1 Content Company Profile 2 Our Certifications 4 Organization Chart 14 Our Projects 15 Workshop24 Our Showroom 28 PRODUCTS High Tension Switchgears 32 Type Tested Panel (xEnergy) 34 MCCBs36 ACB38 MCBs39 Contactors & Overloads 41 Plug-in & Timing Relays 42 Lighting & PushButtons 43 Motor Protective Circuit Breaker 44 Soft Starter 45 Variable Speed Drive 46 Easy PLC 47 Industrial PLC & Remote I/O System 48 HMI PLC & UPS 49 SmartWire - Darwin Technology 50 Distribution Boards 51 Wiring Devices 54 Explosion Proof Equipment 55 Bus Duct 55 USA Germany Holland UK USA France UK USA EATON نور تكنولوجيا شركة نور التكنولوجيا للمقاوالت والتجارة العامة والوكاالت التجارية احملدودة شركة عراقية تأسست سنة 2013 مستفادة من اخلربة السابقة لكادر الشركة يف استرياد وتوزيع املعدات الكهربائية املتخصصة والتي تستخدم يف الشبكات الكهربائية واالبنية واملنازل وكذلك تصنيع وجتميع لوحات الضغط املنخفض حسب شهادات التخويل احلاصلة عليها الشركة من شركة ايتون االمريكية. على مدى ثمان �سنني حتقق لل�شركة خربة جيدة يف بناء حمطات القدرة ذات ال�ضغط الواطئ واملتو�سط وت�صنيع وبناء لوحات ال�ضغط الواطئ املفحو�صة وتنفيذ امل�شاريع الكهربائية بكافة جماالتها. أقسام الشركة ق�سم املبيعات :حيث متتلك ال�شركة معر�ضا ي�ضم كافة املنتجات وح�سب وكالة التوزيع من �شركة ايتون. ق�سم الت�صنيع :حيث متتلك ال�شركة ور�شة خا�صة لت�صنيع وجتميع لوحات التوزيع الكهربائية. ق�سم امل�شاريع :حيث متتلك ال�شركة كادرا فنيا مدربا وذو خربة يف تنفيذ امل�شاريع الكهربائية بكافة جماالتها. Company Profile Noor Technology Contracting and General Trading and Commercial Agencies Co. An Iraqi company established in 2013 building on the previous experience of the company’s staff in the import and distribution of specialized electrical equipment which are used in electrical networks, buildings and houses. As well as the manufacture and assembly of low voltage switchboard certified Eaton. التدريب Company Divisions Cummins & Schneider Electric. متكنت نور التكنولوجيا من ار�سال كوادرها اىل خارج العراق وب�صورة م�ستمرة لغر�ض تلقي الدورات يف كافة املجاالت وذلك ملعرفة ميزات وموا�صفات منتجات �شركة ايتون وهي حري�صة على عملية تطوير الكوادر لغر�ض امل�ساهمة الفاعلة يف عملية التوزيع والت�صنيع وتنفيذ امل�شاريع. اخلربة نور التكنولوجيا لديها خربة طويلة يف جمال الت�سويق واملبيعات ملنتجات الطاقة الكهربائية من خالل عمل الكوادر يف املرحلة الشهادات املا�ضية لتوزيع منتجات �شركة �شنايدر الفرن�سية وتنفيذ م�شاريعها ويف الوقت احلا�ضر مع �شركة ايتون الأمريكية .كما متتلك ال�شركة اخلربة الكبرية يف ت�صميم وت�صنيع و�صيانة لوحات الطاقة الكهربائية املختلفة ( لوحات التوزيع والتحكم االيل ولوحات اجلينج اوفر والتزامن والتطبيقات الكهربائية االخرى). �شهادة التخويل من ايتون االمريكية لتوزيع املنتجات الكهربائية �شهادة التخويل من ايتون االمريكية لتجميع لوحات ال�ضغط الواطئ �شهادة التدريب لكل منتجات �شركة ايتون �شهادة التدريب لربنامج ت�صميم اللوحات الكهربائية اخلا�صب�شركة ايتون 3 Experience NTC is divided into three main sections: - Sales, as authorized distributor of Eaton in Southern region of Iraq. - Factory, as authorized panel builder of Eaton in Southern region of Iraq. - Projects, as NTC has a good experience in execution the substation and electrical projects. Noor Technology (NTC) has a long experience in the field of marketing and sales for electric power products (L.V & M.V) through the work of cadres in the Eaton electric and Schneider Electric in Iraq for more than 8 years. Also Noor technology necessary expertise to deal with the design, manufacture and maintenance of electrical power panels (distribution, control, automation, synchronization and other electrical applications). Training Noor Technology managed the evolution of technology engineering and technical cadres to deal with the engineering and technical characteristics of Eaton products through their participation continuous training in accordance with the curriculum and the manufacturer›s instructions. Attached training certificates from Authorization NTC is authorized to assemble and sell panels and all Eaton’s products in Iraq. 2 Our Certifications 4 5 Organization Chart General Management Sales Man Sales Manager Sales Engineer Accountant Our Projects Site Engineer (2) Project Manager Technicians (15) Quality Control (2) Designer (2) Factory Manager AutoCad Artist (1) Estimation Engineer (1) Technicians (5) Accountant (1) Storekeeper (1) 14 15 EXXON PROJECT Switchgear for Exxon Mobil DS6 Extension Camp DEscription Install, test, commissioning and operation low voltage switchgear type arc-free SWG consists of: - First incomer 6300A-4P. - Second incomer 6300A-4P. -Five incomers1600A-4P from 5 generators 1000KVA connected together as synchronizing system and ATS with the First and Second incomers. -Outgoing circuit-breaker (different rating of current). -PLC type SIMATIC S7-300 with HMI touch screen. 