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P.O.Box: 11-617 & 175-348 Beirut-Lebanon
Tel./Fax: +961 1 444225
Volume #77
Genocide hasn’t End, as Long
as it is not Recognized:
Viken Sarksian
The Armenian Genocide issue is in the historical memory of the
Armenian People. Each Armenian family has a story: the history of
genocide refers to everyone and that’s why it is actual for each of
us. The Head of the Armenian President’s Staff Viken Sarksian
stated this in his speech
delivered at the course
of international media
conference titled “At the
Foothills of Mount
As reports “Armenpress”, Viken Sarksian
highlighted that even
today, after 100 years,
Turkey keeps denying the Armenian Genocide and Genocide hasn’t end, as long as it is not recognized and condemned.
“An international struggle must be conducted against genocide,
crime against humanity. We speak about Genocide not, because it
pleases us, but to help the international community, as a nation,
which survived genocide, to remain focused on the issue,” Viken
Sarksian concluded.
Among other things, Viken Sarksian noted that this is a warning
that the Genocide must be condemned.
Armenia to Open Consulate in
Erbil Kurdistan (Iraq)
Armenia’s Ambassador to Iraq Garen Krikorian, and the country’s special envoy, Levon Sarksian, met on Wednesday with Kur-
distan Regional Government Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani to
officially announce the consulate and pledge stronger bilateral ties,
reports the official website of Kurdistan government.
The Armenian diplomats also said the country will offer direct
flights from Yerevan, the Armenian capital, to Erbil in near future.
Armenia and the Kurdistan region are also looking to boost economic and cultural ties. Armenia is a land-locked, mountainous
nation of an estimated three million people located in the South
Caucasus region.
The Kurdistan Region, which remains the relatively prosperous
and stable portion of war-torn Iraq, has attracted many multinational corporations that have invested in the energy, construction
and tourism.
Polish President to Come to
Armenia on April 24
Vi c e - P r e s i dent of the European Parliament
Ryszard Czarnecki, who is
participating in
the Fourth Ordinary Session of
ongoing in Yerevan, has told
Zhoghovurd that
he hopes he will
represent the European Parliament and will be in Yerevan on April
Asked whether Poland’s President will come to Yerevan to
attend commemoration events dedicated to the centennial of the
Armenian Genocide, Mr Czarnecki said that Serj Sarksian has
invited him to visit Yerevan on April 24 and the President will be
in Armenia on that day.
French President Francois Hollande and Russian President
Vladimir Putin have announced that they will come to Yerevan on
April 24.
Number 64 / English 7
Issue (21,305)
MARCH 23 - MARCH 29, 2015
I Remember and Demand
Centenary of the Armenian
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Turkey Protests European Parliament Call
for Recognition of Armenian Genocide
The Turkish Foreign Ministry protested on Saturday a recent
report adopted by the European Parliament that called on European Union member states to recognize the Armenian Genocide
at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.
As reports “Today’s
Zaman”, in a statement,
Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman Tanju
Bilgiç called the European
annual human rights
and democracy report’s
reference to the Armenian Genocide as
“devoid of historical
reality and legal basis.”
“We find these
expressions extremely
problematic and regret
them,” Bilgiç said in
the statement.
The European Parliament adopted the Annual Report on Human Rights and
Democracy in the World 2013 on March 12. Article 77 of the
report “calls, ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
genocide, on all the Member States legally to acknowledge it,
and encourages the Member States and the EU institutions to
contribute further to its recognition.”
The Turkish government to this day refuses to acknowledge
that the systematic, state-sponsored murder of 1.5 million
Armenians and the exile of Armenians from their historic
homelands constitutes
a genocide. Instead, the
Turkish state claims
that it was Armenians
who killed Turks and
that Armenians were
relocated from their
homes for their own
safety. Writers and
pub lic figures in Tur key are arrested regularly for speaking
about the Armenian
Genocide, which is
illegal in Turkey under
certain circumstances.
Turkey and Armenia
also have no diplomatic relations. Turkey closed its border with Armenia in 1993 in a
show of support for its co-ethnic ally, Azerbaijan, when war
broke out over Artsakh. Turkey has conditioned its normalization of ties with Armenia on the ceding of Artsakh to Azerbaijan.
Congressmen Demand
Increase in US Government
Assistance to Armenia
Erdogan Challenges Armenian
Diaspora over Genocide
US Congressmen Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Robert Dold
(R-IL) plan to demand from their administration to increase
the amount of US assistance being allocated to Armenia.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has challenged the
Armenian diaspora to come up with “documents” to resolve the
intractable political issue surrounding the mass killings of Ottoman
Armenians 100 years ago.
“O, the Armenian diaspora,
our documents are here. Whatever documents you have, bring
them,” Erdogan said while
inaugurating an exhibition on
World War I in the Ottoman
Archive Facility in Istanbul on
March 19.
