UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DAR RAPID TRANSIT AGENCY IMPLEMENTATION OF PHASE I OF THE DAR RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM: REPORT ON CONSULTATIONS WITH EXISTING DALADALA OPERATORS AND THE MITIGATION MEASURES Prepared by: Dar Rapid Transit Agency P.O. Box 724 Tel. +255 2461093/4/6 Fax.+255 2461098 E-mail: [email protected] DAR ES SALAAM. November 2014 List of Abbreviations GOT : Government of Tanzania PMO-RALG : Prime Minister’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government UN : United Nations IDA : International Development Agency CTCP2 : Second Central Transport Corridor Project SUMATRA : Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority TANROADS : Tanzania National Roads Agency TRA : Tanzania Revenue Authority DART : Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit TIC : Tanzania Investment Centre TPSF : Tanzania Private Sector Foundation NIT : National Institute of Transport NBS National Bureau of statistics DARCOBOA : Dar es Salaam Commuter Bus Owners Association UWADAR : Umoja wa Wasafirishaji Abiria Dar es Salaam UDA : Shirika la Usafirishaji Dar es Salaam BRT : Bus Rapid Transit CBD : Central Business District CLTA : Central Licensing Transport Authority RTLA : Regional Transport Licensing Authorities DSM : Dar es Salaam Kms : Kilometres PAD : Project Affected Daladalas PAPs : Project Affected Persons TOR : Terms of References DMT : Dar es Salaam Motor Transport Company NBS : National Bus Services KAMATA : Kampuni ya Mabasi ya Taifa TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……….………………………………………………………….….……..1 1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................12 2. REPORT OBJECTIVES AND COVERAGE………..………………………….………………13 3. BASIC FACTS ON DAR ES SALAM CITY : ............................................................................ 14 3.1 Historical Background ...........................................................................................................14 3.2 Size and Location .................................................................................................................... 14 3.3 Road Infrastructure ................................................................................................................ 14 3.4 Administrative arrangements ............................................................................................... 15 3.5 Population and Growth ....................................................................................................... 115 4. EVOLUTION OF COMMUTER TRANSPORT IN DAR ES SALAAM .............................. 16 4.1 DMT to UDA ..........................................................................................................................16 4.2 Public Transport under UDA ..............................................................................................16 4.3 Daladala Operations .............................................................................................................17 5. PLANNED OPERATION OF DART PHASE I PROJECT ...........................................19 5.1 Need for Mass Transit System .............................................................................................19 5.2 Description of the DART Phase I Operation Plan.............................................................. 21 5.3 The DART Trunk system ....................................................................................................... 21 5.4 The Feeder system: ................................................................................................................. 22 5.5 DART System Set-up .............................................................................................................. 23 6. POSSIBLE IMPACTS ON THE EXISTING BUS OPERATORS .......................................... 24 6.1. Elimination and/or Re-routing .... ....................................................................................... 24 6.2 Loss of Business from inferior infrastructure .....................................................................25 6.3 Loss of Jobs ..............................................................................................................................25 6.4. Daladalas to be phased out on Grounds of Pollution ....................................................... 25 7. SPECIFIC PROVISIONS RELEVANT TO DALADALA AND ITS INDUSTRY ........... 225 7.1. Country specific requirements related to resettlement of Daladalas ............................ 225 8. AFFECTED COMMUNITIES AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS ......................................... 26 8.1 Inventory of Daladala to be Impacted ................................................................................26 8.1.1 Number of buses: ................................................................................................................... 27 8.1.2 Age analysis of the buses: ...................................................................................................... 28 8.1.3 Drivers: ..................................................................................................................................... 29 8.1.4 Daladala Routes: ..................................................................................................................... 29 8.1.5 Impacted Daladala Owners and Drivers............................................................................. 30 8.1.6 Impacted Daladala Routes .................................................................................................... 31 8.2 Number and Type of Daladala Associations......................................................................32 8.3. Regulatory Agency - SUMATRA ........................................................................................ 33 9. DALADALA CONSULTATION PROCESS ............................................................................. 34 9.1 9.2 Background to Consultations ................................................................................................34 Approach Used in Recent Consultations ............................................................................35 9.3 Consultations Meetings ......................................................................................................... 36 9.3.1 Consultation Meeting held on 19th Sept 2013 .....................................................................36 9.3.2 Consultative Meetings with Daladala Committee ............................................................. 37 9.3.3 Consultation Meeting held on 24th May 2014 ..................................................................... 39 9.4. Mitigation Measures Raised/Receommended. .................................................................. 39 9.5. Participation in International Market Consultative Meeting, ......................................... 40 10. OPTIONS AGREED WITH DALADALA STAKEHOLDERS ............................................ 41 10.1 Re-routing ................................................................................................................................ 41 10.2 Shareholding ........................................................................................................................... 43 10.3 Scrapping of vehicles ............................................................................................................. 46 10.4 Exit from the industry, without scrapping the vehicle ..................................................... 48 10.5 Options for the Daladala Drivers and Conductors ............................................................ 48 11.IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................................................... 52 12.ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR DIFFERENT AGENCIES ................................... 54 13.GRIEVANCE MECHANISMS ................................................................................................... 57 14.MONITORING AND EVALUATION ON AGREED MILESTONES ............................... 58 14.1 Annual Review of Plan .......................................................................................................... 59 14.2 The Grievance Committee ..................................................................................................... 60 14.3 Tak Description of the Committee ....................................................................................... 62 14.4 Minimum Qualifications of Committee Members ............................................................. 62 14.5 Methods and Process of Receiving and Processing Complaints ..................................... 62 14.6 Appeals .................................................................................................................................... 64 ANNEXTURES .................................................................................................................................... 65 Annex 1 Summary Record of Daladala Consultative Meeting Held on 19.9.2013 ...............66 Annex 1A: Sawahili Version - Detailed Minutes -Meeting of 19 Septl 2013 ..............................69 Annex 1B: List of Participants for Daladala Consultative Meeting of 19.9.2013 .......................89 Annex 2 Meeting With Representatives of Daladala held on 10 November 2013 ................94 Annex 3: Meeting With Representatives of Daladala held on 17th November 2013 ..........97 Annex 4: Meeting With Representatives of Daladala held on 11 April 2014 ........................100 Annex 4A: Sawahili Version - Detailed Minutes - Meeting of 11 April 2014 ...........................104 Annex 5: Final Daladala Consultative Meeting Held on 24 May 2014 …………………..…118 Annex 6: International Market Consultative Meeting Held from 3rd to 4th June 2014…..…124 Annex 7: ` List Of Registered Impacted Daladala ...................................................................... .136 Annex 8: Driver’s Information .................................................................................................... .151 Annex 9: owners Information ...................................................................................................... 174 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction and Background (1) The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania is implementing the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project for Dar es Salaam (Dar Rapid Transit -DART) with the main objective of providing high quality, high capacity and most efficient public transport service to the whole City. Operation of the DART system is to be undertaken by private sector service operators under PPP arrangement. The implementation of DART Phase I project will entail replacement of about 1500 daladala operators. (2) Since 2002 varius measures have been underrtaken towards involvement of existing bus owners through representatives of Daladala (DARCOBOA and recently UWADAR,) and UDA. In 2010 NIT was hired to undertake daladala facilitation study and recently, in 2013 a local business consultant was hired to engage and undertake facilitation for existing bus operators in preparation for their involvement in the DART project operations scheduled to start later in 2015. The report by the business consultant was submitted to the World Bank in mid 2014 and recived comments which have been worked upon by DART culminating in this final version. Report Objectives and coverage (3) The main objective of the report is to present the process and outcome of consultations with daladala operators in preparation for transition from current daladala dominated public transport to the BRT system being implemented under the DART Phase I Project. The report covers the agred options for dealing with impacted daladala operators, drivers and conductors and proposed grievances mechanism. (4) As background, the report also covers briefly, the historical background and basic facts on the City of Dar es Salaam, the evolution of commuter bus operations in the city, the need for mass transit system in public transport, the planned BRT system through the DART project and the expected impacts on the existing commuter buses. Dar es Salaam City (5) The City of Dar es Salaam founded in 1872 under Oman Arab rule has been experiencing rapid urbanization which excalated to an annual growth of 5.6% in recent years (2002-2012), with current population estimated at 4.5 million up from a mere 782,000 in 1978. The City is facing growing problem of traffic congestion, worsening air pollution and increasing passenger demand caused by rapid population growth amidst the limited road infrastructure and poor public transport service provided by the large number of poorly maintained small private operated buses. The Government of Tanzania has decided to implement a BRT system with a view to addressing these problems. Page 5 Evolution of Public Transport in Dar es Salaam (6) The history of urban public transport in the city of Dar es Salaam dates back to 1949 when a privately owned company named Dar es Salaam Motor Transport Company (DMT) started providing passenger transport services in the then Tanganyika (now Tanzania Mainland). The DMT continued to operate until April 1970 when it was nationalised and operated under the management of the National Transport Corporation (NTC) was succeeded by “Shirika la Usafiri Dar es Salaam (UDA)” in 1974. UDA had been experiencing problems ranging from poor financial and human resources, unserviceable vehicles and poor state of the city’s road infrastructure. Inability of the government to provide the required subsidy to match the financing deficit caused by very low fixed bus fares greatly undermined UDA’s performance. Coupled with poor managerial performance, the company continued to deteriorate gradually, reaching a low of a mere 4 operating vehicles at the time of its recent privatization in 2009. (7) The continuing dismal performance of UDA amidst growing demand for travel within the City encouraged private bus operators to initially come in informally to fill in the demand gap. Following the reforms in the urban transportation system, deregulation and trade liberalisation, some policy changes took place starting from 1991 and in 1997 gradually led to the dominance of private commuter buses commonly known as ‘daladalas’ as the major provider of public transport service in the city. Daladala Fleet and Daladala Associations (8) The fleet of commuter buses in Dar es Salaam had been estimated to be about 6,600 operating on 482 routes (NIT 2010). From 2006, only vehicles of more than 25 seats capacity are permitted to service downtown areas. Ownership is widely dispersed with about 3,000 owners and an average of two daladalas per owner. Daladalas are regulated by SUMATRA under the Ministry of Transport and are organised in two daladala owners’ associations, namely the Dar es Salaam Commuter Bus Owners’ Association (DARCOBOA) with about 600 owners and the newly formed Association of Transporters in Dar es Salaam (UWADAR) with about 150 owners, the rest not under any of the two associations. The Planned DART (BRT) Project (9) The DART Project is designed to be implemented in six phases with Phase I (currently being implemented) covering 20.9 kms along Morogoro Roads from Kimara to Kivukoni, section of Kawawa road from Morocco to Magomeni Mapipa and Mzimbazi road upto Kariakoo Gerezani. The proposed mode of operation envisaged for the DART project is single “Service Provider” who will finance, procure, deliver, operate and maintain the entire Trunk and the Feeder BRT services including about 186 articulated buses (18-meter with capacity of 150 passengers each) for the Trunk routes and 134 twelve metre (12-metre) buses for the Feeder Routes. Page 6 (10) The procurement of the main BRT operational services is being done by the DART Agency which will oversee and regulate the private sector actors based on signed contractual performance agreements. (11) However there is a time lag of about 18 months from March 2015 when most of the BRT infrastructure will be ready and commencement of full operations by the BRT service provider. In order to take care of potential damage/deterioration on the completed stretch during this period, an interim bus rervice provider is to be procured. DART Project Impacts (12) The introduction of the DART system, daladala buses will automatically be eliminated along the Morogoro road. The newly allocated routes may be of poor condition in which case not ‘comfortable’ to operate. There are some daladalas which might resist relocation for these reasons and they would wish to operate where the infrastructure is in good condition. There is also concern especially among drivers and conductors, is whether new jobs will be created to absorb those who will lose their jobs once daladala buses are eliminated or phased out. This will affect their overall employment opportunities in the public transport sector and might lead to strikes and violence. (13) The Government is keen to have a smooth transition from existing bus operations to BRT operations in a manner that avoids any disruption or sabotage in the public transport services rendered to the City commuters. This is being achieved through consultative and participatory approach in dealing with existing operators with a view of cultivating a sense of ownership and feeling of having been given due regard for the past contribution in rendering public transport services prior to the introduction of BRT. Database of Daladala to be impacted (14) As part of the consultative process from 31st March to 12th April 2014, the business consultant hired by DART conducted an exercise of registering all daladala buses, owners, drivers and conductors who are likely to be impacted by the planned operation of DART Phase I project. A total of 343 Daladala owners, 479 buses and 474 drivers were registered. (15) From analysis of the data provided by the owners, the consultant noted, a total of 164 buses were owned by 22 individuals - about 34.2 per cent of all buses registered during the exercise.With regard to the age of each bus, out of the 479 buses registered, about 72% were more than 13 years old and only 6% were less than 4 years old. (16) It was noted that 40% of routes, 52% of daladalas, 51% of owners and 52% of drivers were either fully or partially impacted by the planned BRT operations. total of 474 drivers were registered of whom about 14% had “O” Level Secondary School education a potential target group which can be trained to be employed by BRT system. Daladala Consultative Process Page 7 (17) In consideration of the potential impacts of the launching of DART Phase I operations, extensive efforts have been undertaken to engage the existing bus operators in the project with a view to avoiding negative impacts on owners, drivers and conductors. Among the achievements in involvement of daladala owners included the formation of working groups (2002) with representatives of the bus owners (DARCOBOA and UDA participated in working groups which reviewed initial proposals for the DART project proposals. It also included participation in familiarisation tours to BRT projects in other countries notably Bogota, Colombia along with participation in high profile meetings on the project. (18) In the recent exercise four levels of involvement/consultation have been undertaken, namely; information, consultation, participation and empowerment. These included information and briefings on BRT Phase one and daladala transition mechanism followed exchanges on issues requiring clarification from the target group. (19) The consultation process ensured that precise and adequate information was availed to the Daladala owners through various media including Newspapers, Radio, TVs and Social Medias. A total of 15 radio announcements, 54 Newspapers adverts and articles were printed. The process was extensively participatory and interactive to ensure maximum participation and clarity on the subject matter by the daladala owners, drivers and conductors. The consultations were conducted from Mondays through Sundays (inclusive of public holidays) in order to provide convenience to as many Daladala owners as possible. Consultative meeting held on 19th September 2013 (20) The first major daladala consultative meeting was held at Mwalimu Nyerere Conference Centre on 19th September 2013, officiated by the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner and attended by representatives from various Ministries as well as representatives from key stakeholders along with representatives of bus owners (DARCOBOA), Chama cha Umoja wa Wasafirishaji Abiria Dar es Salaam (UWADAR), Shirika la Usafiri Dar es Salaam (UDA). (21) Main conclusions from the meeting included (i) appreciation of the role being played by existing bus operators some of which have been plying of relatively poor roads and providing valuable public transport service to City Commuters for more than 30 years (ii) existing bus operators being encouraged to form companies and participate in e in the tender for BRT bus operations (iii) the daladala owmers could also participate through acquiring shares to be set aside by the other private sector bidders whether local of foreign. (22) The meeting agreed on the formation of a sub-committee of six members representing daladala owners, to undertake detailed deliberations on the participation of owners in the DART project comprised of representatives from DARCOBOA, UWADAR and bus owners not members of DARCOBOA or UWADAR. Consultative Meetings with Six Daladala Representatives (23) A series of Consultations Meetings involving the six representatives and DART officials were held on 10 November 2013, 17th November 2013 and 10th April 2014. Among the Page 8 key issues discussed include: (i) the status of DART Phase I project, (ii) Progress of daladala registration and consultation exercise,(iii) the concerns of daladala owners, and (iv) Oprionbs and opportunities for Daladala Operators to participate in the DART system operations. (24) At the end of the discussions, the representatives expressed that the discussions had enabled them to understand the registration exercise and were encouraged to inform their members to continue to participate in the exercise. The daladala owners formed a company with a proposed name of Mzizima Daladala Express Ltd and the intention was to make this company public so as to attract members to raise the capital contribution required to participate effectively in the DART system operations. It was indicated that as of 22nd April 2014, preparations were in progress to set-up the company’s offices in Dar es Salaam. The daladala operators were also in the initial stages of contacting Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange brokers on procedures for listing their company. Consultation Meeting held on 24th May 2014 (25) The final Daladala Owners consultative Meeting was held at the Karimjee Hall on 14th May 2014 chaired (on behalf of Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner) by the Ilala District Commissioner Hon. Raymond Mushi and attended by a number of representatives from daladala owners and other stakeholders. During the meeting six representative of Daladala owners presented progress made on consultations and engagement since the previous meeting of 19/09/2013. Following this final Consultative Meeting, a number of options were agreed including: (a) daladala owners agreeing to join forces and mobilise resources to enable them participate in bidding for DART operations (ii) some daladala owners confirming interested to buy shares in UDA (iii) request for government to empower daladala owners to participate in the DAR project (iv) request by daladala owners to be given preference in the bid for DART operations, (v) request for government to improve feeder road before relocating daladalas to those roads (vi) foreign companies be required to bid jointly with local bus operating and (vii) request for government to pay compensation (disturbance allowance) for existing daladala owners. International Market Consultative Meeting 3rd - 4th June 2014 (26) Another opportunity for engagement with existing commuter bus owners was the International Market Consultative Meeting hosted by the DART Agency from 3rd to 4th June at the Mlimani City Conference Hall, officiated by the Prime Minister Hon. Mizengo Peter Pinda (MP), and attended by high ranking Government officials, members from daladala owners associations, (UWADAR and DARCOBOA), UDA and other stakeholders. Among other things, the meeting resolved on treatment of daladala owners impacted by DART Phase I would focus on three options: (i) to buy shares in already established companies and UDA and solicit partnerships with international firms.(ii) pay compensation to those who want to quit business and (iii) government to pay disturbance allowance to those who opt for re-routing of their buses. Page 9 Mitigation Measures Agreed With Daladala Stakeholders (27) Following the extensive consultative efforts with daladala owners and drivers, three options were arrived at which will be presented to government by DART within the coming period. These options together with grievance policy are to be addressed before PPP Tender is issued include: (a) daladala owners willing to participate in the BRT system can be given access to buy government shares held at UDA (b) government to pay scrap value of impacted daladalas and remove them from the system (methods for payment is either depreciation or scrap value and these daladalas once paid would be destroyed and (c ) government to pay disturbance allowance for loss of business due to relocation. Re-routing of Daladalas (28) It was also generally agreed that all the routes that run parallel to the DART trunk and feeder system will be cancelled. Essentially the public transport system will be divided such that north of Morogoro road (and on the Msimbazi road up to Gerezani) the DART system will replace all daladalas, with the exception of daladalas that will take passengers to DART feeder terminals and to some of the intermediate stops. Daladala routes that take passengers from south to north (and reverse) across Morogoro Road are mostly altered such that current routes will be stopped at stations and terminals along Morogoro Road (or at Gerezani) and passengers will transfer to the DART system. Options for the Daladala Drivers and Conductors (29) It was noted that devising options for drivers and conductors was a much more complex task than for the owners, as there is no definitive list of drivers or conductors; the majority of owners have not registered a contract for their drivers even though they are obliged to do so; drivers frequently move among owners; there are many casual and part-time drivers and conductors in addition to those who are full-time workers; and the high turnover means that for any list compiled now, many would no longer be working on the affected routes by end-2015 when the first displacements would occur. (30) Posibilities for dealing with drivers and conductors incude: (i) relocating to new routes not be affected by the DART Phase 1 (ii) employment in the DART system (ii) re-training and (iii) some sort of disturbance allowances set at a moderate level, based on the relative earning capacity of their old and new routes, in part because eligible persons could easily move to another more profitable route after they have been paid the Allowance, in part because for some the Allowance might be reduced to near-zero. (31) The mechanism that was proposed in respect of options for drivers and conductors include; (a) SUMATRA, with the assistance of DART Agency, compiles a list of eligible persons based on the agreed criteria (b) affected owner that takes the rerouting option for his/her vehicle will be required to give preference to engaging personnel from the list, and register those personnel on the employment contract associated with their Page 10 licence (c) personnel so re-routed will be paid the basic Disturbance Allowance, and will be removed from the list.. Implementation and timelines (32) Proposed implementation and timeline are explained in the detailed report. Grievance Mechanisms (33) The proposed manual provides the Grievance Mechanism to be followed in resolving forseable conflicts between DART and the impacted Daladala Operators as well as other public transport stakeholders ( including passengers). The manual also directs how to address grievances of the operators that may arise in this process. Daladala operators in this context include bus owners and drivers with a focus on bus owners who have a direct contract of operations with the Government. (34) It should be noted that the major issue of concern observed during the daladala consultative process was full involvement of daladala owners to form a consortium with foreign and locals investors and hence become shareholders in DART Operations. However, an in-depth initiative has been done to involve daladala owners to participate as appropriate in the new DART system and ensure daladala operators are consulted on actions for such participation. The intension was to explore two possible avenues foreseen for their participation i.e. Daladala operators could become shareholders of the planned service providers or could form companies/associations and participate in the bidding process for the provision of the services. It is expected that the complaints and grievances will be minimal. (35) On September 23rd 2014, an important milestone in daladala consultations was reached with the signing of a MOU between UDA and daladala providing a way for joint efforts by existing operators to participate in the BRT operations. (36) In view of this development, the option of direct negotiations with existing operators who have associated with UDA is being pursued with a view for them to provide interim services on condition that they will not participate in the international tender for full BRT operations. However the preferred bidder will be required to incorporate the Interim service operators. The Grievance Committee (37) DART will form the Grievance Committee whose primary responsibity will be to receive and resolve all BRT related complaints. Details of composition and mode of peration are presented in the main report. Page 11 MAIN REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania is implementing the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project for Dar es Salaam (branded Dar Rapid Transit DART), with the main objective of providing high quality, high capacity and most efficient public transport service to the whole City, bringing better conditions to the public transportation system. Operation of the DART system is planned to be undertaken by a private sector Service Provider that would include bus service operations, automated fare collection services and infrastructure management services. The Government, pursuant to provisions of the Financing Agreement1 signed with the IDA, has placed a priority on participation of existing commuter bus operators in the DART system operations. Steps towards involvement of existing bus owners have been on-going since 2002 when the project was conceptualised. Involvement of representatives of Daladala owners and UDA had been in high profile meetings and other events concerning the DART Project. It also involved participation in familiarisation visits to cities like Bogota which have operating BRT systems. In 2010 NIT was engaged to study operations of buses and trucks in the country. The study revealed three key deficiencies in areas of organisational, financial and operational aspects. In 2011 NIT was rehired to conduct a follow-up study aimed at advising on appropriate ways of engaging with existing bus operators and assisting them in capacity building towards participation in the DART Project. More recently, in 2013 a local business consultant, was hired to undertake a more thorough documentation on latest status of daladala bus owners involvement and engage with the existing bus operators on their possible involvement in the DART project operations. The consultant was required come-up with a grievances mechanism for daladala operators to build an understanding of what can reasonably be achieved, and to establish a baseline of expectations among the owners and developing the right attitude. 1 Refer Section V (a) and V(c) of the Financing Agreement entered into by GOT and the International Development Association (the Association) for the additional credit for the Second Central Transport Corridor Project Page 12 The above mentioned reports prepared by the consultants have received comments from World Bank. 2. REPORT OBJECTIVES AND COVERAGE The main objective of the report is to present the process and outcome of consultations with daladala operators in preparation for transition from current daladala dominated public transport to the BRT system being implemented under the DART Phase I Project. As background, this report sets out in brief the historical background and basic facts on the City of Dar es Salaam, the evolution of comuter bus operations in the city, the need for mass transit system in public transport and the planned BRT system through the DART project and the expected impacts on the existing commuter buses. The report explains the process followed in consultations with existing computer bus operators who have played an important role in providing public transport services in the city right from the colonial priod. The Government of Tanzania, as part of conditions agreed with the World Bank which has provided the bulk of financing for the DART Infrastructure, is required to fulfil specific provisions regarding resettlement of existing commuter bus operators. These provisions are explained under section 7 below. In this respect, the report covers the history of involvement of existing commuter buses both during the evolution of the project as well as during the implementation of DART Phase I, explaining in detail the consultation process that has been put in place and the outcome of the consultations conducted including market consultative meeting of 3rd to 4th June 2014. The report also explains the agreed options for dealing with impacted commuter buses, and details of proposed grievances mechanisms to deal with impacted buses, drovers and conduxtors. Page 13 3. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY OF DAR ES SALAAM CITY 3.1 Historical Background The name Dar es Salaam originated from Persian-Arabic name “Bandar-ulSalaam” which in Kiswahili means “Bandari ya Salama” or “Harbour of Peace”. This name was originally chosen by the City’s founder, Seyyid Majid Sultan of Zanzibar in 1862. Dar es Salaam was declared a Township in 1920 under British rule and in 1949 it was upgraded to a municipality. On Tanganyika’s Independence Day i.e 9th December 1961, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England, by a Royal Charter, accorded a City status to the Municipality of Dar es Salaam as a gift to Tanganyika on attaining independence. Until 1996 when the City Council was abolished, Dar es Salaam was the only city in the country whose boundaries were the same as those of the Dar es Salaam region. By the abolishion of the Dar es Salaam City Council and establishment of the Dar es Salaam City Commision, plans were underway to split it into three Municipalities of Ilala, Temeke and Kinondoni and the City Council to act as an overseer to the municipalities on cross-cutting and policy issues, the process which was completed in 2000. 3.2 Size and Location Dar es Salaam is located between latitudes 6.36 degrees and 7.0 degrees to the south of Equator and longitudes 39.0 and 33.33 to the east of Greenwich. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the east and by the Coast Region on the other sides. The total surface area of Dar es Salaam City is 1,800 square kilometres, comprising of 1,393 square kilometres of land mass with eight offshore islands. 