Just for Your Consideration Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. ― 1 Corinthians 16:13 Compiled by Pastor Greg Wilson, Landmark Baptist Church, Archer, Florida April 12, 2015 World Net Daily 'If It Comes To Civil Disobedience, So Be It' Calls for a stand on 'God-given right and constitutional principle' By Pat Buchanan “The LGBT militants are not asking to be left alone,” he said. “They are demanding that we accept the morality of homosexuality and same-sex marriages, and manifest that acceptance, under pain of law and sanctions, in our daily lives.” Buchanan added, “As the Romans demanded of the Christians, the LGBT fanatics want us to burn incense to their gods. The answer is no. If it comes to civil disobedience, so be it.” It’s not the first time “civil disobedience” has been mentioned in the context of looming mandates regarding same-sex marriage. Conservative leader Pat Buchanan is urging Christians to fight the “LGBT fanatics” who are demanding they betray their faith, even if it means civil disobedience. WND recently reported a team of prominent Christian leaders worked on a statement to inform the public – including justices on the U.S. Supreme Court who soon will hear arguments on the issue – that they will engage in civil disobedience rather than follow a ruling that establishes homosexual marriage in the United States. And the conservative grassroots is showing signs it is ready for a showdown, supporting a pizzeria targeted by left-wing activists with donations rapidly approaching $1 million. In an exclusive interview with WND, Buchanan, the author of “Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?” and other bestsellers, spoke on the controversy over the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Two justices, Elena Kagan and Ruth Ginsburg, already have made public statements in support of gay marriage by performing ceremonies. Buchanan forcefully condemned defeatism among social conservatives and rejected retreat or even compromise. Instead, the one-time presidential contender and Reagan White House aide urged Christians to put the laws of God above the laws of man. Among those leading the charge are James Dobson of Family Talk Radio, Rick Scarborough of Vision America Action, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel and James Robison of Life Today, whose new publication called The Stream reported on a telephone conference call discussing the issue. “This battle can be won, but it cannot be won if we do not stand our ground and fight against this moral onslaught from the left,” he said. “The hill to stand on and fight on is the God-given natural right and the constitutional principle that people of faith may choose not to associate with those whose actions are abhorrent and whose lifestyle is insulting and offensive to that faith.” Stream Executive Editor Jay Richards told WND there were about 20 other Christian leaders on the call. He said members of Congress have expressed an interest in the plan. “We’re taking a very adamant stand,” he said. “If the court declares same-sex marriage to be on the same par as a civil right, that’s a bridge too far. We won’t obey. We’ll go to jail.” Buchanan dismissed arguments that “gay”-rights activists are simply asking for political freedom or the same rights as any other citizen. Dobson, who publicly warned Obama he would not submit to mandatory payments for abortion – said 1 Brown, the author of a history of the homosexual rights movement, “A Queer Thing Happened to America: And What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been,” argues, “It’s time for people of conscience around the nation to wake up and say, ‘Enough is enough.’ Christians must stand together against the clearly unbiblical same-sex marriage. “We will be attacked from every direction,” Dobson said in the report in the the Stream, “and critics will do all they can to weaken and embarrass us, but so what?” “We will treat everyone with civility and respect, but the government or the media or popular pressure will not force us to violate our convictions and beliefs. You will not steal our religious freedoms.” “Are we going to sit on our reputations and go to our graves without having played a role? This is Roe v. Wade all over again. I am standing shoulder to shoulder with all who will stand up for God’s Word concerning marriage. We don’t know all of the steps that must be taken, but God will reveal His will. To the extent that I am able to influence anybody, I will do it with passion,” Dobson said. In response to the Indiana controversy, pro-family activists are pushing the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act, which would bar government discrimination against individuals or groups that support traditional marriage. Buchanan continued: “As Aquinas wrote, we do not have to obey immoral or unjust laws. We should defy them. And support the brave people who do.” But Brown said conservative statesmen need to go further by boldly defending religious freedom and the views of their constituents. Grassroots conservatives around the country are already following this advice with their enthusiastic financial support of Memories Pizza. The small business has been targeted by death threats and hostile media coverage after the owners said they would decline to cater a same-sex wedding. As of this writing, a GoFundMe page created by the Blaze has raised almost $1 million from more than 30,000 donors. “This is the time for politicians to make clear that they will not bow down to the pressure of the misinformation mobs. They will stand up for what is right and propagate the truth until the bullies are exposed,” he said. WND, reporting earlier on the issue of civil disobedience, noted Staver said: “Immediately, when elevated to that level of a constitutionally protected category, [same-sex marriage] is given the same status as race. What you cannot legally do with respect to race, you will not be able to do legally with respect to same-sex unions and sexual immorality. However, even as grassroots conservatives rallied, Republican politicians such as Gov. Mike Pence were in full retreat. He signed a revised version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Thursday containing changes that pro-family activists say are actually worse than passing no law at all. “Think of race in the context of religious expression or conscience expression and replace it with sexual immorality, transsexualism or so-called gender identity. For example, churches and other religious organizations are exempt from the religious discrimination provisions of federal, state or local nondiscrimination laws. But they are not exempted from the race provisions. So Catholics can hire Catholics, and Baptists can hire Baptists, but they cannot hire only ‘white’ Catholics or only ‘white’ Baptists. They would face significant penalties. You can’t have separate restrooms or drinking fountains for people of a different color. If a church did that they would be liable for a significant amount of damages because of discrimination on the basis of race. Republican presidential candidates such as Jeb Bush are also shifting their positions. According to audio tapes obtained by the New York Times, the former Florida governor told a meeting of donors “we shouldn’t discriminate based on sexual orientation” and suggested Indiana should have come up with a “better approach” to protecting religious freedom. Michael Brown, an expert who holds a Ph.D. from New York University and has researched and written a number of books on homosexuality, says he is not surprised by the reaction of Republican politicians. And, like Buchanan, Brown warns Christians will have no choice but to resist or submit. “Same-sex marriage or laws including sexual orientation or gender identity as a non-discrimination category directly impact religious organizations and churches. If a man wants to use the women’s restroom and a church official told him he could not, then that act would be like telling people of color they cannot use the ‘white only’ restroom. You will also have the same issues with tax exemption over sexual preference as you have now over race,” he said. “This is what we’ve been saying for years. Those who came out of the closet now want to put us in the closet,” he said. “This is not a matter of tolerance and diversity. This is a matter of ‘My way or the highway.’ And the lesson is clear: If you throw enough of a fit, conservatives will capitulate.” 2 Haters' End Goal: Wipe Out Christianity in America Warns, 'Homosexual campaign is not about freedom' By Star Parker The truth is that the objective of the homosexual campaign is not about American freedom. The objective is the de-legitimization and annihilation of Christianity in America. Columnist George Will points out that Apple’s openly gay CEO, Tim Cook, “thinks Indiana is a terrible place. (But) He opened marketing and retail operations in Saudi Arabia two months before a man was sentenced to 450 lashes for being gay.” This did not begin yesterday. Will was commenting on Cook’s recent Washington Post op-ed protesting Indiana’s new, now amended, Religious Freedom Restoration Act and similar initiatives around the country. It has now been well over a half-century that the words of our Constitution have been distorted so the very protections guaranteed for Christians are used as weapons against them. World Magazine reports that Cook has recently been in the United Arab Emirates negotiating on behalf of Apple, where homosexuality is against the law and the penalty is death. From the prohibition of prayer in school, to prohibitions of public displays of the Ten Commandments and Christian symbols, to lawsuits against Christian photographers for refusing to provide the photography for gay weddings, the war against Christian presence in America becomes increasingly open and aggressive. Cook’s duplicity is not just in deeds, but also in words. The Indiana law was passed to protect religious freedom, mirroring existing federal law and law in 31 states around the nation. And what has happened over the last half-century while this has been going on? Our Declaration of Independence notes our inalienable rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” But for Cook, who purports in his op-ed to care about freedom, protection of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” for a Christian is an act of aggression against gays. The institutions and behavior that provide the glue holding together a faithful, civil and virtuous society have collapsed. The traditional American family is in shambles. Forty-three percent of our babies now born to unwed mothers compared to 5 percent a half-century ago. And there have been 56 million aborted unborn children. He renders religious freedom meaningless by accusing those, who exercise their right of protection, of discrimination against those who wish to violate their rights. It was not by accident that America’s first president, George Washington, warned the young nation, in his Farewell Address, that religion and morality are “indispensible” to “political prosperity,” and he cautioned against “the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.” “This isn’t a political issue. It isn’t a religious issue. This is about how we treat each other as human beings,” he writes. You would think that Cook, CEO of the most valuable company in the world, with a reported personal net worth of $400 million, could perceive his transparent double standard. Meanwhile, as legal violence is used in the war on Christianity at home, physical violence is used in the same war in Muslim countries abroad. The Wall Street Journal reports that Christians today make up 5 percent of the population in the Middle East compared to 20 percent a hundred years ago. For him and other homosexual activists, Christians cannot observe their religion and live by the Bible’s words they hold sacred without discriminating against gays. If this is about “how we treat each other as human beings,” as Cook writes, then how can he justify a same-sex couple going to a baker or photographer they well know is Christian, for whom homosexuality is a sin, and demand a cake or photography for a gay wedding? Can Tim Cook really believe that this is decent, tolerant, freedom loving human behavior? As many political and business leaders cowardly enable this global war on Christianity, Christians must stand in defense of themselves and their religion and convictions. Star Parker is president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, and author of the recently rereleased "Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What We Can Do About It." 3 Saving Ourselves from This Corrupt Generation On fortifying her 19-year-old to survive in the world By Patrice Lewis schools for six hours a day, how many hours would his or her parents have to spend to undo that influence?” Recently while reading Acts 2, this verse leaped out at me: “With many other words he [Peter] warned them; and he pleaded with them, ‘Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.’” Later in the column, he wrote, “Parents, and especially fathers, are called to provide their children spiritual instruction (see Deuteronomy 6: 4-9); we are not to leave it to hired professionals and expect them to miraculously wash away the imprint of today’s American youth culture.” The reason this caught my attention is because we are about to launch our oldest child (who is now 19) into the world. Soon she will be on her own, mingling with new people in new places. She will face temptations, she will experience different lifestyles, she will be challenged by others whose morals and values she does not share, and she will make mistakes. When our girls were babies, we moved heaven and earth to avoid putting them in day care. We worked weird hours, lived in poverty and adopted a home-based routine to make sure they always had parental care. Homeschooling was a natural extension of this lifestyle. In short, she will be launched into a corrupt generation. I’m a history buff, so I’m fully aware that virtually every generation throughout the ages has been called corrupt by someone (usually the elders). And the elders are generally right: Every generation has its degree of corruption. We are certainly no exception. At the time, none of this was due to particularly strong opinions about education or peer pressure (those concerns came later). But at some level it made sense that the longer our kids were away from our influence, the more likely we would be dealing with behavioral repercussions we didn’t want, especially as they grew older. But there are differences today that worry me. In the days of old, it might shock some to see a husband and wife holding hands. Now the astonishment is that someone bothered to marry at all. Race riots are this weekend’s low-cost entertainment. Wardrobe “malfunctions” are scored for creativity. Living on the dole in your parent’s home, while agitating for more welfare, is laudable. I don’t mean we’ve kept our girls isolated or ignorant. As parents, that would be a foolish and naïve thing to do. But we’ve tried to impart to our kids what is beautiful and worthy in the world, and what is foolish and wasteful and detrimental. This got me thinking: How can we save ourselves from this corrupt generation? Or more specifically, how can we save our children? In short, we felt we had a responsibility to make sure our daughters were safe from this corrupt generation until they’re old enough to make their own decisions. To this end, we tried to make sure our girls were raised IN but not OF this world. Some groups have taken these words to their literal end and created an entire subculture divorced from “the world,” such as the Amish. What does that mean, IN but not OF? The way I see it, it means we’re involved in our culture and community, but we do not necessarily adopt its values. Without really planning it, my husband and I sort of did the same thing. By living rural and by homeschooling our daughters, we have effectively removed them from the “real” world of easy drugs, casual sex, gutter morals, rebellious behavior and other ills of adolescence. Throughout the last 19 years, this course of action has proved worthwhile since it seems that society’s efforts have become ever more aggressive in removing kids from the devious clutches of their parents in order to mold and shape them into “acceptable” citizens. We didn’t embark on this lifestyle with those goals in mind, but as our kids got older we began to realize the value of these choices. Parents can no longer trust that schools will reflect the values they hold dear, or teach things of value to kids. Instead, schools indoctrinate children into attitudes entirely antithetical to the standards of their parents and the moral standards needed for a functional society, thus setting the scene for rebellion and strife. A few years ago my WND editor published a column called “Too lazy NOT to homeschool.” In it he said: “Sure, homeschooling is a lot of work, especially for the mother, but it doesn’t compare with the work needed to effectively deprogram a child who is not homeschooled. … Do the math. If a child is subject to the current atheistic indoctrination that passes for education in the government In such “worldly” schools, history is rewritten, falsehoods are taught, faith is mocked, purity is sneered at, morals are 4 dismissed, and standards are lowered. Children are humiliated and subdued until they come into conformity with worldly standards, which cause strife and rebellion and anger between parents and offspring. Wheeeee. mock our faith don’t bother us. We try to keep our “eyes on the prize” (Luke 9:62) and dismiss the influences of the corrupt generation as unimportant in the grand scheme of things. And after formal schooling, the progressive education continues in movies, on television and in music. You might call them refresher courses in moral decay. But we’re not especially worried about our girls becoming contaminated by this junk because we taught them as Proverbs 22:6 states: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Remember that the risen Son of God means that those who believe will not perish and will be saved from this corrupt generation. Have a blessed Resurrection Day. Patrice Lewis is a freelance writer whose latest book is "The Simplicity Primer: 365 Ideas for Making Life more Livable." She is co-founder (with her husband) of a home woodcraft business. The Lewises live on 20 acres in north Idaho with their two homeschooled children, assorted livestock, and a shop that overflows into the house with depressing regularity. As Christians throughout the world spend this week in contemplation of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, we are once again blessed to have our family IN but not OF a world that dismisses the significance of the most important event in history. Those who would sneer or Mike Pence Accused of Gutting Religious Freedom Law So-called 'fix' called a cave to Big Business By Cheryl K. Chumley Perkins also warned the new proposal would actually “force religious businesses and even nonprofits deemed ‘not religious enough’ to participate in wedding ceremonies contrary to their owners’ beliefs,” he wrote. “If the government punished people for living their faith, there are no limits to what government can control.” Various businesses, from Walmart to Apple to Salesforce, threatened to leave Indiana or take other actions that would impact the states’ overall revenues if Pence and lawmakers didn’t abandon the law. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Pence, a talked-about candidate for the White House in 2016, then said he would go back to the legislature and request a clarified version. Indiana Republican Gov. Mike Pence, facing widespread pressure from “gay” activists and business owners, signed a clarification of the muchdiscussed Religious Freedom Restoration Act, but his revision is being slammed for going too far in the opposite direction. He said, during the signing of the revision: “There will be some who think this legislation goes too far and some who think it does not go far enough, but as governor I must always put the interest of our state first and ask myself every day, ‘What is best for Indiana?’” On the Fox New show “Fox & Friends” Friday morning, the conclusion was Pence gutted the law. The sentiment was echoed by Family Research Council President Tony Perkins who, in the lead-up to Pence’s revision, sent out an email blast to supporters warning of the changes. But as WND previously reported, many are upset with the new changes and urged lawmakers to band together and veto them. Perkins’ email: “Big Business is pressuring Indiana to take the silver over religious freedom. The ‘fix’ being forced through by legislative leaders actually guts Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, and empowers the government to impose punishing fines on people for following their beliefs about marriage.” Cheryl K. Chumley is a staff writer for WND and author of "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming our Reality." Formerly with the Washington Times, she is a journalism fellow with The Phillips Foundation in Washington, D.C., where she spent a year researching and writing about private property rights. 5 Repugnant Realities Behind Obamatrade's Veil Spotlights plan's 'temporary entry' guest worker visas By Curtis Ellis Guest workers visas top the wish list of Big Surveillance in Silicon Valley and the administration’s other corporatist cronies pushing immigration reform. Supporters of the TransPacific Partnership say the text of the agreement needs to kept secret because if the public knew what was in it they’d oppose it. When it comes to this sweeping international regulatory agreement with 12 countries in Latin America and Asia, the administration has been performing a dance of the seven veils, suggesting tantalizing treats, promising pleasures to come, but never actually revealing anything. The Obama administration used the South Korea-U.S. free trade agreement as a vehicle to expand the L1 visa program, a category of visas companies use to transfer foreign workers into the U.S. L1 visas are notoriously abused to replace American workers with low-paid labor from overseas. We’ve now seen the chancres beneath the gossamer, and anyone with eyes will be repelled. The only chance Congress will have to reject the TransPacific Partnership will be the vote on fast track trade promotion authority that could come later this month. Speaking at an international corporate business summit in March, Obama said comprehensive immigration reform “would make America even more attractive to businesses.” Fulfilling his promise to take executive action to further his immigration agenda, he announced “a new action I’m also taking to make it easier for global companies. … My administration is going to reform the L1B visa category, which allows corporations to temporarily move workers from a foreign office to a U.S. office in a faster, simpler way. … [T]his could benefit hundreds of thousands of non-immigrant workers and their employers.” Thanks to Wikileaks, we know that the TransPacific Partnership, aka Obamatrade, sets up U.N.-run tribunals with jurisdiction over the U.S. Under a provision in the agreement known as Investor State Dispute Settlement, or ISDS, China’s Vietnamese cronies will be able to haul our local, state and federal governments before U.N.administered “courts” in Geneva. These kangaroo courts will force American taxpayers to shell out money to foreign cronies who feel their “rights” under Obamatrade were violated. Of course, American citizens won’t have access to these “courts” – nor will we be able to appeal their rulings. Lest you be misled by the weasel words, make no mistake: “non-immigrant workers” are not American workers. This is bureaucratic parlance for foreign workers not counted as immigrants … yet. These U.N. courts, staffed by unelected “experts” paid by the same global companies they’ll be judging, are a corporate trial lawyer’s dream come true – and the death knell for American sovereignty. The landmark decision Marbury v. Madison gave the Supreme Court the power to strike down laws passed by Congress or the states. Obamatrade gives the U.N. the same power, and more – the power to overrule even the Supreme Court. Will this sovereignty-busting, immigration-enabling, regulation-loving agreement secretly negotiated by Obama and his cronies become the law of the land? That will soon be up to Congress. Obama, Boehner, McConnell and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the same crowd who brought us executive amnesty, are asking Congress to pass fast track “trade promotion authority.” Fast track makes it possible to pass the TransPacific Partnership with a simple majority vote in both houses of Congress, no amendments, no filibuster. And there’s more. The U.S. trade representative’s website says “temporary entry” guest worker visas are a “key part” of the TransPacific Partnership agreement. The concept of “temporary entry” visas brings to mind Milton Friedman who said, “Nothing is as permanent as a temporary government program.” Why should we trust Obama and take a chance his misbegotten deal will pass on a simple majority? Congress must vote no on fast track. Curtis Ellis is a political communications consultant and writer. The administration won’t publicly disclose details of the “temporary entry” visas in the TransPacific Partnership, but we have every reason to be suspicious. 6 Culture-Death: America Has Lost Her Story Sees harmful combination of narcissism, collectivism By Joshua Charles pressing matters of our time. As a result, we have become a society run on emotion, not reason. What a week it has been. We have been told religious liberty is under attack. And so it is, in perhaps the most distressing way it has ever occurred in this republic. We have been told that a fascistic leftist mob is out for blood. And so it is. Postman, who was not a Christian, observed, “I believe I am not mistaken in saying that Christianity is a demanding and serious religion. When it is delivered as easy and amusing, it is another kind of religion altogether.” On modern politics, he noted: “Tyrants of all varieties have always known about the value of providing the masses with amusements as a means of pacifying discontent. … How delighted would be all the kings, czars and fuhrers of the past to know that censorship is not a necessity when all political discourse takes the form of a jest.” On education, he lamented: “It would not have come easily to the mind of such a man [Thomas Jefferson], as it does to political leaders today, that the young should be taught to read exclusively for the purpose of increasing their economic productivity. Jefferson had a more profound god to serve. … The question is, ‘What kind of public does it create?’ A conglomerate of self-indulgent consumers? Angry, soulless, directionless masses? Indifferent, confused citizens? Or a public imbued with confidence, a sense of purpose, a respect for learning, and tolerance? … The right answer depends on two things, and two things alone: the existence of shared narratives, and the capacity of such narratives to provide an inspired reason for schooling.” But for me, as distressing as these things are, I am yet again drawn to the conclusion that there is something bigger and more distressing going on here – it is a more fundamental and foundational issue: namely, that far too many Americans on both left and right (and those in between) have had their minds dumbed-down to a degree that is simply incompatible with a society seeking to be both free and self-governing. The great civic issue of our time is this: that we are quickly, distressingly and with breathtaking speed losing our ability to converse with one another. Our common language is disappearing. We are being overtaken by a flood of superficiality in which very few of us know much of anything beyond zingers, oneliners, clichés and stereotypes. Look at the state of the church today (and religion in general). Look at the state of education today. Look at the state of our politics today. We used to be a nation of readers. We now are a nation of tweeters. We used to be a nation where whole towns would turn out for seven hours to hear the likes of Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln debate the great issues of the time. Now, most of us can’t and don’t even watch our presidential “debates.” I challenge ever person reading this: Watch a few minutes of the Nixon-Kennedy debate. If you have the time, watch a minute or two of each presidential debate (in order) since then. You will notice a deleterious corrosion in the substance and civility of our presidential “debates.” They began as a stage upon which those vying for the most powerful office on earth could display their civility, their knowledge, their wisdom and their grace. They are now choreographed circuses where those vying for our nation’s most august office do little more than spout their preapproved talking points and rarely, if ever, offer substantive responses to each other’s arguments. And it is our shared narrative, and our growing loss of it, that lies at the root of this problem. America has lost her story, and we need to get it back. It’s become mired in a quicksand of narcissistic hyperindividualism combined with totalitarian collectivist degradation: the exact opposite of our founders’ vision, which imagined an America where the government was efficient, responsible and liberty-respecting, and the citizens were bound together by a common set of moral, religious principles (notice I didn’t say “doctrines”), which allowed them to manage and govern their own affairs in a responsible, society-benefiting manner. It is because we have lost this vision that we are drowning in the paradoxical, counterintuitive, but ultimately predicted juxtaposition of collectivism and narcissistic hyper-individualism. This is all because of what I called the “Postman thesis,” the prophetic message delivered by Neil Postman in his seminal work, “Amusing Ourselves to Death.” Although published in 1985, its prophetic relevance has only increased with time. Postman observed, and predicted, that the proliferation of electronic media, while not bad in itself, was transforming the way we think (or don’t think): In every area of life, we were being dumbed-down, because we were becoming more and more desirous of entertainment and less desirous of the serious thought and contemplation necessary to sort out complex issues and Washington predicted it. Adams predicted it. Jefferson predicted it. Franklin predicted it. Tocqueville predicted it. Montesquieu predicted it. Cicero predicted it. Postman predicted it. And that is why the recovery of this narrative, a recovery of the American mind, a recovery of self-government and 7 Jefferson’s reminder thus ought to sear our consciences: “Where then is our republicanism to be found? Not in our Constitution certainly, but merely in the spirit of our people. That would oblige even a despot to govern us republicanly [sic]. Owing to this spirit, and to nothing in the form of our Constitution, all things have gone well.” true discourse, ought to be the greatest task of all of us most concerned about the future of this republic. For, as Postman noted, “What Huxley teaches is that in the age of advanced technology, spiritual devastation is more likely to come from an enemy with a smiling face than from one whose countenance exudes suspicion and hate. In the Huxleyan prophecy, Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours. There is no need for wardens or gates or Ministries of Truth.” Joshua Charles is the No. 1 New York Times best-selling co-author (with Glenn Beck) of "The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Constitution, Adapted for the 21st Century." He is currently a research fellow at the Public Policy Institute at William Jessup University, where he is researching the writings of the American Founders, as well as many other champions of human liberty throughout history. He earns his MA in Government in 2014, and despite being a former concert pianist, will begin law school at Regent University in Fall 2014. In such a society, tyranny does not ultimately come from the government, but the people themselves. “When,” Postman eerily predicted, “a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk. Culturedeath is a clear possibility.” Newsmax Finance A Precious Metal Indeed: Gold Outperforms Stocks This Year By Dan Weil Gold has been on a tear over the past three weeks, rising 6.3 percent amid signs of economic weakness that may slow the Federal Reserve's hand in raising interest rates. Analysts predict a 4.6 percent drop in S&P 500 profits for the first quarter, following a 3.7 percent increase in the fourth quarter, according to FactSet. Thanks to that sharp rally, gold has outperformed the S&P 500 index so far in 2015. The precious metal has returned 2.7 percent during that period, compared to 1.6 percent for the S&P 500. On the gold front, "now, with so many bears in the woods, the fact that the Fed seems to be kicking the can down to the road to maybe September instead of June is helping gold tremendously," George Gero, a precious metals analyst with RBC, told CNBC. Gold closed Monday at $1,214.90 an ounce, and the S&P 500 at 2,080.62. Meanwhile, international investor Jim Rogers has been bullish on gold for years, but that doesn't mean he sees the precious metal's strength lasing forever. As for the signs of economic weakness, non-farm payrolls rose only 126,000 in March, the smallest increase since December 2013. And consumer spending rose just 0.1 percent in February, after dropping 0.2 percent in January. "Gold is going to turn into a bubble eventually, and when it turns into a bubble, I hope I’m smart enough to sell it," he told Sprott Money News, when asked what would push him to dump his gold holdings. The Atlanta Federal Reserve's GDPNow model forecast economic growth of only 0.1 percent, as of Thursday. And that's an improvement from Wednesday when the projection was zero growth. "On the other hand, on the down side, I’m not quite sure that I can think of anything that would cause me to sell my gold. If nothing else, it’ll be for my children someday." The sluggish economic data has pushed out expectations of when the Federal Reserve will begin raising interest rates. Many economists expect the Fed to move in September. Rogers sees major financial trouble ahead in our country. "The United States is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world," he said. "No debtor nation has ever gotten like this, and the debts are going higher and higher. That is a reason to own gold and silver." All that is good for gold and bad for stocks to the extent that a weaker economy means weaker earnings. 8 Can Evil Be Defeated By Paul Craig Roberts year old, a 95-year old, a double amputee? The fact that police get away with this brutality shows their total lack of humanity and the total transformation of the purpose of police. Today a paranoid police protect not the public but the police state and themselves from an imaginary threatening public. We pay them to abuse and murder us. John W. Whitehead is a constitutional attorney. As head of the Rutherford Institute he is actively involved in defending our civil liberties. Being actively involved in legal cases, he experiences first hand the transformation of law from a shield of the American people into a weapon in the hands of the government. On September 6, 7, and 8, 2014, the Washington Post reported that state and local police had become bandits, as in Mexico, who stop drivers in order to rob them. In “Stop and Seize,” the Washington Post reported that “aggressive police take hundreds of millions of dollars from motorists not charged with crimes.” American civil liberty was seriously eroded prior to 9/11 and the rise of the police/warfare state, a story I tell in How America Was Lost. Lawrence Stratton and I documented the loss of law as a shield of the American people in our book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions (2000, 2008). Whitehead in his book, A Government of Wolves (2013) and in his just released Battlefield America (2015) shows how quickly and thoroughly the police state has taken root. There are now training courses in which police are trained in the art of highway robbery. September 11, 2001, was used to create an industry that trains police in the aggressive techniques of highway interdiction. It is now routine for a traffic stop, whether justified or not, to result in the confiscation of your cash, other possessions, and your car itself. You can be robbed by police on the basis of their assumptions without being ticketed or charged with a crime. We live in an electronic concentration camp. We are addicted to images on screens that disinform and propagandize us to accept and even welcome the police state activities that have destroyed our autonomy, privacy, and independence. I write many columns on this subject. The advantage of a book is that it all comes together under one cover, and that is what Whitehead has done in Battlefield America. Whitehead reports that in fiscal year 2012 the federal government alone seized $4.2 billion in assets despite the fact that in 80 percent of the cases no charge was issued. “The outlook for civil liberties grows bleaker by the day, from the government’s embrace of indefinite detention for US citizens and armed surveillance drones flying overhead to warrantless surveillance of phone, email and Internet communications, and prosecutions of government whistle-blowers. The homeland is ruled by a policeindustrial complex, an extension of the American military empire. Everything that our founding fathers warned against is now the new norm. The government has trained its sights on the American people. We have become the enemy. All the while, the American people remain largely oblivious.” Did you know that the school security industry is a $4.9 billion annual business that instills in youth acceptance of tyranny and punishments for infractions that are simply the normal behavior of youth? Did you know that in 2006 a Halliburton subsidiary, Dick Cheney’s firm, was awarded a $385 million federal contract to build concentration camps in the US? Did you know that Republicans have privatized the prison system and turned it into a $70 billion per year industry that demands ever more incarceration of citizens in order to drive profits. Consequently, 2.7 million American children now have at least one parent in prison, often on charges that would not constitute crimes in a civilized country. Whitehead gives it to us straight. We are continually abused in the name of protecting us. Ordinary Americans are subject to far worst abuse from government than they ever could be from criminals and terrorists, both of which are bogymen used to justify the government’s terrorism of the citizenry. US prison labor is now the cheapest form of labor available with prisoners paid between 93 cents and $4.73 per day. Prisoners make office furniture, work in call centers, fabricate body armor, take hotel reservations, work in slaughterhouses, manufacture textiles, shoes, and clothing, process agricultural products like milk and beef, package Starbucks coffee, shrink wrap software for Microsoft, sew lingerie for Victoria’s Secret, produce the military’s helmets, shirts, pants, tents, bags, canteens, and Four-year old children are handcuffed by police. Ninetyfive year old citizens with walkers are body-slammed with their neck broken by police. War veterans without legs and wheelchair bound are shot and murdered by police. The police always justify their abuse and criminal acts by claiming they felt threatened. What kind of heavily armed police, usually together in gangs, is threatened by a four9 between 2001 and 2010 were prosecuted not for deeds, but for beliefs, ideology, or religious affiliations. a variety of other equipment, make circuit boards for IBM, Texas Instruments and Dell. Sew McDonald’s uniforms, and perform labor services for Boeing, Motorola, Compaq, Revlon and Kmart. The two most engaging chapters in Battleground America are “The Matrix” and “The Posthuman Era,” together a mere 17 pages. The fusion of machines with humans to which trans-humanists are committed will destroy human sensibility, memory, and morality, and probably humans themselves. Even the “mainstream” presstitute media has reported the US military drills in South Florida where military teams working with local police practiced rounding up American citizens for detention. The media has also reported the upcoming military occupations in Texas and Utah. There are protests but not on the level that a people conscious of the threat to their liberty would mount. Corporate America is in it for the money. Whitehead tells us: “With every smartphone we buy, every GPS device we install, and every Twitter, Facebook, and Google account we open, we’re helping Corporate America build a dossier for its government counterparts on who we know, what we think, how we spend our money, and how we spend our time.” It seems clear that these are federal troops practicing control of the population which is being stripped of the constitutional right to hold government accountable. The pointless lockdown of Boston and its suburbs and the gratuitous house to house searches, a martial law exercise clearly prepared prior to the Boston Marathon Bombing, used fear created by the bombing, possibly a false flag operation, to teach the population compliance with, and acceptance of, martial law. The insouciant American population went along with it. If someone points out how they were manipulated, the fools scream “conspiracy theorist.” Whitehead quotes Bill Joy, a cofounder of Sun Microsystems: “I think it is no exaggeration to say we are on the cusp of the further perfection of evil.” Jim Edwards says, “we humans are now data bits.” In the penultimate chapter, Whitehead tells us what we can do, a question that I am forever asked by readers. Whitehead says that armed revolt is not an option. He believes that the tens of millions, perhaps 100 million, Americans who have pistols, rifles, and shotguns are not only unorganized, but outgunned. The 21st century has been used to militarize state and local police forces and to brutalize their attitude toward the American public. Even police in small towns now have helicopters, armored personnel carriers, tanks, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, drones, night vision, heat sensors, sensors that can see through the walls of houses and into cars. The official explanation of the military exercises practicing population control in South Florida, Texas and Utah is that the military is practicing for overseas actions. Why then are local police involved? More likely we are witnessing drills described in the US Army’s 2010 publication, “Internment and Resettlement Operations.” It is now routine for police to amuse themselves by carrying out strip searches and vaginal searches of women. Police go out of their way to provoke resistance so that they can beat, taser, and murder. If they can’t provoke it, they beat, taser, and murder anyway and claim their victim resisted arrest or threatened them. Have you noticed how the police find everyone threatening? If this is not enough, in comes the National Guard or federal troops, Army Rangers, Navy Seals. Or simply the release of germs. Washington can deal with its citizens the same way it dealt with the indigenous peoples we call Indians. Washington has retained in its hands live smallpox, a deadly killer, and there now have been several generations of Americans who have not had smallpox vaccination, because the disease was eliminated by vaccination. All the government has to do is to release smallpox on resistant populations, and, of course, the government has numerous other such means. Whitehead shows that the educational system, entertainment, and television serve to indoctrinate and teach compliance. Television can do more than form public opinion. It is used to alter the worldview of the population. Our cars, household appliances, and smart homes are becoming devices designed to spy on us and report noncompliance. A society is being created in which there can be no autonomy and no freedom. How did it come to this? The technology that permits the electronic concentration camp is produced by thoughtless people who have no concern for liberty. How, Whitehead asks, do we maintain our humanity in the face of technologies designed to dehumanize us? In my opinion, as I so often write, Americans are distracted by sex, entertainment, the difficulty of providing for themselves and for families. They are locked into the disinformation that sustains the American Matrix, blinded by their patriotism and the 4th of July speeches and by their indoctrination that Americans are “exceptional and indispensable.” And, of course, by their ignorance and arrogance. Americans simply have no clue. America now has preemptive prosecution. Whitehead reports that 95 percent of those convicted of terrorism 10 to control them, by amusing themselves in front of propaganda screens, by learning again how to think, how to be human, how to be moral, the American police state can be defeated. The purpose of the evil that masquerades as a government in Washington is to prevent those few Americans who do have a clue from informing the rest of the population. Whistleblowers are arrested and falsely prosecuted and imprisoned. Journalists have been intimidated into silence. It worked in the past, and possibly it can work again. If not, Washington will remain the home of Sauron, a threat to every American citizen and to the entire world. Now, to Whitehead’s answer to what can we do. He says that we can mount “militant nonviolent resistance.” This worked for Christians in the decomposing Roman Empire. Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House. It worked for Mahatma Gandhi in India against the British colonialists. It was working for Martin Luther King in America before he was assassinated, most likely by the FBI. Whitehead says that the mass of the citizenry cannot be assassinated. If citizens simply stop cooperating by listening to the lies on TV, by purchasing the devices used President Zeman Tells Washington That the Czech Republic Is Not an American Protectorate By Paul Craig Roberts Of course Washington and its corrupt court historians are at work revising the history of World War II in order to cleanse the record of Russia’s victory over Germany. Of course, everyone in Europe knows that this is just another Washington attempt to control all explanations regardless of the facts, but vassals are accustomed to vassalage and its humiliations. Proud peoples are not what Europeans any longer are. As readers know, I have emphasized for years that European governments are regarded by Washington as vassals who behave according to Washington’s wishes. It has been 70 years–two or three generations–since former world powers, such as Great Britain and Germany had an independent foreign policy. In addition to this ignobility, European governments are also vassals to the EU, so on the sovereignty front European countries are twice damned. They simply have no sovereignty. Petr Hajek, who served as an advisor to former Czech president Vaclav Klaus, said that the US ambassador thinks he is the governor of a conquered territory issuing orders to the locals and that previous ambassadors from Washington had the same idea: This is why it is so easy for Washington to spin a web of lies and drive its vassals into a “crisis” with Russia that does not serve the interests of Europeans. Washington’s European puppets don’t count. Only Washington counts. “President Zeman’s position rejecting the advice of the US ambassador is the only possible adequate response. Our country’s leader has carried himself as the President of the Czech Republic, and not as the head of a protectorate of the United States.” Next month is Russia’s Victory Day celebration over Nazi Germany. Washington has told its puppets not to attend, and many including German chancellor Merkel have complied with their overlord’s demand. But not the President of the Czech Republic. Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House. When the US ambassador to the Czech Republic, Andrew Schapiro, advised President Milos Zeman to cancel his participation in the Russian celebration, President Zeman threw the Obama fundraiser out of the presidential castle. The Czech people, President Zeman said, were next in line for extermination by the Nazis, and it was the Red Army that saved the Czech people. 11 The National Review Obama’s Chicago Presidency By Victor Davis Hanson During the seven years when Obama faced election, reelection, and two midterm elections, he warned on over 20 occasions that it would be neither legal nor ethical to grant executive amnesties to illegal aliens. What was stunning about his refrain was the high-minded manner in which he disarmed his base by warning them that he could not act unconstitutionally. But once he faced no more referenda on his power, he cared little about polls that showed widespread disapproval of amnesty, and simply began issuing the sort of presidential fiats that he had correctly said he didn’t have the power to issue. The Right was shocked by the brazen hypocrisy of Obama, who once warned the country of just the sort of renegade president that he proved to be. But that again misses the point. Obama was not embarrassed, but emboldened, by the disconnect, as if to say, “I not only bypassed Congress to issue amnesties, but also refuted my own warnings that to do so would be illegal. And so what are you going about it?” If the speeder goes through a red light with impunity right in front of a parked patrolman, what then do we think of the patrolman, the speeder — and the sanctity of traffic lights? What you can do if you don’t care what anybody says. Senator Robert Menendez (D., N.J.) was a vocal critic both of President Obama’s executive-action opening to Cuba and his nuclear non-proliferation talks with Iran. In the midst of his loud opposition, he found himself suddenly the target of renewed federal charges that had aired much earlier without consequence. I think the message was not that the administration was worried over appearances, but rather that it wished to remind all of Washington that it actually welcomed the appearance of not being worried over the idea of federal prosecutorial power being used for tit-for-tat vendettas. Malice is a valuable political tool for Barack Obama. We see the Chicago way with Iran as well. In the midst of negotiations, Iran’s supreme leader chants the tired mantra “Death to America.” The Iranian military builds a mockup of a U.S. carrier to practice attacks on it. The Obama position proves more lenient than that of either the U.N. or our European partners, which is not an easy thing to do. Yet Obama doubles down and continues full bore to squeeze out any kind of agreement he can — even if that means it might be merely oral, not written, and a bastardized treaty somehow designed to avoid Senate scrutiny. The point is not that all this is outrageous, but rather that it is deliberately outrageous, again begging the question, “So what are you going to do about it?” Obama’s Chicago sense appeals to the lowest common denominator: The more brazenly he is making a point, the more he thinks he will earn a certain admiration from his base, a sense of some sort that he is capable of anything and that progressive morality trumps antiquated laws. The full Obama reminds me of a high-school incident when a teacher corralled an aggressor accused of serially bullying another student; when he asked the perpetrator to apologize to his target, the aggressor instead slugged his victim in front of the teacher, and shouted, “What are you going to do about it?” Benjamin Netanyahu apparently bothered President Obama. What could that possibly entail, given the historic alliance between Israel and the United States? From the petty malice of Obama-administration aides leaking slurs that Netanyahu was a coward and chickens–t to the fundamental malevolence of community-organizing Netanyahu’s opponents in an effort to defeat him at the polls to leaking previously classified information about Israel’s nuclear deterrent, the message is again Chicagoan. Obama in adolescent fashion put it best in the 2008 campaign when he urged his flock, “I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” and when he later lifted a Chicago line from screenwriter David Mamet’s dialogue inThe Untouchables to say to his base, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” No wonder Obama — despite having once been on the receiving end of a racial slur from Senator Harry Reid — recently praised the outgoing Senate majority leader, whose style and modus operandi were akin to Obama’s own. Some thought Obama’s serial untruths about Obamacare would doom the ill-fated program: Millions really did lose their plans; they lost their doctors as well; Obamacare proved not to lower but to raise costs; it did not shrink the 12 deficit but caused more federal expense. When Obama picked and chose which parts of the federal law he would enforce, others objected that it was patently illegal for an executive not to faithfully execute laws on the books. But again, that is exactly the point: If a president can lie about a program to secure its passage and, when it proves flawed, select elements to discard or delay, then he can do almost anything — and we should appreciate that he can do almost anything. Springs irrigated golf courses? All that is not the disconnect, but the point. It is distasteful for a president to weigh in on a local, ongoing, and racially charged criminal case. Obama not only did just that with the Trayvon Martin shooting, but in such a way that could only exacerbate racial tensions — and in a reactionary fashion of expressing solidarity with critics of George Zimmerman on the basis of his own shared skin color with the deceased. If President Clinton had editorialized in mediis rebus about the O.J. trial with something like “Nicole might have looked liked the second daughter I never had,” then we would have assumed not just that he was a racist, but that he wanted us to think he was a racist — and that we could not do much about that fact. If the president believes that, after all the shenanigans of Lois Lerner, there is still not even a “smidgen” of corruption in the IRS, then the shot across the bow is not that the IRS is now politicized, but that it is hopelessly politicized. Again,what are we going to do about it? In the old Clinton–Gingrich formula of budget give-andtake, when the national debt was about a third of the present $18 trillion, Republicans agreed to defense cuts and tax increases, and Democrats conceded budget freezes, and eventually for a time there was a balanced budget, gimmicks and all. Under Obama, Republicans are to agree to defense cuts and tax hikes — while Obama increases social spending, runs $600 billion annual deficits, laments frugality and austerity, and lets others worry about the crushing debt incurred on his watch, the diminution of national security, and the stifling effect of tax hikes. What is the next president going to do — raise taxes higher, cut popular entitlements, disband the Marine Corps, and scrounge to pay down the debt? Susan Rice on five televised occasions lied about Benghazi when she serially insisted that the deaths of four Americans were due to a spontaneous demonstration over a video — a deception she never later corrected. More recently, she insisted that Bowe Bergdahl served with “honor and distinction” when she knew that most of the evidence clearly pointed to his being a deserter at best and a traitor at worse, and that the five Afghan terrorists we freed in the exchange from Guantanamo were the worst of the worst in captivity there. Just as Rice was promoted to national security adviser after the Benghazi untruth, so too she knows there will be no fallout over her flat-out distortions about Bergdahl. Obama’s point, again, is not that Rice has a problem with the truth, but that the fact of a national security adviser’s disingenuousness is of absolutely no consequence. Obama has chosen to skip various widely attended anniversaries, including the liberation of Auschwitz and the Battle of Gettysburg. He passed on the commemorative march of world leaders who condemned the terrorist killings in Paris. Critics pounced. How does the president have time to meet with GloZell, do his March Madness NCAA-tournament basketball picks, or banter with Internet bloggers if he cannot meet with the current chief of NATO? Why does he jet out to California to do Jimmy Kimmel, but refuse to fly to Paris to show solidarity against Islamic violence? Why would Obama fly all the way to Denmark to lobby for a Chicago Olympics, but not attend the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall? Again, those are the wrong questions. What then is the full Obama presidency? It is the quest for extralegal power not just by ignoring the law, tradition, or custom, but by doing so flagrantly and without concern, to the point of rendering critics impotent — and thereby accruing even more power to enrage and embarrass them. In similar circumstances, the Roman biographer Suetonius noted of the Twelve Caesars that the offense itself was not so much the point, but rather the demonstration of committing the offense with impunity and disdain. Once that pen-and-phone threshold has been crossed, anything is possible — and even the critics of Obama now belatedly accept that. In brilliantly diabolical fashion, the president of the United States has all but ruined the Democratic party in Congress and the state legislatures, but has also confounded his Republican opponents by not caring a whit about his own nihilism — as if he is supposed to worry about ending the congressional careers of his supposed allies? Whether Obama avoided these events out of lassitude or by intent matters little: The point is that it was his pleasure not to attend any of them. The full Obama cares nothing about appearances. Indeed, he feels that such disdain magnifies his godhead, as someone absolutely immune to tradition, protocol, and criticism. Say that he golfs too much, and he will golf even more. You object that he sermonizes on global warming while setting records for use of Air Force One, often on a parallel track with his wife’s jumbo jet, or lectures farmers on the California drought for a few minutes on his way to hit the Palm After all, if someone is going to ignore the law or what tradition demands, then why does he need a legislative majority to do it? Obama is more powerful in defeat than he ever was in victory. Like a seasoned Chicago pol, he 13 reminds his auditors and critics that not only does he not care about the appearance of his actions, but also that no else does either. He all but says, “Each time I issue an illegal executive order, my polls go up, and the more my enemies howl and my friends cringe.” It becomes more hazardous — ask Senator Menendez or an audited Tea Party group — to object to an Obama abuse than for Obama to commit the abuse, which makes further abuse only more certain. conduct hurts the future of Hillary Clinton, who cares? Or rather, perhaps there is a hint that the damage was by intent. If Obama’s executive-order presidency weakens the stature of the U.S. abroad, then maybe it needed to be weakened. In a country where almost any law can be contravened by an executive order, where any statute can die through selective non-enforcement, where the IRS can hound opponents, where Israel is the enemy and Iran the friend, and even a senatorial ally can face indictment, anything is now possible. Given media obsequiousness, Obama feels that little scrutiny of his actions will follow. A move toward impeachment he might even hope for, given his iconic status and the community-organizing chance to smear anyone foolish enough to try it as a racist or bigot. If his And was not that the point all along? NRO contributor Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the author, most recently, of The Savior Generals. World Net Daily 'Gay' Cakes Protected, Anti-'Gay' Cakes Not Colorado civil rights ruling finds no discrimination in latter Silva told 7NEWS in January, “If he wants to hate people, he can hate them not here in my bakery.” The Colorado Civil Rights Division, which earlier ruled a Christian bakery could not refuse to make a wedding cake for a “same-sex” marriage, has denied any discrimination took place when another bakery turned down a request to make cakes that including Bible verses labeling homosexual conduct as sin. The agency’s decision found that the baker did not discriminate against Jack based on his creed. Instead, officials state the evidence shows Silva refused to make the cakes because the customer’s requests included “derogatory language and imagery.” Last week, the state agency ruled that Denver’s Azucar Bakery did not discriminate against William Jack, a Christian from Castle Rock, by refusing to make two cakes with “groomsmen” X’d out and Bible verses the following Bible verses: “God hates sin. Psalm 45:7,” “Homosexuality is a detestable sin. Leviticus 18:2,” “God loves sinners” and “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.” The baker said “in the same manner [she] would not accept [an order from] anyone wanting to make a discriminatory cake against Christians, [she] will not make one that discriminates against gays,” according to the decision. “The evidence demonstrates that [Silva] would deny such requests to any customer, regardless of creed,” the civil rights agency’s decision stated. He told the civil rights agency he ordered the cakes with the imagery and biblical verses to convey that same-sex marriage is, in his words, “un-biblical and inappropriate.” “I find it offensive that the Colorado Civil Rights Division considers the baker’s claims that Bible verses were discriminatory as the reason for denying my claim,” Jack told 7NEWS on Saturday. “I find it offensive that the legal director of the Colorado division of the ACLU called the Bible verses on the cakes obscenities. Especially at this time on the church calendar – Holy Week – I find it offensive that the Bible is censored from the public arena.” Marjorie Silva, the owner of the bakery, told Jack that she would make him the Bible-shaped cakes, but would not decorate them with the biblical verses and the image of the groomsmen that he requested. Instead, she offered to provide him with icing and a pastry bag so he could write or draw whatever messages he wished on the cakes. Silva also reportedly told the civil rights agency that she also told Jack her bakery “does not discriminate” and “accept[s] all humans.” Jack said he is in the process of filing an appeal with the Colorado Civil Rights Division. Jack told the civil rights agency the bakery treated him unequally and denied him goods or services based on his religious creed, Christianity. He said he found this “demeaning to his beliefs.” Last year, the Colorado Civil Rights Division ruled that another bakery, Masterpiece Cake Shop in Lakewood, could not refuse to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, calling it discriminatory. 14 What's Wrong with Discrimination? Combats public-school, media lie of 'intolerance' By Jesse Lee Peterson Christians like Chrystal O’Connor and her father, owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, felt the dark side of discrimination when they were mercilessly attacked by the left after telling ABC News that they’re willing to serve all customers, but won’t cater a same-sex wedding. They’ve received bomb threats and had to close their business. And they call us “intolerant”! Discrimination: noun discrim·ina·tion: The ability to recognize the difference between things that are of good quality and those that are not. – Merriam Webster Dictionary At the request of Republican Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, the state’s General Assembly “fixed” the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, language to appease LGBT activists and leftists who claimed the bill promotes “discrimination.” Fortunately, there are still plenty of good people in America. Blaze TV host Dana Loesch and her team set up a GoFundMe.com page to help out the family and raised more than $800,000! The original idea for the bill was good. It would protect religious liberties when the overreach of government intrudes on the rights of people of faith. The support shown to the owners of Memories Pizza is encouraging, but homosexual activists have successfully attacked other Christian businesses with little outcry from Christians. What has happened to those who bear the name of Christ? Where Christians once took faith seriously and could withstand serious persecution, they’re now easily intimidated by mere words. But the “fix” turned the bill on its head. Instead of protecting the rights of Christian business owners, the amended bill violates their rights and makes LGBT a protected class. Thanks, Gov. Pence – a real profile in courage you are. America was much better off when its businesses routinely posted signs that read, “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone,” and meant it. After all, they “built it,” and freedom – like the freedom of association – was universally understood to be a natural, God-given right. Christian families today are largely not modeling authentic Christianity. The proof of that is in the children. They have shallow roots that are easily pulled up by a culture that mocks traditional values. Christian children are led into the government schools, like sheep to the slaughter. The schools use a welldeveloped brainwashing system: 1) Challenge the traditional beliefs, 2) Replace with new immoral beliefs, 3) Demonstrate a consensus about the new belief – “Here’s what educated, cool people think,” 4) Repetition: Keep pounding the message home, day after day, year after year, until it sticks deep. But now, in our more “enlightened” age, freedom has been squashed in favor of special rights for protected groups, and “hell to pay” for unprotected groups. Where once laws protected good people from the bad, America has devolved to the point where Christians are forced by law to bake same-sex “wedding” cakes. Welcome to the “new” America. The public-school system, the liberal news media and Hollywood also reinforce the lie that the older generation is “intolerant.” After all, they’re the descendants of slaveholders and those who denied women the vote. Oh yeah, and they “hate” gays. LGBT groups have been effective in linking their immoral cause to the noble civil rights movement. In reality, gays never wanted equality. They wanted society to accept their sinful lifestyle, or else. LGBT groups – to be blunt – act like fascists. Just like militant Islam demands Shariah law, homosexual pressure groups demand “sodomy law.” Is it any wonder that a Pew Research Center study says 61 percent of Republicans under 30 now favor “gay marriage”? So what’s so bad about discrimination anyway? Discrimination has always been a hallmark of freedom. The ability to discriminate is given to us by God so that we can make right choices. People discriminate all the time. We discriminate when we date, marry, pick our friends and in countless other ways, just like homosexuals do. And LGBT groups and liberals discriminate against people of faith all day long! Christians are hated around the world because Christianity is the best religion. It’s the only religion that requires its followers to examine their hearts, repent and overcome their sinful nature. Muslims are on pace to be the world’s majority religion by 2050, due in part to the slaughter of Christians in places like Iraq, Syria and Kenya. But they’re not just going after Christians. In some Muslim countries, homosexuality is 15 punishable by death, yet there’s no outcry from homosexuals. Why? It’s because the LGBT crowd hates Christians more than they fear Muslims. Americans – to greater involvement in the moral, cultural and political issues that threaten our great country. In 2011, Jesse founded The South Central L.A. Tea Party. He's a media commentator and also hosts "The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show", and is the author of "SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America." For Christians to regain the power to live freely – to discriminate with Godly wisdom – we must live and model truth, not just talk about it. When we do this, the unshakeable values of our faith will be rooted deep in us and passed down to our children. We will have overcome evil with good. “He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock” – Luke 6:48. Jesse Lee Peterson is the founder and president of two dynamic organizations: BOND (Brotherhood Organization Of A New Destiny), a national 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man," and BOND Action, a 501(c) (4) organization whose purpose is to educate, motivate and rally Americans – especially black Newsmax Weather Expert Bastardi: Calif. Drought Is Not Global Warming By Bill Hoffmann On Wednesday, for the first time in the history of the Golden State, Gov. Jerry Brown ordered mandatory water reduction for residents, businesses and farms. California's alarming drought is the result of a historic weather pattern — not global warming, as some scientists insist, says Joe Bastardi, chief forecaster for WeatherBell Analytics. "We're in a new era. The idea of your nice little green grass getting lots of water every day, that's going to be a thing of the past," Brown said in announcing the 25 percent cut in usage. That pattern occurs when the Pacific Ocean cools, bringing drier air to the mainland. "This happened back in 2005-2006 after the hurricane season," Bastardi on Friday told Rick Ungar and Betsy McCaughey, guest hosts of "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV. Making the California drought particularly tough this time around is the exploding population increase, Bastardi said. "There are a lot more people living in California now, and the southern part of the United States, than we had before," he said. "The southern part of the United States and in California was going to start getting dry because the Pacific … [triggers] this cycle, well known to a lot of us in the field — what we call a pacific decay. "[It switches] from its warm phase to its cold phase and … the amount of water vapor over the deep tropics in the Pacific … decreases and that rich moisture gets cut off." "[It will] have more impact now because there are more people golfing, more people using water for their gardens and things like that. "It's a prudent thing that the governor is doing … we are in this cycle for quite a time." 16 Bonner & Partners The Coming War with China By Bill Bonner Most likely, history will trundle forward. And the dollar will be knocked off its perch as the world’s leading currency sometime before the 21st century comes to a close. Somehow, like it or not, the world turns. Today’s hegemon becomes tomorrow’salso-ran. Today’s reserve currency becomestomorrow’s toilet paper. Today’s cock o’ the walk becomes tomorrow’s dinner. But how exactly will that happen? Hey, we didn’t create this system. We don’t even especially like it. But that’s just the way it is. Whether you already have made a fortune, or are trying to build one, you need to be very careful about what currency… or currencies… your wealth is denominated in. No one knows. But few imperial elites give up the No. 1 position without a fight. As they see their power, their status and their wealth challenged, they typically find a casus belli, hoping to stomp the newcomer before it is too late. The End of History? The End of History? Governments were set up to take control. Ruling elites – by force of arms – established laws, protocols and armies to try to prevent anyone from taking their place. The phenomenon is known to historians as the “Thucydides Trap.” Political scientist Graham Allison explains: Their wealth, power and status were to be preserved at all costs. But in the 18th and 19th centuries, firearms started to become ubiquitous. It was harder for elites to maintain their authority over the masses. When a rapidly rising power rivals an established ruling power, trouble ensues. In 11 of 15 cases in which this has occurred in the past 500 years, the result was war. Every farmer on the American frontier had a rifle. A ragtag band of insurgents in the American colonies (with the help of the French Navy) could defeat the best army in the world. An out-of-work actor could buy a handgun and pop off a president. The great Greek historian Thucydides identified these structural stresses as the primary cause of the war between Athens and Sparta in ancient Greece. In his oft-quoted insight, “It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this inspired in Sparta that made war inevitable.” Unable to stay in control by force alone, governments had to resort to fraud. Ordinary citizens were allowed to vote on who would rule over them. They were also promised the fruits of others’ labors, if they voted the right way. Note that Thucydides identified two factors: a rising rival and fear of that rise. China is rising. The US power elite fears its rise. For a time, it looked as though this new model – social democracies run by flaming politicians and professional functionaries – had defeated all rivals. And for good reason: Having the world’s reserve currency is an “exorbitant privilege,” as former French president Charles de Gaulle described it. The Soviet Union – which relied on more old-fashioned blunt force to run its slave-driven economy – fell in about 1991. It allows Americans to buy things from overseas without ever really paying for them. Instead, we send over pieces of paper that we create ex nihilo. That paper is then sent back to the US to buy Treasury bonds and other dollardenominated assets. Maoist China had thrown in the towel, more or less, 10 years earlier when the country’s “paramount leader,” Deng Xiaoping, announced, “To get rich is glorious.” (Historians now claim he never uttered those words. But they accurately captured his vision for China.) From an economic point of view, the system (established by Richard Nixon in 1971) is loopy. The Chinese pretend they have good customers. Americans pretend they have good credit. And everyone pretends to get richer… based on promises to settle up sometime in the future. And Francis Fukuyama – hallucinating – wondered if the “end of history” was at hand. If the end of history were at hand, the dollar, the Fed and federal finances would have nothing to worry about. But between history and the greenback, if we were taking bets, we’d put our money on history. In practice, nobody wants the day of reckoning to come. Because they all know that there are vastly more claims on tomorrow’s output than tomorrow can satisfy. 17 It builds weapons systems that are often obsolete before they are put into service. It coddles armies of lobbyists, contractors, consultants, retirees, hangers-on and malingerers. Between 1971 and today, roughly $10 trillion more has been received by Americans in goods from overseas than has been shipped to foreigners. That money is an outstanding claim on US existing wealth and future output. Like all bureaucracies, it looks out first and foremost for itself. Looking out for the security of the nation is a distant second. There is also (with some overlap) about $17 trillion worth of US government debt – also a claim on future American output. And this is just part of the total credit market debt of $55 trillion. America’s 10 huge aircraft carriers, for example, may be marvelous ways to generate contracts, fees and expenses. They may also be great ways to throw US military muscle into two-bit conflicts around the world. And that’s not to mention Washington’s unfunded liabilities… But put them up against a modern, electronically sophisticated enemy… Then what? Editor’s note: Boston University professor Laurence Kotlikoff recently told Bonner & Partners Investor Network subscribers that America’s “fiscal gap” – the difference between Washington’s projected financial obligations and the present value of all its projected future tax income – is a mind-boggling $210 trillion. That’s about 211% of US GDP. We will probably find out… Bill Bonner is an author of books and articles on economic and financial subjects. He is the founder and president of Agora Publishing, and author of a daily financial column, Diary of a Rogue Economist. He is also co-founder and regular contributor to The Daily Reckoning. He has written articles for the news and opinion blog, LewRockwell.com and Money Week magazine. To honor these claims, the US would have to run a budget surplus. (When? How?) But instead of running a surplus, we run deficit after deficit. Edging Toward a Reckoning Instead of edging toward a reckoning, all major governments seem to want to make the situation worse. The US stimulates its people to buy more Chinese-made goods. And China stimulates its manufacturers to make more stuff for people who can’t really afford it. Both are heading for trouble. Americans are hooked on spending. They consume their wealth… and more. China is hooked on producing. As it adds productive know-how and capacity, it becomes more and more competitive. Not only can it produce more consumer gadgets at lower prices, but also it can produce the latest in military hardware. It’s a matter of time before that fighting gear comes out. At least, that’s what history suggests. If there is a military conflict, how will it turn out? The US spends three times more than China on “defense.” Advantage: Pentagon. But as the Persians discovered in their wars with the Greeks, having the biggest, bestfunded army does not necessarily give you an edge. Instead, it can invite sluggishness, complacency and overreaching. The US military is the fattest, most zombie-infested bureaucracy in the world. It suffers from an overabundance of resources. It supports troops (at a cost of $1 million per soldier per year) all over the globe. 18 No Lie Was Off Limits to the Late Sarah Brady in Her Quest to Disarm Law-Abiding Americans. By Paul Huebl Sarah Brady had been the face of Gun Control in America for more than three decades. However today at age 73 she has succumbed to a bout of pneumonia. She cleverly called the ATF gun trace requests as crime gun incidents. ATF routinely traced any and all found weapons or whenever their ownership was questioned. To suggest those guns were involved with criminal events was another very bold lie. Brady became the convenient standard bearer for the forces that hate all guns and gun rights. This after a armed madman wounded her husband James Brady who was President Ronald Reagan’s Press Secretary during a 1981assassination attempt. Brady published a grading list for jurisdictions on the basis of their gun laws. The paradox there was that the “A” list states with gun bans or draconian restrictions had the highest murder rates. The “D” list states had few gun laws along with little or no violent crime. Brady led a very deceptive campaign that was intended to incrementally outlaw all firearms. She cleverly began to change firearm adjectives and successfully demonized firearms based on simple cosmetics. Finally Brady ran out of lies and all but a few states passed laws allowing the law-abiding the right to carry concealed weapons. Her landmark Assault Weapons Ban was allowed to expire. Courts nearly everywhere have reasserted Constitutional Second Amendment rights. Like Brady most Americans were ignorant about guns. She renamed all the firearms that looked somewhat scary as assault weapons. Brady was clearly humiliated into her obvious forced retirement. she quickly dropped out of sight. Assault rifles were actually classic military combat weapons and were by that definition all fully automatic. That meant one pull of the trigger could cause the weapon to fire until it was empty. Brady's dream was forced registration of all firearms so government agents could locate and confiscate them later with the next laws she’d hope to champion. Assault weapons were really machine guns already banned by federal laws. Machine guns were already unpopular because they extravagantly consume expensive ammunition. Brady somehow convinced politicians that pre-purchase background investigations would insure criminals and mental defectives would be unable to obtain weapons. Another expensive failure! What she did was redefine millions of semi-automatic rifles and pistols confusing anyone and everyone that they too were machine guns. Phony identification and purchasing fraud efforts routinely overcome the expensive and ineffective Brady check system. Of course the Brady checks created every kind of obstacle for the law-abiding especially those with similar names to convicted criminals. She succeeded to get the so-called Assault weapons ban passed into law by a single vote. The law lasted ten years and the crime rate soared anyway. When the law expired millions of the formerly banned guns were suddenly purchased and the crime rate began to drop like a rock. Nobody wants to see armed criminal and mental defectives on our streets. They are and always will be out there. Well-trained and armed law-abiding people are the only way control cowardly criminals. There will never be enough cops to do this. Brady always pretended she just wanted to go after the scary guns when she really wanted every last law-abiding American defenseless and helpless to criminals or government gone wrong. Sarah Brady ran a successful but deceptive scam on America that gave her a huge financial reward and sainthood among her gun rights hating disciples. Brady redundantly invented her own statistics, overstated claims of gun deaths and injuries. She used FBI Uniform Crime Reports that lumped justifiable killings by cops and citizens as Homicides suggesting they were all murders. I will not mourn the loss of Sarah Brady. I do however mourn the loss of those who were murdered because they were enjoined by unconstitutional laws to defensive weapons. 19 Government must stop insuring that only violent criminals are armed. Paul Huebl is a licensed private detective, former Chicago policeman, investigative journalist, actor and proud member of SAG-AFTRA. Fox News State Department rejects call for Iran deal to affirm Israel's 'right to exist' Cabinet is uniformly opposed to it. He closed his brief address by demanding that any final agreement include "a clear and unambiguous Iranian recognition of Israel's right to exist." The statement was prompted by reported statements from a top Iranian military official, who was quoted saying "erasing Israel" off the map is "non-negotiable." To that, Netanyahu said: "The survival of Israel is nonnegotiable." Israel's objections promise to be a major hurdle for the Obama administration as its representatives huddle with those from Iran and five other world powers in pursuit of a final deal by a June 30 deadline. April 1, 2015: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during a press conference in Jerusalem. A State Department official dismissed a plea Friday from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the Iran nuclear agreement include clear recognition of his nation's "right to exist," declaring negotiations are "only about the nuclear issue." Last month, Netanyahu railed against the pending agreement in an address before the U.S. Congress. He repeated many of those concerns again, on Thursday and Friday, after the framework was unveiled. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, in a terse response to a question about Netanyahu's concerns, told reporters, "This is an agreement that is only about the nuclear issue" -- a comment that indicates the Obama administration is not looking to enshrine Israel's security into a final agreement. Netanyahu said it would not shut down a single nuclear facility or destroy a single centrifuge. "The deal would legitimize Iran's illegal nuclear program," Netanyahu said. "It would leave Iran with a vast nuclear infrastructure." Harf, for her part, suggested the talks are complicated enough already. President Obama and Netanyahu spoke by phone late Thursday. "This is an agreement that doesn't deal with any other issues, nor should it," she said. In a statement on that conversation, the White House said Obama "underscored that progress on the nuclear issue in no way diminishes our concerns with respect to Iran's sponsorship of terrorism and threats towards Israel and emphasized that the United States remains steadfast in our commitment to the security of Israel. " Obama administration officials have insisted all along that despite their public disagreement with Netanyahu over the Iran deal framework, the U.S. commitment to Israel's security is unwavering. Further, White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters on Air Force One on Friday that the U.S. would not agree to any deal that would threaten Israel. According to the White House, Obama told his Israeli counterpart he has directed his national security team to "increase consultations with the new Israeli government about how we can further strengthen our long-term security cooperation with Israel and remain vigilant in countering Iran's threats." The Israeli prime minister, though, made the call for the "right to exist" measure during brief remarks early Friday. He blasted the Iran framework deal and said his 20 Russia Today 5 Ways Vladimir Putin is Driving America Crazy By Robert Bridge crisis. Yet Putin would get most of the blame for keeping America out of war. Although Russian President Putin has worked to form a strong and lasting partnership with Washington – in fields as diverse as fighting terrorism and exploring outer space – the spirit of goodwill and bilateral relations has not been reciprocated. US news website Breitbart described Putin’s diplomatic overtures in Syria as “an obvious desire to make Kerry pay for his flub and throw a wrench in Obama’s determination to go to war with Syria.” US-led NATO forces continue to push inexorably towards the Russian border, while plans are in progress to build a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe, which threatens the strategic balance in the region, thereby paving the way for another arms race. Now if Putin failed to get positive press by keeping America out of war, then what are the chances of him getting positive reviews under normal conditions?In any event, Washington is doing precisely what it wanted to do before Putin got involved: Bombing Syria – on the flimsy pretext of Islamic State threatening the country. At the same time, the United States and its allies have launched a number of disastrous and illegitimate wars against sovereign states, while portraying Putin as the greatest threat to global peace. The question that must be asked is: What has the Russian leader done to attract this sort of vilification on the part of the US? The answers reveal much more about the current state of affairs in Washington than anything that could be described as threatening on Putin’s part. 4. Putin awards Edward Snowden asylum On May 20, 2013, an idealistic young man named Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor, caught a flight out of Hawaii non-stop to Hong Kong, where he handed over a massive stash of classified documents to journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras. The leaked information showed explosive details of a previously unknown global surveillance network run by the NSA in cooperation with the so-called Five Eyes, which include the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. 