed condition. Yes / No Confirm that all the drive components like motor, gear box, couplings, brake, rope drum shall be assembled in machined base frame & no load test of drive mechanism shall be carried out at shop. Yes / No 9.0 Confirm that all the items shall be painted as per painting scheme. Yes / No 10.0 Erection sequence shall be submitted along with offer. Yes / No 10.0 Manufacturing schedule & Erection schedule shall be submitted along with offer. Yes / No 11.0 Resources planning shall be submitted along with offer Yes / No 12.0 Man power planning for erection shall be submitted along Yes / No 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SR. NO. 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT DATA TO BE FILLED ALONG WITH BID FOR SUPPLY & COMMISSIONING OF HORIZONTAL SLIDING DOORS FOR SVAB DESCRIPTION SECTION: F8 SHEET : 2 OF 3 TENDERS OFFER Confirm that survey of all civil inserts / embedment plates will be carried out with own equipment’s & man power and based on survey reports, all sub-assemblies shall be erected & aligned. Also confirm that necessary packing plates will be supplied if required during erection. Yes / No Grouting of all drive assemblies will be carried out Yes / No Confirm that all the through bolts required for erection of subassemblies will be supplied. Confirm that testing and commissioning of the total system shall be carried out as per specification. Confirm that QAP for fabricated items, machined items, Subassemblies and for total door in assembled condition shall be submitted for approval. Confirm that during execution of works, If required addition / deletion of the works will be carried out and such variation is limited to ± 15% of the total order quantity. (i.e Unit price quoted shall be valid for ± 15% of the total order quantity) Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Electrical system related 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 All electric motors considered are with following specification. Duty class : S4 CDF : 40%, Insulation class: F Temperature rise limited Class: B No. of starts per hour : 150. Yes / No 37kW motor consider for FCVRP folding system is of Flame proof motor , Zone -1, Gas group: II B, T4 temperature class., Quantity 6 nos. Yes / No Electro hydraulic thruster operated drum brakes 940Nm torque capacity considered for FCVRP folding drive is of flame proof type of Zone -1, Gas group: II B, T4 temperature class., Quantity 6 nos. All local control panels, junction boxes positioned on the platforms is of flame proof type of Zone -1, Gas group: II B, T4 temperature class All limit switches considered for Platforms are of flame proof type of Zone -1, Gas group: II B, T4 temperature class All other motors of 45kW used in FCVRP hoisting drive and 55kW motor in SCVRP hoisting drive are of nonflame proof type. Electro hydraulic thruster operated drum brakes of 940Nm torque capacity considered for FCVRP / SCVRP hoisting is non flame proof type. Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No 26.0 Motor control centre panels are of IP:54 protected Yes / No 27.0 All the interlocks considered in clause 11.12.5 & 12.2.17 are considered in the offer. Yes / No Hydraulic system Related 28.0 Specification of Hydraulic actuator considered Yes / No . SPEC NO. TCE 7517A-D-856/7001 SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT DATA TO BE FILLED ALONG WITH BID FOR SUPPLY & COMMISSIONING OF HORIZONTAL SLIDING DOORS FOR SVAB SECTION: F8 SHEET : 3 OF 3 SR. NO. DESCRIPTION 29.0 Specification of Hydraulic pump considered Yes / No 30.0 Specification of electric motor considered for hydraulic system Yes / No 31.0 Redundant Hydraulic pump along with motor is considered Yes / No 32.0 33.0 Electric motor, solenoid operated Directional valve, local control panel and all other electric connections in power pack considered are of flame proof type of Zone -1, Gas group: II B, T4 temperature class. Please confirm that max operating pressure of the system is 200 bar TENDERS OFFER Yes / No Yes / No . SECOND VEHCILE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE-7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: F9 SHEET : 1 OF 2 CHECK LIST FOR BID SUBMITTING OF PLATFORMS FOR SVAB CHECK LIST Sl no 1. 