James Hardie Australia Pty Limited ABN 12 084 635 558 Page 1 of 6 Date of Issue: 8/04/2015 Issue 1 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION AND IDENTITY OF FOR THE CHEMICAL Product Identifier James Hardie Joint Sealant™ Other means of None identification Recommended use of the A gunnable, air curing, low modulus 1 part construction sealant chemical and restrictions on use Suppliers Name and Address James Hardie Australia Pty Limited 10 Colquhoun Street Rosehill NSW 2142 Australia Emergency phone number 13 11 03 (General Information and Emergency) 2. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Classification of the Hazardous Chemical Label Elements, including precautionary Statements Other hazards which do not result in classification Classified as Hazardous Acute Toxicity, Category 4 Respiratory Sensitisation, Category 1 Hazard Statement H332 – Harmful if inhaled H334 – May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled Precautionary statements P260 – Do not breathe vapours P280 – Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. P271 – Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. P285 – In case of inadequate ventilation wear respiratory protection. None 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Identity of chemical ingredients CAS number Toluene diisocyanate Non-hazardous ingredients 584-84-9 Concentration of ingredients (%) <1.0% Up to 100% 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Swallowed Eye Contact Rinse mouth with water. If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Give a glass of water to drink. Never give anything by the mouth to an unconscious patient. If vomiting occurs give further water. Seek medical advice. If in eyes wash out immediately with water. In all cases of eye contamination it is a sensible precaution to seek medical advice. James Hardie Australia Pty Limited ABN 12 084 635 558 Skin Contact Inhaled Advice to Doctor Page 2 of 6 Date of Issue: 8/04/2015 Issue 1 If skin or hair contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and flush skin and hair with running water. If swelling, redness, blistering or irritation occurs seek medical assistance. Remove victim from exposure - avoid becoming a casualty. Remove contaminated clothing and loosen remaining clothing. Allow patient to assume most comfortable position and keep warm. Keep at rest until fully recovered. If breathing laboured and patient cyanotic (blue), ensure airways are clear and have a qualified person give oxygen through a facemask. If breathing has stopped apply artificial respiration at once. In the event of cardiac arrest, apply external cardiac massage. Seek immediate medical advice. Treat symptomatically. Effects may be delayed. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable extinguishing media Specific hazards arising from the chemical Special protective equipment and precautions for fire fighters If material is involved in a fire use water fog (or if unavailable fine water spray), foam, dry agent (carbon dioxide, dry chemical powder). Combustible material. If safe to do so, remove containers from path of fire. Keep containers cool with water spray. On burning may emit toxic fumes. Fire fighters to wear self-contained breathing apparatus and suitable protective clothing if risk of exposure to vapour or products of combustion. No special measures are required. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Containment Emergency Procedures Clean-up method Disposal Precautions Wear protective equipment to prevent skin and eye contamination. Avoid inhalation of vapours. Collect and seal in properly labelled containers or drums for disposal. If a significant spill occurs: Slippery when spilt. Avoid accidents, clean up immediately. Wear protective equipment to prevent skin and eye contamination and the inhalation of vapours. Work up wind or increase ventilation. Contain - prevent run off into drains and waterways. If contamination of sewers or waterways has occurred advise local emergency services. Dispose of according to guidelines below (Section 14). Use absorbent (soil, sand or other inert material). Collect and seal in properly labelled containers or drums for disposal. Collect recoverable material into labelled containers for disposal. Recycle packaging wherever possible. This material may be suitable for approved landfill. Dispose of only in accord with local regulations. Use respirator, gloves and eye protection. See Section 8 James Hardie Australia Pty Limited ABN 12 084 635 558 Page 3 of 6 Date of Issue: 8/04/2015 Issue 1 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Storage Handling Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place and out of direct sunlight. Store away from incompatible materials described in Section 10. Store away from sources of heat or ignition. Keep containers closed when not in use - check regularly for leaks. Avoid skin and eye contact and inhalation of vapour. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION A Workplace Exposure Standard (WES) has not been established by Safe Work Australia for this product. Ingredient Isocyanates, all (as – NCO) WES-TWA 0.02 mg/m3 WES-STEL 0.07 mg/m3 Notices SEN Note: The Workplace Exposure Standards do not apply to previously sensitised individuals. Sensitised individuals should be removed from any further exposure. Medical supervision of all employees who handle or come in contact with respiratory sensitisers is recommended. Personnel with a history of asthma-type conditions, bronchitis or skin sensitisation conditions should not work with isocyanate based products. Biological Limit Values As per the Model Work Health and Safety Regulations isocyanates require health monitoring. See Schedule 14 Requirements for health monitoring of the Model WHS Regulations and the Safe Work Australia publication “Health Monitoring for Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals - Guide for workers”. Appropriate engineering controls Ensure ventilation is adequate to maintain air concentrations below Exposure Standards. Use only in well ventilated areas. Use with local exhaust ventilation or while wearing appropriate respirator. Vapour heavier than air - prevent concentration in hollows or sumps. DO NOT enter confined spaces where vapour may have collected. Keep containers closed when not in use. Keep containers closed when not in use. 9. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Eyes Goggles/glasses should be worn. AS/NZS1336 “Eye and face protection - Guidelines” provides further guidance. James Hardie Australia Pty Limited ABN 12 084 635 558 Skin Respiratory Loose comfortable clothing should be worn. Direct skin contact with chemical should be avoided by wearing long overalls, a cap or hat, and gloves - available information suggests that gloves made from polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) should be suitable for intermittent contact, AS/NZ 2161 “Occupational protective gloves”. Always wash hands before smoking, eating, drinking or using the toilet. Wash contaminated clothing and other protective equipment before storing or re-using. Work clothes should be laundered separately. Use with adequate ventilation. If inhalation risk exists wear organic vapour/particulate respirator meeting the requirements of AS/NZS 1715 “Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment” and AS/NZS 1716 “Respiratory protective devices”. 10. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Odour Specific Gravity (20°C) pH Melting point/freezing point Boiling point and boiling range Flash point Evaporation rate Flammability Flash Point (°C) Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Vapour pressure Vapour density Relative density Solubility Partition coefficient: noctanol/water Auto-ignition temperature Decomposition temperature Viscosity Specific heat value Particle size Volatile organic compounds content % volatile Saturated vapour concentration Release of invisible flammable vapours and gases (g/L) 11. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Page 4 of 6 Date of Issue: 8/04/2015 Issue 1 Coloured thixotropic paste. Aromatic solvent odour 1.26 No pH data Not applicable No data Not flammable No data No data 43 (solids) No data No data No data No data Insoluble in water No data No data No data No data No data No data No data No data No data 64 James Hardie Australia Pty Limited ABN 12 084 635 558 Reactivity Chemical stability Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials and possible hazardous reactions Hazardous decomposition products Page 5 of 6 Date of Issue: 8/04/2015 Issue 1 Will react exothermically with water and all organic compounds containing active hydrogen groups. This material is thermally stable when stored and used as directed. Avoid high temperatures. Water, alcohols, amines, acids and bases. Oxides of carbon and nitrogen, smoke and other toxic fumes may include isocyanates. 12. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Summary No adverse health effects expected if the product is handled in accordance with this Safety Data Sheet and the product label. Symptoms or effects that may arise if the product is mishandled and overexposure occurs are: Acute Oral Swallowing can result in nausea, vomiting and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Dermal Contact with skin may result in irritation. Inhaled Vapours are harmful if inhaled. A respiratory sensitiser. Can cause possible allergic reactions. Eye May be an eye irritant. Skin Contact with skin may result in irritation Chronic Sensitisation No information available for product. Mutagenicity No information available for product. Carcinogenicity No information available for product. Reproductive/ No information available for product. Developmental Systemic No information available for product. Aggravation of existing No information available for product. conditions 13. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Summary Avoid contaminating waterways Ecotoxicity Persistence and degradability Bioaccumulative potential Mobility in soil Other adverse effects No data No data No data No data None 14. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Safe handling and disposal methods Disposal of any contaminated packaging Environmental regulations There are no product-specific restrictions, however, local environmental legislative requirements may apply Preferably re-cycle packaging, otherwise send to landfill or similar. Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. James Hardie Australia Pty Limited ABN 12 084 635 558 Page 6 of 6 Date of Issue: 8/04/2015 Issue 1 15. TRANSPORT INFORMATION UN number Proper shipping name Transport hazard class(es) Packing group Environmental hazards Special precautions during transport Hazchem Code Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 16. REGULATORY INFORMATION Safety, health and environmental regulations specific for the product in question Poisons Schedule number None Not Applicable 17. OTHER INFORMATION Date of preparation Key abbreviations or acronyms used CAS Number EC50 HAZCHEM Code IARC LEL LD50 LC50 MSDS/SDS `Sen' notice - sensitiser STEL TWA UEL UN WES 8/4/15 Unique Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number Ecotoxic Concentration 50% – concentration in water which is fatal to 50% of a test population (e.g. daphnia, fish species) Emergency action code of numbers and letters that provide information to emergency services, especially fire fighters International Agency for Research on Cancer Lower Explosive Limit Lethal Dose 50% – dose which is fatal to 50% of a test population (usually rats). Lethal Concentration 50% – concentration in air which is fatal to 50% of a test population (usually rats) Material Safety Data Sheet (or Safety Data Sheet) The substance can cause a specific immune response in some people. An affected individual may subsequently react to exposure to minute levels of that substance. Short Term Exposure Limit - The maximum airborne concentration of a chemical or biological agent to which a worker may be exposed in any 15 minute period, provided the TWA is not exceeded Time Weighted Average – generally referred to WES averaged over typical work day (usually 8 hours) Upper Explosive Limit Number United Nations Number Workplace Exposure Standard - The airborne concentration of a biological or chemical agent to which a worker may be exposed in a work day.
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