OFFICE AUTOMATION CORPORATE AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS & SUPPLIES CATALOG ISSUE 3 *Same Company, Updated Name PH. (817)226.4646 INSIDE THIS ISSUE If Your Company Is Thinking About Mailing Equipment Or Postage Meters Call The Experts Who Care! Welcome… WE TAKE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION PERSONALLY! In today’s fast-paced business arena, things happen in seconds, not days. Maintaining the leading edge in business relationships is the key to continued success. Getting the product out the door and into your customers’ hands on time should be common practice, not the exception. Which means now! Alternative Business Automation Solutions, located in Arlington, Texas, has over 70 years combined experience consulting with and providing solutions for over 3,000 mailers and shippers throughout the country. DIGITAL MAILING MACHINES We offer a complete line of mailing machines. Our mailing machines provide advanced performance, durability, simplicity of control, and complete reliability from small to heavy volume applications. They process letter mail at speeds from 60 to 240 pieces per minute, automatically feeding, sealing and metering. Multiple sizes of mail, from post cards to large envelopes, up to 11’ x 17” can be handled. Our systems are fast and flexible, and can handle the volume and variety of mailing tasks your business requires. ACCESSORIES (Addressing Machines, Folders, Letter Openers, Our goal… Our goal at ABAS is to be the best fullservice equipment rental, sales and service company with the ability to service the high demands of our existing and new customers in the Dallas/ Fort Worth Metroplex. We strive to be our customers most trusted solution provider. We serve our customers as trusted allies, providing them with the loyalty of a business partner and the economics of an outside vendor. Whenever possible, we strive to educate and help our customers gain a competitive edge in their marketplace through the use of our products and services. Inserters, Shredders & Supplies…check out our web site). We carry all the accessories to make your mail facility more efficient. Our supply division can handle all of your mailing and shipping supply needs. INTEGRATED SHIPPING & RECEIVING SYSTEMS Our shipping and receiving systems seamlessly integrate multicarrier shipping & mailing functionality into one application that is 2000 E Randol Mill Rd, Ste 610 • Arlington, TX 76011 817-226-4646 Same Company, Updated Name* *Alternative Mailing & Shipping Systems is changing its name to Alternative Business Automation Solutions in 2015. We are updating and re-branding our company to better describe our services, equipment and software in the future. AIMED is an association comprised of North America’s most prominent mailing, shipping, and office automation equipment & software dealers. Doing business with an AIMED member means your company will always be informed of new industry trends & technologies that will improve your bottom line. PROUD MEMBER OF OFFICE AUTOMATION | Visit Our Website at INSIDE THIS ISSUE Corporate Sponsorship of Environmental Conservation Programs Alternative Business Automation Solutions actively promotes environmental awareness in the communities in which we live and work. We accomplish this by providing direct financial support to environmental organizations, such as Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. ABAS COMMITMENT TO A GREEN EQUIPMENT PROGRAM Since 1992 we have been saving the environment one machine at a time. ABAS has carefully assessed the impact that our decisions make on the world around us. We changed our environmental philosophy in order to save the earth for generations to come. ABAS is challenging our customers about the way they think when it comes to acquiring mailing equipment. We want to help save the earth. Since 2007 we have acquired over 8,000 machines that would have been destined for land fills. We recycled the rubber, plastic, metal, & circuit boards from those machines. What are your company’s green initiatives? Sustainability Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We Support Fossil Rim In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that modern civilization is affecting the quality of our environment. Therefore, the choices we make today, collectively and privately, impact the quality of life of future generations. Scientists and citizens are becoming more concerned with global warming and the impact that “greenhouse gases” are said to have. Choosing to “Purchase Green” remanufactured automation equipment is a solution that goes beyond detection and provides substantial benefits environmentally, economically and systemically. You can choose to save the earth for the next generations The time has come to re-evaluate our long accepted cultural practices. How we go about our daily our homes, our offices, our industry. Our planet is a closed system. Our natural resources are finite. Are we acting accordingly? While recycling of our natural resources is by no means an environmental cure all, Alternative Business Automation Solutions believes that recycling greatly increases the life expectancy of these resources. Alternative Business Automation Solutions offers cost-effective, sustainable environmental solutions for your business that illustrate your commitment to responsible environmental stewardship. MAKERBOT REPLICATOR Z183D PRINTER Masi veBui l dVol ume,AtAn Affordabl ePri ce Getsmoot ht o0t het ouchsur f acest hatdon’ tneedsandi ng, f i ni shi ng,orpost pr oduct i on.Wi t habui l dspaceof 12”x12”x18”,youcanmakeext r al ar geandi ndust r i alul t r at al l pr ot ot ypes,model s,andpr oduct s.Thi spr i nt ercomes st andar dwi t hanencl osedandheat edbui l dchamberdesi gned f orpr i nt i ngl ar gemodel swi t hmi ni malcur l i ng.Thi nkand bui l dbi ggert hanever ! POSTBASE 