2. Description All documents related to Prequalification criteria mention in Section F2 have been met and all related documents are enclosed in technical Bid Are all the technical particulars as called for in the data sheets section A, B, C, D & E and commercial details as called for in schedule of prices filled up Response by supplier Yes / No Yes / No 3. Demand Draft towards the Tender fee and Earnest Money Deposit are enclosed in technical bid and scan copy is uploaded in e-procurement portal. Yes / No 4. The detailed scope of work and technical specifications are understood and price was quoted accordingly. Yes / No 5. Confirmation that the quoted prices are firm and fixed till the completion of scope of work. Yes / No 6. Validity of Offer is 4 months (minimum). Yes / No 7. Vendor Evaluation Format is attached Yes / No 8. Customs Duty Exemption Certificate (CDEC) will be issued by Department for imported items mentioned in Section :A was considered in your offer or not. Yes / No 9. Excise Duty Exemption Certificate (EDEC) will be issued by Department for finished product only. Hence, it is considered in you offer or not. Yes / No 10. Service Tax 12.36 % or at the prevailing rates (If not mentioned it will be assumed that the price quoted are inclusive of taxes). Yes / No 11. VAT/CST to be indicated in percentage (if not mentioned it will be assumed that the price quoted are inclusive of taxes). Yes / No 12. Delivery Schedule with milestones Yes / No 13. Accepted the Department Payment Terms Yes / No 14. Are General terms and Conditions of Contract for Supply & Erection included in proposal acceptable? Yes / No 15. If not acceptable, are the deviations brought out in the "Schedule of Deviations" Yes / No 16. Are there any deviations from enquiry technical specifications? Yes / No 17. If there are technical deviations, are these filled in "Schedule of Deviations from Tech. Specifications"? Yes / No 18. Warranty for the fully commissioned and accepted system is 12 months Yes / No 19. 5 % of the Order Value shall be submitted as Performance Security for the performance of the contract along with acceptance of order letter, which is valid till acceptance of the system. Yes / No 20. 10 % of the Order Value shall be submitted as Performance Bank Guarantee, which is valid till completion of the warranty period plus 3 months claim period. Yes / No 21. Liquidated Damages (Ref. Clause 26 of Section A.) are acceptable Yes / No 22. Last three years audited financial results are enclosed Yes / No 23. Registration certificate of the company is enclosed Yes / No Signature of the tenderer. . SECOND VEHCILE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE-7517A-D-856/7001 SECTION: F9 SHEET : 2 OF 2 CHECK LIST FOR BID SUBMITTING OF PLATFORMS FOR SVAB CHECK LIST 24. All the forms in Section F1 to F9 are filled Yes / No 25. Are all data sheets A/B duly filled in and submitted in offer Yes / No 26. Technical documents / drawings are attached along with technical bid as para 1.7.1 of Section A Yes / No 27. Section F10 is filled and sealed cover is sent to SDSC SHAR for along with hard copy of technical bid. Yes / No Signature of the tenderer. . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE-7517A-D-858-001 SECTION: F10 SHEET : 1 OF 5 PRICE BREAK-UP DETAILS FOR BOUGHT-OUT ITEMS FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB BREAK-UP IS TO BE GIVEN FOR SUPPLY COST OF THE BOUGHTOUT ITEMS Sl. Sl no. Specifications No. BOQ Unit Qty required Nos. 6 Nos. 6 FCVRP Worm Gear Reducer Double stage worm gear box Reduction Ratio : 820 Output torque : 84162 Nm Input speed: 1500 rpm Duty : Reversing Lubrication : Splash Bearing : Antifriction Self locking type Flame proof motor , Zone -1, Gas group: II B, T4 temperature class. Rating : 37 kW, 1500 RPM, A.C 3Ø, Duty class : S4 CDF : 40%, Insulation class: F Temperature rise limited Class: B No. of starts per hour : 150 1 4.2 2 4.3 3 4.4 Coupling Type : Full Gear Coupling Allflex Type AFG114 Nos. 6 4 