3.3 Road Infrastructure Dar es Salaam has a total of 2,094.4 kms of roads out of which 494.3 kms (equivalent to 24%), are under the supervision of TANROADS while 1,600.1kms (equivalent to 76%), are under the supervision of the three Municipalities, each having responsibility of maintaining all the roads under its area of jurisdiction. The City road density is below average for such a city. a) Trunk roads These are national and international routes that link Dar es Salaam with other regional headquarters cities or towns outside Dar es Salaam. They are Maintained and supervised by TANROADS and include Morogoro, Kilwa, New Bagamoyo, Nyerere/Pugu, and Mandela/Sam Nujoma roads altogether covering some 126.2 kms. Page 14 b) Regional roads These are secondary roads that connect trunk roads; one municipality and another or between regional headquarters. Examples of these roads are Temboni to Kinyerezi, Banana (Ukonga). They are maintained and supervised by TANROADS, and in total they cover a length of 368.3km. (c) District and Feeder roads These are roads that connect district headquarters and a division centre, a division centre with another division centres. An example of such roads is a road from Chuo Kikuu to Ubungo and Ubungo to Changanyikeni. In total, district and feeder roads cover a total length of 1,600.1km with a distribution of 429 km (Ilala), 692.7km (Kinondoni) and 478.4 km (Temeke). District and feeder roads are maintained and supervised by the respective municipal councils as shown in table 2.2. Table 2.2 Dar es Salaam road network Supervising authority TANROADS Ilala Kinondoni Temeke Total Length (km) 494.3 429 692.7 478.4 2094.4 Road status Paved 211.4 132 114.7 67 525.1 Gravel 80 315.25 Non gravel 282.9 217 262.752 411.11 1569.3 Source: Dar es Salaam Municipalities (2008) 3.4 DSM City Administrative arrangements Administratively, Dar es Salaam has a regional administration headed by the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner under whom are three districts namely Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke each headed by a District Commissioner. The City also has a Local Government Authority with the City council administration headed by the Lord Mayor of Dar es Salaam with three autonomous Municipal Councils namely, Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke each under a Municipal Mayors and Directors respectively. 3.5 Population and Growth Dar es Salaam is one of the fastest growing cities in Sub Saharan Africa. The City’s population grew from only about 3,500 people in 1867 to 67,227 in 1948, to 128,742 in 1957, increasing to 272,821 in 1961 and to 943,000 in 1978. The 1988 census recorded the city’s population as 1,360,850 people. The 2002 census established the population to be 2,500,000 with a growth rate of 4.3%. According to the 2012 national census, the City’s population had reached 4.36 million inhabitants, representing an average annual population growth rate (2002-2012) Page 15 of 5.6 percent. At this rate of growth, Dar es Salaam is projected to be a Mega City of nearly 10 million inhabitants by 2025. Table 1: Breakdown of the City’s Current Population by District District Area km² Population (2012) Ilala 210 1,220,611 Kinondoni 527 1,775,049 Temeke 656 1,368,881 1,393 4,364,541 Total Source: NBS 2012 population Census 4. EVOLUTION OF COMMUTER TRANSPORT IN DAR ES SALAAM 4.1 DMT to UDA The urban public transport in the city of Dar es Salaam can be traced back to 1949 when a privately owned company named Dar es Salaam Motor Transport Company (DMT) started providing passenger transport services in the then Tanganyika (now Tanzania Mainland). The company was a subsidiary of a British Holding Corporation, United Transport Overseas Services (UTOS) based in Nairobi, Kenya. DMT enjoyed the monopoly of providing urban passenger transport services in Dar es Salaam, in addition to providing inter-regional passenger transport to other selected urban centres within Tanzania mainland. Urban transport services provided by DMT in Dar es Salaam were limited to the well maintained urban roads which were concentrated within the central part of the city. The DMT continued to operate after independence until April 1970 when it was nationalised and operated under the management of the National Transport Corporation (NTC). In May 1974, DMT was split into two semi-autonomous transport Companies, namely “Shirika la Usafiri Dar es Salaam (UDA)” and National Bus Service (NBS) commonly known as “Kampuni ya Mabasi ya Taifa (KAMATA)”. While UDA was charged with the responsibility of providing urban public transport in Dar es Salaam city; KAMATA had the responsibility of providing inter-regional passenger transport services throughout Tanzania Mainland. Both companies were not set to operate commercially and the fares had to be approved by the Government. 4.2 Urban Public Transport Under UDA (before its privatization) UDA started operations in 1974 with a capital of Tshs. 40.8 million largely funded from government subsidy. The company was initially jointly owned by Dar es Salaam City Council with 51% of shares, and National Transport Page 16 Company holding 49% of the shares. However, following the reforms implemented by the Government after 1992, NTC was specified and its shareholding in UDA transferred to the Treasury Registrar. Since its inception, UDA had been experiencing problems ranging from poor financial and human resources, unserviceable vehicles and poor state of the city’s road infrastructure. As a result, the company was unable to fully satisfy the growing demand for urban travel in the City. For instance, in 1975 Dar es Salaam population was 686,683 and by 1982 it had reached 1,051,642 inhabitants, with a travel demand requiring a fleet of 500 buses against 194 owned by UDA at the time. Worse still most of the UDA fleet was poorly serviced. Generally, the bus fares set/approved by the government and its respective agencies were inadequate to sustain commercially viable bus operations making it difficult for UDA to operate viably. Inability of the government to provide the required subsidy to match the financing deficit caused by very low fixed bus fares greatly undermined UDA’s performance. Coupled with poor managerial performance as indicated above, the company continued to deteriorate gradually, reaching a low of a mere 4 operating vehicles at the time of its privatization in 2009 4.3 Daladala Operations The dismal performance of UDA amidst growing demand for travel within the City encouraged private bus operators to come in informally to fill in the demand gap, providing transport services at largely hiked fares, initially Tshs. 5/= instead of Tshs. 1/= charged by UDA. Because the five shilling coin was referred to as “dala”(by then TZS 5/= was equivalent to UDS 1, hence the word “dala” meaning “dollar”), the private minibuses became known commonly as “Dala dala”. As UDA’s performance continued to deteriorate, informal private operators continued filling the gap and eventually the government resolved to grant short term operating licenses to them initially as “Sub contractors” to UDA, which had an exclusive license or monopoly of public transport in the City of Dar es Salaam. The idea was for UDA to regulate the operations of the Daladala in conformity with the laws and regulations at the time. In 1985, the second phase Government ordered the licensing authority to issue licenses to private operators with light trucks locally called “Chai Maharage” to transport passengers not only in Dar es Salaam but all over the countryi. This Page 17 mode was already a practice in Zanzibar where light trucks were used to carry passengers. Due to continued reforms in the urban transportation system, deregulation and trade liberalisation, some policy changes took place starting from 1991 and in 1997 the government withdrew from fixing bus fares allowing commuter fares be somehow determined by market forces. These factors encouraged entry into the public transport system of more efficient, safe, relqatively more convenient and comfortable vehicles like, microbuses, mini-buses and standard buses. Gradually this led to the displacement of “Chai Maharage” from providing public transport service in the city replaced the now dominant private commuter buses commonly known as ‘Daladalas’. The fleet of daladala vehicles initially included small minibuses with capacity less than 25 passengers (commonly ‘Hiace’ or ‘Vipanya’) along with medium sized minibuses (25-50 passengers). However from 2006, only vehicles of more than 25 seats capacity are permitted to service downtown areas. The fleet of commuter buses in Dar es salaam had been estimated to be about 6,600 operating on 482 (NIT 2010). In total, about 775.4km of the city’s roads are estimated to be served by the registered daladalas. The remaining parts of the city especially the outer suburbs and peri-urban areas are served mainly by non registered public transport which comprise mostly poor quality vehicles not qualifying to enter the City, including ‘Coasters’ and ‘Hiace’ and ‘Noahs’, motor cycles (bodaboda) and tricycles (bajaj). Most of these means of transport in the remote areas are in a very bad condition which endangers the lives of commuters. Ownership is widely dispersed with about 3,000 owners and an average of two daladalas per owner. Daladalas are regulated by the Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA) under the Ministry of Transport. SUMATRA issues an annual licence to each daladala to ply on a particular route. Origin, destination and fares are clearly marked on each bus.The daladala system is currently estimated to provide about 3 million trips each day during workdays. As can be seen from figure 1 below, daladal;a routes are mainly concentrated along the trunk roads. Map of Main Daladala Routes Page 18 ! Source: DART Agency: Daladala Routes are concentrated along the tunk roads The current fares on daladala are TZS 400 for a trip up to a maximum of 10 kilometres and up to TZS 750 for longer trips. Students pay TZS 200 per trip. Daladalas operate on 362 within the City.. Major terminals are: (i) within the city: Kariakoo, Gerezani, Old Posta, Kivukoni, Mnazi Moja and Muhimbili; (ii) along Morogoro Road: Ubungo, Kimara and Mbezi; (iii) along Bagamoyo Road: Morocco, Makumbusho, Mwenge and Tegeta; (iii) along Nyerere/Uhuru/Pugu Road: Buguruni, Vingunguti, Gongo la Mboto; and (iv) along Kilwa Road: Temeke, Mbagala and Rangi Tatu. 5. THE PLANNED OPERATIONS OF THE DART PHASE ONE PROJECT 5.1 Need for Mass Transit System As indicated above, the City of Dar es Salaam is facing rapid population along with worsening traffic congestion and air pollution from increasing number of vehicles mostly imported in second-hand condition and about 70% of population living in unplanned communities lacking essential social services especially good infrastructure. The City is currently facing poor public transport service provided by large number of poorly maintained small private operated buses. In view of this the Government of Tanzania from 2003 had decided to implement a BRT system -the DART project, which is expected to address the growing problem of traffic Page 19 ! congestion in the City, increasing pollution and increasing passenger demand caused by rapid population growth. The DART project aims at introducing a bus-based mass transit system consisiting of trunk and feeder services that delivers fast, comfortable, environmental friendly and cost-effective urban mobility with the use of high capacity buses on trunk routes and medium size buses on feeder routes. The BRTsystem has many advantages as compared to the present public transport system. The major ones are: • It provides faster services with substantial time savings, • It is considered as a relatively cheaper means of mass transportation, • It is reliable and comfortable (in terms of scheduled trips and size and type of buses deployed), • It is a passenger commuter service that gives priority to commuter transport needs for faster convergence and at affordable fares, • It is environmentally friendly because of: − Less vehicle emissions and noise − It enhances Non Motorized Transport • It is safer especially when Modal Integration is taken into account, • It is efficient and fast because of : − less congestion − segregation of lanes for BRT vehicles − fast boarding and disembarkation − centrally controlled routing system through computer network • It is economical as: − It offers a fair return on investment − It allows building of Public Private Partnerships − There will be less cost for customers and the government in general − It will create employment opportunities (including drivers, ticket vendors and central control unit.) − It can cope with fast growing demand for commuter services − It is very flexible and adaptable (e.g. in comparison to commuter rail services) 5.2 Description of the DART Phase I Operation Plan As indicated above, the Dar es Salaam Bus Rapid Transit (DART Project) is designed to provide high-quality, efficient and affordable mass transit services Page 20 ! on a cost-effective basis to meet the City’s growing public transport requirements. The project is designed to be implemented in six phases covering all the major corridors of the City plus new ones to be developed as shown in Figure I below. Figure 1: DSM Map Indicates the DART Project Implementation Phases Source: DART Agency 5.3 The DART Trunk system Phase 1 of the DART System which is currently under implementation will cover a total of 20.9 km including section of Morogoro Road from Kimara to Kivukoni, portion of Kawawa Road from Morocco to Magomeni Mapipa and Msimbazi road up-to Kariakoo (Gerezani Quarters). Figure 2 below shows the Phase 1 trunk system and Figure 3 the proposed trunk routes. Page 21 ! ! Figure 2: DART Phase 1: High Capacity Trunk System. EFGH!I6! EFGH!I6 EH!')/)*+,A EH!')/)*+,A! J!;$&6*,/=A J!;$&6*,/=A! E!>$@+)A E!>$@+)A! Figure 3: DART Phase 1: Proposed Trunk Routes Source: DART Operational Design (2007) 5.4 The Feder System The feeders to this trunk line are as follows: • Morocco terminal will receive all commuters from Mwenge through Kijitonyama via New Bagamoyo Road while Kawe, Msasani and Mikocheni commuters will connect to the trunk system through Mwai Kibaki Road, Page 22 ! whereas Masaki commuters will reach trunk through Msasani road. Morocco branch will also be fed by Mwananyamala Road and Tandale- Uzuri road. • Kimara terminal will be fed by Morogoro Road from Mbezi, at the same time University Road and Sam Nujoma Road will feed the trunk through Ubungo Terminal. Other feeders to the Trunk are Mabibo Road, Shekilango Road, while Kigogo commuters will reach the trunk through Kawawa Road and Muhimbili commuters will reach the trunk through United Nations Road. Figure 4 below shows the DART feeder system in Phase 1. Figure 4: DART Phase 1: Proposed feeder Routes Source: DART Operational Design (2007) 5.5 DART System Set-up The proposed mode of operation envisaged for the DART project is single “Service Provider” who will finance, procure, deliver, operate and maintain the entire Trunk and the Feeder BRT services. This will include about 177 (+5% reserve fleet) articulated buses (18-meter with capacity of 150 passengers each) for the Trunk routes and 128 (+5% reserve fleet) (12-metre) buses for the Feeder Routes. The Service Provider will also finance, procure, deliver, install, operate and maintain the fare collection system, the Operations Management System (OMS)/ Page 23 Inteligent Transport System (ITS) and other support systems such as passenger information and the maintenance of equipment required at the depots. The Service Provider will also maintain and manage all stations and terminals. After two years of operation, the OMS/ITS system as well as some of the operations management activities will be passed back to DART Agency and the Service Provider will continue to provide maintenance and technical support to the hardware and software. The procurement of the main BRT operational services is being done by the DART Agency which will oversee and regulate the private sector actors based on signed contractual performance agreements. However there is a time lag of about 18 months from March 2015 when most of the BRT infrastructure will be ready and commencement of full operations by the BRT service provider. In order to take care of potential damage/deterioration on the completed stretch during this period, an interim bus rervice provider is to be procured. 6. POSSIBLE IMPACT OF THE DART SYSTEM ON THE EXISTING TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM OPERATORS Operation of the DART Project will necessitate relocation of existing buses (daladala and UDA) currently operating along the DART corridors – Morogoro road and Msimbazi and will necessitate re-routing of the buses operating on these routes. A number of possible impacts are explained below. 6.1. Elimination and/or Re-routing of Daladala and UDA Buses With the introduction of the DART system, daladala and UDA buses will automatically be eliminated along the Morogoro road. In 2006, SUMATRA indicated that there were 181 daladala routes whereas field work by Consultancy firm LOGIT had confirmed that there were actually 255 routes. The operators might be hesitant to move to other routes because of various reasons e.g. may not be considered profitable. However, licences are issues only for one year and have no provision for the operators to hold on to the preferred route. Page 24 6.2. Loss of business due to Inferior Infrastructure in the new allocated Routes The buses along Morogoro road ply along good road infrastructure and may wish to continue along such routes. The newly allocated routes may be of poor condition in which case not ‘comfortable’ to operate. There are some daladala operators that might be hesitant to relocate their business for these reasons and they would wish to operate where the infrastructure is in good condition. 6.3. Loss of Jobs The daladala operators are concerned about the gradual phasing out of their operations. The concern especially among drivers and conductors is whether new jobs will be created to absorb those who will lose their jobs once daladala buses are phased out. Presently, it is stated that there are over five thousand (5,000) commuter buses in Dar es Salaam including unauthorized ones. Phase 1 will involve about 1,500 commuter buses to be replaced by the DART project. This will affect their overall employment opportunities in the public transport sector otherwise there might be strikes and violence due to lack of appreciation of the BRT system. 6.4. Daladalas to be phased out on Grounds of Pollution The DART project plans to cut down pollution levels in the city, caused mainly by the daladala buses which are largely in poor condition. The argument is that the city had witnessed phenomenal growth in recent past but lacked a public transport system that would minimize/reduce increasing air pollution, traffic congestion which endangered public safety. 7. SPECIFIC PROVISIONS RELEVANT TO DALADALA AND ITS INDUSTRY 7.1. Country specific requirements related to resettlement of Daladalas The Government is keen to have a smooth transition from existing bus operations to BRT operations in a manner that avoids any disruption or sabotage in the public transport services rendered to the City commuters. This is being achieved through consultative and participatory approach in dealing with existing operators with a view of cultivating a sense of ownership and feeling of having been given due regard for the past contribution in rendering public transport services prior to the introduction of BRT. 7.2. Bank guidelines and Legal Requirements in Financial Agreement (FA) between the GoT and the Bank Page 25 The Financing Agreement entered into by GoT and the International Development Association for the additional credit for the Second Central Transport Corridor Project, from the proceeds of which the infrastructure of the DART system Phase I is financed, includes two specific provisions in this regard: (1) Schedule 2 Section V (a): The Recipient (GoT) shall (i) cause the DART (Agency) to procure the services of bus operator, fare collector and a fund manager in accordance with the Recipient’s procurement rules and regulations, and a process satisfactory with the Association; and (ii) ensure that, as a minimum condition for the award of the contracts for the operations of buses and collection of fares in the DART system or through such other appropriate mechanism as may be agreed with the Association, affected private operators of public transport vehicles (daladalas) and daladala drivers are afforded preferential access to ownership of shares in the entities contracted to provide said services. (2) Schedule 2 Section V (c): The Recipient shall cause DART to ensure that a grievance process, satisfactory to the Association is established as a mechanism for addressing any grievances that may arise from affected private operators of public transport vehicles (daladalas) and daladala drivers in connection with the introduction of the DART system. 8. AFFECTED COMMUNITIES AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS 8.1. Inventory of Current Operating Buses to be impacted As part of the consultative process, the consultant hired by the DART Agency conducted an exercise of registering all daladala buses, owners, drivers and conductors who are likely to be affected by the planned operation of DART Phase I project. In undertaking this exercise, the daladala owners were requested to respond to a questionnaire designed to capture information on the following:§ § § Name, address, telephone number and email of bus owner. Number of buses owned by each operator; age of buses and routes operated. Drivers involved and engaged by each bus owner; age and education of driver. § Views on readiness to participate in the project and comments and remarks of bus owners. Each Daladala owner was requested to bring copies of three document items which were the vehicle registration card for each vehicle, the road service license Page 26 issued by Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA) for each route operated, and a colour copy of driver license for each of his drivers. A follow up was made to ensure that the key issues of the whole registration exercise were understood. At the end of the exercise on 25th April 2014, a total of 343 Daladala owners, 479 buses and 474 drivers were registered. There is discrepancy on number of drivers and buses as some of the drivers had left employment and owners were looking for replacement. From analysis of the data provided by the owners, the consultant noted that a number of Daladala owners turned up in person for the exercise while some sent representatives. Apart from undertaking the registration process, Daladala owners who came in person expressed that they understood the planned DART project operations and also raised their concerns, most of which were addressed during the registration exercise. The consultant noted that many Daladala owners, for some reasons, when they acquired buses already in operation, do not change the vehicle registration to their own names. To identify actual ownership of such buses, the team, while recording the name in the vehicle registration card as the owner also took the telephone contacts of the person claiming to own the bus so as to be able to ascertain number of buses owned based on claim of ownership. Below is a summary of the information on buses, bus owners; drivers with secondary education; routes with most buses registered, and views of bus owners regarding BRT Phase One. 8.1.1 Number of Buses: The exercise identified 22 owners with 5 or more buses as indicated in Table 2 below. Furthermore, a total of 164 buses were owned by 22 individuals - about 34.2 per cent of all buses registered during the exercise. Page 27 Table 2: List of Owners with at least 5 Buses S/No Name Gender P.O Box City Tel No 1 Saad M Abeid M 22446 Dar-es-Salaam 685706067 5 2 Furahisha J Mvungi M 20950 Dar-es-Salaam 715980880 21 3 Zahor M Salum M 22164 Dar-es-Salaam 716495055 5 4 Sadik H Ndosi M 90005 Dar-es-Salaam 754753331 7 5 Bernard Mshana M 1135 Dar-es-Salaam 767566220 5 6 Ali A Mwinyibohari M 61038 Dar-es-Salaam 713292625 5 7 Majid Mohamed M 493 Zanzibar 713335022 12 8 Saleh H Saleh M 16532 Dar-es-Salaam 713406080 7 9 Farid Said M 9771 Dar-es-Salaam 713565158 8 10 Whiteswan Co Itd M 1578 Dar-es-Salaam 715555366 5 11 Abubakar Khamis M - Dar-es-Salaam 784491059 5 12 Rabia Mbara F 90598 Dar-es-Salaam 655489565 5 13 David Yonah M 50122 Dar-es-Salaam 712698209 8 14 Mwinyi Zuberi M 90237 Dar-es-Salaam 713242422 8 15 Ally Mzee M 5856 Dar-es-Salaam 713462045 5 16 Abdulrahman Amour M 25338 Dar-es-Salaam 715701665 5 17 Leonard O Somi M 32846 Dar-es-Salaam 754272635 5 18 Ally O Amour M 999 Zanzibar 754298972 19 19 Abdul M Kiriwe M 90003 Dar-es-Salaam 789092410 5 20 Zida Trans Enterprise M 999 Dar-es-Salaam 655441586 10 21 Said Bakari M 1328 Dar-es-Salaam 715328116 5 22 Hasina M Nassoro F 3746 Zanzibar 715525756 9 Total 8.1.2 Buses Owned 164 Age analysis of the buses: With regard to the age of each bus, out of the 479 buses registered, about 72% were more than 13 years old. The breakdown analysis of years the buses were manufactured is as shown below. • 36 %, between 1990 and 1995 (hence are between 19 and 24 years old) • 36 %, between 1995 and 2000 (14-18 years old ) • 13%, between 2000 and 2005 (9-13 years old ) • 9%, between 2005 and 2010, (4-8 years old )and • 6%, between 2010 and now. (<4 years old) If the above is representative of all Daladala in Dar es Salaam then the City transport system is operated largely by dilapidated vehicles. It is interesting to note that out of 22 individual bus owners 2 are women (about 9 %). Page 28 In respect of the roadworthiness of these vehicles (those over 13 years old) it is responsibility of SUMATRA and Traffic Police to enforce laws for these vehicles to be taken out of the road. This means that even a moderate tightening of compliance with age and roadworthiness mandatory requirements would require a significant part of the Daladala sector to either make significant reinvestment or to leave the industry, with this being in no way related to the BRT. This falls outside DART mandates and outside the scope of this assignment.The details are found on Annex 5 of this report. 8.1.3 Drivers: A total of 474 drivers were registered along with their driving license numbers, date of birth and class of drivers licence as well as expiry date for each license. However a negligible number of drivers were found to be drivers of Daladala buses without the proper class of license required. With regards to age and education of drivers, 69 drivers (or 14%) were found to have “O” Level Secondary School education and were of the age not exceeding 40 years. This is a potential target group which can be trained to be employed by BRT system. The remaining 86% of the drivers could continue with their current duties once their respective Daladalas are relocated to different routes. 8.1.4 Daladala Routes: The consultant made analysis of the routes operated by the registered buses and compared the number of buses registered with allocation of buses by SUMATRA to each route so as to see the level of success in the registration for each route. In particular the consultant was more interested with those routes with big allocation of buses. The list of all the routes showing registered buses and the number of buses is presented in Table 3 below. The number of buses allocated to each route average 37. Page 29 Table 3: List of all the routes showing registered buses and the number of buses S/No Route Buses Registered Licensed buses % Registered 1 Buguruni-M/Mbusho 16 35 45.7 2 Buguruni-Masaki 8 39 20.5 3 G/Mboto-Masaki 3 50 6 4 G/Mboto-Mwenge 5 94 5.3 5 Kawe-Kariakoo 5 46 10.9 6 Kawe-Temeke 3 35 8.6 7 Kivukoni-M/Mbusho 2 36 5.6 8 M/Mbusho-Kivukoni 4 36 11.1 9 Mabibo-M/Mbusho 22 61 36.1 10 Mb/R3-Mwenge 13 60 21.7 11 Mbezi-Kariakoo 21 53 39.6 12 Mbezi-Kawe 4 56 7.1 13 Mbezi-M/mbili 31 50 62 14 Mwenge-Bunju 4 55 7.3 15 Mwenge-Kariakoo 40 190 21.1 16 Mwenge-Posta 23 100 23 17 Tegeta-Kariakoo 5 56 8.9 18 Tegeta-Ubungo 5 105 4.8 19 Temeke-Kawe 9 35 25.7 20 Temeke-M/Mbili 3 57 5.3 21 Temeke-M/Mbusho 1 42 2.4 22 Temeke-Mwenge 20 149 13.4 23 Ubungo-Kariakoo 17 73 23.3 24 Ubungo-Masaki 12 97 12.4 25 Ubungo-Mwenge 4 57 7.0 The routes with the highest percentage of registration are serial numbers 13, 1, and 11, which are Mbezi-Muhimbili, Bugurunu-Makukumbusho and MbeziKariakoo. Route with worse response to registration are serial numbers 21, 4 and 7 which are Temeke-Makumbusho, Gongo la Mboto-Mwenge, and KivukoniMakumbusho. This is an average of 30% registration for trunk routes and 25% on the feeder routes (for DART Phase One). 8.1.5 Impacted Daladala Owners and Drivers The impacted daladala owners and drivers are being classified as fully affected or partially impacted. The fully impacted ones are those operating on routes that have been cancelled. They are either fully or almost fully operating on the future DART trunk and feeder system and need to stop operating on the day of commencement of DART Operations (DO). The partially affected ones are those Page 30 on routes that have been adjusted. They operate only partially on the future DART system and their routes will normally be shortened or adjusted but not cancelled. Table 1 below shows the number of fully and partially impacted daladalas. Table below summarises the number of affected daladala, owners and drivers. Complete details per registration exercise conducted as paret of the assignment are presented as Annexes IV, V, and VI respectively. Table 4: Fully and Partially Impacted Daladala Owners and Drivers Typology No. of routes No. of daladalas No. of owners No. of drivers* Fully Impacted 71 1651 982 4953 Partially Impacted 86 1074 639 3222 Total Impacted 157 2725 1621 8175 Total 388 5200 3200 15600 % Impacted 40% 52% 51% 52% This number assumed/includes a multiplier of 3 assuming that for every driver there are an average 2 additional affected people, including the conductor and day workers. From the above we can see that about half of the daladala fleet and daladala workers are fully or partially affected due to the implementation of Phase I of the DART system. 8.1.6 Impacted Daladala Routes The list of daladala routes to be cancelled or adjusted is shown in Annex VIII Any daladala owner holding a transport (route) license from SUMATRA valid as of the date of publication of this policy framework on one of the routes included in Annex VIII is recognized as an ‘Impacted daladala owner.’ Any driver designated as their ‘principal driver’ by an affected daladala owner is considered an ‘affected daladala driver’. Generally all the routes that run parallel to the DART trunk and feeder system will be cancelled. Therefore to avoid destructive competition between the two systems (a “lose-lose” situation where nobody gains) and to decrease congestion on the road network. For instance, along the trunk corridors on the mixed traffic lanes no bus-bays are being built. Hence, if daladalas would keep operating they would be forced to stop in the traffic lanes, and would thereby reduce the carrying capacity of these lanes. Essentially the public transport system will be divided such that north of Morogoro road (and on the Msimbazi road up to Gerezani) the DART system will replace all daladalas, with the exception of daladalas that will take passengers to DART feeder terminals and to some of the intermediate stops. For Page 31 example, daladalas taking passengers from Bunju, or further out towards Bagamoyo, to the Tegeta DART feeder terminal and those from Kunduchi and Africana to Bagamoyo road will keep operating. The same will be true for daladalas operating outside Mbezi on Morogoro Road. Daladala routes that take passengers from south to north (and reverse) across Morogoro Road are mostly altered such that current routes will be stopped at stations and terminals along Morogoro Road (or at Gerezani) and passengers will transfer to the DART system. There are essentially four souths to north daladala route bundles across the Morogoro Road corridor: (i) Routes coming from Nelson Mandela Road: Some of these routes are currently proceeding west on Morogoro road, other proceed north on Sam Nujoma road. Those that head west will stop at Ubungo Tanesco where passengers can transfer to the Ubungo Tanesco station of the DART system. (ii) Routes coming from Kawawa road south: Routes using Msimbazi road: No daladala will be allowed to use Msimbazi road. All routes should terminate at Gerezani where there will be two daladala stations one for daladalas coming from Uhuru street and another one for those coming from Nyerere and Kilwa roads. When Phases II and III of the DART system start operation, these daladala terminals will become DART trunk terminals. DART plans to introduce a shuttle between Gerezani and Muhimbili to facilitate access to this important destination (iii) Routes using Kivukoni front: It is planned to stop all daladalas at Old Posta once DART Phase I becomes operational. Passengers from Kivukoni towards Nyerere and Kilwa roads will have two choices: (a) they can make use of the DART trunk system for one stop between Kivukoni and Old Posta; or (b) they can walk on the newly constructed four metre wide walkway. The distance is one kilometre or about 12 minutes walking time. 8.2. Daladala Associations There are two daladala owners’ associations, namely the Dar es Salaam Commuter Bus Owners’ Association (DARCOBOA) and the Association of Transporters in Dar es Salaam (UWADAR). Page 32 (i) DARCOBOA DARCOBOA is the larger of the two associations and has an estimated 600 members. Their Chairperson is Sabri Mabrouk and vice chairperson is Mashaka Mfaume (ii) UWADAR Umoja wa Wasafirishaji Dar es Salaam (UWADAR) is a newly formed organisation with about 150 daladala owners. Its Chairperson is Wiliam Masanja and Vice Chairperson Gharib Mohammed. 8.3. Regulatory Agency - SUMATRA Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA) is a Multisectoral regulatory authority which was established by an Act of Parliament (No. 9) of 2001 to regulate Rail, Road and Maritime transport services. SUMATRA Act came into force on 15th August, 2004 as per Government Notice No. 297 published on 20th August, 2004. The Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA), is tasked, among others, with the functions of issuing, renewing, cancelling and amending Road Service Licences as per the provisions of the Transport Licensing Act, 1973. Prior to the establishment of SUMATRA, the above function was performed by the Central Transport Licensing Authority and the Regional Transport Licensing Authorities for the pan territorial and regional licences respectively. The specific functions of SUMATRA in this regard include: § Licensing of commercial vehicles. § Determining and/or monitoring national and international yardsticks/benchmarks which can be used in determining the reasonableness of charges/rates/tariffs charged by the providers of road transport services. § Formulating and reviewing codes of conduct for the providers and users of the road sector services. § In collaboration with other stakeholders, overseeing investigation in road transport accidents. § Liaising with Police, Ministry of Public Safety and Security and Ministry of Infrastructure Development on issues affecting road transport. § Developing rules and regulations in Road Transport. § Regulating tariffs and charges. Page 33 The role of SUMATRA will be instrumental in driving the daladala transition policy. It will do so in close collaboration with the DART Agency by gradually phasing out – by way of non-renewal – the licenses for daladala routes potentially competing with the DART system and allocating other routes in fastgrowing areas of the city to affected daladala operators. 