The Turkish government to this day refuses to acknowledge that
the systematic, state-sponsored murder of 1.5 million Armenians and
the exile of Armenians from their historic homelands constitutes a
genocide. Instead, the Turkish state claims that it was Armenians
who killed Turks and that Armenians were relocated from their
homes for their own safety. Writers and public figures in Turkey are
arrested regularly for speaking about the Armenian Genocide, which
is illegal in Turkey under certain circumstances.
“The Armenian diaspora is trying to instill hatred against Turkey
everywhere in the world through campaigns on genocide claims,”
Erdogan said, stressing that such efforts had intensified in the centennial anniversary of 1915.
“Like in every era in the history, pains and tragedies were experienced during the years of the great war. Armenians were not the only
people affected by them,” Turkey’s president said, employing an
often-used denialist talking point.
“The greatest massacres targeting Muslims in the Balkans and in
Caucasia happened in the same period. In Anatolia, there were hundreds of thousands of people who were harmed by Armenians, as
many as Armenians were harmed,” he said.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
adopted a resolution calling for the recognition of the Armenian
Genocide. A week before that, the European Parliament adopted a
similar resolution calling on member states to recognize the Armenian Genocide.
Erdogan’s remarks also came a day after more than 40 members
of the US House of Representatives introduced a draft resolution at
the US Congress, describing the killings of Armenians a century ago
as genocide. Parliaments of several countries have already passed
resolutions supporting the recognition of the Armenian Genocide
over recent years.
“The truth should be sought in archives,” Erdogan insisted, accusing the Armenians of not responding to Turkey’s call to examine the
archives and uncover the truth about history.
Armenian leaders have stated in the past that there is no debate
over the veracity of the Armenian Genocide, accusing Turkish proposals for a “panel of historians” as being a ploy to create a debate
where there is none; a debate which Turkey-backed authorities will
be free to derail and stall, giving Turkey another excuse to postpone
recognizing the Armenian Genocide.
The congressmen informed about the aforementioned to
the Washington, DC. correspondent of Armenian NewsNEWS.am.
To note, the US administration has proposed to allocate
$18 million in assistance to Armenia in the coming year.
Congressman Schiff stressed that making ArmenianAmerican relations grow deeper stems from both Armenia’s
and the US interests.
Congressman Dold, for his part, stressed the importance of
increasing the US assistance to Armenia. Moreover, he proposed not to focus solely on financial assistance to the country.
Bétera Recognizes
the Armenian Genocide
The plenary council of Bétera City Council has officially
recognized the Armenian Genocide, as Armeniangenocide100.org reports.
council’s decision states that
during the reign
of the Young
Turks (191521), Armenians
were killed and
displaced in
the territory of modern-day Turkey, 1.5 million Armenians
were killed, and another 2 million were forced to leave their
homes and seek shelter in different parts of the world, forming the Armenian Diaspora.
Bétera City Council officially recognizes the Armenian
Genocide and condemns the crimes against humanity that
were committed during the Armenian Genocide.
MARCH 23 - MARCH 29, 2015
Armenia Needs
Political Diversity
I Suppose….
Centennial is More than Enough…
Hagop Avedikian, Editor of the Azg (Nation) daily
(published in Armenia), shared his opinion of constitutional reforms in an interview with Tert.am.
As a member of a traditional Armenian political party,
he is not for party merger. According to him, it is an artificial process. Mr. Avedikian proposes that Armenia adopt
European standards because Europe affords opportunities
for both traditional and new parties.
With respect to the statements that the reason for party
merger is that such a high number of political parties is
unacceptable in a country like Armenia, Mr. Avedikian
said: “Yes, 63 political parties are said to be registered in
Armenia. But being registered is a different thing. We
have more than 4,000 non-governmental organizations.
But only a few of them are capable of anything. As regards
party merger, it is an artificial process.
What is the basis? Are parties expected to join one
another and form new parties? I cannot understand it.”
Asked about solutions, Mr. Avedikian said:
“A solution would be reducing the threshold for parties
running for Parliament from 7% for political alliances and
5% for political parties down to 1%. But it may be irrelevant as well. In Israel, for example, small political parties
may be influential reforms or formation of a new government –even if they have a couple of their representatives.
And two major parties may counterbalance each other.
This is one of the ways of forming a multiparty system in
Armenia, but not by means of artificial party merger.
Merger round what? Numerous parties with different
names joined the Prosperous Armenia party (a list compiled prior to the 2012 parliamentary elections – ed.) What
was the ideological basis of that alliance?” Elaborating on
constitutional reforms, Mr. Avedikian pointed out their
“I have not examined the concept so I cannot say anything. But my principled stand is as follows: when we say
‘Constitution’, it must be honored at any cost. “As regards
the proportional representation and first-past-the-post voting systems, I would support proportional representation if
Armenia’s political parties were real political parties. Most
of them are one-man parties or money-parties. Very few
parties are of global importance in Armenia, and they are
idle if they have no money or power. They face serious
problems in political integration. Therefore, proportional
representation or first-past-the-post voting systems do not
As an Armenian and adoptive son of early-genocide parents, I personally am quite astonished, as well unsatisfied to witness such a
strict, obvious and basically inhumane treatment from international
organizations that normally announce their ‘human’ priorities, whatsoever their political reasons….I would much like to be simple and
feasible in my forthcoming comments and never wish to make these
considered as extreme affiliation concerns.
