Leadership The Bi-Monthly Newsletter from Texas ASCD Volume 9, Issue 1 2015 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA ISSUE March 2015 Texas ASCD’s Day at the Capitol Board Visits with Texas Legislators February 2015 - Austin, Texas T INSIDE... Day at the Capitol................. 1 2015 Legislative Agenda...... 2 New - ignite15 Awards ........... 8 Professional Learning........... 11 Membership Form................. 12 exas ASCD’s Board of Directors spread the message of “Future-ready education for the Whole Child” to dozens of key legislators, House Education Committee members, and Senate Education Committee members, during the 84th Texas Legislative Session. To prepare for their Day at the Capitol, board members and guests met with Texas ASCD member Anderson David Anderson, HillCo Partners, for an update on the State legislative scene. Anderson briefed the group on key legislators for the group to contact, crucial issues for this session, including full day Pre-K, vouchers, instructional material allotment, and other hot topic bills. June 15-17, 2015 Irving Convention Center Griffith Earlybird Rates end April 19th! Learn more and register at www.txascd.org ASCD Policy Director David Griffith presented “The National Schene and Insight to Work Needed by All” to the group, and provided hands-on coaching to board members during their visits with legislators. Executive Committee Board Members, Bill Bechtol (VicePresident Elect) and Gena Gardiner (Influence Liaison), led activities to help participants advocate effectively and communicate a consistent message to legislators that included essential components of Texas ASCD’s 2015 Legislative Agenda: • • • • • Adopt the Texas Whole Child Initiative Improve Educator Effectiveness Embrace a flexible system of assessment and accountability Provide adequate and appropriate funding Allow local control DAY AT THE CAPITOL CONTINUES ON PAGE 2 TEXAS ASSOCIATION FOR SUPERVISION AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT W W W.T X A SCD.O RG TEXAS ASSOCIATION FOR SUPERVISION AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT W W W.T X A SCD.O RG DAY AT THE CAPITOL CONTINUES FROM PAGE 1 Participants had successful visits with legislators and aides, furthering Texas ASCD’s influence and visibility. The full 2015 Texas ASCD Legislative Agenda begins on page 3. Interested in contacting your representatives? Visit the Texas ASCD website at: http://www.congressweb.com/txascd. From left: Board member Abigayle Barton, Ed.D. and Representative Alma Allen, Vice Chair of the House Education Committee. Texas ASCD Board Members and Guests on the Texas Capitol’s Steps From Left: Yolanda M. Rey, Ph.D., Texas ASCD Executive Director; David Griffith, ASCD; Suzanne Burke, Ph.D., Austin ISD; Gena Gardiner, Highland Park ISD. Back row: Bill Bechtol, Eanes ISD; Tasha Barker, Learning List; Patricia Birney, Ed.D., East Central ISD; Abigayle Barton, Ed.D., Corpus Christi ISD; and, Roy J. Garcia, Jr., Cypress-Fairbanks ISD. Board Members Recognized for Service DEADLINE: APRIL 3, 2015 Texas ASCD Board Members were honored for their service at the February 2015 Board Meeting held in Austin, Texas. Recognized members included past president, Al Hambrick, Ed.D., executive committee member, Suzanne Burke, Ph.D. (pictured right, above) and member, Abigayle Barton, Ed.D. 2015 TEXAS ASCD ANNUAL CONFERENCE OCT. 26-28 in AUSTIN, TEXAS Visit www.txascd.org to submit! LEADERSHiP .......................................................... 2 2015 Legislative Agenda FUTURE-READY EDUCATION FOR THE WHOLE CHILD Adopt the Texas Whole Child Initiative to ensure that: Each student is healthy, physically and emotionally safe, engaged in learning, supported by qualified, caring adults, and challenged academically. Ensure a Well-Rounded Education that prepares students for college and careers and to be active, productive citizens. Ensure access to Social and Emotional Learning and the supports necessary for students to maximize their potential. IMPROVE EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS Ensure resources and support for educator preparation programs and on-going professional learning programs. Provide resources and time for induction and mentoring programs for new teachers. Provide on-going, job-embedded professional learning opportunities to help educators. ASSESSMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY Consider and embrace a flexible system of assessment and accountability to better meet the changing needs and complex diversity of Texas students. A new system should: yy Focus on high priority learning standards. yy Reduce the length of tests to a developmentally appropriate amount of time. yy Provide an alternative method that allows students to graduate when they are unable to pass an End of Course (EOC) test after multiple attempts. ADEQUATE AND APPROPRIATE FUNDING Provide appropriate funding so public schools can meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student population and the demands of increasing graduation