2015 Philadelphia, USA Conference Program DAY 1: TUESDAY, JUNE 16 0830 Registration 0900 Introduction and welcome from the Conference Chairman John Holmes, Senior Scientist, Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA Plenary Session SESSION CHAIR: John Holmes, Senior Scientist, Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA 0915 KEYNOTE: TBC 0945 KEYNOTE: Tada-Nori Goto, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan 1015 KEYNOTE: Jessica McElman, Electrical Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA 1045 Poster Highlights – 2 minute overviews by the poster presenters 1100 Coffee break for visiting Exhibitors and Posters SESSION 1: EM Sensors and Instrumentation SESSION CHAIR: Katrin Schwalenberg, Research Associate, Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany 1145 GOLDEN EYE – A new electromagnetic deep sea profiler for seafloor massive sulfide exploration Hendrik Müller, Research Associate, University of Bremen, Germany 1210 Surface towed CSEM systems for shallow water mapping Steven Constable, Professor, Scripps Insitution of Oceanography, USA 1235 Littoral EM seafloor investigations from Remotely and Autonomously Operated Vehicles Joe Keranen, Research Engineer, White River Technologies, USA 1300 Lunch Break SESSION 2: Modeling of EM Fields and their Propagation SESSION CHAIR: Peter Krysltedt, Director of Research, FOI, Sweden 1415 High resolution holographic imaging using sparse dipole expansions Hatim Alqadah, NRC Postdoctoral Associate, Naval Research Laboratory, USA 1440 Holographic imaging of ship sources from silencing ranges signatures Nicolas Valdivia, Research Mathematician, Naval Research Laboratory, USA 1505 Stand out characteristics of electric and magnetic fields emitted by cruise ships in the Mediterranean Sea Francisco Javier Rodrigo Saura, DSP Group Head & Antonio Sánchez García, R&D&i Manager, SAES, Spain 1530 Coffee break for visiting Exhibitors and Posters SESSION 3: Signature Measurement Systems, Ranges and Self Monitoring SESSION CHAIR: Alastair Ballentine, Product Manager – Submarine Systems, Atlas Elektronik, UK 1615 Monitoring the ship’s permanent magnetization at sea using onboard sensors Marius Birsan, Defence Scientist, Defence R&D Canada, Canada 1640 The effect of electromagnetic measurement system configuration on measured signature accuracies Samantha Davidson, Technical Authority, Ranges and Sensors, Ultra Electronics Sonar Systems, UK 1705 A robust calibration and alignment procedure for collocated magnetometer and accelerometer sensors Troy Richards, Defence Scientist, Defence R&D Canada, Canada 1730 End of day 1 1730 DRINKS RECEPTION REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! www.marelec.co.uk/register DAY 2: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 0830 Morning Refreshments SESSION 4: EM Survey Results and Case Studies SESSION CHAIR: Hendrik Müller, Assistant Professor, University of Bremen – Marine Geophysics, Germany 0900 Marine CSEM site survey on gas hydrate targets in the western Black Sea Katrin Schwalenberg, Research Associate, Federal Institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany 0925 A marine MT experiment in the Bohai sea Song Huang, Associate Professor, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China 0950 Potential of using inverted CSEM data to improve decisions in hydrocarbon exploration in The Barents Sea Svein Ellingsrud, Technical Director, EMGS, Norway 1015 Poster Highlights – 2 minute overviews by the poster presenters 1030 Coffee break for visiting Exhibitors and Posters SESSION 5: EM Sensors and Instrumentation SESSION CHAIR: Bradley Nelson, Defence Scientist, Defence R&D Canada, Canada 1115 Magnetic sensing from unmanned aerial surveillance platforms Gregory Schultz, Chief Scientist, White River Technologies, USA 1140 Compact atomic magnetometer for magnetic anomaly detection and navigation Michael Larsen, Experimental Atomic Physicist, Northrop Grumman, USA 1205 Low-power miniature total-field optical magnetometer Mark Prouty, President, Geometrics, USA 1230 Lunch Break SESSION 6: Signature Measurement Systems, Ranges and Self-Monitoring SESSION CHAIR: Gregory Schultz, Chief Scientist, White River Technologies, USA 1345 Generalization of target-based magnetic anomaly detection by means of a multipole expansion Pascal Pepe, PhD Student, DCNS Lorient, France 1410 Detection of an alternative magnetic signature based on the generalisation of the Anderson basis Hugues HENOCQ, Underwater Electromagnetics Expert, French MoD/DGA, France 1435 Advanced EMI models for Underwater UXO targets detection and classification Fridon Shubitidze, Associate Professor/ Geophysist, Dartmouth College/White River Technologies, USA 1500 Coffee break for visiting Exhibitors and Posters SESSION 7: Mathematical and Physical Scale Modeling SESSION CHAIR: Peter Krysltedt, Director of Research, FOI, Sweden 1545 Analysis of an electric signature recording from a ship with onboard measurements Arnaud Guibert, Research Engineer, DGA Techniques Navale, France 1610 Simulation of the de-perming process using a finite element based hysteresis model Christopher Riley, Engineering Manager, Cobham Technical Services, UK 1635 Submarine design choices and their effects on the static magnetic signature Alwin Brettschneider, Researcher, TNO, Netherlands 1700 End of day 2 1900 CONFERENCE DINNER Hotel Monaco Philadelphia Conference programme