Volume 52 No. 4 april 2015 CAR OF THE MONTH 1930 Model A Deluxe Coupe Owned by Jim Burlingame THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL THE BRASS LAMP is published monthly by and for the members of the Genesee Valley Antique Car Society, Inc. GVACS is a region of the Antique Automobile Club of America. PROOF READER NANCY HUFFMAN 538-4690 GVACS OFFICERS FOR 2015 ANNUAL SHOW JERRY HUFFMAN DON DEAR [email protected] 538-4690 [email protected] 872-4141 VICE PRESIDENT DON DEAR 872-4141 [email protected] NANCY HUFFMAN [email protected] TREASURER 538-4690 JERRY HUFFMAN [email protected] CLUB ENGRAVER 377-1634 HISTORIAN 225-8996 CHAPLAIN 352-4157 GVACS BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN PHIL THURLEY 377-1634 [email protected] 14 WHITE OAK LANE, FAIRPORT, NY 14450 377-4379 DICK BARRETT [email protected] 657-6358 NELSON THORPE [email protected] 586-8570 BOB DILGER [email protected] 872-4141 CHRIS DEAR [email protected] SUNSHINE/REPORTER SUSAN SMITH 594-2565 [email protected] 513 STONY POINT ROAD, SPENCERPORT, NY 14559-9718 ADVERTISING 872-3244 JERRY KIER [email protected] ROBERT GAYLORD [email protected] RAY CUBITT WEBMASTER DAVID DEVINE 919-304-4282 [email protected] 409 N THIRD STREET, MEBANE, NC 273022407 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSON NANCY HUFFMAN 538-4690 [email protected] STAFF PHOTORAPHERS 585-545-9522 BRIAN & MARY MOON 32 ROSELAWN AVE, FAIRPORT, NY 14450 [email protected] [email protected] PLEASE SEND ANY ITEMS FOR PUBLICATION TO THE BRASS LAMP EDITOR JIM BURLINGAME, BY THE 1st OF THE MONTH. EDITOR JIM BURLINGAME 385-1762 [email protected] 210 NORTHWOOD AVE. EAST ROCHESTER, NY 14445-1649 BOB DILGER [email protected] PHIL THURLEY [email protected] If you know of an illness or a death in any GVACS family, please contact SUSAN SMITH @594-2565 BRASS LAMP STAFF MAILING 586-8570 [email protected] GVACS STAFF FOR 2015 PRESIDENT PAT THORPE 657-4729 [email protected] 4 WHIPPET RUN, BLOOMFIELD, NY 14469-9300 SECRETARY 538-4690 2015 ADS RUN FREE TO ALL MEMBERS FOR A PERIOD OF 3 MONTHS AND THEN REMOVED FROM THE BRASS LAMP. LET THE EDITOR KNOW IF SOLD BEFORE THEN SO THAT OTHERS MAY HAVE A CHANCE TO RUN THEIR ADS. ONLY AUTO RELATED ITEMS MAY BE ADVERTISED. SUBMISSION OF MS WORD DOCUMENTS AND JPGS, VIA EMAIL ARE ENCOURAGED. The Editor reserves the right to reject any items submitted for publication if it is not in the best interest of THE BRASS LAMP. Any item in THE BRASS LAMP, originated by a GVACS member, may be reprinted if proper credit is given. Articles belonging to outside authors or publications have been printed in THE BRASS LAMP with permission and proper credit, and cannot be copied without additional express consent of the authors or other publications. Note: Unless otherwise stated, all “Indoor” meetings are held at the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 3736 St. Paul Blvd., Irondequoit, NY. Also, unless otherwise stated all meetings start at 7:30pm. **** 2 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 FROM THE EDITORS DESK Jim Burlingame APRIL BIRTHDAYS Hello Our old cars are close to getting back on the road again. I still have about 300 feet of foot high snow before I get to mine but there’s hope. It will be nice to get some current club activity photos and events to include in this publication. I hope to get some from the Pancake run coming up April 8th. In the meantime get out to the barn and see how your pride and joy survived the winter. At the last club meeting I received a pleasant surprise. President Pat announced that the club had received an award for our publication “The Brass Lamp”. I was happy to receive this award but have to say, it was because of you, the members, that this happened. Without all the material furnished by you this would not have taken place. Thank you. 05 Jim Connelly 18 John McAlpin 05 Joyce Drake 19 Doug Drake 09 Marc Bauer 22 Lee Chemke 10 Russell Laidlaw 24 Donna Harr 12 Robert Spinelli 24 Paul Kron 13 Mary Lou Riter 24 Warren Riter 14 Barbara Ford 24 JoAnne Stahl 16 Barbara Mahoney 29 Grace Boudway 16 Andrea Perry 30 Betty Steeb 17 Steven Heald HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 01 05 06 07 12 24 30 **** 3 **** Roger & Marty Hawkins Norm & Ann Steinbaugh Don & Christine Dear Laverne & Joan VanDeWall Joe Kozloski & Linda Perkins Ray & Marilyn Cubitt Walt & Carol Hutkowski 1980 1968 1974 1951 1986 1954 1966 35 47 41 64 29 61 49 THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 THE presidents REPORT As you’re reading this, the March meeting is now over, and I’d like to thank the Karr’s & Kier’s for hosting the March event. As I’m writing this, I am just returning from the