requirements and expectations under the state assessment program. yy Appropriately fund staff, materials, and resources necessary for mandated accelerated instruction to meet the Student Success Initiative and graduation requirements. yy Include funding for high-quality early childhood programs, including full funding of Pre-Kindergarten for all eligible students, to support English Language Learners and reduce socioeconomic disparities. yy Fund professional learning. yy Increase funding for the Instructional Materials Allotment. LOCAL CONTROL Relieve schools from unfunded legislative mandates and administrative requirements that are untimely, strain school budgets, and detract from teaching and learning. POLICY ISSUE 1 Future-Ready Education for the Whole Child Adopt the Texas Whole Child Initiative to ensure that: yy Each student enters school healthy and learns about and practices a healthy lifestyle. yy Each student learns in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for students and adults. yy Each student is actively engaged in learning and is connected to the school and broader community. yy Each student has access to personalized learning and is supported by qualified, caring adults. yy Each student is challenged academically and prepared for success in college or further study and for employment and participation in a global environment. Ensure a Well-Rounded Education that prepares students for college and careers and to be active, productive citizens who positively contribute to their communities by: yy Providing access to all academic subjects. Students need proficiency in subjects beyond those tested by the State Assessment Program including fine arts, history and civics, foreign languages, and physical education and health. yy Providing access to Advance Placement, International Baccalaureate, and/or Dual Credit courses to all interested students. yy Providing a rigorous and relevant curriculum that emphasizes future-ready skills and processes including collaboration, critical thinking, communication, and creativity. yy Providing access to multiple enrichment activities including athletics, fine arts, and clubs and student organizations. yy Continuing multiple graduation pathways that allow students to pursue interests and passions. yy Providing instruction to develop global literacy skills and dispositions. Students need global literacy to understand and act on issues of global significance. yy Providing opportunities for both student voice and student choice. Voice and choice help students to self-assess and self-manage their own personal learning journeys. Ensure access to Social and Emotional Learning and the supports necessary for students to maximize their potential by: yy Providing programs in social and emotional learning including anti-bullying, anti-harassment, and drug and alcohol programs. yy Providing counseling services. yy Providing mental health services. www.txascd.org POLICY ISSUE 2 Improve Educator Effectiveness Ensure resources and support for educator preparation programs and on-going professional learning programs to help classroom teachers, school leaders, and other educators to maximize student learning. Provide resources and time for induction and mentoring programs for new teachers. Provide on-going, job-embedded professional learning opportunities to help educators: yy Deeply understand content. yy Improve their pedagogical skills. yy Improve their assessment skills. yy Provide support for social and emotional learning. yy Leverage technology to enhance learning. POLICY ISSUE yy Design tasks that promote learning and engagement in a student-centered setting. 3 Assessment and Accountability Consider and embrace a flexible system of assessment and accountability to better meet the changing needs and complex diversity of Texas students. A new system should: yy Focus on high priority learning standards so that students have adequate instructional time for deep and complex understanding. yy Reduce the number of required tests by testing only certain grade levels and using random sampling. yy Reduce the length of tests to a developmentally appropriate amount of time. yy Provide an alternative method that allows students to graduate when they are unable to pass an End of Course (EOC) test after multiple attempts. yy Allow for multiple measures for assessment such as portfolios, rubrics, student interviews, narrative writing and oral testing as a collective means to determine student achievement and progress. yy Simplify the current highly-complicated accountability system. yy Provide for public reporting of data without the assignment of ratings. yy Continue, with possible modifications and additions, the inclusion of nonacademic factors found in the Community and Students Engagement Self-Evaluation. www.txascd.org POLICY ISSUE 4 Adequate and Appropriate Funding Provide appropriate funding so public schools can meet the needs of an increasingly diverse student population and the demands of increasing graduation requirements and expectations under