Registration Form Organizing Committee Name:________________________________________ Designation : __________________________________ Organization / Company : ______________________ Address : ______________________________________ Chief Patron Dr. A.K. Srivastava Director & Vice-Chancellor, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal Patrons Dr. R.K.Malik, Joint Director (R), ICAR-NDRI Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP _______________________________________________ Telephone : Landline:………………… Mobile:……………… E-mail (Mandatory) : …………………………………………… I wish to present the paper Mode of Souvenir Advisors : Oral /Poster : Soft copy /Hard copy Title of the Paper : _____________________________ _______________________________________________ I am sending registration fee of Rs…………through online transaction (Slip enclosed) or D/D.No …………………..drawn on …….……………………Bank dated …………………(in favour of IIFANS) to Dr.P.Nazni, Associate Professor, Syndicate Member, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Periyar University, Salem-636 011. Date…………….. Signature NB: Photocopies of registration form are also accepted. The registration fee for the Conference is applicable to all the participants. It includes admission to all technical sessions, kit with souvenir, working lunch and tea. The registration fee may be paid by non-refundable Demand Draft (DD) in favour of “IIFANS” payable at New Delhi and sent to Dr.P.Nazni, Associate Professor, Syndicate Member, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Periyar University, Salem-636 011 or can be transferred by non-refundable Internet Banking using the below IIFANS account details. Send the scanned copy of the deposit slip to : Email: [email protected] Name :IIFANS Bank : Kotak Mahindra Bank Account No :3911242385 Branch : A 1/24, Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi-110 029 SWIFT CODE : KKBKINBB IFSC Code : KKBK0000175 Convener Dr. P. Nazni President IIFANS Associate Professor, Syndicate Member Department of Food Science & Nutrition Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamil Nadu Mob. +91 98848 17954 Email: [email protected] Dr. Satish kulkarni, Former Head, SRS, NDRI Dr. B. Surendranath, Acting Head, SRS, NDRI Chairperson Dr. Ravinder Singh, Secretary IIFANS, New Delhi Convener Dr. P. Nazni, President IIFANS, New Delhi O r g a n i z i n g Dr.M.Manjunatha Scientist, SRS, NDRI, Bengaluru Secretary Members Dr. Charu Katare, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh Dr. Avvari Jyothi, Tirupathi, Andhra Pradesh Dr. S. Alamelu Mangai, Puducherry Mrs.Vandana Mishra, Uttar Pradesh Dr.Amirul Hassan, Uttar Pradesh Dr.Pramjit S. Panesar, Punjab Mr.Abdul Quyoum Lone, Jammu & Kashmir IIFANS New Delhi ICAR-NDRI Jointly Organize ICMR and DST sponsored 6 International Conference on EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN FOOD AND NUTRITION FOR HEALTH MANAGEMENT (ICETF-2015) th MAY 14-15, 2015 About the Organizers International Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS) is upcoming and promising institute under the aegis of Self- Actualisation Society (Regn. No. S- 55646 /2006) with registered office at New Delhi. The focus areas of IIFANS are to make people aware on nutrition and health, conduct workshops or conference and educate through various courses. IIFANS has conducted conferences and is developing courses on food and public health nutrition. IIFANS is running an International Journal on Food and Nutritional Sciences (IJFANS) with Impact Factor ~ 1.021. IIFANS is also co-opting people under various fellowships and membership schemes for enhanced benefits. ICEFT-2015 conference abstracts will be published in IJFANS journal as supplementary issue. ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute (NRDI), Karnal is the premier organization that provides R&D support for dairy development programmes of the nation. Over the years, it has gained prominence as the front ranking research organization on global basis. The Institute works in close liaison with various National and International developmental agencies. Scientific achievements, development of human resource at multi-tier level and infusion of science in various sectors of the dairy industry have been the hallmarks of the Institute. The ICAR-NDRI metamorphosed from erstwhile Imperial Institute for Animal Husbandry & Dairying, which was established at Bengaluru in 1923. The ICAR-NDRI has two regional stations, one at Bengaluru and the other at Kolkata. Venue Southern Regional Station (SRS) ICAR-NDRI, Adugodi Bengaluru-560030 6th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Food and Nutrition for Health Management—(ICETF-2015) About the Conference Food technology is a branch of food science which deals with the technological aspects of food. The technology is developed using the information generated by the food science in the selection, preservation, packaging, and distribution as it helps for consumption of safe, nutritious and wholesome food. The food technologists also study the chemical, physical and biochemical nature of foods so that the food is appropriately processed, preserved, packaged and stored according to the specifications laid down by industry and government. The research and development in food technology has resulted into the production of foods with desirable quality, safety, nutrition and shelf-life. Looking at the importance of the subject, IIFANS and SRS, NDRI jointly announce the “6th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Food and Nutrition for Health Management - ICETF-2015” Date and Venue Dates : May, 14-15, 2015 Venue : Southern Regional Station ICAR-NDRI, Adugodi Bengaluru-560030 Aims & Objectives of the Conference The objective of the conference is to bring professionals of nutrition science and health sciences at one platform to exchange thoughts and share ideas. The aim of the Conference is to stay upto-date on emerging trends in Food Science and provide a forum for discussion on topics related to nutrition and health among nutritionists and other professionals such as Food Scientists, Food Processing Industry, Agriculturists, Food Technologists, Food Researchers and Health care providers working in the field. Themes of the Conference The conference will cover a wide array of topics from the field of Food technology, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health Care. ICETF-2015 will incorporate ground-breaking research, keynote addresses from leading scientists and opportunities for exchange with participants from all over the world. The research articles and papers in the below given themes and other related areas are welcome. Recent advancements in food technology Emerging food processing techniques Biotechnological and nano-technological approaches in food processing Nutritional techniques and methodologies Dairy processing and technology Advances in clinical nutrition Public health and nutritional sciences Lifestyle related health problems and nutrition IMPORTANT DATES Submission of Abstracts : 03.05. 2015 Submission of Full Paper : 03.05. 2015 Conference Dates : May, 14-15, 2015 Early Registration : 07.05.15 Abstracts should be sent to : [email protected] Full papers should be sent to : [email protected] (Based on the guidelines) Who can Participate? Participation is open to Academicians, Scientists, Industrial Persons, Research Scholars, Students, Researchers in Food Science and Nutrition, Food Engg & Technology, Dairy Engg, Processing & Technology, Food Biotechnology, Microbiology, Nutritional biochemistry, Nursing and Related Disciplines, Public Health Specialists, Call for Abstract Abstracts for oral and poster presentation not exceeding 200 words typed in English in a single paragraph in Times New Roman font 12 points are invited. The abstract should be sent only by e-mail at [email protected] along with title of the paper, name of the author(s), and full address for correspondence including email. Name of the presenting author should be underlined. Abstract should be submitted latest by 03.05.15. The abstract should be sent along with the registration fee details. Abstracts received after the due date will not be included in the Souvenir. Registration Fee Category Indian Delegates (Academia/ Scientists) Indian Students/ Research Fellow On or before 07.05.15 Spot Registration 4000/- 4500/- 1500/- 2000/- US$ 500 US$ 600 Foreign Students* US$ 150 US$ 200 Foreign Delegates* Corporate/ Private Sectors/ Scientist 6000/- 7500/- *Foreign delegate’s registration fee includes boarding and lodging
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