4.5 Coupling Type : Full Gear Coupling Allflex Type AFG101 Nos. 12 4.6 Electro Hydraulic thruster brake Flame proof Zone -1, Gas group: II B, T4 temperature class, thrustor operated Drum brake ,Max. Torque : 940 Nm Brake drum diameter : 315 mm Nos. 6 6 4.8 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 23160 CC/W33, 300 (ID) x 500 (OD) x 160 (W) Nos. 12 7 4.10 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 23030 CC/W33, 150 (ID) x 225 (OD) x 56 (W) Nos. 288 8 Wire Rope of Usha Martin make 4.13 Powerform 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2, Ø 28 mm , 90 m length Nos. 12 5 9 10 4.25 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 24040 CC/W33, 200 (ID) x 310 (OD) x 109 (W) Nos. 12 4.27 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 21314 CC/W33, 70 (ID) x 150 (OD) x 35 (W) Nos. 12 Unit Cost Total cost . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE-7517A-D-858-001 SHEET : 2 OF 5 PRICE BREAK-UP DETAILS FOR BOUGHT-OUT ITEMS FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 11 5.2 12 5.3 13 5.4 14 Worm Gear Reducer, Double stage worm gear box Reduction Ratio : 1000 Output torque : 112252 Nm Input speed: 1500 rpm Duty : Reversing Lubrication : Splash Bearing : Antifriction Self locking type Non Flame proof electric motor Rating : 45 kW, 1500 RPM, A.C 3Ø Duty class : S4, CDF : 40%, Insulation class: F Temperature rise limited Class: B No. of starts per hour : 150 Nos. 6 Nos. 6 Coupling Type : Full Gear Coupling Allflex Type AFG115 Nos. 6 5.5 Coupling Type : Full Gear Coupling Allflex Type AFG101 Nos. 12 15 5.6 Non Flame proof, electro hydraulic thruster operated Drum brake Max. Torque : 940 Nm Brake drum diameter : 315 mm Nos. 12 16 5.8 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 23160 CC/W33, 300 (ID) x 500 (OD) x 160 (W) Nos. 12 17 5.10 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 24032 CC/W33, 160 (ID) x 240 (OD) x 80 (W) Nos. 192 18 Wire Rope of Usha Martin make 5.13 Powerform 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2, Ø 36 mm , 800 m length Lot 1 19 5.24 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 23160 CC/W33, 300 (ID) x 500 (OD) x 160 (W) Nos. 12 20 5.26 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 22314 E, 70 (ID) x 150 (OD) x 51 (W) Nos. 12 21 14.2 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 24036 CC/W33, 180 (ID) x 280 (OD) x 100 (W) Spring, Wire dia: 12 mm; Mean dia: 72 mm; No. of coils: 13.5, 17.2 Spring rate: 47 N/mm, Grade FDSiCr as per IS:4454 part 2 Limit Switches, Type: Multi angle roller lever operated, spring return type 28 Protection Category: IP55 No. of contacts: 2 NO + 2 NC Rating: 240V AC, 5A Nos. 24 Nos 12 Nos 36 22 23 SECTION: F10 . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE-7517A-D-858-001 SHEET : 3 OF 5 PRICE BREAK-UP DETAILS FOR BOUGHT-OUT ITEMS FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 24 Material: Aluminium alloy LM6 BALIGA type FLS 2115 or Equivalent Load Cell, Load Capacity: 25 T 29 IPA make CR253H0 Load Cell, Load Capacity: 25 T 30 IPA make CR253H0 SCVRP Taper Roller Bearing of FAG 32207A, 35 3.7.e (ID) x 72 (OD) x 24.25 (W) Right angle Gear Box, RAN20 SA1 HS B3 3.7.f of Bongfiglioli make 3.7.g Lock Nut of FAG KM7 Nos 12 Nos 12 Nos 36 Nos 18 Nos 18 3.7.h Lock Washer of FAG MB7 Deep Groove Ball Bearing of FAG 600830 3.7.l 2RS, 40 (ID) x 68 (OD) x 15 (W) 31 3.7.m Lock Nut of FAG KM6 Nos 18 Nos 144 Nos 72 32 Nos 72 Nos 48 Nos 24 Nos 24 4.8.h Lock Washer of FAG MB7 Deep Groove Ball Bearing of FAG 600837 4.8.l 2RS, 40 (ID) x 68 (OD) x 15 (W) 38 4.8.m Lock Nut of FAG KM6 Nos 24 Nos 192 Nos 96 39 Nos 96 Nos 12 Nos 6 Nos 6 5.6.h Lock Washer of FAG MB7 Deep Groove Ball Bearing of FAG 600844 5.6.l 2RS, 40 (ID) x 68 (OD) x 15 (W) 45 5.6.m Lock Nut of FAG KM6 Nos 6 Nos 48 Nos 24 46 Nos 24 Nos 12 Nos 12 Nos 12 25 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 3.7.n Lock Washer of FAG MB6 Taper Roller Bearing of FAG 32207A, 35 4.8.e (ID) x 72 (OD) x 24.25 (W) Right angle Gear Box, RAN20 SA1 HS B3 4.8.f of Bongfiglioli make 4.8.g Lock Nut of FAG KM7 36 40 41 42 4.8.n Lock Washer of FAG MB6 Taper Roller Bearing of FAG 32207A, 35 5.6.e (ID) x 72 (OD) x 24.25 (W) Right angle Gear Box, RAN20 SA1 HS B3 5.6.f of Bongfiglioli make 5.6.g Lock Nut of FAG KM7 43 47 48 49 50 SECTION: F10 5.6.n Lock Washer of FAG MB6 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 23180, 7.6 400 (ID) x 650 (OD) x 200 (W) 7.8 Lock Nut &Locking Clip; SKF HM-3076 7.9 +MS 308-76 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 23180, 7.12 400 (ID) x 650 (OD) x 200 (W) . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE-7517A-D-858-001 SHEET : 4 OF 5 PRICE BREAK-UP DETAILS FOR BOUGHT-OUT ITEMS FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 SECTION: F10 Spherical Roller Thrust Bearing of SKF 29272, 360 (ID) x 500 (OD) x 85 (W) Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 23252, 7.20 260 (ID) x 480 (OD) x 174 (W) 7.22 Lock Nut of SKF HM52T 7.14 7.24 Lock Washer of MB52 Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 23252, 7.27 260 (ID) x 480 (OD) x 174 (W) Deep Groove Ball Bearing of SKF 6334, 7.33 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 23244, 8.5 220 (ID) x 400 (OD) x 144 (W) Wire Rope, Usha Martin make Powerform 8.13 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2, Ø 32 mm , 80m length Wire Rope, Usha Martin make Powerform 8.13 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2, Ø 32 mm , 80m length Double reduction worm gear reducer, Gear Ratio: 1500:1 Input Speed =1500 RPM Nominal Output Torque Capacity = 257353 N-m 8.14 Input speed: 1500 rpm Duty : Reversing Lubrication : Splash Bearing : Antifriction Self locking type Full Gear Coupling, ALLFLEX Full Gear 8.15 Coupling Type AFG 116 Full Gear Coupling, ALLFLEX Full Gear 8.16 Coupling Type AFG 105 Non Flame proof electric motor Rating : 55 kW, 1500 RPM, A.C 3Ø, Duty class : S4 8.17 CDF : 40%, Insulation class: F Temperature rise limited Class: B No. of starts per hour : 150 Non Flame proof, electro hydraulic thruster operated Drum brake 8.18 Max. Torque : 940 Nm Brake drum diameter : 315 mm Spherical Roller Bearing of SKF 22316, 80 8.20 (ID) x 170 (OD) x 58 (W) Deep Groove Ball Bearing of SKF 6334, 9.7 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) Load Cell, Load Capacity: 25 T 9.12 IPA make CR253H0 Nos 12 Nos 12 Nos 48 Nos 48 Nos 12 Nos 96 Nos 24 Nos 12 Nos 12 Nos 12 Nos 12 Nos 24 Nos 12 Nos 24 Nos 24 Nos 48 Nos 24 . SECOND VEHICLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING PROJECT SPEC NO. TCE-7517A-D-858-001 SECTION: F10 SHEET : 5 OF 5 PRICE BREAK-UP DETAILS FOR BOUGHT-OUT ITEMS FOR PLATFORMS FOR SVAB 68 10.4 69 11.4 70 12.4 71 12.8 72 13.1 73 13.8 74 14.5 75 --- 76 --- 77 --- 78 --- 79 --- 80 --- 81 --- 82 --- 83 --- 84 --- 85 --- Deep Groove Ball Bearing of SKF 6334, 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) Deep Groove Ball Bearing of SKF 6334, 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) Deep Groove Ball Bearing of SKF 6334, 170 (ID) x 360 (OD) x 72 (W) Thimble & Pin, Solid Thimble Grooves to be suitable for Ø32 rope Volute Spring 120 (ID) x 300 (OD) x 350 (H), Alloy Steel Grade 60Cr4V2 as per IS:3431-2001 Wire Rope, Usha Martin make Powerform 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2.Both ends of rope is having ferrule secured eye terminal confirming to IS:5245(part-2)1971, Ø 64 mm , 2m length Wire Rope, Usha Martin make Powerform 8 with Tensile grade 2160 N/mm2.Both ends of rope is having ferrule secured eye terminal confirming to IS:5245(part-2)1971, Ø 64 mm , 6m length Motor Control Centre (MCC) panel for FCVRP Motor Control Centre (MCC) panel for SCVRP Power cable for hoist motors for all the FCVRPs Power cable for fold motors for all the FCVRPs. Control cable for hoist & fold motors for all the FCVRPs Power cable for Swing motors: 2000 mtr.for all the SCVRPs Power cable for Hoist motors for all the SCVRPs Control cable for hoist & swing motors for all the SCVRPs “Cable chain drag system” of IGUS /LAPP is approximately 17m for each SCVRP / FCVRP Complete electrics as specified in the Electrical specification for FCVRP except motor, limit switch, load cell, & MCC Complete electrics as specified in the Electrical