9. DALADALA CONSULTATION PROCESS 9.1 Background to Daladala Consultations As already indicated, the introduction of BRT system is expected to transform the current public transit operating system in Dar es Salaam, which is based on individually owned mid-sized busses (popularly known as Daladala) to company based BRT (Trunk and feeder) operations. In consideration of the potential impacts of this transition, the Agency has all along placed a priority on participation of existing commuter bus operators in the DART system operations. Pursuant to this, extensive efforts were done on engaging the existing bus operators in the DART project right from the very beginning, so as to avoid negative impacts by owners, drivers and conductors. Among the achievements in involvement of daladala owners included the formation of working groups (2002- 2004) with representatives of the bus owners (DARCOBOA and UDA participated in working groups which reviewed initial proposals for the DART project proposals. In the case of UDA, the former General Manager of UDA was actually heading the Interim Project Management Unit formed by DCC to work on the DART Project in its early stages. Other examples of involvement of existing bus operators in the DART project during the initial planning phase included participation in familiarisation tours to BRT projects in other countries notably Bogota, Colombia and participation in high profile meetings for deliberation on the project. The Government has all along considered that for successful development and operations of a BRT system in Dar es Salaam city, involvement of key stakeholders’ especially existing operators was necessary in order to develop some form of partnerships and create an environment for effectiveness, ownership and sustainability. Four levels of involvement/consultation were considered desirable namely; Information, Consultation, Participation and Empowerment. These are explained in detail hereunder. Page 34 9.2 Approach for Recent Consultations The approach to consultations included information introductions and briefings by DART Consultant who made presentation on BRT Phase one and Daladala transition mechanism and allowed comments and issues of clarification from the target group. Each Daladala owner was requested to bring copies of three document items which were the vehicle registration card for each vehicle, the road service license issued by Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA) for each route operated, and a colored copy of driver license for each of his drivers. At the end of the exercise on 25th April 2014, a total of 343 Daladala owners, 479 buses and 474 drivers were registered. There is discrepancy on number of drivers and buses as some of the drivers had left employment and owners were looking for replacement. During the discussion the target group was given leaflets with information on the project which proved to be very useful in educating the target group as well as the other transport stakeholders and users on the proposed DART Phase I project.. The consultation process ensured that precise and adequate information was availed to the Daladala owners through various media including Newspapers, Radio, TVs and Social Medias. The main objective was to inform Daladala owners about the registration exercise. A total of 15 radio announcements, 54 Newspapers adverts and articles were printed and 17 TV adverts were made regarding this exercise. This information was disseminated two weeks before the registration exercise began and throughout registration period. The process was extensively participatory and interactive to ensure maximum participation and clarity on the subject matter by the daladala owners, drivers and conductors. The consultations were conducted from Mondays through Sundays (inclusive of public holidays) in order to provide convenience to as many Daladala owners as possible. The collaborative initiatives carried out by DART Agency to involve the existing daladala owner’s dates back to year 2006/07 to date. A number of meetings conducted as part of meaningful consultative process to involve existing owners in the process of ensuring the agreed terms and conditions in the Financing Agreement entered into by GoT and the International Development Association. Page 35 9.3 Consultation Meetings 9.3.1 Consultative Meeting of 19th September 2013 The first major daladala consultative meeting was held at Mwalimu Nyerere Conference Centre on 19th September 2013, officiated by the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner, Sadick Mecksedick. It was attended by representatives from various Ministries including; PMO-RALG, Ministry of Communication and Transport as well as representatives from TANROADS, SUMATRA, TIC, NIT, TPSF as well as Dar es Salaam Region Traffic Police. Others were representatives of bus owners (DARCOBOA), Chama cha Umoja wa Wasafirishaji Abiria Dar es Salaam (UWADAR), Shirika la Usafiri Dar es Salaam (UDA) DART officials as well as members of the Press. List of participants is attached. Annex 1. This was an extensively publicized using both direct invitations through daladala bus owners associations (DARCOBOA and UWADAR) as well as various media including TV, radio and newspapers. During preparations for the meeting, the DART Agency learned of the formation of ‘Umoja wa Wamiliki wa Daladala Dar es Salaam’ (UWADAR) a rival association of about 150 members. The larger daladala owners association DARCOBOA which had been the sole organisation representing daladala owners has about 600 members. The meeting included presentation on the status of the DART Phase and the immediate plans for procurement of bus operators. SUMATRA also presented the new vision of the registration requirements for commuter buses which aims at licensing only bus companies to operate in the City of Dar es Salaam instead of individual bus owners. Main conclusions from the meeting were as follows: • The government appreciates the role being played by existing bus operators some of which have been plying of relatively poor roads and providing valuable public transport service to City Commuters for more than 30 years. • The existing bus operators were encouraged to form companies so as to be able to mobilise adequate funds and take advantage of the opportunity presented by the DART system operations and use the companies to participate in the tender for BRT bus operations • Alternatively they could also participate through acquiring shares to be set aside by the other private sector bidders whether local of foreign. Page 36 The meeting agreed on the formation of a Committee of six members representing daladala owners, to undertake detailed deliberations on the participation of owners in the DART project. The following composition was proposed: (i) DARCOBOA: Theresia Kitambi and Sabri Mabrouk (ii) UWADAR: William Masanja and Gharib Mohamed (iii) Bus owners not members of DARCOBOA or UWADAR: Gwamaka Nsekela and Ruth Majura The meeting came-up with the following recommendations: • Subsequent consultative meetings be more widely advertised to attract more perticipants from daladala owners • Daladala owners should realise importance of participating in these meetings since they are better placed to seize the opportunities availed by participation in the DART Project. • The government was requested to take concrete measures to improve feeder roads so as to create an opportunity for allocating daladala buses in new routes to enable them continue operating and hence minimise adverse impact on their incomes. 9.3.2 (a) Consultative Meetings with Daladala Committee Meetings held on 10 November, 2013 This was meeting of the six representatives of daladada owners and the DART Consultant and was held at Fiends Corner Meeting hall, Magomeni Kagera. A summary of the meeting is presented as Annex 2 Page 37 (b) Meeting held on 17th November 2013 A second Meeting of DART Consultant and the selected team of six daladala representatives was held on 17th November 2013. A summary of the meeting is presented as Annex 3 (c) Meeting Held on 10th April 2014 On 10th April 2014 a meeting with representatives of Daladala Associations (UWADAR) and DARCOBOA), with the objective of sharing with them status of registration as well as sharing with them information the options and opportunities available for participating in the DART project. The meeting was attended by the Daladala owners’ special committee members. A thorough discussion was held on the registration exercise other key issues were also discussed. These include: o The status of DART Phase I project, o Progress of daladala registration and the consultation exercise, o Discussion and attending to the concerns of da;ladala owners, and o Oprions and opportunities for Daladala Operators to participate in the DART system operations. At the end of the discussions, the representatives expressed that the discussions had enabled them to understand the registration exercise and were encouraged to inform their members to continue to participate in the exercise. During the meeting it was also revealed that a new company was in the process of being formed owned by members of both DARCOBOA and UWADAR. The company’s proposed name is Mzizima Daladala Express Ltd and the intention is to make this company public so as to attract members to raise the capital contribution required to participate effectively in the DART system operations. It was indicated that as of 22nd April 2014, preparations were in progress to set-up the company’s offices in Dar es aam. They were also in the initial stages of contacting Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange brokers on procedures for listing their company. Proccedings of the Daladala committee meetings is attached. Page 38 ! 9.3.3 Consultation Meeting held on 24th May 2014 The second major Daladala Owners consultative Meeting was held at the Karimjee Hall on 14th May 2014 chaired by the Ilala District Commissioner Hon. Raymond Mushi and attended by a number of representatives from daladala owners and other stakeholders. This meeting was intended for the Task Team incorporating six representatives of Daladala owners to present progress made on issues raised during the previous meeting of 19/09/2013. It was revealed during the meeting that the daladala owners were clearer in understanding the DART project and options for their involvement and had already initiated the process of registering a company called Mzizima Daladala Express. UDA was also invited and presented paper on how the company is progressing and its plans to work together with Daladala owners. Some of the Daladala owners expressed willingness to join UDA if they will sell shares. A cross-section ofthe May 24th meeting at Karimjee Hall. 9.4. Mitigation Measures Raised/Receommended. Following extensive discussions in the final Consultative Meeting Held on 24 May, 2014 the following options were raised/receommended as options. • Daladala owners to join forces and mobilise resources to enable them to participate in bidding for DART operations • Buy shares in UDA when they sell, requested for ample time to allow interested owners to mobilise finance. Page 39 ! • Relocated daladala owners to be given preference in route allocation • Government requested to improve road before relocating daladalas to those roads. • Foreign companies should bid jointly with local bus operators. • Government pay compensation (scrapping value) to existing daladala owners to be re-routed or disturbance allowance for those who remain in business. Preceedings are attached (Annex 4). Further discussion on the above list of option, the final options were three, these are:. i) Pay scrap value of Impacted Daladalas and remove them from the system (methods for payment is either depreciation or scrap value). These daladalas once paid they should be destroyed. ii) Pay disturbance allowance for loss of business for buses relocated to other roads. iii) Daladala owners willing to participate in the DART tender can buy shares from UDA or other local companies. 9.5. Participation in International Market Consultative Meeting, Another opportunity for involvement of existing comuter bus owners was the International Market Consultative Meeting hosted by the DART Agency from 3rd to 4th June 2014 at the Mlimani City Conference Hall. The event was meant to market the opportunities presented by the DART Phase I operations to potential investors, both local and International. The meeting was officiated by the Prime Minister Hon. Mizengo Peter Pinda (MP), and attended by high ranking Government officials including Minister of State, PMO-RALG Hon. Hawa A.Ghasia (Mb), Deputy Minister Prime Minister’s Office Hon. Aggrey Mwanri (Mp), Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Regional Administration and Local Government Hon. Dr Khamis A. Kingwangalah (MP), Lord Mayor of Dar es Salaam City Dr. Didas Masaburi, Permanent Secretary, PMORALG Mr. Jummne Sagini and Deputies Permanent Secretaries from PMO-RALG; Mr. Kyabukama Kiliba (DPS Local Government), Dr. Deo Mtasiwa (DPS– Health), Permanent secretaries from Ministries of Finance, Transport and Communications, Infrastructure, Mayors of Ilala, Temeke and Kinondoni Municipalities amongst others. Thirteen (13) members from the urban public transporters in Dar es Salaam and heads of the two daladala owners associations, (UWADAR and DARCOBOA) Page 40 also attended the meeting along with representatives of Capital Markets, SUMATRA, UDA and many interested parties from 17 different countries. 10. OPTIONS AGREED WITH DALADALA STAKEHOLDERS In the final daladala consultative meeting of 24th May 2014 three options were arrived at.The three options are: i) Pay scrap value of Impacted Daladalas and remove them from the system (methods for payment is either depreciation or scrap value). These daladalas once paid they should be destroyed. ii) Pay disturbance allowance for loss of business for buses relocated to other roads. iii) Daladala owners willing to participate in the DART tender get access to buy shares in UDA (public transport company in the city) or other local companies. iv) On September 23rd 2014, an important milestone in daladala consultations was reached with the signing of a MOU between UDA and daladala providing a way for joint efforts by existing operators to participate in the BRT operations. v) In view of this development, the option of direct negotiations with existing operators who have associated with UDA is being pursued with a view for them to provide interim services on condition that they will not participate in the international tender for full BRT operations. However the preferred bidder will be required to incorporate the Interim service operators. 10.1 Re-routing Generally all the routes that run parallel to the DART trunk and feeder system will be cancelled. Therefore to avoid destructive competition between the two systems (a “lose-lose” situation where nobody gains) and to decrease congestion on the road network. For instance, along the trunk corridors on the mixed traffic lanes no bus-bays are being built. Hence, if daladalas would keep operating they would be forced to stop in the traffic lanes, and would thereby reduce the carrying capacity of these lanes. Essentially the public transport system will be divided such that north of Morogoro road (and on the Msimbazi road up to Gerezani) the DART system will replace all daladalas, with the exception of daladalas that will take passengers to DART feeder terminals and to some of the intermediate stops. For example, daladalas taking passengers from Bunju, or further out towards Bagamoyo, to the Tegeta DART feeder terminal and those from Kunduchi and Page 41 Africana to Bagamoyo road will keep operating. The same will be true for daladalas operating outside Mbezi on Morogoro Road. Daladala routes that take passengers from south to north (and reverse) across Morogoro Road are mostly altered such that current routes will be stopped at stations and terminals along Morogoro Road (or at Gerezani) and passengers will transfer to the DART system. There are essentially four souths to north daladala route bundles across the Morogoro Road corridor: a) Routes coming from Nelson Mandela Road: Some of these routes are currently proceeding west on Morogoro road, other proceed north on Sam Nujoma road. Those that head west will be stopped at the daladala bus stop at Ubungo Tanesco where passengers can transfer to the Ubungo Tanesco station of the DART system. Those routes that continue on Sam Nujoma route will terminate inside the Ubungo Terminal near the DART Ubungo feeder station and passengers can transfer to DART feeders. b) Routes coming from Kawawa road south: These routes will be given the DART Magomeni Mapipa feeder station to terminate, where passengers can transfer to the DART Magomeni Mapipa trunk station. DART will not run a feeder route from that station to Kigogo during Phase I as originally planned. Some of the south-north routes currently using Kawawa road will be relocated to Gerezani. c) Routes using Msimbazi road: No daladala will be allowed to use Msimbazi road. All routes should terminate at Gerezani where there will be two daladala stations one for daladalas coming from Uhuru street and another one for those coming from Nyerere and Kilwa roads. When Phases II and III of the DART system start operation, these daladala terminals will become DART trunk terminals. DART plans to introduce a shuttle between Gerezani and Muhimbili to facilitate access to this important destination d) Routes using Kivukoni front: It is planned to stop all daladalas at Old Posta once DART Phase I becomes operational. Passengers from Kivukoni towards Nyerere and Kilwa roads will have two choices: (a) they can make use of the DART trunk system for one stop between Kivukoni and Old Posta; or (b) they can walk on the newly constructed four metre wide walkway. The distance is one kilometre or about 12 minutes walking time. 10.2 Shareholding (a) Shareholding: in a DART Phase 1 entity Page 42 In this option, Daladala stakeholders would have a specified opportunity to participate as shareholders in some part of the Service Provider consortium. This would be primarily be an investment opportunity rather than an operational participation opportunity. Three possibilities have been identified: (b) Participate as shareholders in the Consortium-level Service Provider entity, which is likely to be an SPV or equivalent. • One variant is where all bidders are obliged to make a minimum percent of their shares available to potentially affected Daladala stakeholders. Those who are interested would register through an established mechanism, and would purchase shares from the winning bidder. One big advantage of this variant is that those who choose this option are assured of participation. Disadvantages are that it could be difficult to predetermine the class and price of share, and the dividend or other return arrangements; and that international firms might be reluctant to agree to such a structure. • Another variant is where bidders are encouraged to make an offer of shareholding available during the bidding process, and that the extent of such participation would be a factor in the selection criteria. The main advantage of this variant is that bidders have full freedom in what they offer, both in percentage terms and on the type of shares. Two main disadvantages are the potential difficulty to communicate the opportunity to potentially interested stakeholders; and those who engage with the losing bidders will be disappointed. (c) Participate as shareholder in one or more of the members of the Service Provider Consortium, or of its declared contractors. This is broadly similar to the previous option, except that the opportunities are within a specific company. This would not necessarily be within the transport providers, it could also be within the fare collection operator or provider of other services. A key advantage of this option is that the Tanzanian consortium members could offer shares through existing mechanisms that are visible and familiar to the Daladala stakeholders. • Participate within a company or entity established by the Service Provider to provide specified services – e.g. feeder route services or station management services. For example, the Service Provider could create the entity structure for a bus company to operate selected feeder routes, invite equity participation and a trusted third party to oversee it, provide a Page 43 contract for the provision of the services, and assist the company to develop capacity as required. All of the above possibilities would be based on “preferential access” for the potentially affected Daladala stakeholders (including drivers and conductors). “Preferential access” means that they have first option on participation, after which participation can be opened to others as the principal sees fit. It does not require any favourable conditions for them compared to anyone else that may participate. • Shareholding: in a DART-related investment mechanism In this option, stakeholders are given the opportunity to participate in a mechanism to raise funds for investment that will be used for some aspect of the DART system. For example, it could be used to raise capital to contribute to purchase of buses, or of the AFC and ITS systems. The investment mechanism could either simply make funds available to the Service Provider, or it could raise funds and purchase specific items. In effect, the stakeholders are lending money to the Service Provider. They will be repaid on specified terms over a specified period. For example, they could be paid a guaranteed amount each month for a 5-year period. The amount would be set to give the investors a reasonable return on capital, reflecting that the risk is minimal. This option has a number of significant advantages: • It is simply an investment mechanism. There is no shareholding or other obligation for the Service Provider or its members. • It raises a block of capital for investment, thereby reducing the borrowings or equity that the Service Provider is required to raise itself • Payments will be in local currency, allowing a predictable payment scheme for both the Service Provider and the investors. • The Service Provider would have had to service the debt anyway. It the funds were borrowed locally, the premium will probably be comparable to local interest rates on the loan. If sourced internationally at low rates, there will be the exchange currency risk over the 12-year contract life. • From the investor’s perspective, they do not require any interaction with either the other investors or with the Service Provider. It is an anonymous transaction. Page 44 This option could be initiated by any of the Service Provider, Government or the Daladala stakeholders themselves. (d) Joining as companies to participate in the bidding for the BRT operations In this option, Daladala stakeholders participate directly and actively in a company that seeks to participate in the bidding process. This could be operational and/or investment participation. Such a company could seek to participate in any aspect of the BRT, but is most likely to seek to operate bus services. There are two main types of opportunities: (i) Invest in an existing company. This opportunity is already being actively pursued by the two Daladala representative associations which has signed an MOU with UDA. Daladala owners signed a MOU with UDA after a presigning daladala owners meeting held on 22 September 2014. (ii) Establish a new company, either exclusively from current Daladala stakeholders, or in cooperation with other participants. While this is consistent with the stated goals of SUMATRA for the Daladala sector, such company formation has not been forthcoming to date. Any such company will need to either: o take the lead in forming a consortium, which means that it must at a minimum find international experienced bus operators, a fare collection partner, and an ITS supply partner; or o make itself known to potential consortia leaders, and then negotiate with them to participate in their bid. In the absence of a facilitated process, this is likely to prove quite challenging as the potential consortia are not generally known. This option would give the Daladala stakeholders the type of participation that many have stated they seek. However, it also comes with a significant risk. The competition rules do not allow a company to be part of more than one consortium. If that consortium fails to make the shortlist, or fails to win the tender, then the stakeholders will not be able to participate in the project. 10.3 Scrapping of vehicles In this option, the owner surrenders the vehicle registered on the licencefor it to be scrapped. The owner is paid for the vehicle, an amount that exceeds the value Page 45 of scrap and is essentially buying out the ‘goodwill’ element. A valuation system would be established, based on age, size of bus, model and condition. The most effective way to implement this scheme would be to establish a general scrappage program for overage vehicles on all SUMATRA-licensed routes throughout Dar es Salaam. This would be done on a ‘public interest’ basis to remove unsafe, unfit and polluting vehicles to provide better vehicles for commuters and cleaner air for all. This would be based on not renewing licences of vehicles above a stated age. This would bring the fleet in Dar es Salaam back to compliance with the regulation. It could be phased in over a few years, with the age limit progressively tightened over a number of years, e.g.: • No vehicles >20 years for licences falling due for renewal in 2015, • No vehicles >19 years for licences falling due for renewal in 2016 • No vehicles >18 years for licences falling due for renewal in 2017 • No vehicles >14 years for licences falling due for renewal in 2018 • No vehicles > 10 years for licences falling due for renewal in 2020 SUMATRA could also impose a limit (e.g. the 8 years that it should be according to the regulations) for any new licences, so that by 2018 there would be no public services vehicle in excess of 14 years old in the city. SUMATRA would contact all owners whose vehicles would be overage when the licence next falls due for renewal, and: • advise them of the situation • provide the details of the scrappage scheme • advise them of the standard allowancefor their vehicle type and age • remind them that they are legally required to keep the vehicle roadworthy as long as it is used in service (to avoid that they cease doing even the minimum amount of maintenance required) • advise them that when the licence expires, they must bring the vehicle and all necessary supporting documentation to a designated location, where they will surrender the vehicle and it will be put beyond use. When that is completed, they will be paid the agreed amount. • optionally, for routes that are not affected by the DART Phase 1, allowing them to obtain a licence on the same route with a vehicle of compliant age for new licences (i.e. less than 10 years old) This approach would have the following main advantages: Page 46 • The approach is in the general public interest and confers benefits to all commuters and residents in Dar es Salaam. It is easy to explain, and can gain public support. • It is a gradual implementation, which avoids any “big bang” where a lot of transport capacity is removed and may cause shortages in some parts of the city • Vehicle owners will know from the outset in which year their vehicle will no longer be allowable, and can plan accordingly • The systematic removal of vehicles across the city will open up ‘slots’ throughout the city, which will facilitate the rerouting option. As these will all occur on existing routes, the rerouting option will be more attractive than many in the sector currently fear. Once the scheme details are decided, it can immediately be calculated when and where these slots will emerge (from the renewal date and vehicle age on all existing licences), and the transfers can be planned long in advance. Further, it will also be visible which vehicles of the potentially affected stakeholders would be covered by the scheme. • It decouples the scrappage arrangements from the BRT project. • Funding can be obtained from a wider range of sources, in particular from environmental improvement programs When the time-profile of buses due for scrappage is calculated, it can be assessed whether a sufficient number of slots will become available at the various stages of implementing DART Trunk and Feeder routes to accommodate those who will need to be rerouted. If the number is insufficient (and especially if the scrappage scheme is delayed in getting started), owners could be invited to offer their buses for scrap up to one year before they are due. This could be implemented on a ‘first come, first served’ basis up to the number needed. As a rough calculation, the Daladala Registration Exercise indicated that 36% of vehicles in Dar es Salaam are 19 years or older, and a further 36% are 14 to 18 years. If this is correct (needs to be confirmed by SUMATRA), this would be 1,870 in each age category. The first two years of the scheme would remove vehicles of 19 years or older, being about 1,870 vehicles. If these receive a notional Scrappage Allowance of $3,000, the first two years of the scheme would cost about $6 million including scheme administration costs. The second two years of the scheme would remove vehicles of 14 to 18 years, being another 1,870 vehicles. If these receive a notional Scrappage Allowance of Page 47 $5,000, the second two years of the scheme would cost about $10 million including scheme administration costs. If funds are available only for the first two years, then it could be presented as a ‘one-off’ program to remove the worst vehicles. From 2017 there would be no Scrappage Allowance, as the owners would have had sufficient time to plan for their vehicle replacement. This would be feasible if owners are allowed to renew their licence with a compliant vehicle. 10.4 Exit from the industry, without scrapping the vehicle It is likely that some operators would prefer to exit the industry, but their vehicles are worth more than the Scrappage Allowance. The owner would sell their vehicle on the open market, and would receive an amount equivalent to the Disturbance Allowance. This option would be available only to potentially affected owners, and not to the general Daladala sector. 10.5 Options for the Daladala Drivers and Conductors This section considers the options themselves. The criteria for determining who is eligible need to be defined elsewhere. This is a much more complex task than for the owners, as there is no definitive list of drivers or conductors; the majority of owners have not registered a contract for their drivers even though they are obliged to do so; drivers frequently move among owners; there are many casual and part-time drivers and conductors in addition to those who are full-time workers; and the high turnover means that for any list compiled now, many would no longer be working on the affected routes by end-2015 when the first displacements would occur. Page 48 (a) Re-routing In this option, eligible persons would move to work on another route that will not be affected by the DART Phase 1. In recognition of the enforced move, they would be paid a Disturbance Allowance. (b) Employment in the DART systems In this option, eligible personnel would have opportunities for employment within the DART system. They would be employees of the Service Provider, at the level of Consortium/SPV, partner or sub-contractor. Positions could include: (i) Trunk Bus driver (ii) Feeder bus driver (iii) Feeder bus conductor (iv) Cashier at station or terminal (v) Other station operatives (vi) Operations support team (vii) Infrastructure cleaning and maintenance (viii) Security The Service Provider, its partners and its contractors will be required to advertise all such jobs in a manner that potentially affected Daladala stakeholders are aware of them, and to give preference to recruiting an eligible person where they have met the stated employment criteria. The Service Provider would be under no obligation to accept any person that does not meet employment criteria or who proves unsuitable during training, or to provide them with terms and conditions any different to what anyone else would receive. The Service Provider will furnish SUMATRA and DART Agency with a list of all eligible persons that they employ. Such persons will be then removed from the eligible persons list, and will not be eligible for any other option. An exception will be made for persons who commence employment but are deemed unsuitable during the training period. They will be restored to the list and to their original position if that is relevant. Persons who commence employment at DART system but who then are dismissed or resign will not be restored to the list as they will be deemed to have exercised their option. Page 49 (c) Exit allowance There will be no specific option to exit the business. In part, this is because the scheme is not intended to cause anyone to lose their job, in part because it would be virtually impossible to monitor whether they had taken the option and then recommence work in the sector. Anyone who is considering to leave the business should take either the unassigned rerouting option with premium (i.e. become a free agent)or the retraining option. The Disturbance Allowance would be set at a moderate level, recognizing that (1) the person will still be able to earn a livelihood in their current line of work, and (2) that it may take them a few months to learn the nuances of their new route and to achieve the full income levels. There will be no effort to value the Allowance based on the relative earning capacity of their old and new routes, in part because eligible persons could easily move to another more profitable route after they have been paid the Allowance, in part because for some the Allowance might be reduced to near-zero. Re-routing is more difficult for drivers and conductors as they are not licensed or committed in any way to a specific route. It must also be considered that imposing individual drivers or conductors on an owner would be unacceptable, as it may oblige them to take on undesirable staff with risk to their property and earnings. The following mechanism is proposed: • SUMATRA, with the assistance of DART Agency, compiles a list of eligible persons based on the agreed criteria. • Any affected owner that takes the Rerouting option for his/her vehicle will be obliged to engage personnel from the list, and to register those personnel on the employment contract associated with their licence • The personnel so rerouted will be paid the basic Disturbance Allowance, and will be removed from the list • Anyone remaining on the list will be paid a premium of 25% on the Disturbance Allowance. This recognises that they do not have an immediate guarantee of work. (The premium is not set higher than 25% as when they are not working, they also do not have the risks associated with generating daily revenues to cover vehicles rental, fuel, “other payments”, etc.). Page 50 Optionally, eligible persons may be allowed to opt not be reassigned, and avail of the premium and take their chances. This is likely to be attractive to people whose real preference is to exit the industry. • (d) Retraining In this option, eligible persons who wish to seek employment outside the Daladala business can avail of retraining. DART Agency, following consultation with the stakeholders, will identify and arrange for a range of training possibilities. These will take into account the areas of greater interest to the stakeholders, and also their current educational and skill. For drivers who wish to continue to drive professionally within a different sector, two possibilities are considered: • Participation in a professional driver course to obtain a higher class of licence. This would require the driver to have the ability to undertake such a course. • Refresher training by a recognized institute for those who would prefer to continue to work within their current licence class, with a certificate of completion. This would help overcome reservations by potential employers about taking on former Daladala drivers. Persons opting for Retraining would have their course fees paid up to an agreed maximum. They would also receive a Retraining Allowance, which provide them with a stipend during the training period and for a short while thereafter as they seek employment (e.g. equivalent to standard industry income for a total of four weeks). 11. IMPLEMENTATION Three options to implement for DART Phase 1 relocations are: i) Pay scrap value of Impacted Daladalas and remove them from the system (methods for payment is either depreciation or scrap value). These daladalas once paid they should be destroyed. ii) Pay disturbance allowance for loss of business for buses relocated to other roads. iii) Daladala owners willing to participate in the DART tender get access to buy shares at UDA (public transport company in the city) or other local companies. Page 51 SUMATRA has the authority to implement the option one and two. They are the regulator, meaning they are the only entity with authority to issue, renew, adjust or terminate licences, and they are the entity that determines on which route a licence is issued. Further, the Daladala stakeholders are obliged to respect the authority of SUMATRA and to observe all valid instruction issued by SUMATRA, whereas they have no such obligation in relation to DART Agency. Effective communication and administrative mechanism to ensure impacted stakeholders are informed and register for the preferred option. The following are the relevant Tanzanian laws which will guide implementation of the three agreed options. • The Surface and Marine Transport Regulatory Act of 2001. The Act sets out, inter alia, the regulation of road transport services. Some elements of this act may be under revision. This document is subject to revision should any provisions here be in conflict with any provisions in the revised act. • The Road Traffic Act provides for the control and regulation of road traffic including registration of vehicles and driving licences. • The Companies Act of 2002. The Act provides for regulations and control of companies. • The Procurement Act sets out the rules for public sector procurement. • The Roads Act of 2007 provides for the management of roads. • The Public Private Partnership Act of 2010 sets out the rules for all projects undertaken in partnership between the public and the private sector. Some provisions of this act are under revision that may be relevant to this policy guidance. This document may be subject to revision if any provisions here are in conflict with provisions in the new act. Implementation started in July 2014 by the DART Agency and SUMATRA setting up a joint team. To implement the full range of options to the satisfaction of all parties including addressing grievances ample time is required. The joint work plan provides end of May 2015. 12. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR DIFFERENT AGENCIES According to the Cabinet Paper which approved implementation of the DART project the following institution outlined in the table below are directly involved in the DART project. The roles of each institution as they were endorsed and approved by the Cabinet were and continue to be as follows: Page 52 S/N INSTITUTION ROLES 1. Central Government 2. Presidents Office – • Provision of a permit to establish the DART Agency Public Service • Provision of employment permits to the DART Agency to Management employ technical staff of different cadres 3. Ministry of Finance • Central overseer of the overall project implementation • Provision of part of the finances to the project and the Agency • Liaise and request for finances from donors to support the DART project 4. Prime Minister’s Office • Overseer of the DART Project and DART Agency – Regional Administration and • Provision of Sector Policies Local Government 5. Ministerial Board 6. DART Agency Advisory • Overseer of the general implementation of the DART project To implement the DART Project on the day to day activities and make sure the traffic orderly flow system in the city is in place. The principal functions being:• Implementation of the policies and other issues as observed by the Ministerial Advisory Board • Coordination of all activities leading to getting service providers in the DART system • Supervision of fare collection system to make sure that the Agency operates in the economic logic, affordability while observing good international service standards. • Preparation of various implementation strategies and their follow up mechanism after their endorsement by the Ministerial Advisory Board. • Preparation of implementation reports submission to the Ministerial Advisory Board 7. Surface and Marine • Issuance of policies and directives Transport Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA) • Implement its sector policies 8. Regional Commissioner’s Office and their • Provision of education and sensitization to the entire community • To act as a bridge between the project and stakeholders at the regional level 9. Dar es Salaam City • To contribute to the costs of the DART Project Council and Dar es Salaam Local • To sensitize and educate the community Government Authorities • To prepare plans on good land use and planning as spill over effect which may happen as the result of transport Page 53 reform in the city. 10. TANROADS/ Ministry • Coordination of tender activity for the purpose of of Works procuring the best DART infrastructure contractor. 11. Owners facilities of transport • Facilitation to the provision of education and sensitization to the community. 12. The citizenry • Provision of opinions that may lead to the improvement of the System • Understanding of the education and sensitization provided to enable it benefit from the system 13. GRIEVANCE MECHANISMS DART Agency with the support of a Consultant has prepared a Grievances Manual. This manual provides the Grievance Mechanism to be followed in resolving forseable conflicts between DART and the impacted Daladala Operators as well as other public transport stakeholders (including passengers). The manual also directs how to address grievances of the operators that may arise in this process. Daladala operators in this context include bus owners and drivers with a focus on bus owners who have a direct contract of operations with the Government. It should be noted that the major issue of concern observed during the daladala consultative process was fully involvement of daladala owners to form a consortium with foreign investors and locals and hence become shareholders in DART Operations. Besides that most of them would wish to be compensated on lossof business and income. However an in depth initiatives has been done to involve daladala owners to participate as appropriate in the new DART system and ensure daladala operators are consulted on actions for such participation. The intension was to explore two possible avenues foreseen for their participation i.e. Daladala operators could become shareholders of the planned service providers or could form companies/associations and participate in the bidding process for the provision of the services. It is expected that the complaints and grievances will be minimal. A suggested mechanism for the Daladala Owners is shown in the following table. The process for dealing with drivers and conductors is similar; drivers can only be identified through the owners because they have no valid contracts. ACTION 1 Update the list of affected routes ACTIVITIES SUMATRA, with support from DART Agency, to update the list of routes that will be impacted, and whether the routes are to be Page 54 closed completely, reduced in number of services or the route adjusted. 2 Update the list of potentially affected owners SUMATRA to updatethe list of all owners who currently hold licences on the affected routes. 3 Establish communication and notify all potentially affected owners. SUMATRA to write to all potentially affected owners at their registered address advising them that: • The route on which they hold a licence for one or more vehicles is potentially impacted by DART Phase 1 project, and they are being formally notified of this. • SUMATRA is establishing a communication channel with all potentially affected persons through which they will be notified of the process, timelines, and options open to them • They are required to respond to the letter verifying that their details (person and address) are correct for the next stages of the process • Two reminders will be sent at four-week intervals. • In case of no reply after two reminders, this will be taken to indicate that either the currently-registered person failed to furnish correct details; or has passed their Daladala on to another person and failed to notify SUMATRA; or is no longer interested in utilizing the licence. In any case, the licence will not be renewed on its expiry date. • Anyone who does not reply by the second reminder will not be considered for options within subsequent processes related to DART Phase 1 • The processing of options will be done in groups. Those who respond to this first letter will be in the first group, which will receive the more favorable choices. Those who respond to the first reminder will be in the second group. Those who respond to the second reminder will be in the third group. • Owners are obliged to register the contract of their drivers. Any owner who fails to respect this obligation will not be eligible for renewal of licence and will not be eligible for DART Phase 1 processes All of the above sounds cumbersome. However, it is essential to establish communication with all affected stakeholders in a systematic way, and to use incentives (positive and negative) to get their attention and their participation. The requirement to comply with registration of driver contracts will help to generate the list of affected drivers, who are currently unknown within the system. 4 Establish a register of potentially affected drivers Based on existing and new information provided by owners, establish a list of potentially affected drivers. Estimate what percent of all affected drivers this represents, and devise methods to improve the coverage. 5 Notify potentially affected stakeholders of their options. SUMATRA to write to all potentially affected owners presenting the options that are open to them. This will include: • information about each options, its implications, the processes and outline information about any associated financial or other consideration • contacts on where to get further information, and notification Page 55 of any meetings for stakeholders • an option form to be completed and returned to SUMATRA • advice that they will have a chance to reconsider their option when the time comes to implement DART Phase 1; but that changing their option will put them to the end of the list of the new option. • A caution that failure to return the form indicating a preferred option will be taken as an indication of lack of interest to continue in the business • A caution that no licence will be renewed if an options form has not been duly completed This step is essential to demonstrate that every potentially affected person has been offered options. It provides an early ‘heads-up’ to SUMATRA and to DART Agency of the numbers that will take up each option, the associated costs, and whether there will be difficulties to accommodate all who opt for a specific option. 6 Notify all potentially affected persons of imminent change and how the option will be implemented At the appropriate time, SUMATRA advise potentially affected persons of: • the date at which the change will take place • the option registered for them, and what it means • the details of the process for their option, and what they need to do next • contact person or help desk number for more information • that they may switch to a different option within a given period of time (say two weeks), reminding that they will go to the end of that option list This is likely to be phased, in part as existing licences reach their expiry date, in part as the Trunk and Feeder Services become operational. 7 8 Adjust licences. Activate the options SUMATRA to adjust licences and records as appropriate. This will include: • Issuing new licences on alternative routes for those who opt to be rerouted • Amending licences on renewal for routes in the DART corridor that are altered but not terminated • Recording on the file of all licences which are not renewed that they have been permanently vacated, and any consideration given to the registered owner SUMATRA, in association with DART Agency, will activate the various options: • Those who opt for rerouting will be advised of their new route, supplied with route information, and advised of the date on which it comes into effect and what they need to do on that day. The agreed Disturbance Allowance will be paid when the rerouting takes place. • Those who opt to exit the industry and surrender their vehicles for scrappage will have their vehicle assessed and will be paid the relevant amount according to the valuation sheet. • Those who opt to exit the industry and have a vehicle of better Page 56 condition will sell their vehicle on the open market and will receive an amount equivalent to the minimum Scrappage Allowance. • 14. Those who participate in an approved shareholding or investment mechanism in the successful DART Phase 1 Service Provider, and for which the Service Provider received positive marking in the assessment process, will have their licence recorded as ‘permanently not renewed’ and will not be entitled to any financial or other consideration. MONITORING AND EVALUATION ON AGREED MILESTONES The Plan will be evaluated and reviewed every year. This is important because it involves comparing the actual performance and the set targets. In a dynamic environment, changes are inevitable and may affect operations of the DART system. Through continuous review, DART Agency will determine whether any gap exists between the set targets and the actual performance achieved leading to implementation of the appropriate corrective actions [wherever applicable]. Below is the Planned Reviews (Sample). Year Planned Reviews Timeframe Type Of Review Responsible Person 2014/ 2015 Quarterly progress review ongoing DART Management Semi Annual review Dec 2014 Review of Indicators and milestones and progress of implementation End of year Review June 2015 Semi Annual reviews Every June End of year Review Every December Review of Indicators and milestones DART Management Semi Annual reviews Every June End of year Review Every December Review of Indicators and milestones DART Management Semi Annual reviews Every June End of year Review Every December Review of Indicators and milestones DART Management Semi Annual review June 2018 End of the plan review December 2019 Complete review and Evaluation the Strategic plan DART Management 2015/2016 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 Moreover, to ensure seamless implementation of ‘Strategic Actions’ and monitoring of the same, a ‘Quarterly Progress Report’ shall be prepared by each department/ functional units in the following format (note: the said report shall be consolidated by incorporating reports from all departments/ units): SN Applicable Strategic Actions/ Activities for the Quarter ended [as planned] Strategic Actions/ Activities Implemented during the quarter and Success Rate Achieved Note: Page 57 Strategic Actions/ Activities not Implemented with justifiable reasons Responsible Department / Unit SN Applicable Strategic Actions/ Activities for the Quarter ended [as planned] Strategic Actions/ Activities Implemented during the quarter and Success Rate Achieved Strategic Actions/ Activities not Implemented with justifiable reasons Responsible Department / Unit 1. This ‘Quarterly Progress Report’ shall be prepared by 20th of the following quarter month [e.g. progress report for the quarter July-September, shall be prepared by 20th October]; 2. Each department will present the said report for discussion/ review to the Management by 25th of the following month; 3. A consolidated ‘Quarterly Progress Report’ with management reply on actions/ activities not implemented [if any] shall be presented to the Board of Directors on quarterly basis. 14.1 Annual Review of Plan During annual review of the ‘ Plan’ the following will be considered: Preparation of ‘Annual Progress Report’ showing status on implementation of various strategic actions/ activities as was planned for the year under review [i.e. previous year]. The said report shall be prepared in the following format: Strategic Plan: Progress Report for the Year Ended SN Applicable Strategic Actions/ Activities for the year ended Strategic Actions/ Activities Implemented during the year and Success Rate Achieved Strategic Actions/ Activities not Implemented with justifiable reasons Responsible Department/ Unit Note: 1. The said ‘Annual Progress Report’ shall be prepared by 25th July of the following plan year [e.g. progress report for the year ending 30thJun’15, shall be prepared by 25th July, 2015]; 2. Each department will present the said report for discussion/ review to the Management by 31st July of the following plan year; 3. A consolidated ‘Annual Progress Report’ with management reply on actions/ activities not implemented [if any] shall be presented to the Board of Directors. Other issues which will form part of the ‘Strategic Plan Annual Review’ shall be the following: (a) Challenges encountered/ Lessons learnt during the elapsed plan period; (b) Preparation of ‘Departmental Action Plans’ on the proposed implementation of strategic actions/ activities as listed for the coming plan year [next approaching year]; Page 58 (c) Critical review of the outlined ‘Corporate Goals’ and to carry out necessary modifications/ corrections [if required due to change in market conditions/ other attributes]; (d) Determine way forward for the coming plan period. The above outlined process for undertaking ‘Quarterly/ Annual review of the Strategic Plan’ prepares a perfect platform for ensuring effective monitoring/ evaluation of the plan. Internal Reporting Arrangements SS Type of Report Recipient Frequency Responsible Person 1 Daily Reports Heads Depts Daily Departmental staff 2 Weekly Reports Heads Depts Weekly Officers 3 Weekly Reports CEO Weekly Heads of Departments 4 Monthly reports CEO Monthly Heads of Departments 5 Monthly reports Management Monthly Heads of Departments 6 Quarterly Report CEO Quarterly Heads of Departments 7 Semi-annual Report Management Semi annual Heads of Departments 8 Annual Report Management Annually Heads of Departments External Reporting Arrangements Type of Report Recipient Responsible Person 1 Quarterly Financial and Performance reports Ministerial Advisory Board Quarterly CEO 2 Semi annual Financial and Performance Report Ministreial Advisory Board Semi annually CEO 3 Annual Financial and Performance Reports Ministreial Advisory Board Annually CEO 4 Outcome Report Ministreial Advisory Board Annually CEO, Heads of Department Page 59 Frequency Proposed Institutional Arrangement for Grievances Mechanism (a) Secretariat/Complaint Officer DART will employ a complaint handling Officer who will serve as secretariat to the committee. The Officer will be responsible for receiving, solving, escalating and compiling all complains. He/She will also submit monthly reports to the Grievance Committee. 14.2 The Grievance Committee As per the WB OP 4.12 before implementation of any major construction project which involves loss of settlements /property or business a givance mechanism should be formulated in order to address any emerging complains from the project impacted persons. In this regard, DART through PMORALG will form the Grievance Committee whose primary responsibity is to receive and resolve all BRT related complaints. Therefore there shall be the committee known as the grievance committee comprised of minimum of (7) seven and maximum of eleven (11) sitting member comprised of Key stakeholders to constitute the committee which will include the following: • Dar es Salaam Regional Administration (RAS) • District Local Authorities (DLAs) • Dar Rapid Transit (DART) Agency • Surface And Marine Transport Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA) • Dar Regional Traffic Police • National Institute of Transport (NIT) • Tanzania Road Authority (TANROADS) On certain instances members from these associations will be invited to attend committees meetings: • Dar es Salaam Commuter Bus Owners Association (DARCOBOA) • UWADAR ( Umoja wa Wasafirishaji Mkoani Dar es Salaam) • Shirika la Usafiri Dar es Salaam (UDA) • Chama cha Madreva (UWAMADA) Committee meetings will be facilitated by DART ( logistics and expenses) Page 60 14.3 Task Description of the Committee The task description of the committee will be;a) To receive, record and address complaints or grievances from daladala operators (drivers and conductors) and owners. b) To suggest resolution to complaints or grievances c) To facilitate the legal advice of complaints or grievances. d) To coordinate with related agencies in dealing with complaints, in particular to coordinate handling unresolved complaints with the Fair Competition Tribunal, or Municipal, Transport or other agencies with legal jurisdiction in the issues under a complaint. e) To report their work to the secretariat (DART Agency) to post grievance decisions publicly. 14.4 The minimum qualification of the Committee Members The members of the grievance committee shall have a reputation for integrity and honesty, high competence and experience in transport business/operation or related fields. 14.5 The Methods and Process of Receiving and Processing Complaints These complaints handling procedure aims to provide a quick, simple and streamlined process for resolving complaints early and locally by capable, well-incumbents. As per the World Bank OP .12 Guidelines for involuntary resettlement Grivances procedures Affordable and accessible procedures for third-party settlement of disputes arising from resettlement; such grievance mechanisms should take into account the availability of judicial recourse and community and traditional dispute settlement mechanisms. (a) Receiving complaints All complaints will be received and treated officially after being registered by the secretariat. To officially register a complaint it must be recorded in a register and submitted in writing to the secretariat. Complainants should provide as much information as possible in relation to the complaint raised; including copies of all relevant documents.The secretariats will acknowledge receipt of complaint by letter within three (3) working days of it having been recorded on the register. Page 61 (b) How to register complaints • The Project Impacted Persons may obtain and send a completed Complaint Form to The Grivance Sectretariat ( at DART Agency head office) • Walking to DART and register a complaint • Phone/Send an email to the Secretariat (c) Assign Complaint The secretariat will forward all written complaints to the GRIEVANCES COMMITTEE for a response and resolution of the issue or complaint raised within five (5) working days. (d) Processing Complaints (i) Investigation The Complaint Manager will investigate to understand the cause of the complaint raised within five ( 5) working days. The manager may need to contact complaintant during this time and complaintant cooperation will be important in order to complete the investigation working days. (ii) Resolution Once the complaint manager has investigated the complaints, he/she will write to the DART CEO with the results of the investigation and of the proposed course of action within five (5) working days. (iii) Follow Up Once the complaint has been resolved and if the complaintnats are satisfied, the Complaint manager will make a follow up to ensure that no further complaints occur. If the complaintants are not satisfied, then stage four below will follow. (iv) Escalation All unresolved complaints will be forwarded to the grievances committee within 20 days. (v) Monthly summary of complaint Complaint manager will compile list of all monthly received complaints and forward to committee (solved and unresolved complaints) 14.6 Appeals Page 62 The complainant has the right to request an appeal by way of referral of the matter to the Grievance Committee. That right must be exercised within five (5) working days of notification of the decision. Complaintant has the right to forward his/her case to the Fair Competition Tribunal as the last resort. We also need to state how the complaints process will be made known to all. Page 63 ANNEXTURES Annex 1 Summary Record of Daladala Consultative Meeting Held on 19.9.2013 Annex 1A: Sawahili Version - Detailed Minutes -Meeting of 19 Sept 2013 Annex 1B: List of Participants for Daladala Consultative Meeting of 19.9.2013 Annex 2 Meeting With Representatives of Daladala held on 10 November 2013 Annex 3: Meeting With Representatives of Daladala held on 17th November 2013 Annex 4: Meeting With Representatives of Daladala held on 11 April 2014 Annex 4A: Sawahili Version - Detailed Minutes - Meeting of 11 April 2014 Annex 5: Final Daladala Consultative Meeting Held on 24 May 2014 Annex 6: Market Consultative Meeting Held from 3rd to 4th June 2014 Annex 7: ` List of Registred Impacted Daladalas Annex 8: Drivers Information Annex 9: Owners Information Page 64 ANNEX ’’ 1’’ SUMMARY REPORT ON THE CONSULTATIVE MEETING BETWEEN DALADALA OPERATORS AND THE GOVERNMENT– HELD ON 19TH SEPT, 2013 AT JULIUS NYERERE INTERNATIONAL CONVETION CENTRE 1 The Agenda: To explain to daladala owners on the DART progress status and an need for them to unite and a form company/companies as a requisite towards bidding process in the DART Phase 1 project. 2 Participants: A large number of daladala owners (about 200) plus their representatives. Government officials, including Other invited Government Officials from PMO-RALG, Ministry of Transport, representatives of other key stakeholders TANROADS, SUMATRA, TIC, TPSF, NIT, UDA, UWADAR and DARCOBOA DART, SUMATRA, DSM City and DSM Municipalities plus about 40 members of press. 3. Chairmanship: The meeting was under the chairmanship of the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Hon. Said Meck Sadiki 4. Explanation on the Objective of the Meeting: To brief and consult with existing daladala owners on progress of DART Project and possibilities of their participation in operations of the DART system. 5 Opening Speech In his speech Guest of honor raised concerns on street vendors who have invaded the BRT Infrastructure and warned this would not be tolerated by Government. He emphasize that the DART project was among the priority projects under Big Results Now (BRN) and will offer a number of opportunities including of drivers, technical staff, laborers, availability of opportunities of investments promotion on the Bus terminals, Stations and Bus deports. The special designated places will be identified for promotion of businesses. He informed the participants that current Phase I of DART is under construction and is planned to become fully operational in mid 2015. At the commencement of DART Operations (DO) about 50% of all the currently operating daladalas will either stop operating, their routes shortened or adjusted. He emphasized to all existing Public transport stake to join hand together to formalize the provision of services in the City of Dar es Salaam to form Companies to compete and bid on the DART system. 6 DART CEO The DART CEO Mrs. Asteria Mlambo, informed the meeting participants on the initiatives that has been undertaken by the Government through the DART Agency to alleviate the challenges of congestion and poor existing public transport in the City of Dar es Salaam through the DART project. She informed the meeting on the opportunities for Investment in DART system by Daladala operators. The operators were encouraged to form companies so as to be able to mobilise adequate funds and take advantage of the opportunity Page 65 presented by the DART system operations by forming participate in the tender for BRT bus operations companies and Alternatively they could also participate through acquiring shares to be set aside by the other private sector bidders whether local of foreign. On the issue of compensation she made it clear that the Government has no intention of compensating the loss of business as they requested. Instead, she noted that the options put forward of rerouting while forming the companies to bid in the DART system is the best for them. She asked them to consider this option very seriously. 7 8 Presentation from SUMATRA Views from DARCOBOA Mr. Ngowi presented the position and direction of SUMATRA as regards to provision of Public Transport in the City of Dar es salaam whereby SUMATRA envisaged coming up with new modalities of licensing to Companies effective from 1st June, 2014. He cited existing statistics on the number of routes which are 365, Daladala buses 6,820 and bus owner’s 3,700. During his presentation he informed the meeting participants that: (i) SUMATRA, with support from DART Agency, will update the list of routes that will be impacted, and whether the routes are to be closed completely, reduced in number of services or adjusted. (ii) SUMATRA will collaborate with all owners who currently hold licenses on the affected routes, and (iii) SUMATRA, in association with DART Agency, will activate the various options. The views of DARCOBOA with about 600 members were represented by its vice chairperson Mr. Mashaka Mfaume. He expressed that DARCOBOA is 100% in support of the DART Project and that it had been involved since 2002 and have been following on the opportunities availed for participation by Daladala Owners. They will encourage members to take advantage of the opportunities availed to participate in the DART Operations. They had already taken part in a number of seminars on how to join forces and form a company. He emphasized that their members had the capacity to form a company and mobilize the resources needed to operate the company. They would prefer that the two bus operating companies for DART system operations be Tanzanians. 9 Views of UWADAR UWADAR, a rival daladala owners organization was represented by Chairperson William Masanja, who indicated that his newly formed organization had about 150 daladala owners and that the organization is recognized by SUMATRA. The views of UWADAR were as follows: • • • Appreciate and support the government efforts to implement the DART Project. Hope to be involved in efforts by the Government to engage with daladala owners in planned DART system Operations. They require more seminars and information on how they can participate in the DART system operations. They want to know the fate of their existing fleet once DART operations commence. Page 66 They would like to more informed on the option to purchase shares and prospects for success as other cases of government share offers had not been so successful • The conditions set by SUMATRA for forming companies were difficult for owners to meet and should be made more lenient • They request government to exempt taxes on imported buses • Government to improve feeder roads failure of which it should acquire all the buses from daladala owners otherwise they be allocated new routes outside the DART infrastructure to continue operating and sustain their families • 10. Conclusions The operators attending the meeting represent the majority of bus owners (more than 2,900 out of estimated 3700 daladala owners). Some would prefer that SUMATRA forms the companies and not DARCOBOA or UWADAR (ii) Would prefer to see all owners participate through companies as this would have better prospects but request more education to be given on formation of companies and participation in the DART Project (iii) They raised concern that SUAMTRA requires bus companies to have a workshop, however, SUMATRA clarified that it is acceptable if they present a contract entered with another workshop owner who will service their buses. (iv) SUMATRA expressed willingness to allocate new routes to bus owners and requested them to come forward with their proposals on the new routes (v) SUMATRA urged owners to appreciate benefits of individual owners joining hands and forming companies including ability to operate efficiently, hire competent staff and raise loan financing through banks (vi) The meeting came-up with the following recommendations: (vii) Subsequent consultative meetings be more widely advertised to attract more participants from daladala owners (viii) Daladala owners should realize importance of participating in these meetings since they better placed to seize the opportunities availed by participation in the DART Project. (ix) The government is requested to take concrete measures to improve feeder roads so as to create an opportunity for allocating daladala buses in new routes to enable them continue operating and hence minimize adverse impact on their incomes. (i) Page 67 Annex 1A Swahili Version – Detailed Minutes of the Consultative Meeting between Daladala Operators and the Government– Held On 19th Sept, 2013 Page 68 ANNEX 1A JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA OFISI YA WAZIRI MKUU TAWALA ZA MIKOA SERIKALI ZA MITAA WAKALA WA USAFIRI WA HARAKA KIKAO CHA MASHAURIANO NA WAMILIKI WA DALADALA Julius Nyerere International Convetion Centre 19 Septemba 2013 Ubungo Plaza Ghorofa ya Kwanza, S. L. P. 724, Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA Simu: +255 22 2461093/4/6 Tarakishi: +255 22 2461098 B-pepe: [email protected] Page 69 1. UTANGULIZI Serikali kupitia Wakala wa DART, tarehe 19 Septemba, 2013 iliwaalika wamiliki wote wa Daladala jijini Dar es Salaam kwa lengo la kuwaelezea mfumo mpya wa mabasi yaendayo haraka jijini Dar es Salaam na namna wamiliki hao wanavyoweza kushiriki katika uendeshaji wa mfumo wa mabasi . DART ilitumia njia mbalimbali kutoa taarifa za mkutano huo kwa kutumia vyama vya wamiliki, yaani DARCOBOA na UWADAR, pamoja na kutoa matangazo kwenye vyombo mbalimbali vya habari, magazeti, redio na TV na vilevile kuweka mabango katika vituo vya mabasi na kutumia gari la matangazo mitaani. Hata hivyo, ushiriki wa wamiliki wa daladala hata hivyo pamoja na matangazo hayo, ulikuwa hafifu. Katika mkutano huo ulifanyika katika Kituo kipya cha kimataifa cha Mwalimu Julius Nyerere (Julius Nyerere International Convetion Centre) kilichopo Barabara ya Shabaan Robert Mkabala na viwanja vya Gymkhana Dar es Salaam. Mutano ulifunguliwa na Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam na ndiye alikuwa mwenyekiti wa mkutano huo. Lengo la kuwakutanisha wamiliki wa daladala na serikali lilifikiwa, kwani wamiliki wa daladala walikubali wito wa kushiriki katika umiliki wa mabasi yaendayo haraka na kwa pamoja waliunda, kamati ya wawakilishi sita ili iendelee kujadiliana na Wakala wa DART kuhusu jinsi wamiliki wa daladala watakavyoweza kushiriki katika mfumo mpya wa uendeshaji mabasi yaendayo haraka Jijini , Dar es Salaam. Baada ya majadiliano na wawakilishi wa wamiliki wa daladala pamoja na mafunzo mbalimbali waliyopatiwa na DART yahusuyo jinsi ya upatikanaji wa mitaji, uundaji wa kampuni na uhamasishwaji namna ya kushiriki kwenye mfumo wa DART, Wamiliki wa daladala waliitisha Vikao viwili zaidi kwa minajili ya kuunda Kampuni. Katika vikao hivyo wamiliki walifikia hatua ya kusajili Kampuni ambazo zitashiriki katika mchakato wa kushiriki katika umiliki wa mmojawapo ya Kampuni itakayosimamia uendeshaji wa mabasi ya mfumo. Hii ni taarifa ya utendaji yenye majumuisho ya mijadala na mitazamo ya wadau katika Usafiri wa Umma na mtiririko wa vikao vya Kamati ya wawakilishi waliochaguliwa kuwawakilisha wamiliki wa daladala,Hatimaye vikao vya hitimisho vya wamiliki wa daladala. Page 70 UFUNGUZI WA MKUTANO Mkutano ulifunguliwa rasmi saa 4:50 asubuhi alipowasili Mgeni Rasmi, Mheshimiwa Said M.Sadiki Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam. Aliongozana na viongozi na wawakilishi kutoka taasisi mbali mbali za serikali pamoja Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu wa DART, Bi. Asteria Mlambo. Viongozi wengine waliofika ni pamoja na: Mstahiki Meya wa Jiji la Dar es Salaam - Mh. Dr.Didas J. Massaburi Mstahiki Meya wa Ilala – Mh. Jerry William Silaa Mstahiki Meya wa Kinondoni - Mh. Yusuph J. Mwenda Mkuu wa Wilaya Ilala – Mh. Raymond H.Mushi Pamoja na viongozi hao pia walitambulishwa wawakilishi mbali mbali wa Wizara; Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu TAMISEMI, Wizara ya Uchukuzi. Wawakilishi kutoka TANROADS, SUMATRA, TIC, NIT, TPSF na Usalama Barabarani nao walikuwepo katika mkutano huu. Upande wa wadau wa Usafiri wa umma waliohudhuria ni pamoja na Chama cha Wamiliki wa Mabasi (DARCOBOA), Chama cha Umoja wa Wasafirishaji Abiria Dar es Salaam (UWADAR), Wamiliki wengineyo wa daladala, Kampuni ya Usafiri Dar (UDA) na watumishi wa wakala DART. Kundi lingine lilliloshiriki mkutano huu ni waandishi wa habari kutoka magazeti na vituo mbalimbali pamoja na waandishi wakujitegemea. Baada ya utambulisho Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu wa DART, alitoa neno la kumkaribisha Mstahiki Meya wa jiji la Dar es Salaam, Mh.Dr. Didas Masaburi atoe madhumuni ya mkutano. MADHUMUNI YA MKUTANO Mstahiki Meya wa Jiji la Dar es Salaam,alitoa hotuba fupi ya kuelezea dhumuni la mkutano akilenga kufanikisha utekelezaji wa mradi wa DART ulio na manufaa katika shughuli za kiuchumi na kijamii jijini Dar es Salaam. Mheshimiwa Mstahiki Meya alitoa historia fupi ya mradi wa DART ulioanza mwaka 2002 ukiwa na nia ya kubadili mfumo wa usafiri wa ndani ya jiji la Dar es Salaam utakaotumia mabasi makubwa ya abiria yatakayokuwa na uwezo wa kubeba abiria kati ya 140 na 160. Vile vile Mheshimiwa Meya alizungumzia hatua iliyochukuliwa 31 Machi 2005 na Halmashauri ya jiji la Dar es Salaam iliyosaini mkataba na kampuni ya uhandisi ya Logit ya Brazil ikishirikiana na kampuni ya Inter Consult ya Tanzania kwa ajili ya kufanya usanifu wa mradi uliofanyika kwa hatua kuu mbili. Alizitaja hatua hizi kuwa ni Usanifu kwa ujumla kuainisha mradi unaoweza kutekelezwa na awamu za utekelezaji; hatua ya pili ikiwa ni usanifu wa kina wa miundo mbinu ya awamu ya kwanza. Mapendekezo ya msanifu baada ya usanifu ni kuundwa kwa wakala utakaotekeleza mradi wa DART. Kwa kuzingatia mapendekezo hayo Halmashauri waliunda timu iliyosimamia utekelezaji wa mradi DART na kwa sasa mradi huu uko katika hatua za utekelezaji,Ambapo Page 71 Mwaka 2010 Raisi wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Mh. Dkt.Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete aliuzindua rasmi ujenzi wa miundo Mbinu ya mradi huu katka awamu ya kwanza. Wadau wakuu katika mradi huu wakiwa ni pamoja na Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu TAMISEMI; Wizara ya Ardhi; Wizara ya Mipango; Wizara ya Ujenzi na Miundo Mbinu; Wizara ya Fedha; SUMATRA; TANROADS; Manispaa za Kinondoni, Ilala na Temeke; Benki ya Dunia; na washiriki na wamiliki wa daladala Dar es Salaam. Mstahiki Meya alifafanua zaidi kuwa mradi huu unafadhiliwa kwa kiasi kikubwa na Benki ya Dunia na kuchangiwa na Serikali (Shilingi Bilioni 23 za kitanzania katika kulipa fidia) na Sekta Binafsi (Takribani Shilingi Milioni 100 za kununulia mabasi ). Mstahiki Meya wa Jiji la Dar Es Salaam Mh.Dr.Didas J.Massaburi akimkaribisha Mkuu wa Mkoa kufungua Mkutano wa wadau wa usafiri wa umma Jiji. MstahikiMeya aligusia changamoto zinazokabili utekelezaji wa Mradi wa DART. Hizi ni pamoja na zoezi la kuelimisha wamiliki wa daladala kuwa gumu kutokana na wengi wao, takribani 3,000, kutosajiliwa chini ya chama chochote hivyo upatikanaji wao kuwa mgumu. Wadau wengine kutoukubali mradi huu kutokana na hofu kuwa DART itapoteza nafasi nyingi za biashara. Wengine wana hofu kuwa Mradi huu ni ghali hivyo gharama za usafirishaji zitakuwa juu na itakuwa vigumu kwa wenye hisa kupata faida. Vile vile kumekuwa na hofu kuwa mradi huu hautafanikiwa kwani historia inaonyesha kuwa miradi yote ya usafiri wa umma chini ya serikali imekuwa ikifa wakitolea mifano ya UDA, DMT, KAMATA na RETCOS. Mstahiki Meya aliwasihi wadau wote waliohudhuria kikao hiki kuwahabarisha wengine na kuwahakikishia kuwa DART ni Mfumo wa usafiri wa Umma ulio bora, wachukue hatua ya kujiunga kwani itatatua matatizo ya usafirishaji jijini. Mstahiki Meya alimalizia hotuba yake kwa kumkaribisha Mkuu wa Mkoa, Mh. Said M.Sadiki, na kumuomba awe Mwenyekiti wa Mkutano. Page 72 HOTUBA YA MKUU WA MKOA Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Mheshimiwa Said M.Sadiki alianza hotuba yake kwa kutoa shukrani za kupewa heshima ya kufungua na kuwepo katika mkutano huo. Alishukuru makundi mbali mbali kwa kuhudhuria wakiwemo waandishi wa habari hasa pale wanapotoa elimu kwa umma kuhusu mradi huu. Katika hilo, Mheshimiwa Said M.Sadiki alizungumzia pia changamoto wanayopata wakala wa Usafiri wa Haraka (DART) hasa wakandarasi kutokana na wafanyabiashara wadogo wadogo (maarufu kama machinga) kuvamia maeneo ya ujenzi wa miundo mbinu yakati ujenzi unaendelea. Aliwekea mkazo umuhimu wa mradi huu kwa kusema,”ni kati ya miradi inayotekeleza dhamira ya ufanisi wa sasa iitwayo Matokeo Makubwa Sasa” (Big Results Now) Mh.Said Meck Sadiki Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam ambaye ndiye alikuwa Mwenyekiti wa kikao akisoma hotuba kwa wamiliki wa Daladala na wadau wengine wa usafiri wa haraka. Mkuu wa Mkoa akielezea changamoto zinazoonyesha uhitaji mkubwa wa utekelezaji wa mradi huu,Ikiwa ni pamoja na ukuaji wa kasi wa jiji la Dar es Salaam ambapo sensa ya hivi karibuni inaonyesha idadi ya wakazi wa jiji kufikia takribani milioni 4.5. Pamoja na wingi wa wakazi, jiji la Dar es Salaam ni kitovu kikuu cha biashara na uchumi wa nchi, Ili hali sasa miundo mbinu ya jiji imeelemewa. Pia Mkuu wa Mkoa alisisitiza kuwa hatua zilizochokuliwa za kuongeza barabara na treni (treni ya kubeba abiria jijini) bado hazijitoshelezi kutatua matatizo ya huduma ya usafiri wa umma Dar es Salaam hasa pale walio pembezoni mwa mji kuhitaji usafiri wa umma kuja mijini. Hata hivyo alielezea umuhimu wa utekelezaji wa mpango wa DART ambao kwa kiasi kikubwa utatatua tatizo la msongomano wa magari jijini. Vile vile kutokana na usafiri wa mabasi yaendayo haraka kuwa wa uhakika na haraka, wengi walio na magari binafsi watachagua kusafiri nayo kuokoa gharama za mafuta. Ameelezea pia faida nyingine ya mradi huu kuwa vituo vya mabasi ya haraka vitakuwa na maeneo maalum ya kuegeshea magari binafsi yatakayo kuwa na ulinzi na hivyo kumpa mtu fursa ya kuchagua kutumia mabasi hata kama ana gari binafsi. Page 73 Mkuu wa Mkoa akielezea mafanikio ya mradi huu ikiwa ni pamoja na kikao cha wadau wa Usafiri wa Umma ambacho ni muhimu katika kujumuisha wadau wote. Alitambua mchango mkubwa wa daladala kwa miaka mingi ambapo zimeweza kuvumilia mengi ikiwa ni pamoja na uduni wa miundo mbinu kama barabara. Aliwasihi wadau wote kujadili kwa uwazi ili mawazo yao yalete tija ya maendeleo na wajadili jinsi ya ushiriki wao na uendeshaji wa mradi huo. Pia, alisisitiza kuwa serikali haina nia wala mpango wa kujiingiza katika umiliki wa mradi bali watabaki kuwa wamiliki wa miundo mbinu tu. Aliendelea kufafanua fursa za kibiashara zinazoletwa na mradi huu unaotarajia mabasi makubwa takribani 145 na madogo 120 yatakayoanza ikiwa ni utekelezaji wa awamu ya kwanza ya mradi. Vituo vya mabasi hayo vitakuwa na maeneo maalum ya kuendeshea biashara. Kwa upande wa wamiliki wa daladala zinazofanya bishara katika njia hizo, aliwatoa wasiwasi kuwa watapangiwa njia nyingine zikiwemo zile za pembezoni ambazo zitatumika kama njia mjazo (feeder roads) kuleta na kuchukua abiria katika vituo vya mabasi ya mwendo kasi. Kuhusu miundo mbinu kama barabara, kuna mkakati wa kujenga barabara za pembezoni kwa kiwango cha lami na nyingine changarawe, kutegemeana na uwezo wa serikali. Hatua zimeshaanza na zabuni zimeshatangazwa kwaajili ya ujenzi wa baadhi ya hizi barabara. Akimalizia hotuba yake, Mheshimiwa Mkuu wa Mkoa alisisitiza kuwa “hakutegemea mpango huu upingwe bali majadiliano yalenge ushiriki utakao jenga na kuhakikisha uendelevu”. Vile vile alitumia nafasi hiyo kuridhia kuwa mwenyekiti wa kikao na kukipa baraka. Awamu ya kwanza ya Kikao ilifikia tamati na kuruhusu muda wa mapumziko na chai kabla ya kurejea awamu ya pili ya kikao. MADA ZILIZOWASILISHWA KATIKA MKUTANO 3.1 MADA YA KWANZA Mada ya Kwanza ilihusu Maelezo ya Mfumo wa DART na iliwasilishwa na Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu wa DART, Bi. Asteria Mlambo, ikigusia hasa mradi wa mabasi yaendayo haraka na fursa za uwekezaji kwa wamiliki wa daladala. Alianza kwa kuelezea nini maana ya DART ikiwa ni hatua ya serikali kutafuta suluhu ya matatizo ya usafiri jijini Dar es Salaam baada ya kutathmini mifumo mingine. Alizidi kuelezea kuwa gharama za uwekezaji wa mifumo ya ujazo ni kubwa na mfumo huu wa usafirishaji ndio wenye unafuu zaidi. Page 74 Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu wa Wakala wa Usafiri wa Haraka (DART) Bi.Asteria Mlambo akiwasilisha mada kwa wadau. Uhitaji wa mfumo wa DART ni mkubwa kwani Jiji la Dar ni kubwa na linazidi kuongezeka kwa kasi. Ongezeko la watu na magari linazidi kuleta msongamano na mwaka 2000 waliiona hiyo changamoto hivyo kuanza kuitafutia ufumbuzi. Kwa kutumia takwimu zinazoonyesha 56% ya wakazi wa jiji la Dar es Salaam ni watembea kwa miguu na 41% hutumia usafiri wa umma, Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu alisisitiza uhitaji wa usafiri wa kuitosha asilimia 97%. Wasiwasi umeonyeshwa na wamilki wa daladala kuwa takribani ajira 2000 zitapotea kwa ujio wa mabasi ya hayaendayo haraka. Hata hivyo changamoto za usafiri hivi sasa, kama foleni, bado ni tishio kwa ajira hizo kwani husababisha mapato hafifu. Ujio wa mradi wa DART utatoa fursa za biashara nyingi na wamiliki wa daladala bado wana fursa za kuwekeza katika mradi huu. Kwa upande wa utekelezaji wa mradi huu, alisema utakuwa na hatua kuu nne ikianza na kuwawezesha wadau wakuu kuuelewa, kufanya usanifu na kupata takwimu sahihi, kisha ujenzi wa miundo mbinu, na kumalizia na hatua ya nne ya kutoa huduma zenye ufanisi. Kwa sasa mradi DART uko katika hatua ya tatu ya ujenzi wa miundo mbinu. Mtendaji Mkuu wa DART aliisoma Dira ya DART; “Kuwa na usafiri bora wa umma wenye gharama nafuu unaotumia mabasi ya ujazo mkubwa yaendayo kwenye njia maalum uzingatiao mazingira na kwenda kwa wakati.” Alifafanua gharama ni pamoja na gharama ya muda ambayo kwa kiasi kikubwa itapungua kwa matumizi ya mabasi hayo ya mwendo kasi. Alieleza umuhimu wa kuwaelewesha wananchi mchakato mzima wa ulipaji nauli na jinsi watakavyofaidika na huduma ya mradi huu. Alieleza pia jinsi mradi unavyozingatia kusaidia mazingira na hivyo kuwa na faida kwa jiji na wakazi wake. Nauli ni tatizo kwani gharama zimepanda na inabidi kuwaelewesha watanzania umuhimu ya gharama hizo na jinsi watakavyofaidika. Mfano uokozi wa muda, kusaidia mazingira. Akihusisha dhima ya mradi wa DART, ambayo ni kutoa huduma bora na nafuu Jijini Dar es Salaam na kuleta ukuaji wa uchumi endelevu kwa wananchi na kuwa kichocheo baina ya sekta ya umma na sekta binafsi katika nyanja ya usafirishaji wa umma mijini; alisema mfumo mpya utasaidia ushirikishwaji wa hali ya juu wa wadau wote wa usafirishaji nchini na hivyo kutengeneza fursa zaidi za biashara. Page 75 Wajumbe mbalimbali wa Mkutano wa Wamiliki wa Daladala wakifuatilia kwa makini mawasilisho ya mada za mkutano. Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu alifafanua mpangilio wa awamu za mradi na kuelezea kwa kina barabara na vituo vinavyojengwa, idadi ya mabasi makubwa na madogo yatakayotumia njia hizo. Aliendelea kuelezea faida za mradi wa mabasi haya kwa kuonyesha unafuu kwa watumiaji wa usafiri huu. “Usafiri huu utaweza kutumiwa na wenye ulemavu wa viungo bila tatizo na hata sehemu za kuvukia barabara kulekea vituo vya mabasi zitawekewa alama maalum ili kuwapa unafuu wavuka kwa miguu.” Mabasi madogo yatakuwa yanafanyakazi katika njia mlisho (feeder roads). Zaidi ya hapo kutakuwa na maeneo ya kuegesha baiskeli na pikipiki katika kila kituo cha mabasi. Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu aliendelea kuelezea vigezo vilivyotumika katika kuchagua barabara zilizoingia katika awamu ya kwanza ya mradi huu. Waliangalia mahitaji ya usafiri, urahisi wa kujenga na manufaa kwa mazingira. Vile vile aliwataja wadau wakuu katika mradi huu na nafasi zao. Kwenye upande wa ujenzi TANROADS na DART wanasimamia usanifu wa mradi, kusimamia manunuzi na uendeshaji wa mradi na usimamizi wa huduma baada ya wawekezaji kupatikana. Wadau wengine ni wawekezaji; na hapa Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu alifafanua kuwa shughuli za DART kupitia usimamizi wa TAMISEMI zinagharamiwa na Sekta binafsi. Aliwasihi washiriki wa mkutano huu hasa wamiliki wa daladala kuwa wanahitaji nini kama wawekezaji wa sekta binafsi. Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu pia alielezea awamu zilizopitiwa katika utekelezaji wa awamu ya kwanza ya mradi. Alitoa ufafanuzi katika umuhimu wa kuwa na mshauri katika maswala ya uwekezaji hasa kutokana na wingi wa vipengele vilivyoko katika mchakato mzima wa uwekezaji. Kwa upande wa uendeshaji mradi huu alifafanua kuwa utaendeshwa na kampuni mbili katika awamu ya kwanza katika njia 7. Watapewa jukumu la kununua mabasi makubwa na madogo. Kampuni hizi zitaajiiriwa kwa mikataba ya miaka 12. Ndani ya miaka kumi naBaada ya miaka 7-8 watakuwa wame break even na kutengeneza faida kwa miaka inayobaki. Page 76 Aliwatoa wasi wasi wamiliki wa daladala kwa kuwaambia “kuwa japo mabasi yao ndiyo yatakayo waendelee kuwepo kwa kuwekeza katika mfumo rasmi. Vile vile dala dala zao zitapangiwa njia nyingine za kutoa huduma nje ya jiji”. Fursa zilizopendekezwa kwa wamiliki wa daladala: 1. Kuunda na kusajili kampuni au kujiunga na kampuni ya ndani au nje ya nchi na kuwasilisha zabuni. Wanatakiwa pia wawe na ujuzi wa uendeshaji kampuni kitaalamu zaidi. 2. Pia wanaweza kujiunga pamoja na kununua hisa katika kampuni zitakazo shinda zabuni. Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu alielezea faida za mradi wa DART na kuonyesha changamoto mbalimbali zitakazo patiwa ufumbuzi kutokana na utekelezaji wa mradi huu. Kwanza mradi utatoa huduma bora na za haraka zaidi. Na kwa upande wa wamiliki mfumo huu utawasaidia kupunguza changamoto za kiutawala kwa sababu mradi huu utaendeshwa kielektroniki na kiutaalam zaidi. Mradi huu ni rafiki zaidi kwa mazingira na hupendezesha madhari na kulifanya jiji kuonekana safi. Katika sehemu ya mwisho ya mada hii, alitoa mapendekezo ya nini kifuate baada ya mkutano huo. Alipendekeza wamiliki wa daladala wateue wajumbe sita miongoni mwao watakowawakilisha katika mikutano inayofuata. Hatua zinazofuata ni pamoja na mkutano wa wawekezaji na kutangaza zabuni za makampuni yale mawili ya awamu ya kwanza yatakayosimamia mradi wa mabasi hayo. Pia alisisitiza umuhimu wa kuzingatia muda kwani hatua ya nne ya kutoa huduma inatakiwa kuanza mwaka 2015. Alimalizia kutoa mada hii kwa kuwaambia wamiliki wa daladala kuwa “fursa za kuwekeza sio za wamiliki wa daladala pekee bali wao wamepewa kipau mbele zaidi”. MADA YA PILI Mada ya pili ilihusu Mwelekeo wa SUMATRA kuhusu usafiri wa mijini na ilitolewa na Bw.Leo Ngowi ambaye ni Meneja Leseni wa Mamlaka ya Udhibiti wa Usafiri wa Nchi Kavu na Majini nchini (SUMATRAAlianza mada hiyo kwa kutakabali mada iliyotangulia. Jambo hili liliridhiwa kwa makofi kutoka kwa kadamnasi iliyohudhuria mkutano. Vile vile alikubali kuwa wao kama mamlaka wanahamasisha uanzishwaji wa Wakala wa usafiri wa mabasi yaendayo haraka jijini Dar es Salaam. Pia alielezea hali ya Usafiri jijini Dar es Salaam. SUMATRA wataanza utaratibu mpya wa leseni za usafirishaji jijini Dar es Salaam kwa makampuni mnamo tarehe 1 Juni 2014. Hii itakuwa ni takribani mwaka mmoja kabla ya mradi wa DART kuanza kutoa huduma. Ametoa sababu kubwa ya mabadiliko haya ni kuongeza ufanisi wa utoaji huduma za usafirishaji na kuwaandaa wamiliki wa daladala kwaajili ya mradi wa DART. Alifafanua kwa takwimu kuwa kuna jumla ya njia 365, mabasi 6820 na wamiliki takribani 3700. Amesisitiza kuwa kama mamlaka wanaona haja ya kuwa na kampuni za kutoa huduma kwa ufanisi zaidi. Page 77 Bwana Leo Ngowi ambaye ni Meneja Leseni wa Mamlaka ya Udhibiti wa Usafiri wa Nchi Kavu na Majini nchini (SUMATRA) akiwasilisha mada. Alitaja changamoto zilizopo hizi sasa ni pamoja na miundo mbinu iliyopo kutokukidhi mahitaji, vyombo vya usafiri kuwa duni na hata wengi wafanyakazi wa vyombo hivyo kukosa weledi wa kazi ya usafirishaji. Vile vile kuna ongezeko la barabara na abiria jijini Dar es Salaam na hivyo kuweka haja ya mfumo mpya wa usafirishaji. Kwa sasa umiliki wa mabasi ya usafiri jijini Dar es Salaam ni wa mtu mmoja moja, wengine wakiwa ndani ya vyama na wengine kutokuwepo. SUMATRA ililisisitiza umuhimu wa wamiliki kuunda kampuni. Alielezea manufaa ya kuwa na kampuni katika uendeshaji shughuli za usafirishaji. Manufaa hayo ni pamoja na kuwa na uwezo wa kudhibiti matumizi mabaya ya magari, uwezo wa kutoa huduma bora zaidi kwa weledi na ufanisi, kuweza kuwa na menejimenti ya kisasa na kitaalamu zaidi, kuweza kukopa kwa unafuu benki na taasisi mbalimbali za fedha na pia kuwa na utaratibu wa unafuu wa bima za magari. Alisema kuwa , “ifikapo tarehe 1/12/2013 mamlaka itasitisha utoaji leseni mpya kwa basi la abiria la mmiliki mmoja mmoja na kuanza kusajili makampuni’. Mamlaka imeshauri kati ya mwaka 2012 na 2013 wamiliki wa daladala jijini Dar es Salaam waunde makampuni ili kuanzia terehe 1/10/2013 makampuni yaendeshe huduma za usafiri wa umma kwa njia zilizopangwa. Katika hali ya kutekeleza azma hiyo, mamlaka iliandaa mkutano uliojumuisha taasisi mbalimbali za serikali, wamiliki wa daladala jijini Dar es Salaam pamoja na wawakilishi wa mamlaka wa usafiri wa umma kutoka Kenya. Alifafanua kuwa Kenya tayari wanaendesha shughuli za usafiri wa umma kwa kutumia mfumo wa makampuni na wanafanya vizuri sana katika sekta ya usafirishaji. Akizidi kuelezea hatua hiyo ya kuunda makampuni, alieleza kuwa katika hatua ya kusajili kampuni, kampuni 7 zilichukua fomu ya kujiunga na 2 zilifanikiwa kujaza na kurudisha ndani ya muda. Alieleza vigezo vilivyotumika katika kusajili kampuni hizo na kusema kuwa kwa kiasi kikubwa zinashabihiana na vigezo vya DART. Hata hivyo kwa kuwa makampuni hayo hayakukidhi vigezo, elimu inaendelea kutolewa na zabuni itatangazwa tena kabla ya 15/11/2013. Alisema pia kuwa watafanya marekebisho mengine kutokana na mapendekezo ya kikao hiki. Page 78 MAJADILIANO DARCOBOA Majadiliano yalifunguliwa na Chama cha DARCOBOA kupitia Makamu Mwenyekiti wake Mashaka Karume. Alisema chama hicho kiinaunga mkono mradi huu kwa asilimia mia moja. Kwa kuwa wamekuwa wakishirikishwa tangu mwaka 2012 wangetumia fursa ya siku hiyo kuwathibitishia wenzao umuhimu wa mradi huo. Tayari wamekuwa wakishiriki semina mbali mbali za jinsi ya kujiunga kutengeneza makampuni. Alisisitiza kuwa wana uwezo wa kutengeneza kampuni kama wamiliki kwa wingi wao na kuweza kuchangisha hela ya kujiendesha. Aliwasihi wamiliki wenzake kufanya juhudi za dhati ili kampuni zitakazopewa tenda ziwe ni za wamiliki wa daladala. Pia aliweka wazi kwa viongozi wa seikali na DART kuwa hawatakubali kusikia watu wengine wanapewa nafasi ya makampuni hayo mawili ya kutekeleza mradi wa DART. Watahitaji kampuni hizo zimilikiwe na wa wamiliki wa daldala sasa na hawatakubaliana kusikia kuwa wengine wanachukua umiliki kati ya makampuni mawili. UWADAR UWADAR iliwakilishwa na Mwenyekiti, ambae alikitambulisha chama kuwa kina wanachama wasiopungua mia moja na hamsini (150), kinafuata vigezo vyote na pia kinatambulika na SUMATRA. Kama wanachama wa UWADAR, walileta mapendekezo yao kwa serikali na kwa wahusika wa mfummo wa DART kama ifuatavyo: Kwanza wanaipongeza serikali kwa kukubali na kuunga mkono mfumo wa DART Mwenyekiti wa UWADAR Bwana William Massanja akitoa ufafanuzi wa jambo kwa waandishi wa habari Page 79 Pili wanaomba kupewa ushirikishwaji katika semina mbali mbali zinazohusu wadau mbalimbali ili waweze kuwa katika nafasi nzuri na kujua yanayoendelea. Tatu, tunaomba elimu itolewe kwa wamiliki wa daladala ili waweze kujua mfumo huu wa DART unavyofanya kazi Nne, kama wanachama walitaka kujua hatima ya mabasi yao, na suala la kununua hisa katika makampuni sio jambo lenye mafanikio maana kumeshakuwa na makampuni mengi nchini yamekuwa yakileta hisa ila hapakuwa na mafanikio. Tano, masharti yaliyowekwa wanashindwa kuyamudu. na SUMATRA yapunguzwe kwakuwa wanachama Sita, wanachama wanaomba uwezekano wa serikali kuwafikiria na kuwapa msamaha wa kodi Saba, wanachama wanaiomba mamlaka ya serikali iboreshe barabara zilizopo pembezoni mwa jiji, ikishindikana kutengeneza barabara basi seriakli inunue magari yote ya wamiliki wa daladala ili wao wafanye nayo kazi kulingana na jinsi watakavyo.hili pia likishindikana basi mfumo wa DART uendelee kwenye zile barabara tu zilizojengwa kwa ajili ya mfumo huo ili mabasi ya zamani yaendelee na kazi zake katika barabara wanazopita kila siku,hii ni kuwawezesha wamiliki pamoja na madereva na familia zao kwa ujumla ili kujikimu kimaisha. Nane, wana UWADAR wapo latika mchakato wa kutengeza kampuni iitwayo UWADAR TRANSPORT COMPANY LTD na pia wanawakaribisha viongozi ili waweze kuwatembelea UWADAR na wao waweze kupata kujulikana na kulita tija kwa wamiliki wa daladala. Mwenyekiti wa UWADAR alitoa mbiu kwa wamiliki wa daladala kuwa Umoja ni Nguvu na Utengani ni Udhaifu ivyo wao kuungana kutaleta mafanikio makubwa na wataweza kuchukua fursa zozote zitakazojitokeza. Kikao kupitia mwenyekiti wake ambae pia ni Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es salaam, aliruhusu pia wale wamiliki wa daladala ambao pia sio wanachama wa UWADAR au DARCOBOA nao pia kutoa mawazo yao ili yaweze kusikika juu ya mpango huu wa mabasi yaendayo kasi yani DART. Mwenyekiti alifikia uamuzi wa kuwapa nafasi kundi hili kwakuwa ndio kundi pekee linaloonekana kuwa kubwa, maana kwa takwimu za SUMATRA, wamiliki wa daladala wanafikia idadi ya takribani 3,700, na vyama vya DARCOBOA kina wanachama wasiopungua 600 na UWADAR wana wanachama wasiopungua 150, ivyo idadi kubwa ya wamiliki inabakia bila kuwa na chama. Wamiliki hao walitoa mawazo yao kama inaavyoanishwa hapa chini: WAMILIKI WASIOKUWA NA UANACHAMA KATIKA VYAMA VYA UWADAR NA DARCOBOA Mchangiaji wa kwanza aliipongeza serikali kwa kuamua kukubali mfumo huu wa DART, na pia akajaribu kutoa sababu ya kwa nini hayupo katika vyama vya wamiliki, alieleza kuwa kila anapoenda SUMATRA huwa anajua kuwa ni mwanachama wa vyama ivi, ila hajui ni chama kipi yupo kwa sasa. Page 80 Mchangiaji mwingine alitoa mawazo yake kuwa anapenda kuungana na wenzake wa DARCOBOA na serikali kwa ujumla katika kuukubali mfumo huu wa DART ila kama kuna ufunguaji wa makampuni SUMATRA ndio wawe wahusika wakuu katika kutengeneza makampuni na sio vyama vya DACOBOA au UWADAR maana wamiliki wote wanatambulika na SUMATRA. Mchangiaji aliyefuata, alianza kwa kushukuru sana serikali kwa kuridhia na mfumo huu wa DART. Pia akagusia kuwa wamiliki wamekuwa wachache katika kikao hicho cha tarehe 19/09/2013 maana wengi wao sio wafatiliaji wa vyombo vya habari. Alieleza kuwa yeye ni mmiliki binafsi na hayupo kwenye chama chochote vilivyopo, maana hakuwai kuwa na taarifa kamili. Akaendelea kusema kuwa Ukusanyaji wa mapato utakuwa mrahisi kama wamiliki wote wakiungana na kuunda makampuni. Ila akaongezea kuwa elimu kubwa sana inatakiwa itolewe kwa wamiliki wa mabasi maana wanatakiwa kuelewa kinachoendelea. Baada ya wamiliki wa daladala wasio na vyama kutoa mawazo yao, mwenyekiti akaruhusu mjadala uanze na wahudhuriaji wote ambao ni wamiliki wa daladala wakaanza kutoa mawazo juu ya mfumo huu wa mabasi yaendayo kasi yani DART. MAJADILIANO Mjumbe mmoja alitoa pongezi juu ya ujenzi na uendeshwaji wa mfumo huu wa DART, pia akagusia namna ambavyo wamiliki wamekuwa wakiitwa katika mikutano mingi ila idadi haijawai kuongezeka, takwimu zinaonesha kwa ujumla wapo wamiliki zaidi ya 3000 ila vikao wanakosa ushiriki. Mjumbe anatoa ombia kwa SUMATRA , kuwa wajaribu kubuni mbinu ambayo itawawezesha wamiliki waweze kufika na kujua wako wapi . Na wale waliofanikiwa kuhudhuria mkutano huu watoe taarifa kwa wenzao. Kwakuwa malalamiko ya wamiliki ni mengi alitoa rai kuwa wajitaidi kujitokeza kwenye vikao ili waweze kujadili malengo na muelekeo wa wamiliki kwa ujumla. Mwenyekiti wa majadiliano alitoa mchango wake baada ya mjumbe wa aliyetajwa hapo juu, kuwa wamiliki wa daladala wanatakiwa kujitokeze kutoa mawazo yao katika vikao, pia kama wamiliki hao ni wafanyakazi wa serikali basi wawatume hata wawakilishi wao. Kutokuonekana katika vikao kunakwamisha wajumbe kufikia muafaka, maana katika wamiliki 3000, mahudhurio yakiwa watu 50 sio jambo la busara. Na hii itasababisha malalamiko yasiyo ya lazima kuwa serikali imekuwa ikiwapa watu wake fursa na wengine kuachwa jambo ambalo sio kweli. Ikumbukwe kuwa DART inatumia (dola bilioni mia moja kwa ajili ya awamu ya kwanza) na hizi ni pesa nyingi hivyo wamiliki wasiisukume serikali kutafuta watu wengine kuchukua fursa hii bali wamiliki wenyewe wa daladala ndio wawe mstari wa mbele na kuchukua fursa hizi Mwenyekiti pia akatoa rai kuwa ni vyema katika kikao hiki kilichofanyika tarehe 19/09/2013 kikafanikiwa kuchagua wawakilishi ambao watakuwa karibu na viongozi wa DART pamoja na serikali ambapo utaratibu unaweza kufanyika pia wakaweza kukutanishwa na taasisi za fedha ili waweze kuona uwezekano wa kupewa mikopo maana taasisi hizi hutoa fursa kwa watu ambao wanajutambua na wana uongozi unaoeleweka. Mjumbe mwingine aliukubali mradi wa DART na kukiri kuwa umekuja wakati muafaka maana kipindi cha nyuma wamiliki wamekuwa wakijitaidi sana kupigana na mazingira Page 81 magumu. Hivyo alitoa rai kwa wamiliki wa daladala na kuwaomba kuwa wasibaki nyuma, akawataka pia na vyama vyote vya wamiliki viungane ili wafanikishe lengo la kuzichukua fursa zilizotangazwa. Ametoa rai kwa wamiliki kuwa wasisubiri waje wengine wakati wao kama wamiliki wapo tayari kuchukua fursa na pia katika kupata hisa mapema. Pia mjumbe aliuliza ili kupata uelewa maana wakati mwakilishi wa SUMATRA awasilisha mada alitoa vigezo kuwa kampuni itakayojitokeza kuomba nafasi katika usafirishaji iwe na karakana ya kutengenezea magari na wakati huo huo mfumo wa DART umegusia kuwa katika miundo mbinu yao watatengeneza pia karakana ivyo hii imeleta kama mkanganyiko katika maelezo. Na mwisho mjumbe alipenda kujua kama mradi wa DART unafadhiliwa na World Bank, je ni kwa nini tena wawekezaji ambao ndio wamiliki wa daladala wanatakiwa pia kuwa na fedha? Mwakilishi wa SUMATRA, Alijibu hoja iliyotolewa na mjumbe kuwa, pamoja na kwamba katika vigezo vya kutoa vibali, kampuni ya usafirishaji inatakiwa kuwa na karakana, ikumbukwe kuwa mwenye kampuni pia anaweza pia kutoa au kuonesha mkataba alioingia na mtu mwenye karakana kuwa magari yake yaliyo chini ya kampuni yatakuwa yakitengenezewa hapo. Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu, alitoa ufafanuzi kuwa, benki ya dunia inatoa fedha za mradi kufanikisha mfumo huu wa DART ila wawekezaji wanahitajika ili waweze kumiliki mabasi haya kwa nia ya kupunguza tatizo la usafiri wa umma katika jiji la Dar es salaam. Mjumbe mwingine alipongeza serikali kwa kuleta maendeleo na kuruhusu Mradi wa DART kuendelea. Pia aliwakumbusha wamiliki wengine kuwa yale maeneo yasikuwa na mradi huu bado kuna fursa, hivyo wamiliki wachukue hatua ili kushiriki. Pia akiwa kama mwanachama wa UWADAR alitoa nia kuwa wao kama wanachama wapo tayari kukusanya barabara zote ambazo hazina usafiri ili walete orodha hiyo kwa SUMATRA nah ii itasaidia wamiliki kupewa njia nyingine ambazo hazitapitiwa na mradi huu wa DART. Mwisho aliiomba serikali iyafanyie kazi maombi mbali mbali yaliyotolewa na wajumbe hasa ujenzi wa barabara zilizopo pembezoni ili wamiliki waweze kupata njia zingine na waweze kujikimu kimaisha pamoja na familia zao. Mjumbe mwingine alianza kwa kuomba ufafanuzi juu ya nafasi ya DART na SUMATRA maana kwa mtazamo aliouona ni kuwa vyombo vyote viwili vinafanya kazi ya udhibiti na hii inaleta dhana ya kuwa na wadhibiti wawili. Pili mjumbe aliomba ufafanuzi kwa SUMATRA, kwakuwa mwisho wa mwezi wa tisa mwaka 2013 ndo mwisho wa usajili wa makampuni ya usafirishaji na DART wametoa tamko kuwa makampuni mawili tu ndio yanahitajika kwa sasa na kama mpango wa SUMATRA ukifuatwa utapelekea makampuni 3700 kwa maana ya kila mmiliki kuwa na kampuni yake. Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu alitoa ufafanuzi juu ya nafasi ya DART na SUMATRA katika suala la udhibiti. Alieleza kuwa, SUMATRA nafasi yao haiwezi kubadilika, itabaki kuwa wadhibiti na DART pia ipo chini ya SUMATRA, ila DART itakuwa wasimamizi wa makampuni yatakayopewa zabuni za kuendesha suala la usafiri wa mabasi yaendayo haraka maana Page 82 wanafanya kazi chini ya mradi hivyo wakuu wa mradi watakuwa wakiwasimamia kwa karibu na juu ya wote ni SUMATRA. Pia mradi huu wa DART upo tu Dar es salaam na SUMATRA inafanya kazi nchi nzima, na kazi yao ni kusimamia vyombo vyote vya usafiri wa nchi kavu na majini. Mwakilishi kutoka SUMATRA ndugu Leo Ngowi akatoa ufafanuzi kuwa, lengo la SUMATRA kuhamasisha wamiliki kufungua makampuni ya usafirishaji ni moja ya njia ya kuwafanya wawe pamoja na waweze pia kuwa tayari kuingia katika mfumo wa DART bila wasiwasi maana mfumo huu unahitaji watu kuungana na hili ndio wazo la SUMATRA pia, kuwaweka wamiliki pamoja ili wafanye kazi kwa umoja wao. Na hii haina maana kuwa wanataka kila mmiliki awe na kampuni yake kwakiwa hata vigezo vilivyowekwa vinahitaji wamiliki kuungana. Mjumbe mmoja alitoa ombi kwa wamiliki wa daladala kuwa wakiungana wataweza kupata fursa ya kuyamiliki makampuni ya usfirishaji hapa jijini. Pia aliongezea kuwa kama haya mabasi waliyokuwa wakiyamiliki yakapewa njia zingine, kuna imani kuwa usafiri utakuwa bora zaidi, hivyo mfumo huu wa DART una manufaa makubwa kwa umma wa wakaazi wa Jijini. Mjumbe alionesha wasiwasi wake katika suala la ubinafsishaji wa mashirika ya umma , na kuongeza kuwa mashirika mengi yaliyobinafsishwa yalianguka, hivyo alitoa ombi kuwa badala ya daladala za zamani kutolewa kabisa bora yafanyike majaribio, kuwe na soko la ushindani kati ya DART na daladala za zamani ili kuhakikisha kuwa mfumo huu wa DART unaendelea. Katika kumalizia hoja zake, mjumbe aliomba kutoa wazo kuwa, katika mikutano inayowahusisha wamiliki wa vyombo vya usafiri, ni vyema wakaalikwa watu wa makampuni ya BIMA, ili waje kutoa maelekezo juu ya jinsi kazi zao zinavyofanyika na wamiliki wawe na Uelewa wa kujua BIMA ipi inayofaaa na hatimaye waweze kufanya maamuzi yaliyo sahihi. Mwenyekiti wa majadiliano, aliwaeleza wajumbe kuwa, watanzania lazima wakubali mabadiliko na pia iondolewe dhana kuwa daladala zinasitishwa kufanya kazi, kwakuwa mchango uliofanywa na wamiliki ni mkubwa sana. Page 83 Kushoto Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar Es Salaam Mh. Said M.Sadiki akiwa na Mstahiki Meya wa Jiji Mh.Dr.Didas J.Massaburi wakati wa mapumziko Ikumbukwe kuwa sehemu zitakapoondoka ni maeneo yale tu ambayo mradi unapita na hao watakaoathirika watapewa njia nyingine ambazo zipo pembezoni mwa jiji hapa hapa Dar es salaam kuendelea kutoa huduma. Barabara hizo za pete zipo katika mpango wa matengenezo, mfano barabara kutoka Banana kupitia Kinyerezi mpaka Mbezi Louis na maeneo ya Kinyerezi mpaka Pugu, kupitia msitu wa Mabwepande , na maeneo mengine. Daladala zitaendelea kutoa huduma katika maeneo hayo. Kuhusu barabara za pembezoni, mjumbe anaiomba serikali ijaribu kutafuta makandarasi wanaofanya kazi kwa upesi, ili gari zao zipate kuingia katika njia hizo waweze kujikimu kimaisha. Pia alionesha wasiwasi kuwa kuna watu wanamiliki usafiri wa magari mfumo wa Hiace maarufu kama ‘NOAH’ ambao tayari wameshashika zile njia ivyo mmiliki wa daladala bado atakuwa matatani. Mjumbe aliomba SUMATRA itoe utaratibu maana jambo ili litawakwamisha kufanya kazi. Mwenyekiti alikazia juu ya suala hilo na kuongezea kuwa wamiliki wa daladala wanatakiwa wapate kikao kingine ambacho kitawapa fursa ya kukutanishwa na wataalamu wa mambo ya hisa ili waweze kujua shughuli nzima zitakavyoendeshwa pindi yatakapoundwa makampuni mawili yatakayohusika na usafirishaji wa kutumia mabasi ya mwendo kasi. Na pia akamkaribisha mwakilishi wa SUMATRA, ili kutoa ufafanuzi juu ya leseni za ‘NOAH’, ambapo aliweka wazi suala hili na kusema kuwa, hakuna mtu yeyote katika jiji la Dar es salaam mwenye leseni ya kusafirisha abiria kwa kutumia magari aina ya ‘NOAH’. Hivyo aliwatoa wasiwasi wamiliki wa mabasi na pia akatoa ombi kwa wamiliki wote wafanye kazi kwa pamoja katika kuwafichua watu wanaofanya biashara ya kusafirisha abiria kwakutumia magari hayo. Aidha aliweka bayana kuwa magari hayo yana leseni tu mikoani katika maeneo yenye tabu za usafiri. Mwenyekiti alipata nafasi ya kumkaribisha mjumbe mmoja wapo katika wahudhuriaji , ambaye ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa moja ya makampuni yanayoshughulikia masoko ya hisa ili aweze kutoa elimu kidogo na maoni yake juu ya suala la ununuzi wa hisa kwa wamiliki wa daladala. Alianza kwa kutoa mrejesho juu ya gharama za mradi wa DART katika awamu ya kwanza kuwa mradi unakisiwa kugharimu dola milioni mia moja (100,000,000$), na fursa hii serikiali pamoja na DART inawapa wamiliki wa mabasi wa sasa. Akawaomba wote wakubali kuwa inawezekana na kila maendeleo yana changamoto zake, Hivyo unahitajika muda wa kujadili namna ya kuzikabili kwa kuzigeuza kuwa fursa. Soko la mitaji lina nafasi kwa watu wote na sio makampuni makubwa tu. Masharti pia yamelegezwa, vigezo vimeelekezwa katika suala la utawala bora na ufatiliaji wa sheria. Na hivi sio vigezo vikubwa, hivyo ni vyema wamiliki kuunda vyombo vyao, yaani makampuni ili kuweza kuwa katika nafasi nzuri. Pia aliongeza kuwa kuhusu suala la kutoa elimu, yupo tayari kuwasaidia wamiliki kupata elimu juu ya makampuni na masuala ya hisa. Mwisho alitoa rai kwa wamiliki kuwa,” benki au taasisi za fedha hazipo kutoa mitaji ila zipo kutoa pesa ambazo zitaiborasha biashara uliyonayo, hivyo mtaji unatakiwa utoke kwa mtu binafsi”. Page 84 Baada ya maelezo hayo kutoka kwa mtaalamu, mwenyekiti aliomba ufafanuzi juu ya upatikanaji wa hisa, kuwa kampuni inatakiwa iwe na mahesabu ya miaka mitatu, ila hapa wamiliki wanataka kuweka kampuni mpya ambayo bado haijaanza kazi kwa muda wowote, je nafasi ya wamiliki ni ipi? Mtoa mada alitoa maelezo kuwa tangu mwaka 1997, hicho kilikuwa kigezo,ila hilo sharti limelegezwa na sasa sio lazima uwe umetengeza faida au kuanza shughuli ndio uruhusiwe kuingia katika masuala ya hisa ila ni lazima uwasilishe mchanganuo unaoonyesha makisio na makadirio ya mipango ya mbeleni isiyopungua miaka mitano ili kuwaridhisha wanahisa kuwa utaanza kupata faida baada ya mwaka au miaka miwili. Na utawala bora unazingatiwa sana, na kwa maana hii, mkutano mkuu ndio mahala pekee wanahisa wanaweza kujua muelekeo wa makampuni. Hii ndio sababu kubwa ya kuegemea katika kigezo cha utawala bora. Baada ya maelezo kutoka kwa mtaalamu wa hisa,kutoka TIB (Tanzania Investment Bank)alitoa ushauri kwa wamiliki wa daladala, kuwa wanaweza kufika TIB ili kupata ushauri na msaada na wana utayari wa kuwatengenezea mchanganuo ili kupata mapendekezo na kampuni zitakazoanzishwa ziweze kukaa kibiashara. Juu ya maelezo haya mafupi kutoka kwa mwakilishi wa TIB, mwenyekiti aliongezea kuwa TIB ni benki iliyoanzishwa na serikali na riba zao ni nafuu kuliko mabenk mengine yanayotoka nje ya nchi. Meya wa jiji la Dar es salaam, aliuliza swali kwa mwakilishi wa SUMATRA kuwa utafiti wa DART unasema kuwa basi moja litaondoa daladala 10 barabarani je nini hatma ya watu hawa? Mwakilishi wa SUMATRA alimjibu Mstahiki Meya wa Jiji la Dar es salaam kuwa SUMATRA ilianzisha mkakati wa kuhamasisha wamiliki kujiunga na kufungua makampuni na kuwawekea vigezo vinavyoendana na vile vya DART ili iwe rahisi kwa hawa wamiliki kukua kibiashara na kuja kuwa pia wamiliki wa vyombo vya usafirishaji hata katika mfumo huu wa DART, hii ni kwa kuwa wao ni wazoefu na wanajua jinsi mifumo ya usafirishaji inavyofanya kazi hivyo inaweza kuwa rahisi kwao kujiendeleza. MAPENDEKEZO NA MAKUBALIANO Vikao vijavyo viwe na matangazo zaidi ili wamiliki waweze kufahamu na kuhudhuria. Wamiliki wa daladala wajitokeze na kuona umuhimu wa kuhudhuria vikao vya wadau wa usafirishaji kwakuwa wao wana nafasi kubwa na muhimu katika kuchukua fursa zinazoletwa na maendeleo. Serikali ijitaidi kutengeza barabara za pembezoni ili wamiliki waweze kupatiwa njia mpya maeneo ambayo hayajapitiwa na mradi ili waweze kujikimu kimaisha. Elimu zaidi itolewe kwa wamiliki wa daladala ili waweze kujitokeza na kuchukua fursa hizi nyingi zinazoletwa na mfumo wa DART. Wamiliki wa daladala wajiunge na kuunda makampuni ili waweze kuingia kwa pamoja katika kuchukua fursa zinazoletwa na mfumo huu wa DART. Nini kifanyike? Page 85 Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu DART alionyesha nia ya kuwasaidia wamiliki wa daladala ambao wameona fursa zilizopo na wapo tayari kupeleka maamuzi mbele ili kufanikisha mfumo huu wa DART kuanza kazi kiufanisi. Hivyo ameipokea timu yenye wajumbe 6 iliyoundwa katika kikao cha tarehe 19/09/2013, ambapo katika wajumbe hao wawili ni wawakilishi kutoka DARCOBOA, wawili ni wawakilishi kutoka UWADAR na wawili ni wawakilishi kutoka katika kundi la wamiliki wasio na uanachama katika vyama hivyo viwili. Kaimu Mtendaji Mkuu pia ameomba mikakati hii ya kukutana na wadau ifanyike haraka kwakuwa muda nao umekwisha na mradi huu unatarajiwa kuanza mwezi Julai mwaka 2014, hivyo wawakilishi waliopatikana watakuwa karibu na watendaji wa DART ili kuhakikisha kuwa mchakato unaenda kwa haraka na maamuzi yanafikiwa kwa urahisi na kwa uwakilishi wa watu wote. Alitoa rai pia kwa wamiliki kupitia vyama vyao au makundi yao kuiomba ofisi ya Mtendaji Mkuu wa DART, kutoa elimu kwa watu wanaotaka kupata elimu hiyo ili waweze kuitoa kwa watu wanaostahili kuliko kuitisha mikutano mikubwa na kukosa wahudhuriaji ambao ni walengwa, hivyo mlango umeachwa wazi kwa watakao taka kupata elimu kutuma maombi. Kufikia tamati ya mkutano washiriki walichagua wawakilishi sita (6) watakaoendelea kuhudhuria mikutano na majadiliano kwa niaba ya wamiliki wengine wa daladala katika siku za usoni. Waliochaguliwa walitoka DARCOBOA, UWADAR na wamiliki wasio na uanachama katika chama chochote cha wamiliki wa vyombo vya usafiri. Katika kundi hilo la mwisho, walikutana baada ya kikao na kufanya uchaguzi huru wa wawakilishi. Wawakilishi walichaguliwa kama ifuatavyo: DARCOBOA: Theresia Kitambi na Sabri Mabrouk UWADAR: William Masanja na Gharib Mohamed Wamiliki Wengine: Gwamaka Nsekela na Ruth Majura HITIMISHO Wadau na wamiliki wa usafiri wa umma waliona na kutambua umuhimu wa mradi huu hasa kwa jiji linalokuwa kwa kasi na kuonyesha uhitaji mkubwa wa usafiri wa umma wenye ufanisi wa hali ya juu. Kupanuka kwa jiji kunaleta fursa nyingi hasa za kiuchumi lakini pia huja na changamoto zake; moja ya changamoto ni hii ya usafiri ndani ya jiji. Kwa kusema hayo, waligundua kuwa washiriki wa mkutano huu ambao wengi ni wamiliki wa daladala wametambua umuhimu wa mradi huu. Hata hivyo kwa kuwa ni kitu kigeni hapa Tanzania bado kuna hali ya shaka na wasiwasi kuhusu mafanikio ya mradi na nafasi yao katika mradi. Kutokana mtazamo wa ushiriki wa wamiliki wa daladala katika mkutano huu wadau walitoa maoni yafuatayo: Ni muhimu kuyachukulia hatua maoni yaliyotolewa na wadau katika mkutano huu. Kwa kufanya hivyo watapata imani na ushirikishwaji wao katika mradi huu. Wanaunga mkono ushauri wa elimu kutolewa zaidi. Japo mikutano ni muhimu lakini njia nyingine zinahitajika kwa kutoa elimu. DART itafute namna ya kuwafuata wamiliki wa daladala katika maeneo yao ya mikutano hasa katika vyama vyao. Elimu pia itolewe kwa Page 86 waendesha daladala na wapiga debe kwani wao pia ni wadau muhimu katika sekta ya usafiri wa umma. Ni vyema wakielezwa wazi jinsi gani mradi huu utabadilisha namna ya uendeshaji shughuli za usafiri wa umma na jinsi utakavyowaathiri. Waelimishwe kuhusu fursa zilizoko kwaajili yao na jinsi watakavyoweza kushiriki katika fursa hizo. Wameridhia umuhimu wa kuanzishwa makampuni badala ya kuwa na mmiliki mmoja mmoja wa usafiri wa umma. Hili litaimarisha uwajibikaji na kuongeza ufanisi. Vile vile tunashauri mabadiliko haya yawashirikishe wadau, hasa wamiliki wa daladala, na kuwaelewesha ipasavyo namna na umuhimu wa kuanzisha makampuni. Ni vizuri ikiwa maoni yao na hata changamoto watakazo ziibua kutokana na uzoefu wao zikapewa uzito wake na kujumusihwa katika mchakato. Kwa kuwa sekta ya uwekezaji na biashara kwa hisa bado ni changa nchini, tunashauri elimu zaidi itolewe kwa wamiliki wa daladala. Pia ni vyema serikali na wadau wengine wakiwapa mwanga kampuni za wamiliki wa daladala namna bora ya kupata vyanzo mitaji hasa ukizingatia mtaji unaohitajika kuwekeza kwenye mradi huu na hali halisi ya kiuchumi ya wamiliki wengi wa daladala. Kikao kiliahirishwa saa 9:37 alasiri ambapo Mwenyekiti ambaye pia alikuwa Mgeni Rasmi wa Kikao hicho alirudisha wajibu wakukifunga kwa Mstahiki Meya wa Jiji la Dar es Salaam. Kikao kijacho kilitarajiwa kiwe Jumatatu ya tarehe 23/Septemba/2013 ambapo wawakilishi 6 waliochaguliwa wangekutana na DART, SUMATRA na wadau wengine wausafirishaji kwa majadiliano zaidi. Page 87 ANNEX 1B List of Participants for the Consultative Meeting between Daladala Operators and The Government– Held On 19th Sept, 2013 Page 88 ANNEX 1B WALIOHUDHURIA MKUTANO WA WAMILIKI WA DALADALA KATIKA KITUO CHA MIKUTANO CHA MWALIMU JK NYERERE TAREHE 19 NOV.2013 S/N Jina Kamili TAASISI KALOBE TRADERS NTWEVE 1. Gwamka Nsekela 2. Caren Kitomari 3. J.Massawe BINAFSI 0755631327 4. 