One of the initial basics that UN should never deny is the official
adoption of the Armenian Genocide – regardless if nonexistent yet in
those days… - as the 20th century’s first anti-human treatment by a
‘backed’ nation against a small but certainly innocent and ‘neglected’
nation, under clear and evident approval of international powers that
came to fight for ‘own’ rights but never for human rights, below the
well-known political title of “WWI”….
Let’s leave the past100 years and come now to ask the same question: Why can you not, dear world powers, come to do the least a
human concept
requires: Accept the
1915 massacre as a
premeditated genocide…and that’s
all!!! No further is
in demand and no
additional hands
would be extended
for further assistance but…just to
feel what God has
created men to feel,
as long as their creation has always
been under the
“ h u m a n
being”…with the
“being” feasibly
active but the
“human” somehow
Personally, I will never wish to direct any nation for any interpersonal hostility but as a member of a nation, internationally accepted
as a “nation” by UN, I hereby am quite surprised to notice the following internationally described evidence that would allow many to
ask questions but certainly with no answers:
When the total number of member states of the UN counts 193, I
By Hovik Nersissian
would certainly come to be surprised to see only 20 sovereign
nations so far officially recognize the Armenian Genocide, out of
which 1 only from the entire Middle East area (Lebanon), 14 from
Europe, 4 from South America and Canada…
Are the 90% remaining member states “unaware” of the Genocide…or ‘obliged’ not to be aware of for certain political reasons…?
Does the 21st century concept disregard “humanitarianism” vis-àvis “world-power” obligations…?
Do the world powers, today, think we apply exaggeration in our
Genocide demands for ‘predetermined profits’…??
Can’t the current ‘civilization’ accept what the least happened
with this small nation, Armenian, and give a hand of ‘condolence’…at least?
Isn’t the confidential
announcement by the
American Ambassador
then, Henry Morganthau, sent to the US
Secretary of State in
Washington on July
20, 1915, enough to
have the real evidence
from one of the world
leading states…?
further, This eyewitness account appears in: Morgenthau,
aren’t the photos of Henry, Ambassador Morgenthau's Story (1918);
Armenian victims left
Miller, William, The Ottoman Empire and its
by the roadside, supSuccessors 1801-1927 (1936).
plied by the same
office of the American Ambassador, real and enough to verify the
Dear readers.
On the 1st centenary of the Armenian Genocide, I will not come to
indicate in public its past details & present consequences that the
same Armenian nation experiences and suffers…
We are highly proud of our independent nation, Armenia, but
would always long to have an “all-Armenia”, past and present, unified under one rule and one boarder, officially approved by UN and
backed by the total 193 member states…
….maybe only then these nations will no more be under the obligation of Genocide recognition as long as “political recognition” will
come to overpower the status quo…unfortunately…
Hranush Hagopian: “Why did the Armenian
People Became Dispersed Across the Globe?”
In her speech at the three-day media forum entitled “At the
Foot of Mount Ararat”, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush
Hagopian drew the international journalists’ attention to the points
regarding the Armenian Genocide that require serious research, as
well as the irrefutable facts that are absolute truth and don’t have
to be proved or be a subject for debate.
In that part of her speech, Hagopian particularly mentioned the
“Dear journalists,
I would
like you to
focus on the
fact that the
only country
with a closed
Europe is
since Turkey
keeps the
country in a
causing damages worth
Diaspora Armenians continue to suffer the consequences of the
Armenian Genocide because all Diaspora Armenians spend
tremendous amount of money and a lot of spiritual resources to
achieve justice, and who has “counted” that suffering?
Turkey overtly falsifies its history and world history. This issue
is a criminal act and needs to be treated seriously.
The murders of Hrant Dink and the Armenian soldier in Hungary remained unpunished. The Azerbaijani murderer became a
hero. As for Turkey, being unpunished in the past, it continues its
criminal policy.
I would like you to present the lessons learned from the
Armenian Genocide to the world correctly so that nobody remains
unpunished. The damage that can be restored must be restored,
while the damage that can’t be restored must be compensated.
Dear journalists,
Has anyone ever asked himself how many millions of children
were not born in the past century, or how Armenian women and
orphans suffered during those days? Armenian women were not
only raped, but were also forcefully converted. Many were forced
to throw themselves into the Euphrates River so that they would
save themselves from the Turks’ persecutions.
