CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST APRIL 6, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at [email protected], referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING Open SPEC # PROJECT NAME USER DEPT. CATEGORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION CDOT Architecture and Engineering design services for: 1: Transit Station Design (Architectural Finishes); 2: Architecture & Elevated Transit Station Design; 3: Subway Transit Engineering Station Design; 4: Construction Engineering for Transit Projects; 5: Streetscape, Riverwalk, and Urban Landscape; 6: Transit Facilities. Industrial, Medical and Propane Gas in Cylinder and Bulk Delivery DWM Commodities Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) Pre-Qualification for PreTransit Design and Transit Qualification Construction Engineering Services QUESTION DUE PRE-BID DATE PREBID LOCATION PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST This is an open process where Submittals will be accepted continuously. Submittals received will be evaluated periodically thereafter. Consultant Firms currently Pre-Qualified are not required to re-submit in the Project Category(ies) for which they are currently Pre-Qualified. N/A N/A N/A N/A Edward Anderson 03/27/15 N/A N/A N/A Stacy Stewart Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 04/14/15 11:00 a.m. 118829A 04/15/15 11:00 a.m. 126545 Emergency Medical Equipment CFD Purchase of various emergency medical equipment Commodities and supplies for use with emergency response functions. 03/25/15 03/31/15 N/A N/A Stacy Stewart Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 04/24/15 11:00 a.m. 128470 (Target Market) Sheet Metal in Various Shapes 2FM Commodities Purchase of sheet metal in various shapes. 03/23/15 04/03/15 N/A N/A Gary Bell Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 04/29/15 11:00 a.m. 122417 Pavement Marking Paints, Tapes and Supplies CDOT Commodities 03/16/15 04/01/15 N/A N/A Stacy Stewart Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 04/07/15 11:00 a.m. 126908 Small Business Initiative (SBI) 99th Street and Walden Parkway CDOT Streetscape improvements that include new lighting, new sidewalk, curb and gutter repair, ADA Construction ramps, pavers enhanced intersection/crosswalk, community identifiers, community kiosk, trees/tree grates, planters and enhanced park entrance. 3/13/15 03/25/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 03/24/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. 130733 Small Business Initiative (SBI) – H7102-14-00 O’Hare International Airport Heating and Refrigeration Plant Roof Replacement 03/25/15 Dept. of Aviation Aviation Administration Building 03/19/15 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 10:00 a.m. 4/08/15 11:00 a.m. CDA Purchase of various medical, industrial and specialty gases. AD DATE Purchase of pavement marking paints, tapes, and supplies. Roof replacement for the O'Hare International Construction Airport Heating and Refrigeration Plant. 03/12/15 Lynnette Terrell Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. Lylianis Rodriguez Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. 1 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST APRIL 6, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at [email protected], referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING 4/08/15 11:00 a.m. 04/10/15 11:00 a.m. 04/14/15 11:00 a.m. 04/15/15 11:00 a.m. SPEC # 106593A 126044 129181 122854 PROJECT NAME Chicago Tunnel Systems Inspections, Repair and Maintenance Replacement of Chillers 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 and Upgrade of South Cooling Tower – Chicago O’Hare International Airport. Residential Roadway Lighting Improvement 500 Blocks Longwood Drive Sewer Improvement Project 04/16/15 11:00 a.m. 121627 116th Street Sewer Improvement Project 04/20/15 11:00 a.m. 129206 O’Hare International Airport Daytona Beach Sanitary Lift Station Relocation USER DEPT. CATEGORY CDOT Structural inspection to preserve the structural integrity of the tunnels, including, installation, Construction maintenance, removal, and repair of various types of equipment and instrumentation and . PROJECT DESCRIPTION CDA Removal of Chillers No. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, four associated Chilled water pumps P101, P102, P103 and P104, four associated Condenser Water Pumps, P111, P112, P113 and P114, Chilled water supply and return piping to 42” main header, Construction condenser water supply and return piping to 42” main header, supporting provisions for Chillers 1, 2, 3, 4 and associated piping, conduit and equipment, removal of concrete pads and auxiliary steel framing. CDOT Installation of Residential Roadway Lighting for a total of 500 blocks citywide; installation includes: new residential roadway lighting foundations, hand Construction holes, conduit, cables, poles, davit arms, luminaires, service connection, controllers and wiring. DWM Longwood Drive - Sewer improvements includes work for the installation of reinforced concrete pipe sewer, ductile iron pipe sewer, installation of manholes