sponsored by: 2015 Philadelphia, USA Conference Program DAY 3: THURSDAY, JUNE 18 0830 Morning refreshments SESSION 8: Passive and Active EM Signature Reduction Methods SESSION CHAIR: Alastair Ballentine, Product Manager – Submarine Systems, Atlas Elektronik, UK 0900 Signature design considerations when employing active anodes in free-flood spaces Andrew Davis, Technology Manager - Electromagnetic Signatures, Ultra Electronics - PMES, UK 0925 Effect of confined spaces on the corrosion protection and the electric signature of naval platforms Simon Topping, Head of CS Signatures Department, Atlas Elektronik, UK 0950 Effect of sacrificial anodes inside hull openings on underwater electric signatures Yueping Wang, Defence Scientist, Defence R&D Canada - Atlantic Research Centre, Canada 1015 Poster Highlights – 2 minute overviews by the poster presenters 1030 Coffee break for visiting Exhibitors and Posters SESSION 9: Electromagnetic Surveillance and Communication Systems SESSION CHAIR: Gregory Schultz, Chief Scientist, White River Technologies, USA 1115 UAV to AUV an air-underwater magnetic communication link Boris Ginzburg, Senior Researcher, SOREQ NRC, Israel 1140 Detection of electrically anomalous body by seabed e-field sensor array with active high-current Sung-Ho Cho, PhD Student, Korea University of Science and Technology (KIGAM campus), South Korea 1205 Attenuation of lateral electromagnetic waves from vertical discontinuities Tom Braute, Scientist, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), Norway 1230 Lunch break SESSION 10: EM Sensors and Instrumentation SESSION CHAIR: Steven Constable, Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA 1345 A new broadband ocean-bottom electromagnetic receiver system Jianxin Pei, Lecturer, Ocean University of China, China 1410 Performance improvement of a current based marine electrometer Mathieu Baicry, PhD Student, CEA, France 1435 A new receiver for vertical-vertical time domain CSEM Stefan Helwig, Chief Technical Officer, PetroMarker, USA 1500 Coffee break for visiting Exhibitors and Posters SESSION 11: Signature Measurement Systems, Ranges and Self-Monitoring SESSION CHAIR: Owen Griffiths, Principal Engineer, Maritime Integrated Survivability, Dstl, UK 1545 A novel technique for modeling ship magnetic signatures Carmen Lucas, Defence Scientist, Defence R&D Canada, Canada 1610 Submerged buoy system for underwater electromagnetic signature measurements Donald Pugsley, Senior Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA 1635 Magnetic field uniformity, United States Navy Magnetics Laboratories Stephanie Ferrone, Physicist, Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA 1700 End of day 3 REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! www.marelec.co.uk/register DAY 4: FRIDAY, JUNE 19 0830 Morning refreshments SESSION 12: Forward and Inverse EM Modeling SESSION CHAIR: 0900 Efficient 3D frequency-domain modeling of CSEM data using an exponential finite-difference method Piyoosh Jaysaval, PhD Research Fellow, University of Oslo, Norway 0925 Improved resolution of resistivity sections as result of inversion of Towed Streamer EM data Johan Mattsson, EM R&D Manager, PGS, Sweden 0950 Joint analysis of sub-seafloor structures using marine DC resistivity and magnetic data Tada-nori Goto Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan 1015 Poster Highlights – 2 minute overviews by the poster presenters 1030 Coffee break for visiting Exhibitors and Posters SESSION 13: Passive and Active EM Signature Reduction Methods SESSION CHAIR: Bradley Nelson, Defence Scientist, Defence R&D Canada, Canada 1115 Development of magnetic signature management in the COSIMAR project Reinier Tan, Scientist, TNO, Netherlands 1140 The static E&M source modeller Eugene Lepelaars, Senior Research Scientist, TNO, Netherlands 1205 Corrosion related magnetic field caused by current flow in the hull John Baynham, Director of Engineering R&D, CM Beasy, UK 1230 Lunch break SESSION 14: Underwater Based Surveillance SESSION CHAIR: Neil Stapleton, Principal Scientific Officer, Dstl, UK 1345 Integration of a total-field magnetometer with an AUV for detection of ferrometallic targets Doug Hrvoic, PhD Student, McMaster University, Canada 1410 Automated target recognition to classify ferrous cylindrical shapes Leon Vaizer, Electronics Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA 1435 Application of a multi-channel magnetic scalar gradiometer on an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Ted Clem, Research Physicist, Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA 1500 Coffee break for visiting Exhibitors and Posters SESSION 15: Modeling of Hydrographic and Hydrodynamic Systems SESSION CHAIR: John Holmes, Conference Chairman, Senior Scientist, Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA 1545 Magnetic signatures of fine-scale processes in the upper ocean turbulent boundary layer Alexander Soloviev, Professor, Nova Southeastern University, USA 1610 Electromagnetic fields induced by internal waves in stratified conducting fluids: model validation Timothy Bole, Physicist, Naval Surface Warfare Center, USA 1635 Synthetic Aperture Radar imaging of sea surface: Determination of marine environmental information Simon Topping, Head of CS Signatures Department, Atlas Elektronik, UK 1700 End of conference Conference programme sponsored by:
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