the state assessment program. Appropriations for public education should: yy Appropriately fund staff, materials, and resources necessary for mandated accelerated instruction to meet Student Success Initiative and graduation requirements. yy Provide funding for support programs and extended time to help students meet state standards. yy Provide funding for social and emotional learning, counseling, and mental health services. yy Repurpose funds dedicated to the current state testing program by reducing the amount of testing and applying the funds to support teaching and learning assessed through multiple measures. yy Include funding for high-quality early childhood programs, including full funding of Pre-Kindergarten for all eligible students, to support English Language Learners and reduce socioeconomic disparities. yy Fund professional learning, including additional professional learning days, to improve instruction and address students’ evolving needs. POLICY ISSUE yy Increase funding for the Instructional Materials Allotment so districts can provide necessary instructional materials and instructional technology resources and delivery systems to engage students in digital learning to ensure they are future-ready. 5 Local Control Relieve schools from unfunded legislative mandates and administrative requirements that are untimely, strain school budgets, and detract from teaching and learning including: y Providing school districts local control of the start date of the school calendar allows the first semester to end before the Winter Break with similar days of instruction between semesters. y Allowing school districts to have sufficient funding to provide fiscal discretion to meet the needs of children in their local schools. www.txascd.org The 5 million students in Texas public schools are the future of Texas. Legislative actions and decisions must promote their success through the development of the whole child. The Texas Whole Child Initiative is based on the concept that, in order for a child to be educated successfully, he/she must be: healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. It is time for Texas policymakers to embrace the Texas Whole Child Initiative and provide a well-rounded education that is authentic, relevant, and rigorous while emphasizing future-ready skills and processes. Texas ASCD calls on the Texas Legislature to adopt the following recommendations during the 2015 Legislative Session. 1 Adopt the Texas Whole Child Initiative 2 Improve Educator Effectiveness 3 Embrace a flexible system of assessment and accountability 4 Provide adequate and appropriate funding 5 Allow local control Who We Are: The Texas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (Texas ASCD) is a professional organization with over 2,000 members. Texas ASCD serves Texas public educators and advocates for policies that allow educators flexibility to teach in ways that are most effective for the diverse Texas population. This advocacy benefits the whole child and results in better educational outcomes for the entire state. Texas ASCD membership represents all strata of public education professionals including teachers, principals, superintendents, curriculum directors, staff developers, university students and professors. Texas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development 1601 Rio Grande Street, Suite 451, Austin, Texas 78701 Phone: (512) 477-8200 G Fax: (512) 477-8215 G www.txascd.org NE W WA AR P DO P T OR UN ES ITI ! K-12 Excellence in Digital Leadership Award Application Form Entry Deadline: April 6, 2015 Purpose: To recognize an individual who has demonstrated extraordinary effectiveness, influence, and curriculum development within the field of educational technology. Eligibility: Individuals such as a principal; or, school or district leader. Criteria/Guidelines for Nomination: • Demonstration of transforming learning in educational technology. • Submission includes this cover page and a one-page summary, with link to digital examples of K-12 Excellence in Digital Leadership. • Submission displays rigor and alignment to curriculum. Award: 1 winner will be recognized at the Texas ASCD ignite15 conference that will be held June 15-17, 2015 at the Irving Convention Center in Irving, Texas. Winner will receive a 1-year membership, recognition in the Texas ASCD ignite15 event program, recognition in the Texas ASCD Leaders of Learners newsletter, and complimentary registration for the event. Nomination Process: Please submit this cover sheet and a one-page summary, including link to digital example (video less than 5 minutes), explaining the reason you, your school, or district should be recognized for the K-12 Excellence in Digital Leadership Award. Name of principal (or school/district leader): Title: District/School: Address: City/State/Zip: E-mail: Phone: Name of Person Submitting Nomination: Title: District/School: Phone: E-mail: Send this form and one-page summary to Texas ASCD by one of the following methods by April 6, 2015: ® ® ® By E-mail: [email protected] By Fax: (512) 477-8215 By Mail: Texas ASCD, 1601 Rio Grande St., Suite 451, Austin, TX 78701 The Texas Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (Texas ASCD) is committed to being the premier source for information and resources for Texas educators, specifically about teaching, learning, and leadership topics. Learn more about us at www.txascd.org. Teacher Trailblazer Award Nomination Form Entry Deadline: April 6, 2015 Purpose: To recognize a K-12 teacher for his/her effort to implement a unique, innovative idea involving student leadership that leverages the power of education technology in curriculum. Eligibility: Teachers with experience in Grades K-12. Criteria/Guidelines for Nomination: Teacher’s innovation efforts are effective and illustrate transformative learning. Evidence of an authentic application/presentation of project. Implemented idea displays rigor and alignment to curriculum. Award: One K-12 teacher will be recognized at the Texas ASCD ignite15 conference that will be held June 15-17, 2015 at the Irving Convention Center in Irving, Texas. Winner will receive a 1-year Texas ASCD membership, recognition in the Texas ASCD ignite15 event program, recognition in the Texas ASCD Leaders of Learners newsletter, and complimentary registration for the event. Nomination Process: Please submit this cover sheet and a one-page summary, including a link to a digital example (less than 5 minutes in length), explaining the reason this teacher is a “Trailblazer.” A student, fellow teacher, or principal may nominate an individual. Name of Teacher: Level: District/School: Address: K-6 7-12 City/State/Zip: Phone: E-mail: Name of Person Submitting Nomination: Title: Phone: District/School: E-mail: Send this form and one-page summary to Texas ASCD by one of the following methods by April 6, 2015: E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (512) 477-8215 Mail: Texas ASCD, 1601 Rio Grande St., Suite 451, Austin, TX 78701 The Texas Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (Texas ASCD) is committed to being the premier source for information and resources for Texas educators, specifically about teaching, learning, and leadership topics. Learn more about us at www.txascd.org. Creation Station Award Application Form Entry Deadline: April 6, 2015 Purpose: To recognize a K-12 teacher for his/her efforts in leading students in producing creative, high-quality, relevant, substantive multimedia projects that are aligned with the curriculum. Eligibility: K-12 Teacher and his/her K-12 student. Criteria/Guidelines for Submission: • Submission presented with multimedia evidence (e.g.; link to video, YouTube, etc. that is 5 minutes or less.) • Submission includes this cover page and a one-page summary, with examples of student’s project. • Submission displays rigor and alignment to curriculum. Award: One K-12 teacher and his/her student will be recognized at the Texas ASCD ignite15 conference that will be held June 15-17, 2015 at the Irving Convention Center in Irving, Texas. Winner may present a 3-minute video version of their student’s winning multimedia project to conference attendees. Winning teacher receives a 1-year membership to Texas ASCD, recognition in the Texas ASCD ignite15 event program, recognition in the Texas ASCD Leaders of Learners newsletter, and complimentary registration for the event. Teacher’s student will receive recognition and a technology-related award. Nomination Process: Please submit this cover sheet and a one-page summary, including a link to an electronic example (under 5 minutes in length), explaining the reason this teacher and student should receive the Creation Station Award. A student, fellow teacher, or principal may nominate an individual. Name of Teacher: Grade Level: District/School: Student’s Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: E-mail: Name of Person Submitting Entry: Title: District/School: Phone: E-mail: Send this form and one-page summary to Texas ASCD by one of the following methods by April 6, 2015: E-mail: [email protected] Fax: (512) 477-8215 Mail: Texas ASCD, 1601 Rio Grande St., Suite 451, Austin, TX 78701 The Texas Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (Texas ASCD) is committed to being the premier source for information and resources for Texas educators, specifically about teaching, learning, and leadership topics. Learn more about us at www.txascd.org. TEXAS ASSOCIATION FOR SUPERVISION AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT W W W.T X A SCD.O RG Visit www.txascd.org for more information about upcoming events. Professional Development at a Glance March 24-25, 2015 Transforming Learning to the New Normal: Instructional Leadership Academy Aldine ISD April 22-24, 2015 Instructional Rounds Dr. Sheila Maher Victoria ISD -Sold Out- October 20-21, 2015 March 25-27, 2015 June 15-17, 2015 October 26-28, 2015 Instructional Rounds Dr. Sheila Maher Keller ISD January 20-21, 2015 Transforming Learning to the New Normal: Instructional Leadership Academy Aldine ISD April 