and catch basins, modification of existing Construction connection structures and construction of new connection structures; construction of concrete collar connections and installation of drain connections. DWM 116th Street - Sewer improvements includes work for the installation of reinforced concrete pipe sewer, ductile iron pipe sewer, installation of manholes and catch basins, modification of existing Construction connection structures and construction of new connection structures; construction of concrete collar connections and installation of drain connections. CDA Construction of a new sanitary lift station building facility, all civil site work including extensions of Construction existing sanitary lines and manholes, roadway, sidewalk, and parking areas and the demolition of the replaced Daytona Sanitary Lift Station Facility. AD DATE 03/27/15 01/06/15 03/04/15 03/23/15 03/25/15 03/04/15 QUESTION DUE N/A PRE-BID DATE N/A PREBID LOCATION N/A 01/20/15 Dept. of Aviation Aviation Administration Building 01/13/15 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 10:00 a.m. 03/19/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 03/12/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. N/A 04/06/15 03/24/15 N/A N/A N/A N/A Dept. of Aviation Aviation Administration Building 03/11/15 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 10:00 a.m. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST Lynnette Terrell Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. Thomas Magno Addenda #1, #2, #3, #4 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM - $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid/Addendum available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. John Stewart Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM - $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid/Addendum available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. Sonji Ward Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM - $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid/Addendum available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. John Stewart Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Christopher DeGard Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. 2 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST APRIL 6, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at [email protected], referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING 04/22/15 11:00 a.m. 04/23/15 11:00 a.m. 04/23/15 11:00 a.m. 04/27/15 11:00 a.m. 04/28/15 11:00 a.m. 04/30/15 11:00 a.m. SPEC # 121520 129733 122495 121521 122212 129735 PROJECT NAME Central Ave. Sewer Improvement Project Ancillary Sewer Construction Central 76th / Wentworth Ave. Sewer Improvement Project 69th and Langley Drive Sewer Improvement Project Streets for Cycling Project II-B Cottage Grove Sewer Improvement Project USER DEPT. CATEGORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION AD DATE QUESTION DUE PRE-BID DATE PREBID LOCATION PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM - $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid/Addendum available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM - $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid/Addendum available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. DWM Construction Central Ave. Sewer Improvement Project. 03/17/15 03/30/15 N/A N/A John Stewart DWM Installation of sewers, services, sewer structures including junction , connections and special structures, manholes, catch basins, inlet surface Construction restoration, water main cut and caps; removal of construction debris and all collateral work which is necessary to complete the work for the central area from North Avenue to 51st. 03/05/15 03/23/15 N/A N/A John Stewart DWM 76th / Wentworth Ave. - Sewer improvements includes work for the installation of reinforced concrete pipe sewer, ductile iron pipe sewer, installation of manholes and catch basins, Construction modification of existing connection structures and construction of new connection structures; construction of concrete collar connections and installation of drain connections. 03/25/15 04/13/15 N/A N/A John Stewart Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. DWM 69th and Langley Drive - Sewer improvements includes work for the installation of reinforced concrete pipe sewer, ductile iron pipe sewer, installation of manholes and catch basins, Construction modification of existing connection structures and construction of new connection structures; construction of concrete collar connections and installation of drain connections. 04/01/15 04/15/15 N/A N/A Sonji Ward Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. CDOT Furnish labor, material and equipment for the Streets for Cycling Project II-B at seven locations. Work includes placement of thermoplastic and paving markings, removal and replacement of Construction thermoplastic and pavement markings, installation of sign panels and sign posts, removal of sign panels and sign posts, concrete median removal and repaving, concrete median installations and installation of flexible delineators. John Stewart Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. John Stewart Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM - $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid/Addendum available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. DWM Construction Cottage Grove Sewer Improvement Project. 