65AUTOMATIC MAILING MACHINE Smooth,Sl eek,&I nnovati ve ThePost Base65br i ngst hebest i ncl asst echnol ogy,smoot hf eedi ng andi nt ui t i veoper at i ont oyourof f i ceenvi r onment .Thi smachi ne pr ocessesmai lupt o65pi ecespermi nut ei ncl udesanaut omat i c f eed/ sealuni t ,ani nt egr at ed15l b.scal e,acol ort ouchscr een andupgr adabl ef eat ur es.Al socomesi nf i vedi f f er ent col or s,sol ongbul kybl ahmai lmachi nes. MPS4242MULTIFUNCTIONALCOLOR PRINTER TheMPS4242combi neshi ghqual i t ycol or ,at42ppm col or out put ,andf our i nonef unct i onal i t ywi t hspeed,r el i abi l i t yand easeofuse–super i orval uef r om t heMFPst hathasaf oot pr i nt smal lenought of i teasi l yi nt oyourenvi r onment .They’ r et he per f ectsol ut i onf orwor kgr oupsi nyourcompany. HOT PRODUCTS How to Save on Certified Mail Use Since Certified Mail provides both proof of mailing and proof of delivery, a copy of each Certified Mail transaction is kept on file by the United States Postal Service. Since 2005, the USPS has offered the option for senders of Certified Mail to obtain a digital signature from the recipient. This option, called Electronic Return Receipt, reduces the cost to obtain the signature from $2.30 for the Green Card signature to $1.35 for the Digital signature. To take advantage of this $1.35 in postage savings offered by Electronic Return Receipt, senders of Certified Mail must go through a series of time consuming steps after sending their mail. First, the Certified Mail number must be keyed into the USPS website and tracked. Second, the user must fill out a form – enter first name, last name and email address, then click submit. Third, the USPS sends the digital signature to the specified email address as an attached PDF. For companies that send large amounts of Certified Mail, this manual process defeats the purpose of using Electronic Return Receipt because the $1.35 in postage savings is quickly erased by the manual labor associated with each transaction. HOW MUCH DO USPS APPROVED CERTIFIED MAIL SOLUTIONS COST? Most companies provide the software for free and only charge customers for the Certified Mail forms which can be printed using standard inkjet and LaserJet printers. The forms cost between $.16 and $.30 a piece depending on the volume purchased; a small price to pay for saving $1.35 in postage on each Certified Mail piece and countless hours in labor. Contact us for a free demo presentation on the use of USPS approved Certified Mail software. *Prices subject to change. HOW CAN BUSINESSES SOLVE THIS PROBLEM? They can use USPS approved Certified Mail software with forms that can be printed using standard inkjet and LaserJet printers. These USPS approved Certified Mail solutions offer the ability to automate the Electronic Return Receipt processing as well. The software automatically uploads the required information to the USPS each day and provides the users of the software with the ability to download the signatures in bulk each week. Companies taking advantage of these USPS approved Certified Mail solutions no longer have to waste countless hours having their staff manually hand write the Certified Mail forms. They just import their list of addresses into the software, and have the ability to print the Certified Mail forms in a fraction of the time it would take to manually hand write them. This labor savings combined with the $1.35 in postage savings offered by Electronic Return Receipt is helping companies across all industries improve their bottom line. Premium Mailing & Shipping Supplies SUPPLY PRICING Premium Mailing & Shipping Supplies Shop At Our New Website To Order We Take Customer Satisfaction Personally! Alternative Business Automation Solutions, Inc. (ABAS Inc.) listens to your needs, delivers when promised, at the agreed upon price—no surprises. Our number one priority is you, the customer. ABAS Inc. will keep you informed of the dynamic changes and new opportunities in the mailing and shipping industry. Our satisfaction policy coupled with our rental agreement ensures that your company will have little to no down time, while reducing your costs. Our service team maintains an average response time of three to four hours from the time the call is placed. We provide complete implementation, training and on-site support. The best way to find out more about ABAS Inc. is to call our customers and ask them why they are so happy doing business with us. Digital Postage Meters Envelope Addressing Machine Jeff Summers and His Equipment From Alternative Business Automation Solutions Inc. of Arlington, Texas. “If you’re in the direct mail business, and you’re not using a Secap Addressing Machine, you’re wasting your time, and your companies’ money! I have saved enough in man hours and postage discounts to pay for my machine in less than one year, and be able to process up to 250,000 pieces per day, by myself. I can’t imagine trying to do my job without it!” Automatic Folding & Inserting Machines Hear From Our Customers “We have realized a substantial reduction in our postage meter cost and are pleased with the performance of the products. I am grateful for the prompt response to our questions and operational needs.” - Fort Worth Dallas Ballet Association “Of all the office machinery vendors I deal with, ABAS is by far my favorite. Not only do you ensure that we get a good deal whenever it’s time to renew our contracts and help us stay within our budget constraints, but the customer service we receive is outstanding.” - Irving Arts Center “Since installing the interfaced electronic mailing system in 1990, we estimate that the county has saved between 10 & 20 percent of our postage budget.” - Johnson County Tax Office Effective March 2015 *Same Company, Updated Name Call us today! (817) 226-4646 Visit Our Website at
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