5. Hassan Suleman Robert M. Semsella BINAFSI MOKIWA 0715913050 0788758528 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Omari H. Kitimai Mustafa m. Nguru Rositia J. Konga Antony M. Mshandete Salim M. Ramadwa Uelele John Omary Ally Mauga Maria Sandube Issa Athumani BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI KAKURI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI 0784715072 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Kisungu Juma Hassan Shipwayaca A. Ica Servuly H. Tarimo Amiri M. Kimaro Lucas Mashauri BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Mohol Haji Mashaka Kamwe Loilangkiaki Noah Athumani K. Manda Hemed H. Kiumba Wiludu Masanja Kilian K. Chale 27. Saada Nao Mandlwa BINAFSI DARCOBOA DAR DAR DAR DA/UWADAR MAHOLANDUMB I INTERPRISE Mioindzaza Mkuini 28. Kilian K. Chale 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 0754496757 0719052887 0784362727 0715328116 0714011264 0768021463 0754385418 0715580978 0713280026 0715815514 0715269310 0784/0767/ 306336 0712127200 1713314090 0715335249 0782607868 0754288672 07542789989 0764029923 0713236841 0715787888 Winnpamgr F. Mfinanga Gharib Salim Muhamed Saidi M Sollo Abdulkadir F. Mbarak Theodemiri Kimaro MAHOLANDUMB I INTERPRISE BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI 34. 35. Grace Adole Mkude Zubery Ramadhani BINAFSI BINAFSI 0754313511 0719756125 36. Mashimba Yusuph BINAFSI 0715989566 37. Ibrahim J. Mkweso BINAFSI 0754308195 Page 89 Na ya Simu 0715891821 0713408686 0714957288 0655489565 0715700667 Email and Telephone nsekelag@gmail. com Mtweve12@gmai l.com jmassawe@yaho o.co.uk Robert.semsemsell [email protected] Issachachalika@yah oo.com mashaurilucas@yah oo.com [email protected] [email protected] om [email protected] [email protected] om Zuberifaauzus@yah oo.com [email protected] om S/N Jina Kamili TAASISI 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Mutuka Ally Mwangu Denis A. Kichambati Prisca E. Kakwaya SMD M. Hamisi Kitambi Therese Mashauri Lamwai Living Kiria Bashir Khaki Mahamou Kabora Kabwl Kibwana M. Ndege Abdillatie O. Haji William Matheo Ruth Michael Majura Raymond Francis Helena Kasmiri Ali N. Sleman Kailesh P. Davda Yachungwa A. Msemo All Mmanya Lwembo J. Ngaiwa Gerald W. Kisanga Fabian F. Lyimo Charles P. Kifoi Robert Msigwa Selemani Kh. Kimowe Checkiline G. Teete Khamis Nassor Khabibu M. Shabani Safian Said Josepa Damas Juma Athumani Jamada abibu Hashim Mushi BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI MBOKOMU BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI UWADAR BINAFSI BINAFSI Mtu BINAFSI UWADAR UWADAR BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI 0712637107 0715809692 0714017070 0715314235 0754377354 0714334733 0658269893 0784262903 0754781601 0717148401 0713277603 0784390251 0715482701 0715482825 0754317850 0655797938 0715787070 0718164480 0717180039 0712152472 0713608484 0715310916 0755517132 0767872362 0655012933 0754274948 0713216918 0712432143 0715525756 0755717911 0754297857 0767295339 0716250931 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. Muna Bhai Mohd Kassim Kassim Mwinlimvua Rodina Danson Imsemu Agustino Materi Emmanuel T. Ngello Abdallah S. Kipara MTU BINAFSI UWADAR BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI 0717977000 0776121255 0756405858 0787249232 0713415048 0754921665 0766642775 78. `Lisbanda K. Salum BINAFSI 0782927497 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. Said A. Shah Ally M. Omary Soud C. Tweve Dr. Beny Lugenga Lameck J. Mmbaga Merina J. Konga Mussa S. Msangi Pemen W. Ulomi Abdalamid Sadi Kangaulay BINAFSI BINAFSI G.M. 2007 (T) LTD BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI BINAFSI 0655394187 0713462045 0754644489 0784385629 0754827838 0715019488 0784369142 0754657422 07365080 ? Page 90 Na ya Simu Email and Telephone Box 65454, DSM Box 9203, DSM Box 60865, DSM Box 5621, DSM Box 34771,DSM Box 5829, DSM Box 4234, DSM Box 19954, DSM [email protected] / [email protected] m S/N Jina Kamili 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. Raphael Mathew Shenyagwa Makata Abdalah Edward Gaspary Juma N. Mbiku Maryam A.S. Salum Issa Andrew Simwanga Sakina Ramadhani Asha Mohamed Ibrahim Killapo 98. Myuinga Jephet TAASISI Na ya Simu UWADAR 0713628572 BINAFSI BINAFSI UWADAR UWADAR UWADAR UWADAR UWADAR BINAFSI MANJO NETUOME AZIZI S KARIM COMPANY MAJURA & D BINAFSI BINAFSI 0715597441 0713311967 0656736383 0713660152 0713416431 0715725772 0784712660 0718644222 0713119798 0717088838 0715980880 0713243427 0655334567 0713610096 0715061705 0654220565 114. Angel Katunzi USHIRIKA USHIRIKA USHIRIKA BINAFSI UWADAR TAJIRI UWADAR UWADAR BINAFSI BINAFSI UWADAR EFUEND TECHNAGWI Kinondoni 115. Edna Julius 116. Abela Frank 117. Mathias Godfrey TABATA CHANGOMBE ILALA 118. Christina Uyalo 119. Godlove Jackson PUGU UDSM 99. Majura J. Balama 100. Emanuel Urassa 101. Mariam Aman Kimaro/Paul Steven 102. Jaylani M. Meena 103. Kassm S. Kimaro 104. Rehema Juma Mohamed 105. Khamis L. Ally 106. Said Amir 107. Moshi S. Jongo 108. Juma B. Mabya 109. George Weng 110. Charles M. Macha 111. Fadagl Musa 112. Atish B. Naram 113. Phir Nadyeshumba 0713442331 0755455416 07544706998 0713290011 0754348697 0765728980 0659727280 0715379435 Email and Telephone [email protected] m Bob290011@hotmail. com ndyeshumba@yahoo .com 0717493291 Godfreymathia@yah oo.com 0659111166 WAANDISHI WA HABARI S/N Jina 120. Deus Mnagale 121. Wence Lugiku 122. Godfrey Mongy 123. Idrissa Magomeni 124. Hempy Moibuno 125. Julius Mloka 126. Juliana Malando 127. Issa Omary TAASIS Mtanzania The Express ITV ITV Radio One Mwananchi Photo Mwananchi Tazama Tanzania Na ya Simu 0713242134 0713326569 0713662928 0713774793 075408111 0756933464 0713022891 0717189824 Page 91 Email/ Barua pepe [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] S/N 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. Jina Habiba Chagamba Bernad Mwakagile Magreth Goldian Shukuru Kiwonde Roana Lungwa Mohammed Suleman Josephat Lazaro Waryoba Yankami Gerald Muunga Emmanuel Gerald TAASIS Tayojo Mawio Sura ya Mtz Guardian SUMATRA Guardian Mwanahabari The Guardian C/o DART - do - Na ya Simu 0713919271 0652152000 0767697690 0714245068 0761151550 0712124848 0759303013 0712262588 0713332482 0713479084 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. Bernard Lugongo Shabani Matutu Noel Mnonjela Sebastian Maindoko Noah Laltaika Steven Mumbi Tawakal Khamis Zuera Msuya Magreth Anderson Hamphrey Samwel David Gumbo Darlin Said Joseph Nyawenini Jesca Kileo Atuza G. Nkuplu Salum Ali Muhibu Said Veneranda Sumila Theopista Nsanzungwanko Andrew Allen Philemon Beutho Azizi Kindamba Alech Mahunda The Citizen T. Daima DHT Daily News EATV East Africa Radio EATV Camar.Ma TBC TBC Taifa TB1 East Africa Radio MAJIRA Mwana Habari UHURU The Guardian MAJIRA NIPASHE The Citizen Habari Leo 0713636856 0717368668 0652184892 0783830502 0783343238 0712743322 0713292694 0715303239 0714329143 0754642115 07162233322 0713488448 0713544571 0712031772 0784436380 0756224076 0717055551 0784487074 0754833990 Freelance Freelance Clouds Tv Clouds FM 0719183018 0754031272 075472628 0655883104 157. 158. 159. 160. Page 92 Email/ Barua pepe [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] m [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] nkurlu.atuza @gmail.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ANNEX 2 Summary Report on the Consultative Meetings between Representatives of Daladala Operators and Those of Dart plus Other Stakeholders Held On 10th November 2013 at Friends Corner Hall Page 93 ANNEX ‘’2’’ SUMMARY REPORT ON THE CONSULTATIVE MEETINGS BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF DALADALA OPERATORS AND THOSE OF DART PLUS OTHER STAKEHOLDERS HELD ON 10th NOVEMBER 2013 AT FRIENDS CORNER HALL 1 The Agenda: 2 Participants: Consultative Meeting aimed at receiving concerns of daladala owners and receiving clarification from respective authorities (DART, UTUMISHI, Capital Markets, TIB etc Mr. William Masanja – UWADAR Mr. Saburi Mabruk Ms. Theresia Kitambi – DARCOBOA – DARCOBOA Mr. Gharibu Mohamedi - UWADAR Mr. Gwamaka Nsenkela - Private operator Mrs. Ruth Majura - Private operator 3. Chairmanship: William Masanja - UWADAR 4. Explanation on the Objective of the Meeting: The November 2013 meeting was a follow up meeting after the Consultative meeting of 19th September, 2013 specifically to share, discuss and deliberate the type of modalities towards formation of Companies. 5 Opening Remarks: The Chairperson informed that meeting that they would be expected to deliberate on the outcome of the meeting of 19th September 2013 which agreed to setting of the committee of daladala representatives. 8 Concerns of Daladala representatives: During discussions with mentioned above representatives registered their concerns during discussion with DART Agency Team. Most of their concerns emanated from 19th September,2013 meeting which includes the following:• • 9 Response from They perceived the institutional set up of DART project is pro Government and the whole issue of private sector is not featuring out very much. The amount of initial Capital investment of 100 million USD (TZS 160 Billion) for existing daladala operators is quite high and they cannot afford ; • The existing daladala operators prefer the current practice of receiving weekly pay from bus drivers and conductors as individuals. The concern is they don’t believe on safety under companies institutional arrangement; • The down fall of NICO, TOL and the like pose a big challenge to them to work together to form companies. The Agency Management Team responded to all raised concerns which include the envisaged type of deal structure DART Agency through a Page 94 DART Agency: 10 Comments raised by POPSM 11 Comments raised by Daladala representatives 12 Comments raised by TIB representative 13 Comments raised by Capital Markets representative 14. Conclusions Transaction Advisor Rebel Group is going to take under the Public Private Partnership 2010 law and its regulations. The project is expected to use the integrated approach using a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). The amount of capital investment of TZS 160 billion could be raise in case the existing Daladala operators are ready to establish Companies and make a Joint venture with other Investors. On the aspect of preferential shares that arrangement is also possible if at all the local operators are strong enough to form strong companies to compete during the bidding process. The representative from Presidents Office Public Service Management (POPSM) assured the Daladala representative on the Government efforts to establish government Agencies so that to improve and improving performance and efficiency. Under the PPP arrangement the private sector will continue to be given priority since it important tool towards Economic growth and prosperity The representatives of Daladala agreed the following: • They are ready to form strong partnership to form company’s .It worth to note that among 3,000 daladala operators in DAR ES Salaam very few are members of DARCOBOA or UWADAR. • Since the remaining time is not a best array they have decided to fast track the process of forming companies read to bid and compete with other potential investors . • Another suggested option was the daladala operators should continue with strengthening formation of company’s envisaged to bid during phase ii and iii of the dart system. • TIB assured daladala owners possibility of getting financing if they could raise 30% of the Tshs 160 billion total funding required. They could also purchase the buses for the daladala owners on lease financing. • Capital market would be willing to list the company formed by daladala owners if required principles of sound financing and transparency are observed. The Daladala Representatives agreed to fast track the process of forming the Companies ready to compete for bid during the ICB process. Another proposed option was to buy shares as individuals. Page 95 ANNEX 3 Summary Report on the Consultative Meetings between Representatives of Daladala Operators and Those of Dart plus Other Stakeholders Held On 17th November 2013 at Ilala Boma Hall Page 96 ANNEX 3 SUMMARY REPORT ON THE CONSULTATIVE MEETINGS BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF DALADALA OPERATORS AND THOSE OF DART PLUS OTHER STAKEHOLDERS HELD ON 17th NOVEMBER 2013 AT ILALA BOMA HALL 1 The Agenda: 2 Participants: Consultative Meeting aimed at receiving concerns of daladala owners and receiving clarification from respective authorities (DART, UTUMISHI, Capital Markets, TIB etc Mr. Saburi Mabruk – DARCOBOA Ms. Theresia Kitambi – DARCOBOA Mr. William Masanja – UWADAR Mr. Gharibu Mohamedi - UWADAR Mr. Gwamaka Nsenkela - Private operator Mrs. Ruth Majura - Private operator 3. Chairmanship: The meeting was under the Chairmanship of Mr. Sabri Mabrouk – a vice chairman of DARCOBOA. 4. Explanation on the Objective of the Meeting: The November 2013 meeting was a follow up meeting after the Consultative meeting of 19th September, 2013 specifically to share, discuss and deliberate the type of modalities towards formation of Companies. 5 Opening Remarks As an opening to the meeting the Chairman was concern with the committee’s slowness in dealing the issue at stake: how to form company. He said that despite the efforts and preference given by the DART Agency to daladala owners, they seem not to prioritize it. He urged the committee to be serious and give the assignment a due weight as it was for their lives. 8 Concerns of Daladala representatives During discussions with mentioned above representatives registered their concerns during discussion with DART Agency Team. Most of their concerns emanated from 19th September,2013 meeting which includes the following:• They perceived the institutional set up of DART project is pro Government and the whole issue of private sector is not featuring out very much. • The amount of initial Capital investment of 100 million USD (TZS 160 Billion) for existing daladala operators is quite high and they cannot afford ; • The existing daladala operators prefer the current practice of receiving weekly pay from bus drivers and conductors as individuals. The concern is they don’t believe on safety under companies institutional arrangement; • The down fall of NICO, TOL and the like pose a big challenge to them to work together to form companies. • They enquired on provision of preferential shares to Daladala operators if at all it going to work well. Page 97 9 Response from DART Agency The Agency Management Team responded to all raised concerns which include the envisaged type of deal structure DART Agency through a Transaction Advisor REBEL GROUP is going to take under the Public Private Partnership 2010 law and its regulations. The project is expected to use the integrated approach using a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). The amount of capital investment of TZS 160 billion could be raise in case the existing Daladala operators are ready to establish Companies and make a Joint venture with other Investors. On the aspect of preferential shares that arrangement is also possible if at all the local operators are strong enough to form strong companies to compete during the bidding process. • The representative from Presidents Office Public Service Management (POPSM) assured the Daladala representative on the Government efforts to establish government Agencies so that to improve and improving performance and efficiency. Under the PPP arrangement the private sector will continue to be given priority since it important tool towards Economic growth and prosperity The representatives of Daladala agreed the following: • They are ready to form strong partnership to form company’s .It worth to note that among 3,000 daladala operators in DAR ES Salaam very few are members of DARCOBOA or UWADAR. • Since the remaining time is not a best array they have decided to fast track the process of forming companies read to bid and compete with other potential investors . • 10. Conclusions Another suggested option was the daladala operators should continue with strengthening formation of company’s envisaged to bid during phase ii and iii of the dart system. The Daladala Representatives agreed to fast track the process of forming the Companies ready to compete for bid during the ICB process. Another proposed option was to buy shares as individuals. Page 98 ANNEX 4 REORT OF THE MEETING BETWEEN DALADALA REPRESENTATIVES AND THE GOVERNMENT HELD ON THE 24TH MAY, 2014 AT KARIMJEE HALL Page 99 ANNEX 4 REORT OF THE MEETING BETWEEN DALADALA REPRESENTATIVES AND THE GOVERNMENT HELD ON THE 24TH MAY, 2014 AT KARIMJEE HALL 1 The Agenda: According to the minutes written the agenda of the meeting was to sensitize the daladala owners to join hands and form a company as the Agency was moving towards a crucial step of starting the process of procuring the system operators namely the fare collector, bus operators and fund manager. The second agenda was to receive and discuss the on the task force report. This report was expected to details the mechanism in which Daladala owners will take part in the bidding process. 2. Participants: The meeting was attended by most of daladala owners plus their representatives. More important during that meeting UDA was invited to present its passenger transportation plan within Dar es Salaam. 3. Chairmanship: The meeting was under the chairmanship of the Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner. 4. Explanation on the Objective of the Meeting: According to the minutes of the meeting, explanation was given by the DART Agency Chief Executive who that the project had now reached a crucial stage whereby the process of getting system operators has to start. She informed the participants that the Agency had employed a Transaction Advisor by the name of M/S REBEL GROUP whose assignment is to procure the above named system operators through an international competitive bid. She said that the timing of the meeting was proper since soon on 3rd – 4th June, 2014 there was going to be an international consultative meeting which would pull down all interested bidders to discuss on the deal structure. To the Daladala owners, she said it was an opportunity for them to meet so that by the time they participate in that meeting they will be on one page. 5. Opening Speech The meeting was opened by the Acting Regional Commissioner Mr. Raymond Mushi who pointed some issues which have coloration between the Dar es Salaam City and a need to have reliable public transport. These, he mentioned to be rapid population growth, being a hub of transportation and being a centre for economic growth in the country. To the DART project he said it is important for local inclusion during the bid. He said the government has made efforts to educate, sensitize and inform the Daladala owners on what is required to make them participate. He concluded by welcoming them to actively participate in the discussion which will give light on how to proceed with steps ahead of the project. 6. Task force report: The report was presented by the task team leader Mr. Sabri Mabrouk who started by apologizing that the task force has not gone far on what was expected just for fearing of the unknown. He said that the team kept on questioning itself on what if the shares to be bought by Daladala owners in the UDA company fails and such question of the like. Page 100 However the DART CEO insisted that the Chairman was tasked to form a company and the meeting should be told the step so far reached. The task force team leader said the company by the name of “Mzizima Dar es Salaam Daladala Express Company had been formed and he showed the “memorandum of articles of association”. However, he said that the company needed about TZS 100,000,000/= to be able to be registered under Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) and it had no money. He said that he had pleaded to the Government through DART CEO for paying that money in vain. 7. Consultant Report: A business consultant provided the report on the findings due to the assignment he was given by the Agency. The report was brief as follows:The assignment he was given intended among others to communicate and identify daladala owners and later register them along with their vehicles and drivers, He said before the commencement of the exercise there were 15 radio announcement, 54 local newspaper adverts, and 17 television announcements on the exercise. He said the response was low on the first two days but between the 20th – 24th days the turn up was to the average of 25 people per day. He said during the exercise only 12% of the people who turned up were daladala owners and 88% were their representatives. On Drivers registration he said 14% of drivers were form IV leavers and they below 40 years of age, he added that about 80% had valid license. On contribution to the registering of the company to the Stock Market Exchange he said 84% were ready to contribute but the rest were sceptical fearing of the unknown. On the condition of vehicles he said most of daladala were very old and dilapidated and he gave the following findings That all registered vehicles 36% were made between 1990 and 1995 That all registered vehicles 36% were made between 1995 and 2000 That all vehicles registered 13% were made between 2000 and 2005 That all registered vehicles 9% were made between 2010 and now He also pointed that: The total of 87% registered daladala owners would like to participate in the DART Phase I system The percentage of the daladala owners who are ready to contribute towards establishment of the company is 84 About 80% of daladala owners have small companies which do not qualify to bid in the DART phase I project Page 101 Most of daladala owners have fear of losing income when DART phase I takes off. Rerouting as suggested by SUMATRA is a good idea. 8. Presentation from UDA: The presentation was made by UDA Chief Executive who by and large declared the direct interest to work within the DART Project. He however urged the Daladala owners to join together with UDA and become one so as to have a strong stance during the bidding process. On the UDA shares he said currently the company has 15, 000, 0000 shares out of which 3,488,651 equals to 23.3% are owned by the Government and 11,511,349 equals to 76.7% are owned by Simon Group. He said initially 51% of the total shares were owned by the Government while 49% was owned by UDA. He concluded by amplifying UDA’s future plan which includes setting aside 30% of its shares for Daladala owners and registering the company to the Dar es Salaam Market Stock Exchange (DSE) 9. The Discussion and Resolutions: The discussion was based on the above agenda whereby the Chairperson of DARCOBOA insisted on the need to compensate Daladala owners. He said the rerouting exercise suggested by SUMATRA will worsen their condition as the roads are not in a good condition. That coupled with the worse condition of their buses the owners will suffer a lot which is not the intention of the DART project anyway. It was also note that DART Agency has done everything to inform the owners every step of DART Project developments. To that effect the Agency has all along communicating with owners and requesting them what to do to make sure that they get in the project. It was discussed and agreed that the current commuter transport industry has its requisites which includes electronic equipments therefore a need for Daladala owners to move according to the need of a day. It was discussed and agreed that the commuter industry demand of the day is through companies and that the single buses business is over. Therefore formation of company to get into DART system has no option. It was discussed and agreed that from the meeting and its resolutions there is a need for further and thorough consultations. Page 102 Annex 4A Swahili Version – Detailed Minutes of the Meeting between Daladala Representatives and the Government Held On The 24th May, 2014 at Karimjee Hall Page 103 ! ANNEX 4A JAMHURI YA MUUNGANO WA TANZANIA OFISI YA WAZIRI MKUU TAWALA ZA MIKOA NA SERIKALI ZA MITAA WAKALA WA MABASI YAENDAYO HARAKA TAARIFA YA MKUTANO WA WAMILKI WA DALADALA NA WAKALA WA USAFIRI WA HARAKA (DART) ULIOFANYIKA KATIKA UKUMBI WA KARIMJEE TAREHE 24 MEI 2014 Ubungo Plaza, Ghorofa ya Kwanza, S. L. P. 724, DAR ES SALAAM, Simu: +255 22 2461093/4/6 Tarakishi: +255 22 2461098 B-pepe: [email protected] Tovuti: www.dart.go.tz Page 104 ! MEI, 2014 1.0 UTANGULIZI Wakala wa Usafiri wa Haraka (DART) kwa kushirikiana na wadau wa Usafiri wa umma katika Jiji la Dar es salaam umeandelea na jitihada zake za kuhakikisha Wamiliki wa Usafiri wa Daladala wanaendelea kushirikishwa katika hatua mbalimbali kuelekea katika hatua ya mwisho ya kuwatafuta wawekezaji watakaotoa huduma katika mfumo wa DART. Serikali imefanya juhudi kubwa kuwashirikisha wamilki wa Daladala ili kuhakikisha wanakuwa sehemu ya utekelezaji wa mradi DART juhudi hizi ni pamoja na:Kikao na wamiliki wa daladala kilichofanyika Desemba,2011 katika Ukumbi wa Karimjee; Mkutano wa wamiliki wa daladala kuwahamasisha wamiliki kuanzisha Makampuni ili kujiandaa kuwa sehemu ya mfumo wa DART kilichofanyika tarehe 19 Septemba, 2013 kilichofanyika katika ukumbi wa Mwalimu Nyerere; Kulifanyika vikao viwili na wamiliki wa daladala tarehe 10 Novemba,2013 katika ukumbi wa Friends Corner na Mkutano mwingine ulifanyika tarehe 17 Novemba,2013 Ilala Boma; Wamilki wa daladala walichagua kamati ya watu sita kuwawakilisha katika mfululizo wa vikao vya mashauriano na mafunzo kuhusu uendeshaji wa kampuni na ushiriki katika soko la Hisa; Mshauri Mwelekezi amefanya vikao mbalimbali vya mashauriano na wamiliki wa Daladala ikiwa ni sehemu ya kuwashirikisha katika mchakato wa kuanzisha makampuni. Wakala wa DART kupitia Mshauri Mwelekezi umefanya zoezi la uandikishaji wa wamiliki na madereva wa daladala kuanzia tarehe 31/03/2014 – 25/03/2014. Makubaliano ya Mkutano uliofanyika tarehe 219 Septemba 2013 katika ukumbi wa mikutano wa Mwalimu Nyerere. Katika Mkutano huo walikubaliana mambo ya msingi yafuatayo;Wamiliki wa daladala wajitokeze na kuona umuhimu wa kuhudhuria vikao vya wadau wa usafirishaji kwa kuwa wao wana nafasi kubwa na muhimu katika kuchukua fursa zinazoletwa na maendeleo. Serikali ijitahidi kutengeneza barabara za pembezoni ili wamiliki waweze kupatiwa njia mpya maeneo ambayo hayajapitiwa na mradi ili waweze kujikimu kimaisha. Elimu zaidi itolewe kwa wamiliki wa daladala ili waweze kujitokeza na kuchukua fursa hizi nyingi zinazoletwa na mfumo wa DART. Wamiliki wa daladala wajiunge na kuunda makampuni ili waweze kuingia kwa pamoja katika kuchukua fursa zinazoletwa na mfumo huu wa DART. 2 Mkutano wa huo umejenga msingi wa kuitisha kikao cha tarehe 24 /05/2014 ili kutoa mrejesho wa mwisho huku wakala ukielekea katika Mkutano wa wawekezaji tarehe 3-‐4 Juni,2014 Page 105 ! Mbali ya makubaliano hayo katika kikao hicho wamilki wa daladala waliridhia juu ya umuhimu wa kuanzishwa makampuni badala ya kuwa na mmiliki mmoja wa usafiri wa umma. Jambo hili lilionekana kuwa litaimarisha uwajibikaji na kuongeza ufanisi. Vile vile tunashauri mabadiliko haya yawashirikishe wadau, hasa wamiliki wa daladala, na kuwaelewesha ipasavyo namna na umuhimu wa kuanzisha makampuni. Katika mkutano huo pia suala la uwekezaji katika sekta ya biashara soko hisa lilionekana bado ni changa Nchini, ilishauriwa elimu zaidi itolewe kwa wamiliki wa daladala. Serikali na wadau waliombwa kutoa elimu hiyo kwa kampuni za wamiliki wa daladala namna bora ya kupata vyanzo mitaji hasa ukizingatia mtaji unaohitajika kuwekeza kwenye mradi huu na hali halisi ya kiuchumi ya wamiliki wengi wa daladala kupitia makampuni yatakayo undwa. Kutokana na maazimio ya Mkutano huo tulipaswa kuandaa kikao cha Wamilki wa daladala kilichofanyika tarehe 24 Mei, 2014 katika Ukumbi wa Karimjee kikao hiki ni mahususi kwa hatua ya mwisho ya kuwandaa wamiliki wa daladala na UDA kuweza kupata fursa ya kushiriki katika mchakato wa zabuni . Katika kikao cha tarehe 24/05/2014 Kaimu Mkuu wa Mkoa Bw. Raymond Mushi ambaye pia ni Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Ilala aliongozana na Mtendaji Mkuu wa Wakala wa DART Bibi Asteria Leon Mlambo na Mkurugenzi wa Halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Ilala Bw. Maganga M.W.F. Aidha 3orodha ya washiriki katika Mkutano huo umeambatanishwa pamoja na ratiba na mada zilizowasilishwa.Ifuatayo ni taarifa ya Mkutano huo ikianza na Malengo ya Mkutano. 2.0 MALENGO YA MKUTANO Mtendaji Mkuu wa Wakala wa DART Bibi Asteria L. Mlambo pichani,aliwaeleza washiriki wa mkutanokuwa Mradi wa Mabasi Yaendayo Haraka ulibuniwa mwaka 2002 chini ya Halmashauri ya Manispaa za Dar es Salaam na na utekelezaji wake ulizingatia ushirikishwaji wadau wakuu kama Halmashauri za Manispaa, Wamiliki wa daladala, na UDA. Wizara ambazo kwa namna moja ama nyingine inahusika na shughuli za usafiri wa mijini.Aidha alisema katika kikao cha wamiliki wa daladala kilichofanyika tarehe 19 Septemba 2013 katika ukumbi wa Mwalimu Nyerere pamoja na vikao vilivyofuatia wadau waliendelea kuelezwa majukumu ya msingi katika utekelezaji wa mradi. Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu - TAMISEMI kupitia Wakala wa DART umeshughulikia uandaaji wa michoro, ukadiriaji wa gharama na utafutaji wa fedha za Awamu ya Kwanza ya mradi. Mtendaji Mkuu wa Wakala wa Usafiri wa Haraka aliezea malengo ya Mkutano kuwa sasa utekelezaji wa mradi umefikia katika hatua ya kuwapata watoa huduma katika awamu ya kwanza ya Mradi hivyo basi ni wakati muafaka kwa wamiliki kuchangamkia fursa hiyo. Mtendaji Mkuu aliezea malengo ya Mkutano kuwa sasa utekelezaji wa mradi umefikia katika hatua ya kuwapata watoa huduma katika awamu ya kwanza ya Mradi wa DART. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; (?0%+@%$0/*'(A0&%*#/0"%(( Page 106 ! Mtendaji Mkuu aliwaeleza Wajumbe kuwa malengo ya mkutano huo ni muendelezo na jitihada za Wakala wa Usafiri wa Haraka kuwashirikisha wamiliki wa daladala katika Jiji la Dar es Salaam ikiwa ni pamoja na kupata mrejesho wa utekelezaji wa kikundi kazi kilichowakilisha wamililiki wa daladala katika uundaji wa makampuni ili kujiweka tayari katika ushindani. Aidha aliwaeleza pia malengo mahususi katika mkutano unalenga katika kufanikisha utekelezaji wa mradi wa DART ulio na manufaa katika shughuli za kiuchumi na kijamii katika Jiji la Dar es Salaam. Aidha aliwaeleza Wajumbe kuwa Wakala wa Usafiri wa Haraka umemwajiri Mshauri Mwelekezi kampuni ya Rebel Group ya Uholanzi kuwatafuta watoa huduma katika mradi wa DART watakaohusika na uendeshaji wa Mabasi, ukusanyaji wa nauli na utunzaji wa fedha. Aliwafahamisha wajumbe kuwa mkutano wa wafanyabishara na wawekezaji umepangwa kufanyika tarehe 3-4 Juni, 2014. Hivyo kikao kilichofanyika tarehe 24 Mei, 2014 ni sehemu ya muendelezo na jitihada za Serikali katika kuhakikisha wamiliki wa daladala wanashirikishwa kikamilifu ili kuwa sehemu muhimu ya utekelezaji mradi. Mtendaji Mkuu pia alitoa maelezo mafupi ya mradi ukiwa na nia ya kubadili mfumo wa usafiri wa ndani ya Jiji la Dar es Salaam utakaotumia Mabasi makubwa ya abiria yatakayokuwa na uwezo wa kubeba abiria kati ya 140 na 160, pia mabasi madogo yenye uwezo wa kubeba abiria kati ya 60 -70. Aidha aliwaeleza wajumbe wa mkutano kuwa umuhimu wa mkutano huo ulikuwa ni kuwasilisha taarifa za masuala muhimu tuliyokubaliana tarehe 19 Septemba 2013. Itakumbukwa kwamba kufikia tamati ya mkutano washiriki walichagua wawakilishi sita (6) watakaoendelea kuhudhuria mikutano na majadiliano kwa niaba ya wamiliki wengine wa daladala katika siku za usoni. Waliochaguliwa walitoka DARCOBOA, UWADAR na wamiliki wasio na uanachama katika chama chochote cha wamiliki wa vyombo vya usafiri. Masuala ya kutolea taarifa ni: Wamiliki wa daladala wajiunge na kuunda makampuni ili waweze kuingia kwa pamoja katika kuchukua fursa zinazoletwa na mfumo huu wa DART. Serikali ijitaidi kutengeneza barabara za pembezoni ili wamiliki waweze kupatiwa njia mpya maeneo ambayo hayajapitiwa na mradi ili waweze kujikimu kimaisha. Elimu zaidi itolewe kwa wamiliki wa daladala ili waweze kujitokeza na kuchukua fursa hizi nyingi zinazoletwa na mfumo wa DART. Aidha aliwaeleza wajumbe kuwa tumewaita pia UDA ili waweze kuwasilisha mipango ya usafiri waliyonayo. Alisema sote tunafahamu UDA ni miongoni mwa wasafirishaji Wakuu wa abiria Jijini Dar es Salaam. Aliwaomba washiriki wasikilize mipango yao na tuone namna ya kwenda pamoja kimipango na utekelezaji. Baada ya maelezo hayo kwa mara nyingine aliwashukuru wamiliki wote walijitokeza na kuchukua fursa ya kumkaribisha mgeni rasmi Kaimu Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam Bw. Page 107 ! Raymond Mushi ambaye pia ni Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Ilala kutoa Hotuba ya ufunguzi wa Mkutano wamiliki wa Daladala katika Jiji la Dar es Salaam. 3.0 HOTUBA YA UFUNGUZI Kaimu Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Mheshimiwa Raymond Mushi Hotuba yake kwa kutoa shukrani za kupewa heshima ya kufungua na kuwepo katika mkutano huo. Kaimu Mkuu wa Mkoa Bw. Raymond Mushi akifungua Mkutano wa wamiliki wa Daladala Kulia kwa mgeni rasmi ni Mtendaji Mkuu wa Wakala wa DART Bibi Asteria Mlambo. Katika hotuba yake ya ufunguzi alianza kwa kuzungumzia juu changamoto zinazoonyesha uhitaji mkubwa wa utekelezaji wa mradi huu, Jiji la Dar es Salaam ni moja ya Majiji yanayokuwa kwa kasi kati ya Majiji yaliyopo Kusini mwa jangwa la Sahara kwa kiwango cha ukuaji wa asilimia 5.4. Kwa mujibu wa Sensa ya watu na Makazi ya Mwaka 2012 jiji la Dar es Salaam lilikuwa na watu milioni 4.36 ambayo ni sawa na asilimia kumi ya idadi ya Watanzania wote. Inakisiwa ifikapo mwaka 2015 Jiji la Dar es Salaam litakuwa na watu 11.5 millioni. Aidha katika hotuba yake alizungumzia kuhusu Jiji la Dar es Salaam ni kitovu kikuu cha biashara na uchumi wa Nchi. Hivi sasa Jiji linachangia zaidi ya asilimia 80 ya mapato ya ndani ya Taifa (GDP).Alisema ‘’ana uhakika tukifanikiwa kuboresha usafiri wa umma na kuboresha miundombinu yetu Jiji la Dar es Salaam litakuwa na uwezo zaidi wa kuchangia ongezeko la pato la ndani la Taifa’’. Kuhusu Mradi wa DART aliwaeleza washiriki kuwa utakuwa pia na fursa za kibiashara zitakazotokana na mradi huu ambao utakuwa na mabasi makubwa 145 yenye uwezo wa kubeba abiria (150) na madogo 90 yenye uwezo wa kubeba abiria (80) yatakayoanza ikiwa ni Page 108 ! ! utekelezaji wa awamu ya kwanza ya mradi. Vituo vya mabasi hayo vitakuwa na maeneo maalum ya fursa za biashara. Vilevile katika hotuba yake alisema kuwa kupitia Mshauri Mwelekezi wa Biashara wa DART Bw. Felix Mlaki hatua mbalimbali za utekelezaji zimefanyika katika jitihada ya kuwashirikisha Wamiliki wa Daladala kuwa sehemu ya utekelezaji wa mradi DART.Kaimu Mkuu wa Mkoa alisisitiza katika hotuba yake umuhimu wa utekelezaji wa Mradi wa Mabasi Yaendayo Haraka ikiwa ni pamoja na umuhimu wa wawekezaji wa ndani kuwa sehemu ya utekelezaji wa mradi huu kwa njia moja ama nyingine. Alimalizia hotuba yake na kutamka kuwa Mkutano umefunguliwa rasmi. Washiriki wa Mkutano wa Wamiliki wa Daladala wakisikiliza hotuba ya ufunguzi 4.0 TAARIFA YA WAMILIKI WA DALADALA KUHUSU MAANDALIZI YA USHIRIKI KATIKA MFUMO WA DART. Viongozi wa Kamati maalum ya wawakilishi sita ikiongozwa na Bw. Sabri Mabruk ilitoa taarifa fupi ya maelezo ya mdomo juu ya hatua ya utekelezaji iliyofikiwa katika uundaji wa Kampuni. Alielezea juu sintofahamu ‘’ fear of unknown’’ juu ya ununuzi wa Hisa na matokeo yaliyojiri ikiwemo suala la Desi, UTT n.k. Katika maelezo yake ilidhihirika uwezekano wa Kampuni hiyo kuchangia na kuwa uwezo wa kibiashara ni wa mashaka. Kimsingi Ilionekana bado zoezi la uundaji wa Kampuni hajakamilka. Mtendaji Mkuu wa Wakala wa DART alimwomba Mwenyekiti huyo atoe taarifa ya utekelezaji wa uundaji wa kampuni hatua iliyofikiwa katika kutoa maelezo Bw. Sabri Mabruki aliwaeleza washiriki wa mkutano kuwa hatua iliyofikiwa ni kuwa Kampuni ya ‘’Mzizima Dar es salaam Daladala Express Company ’imeundwa na kuonyesha ‘’memorandum of articles of association’. Hatua inayofuata ni kuandaa andiko la Mradi ‘’Business Plan’’ na project profile ‘’.Alisema gharama ya kuandaa Business Plan ni shilingi 100 millioni ambazo zinatakiwa zichangiwe na wanachama na baadaye kujiandikisha katika soko la Hisa. Katika maelezo yao pia walieleza Page 109 ! ! kwamba walimwona Mtendaji Mkuu wa Wakala kwa ajili kuomba msaada wa kupatiwa fedha milioni 100 kukamilisha taratibu za ununuzi wa Hisa katika soko la Mtaji. 