5. Putin gave US a ‘Get out of War Free’ card One would think that the United States would be grateful to the Russian leader for his last-minute mediating efforts that allowed Washington to avoid what would have been a costly and certainly disastrous military confrontation in Syria. One would have thought wrong. Although Russia may not have ranked among Snowden’s top-10 global getaway destinations, on June 23 the CIA agent-turned-whistleblower got a flight from Hong Kong to Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport. On July 12, while still awaiting lengthy processing, Snowden released a statement extending his “gratitude and respect” to Russia, alongside a short list of other countries, for being “the first to stand against human rights violations carried out by the powerful rather than the powerless.” August 29, 2013 marks the day when the wheels of America’s global juggernaut began to go wobbly. It was the moment when UK Prime Minister David Cameron lost a historic vote in the House of Commons to join a US-led attack on Syria following on dubious claims that President Bashar Assad had used chemical weapons against a Syrian village. Suddenly, Russia was propelled from relative obscurity in the world of human rights defenders to the protector of oppressed and weary the world over. To call this situation an embarrassment for the United States would be an understatement. Snowden not only hung out the dirty laundry on America’s incredibly intrusive global intel network, but he sought refuge in ‘Putin’s Russia,’ a place that rarely receives a sliver of sunshine from the Western media and military complex. The British people, tired of being dragged into poorly scripted war sequels, were no longer America’s poodle. Cameron’s failed bid placed the Obama administration in a nasty pickle: Risk attacking Syria without the support of its (former) most-reliable ally, or lose face on the international stage by calling off the dogs of war. Russia offered a third way. After US Secretary of State John Kerry remarked that Syria could avoid US cruise-missile diplomacy if it agreed to surrender its chemical weapons “within one week,” Moscow jumped at the opportunity to mediate on behalf of peace. Meanwhile, Snowden does not seem ready to live the cloistered life of a whistleblower on the run, drinking scotch and watching James Bond reruns in some backwater hotel in his underwear. Indeed, last January it was announced that the former NSA contractor would partner with Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and Greenwald on the It should be noted that Kerry got dragged over America’s sizzling media coals for committing the “blunder” of opening the door to a peaceful settlement to the Syrian 21 executive board of the non-profit Freedom of the Press Foundation, which claims to work on behalf of publicinterest journalism. This easy to understand law did not stop dozens of media commentators unleashing a torrent of absolute lies regarding the subject. “We began this organization to protect and support those who are being punished for bringing transparency to the world’s most powerful factions or otherwise dissent from government policy,” Greenwald said, while calling Snowden’s actions “heroic.” Harvey Fierstein wrote in the New York Times that “Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, has declared war on homosexuals… allowing police officers to arrest tourists and foreign nationals they suspect of being homosexual, lesbian or “pro-gay” and detain them for up to 14 days.” Fierstein, an actor and playwright, not a lawyer, went on to explain in perfect nonsense that “the law could mean that any Olympic athlete, trainer, reporter, family member or fan who is gay — or suspected of being gay, or just accused of being gay — can go to jail.” In April, Snowden made a video-link appearance during Putin’s annual Q&A marathon session, questioning the president about Russia’s attitude on mass surveillance. Putin, assuring that Russia did not have any such program comparable to that of the NSA global system, did not miss a chance to take a thinly disguised dig at the US legal system: “Our agents are controlled by the law,” he told the audience. “You have to get a court’s permission to put an individual under surveillance. We don’t have mass permission, and our law makes it’s impossible for that kind of mass permission to exist.” How did Fierstein come up with this delusional idea? Well, instead of quoting a Russian source that might just have some clue as to what the law really was about, Fierstein quotes another equally clueless US publication, Huffington Post, who got their bogus information from a Canadian travel site (!) Well, so much for investigative journalism. For all those people who initially supported Snowden’s whistleblowing crusade, many of them turned viciously and hypocritically against him when they realized that they would be lectured on their own faults from not only Moscow, Russia, but from Vladimir Putin himself. Now, with everybody believing that homosexuals were being rounded up by anti-gay goon squads and shipped off to a colorless Siberian archipelago, a number of celebrities, including Madonna and Lady Gaga, jumped on the propaganda express by shouting some mindless statements during their concerts that were totally detached from the reality. 3. The (wildly successful) Sochi Games Despite the gigantic ‘shitstorm’ American weathermen had predicted for the 2014 Sochi Games, the event turned out to be much more of a success than most people could have predicted. Not only did the dire, apocalyptic predictions of total failure not materialize, Russian athletes did not have far to go to haul home their 13 gold medals – the highest count of the Games. Finally, there were even calls on part of the gay (and straight) community for the United States to declare a boycott of the Sochi Games, a move that was more about attempting to ruin Russia’s international event than any real and legitimate concerns about a non-existent ‘antigay’ law. Although the US did not go to the extreme of boycotting Sochi, Barack Obama did not attend. However, many would-be visitors to Sochi shied away from the event thanks to the incessant doom-mongering of the Western media, which focused its pre-Game attention on ridiculous subjects, like the occasional stray dog, a couple of strange-looking toilets, and who could ever forget terrorism. But most damaging of all, perhaps was the uninformed discussion of Putin’s so-called ‘anti-gay’ ban, which the Western media has yet to properly explain. That is a shame, because he missed one of the best Winter Games the world has seen in a long time. Incidentally, IOC President Thomas Bach said Russia would set up public protest zones in Sochi for “people who want to express their opinion or want to demonstrate for or against something.” They ended up being the emptiest sections in Sochi. In an interview with world media, Putin explained that in Russia “all people are absolutely equal regardless of their religion, sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Everybody is equal. We have recently only passed a law prohibiting propaganda, and not of homosexuality only, but of homosexuality and child abuse, child sexual abuse. But this has nothing in common with persecuting individuals for their sexual orientation. And there is a world of difference between these things.” 2. Putin is not fomenting global wars Despite the West’s relentless efforts to portray Putin as some sort of warmonger in the style of, well, contemporary Western warmongers, Putin’s track record for keeping Russia out of foreign military entanglements has been impeccable. This indisputable fact continues to be a source of great irritation, I believe, for Western governments. 22 Consider the situation in Ukraine, where Putin has displayed a remarkable level of wise statesmanship to the point where the Western media must actually fabricate grand works of fiction in order to support the West’s increasingly delusional rhetoric against him. The most ludicrous work of fiction to date is entitled something like, “Putin’s Invisible Invasion of Ukraine.” It should be mentioned that Rasmussen himself was in charge of the 18-nation Western military alliance when Russia’s efforts to join the US missile defense shield in Eastern Europe were shot down, thus confirming Moscow’s valid suspicions that Russia – and despite an appeal to a ‘reset’ by Washington – was the actual target of this system. Here is how Business Insider lauded Putin for his contribution in brokering a ceasefire in Ukraine: “As Vladimir Putin engaged in marathon peace negotiations with Germany, France, and Ukraine in the capital of Belarus, Russian tanks were allegedly rolling into Ukraine.” Personally, I believe that the West and NATO were gambling that Putin would blink first and rush into an allout military invasion of Ukraine. There are many reasons why the West would be desirous of such an outcome. The most obvious is that it would forever ruin Russia’s influence among European countries, and that would only serve the interests of NATO and Washington, not to mention the West’s military industrial complex. So when Putin did not jump at the tempting Ukrainian bait, the West was forced to begin circulating scare tactics that said Russia is planning for more ‘hybrid warfare’ schemes elsewhere. There’s just one huge problem with that little line: It’s utterly false. Any guesses as to where Business Insider’s Michael B. Kelley got his military intelligence? Of course, from a Ukrainian military spokesman. Yes, an entire column of Russian tanks were said to have rolled into Ukraine at the very moment Putin was in Minsk hammering out the details of a peace deal. Did the Ukrainian side offer satellite evidence to support their very serious claims? No, they did not. Did the Western side request evidence to support the claims? Well, we don’t know, but one thing is for sure there are no such photos because there have been no such invasions. Fortunately, even Washington’s most trusted allies have exposed the warnings as sensationalism and propaganda. Der Spiegel wrote that “battles between the Ukrainian army and the pro-Russian separatists had largely stopped and heavy weaponry was being withdrawn. The Minsk cease-fire wasn’t holding perfectly, but it was holding.” But we should not expect a mere thing like facts to spoil the West’s anti-Putin party, which has been going fullthrottle for years. It went on to note, however, that despite the relative success of the Minsk Agreement, General Philip Breedlove, the top NATO commander in Europe, told the media in Washington that Putin had “upped the ante” in eastern Ukraine – with “well over a thousand combat vehicles, Russian combat forces, some of their most sophisticated air defense, battalions of artillery” having been sent to the Donbass. Meanwhile, no less a respectable periodical than The Economist penned a vacuous Valentine Day’s allegation that simply don’t hold water under scrutiny: “The EU and NATO are… Putin’s ultimate targets. To him, Western institutions and values are more threatening than armies. He wants to halt their spread, corrode them from within and, at least on the West’s fragile periphery, supplant them with his own model of governance.” “What is clear,” Breedlove said, “is that right now, it is not getting better. It is getting worse every day.” According to Der Spiegel, German leaders “were stunned” by the comments, this flew in the face of the realities on the ground. So how does the West ‘prove’ Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine, which has never been captured either by mobile phone, photojournalist or the constellation of surveillance satellites circling the planet? Putin’s invisible war in Ukraine is described as “hybrid warfare.” “They didn’t understand what Breedlove was talking about. And it wasn’t the first time. Once again, the German government, supported by intelligence gathered by the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, did not share the view of NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).” Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO’s former secretarygeneral, irresponsibly and at great risk to the global peace, warned that Putin’s invisible armies now rolling over Ukraine would eventually take their magic traveling show to other Eastern European countries. For anybody who understands the increasingly pugilistic mentality of the US, where opportunities for militaristic expansion are deemed too valuable to waste, Putin’s “failure” to attack Ukraine is nothing less than a strategic setback for the West. “This is not about Ukraine,” Rasmussen – changing the subject to fit his theme – told The Telegraph in an interview. “Putin knows that if he crosses the red line and attacks a NATO ally, he will be defeated. Let us be quite clear about that. But he is a specialist in (wait for it) hybrid warfare.” 23 European liberals of exposing children to a “hotbed of sodomy”. Indeed, it can hardly be denied that, over the long-term, such outrageous displays of ‘culture’ must eventually take its toll on any society, and not least of all in the area of simple demographics. 1. Defending traditional values against ‘new world order’ Although talk of a ‘new world order’ is largely confined to the more conspiratorial corners of respectable society, it would be difficult to deny that a frontal assault against traditional values and modes of (moral) behavior has been increasing of late. If I am reading the situation correctly, Russia – a traditional, conservative country that is being slowly rebuilt on the foundation of Orthodox Christianity – wants none of it. Because Vladimir Putin is fighting against the steady encroachment of increasingly aggressive and irresponsible behavior flooding the world from the West, the Russian leader has attracted the scorn of sell-out Western politicians the world over. Yet he has also won over a huge number, the hearts and minds of millions of individuals – Americans included – who understand that Putin is fighting for traditional conservative values in a world gone mad. One does not need to talk about the crude escapades and eventual arrest of Pussy Riot, for example, to understand that Russia is not willing to bargain when it comes to maintaining some level of decency and morals in society. For that he deserves to be not simply applauded, but followed. Russia’s already-mentioned law regarding the dissemination of “gay propaganda” is a perfect example. On the one hand, while the law does not infringe upon any person’s freedom to engage in whatever sort of sexual arrangements they prefer, it also ensures the freedom of children not to be forced to consider such issues. This sounds like nothing more than the soundest common sense. However, the West, which is becoming increasingly godless in terms of its hyper-liberal prerogatives, wants to unleash any and all subject of carnal interest into the public square. Robert Bridge, originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has worked as a journalist in Russia since 1998. His articles have appeared in a number of publications, including Russia in Global Affairs, The Drudge Report and Infowars.com. Formerly the editor-in-chief of The Moscow News, Bridge is the author of the book “Midnight in the American Empire”, which was released in early 2013. I know I may be stepping into a cultural mine field here, but the latest attempt, I think, to impose a warped vision of humanity – the celebration of transgender – arrived courtesy of the 2014 Eurovision first-place winner, drag queen Conchita Wurst (who I can’t help thinking also bears an uncanny resemblance to Jesus Christ – coincidence?).While some may say this latest persona to enter the global consciousness is a harmless artist cashing in on his/her ‘uniqueness,’ others would disagree. Considering that millions of people – many of them impressionable children and adolescents – watch this annual program, should we be so quick to dismiss what kind of psychological impact a bearded transgender woman might leave on this group? Are these the “heroes” that our children should be emulating? Shortly after the Eurovision show, Putin, who described himself as “very liberal,” gave his view on the winner: “For us it is important to reaffirm traditional values…People have the right to live their lives the way they want. But they should not be aggressive, or put it up for show.” Many Russians sided with their leader on the matter as thousands signed a petition demanding that Eurovision be removed from the TV lineup, accusing “godless” 24 Zero Hedge Subprime Nation: Risky Loans Are in the "Driver's" Seat By Tyler Durden Amid a cacaphony of pundit parroting about strong US auto sales — which culminated in CNBC’s now infamous “car-stock arbitrage” recommendation — we have said repeatedly that at the margin, growth is being driven (no pun intended) by lenders’ willingness to extend credit to underqualified (read: subprime) borrowers. This was later confirmed by Goldman in a note which pointed out that subprime loans accounted for more than a fifth of all US new vehicle sales in January, which is 500bps above the post-crisis norm of 16%. Furthermore, as of January, the percentage of new vehicle sales attributable to subprime loans had been running ahead of the post-crisis average for 7 straight months. And as the following commentary from BofAML makes clear, auto-related securitizations are driving the market for consumer ABS issuance: The auto ABS market continues to dominate new issue volume with 53% of the total ABS volume. Prime auto loan ABS represents the largest subsector with 32% of auto ABS volume and 17% of total ABS volume. Non-prime auto loan and auto lease ABS saw nearly the same amount issued. It doesn’t take a leap of logic to determine the reason for the trend towards subprime (via Goldman): “We attribute the ongoing strength in subprime to (1) pent-up demand by subprime borrowers as lenders pulled back significantly from subprime auto lending during the recession and 1-2 years afterwards, and (2) the low interest rate environment, which has made subprime loans more attractive for investors chasing yield.” In this type of environment, one would certainly hope that credit fundamentals are not deteriorating in the subprime auto space. Unfortunately, they are: In other words, it’s the same story everywhere you look, whether it’s elevated HY issuance by insolvent E&P companies or heavy demand for ABS backed by subprime auto loans:investors are starved for yield and they’ll take it wherever they can find it even if it means forgetting that an 11% coupon on a new issue from a struggling oil producer likely spells trouble or disregarding a 550 average FICO on the latest billion dollar subprime auto ABS securitization. The trend in credit performance for the non-prime auto loan sector is clearly more negative than the prime auto loan sector. The 30+ days delinquency and net loss rates for the non-prime sector continues to trend up, while the same for the prime sector have been relatively stable. Even though net losses for non-prime loans are below normalized levels and employment situation continues to improve, the trends in 30+days delinquency and net loss rates argues for tighter lending standards in the sector. Based on normalized levels we expect to see net losses increase by another 50bp in the prime auto loan market and 110bp in the nonprime auto loan market. As we’ve pointed out on a few occasions, the appetite for Santander Consumer’s “deep” subprime DRIVE 2015-A demonstrates the extent to which the hunt for yield is once again driving Wall Street’s securitization machine which is in turn incentivizing lenders to lower their standards in order to lure more buyers. For those who demand still more proof, consider the following which shows that the subprime and leasing sub-sectors of the auto-related ABS space are the only two sub-sectors to show Y/Y growth in issuance every year since 2012, and looking at the figures for Q1 2015, it certainly appears as though this could be a banner year for subprime ABS issuance. 25 Meanwhile, the trend is not your friend when it comes to subprime net loss rates which despite having ticked lower in February, are still at their widest levels compared to prime in years… With interest rates still low, buyers today rely more on financing to purchase their vehicle. According to Experian Automotive, in Q4 2014 84% of new vehicles and 55% of used vehicles were financed via lease or loan. This compares to 2009 when 74% and 46% of new and used vehicles, respectively, were financed. This has supported auto ABS issuance, a trend which we expect to continuethroughout 2015. Auto ABS issuance totaled $7.7 billion in March, bringingYTD new issue supply to $30.1 billion. Nonprime auto ABS issuance totals$7.2 billion yearto-date. Overall, auto ABS issuance is up 13% yearover-year. * * * We’ll close with this, because nothing spells trouble like the idea that if you have the cash, you should take out a loan with a rapidly amoritizing asset as collateral in order to invest in stocks or, in other words, it’s a good idea to pledge a devaluing asset to buy an overvalued asset. …and predictably, the percentage of buyers opting to finance is trending higher as interest rates remain suppressed by Fed largesse… Here’s more, via Deutsche Bank: 26 Purity of Soul An Excursion into Northern Politics of Race By Fred Reed and practiced hypocrisy. I mean to state it. To talk to these geysers of virtue, you would be sure that their principal object in life was to help the black man, to admit him to the human race as an equal and a brother. I imagine them waking up in the middle of the night thinking how they might advance their darker brethren. Most of them likely do not get enough sleep because of it. Yet I confess a desire for confirmation. I want to say to them, “Yea, verily. And when was the last time you had black friends to dinner?” Race riot in the South, 1863. Wikipedia: "Rioters subjected black men to the most brutal violence: torture, hanging, and burning." Eleven were lynched. The Southern mob depicted here were afraid that if the North won the Civil War, freed slaves would take the jobs of whites. Or even, “And while we are thinking of your deep wells of goodness, those crystalline pools of measureless depth— when was the last time you dined in a restaurant where the majority of the patrons were black…ummm?” As I thought. Virginian though I am, a son of the Shenandoah, and brought up among the lazy rivers of the state of Marse Bob Lee and Stonewall—rivers where the sun always seemed to shine and you could mostly catch catfish, and almost think that being alive was a good thing until further experience intervened— I have to admit the deep vileness in the Southern soul. Yes. It was this that brought forth such scenes as above. I cannot deny that the events portrayed happened in the South. I remember years back that the Washingtonian, the suburban coffee-table magazine of the Yankee Capital, surveyed the news room of the Washington Post, that epicenter of racial oneness, of inattention to color, to see how many of the white reporters sent their children to the black public schools of Washington. “All of them,” I hear you say. “Such paladins of brotherhood could do nothing else.” The south of Manhattan, anyway, the drawing being of the race riots of 1863 in New York, in which Yankee mobs killed 115 or so innocent people, many of them black. Zero. Not one child in a black school. The minute the wife knew that she was pregnant, the couple moved to Montgomery County, Maryland. But no, no! Not because of race! Perish forefend. It was because, well…the shopping was better. Yes, that was it. The shopping. Here was early evidence of the deep regard in which Yankees held black men—and still hold them if you look at actions and not protestations. There is nothing like a damn Yank to tell how good he is, how drowning in the curds and cream of human kindness, without in his actions displaying a trace of it. But perhaps the best way to compare the dark night of the Southern soul with the supernal radiance to the north is to compare the schools the two regions provide for their freed slaves. One would expect schools in the South to be poor, and they are. But in the North, surely the schools are of a high order, well regulated, producing through their lofty academic standards black graduates scoring high on the SATs and not needing the humiliations of affirmative action. But should we be surprised? These were the same bluecoats who exterminated the Indians. "The only good Indian," said the Yankee general Sherman, "is a dead Indian." Such charitable musings were not unique to him. It was a Yankee named Custer, if memory serves, who after the war devoted himself in the name of the Yankee government to killing Indians, though with mixed results. Yet another Yankee general, Phil Sheridan, wanted to slaughter the western buffalo to starve the Indians to death. I cannot withhold my admiration for Northerners for the consistency of their racial philosophy. Surely this is what we will see. Otherwise we would have to concede that, 150 years after the Civil War, the North is still holding black children in illiteracy and squalor. Then, Lord save us, we might doubt the purity of Northern intentions. Fear not! Nothing can be more admirable that the black schools of such northern precincts as, say, Newark, Trenton, Camden, New York, Philadelphia, Detroit, Do not misunderstand me. I do not mean to imply that Northerners are the world’s mother lode of preening fraud 27 Cincinnati, Flint, Gary, St. Louis, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Chicago, and Washington—schools in the very intestines of Yankeedom. Why, one can hardly tell them from Groton. They display for all to see the superior morals of the North. They do indeed. Yanks love to talk about slavery, which they say was horrible and inexcusable. It was. This is today like blaming Jews for killing Christ ("Gosh, Rachel, you don't look old enough.") But logic confuses Yanks, so I will not essay it. Anyway, slavery existed because in economic terms it was well suited to plantations, and accomplished the enrichment of greedy men of negligible decency— which is to say, businessmen. Halloween in New York. The children are disguised as malnourished slum kids with no schools, while their pet horse naps. After the Civil War, Yankees continued, as they do today, their encouragement of integration for everyone else. Yankees are always sure of what someone else ought to do. Since most blacks were in the South, it was safe to be for racial amity as the North would not have to practice it. When blacks migrated north, the Yanks contained them in poor parts of the cities, as they do today (consult the list of cities foregoing). There were occasional adventures such as the Harlem Renaissance, when fashionable Northerners could go to the Cotton Club and mingle, barely, with real blacks. “Why, they are just like people, almost. Look at them dance!” Uptown, they might keep a few trained and gelded blacks around as ornaments. That was the extent of it. But slavery was ill-suited to an industrial state. It lacked flexibility. You had to feed and maintain slaves whether business was up or down. They were a burden and a responsibility. Kindly Yankees hit upon the superior idea of sweated labor, usually of immigrants who had no way of defending themselves. These could be fired when convenient. If they then died it was a matter of no account as, the Lord be praised, more were arriving by the boatload. And so the pious men of Northern money, who went to church every week, learned to work children twelve hours a day in tubercular dimness, where they grew deformed from poor diet and died early of lead poisoning and rickets. Is this not what one would expect, in the light of the Yankee’s firm belief that blacks are an inferior strain, half devil and half child, bearing the mark of Ham and incapable of the higher forms of civilization? No, Yanks do not say this, but their every action gives the game away. Always they lower the standard for the black man, but never try to raise the black man to the standard. Why? Because they do not believe that blacks can reach the standards of whites. What is “affirmative action” but the belief that a black cannot perform at the white man’s level? Sometimes they talk of “the tyranny of low expectations.” Indeed. But who in Newark holds those low expectations? Immigrant children in New York, cared for with humanity and love. Southerners, I reckon. Forgive me. I do not mean to offend residents of the North, where virtue runs in the streets until it clogs the storm drains, and the low-hanging branches of trees are damaged by the halos of pedestrians. Of course this wholesome system sometimes resulted in unfortunate revelations. If to save a few dollars the master of a noisesome tenement neglected to install fire escapes, and in the ensuing conflagration girls were clutching each other and jumping to their deaths from the seventh floor to avoid being burned to death—ah, well. The ways of God were mysterious, and girls easily replaced. Fred Reed is author of Nekkid in Austin: Drop Your Inner Child Down a Well, A Brass Pole in Bangkok: A Thing I Aspire to Be, Curmudgeing Through Paradise: Reports from a Fractal Dung Beetle, Au Phuc Dup and Nowhere to Go: The Only Really True Book About Viet Nam, and A Grand Adventure: Wisdom's Price-Along with Bits and Pieces about Mexico. There was no slavery, though. That would have been immoral. 28 From "Civil Rights" to Cultural Totalitarianism By William Norman Grigg In announcing his opposition to the Act, Senator Barry Goldwater emphasized the latent totalitarianism of that provision: The public memory of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement has been shaped by iconic images of state-licensed violence – peaceful protesters being beaten and otherwise abused by police for exercising the right to seek redress of grievances. The civil rights movement began as an effort to remove government impediments to individual liberty. By 1964 it had become a concerted effort to subject all private functions to government scrutiny and regimentation. “To give genuine effect to the prohibitions of this bill will require the creation of a Federal police force of mammoth proportions. It also bids fair to result in the development of an ‘informer’ psychology in great areas of our national life – neighbors spying on neighbors, workers spying on workers, businessmen spying on businessmen, where those who would harass their fellow citizens for selfish and narrow purposes will have ample inducement to do so.” According to the custodians of acceptable opinion, the campaign to compel acceptance of same-sex marriage is the legitimate heir to the Civil Rights movement. The symbolic image of the contemporary movement could be a photograph of a shell-shocked Crystal O’Connor, manager of the family owned Memories Pizza restaurant in Walkerton, Indiana, after the business became the focal point of an orchestrated campaign of mass vilification. “These, the Federal police force and an ‘informer’ psychology, are the hallmarks of the police state and landmarks in the destruction of a free society,” concluded Goldwater, whose peroration proved to be prophetic. The nation-wide convulsion of collectivist rage triggered by enactment of the Indiana religious freedom act illustrated that “civil rights,” as currently defined, requires the immediate punishment of any business owner who exercises the right to refrain from commerce. Yes, selfstyled proponents of “tolerance” can succumb to the temptations of punitive populism, just like their counterparts on the Right. Her offense was to speak favorably of Indiana’s recently enacted – and hastily modified – religious freedom act. The advertised purpose of that measure was to protect the rights of business owners to decline commercial opportunities that would require them to compromise their values. In response to a contrived question by a TV reporter seeking to engineer a controversy, O’Connor said that her company would decline an invitation to cater a same-sex wedding. She also made a point of saying that the store would accept paying customers of all varieties – but this distinction is too subtle for people in the throes of collectivist pseudo-outrage. An even more compelling illustration of the totalitarian mindset that typifies what is now called “civil rights” was offered by Idaho’s HB 2, more commonly known as the “Add the Words” bill. If it had been enacted by the state legislature, HB 2 would have added “sexual orientation” of various kinds to the state’s Human Rights Act as a protected category with regard to discrimination in employment and “public accommodations.” It also would have explicitly criminalized – perhaps for the first time anywhere in the Soyuz – the act of reserving one’s right to refuse service. O’Connor and her family, who had never injured a living soul or expressed any intention to do so, underwent a baptism in bile and were ritually execrated as proponents of “hate.” Section 67-5909 (5) (b) of the legislation would have made it a “prohibited act” for “a person” to “print, circulate, post, or mail or otherwise cause to be published a statement, advertisement, or sign which indicates that the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages of a place of public accommodation will be refused, withheld from, or denied an individual or that an individual’s patronage of or presence at a place of public accommodation is objectionable, unwelcome, unacceptable, or undesirable.” Thankfully, a counter-movement quickly coalesced to raise funds for the besieged – and thoroughly befuddled – Christian business owners, who had no agenda apart from tending to their customers. They hadn’t gotten the message that their business, as a “public accommodation,” was not theirs to operate as they see fit. Many businesses still display a sign asserting their right to discriminate, which is an indispensable element of property rights: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.” Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which deals with “public accommodations,” was designed to nullify that right. If HB 2 or a future measure employing the same language were to be enacted, a business owner who posted the “right to refuse” sign could not only be sued, but dragged away from his property in handcuffs. A critic of the 29 measure could likewise find himself being prosecuted for publishing a letter to the editor, a Facebook post, or a blog comment urging business owners to exercise the right of refusal. Fred Korematsu had committed no crime apart from defying an edict that expropriated him – through racespecific banishment from a “military exclusion zone” that encompassed his property. Punishing the peaceful expression of such opinions would be justified, according to the civil rights commissariat, because government has a “compelling interest” in preventing discrimination – even at the expense of individual liberty. Clothing the sentiment of “sucks to be you” in the rarefied language of jurisprudence, the Supreme Court upheld Korematsu’s federal conviction as an exercise of vital wartime powers by “properly constituted military authorities” with a congressional mandate. The Warren Court would later redeploy that wartime doctrine to facilitate the federal government’s domestic war against “discrimination.” The incantation “compelling government interest” is a useful illustration of the fact that the lexicon of federal law enforcement is an inexhaustible, self-replenishing reservoir of deceit. The Japanese relocation camps were filled with people whose homes, farms, personal effects, businesses, and individual liberty had been taken from them by people acting in the name of what would later be called a “compelling government interest.” Most people exposed to this masterpiece of semantic engineering hear what its designers intended – a claim that the government is compelled to do something – rather than what it actually means – that the government is claiming the authority to compel individuals to do something. Among the innocent people who suffered this inexcusable mistreatment was the family of a young JapaneseAmerican named George Takei, who would later become universally beloved for his portrayal of the heroic helmsman Hikaru Sulu of the Starship Enterprise. This term of art litters court orders and bureaucratic edicts through which our rulers impose economic and cultural alterations that are intended to remold society nearer to their hearts’ desire. More recently, Mr. Takei has become one of the most prominent supporters of the ongoing effort to compel acceptance of gay marriage through both social pressure and government coercion. Last January 30, Mr. Takei delivered the keynote address during the 5th Annual Fred T. Korematsu Day observance, most likely ignorant of the fact that he’s promoting the same evil doctrine that led to his childhood dispossession. As an abstract fiction without body, parts, or passions, the state cannot have a legitimate “interest” in anything. Indulging, for a moment, the contrary view, the state’s interest in self-preservation would always dictate the expansion of power, and the corresponding curtailment of liberty. This shouldn’t be considered surprising once it’s understood that the “compelling state interest” doctrine had its origins in the Supreme Court’s 1944 decision Korematsu v. United States – which upheld the mass internment, in military custody, of Japanese-Americans who had broken no law. William Norman Grigg publishes the Pro Libertate blog and hosts the Pro Libertate radio program. Rise of Scottish and English nationalists threatens old order by Old Rebel (Mike Tuggle) that, voters are deserting the Conservatives and Labour, Britain’s two main parties of the right and left since the 1920s, in droves. Change is a-comin' to Great Britain, and that's not just wishful thinking; that's a fact. Britain's old party system is going down: On 7 May, Britain goes to the polls. Voters are deserting Labour and the Tories in favour of resurgent Scottish nationalists and an English version of the Tea Party. The result could spell the end for the system as we know it In the 1951 election, Labour and the Conservatives – or Tories – shared 96% of the vote. By 2010 they could only manage 66% between them. (The Guardian, UK) Serves the old parties right -- they're the ones engineering the displacement of Britain's native population with the Third World. Now if we could just jump-start a similar revolt here in the Colonies... Public mistrust of government is high in Britain, and deference to the political elite has also collapsed as economic woes erode living standards. Amid all 30 US Military to Invade, Occupy Southwestern US By Jack Perry to prepare you for fighting Americans. That’s why you’re training on how to infiltrate American civilian populations undetected and undertaking whatever it is you plan to do afterwards. But do that on your own turf. Again, we didn’t ask to be involved in a military training exercise, nor did we give our consent. So, what, you told the local cops you’re going to do this and that makes it ok? Wrong, it doesn’t make it ok. You didn’t ask those cops, you told those cops. What’re they going to do, say no? Right, then you won’t give them any more Humvees and armored personnel carriers. “Nothing to see here, folks, move along. Just the U.S. military learning how to occupy American cities and towns and identify people to be carted off and disappeared, that’s all…” Hey, have you guys heard about this Operation Jade Helm shindig? Yeah, it kind of came as a surprise to me, too. I didn’t know I’m about to be living in a region soon to be occupied by a U.S. military invasion force. I didn’t know the Southwest was a hotbed of insurgent activity, or when the revolution actually started. It wasn’t in the paper or on the community bulletin board along with the notices asking about missing horses. It wasn’t in the gossip at the local grocery store. But oranges were on sale and there’s spring lambs for sale from local herders! Wow, and who knew that Utah was hostile territory? That’s only a hop, skip, and a guerrilla night march away from here! Yeah, good ol’ Mexican Hat, Utah, we hardly knew you had it in you! And Texas, boy, I guess the feds took you seriously when you just flippantly talked about secession a few years ago. Now you’re one of the hostile states. And another thing. If you clowns intend to involve us in this cockamamie war game, then we want to be paid for it. Ok, so you will designate the entire Southwest a makebelieve combat zone. Then I want to see a check for unwillingly being forced to participate in your ridiculous charade. You’re using me and everyone else here as a marker on your little war game board, so we should be paid just like your soldiers. And have the UN do some food aid drops here, too, while you’re at it. I can always use the rice. It’ll be more good training in how this works. That’ll go along way to keeping us here from throwing in with the enemy over in Utah. But only if the UN aid drops have decent coffee, otherwise, count on us crossing the San Juan River and forging an alliance with them. Utah has already sent out feelers and said they can promise some gourmet dark roast, so you’re going to have to beat that. We’re in an area not yours totally, according to your war game, but leaning towards you. Yeah, well, you got to pay for that. That’s how it works. That’s how it worked in Iraq, right? What’s in it for us? Ok, so, Operation Jade Helm is only a military training exercise. Well, anyway, that’s what the government wants us to believe. Evidently, the golden boys over at SOCOM (Special Operations Command) aren’t able to make do with the several hundreds of square miles they’ve already got for training in vast military installations spread out across the Southwest. Therefore, these exemplars of military wisdom, such as it is and if such a thing actually exists, are planning to use the states of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and possibly the part of California that borders Mexico, in a military exercise called Operation Jade Helm. About 1,200 of these stalwart heroes will attempt to infiltrate American civilian populations and engage one another in fierce firefights with blank ammunition. There will certainly be fun for the entire family with airdrops of paratroopers and helicopter air assault operations. They want to see if American civilians will be able to finger U.S. military infiltrators in their midst. Well, unless they’re shepherds or ranchers, they aren’t going to successfully infiltrate anything out here where I am. Perhaps they’ll be disguised as goats, who knows? I saw a suspicious looking mule the other day. So, ok, here’s the U.S. military training to fight an American civilian population. Dig what that means. If they were training to fight a foreign power, they could do that at Fort Irwin, which was created for that. If they were training to infiltrate a civilian population, why use the American civilian population? Our social customs and culture are different from those of the Middle East and, to some extent, Russia. The answer is to be found in the very motto the U.S. military has written for Operation Jade Helm. That motto is “Master The Human Domain”. Now, I ask you, does that sound like something the Founding Fathers would have said? No, it sounds like something Caligula or Nero would have said. Not to “guard” or “defend” the “human domain” (that is, the American people) but to MASTER it. In other words, enslave it and subjugate it. Master it. That motto is something a tyrant would say. And certainly has. But the point is, look here, General Patton. You guys were given huge swaths of Southwestern states so you had room to do this crap without risking or pulling civilians into your silly little games. Ok? Got that? I wasn’t asked for my consent, nor was anyone else I know. We live here. We don’t want to be involved in your childish games of “war” or “cops and robbers”. Go play those games on your own land, not ours. Places like Fort Irwin, which were built for that at great expense to the American taxpayer, that is, us. We don’t need or want you sneaking around our women and children firing blanks or who knows what else you plan on doing. It’s bad enough how obvious it is that this is a training exercise designed 31 atmospheric nuclear weapons testing over at the Nevada Test Site, the fallout drifted across the Southwest. Lots of innocent people died from cancer as a result. You can go into medical clinics here to this day and see notices that say: “Are You A Downwinder?” A Downwinder is someone who was here when those tests were being done. The government won’t even admit to the possible longterm genetic damage that may have resulted from those tests. And we’ve got abandoned uranium mines, mills, and tailings piles strewn all over the place out here. So, no, we don’t trust them. And we have good reason not to. They said it was for national defense, like they’re saying about Operation Jade Helm. Well, excuse us, but we’re a bit jaded ourselves. So, here I am, your accidental war correspondent in the Second Civil War military exercise. I hope they don’t start moving tanks in this exercise. Many of our bridges can’t take the weight. We just got a new bridge over the Little Colorado River out on Highway 89 in Cameron and I’d hate to see it collapse because they tried moving a tank over it. And, hey, all these mock battles they plan to fight using blanks, I have some questions. Will there be bleachers set up so we can watch? Shoot, we can make bets on which side will win. We can set up food concessions, hot dog stands, and sell t-shirts. “The Federal Government Occupied My State And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt”. And where will these paratroopers be landing? If we knew that, we could set up a snowcone stand there, maybe make a couple bucks. Hey, it’ll be July in the Southwest! Everyone loves snowcones! Or, better yet, our regional favourite: Paletes! If these troops stay a little past July, we’d set up a green chile roasting operation, too. Who doesn’t love roasted green chiles? Those would go a long way to making MREs halfway edible. Jack Perry is an arrowmaker and writer who lives in the Four Corners area of the Southwestern United States. He has been a truck driver, a purchasing agent at a nowdefunct renewable energy company (don't even ask him about the "Green energy" scam), and served in the 101st Airborne Division. He spends his time practicing traditional archery, making arrows in the wilds of the Arizona high desert, and finding himself only mildly amused by the antics of the Great Father in Washington. Look, we have good reason not to want to be involved in their military training without our consent or knowledge of what they’re actually doing. When they did And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him? -- Luke 18:7 By J. C. Philpot (1802-1869) "Behold, he prayeth," was the word of the Lord to Ananias to convince him that that dreaded persecutor, Saul of Tarsus, had been quickened by the Spirit. And what a mercy it is for the quickened soul that the blessed Spirit thus helps his sinking, trembling spirit, puts life and energy into his cries and sighs, holds him up and keeps him steadfast at the throne, and thus enables him to persevere with his earnest suings for mercy, mingles faith with his petitions, and himself most graciously and kindly intercedes within him and for him with groanings which cannot be uttered. This is "praying with the spirit" (1 Cor. 14:15) and "in the Holy Ghost" (Jude 20). This is pouring out the heart before God (Psalm 62:8), pouring out the soul before the Lord (1 Sam. 1:15); and by this free discharge of the contents of an almost bursting heart, sensible relief is given to the burdened spirit. By this special mark, the convictions of a quickened soul are distinguished from the pangs of guilt and remorse which are sometimes aroused in the natural conscience. Cain said, "My punishment is greater than I can bear," but there was neither repentance nor prayer in his heart; for "he went out from the presence of the Lord "—the very presence which the living soul is seeking to reach and be found in, and into which the Spirit brings him (Eph. 2:18). Saul was "sore distressed," when God answered him, "neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets," but he goes to the witch of Endor, and in the end falls upon his own sword. Judas repented himself of his accursed treachery, but went and hanged himself. No prayer, no supplication was in either of their hearts. So it is prophesied that men shall gnaw their tongues for pain, and yet shall blaspheme the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and not repent of their deeds (Rev. 16:10, 11). But the elect cry day and night unto God; and their prayers, perfumed with the incense of their allprevailing Intercessor at the right hand of the Father, enter into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. 