specification for SCVRP except motor, limit switch, load cell & MCC Nos 96 Nos 96 Nos 96 Nos 48 Nos 12 Nos 24 Nos 24 Nos 1 Nos 1 Mtr 2000 Mtr 2000 Mtr 3000 Mtr 3000 Mtr 2000 Mtr 5000 nos 18 Lot 1 Lot 1 The quantity required given is tentative only it vary with respect to final fabrication drawings. STANDARAD TENDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS Offers shall be sent on line using standard digital signature of class‐3 with encryption / decryption options. Price bid scanned copy shall not be submitted as attachment. If so, the same will not be considered for evaluation and only price filled in the online price bid format will be considered for evaluation of bids. Any supporting document for the price bid like break‐up of prices etc. shall be attached to the template “SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS RELATED TO PRICE BID’ which will be only additional information to the price bid. The Tenders authorized on line on or before the open authorization date and time only be considered as valid tenders. Physical copy of the bids will not be considered, even if they are received before the bid submission date. All the forms viz. vendor specified terms and price bids shall be duly filled and submitted online. Any incomplete bid will not be considered for evaluation. 1. Prices quoted shall be on the basis of F.O.R. delivery at site /Sullurpeta. The purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance. All risks in transit shall be exclusively of the contractor and the purchaser shall pay only for such stores as are actually received in good condition in accordance with the contract. 2. Excise Duty ‐ SDSC‐SHAR is eligible for Excise Duty Exemption under Notification No. 64/95 dated 16.03.1995 as amended by Notification No. 15/2007 dated 01.03.2007 and we shall provide necessary Exemption Certificate. No claim for payment of Excise Duty or CENVAT reversal will be allowed later. The suppliers have to consider this into account while submitting quotations. 3. CST ‐ With effect from 01.04.2007, the facility of Inter‐State purchases by Government Departments against Form‐D/ Form‐C has been withdrawn. Now the rate of CST on the Inter‐State sale to Government Departments shall be the rate of VAT/State Sales Tax applicable in the State of the selling dealer. Accordingly, the suppliers have to clearly indicate the %age of CST applicable against each case in their tenders. 4. Customs Duty ‐ SDSC‐SHAR is eligible for 100% Customs Duty exemption as per Notification No.12/2012 dated 17.03.2012. This may be taken into account while quoting for import items. 5. High Sea Sales ‐ Against High Sea Sale cases‐ Offers shall be on all inclusive basis upto Sriharikota are preferred, which means freight upto Sriharikota, customs clearance is the responsibility of the Supplier at his cost. 100% payment will be made within 30 days after receipt and acceptance of the items at our site. However, in exceptional cases based on merit of the case, 100% payment against delivery, satisfactory inspection at our site may be considered. Tax is not applicable Customs Duty Exemption Certificate and other related documents needed for Customs clearance purpose will be provided. High Sea Sales Agreement submitted by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions of our purchase order will be signed and issued by SDSC‐SHAR. 6. The time for the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in the purchase order shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract and delivery must be completed not later than the date(s) specified therein. Failure to do so, without adequate justification may involve cancellation of the contract at the discretion of purchaser. 7. The delivery period mentioned in the tender enquiry if any is with the stipulation that no credit will be given for earlier deliveries and offers with delivery beyond the period will be treated as un‐responsive. 8. The Department will have the option to consider more than one sources of supply and final orders will be given accordingly 9. Bidder shall note that the conditional discounts would not have edge in the evaluation process of tenders. 