5.0 TAARIFA YA MTAALAMU MSHAURI KUHUSU UWEZESHAJI WA WAMILIKI WA DALADALA KUTAMBUA FURSA ZA UWEKEZAJI KATIKA MFUMO. Mshauri Mwelekezi wa biashara katika Wakala Bw. Felix Mlaki alitoa mada ya uwezeshaji wamilki wa Daladala. Aliwaeleza wajumbe juu ya umuhimu kujali Jamii na kupata mawazo ya washiriki na kuwaeleza wajumbe kuhusu zoezi la uandikishaji wamilki wa daladala na madereva lililofanyika ili kuwatambua wamiliki watakaoguswa na uanzishwaji wa huduma za awamu ya kwanza. Katika zoezi hilo lilifanyika 31/03/2014 mpaka 25/4/2014 wajumbe walifahamishwa kuwa jumla wamilki wa daladala 343 walijitokeza; mabasi 480 na madereva 474 wa daladala. Aidha aliwafahamisha washiriki wa mkutano huo kuwa Matangazo asilimia 15 ya radio, 54 ya magazeti na 17 ya runinga yalifanywa kabla ya zoezi. Mshauri Mwelekezi aliezea kuhusu mwitikio wa siku ya kwanza na pili (1), siku ya tatu (2), siku yenye watu wengi ni 20- 24 April wastani wa watu 25. Aliongeza kusema kuwa 12% ya wamiliki walikuja na asilimia 88 ni wawakilishi. Aidha alibainisha kuwa asilimia 14 ya madereva wana elimu ya kidato IV na umri chini ya miaka 40. Aidha taarifa zinabainisha zaidi asilimia 80 walikuwa na leseni halali. Katika tafiti iliyofanyika ilibainisha 84% ya wamilki wa daladala walikuwa tayari kuchangia kuanzisha Kampuni Baadhi ya wamilki walioonyesha wasiwasi wao watakosa njia mpya kupitia SUMATRA kama watapata njia mpya. Mshauri Mwelekezi aliwaeleza washiriki wa mkutano kuwa mabasi mengi ni machakavu kwa kutoa uchambuzi ufuatao:• Asilimia 36 yametengenezwa kati ya 1990 na 1995 (miaka 19 na 24); Asilimia 36 yametengenezwa kati ya 1995 na 2000 (miaka 14-18); • • Asilimia 13 yametengenezwa kati ya 2000 na 2005 (miaka 9-13); Asilimia 9 yametengenezwa kati ya 2005 na 2010, (miaka 4-8) na Asilimia 6 yametengenezwa kati ya 2010 na sasa (<4 miaka). Aidha alibainisha kuwa wastani kila mtu inamilki basi 1.7 na asilimia 81 ya wamiliki walisema daladala ndio shughuli yao kuu kiuchumi. Alibainisha matokeo ya tafiti ilifanyika ambayo kimsingi limebainisha yafuatayo:Asilimia 87 wangependa kushiriki mradi wa awamu ya kwanza ya DART Asilimia 84 wapo tayari kuchangia uanzishwaji wa kampuni. Page 110 ! Asilimia karibu 80% ya wamiliki wana kampuni ndogo ambazo haviwezi kushiriki mradi wa DART. Bw. Felix Mlaki Mshauri Mwelekezi wa Biashara Wenye dalaladala walioonyesha hofu ya kukosa kipato mara mradi wa DART utakapoanza. Kupata njia mbadala toka SUMATRA ni jambo zuri. Katika majumuisho ya mada yake alisema kuwa katika utaratibu wa mfumo wa DART hakutakuwa na fidia ya Mabasi (daladala); Hakuna fidia ya Madereva. Aidha alisema idadi ya wamiliki ilikuwa 12% ambao walijitokeza kujiandikisha, idadi ya asilimia 88 walikuwa ni wawakilishi tuu. 6.0 TAARIFA YA SHIRIKA LA USAFIRI DAR ES SALAAM (UDA) UTENDAJI NA MIPANGO YA BAADAYE Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Simon Group na Shirika la Usafiri DAR ES Salaam (UDA),Alianza katika maelezo yake ya utangulizi kwa kueleza kuwa UDA ni mshiriki mkubwa wa mradi wa DART. Aliwapongeza wadau wote wa utoaji huduma za usafiri katika Jiji la Dar es Salaam aliomba wadau wote washirikiane katika kuhakikisha fursa zilizopo zinazotumika kikamilifu. Alisema UDA inatarajia kuboresha utoaji wa huduma bora katika viwango vinavyokidhi kwa kushirikiana na wadau wengine wa usafiri wa umma. Alianza kusema hisa za UDA – 15,000,000 Serikali – 3,488,651 23.3%; Simon Group -11,511,349 76.7%. Hapo awali asilimia 51 ilikuwa inamilikiwa na Serikali na asilimia 49 ilikuwa inamilikiwa na UDA. Aidha alielezea umiliki hisa za UDA – (15,000,000) zilizogawiwa 7,119,697 (47.5%); Serikali– 3,488,651 (49%); Serikali – 23.3%; Jiji – 3,631,046 (51%); zisizogawiwa-7,880,303 (52.5%); SGL-7,880,303 (100%). Aliwaeleza washiriki wa mkutano kuwa UDA ina azma ya kuleta mabasi 3000. Hivi imeanza taratibu za usajili katika soko la Hisa la Dar es Salaam. Kuwa UDA tayari kutoa 30% ya hisa zake kwa wamiliki wa daladala ili kujenga nguvu za kiushindani za ndani. Bw. Simon Bulenganija, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa UDA Alizitaja faida kuwa pamoja na; Kuepuka msongamano unaosababishwa na utaratibu usio wa pamoja wa kutoa huduma. Kuepuka ushindani usio wa haki. Kubadilisha na kuimarisha sura ya namna ya uendeshaji wa huduma za abiria mjini nchini Tanzania. kuepuka uwezekano wa shutuma na migongano isiyo ya lazima kwa kuwa na milango mingi ya ushiriki, umiliki na uendeshaji Urahisi wa kuona manufaa chini ya mlango wa pamoja utakaoongozwa na UDA Wepesi katika kupanga, kutekeleza na kufikia malengo ya kibiashara na yale kijamii (kwa kuzingatia mahitaji ya umma) Page 111 Alisema ni vyema kutumia jukwaa hilo kutumia fursa iliyopo kuwashirikisha Wamiliki wa daladala kupitia falsafa ya ushirikiano na Umoja pia alisisitiza kupitia uratibu na ushirikiano kutumia fursa hiyo kuwa sehemu ya utekelezaji wa mradi wa DART. 7.0 MAJADILIANO Baada ya mawasilisho mada washiriki wa mkutano walipata fursa ya kuchangia mada zilizowasilishwa na kuchangia kama ifuatavyo:Taarifa ya Wamiliki wa Daladala Katika kuchangia hoja aliainisha Mwenyekiti wa DARCOBOA alitoa changamoto za Mazingira magumu ya kibiashara zilizopo ikiwa ni pamoja na; juu ya ununuzi wa Mabasi; kuhusu kuhamishwa njia kwa wamilki watakaohamishwa alisema baadhi za njia zina hali mbaya hasa barabara za pembezoni. Alibainisha kwamba hakuna fedha za matengenezo ya barabara hivyo uwezekano wa barabara za pembezoni kujengwa ni mdogo sana. Hivyo alipendekeza magari yathaminiwe watu walipwe fidia kwa kutoa mifano ya Nchi za Afrika ya Kusini na Bogota. Katika kujadili mada ilivyowasilishwa Mtendaji Mkuu wa DART aliwaomba wana kikundi wasitoe majibu rahisi kwa maswali magumu na hivyo kwa njia moja ama nyingine kupotosha ukweli na hivyo kutaka kurudi nyuma baada ya jitihada na hatua kubwa iliyofikiwa katika kuwashirisha wamilki wa daladala. Aidha Mwenyekiti aliwaasa washiriki waondoe wasiwasi na kuwataka wajifunze katika kuhakikisha tunatafuta njia muafaka ya kusonga mbele. Mjumbe mwingine katika Timu hiyo alisema ameshukuru kwa jitihada kubwa zilizofanywa na Wakala wa DART kwa fursa iliyotolewa ya namna ya uzoefu wa uendeshaji kampuni na namna ya kupata mtaji. Katika maelezo yake alionyesha wasiwasi wake wa kupata fursa ya kuingia katika mradi wa DART. Aidha alidiriki kusema kuwa kikao hicho kimewekwa kuondoa lawama. Mtendaji Mkuu alisema Mradi huu umekuwa ni mradi shirikishi katika hatua zote za utekelezaji. Alisema kikao cha kinachofanyika ni muendelezo wa vikao vingi vilivyofanyika katika kuwashirikisha wamilki wa daladala kama sehemu ya Mkakati wa kuhakikisha wamilki wana kuwa sehemu ya mradi wa DART. Alisema katika awamu ya kwanza kutakuwa na mabasi makubwa 177 yenye urefu wa mita 18 na Mabasi madogo (feeder buses) 300. Hivyo katika mfumo wa DART Mabasi ya Daladala yatahamishiwa katika maeneo mengine katika awamu ya kwanza ya mradi km 20.9. Katika maelezo yake alisema mfumo wa kisasa wa kieletroniki wa ukusanyaji wa nauli utakaoongeza tija na ufanisi katika ukusanyaji wa nauli. Kupitia transaction Advisor Sekta binafsi itashirikishwa kwa kuhusisha wawekezaji wa ndani na wa nje. Page 112 Bw. Bantu Mshauri Mwandamizi katika sekta ya usafiri na Uchukuzi akitoa ushauri wakati wa majadiliano Katika kuunga hoja hiyo msemaji mmoja Bw. Bantu alisema Katika mahali popote Duniani hivi sasa usafiri wa umma ‘’unamilikiwa na kuendeshwa na Makampuni na hisa aliwataka wamilki waondoe sintofahamu ya ‘’the fear of unknown’’ na kuwataka waondoke fikra hiyo, Alisema Mradi wa mabasi ulipokuwa unaanza katika Jiji la Dar es Salaam ulikuwa uwe wa kwanza kutekelezwa katika Bara la Afrika aliwaasa Mzizima Dar es Salaam Daladala Express Company iendelee. Katika mazungumzo yake alionyesha uzoefu na weledi wake katika Sekta ya usafiri wa umma kwani alianza kazi hiyo kupitia Shirika la DMT, UDA na NIT baada ya kustaafu kuwa na kuwa mmiliki wa Daladala.Alitoa Mfano UDA hivi sasa imeleta zaidi ya mabasi 300 yanayotoa huduma katika Jiji na kuwashauri wananchi kutumia fursa na uzoefu wa UDA kununua Hisa zitakazouzwa. Mzee Gwao ambaye kimsingi alipata fursa ya kushirikishwa katika vikao mbalimbali tangu mwaka 2002 na kupata fursa ya kwenda Colombia pamoja na kushiriki katika vikao vinavyohusiana na ushirikishwaji wa wamiliki wa daladala katika mfumo wa DART. Katika kuchangia hoja zake alisema Colombia walichukua miaka miwili kuitikia mwito alisema waliambiwa na Bw. Roy Brand kuwa ‘’ Mradi utakapokuja tuliambiwa kuwa magari yatanunuliwa na yale yasiyo aa yatakuwa scrapped off ‘’.Alionekana kuhamasisha wamilki kuwa muda huu ni wa umoja na kusema msimamo ni huo ndiyo msimamo wao. Page 113 Bwana Gaspar Kasisiri Njuu, Wakala wa soko la Mitaji akitoa maelezo juu ya ununuzi wa mitaji Wakala wa soko la Mitaji, alitoa angalizo kwa wamilki wa daladala walioanzisha Kampuni ya Mzizima Daladala Express Company. Kampuni peke vyake haitoshi. Alisema mitaji itapatikana kupitia Masoko ya Hisa. Aliwaasa mradi utahitaji fedha nyingi zaidi ya shilingi 500 billioni. Aliendelea kuwaelimisha wamiliki wa Daladala kuwa kupitia mchakato wa soko la Hisa kampuni inatakiwa iwe Public Company ltd. Kuna mambo ya msingi na vigezo vya kuzingatia ikiwemo; Mshauri Mteule; Timu ya wataalamu; Mpango wa Biashara ‘’ Business Plan’’; na Soko la hisa. Aliwaomba kwa ushauri zaidi ya namna ya kusonga mbele wawasiliane naye. Taarifa ya Shirika la Usafiri Dar es Salaam (UDA) Baada ya mawasilisho ya Taarifa ya Shirika la Usafiri Dar es Salaam (UDA), washiriki wa mkutano walipata fursa ya kuchangia kuhusu suala la ununuzi wa hisa asilimia 30. Aliuliza hivi sasa UDA ndo inaingia katika soko la hisa. Alisema hapo awali ilielezwa kuwa magari yao yatanunuliwa. Hivyo alishauri kama wamilki wa daladala wanaondolewa waondoshwe kwa mujibu wa Serikali. Akijibu hoja hiyo Mtendaji Mkuu alitoa ufafanuzi kuwa mwaka 2002 mabasi yaliyotumika yalikuwa ni mabasi madogo yaliyojulikana kama ‘’vipanya’’ hivyo tofauti na mabasi yanayotumika hivi sasa. Aidha ilielezwa kama magari hayo yatalipiwa fidia mengi kulingana na uchakavu yaliyonayo ‘’book value’’ya magari hayo ni sifuri. Badala yake walishauriwa magari yao yahamishwe sehemu nyingine ili waendelee kujikimu na kununua hisa kuwa sehemu ya mradi wa DART. Washiriki wa Mkutano walielezwa kuwa kuna umuhimu wa wamilki wa daladala kujiunga pamoja katika makampuni ili kuweza kumudu gharama za ununuzi wa mabasi walielezwa katika awamu ya kwanza kutahitajika mabasi makubwa 177 ambayo thamani yake ni kati ya dola za Kimarekani 300-350 kwa upande wa mabasi madogo yanahitajika mabasi 300 bei ya kila basi ni dola za Kimarekani 170 kwa kila basi. Mradi utatekelezwa kwa kuzingatia Mkataba wa huduma, kukagua viwango vya utoaji wa huduma, kuzingatia taratibu za Page 114 uwekezaji. Hivyo washiriki walielezwa kuwa ushirika la UDA ni sehemu ya watoa huduma ya usafiri. Mkurugenzi wa Mifumo na uendeshaji Wakala wa DART Mhandisi John Shauri akifafanua jambo wakati wa majadiliano Aidha Mkurugenzi wa mifumo na uendeshaji Wakala wa DART alitoa rai kuwambukusha wamiliki wa daladala ili tuweze kwenda mbele badala ya kukwamisha mchakato ulipo. Pamoja na ufafanuzi wa kina uliotolewa mshiriki mwingine. Mshiriki wa Mkutano mmoja alisema kuna baadhi ya mambo ambayo hayako wazi sana. Alisema Kampuni ya UDA ilikuwa Kampuni ya Serikali ambayo sasa ina wamilki wengi sana. Aliomba Serikali isimamie wamilki wa Serikali irudishe Hisa kati ya asilimia 70-80 ili wamiliki wa daladala waweze kuingia moja kwa moja katika utoaji wa huduma za usafiri wa umma katika Jiji la Dar es Salaam. Walisema tunataka UDA ijiendeshe yenyewe. Kuhusu hoja ya kupewa shilingi millioni 100, Mtendaji Mkuu wa DART alieleza wazi kwamba Wakala wa DART hauna fedha hizo na kuwataka wamilki wa kampuni watafute fedha hizo ili kujiandikisha katika soko la Hisa. Taarifa ya Mtaalam Mshauri Kuhusu Uwezeshaji wa wamilki wa Daladala Mshiriki mmoja alitoa hoja na kusema sasa ‘’tulipofika ni patamu kama ni greda limekwishatengeneza barabara sasa tunambiwa tupelekwe Bonyokwa’’ .Alikri kuwa shida kubwa ni namna ya kuingia kwenye mradi katika mazingira ya ushindani wa soko huru la Kimataifa la ushindani. Alishauri Mabasi yanunuliwe na watu daladala wasimamie. Alisema Wamilki wa Daladala wasikubali waganywe. Aidha alisitiza juu ya uwepo wa fidia na kushauri zabuni ya ndani kipaumbele wapewe wazawa na zabuni ya nje iwe ya Mabasi. Mshauri Mwelekezi katika kujibu hoja hii alisema ili kuweza kushiriki katika ushindani suala la kampuni na taratibu za kupata mtaji na kuingia katika soko la Hisa haliepukiki. Aliwaasa wamiliki kuhakikisha azma ya kukamilisha mchakato wa kuanzisha kampuni ya Mzizima Daladala Express Company inapewa kipaumbele. Page 115 ! 8.0 MAJUMUISHO Baada ya mjadala mrefu Na washiriki wa Mkutano kuchangia yafuatayo ni majumuisho ya mkutano uliofanyika tarehe 24 Mei, 2014 kama ifuatavyo:(i) Wamiliki wa Daladala waunganishe nguvu ili kushiriki katika mfumo wa DART. (ii) Baadhi ya wamiliki wanahitaji kununua Hisa katika UDA; (iii) Serikali inaombwa iwawezeshe wamilki wa daladala kushiriki /kuwawezesha kushiriki katika mradi; (iv) Wamiliki wa Daladala wapewe kipaumbele ; (v) Serikali iboreshe barabara za pembezoni kabla ya kupeleka daladala ; (vi) Kampuni za nje ziwe na ubia na kampuni za ndani; (vii) Inashauriwa Serikali ilipe gharama za usumbufu kwa wamiliki katika uwekezaji wa mfumo wa DART; 9.0 KUFUNGA MKUTANO Kaimu Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam Mhe. Raymond Mushi pichani alianza kwa kusema kuwa inaonekana jambo hili bado halijakaa vizuri lakini alisema kwa msisitizo kuwa hakuna jambo ambalo haliwezekani kutekelezeka. Aliotoa rai kwa wamiliki wa Kampuni ya Mzizima Dar es Salaam Daladala Express iendelee kuimarishwa. Alisisitiza masharti ya ubia na ushirikiano uliopo kati ya Serikali na wawekezaji wa nje na ndani .Alisema bado hatuja komaa kwa kutokuwa na menejimenti zenye weledi mkubwa. Kaimu Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam aliwaeleza waingie kifua mbele kwa kutoa mfano wa majadiliano ya ‘’oil na gesi’’ na kusema uwezo wetu usitokane na upendeleo tujenge uwezo. Aliongeza kwa kusema tuna mambo mengi ya kutekeleza hivyo Wamilki wa daladala wanahitaji kukaa pamoja na kujadili na kutoa mapendekezo kwa kuzingatia sheria za Nchi. Alimalizia kwa kusema kuwa Mradi huu wote tunahitaji sehemu kubwa ya kipato kitachopatikana kitabakia Tanzania. Hivyo hatuna budi tujitaidi tufikie vigezo vilivyowekwa. Kwa nguvu zilizopo tuchangie kununua Hisa. Biashara ya Usafiri ni endelevu na itaendelea kupanda kadri itakavyoongezeka. Aliwashukuru washiriki wa mkutano na kufunga saa 8.32 mchana. Page 116 ! ANNEX 5 INVETORY OF DALADALA DRIVERS AND BUS OWNERS REGISTRATION Page 117 Page 118 ! Page 119 ! ! Page 120 ! Page 121 Page 122 Annex 6: List of Registered Impacted Daladala Page 123 Annex 6 : LIST OF REGISTERED IMPACTED DALADALA S/N DaladalaID Registration Make Manufacture Year Capacity 1 92 T &08 BEQ Totota 01-Jan-00 26 2 79 T 119 BJF Toyota 01-Jan-02 21 3 36 T 122 CRF Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 4 102 T 126 BFQ Mitsubishi 01-Jan-94 26 5 21 T 126 BGM Toyota 01-Jan-92 26 6 99 T 127 BPY Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 7 20 T 134 BSF Nissan 01-Jan-92 25 8 23 T 138 AXH Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 9 118 T 138 CLU Nissan 01-Jan-05 25 10 38 T 140 CHN Nissan 01-Jan-96 28 11 69 T 150 AUN Toyota 01-Jan-92 29 12 146 T 150 BZQ Nissan 01-Jan-86 19 13 25 T 169 CBH Mitsubishi 01-Jan-04 25 14 71 T 170 BDQ Toyota 01-Jan-98 25 15 76 T 173 BFU Nissan 01-Jan-98 25 16 85 T 174 BCK Toyota 01-Jan-97 29 17 50 T 175 AFR Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 18 144 T 175 BPH Mitsubishi 01-Jan-95 28 19 139 T 189 BCS Nissan 01-Jan-92 29 20 4 T 194 AWT Hino 01-Jan-92 29 21 70 T 196 BZF Toyota 01-Jan-04 26 22 35 T 197 AVK Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 23 100 T 203 BRH Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 24 135 T 208 BFM Mitsubishi 01-Jan-00 26 25 104 T 208 BHS Nissan 01-Jan-96 29 26 5 T 211 ABQ Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 27 68 T 220 BBU Toyota 01-Jan-06 25 28 137 T 221 BZZ Mitsubishi 01-Jan-01 25 29 77 T 222 AVC Nissan 01-Jan-92 25 30 46 T 223 BCP Toyota 01-Jan-95 28 31 64 T 226 BCY Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 32 95 T 230 BZP Nissan 01-Jan-04 25 33 16 T 231 BCZ Civilian 01-Jan-99 29 34 84 T 233 BNX Toyota 01-Jan-01 25 35 75 T 234 BFV Nissan 01-Jan-87 25 36 36 T 237 AZT Isuzu 01-Jan-05 28 37 130 T 245 ATQ Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 38 65 T 245 CLY Nissan 01-Jan-89 29 39 24 T 247 ATW Isuzu 01-Jan-88 26 40 96 T 257 BYE Toyota 01-Jan-04 25 41 31 T 261 ACE Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 42 47 T 280 BXX Toyota 01-Jan-04 25 43 63 T 290 BGX Toyota 01-Jan-89 26 Page 124 44 73 T 290 BPD Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 45 61 T 293 AUP Toyota 01-Jan-95 26 46 124 T 297 ANE Toyota 01-Jan-92 31 47 88 T 303 BAF Toyota 01-Jan-06 25 48 66 T 303 BSD Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 49 103 T 312 BYR Nissan 01-Jan-06 29 50 80 T 320 BEM Toyota 01-Jan-85 29 51 122 T 320 BXD Nissan 01-Jan-89 29 52 115 T 323 CHC Mitsubishi 01-Jan-94 34 53 27 T 329 AZW Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 54 110 T 329 BAS Isuzu 01-Jan-99 29 55 138 T 329 BLT Nissan 01-Jan-89 25 56 88 T 332 BMZ Nissan 01-Jan-91 26 57 76 T 332 BPA Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 58 69 T 333 BAF Toyota 01-Jan-06 25 59 96 T 337 BEQ Nissan 01-Jan-92 27 60 66 T 344 ATT Toyota 01-Jan-94 32 61 85 T 344 BWE Nissan 01-Jan-95 26 62 46 T 348 BLR Mitsubishi 01-Jan-01 25 63 107 T 349 Ber Isuzu 01-Jan-94 35 64 56 T 350 AFS Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 65 50 T 352 BHK Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 66 64 T 356 CSH Toyota 01-Jan-97 26 67 116 T 358 AWF Mitsubishi 01-Jan-94 36 68 38 T 369 CSH Toyota 01-Jan-98 26 69 58 T 370 AZZ Toyota 01-Jan-96 29 70 19 T 374 BUA Nissan 01-Jan-91 29 71 30 T 378 ABP Toyota 01-Jan-93 31 72 74 T 381 BAP Mitsubishi 01-Jan-08 23 73 91 T 381 BDG Toyota 01-Jan-97 26 74 48 T 382 AHC Isuzu 01-Jan-84 28 75 28 T 386 ABP Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 76 100 T 387 BMV Toyota 01-Jan-97 24 77 26 T 392 ABP Toyoto 01-Jan-93 31 78 127 T 392 BVS Nissan 01-Jan-04 25 79 90 T 393 BAC Toyota 01-Jan-97 26 80 106 T 396 AWB Nissan 01-Jan-88 25 81 103 T 396 AXB Nissan 01-Jan-88 25 82 25 T 400 ABP Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 83 60 T 405 AUQ Toyota 01-Jan-90 25 84 136 T 411 CBG Mitsubishi 01-Jan-04 25 85 59 T 414 BHH Toyota 01-Jan-97 26 86 123 T 418 BSY Nissan 01-Jan-94 26 87 7 T 420 AWC Mitsubishi 01-Jan-97 45 88 15 T 438 BLJ Nissan 01-Jan-91 25 89 97 T 447 BSF Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 Page 125 90 67 T 454 BAR Toyota 01-Jan-06 20 91 93 T 455 BAB Toyota 01-Jan-06 29 92 86 T 455 BKM Nissan 01-Jan-92 26 93 75 T 466 AWR Toyota 01-Jan-95 29 94 97 T 471 AUK Nissan 01-Jan-94 25 95 53 T 471 CKM Nissan 01-Jan-05 28 96 120 T 473 BMY Toyota 01-Jan-90 26 97 72 T 481 BCD Toyota 01-Jan-93 25 98 92 T 486 BJJ Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 99 95 T 502 BAB Toyota 01-Jan-06 29 100 45 T 503 BTS Mitsubishi 01-Jan-98 25 101 87 T 506 BXC Nissan 01-Jan-89 25 102 140 T 530 BTP Nissan 01-Jan-89 29 103 32 T 532 CEX Toyota 01-Jan-05 28 104 93 T 535 AWM Toyota 01-Jan-94 32 105 51 T 536 ASD Isuzu 01-Jan-85 26 106 42 T 538 BNT Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 107 55 T 541 CEX Toyota 01-Jan-05 28 108 143 T 548 AGG Isuzu 01-Jan-87 25 109 70 T 548 BHS Toyota 01-Jan-89 25 110 101 T 556 BYH Mitsubishi 01-Jan-03 25 111 111 T 557 AUX Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 112 29 T 558 ACD Toyota 01-Jan-93 31 113 147 T 563 BKA Toyota 01-Jan-96 29 114 41 T 566 AMY Toyota 01-Jan-96 26 115 82 T 571 BXC Toyota 01-Jan-03 26 116 83 T 572 BXC Toyota 01-Jan-03 26 117 77 T 578 AYF Toyota 01-Jan-97 29 118 39 T 578 BVD Nissan 01-Jan-92 26 119 37 T 584 ACY Toyota 01-Jan-90 30 120 26 T 589 BTR Mitsubishi 01-Jan-99 28 121 56 T 595 AYF Toyota 01-Jan-97 29 122 98 T 596 CRC Mitsubishi 01-Jan-96 28 123 102 T 599 CRG Mitsubishi 01-Jan-90 30 124 17 T 602 BJN Nissan 01-Jan-98 25 125 6 T 605 CST Nissan 01-Jan-95 25 126 117 T 606 CBD Nissan 01-Jan-04 24 127 58 T 613 BXD Toyota 01-Jan-03 25 128 132 T 618 BEP Nissan 01-Jan-94 30 129 78 T 620 BNA Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 130 59 T 621 BXD Toyota 01-Jan-03 25 131 106 T 625 BQP Isuzu 01-Jan-94 26 132 22 T 629 BHY Nissan 01-Jan-90 26 133 82 T 634 BHG Toyota 01-Jan-89 29 134 34 T 635 CLM Nissan 01-Jan-89 29 135 114 T 639 BZG Nissan 01-Jan-03 26 Page 126 136 54 T 641 CRB Nissan 01-Jan-05 28 137 45 T 642 BQU Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 138 72 T 643 AEF Toyota 01-Jan-90 25 139 89 T 643 BTV Nissn 01-Jan-91 26 140 98 T 644 BLW Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 141 80 T 656 BCX Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 142 131 T 659 ATJ Toyota 01-Jan-91 30 143 61 T 664 BNA Hino 01-Jan-90 30 144 30 T 669 AAN Toyota 01-Jan-90 29 145 62 T 669 CLL Toyota 01-Jan-94 25 146 78 T 672 BEB Toyota 01-Jan-96 26 147 141 T 681 AZT Isuzu 01-Jan-05 26 148 14 T 682 BLA Mitsubishi 01-Jan-06 29 149 49 T 689 BEB Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 150 86 T 696 AXA Toyota 01-Jan-95 28 151 90 T 697 AAQ Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 152 32 T 698 AZU Toyota 01-Jan-93 26 153 108 T 699 ADC Isuzu 01-Jan-87 29 154 54 T 699 CPB Toyota 01-Jan-95 26 155 18 T 702 AJG Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 156 142 T 703 BAW Toyota 01-Jan-07 29 157 128 T 708 BCN Toyota 01-Jan-98 29 158 47 T 715 AET Isuzu 01-Jan-91 26 159 52 T 718 BEL Toyota 01-Jan-96 26 160 74 T 720 BYN Mitsubishi 01-Jan-03 29 161 40 T 734 CRC Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 162 37 T 738 CRC Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 163 113 T 743 AFH Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 164 13 T 747 CFP Nissan 01-Jan-04 25 165 44 T 751 BHA Toyota 01-Jan-88 25 166 145 T 752 BFH Toyota 01-Jan-98 25 167 101 T 754 BVC Nissan 01-Jan-93 29 168 107 T 755 AZX Toyota 01-Jan-97 26 169 119 T 755 CLP Nissan 01-Jan-05 25 170 84 T 757 CCL Nissan 01-Jan-04 25 171 94 T 761 ACJ Toyota 01-Jan-94 25 172 21 T 761 AXV Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 173 7 T 762 AMS Toyota 01-Jan-94 31 174 49 T 764 ADD Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 175 17 T 764 AKE Toyota 01-Jan-96 26 176 57 T 783 BAD Toyota 01-Jan-06 29 177 108 T 788 BNE Isuzu 01-Jan-94 26 178 23 T 791 AVT Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 179 81 T 793 BRW Toyota 01-Jan-98 28 180 133 T 796 BSY Mitsubishi 01-Jan-97 25 181 16 T 800 AUN Toyota 01-Jan-93 31 Page 127 182 55 T 800 BNR Toyota 01-Jan-88 25 183 4 T 802 AEZ Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 184 67 T 805 ATP Toyota 01-Jan-90 26 185 79 T 806 BNL Toyota 01-Jan-00 25 186 42 T 811 BPF Toyota 01-Jan-96 20 187 89 T 822 BEX Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 188 51 T 829 ARK Toyota 01-Jan-92 30 189 52 T 832 ANR Isuzu 01-Jan-88 26 190 24 T 838 ATL Toyota 01-Jan-92 26 191 73 T 845 BEA Toyota 01-Jan-89 26 192 65 T 845 BEX Toyota 01-Jan-89 28 193 41 T 857 AZD Toyota 01-Jan-05 26 194 109 T 858 ARZ Isuzu 01-Jan-83 25 195 125 T 860 BEK Toyota 01-Jan-91 29 196 63 T 867 BCQ Toyota 01-Jan-98 26 197 18 T 869 BDH Nissan 01-Jan-87 26 198 44 T 872 CLL Nissan 01-Jan-00 24 199 40 T 880 BQK Toyota 01-Jan-95 29 200 5 T 881 BGF Nissan 01-Jan-92 26 201 6 T 881 CLH Eicher 01-Jan-12 41 202 134 T 885 BNT Nissan 01-Jan-96 28 203 20 T 886 ACJ Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 204 19 T 887 ASK Toyota 01-Jan-97 31 205 121 T 894 CGR Nissan 01-Jan-95 25 206 43 T 911 BCE Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 207 68 T 923 AVU Toyota 01-Jan-89 25 208 34 T 925 BZA Toyota 01-Jan-03 26 209 126 T 926 BND Toyota 01-Jan-98 25 210 91 T 933 AAZ Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 211 39 T 933 CSK Toyota 01-Jan-96 26 212 57 T 936 ALL Toyota 01-Jan-93 31 213 48 T 954 BFE Toyota 01-Jan-97 28 214 129 T 955 BBW Toyota 01-Jan-00 25 215 105 T 961 AVR Nissan 01-Jan-91 25 216 112 T 967 ACZ Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 217 99 T 970 BYA Toyota 01-Jan-96 28 218 43 T 976 BKL Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 219 71 T 992 BAD Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 220 12 T107BBE Toyota 01-Jan-06 26 221 71 T112BHE Mitsubishi 01-Jan-97 25 222 21 T114ARN Isuzu 01-Jan-86 26 223 36 T114BUY Mitsubishi 01-Jan-11 41 224 120 T115AQB Isuzu 01-Jan-88 26 225 51 T115BTT Nissan 01-Jan-91 29 226 68 T123BRD Mitsubishi 01-Jan-96 27 227 111 T128BCH Nissan 01-Jan-89 29 Page 128 228 42 T130ACN Toyota 01-Jan-94 31 229 56 T130AMQ Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 230 104 T140BNL Nissan 01-Jan-89 25 231 90 T153ARV Toyota 01-Jan-91 30 232 63 T153BEA Toyota 01-Jan-96 26 233 134 T165CLR Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 234 83 T168BAU Toyota 01-Jan-07 28 235 5 T171BGU Nissan 01-Jan-92 26 236 116 T174BDN Nissan 01-Jan-96 25 237 79 T176CAS Toyota 01-Jan-05 28 238 110 T178ABF Isuzu 01-Jan-84 25 239 19 T178BXD Nissan 01-Jan-93 25 240 108 T181ABF Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 241 29 T184ATN Toyota 01-Jan-94 31 242 101 T193BCG Toyota 01-Jan-97 29 243 82 T197BRH Toyota 01-Jan-92 25 244 22 T203 BAB toyota 01-Jan-96 25 245 35 T203AUZ Toyota 01-Jan-92 25 246 26 T205BRG Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 247 29 T208AWE Toyota 01-Jan-90 25 248 36 T208AXX Toyota 01-Jan-98 26 249 66 T210CPW Mitsubishi 01-Jan-92 28 250 102 T211BEM Nissan 01-Jan-06 25 251 61 T212AAV Toyota 01-Jan-88 25 252 100 T213BBU Toyota 01-Jan-06 25 253 114 T214AFM Toyota 01-Jan-89 30 254 91 T216BXJ Toyota 01-Jan-03 25 255 50 T222AAZ Toyota 01-Jan-93 31 256 83 T226ACE Toyota 01-Jan-94 30 257 141 T230BQC Nissan 01-Jan-89 24 258 108 T236BSD Toyota 01-Jan-97 26 259 49 T237ACV Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 260 61 T237BEY Isuzu 01-Jan-93 33 261 24 T238BKN Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 262 122 T241AVK Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 263 76 T241CJX Mitsubishi 01-Jan-12 41 264 72 T244CJX Skyline 01-Jan-12 41 265 136 T246BFK Mitsubishi 01-Jan-96 26 266 19 T247AUE Nissan 01-Jan-96 26 267 41 T247AVW Toyota 01-Jan-93 31 268 63 T251BRT Toyota 01-Jan-90 25 269 35 T251CAH Mitsubishi 01-Jan-11 41 270 73 T251CJX Skyline 01-Jan-12 41 271 91 T261AWS Mitsubishi 01-Jan-95 55 272 86 T271ACK Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 273 67 T275BZL Mitsubishi 01-Jan-04 25 Page 129 274 15 T278AFB Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 275 55 T282APL Isuzu 01-Jan-88 29 276 43 T282CSM Toyota 01-Jan-98 26 277 123 T290AQY Isuzu 01-Jan-91 25 278 109 T293BBD Hino 01-Jan-04 29 279 47 T296ADQ Isuzu 01-Jan-99 20 280 93 T302BDF Hino 01-Jan-92 29 281 33 T302BEQ Nissan 01-Jan-99 25 282 74 T302BJA Hino 01-Jan-87 25 283 104 T313BAF Toyota 01-Jan-06 25 284 44 T316AUN Isuzu 01-Jan-89 28 285 119 T319BCC Toyota 01-Jan-96 29 286 137 T323ARK Toyota 01-Jan-94 26 287 131 T333CHG Toyota 01-Jan-94 28 288 85 T337BJX Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 289 115 T337BKN Nissan 01-Jan-90 29 290 117 T338BEX Nissan 01-Jan-91 30 291 97 T343ACB Toyota 01-Jan-93 31 292 90 T343BHK Hino 01-Jan-90 29 293 54 T348BJZ Nissan 01-Jan-84 29 294 66 T351BLZ Nissan 03-Oct-14 26 295 125 T353AXM Nissan 01-Jan-89 25 296 4 T362CSN Nissan 01-Jan-91 26 297 80 T377ADR Toyota 01-Jan-92 31 298 139 T380ACX Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 299 77 T381CJC Mitsubishi 01-Jan-12 41 300 7 T385BET Toyota DCM 01-Jan-96 31 301 105 T386BJL Hino 01-Jan-97 29 302 135 T395CUY Toyota 01-Jan-92 28 303 78 T400AFS Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 304 64 T400BBB Toyota 01-Jan-05 29 305 33 T402 CQB Nissan 01-Jan-89 29 306 84 T407AAV Toyota 01-Jan-90 28 307 132 T407CDG Toyota 01-Jan-04 25 308 10 T425BGR Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 309 122 T425CGR Mitsubishi 01-Jan-91 28 310 124 T426BVT Mitsubishi 01-Jan-91 26 311 38 T430BXD Mitsubishi 01-Jan-11 41 312 129 T432BQU Nissan 01-Jan-92 26 313 94 T440BAZ Toyota 01-Jan-97 20 314 58 T441ARG Toyota 01-Jan-90 25 315 31 T456BTY Toyota 01-Jan-02 25 316 70 T458CJP Skyline 01-Jan-12 41 317 117 T460BBV Toyota 01-Jan-05 28 318 9 T460BRZ Nissan 01-Jan-89 29 319 71 T460CJP Skyline 01-Jan-12 41 Page 130 320 45 T469CJF Toyota 01-Jan-95 28 321 102 T480BEX Nissan 01-Jan-07 29 322 54 T491ACN Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 323 18 T496AWR Toyota 01-Jan-06 36 324 89 T496BJR Toyota 01-Jan-98 25 325 138 T498AQL Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 326 92 T508CNZ Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 327 106 T513BLA Hino 01-Jan-95 29 328 13 T514AUV Toyota 01-Jan-90 29 329 65 T515BJL Toyota 01-Jan-93 25 330 6 T517BHN Nissan 01-Jan-91 25 331 96 T519BDU Mitsubush 01-Jan-98 26 332 101 T520BEM Mitsubishi 01-Jan-97 25 333 62 T528BZG Toyota 01-Jan-97 26 334 127 T528BZW Nissan 01-Jan-04 30 335 145 T534AHL Isuzu 01-Jan-88 25 336 5 T535ADN Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 337 50 T536BWR Toyota 01-Jan-04 25 338 94 T550BUZ Hino 01-Jan-02 25 339 33 T553BHT Toyota 01-Jan-06 26 340 97 T558BCQ Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 341 143 T562AWP Nissan 01-Jan-93 25 342 110 T564CRY Hino 01-Jan-93 26 343 103 T566BAB Nissan 01-Jan-06 29 344 4 T573CLZ Nissan 01-Jan-93 26 345 126 T575BSB Nissan 01-Jan-91 25 346 100 T577BGL Mitsubishi 01-Jan-96 25 347 38 T581BWS Toyoya 01-Jan-03 25 348 115 T588BYB Nissan 01-Jan-04 29 349 70 T588CSN Mitsubishi 01-Jan-94 28 350 32 T595ABK Nissan 01-Jan-87 26 351 37 T599CAS Mitsubishi 01-Jan-11 41 352 52 T603ACC Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 353 80 T603BJN Toyota 01-Jan-96 25 354 11 T616BCY Nissan 01-Jan-93 25 355 109 T617AAB Toyota 01-Jan-90 25 356 40 T619BHV Toyota 01-Jan-90 25 357 34 T624CSH Eicher 01-Jan-13 41 358 58 T627AHZ Isuzu 01-Jan-95 26 359 17 T638ARE Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 360 76 T642AEM Toyota 01-Jan-84 25 361 20 T656AAA Isuzu 01-Jan-91 24 362 116 T657BEX Nissan 01-Jan-94 29 363 64 T659CEB Mitsubishi 01-Jan-04 26 364 43 T660AZC Nissan 01-Jan-06 25 365 92 T663BHQ Hino 01-Jan-95 29 Page 131 366 98 T669BJW Toyota 01-Jan-97 26 367 88 T670AFB Toyota 01-Jan-90 29 368 88 T674BJN Toyota 01-Jan-98 25 369 9 T680BBA Toyota 01-Jan-06 27 370 75 T680CJD Mitsubishi 01-Jan-12 41 371 81 T681 BZY Toyota 01-Jan-05 29 372 99 T681CTC Eicher 01-Jan-13 41 373 87 T686 AXA Toyota 01-Jan-93 28 374 11 T687AXP Toyota 01-Jan-92 25 375 37 T695CPB Toyota 01-Jan-98 26 376 46 T703BEB Nissan 01-Jan-85 28 377 12 T706CRM Tata 01-Jan-13 40 378 69 T707CJD Mitsubishi 01-Jan-12 41 379 13 T709CRM Tata 01-Jan-13 40 380 96 T713ACA Toyota 01-Jan-94 31 381 21 T714BCD Toyota 01-Jan-96 26 382 81 T716APA Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 383 111 T717AAM Toyota 01-Jan-91 26 384 39 T719ACX Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 385 25 T724BPN Toyota 01-Jan-84 29 386 60 T730BBT Toyota 01-Jan-05 29 387 49 T731AKM Isuzu 01-Jan-89 25 388 79 T734AEF Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 389 121 T747BAP Toyota 01-Jan-06 25 390 107 T748CDB Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 391 39 T752AZE Isuzu 01-Jan-06 28 392 124 T757BEP Toyota 01-Jan-96 28 393 69 T759BUL Mitsubishi 01-Jan-91 28 394 32 T776BMA Nissan 01-Jan-94 25 395 46 T776BSJ Toyota 01-Jan-97 25 396 82 T782AEZ Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 397 95 T789AFU Toyota 01-Jan-88 24 398 40 T790ANA Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 399 57 T791ANJ Isuzu 01-Jan-98 29 400 84 T798BAN Toyota 01-Jan-95 26 401 74 T800CJL Mitsubishi 01-Jan-12 41 402 30 T803BDZ Toyota 01-Jan-86 29 403 89 T804AEA Toyota 01-Jan-90 25 404 55 T804AGG Toyota 01-Jan-96 31 405 24 T804BVF Toyota 01-Jan-88 26 406 103 T810CBB Nissan 01-Jan-98 25 407 59 T813BRV Toyota 01-Jan-94 25 408 113 T817AVW Mitsubishi 01-Jan-96 28 409 106 T818BZV Toyota 01-Jan-03 26 410 34 T824AYV Nissan 01-Jan-95 26 411 81 T826BJG Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 Page 132 412 120 T828AYN Toyota 01-Jan-88 25 413 128 T832BSJ Toyota 01-Jan-91 25 414 20 T833BQE Nissan 01-Jan-90 25 415 52 T834BFC Toyota 01-Jan-06 29 416 48 T837AZD Toyota 01-Jan-99 29 417 65 T849AWV Toyota 01-Jan-91 26 418 133 T850CEH Mitsubishi 01-Jan-04 24 419 85 T865AJT Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 420 59 T866APY Isuzu 01-Jan-83 26 421 41 T868BUA Toyota 01-Jan-92 25 422 87 T870AJF Toyota 01-Jan-95 31 423 130 T870CND Mitsubishi 01-Jan-95 28 424 140 T872BNV Nissan 01-Jan-89 27 425 78 T873CJL Mitsubishi 01-Jan-12 41 426 14 T875CKS Tata 01-Jan-13 40 427 77 T880BCZ Nissan 01-Jan-99 29 428 23 T882BFA Isuzu 01-Jan-86 26 429 118 T883BDV Toyota 01-Jan-90 26 430 22 T896AFQ Isuzu 01-Jan-87 26 431 53 T903ALG Nissan 01-Jan-85 26 432 73 T903BFB Nissan 01-Jan-88 26 433 144 T907AVW Toyota 01-Jan-91 28 434 57 T908CAJ Nissan 01-Jan-04 26 435 30 T921BAP Toyota 01-Jan-95 25 436 35 T929 BZA toyota 01-Jan-03 26 437 44 T931BYY Nissan 01-Jan-88 29 438 121 T934ASN Isuzu 01-Jan-87 26 439 48 T938AZY Nissan 01-Jan-05 25 440 25 T940BFN Toyota 01-Jan-98 25 441 105 T941BXS Toyota 10-Jan-03 25 442 18 T943AZG Isuzu 01-Jan-85 26 443 99 T949AEJ Isuzu 01-Jan-88 25 444 119 T950BCG Nissan 01-Jan-92 23 445 47 T953AZT Toyota 01-Jan-94 25 446 107 T954AUW Toyota 01-Jan-86 25 447 113 T955BXA Toyota 01-Jan-84 28 448 86 T963AFU Toyota 01-Jan-92 26 449 72 T963BMM Mitsubishi 01-Jan-93 29 450 53 T964 BQC Totota 01-Jan-98 25 451 112 T967BCE Isuzu 01-Jan-93 29 452 123 T973BNQ Nissan 01-Jan-94 25 453 6 T975BHC Nissan 01-Jan-89 26 454 28 T980CHY Nissan 01-Jan-89 26 455 142 T981ASX Toyota 01-Jan-92 25 456 67 T982BDE Toyota 01-Jan-90 26 457 68 T982CNA Toyota 01-Jan-90 26 Page 133 458 7 T985CSB Toyota 01-Jan-97 29 459 112 T986CEZ Nissan 01-Jan-04 30 460 95 T993BCY Hino 01-Jan-94 25 461 87 T996BAV Toyota 01-Jan-97 26 Page 134 ANNEX 7: DRIVER’S INFORMATION Page 135 ANNEX 7: DRIVER’S INFORMATION First Name Last Name Wazeer Yusufu Hanein Afred .Y. Age LicenceNo Education Level 38 4000678023 Form Four Nyagawa 36 046058 Form Four Elbarick Mgata 34 4000009859 Form four Jackson Titus Makombe 29 4000029720 Form Four Suleiman .M. Said 37 4000056242 Form Four Seleman Salum Namkanyaga 35 4000057932 Form Four Sadick Salim Sadick 32 4000074002 Form Four Abdallah Omar Suleiman 34 4000077180 Form Four Mussa Bon Wapalila 40 4000080370 Form Four Salum Katuma 35 4000081362 Form Four Iddi I. Ally 28 4000096148 Form Four Charles Ngwambi 30 4000097864 Form four Hagai Jessey Ngowi 35 4000106096 Form Four Samwel Mrisho Nicholaus 37 4000114445 Form Four Peter Francis Bongole 34 4000121909 Form Four Hassan Seleman Juma 39 4000127167 Form Four Gwantwa F Mwaikambo 39 4000130465 Form Four Said Mohamed Ally 33 4000139852 Form Four Boma.C. Boma 30 4000150687 Form four Rajabu Hussein Ally 44 4000153578 Form Four Deus Bazil Mosha 44 4000159774 Form Four Rumara Hussein Majogoro 34 4000169324 Form Four Juma Mrisho Samatogwa 40 4000169919 Form Four Omary A Juma 32 4000181996 Form Four Ally Kopa 45 4000192333 Form Four Mathias Frimini Masae 37 4000204299 Form Four Selemani Haruni Farahani 40 4000208709 Form Four Venant lugemamu 29 4000230408 Form Four Omar Juma Faki 47 4000234224 Form Four Alawi Omary Kabelwa 45 4000249954 Form Four Omari S Mwangoto 48 4000251703 Form Four Denis.D. Chiganga 31 4000251917 Form Four Dominick Chalo Msaka 35 4000260800 Form Four Athumani H Msakati 39 4000260853 Form Four Peter E Miyungwa 53 4000261341 Form Four Page 136 Wilson M Mmbaga 19 4000280305 Form Four Abasi Hassani Athumani 36 4000282526 Form four Rajabu S Msangi 37 4000298599 Form Four Christopher Adelini Massawe 33 4000305830 Form Four Salehe Mussa Selemani 37 4000311383 Form four Mahimbo John Samweli 38 4000323403 Form Four Moses Obadiah Teikya 26 4000335130 Form Four Haruna Ramadhani Muro 40 4000350059 Form Four Richard Hassan Oda 29 4000355063 Form Four Mohamed S Sultan 38 4000355698 Form Four Hamadi Hassani Munisi 52 4000375204 Form Four Alex Naftari 37 4000393294 Form Four Peter Msangi 30 4000393935 Form Four Charles Noel Swai 28 4000394042 Form Four Mohamed Omary Kibwana 44 4000396863 Form Four Sarai Juma Kibwana 42 4000405922 Form Four Omari Rashidi Saidi 30 4000405926 Form Four Isihaka Muhimba 28 4000409668 Form Four Tofiki S Ndosi 27 4000414532 Form Four Gideon Chilongani 33 4000519158 Form four Tumaini Kitende 37 4000565391 Form four Robert Martin Marobana 38 4000578747 Form Four Omari Mohamed Daffa 45 4000616374 Form Four Deogratius Costantino Kundy 41 4000631410 Form Four Hassani H Hassani 48 4000645037 Form Four Vasco Hamza Abdallahman 31 4000645836 Form Four Sweetbart Lameck Chilewa 40 4000655604 Form Four Rasuli Rajabu Mgalla 39 4000696423 Form Four Yusuph Mgaza 30 4000707427 form four Innocent F Lyimo 27 4000743718 Form Four James Kusekwa 37 4000778146 Form four Mbwana Ally Kibavu 35 4000812121 Form Four Hamisi .B. Bakari 38 4000847042 Form Four Christopher J Allen 34 4000850618 Form Four Godfrey Ezekia Mwaile 34 4000874667 Form Four Riziwani Hamadi Shabani 28 4000877853 Form Four Page 137 Shabani Mohammed Chembela 25 4000885361 Form Four Sultani Hemedi Saidi 32 4000956958 Form Four Abdurahman Imadi Rajabu 39 4001011581 Form Four kadili Salehe 38 4001030876 Form Four Bakari Mohamed Ngondo 44 4001038694 Form Four Hamis Malala 44 4001058841 Form Four Ally Ally Kathende 40 4001071245 Form Four Abdul Ahmed Abdu 32 4001111440 Form Four Edwin Zakayo Matwi 32 4001173200 Form Four George John Kimaro 30 4001207477 Form four Salim Said Salim 38 