16 17 South Gas Company Project Substation for Residential Complex DEscription Execution substation 33/0.4 KV for residential complex of South Gas Company consists of: - Civil work for building 8 x 16 meter. -33KV switchgear (1 incomer 1250A and 4 outgoing 630A). - L.V switchgear consists of: 2 incomer 4000A-4P for utility, 1 incomer 4000A-4P for generator, 1 bus coupler 4000A-4P. - Charger 100AH with batteries. - 2 transformers 2MVA, 33/0.4 KV. 18 19 South Gas Company Project Substation 5 for building in site SGC DEscription Execution substation 33/0.4 KV for building in site of South Gas Company consists of: - Civil work for building 8 x 17 meter. -33KV switchgear (1 incomer 1250A and 4 outgoing 1250A). - L.V switchgear consists of: 2 incomer 3200A-4P for utility, 1 incomer 3200A-4P for generator, 1 bus coupler 3200A-4P. - Charger 90AH with batteries. - 2 transformers 2MVA, 33/0.4 KV. 20 21 Federal Court Project Substation for Federal Court Project in Basra DEscription Execution substation 11/0.4 KV for Federal Court in Basra consists of: - 3 automatic transfer switch 1600A-3P. - 3 transformers 1000KVA. - Outgoings different rating of current. - 3 generators 1000KVA. 22 23 Workshop 24 25 Workshop 26 27 Our Showroom 28 29 PRODUCT OVERVIEW 31 Metal Clad Switchgear Ring Main Unit POWER XPERT UX type XIRIA Non-Extensible Eaton has over 80 years experience in the design, manufacture and application of Medium Voltage switchgear. Millions of our vacuum interrupters have been in operation in every type of environment in the world, catering for the widest range of applications. It is this knowledge, understanding and experience that make Eaton the logical choice for the safe control and protection of distribution systems. UX is particularly suited to provide control and protection for cables, transformers, capacitors and motors used across many industries. They are characterised by their high level of operational safety and are suitable for applications up to 24 kV. Xiria units are also very compact. Xiria units can be supplied in two-, three-, fouror five-panel versions. Both the primary part of the unit and the mechanisms are housed in a fully enclosed housing which protects the system against environmental influences. There is a choice of two basic panel versions in our product range: •A vacuum load break switch for ring cable connections. •A vacuum circuit-breaker for protecting transformers and cable connections. Metal Enclosed Switchgear 32 Both versions can be supplied in a unit in any desired combination and order. type SVS/8-SVS/12 type XIRIA Extensible fully-enclosed epoxy resin insulated system with integral vacuum interrupters. SVS is a compact, modular system developed for medium voltage applications up to 24 kV. With flexibility in mind, the panels are assembled from modular components including circuit-breakers, loadbreak switches, fuse holders, metering panels, busbars and cable terminals. Eaton Holec is recognised throughout the world as the leading specialist in epoxy resin-based insulation technology. Vacuum interrupters form the heart of the Eaton Holec switchgear range. These high-quality interrupters have been developed and manufactured by Eaton Holec. This ring main unit consists of a block containing three panels. The Xiria family includes multiple possibilities and configurations for Power consumption metering. These configurations are indicated as Xiria M-versions. M stands for metering. The transformers for power consumption metering can be either integrated into the block-type Xiria switchgear or housed in a separate metering panel. This dedicated metering panel can be integrated with both the current block type switchgear and the new single extendable panels. 