I would like you to flip through the pages of foreign newspapers published between 1895 and 1923. We have only published
the 1,600-page collection of articles printed in The New York
Times up until 1915. The articles show how the Armenian Genocide was planned and what was written about the Genocide during
those days.
The other is the difference between the Turkish government’s
position and the position of the public. This is also a topic for
research because public opinion is gradually changing, but unfortunately, the government’s position remains unchanged.
The next issue is that the Armenian Genocide led to the “emer-
gence” of two types of people or Armenians. Today, in Turkey
you will constantly hear the expression “grandchild”. I would like
you to read the book Grandmother by famous Turkish lawyer,
Hrant Dink’s lawyer Fethiye Çetin. Before her death, Çetin’s 94year-old Armenian grandmother, who had always presented herself as a Turk, tells her granddaughter the whole truth about the
Armenian Genocide. Çetin understands what her people did to the
Armenians and writes the book Grandmother, which has been
published in various languages.
The Armenian “with two lifestyles” has also been formed.
Until 18:00, they live as Turks, but after that they become Armenian in their families. Imagine the moral and psychological suffering that those people undergo every day.
Ask the Turks denying the Armenian Genocide whatever happened to the 2.5 million people who were living in Turkey and
why the desert of Deir ez-Zor was full of human bones that had
not been buried.
The Armenian Genocide is a fact, and like a mathematical
axiom, it doesn’t need to be proved.
Why did the Armenian people become dispersed across the
globe? Why were so many orphanages and homes for the elderly
created? Why were the Ambassadors of those days sending horrible letters to the leaders of their respective countries?
Great Britain, Russia and France announced that what was
happening to the Armenians was a crime against humanity and
civilization. At the time, the term “genocide” was unfamiliar to
mankind. This is what the three great powers said.
Tell me how can we talk about a trial when in 1921 Turkey’s
military tribunal gave a life sentencing to Talaat, Enver and Djemal, the leaders of the Young Turks.
In closing, I would like to say that we Armenians are a nation
of people who have overcome death, have won Turkey’s policy,
have settled in 100 countries and have become strong, established
and developed people. We have not converted in any country. We
have created strong communities and have continued to live and
create. We have established our free and independent state.
Throughout the past century, we have established the HomelandDiaspora-Artsakh partnership and will continue our struggle to
prevent future genocides. We will fight to restore human rights,
the rights of the inheritors of martyrs of the Armenian Genocide,
as well as our rights as individuals, as a community and as a
nation. We will fight to continue to remember and remind about
the martyrs who remained unburied, the 1.5 million martyrs following us like a shadow. By canonizing the martyrs, we will send
them to the Kingdom of God. We have to fight to make sure genocide never happens again in any country. Finally, the Turks must
know that we Armenians won’t keep silent and will continue our
struggle. The year 1915 is not the year to execute an entire nation.
Armenians in 100 countries around the world will continue the
struggle. I believe that there will come a day when the Turks will
recognize the Armenian Genocide and that justice will be served
sooner or later.
I would like to end my speech with the following story:
“Before his death, a father tells his son, ‘Son, we, 15,000 visually
impaired orphans reached Deir ez-Zor, if there comes a day when
you forget the genocide, remember my eyes’.”
Writer Peter Balakian
Discusses Armenian
Genocide at Holocaust
Museum Houston
A crowd gathered at the Holocaust Museum Houston on Saturday, March 14, for an emersion into a fascinating lecture on
Raphael Lemkin, the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, and cultural destruction.
Tamara Savage, Director of the Holocaust Museum Houston
introduced Balakian, the Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar Professor of the Humanities at Colgate University, who has made the
genocide a key part of his life’s work as an award-winning writer,
poet and genocide expert.
Balakian started by praising the history of Jewish rescue, witness, and intellectual work on the Armenian Genocide. From
Ambassador Henry Morgenthau to Raphael Lemkin, to Franz
Werfel and into the modern era of Jewish scholars working on
and standing up for the Armenian Genocide discourse, Balakian
noted that “the role Jews have played in bearing witness to and
later defining the Turkish genocide of the Armenians has been
It was Lemkin who became the father of the U.N. genocide
convention of 1948. It was Lemkin who coined the phrase
“Armenian genocide” in the 1940s. As a graduate student he challenged his professor after learning about the Turkish massacres of
the Armenians: “How can it be that if one man kills another he is
charged with murder, but if a whole nation-state kills more than a
million people they are allowed to do it without any consequences?” And this moment ended up changing his career path.
Among Lemkin’s many layers of his understanding of genocide as a crime is the concept that the destruction of culture is
also a vitally important aspect of the genocidal process. At the
core of every group identity is also culture and the cultural institutions that codify group identity.