4001239548 Form Four Mwinyi H Simba 32 4001358898 Form Four Salehe H Selasela 33 4001393846 Form Four Said Abdallah Mtembezi 36 4001394571 Form Four Omary Chande Msafiri 33 4001398699 Form Four Nasoro Ramadhani Choga 39 4001433816 Form four Fredrick Justine Katikisha 32 4001470828 Form Four Amin Rashid Shaban 27 4001820774 Form Four Ernest Philipo Mungure 31 4001946045 Form Four Amir .A. Ramadhani 32 4000027669 Form two Omar Nuga's 24 4000117561 Form Two Wakati N Jum 32 400096672 Primari Saidi .H. Makono 55 4000004123 Primary Godfrey Ambangile Bughali 43 4000010738 Primary Jumanne Kajembe 44 4000015723 Primary Julius Munisi 38 4000016557 Primary Ernest Nichols Mbwana 47 4000023087 Primary Phillip.F. Maganga 45 4000024442 Primary Athumani K Mpoto 17 4000029902 Primary Hamisi Said Mbunde 45 4000030459 Primary Khamis Nassor Omar 42 4000033283 Primary Mmola Ramadhani 29 4000035094 Primary Ramadhani Rashidi Mwinyimvua 54 4000039508 Primary Lucas Fuko 35 4000043046 Primary Abasi Twaibu Masudi 39 4000045870 Primary Sudi Fesali Kinguju 34 4000045906 Primary Hamisi Mohamed Mtozele 44 4000051765 Primary Page 138 Nurdini Likuse Kessy 40 4000052444 Primary Amiri Juma Madiwa 37 4000052491 Primary Hussen Hamad Munisi 29 4000052755 Primary Said .A. Hamidi 55 4000054764 Primary Isack M Laituni 38 4000055227 Primary Juma Husseni Chovu 39 4000055357 Primary Florid Y Kweka 35 4000057030 Primary Khalfan Rajabu Ngozi 50 4000057597 Primary Jesse .M. Swebe 45 4000059739 Primary Omary .J. Saleh 38 4000066063 Primary Madaraka Dotto Saburi 34 4000067591 Primary Ramadhani Athumani Rawa 35 4000067830 Primary James H. Kibanga 38 4000067860 Primary Omary Mohamed Umwagala 40 4000068742 Primary Mohamed H. Debwe 46 4000069283 Primary Hassan Selemani Bakari 34 4000070460 Primary Angolile Malaki Nsemwa 36 4000070509 Primary Issa Zowo 43 4000074300 Primary Ramadhani Kondo 36 4000074408 Primary Juma Basili Manjoli 41 40000749027 Primary Issa Athuman Omary 33 4000078471 Primary Ally A. Kaleya 33 4000080871 Primary Sabri Abahamani Darusi 37 4000082354 Primary Said .S. Pangahela 37 4000085747 Primary Miraji A Mpakani 35 4000097873 Primary Nicolaus W Kimaro 37 4000098775 Primary Melkior F Joseph 52 40001038057 Primary Haruna Mrisho Rashidi 41 4000103997 Primary Hassan A Bushiri 37 40001040314 Primary Rajabu S Chima 37 40001048096 Primary Selemani R Shabani 35 4000104991 Primary Hussein Mohamed Sheshe 30 4000106011 Primary Hamisi Rajabu Makarani 37 4000106301 Primary Sospeter C Kifutumo 32 4000107156 Primary Hosiana Kasyama Mallema 34 4000107801 Primary Jafari Kondo 34 4000108029 Primary Alex Eliamini Chuwa 53 4000108046 Primary Page 139 Mohamed .A. Rajabu 37 4000109226 Primary Rajabu M Athumani 35 4000109245 Primary Rahisi J Namnauka 34 4000110185 Primary Godfrey B. Mlelwa 34 4000112119 Primary Mussa M Mbwando 60 4000113758 Primary Abdallah Iddi Sinde 51 4000114151 Primary Elias J Mchenjigwawa 49 4000115405 Primary Bakari H Salum 33 4000116147 Primary Godifrey Rwekaza 40 4000118063 Primary Ally .S. Mohamed 43 4000119083 Primary Ally Athumani 38 4000119781 Primary Haji I Massoud 33 4000122079 Primary Salumu Kundra Msumi 26 4000122176 Primary Muss J Salum 50 4000122929 Primary Selemani.A. Yusuph 29 4000123727 Primary Salehe Saidi Kigomba 35 4000123830 Primary Sharif Mwalim 36 4000124330 Primary Mawazo .M. Kadinda 44 4000127202 Primary Mohamed S Undi 36 4000130239 Primary Hemedi Hayeshi R 39 4000130348 Primary Ayub .H. Ayub 44 4000132708 Primary Yasin Iddi Makame 46 4000137401 Primary Hemed Abdallah 35 4000138658 Primary Omary Hamisi Salim 42 4000139028 Primary Said Othman Said 50 4000139283 Primary Florian Vitalis Duwe 43 4000145507 Primary Victor A Maftah 40 4000147355 Primary Ramadhani Muhidini Nembo 34 4000148074 Primary Masale .J. Masale 33 4000148528 Primary Mdathilu Hassani 33 4000149823 Primary Said Mohamed Idaros 29 4000149872 Primary Abdallah Mwemfula 47 4000150208 Primary Robert Barabara 42 4000153151 Primary Goglivini S Malamsha 31 40001546279 Primary Ashirafu Fadhili Kimaro 37 4000154754 Primary Miraji A Somboja 29 4000155013 Primary Gerald Ngonga 54 4000157203 Primary Page 140 Sudy Mizozo 30 4000158196 Primary Rodrick Hankungwe 30 4000162543 Primary Shabani Idrisa Amiri 32 4000163242 Primary Ibrahim Abdallah Dikani 31 4000164068 Primary Hamisi Chaurembo Matu 47 4000164555 Primary Rashid B Ndossa 39 4000166501 Primary Menrady C Komba 36 40001668675 Primary Salum Bakari Haule 44 4000167760 Primary Juma Mohamed Nassoro 34 4000169396 Primary Ally .M. Ally 30 4000170054 Primary Nassoro Seif Mohamed 46 4000171039 Primary Rajab .A. Abdallah 45 4000172537 Primary Omari Selemani Bakari 40 4000173381 Primary Khalifa Abdilahi Kimaro 29 4000173541 Primary Rajabu Shabani Idd 34 4000175308 Primary Allam Zamini Mrutu 26 4000177045 Primary David D Muvinile 29 40001827778 Primary Amani Shabani Ramadhani 31 4000185455 Primary Amasha Rajabu Temihanga 33 4000192657 Primary Mario Daniel Mahundi 50 4000194572 Primary Julius P Masawe 25 4000197737 Primary Raphael Maneno Mnyaliva 35 4000198971 Primary Idd Juma Pogonyo 32 4000200345 Primary Rogers Shembilu Semhando 59 4000206794 Primary Austin V Hugo 42 4000207048 Primary Iddy .J. Sima 45 4000209447 Primary Thomas P Kitindi 32 4000217064 Primary Halid H Swai 29 40002226279 Primary Rajabu Mohamed Mkude 39 4000222847 Primary Hamis Magumbo 36 4000226014 Primary Adamson Sambo Mwakipome 48 4000229666 Primary Ally .S. Abdallah 42 4000244426 Primary Salum M Ngwabi 60 4000245014 Primary Mohamedi Yusufu Nzogo 40 4000246114 Primary Michael Joseph Makuo 30 4000247198 Primary Husseni .H. Chacha 38 4000249759 Primary Ally Ramadhani Salehe 36 4000249958 Primary Page 141 Yudatadei Roman Kweka 32 4000250269 Primary Agapiti Jacob Mauki 38 4000251347 Primary Karim Ahmad Senga 37 4000253685 Primary Elikana William Masengeka 48 4000256048 Primary Nassor Mtenya 31 4000256293 Primary Shaban A Kilokelo 39 4000256425 Primary Issa Ramadhani Kapalam 61 4000256640 Primary Yusufu .H. Abdallah 40 4000256737 Primary Iddi Daudi Shabani 44 4000257585 Primary Festo Francis Njau 51 4000257594 Primary Abdallah Amiry Mohamedi 41 4000258429 Primary Haji Omari Shekiomboo 36 4000258661 Primary Sufian Bakari Sufian 33 4000258989 Primary Juma M Mkanga 39 4000259430 Primary Elimringi .L. Kweka 34 4000260640 Primary Sadiki .S. Salehe 36 4000261623 Primary Bosco Massawe 33 4000262720 Primary Mtoro Saidi Kondo 40 4000264069 Primary Omary .A. Omary 57 4000264471 Primary Ramadhani Hassam Ally 34 4000265045 Primary Ismail Samweli Mpoliki 28 4000265525 Primary Wilson Joseph Mbwambo 35 4000268456 Primary Hussein Lakaten Salum 28 4000269112 Primary Hamisi Bakari Saidi 33 4000269266 Primary Hassani Madunda 41 4000269927 Primary Kassim Mnete 44 4000270600 Primary Charles Ngaya Swai 48 4000270650 Primary Fedi N Iddi 37 4000272713 Primary Munta Suo 38 4000272983 Primary Muktari Adinani 39 4000273000 Primary Mfaume Salehe Mangosongo 40 4000278189 Primary Ally Adam Iddi 35 4000278198 Primary Sadiki O. Kukela 36 4000280348 Primary Ombeni Gamalile Swai 43 4000281202 Primary Boniface Masiku 42 4000281968 Primary Swai Yobu Martin 39 4000284340 Primary Page 142 Hassani Abdarahamani Kweka 27 4000286476 Primary Iddi Yusufu Mtopea 33 4000286803 Primary Makame Mashaka 48 4000288014 Primary Juma Mohamedi Mminge 57 4000293543 Primary Vedasto Mumba 35 4000294724 Primary Ramadhani Rashidi Mwongo 31 4000296303 Primary Jafari Sultani 43 4000296646 Primary Salim Haridi Mkuna 33 4000297939 Primary Jumaa Omari Salehe 29 4000303968 Primary Athumani .H. Ally 35 4000305120 Primary Okella Ntazimila 42 4000310580 Primary Boniface Chikolo 44 4000311387 Primary Azizi Athumani Ngalawa 42 4000312966 Primary Alhaji Ramadhani Mhombo 29 4000315316 Primary Omari.H. Issa 39 4000317202 Primary Daniel D Nyagawa 23 4000319805 Primary Juma A Mngazija 45 4000321227 Primary Hamisi Ally Nangwawa 38 4000321995 Primary Hussein .A. Habibu 33 4000329745 Primary Rajabu .A. Omari 41 4000333355 Primary Mohamedi .M. Umbe 49 4000335086 Primary Rajab Mvaa 36 4000336629 Primary Alfani Rimbanga 46 4000341130 Primary Rajabu J Ramadhan 44 4000343426 Primary Omari W Juma 35 4000347049 Primary Eliud .S. Mwakibinga 35 4000349976 Primary Mwinyigoa Rajabu 42 4000351742 Primary Mohamedi S. Mzengele 33 4000353901 Primary Nassoro Abdallah Mtwange 26 4000355482 Primary Msafiri C. Mhando 34 4000358646 Primary Bakari Omari Shabani 34 4000360507 Primary Athumani .A. Yusufu 31 4000361289 Primary Pardon Msokwa 48 4000362896 Primary Mussa Ally Rajabu 38 4000362966 Primary Iddi Abdallah Halfan 31 4000363880 Primary Saidi Mohamedi Saidi 32 4000366249 Primary Page 143 Mohamedi .M. Amiri 34 4000369215 Primary Ramadhani Juma Mbilu 35 4000370650 Primary Husseini H Athumani 32 4000377445 Primary Mohamedi Kindamba 47 4000380632 Primary Mzee Mputo 44 4000382259 Primary Salum A Salimu 37 4000382324 Primary Hamza S Ndossy 30 40003842296 Primary Bashiri Abdu Murusari 38 4000385409 Primary Hamisi Magawa 34 4000385432 Primary Abdallah Shabani Kaoneka 29 4000387598 Primary Clemenci Bemo Mallya 41 4000388025 Primary Salim Changalima 41 4000388919 Primary Hassani Juma Ally 31 4000389039 Primary Ernest .M. Mohamed 38 4000389360 Primary Iddi M Masare 31 4000391413 Primary Kassim Mohamed Mwanga 41 4000392991 Primary Amili Kibila 46 4000393672 Primary Daniel Evarist Kessy 37 4000393758 Primary Joseph Debu 40 400039534 Primary Haufi Yahya Ngole 48 4000395761 Primary Dunga Juma Dunga 30 4000397683 Primary Athumani K Juma 35 4000397726 Primary Hassan .A. Shaban 45 4000399568 Primary Chemchemu Ibrahimu Mkindi 32 4000407144 Primary Rajabu Juma Ramadhani 34 4000407314 Primary Haji Mponda Machano 44 4000408462 Primary Said J Kashinde 41 4000410284 Primary Emmanuel Cyprian Masia 43 4000412397 Primary Kitulo George 34 4000430154 Primary Adinani .A. Bakari 36 4000432393 Primary Athumani H Athumani 35 40004366225 Primary David J Mwaimu 26 4000448547 Primary Haji Bakary Kombo 32 4000472462 Primary Raymond John Nondo 42 4000490511 Primary Ally .W. Ramadhani 38 4000490687 Primary Shukrani Bakari Ibrahim 33 4000490735 Primary Page 144 Hamisi Juma Shomari 42 4000508105 Primary Emmanuel Samson Mayunga 29 4000517201 Primary Abdallah Chamba 30 4000533576 Primary Rajabu A Kawago 47 4000535996 Primary Hji M Serenge 40 4000536542 Primary Rajabu Mohamedi Mkwazu 47 4000540588 Primary Hemedi H Salumu 45 4000549236 Primary Shabani Yusuph Tengulo 40 4000554439 Primary Ramadhani Adam Gody 33 4000554604 Primary Hamfrey Jonathan Kimaro 31 4000555078 Primary James Jastin Mbasha 26 4000562278 Primary Hamisi Omari Hanga 41 4000563642 Primary Ramadhani Hassani 47 4000568755 Primary Othumani .A. Meena 29 4000570633 Primary Ally Hamisi Mamba 36 4000579619 Primary Yusuphu Salum Mohamed 28 4000596826 Primary Eliud M James 43 4000616285 Primary Christophar M. Mbelwa 33 4000627014 Primary Ally M Abdalah 33 4000628998 Primary Mohamed .M. Juma 36 4000644706 Primary Issa A Mnyonge 37 400064783 Primary Athumani A Saidi 27 4000653045 Primary Kssim M Bakari 37 4000655157 Primary Mrisho R Rashid 37 4000656052 Primary Frank A Atanas 24 4000658329 Primary Ramadhani Saidi Onyesha 26 4000668885 Primary Jackison Kapinga 31 4000669090 Primary Hafidhi.I. Daud 38 4000670905 Primary Juma A Masudi 30 4000676072 Primary Best Raphael Danda 28 4000676947 Primary Ramadhani .A. Bakari 36 4000686499 Primary Mbaraka S Bunyige 28 4000689193 Primary Yusuph K Rwambo 40 4000689837 Primary Ahmed S Johari 36 4000707319 Primary Zegge Selemani Waziri 33 4000707661 Primary Juma .A. Kiwamba 45 4000707852 Primary Juma Y Kasasa 30 4000717379 Primary Page 145 Hamdan Hamza Shembili 42 4000723251 Primary David Moris Mwansasu 36 4000728188 Primary Iddi .H. Yusufu 30 4000731419 Primary Lucas Fransis Lachau 35 4000733206 Primary Ally Mangara Sijaona 29 4000734214 Primary Hasanali .Y. Shang'a 37 4000744565 Primary Awadhi Hassani Shekilindi 49 4000751464 Primary Noely Anangisye Mwasakamala 26 4000761712 Primary Salehe Kilenga 29 4000765623 Primary Abdallah .M. Jabiri 44 4000767560 Primary Shaaban Abdallah Samwenguo 42 4000780985 Primary Issa .A. Chumbi 40 4000786078 Primary Salum .M. Kombo 43 4000786699 Primary Mgeni Ramadhani Mgalamo 32 4000792487 Primary Bashiru Iddi Issaka 39 4000805836 Primary Mohamed S Mhina 33 4000814454 Primary Willfred Fidelis Ng'alukwa 29 4000815294 Primary Laurent Samweli Lika 34 4000823744 Primary Juma Ramadhani Ulomi 35 4000828962 Primary Iddi M Ally 38 4000837330 Primary Eliya Japhet Nyingi 26 4000839430 Primary Ramadhani Saidi Mlinde 32 4000850917 Primary Bakari .S. Bakari 35 4000851088 Primary Huseni Mohamed Hamza 46 4000852186 Primary Hussein P Bodeye 37 4000879179 Primary Ally Mahad Mtelela 24 4000890073 Primary Saleh Ahmed Mohsin 42 4000891910 Primary Bakari H Komola 32 4000892736 Primary Yusuph Rashidi Sabury 34 4000897242 Primary Dismas D Mligo 23 4000900214 Primary Abisay H Mzava 34 4000906536 Primary Anas Nasibu Ndossa 22 4000917911 Primary Kassimu Selemani Kizibo 35 4000918261 Primary Omari Nassoro Haji 37 4000920653 Primary Ahmad Halid Kanyimbi 40 4000933757 Primary Zniali R Kassim 28 4000938018 Primary Marko N. Urio 27 4000938086 Primary Page 146 Andrea Stanstilaus Luoga 32 4000940939 Primary Salehe Adamu Senga 34 4000946921 Primary Jafari Shomari Kitimu 37 4000947269 Primary Richard Alexander Mosha 44 4000964668 Primary Moshi H Shabani 34 4000964920 Primary Yassini Ahamadi Kawago 31 4000969378 Primary Issa Salehe Saidi 41 4000983185 Primary Judika K Masawe 26 4000995663 Primary Ernest Mollel 37 4001005101 Primary Baraka D Tayay 25 4001016545 Primary Hussein S Salehe 41 4001023431 Primary Ramadhani Rashid Yusuph 45 4001025762 Primary Tizo Ngolo 34 4001026044 Primary Dotto H Kahema 34 4001043453 Primary Amani Kirumbi 32 4001053310 Primary Ramadhani .S. Issa 36 4001054201 Primary Haridi Rajabu Msami 51 4001063361 Primary Heck A Lumato 31 4001083129 Primary Azizi Munisi Munisi 50 4001116972 Primary Mustafa Athumani Ramadhani 40 4001117411 Primary Sdati O Abdallah 39 4001132846 Primary Abdalah R Rajabu 29 4001170082 Primary Haroun A Kateti 49 4001191214 Primary Amiri Sultani Kussy 36 4001194243 Primary Iddi Haji Shoo 32 4001199509 Primary Maneno .A. Sudi 29 4001209397 Primary Zaidi Salum Zaidi 47 4001212825 Primary Hashimu S Mbega 37 4001253906 Primary Alfred .R. Mushi 48 4001258910 Primary Ramadhani Athumani Mbakana 34 4001259940 Primary Aziz Zuber Mngoma 23 4001274395 Primary Juma Ismail Abdala 48 4001277493 Primary Amos James Nyambega 37 4001304745 Primary Hamisi Kibwana Mrisho 26 4001329304 Primary Lawrence Exaud Shoo 43 4001372468 Primary Juma S Mchipugu 39 4001373594 Primary Ebeneza Mlay 45 4001389638 Primary Page 147 Juma .S. Abdallah 49 4001390930 Primary Ashirazi .S. Amiri 29 4001407242 Primary Mussa Charema Sudi 42 4001409769 Primary Mashaka Issa Korongo 44 4001409897 Primary Jumanne William Kibwana 30 4001411573 Primary Ibrahim M Swai 49 4001426842 Primary Omari Mtengela 34 4001454482 Primary Mikidadi Pili Maganga 34 4001467693 Primary Issa Kihimbwa 43 4001471120 Primary Kassim S Kimaro 44 4001471437 Primary Arson Ludovick Masawe 27 4001471475 Primary Maulid Udora Mwelea 38 4001482299 Primary Boniphas Mathias Likiweraki 48 4001486256 Primary Hamza S Swai 46 4001486740 Primary Clemence Kawale 51 4001490798 Primary Salehe Athumani Sungula 46 4001495440 Primary Mfaume Shabani Chanyau 37 4001535257 Primary Rashidi Mazengo 36 4001535465 Primary Mohamed Daudi Ndossy 42 4001586533 Primary Athumani Juma Masongwelo 29 4001606908 Primary Ally M Salim 39 4001636540 Primary Mohamed Saidi Magaba 40 4001668582 Primary Shukuru Ahmadi Salimu 30 4001690819 Primary Mashaka Issa Fifi 46 4001793880 Primary Rajabu Mahenge 37 4001795971 Primary Hashim Athumani Stambuli 36 4001833211 Primary Selemani Waziri Mohamedi 38 4001842993 Primary Jitihada Dora Mrisho 38 4001867459 Primary Bahati M. Mwendadi 39 4001896155 Primary Salim S Mruma 34 4002331907 Primary Victor Daniel 36 400281377 Primary Sidi B Mainda 46 4003133952 Primary Page 148 ANNEX 8 - OWNERS INFORMATION Page 149 ANNEX 8 - OWNERS INFORMATION S/n First Name Last Name Sex Daladala main or side business Views on BRT system Interested in BRT system 1 Athumani Mauya Male Main Good system yes 2 Geofrey S Mtweve Male Side Good and progresive yes 3 Vincent F Wisso Male Main Not sure of future Not certain if I can participate 4 Frank Lyimo Male Side Good system but wont solve problem yes 5 Kilasara J Cristian Male Main Worried of our position Yes 6 Suleiman A Abdul Male Main Good but worried about the future yes 7 Aimana D Nkya Male Main Nil Yes 8 Iddi N Iddi Male Main Nil Yes 9 Ignas F Kang'omb e Male Main Nil Yes 10 Nassor Mohamed Male Main Good system Yes 11 Kassim S Salehe Male Main Not sure of what will happen Yes 12 Sajala S Mfinaqng a Male Main Not sure of the outcome Yes 13 Sadik H Ndosi Male Main good project Yes 14 Sabrina M Suleiman Male Main good project Yes 15 Abdulrahman A Khamis Male Main If owners given opportunity that is practical they will participate Yes 16 Ismail Y Swai Male Main Its good public transport system Yes 17 Peter J Faraji Male Main If we are given good chance we will participate Yes 18 Furahisha J Mvungi Male Main Good system Yes 19 Haji S Sule Male Main Good system for public trnsport Yes 20 Issa S Juma Male Main Not sure it will solve the problem Yes 21 Ame C Ame Male Main I think it is good for good passengers Yes 22 Kombo O Sharif Male Main Good system Yes 23 Kichele C Isarow Male Main It will be good and effective Yes 24 Ibrahim H Seseme Male Main Good project Yes 25 Ally H Ninga Male Main Good for public transport Yes 26 Asha M Yusuf Female Main It’s a welcomed project Yes 27 Abbas I Iddi Male Main Good and interestig Yes 28 Ibrahim M Swai Male Main Good system Yes 29 Nakuvala M Njeama Male Main Good project Yes 30 Mwanaharusi H Jarufu Female Main Good but wont solve the problem Yes Page 150 31 Sauda R Urassa Female Main will reduce problems to commuters Yes 32 Abdalah M Diwani Male Main Good system for public transport Yes 33 Zahor M Salum Male Main Not happy with the system Yes 34 Mohamed Kassim Male Main If govt show is serious to help Yes 35 Mohamed Bakari Male Main Not happy with the project Yes 36 Mohamed A Mshana Male Main Not happy with the project Yes 37 Yusuf M Kayombo Male Main Not happy with the project If the govt enpowers daladala owners 38 Ereneus E Komba Male Main Good project Yes 39 Peter J Faraji Male Main Good system Yes 40 Nasib M Swai Male Main Good but will still not solve the problem Yes 41 Peter J Faraji Male Main Good project for public transport Yes 42 Mkunga Investment co Ltd Main It will contribute to solve transport problem Yes 43 Agnes W Mahanga Female Main Would not meet the demand Yes 44 Jamina V Henson Female Main Good priject Yes 45 Chuma Male Main DART will not be able to operate all feeder routes Yes 46 Cathbet P Male Main Good system but needs good management Yes 47 One way enterprise Main Good system for public transport Yes 48 Majuto A Kingo Male Main Good system Yes 49 Ally M Swai Male Main Taking away our business Yes 50 Mkuranga Investment co ltd Main Good system Yes 51 Madanga S Madanga Male Side Good system of transport Yes 52 Haruna S Kapalamb a Male Side Good Yes 53 Said T Hamad Male Side Good project Yes 54 Kessi S Ahmed Male Side Will reduce travelling time to commuters Yes 55 Pravda S Davda Male Main good project Yes 56 Satish P Davda Male Main Good for mass transit Yes 57 George R Mwaikam bo Male Main Good for urban transport Yes 58 Amos D Mkude Male Side Public transport will be better Yes 59 Bernard A Mshana Male Main Good Yes 60 Keys Hotel Limited Main Good Yes 61 Mawazo T Chaula Male Side Good Yes 62 Penina Shikee Female Main Good project Yes 63 Salim M Sharif Male Main Suppression of the public Yes 64 Hamisi W Abdala Male Main Suppresion 0f the public Yes Sawe Page 151 65 Abdalla K Ali Male Main Suppresion of the public Yes 66 Saad M Abeid Male Main Is good project Yes 67 Omary A Kichenge Male Main Good Yes 68 Suleiman Salehe Male Main Feeder roads should be improved to ensure good access to DART Yes 69 Rashid Sangale Maiba Male Main It's good but I don't trust it will be of help Yes,but it will depend of what benefits I will get. 70 Masoud Salum Said Male Side Good yes 71 Ally Masoud Sultan Male Side Good yes 72 Merbo S Haule Female Main It is helpful Yes 73 Rehema Mosses Losiru Female Main Good yes 74 Fenester Msami Kweka Male Main Good if it will be continuously yes 75 Rodney Ndaro Matage Male Main Good Yes 76 Dickson Charles Mbalafu Male Main Good Yes 77 Salehe Issa Gharib Male Main good yes 78 Gharib Iddi Ndoro Male Side Good yes 79 Noel Samson Gabba Male Main Good Yes 80 Veraxwood Co.Ltd Side Good yes 81 Geofrey Mosi Male Main good yes 82 Rajabu Yusuph Said Male Main Good Yes 83 Iddi Saidi Bakari Male Main Good yes 84 Hassan Ishau Abdallah Main It is good system yes 85 Saidi Swedi Kachenje Male Main It is good yes 86 Vitalis J Mutagwa ba Male Main It is a good system but incase of emergence what will be done? Yes 87 Ramadhani Haruni Kione Male Main it is good yes 88 Joseph Moris Kiraucha Male Main It is a good system It will depend on the agreements/qualif ication to participate 89 Patrick Aloyce Lelo Male Side It is a good system yes Page 152 90 Mkuranga Investment company ltd Male Main If it will succeed it will be good,but the bus stations are not well planned because it will be difficult for the passenger to pass to the bus. 91 Neema Godson Makule Female Main It is a good system yes 92 Mchongwa Amiri Msemo Male Main It will affect the daladala owners no 93 Elinihaki Ramadhani Mwanzia Male Main It is a good system yes 94 Shulika Ankardi Assenga Male Side It is a good system Yes 95 John Mwita Chacha Male Main It is a good system yes 96 Augustine Lyatonga Mrema Male Side we are been chased away from daladala business yes 97 Theodol Morce Macha Male Side We are been chased away from daladala business yes 98 Bravus Hagala Ngonyani Male Side It is a good system yes 99 Spirian Joseph Silayo Male Main It is a good system yes 100 Livingstone Lameck Chipindul a Male Side We are been chased away from daladala business yes 101 Hamadi Hamadi Said Male Main good no 102 Richard August Benedict Male Side good yes 103 Masoud Khamis Masoud Male Side It is good system yes 104 Asma Ali Mwinyibo hari Female Main It is good system yes 105 Jailani Shabani Swai Male Main it is a good system yes 106 Erasto Columban Kanduta Male Main It is a good system yes 107 Peter Jonas Faraji Male Main It is good system yes 108 Charles Moses Macha Male Main It is a good system yes 109 Tabrani Shabani Kijino Male Main It is a good system yes 110 Abdulrahan Amour Khamis Male Main Good system yes 111 Said Mohamed Said Male Main Not good yes Page 153 No 112 Mohamed Idd Kimolo Male Main good yes 113 Sharifa Said Athuman Female Main good yes 114 Hamisi Yusufu Maimu Male Main good no 115 Othman Sadiki Kimaro Male Main good no 116 Abdulrahman Amour Khamis Male Main Good no 117 Othman S Kimaro Male Main good yes 118 Issa Yasini Male Main Good yes 119 Hamad Kimaro Male Main Good yes 120 Hassan Kassim Male Main It is a good system yes 121 Moh'd Abdulrahman Katib Male Main It is a good system yes 122 Hashim Mwausi Kihwelo Male Main It is good yes 123 Simon John Konga Male Main I don't know yes 124 Esther Cosmas Swai Female Side Good yes 125 Asha Salum Ibrahim Female Main good yes 126 Umulkulthum Mohamed Said Male Main good yes 127 Ludovick Godson Moshi Male Main good yes 128 Heriamini Gibson Kiwoli Male Side It will help in reduce jam yes 129 Helena Kasimili Fandi Female Main Good yes 130 Zida Trans Enterprise - Main It is a good system yes 131 Rose Thomas Mapunda Female Main Bad idea Yes 132 Yususph Selemani Kimaro Male Main Bad idea yes 133 Abdullatif Omar Haji Male Main Bad idea yes 134 Abdulrahman Amour Khamis Male Main Its ruining our business yes 135 Haji S Sulanda Male Main It's ruining our business yes 136 Neema Othman Saidi Female Main good yes 137 Amin S Sadik Male Main its ruining our business yes 138 Gaudence Juma Rutta Male Main It will help yes Page 154 Main It will Fail because Tanzanian's don't have ethics. It will depend on how much benefits I will get Main it will Fail because Tanzanian's don't have ethics. It will depend on how much benefit I will get. Main It will depend on how much benefit I will get. It will depend on how much benefit I will get. good It will depend on how much benefit I will get. good It will depend on how much benefit I will get. good It will depend on how much benefit I will get. good It will depend on how much benefit I will get. Hasina Masoud Nassoro Abdulrahman Amour Khamis Philip Lengooya Laizer One way Trading CO. ltd Peter Jonas Faraji Mwinyipembe Ally Mwindadi Shaibu Amour Othman 146 Agapita Jacob Mauki Male Main bad It will depend on how much benefit I will get. 147 Mohamed Arif Rahim Male Side good yes 148 Vuai Mussa Vuai Suleiman Male Main Good yes 149 David Chilo Sekwao Male Side It’s a good system Yes 150 Damas Valerian Marunda Male Main It is good Yes 151 Ally Mzee Omary Male Main It’s a good system, besides people need to see these changes Yes 152 Anthony Manoni Mshandet e Male Side If it will have good and organised system, then it will surely reduce traffic jams Yes 153 Ibrahim Rashid Mhanza Male Side It is a good system Yes 154 Nuhu Sansa Female Main It is a good system Yes 155 Fatuma Ramadhan Bororo Female Main It’s a good system No 156 Suzan John Masanga Female Side It is good Yes 157 Emanuel Philipo Ndetaulw a Male Side It is good Yes 158 Joseph Boniface Fungo Male Main This project puts us in a hard position Yes 159 Mary Otuman Scotch Female Main Bad No 160 Felister Emmanuel Tesha Female Main Bad No 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 Male Male Male Main Male Male Male Main Main Main Page 155 161 Hemed Ameir Salum Male Main Bad No 162 Abdullatif Omar Haji Male Main Bad No 163 Thuwaiba Nurdin Hussein Male Main It’s a good system Yes 164 Biubwa Said Omar Female Main It’s a good system Yes 165 David Yonah Jossiah Iddi Kessy Kirume Male Main Its good Yes 166 Hadija Iddi Kessy Iddi Kessy Kirume Female Main Its good Yes 167 Jumanne Juliana Lesso Iddi Kessy Kirume Male Main Its good Yes 168 Edwin Joseph Magira Iddi Kessy Kirume Male Main Its good Yes 169 Yusuf Ebrahim Pishori Iddi Kessy Kirume Male Main Its good Yes 170 Flora Gerald Nsoko Iddi Kessy Kirume Female Main Its good Yes 171 Salehe Omary Mandawa Male Main Its good Yes 172 Abdulrahman Amour Khamis Male Main Its good Yes 173 Emmanuel James Homanga Male Main Its good Yes 174 Sadiki Athumani Kimaro Male Main Its good Yes Buban Kidomela Kumbuke ni Mohamed Kitembo Male Main Not bad Yes 176 Kundasai Ezekiel Njau Kumbuke ni Mohamed Kitembo Male Main Not bad Yes 177 Salum Juma Ngururu Male Side It’s a good project but how will people cross the roads? Yes 178 Jabir Abdallah Juma Male Side It’s a good business Yes 179 Jamila Suleman Mohamed Female Side Its good Yes 180 Fabian Senyela Ngajilo Male Main It’s a good system Yes, as long as there is trust 181 Salim Seif Mohamed Male Side It is good Yes 175 Page 156 i 182 Abubakar Rashid Khamis Nurani Bakari Swai Male Main Its confusing Yes, as long as we also benefit out of it 183 Kadria Mohamed Kiriwe Male Side Its good Yes 184 Enock Paul Marando Amadi Mohamed i Kiriwe Male Main Its confusing Yes 185 Siasa Lucas Mgata Amadi Mohamed i Kiriwe Male Main Its confusing Yes 186 Batholomew Samson Kayira Male Side Its okay Yes 187 Abdul Mohamed Kiriwe Male Main Its confusing Yes 188 Mohamed Abdul Mshana Abdul Mohamed Kiriwe Male Main Its confusing Yes 189 Zahor Mohd Salim Abdul Mohamed Kiriwe Male Main Its confusing Yes 190 Omar Salim Zahor Abdul Mohamed Kiriwe Male Main Its confusing Yes 191 Nasra L. Kimaro Issa K. Nkya Female Main It’s a good system but it will ruin our business Yes 192 Mkuranga Investment Co. LTD Issa K. Nkya Male Main It’s a good system but it will ruin our business Yes 193 Hawa Kassimu Nkya Issa K. Nkya Female Main It’s a good system but it will ruin our business Yes 194 Salum Hamed Salum Issa K. Nkya Male Main It’s a good system but it will ruin our business Yes 195 Ally Othman Amour Amini Shabani Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 196 Ikoliqour Enterprises Female Main It’s a good system Yes 197 Epifania B. Mlingi Male Main It’s a good system Yes 198 Ruth Michael Majura Female Main It’s a good system Yes 199 Daud Herbert Ngase Male Main It is good Yes Page 157 200 Mwinyi Abdul Zuberi Male 201 Leonard Oshoraeli Somi Male 202 Attiye Ahmed Shaaban 203 Othman A. Othman Main Bad No Main Will wait and see the result Depending on the process and procedures Female Main It looks confusing Yes, if there is benefit for us Amini Shabani Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 204 Cuthbert P. Sawe Amini Shabani Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 205 Mkuranga Investment Co. LTD Amini Shabani Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 206 Mohammad A. Rahim Amini Shabani Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 207 Masoud O. Haji Amini Shabani Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 208 Abbas Issa Iddi Amini Shabani Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 209 Haroub Mohamed Ally Amini Shabani Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 210 Rohit C. Kotak Amini S. Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 211 Suleiman H.Abdallah Amini S. Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 212 One Way Trading Co. LTD Amini S. Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 213 Kombo O. Sharif Amini S. Sadiki Male Main Its ruining our busines Yes 214 Amson Amon Mria Male Side Its confusing It depends 215 Ramadhani Maneno Muhammadi Male Side Its good Yes 216 Mohamed Abdallah Tale Male Main Its good Yes Page 158 Male Main It’s a bit confusing It dependes with the conditions, otherwise Yes Kagama Female Main Its still confusing Yes Victor G. Rugemalila Iddi Kessy Kirume Male Main Its good Yes 220 Hussein D. Nassoro Iddi Kessy Kirume Male Main Its good Yes 221 Hilda Bryson Mariki Female Main It can be helpful but it’s a bit confusing Not sure yet 222 Hasnain Shiuras Male Main Its good provided that we can be involved Yes 223 Said H. Shaban Male Main It’s a good system Provided that we will be involved 224 Lawi Silas Masui Male Side It is good Depending on the requirements (Yes) 225 Salum Issa Sasillo Male Main Its good Yes 226 Hemed Chande Male Main It is good Yes 227 Kassim M. Masongwelo Male Main Its good Yes 228 Fitina P. Bilonkwa Female Main Its good Yes 229 Salim A. Mkuna Eliakim Z. Kitomari Male Main Its good Yes 230 Ulenge D. Mtoo Haji S. Sulanda (box. 548) Male Main Bad Yes 231 Salum Juma Iloko Male Main Its good Yes 232 Aquilina A. Makoi Female Side Its good Yes 233 Ahmed M. Haji Male Side Not bad Yes 234 Salim A. Nassor Male Main Its good Yes 235 Rabia F. Mbarak Female Main Its good but doubtful Yes 236 Matheki Lyakurwa Male Main Good Yes 217 Saiba Abdul Abdallah 218 Rukia Anderson 219 Kapelewel e Page 159 237 Idd Kamjingijingi Investment Co. LTD 238 Iddi Saidi Bakari Male Main Good Yes Samwel C. Lukumay Male Side Good Yes 239 Khamis S. Ali Male Main Good Yes 240 Lucy D. Mrwanda Female Main Good Yes 241 Shah Salum Shah Male Main Good Yes 242 Goodluck Kimaro Male Main Good Yes 243 Apolinary Shayo Male Main Good Yes 244 Shabani Kaluse Male Main Good Yes 245 Khalifa Kimaro Male Main 246 Amina Quiraish Female Main 247 Emilian Mapundi Male Main 248 Lantana Travel and Tours Limited Male Main Not good Yes 249 Julius .C. Mseti Male Main Good Yes 250 Albert .P. Ndakidem i Male Main Good Yes 251 Idrissa .A. Kweka Male Main Good Yes 252 Seth .A. Mushi Male Main Good It will depend on the condition 253 kuyuku Male Main Good Yes 254 Maryam .S. Abdulrahi m Female Main Good Yes 255 Kalungi Twaibu Kaggwa Male Main Good Yes 256 Ahmedi .S. Baidu Male Main Good Yes 257 Stanley .R. Nyakisind a Male Main Not bad yes 258 Slim Mgeni Male Main Not bad Yes 259 Ayoub .B. Changali ma Male Side Nil Nil 260 Abdallah .J. Mbukuzi Male Side Not bad Yes 261 Elias .Z. Temba Male Main Good Yes 262 Jamila.A. Hamed Female Main Not bad Yes 263 Abdoulqadir .A. Abdulkadi r Male Main It is ruining our business Yes 264 Issa .S. Juma Male Side It is okey Yes 265 Mohamed .B. Mohamed Male Main Good Yes 266 Omari .K. Badru Male Main Good Yes Page 160 267 Cuthbert Sawe Male Side It is okey Yes 268 Geofrey .J. Urio Male Main It is ruining our business Yes 269 Mfaume .I. Mkosola Male Main Not good NO 270 Aggrey .M. Mnuo Male Main It is ruining our business Yes 271 John .S. Woiso Male Side Good Yes 272 Ali Mbarouk Male Side Good Yes 273 Ali .M. Islam Male Side Good Yes 274 Said Bisarara Male Side Good Yes 275 Hassani Chungulu Male Main Nil Yes 276 Rajabu .A. Abdallah Male Main Nil Yes 277 Saidi .H. Makono Male Main Nil Yes 278 Mwatumu .R. Omary Female Main Nil Yes 279 Nasoro Riziki Male Main Good Yes 280 Moses .Y. Mwanden ga Male Side Good Yes 281 Milly .M. Makere Male Side Good Yes 282 Said .M. Issa Male Main Good Yes 283 Saleh .K. Pili Male Main Good Yes 284 Majid .A. Mohamm ed Male Main Good Yes 285 Ali .A. Mwinyibo hari Male Main Good Yes 286 Hamis .A. Bora Male Main Good Yes 287 Mohammed .A. Juma Male Main Good Yes 288 Ally .M. Kasele Male Main Good Yes 289 Barnabas .J. Shayo Male Main Good Yes 290 Saleh .H. Saleh Male Main Good Yes 291 Amina .A. Nassor Female Main Good Yes 292 Ali .S. Salim Male Main Good Yes 293 Salum .A. Ahmed Male Main Not sure Yes 294 Juliusi Munisi Male Main Good Yes 295 Lwaga .J. Nikupala Male Main Good Yes 296 Neema .V. Mtopwa Female Main Good Yes 297 Malick .R. Ramadha ni Male Main Good Yes 298 Ally .M. Kombo Male Main Good Yes 299 George .R. Mwaikom bo Male Main Good Yes 300 Anaki .E. Nkwama Male Main Feeder roads be improved Yes 301 Idami Boma Male Main Not good Yes 302 Mughwira Mwangu Male Main Good Yes 303 David Kacholi Male Side Some how will solve transport problem Yes Page 161 304 Emanuel Baltazari Male Side There will be good transport system Yes 305 Saleh Ahmed Male Main Nil Yes 306 Coelestine Rutasinda na Female Main good Yes 307 Daniel .H. Mkuji Male Main Good Yes 308 Edmund Mtembei Male Side It is political issue Yes 309 Waziri Lukanza Male Main Good Yes 310 Jacjane Watondok e Kabeta Male Main Good Yes 311 Layton Chaula Ndewele Male Side Good not sure(He do not know the condition) 312 Jiti Saidi Ramadha ni Male Main More transparency about the project Yes 313 Abullatif Omar Haji Male Main Good Yes 314 Haji Yusuph Kashori/ Agapita Mauki Male Main Good Yes 315 Magdalena .V. Assenga Male Side Good Yes 316 Sharifa .A. Nurdin Female Main Good Yes 317 Gabriel .J. Mkunde Male Main Good Yes 318 Whiteswan Company limited Male Main Good Nil 319 Sadick Magwaya Male Main Good Yes 320 Ali .M. Ali Male Main Good Yes 321 Charles Watitwa Male Main Good Good 322 Mohammed Said Mohamm ed Male Main Good Yes 323 Ally Omary Ally Male Side Good Yes 324 Mwalim Mussa Khamis Male Side Nil (need more information about the project) Yes 325 Iddy Kessy Kirume Male Side Good Yes 326 Soud Ally Ramadha n Male Side Not good (for daladala owners) Yes 327 Christian Faith Foundation Side Not good (for daladala owners) Yes 328 Safecruise Rentals Limited Side Not good (for daladala owners) Yes 329 Faridi .S. Main More transparency concern the concern the project Yes Saidi Male Page 162 330 Abubakar Ally Male Main More transparency needed Yes 331 Hodavia Mgeta Male Main More transparency needed Yes 332 Hashim Kihwelo Male Main More transparency needed Yes 333 Abubakar Khamis Male Main Good Yes 334 Nestory Kobello Male Main Good Yes 335 Tadei Ilamuye Male Main Good Yes 336 Wiege Mbukio JV Male Main Good 337 Simainda Joram Male Side Good Yes 338 Barikiel Nkinda Male Side Good Yes 339 Majid Mohamed Male Main More transparency needed Yes 340 Asha .A. Rajab Female Main More transparency needed Yes 341 Mussa Ahmed Male Main More transparency needed Yes 342 Ramadhani Makame Male Main More transparency needed Yes 343 Theophil Akaro Male Side Good Yes Page 163 ANNEX 9: IMPACTED ROUTES DURING PHASE ONE Page 164 ANNEX 9: IMPACTED ROUTES DURING PHASE ONE S/N From To 1 Kariakoo Mwenge 2 Ubungo Tegeta 3 Posta Mwenge 4 Ubungo Masaki 5 Kariakoo Ubungo 6 Mabibo Makumbusho 7 Kariakoo Kimara 8 Kawe Mbezi 9 Kariakoo Tegeta 10 Mwenge Ubungo 11 Kariakoo Mbezi 12 Muhimbili Mbezi 13 Kariakoo Kawe 14 Africana Posta 15 Kivukoni Makumbusho 16 Kivukoni Kimara 17 Posta Kimara 18 Makumbusho Ubungo 19 Kariakoo Masaki 20 Kivukoni Ubungo 21 Mabibo Mwenge 22 Makumbusho Mbezi 23 Kivukoni Mabibo 24 Muhimbili Mabibo 25 Posta Ubungo 26 Posta Mabibo 27 Kawe Kimara 28 Kivukoni Mbezi 29 Mwenge Mbezi 30 Posta Mbezi 31 Mbezi Tegeta 32 Bunju Makumbusho Page 165 33 Temeke Mwenge 34 Gongo la Mboto Mwenge 35 Mlandizi Ubungo 36 Mbagala R3 Mwenge 37 Temeke Muhimbili 38 Gongo la Mboto Masaki 39 Temeke Makumbusho 40 Buguruni Masaki 41 Temeke Kawe 42 Buguruni Makumbusho 43 Temeke Masaki 44 Mbagala R3 Masaki 45 Mbagala Kuu Kawe 46 Vingunguti Makumbusho 47 Msata Ubungo 48 Kariakoo Makumbusho 49 Buguruni Kawe 50 Kivukoni Mburahati 51 Mbagala kuu Mwenge 52 Mkata Ubungo 53 Mburahati Muhimbili 54 Segerea Mwenge 55 Vingunguti Kawe 56 Vingunguti Mbezi 57 Kunduchi Posta 58 Kunduchi Makumbusho 59 Buguruni Manzese 60 Masaki Posta 61 Makumbusho Stesheni 62 Makumbusho Segerea 63 Machimbo Masaki 64 Kawe Ubungo Page 166
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