03/27/15 03/13/15 04/17/15 03/27/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 04/07/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. N/A N/A 3 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST APRIL 6, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at [email protected], referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING 04/28/15 11:00 a.m. 05/05/15 11:00 a.m. SPEC # 131388 120969 PROJECT NAME Runway 9R-27L Comprehensive Maintenance for Chicago O’Hare International Airport 62nd Street Sewer Improvement USER DEPT. CATEGORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION 04/08/15 04/16/15 CDA DWM Installation of approximately 3,980 feet of new sewer main. Sewer improvements includes work for the installation of reinforced concrete pipe sewer, ductile iron pipe sewer, installation of manholes and Construction catch basins, modification of existing connection structures and construction of new connection structures; construction of concrete collar connections and installation of drain connections. 04/08/15 04/22/15 03/27/15 04/10/15 03/19/15 04/09/15 05/08/15 11:00 a.m. 129037 ORD ARFF#1 Modifications CDA N/A NCRB Runway Safe LLC CDA Supply of Foam Glass Material and Ancillary Professional Services in Support of the Installation of the Service Engineered Arresting System at Chicago Midway and O’Hare International Airports. 121714 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Payment Processing for Payments to the City for Various Items DOF Professional Proposals are requested from companies with Service expertise in Payment Processing Services. 125096 RFP for Foreign Language Interpretation, Translation Services and Related Services and Solutions 04/20/15 4:00 p.m. QUESTION DUE Comprehensive maintenance of Runway 9R-27L, including milling and overlaying exiting Runway and Taxiway pavements within the project limits: widening of shoulders at Taxiways A1, H2, J and M; Construction demolition of Taxiways A2, E1, & H1; replacement of various runway lighting and electrical infrastructure and systems; and installation of light bases and conduit for Runway Status Light system. Construction of an addition to Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Station #1 in the Southeast Cargo Area. The addition includes 3 vehicle Construction parking bays, associated support spaces, connection to the existing ARFF#1, related site work, and other work as described in the contract documents. 04/17/15 4:00 p.m. AD DATE OEMC Various Depts. Proposals are requested from companies with Professional expertise in various translation services: Video, Service Telephone, Document Translation and Written Translation. 01/20/15 11/26/14 PRE-BID DATE PREBID LOCATION Dept. of Aviation O’Hare Central Field Office 04/15/15 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 10:00 a.m. N/A Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. Dept. of Aviation Aviation Administration Building 04/04/15 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 10:00 a.m. N/A N/A 02/11/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 1103 02/02/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:30 p.m. 12/17/14 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 1103 12/10/14 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 11:00 a.m. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST Thomas Magno Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. Lynnette Terrell Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. Jezieel Cortes Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 103, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. NCRB Non-Competitive Procurement for public review. To view please visit: rovdrs/contract/svcs/noncompetitive_procurement.html. Altha Riley Addenda #1, #2 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. RFP/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at Lisa Clark Addenda #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 & #6 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. RFP/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 4 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST APRIL 6, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at [email protected], referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING SPEC # PROJECT NAME USER DEPT. CATEGORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION 128777 (Target Market Program) Computer Software Training Services DoIT Proposals are requested from companies with expertise in Computer Software Training Services delivered using several methods: (1) classroombased training; (2) instructor-led online training; and (3) self-paced training. The Training Services Professional include the development, scheduling, tracking and Service delivery of courses in commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software / productivity applications, operating systems software, web based applications, an custom software created or purchased by the City. 120173 RFP for Part A: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Billing and Collection services; and Part B: Patient Tracking and Mobile Electronic Patient Care and Reporting (EPCR) System Solution DOF CFD Proposals are requested from companies with Professional expertise in EMS Billing and Collection Services Service and Patient Tracking & Mobile Electronic Care and Reporting System Solution. 