See Writer Peter Balakian Discusses page 4
mARCH 23 - MARCH 29, 2015
Over 40 House Members Spearhead
Centennial Call for Truth and Justice for
The Armenian Genocide
Haigazian University 60th Anniversary:
“East to Western, Modern to Postmodern”
Art Exhibition by “Bardzr Arvest”
Fine Art Center – Yerevan
Reps. Robert Dold (R-IL),
Adam Schiff (D-CA), David
Valadao (R-CA), and Frank
Pallone (D-NJ), along with 40
other members of the House of
Representatives, introduced the
Armenian Genocide Truth and
Justice Resolution (H.Res.154).
This bipartisan resolution calls
upon President Barack Obama
to work toward equitable, constructive, and durable Armenian-Turkish relations based on
the Republic of Turkey’s full
acknowledgement of the facts
and ongoing consequences of Representatives Robert Dold, Adam Schiff, David Valadao and Frank Pallone
Lead Introduction of Armenian Genocide Resolution (H.Res.154)
the Armenian Genocide. The
resolution will also establish a fair, just, and comprehensive international record of this crime
against humanity.
LA City Council Approves Designation of
Armenian Genocide Memorial Square
The Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a motion on Wednesday that will designate the intersection of Hollywood Boulevard and Western Avenue as Armenian Genocide Memorial Square to commemorate the 100th anniversary of one of the greatest crimes against humanity,
Council members Mitch O’Farrell and Paul Krekorian announced Wednesday.
The motion, which was co-introduced by O’Farrell and Krekorian, and seconded by Council
President Herb Wesson, directs staff to install signage at Hollywood Blvd and Western Ave, which
is located in the Little Armenia neighborhood of the 13th District. The intersection is a key point for
the annual genocide march, and commemorative events are held in cities around the world every
April 24.
“This memorial square will honor the 1.5 million Armenians that perished, and the hundreds of
thousands more that were permanently displaced, while serving as a daily reminder of what happened 100 years ago,” said Councilmember O’Farrell, who represents the 13th District. “The cultural, economic, and political contributions that have emanated out of Little Armenia for decades have
helped make all of Los Angeles a better place, and understanding the history of the
Armenian genocide makes us
all more enlightened.”
Vice Consul of Armenia
Valery Mkrtoumian was on
hand for the vote today and
spoke in favor of the motion.
The City Council also discussed additional plans to
commemorate the 100th
anniversary, including planting 100 pomegranate trees
across the City and illuminating City Hall in purple for the week of April 24.
“This memorial shows that the City of Los Angeles is fully committed to commemorating the
Armenian Genocide and educating people throughout the city about our community’s continued
struggle for justice and recognition,” said Councilmember Krekorian, District 2. “Like so many others, members of my family survived the genocide and planted our roots in this great city. It is so
important that we honor those who died so that we can preserve our history and prevent such horrors from happening again.”
This year’s March – termed March for Justice – will be on a much larger scale than the annual
marches. It will start in the 13th District and stretch six miles through the 4th Council District, the
City of West Hollywood, and then to the Turkish Consulate in the 5th Council District. Thousands
of Armenians from across the Southland are expected to gather for the event,
Greater Los Angeles is home to the largest population of Armenian-Americans in the United
BBC Radio 4 to Mark the 100th
of the Armenian Genocide
A special edition of
BBC RADIO 4 will be
marking the 100th
anniversary of the
Armenian genocide on
Easter Sunday, April 5.
Presenter, Caroline
Wyatt, will explore the
story of how, in 1915,
hundreds of thousands of
Armenians were forced to
leave their homes in the
Ottoman Empire. Many were killed or died from starvation or disease during the deportation.
The Armenian Apostolic Church plans to mark the centenary by canonizing one and a half million victims of the genocide.
On Easter Day in 1870 the Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Manchester opened its doors for the
first time. The authors of the program visit this community to reflect on the anniversary and its legacy.
On the occasion of its 60th Anniversary,
under the high patronage of the Armenian
Embassy in Lebanon, and in collaboration with
the Makhzoumi Foundation, Haigazian University proudly presented the “Bardzr Arvest” Fine
Art Center from Yerevan, Armenia in an exhibition entitled “East to West, Modern to Postmodern”, on Thursday, March 19,
2015, at the
Haigazian University Art Center, the Matossian
The capacity
audience included the Armenian
Ambassador to
Lebanon, H.E.
founder of the Makhzoumi Foundation, Mr.
Fouad Makhzoumi, representative of the Commander of the Army Gen. Jean Kahwaji, the
President of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, Rev. Mgrdich
Karageuzian, Archbishop Kegham Khatcherian,
government officials, religious leaders, political
party representatives, Lebanese and Armenian
community leaders, media and a big crowd of
art lovers.
The event started with a warm welcome by
University President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian,
who thanked the contributors of this event;
Bardzr Arvest Fine Art Center of Yerevan for
graciously showcasing their rich collection, the
Armenian Embassy for its patronage, and
cooperation with
the Makhzoumi
Foundation and
the personal presence of Mr.