AACA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia. We left Bloomfield at a blistering hot 11 degrees and arrived in Philadelphia at a sweltering 40 degrees. To sum up the annual meeting, the annual report revealed that AACA is in very good shape. Despite the economy, in 2013 AACA’s membership on the national level didn’t see any major growth, but they did manage to gain members to keep up with the ones that had been lost. The AACA Museum increased its’ debt by nearly $65,000, but you have to remember that a considerable amount of time and money was spent on building the Tucker Exhibit. Even though the debt increased, bear in mind that sometimes you have to spend money in order to make it. The one thing that surprised me was that a majority the people that visit the AACA Museum are common folk instead of AACA members. AACA ended the year with a profit of $118,138. Although there is a profit, profits were down $4 from what they were in 2013. On another positive note, I am not aware of any resignations from the AACA National Board. Three directors (Hillary Becker, Harvey Eager and Jeff Stumb) chose not to seek reelection. For several years, every year when I went to Philly, someone would jump ship at the Annual Meeting. This year the tradition was broken in which I’m very proud to announce. As for the AACA judging system, the report that was submitted was extremely vague as to whether they lost or gained judges. In 2013 we lost 150 judges, but in 2014, the numbers were not posted. If you were an AACA judge and have left, I will tell you that the school has improved and they finally got a Judging Manual that is good. The 2014 manual was so bad that I refused to use it and went through 2014 using my 2013. The only bad thing about the new manual is that it doesn’t list out the rule changes. Without the rule changes being posted, you increase your chance of having a judge miss the new rule changes and seeing vehicles being improperly judged at the expense of the car owner. A lot of headaches could be avoided by printing all the rule changes on one page. For most of you, you’re probably not aware that AACA has a new national President for 2015. I am very proud to announce that Don Barlup from New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania is now our new national president. Don has chaired several national meets and tours and had been the President of the Gettysburg Region. Some of you may or may not know Don, but he was the one who did the blessing before our awards banquet at the 2010 meet. He came to our meet driving Conrad Hilton’s old Lincoln Continental Limousine. For the first time during my years with AACA, we finally have a president who has his own limousine. Now that our national president has his own limo, don’t expect the president of this region to follow suit. As for the rest of us who have had enough of cabin fever, in a few short weeks it’ll be time to dust off the cars and get them out for the year. In the meantime, before it gets warm enough to fire up your old car, now is the time to submit an article of your car so that Jim can have a car of the month. If you’ve already had your car featured in the Brass Lamp and it’s been a while, dust off your article and resubmit it. The car of the month is how we promote our hobby as well as become acquainted with the newer members, and I’m sure that the newer members would love to hear the story about your car. Pat - PS. The April weather forecast….. Cold, maybe hot, possibly sunny or not…. **** 4 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND NOTICES FOR SALE FOR SALE DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO SELL? PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO: [email protected] Jim LaDelia’s 1985 El Camino 6 cyl, Fuel Injected, Positive Traction, For Sale: Complete Restoration, Dannmar Two Post portable Make Offer. 889-8042 AMJ Max Jax SUNSHINE REPORT 6000 lb capacity New There is no Sunshine Report $2300 this Month Ed Franko 872-1160 [email protected] MAM The Next Car of the Month will be The club wishes to express it’s condolence to the family of Fred Burton who passed away on March 3rd, 2015 Jerry and Nancy Huffman’s 1956 Oldsmobile **** 5 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 AMERICAN PICKERS To Film In Canandaigua, New York The Canandaigua Chamber of Commerce recently received a call from the television show, American Pickers advising them they plan to be in their area for a taping of their show. We are helping to spread the word and highlight Canandaigua in advance of the taping date. Canandaigua is excited to welcome Mike Wolfe, Frank Fritz and Antique Archeology to the area. The team will film episodes of their hit series AMERICAN PICKERS