33 Type Tested Panel (xEnergy) Features BENEFITS • IEC 61439-2 • Up to 5000 A, 100 KA/1s • Modular flat pack system • Main busbar options at rear & top • flexible configuration • Tested at 50C ambient • Tested for IP55 & IK10 • Tested for internal arc fault •A design-verified, modular and therefore fl exible system •Verified/safe assemblies of switchgear and enclosures • Combination with a large number of components •A solution for all kinds of application (from power distribution to motor control centers) •Time-saving •Optimal safety •Delivery as fl at-pack or as a pre-assembled switchboard cabinet •Software tools and training for easy planning and implementation •Long service life, even under harsh operating conditions 34 MCCB TYPE NZM MCCB TYPE BZM Compact circuit-breaker NZM up to 1600 A Compact switch-disconnectors up to 1600 A BZM1 for up to 125 A, the BZM2 for up to 250 A & the BZM3 for up to 400 A Model series NZM Models Series BZM The NZM Moulded Case Circuit Breakers range up to 1600 A and incorporate four switches with performance overlaps. These are available from 25 kA for small distribution boards up to 150 kA for complex high-energy systems. Switchdisconnectors up to 1600 A are available in the same design with the same With the BZM1 for up to 125 A, the BZM2 for up to 250 A and the BZM3 for up to 400, Eaton now also completes its range of products in the segment of circuit breakers, allowing us to cover all kinds of applications and requirements. MCCB TYPE LZM • Circuit Breaker BZM1(16 to 125 A) • Circuit Breaker BZM2 (125 to 250A) • Circuit Breaker BZM3 (250 to 400A) • BZM1 & BZM2 & BZM3 Accessories MCCB TYPE Series C Model series LZM Model series C Reliably and safely controlling, switching and managing power, in industry, in buildings and in machine construction. Enabled by innovative protection concepts. The family includes seven frame sizes in ratings from 16 to 2500 Amperes. Each frame size offers a choice of several interrupting capacities up to 100 kA at 415 volts ac (200 kA at 240 volts ac). • just 4 compact frame sizes • available as 3 and 4-pole device • now also up to 1600 A • flexible mounting using modular function groups • full rated current at 50 °C ambient temperature • switch suitable for world-wide use 36 37 Air Circuit Breakers (ACB) Type Magnum Miniature Circuit Breaker – Series mMC Function Protection against Overloads –a thermal delay (bimetal) release initiates the disconnecting process and separates the contacts. Protection against Short circuits -an electromagnetic instantaneous release (hammer-armature) performs the disconnecting process and separates the contacts. Meeting the challenge Common height and depth Magnum breakers are engineered specifically for use in low voltage assemblies applied at nominal voltages of 380, 415, 440, 500 and 690 Vac. Ten continuous ratings – 800 A through 6300 A – are covered with three frame sizes. Drawout and fixed mounting units are available in 3 or 4 pole designs. Controls and indicators are conveniently grouped on the breaker’s front escutcheon where they can be easily viewed and accessed through a cutout door. All three Magnum frame sizes have the same identical height and depth to facilitate standardised designs in low voltage assemblies. Residual Current Device – Series mRCM Function Residual current devices are switching devices offering following purposes Complete trip unit family Disconnecting a circuit from the mains automatically if the total of currents flowing to and from a circuit exceeds a defined value. A full range of Digitrip® programmable and electronic trip units has been expanded to offer customers a choice of protection, information, and communication capabilities to meet specific requirements. High withstand ratings Magnum provides high interruption and withstand ratings in a small physical size. Through-the-door design. All controls, indicators, and the trip unit are visible and can be safely accessed without opening the compartment door. Internal tripping independently of toggle position ensures thatthe device trips even if the toggle is blocked or held by the operator. Connecting a circuit to the mains or disconnecting it from the mains by manual operation. 