9-10, 2015 Curriculum Leadership Academy XIII Bryan ISD Session two of three April 14-15, 2015 Digital Leadership Academy with Eric Sheninger Mesquite ISD Texas ASCD’s ingite Transforming Curriculum with Technology Conference Irving Convention Center 15 Curriculum Leadership Academy XII HEB ISD Session three of three Texas ASCD 2015 Annual Conference Austin Renaissance Hotel Austin, Texas June 23-24, 2015 Curriculum Leadership Academy XII HEB ISD Session two of three HAPPY SPRING! September 22-24, 2015 Instructional Rounds Dr. Sheila Maher Victoria ISD -Sold Out- October 1-2, 2015 Curriculum Leadership Academy XIV Beaumont ISD Session one of three Texas Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development 1601 Rio Grande St., Ste. 451, Austin, TX 78701 Ph: (512) 477-8200 Fax: (512) 477-8215 www.txascd.org Texas ASCD is committed to being the premier source for information and resources for Texas educators, specifically about teaching, learning, and leadership topics. Texas ASCD provides its members with quality professional learning throughout the year, including two statewide conferences. LEADERSHiP .......................................................... 11 Membership Application Enter Amount Membership Options Contact Information r Campus Membership $ 695.00 $ ______ One principal and ten faculty members. (Please print clearly) r Mr. r Ms. r Dr. _________________________________________________ (Name) Position: _____________________ Affiliation: ___________________________ r Administrative/University $139.00 $ ______ r Full-time Teacher (Pre-K12) r Full-time Student $ 80.00 $ 50.00 $ ______ $ ______ r Retired $ 40.00 $ ______ r Two-Year Membership $219.00 $ ______ r Lifetime Member $750.00 $ ______ $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $20.00 $10.00 $20.00 $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ $ ______ TOTAL $ ______ Applicant must be (1) enrolled in an accredited university, college, community college; and be considered a full-time student according to the criteria of the attending school. Preferred Address: _________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________ Retired “Administrative/University” or “Full-time Teacher”. Phone: _____________________________ Fax: _________________________ Preferred E-mail address: ____________________________________________ (*Required to receive online benefits.) Demographics A 10% discount for “Administrative/University” personnel. Regional Affiliate Dues Gender r Female r Male How many years have you been in the field of education? r 0-4 r 5-9 r 10-14 r 15-19 r 20-24 r 25-29 r 30 or more years Age r 20-29 r 30-39 r 40-49 Ethnicity r African American r Native American r 50-59 r 60-69 r 70-79 r 80+ r Asian r Caucasian r Hispanic r Other ________________________ Grade Level r Elementary r Middle School r High School District Type r Urban r Rural r Suburban r College r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Alamo Area (Region 20) Central Texas (Region 12) Coastal Bend (Region 2) Crossroads Area (Region 3) Houston Suburban (Region 4) North Central (Region 10) Panhandle (Region 16) Paso Del Norte (Region 19) Piney Woods (Region 7) Rio Grande Valley (Region 1) Sabine-Neches (Region 5) West Central Texas (Region 14) West Texas (Region 17) Les Evans (Region 11) What year did you become a member of Texas ASCD? ________________ Payment Options r Payroll Deduction (Complete authorization below and deliver to your employer.) r Credit Card (complete information below) r Amex r Visa r Master Card r Check Enclosed (Please make check payable to Texas ASCD) r Purchase Order # ______________________________________________________________________ r Discover Credit Card #: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Return Completed Application with Payment to: Texas ASCD. Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing. 1601 Rio Grande, Ste. #451, Austin, Texas 78701 (800) 717-2723 • (512) 477-8200 • Fax (512) 477-8215 • email: [email protected] • www.txascd.org Payroll Deduction Authorization I, _________________________ authorize the ____________________________ (employer) to deduct the total amount of $____________ in order to pay for Texas ASCD membership dues. I further authorize the Association to notify the employer of changes in the annual dues amounts and the number of pay periods over which deductions shall be made. Upon termination of my employment, I authorize any unpaid balance to be deducted from my final check. This authorization, for the deductions referenced above, will continue in effect until I give notice to the employer to revoke. Employee Signature __________________________________________________ Social Security # __________ ________ __________ Employer ____________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________________________ ** COMPLETE AND DELIVER THIS SECTION TO YOUR EMPLOYER’S PAYROLL OFFICE. ARRANGEMENTS FOR PAYROLL DEDUCTION ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT.
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