throughout New York. Filming will begin next month. AMERICAN PICKERS is a documentary series that explores the fascinating world of antique ‘picking’ on History. This hit show follows two of the most skilled pickers in the business, Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz, as they embark on an epic road trip across the U.S. in search of America’s most valuable antiques from motorcycles, classic cars and bicycles to one-of-a-kind vintage memorabilia. Mike and Frank are on a mission to recycle America, restore forgotten relics to their former glory, and learn a thing or two about American history along the way. Filming is scheduled to start next month. AMERICAN PICKERS is looking for leads and would love to explore what you may have. They are on the hunt for interesting characters with interesting and unique items. Some of what they look for: vintage bicycles, toys, unusual radios, movie memorabilia, advertising, military items, folk art, vintage musical equipment, vintage automotive items, early firefighting equipment, vintage clothing, pre-50’s western gear. A Eblast notice will be sent out when the actual dates are known. AMERICAN PICKERS is produced by Cineflix Productions for History. New episodes air Wednesdays at 9pm ET on the History Channel. Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes! Save the date! Wednesday, April 8th! We will gather for our 3rd annual pancake outing to Cartwright's Maple Tree Inn in Angelica. We will gather at 8:30am in the Lowe's parking lot, Hylan Drive, by Marketplace Mall. RSVP Chris & Don Dear 872-4141 or 230-4108 or email at [email protected] **** 6 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 GVACS Car of the month - 1930 Model A Ford Owned by Jim Burlingame I started out my old car restoring career with a 1924 Model T Ford that I bought in 1962 from John Clifford in Fairport. After finishing the body off restoration and driving it for a couple of years I grew tired of the all the little idiosyncrasies of the car and wanted a more conventional vehicle. At that time prices on old cars were a lot cheaper than now and I found a fairly decent Model A Deluxe Roadster for $500. My dad and I drove it back from Syracuse on a cold (25 degree) day. We took turns as the car had no top. Again I did a body off restoration and enjoyed the car for many years. During this time I was a member of the East Rochester Fire Department and had the opportunity to purchase their old 1925 American LaFrance Pumper Truck. This was featured in a past Car of the month article so I will not go into details on that experience. It was also featured on the covers of both the AACA Antique Automobile magazine and Hemmings Motor News in 1968. When my first child came along I sold the Model A, donated the fire truck back to the fire dept and bought a station wagon. I’m sure all you parents are familiar with this story. Many years later I got the bug again and bought the Model A pictured above from a man in Penfield. It was restored but I added some extras to make it more of a touring car. It already had hydraulic brakes, alternator, and sealed beam headlights. I added an electric wiper motor, turn signals, push button starter, converted the trunk to a rumble seat and also added a synchromesh 4 speed transmission built by fellow club member Paul Kron. As the trunk was now a seat, I added a rack and real trunk to the rear of the car. After replacing the bumpers that were, for some reason painted black, with chrome ones I was ready to go. After all these modifications the car will never win any prizes for originality but drives well in any kind of weather. I forgot to mention that the car has a feature not found in many (if any) other Model A’s, a solid steel roof. The technology to punch out a sheet of steel large enough to be a roof was not available in those early times so they used a canvas like material in the center of the roof. This most always leaked after a couple of years and had to be replaced. My car has a solid steel roof made from a Buick hood and welded into place. Needless to say it doesn't leak. No evidence of this renovation is evident. It is indeed, a unusual Model A. There you have the story of my Model A and other restorations. I am looking forward, as we all are, to warm weather and getting out on the road again. - Jim Burlingame **** 7 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 More photos ofHELP the DeNagels 1913 Model T Fords WANTED A request from Editor Jim Burlingame Did you agree to write a Car of the Month Article ??? I need some more car articles to refill the “Can”. Some of you promised Nancy that you would write one. It is not hard. Look at some of the past Brass Lamps and