38 39 Switch Disconnectors (Isolator) Contactors & Mini Contactors Function Function Mini contactor relay DILE, contactor relays, contactors up to 12 A AC-3 at 400 V Load circuit breaker with isolating function •Design according to IEC/EN 60947-3 •Highly wear resistant contacts •Quick make, black toggle •Terminal capacity 50 mm2 •Compatible busbars with switchgear series Xpole by use of the mouth terminal in combination with standard fork busbar Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCBO) Circuit Breakers With Integral Over current Protection AC and DC contactor system DILM, contactor relays, 3 pole contactors up to 170 A AC-3 at 400 V, 4 pole contactors up to 200 A AC-1 High rated contactors up to 1600 A AC-3 at 400 V, contactors up to 2600 A AC-1 Overload Relay Function Function Protection against O/L, S/C and E/L in one unit. Bimetal relay - overload relay up to 630 A •Innovative High Quality ElectronicCombined RCD & MCB In One Unit •Line Voltage Dependent •Solid Neutral ZEB electronic overload relay - overload relay up to 1500 A ZEV electronic overload relay - overload relay up to 820 A EMT6 thermistor overload relay for machine protection 40 41 Plug-In Relays Lighting Properties Properties •Current rating: 1A–30A •Contact arrangement: SPDT, DPDT, 3PDT, 4PDT, etc. •Coil voltage: 6V–240 Vac/ 6V–110 Vdc •Mounting options: socket, flange, DIN rail, panel •Specifications: CSA, CE, IEC, NEMA, UL, etc. •Other: Physical dimensions, maximum voltage, mechanical/ electrical life, etc. •All illuminated devices feature LED light units rated to 100,000 hours •Most components carry an IP67/69k rating, suitable for high temperature, high-pressure wash down environments •Laser etched button-lenses and all other frontof-panel accessories can be shared with the M22 line PushButtons Timer Relays Properties Properties The range of electronic time relays comprises three different construction types, adapted for the most widely varying applications. The time relays are mounted on a DIN top-hat rail. In accordance with IEC/EN 60947 and VDE0660, the Pushbutton has a modular structure suitable for different application requirements. They can be mounted without any need for tools. Contact blocks are finger safe. Up to 6 contact blocks can be mounted on each mounting location. The measurement and monitoring relays monitor fluids, currents, phases, resistances or voltages. 42 43 Motor Protective Circuit Breaker Soft Starter System features Essential features Properties PKE motor-protective circuit-breakers are based on a modular design that consists of three basic devices (PKE12, PKE32, PKE65) and a series of plug-in trip blocks (PKE-XTU…) that cover five current ranges going from 0.3 to 65 A. • Plug-in trip blocks of up to 65 A make it possible to quickly adjust the current range The soft starter has become increasingly established as an alternative to the star-delta starter. Already a continuous spectrum for the drives up to 110 kW is on offer with the DS4 and DS6 series. This is now followed by the new DS7 series that combines the benefits of the DS4 with the xStart system. •Electronic wide-range overload protection reduces the need for different models and makes design, engineering, and stockkeeping simpler The plug-in trip blocks can be comfortably combined with the basic devices in order to put together a PKE motor-protective circuit-breaker, and do not require any tools for this purpose. Motor start-up is soft but still at a higher torque than other available solutions using a patented method. Extended service intervals and reduced operating costs are welcomed side effects. Designed for normal applications such as pumps, fans and small conveyors, the compact DS7 is ideal. The DS7 will soon be available with a SmartWire-DT connection to simplify wiring and enhance functionality as an automation solution. The DS7 is a fully integral element in this system; all existing components can be used. The DS7 replaces the mechanical contactor and extends the function “Motor soft start”. This modular plug-in design makes it possible to quickly change current ranges by simply replacing the trip block while leaving the basic device in place. 