10.Non‐acceptance of any conditions where ever called for related to guarantee or warrantee, performance bank guarantee, liquidate damages are liable for disqualification of bids. 11. Where ever installation and commissioning is involved, the guarantee / warrantee period shall recon only from the installation and commissioning. 12.Prices are required to be quoted according to the units indicated in the annexed tender form. Then quotations are given in terms of units other than those specified in the tender form, relationship between the two sets of units must be furnished. 13.Advance Payment ‐ Wherever advance payment is requested, it shall be with Bank Guarantee only. 14.Liquidated Damages ‐ In all advance payment cases and where delivery is critical. L.D. clause will be applicable at 0.5% per week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of total order value. 15.Performance Bank Guarantee ‐ Wherever called for Performance Bank Guarantee at 10% of the order value has to be furnished covering the warranty period. 16.The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation fully or partly without assigning any reasons. 17.Payment terms are full payment within 30 days from the date of receipt and acceptance of material ordered. Our Bankers are State Bank of India, SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota – 524 124. You may furnish your banker details for transferring the payments through ECS mode. Where counter terms and conditions / printed or cyclostyle conditions of sale have been offered by the tenderer, the same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the purchaser, unless the purchaser’s specific written acceptance thereof is obtained. 18.SPECIFICATIONS: Stores offered shall strictly confirm to our specifications. Deviations if any, shall be clearly indicated by the tenderer in their quotation. The tenderer shall indicate the Make / Type number of the stores offered and provide catalogues, technical literature and samples, wherever necessary along with the quotations. Test Certificates, wherever necessary, shall be forwarded along with supplies. Whenever option are called for in our specifications, the tenderer shall address all such options whenever specifically mentioned by us, the tenderer could suggest changes to specification with appropriate reasons for the same. Even in such cases, the tenderer shall state why he cannot meet our specifications and why he is suggesting the changes. 19.GUARANTEE: The Stores offered shall be guaranteed for a minimum period of 12months against defective material, design, operation or manufacture. For defects noticed during the guarantee period, replacement rectification shall be arranged free of cost within a reasonable period of such notification. In cases where our specifications called for a guarantee period more than 12 months specifically, then such a period shall apply. The tenderer shall at all times indemnify the Purchaser against all clams which may be made in respect of the stores for infringement of any right protected by the patent Registration of design or Trade Mark and shall take all risks of accidents or damage, which may cause a failure of the supply from whatever cause arising and the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of all means used by him for the contract. 20.ARBITRATION: In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under these conditions of any condition in the purchase order or in connection with this contract, (except as to any matters the decision of which is specially provided for by these conditions) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Head of the Purchase office or of some other person appointed by him. There will be no objection that the Arbitrator is a Government Servant, that he had to deal with matter to which the contract related or that in the course of his duties as a Government Servant, he has expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference the award of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this contract. (a) If the