05/26/15 4:00 p.m. 130005 Request for Proposals for Infor Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Implementation Services DoIT Proposals are requested from companies with expertise in implementation and integration Professional services. the City seeks to integrate key systems Service employed by the City for the modernization of the City’s 311 System. 04/07/15 11:00 a.m. 130033 City-Wide Paging Services DoIT Small Orders City-Wide Paging Services 04/08/15 11:00 a.m. 130833 Tyvek Wristbands 04/08/15 11:00 a.m. 127819 Skid Steer Loaders with Trailers 114608A Refuse Trucks: 4x2 Tilt Cab Chassis with 16 Cubic Yard Refuse Body (Group C) 6x4 Tilt Cab Chassis Truck with 20 Cubic Yard Refuse Body (Group D) 04/22/15 4:00 p.m. 05/04/15 4:00 p.m. 04/09/15 11:00 a.m. DCASE 2FM 2FM Small Orders Purchase of Tyvek Wristbands for various festivals and programs. Small Orders Skid Steer Loaders with Trailers Vehicles Heavy Equipment Purchase of new, current model, Refuse Trucks including repair services for vehicles and equipment. AD DATE QUESTION DUE PRE-BID DATE PREBID LOCATION 04/20/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 1103 04/16/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 11:00 a.m. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST Joseph Chan RFP documents are available for downloading and printing at 01/26/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 806, Conf. Room A 01/26/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:30 p.m. Rona Jeongco Addenda #1, #2 & #3 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. RFP/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 04/03/15 04/17/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 1103 04/13/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:30 p.m. Joseph Chan RFP documents are available for downloading and printing at 03/25/15 N/A N/A N/A John Stewart Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 03/27/15 N/A N/A N/A Diane Szymusiak Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 04/01/15 N/A N/A N/A John Stewart Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 04/08/15 01/12/15 12/01/14 12/17/14 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 301 12/09/14 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:30 p.m. Rony Mammoo Addenda #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 & #6 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 5 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST APRIL 6, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at [email protected], referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING 05/18/15 11:00 a.m. Without Pricing 04/17/15 11:00 a.m. 04/21/15 11:00 a.m. 04/21/15 11:00 a.m. 04/22/15 11:00 a.m. 04/29/15 11:00 a.m. SPEC # PROJECT NAME 124445 (Reverse Auction) 85 Foot Aerial Trucks (Reverse Auction Date TBD) 120161 Comdial/Vertical Tier 1 Dealer Telephone Equipment, Products and Technical Support Services 124208 Structural Bridge Repair at O'Hare and Midway International Airports (Landside and Airside) 126597 Installation, Repair, and Maintenance of Various Guardrails, Crash Attenuators, Bollards, Sand Barrels and Other Related Safety Control Devices 120190 Parts and Service Snow Equipment and Accessories 124604 Car Washing Services USER DEPT. CATEGORY 2FM Vehicles Heavy Equipment OEMC CDA CDOT PROJECT DESCRIPTION Purchase of new, current model 85 Foot Aerial Trucks, separately or in conjunction with Repair Services in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of this specification. Maintenance and repair services for Work Services Comdial/Vertical Tier 1 Dealer Telephone Equipment, Products, and Services. Provide repair services, structural and nonstructural and traffic protection for structural, tunnel Work Services and bridge at O’Hare and Midway International Airports. Provide installation, repair, and maintenance service of various guardrails, crash attenuators, Work Services bollards, sand barrels, and other related safety control devices. 2FM Provide parts and repair services for de-icer, snow Work Services blowers, snow plows equipment and related accessories. 