44 45 Variable Speed Drive Power ranges Features / Options • 1~ 230 V / 3~ 230 V: 0,75 … 2,2 kW • 3~ 230 V / 3~ 230 V: 0,75 … 75 kW • 3~ 400 V / 3~ 400 V: 0,75 … 250 kW • IP20, IP40, IP55, IP66 • RFI Filter as standard • Brake chopper as standard • STO (Safe Torque Off) • OLED-Display as option Control mode Onboard I/O interface (max. .. min.) • V/f , SLV, CLV • 150 % overload for 60 sec. • 200 % overload for 4 sec. Communication • 5..3 Digital inputs • 2..0 Digital output • 2..0 Analog input (0…10 V / 0/4…20 mA) • 2..0 Analog output (0…10 V / 0/4…20 mA) • 2 Relay output • Modbus RTU and CANopen onboard • Fieldbus modules as option 46 Easy Programable Logic Control (Easy PLC) Flexible interfaces User-friendly operation Whether CANopen or easyNet: The combined CAN interface enables you to choose your own network structure. As the only compact PLC with both an integrated and remote display, the easyControl allows simple operation and visualization. Updates simply easy Expansion via easy Link The slot for a memory module makes program or firmware updates child‘s play. The memory module is also fully suitable for archiving data. If more inputs/outputs are required, an expansion can be fitted directly to the basic unit. Digital and analog expansions are possible. Ethernet on board The Ethernet interface enables easyControl to be integrated easily. This simplifies programming and connections, such as visualization systems via OPC. 47 Industrial PLC HMI PLC Whether in machine engineering, installations or in single applications there is seldom an application in which an HMI cannot simplify operation and through that relieve the operator. Function Performance is not only processor power, which is why the XP700 series offers more. Modern touch displays provide clear, flexible menu guidance in every wished for language and allows the machine manufacturer world wide sales of their machines with just one hardand software solution. •High flexibility and maximum openness •PCI slot for an option PCI module •No rotating parts (1Ghz Processor) •Robust infrared touch From 3.5” to 15” touch display HMI-PLC you have for every machine the optimal solution. Control, positioning and communication are developed with XSoft- CoDeSys-2 based on IEC 61131-3. The visualisation comfortably created with Galileo. Remote I/O System UPS POWERWARE AND MGE FAMILY UPS Whether controlling motion, temperature or speed measurement, current and tension recording – the fields of usage for remote I/Os are so wide ranging as are the different types of applications. They are everywhere in usage where decentral signal processing is the beginning and end of the automation concept. •AC UPS from 350 VA up to 4000 kVA •DC systems of all sizes •A broad portfolio of rack-based power distribution units (ePDU®) •Software and connectivity products for power management and remote control •Technical support and maintenance •Complete power quality solutions Eaton Automation offers for every application the suiting I/O system. Whether fine granular graded with XI/ON or compact with WINbloc – naturally also in mix operation in on bus thread. The result: a modular concept with easy to use handling – adaptable to any application, intelligent and future proof. 48 49 SmartWire-DT Distribution Board xBoard Type TPN Properties •Standard : IEC 61439 •Voltage Range : 3-Phase, rated voltage 240/415V, 50/60Hz • Rated busbar capacity : 100A, 125A, 200A & 250A •No. of TP (SP) ways: 4(12), 6(18), 8(24), 10(30), 12(36), 14(42) 16(48), 18(54), 20(60). •Degree of protection: Indoor use IP41 •Enclosure thickness: 1.2mm •Enclosure material: Epoxy powder coated sheet steel enclosure Secures your know-how SmartWire-DT significantly cuts your wiring requirement and helps you save costs across the entire value chain. From design through construction, programming, commissioning to extending your system. Distribution Board xBoard Type SPN Properties Utilizing Eaton’s industrial switchgear, SmartWireDT is based on tried-and-tested technology. SmartWire-DT makes Eaton industrial switchgear communications-capable. •Sheet steel enclosure for single phase distribution •Designed as per new standard : IEC 61439 •Flush and surface mounting design with IP40 protection •Colour : As standard RAL 7035, other colours available upon request •Fitted with sheet steel removable flap door •Available with or without busbar assembly •Complete with earth and neutral bars •Enclosure thickness : 1.2mm You can use the SmartWire-DT technology flexibly. The connection via standard fieldbus systems (e.g. PROFIBUS, CANopen) allows use on the controller platforms of many manufacturers. Another option is the use of Eaton automation components with an integrated SmartWire-DT interface. 