32 The Drug War Litmus Test By Laurence M. Vance within their borders. And former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) said last year that he doesn’t support legalization personally, but that states should be able decide their own marijuana policies. Conservative Republicans are sometimes said by the media to be “libertarian” or “libertarianleaning.” This is especially true if they say something about marijuana legislation being left up to the states because of the Tenth Amendment. I should add that although former Florida governor Jeb Bush opposed Florida’s medical-marijuana ballot initiative, he also said that “he’s not sure if the federal government should enforce federal cannabis laws if the Sunshine State proposal passes.” (It didn’t.) Bush also “refrained from repudiating the current White House’s position to de-emphasize enforcement of certain marijuana laws in the 20 states that have legalized medical cannabis, plus Washington D.C., and the two states that have completely legalized adult personal use of the drug, Colorado and Washington.” When asked about the federal government’s role in prosecuting marijuana laws in states that have legalized medical marijuana, Bush said “he’d have to give it more thought” and “have to sort that out.” A recent article in the Huffington Post about the attitude of certain Republican politicians—all presidential hopefuls—toward marijuana legalization reminds me to mention the drug war litmus test, especially as we head into another election season. In an interview with Reason last year, Ted Cruz—the first to declare his candidacy for the Republican nomination for president—said: “I think we can have an intelligent conversation about drug policy and the degree to which it may or may not be achieving the ends we hope it would achieve.” In an interview with Sean Hannity at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference, Cruz was asked if he thought Colorado’s legalization of marijuana was a good idea. “Look, I actually think this is a great embodiment of what Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis called ‘the laboratories of democracy,’” Cruz replied. “If the citizens of Colorado decide they want to go down that road, that’s their prerogative. I personally don’t agree with it, but that’s their right.” Cruz is upset with President’s Obama’s response to the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Colorado and Washington: Conservative Republicans who are not running for office, like Sean Hannity, Newt Gingrich, and Bill O’Reilly, are rabid drug warriors. I suspect that many Republican politicians really are too, including some presidential aspirants; they just talk about marijuana in the context of “states’ rights” or “federalism” or “the Tenth Amendment” to both mask their true opinions and to sucker the voters who are concerned about the Constitution. “The Obama administration’s approach to drug policy is to simply announce that across the country, it is going to stop enforcing certain drug laws,” Cruz told Reason in that same interview. “Now, that may or may not be a good policy, but I would suggest that should concern anyone—it should even concern libertarians who support that policy outcome— because the idea that the president simply says criminal laws that are on the books, we’re going to ignore [them]. That is a very dangerous precedent.” I write not to specifically criticize Republican politicians—I have done my share of that—but to explain the drug war litmus test. There is nothing bold and brave about saying that the issue of medical marijuana should be left up to the states. It takes no courage to invoke the Tenth Amendment when asked about the subject of marijuana legalization. Unlike most members of Congress, any junior high school student could read the text of the Constitution and come to the conclusion that the federal government has no authority whatsoever to institute a DEA, classify drugs on a schedule, or wage war on marijuana or any other drug. Tenth Amendment or no Tenth Amendment, of course drug policy should be left up to the states. The Huffington Post article goes on to mention other Republican presidential hopefuls who have likewise addressed the issue of marijuana legalization: Recently, some have said they support states’ right to decide, even if they don’t exactly support legalization. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who favors legalization of medical but not recreational marijuana, said that he’s against the federal government telling states that “they can’t” legalize. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has called legalization of recreational marijuana a “bad idea,” but a spokesman said that Rubio believes, “of course,” that states can make their own decisions about laws What takes intestinal fortitude is saying that drug policy should be the domain of the states, including: the recreational use of marijuana the repeal of all federal drug regulations the repeal of all federal drug laws 33 the elimination of the federal DEA incarcerated drug offenders should be pardoned and released from jail or prison, and every facet of the drug war should be ended. And because the drug war is such a great injustice, this should all be done immediately. the ending of the federal war on drugs the legalization of other drugs like heroin and cocaine The drug war is a great libertarian litmus test. No one who supports government at any level having any kind of a war on drugs is even remotely a libertarian. It doesn’t matter what else he believes about foreign policy, the welfare state, the warfare state, or the surveillance state. No one can “lean libertarian” and support such a gross violation of individual liberty, personal freedom, property rights, a free market, and a free society as the war on drugs. Now, one can say these things and still favor a war on drugs on the state level. But I know of no Republican member of Congress or conservative columnist, talking head, or radio talk show host who would even say these things. Libertarians, of course, go even further. Although drug policy is constitutionally the domain of the states and not the federal government, the states shouldn’t regulate drugs, criminalize drugs, have a DEA, or wage war on drugs any more than the federal government should. Ted Cruz may believe in having “an intelligent conversation about drug policy and the degree to which it may or may not be achieving the ends we hope it would achieve,” but to the libertarian, there should be no government drug policy to begin with and no ends that the government should be hoping to achieve. The libertarian view on the drug war is simple and consistent: Since it is not the business of government at any level to prohibit, regulate, restrict, license, criminalize, limit, or otherwise control what someone wants to smoke, snort, sniff, inject, or swallow, then there should be no laws whatsoever regarding the buying, selling, possessing, trafficking, using, growing, cultivating, processing, or manufacturing of any drug for any reason. Laurence M. Vance writes from central Florida. He is the author of King James, His Bible, and Its Translators, The War on Drugs Is a War on Freedom, War, Christianity, and the State: Essays on the Follies of Christian Militarism and War, Empire, and the Military: Essays on the Follies of War and U.S. Foreign Policy. His newest book is The Making of the King James Bible—New Testament. Therefore, on both the federal and the state level, all drugs should be legalized, all drug laws and regulations should be repealed, all DEAs should be eliminated, all Special Operations Troops Doubt Women Can Do the Job By Herschel Smith Dan Bland, force management director for U.S. Special Operations Command, said the survey results have “already driven us to do some different things in terms of educating the force.” From Stars and Stripes: Surveys find that men in U.S. special operations forces do not believe women can meet the physical and mental demands of their commando jobs, and they fear the Pentagon will lower standards to integrate women into their elite units, according to interviews and documents. Well, there you go. If the force believes that women can’t do the job, the only recourse is to educate them differently, because surely, surely, surely they must be wrong. Otherwise the advocates of gender homogeneity would be wrong, and that couldn’t be the case because command says so because the administration and Godhating, elitist, Marxist liberal arts colleges around the nation say so. Studies that surveyed personnel found “major misconceptions” within special operations about whether women should be brought into the maleonly jobs. They also revealed concerns that department leaders would “capitulate to political pressure, allowing erosion of training standards,” according to one document. Dan Bland responded the way he did because he has lost his soul and joined the dark side. Some of those concerns were not limited to men, researchers found, but were found among women in special operations jobs. Herschel Smith hails from Charlotte, N.C. 34 World Net Daily The Big List of Christian Coercion Cases allowing homosexuals to bludgeon believers Paster and Bernstein filled out a reservation form, the pavilion was a public accommodation. The judge determined that the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association breached its agreement to make the pavilion available to the public on an equal basis. Here’s a list of cases in which Christians have been accused of violating non-discrimination laws for following the dictates of their faith: Christian pizzeria Family-owned Memories Pizza in Indiana came into the crosshairs of homosexuals when an owner was interviewed by a local TV station in the aftermath of the adoption of the state’s religious freedom law. Liberty Ridge The owners of a Christian farm in upstate New York recently were fined $10,000 and assessed $1,500 in damages for not allowing a lesbian duo to use their land and home for a wedding. Responding to a reporter’s question, the owner said that while her restaurant serves gays, her Christian faith wouldn’t allow her to cater a “gay wedding.” Cynthia and Robert Gifford, owners of Liberty Ridge Farm near Albany, had allowed others to use their land for birthday events and a few weddings. But when Jennifer McCarthy and Melisa Erwin asked for access, the owners said they would allow a reception but not a wedding, because of their religious beliefs. The restaurant immediately became a focal point of outrage toward the law, with threats of death and and destruction, causing the owners to shut down their business. In response, however, an Internet campaign raised more than $840,000 for the family in just a few days. The state said the couple’s religious beliefs were of no account. Owners Kevin and Christie O’Connor said they eventually planned to reopen their doors. Administrative Law Judge Migdalia Pares said the Giffords’ home is a place of public accommodation and, therefore, is subject to the New York Human Rights law. Ocean Grove The judge ruled, “The fact that the Giffords also reside at Gifford Barn does not render it private.” The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association was begun in 1869 to provide a place for Christian meetings and assemblies, and it still operates as one of the more popular destinations for such events on the East Coast. Masterpiece The case developed when homosexuals demanded a Christian baker provide a wedding cake for their event, and he declined on the grounds it would violate his Christian faith. It houses one of the world’s 20 largest pipe organs and there are both traditional and contemporary worship programs all summer long that have featured speakers such as Billy Graham, Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuller, Billy Sunday, D. James Kennedy and Charles Stanley. The Colorado Civil Rights Commission eventually ordered the baker, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop, to use his artistry to celebrate homosexual unions in violation of his Christian beliefs, but the case is on appeal in the courts. But the location no longer is used for weddings, because a lesbian duo was denied permission to use it, and a state discrimination complaint was filed. A state commissioner, Diann Rice, likened Christians to slaver owners and Nazis. The ACLU reported in 2012 that the ruling from an administrative law judge found the Christian group was guilty of discrimination for refusing to grant Harriet Bernstein and Luisa Paster access to its property for their ceremony. Her words: “I would also like to reiterate what we said in the hearing or the last meeting. Freedom of religion and religion has been used to justify all kinds of discrimination throughout history, whether it be slavery, whether it be the Holocaust, whether it be – I mean, we – we can list hundreds of situations where freedom of religion has been Solomon A. Metzger of the state’s Office of Administrative Law found that in March 2007, when 35 … are permanently enjoined and restrained from violating the Washington Law Against Discrimination.” used to justify discrimination. And to me it is one of the most despicable pieces of rhetoric that people can use to – to use their religion to hurt others.” There was no claim in the case that the homosexuals were unable to get a cake, only that they were unable to get it from Masterpiece. Ekstrom also said the homosexuals, Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed, “are entitled to an award of actual damages,” but he reserved determination of the amount until after any appeal has been exhausted. Hitching Post The Benhams The Hitching Post wedding chapel in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, is under fire. The Benham brothers were en route to a new HGTV television show when homosexual activists made an issue of their belief in biblical marriage. The city is demanding the Christian ministers at the chapel perform same-sex weddings in violation of their faith, and WND reported recently the case is headed back to court after negotiations between the parties failed. The network canceled their real estate show, which was to be called “Flip it Forward.” Jason and David, who just weeks ago began writing an exclusive WND column, posted on Facebook a video supporting the Indiana law. “The government can’t tell ministers they must perform same-sex marriages under threat of jail time and crippling fines,” said Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy Tedesco. The video explains: “So the RFRA is a shield, not a sword. It doesn’t get offensive and promote ‘hate’ as the hype said. But it’s a shield to protect companies, like, for instance, a Jewish-owned jewelry. It keeps the state from forcing him to create rings with the Nazi symbol on it. Or a Muslim-owned apparel company. It prevents the state from forcing him to maybe make T-shirts with the cross over the crescent. “That’s exactly what the city did to Pastor Knapp and what the ordinance allows the city to do to others. In the absence of a settlement agreement, we look forward to vindicating our client’s freedom in court.” Arlene’s In Washington state, florist Barronelle Stutzman already has been penalized $1,001 for declining to support a samesex wedding with her floral talents. “Or even a gay-owned apparel company from creating Tshirts that say Leviticus 18:22. Homosexuality is a sin.” Very simply, “the state should never force business owners to promote a message or an idea that conflicts with their beliefs,” David Benham states. And the judge ruling in the case has opened her savings, personal possessions and even home up as a target for the homosexuals who wanted her artistic talents and now are claiming her assets as damages. Elane’s Photography In a New Mexico dispute, courts ordered that a photographer could not refuse to use her talents to memorialize a homosexual wedding. Alex Ekstrom, the judge, said Stutzman, owner of Arlene’s Flowers in Richland, Washington, must pay $1,001 to the state prosecutors who charged her with discrimination. Elaine Huguenin, co-owner with her husband, Jonathan, of Elane Photography, had declined to provide her artistic talents to Vanessa Willock. But the Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing Stutzman warned that the precedent, not the dollar figure, is the problem. Willock, who found another photographer for the event, filed a complaint with the state under its antidiscrimination law. The state Supreme Court said the photographer had no right to not be forced to express statements through her work that violated her Christian beliefs. Kristen Waggoner, ADF senior counsel, said the award to Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson boils down to a government threat to Christians: “Surrender your religious liberty and free speech rights, or face personal and professional ruin.” Giving up one’s religious faith, the court said, was “the price of citizenship.” Stutzman was sued even though the man who filed the complaint was referred to several other willing florists and even was offered free flowers. An Oregon baker also was caught in the same fight, as well as several other venue owners, and there’s even the same conflict in the United Kingdom. Ekstrom’s latest order also said the “defendants and their officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or participation with them 36 Brendan Eich Just Cookies Then there was the case of Brendan Eich, the chief executive officer of Mozilla, the company best known for creating Firefox. The owners of Indiana’s “Just Cookies” were charged with “discrimination” under the city’s “sexual orientation” law for refusing to fill a special order for “rainbow cookies” for an LGBT group. He was attacked by homosexual activists and eventually lost his position for donating $1,000 to support the 2008 Proposition 8 marriage-definition initiative that was approved by the majority of voters of progressive California. Victoria’s Cakes Iowa’s “Victoria’s Cake Cottage,” whose owner, Victoria Childress, refused to provide a wedding cake for a homosexual couple out of “convictions for their lifestyle.” According to WND CEO Joseph Farah’s commentary on the issue, “Apparently, according to this new litmus test of the ‘tolerance’ police, anyone who supported the popular proposition no longer deserves to work in California.” Fleur Cakes Oregon’s Fleur Cakes joined Sweet Cakes in refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple and is being boycotted by homosexual activist groups. Eich was described as a tech prodigy, “having invented the programming language Javascript and co-founded Mozilla.” All Occasion Texas’ All Occasion Party Place, a Fort Worth venue, refuses, on religious grounds, to rent out a banquet hall for same-sex wedding receptions. Aloha Bed & Breakfast The Aloha Bed & Breakfast in Hawaii, a Christian business, was forced to “accommodate” two Southern California lesbians after a judge ruled the B&B violated state law when the owner told Taeko Bufford and Diane Cervelli she wasn’t comfortable having them stay together in her home due to her religious beliefs. Aloha has since been ordered by the state “to provide a room to any samesex couple that wishes to stay there.” T-shirts A Christian T-shirt maker in Kentucky was targeted by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission for refusing to print “gay pride” designs for a local homosexual group. Twilight Room Walders Chris Penner, owner of the Twilight Room Annex bar in Portland, was fined $400,000 under the Oregon Equality Act for excluding transsexual men who, dressed as women, had been alienating other customers by using the women’s restroom. According to the Seattle Times, 11 people – calling themselves the “T-girls” – “will get the money, with awards ranging from $20,000 to 50,000.” In Illinois, Christian B&B owners Jim and Beth Walder are being sued by homosexual activist Todd Wathen, who demands monetary damages, attorneys’ fees and “an order directing [the Walders] to cease and desist from any violation” of the state’s Human Rights Act. Wildflower Phil Robertson Vermont’s Wildflower Inn paid a settlement and shut down its wedding reception business after the ACLU won a $10,000 civil penalty for two lesbians. The settlement also requires the inn’s owners to place $20,000 in a charitable trust for the lesbians. The “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson, an evangelical Christian, faced a firestorm of protest after he told GQ magazine he believed homosexuality is a sin. A&E, the show’s creator, said it was suspending him indefinitely, but then a massive public backlash forced the network into retreat and he was reinstated. Sweet Cakes Oregon’s “Sweet Cakes by Melissa” bakery shut down after declining to bake for a “gay wedding.” Craig James Fox Sports Southwest broadcaster Craig James was fired after a GOP debate tape showed him expressing Christian beliefs in opposition to “homosexual marriage” surfaced. 37 'Gay' Leader to Churches: Support Homosexuality or Be Taxed Activist sets litmus test for religious freedom in America By Bob Unruh A “gay” activist contends churches that lobby to preserve the right of religious believers not to promote homosexual behavior should lose their tax-exempt status. he continues to run it consistent with his faith. Such blatant religious discrimination has no place in our society.” Jeran Artery of the homosexual-rights group Wyoming Equality made the assertion on his Facebook page and deleted it a short time later, reported Jason DeWitt at Top Right News. On an ADF blog, Joshua Tijerina decried the outright “hypocrisy” of corporations such as Walmart, Apple, Microsoft and Angie’s List, which all opposed the Indiana religious freedom law. The issue arose recently because of the fierce opposition to Indiana’s adoption of a Religious Freedom Restoration Act that would allow groups to use their faith as a defense in claims of discrimination. But the opposition prompted lawmakers and the governor to “fix” the law and insert specific protections for “gays.” “It is important to clear the fog of this hypocrisy: It is OK for a business to support LGBT issues with its decisions and values (like Apple did), but it must shutter its doors if a business seeks to exercise religious freedom (like Barronelle Stutzman did),” he wrote. Stutzman is a Washington state florist who now faces fines because she declined to support same-sex marriage with her artistry. This issue isn’t new, with such cases dating back a decade. However, they have been increasing in recent years. “Now, ADF is a legal organization, so what does the law say? According to ADF attorney Doug Wardlow religious freedom is a fundamental right, and ‘wherever we go and whatever we do, our freedoms go with us,’” wrote Tijerina. The dispute is illustrated in Colorado, where a Christian baker, Jack Phillips, is defending himself in court for declining to bake a case for same-sex ceremony. And the same time, Colorado’s Civil Rights Commission ruled that “cake artists” at Azucar Bakery, Gateaux and Le Bakery Sensual were perfectly justified in refusing to bake cakes that “violated their conscience.” “He points to the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Burwell as a prime example: The United States Supreme Court held that the federal RFRA, which applies to ‘a person’s’ exercise of religion, includes natural persons as well as entities such as corporations, partnerships, firms, societies, and the like. Both Indiana’s RFRA and its federal counterpart thus recognize that a person doesn’t give up her religious liberty just because she forms a business entity,” Tijerina wrote. Senior Legal Counsel Jeremy Tedesco of the Alliance Defending Freedom said Colorado’s decision establishes discrimination as a precedent. “We commend the commission for reaching the right conclusion that these cake artists should not be forced to violate their conscience, but clearly the commission should have done the same for Jack Phillips,” he said Monday. “Opponents of religious freedom agree that business entities should act on what they believe, but only if those businesses agree with them,” he wrote. The commission found that the three cake artists have the freedom to decline creating unique cake creations because the artists found the requests offensive. In the latest court brief in the Phillips case, ADF argued that Americans are guaranteed freedom to live and work according to their faith. But all Americans “should be alarmed that the same commission determined that Jack doesn’t have that same freedom,” Tedesco said. ADF said the rights Phillips seeks to preserve would “protect the right of Colorado baker Marjorie Silva to decline to create a cake that references biblical teaching about sex and marriage based on her ‘standards of offensiveness’ or a gay Colorado photographer to decline an offer from Westboro Baptist Church to shoot photos at its latest demonstration.” “Like the other bakers, Jack happily serves all people but declines to use his artistic talents to create cakes that violate his conscience. The commission’s inconsistent rulings mean that the owners of these three cake shops may run them according to their beliefs, while Jack cannot. He risks losing his life-long business altogether if 38 defense of historic, Judeo-Christian teachings on sex and marriage as Hate, Bigotry & Homophobia – Big Gay Inc.’s top three slanders against people of faith and morals – is itself profoundly hateful and bigoted.” “These are just results that rightly and universally protect conscience. Phillips’ conscience is deserving of the same respect and protection.” But the left-leaning Think Progress equated a Christian baker or photographer wanting to practice their faith in their business to racism. “But we should expect such calculated smears from a Sin Movement that is essentially engaged in a political and cultural war against Nature and Nature’s God. Casting aside the lies and slanders, we will not be deterred in our defense of Truth.” The website wrote about Maurice Bessinger, who reportedly argued pro-slavery issues and failed to convince the courts he should be exempt from anti-racism laws. Matt Slick at Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry explained: “Discrimination is not automatically bad. I discriminate on the kinds of foods I eat, on the programs I watch, and what movies I let my kids see. In fact, we all discriminate. We all have criteria by which we judge what is and is not acceptable. I discriminate against child molesters, and I will not let them be with my children unattended. I discriminate against various theological teachings that contradict the Bible. I discriminate all the time and so do you. “Bessinger’s legal claim that religion should provide a license to discriminate rears its head over and over again in modern American history. It reared its head just over a week ago in Indiana, when religious conservatives briefly pushed through legislation that could have enabled them to ignore local ordinances protecting against anti-LGBT discrimination,” the site said. WND reported a few weeks ago that a number of homosexual bakers, approached about doing a cake with a message supportive of traditional marriage would refuse. “When it comes to homosexuality, I believe that God has condemned it as a sin (Rom. 1:18ff). But my agreeing with God that homosexuality is a sin is not the same as discriminating against homosexuals. I have no problem working with homosexuals in a secular environment. I have no problem with homosexuals being my neighbors. I have no problem with working out at the gym with homosexuals. In things like these, I don’t discriminate.” That’s from a report by Theodore Shoebat on the Shoebat.com website, which more often deals with Islam and jihad. “Christian bakeries that refuse to make pro-homosexual marriage cakes are getting sued left, right and center. They get fined, they get death threats, and they lose their businesses,” Shoebat observed. He explained: “To say that condemning homosexuality is wrong is a statement dealing with morality – not with legality. There might be various laws for and/or against homosexuality, but saying that condemning homosexuality is wrong is a moral issue.” So, Shoebat.com decided to call 13 prominent pro-gay bakers and ask them to make a cake with the message “gay marriage is wrong.” “Each one denied us service, and even used deviant insults and obscenities against us,” he said. Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially. “One baker even said that she would make me a cookie with a large phallus on it just to insult us because we are Christian,” said Shoebat. At Americans for Truth, President Peter LaBarbera said the LGBT lobby’s “campaign to portray the fervent 39 The Definition of Anti-Semitism Explains why 'Jew-hatred' is best synonym By Joseph Farah Only after World War II did the term “antiSemitism” become widely used by those who viewed it negatively. Anti-Semitism is alive and thriving on planet Earth, once again. Maybe it’s about time we understood where the term originated. Am I nitpicking? It was predictable when I wrote a recent column about why Barack Obama is not-so-latently antiSemitic that I would be challenged on the use of the word. It happens every time. Yes and no. I want to explain that anti-Semitism, despite the literal meaning, has never been used to hatefully condemn all those speaking Semitic languages, as one might suspect. Some wise guy literalist will always point out that Semites are all the people of the Middle East. As an ArabAmerican, I am more than familiar with this assertion, I assure you. So I use it, occasionally, in the way the term has always been used – by both Jews and Jew-haters. Yet, on the other hand, I must say I have a certain appreciation for those who challenge its use – as more of a euphemism for the more direct and hideous “Jew-hatred.” They cite the standard dictionary definition of Semitic: “designating or of the Semites or their languages, – n. a major group of African and Asian languages, including Hebrew, Arabic etc.” So I use both – interchangeably. But “Jew-hatred” is more to the point. It doesn’t beat around the bush. It doesn’t soft-pedal the true evil that lurks behind this age-old condition. It hits it right between the eyes. Let’s begin by exploring where the term was invented – Germany in the late 19th century. It was coined as a scientific-sounding word for Judenhass, or Jew hatred. It has meant this and only this ever since. And it is not lost on me that many, if not most, of the practitioners of this disease are either “Semitic” themselves, in the literal sense of the word, or sympathetic to the dominant religion of today’s “Semites.” Jew hatred was on the rise in the late 19th century throughout Europe – nowhere more strongly, however, than in Prussia where a nationalistic historian by the name of Heinrich von Treitschke did his best to promote it. The term always meant Jew-hatred, as opposed to hatred of other Semitic peoples. No matter what you call it – anti-Semitism or Jew-hatred – it’s a virulent pandemic in the world today. The worst of the anti-Semites today – whether they call themselves Hamas or Hezbollah or ISIS or al-Qaida or the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade – make no bones about who it is they hate. They may arm themselves as suicide bombers, but it is not out of self-loathing. It’s motivated by the worst kind of malevolence – the kind that suggests there’s no room in this world for both the Jews and the Jewhaters. Von Treitschke served as an inspiration to German Jewhaters, and the term was widely used in written form – always pertaining to Jews alone. It was a term used almost exclusively by Jew haters themselves. For instance, after the Kristallnacht pogrom in 1938, German propaganda minister Josef Goebbels announced: “The German people is anti-Semitic. It has no desire to have its rights restricted or to be provoked in the future by parasites of the Jewish race.” That’s why there’s no accommodating them in “peace talks” and negotiations and land swaps. It’s further worth noting that Adolf Hitler had no acrimony toward those who spoke other Semitic languages, or other descendants of the biblical Shem. He funded a battalion of Arab Nazi recruits for the grand mufti of Jerusalem as you will learn in the spectacularly well-documented book, “The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism.” No two ideologies did more to incubate the plague anti-Jewish terrorist hate than Nazism and Communism, the latter well-documented in Ion Mihai Pacepa’s masterpiece “Disinformation.” Their goal is simple – one they shared with Hitler and Haman: The total eradication of the Jews from planet Earth. Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators News Service.. He is the author or co-author of 13 books. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market dailies. 40 America's Decay Is Speeding Up Universities have become secular seminaries for dissemination of leftism By Dennis Prager gender doesn’t matter. Marriage is marriage, and gender means nothing, the argument goes. So, too, whether children are raised by mother and father or two mothers or two fathers doesn’t matter. A father has nothing unique to offer a child that a mother can’t provide and vice versa. As one who loves America – not only because I am American, but even more so because I know (not believe, know) that the American experiment in forming a decent society has been the most successful in history – I write the following words in sadness: With few exceptions, every aspect of American life is in decline. Why? Because – for the first time in recorded history – gender is regarded as meaningless. Indeed, increasingly gender doesn’t even exist; it’s merely a social construct imposed on children by parents and society based on the biological happenstance of their genitalia. When signing up for Facebook, one is offered nearly 60 options under “gender.” In various high schools across the country, boys are elected homecoming queen. A woman was recently kicked out of Planet Fitness for objecting to a man in the women’s locker room. She was accused of intolerance because the man said he felt that he was a woman. “Decay” is the word. The Decline of the Family: Nearly half (48 percent) of American children are born to a mother who is not married. Forty-three percent of American children live without a father in the home. About 50 percent of Americans over 18 are married, compared to 72 percent in 1960. Americans are having so few children that the fertility rate fell to a record low 62.9 births per 1,000 women in 2013. And in an increasing number of states, there are now more deaths than births. The End of Right and Wrong: At least two generations of American young people have been taught that moral categories are nothing more than personal (or societal) preferences. Recently, an incredulous professor of philosophy wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times titled “Why Our Children Don’t Think There Are Moral Facts.” In it he noted, “Without fail, every value claim is labeled an opinion” (italics in original). This extends to assessing the most glaring of evils. Since the Nazis thought killing Jews was right, there is no way to know for sure whether it was wrong; it’s the Nazis’ opinion against that of the Jews and anyone else who objects. I have heard this sentiment from American high school students – including many Jewish ones – for 30 years. The Decline of Education: Compared to nearly all of American history, the average American school teaches much less about important subjects such as American history, English grammar, literature, music and art. Instead, schools are teaching much more about “social justice,” environmentalism and sex. Any of us who receive emails from large numbers of Americans can attest to the deteriorating education – including among those who attended college – in written English. In sophisticated commentary on websites as well as in email, one encounters the most basic errors: “it’s” instead of “its”; “their” instead of “there”; “then” instead of “than,” etc. The End of Religion: There are no moral truths because there is no longer a religious basis for morality. More than the Enlightenment, it was the Bible – especially the Hebrew Bible (which was one reason America’s Christians were different from most European Christians) that guided the founders’ and other Americans’ values. Not anymore. Instead of being guided by a code higher than themselves, Americans are taught to rely on their feelings to determine how to behave. Instead of being given moral guidance, children are asked, “How do you feel about it?” Most universities have become secular seminaries for the dissemination of leftism. Moreover, aside from indoctrination, students usually learn little. One can earn a BA in English at UCLA, for example, without having read a single Shakespeare play. To the extent that American history is taught, beginning in high school and often earlier, American history is presented as the history of an immoral nation characterized by slavery, racism, colonialism, imperialism, economic exploitation, and militarism – not of a country that, more than any other, has been the beacon of freedom to mankind, and the country that has spent more treasure and spilled more blood to liberate other peoples than any other nation. The End of Beauty: Just as morality is subjective; so are beauty and excellence. There is no good or bad art or literature. You like Beethoven; I like rap. You like Shakespeare; I like Batman. “Street art” (aka graffiti) is worthy of museum exhibition; paint thrown by an “artist” from atop a ladder onto a canvas is considered high art and fetches over $100 million; and a giant sculpture of a The End of Male and Female: Whatever one’s position on same-sex marriage, one must acknowledge that at the core of the argument for this redefinition of marriage is that 41 dog with lifted leg urinating adorns the front of the Orange County Museum of Art in California. Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio show host and creator of PragerUniversity.Com. His latest book is "Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph." If you acknowledge that American society is in decay, it is your obligation to fight to undo it. If you can’t acknowledge that American society is in decay, you are providing proof that it is. The IRS and Congress Both Hold Our Liberty in Contempt By Ron Paul My Campaign for Liberty organization has had to battle an IRS demand that it hand over personal information regarding some of its top donors. The IRS is either ignoring, or ignorant of, the numerous precedents protecting the right of organizations like the Campaign for Liberty to protect their members’ privacy from government officials. This week the Justice Department announced it would not charge former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official Lois Lerner with contempt of Congress. Some members of Congress requested that Lerner be charged with contempt after she refused to testify at a congressional hearing investigating her role in denying or delaying the applications for tax-exempt status of “tea party” and pro-limited government organizations. The IRS is drafting a new regulation that would empower the agency to revoke an organization’s taxexempt status if that organization sends out a communication to its members or the general public mentioning a candidate for office by name sixty days before an election or thirty days before a primary. By preventing groups from telling their members where candidates stand on issues like Audit the Fed and repeal of the PATRIOT Act, this anti-First Amendment regulation benefits those politicians who wish to hide their beliefs from the voters. Cynics might suggest it is not surprising that a former government official would avoid prosecution for refusing to tell Congress about how federal employees abused their power to help the incumbent administration. These cynics have a point, but the problem goes beyond mere partisanship. Government officials are rarely prosecuted for even the most blatant violations of our liberties. In contrast, federal prosecutors routinely pursue criminal charges against whistleblowers. For example, the only American prosecuted and imprisoned in relation to the government’s use of torture was whistleblower John Kiriakou! Since the IRS’s power stems from the tax system, the only way to protect our liberty from this agency is to eliminate the tax code. Promising to end the IRS is a popular applause line for politicians wishing to appear as champions of liberty. This week, John Koskinen, the current IRS commissar, responded to these cries to end the IRS by pointing out that shutting down the IRS would deprive Congress of the revenue needed to fund the welfare-warfare state. Koskinen has a point. Congress cannot shut down the IRS until it enacts major reductions in all areas of government spending. While some officials like Lois Lerner who find themselves at the center of a high-profile scandal or partisan dispute can expect harsh treatment from Congress, this is the expectation, not the rule. Executive branch officials usually receive deferential treatment from members of Congress. I recall one hearing on government surveillance where a representative actually apologized to a government official because Congress had the gall to ask that official to testify about the government’s ongoing surveillance of the American people. Politicians who vote for warfare abroad and welfare at home yet claim they want to shut down the IRS should not be taken seriously. Freeing the people from the IRS’s tyranny is one of the best reasons to end the welfarewarfare state and return the federal government to its constitutional limitations. In contrast, private citizens called before Congress are harangued and even bullied. Congress should stop using the hearing process to intimidate private citizens and start using it to intimidate those government officials who are threatening our liberty. For example, Congress should continue to investigate the IRS’s ongoing attempts to silence organizations that work to advance free markets and individual liberty. Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul is an American physician, author, and former Republican congressman, two-time Republican presidential candidate, and the presidential nominee of the Libertarian Party in the 1988 U.S. Presidential Election. 42 'Full Equality' for All 'Philias'? By Les Kinsolving “The perception of what’s going on here (as driven by the media) is that this is a gay rights-versusdiscrimination sort of scenario, and businesses want to be on the gay rights side of that, because that’s more popular.” “Social media frenzies push businesses to pro-gay stance” That is the Page 1 headline in the Washington Times, over which Eunice Rho, ACLU Advocacy and Policy Council, declared the following: At the same time, some companies have opened themselves up to charges of hypocrisy. Apple CEO Tim Cook, for example, has come under fire for doing business in China and Saudi Arabia, which are far less gay-friendly than is Indiana. “We are encouraged by the business community standing not only with the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community, but all Americans in their endorsement of full equality for all citizens.” Let me repeat that: “All Americans in their endorsement of full equality for all citizens.” Mark Benioff, CEO of Statesforce.com, has been criticized for shutting down company travel to Indiana even though the company operates an office in Beijing, “a Communist-controlled country that is a human rights nightmare,” said pundit Mollie Hemingway in the Federalist. “All Americans” include polygamists, polyandrists, pedophiles, necrophiliacs and practitioners of bestiality. Not only those but coprophilia, incest, exhibitionism, transvestic fetishism, voyeurism, apotemnophilia, asphyxiaphilia and other “philias.” “So how is it that these businesses can justify boycotting Indiana when they consistently turn a blind eye to international partners that deal in child slavery, forced abortions, real sexual persecution or human trafficking?” said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council in an op-ed. Considering the high rate of AIDS within the homosexual community, how is it that that sexual orientation (plus bisexuality and transsexuality) should be accepted – but not the dozen other sexual orientations just listed? The Times reported that Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, closed down. Critics have also noted that companies that take a strong stance against the RFRA laws may be at risk of a lawsuit, not from gay employees but from religious-minded workers who may see the anti-RFRA activism as evidence of a hostile workplace. Asked by a TV reporter about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, this family business said it would serve homosexuals, but, for religious reasons, would not cater a same-sex wedding. Jeff Mateer, general counsel of the Liberty Institute in Plano, Texas, noted: “We’re not discriminating against anyone. That’s just our belief,” said Crystal O’Connor, whose family owns the shop. “Anyone has the right to believe anything.” “If these corporate CEOs are speaking out against religious liberty and people who hold religious views concerning traditional marriage, for instance, then they’d better watch, because they may be creating a hostile work environment for people of faith. … These millions of people that they’re opposing on religious liberty rights, they are consumers.” Ms. O’Connor added that the family would never refuse to serve a customer for religious reasons, but the result was an avalanche of angry criticism on the company’s Yelp page, a rash of national stories and a protester who turned up in front of their shop Wednesday with a sign that said, “Bigots.” Law professor Douglas Laycock of the University of Virginia declared: On top of that, a local high-school golf coach, Jessica Dooley, was suspended pending an investigation for allegedly posting a threat on Twitter to burn down the pizzeria, ABC-57 reported. “Gay rights groups, as they become stronger and get more support for same-sex marriage, keep demanding more and more. … Now they don’t want a religious exception for anybody.” “Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me?” said a post on her account that has since been deleted. Les Kinsolving hosts a daily talk show for WCBM in Baltimore. His radio commentaries are syndicated nationally. Before going into broadcasting, Kinsolving was a newspaper reporter and columnist – twice nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his commentary. Ilya Shapiro, senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute, said: 43 Forbes Disaster Is Inevitable When the Two Decade-Old Stock Bubble Bursts By Jesse Colombo cycle for the past two decades. Each time, the bubble gets larger, and the Fed has to keep reinflating it to avoid the economic Depression that would occur if asset prices were allowed to find their true value. Six years after the Global Financial Crisis, the U.S. stock market continues to soar to new heights with nary a pullback or correction. In this piece, I will explain why the stock market is experiencing a new bubble that is actually another wave of the bubble that has existed since the mid-1990s. The incessant push to inflate our economy and financial markets has created an unprecedented situation in which stocks have been trading at overvalued levels for a record length of time. Nearly every stock market valuation indicator is giving the same reading: stocks are currently at levels that preceded other major historic busts. A two-decade old bubble? Yes, you’ve read that correctly. Most people will consider this assertion preposterous, but the facts don’t lie. Though the U.S. stock market has been experiencing a bubble for two decades, it will not last forever. I believe that the ultimate popping of this bubble will have terrifying consequences for both investors and the global economy that is tied so closely to the stock market. For example, look at the Cyclically Adjusted P/E Ratio (CAPE), or the price-to-earnings ratio based on average inflation-adjusted earnings from the previous 10 years. The 1929 Stock Market Crash and 1970s stagnation occurred after the CAPE rose over 20 – a level that indicates stock market overvaluation. Incredibly, the CAPE has remained over 20 for much of the past two decades, aside from a few short months during the Global Financial Crisis. Without constant Fed intervention, there is no doubt that the U.S. stock market would have corrected violently like it has in the past. The SP500 stock index has more than tripled since its low in 2009, but that doesn’t mean that we are out of the woods. On the contrary, this is the calm before the storm. Since the mid-1990s, the U.S. economy and stock market has experienced three different bubbles: the 1990s Dotcom bubble, the mid-2000s housing bubble, and now another bubble that includes stocks, bonds, tech startups, certain segments of the housing market, higher education, and much more. I believe that this new bubble is creating what I call a “Bubblecovery” or a bubble-driven temporary economic recovery that will end in another crisis. Jesse Colombo is an economic analyst who is warning of dangerous post-2009 bubbles in Canada, Australia, Nordic countries, China, emerging markets, Web 2.0 startups, U.S. higher education, and more. He believes that the popping of these bubbles will cause the next financial crisis. The U.S. Federal Reserve also created a Bubblecovery in the early-2000s to recover from the Dot-com bust, which led to the housing bubble. After the housing bubble burst, the Fed inflated the post-2009 Bubblecovery. After each bubble/Bubblecovery ends, the Fed simply inflates another bubble to recover from the last one. In essence, the U.S. economy and stock market has been in a bubble 44 Breitbart Hit Me With Your Best Shot: The Economist’s Epic Fail on Guns by AWR Hawkins On April 4, The Economist mocked the NRA and Second Amendment supporters with a column that turned out to be an epic fail because it was built on numbers from a debunked Everytown for Gun Safety study, an erroneous claim that “armor piercing” M855 ammo endangers police, and a not-so-veiled attempt to undercut the push to arm women for self-defense on college campuses. arguments for arming women on college campuses for self-defense. They did this by presenting a cliff notes version of Republican arguments for campus carry, then explaining in greater detail University of Texas Chancellor William McRaven’s opposition to making it legal for women to carry guns on campus. They cite McRaven’s former military service as an attempt to show that if he is opposed to women being armed for self-defense, then that must mean that women being armed for self-defense is not a good idea. For example, The Economist quoted Everytown’s numbers to claim “there were at least 95 shootings at American schools and colleges” during “the first two years after Newtown.” Based on these numbers, they claimed the shootings resulted in “45 deaths.” In the end, The Economist comes back to the NRA, whom they claim is having a banner year but refuses to “declare victory” because they can’t risk losing the edge. What The Economist failed to note is that some of the school shootings reported by Everytown never even happened. Others were accidental discharges of legally possessed guns in which no one was harmed and still others were accidental discharges of guns students possessed illegally, but which they did not use to commit a “school shooting.” In reality, The Economist should note that the NRA refuses to “declare victory” because the fight isn’t over—and it won’t be over, until Democrats, news outlets, and economic publications quit looking for ways to revive America’s flailing gun control movement. Breitbart News reported on the Everytown list in December 2014 and showed that one of the shootings actually happened at a “non-school related private function.” The Annapolis Dispatch provided detail on this shooting, explaining that it happened on a house boat and left one person grazed with non-life threatening injuries. AWR Hawkins writes for Andrew Breitbart's BIG sites, for Pajamas Media, for RedCounty.com, and for Townhall.com. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal (summer 2010), and holds a PhD in military history from Texas Tech University. In addition to citing the exaggerated Everytown numbers, The Economist points to the ATF’s decision to drop the proposed AR-15 ammo ban as proof that “the gun lobby” successfully pressured the government into leaving police in a vulnerable situation. After all, the ban was focused on “a type of bullet that can pierce body armor.” What The Economist didn’t report is that one of the leading groups against the proposed ban was the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). On March 5, Breitbart News reported that FOP president James Pasco described the ban as unnecessary and pointed out that the round in question—the M855—”has not historically posed a threat to law enforcement.” After reporting Everytown’s misinformation as fact and suggesting the M855 round endangers police—although the FOP says it doesn’t—The Economist tried to undercut 45 The Truth About Guns Deer Don’t Wear Combovers By Bruce W. Krafft The M995 was designed to go through Soviet BRDM-2 APCs. One was about ¼” of mild steel and the other was about ½” to 1” (14 – 30 mm) of armor plate. And that was just his first sentence. ATF’s finding that these bullets can be loaded into easily-concealed handguns – and that they pose a grave threat to police – means that they are no longer just tools for hunters. Okay, the ATF never “found” anything of the sort; 5.56 semi-auto pistols have been available for decades. As I pointed out in an earlier piece, as long as they have that buffer tube there ain’t no way an AR pistol is going to be “easily concealable.” And just because green-tips may be able to penetrate cops’ standard soft body armor when fired from a rifle barrel, that most emphatically does not mean that they can do it when fired from a pistol barrel. As I pointed out in a different earlier piece, the ATF can fabricate *ahem* I mean “find” any sort of hogwash they want, it doesn’t change facts. In this case the fact of the matter is that cops don’t think that these rounds pose a threat to cops. Specifically James Pasco, the executive director of the Washington office of the Fraternal Order of Police who stated: When I first saw Congressman Eliot Engel’s picture at the head of his LoHud editorial “Deer don’t wear Kevlar” the very first thing I thought was, Don’t mock him because of that idiotic comb-over; that’s anad hominem attack and is beneath the People of the Gun. Besides, maybe he just doesn’t own a mirror. But the more of his piece I read, the more I realized; the C-O did not lie. This guy is a moron. And no, that is not an ad hominem attack, it’s a considered opinion based on the fact that he has to be be a moron to think that anyone is going to fall for his line of complete and unadulterated horse hockey . . . “Any ammunition is of concern to police in the wrong hands, but this specific round has historically not posed a law enforcement problem.”[2] But Engel isn’t just worried about cops: These bullets are a threat to our police officers and to our military men and women. The distinguished Congressman opens by stating: Really? Our military men and women? Can someone explain to me just how it’s possible that having these rounds in the hands of law-abiding American sportsmen and women could pose a threat to ourmilitary? Is Eliot privy to some plan to use the U.S. military against civilian targets in the United States? Because I think that there are some laws against that sort of thing, not to mention the possibility of such a plan backfiring[3]. I was shocked earlier this month when the [ATF] withdrew its proposal to prohibit the sale of 5.56 NATO armor-piercing bullets – so-called “green tip” rounds. Okay, first of all you don’t say “so-called” and then put the offending word or phrase in quotes, Eliot; it’s either one or the other. Using both is just redundant[1]. Second, they aren’t “so-called ‘green tip’ rounds,” they actually do have green tips on the end. Third, they are not armorpiercing rounds, AP rounds are, in fact, black-tipped. The green-tip’s NATO designation is M855 ball ammunition, while the AP round is designated M995 armor piercing. But Engel goes on to demonstrate his utter lack of knowledge on the subject: The only people who should have access to these bullets are law enforcement and the military. Okay I can see why the military would need AP rounds, which is why the M995 was developed, but, assuming that the M855 is the sort of AP round that Eliot thinks it is, M855 was designed to go through the Soviet Army’s steel helmet that was standard issue in the 70s and 80s. 46 Eliot finishes up with news that he is going to . . . well, I’ll let him explain: why on Earth would the cops need it? They already have actual AP rounds in their arsenal which most of them are loathe to use since AP makes neat little holes[4] which are not the best thing for stopping a bad guy. That means more rounds must be fired which means more chances of hitting innocent bystanders, especially since, when fired from a rifle, even phony AP rounds like the green-tip have a nasty tendency to go through bodies, vinyl siding, sheetrock, etc., thus again increasing the chance of hitting innocent bystanders. So I have introduced a bill in the House that will enact into law the changes ATF proposed. … This legislation is not stopping hunters from continuing to participate in legal sporting activities. What it does is make the rational point that “green tips” are not necessary for those purposes. … Which is yet another lie. What his legislation will do is ensure that rimfire .22 ammo with a bullet weight of 40 grains or less is, by definition, “sporting purpose ammunition” while leaving it up to the sole discretion of the Attorney General to decide if any other such ammunition (not just green-tip) is “primarily intended to be used for sporting purposes.” There is no conceivable reason for anybody else to need access to a handgun round that can pierce body armor. … Hunters and law-abiding gun owners have no need for a compact, semi-automatic firearm with ammunition that punches through body armor. Deer don’t wear Kevlar. So, ignorant moron or despicable bottom-feeding sleaze ball of a lying politician; you make the call. Deer may not wear Kevlar, but deer and larger game animals do have big bones which may need to be penetrated for a clean, humane kill, which is completely irrelevant since the Second Amendment is not about HUNTING. And while deer may not wear Kevlar, goblins (of whatever stripe of law or lawlessness) kicking in your door at 2AM might just be wearing Kevlar. Or some nut-job shooting up a movie theater[5] or hosing an immigrant community center. [1] And yes I have fallen prey to this error myself in the past, then I learned better. [2] From the Washington Examiner piece Police say Obama bullet ban isn’t needed, AR-15 round isn’t a threat [3] Think about it for a minute; if El is worried about us gunowners using this ammo against the military then it necessarily means that someone is using the military against us, and as Mike Vanderboegh, David Codrea and any number of other gun-people have pointed out, just whose kids do you think make up the military? The sons and daughters of freedom hating statist Leftist antis or the “rabble” they are so desperate to disarm? Yet over and over again, we hear the gun industry lobby arguing to ensure that civilians have access to cop-killing bullets. I have to wonder if Eliot is a complete and utter moron No matter how many times you repeat the lie, El, it remains a lie. See above about how “this specific round has historically not posed a law enforcement problem.”[6] But Eliot is not done repeating his lies: [4] Relatively speaking, as compared to hollow-points. [5] The Aurora shooter was initially (and erroneously) reported to have worn body armor. The Binghamton NY shooter actually was wearing body armor. The “green tip,” frequently used in the AR-15 assault rifle, has been included under this “sporting purposes” exemption. But new technology has led to compact, easily-concealed short guns that can fire these rounds at police officers who won’t be able to see the weapons coming. [6] From the Washington Examiner piece Police say Obama bullet ban isn’t needed, AR-15 round isn’t a threat Bruce W. Krafft is a bit of a Johnny-come-lately to the civil rights (firearms flavor) movement, having not really gotten involved until after he hit 40. He is not really a "gun guy"; he can generally hit what he aims at, but is not a competitive shooter. He enjoys the craftsmanship of a fine pistol or rifle, but is not knowledgeable about firearms in general nor is he a Glock guy, or 1911 guy, he’s just a guy. What he is passionate about is civil rights, especially those of the firearm flavor. At least he didn’t say so-called “green-tip” this time. But he does repeat the lie about the AR pistol being a new development, and the lie about it being compact, short and easily-concealed. 47 Dedicated Christians Cannot Support “Gay” Marriage! By Don Boys Christian businesspeople have lost the right to practice their beliefs so that a bunch of homosexuals will not get their feelings hurt! It is not a crime to offend someone! Let me be very clear: do not discriminate is not one of the Ten Commandments. Even if it were, those beating the homosexual drum usually don’t obey the original Ten! But that crowd has far more faith in a commandment that does not exist than for the Ten that do exist and for which we all will be held accountable. It seems everyone has missed the issue concerning Christians’ support of same-sex “marriage.” We have no problem selling a cake to homosexuals but we cannot, we dare not give any kind of approval of their sin. The Bible clearly warns us to “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” To approve any evil is to partake in their evil deeds. We cannot to that. Not only must we not do the evil thing but we must reprove them. We will sell them a meal in our restaurant but will not cater their “wedding” reception or bake a cake declaring “The Bible Supports Same-sex Marriage!” Is that too hard to understand? Think about it: a person risks his or her money to start a business, works day and night to get it going, and while risking everything is then asked to do something that endorses, encourages, and emboldens a lifestyle that is contrary to his or her sincerely held religious beliefs. He will sell to and service anyone but to certify or accredit sinful behavior he will not do. And may lose everything for acting according to his beliefs. No honest, informed person says that that was part of early America. Those who declare otherwise have perverted truth. We are castigated if we do not “love” homosexuals but they don’t have to love us whom they call “homophobes”! Let me be very clear: no informed, honest Christian can ever, under any circumstances, accept, approve, or applaud “gay” marriage or any other abnormal behavior. Never, even if there is a loss of income, home, job, or threat of prison! The non-thinkers and bigots will accuse me of bigotry followed by their usual diatribe but that is not an answer. The Homosexual Lobby’s policy is if we don’t approve them then they accuse and attack our lack of tolerance! Hypocrites! Non-thinkers compare the civil rights demonstrators sitting at a lunch counter to “gays” being refused an endorsement of their lifestyle by a cake or photographs. It appears that constant media exposure is rotting the brains of people. I’m sure perversion does. It has nothing to do with hate, envy, fear, or twisted thinking, but a dedication to truth. Sodomy is evil, wrong, wicked, sinful, corrupt, perverse, bad, immoral, depraved, decadent, dissolute, debauched, and disgusting. And whether I’m writing in love or hate doesn’t change the facts. But forcing Christians to act contrary to their beliefs is not only a threat to religious belief. It is a matter of personal rights even apart from religion. In the “old days” an American could choose his own friends, belong to whatever organizations he desired, and disagree with (even ridicule) political, religious, or academic groups without fear. He might be considered a little odd but it was legal to be odd in the old days. Homosexual behavior has been forbidden since the beginning of time by every religion and every civilization. Even during the “Golden Age” of the Greeks, homosexuality was rather common among the ruling class and the philosophers. The common people had enough sense to know that such activity was contrary to nature and could destroy the human race. If that “odd” American started a business he could choose to serve anyone he wanted. If a barber especially liked to cut red hair that was somewhat odd but he could choose to cut only red hair–and soon go out of business. But that was his right as an American. It is not a matter of forbidding one person to love another because we should love everyone! I love people (even people I don’t like!) enough to tell them the truth about perversion and other matters. Love everyone but don’t sleep with everyone! To do otherwise is obviously abnormal, abominable, and awful. If a lawyer chose to represent only the Irish or Jews or Italians or Germans, that was his right. After all, this was America. He had a right to not like other people. It was not Christian, but it was an American’s right. The Homosexual Lobby has taken control of America with the collusion of the media moguls. Even “Christian” churches, colleges, and conventions have been snookered by the loony left. No one wants to appear unkind, unreasonable, or be unemployed; so, religious leaders have climbed on the bandwagon to perdition with a modern Bible version in their hands and a whining, spurious prayer on their lips. A businessperson could hire whomever he chose and pay whatever salary they agreed on with whatever benefits or no benefits. The owner could set the working hours and the employee could work those hours or not. It was 48 entity of government has any constitutional right to lend money. That’s why we have banks. America. The owner did not have to get permission from the city or state to start his business and did not have to give an account how the business was run. As long as he paid the applicable taxes. In recent days we have seen the governors of Indiana and Arkansas show cowardice in face of the Homosexual Lobby. Governor Pence committed political suicide when he cowed to the screaming homosexuals who bullied, badgered, and browbeat him. If he can’t stand up to perverts, he sure can’t stand up to Putin. The city of Coeur d”Alene, Idaho informed the Hitching Post wedding chapel that they must perform same-sex “marriage;” however the preachers refused and sued the city. The city fathers backed down following the suit. Here is where Christians have failed: we have the same rights as others and we should have swamped the courts with aggressive lawsuits against those who slander, harass, and intimidate us. The weak, wobbly, and wimpy politicians, including judges, have destroyed personal rights and religious rights. They have put our nation in a place where there is nothing but conflict, confusion, and chaos ahead. Recently a Christian asked thirteen major “gay” bakers to make a cake: “Gay Marriage is Wrong” and all refused and some even were insulting and threatening. He should sue every baker. Of course, a Christian baker or photographer or flower shop should not be forced to celebrate perversion. Nor should a Muslim baker be forced to bake a cake celebrating a homosexual wedding, or the ACLU or similar group be forced to publish an ad in their magazine titled, “Senator Joe McCarthy Was Right!” Or how about a Jewish baker being forced to bake a cake for a Nazi party? How about a homosexual baker being forced to bake a cake with “Same-sex Marriage is Perversion!” for Westboro Baptist Church? Or an atheist printer being forced to print a gospel tract titled “God’s Simple Plan of Salvation!”? Whatever happened to freedom? The issue is not sexual rights but the obsessive desire by the Homosexual Lobby to suppress Christians’ freedom of religion. Homosexuals will brook no disagreement and in this new America they have more rights than normal, decent people. Homosexuals want acceptance of their beliefs but refuse Christians that same right. They want to have their cake and eat it too. That can’t be done, just as Christians cannot compromise and become an enabler of perversion. Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 15 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. His shocking books, ISLAM: America's Trojan Horse!; Christian Resistance: An Idea Whose Time Has Come–Again!; and The God Haters. Frankly, any businessperson should be permitted to refuse service for any reason unless his business was financed by a state or federal loan. Of course, I don’t believe any 49 Kick Open the Doorway to Liberty: What Are We Waiting For? By John W. Whitehead Harold Hodge was arrested for standing silently in Everything this nation once stood for is being turned on its head. front of the U.S. Supreme Court building, holding a sign in protest of police tactics. Free speech, religious expression, privacy, due process, bodily integrity, the sanctity of human life, the sovereignty of the family, individuality, the right to self-defense, protection against police abuses, representative government, private property, human rights—the very ideals that once made this nation great— have become casualties of a politically correct, misguided, materialistic, amoral, militaristic culture. Marine Brandon Raub was arrested for criticizing the government on Facebook. Pastor Michael Salman was arrested for holding Bible studies in his home. Steven Howards was arrested for being too close to a government official when he voiced his disapproval of the war in Iraq. Indeed, I’m having a hard time reconciling the America I know and love with the America being depicted in the daily news headlines, where corruption, cronyism and abuse have taken precedence over the rights of the citizenry and the rule of law. Kenneth Webber was fired from his job as a schoolbus driver for displaying a Confederate flag on the truck he uses to drive from home to school and back. Fred Marlow was arrested for filming a SWAT team raid that took place across from his apartment. What kind of country do we live in where it’s acceptable for police to shoot unarmed citizens, for homeowners to be jailed for having overgrown lawns (a Texas homeowner was actually sentenced to 17 days in jail and fined $1700 for having an overgrown lawn), for kids to be tasered and pepper sprayed for acting like kids at school (many are left with health problems ranging from comas and asthma to cardiac arrest), and for local governments to rake in hefty profits under the guise of traffic safety (NPR reports that police departments across the country continue to require quotas for arrests and tickets, a practice that is illegal but in effect)? And then there were the three California high school public school students who were ordered to turn their American flag t-shirts inside out on May 5 (Cinco de Mayo) because school officials were afraid it might cause a disruption and/or offend Hispanic students. Incredibly, the U.S. Supreme Court actually sided with the school and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, affirming that it might be disruptive for American students to wear the American flag to an American public school. While there are all kinds of labels being put on so-called “unacceptable” speech today, from calling it politically incorrect and hate speech to offensive and dangerous speech, the real message being conveyed is that Americans don’t have a right to express themselves if what they are saying is unpopular, controversial or at odds with what the government determines to be acceptable. Why should we Americans have to put up with the government listening in on our phone calls, spying on our emails, subjecting us to roadside strip searches, and generally holding our freedoms hostage in exchange for some phantom promises of security? Whether it’s through the use of so-called “free speech zones,” the requirement of speech permits, the policing of online forums, or a litany of laws and policies that criminalize expressive activities, what we’re seeing is the caging of free speech and the asphyxiation of the First Amendment. As I document in my new book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, it doesn’t matter where you live—big city or small town—it’s the same scenario being played out over and over again in which government agents ride roughshod over the rights of the citizenry. In such an environment, it’s not just our Fourth Amendment rights—which protect us against police abuses—that are being trampled. It’s also our First Amendment rights to even voice concern over these practices that are being muzzled. Just consider some of the First Amendment battles that have taken place in recent years, and you too will find yourself wondering what country you’re living in: Long before the menace of the police state, with its roadside strip searches, surveillance drones, and SWAT team raids, it was our First Amendment rights that were being battered by political correctness, hate crime legislation, the war on terror and every other thinly veiled rationale used to justify censoring our free speech rights. By suppressing free speech, the government is contributing to a growing underclass of Americans who are being told that they can’t take part in American public life unless they “fit in.” Mind you, it won’t be long before 50 destruction of property. A town meeting in Bristol, Massachusetts, condemned the action. Ben Franklin even called on his native city to pay for the tea and apologize. But as historian Pauline Maier notes, the Boston Tea Party was a last resort for a group of people who had stated their peaceful demands but were rebuffed by the British: “The tea resistance constituted a model of justified forceful resistance upon traditional criteria.” anyone who believes in holding the government accountable to respecting our rights and abiding by the rule of law is labeled an “extremist”and is relegated to an underclass that doesn’t fit in and must be watched all the time. It doesn’t matter how much money you make, what politics you subscribe to, or what God you worship: we are all potential suspects, terrorists and lawbreakers in the eyes of the government. The rest, as they say, is history. Yet it’s a history we cannot afford to forget or allow to be rewritten. In other words, if and when this nation falls to tyranny, we will all suffer the same fate: we will fall together. However, if it is possible to avert such an outcome, it will rest in us remembering that we are also all descendants of those early American revolutionaries who pushed back against the abuses of the British government. These people were neither career politicians nor government bureaucrats. Instead, they were mechanics, merchants, artisans and the like—ordinary people groaning under the weight of Britain’s oppressive rule—who, having reached a breaking point, had decided that enough was enough. The colonists suffered under the weight of countless tyrannies before they finally were emboldened to stand their ground. They attempted to reason with the British crown, to plea their cause, even to negotiate. It was only when these means proved futile that they resorted to outright resistance, civil disobedience and eventually rebellion. More than 200 years later, we are once again suffering under a long train of abuses and usurpations. What Americans today must decide is how committed they are to the cause of freedom and how far they’re willing to go to restore what has been lost. The colonists’ treatment at the hands of the British was not much different from the abuses meted out to the American people today: they too were taxed on everything from food to labor without any real say in the matter, in addition to which they had their homes invaded by armed government agents, their property seized and searched, their families terrorized, their communications, associations and activities monitored, and their attempts to defend themselves and challenge the government’s abuses dismissed as belligerence, treachery, and sedition. Nat Hentoff, one of my dearest friends and a formidable champion of the Constitution, has long advocated for the resurgence of grassroots activism. As Nat noted: This resistance to arrant tyranny first became part of our heritage when Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty formed the original Committees of Correspondence, a unifying source of news of British tyranny throughout the colonies that became a precipitating cause of the American Revolution. Where are the Sons of Liberty, the Committees of Correspondence and the insistently courageous city councils now, when they are crucially needed to bring back the Bill of Rights that protect every American against government tyranny worse than King George III’s? Where are the citizens demanding that these doorways to liberty be opened … What are we waiting for? Unlike most Americans today, who remain ignorant of the government’s abuses, cheerfully distracted by the entertainment spectacles trotted out before them by a complicit media, readily persuaded that the government has their best interests at heart, and easily cowed by the slightest show of force, the colonists responded to the government’s abuses with outrage, activism and rebellion. They staged boycotts of British goods and organized public protests, mass meetings, parades, bonfires and other demonstrations, culminating with their most famous act of resistance, the Boston Tea Party. What are we waiting for, indeed? On the night of December 16, 1773, a group of men dressed as Indians boarded three ships that were carrying tea. Cheered on by a crowd along the shore, they threw 342 chests of tea overboard in protest of a tax on the tea. Many American merchants were aghast at the wanton Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. He is the author of A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State and The Change Manifesto (Sourcebooks). 51 World Net Daily Reposting Criticism of Islam Costs Coach Job of your family’s ‘rich Islamic heritage,’ doesn’t it Mr. Obama?” 'I just thought it was an interesting article' A Maine lacrosse coach who reposted on Facebook a viral open letter challenging President Obama’s claim that Muslims have played a role in America throughout its history has lost his job. The piece also questions Muslim participation in the Civil Rights Movement and the pursuit of Women’s Suffrage. It points out Muslims were aligned with Adolf Hitler during World War II and were found “rejoicing” after the 9/11 attacks. The Conway Daily Sun reported Scott Lees, who had coached the Fryeburg Academy’s boys lacrosse team for four years, was forced to resign over the posting. Islam expert Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch wrote: “Freedom of speech, you say? Increasingly not, in the United States: those who dare notice jihad violence and Islamic supremacism are vilified, marginalized, and defamed. When Scott Lees was fired, was truth a criterion? Apparently not.” “I thought it was an interesting letter to President Obama and his current administration, who are not paying attention to Israel and focusing on Iran,” he told the Sun. The school, whose team was winless the first year Lee coached but reached the playoffs last year, reportedly had told the coach he would have to leave, so he resigned, the report said. The Sun said Lees, 48, who calls himself a politically independent conservative, posted the letter on his personal Facebook page March 17. Late Tuesday, WND was unable to make contact with anyone at Fryeburg Academy to obtain a comment. The school reacted immediately, and he resigned two days later. The letter, which has been circulating on the Web, is a challenge to Obama’s statement in Cairo, Egypt, early in his administration that Islam “has always been a part of America’s history.” “He said that although he was supposed to meet with Head of Schools Erin Mayo and Dean Charlie Tryder on March 19, Athletic Director Sue Thurston told him a decision to fire him had already been made,” the Sun reported. The letter asks: “Have you ever seen a Muslim hospital? Have you heard a Muslim orchestra? Have you seen a Muslim band march in a parade? Have you witnessed a Muslim charity?” School officials now are looking for a replacement. “Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians. Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians. Can you show me one Muslim signature on the United States Constitution? Declaration of Independence? Bill of Rights? Didn’t think so. Did Muslims fight for this country’s freedom from England? No. Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? No, they did not. In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own half-brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as ‘pug nosed slaves.’ Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks He said as a coach he never heard of a policy regarding what coaches could do with their personal social media. The job pays only $3,200 over the course of the spring, and Lees said that works out to about $7 an hour. At the Gateway Pundit blog, Jim Hoft wrote: “The first mosque constructed in the United States was not built until 1929 on a remote prairie in North Dakota. Before that the U.S. fought Barbary Muslims pirates off the Mediterranean coast in 1801.” Lees, a property manager, said he got the letter from a friend, and he posted it “to see what people would say,” the Daily Sun reported. A Muslim former student told the newspaper that Lees was never viewed as a bigot. The student, in fact, stayed in Lees’ home with the family when he needed to visit the region a few years ago. 52 Northwest Indiana Times Woman said safety was reason she didn't pull over for police By Bob Kasarda Portage resident DelRea Good said she did not immediately pull over for the flashing lights behind her because, as a 52-year-old woman traveling alone at 11:21 p.m. on a dark county road, she was concerned for her safety. Marshall described Good in his report as "highly agitated and uncooperative." She reportedly told him she was aware he was a police officer, but drove to where she felt safe. "I don't care who you are I don't have to stop on a county road, I'm a single female," Marshall quoted her as saying. Assuming the car behind her was a police officer, Good said she slowed her vehicle, put on her emergency flashers, waved her arm out the window to acknowledge the pursing car and continued for less than a mile where she pulled over into the lighted parking lot at the Kohl's department store in Portage. After Good refused to listen to how her actions put her and others in danger, Marshall said he arrested her. Good, who said she did not resist the arrest or make any further comments, claims the officer bruised her arm while leading her to his police car and continued to "bully" her at the jail by claiming Advil and other medications she had were controlled substances. The decision not to immediately stop resulted in her being handcuffed and taken to jail by Porter County Sheriff's Department Patrolman William Marshall on a felony charge of resisting arrest. It may also cost her her job, because a nurse cannot work after being convicted of a felony, she said. Good, who reportedly has no prior criminal record, said as a nurse, she is accustomed to following rules. "I follow rules every day or people could get hurt," she said. "I felt I didn't do anything wrong," Good said. "I got to a safe place and I told him that." She is scared about the impact of a felony conviction, but said the issue is bigger than just herself. Porter County Sheriff's spokesman Sgt. Larry LaFlower said, "The sheriff's office supports our officer's decision in this matter." "This is serious," she said. "This could be your mom, your sister, your daughter next time." He cited state law requiring motorists to yield to emergency vehicles and said Marshall was driving a fully marked squad car and used the lights and siren. Defense attorney Bob Harper, who is representing Good, said her concerns about pulling over along a dark county road are not unwarranted. Marshall wrote in the incident report he initiated the March 20 traffic stop just north of County Road 700 North on northbound County Road 500 West (Airport Road) after clocking Good's car traveling 54 mph in a 35 mph zone. Good told The Times she was unsure how fast she was driving. He referred to a case in 1991 where a woman pulled over in Valparaiso for a car with flashing red lights and was attacked by a man pretending to be a police officer. Portage police issued a warning two years ago after someone using flashing red and blue lights, possibly impersonating a police officer, tried to get a woman to pull over. Marshall acknowledged Good waved out her car window and turned on her flashers before pulling over less than a mile later in the store parking lot. Portage Police Sgt. Keith Hughes said at the time the woman used good judgment by not stopping for the man. Good said Marshall was very angry as he approached her car and said to her, "What in the hell are you doing? I could arrest you for this." He recommended drivers call 911 if they question who is attempting to pull them over and if unable to reach a dispatcher, acknowledge the officer by waving at them and then drive to a well-lit public location before stopping and tell the officer about your concern. Good said she was surprised by his reaction and told him to stop yelling at her. 53 Who Is Speaking Up for Religious Liberty? By Joseph Farah People have been telling me for years to keep an eye on Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, way back when he was just a little-known member of Congress. But why is he virtually alone? Where are the other articulate voices of reason and sanity in this hour of crisis? I watched him speak. He hit all the right notes. But there was something about him that bothered me. I just couldn’t put my finger on it, until last week. He’s a gutless weakling who cares more about bad press than right and wrong. Where is the Christian leadership? Where are the mega-pastors? Where is the rest of the church? Why are the only people standing up against this onslaught pizzeria owners and florists and bakers and caterers and wedding photographers? The days when he was taken seriously as presidential timber are over – and rightfully so. He had his moment when God gave him a platform on the national stage, and he caved like a house of cards. It was pathetic to behold. Some presidential candidate has a great opportunity to lead by example right now – to speak the truth boldly and forcefully. But where is the leadership to stand in the gap during this crisis? And make no mistake about it: It’s a crisis we face at this moment. The stakes are high. Homosexuals and their champions from the squishy liberals to the radical left are going for the kill. If not, this fight could be over quickly – without any reasoned national debate. Will this madness affect the imminent Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage, which, fundamentally, is the bulldozer being used to run roughshod over religious liberty? The issue is whether religious freedom – the very basis for the settling of the America and the foundation for the republic in which we live – will have to take a permanent backseat to bogus “non-discrimination” laws elevating aberrant behavior and sinful lifestyles. It’s just that simple. Barack Obama got elected president twice by promising to deliver the “fundamental transformation of America.” He has more than lived up to that campaign vow. But what’s happening culturally now, without his speaking a word about it, could be more powerful and transformative for the country in the long run than any of his unconstitutional executive orders, his misuse of the Justice Department, his abuse of the Internal Revenue Service to target political enemies and chaotic foreign policy adventures. Without a doubt, this issue is not going away. It will be a major focus for presidential candidates over the next 18 months. It’s the new litmus test for the media. How Christians and their leadership respond will determine who wins the debate. I really believe the stakes are that high. So who is articulating truth boldly and forcefully in this challenging time? Meanwhile, the state of the church in America is in shambles. Where are the prayer vigils? Where are the prophetic voices? When is the congregation of the saints going to arise? Are they aware of the sacrifices previous generations made for their protection? Do they care about the rights of future generations of believers to practice their faith? Where is the church? Where is the salt and light? Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful for his articulate stands, but I would have to say the premiere defender of faith in this crisis is a talk-show host. Granted he’s not just a talkshow host. He’s No. 1. He’s a superstar – Rush Limbaugh. But he’s also one who, throughout much of his career, has avoided questions of faith in favor politics. Perhaps he sees what I see: that the art of politics is shallow, meaningless and useless without a foundation built on transcendent values – especially when the opposition is hell-bent on denying or destroying such values. Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators News Service.. He is the author or co-author of 13 books, including his latest, "The Tea Party Manifesto," and his classic, "Taking America Back," now in its third edition and 14th printing. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market dailies. Anyway, Rush Limbaugh may be experiencing his finest hour. I’m amazed at how beautifully he, virtually alone, has been, day after day, speaking truth to brute force. 54 Sexual Revolution Began in Indiana Spotlights discredited research of Alfred Kinsey By Jerry Newcombe for example, the rise in venereal diseases. When we see the rise in poverty, in crime, in sexual crime and pornographic addictions, massive sex addictions, we are looking at the consequences of Kinsey.” Recently, we have seen many lies told in and about Indiana. First, there was a noble attempt to ensure that religious freedom continue there – –using the same template for a law passed in many other states and even signed at the federal level by Bill Clinton. Sadly, America bought his lies hook, line and sinker. And so now we’re in a place where religious freedom appears to be losing to the forces of sexual anarchy. It would seem as if virtually all the fronts in the culture war are connected to the sexual revolution in one way or another. Abortion and homosexuality certainly are. As a result of the falsely driven outrage and bullying tactics, Indiana has ended up with a worse law than if there had never been any attempt of change in the first place. The big lie was that the law, which was originally intended to protect people from having to violate their consciences, was designed to give Christians a license to discriminate against people. Liberty Counsel of Orlando, Florida, founded by Christian lawyer and culture warrior Mat Staver, has filed a friendof-the-court brief in reference to the Supreme Court’s upcoming case on same-sex marriage. This was a blatant falsehood. The law simply guaranteed that any state that would force someone to violate their constitutionally protected religious conscience would have to show a compelling reason for doing so. Rob Schwarzwalder of the Family Research Council provides a great case for the original law. In its brief, Liberty Counsel notes, “For the past 67 years, scholars, lawyers and judges have undertaken fundamental societal transformation by embracing Alfred Kinsey’s statistically and scientifically fraudulent ‘data’ derived from serial child rapists, sex offenders, prisoners, prostitutes, pedophiles and pederasts.” What I find ironic about this entire brouhaha is that this is just a natural outworking of the sexual revolution, which in fact originally began in Indiana. They continue: “Now these same change agents, still covering up the fraudulent nature of the Kinsey ‘data,’ want this Court to utilize it to demolish the cornerstone of society, natural marriage.” The sexual revolution was based on the “scientific” work of Dr. Alfred Kinsey of Indiana University. The reason I put scientific in quote marks is because of his study samples. His studies were hopelessly flawed. His study samples were not random, nor were they representative of the American population as a whole. But they were pawned off as such. The battle over same-sex marriage is just the latest front in the evolution of the sexual revolution. Don’t take my word for it. Dr. Judith Reisman, now at Liberty University, wrote the book on Kinsey. Actually, she wrote several books on him and his flawed research, including “Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences.” Staver once told me in an interview, “God’s laws are designed to give us life and liberty. And so when the natural created order as well as the revealed Word of God, for example, when it talks about sexual activity outside of marriage between one man and one woman, it is designed to give us the optimum that God created us for.” Her research uncovered the fact that a sizable percentage of the men Kinsey included in his survey (and from which he drew his conclusions) were prisoners or people who had been abused as children. He added, “If we try to push the limits and color outside the lines, we may think we’re experiencing liberty, but ultimately we experience the very bondage that God is trying to protect us from.” I once asked her about this in an interview. She commented: “That is not a normal population. Nobody would call that a normal population from which to draw information about sexual behavior in the human male.” Nor were his female study samples representative of American women as a whole. Because of the widespread acceptance of Kinsey’s lies, freedom of conscience is now at risk. In light of the fact that Indiana University was Kinsey’s honored home, it is ironic that this current battle over the protection of conscience rights began in Indiana. When he was for the law, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said that tolerance is not a one-way street. I agree with him. But now it seems that it is a one-way street after all. In a Reisman added, “The crimes that Kinsey committed brought about massive consequences. When we look around us, we see the incredible problems that we have, 55 nation founded by Christians seeking liberty, which they then extended to all, Christians are losing theirs. written 24 books, including "The Book That Made America" (on the Bible) and (with D. James Kennedy) "What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?" and (with Peter Lillback) "George Washington’s Sacred Fire." Jerry Newcombe, D.Min., is a TV producer and the cohost of "Kennedy Classics." He has also written or co- Down Trend Florida Police Dept. Definitely NOT Lowering Standards to Attract More Minorities By Robert Gehl Open the pool? Open the pool to whom? Minorities who don’t have college degrees? “We need to see more diversity in Sarasota.” Especially in its police department says Newtown Community leader Jetson Grimes. “It’s important we see people that represent us in a position of authority that’s important.” I’m guessing that Mr. Grimes is black. Either that or when he says “people that represent us,” he means the uneducated. In lowering their hiring standards, the Sarasota Police Chief Bernadette DiPino wants you to know they’re definitely NOT lowering their hiring standards. Oh wait … I get it now: “If you have individuals look the same way you do on the police force people are more likely to be trusting, it reduces biases, builds up relationships,” adds DiPino. Police officials there say they are running low on officers – there are already 12 vacancies – and have decided that a GED or high school diploma is good enough to become a law enforcement officer in the city. In the past, at least a two-year Associate’s degree was required, but no more. So is it a good idea for the Sarasota Police Department to lower their standards to attract minorities? Oh wait … “We’re not lowering our standards. We’re looking for people with good character, integrity, it doesn’t matter color of skin, religion they practice sexual preference,” says DiPino. “Over the next 4 years we’ll lose 38 officers,” says Sarasota Police Chief Bernadette DiPino. She says a two year college degree as a requirement made recruiting difficult but not anymore a high school or GED is now enough along with standard police training. Glad we’re clear there, Chief DiPino. You’re lowering your standards but notlowering your standards. Got it. Robert Gehl is a professor at a local college in Phoenix, Arizona. He has over 15 years journalism experience, including two Associated Press awards. He lives in Glendale with his wife and two young children. So how do we know they’re (DEFINITELY NOT!) lowering their standards to get more minorities on the force? Just listen to what they say: DiPino says, “I think it discounted a number of individuals that had good qualities qualifications to be a police officer that’s what we’re hoping this will do open the pool of candidates.” 56 Breitbart NYT Writer: Christians ‘Must Be Made’ To Embrace Gay Lifestyle by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. In the wake of the Indiana donnybrook over religious liberty, which somehow was transformed overnight into a question of gay rights, it couldn’t be long before the New York Times weighed in against Christians. vestige of an archaic worldview that went out definitively with Freud. The scary part about Bruni’s essay is not his awkward attempt at playing the biblical scholar, but the undertone of evident disdain for Christians and his proposal that those who resist should be forcibly reeducated. Yet who could have expected the draconian measures the Times would propose? Either Christians fully embrace the gay lifestyle, or you will be coerced into doing so. In Christians’ refusal to bend with the times, Bruni sees not faithfulness to God but willful obstinacy that must be broken. Op-ed writer Frank Bruni, onetime Times restaurant critic and a gay activist, has writtenthat Christians who hold on to “ossified,” biblically-based beliefs regarding sexual morality have no place at America’s table and are deserving of no particular regard. “So our debate about religious freedom should include a conversation about freeing religions and religious people from prejudices that they needn’t cling to and can indeed jettison, much as they’ve jettisoned other aspects of their faith’s history, rightly bowing to the enlightenments of modernity,” Bruni writes. In one fell swoop, Bruni trashes all believing Christians as “bigots,” saying that Christians’ negative moral assessment of homosexual relations is “a choice” that “prioritizes scattered passages of ancient texts over all that has been learned since — as if time had stood still, as if the advances of science and knowledge meant nothing.” But what if Christians don’t want to change? What if they don’t want to “bow to the enlightenments of modernity”? What if they are convinced that the modern worldview is not necessarily the most enlightened path when it comes to the ultimate meaning of life and death, time and eternity? In other words, if you still cling to your benighted views and your “ancient texts,” you are living in the past and your views merit no respect. “Religion,” writes Bruni, “is going to be the final holdout and most stubborn refuge for homophobia. It will give license to discrimination.” Bruni’s solution to the impasse is not some sort of goodwill compromise or a treaty of mutual respect, but a take-no-prisoners ultimatum to Christians to abandon their beliefs or else. When Bruni says that Christians’ understanding of sexual morality is “a choice,” what he means is that there is a way out without completely losing face: just embrace the new morality preached by mainstream liberal churches that see nothing wrong with any sexual arrangement you are comfortable with. Then we will accept you. And thus it must be stamped out. Bruni cites fellow gay activist Mitchell Gold, founder of the advocacy group Faith in America, as saying that church leaders must be made to take homosexuality off the sin list. “His commandment is worthy — and warranted,” writes Bruni. So now government should be dictating belief to churches and enforcing theological orthodoxy? Now politicians and courts will be telling Christians what they are allowed to consider as sinful? Isn’t this what America was founded to escape from? As a food critic, NY Times writer Frank Bruni was entertaining and occasionally informative. As an op-ed columnist he is adolescent and often repetitive. But as a theologian, he is simply abysmal. People are already talking about forcing churches to perform same-sex weddings, whether they like it or not, or get out of the marriage business. Christians founded America and yet now the minority gay lobby is trying to tell them they are personae non gratae and their beliefs are no longer welcome. Bruni takes it upon himself to explain how the Bible can be interpreted to read that God is really fine with sodomy and that all that antiquated stuff against adultery, fornication, and “men lying with other men” is a quaint 57 America has a grand tradition of tolerance and religious freedom, respect for a diversity of beliefs, and an honest engagement with ideas of all sorts. It seems that some would like to force all Americans to walk in lockstep, marching to the same drummer. But attempts to force them to abandon their ethical standards and their principles reveal not open-mindedness or fairness, but intolerance, chauvinism, and hate. Sincere Christians have no problem accepting other people with all their sins, inclinations, and struggles, fully understanding that they are in no way superior to the next guy and no better in God’s eyes. Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. is a theologian, author, speaker, consultant and wine enthusiast. He is a permanent research fellow at the Center for Ethics and Culture, Notre Dame University. These are the attitudes that have no place in America. 58 Let Them Eat Cake!! By Jack Perry on the other side and they went to the government, too, and got a law passed you don’t like. Hey, just take your money elsewhere. That’s what I did when Starbucks wanted to turn my cup of coffee into a social engineering experiment. I got a cheaper cup of coffee, too, and that’s always a good thing. To the pro-religious freedom people, guess what you did? You just opened the door for Sharia law, which you said you were against and wanted laws passed to ban not long prior to this mess. See what I mean? Asking the government to solve your problems just creates problems. What is the government anyway, the yard duty on the playground?! Really, grow up, people. It’s food, ok? That’s what this is about. A flippin’ cake! My word, when did the simple act of eating food pass into the realm of being such a pain in the keester?! It wasn’t bad enough we’ve got all the “dietary options” now. You know, vegetarian, vegan, ovo-lacto vegetarian, glutenfree, paleo diet, macrobiotic, kosher, halal, and all the rest. Geez, the simple act of ordering a meal is more like planning the D-Day Invasion. “Hello, sir, I’m Mandy and I’ll be your server tonight! Do you require a vegan or vegetarian menu, a halal menu, gluten-free, or—” Hey, look, bring me out a steak and a baked potato if that’s still legal in this allegedly free country! Eating has never before in history taken on such socio-political headaches. When FRUIT, excuse me, FRUIT has to be labelled “gluten-free”, we’ve got serious problems. If people don’t know fruit is obviously gluten-free, they can’t tell the difference between an orange and a dinner roll. Not that I doubt such people exist. “Let us sit down and break bread together in the spirit of peace and–” “Oh, sorry, I’m on a gluten-free diet…” Of course. Somehow, sitting down to break rice crackers hasn’t got the same ring to it, though. But that didn’t take the cake, pardon the pun. Then there was a Christian who went to a bakery and wanted a cake with an anti-gay Biblical passage written on it with icing. The bakery refused and now he wants his day in court over discrimination! These cakes are taking on lives of their own! “Night of the Living Cakes”! The cakes are returning to life! Igor, look, the cake is aaaalllive! This is like a pastry Cold War. “Uh-oh, we’ve got a Cake Gap. If we let the pro-gay wedding bakery bake more cakes than we can, they’ll have a strategic advantage over us! Quick, get busy! Make up for it with smaller, tactical cupcakes! We can put ten cupcakes into the same box as one cake, each cupcake independently targeted!” Mutually Assured Dumbness on both sides. Again, all of this over cakes! And all the political wrangling over these religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws have turned the whole thing into CakeGate. Now in one of my previous articles, I discussed at length how a simple cup of coffee could be turned into a weapon of political and/or social engineering. Ok, so, what goes with coffee? Cake! And right now in America, cakes have entered into the political domain as the “Doomsday Weapon” of political correctness. This all started when a Christian bakery refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding. The ensuing kerfuffle resulted in a whole heap of doings that went far beyond what a simple cake truly deserves. I’m sorry, but no cake is worth that kind of hassle, I don’t care if that cake can dance the kazotsky while whistling the theme song from Doctor Zhivago. But then came the allegations of discrimination, enter the courts and lawyers, and then the whole shtick of religious freedom came up. Over a cake?! Yeah, I know, I know. If someone doesn’t provide you with proper service at a business for any reason, vote with your wallet and don’t go back. Ain’t that simple? No lawyers, no courts, no politicians. Just simple leaving and finding a place that values your business. But in America these days, there is no shortage of eager activists looking for a cause and so a cake became the battle cry of both sides in the hootenanny. The really obvious thing is that the market had the solution all along. Hey, they don’t want to bake you a cake for your wedding? Guess what? They just gave you a multi-million dollar business plan—for free! Open your own cake shop for gay weddings. You could even subcontract with bakeries all over the country and have an online business. They order and pay you online and they go to the nearest bakery to them to pick it up. Everyone wins, everyone makes a buck, and you didn’t patronize the business that didn’t want your business in the first place. No, instead you wasted the money on lawyers probably. And if you don’t want to bake a cake for a gay wedding, just tell them you don’t have frickin’ time! Tell them you’re busy, booked solid, swamped, can’t do it in time, whatever! Dentists do that all the time! So do doctors, car mechanics, and all kinds of other businesses. But really, all this malarkey over a dadgum cake?! Hey you guys, people dodge machine gun fire just to get a loaf of bread over in Syria and you guys—both sides—are whining over cakes? Christian bakeries feared they’d be compelled by law to bake cakes for gay weddings. So, what’d they do? They lobbied the government to pass a law saying they don’t have to. Now everyone is in a lather about that. Hey, you guys, listen. Asking the government to solve your problems is like asking ISIS to measure your hat size: It’ll get done, but maybe not in the way you’d like. To the progay wedding cake people, you stepped in it when you made a fuss over a frickin’ cake and wanted the government involved. All that did was rally the activists 59 do that without a massive protest, then your business deserves to fail and so does the protest movement also. If you can’t just take your business and your money elsewhere, you need to grow up and get a life. Food isn’t supposed to be causing us these kinds of problems. Now other countries have food problems. They’ve got famines, some of them engineered by their own government’s failed policies. Remember that fact the next time you go whining to the government to solve your problems. So you know what? Sit down, pipe down, have a cup of coffee and some cake. You’ll feel better. Remember when your parents told you, “Eat your vegetables! There are starving children in this world that would love to have those!” Well, guess what? Your parents were right. The bigger point is, you assume this to be a major human rights catastrophe and there are people getting their heads sawed off with rusty Khyber knives over in Syria. Just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and of the wrong religion. You think a cake is a big deal? Yeah, try eating one without a head. That’s how other folks are living and not living. But guess what else? Every time you drag the government into this, you make all of us a little less free. I no more want the government involved in my religious beliefs than I want them involved in my dietary choices. Yeah, like those soda and junk food taxes the government is still thinking about. Nor should they involved in customer service issues, which is what these are. Let the market punish those businesses for that, because it will. Jack Perry is an arrowmaker and writer who lives in the Four Corners area of the Southwestern United States. He has been a truck driver, a purchasing agent at a nowdefunct renewable energy company (don't even ask him about the "Green energy" scam), and served in the 101st Airborne Division. He spends his time practicing traditional archery, making arrows in the wilds of the Arizona high desert, and finding himself only mildly amused by the antics of the Great Father in Washington. So can we just stop politicizing food already? People just want a cup of coffee. People just want a cake. If you can’t How about we keep our firearms AND our tax money, you collectivist harpy? By Mike Vanderboegh, an alleged leader of the merry band of Three Percenters Here the repellent harpies make their nests, Who drove the Trojans from the Strophades With dire announcements of the coming woe. They have broad wings, with razor sharp talons and a human neck and face, Clawed feet and swollen, feathered bellies; they caw Their lamentations in the eerie trees. -- Dante's Inferno. Get a $2,000 Tax Credit for Turning in Your Assault Rifles “Assault weapons are not about hunting, or even self-defense,” DeLauro said. “There is no reason on earth, other than to kill as many people as possible in as short a time as possible, that anyone needs a gun designed for a battlefield.” (Town Hall) You know, this collectivist harpy is right about one thing. DeLauro is prominent in the firearm confiscationist/ "government monopoly of violence" crowd. If she gets the civil war she is apparently soliciting I have no doubt that a semi-auto rifle of military utility will not be necessary to shoot regime tyrants. Indeed, hypothetically speaking, in a 4GW civil war against a nascent dictatorship, far more will fall to the aimed single shots of common deer rifles, or suppressed pistols, or knives in the dark, or bombs attached underneath limousines. . . She just might be trying to ban the wrong things. Collectivist harpy Rosa DeLauro in her natural habitat. 60 The Secular Jihad Against Religious Freedom Identifies 'motivating force' behind LGBT crowd, supporters By Joseph Farah How do I know this is a central motivation just under the surface of the agit-prop and death threats and boycotts against the Indiana law? Maybe you think everything that could be said about the outrage over Indiana’s law protecting religious freedom has been said. Because there were active efforts across the country to use “same-sex marriage” as a tool of entrapment against believers. Lawsuits were filed against florists, photographers, videographers, caterers and bakers who chose not to service “same-sex weddings,” as would be their absolute, God-given, constitutionally protected right in a society that recognizes individual religious freedom. There’s one important motivating force behind the angry jihad by the LGBT crowd and their supporters including the radical left and the “useful idiots” among recently programmed college graduates and lowinformation Democratic voters. But before we get to that very important motivation, let’s review the facts: I also know it because I have as a Christian shared the good news of the Gospel with people over the years and found there are generally two reactions: Indiana’s religious freedom law was just that before all hell rained down on it. It didn’t mention “gays.” It didn’t give an excuse to discriminate against anyone. It didn’t mention Christians. It didn’t mention “same-sex marriages.” It was a simple law offering protection for anyone and everyone against being coerced into violating their religious principles. It was modeled on a federal law passed in the 1990s and signed by Bill Clinton – who was lionized for doing so at the time by the same crowd that’s outraged about Indiana’s illfated but absolutely vital law. It was passed and signed in the spirit of the Constitution’s First Amendment, which certainly is clear on religious freedom. openness to the idea that God has actually ordained some activity as sinful and that we are all in need of salvation through repentance for those acts; and rejection about being confronted with the notion of sin. For decades now, a new false gospel of “tolerance” has been preached across the nation by the media, in our educational systems, in our popular culture and in our politics. It’s false because: It suggests there is widespread personal hostility Many other states have similar laws in place, and against people based on their sexual choices; many more were considering instituting them. That may be why a concerted effort inclusive of nearly the entire establishment media and the aforementioned LGBT activist bloc reacted with such venom and lies in denouncing it. Indiana was going to be their line in the sand. It suggests sexual choices are all inherently good; “Tolerance” is actually defined as approval or even celebration of all sexual choices (note the term “gay pride”); It resulted in redefining what marriage has always This was an important battle for the LGBT crowd. If it been through the course of history in every culture and every nation and every community for the last 6,000 years. can subsume America’s historic commitment to religious freedom beneath the fad “nondiscrimination” against certain lifestyle choices, the sky would be the limit for the sexual revolutionaries. In effect, the reigning ethos of the country would be shifted from individual liberty to special privileges for special-interest groups based on their sexual behavior. And the work of this new false gospel is not finished yet – not by a long shot. In order for that work to be finished, this new false gospel must be spread through all the world. It must be embraced by everyone – or else. Yet, there’s more to the motivation for the all-out war on Christianity this has become. The evangelists of this new false gospel seek to punish those who don’t accept, tolerate and actively participate in this new ethos – punishment that has already has meant in a dozen instances being fined, facing lawsuits and even losing one’s livelihood. Here it is in simple, stark terms: Non-believers often react with hostility when they are confronted with the notion that they are doing something sinful. That’s not to say the law did it. It did not. But the law certainly would have provided Christians with the protection they desperately need so as not to be forced into participating in behavior they consider sinful. That’s what’s really going on here. In the face of those facts, tell me who the real haters are. Tell me who is being “intolerant.” Tell me who is 61 discriminating. Tell me who is bullying. Tell me who is not practicing “diversity.” And tell me who the real targets of bias and prejudice are. Service.. He is the author or co-author of 13 books, including his latest, "The Tea Party Manifesto," and his classic, "Taking America Back," now in its third edition and 14th printing. Farah is the former editor of the legendary Sacramento Union and other major-market dailies. Joseph Farah is founder, editor and CEO of WND and a nationally syndicated columnist with Creators News Republican Governors Rush to Appease 'Gay' Activists North Dakota, Michigan among states seeking protections for homosexuals By Cheryl K. Chumley State Rep. Warwick Sabin, a Democrat, supported the move, saying the issue isn’t going away any time soon. “Other states are moving ahead of us and Arkansas is being left in the dust,” he said, the New Zealand Herald reported. “We need to make an affirmative statement about our values as a state and I know that the vast majority of Arkansans believe in fairness and opportunity for all of its citizens.” The wave of action started when Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed into law a Religious Freedom Restoration Act condemned by critics as a government stamp of approval to discriminate against the LGBT community. Gay rights’ activists are causing quite a shake-up in Republican Party policies. Republican governors in at least two states – North Dakota and Michigan – watching the negative fallout from Indiana’s recently passed Religious Freedom Restoration Act have now set their lawmakers on notice and told them: We need more protections for “gays.” Pence, facing widespread fire, then called for lawmakers to pen a clarification of the law to ensure businesses would not be sheltered from lawsuits if they discriminated against “gays.” That clarification was then assailed by religious freedom advocates as a gutting of the law Lawmakers in North Dakota, where the majority rule is Republican, recently voted against a bill to include protections for “gays” in housing and employment. But the move angered Gov. Jack Dalrymple, a fellow Republican, the New Zealand Herald reported. Shortly after, Republicans in Arkansas softened their stances on a religious-freedom bill that was supposed to be a model of Indiana’s law and instead presented a compromise measure that critics again condemned as a cave to “gay”-rights pressures. Meanwhile, Republican Gov. Rick Snyder issued Michigan lawmakers a stern warning against passing any type of religious freedom bill that doesn’t include specific protections for homosexuals. Citing the furor in Indiana, Snyder said he will veto any such bill, the newspaper reported. Cheryl K. Chumley is a staff writer for WND and author of "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming our Reality." Formerly with the Washington Times, she is a journalism fellow with The Phillips Foundation in Washington, D.C., where she spent a year researching and writing about private property rights. Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson has also said he may consider an executive order to guarantee “gays,” along with transgenders and bisexuals, aren’t discriminated against by state agencies. 62 Islam and the Left: United Against Christians Wonders which group will rule once republic is 'done away with' By Erik Rush become so common, people perceive few alternatives. There oughtta be a law … “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” – John 15:18-19 (NIV) Well, now they have one. It’s redundant, but these are the fruits of our ongoing neglect of civic issues. Earlier, WND reported on the case of a judge in the United Kingdom who convicted a street evangelist for quoting Leviticus 20:13, which prescribes the death penalty for homosexuality. On April 2, former paratrooper-turned-Christian-evangelist Mike Overd was fined, as well as being ordered to pay court costs and compensation to the homosexual activist who lodged a complaint against him. We are living in a time when the government, press and entertainment media tell us that our economy is on the rebound, Obamacare is facilitating health care for millions more Americans than before its implementation, unemployment has plummeted, and the Islamic Republic of Iran has apparently become America’s ally. So I suppose it should be no surprise that we’re also being told there is nothing at all sinister in the myriad anti-Christian exertions on the part of certain political factions, and that there certainly isn’t any “war on Christianity” going on. The presiding judge, Shamim Ahmed Qureshi of Bristol Crown Court, is a Muslim who serves with the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, the overseer of the U.K.’s Shariah courts. So despite homosexuality being a capital crime under Shariah law, this supposedly observant Muslim judge was happy to persecute a Christian in the realm of secular law for an alleged slight against homosexuals. Apart from recognizing that there is emergent and coordinated antipathy toward Christians in America, it is of paramount importance to understand some of the universal mechanisms behind the misrepresentations (or lies) I listed, because this will not only facilitate combating these mechanisms, but could serve to rally the troops, as American Christians come to comprehend the level of abject evil within our government and other institutions. The alliance between leftists and Muslims against Christians may be more apparent in Britain than it is in America, since the process has advanced much further in the U.K. – but not to worry; President Barack Hussein Obama has been moving the course of Islamist infiltration handily along. Last week in this space, I described how the political left has advanced a phony “gay rights” agenda, which in reality is calculated to demoralize Americans at large and coalesce political power – that of the left, not homosexuals. Neutralizing the moral anchor of Christianity is essential to this objective, so homosexual activists have been given the latitude to designate as “discrimination” essentially any speech or practice on the part of Christians they choose to condemn. This week, The Hill reported that Rep. Rosa DeLauro, DConn., had introduced a federal “firearms buyback” bill. The “Support Assault Firearm Elimination and Education of our (SAFER) Streets Act” would provide America’s more gullible gun owners with the “incentive” to turn firearms in to local law enforcement. It’s supposed to make the streets safe from all of the law-abiding gun owners who run around randomly shooting people, I guess. As ironic as this sounds, America’s enemies have made great use of our Constitution itself as a weapon against liberty. From flag-burning to adopting Marxist principles into our political process, leftists have routinely cited the Freedom of Speech and Equal Protection clauses as explicit license for all manner of permissible and imposed cultural subversion. DeLauro, a far left lawmaker, had not only other uberprogressive and socialist Congress creatures cosponsoring the bill, but Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison, DMinn., as well. “This should come as no surprise,” wrote Tim Brown at Sons of Liberty Media, “since we know there are many Muslim Brotherhood front groups working in America to undermine the ability of Americans to keep and bear arms.” As more activist jurists took to the federal bench, civil rulings increasingly tended to favor leftist policy. This is one reason states such as Indiana found it necessary to pass legislation in the vein of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, despite guarantees of religious freedom in the Bill of Rights. We have reached a point where the affronts against religious liberty by government have Many have asked how those on the far left and Islamists plan to co-exist once they have done away with America’s Christians, the Constitution and the republic. Perhaps they do not plan to co-exist at all, each group believing that 63 they will ultimately overcome the other. Maybe both groups suppose that the pre-eminence of either is immaterial so long as America has been laid waste. Erik Rush is a columnist and author of sociopolitical fare. His latest book is "Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal - America's Racial Obsession." In 2007, he was the first to give national attention to the story of Sen. Barack Obama's ties to militant Chicago preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright, initiating a media feeding frenzy. Erik has appeared on Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes," CNN, and is a veteran of numerous radio appearances. I haven’t settled on a plausible answer to this question, but I do know that once they have done away with America’s Christians, the Constitution and the republic, it probably won’t matter too much to you and me who winds up in charge. Newsmax Obama Calls Out 'Less Than Loving' Christians at Prayer Breakfast By Andrea Billups Christianity at the National Prayer Breakfast. Critics berated him for stating that Christians shouldn't get on their 'high horse' about religious barbarism, given the Crusades and Christian backing for slavery and Jim Crow laws." President Barack Obama veered in and quickly out of a national debate over religious freedom legislation, calling out Christians as "less than loving" at an annual Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday in Washington, Mediaite reported. "On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love," Obama told the group, gathered at the Washington Hilton hotel, turning from his scripted speech. "And I have to say that sometimes when I listen to lessthan-loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned," he said as the murmur in the crowd turned audible, Mediate said. "But that’s a topic for another day… I was about to veer off. I’m pulling it back," the president quickly added. He then pivoted to his prepared remarks, which carried the flavor of civil rights speeches of the past. "Where there is injustice we defend the oppressed," Obama said. "Where there is disagreement, we treat each other with compassion and respect. Where there are differences, we find strength in our common humanity, knowing that we are all children of God." Fox News noted that the president did not mention recent attacks in Kenya where Christian university students were slaughtered, Mediaite reports. The president's oddly timed remarks will likely fuel the flames of his critics on the right who question why he has failed to denounce Muslim extremist violence directed at Christians worldwide. ABC News described his jibe as a "mild poke." The Daily Caller, however, described them as words that "malign Christians." Talking Points Memo noted it was not the first time that the president offered eye-raising remarks at a prayer service. It noted that: "Obama faced a barrage of criticism from the right earlier this year for his comments about 64 The Wrong Way to Save for Americans' Retirement By Megan McArdle to lottery winners; we still need to find the money to make good on that check. It is a truth universally acknowledged that Americans are underprepared for retirement. And given this sad fact, there's a growing movement on the left saying we need a government solution, stat: specifically, an expansion of Social Security benefits. Before we start adding new benefits, we should think about where we're going to get the money to pay the ones we still haven't funded. And then carefully count the cost of making them more generous still. Perhaps you are confused. Weren't we just talking about entitlement reform so that we could spend less on the program? Why, yes, we were. But since no one, left or right, really wants to take on our vast army of retirees, that chatter has died down. So where is the money going to come from, for our once and future Social Security program? The unhelpfully vague answer is generally "the rich." Some specific numbers would be useful here, and thankfully, some folks from the Third Way have actually provided some. Now that it has, progressives who are ideologically opposed to shrinking the welfare state and are, of course, worried about retirees have decided that the best defense is a good offense, as Jamelle Bouie chronicles in Slate. Instead of reluctantly agreeing to a compromise where Republicans let some taxes rise and Democrats agree to entitlement cuts, they're demanding bigger tax hikes to fund bigger entitlements. Let's say the top income tax rate was raised a whopping 10 points, to 49.6 percent — a level higher than anything under serious consideration. Tack on the "Buffett rule," with its 30 percent minimum tax on millionaires to squash loopholes. And let's take a whack at wealthy inheritances, cutting the estate tax exemption by about one-third and setting the rate on large estates at 45 percent. At the core of their argument is a good point: Americans really do need more money for retirement. Missing, however, is a realistic discussion of where that money might come from. If we leave entitlements be, our annual budget deficit in 2030 would still be $1.3 trillion in today's dollars, not much different from the $1.6 trillion deficit we'd have if income tax rates for the wealthy were kept the same. Sure, raising some additional taxes on the wealthy is necessary, but it is not nearly sufficient. And it's a lot of money. The OASI Trust Fund (the portion of Social Security that covers old-age benefits) already pays out more in benefits than it collects in tax income. In 2014, the Social Security Trustees expect the system to collect $643.9 billion in payroll taxes and spend $716.4 billion on benefits and administrative overhead. If you add in the taxes collected on Social Security benefits, you get $671.9 billion in total tax revenue, which leaves a $44.5 billion deficit between outflow and inflow. Under its middle-of-the-road "intermediate" assumptions, the trustees' report predicts that by 2023, the gap between taxes collected and benefits paid will be almost $170 billion. The only reason that the system isn't in the red already is the net interest the government is paying itself on the bonds in the trust fund. Another favorite is eliminating the cap on Social Security taxes, which is a slightly less vague way of saying "the rich." Every time I discuss Social Security, at least one angry person will demand to know how I can so disingenuously claim the system is in need of reform, when "all we need to do is get rid of the cap on the payroll tax." All? "All we need to do" implies some sort of modest, unremarkable undertaking. In fact, as the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget points out, this amounts to a 12.4 percent surtax on all income above $118,500. That's an enormous tax hike, which would generate exactly the same pushback you'd get if you announced, well, a 12.4 percent surtax on all income above $118,500. And as the committee notes, with admirably dry understatement, "a tax increase that large would make it politically challenging to raise more revenue from the wealthy, if it all." Now, I don't want to get mired in the tired old arguments about whether the trust fund is "real" — whether it's a stupid accounting abstraction or a profound moral promise on the part of the U.S. government — because this obscures the actual point we need to be concerned with: If we want to pay Social Security beneficiaries more money than we are collecting in payroll taxes, the money has to come from somewhere, and ultimately, that "somewhere" is the United States taxpayer. It is supremely irrelevant whether that money flows through the "trust fund" or Uncle Sam holds an annual ceremony in which the trustees are handed one of those giant checks they present By that point, the top marginal tax rate would be well above 50 percent — closer to 60 percent in high-tax blue states. That would pretty much exhaust our fiscal capacity to tax the wealthy, meaning that any new program that liberals want to implement, from early-childhood education to high speed rail, will have to come paired with 65 an announcement that middle-class taxes will be rising significantly to pay for it. And I haven't even mentioned the current programs we have to find money for, such as Medicare. Even assuming you could get such a large tax hike through Congress, is expanding retirement benefits really the one thing you want to spend all the money on? should think long and hard about whether they want to break that link. Social Security's great political strength is the perception that beneficiaries have earned their benefits with previous payments. The more clearly untrue that statement becomes, the more political risk there is to the less well-off beneficiaries. Moreover, increasing the tax cap won't even raise enough money to cover Social Security's costs unless we also break the link between payments and benefits. Otherwise, we'll run a surplus for a few more years, then pay out a lot of that surplus in the form of higher benefits. Progressives What to do about America's anorexic retirement accounts? Friend, ask me an easy one. But here's at least a partial answer to your question: not this. Megan McArdle is a Bloomberg View columnist who writes on economics, business and public policy. The Leftist About-Face on Marriage by Old Rebel (Mike Tuggle) Once upon a time, leftists denounced marriage as a relic of the bad ol' past. They slammed marriage as the primary institution responsible for inequality. After all, inherited wealth perpetrated uneven distributions of property through generations of the same bloodline. Can't have that. Alexandra Kollontai, one of the leaders of the Communist Revolution in Russia, issued this challenge to Soviet women: “Cast off your chains! Do not be slaves to religion, to marriage, to children. Break these old ties, the state is your home, the world is your country!” Why the flip-flop? The issue is not that leftists have no scruples (they don't!) or that they lack any principles whatsoever -- they still want to raze traditional society and place themselves in charge of reconstructing the world. No, the point is that, per Gramsci, they've learned that screaming for the destruction of traditional society simply doesn't work. Undermining traditional society from within is the ticket to power. I believe traditional society is much more resilient than its enemies realize because it reflects human nature as expressed over millennia. But how much suffering can the left inflict? Sadly, the answer is a lot, as the history of leftist devastation in pursuit of utopia graphically illustrates. And when the so-called Women's Liberation movement revved up, marriage remained the number one target. This denunciation from feminist Linda Gordon is typical: "The nuclear family must be destroyed... Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process." That's the challenge confronting us. That couldn't be any clearer, could it? But that was then. These days, the left is howling that homosexuals should be allowed to marry because AS EVERYONE KNOWS, marriage is the most important of all civil rights. Julian Bond, the chairman of the NAACP Board, has said, “Discrimination is discrimination no matter who the victim is, and it is always wrong. There are no special rights in America, despite the attempts by many to divide blacks and the gay community with the argument that the latter are seeking some imaginary special rights at the expense of blacks.” And in its continuing crusade to find more oppressed persons to liberate, the Southern Poverty Law Center has set up a special page dedicated to promoting the "right" of homosexuals to marry. 66 Anti-gun Congresswoman Wants Americans to Sell Their Liberty, Children's Futures By Kurt Hofmann United States Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) has never met a draconian restriction on guns she didn't like, except in the sense that she would prefer that such proposals go further than they often do. This is the case with even her own legislation, such as the bill she recently announced that she would soon be introducing, "Support Assault Firearm Elimination and Reduction for our Streets (SAFER) Act," which she also introduced in January, 2013, hoping to exploit public horror and outrage over the Sandy Hook Elementary atrocity. that the tax revenue plundered from the people be used to compensate the people who value wealth more than the means to defend life and liberty. And sure--some might argue that a tax credit for some is not a new tax burden on the rest, but the legislation does not provide for any reductions elsewhere in the budget to compensate for the "$2000 refundable tax credit," for each of the voluntarily disarmed (and that's before we even get into the administrative costs of this boondoggle). Compensation for that newly created shortfall has to come from somewhere, and, knowing Congress, that "somewhere" is very likely our grandchildren, and their children, and their children--and that's if we're sufficiently "lucky" to die off ourselves before the out-of-control deficit spending chickens come home to roost. Although "Elimination and Reduction" of these so-called "Assault Firearm[s]" sounds like a ban, it's not--as much as she would prefer that it were.From The Hill, quoting her own her press release (which managed to mess up the title of the bill, calling it the "Support Firearm Elimination and Education of our Streets Act"--how these guns are causing the streets to be uneducated is not explained): And come home to roost they some day most assuredly will. Our nation's friendly creditors are not going to eternally continue to offer us a bottomless credit card, and indeed, when the suspension of disbelief in our ability to ever pay off the debt is no longer sustainable for even the most incurable optimists, Americans will face a darkness like we have never known. Though DeLauro is in favor of stronger guns laws that would completely ban assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition [magazines, presumably], she emphasized this bill would not force gun owners to turn in their firearms. In that time of rioting, looting, starvation, and disease--all on a scale too massive for most Americans to even imagine, it will be up to private citizens to secure their lives and liberty--and their families'. And if DeLauro has her way, those private citizens will have handed the best means of providing that security over--for two-thousand now valueless dollars. The legislation would provide up to $2,000 in tax credits for gun owners who voluntarily hand over assault weapons to their local police departments. That being the case--that it's not a ban--and is indeed entirely voluntary, some might wonder if gun rights advocates should find the legislation terribly objectionable. The short answer is "yes," and not only because it demonizes the very firearms that in the hands of private citizens are most necessary to the security of a free state. If DeLauro wants to buy your "assault weapon," tell her it can only be paid for in blood--and she can't afford it. A former paratrooper, Kurt Hofmann was paralyzed in a car accident in 2002. The helplessness inherent to confinement to a wheelchair prompted him to explore armed self-defense, only to discover that Illinois denies that right, inspiring him to become active in gun rights advocacy. He also writes the St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner column. While a "tax credit" might sound like a good deal for the taxpayers, this is anything but. What she is proposing is 67 When everything is a crime By George F. Will behavior is proscribed or prescribed. The presumption of knowledge of the law is refuted by the mere fact that estimates of the number of federal statutes vary by hundreds. If you are sent to prison for excavating arrowheads on federal land without a permit, your cellmate might have accidentally driven his snowmobile onto land protected by the Wilderness Act. What began as a trickle has become a stream that could become a cleansing torrent. Criticisms of the overcriminalization of American life might catalyze an appreciation of the toll the administrative state is taking on the criminal justice system, and liberty generally. In 2007, professor Tim Wu of Columbia Law School recounted a game played by some prosecutors. One would name a famous person — “say, Mother Teresa or John Lennon” — and other prosecutors would try to imagine “a plausible crime for which to indict him or her,” usually a felony plucked from “the incredibly broad yet obscure crimes that populate the U.S. Code like a kind of jurisprudential minefield.” Did the person make “false pretenses on the high seas”? Is he guilty of “injuring a mailbag”? Regulatory crimes, Cottone observes, often are not patently discordant with our culture, as are murder, rape and robbery. Rather than implicating fundamental moral values, many regulatory offenses derive their moral significance, such as it is, from their relation to the promotion of some governmental goal. The presumption of knowledge of the law is, Cottone argues, useful as an incentive for citizens to become informed of their legal duties. Complete elimination of the presumption would be a perverse incentive to remain in an ignorance that might immunize a person from culpability. But “there can be no moral obligation to do something impossible, such as know every criminal law,” let alone all the even more numerous — perhaps tens of thousands — regulations with criminal sanctions. The morality of law, Cottone argues, requires laws to be, among other things, publicized, understandable and not subject to constant changes. Otherwise everyone would have to be a talented lawyer, “a result hardly feasible or even desirable.” In 2009, Harvey Silverglate’s book “Three Felonies a Day” demonstrated how almost any American could be unwittingly guilty of various crimes between breakfast and bedtime. Silverglate, a defense lawyer and civil libertarian, demonstrated the dangers posed by the intersection of prosecutorial ingenuity with the expansion of the regulatory state. In 2013, Glenn Harlan Reynolds, University of Tennessee law professor and creator of Instapundit, published in the Columbia Law Review “Ham Sandwich Nation: Due Process When Everything is a Crime.” Given the axiom that a competent prosecutor can persuade a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, and given the proliferation of criminal statutes and regulations backed by criminal penalties, what becomes of the mens rea principle that people deserve criminal punishment only if they engage in conduct that is inherently wrong or that they know to be illegal? Overcriminalization, says professor Reynolds, deepens the dangers of “a dynamic in which those charged with crimes have a lot at risk, while those doing the charging have very little ‘skin in the game.’ ” With a vast menu of crimes from which to choose, prosecutors can “overcharge” a target, presenting him or her with the choice between capitulation-through-plea-bargain or a trial with a potentially severe sentence. Now comes “Rethinking Presumed Knowledge of the Law in the Regulatory Age” (Tennessee Law Review) by Michael Anthony Cottone, a federal judicial clerk. Cottone warns that as the mens rea requirement withers when the quantity and complexity of laws increase, the doctrine ofignorantia legis neminem excusat — ignorance of the law does not excuse — becomes problematic. The regulatory state is rendering unrealistic the presumption that a responsible citizen should be presumed to have knowledge of the law. Given the principle — which itself should be reconsidered — of prosecutorial immunity, we have a criminal justice system with too many opportunities for generating defendants, too few inhibitions on prosecutors and ongoing corrosion of the rule and morality of law. Congress, the ultimate cause of all this, has work to undo. George F. Will writes a twice-weekly column on politics and domestic and foreign affairs. He began his column with The Washington Post in 1974, and he received the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1977. He is also a contributor to FOX News’ daytime and primetime programming. There are an estimated 4,500 federal criminal statutes — and innumerable regulations backed by criminal penalties that include incarceration. Even if none of these were arcane, which many are, their sheer number would mean that Americans would not have clear notice of what 68 Why the Confederacy Lives by Old Rebel (Mike Tuggle) argued presciently and powerfully that the rise of single-parent households would make poverty more intractable. The very existence of opposition gnaws at radical leftists. They particularly despise Southerners because the South's resilient culture is a major impediment to their agenda. Culture is an organic and tireless organizing force, and therefore a threat to far-left schemes that would dismantle society and put the left in charge. Just look at how traditional culture overthrew the Soviet bloc in the 1990s, and how it's challenging overgrown governments around the world today. “The fundamental problem,” Moynihan wrote, is family breakdown. In a follow-up, he explained: “From the wild Irish slums of the 19th-century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows large numbers of young men to grow up in broken families ... never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future — that community asks for and gets chaos.” So it's no surprise to see yet another slam against the South by the tag team of Euan Hague, Heidi Beirich, and Ed Sebesta. Their latest hit piece, entitled "Why the Confederacy Lives," neatly and blindly dismisses Southern heritage, the rise of self-government, and growing distrust of social reengineering as -- drum roll, please -- racist. Liberals brutally denounced Moynihan as a racist. Kristof concluded that tossing the word "racist" at every study of black dysfunction is counter-productive: What, again? Yes, again. It's an entirely predictable article. As Hague and company see it, there is no reason for distrusting big government other than blind, irrational racial hatred. Here's just one example they cite: Growing up with just one biological parent reduces the chance that a child will graduate from high school by 40 percent, according to an essay by Sara McLanahan of Princeton and Christopher Jencks of Harvard. They point to the likely mechanism: “A father’s absence increases antisocial behavior, such as aggression, rule-breaking, delinquency and illegal drug use.” These effects are greater on boys than on girls. In more public venues, the SCV’s dog-whistle politics come into play. Casting an eye over recent events in Ferguson and elsewhere, although never explicitly stating this, SCV deputy commander-inchief Thomas V. Strain Jr. recently decried the “young men with no guidance attacking law-abiding citizens and law enforcement officers,” officers who, when they “remedy the situation and protect the innocent … are called murderers.” Read the Hague hit piece and you'll see no mention of how the resurgence of smaller, more responsive political units are in direct response to the horrendous history of big governments. Post-Lincoln America has a bloody record of launching wars of aggression, and will continue its policy of perpetual war as long as it exists. The central government in DC is the greatest threat to our safety and liberty. That's not hype -- that's fact. Yet, Hague sees what he calls "Confederate ideology" as the real problem. Of course, it's not just "neo-Confederates," as Hague & Co. call their various targets, who now realize that government welfare and other programs have undermined traditional family formation and unleashed a mostly black underclass of rootless, anti-social young people. Just last month, Nicholas Kristof, hardly a pro-Southern pundit, said this of failed federal programs that have done more harm than good: If you're looking for dangerous ideologies, look no further than Mr. Hague himself. He's a Marxist, an adherent of the most anti-human, murderous ideology the world has ever seen. Hague's Marxist allegiance is well documented. Fifty years ago this month, Democrats made a historic mistake. This isn't the first time the SPLC has played footsie with Marxists. And seeing as how communism has re-branded itself as "anti-racism," it probably won't be the last. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, at the time a federal official, wrote a famous report in March 1965 on family breakdown among African-Americans. He 69 Mark Twain Loves Ron Paul By Michael S. Alford He was quoted in the Chicago Tribune as saying, when asked if he was an anti-imperialist: The Bible says “There is nothing new under the sun” and over a hundred years ago before a soft-spoken Texas Congressman was making waves in the GOP because of his non-interventionist ideas, it turns out the most celebrated American author in history was saying the exact same thing. Samuel Clemens, or as he was better known, Mark Twain, had enjoyed the success and fame of his literary achievements. By the late 1800’s, he had circled the globe giving speeches and readings from his books. By his own admission, visiting almost every continent on earth, and seeing firsthand the effects of an increasingly belligerent foreign policy changed his mind on how the American government should treat its neighbor nations. Since he had the ability to speak his mind and be applauded for it, and the skill to illustrate absurdity while doing so, he spent the last years of his life speaking out against interventionism, or, as it was known back then ‘imperialism’. He arrived back in America after a 9 year absence just as the Philippine-American war was cresting. The American government had committed itself to liberating the Philippine Islands from the Spanish, and had committed troops to the same. As Mark Twain stepped off the boat in 1900, the press was anxious to know his thoughts on the events of the day. He told the New York Herald: “Well, I am. A year ago I wasn’t. I thought it would be a great thing to give a whole lot of freedom to the Filipinos, but I guess now that it’s better to let them give it to themselves. Besides, on looking over the treaty I see we’ve got to saddle the friars and their churches. I guess we don’t want to.” The Missourian who wrote Huckleberry Finn had seen upclose and personal what this particular export of American interventionism was doing to the world opinion of the United States. A year later, at a meeting of the AntiImperialist league of New York, Mr. Twain referred to the ‘uncivilized’ people of the world and what they thought of our ‘freedoms’ exported at the point of a gun. Mark Twain had figured out early on that war is a racket; The Blessings-of-Civilization Trust, wisely and cautiously administered, is a Daisy. There is more money in it, more territory, more sovereignty, and other kinds of emolument, than there is in any other game that is played. But Christendom has been playing it badly of late years, and must certainly suffer by it, in my opinion. She has been so eager to get every stake that appeared on the green cloth, that the People who Sit in Darkness have noticed it — they have noticed it, and have begun to show alarm. They have become suspicious of the Blessings of Civilization. More — they have begun to examine them. This is not well. The Blessings of Civilization are all right, and a good commercial property; there could not be a better, in a dim light. “I left these shores, at Vancouver, a red-hot imperialist. I wanted the American eagle to go screaming into the Pacific. It seemed tiresome and tame for it to content itself with the Rockies. Why not spread its wings over the Philippines, I asked myself? And I thought it would be a real good thing to do. I said to myself, here are a people who have suffered for three centuries. We can make them as free as ourselves, give them a government and country of their own, put a miniature of the American constitution afloat in the Pacific, start a brand new republic to take its place among the free nations of the world. It seemed to me a great task to which we had addressed ourselves. But I have thought some more, since then, and I have read carefully the treaty of Paris, and I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines. We have gone there to conquer, not to redeem. We have also pledged the power of this country to maintain and protect the abominable system established in the Philippines by the Friars. It should, it seems to me, be our pleasure and duty to make those people free, and let them deal with their own domestic questions in their own way. And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.” Mr. Twain cited a specific example where the slaughter of some missionaries had given the Kaiser an excuse to interfere in Chinese politics. He lost a couple of missionaries in a riot in Shantung, and in his account he made an overcharge for them. China had to pay a hundred thousand dollars apiece for them, in money; twelve miles of territory, containing several millions of inhabitants and worth twenty million dollars; and to build a monument, and also a Christian church; whereas the people of China could have been depended upon to remember the missionaries without the help of these expensive memorials. This was all bad play. Bad, because it would not, and could not, and will not now or ever, deceive the Person Sitting in Darkness. He knows that it was an overcharge. He knows that a missionary is like any other man: he is worth merely what you can supply his place for, and no more. He is useful, but so is a doctor, so is a sheriff, so is an 70 to remember the clever, witty bard of the Mississippi in light of his less controversial works. Recent years and fresh scholarship have revealed more of the whole man though, including the introduction Mark Twain gave to a young Winston Churchill in 1900 when Churchill was to speak before a group of New York businessmen. No doubt Twain had been brought in to lionize the younger man, but Twain was old enough, rich enough and opinionated enough to take this opportunity to address what he saw as poor British foreign policy that was being emulated by the United States. He told the assembled crowd; editor; but a just Emperor does not charge war-prices for such. A diligent, intelligent, but obscure missionary, and a diligent, intelligent country editor are worth much, and we know it; but they are not worth the earth. Over a century before Dr. Paul made his historic “Armed Chinese Troops in Texas “ speech, Mark Twain put forth a similar scenario for his audience.: Would Germany charge America two hundred thousand dollars for two missionaries, and shake the mailed fist in her face, and send warships, and send soldiers, and say: ‘Seize twelve miles of territory, worth twenty millions of dollars, as additional pay for the missionaries; and make those peasants build a monument to the missionaries, and a costly Christian church to remember them by?’ And later would Germany say to her soldiers: ‘March through America and slay, giving no quarter; make the German face there, as has been our Hun-face here, a terror for a thousand years; march through the Great Republic and slay, slay, slay, carving a road for our offended religion through its heart and bowels?’ Would Germany do like this to America, to England, to France, to Russia? Or only to China the helpless — imitating the elephant’s assault upon the fieldmice? Had we better invest in this Civilization — this Civilization which called Napoleon a buccaneer for carrying off Venice’s bronze horses, but which steals our ancient astronomical instruments from our walls, and goes looting like common bandits — that is, all the alien soldiers except America’s; and (Americans again excepted) storms frightened villages and cables the result to glad journals at home every day: ‘Chinese losses, 450 killed; ours, one officer and two men wounded. Shall proceed against neighboring village to-morrow, where a massacre is reported.’ Can we afford Civilization?” For years I have been a self-appointed missionary, and have wrought zealously for my cause–the joining together of America and the motherland in bonds of friendship, esteem and affection–an alliance of the heart which should permanently and beneficently influence the political relations of the two countries. Wherever I have stood before a gathering of Americans or Englishmen, in England, India, Australia or elsewhere, I have urged my mission, and warmed it up with compliments to both countries and pointed out how nearly alike the two peoples are in character and spirit. They ought to be united…….yet I think England sinned in getting into a war in South Africa which she could have avoided without loss of credit or dignity–just as I think we have sinned in crowding ourselves into a war in the Philippines on the same terms. Mr. Churchill will tell you about the war in South Africa, and he is competent–he fought and wrote through it himself. And he made a record there which would be a proud one for a man twice his age. By his father he is English, by his mother he is American–to my mind the blend which makes the perfect man. We are now on the friendliest terms with England. Mainly through my missionary efforts I suppose; and I am glad. We have always been kin: kin in blood, kin in religion, kin in representative government, kin in ideals, kin in just and lofty purposes; and now we are kin in sin, the harmony is complete, the blend is perfect, like Mr. Churchill himself, whom I now have the honor to present to you. As a parting shot towards America policy, Twain put forth words that sting almost as if they were written yesterday.: The Person Sitting in Darkness is almost sure to say: “There is something curious about this — curious and unaccountable. There must be two Americas: one that sets the captive free, and one that takes a once-captive’s new freedom away from him, and picks a quarrel with him with nothing to found it on; then kills him to get his land.” And the rest, as they say, is history. Michael S. Alford is the author of Swindled: How the GOP Cheated Ron Paul and Lost Themselves the Election. Mark Twain’s anti-imperialist sentiments were suppressed a bit by the inheritors of his estate, who wanted the world 71 License to Kill By Dmitry Orlov destruction, leaving piles of corpses and smoldering ruins in its wake. The story is the same every time: some nation, due to a confluence of lucky circumstances, becomes powerful—much more powerful than the rest— and, for a time, is dominant. But the lucky circumstances, which often amount to no more than a few advantageous quirks of geology, be it Welsh coal or West Texas oil, in due course come to an end. In the meantime, the erstwhile superpower becomes corrupted by its own power. Another unmistakable trend has to do with the efficacy of spending money on “defense” (which, in the case of the US, should be redefined as “offense”). Having a lavishly endowed military can sometimes lead to success, but here too something has shifted over time. The famous American can-do spirit that was evident to all during World War II, when the US dwarfed the rest of the world with its industrial might, is no more. Now, more and more, military spending itself is the goal—never mind what it achieves. As the endgame approaches, those still nominally in charge of the collapsing empire resort to all sorts of desperate measures—all except one: they will refuse to ever consider the fact that their imperial superpower is at an end, and that they should change their ways accordingly. George Orwell once offered an excellent explanation for this phenomenon: as the imperial endgame approaches, it becomes a matter of imperial selfpreservation to breed a special-purpose ruling class—one that is incapable of understanding that the end-game is approaching. Because, you see, if they had an inkling of what’s going on, they wouldn’t take their jobs seriously enough to keep the game going for as long as possible. And what it achieves is the latest F-35 jet fighter that can’t fly; the latest aircraft carrier that can’t launch planes without destroying them if they are fitted with the auxiliary tanks they need to fly combat missions; the most technologically advanced AEGIS destroyer that can be taken out of commission by a single unarmed Russian jet carrying a basket of electronic warfare equipment, and another aircraft carrier that can be frightened out of deep water and forced to anchor by a few Russian submarines out on routine patrol. The approaching imperial collapse can be seen in the ever worsening results the empire gets for its imperial efforts. After World War II, the US was able to do a respectable job helping to rebuild Germany, along with the rest of western Europe. Japan also did rather well under US tutelage, as did South Korea after the end of fighting on the Korean peninsula. With Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, all of which were badly damaged by the US, the results were significantly worse: Vietnam was an outright defeat, Cambodia lived through a period of genocide, while amazingly resilient Laos—the most heavily bombed country on the planet—recovered on its own. But the Americans like their weapons, and they like handing them out as a show of support. But more often than not these weapons end up in the wrong hands: the ones they gave to Iraq are now in the hands of ISIS; the ones they gave to the Ukrainian nationalists have been sold to the Syrian government; the ones they gave to the government in Yemen is now in the hands of the Houthis who recently overthrew it. And so the efficacy of lavish military spending has dwindled too. At some point it may become more efficient to modify the US Treasury printing presses to blast bundles of US dollars in the general direction of the enemy. The first Gulf War went even more badly: fearful of undertaking a ground offensive in Iraq, the US stopped short of its regular practice of toppling the government and installing a puppet regime there, and left it in limbo for a decade. When the US did eventually invade, it succeeded—after killing countless civilians and destroying much of the infrastructure—in leaving behind a dismembered corpse of a country. With the strategy of “destroying in order to create” no longer viable, but with the blind ambition to still try to prevail everywhere in the world somehow still part of the political culture, all that remains is murder. The main tool of foreign policy becomes political assassination: be it Saddam Hussein, or Muammar Qaddafi, or Slobodan Milošević, or Osama bin Laden, or any number of lesser targets, the idea is to simply kill them. Similar results have been achieved in other places where the US saw it fit to get involved: Somalia, Libya and, most recently, Yemen. Let’s not even mention Afghanistan, since all empires have failed to achieve good results there. So the trend is unmistakable: whereas at its height the empire destroyed in order to rebuild the world in its own image, as it nears its end it destroys simply for the sake of While aiming for the head of an organization is a favorite technique, the general populace gets is share of murder too. How many funerals and wedding parties have been taken out by drone strikes? I don’t know that anyone in the US really knows, but I am sure that those whose relatives were killed do remember, and will remember for the next few centuries at least. This tactic is generally not 72 license to kill will be revoked, and they find themselves reclassified from global hegemons to mere murderers. conducive to creating a durable peace, but it is a good tactic for perpetuating and escalating conflict. But that’s now an acceptable goal, because it creates the rationale for increased military spending, making it possible to breed more chaos. As empires collapse, they turn inward, and subject their own populations to the same ill treatment to which they subjected others. Here, America is unexceptional: the number of Americans being murdered by their own police, with minimal repercussions for those doing the killing, is quite stunning. When Americans wonder who their enemy really is, they need look no further. Recently a retired US general went on television to declare that what’s needed to turn around the situation in the Ukraine is to simply “start killing Russians.” The Russians listened to that, marveled at his idiocy, and then went ahead and opened a criminal case against him. Now this general will be unable to travel to an ever-increasing number of countries around the world for fear of getting arrested and deported to Russia to stand trial. But that is only the beginning: the precedent has already been set for deploying US troops on US soil. As law and order break down in more and more places, we will see more and more US troops on the streets of cities in the US, spreading death and destruction just like they did in Iraq or in Afghanistan. The last license to kill to be revoked will be the license to kill ourselves. This is largely a symbolic gesture, but non-symbolic nongestures of a preventive nature are sure to follow. You see, my fellow space travelers, murder happens to be illegal. In most jurisdictions, inciting others to murder also happens to be illegal. Americans have granted themselves the license to kill without checking to see whether perhaps they might be exceeding their authority. We should expect, then, that as their power trickles away, their Dmitry Orlov is a Russian-American engineer and a writer on subjects related to "potential economic, ecological and political decline and collapse in the United States," something he has called “permanent crisis”. This just in: Americans don't support their own displacement by Old Rebel (Mike Tuggle) Just 16% of Likely U.S. Voters think the U.S. government is too aggressive in deporting those who are in the country illegally. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 62% believe the government is not aggressive enough in deporting these illegal immigrants, up from 52% a year ago and 56% in November. The media, academia, government, and Hollywood all agree: Importing a Third-World majority to replace America's traditional population isn't just the right thing to do, it will magically usher in economic and cultural riches galore. (Of course, they never explain how those who created the impoverished hell-holes they spawned in the old country will morph into creators of culture and wealth once they come here.) Meanwhile, the SPLC and other bully-boys slam dissidents who fail to embrace the party line as unhip-white-supremacist-neo-nazi-bad-people. How about that? There's still a stubborn spirit of rebellion in this country. No matter how much the ruling elite and its flying monkeys threaten and curse, we still refuse to believe their lies. Makes you proud. Despite all that, an overwhelming majority doesn't buy it, as this Rasmussen survey on illegal immigration shows: The inevitable question is this: Will DC's policies change in response? No. The 1 Percenters want even more cheap, exploitable labor, and Democrats want more clients. So brace yourself for more illegal immigration and the problems it will import. And those childish fools who think we live in a "democracy" have some 'splainin' to do. More voters than ever feel the United States is not aggressive enough in deporting those who are here illegally, even as President Obama continues to push his plan to make up to five million illegal immigrants safe from deportation. 