Fouad Makhzoumi. Striking on
the note of quality at Haigazian’s
60th Anniversary,
Haidostian said,
“with Lebanon
known for its
high appreciation for beauty; and with Armenia
generously endowed with cultural creativity, no
wonder that as HU hosts the best of Armenian
art and presents it to the Lebanese community.”
Instilling a sense of hope, Haidostian continued
by saying, “the more we focus on the ugliness
that surrounds us, the more we give in and
despair; and the
more we pay
attention to genuine beauty, the
higher our spirits
In his congratulatory remarks,
stressed on the
rich historic and
cultural heritage
of the Armenian
nation, sharing
his pride of the “Armenian vibrant community
of Lebanon who survived genocide, and very
soon created a lively and dynamic community
with its diverse infrastructures, and preserved
its Armenian language.” After praising the
invaluable efforts of the leadership of the University in making this event a real success,
Kocharian acknowledged the vital role of
Haigazian University in promoting dialogue,
harmony, professionalism, interconnectedness
of people, as well as a refined taste.
Mr. Fouad Makhzoumi, started his speech by
congratulating Haigazian University for its 60th
Anniversary, and considered its student body
the 21st century generation of Lebanon. Putting
By Mira Yardemian - PR Director
a high hope on this new generation, Makhzoumi
stressed on the pivotal role the civil society,
educational institutions, and business leaders
should play in widening the scope of opportunities of the youth, through investments and global
experiences. He
then emphasized
on the efforts the
invests in the
educational field,
which eventually
yields to openness, confidence,
respect, dialogue
and coexistence
a m o n g
The Director of the Modern Art Museum of
Armenia, who was there to represent the”
Bardzr Arvest” Fine Art Center, briefed on the
most valuable pieces of the exhibition. She also
pointed out that that the Center was nominated
as the Best Gallery of Art Monaco 2014.
This year, Haigazian University celebrates
the 60 years of its foundation, adopting the slogan of “Pride in Merit”. Within the series of
anticipated events for this year, Haigazian University, through this high caliber exhibition,
highlights the Armenian art and culture that has
always been a vital aspect of this university’s
existence. The University collaborated with the
“Bardzr Arvest” Fine Art Center from Yerevan,
showcase one of
the largest group
exhibitions of
Armenian artists
ever to be shown
in Lebanon. The
embraces a variety of artists,
styles, and time
On the occasion of the 100th
Anniversary for the Armenian genocide, the
“Bardzr Arvest” Fine Art Center is touring the
world to show some of the best artwork that
Armenia has to offer. The tour is starting in
Lebanon, due to the importance of the Armenian Diaspora in Beirut and the unique occasion
of Haigazian’s 60th Anniversary. The exhibition
includes 64 artworks of Armenian and Diaspora
Armenian artists,
covering a period of 3 centuries,
from the 19th till
the 21st century.
Some of the
highlights of this
exhibition are
Mask” painting
by the FrenchArmenian artist
Leon Tutundjian, which is a masterpiece of the
early surrealist period. In addition to it, a “Still
Life” by Jean Jansem and “Versailles Park” by
Jean Carzou are going to be shown for the first
time. One more pride is the “First Sin”, a painting in space” by Ervand Kochar, which has won
the 1st prize in the 2012 Art Monaco Fair. The
exhibition will also feature works of world
renowned Armenian artists such as Arshile
Gorky, Sarkis Diranian, Vardges Sureniants,
Vahram Gayfejian, Arsen Shabanian, Edgar
Chahine, Robert Elibekian, and many more.
“East to West, Modern to Postmodern” is in
course until Wednesday, March 25 2015, from
10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., excluding Sundays.
MARCH 23 - MARCH 29, 2015
“100 Doors”-Unique Pilgrimage
to Armenian Churches
Brand Library to Host
Armenian-Turkish Film Day
Acclaimed Armenian Genocide
Documentary to Air on PBS
Film director Khachik Yeghoyan has initiated and is carrying
out the “100 Doors” photo project in memory of the 1.5 million
Armenians martyrs and on the occasion of the Centennial of the
Armenian Genocide.
In an interview with Panorama.am, the film director said the
In collaboration with Life100, an exhibition at the Glendale
Brand Library, in honor of the 100 year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the USC Institute of Armenian Studies will present
an afternoon of short films produced by filmmakers from Armenia
and Turkey on Sunday, March 22, 2-7 p.m. at Brand Library (1601
W. Mountain Street) in Glendale. The same program will be repeated at the USC Campus on April 23.
Many of the films are award-winning and all focus on the complex relations between Armenians and the Turks in the century after
the genocide. All films are subtitled in English.
Refreshments will be available throughout the afternoon and
visitors are welcome to come and stay as long or as short as they
doors of 100 churches will be photographed during the implementation of this project.