Arbitrator be the Head of the Purchase Office: I. In the event of his being transferred or vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, it shall be lawful for successor office either to proceed with the‐reference himself or to appoint another person as Arbitrator or II. In the event of his being unwilling or unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the purchase Office to appoint another person as Arbitrator or (b) If the Arbitrator be a person appointed by the Head of the Purchase Office: In the event of his dying, neglecting or refusing to act, or resigning or being to act, for any reason, it shall be lawful for the Head of the purchase Office either to proceed with the reference himself or to appoint another person as Arbitrator in place of the outgoing Arbitrator. Subject as aforesaid, the Arbitration Act, 1940 and the rules there under any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause. The Arbitrary shall have the power to extend with the consent of the Purchaser and contractor the time for making and publishing the award. The venue of Arbitration shall be the place as the purchaser in this absolute discretion may determine. Work under the contract‐shall, if reasonably possible, continue during Arbitration Proceedings. (C) In case order is concluded on the public sector undertakings the following Arbitration Clause will be applicable. In the event of any dispute or difference relating to the interpretation and application of the provision of the contracts such dispute or differences shall be referred by either party to the Arbitration of one of the Arbitrators in the Department of Public Enterprise to be nominate by the secretary to the Government of India in charge of the Bureau of public Enterprises. The Arbitration Act, 1940 shall not be applicable to the Arbitration under this clause. The award of the Arbitrator shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute, providing, however any party decided by the Law Secretary or the Special Secretary / Additional Secretary when so authorized by the Law Secretary, whose decision shall bind the parties finally and conclusively. The parties to the dispute will share equally the cost of Arbitration as intimated by the Arbitrator. 21. Successful tenderer will have to furnish in the form a bank Guarantee or in any other form as called for by the purchaser towards adequate security for the materials / property provided by the purchaser for the one execution of the contract. 22. PACKING & FORWARDING: The tenderer will be held responsible for the stores being sufficiently and properly packed for transport by rail, road, sea or air, to withstand transit hazards and ensure safe arrival at the destination. The packing and Marking of packages shall be done by and at the expenses of the Contractor. 23. The Purchaser reserves the option to give price preference to the offers from public Sector Units and / or Small scale / Cottage industries / Units over those from other firms, in accordance with the policies of the Government from time to time. 24. The following information/documents are to be furnished online wherever applicable. Product literature Core banking account number of SBI PAN No. in quotation and invoices Excise Duty, VAT, Service Tax Registration details. 25. SPECIAL CONDITION AGAINST INDIAN AGENTS SUBMITTING QUOTATIONS IN FOREIGN CURRENCY The Tenderer shall submit the following documents/information on line while quoting:‐ Foreign Principal's proforma invoice indicating the commission payable to the Indian Agent and nature of after sales service to be rendered by the Indian Agent. Copy of Agency agreement with the Foreign Principal, precise relationship between them and their mutual interest in the business. The enlistment of the Indian Agent with Director‐General of Supplies & Disposals under the Compulsory Registration Scheme of Ministry of Finance. 26. Tenderer must authorize bid opening with in 48 hrs from the time of bid sealing by Department, other wise the bid submitted will not be considered for evaluation
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