73 The US Lost Its Wars on Iraq and Afganistan By Michael S. Rozeff sort out which of the males there … might be insurgents, [or] who might be just people living in the area, [or] who might potentially be government supporters, when you don’t speak the language and you really don’t understand what’s going on in that village very well.” Chaos and instability in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen (and some other countries) are not the planned outcome of the U.S. government. They have occurred because of faulty strategies and operations, which in turn have multiple roots that can be explored and identified. These results are outright failures. Current U.S. activities in Yemen and Ukraine suggest that these faults continue. All of this was known and predictable to anyone who looked at the past objectively based on earlier interventions in places like Vietnam. Clearly, the U.S. political-military-intelligence system is bad at learning from history and it’s bad at using power rationally to attain the objectives it sets up. This is like saying that the U.S. is bad at eradicating drug use, bad at helping poor farmers, bad at laying down dietary guidelines, bad at handling disasters and bad at regulating drugs, among other of its portfolio of activities. The U.S. is also bad at interventionist foreign policy and foreign policy in general. Fundamentally, the government shouldn’t be doing any of these things. It shouldn’t have the power to do any of them. Americans should not expect that government can do these things, and when it does establish objectives what should be expected is that it will not attain them but will do them badly. We need not expect utter disaster from government’s policies, although that too may come. Even the government knows enough to pull back when the costs get too high, but the point at which this learning takes place and the time it takes for this learning to occur do not arrive until enormous costs, errors and burdens have been imposed on Americans and other peoples. The system attempts rationality and wears the clothing of rationally-considered judgments and analyses, but it’s fundamentally stupid, ignorant and irrational. This is what must be admitted and recognized. General Bolger has written a 500-page book. Below, I quote some of his remarks from a recent interview. “I am a United States Army General, and I lost the Global War on Terrorism. “It’s like Alcoholics Anonymous. Step one is admitting you have a problem. Well, I have a problem. So do my peers. And thanks to our problem, now all of America has a problem. To wit: two lost campaigns and a war gone awry. “What I saw almost immediately was trouble figuring out who the enemy was. We knew within a day or two of the 9/11 attacks that it was al-Qaida, a terrorist network that had a headquarters element, if you would call it that, or a chairman of the board in Osama bin Laden. And they were operating out of Afghanistan. “But that’s not who we ended up fighting most of the time. Sure, we went after al-Qaida at times. But we ended up fighting the Taliban, which were Pashtun people in Afghanistan who were trying to run that country. We evicted them in 2001. And we ended up fighting Sunni Arab insurgents in Iraq, who, again — although they might make common cause with al-Qaida — those weren’t the guys who attacked us on 9/11. The stupid mistakes that General Bolger outlines flow from an over-reliance on government to accomplish things that it cannot accomplish, even when it’s manned by people of good will who try their best to achieve what are thought to be sound objectives, but which frequently are not sound in the first place. The government takes on quixotic ventures. They have appeal to voters, enough appeal to gain public support; but they are deeply flawed matters to demand of government. “One of the things that we often say in the military is you have to fight for information, or fight for intelligence. So as we developed this picture and it became obvious that we were fighting an insurgent enemy mixed into a civil population that was suspicious of us anyway as outsiders (and that was true in both Afghanistan and Iraq), it really brought up the second point, which is, what is the U.S. military trained to do? And the U.S. military is trained to carry out short and decisive conventional operations against a uniformed [enemy in formations]. Government is power, and power cannot solve social and economic problems, like drugs and poverty. Power cannot eradicate terrorism overseas. What’s remarkable about government is that although it cannot resolve problems like drug use, alcohol use, poverty, and terrorism, it can make them worse or create new problems in trying to solve these. It can cause criminal elements to thrive by prohibiting drugs. It can cause police corruption. It can “So if you want us to go in and do something along the lines of 1991 Desert Storm, where we go against armored divisions and air force squadrons of the Iraqi forces and destroy them and capture the remainder, that’s what we’re trained to do. It’s very, very difficult to take even the great troops that we have and send them into a village to try and 74 break up and undermine minority families and communities. It can cause jihadist recruiting to soar. government. Government needs to be rethought and then reconfigured. These effects and many others like them argue for limiting government severely. Americans have not learned this lesson. In some ways such as the raising of freedom as an ideal, there is lip service to limited government; but this lesson has not penetrated deeply into the American way of Michael S. Rozeff is a retired Professor of Finance living in East Amherst, New York. He is the author of the free ebook Essays on American Empire: Liberty vs. Domination and the free e-book The U.S. Constitution and Money: Corruption and Decline. Newsmax Wall Street Journal: NRA Snubs Rand Paul Because He Supports Rival Group By Jason Devaney Several Republicans who are either in the presidential race or are expected to join it will speak at the National Rifle Association's three-day annual convention starting Friday, minus one newly confirmed candidate: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul. Journal report that cites the group's president Dudley Brown. The Wall Street Journal reports the reason is because Paul, who joined the 2016 race for the White House this week, has long supported the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR). That group, according to the Journal, markets itself as a "more conservative alternative" to the NRA. "I've been a gun lobbyist for 22 years and there's never been a point at which we did not have tension," Brown said, referring to the NRA and the NAGR. "We're younger, we're hungrier and we care less about the cocktail parties in Washington, D.C." "It was no secret that Sen. Paul is more pro-gun than the NRA," Brown told the Journal. The NAGR has close ties with the Paul family, according to the Journal report. The NAGR's founder Michael Rothfeld still works with the NAGR and also owns a direct mail firm that has been used by both Rand Paul and his father Ron Paul, who unsuccessfully ran for president in 1988, 2008, and 2012. Neither Paul nor New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is mulling a presidential run, were invited to the NRA's convention in Nashville, Tenn. The NRA said Tuesday it "could not accommodate everyone," alluding to its packed speaking schedule as a reason. The Journal report claims politics were the real reason. There's also attorney David Warrington, the NAGR's chairman and who served as Ron Paul's general council during the 2012 presidential campaign, according to the Journal. According to the report, the NRA has informed Paul's team he will not be invited to any NRA events unless he severs his ties with the NAGR. Next year's NRA convention is in Louisville, but it's unlikely Rand Paul would be invited to speak despite it being in his home state. Three other potential candidates for president — South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson — were not initially invited to speak at the NRA's conference, but they were added to the list of speakers after requesting to be put on the schedule, according to the Journal. Paul launched his presidential campaign in Louisville on Tuesday, and has been on a tour of the country touting his message since. He was in New Hampshire on Wednesday, followed by a visit to South Carolina on Thursday. He also plans to visit Iowa and Nevada this week. Paul was the second major candidate to enter the presidential race, behind Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Among the other Republicans expected to join the race are former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. The report adds that Paul and Christie did not submit a request to speak at the convention, which is expected to draw more than 70,000 attendees. Paul is the only candidate or potential candidate for president who is a member of the NAGR, according to the 75 Christians' Long Retreat in the Culture War Explains 'the Republican rout in the Battle of Indianapolis' By Pat Buchanan Soon, same-sex marriages will likely be declared a right hidden in the Constitution and entitled to all the privileges and benefits accorded traditional marriages. Next, those who refuse to provide services to same-sex weddings will become the criminals. The Republican rout in the Battle of Indianapolis provides us with a snapshot of the correlation of forces in the culture wars. Faced with a corporate-secularist firestorm, Gov. Mike Pence said Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act would not protect Christian bakers or florists who refuse their services to same-sex weddings. And the white flag went up again. Thus does biblical truth become bigotry in Obama’s America. And the process has been steadily proceeding for generations. Politics follows culture. And the cultural revolution of the ’60s is triumphant. Traditional Christianity, driven out of schools and the public square, is being whipped back into the churches and told to stay there. First comes a call for tolerance for those who believe and behave differently. Then comes a plea for acceptance. Next comes a demand for codifying in law a right to engage in actions formerly regarded as debased or criminal. Finally comes a demand to punish any and all who persist in their public conduct or their private business in defying the new moral order. America has gone over to the revolution. Looking back, the sweep of the capitulation becomes stark. First came the plea of atheists not to have their children forced to participate in prayers at school. Fair enough. Americans do not believe in compelling people to do as they disbelieve. And so it goes with revolutions. On the assumption of power, revolutionaries become more intolerant than those they dispossessed. The French Revolution was many times more terrible than the Bourbon monarchy. The Russian Revolution made the Romanovs look benign. Fidel Castro’s criminality exceeded anything dreamt of by Fulgencio Batista. Then followed the demand that no child be exposed to prayers or religious books, including the Bible, nor have any day or week set aside as a holiday if connected to Christianity. Looking back, one appreciates why we hear so often, “This isn’t the country I grew up in.” For it isn’t. Out went Christmas and Easter. In came winter break and spring break. Coaches of high school teams were ordered to dispense with prayers before games. The coaches complied. But how did this moral-cultural revolution succeed so easily? No matter what the majority wanted, the minority prevailed, thanks to a Supreme Court whose dictates were never challenged by democratically elected presidents or Congresses, nor ever defied by a Christian majority. How was it that the Greatest Generation that won World War II let itself be intimidated by and dictated to by nine old men with lifetime tenure who had been elected by no one? In the sexual revolution there came first the plea that abortion in extreme cases be decriminalized, then legalized, then subsidized, then declared a right. From crime to constitutional right in two decades! How did this happen in a republic where minority rights exist but the majority rules? Why did Middle America meekly comply and not resist? By the mid-’50s and early ’60s, black folks were engaged in civil disobedience, refusing to move to the back of the bus, sitting at segregated lunch counters, getting clubbed by cops, and marching for equal access to schools, hotels, motels and voting booths. Under Obamacare, Christian businesses must dispense abortion-inducing morning-after pills to employees. On gay rights, first came the demand that a bar in Greenwich Village patronized by homosexuals be left alone by the cops. And across the South there was resistance to the civil rights revolution: Southern manifestos, governors standing in schoolhouse doors, federal marshals and federal troops called out. Next came the demand that homosexuality be decriminalized and then that this, too, be declared a constitutional right. And so it went. 76 Whatever side of the civil rights revolution one was on, folks on both sides fought for what they believed in. When that father and daughter at Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, said their religious beliefs forbade them from catering a same-sex wedding, they were subjected to a hailstorm of hate, but were also showered with $840,000 from folks who admired their moral courage. Amazing. The old segregationists who, morally speaking, held a pair of deuces resisted. But a Christian majority that had the Faith that created Western civilization behind it rolled over and played dead. Religious folks who do not believe in collaborating with what they think is wrong should go forth and do likewise. Christians watched paralyzed as their country was taken from them. Courage as well as cowardice is contagious. What explains the rout in Indianapolis? The GOP simply cannot stand up to media denunciations as intolerant bigots, especially if the corporations upon which they depend threaten economic reprisals. Pat Buchanan was twice a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and the Reform Party's candidate in 2000. He is also a founder and editor of The American Conservative. Buchanan served three presidents in the White House, was a founding panelist of three national TV shows, and is the author of 10 books. His latest book is "The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority." With the Democratic Party irretrievably lost, and the Republican Party moving to neutrality in the culture wars, traditionalists should probably take comfort in the counsel, “Put not your trust in princes.” AFP Human Rights Watch Sues DEA Over Surveillance Human Rights Watch said Wednesday it filed a suit alleging the US Drug Enforcement Administration illegally collected records of its phone calls to foreign countries for years. "The DEA's program is yet another example of federal agencies overreaching their surveillance authority in secret," said Mark Rumold, staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is representing the human rights organization. The lawsuit comes after a series of media reports and disclosures in public documents revealing a surveillance program dating back to the 1990s, which reportedly collected data on virtually all international phone calls. "We want a court to force the DEA to destroy the records it illegally collected and to declare -- once and for all -that bulk collection of Americans' records is unconstitutional." "At Human Rights Watch we work with people who are sometimes in life-or-death situations, where speaking out can make them a target," said Dinah PoKempner, general counsel at the watchdog group. According to the complaint, the DEA disclosed the existence of its mass surveillance program in January 2015, after a federal judge ordered the government to provide more information in a criminal case against a man accused of violating export restrictions on goods to Iran. "Whom we communicate with and when is often extraordinarily sensitive -- and it's information that we wouldn't turn over to the government lightly." News reports have said that the operation gathered records on calls to over 100 countries. The suit filed in federal court in California asks a judge to declare the surveillance a violation of the group's constitutional rights, and to purge all records from the program. USA Today reported this week that the DEA program -aimed at tracking drug traffickers -- harvested data from more than one billion calls from as early as 1992. 77 When a Conservative Is Not a Conservative Looks at evangelical change-agents By Jim Fletcher For example, a now-annual question I have for Catalyst conferences (where Merritt has spoken) is, “Why do you allow left-leaning speakers – such as the radical Cornel West – to address evangelical pastors and youth pastors?” This week, before he scrubbed his comment from Facebook, progressive writer Jonathan Merritt told me he doesn’t like the work I do, or that WND does. Why? It’s a simple question, but one that Catalyst leadership refuses to answer. Because as a member of conservative Christian royalty, Jonathan Merritt doesn’t like conservative writers. So too does Jonathan Merritt resent when I point out that he is not – as he claims – moderately conservative. Read his blogs. The son of the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention (Dr. James Merritt), Merritt is what I call a change-agent within evangelicalism. His career as a writer (from impressively large perches like Religion News Service) makes him a leader in this area. Note too that many national evangelical leaders, including folks like Ed Stetzer and Mark Batterson, endorse or provide cover for Merritt’s left-wing views. In essence, Jonathan Merritt introduces left-wing thought to evangelical audiences. Of course a big target area is the Millennial generation, those 18- to 35-year-olds who do not share the bedrock conservative principles of their parents and grandparents. Such evidence is found in, to cite just one example, the Amazon endorsements for Merritt’s 2014 book, “Jesus is Better Than You Imagined” (I’ve never “imagined” Jesus, myself). Batterson. Tullian Tchividjian. Leonard Sweet. Rebekah Lyons. Shane Claiborne. Brad Lomenick. Rachel Held Evans. (If you want to search for some interesting info on each, go to Apprising Ministries.) Generally speaking. For example, younger generations unquestionably are much more likely to embrace the homosexual agenda. This is the generation raised on Oprah and Ellen. Merritt engages in what I call the manipulation of language. From his perch as a progressive writer, he is able to interview fellow change agents like Held Evans and Rob Bell. This introduces their progressive ideas about Christianity and faith. Merritt himself was “outed” a couple years ago, and his odd public acknowledgment of an encounter with another man made some headlines. Interestingly, however, the revelation did not impede his career. Nor am I aware of celebrity pastors who questioned his story, in a negative sense. This is part of the New Evangelicalism. Through it all, Merritt self-identifies as a “moderate conservative.” This is to fool rank-and-file evangelicals. Shame on the Ed Stetzers of the world for helping mainstream him. The reason for that is, in my opinion, the spirit of the age is with Jonathan Merritt. Progressivism, center-left thought, cultural acceptance and multi-cultural emphasis in schools and even churches have brought us to the place where a Jonathan Merritt can enjoy a booming writing/speaking career, even as he helps transition the American church into a left-wing entity. On a wide range of social and theological issues, Merritt outs himself as a progressive. But he insists on calling himself a moderate conservative. Curious, curious. He doesn’t like my writing, or the focus of WND, because we are one of the relatively few voices spotlighting such an agenda. This past week, I engaged him on his Facebook page, calling him progressive. Eventually he weighed in, finally accusing me of “pleading” for an interview with him. And it is an agenda. That is classic smokescreen. It is fascinating to note that when I attempt to dialogue with these change-agents, they become annoyed and try to marginalize me. But they never answer my questions. I admit that I would like to ask him many questions, including why he spoke at a Telos gathering in 2013. The gathering was a strategy session for engaging audiences regarding the Israel/Palestinian issue. Telos presents itself as a “pro-pro-pro” group, meaning they are for everyone, 78 yet curiously they constantly promote a view of the ArabIsraeli conflict that sounds like a PLO press release. The name of the game today in evangelicalism is obfuscate, marginalize “critics” and shield progressive agendas from the rank-and-file. I don’t get to have questions like this answered because the best-known evangelical leaders in the U.S. do not wish to answer questions like this. “Nothing to see here, move along.” Except, there is much to see. Jonathan Merritt chose to scrub my comments and our exchange from his Facebook page. That is classic evasion, and it doesn’t serve the Christian community Merritt and his friends purport to serve and love. Blogger and researcher Jim Fletcher has worked in the book publishing industry for 15 years, and is now director of the apologetics group Prophecy Matters. His new book, "Truth Wins," provides important analysis of Rob Bell and his Emergent friends. Key gun rights questions likely to go unasked at NRA meeting By David Codrea immigrants in this country have “earned the right to be citizens.” And then look at what some of the leading Republicans have said about the issue. No candidate for NRA director has campaigned for office with the amnesty/pathway danger being even an acknowledged issue, let alone the most critical one threatening legal recognition of the right to keep and bear arms. Indeed, quite the opposite has occurred. Ditto for holding politicians accountable for policies they endorse, despite an admission from a Democrat congressman that immigration “will decide who is in charge of this country for the next 20 or 30 years.” There’s a real simple way for those in the gun rights community who wish this issue to go away to get those of us who keep bringing it up to stop: Provide credible evidence -- not anecdotes and platitudes, but something that can be independently validated -- that refutes and puts to rest the concerns. If injecting millions of antigun voters dependent on Democrat “entitlements” into the electorate will not result in an unbeatable “progressive” super-majority, having a disastrous effect on politicians elected, laws passed, judges confirmed, and decisions upheld, all they need do is share with us how they know that. While NRA meeting attendees preoccupy themselves with the immediately fun aspects of cool firearms on display (and watch that trigger discipline!), lack of awareness and focus on a critical threat portend a bleak future for gun owners. As gun owners gather this weekend for the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Nashville, two events are scheduled to take place that will have lasting effects on politics affecting the right to keep and bear arms: This year’s meeting of members, and appearances by politicians of national stature, including one announced and several likely presidential contenders. Likely to go unchallenged and unchanged is NRA’s deliberate indifference to the one issue that has the potential to undo and reverse all legislative and judicial gains for gun rights won to date: Amnesty for illegal aliens followed up with a “pathway to citizenship.” There's a chance to do something significant to alter the most likely outcome now, this weekend in Nashville. Chances are, though, no one of import in the gun community will put it to the members, or even allow it to be brought up. The reason for that is something else that ought to be shared. All credible polls reveal a demographic that overwhelmingly supports Democrats, and further, overwhelmingly supports stricter government controls on guns. Couple that with Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson declaring the millions of undocumented David Codrea is a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He is a field editor for GUNS Magazine, and a blogger at The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance. 79 Deadly Pair: Corrupt Media & Ignorant Populace 'Who gave high court permission to redefine anything?' By Bradlee Dean For example, the American people are led to believe that the Supreme Court can redefine God’s definition of marriage (Genesis 2:24). “How is it, America, that these criminals in government know how to lie better than most in this country know how to tell the truth?” – Bradlee Dean (1 Kings 18:21) Americans are now awaiting a very radical and corrupt court to make a decision on the definition of marriage. Let me tell you plainly that government did not create marriage and, therefore, has no business redefining it. So, why are Americans awaiting a decision from the high court? They are to discover God’s Law and apply God’s Law. Who gave the Supreme Court permission to redefine anything? The ignorance of the American people has done this (Hosea 4:6). I have to ask the American people a question: Do you really want Jeb Bush as president? Really? Have the American people not judged the corrupt tree for what it is and the fruit it has borne (Luke 6:44)? Is it that Americans cannot see the Bush family for who they are after years of corruption? Now, the state-controlled media, namely the conservative outlets, are trying to convince us that Jeb Bush is the No. 1 pick through polls that are clearly skewed, as well as fraudulent. “If the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of what the Constitution says, then we have ceased to be our own rulers (Under God), and the Supreme Court is our ruler.” – President Andrew Jackson President Hilary Clinton? Really? Who is attempting to legitimize this criminal? Do I need to say anything about Hilary and her crime-strewn past? To latch on to the fact that she is a legitimate pick for the presidency of the United States is far beyond comprehension. Americans have been, for years, talking about Obamacare. Yet, Obamacare is unconstitutional and, therefore, illegal, according to Article I, Section 8, of the United States Constitution. Instead of the state-controlled media doing their job by exposing its unconstitutionality and putting the question to this administration as to where they derived their authority to enact an unconstitutional agenda, they divide the people into opposing groups to debate what is illegal. Who gave corrupt government permission to violate constitutional law? Ignorance has (Hosea 4:6)! Isn’t everyone across the board, and I mean everyone, talking about how sick and tired they are of the establishment? Yes, they are! Yet, this exhibits the media’s willingness to stay persistent regardless of what the American people are really calling for. In other words, shove it down their throats until they accept that we (the Establishment) are the ruling class, like it or not! This is becoming more apparent every day in this country. These useful idiots lead Americans on with a cycle of rhetorical talk day after day with the same backward flow of information through a system that corruption means to destroy. It is like giving bad medicine to a healthy body. But rest assured – the body can only take so much before it will fail. When did this all go wrong? “Kings become tyrants through policy when subjects have become rebels from principles.” (Psalm 18:21, Exodus 20) The good news is that it all stops when the American people have had enough! There is no doubt the state-controlled media are pushing the talking points of the day, which get the American people to ask the wrong questions to create debate in an attempt to implement illegal legislation through their propaganda. And propaganda it is. Yet, it does not go forward without the ignorance of the people that have allowed it to go on. Bradlee Dean is an ordained preacher, heavy metal drummer, talk-show host of the Sons of Liberty Radio, and a speaker on college and high school campuses, in churches, and headlines for patriot events across the country. 80 Pols and Reporters: Lying with Impunity We're in grave peril when leaders, journalists get away with fabrication By Laura Hollis overlooked his administration’s grievous ruptures of the public trust, including Obamacare, Fast and Furious, Benghazi and the Bowe Bergdahl trade for terrorists (to say nothing of his disregard for the constitutional limits of his office). The press dutifully repeats White House talking points like victims of Jedi mind control: “You can keep your doctor. … We knew nothing about the guns. … It was a video. … He served with distinction. … These aren’t the droids we’re looking for.” Nothing to see here, folks; move along. There is a disturbing pattern to recent events in the news. On April 5, Columbia University’s School of Journalism released its damning report on the Rolling Stone article about a supposed brutally violent gang rape at the University of Virginia. As many suspected, the report reveals that author Sabrina Rubin Erdely did not do even the most basic investigative work on the allegations made by “Jackie,” the accuser. None of the facts related to the attack can be proven (and many have been disproven). Rolling Stone has officially retracted the story, and Erdely has apologized (though not to the members of the fraternity accused of rape). But the damage to UVA and the accused fraternity – not to mention future victims of actual assaults – is incalculable. This would be dangerous enough if it were an isolated case of cult of personality. But as the Rolling Stone/UVA rape story demonstrates, principles of journalistic integrity have been abandoned more broadly, in favor of what’s called the “larger narrative”: It doesn’t matter if this particular story isn’t true or who is falsely accused; what matters are the social ends we want to accomplish. A few days earlier, we were treated to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s interview with CNN’s Dana Bash. In July of 2012, Reid had taken to the Senate floor and accused Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney of having evaded taxes for a decade. Pressed for details, including a source, Reid demurred, insisting that an “insider” at Bain Capital had provided the information. PolitiFact characterized this as a lie of “pants on fire” magnitude, but widespread press coverage produced the intended effect. In their articles about the Columbia report, authors Clay Shirky in The New Republic, and Jay Rosen in PressThink, both identify a key word: “emblematic.” Erdely was searching for an “emblematic” rape case. Phi Kappa Psi was seen as an “emblematic” fraternity. In response to the statement that Erdely was looking for a school with the “right feel,” Rosen retorts, “What kind of ‘feel’ is this? It’s feeling for a fit between discovered story and a prior – given – narrative.” In the interview, Bash asked Reid whether he regretted using such deceitful tactics. “Some might call it McCarthyite,” she suggested. Reid was impenitent. “They can call it whatever they like,” he sneered. “Romney didn’t win, did he?” Bingo. There seems to be a collective shrug of helpless resignation when politicians or policymakers lie. But we should be appalled when journalists facilitate those lies (or create their own) because they share the liars’ social objectives. The social mediaverse erupted. Even in today’s jaded political climate, this struck observers as brazen. But why are we surprised? Deceit by politicians has become de rigueur, one more tool to be used in pursuit of a desired end. When politicians can lie with impunity and “journalists” are more enamored with a “narrative” than with facts, we are in grave peril, indeed. It is hard to know which is more damaging: believing the lies we are being told or sinking into a state of cynical resignation, assuming that no one tells the truth anymore. Either result rewards the liars and corrodes the culture. Last fall, we heard MIT economics professor Jonathan Gruber’s videotaped admissions that “lack of transparency” was necessary in order to pass Obamacare, because Americans are “too stupid” to do what he and the rest of the political elite think is best for us. This was preceded by the abysmal launch of Healthcare.gov, and the revelations that President Obama’s years of assurances about his signature piece of legislation were lies. He had promised Americans that they would lose neither their insurance plans nor their doctors, knowing it wasn’t true. Millions lost both. We deserve better. But we will not get it unless we demand it. From deceitful politicians, we can withhold our vote. From deceitful media, we can withhold our money. Those are – apparently – the primary currencies they understand. Laura Hollis is associate professor of teaching, Department of Accoutancy at Mendoza College of Business, and concurrent associate professor of law at Notre Dame Law School, University of Notre Dame. The American media’s obsequious love affair with Obama has played a key role in this manipulation, as they have 81 What Really Is 'Gun Violence'? Shines light on 'studies' that skew statistics about firearm use By Jeff Knox arsenal in the 1970s and which has fueled massive surges in violent crime in “controlled” nations like Great Britain. When you hear terms like “gun violence” and “gun deaths,” what do you think of? For most people, the first thought is of thugs waving guns and shooting people during the commission of a violent crime. But that’s not what’s being talked about in “studies” and “statistics” published in the media. Sure they include this terminology when they report on those types of crimes, but most of the time, when the media talks about “gun violence” or “gun deaths,” they’re following a game plan from gun control advocacy groups, and the data are based on much more than violent criminals. The “gun violence” and “gun deaths” they’re talking about also includes armed citizens using guns to defend themselves and their families, police using guns to stop criminals, hunters unintentionally shooting themselves or others in the fields and people who use guns when they choose to take their own lives. Over 60 percent of all firearm-related deaths are suicides. Newspapers, TV and radio news and talk shows and Internet sites across the country have been promoting the “study” as a significant news story under such catchy headlines as “Bullets vs. Buicks” and “Bangers vs. Bullets.” Some of the stories make a halfhearted effort toward balance by pointing out in passing that suicides and justified shootings are included in the aggregate, or including a comment from a rights supporter, but never do you see any rational analysis of the methodology of the “study,” the bias and agenda of the authors, or discussion of various factors involved in the statistics. In all of the mainstream media reports on this “study,” which has been re-released annually with updated numbers for at least the past five years, I have never seen mention of the fact that nationally, and in every state I’ve analyzed, murders and unintentional deaths by firearm have been declining at a faster rate than traffic fatalities. Never have I seen it pointed out that this decline has been occurring while the numbers of guns and gun owners has been increasing dramatically. Nor have I ever seen mention that total miles driven in the U.S. and in most states, particularly among younger drivers, was going down throughout the “study” period thanks to escalating gasoline prices. And I’ve never seen a story discussing justifiable “car deaths.” When you hear the term “gun violence” do you think of a mom shooting a violent intruder in her home? Or a police officer shooting an armed criminal? While all of these describe “gun deaths,” they are not the sort of gun deaths most people think of when the term is thrown out on the table. It’s the use – and abuse – of this type of terminology in the media and from politicians that keeps the American public confused about the role of guns in our society. The confusion is no accident. Gun control groups intentionally use deceptive terminology in bogus “studies” and false or misleading statistics, and media outlets regurgitate this distorted information with no skepticism, analysis or basic fact-checking. Media reports are often verbatim republications of these advocacy groups’ press releases. The one statistic that skews the charts is suicide. Over 60 percent of all firearm-related deaths in the U.S. are attributable to suicide. Rates of suicide by gun are not surprisingly higher in states where guns are more common, and guns tend to be more common in lower populated, Western states where traffic fatalities tend to be lower. Suicide rates have been edging up slightly over the past decade, with the predominant demographic of increase being young military veterans. The Violence Policy Center – a gun control advocacy group funded almost entirely by the Joyce Foundation, on whose board of directors Barack Obama once served – has been getting tons of free media with a nonsensical comparison between “gun deaths” and traffic fatalities. In the “study,” which is really nothing more than an opinion piece with some carefully selected statistics thrown in, they make much of the fact that “gun deaths” are eclipsing traffic deaths in many states. They credit reductions in traffic fatalities to government regulations like drunk driving laws and safety requirements for cars. The suggestion is that additional regulations on guns and gun owners would have a similar positive impact on “gun deaths.” This is the same sort of “magical thinking” that encouraged unilateral destruction of the U.S. nuclear That is a tragic reality, and it is something that is just as much a concern to gun owners as any other American. We at The Firearms Coalition believe that this is another area where education can make a significant impact, just as it has in reducing unintentional firearm deaths and injuries. While there is some research suggesting that waiting periods for firearm purchases might have some positive impact on suicide rates, the most comprehensive research to date to reach this conclusion found only a very small impact on a fairly narrow demographic: white males over 55 years of age. It is also worth noting that the research was funded by the Joyce Foundation, the same 82 The next time you see a report about “gun violence,” look closely to see if it’s really about gun violence or actually about promoting gun control. The 50 percent reduction in “gun murder” in the U.S. over the past 20 years, while guns and gun ownership have been going up and gun control laws have been being liberalized, clearly shows that guns don’t cause violence. Using a gun to stop a violent criminal should never be labeled as “gun violence.” folks who fund the Violence Policy Center and many other anti-rights activities. Any positive impact of these types of laws is unlikely to outweigh the negative impact on people in immediate need of a firearm for self-defense purposes. Gun groups have always been the front line in true gun safety efforts, and we have been amazingly effective at reducing accidental deaths attributable to negligent discharges. Gun groups should also be in the vanguard of efforts to prevent firearm suicides, understanding that the goal must be preventing suicides, not just reducing the percentage of them committed using firearms. For more information on suicide prevention, check out www.afsp.org. Jeff Knox is a second-generation political activist and director of The Firearms Coalition. His writing can regularly be seen in Shotgun News and Front Sight magazines as well as on WND. Newsmax Finance Brookings' Haskins: 'We're Headed Toward a Fiscal Black Hole' By Dan Weil Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff is concerned too. To those who say the government debt is easily manageable, he has a sobering reply. While public focus on the government's massive debt burden has faded a bit in recent months, it remains a huge problem, says Ron Haskins, an economist at the Brookings Institution. "Our country is broke. It's not broke in 75 years or 50 years or 25 years or 10 years. It's broke today," Kotlikoff told the Senate Budget Committee in February. "Indeed, it may well be in worse fiscal shape than any developed country, including Greece." "Of all the failures of recent Congresses and Presidents, none is more important than their failure to deal with the nation's long-term debt," he writes in an article for Real Clear Markets. And what about official figures showing that federal government debt is "only" 74 percent of GDP? "Unfortunately, the federal debt is not an economic measure of anything, including our nation's fiscal position," Kotlikoff said. "Although Congress tied itself in knots trying to address the problem, the growth of debt remains, in the words of the Congressional Budget Office, 'unsustainable.'" When the Great Recession began in 2007, the federal government's debt totaled about 40 percent of GDP. But that ratio surged to 78 percent of GDP in 2013. For example that figure omits the almost $750 billion the government is collecting this year in Social Security payroll taxes from workers and the future Social Security transfer payments these FICA contributions secure, he explains. "The annual deficit is now declining at a stately pace, but by 2016 it will begin increasing again," Haskins explains. Debt will jump to well over 100 percent of GDP by 2039, according to a conservative estimate by the Congressional Budget Office. In reality we're facing a fiscal gap of $210 trillion Kotlikoff contends. That's almost 12 times current GDP of $18 trillion. "But little if any congressional action is planned to deal with the notorious level of debt," Haskins writes. "We're headed toward a fiscal black hole." 83 Newsmax Grover Norquist: White House Ordered IRS to Stop Tea Party Groups By Courtney Coren unions, allowing for a significant increase in donor spending. The Obama administration ordered the IRS to shut down tea party and conservative groups so they wouldn't be a threat to the president's chances of re-election, conservative activist Grover Norquist alleges in his latest book. "Everyone is up in arms because they don't like it," Lerner said about the Supreme Court decision during a speech at Duke University in October 2010, Norquist cites. Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, makes the case for a fairer, simpler tax system in "End the IRS Before It Ends Us," which was released Tuesday, as he also makes a case for what happened during the IRS-tea party scandal, according to review by Paul Bedard of The Washington Examiner. "The Federal Election Commission can't do anything about it. They want the IRS to fix the problem. The IRS laws are not set up to fix the problem ... so everyone is screaming at us right now: Fix it now before the election," she is quoted as saying. The tax reform advocate makes his case for the White House's involvement based on studies on the electoral system, while showing what was happening with the IRS and tea party groups in the years leading up to 2012, and how the agency's efforts slowed the growth of the tea party movement. Norquist claims that after that, the IRS started working to do what it could to curtail the growth of the tea party movement and keep voters from voting for presidential contender Mitt Romney in 2012 by putting tea party groups through extensive scrutiny and slowing down the processing time for nonprofit approval. "Had the tea party repeated and built on their activism of 2009 and 2010 in 2011 and 2012, Obama would have lost the election. What happened to the tea party boost? It didn't grow from 2010. It appeared to weaken," Norquist writes. "In our modern kneecapping, President [Barack] Obama was Tonya Harding. The American people who had voted strongly in 2010 and threatened the president's chances of winning ... [re-election]," Norquist writes. However, he says that it isn't because the tea party fell "down the stairs. It was pushed." The conservative activist contends that slowing down the process for tea party groups to acquire tax-exempt status kept groups from getting off the ground and may have prevented others "by stopping them from organizing." Norquist cites a study on the tea party movement showing that an extra 5.8 million more Republican voters went to the polls to vote in the 2010 midterm elections, giving the Republicans control of the House, because of the effort of tea party groups. California Rep. Darrell Issa, who used to head the House Government Oversight Committee, made similar allegations about Lerner in July while appearing on Fox News Channel. "She was an active participant in trying to undo what she saw — and the president saw — as the damage of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision," Issa said. By contrast, former IRS official Lois Lerner claimed that she was given orders to "do something" to prevent conservative groups from receiving funding to do the same thing before the 2012 election after the Supreme Court's decision on Citizens United, Norquist also cites. "The president doesn't like what the Supreme Court says. She doesn't like it, and they think they're going to overturn it," he added. The Citizens United decision prevents restrictions on political spending by corporations, associations, or labor 84 A classic case of asking the wrong question. The real question is "How many dead tyrannical politicians and rogue cops does it take to stop firearm confiscation?" By Mike Vanderboegh, an alleged leader of the merry band of Three Percenters This is entirely the wrong question. Let's accept the premise, as those who live behind enemy in states like Connecticut are forced to every day. The salient question is instead: How many tyrannical politicians and rogue cops doing their bidding is it necessary to kill before the raids stop? My guess is, not very many. "Remember: Evil exists because good men don't kill the government officials committing it." -- Kurt Hofmann. The French have a saying, "pour encourager les autres." "To encourage the others." This is used ironically as in "The Colonel had to be shot in order to encourage the others." Exactly. An article in Guns.com asks: “Will police confiscate guns if the government orders it?” Newsmax Richard Land: At Easter Event, Obama Took 'Sly Pot Shot' at Christians By Courtney Coren President Barack Obama's recent comments on religious issues shows that "he has a very strange definition of freedom of religion," says Dr. Richard Land, president of the Southern Evangelical Seminary. "This is the weaponization of government, and it's one of the things that Mr. Obama is very good at," he added. At an Easter Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday, Obama said that while he reflects on his Christianity, "I am supposed to love, and I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less-than-loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned." "He believes in freedom of religion as long as you agree with him, but if you disagree with him on gay marriage, for instance, then he wants to weaponize the government against you," Land told J.D. Hayworth on "America's Forum" on Newsmax TV. Land said that he thought "it was a curious venue, an Easter breakfast, to take a sly pot shot at Christians. "He doesn't speak up for florists and bakers and photographers who don't want to be coerced into having to participate in a gay wedding when they find this to be morally reprehensible," he said. "Most people feel that he was referencing the recent flap in Indiana," he said. "In the recent flap in Indiana, it was the Christians who were the objects of hate, it was the Christians who were the objects of prejudice, it was the Christians who were bullied and it was the Christians who were threatened, not non-Christians," he said. "I believe they have a right to say, 'we are not going to provide that service for you,'" he said. "There is no community in America where they won't be able to find people to provide that service. "The president has an odd way of looking at things." "Why do they want to compel someone to, under penalty of law, violate their conscience?" Land asked. 85 Free Florida First For a Free, Independent, Godly, Prosperous and Traditionally Southern Florida Next Meeting: Monday, April 13th at 7:30pm Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 13, at 7:30pm at the church meeting house, circle the date on your calendar today, and plan to be with us. Free Florida First is an independent organization advocating the secession of Florida from the United States and its subsequent independence. If you agree, we invite you to join the Southern resistance. Visit us on the web at: www.freefloridafirst.org Just for Your Consideration is compiled by Pastor Greg Wilson of Landmark Baptist Church, Archer, Florida. The articles contained within do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Pastor Wilson or of Landmark Baptist Church. Much of what you will find is not available via the so-called “main stream media.” The articles are presented just for your consideration, education and edification. For more information about our church, please visit our web site at: www.libcfl.com 86
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