“When the project is over, we will hold an exhibition to showcase the photos. It’s going to be an interesting pilgrimage. We’re
certain that the visitors will not only come to view the photos, but
will also say a prayer as they walk by the photos of those churches.
That’s exactly the goal of this project. We want to pray as a nation
so that justice is served, so that the Turks recognize the crime that
their ancestors committed, apologize and make reparations,”
Yeghoyan said.
Yeghoyan also mentioned that he had come up with the idea of
this project in 2012, discussed it in 2013 and started implementing
it with photographer Ruben Martirosyan in 2014. The two have
already taken photos of 80 churches. There are still 20 churches
left, including churches in Artsakh, Javakhk and Western Armenia.
“Unfortunately, we can’t go to Nakhichevan. We have chose this
path in order to present Armenia that our ancestors dreamed of,
had, but lost and part of which was liberated,” he said.
Besides taking photos of the doors of churches, film director
Khachik Yeghoyan and photographer Ruben Martirosyan have also
held a flashmob by taking photos of their close friends with shirts
reading “Our Wounds Are Still Open”. Yeghoyan said there was a
lot of feedback and that many people wanted to participate in the
flashmob. “However, there were those who deceived us, took the
opportunity and started producing and selling shirts with the same
slogan and ascribing that to us. We had to go against that and
decided to sell the shirts for AMD 2,400.”
“1915″ Movie Trailer,
Poster Released
In honor of the
100th anniversary of
the forgotten genocide
that ravaged the
Armenian population
of Ottoman Turkey,
Bloodvine Media, in
mTuck man Media,
plans to release
“1915” in theaters on
April 17 and on
demand April 22, 2015.
The psychological thriller is directed by Armenians Garin Hovannisian (author of Family of Shadows) and Alec Mouhibian, and
features a who’s who of Armenian cast and crew, including executive producer Raffi K. Hovannisian (Armenia’s first foreign minister), Grammy Award winning composer Serj Tankian (from the
band System of a Down, soon to go on a tour dedicated to the
Genocide), and actors Simon Abkarian (Casino Royale) and Angela
Sarafyan (Twilight). The filmmakers will also join tens of thousands of Armenians on a march for justice on April 24 in Los
Angeles to bring attention to the first genocide of modern history –
which has been denied by the government of Turkey for an entire
century. In Yerevan, a historic premiere is being planned at the
Moscow Theatre for April 25.
Writer Peter Balakian
Discusses Armenian Genocide
at Holocaust Museum Houston Hye Riders Will Ride From France
from page 2
to Armenia for Raising Awareness
The official number of dead in the Holocaust, according to the
U.S. Holocaust Museum is 5.1 million. In the Armenian case,
About the Armenian Genocide
Lemkin put the death toll at 1.2 million. The epicenter of killing
was in 1915 and 1916. About two-thirds of the Armenian population perished.
Balakian discussed some definitions of culture as essential to
the identity of any ethnic group. And he analyzed some of the
tactics of Turkish assault on Armenian culture in 1915. He discussed the destruction of about 4,500 churches and schools; the
killing of culture producers: writers, teachers, editors, clergy,
journalists on April 24 and after throughout Turkey; and the
forced conversion of Armenians to Islam as a way of eradicating
ethnic identity and absorbing Armenians into the Turkish nation.
Balakian discussed the city of Ani among many Churches in
eastern Turkey as an example for the politicization of historical
monuments and preservation in a post-genocidal context. Ani,
which Balakian suggested might be seen as the equivalent of Florence for Italy, was the medieval capital of the Armenian
Bagratid kingdom in the 10th and 11th centuries and is today on
the Turkish-Armenian boarder was celebrated for the artistry of
its churches and other structures. The city was abandoned in the
seventeenth century and has since been subjected to earthquakes
and destruction that have left it in ruins.
Balakian referred to Grigoris Balakian’s “The Ruins of Ani”
to suggest that scholars might now see the erosion and falsification of Ani by the Turkish government today through a post-colonial lens. During his presentation, Balakian emphasized the connection that Armenians have to eastern Turkey but also the experiences of exile and loss because of what he called the ‘lock out
syndrome’ which is the result of Ankara’s policy of disallowing
even proper identification on the signage of the historic Armenian churches.
In response to a question from the audience about the US government’s refusal to go on official record about the Armenian
genocide, Balakian noted that the State Department remains
afraid of standing up to Turkish coercion and pressure, and this
seems to be a failure of ethical courage. Twenty-two countries
have passed a resolution of recognition of the Armenian Genocide including Poland, Sweden, France, Greece, and Switzerland.
Vreij Kolandjian thanked Professor Balakian for his lecture
which underlines the importance of Genocide as a chain of never
ending violence and destruction and thanked the Holocaust
Museum Houston for emphasizing the importance of the Armenian Genocide by hosting two lectures and one exhibition on the
topic three months in a row.