see what others have written and pound one out. A picnic in sunny Florida At the home of Don and Chris Dear The winter picnic was a real Florida day 82° and sunny. Attending were Phil & Marge Thurley , Don & Chris Dear , Jerry & Marline Kier , Marty & Betty Reilly, Doug & Joyce Drake , Ron & Sandy Degroff, Nelson & Barb Thorpe , Diane Herrmann **** 8 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 At its March 13, 2015 meeting, the Board of Directors..... ....congratulated Editor, Jim Burlingame on receiving the AACA publications Award of Excellence for 2014. Pat Thorpe will present the award at the GVACS meeting tonight. ...heard a report from Jim Burlingame on his conversation with AACA Publication Chair, Fred Young, regarding the AACA Newsletter Achievement Awards Program (NAAP) ...heard a report from Membership Chair, Nancy Huffman that current membership stands at 144 members. (21 members from 2014 did not renew for 2015). The 2015 GVACS membership roster has been verified by AACA which assures that our Region members are also current AACA members. ...heard a report from N. Huffman that the 2015 GVACS Membership Directory and the Listing of Members' Vehicles has been sent electronically to all members who have email addresses. It was sent via US mail to those 27 members who do not have email capability. ...reviewed and updated the Activities Calendar ...discussed the 2015 Annual Show. This is the last year the Dears and the Huffman's will Co-chair the Annual show. To date, no one has volunteered to work with this year's co-chairs and take over the show planning and execution for 2016. The Annual Show is a major source of income that allows us to subsidize many of our activities throughout the year such as free memberships, reduced prices for dinners, provision of free badges for new members, costs for printing and mailing The Brass Lamp, etc. Jerry Huffman provided a detailed tracking of expenses and income for the past several years. Net profit has declined significantly over the past 6 years. Without income from our Annual Show, our $20.00 per year dues would not support our activities. As noted, no one has responded to the request published in the March issue of The Brass Lamp to take over the Annual show leadership and planning. Thus, the 2016 Show and future shows are in jeopardy. The cash reserves on hand would continue, as in the past, to subsidize GVACS events until reserves are depleted. Because of heavy work load over a period of months, and a reduction in volunteers available to run the show, and work on the show (field set-up the day before the show, day of show set-up, registration, parking, raffle, computing judging results, and clean-up), there will be changes this year to include, but not limited to, the following: 1. There will be no program booklet full of ads, pictures, etc. It will be replaced by a 1-2 page handout. 2. Class sponsorships will continue and Sponsors will be publicized on show day via the 1-2 page flyer banners, and announcements throughout the day. 3. Trophies/gifts to owners of National Winner entries will be discontinued. 4. There will not be a Worker's Picnic (which is typically organized by the Show Chairs.) ...approved the 2015 budget considering changes in 2015 show planning. ... approved continuing to participate in the AACA newsletter Achievement Awards Program (NAAP.) ... Board approved discontinuing participation in the Old Cars Weekly, "Golden Quill Award" program ...discussed currency of website information and website maintenance. ...established the next meeting of the Board of Directors to be Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 7 PM at Dick Barrett's home. (21 Hallmount Circle, Penfield, NY 585-377-4379 ) Respectfully Submitted, Nancy P. Huffman, Secretary **** 9 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 79th ANNUAL MEETING OF AACA Philadelphia, PA Friday and Saturday, February 13th and 14th, 2015 By Bill Boudway This year’s AACA annual meeting was again held in Philadelphia at the Sheraton Downtown Hotel. Over 1040 attendees had a wide variety of interesting and informative hobby related activities in which to participate or attend. GVACS members there included Don Kittleberger, Ron, Judy, and David Devine (Dave is our GVACS webmaster), President Pat Thorpe, Joyce and Past President Doug Drake, and yours truly. We traveled to Hershey, PA on Wednesday to visit the AACA Museum. The special exhibit there was the Cammack Tucker Gallery. Well worth the trip. Also seen were two vehicles donated by GVACS members: Don and Virginia Brush’s Brush and Doug Susat’s Ford Model T pie wagon. Early arrival on Thursday meant time for visiting Philadelphia tourist and