50 51 Wall-Mounted Panel Type CS Distribution Board Type XVTL Technical features Technical features Available in 45 sizes. from 250x200x150 mm to 1200x1200x250 mm The stable CS enclosures series made of solid sheet steel is ideal wherever an effective protection against direct contact with live parts is required. The high degree of protection (IP66) not only provides full protection against most adverse environmental conditions, but also protects the systems and equipment inside the enclosures against their harmful consequences. Tightness is guaranteed through a continuously foamed polyurethane sealing. An all-around rainwater drain profile prevents liquids (such as water or oil) and dirt from penetrating when opening the door. 52 Shock resistance rating is IK09 according to EN 62262, hence the inside equipment of the enclosures is also protected against mechanical impacts. CS enclosures can be installed as wallmounted enclosures. A rough-type paint applied in the powder-coating method provides for nonabrasive corrosion protection. The side-by-side mountable distribution board XVTL is the newest member of the xBoard family from Eaton Moeller. As a stand-alone enclosure it is ideally suited for control and energy distribution in the industrial and fucntional buildings. The degrees of protection IP40 and IP55 are available. The door of the enclosure is easy to remove in case any further mechanical work needs to be carried out. Concealed inside hinges according quick-change technology are easy to remove for this purpose and provide for quick and easy reversal of the hinging from left to right and vice-versa. The absolute highlight of the side-by-side mountable distribution board is the vast number of possible variants up to 2500 A unkown up to now. With 55 enclosure dimensions available - heights from 1400 to 2000 mm, widths from 425 to 1200 mm as well as depths from 300 to 800 mm - the right enclosure is available for every application. 53 Wiring Devices Explosion Proof Equipment EX-CONTROL STATIONS PREMERA white moulded EX-PENDANT LIGHT FITTINGS The PREMERA White Moulded range offers a modern aesthetically edged styled appearance whilst utilising the well established UREA material with its inherent MRSA germ protection properties ideal for kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms. Each product is supplied with an optional screw cap facility to hide unsightly screws. EX-FLURESCENT LIGHT FITTING ELECTRICAL CONNECTIVITY COPA fi x The COPA style of plate has been extended to offer an alternative to the ‘clip-on’ plate by offering the same plate profi le with it’s stylish good looks but with a fi xed plate, rather than just a ‘clip-on’ option. COPA fi x offers a solution in situations where it is more desirable to have screw fi xed plates in applications such as schools and public places. Bus Duct Properties • All bus plugs are polarized to prevent improper installation. • Lightweight and compact design provides for easy installation. • Housing is combined with a true sandwich design in both plug-in and feeder busway, contributing to improved coordination and high short-circuit ratings. • Epoxy insulation process ensures optimum conductor and system protection. • The compact design of corner joint allows for layouts that provide optimum utilization of space and can be installed in areas where traditional 90-degree elbows cannot. • Only having one or two conductors per phase and the Pow-R-Bridge joint design makes the voltage drop much lower than that associated with cable, allowing a more efficient use of energy. PREMERA proof PREMERA PROOF is a range of weatherproof accessories offering IP66 protection for outdoor or more arduous environments. The range provides extensive combinations by utilising the 1 and 2 gang IP66 enclosures whilst delivering on aesthetic appeal. 54 55 We look forward to working with you. 56 Head Office Commercial Al Estiklal Bldg, Al Estiklal St, Basra 2663, Iraq Mob. +964 771 593 3406 [email protected] www.noor-tech.com ، الب�صرة، العراق:املكتب الرئي�سي جممع اال�ستقالل التجاري،�شارع اال�ستقالل
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