Editor in Chief
Director in Charge
Sevag Hagopian
Elie Hajj
Attached are Pictures taken from Blessing of Hye Riders in
Armenian Church for their World Tour on Bike to commemorate
The Centennial of Armenian Genocide, reports the Aypoupen.com.
At first glimpse you’d think it is a scene from the TV show, but
when you look deeply you will see the Armenian Tricolor along
with the US Flag on the badges, few moments later, you will realize these are Armenian American Hye Riders Motor Club.
«For raising awareness about the Armenian genocide Hye Riders will ride from France to Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and Georgia and
will be in Armenia for the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide,
follow us on FaceBook for daily news and pictures from the
WORLD TOUR. Less than 2 weeks left to World Tour».
The “Hye Riders” are a group of Armenian men who love to
ride their motorcycles. They organize events, ride their bikes, and
live proudly as Armenians.
In 1998 The Hye Riders motorcycle club had the honor and
blessing by another significant motorcycle club to be known as the
only Armenian motorcycle club formed in the United States. This
recognition was done by a well-known and respected club called
“Vagos” (the “Vagos” were established in the early ’60s). The Hye
Riders are grateful for their support and understanding. The Hye
Riders proudly represent their name and clean images wherever
they ride. Each day, the Hye Riders carry their good reputation
within the motorcycle and Armenian communities.
The Hye Riders ride twice a week. Most of the time, their rides
are for charity and fundraising events. They also participate in
Harley Davidson organized events to raise money, to donate gifts
and toys to orphans in Los Angles.
Website: zartonkdaily.com
e-mail: [email protected]
The documentary “The Armenian
Genocide” presents the complete
story of the first Genocide of the 20th
century – when over a million Armenians died at the hands of the
Ottoman Turks during World War I.
This award-winning and critically
acclaimed one-hour film, originally
aired on PBS in 2006, will be distributed to public television stations
across the United States in April 2015
to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Genocide. The film’s rerelease is made possible by the
Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of America, Eastern Region.
The film was written, directed and produced by Emmy Award-winning producer Andrew Goldberg of Two Cats Productions.
Stories and Photos of
45 Armenian Genocide
Survivors in One Book
Photographer Nazig Armenagian will present a book¬album of
photos of survivors of the Armenian Genocide. It took years of
hard work for the photographer to compile the personal stories of 45 Armenian
Genocide survivors living
in different parts of Armenia and record the horror in
their eyes with her camera.
The 130¬40 page book
will be released in Armenian and English. It will be
illustrated and will include a photo of a survivor next to each story.
The preface of the book will be by Mark Nshanian, and the editor
of the photos will be film critic Viken Kalstian. “I visited survivors
living in different regions. I would go to the villages, and it would
happen that I would visit seven villages and nobody would be
there. I would cry on the way back. Words can’t describe how
much pain I felt whenever I lost track of a survivor. I would get sad
not because I was losing another person to take a photo of, but
because I was losing a person who was close to my heart,” the photographer said in an interview with “Armenpress”.
‘April 24’ App Set to Launch
on April 24
On April 24, 2015, Armenian-American television host Stepan
Partamian will launch his second major app, titled “April 24.” The
app will be available for download from the iTunes Store and
Google Play, free of charge.
The “April 24” App includes the
entire library of Partamian’s “Yes, We
Have” series of books and numerous
entries that are being published for the
first time. The material comprises short
biographies, photographs, as well as US
patents, of Armenians who have contributed their talents to the greatness of
American civilization. Categories
include art, literature, music, theater, cinema, journalism and media, science, technology, medicine, law,
public service and politics, military service, and sports, among others.
Beyond the wealth of information included in the “April 24”
App, its scope will be gradually expanded to comprise the contributions of outstanding Armenians to not only American civilization
but those of other countries across the world, among them France,
Germany, Russia, Britain, and Argentina, complete with photos and
short biographies.
The “April 24” App comes on the heels of the global success of
the “Partam” App, which was released on April 24, 2014. A feature-rich travel guide to every Armenian destination under the sun,
the “Partam” App provides photos and information, including maps
and contact links, pertaining to Armenian destinations and landmarks across the United States, Canada, and elsewhere.
Both the “Partam” App and the “April 24” App are Stepan Partamian’s gifts to the worldwide Armenian community. “This year
we mark the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
Turkey’s attempt to annihilate the Armenian people,” Partamian
said. “These two free apps not only provide ample evidence of the
survival of the Armenian nation, but are powerful reminders of its
immense potentialities and continued vibrancy.”
ZARTONK receives material from
around the world and in many languages.
Our Liberal principles advocate ‘Freedom
of speech’ as a mainstay of our beliefs; consequently the subjects
and ideas presented will not necessarily reflect our point of view.
All published material is reviewed, however, we rely on the kind
understanding of our audience when grammatical and spelling mistakes are missed. And in some rare cases, correction of submitted
material is purposely not addressed, if it changes the implied context
of the author.
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