2FM Provide car washing services, steam cleaning, Work Services hand and automatic cleaning and detailing services for various City departments. AD DATE 09/26/14 01/16/15 02/20/15 01/09/15 02/06/15 01/29/15 QUESTION DUE PRE-BID DATE PREBID LOCATION PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST 10/17/14 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 301 10/08/14 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:30 p.m. Michael L. Smith Addenda #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8 & #9 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 02/03/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 1103 01/29/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. Hugo ZapataMartinez Addenda #1, #2, #3 & #4 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 03/04/15 Dept. of Aviation Aviation Administration Building 02/27/15 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 11:00 a.m. 02/19/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 01/29/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. 02/25/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 02/23/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. 02/10/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 02/19/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. Addendum #1 & #2 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take Christopher DeGard out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at Larry Washington Addenda #1, #2 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at William Dotson Addendum #1 & #2 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at Larry Washington Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 6 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST APRIL 6, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at [email protected], referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING 04/30/15 11:00 a.m. 05/01/15 11:00 a.m. SPEC # PROJECT NAME USER DEPT. CATEGORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION 124387 (Target Market Program) Integrated Pest Management Services 2FM Provide services and supplies for Pest Control Work Services Services. 123103A Stretchers, Stair Chairs, and Related Equipment, New, Maintenance and Repair CFD Work Services Deliver, maintain and repair new equipment and existing Ferno Washington and Stryker Equipment. AD DATE QUESTION DUE PRE-BID DATE PREBID LOCATION 02/09/15 02/26/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 03/05/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. 02/27/15 03/19/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 03/17/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST Larry Washington Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at Larry Washington Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 7 The Department of Procurement Services (DPS) is the contracting authority for the procurement of goods and services for the City of Chicago. Department of Procurement Services City Hall, 121 North LaSalle, Room 806 Chicago, Illinois 60602 – 312-744-4900 We pledge to work together as a team and with our customers to guarantee an open, fair and timely process by establishing, communicating and enforcing superior business practices. The Department of Procurement Services provides weekly email notifications – DPS Alerts – on City of Chicago bid opportunities, procurement news, and events. DPS has developed a number of innovative programs: • Bid Opportunity List – Weekly update of upcoming bid opportunities in: Small Business Initiative. Designed to encourage small businesses to participate in City- Architecture & Engineering Aviation Commodities / Small Orders Work Services Construction Professional Services Vehicles & Heavy Equipment • DPS Buying Plan. Quarterly update with a 15 month forecast of hundreds of upcoming opportunities for all City of Chicago user departments. • DPS Public Workshops. 13 different classes taught monthly or quarterly on procurement and certification related issues, free to the public. A wide variety of topics, such as: Procurement Fundamentals, How to Become Certified and How to Navigate the DPS Website Diversity Credit Program. Private sector firms obtain up to 5% utilization credit on a City contract for work performed by a certified firm on a prime’s private sector contracts. Local Manufacturing Ordinance. Bid incentive to bidders providing goods made or assembled in the City of Chicago. Local Business Preference Ordinance. Expanded local business preference to all City funded contracts over $100,000. Phased Graduation Ordinance. Firms that have exceeded the M/WBE program’s size standards continue to participate for a period of 3 years to gradually exit the program. M/WBE Mentorship Program. Established contractors willing to enter into a mentor/protégé relationship can be awarded up to 5% additional utilization credit. Alternatively Powered Vehicle Ordinance. 1/2% bid incentive for companies located in 6 county region when 50% or more of the company's fleet are alternative fuel vehicles. Project Area Resident Ordinance. Require contractors on contracts valued at $100,000 or more to utilize at least (7.5%) of all labor hours by residents in construction area. Salvage Auctions. Online auctions for the sale of assets which include surplus equipment, vehicles, furniture and office equipment. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! If you have an idea or suggestion on ways that DPS can improve our services, please contact us: [email protected].
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