historical attractions. The US Mint, Independence Hall, Betsy Ross Home, and a tour to the top of Philadelphia city Hall. A great view of the city skyline. On Friday, there was the ladies breakfast, and the Philadelphia city tour. 57 trade show exhibits were open for visits and questions. Exhibitors included regions hosting tours in 2015, restoration material suppliers, restoration shops, the AACA Library, Museum and club sales. During the day, there were 49 seminars with topics ranging from “Restoration Experiences”” to “Your Car And The Law”. Doug Drake and volunteers held a continuous “seminar” for the younger members in attendance. Friday evening was the AACA Museum benefit auction. This year I was able to resist the temptation to bid on the many interesting items offered. - Continued on the next page. Ron and David Devine and President Pat Thorpe **** 10 **** Doug Drake with the youth activity THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 Saturday morning opened with judging schools and continued with another 13 seminars before the General Membership meeting in the afternoon. We were all provided with the 2015 Revision to the Official Judging Guidelines. Available from National Headquaeters.The General Membership Meeting had reports from our 2014 president, Micky Bohn, those in charge of various club committees, and representatives from the Library and Museum. Don Barlup was introduced as our 2015 national president. The annual National Awards banquet was held on Saturday evening. 113 individuals and regions were recognized for their contributions to the Club and antique car hobby. GVACS members Gene and Donna Harr received the WP Chrysler award for their 1932 DeSoto. Congratulations, folks!! Here’s the link to the complete list of National Awards: http://www.aaca.org/images/national_awards/2014_National_Award_Winners.pdf>> The Library and Research Center Award, donated by GVACS members Harry and Lorraine Logan in 1984, went to Angelica Yost for her many hours of volunteer work atthe AACA library. The I. C. Kirkham Membership Award for 2013 went again to The Emerald City Region , Grenwood, South Carolina, for their percentage increase in membership for the year . The Kirkham trophy was donated to National by GVACS in memory of Elmer Bassage. GVACS member from the club’s early years. If anyone would like a copy of the 2014 Annual Report, or a copy of the seminar schedule, please contact me and I’ll be glad to provide a copy. Save the date for next year: Friday and Saturday, February 12th and 13th. Joyce with the famous Philly soft pretzels AACA Library exhibit **** 11 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 The photo below is dedicated to member Jerry Kier Resident Studebaker Expert The Annual Car Show is coming up very fast and help is needed so save the weekend Last years winners pictured below. **** 12 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 In February as we were receiving record amounts of snow I put out a call for photos of club members old cars in the snow. I received one from Howard Eckert that not only showed his old car in the snow but it also had an added bonus of having a image of him at 16 years old with it. So at the left is a photo taken in 1943 with Howard and his 1934 Studebaker. Jim B - Editor Bob and Connie Dilger’s visit with Jay Leno Jay Leno, a frequent customer of Jim Davis, owner of Davis garage in Egypt, NY called to inquire if he could stop by his shop and take a look at the Model T Fords being restored at his shop by a number of Horseless Carriage Club of America members. He also wanted to pick up a number of Turning Signals for antique cars that Jim manufactures. Jay was staying at the Strathallan Hotel during his show appearance in Rochester and wanted Jim to pick him up and bring him out to his shop. Jim then called Bob Dilger and asked him to shop for Zweigle’s Hot Dags that Jay had requested for lunch. Upon arrival Jay spotted Jim’s topless old blue Jeep Cherokee and of course had to try driving it over and through the parking lots many snowpiles. After treating the jeep like a snowmobile the guys came in to meet Bob and Connie. Bob had previously told Connie she was in for a surprise on Valentines day. As Connie saw this heavily dressed for winter man she thought “ I know this man from somewhere”. It was a surprise she would never forget and she got a hug she also will never forget, (see photo). That evening Bob and Connie attended his show at the Auditorium Theater that was everything they expected and more. The tickets were a gift to Bob at Christmas from his daughters and their families. Lunch was lots of fun getting acquainted, much car talk while eating the hot dogs, etc. Jay ate three of them, even tried one of the pork white hots and liked it. For dessert Lynn Davis, Jim’s wife, had arranged for them to have some delicious Italian cookies. Jay is part Italian and part Scottish. After picture taking, more car talk, Jay asked Jim to take him over to see a friend in Pittsford who was 94 years old. That was it…we hugged good-by and thanked him for his invitation to come to California and visit his collection some day. Connie said THANKS HON!!! To Bob, and also the Davis’s, it was a Valentines day surprise she will never forget. **** 13 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 Thanks to Bill Boudway for the list below - to be continued next month..….….....… **** 14 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 THE LAST REMINDER OF WINTER ( I hope) All photos have copyright permission and are credited to “TheOldMotor.Com”. Hopefully these are the end of the snow pictures until next year. CAR SHOW IN FAIRPORT The BOCES #1 School will hold their annual car show on May 14th from Noon till 1:30 at it’s campus on O’Connor Road in Fairport. They are inviting us to participate. It is a rain or shine show but if it rains the cars will be displayed indoors. More than eight cars can be housed. O’Connor Road runs between Fairport Road Rt 31F and Whitney Road. This show is for the students, who enjoy viewing the cars and asking questions of their owners. Hopefully we can help them out by having a good showing. For more info contact Chuck Lynn 663-0556 or send him an Email at [email protected] **** 15 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 What’s going on at the neighbors By Pat Thorpe From time to time, we always want to wonder what the neighbors are doing. While attending one of the region development seminars, I found out what the neighbors are doing. Our neighbors to the south (Chemung Valley Region) have joined up with Alfred State College to create a student chapter of AACA. They have an automotive technologies program and they are in the process of restoring a 1953 Dodge Power Wagon wrecker. The plan is for them to run the 2015 Great Race with the Power Wagon. I am not suggesting that we go create a region with a college closer to us, but I do encourage all of you as members to sit back, watch, and learn. If we can put on a national meet, we have the means to do the same thing in our area. If we don’t want to do anything in our area, the least that we could do is help the Chemung Valley Region become stronger. Of course with those kids racing a Dodge Power Wagon Wrecker brings up images of actor Jonathan Winters chasing after the money in the 1963 film It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. If you recall, Jonathan chased the money in a white Dodge Power Wagon Wrecker with a red boom. To our good fortune, the students at Alfred State College plan to run the race in a wrecker painted blue. Congratulations to the Chemung Valley Region in working to preserve the hobby, AACA and for bringing the youth into our hobby. **** 16 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 Dates 2015 GVACS Activities Calendar Updated March 13, 2015 Event/Speaker Hosts Speaker: Jim Dierks, Topic: NY Museum of Transportation, Rush, NY collection of early Rochester scenes. (Church of the Ressurection,3736 St. Paul Blvd 7:30 PM) Brunch Run LeRoy Country Club 7759 East Main Rd. LeRoy, NY 14482 DeGroffs June 17, 2015 Ice Cream Social Reillys July 2015 (date TBD) Day Tour ???? Dears August 2, 2015 Annual Show Roberts Wesleyan Dears and Huffmans and all members September 2015 October 18, 2015 Event TBD GVACS Fall Picnic Onanda Park - Gorham Lodge West Lake Road Canandaigua, NY Indoor Meeting Annual Meeting: Election of Officers Speaker: John Gould, Border Patrol Agent April 17, 2015 May 3, 2015 November 13, 2015 December 11, 2015 Dates 2016 January 2016 (date to be determined) 1 (Church of the Ressurection,3736 St. Paul Blvd 7:30 PM) Indoor Meeting ??Christmas Event/Christmas Party??? Event/Speaker Year-End Party **** 17 **** Walthers Cases and Pat Thorpes Krons Hosts THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 THE CLUB WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK ALL OF OUR ADVERTISERS. **** 18 **** THE BRASS LAMP - APRIL 2015 **** 19 **** THE BRASS LAMP Genesee Valley Antique Car Society Inc. Mr. Robert Dilger 43 Harvest Road Fairport, NY 14450-2831 Address Service Requested Web Site: WWW.GVACS.COM Volume 52 April No. 4 2015 HERE IS YOUR LATEST ISSUE OF “THE BRASS LAMP” OLD CARS WEEKLY GOLDEN QUILL AWARD HONORABLE MENTION 2013 Published by the Genesee Valley Antique Car Society, Inc. AACA AWARD OF EXCELLENCE 2014
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