PERENNIALS PRICE GUIDE 2015 Sun & Shade Codes Our sun and shade symbols tell you at a glance if a plant is suited to a particular location. We realize that there are always exceptions, and that plants have been found to thrive where, theoretically, they shouldn’t even grow at all. So use the symbols as a guide, but don’t be too intimidated by them. Blooming Time ESP MSP LSP ESU MSU LSU EF MF LF Sun Shade Prefers sun, will tolerate some shade Attracts Butterflies Deer resistant Attracts Hummingbirds Cut Flower Outstanding Foliage Early Spring Mid Spring Late Spring Early Summer Mid Summer Late Summer Early Fall Mid Fall Late Fall Prices and pot sizes are subject to change PERENNIALS ACHILLEA millefolium zones 2-9 This European species has been in use for over 500 years, but now many new hybrids are available, including new colors for this species. The foliage is ferny, and usually dark green. Since this species tends to run at the root a bit, we recommend planting it in a dryish soil, on the lean side. Full sun is required to help keep the stem growth in check. Division is suggested every two years. Moderately faded flowers can be beautiful though, so avoid being too quick with the clippers. Attracts butterflies. (Yarrow) Achillea is renowned for its undemanding, adapting nature and its floral display throughout the summer. It is quite heat tolerant. Excellent as a dried botanical, it retains its rich color if the flower head is cut when it is just opening and hung upside-down. The fern-like, aromatic foliage varies in color from green to silver gray, depending on variety. Prune sharply after bloom for a neater appearance and to encourage rebloom. Divide every four years or so. 1 m. x ’Laura’ leaves are deep green on all species. Even though most of these are fairly late to flower, the foliage emerges very early and is always welcome. Aconitum cut well, but they are poisonous in all their parts, so use caution. Keep the “juice” of the plant from open wounds, etc. Avoid planting the crown too deep. carmichaelii ‘Arendsii’ ruby red ESU-LSU 14-16”H x 10-12”W A member of the Song Siren Series. Compact, upright, sturdy habit. The non-fading flowers a brilliant ruby-red with extra-large white eyes. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. m. x ’Pineapple Mango’ metallic purple-blue MSU 48"H x 36"W Glossy green leaves. Works well with later plants such as pink physostegia and Cimicifuga 'White Pearl.' Staking is usually not necessary. The species is native to the Kamchatka peninsula. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. c. ‘Royal Flush’ rich pink ESU-LSU 22”H x 22”W A sturdy, compact plant with large flower clusters. Interesting in their color, the flowers begin rich pink, maturing to salmon then yellow and finishing pale primrose yellow. Well-branched. deep blue-violet MF 40"H x 20"W Tall and sturdy, the reddish stems carry hooded, metallic purple-blue flowers. In early spring, leaves emerge brilliant red. Combine with cimicifuga, variegated hosta and physostegia. fischeri lavender-blue MSU-MF 24-36”H x 18”W A shorter variety with sturdy spikes of dark lavender-blue flowers. The flowers open in progression, down the stem. Leathery, deeply lobed foliage. This plant provides good vertical form and is a great cut flower. From Eastern Asia. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. m. x ’Saucy Seduction’ rosy pink ESU-LSU 24”H x 24”W Rosy pink flowers on upright stems. m. x ‘Strawberry Seduction’ red ESU-LSU 18-20”H x 32”W Clusters of tiny, intense red florets with bright gold centers on sturdy stems. Well branched habit. m. x ‘Sunny Seduction’ yellow ESU-EF 24”H x 18-24”W Large sunny yellow flowers all summer. Price for the above 4 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l., $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. ACONITUM zones 3-8 (Monkshood) A very old garden plant, with some species in use by the year 1200. The Monkshoods are excellent plants for full sun (especially in the north) or filtered light areas. In either they demand ample moisture, but not wetness. We like to mulch them in our garden so that the moisture is fairly constant. Keep aconitum well fertilized; they are especially fond of phosphorus and potash. Although most of these Eurasian plants are fairly tall, height and bloom time vary greatly. Staking is recommended for the taller varieties. The napellus dark blue-violet MSU 36-48"H x 20"W Native to England and Europe. In cultivation since the 16th century, this was common in America by 1900. It is a sturdy grower, but we usually stake it anyway. Tends to rebloom after deadheading. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. 2 n. ‘Album’ x ‘Kudos Gold’ white MSU-EF 36”H x 20” This Monkshood will brighten a lightly shaded garden. It looks at home in formal and cutting gardens. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. gold LSP-MF 24”H x 24”W Dwarf Hummingbird Mint. Compact, well-branched habit. Large compact spikes hold gold (oragish yellow) flowers. Shearing promotes rebloom. The aromatic foliage emerges a deep bronze turning green as it matures. Deer and slug resistant. x ‘Kudos Silver Blue’ AGASTACHE zones 5-9 (Anise Hyssop) blue LSP-MF 16-20”H x 27”W Dwarf Hummingbird Mint. Compact, well-branched habit. Plump spikes of clear blue flowers.. Aromatic deep green foliage. Deer and slug resistant. Price for the above 3 varieties: $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. These American natives have anise scented leaves and tolerate some shade. Flowers are fragrant. They are very attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Questions? Email us at [email protected] ALCEA zones 3-9 (Hollyhock) x aurantica ‘Apricot Sprite’ Biennial, but it sometimes behaves more like a perennial if deadheaded before seed develops. The hollyhocks were among the first ornamental plants ever grown in America. It is often seen growing alongside older farmhouses where it can reseed freely. It provides a strong vertical effect in the garden, the flower spike often reaching over 72" high. All in this genus have rough, mid green, lobed leaves. It is easy to grow, but rust or Japanese beetles often attack the foliage, so treatment may be necessary. We recommend situating another plant in front of it to conceal any damage that may occur. Attracts butterflies. Very cold hardy. ficifolia ‘Las Vegas’ apricot LSU-MF 15”H x 12-15”W Orange Hummingbird Mint. The spikes are full of peachy apricot tubular flowers with hints of pink and orange. Habit is bushy and upright, shorter in stature than other agastaches. In spring, remove old stems after new growth has started. Mulch for winter. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. foeniculum purple ESU-LSU 36-60”H x 16”W A classic native plant with mint and licorice scented leaves. Topped with fuzzy spikes of tiny purple flowers. Edible flowers are very attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, but the deer stay away. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Kudos Ambrosia’ mix MSU-LSU 72”H x 18”W Splendid mixture with brilliant colors and single flowers. A bit shorter than most fig leaf hollyhock strains. Ideal for along garage walls, fences, and the back of the sunny border. Great vertical accent. Mix with other hollyhocks and oriental lilies. x rosea 'Blackberry Ripple' mix LSP-MF 17”H x 16”W Dwarf Hummingbird Mint. Low, compact, wellbranched habit. The flower spikes of a creamy coconut, pale orange and light rose pink give this plant a charming, airy appearance. The aromatic foliage emerges a deep bronze turning green as it matures. Deer and slug resistant. mix LSP-LSU 70"H x 24"W Large semi-double flowers. This mix comes in two colors, solid blackberry-purple with darker veining and pure white. Very attractive when planted in groupings 3 x r. 'Queeny Yellow' soft yellow MSU-LSU 20-30"H x 12-18"W Part of the Queeny Series. Huge double flowers on compact, bushy plants. They are such a soft pastel yellow, they almost appear to be ivory in color. x r. 'Radiant Rose' pink MSU-LSU 70"H x 24"W Single, brilliant, rose-pink flowers bloom on tall stalks. Pinching with produce a lower, bushier plant. Price for the above 8 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l x r. 'Summer Carnival Mix' pink MSU-LSU 60-72"H x 24-36"W Large (up to 4”) semi-double to double flowers will not fade in the summer sun. This mix features four bright solid colors---deep rose-pink, pastel creamyyellow, blush pink, and red. They open from the bottom of the stalk upwards, which makes them superb for cutting. Tall and stately. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x r. 'Blacknight' black-purple LSP-LSU 70"H x 24"W Large single flowers of midnight purple-black. Flowers are very consistant. One of the “blackest” flowers we’ve seen. x r. 'Indian Spring' ALCHEMILLA mixed MSU-LSU 80"H x 18"W The old single form. Usually blooms the first year, despite its classification as a biennial. Adds nostalgic charm to any garden. The flower colors in this mix include a range of white, yellow, pink, and rose. This strain was an All-American winner in 1939. zones 3-8 (Lady's Mantle) This European genus consists of a number of species with some unique features. The leaves are fan shaped, lobed and somewhat hairy. Due to their shape they collect beads of water for a fascinating effect. The masses of tiny chartreuse flowers are especially showy; watch for reseeding. It is hard to imagine an English garden without this plant tumbling along its edge. It needs almost no care. sericata ‘Gold Strike’ yellow-green ESU-EF 14”H x 16”W Free flowering with bright yellow-chartreuse flowers. Velvety green leaves with scalloped edges. Compact. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. ALLIUM zones 3-7 (Wild Onion) All in this genus have an onion fragrance that is pronounced when the foliage is bruised or twisted. The flower form is a globe, consisting of countless small flowers, known as an umbel. They are heavy feeders and they cut well. Damp, well drained soil. x r. 'Mars Magic' red MSU-LSU 70"H x 24"W The classic single form. Flowers the first year, despite its classification as a biennial. Consistently bright red single flowers. Mixes well with yellow. x r. ‘Peaches ‘n Dreams’ creamy peach MSU-LSU 48-72”H x 18”W Fully double creamy peach flowers---some with raspberry pink flecks. Plant them along a fence with Baby’s Breath, Ladybells and Coreopsis. Makes a great backdrop for lower growing perennials. 4 ALSTROEMERIA zones 5-9 (Peruvian Lily, Princess Lily) x ‘Inca Ice’ peach LSP-EF 24-36”H x 36”W Part of the Kronst Inca Series. Alternating petals of soft apricot pink and creamy yellow (almost ivory), with cinnamon brown speckles, give the flowers a peachy hue. Well branched with an abundance of flowers—full umbels each with 20 or more flowers. Great for cutting ---can last two weeks in a vase! x ‘Sweet Laura’ giganteum ‘Globemaster’ violet-purple ESU-MSU 36-48”H x 14”W The large umbels are 6-8” across and full of starshaped violet-purple florets. Foliage is mid-green and sword like, going dormant in mid summer. Let foliage die back before removing. Excellent vertical accent and specimen plant. Great in a child’s garden. $24.99 #2 container yellow/orange LSP-EF 30”H x 12-18”W Golden-yellow flowers with cinnamon speckles are held on sturdy stems. Sweetly fragrant. Mid-green narrow leaves. Does best in sun with well-drained soil. Plant in a protected spot. Great in borders. Price for the above 2 varieties: 11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. AMSONIA zones 3-9 (Blue Stars) This native certainly fits in the low-maintenance group. No insect or disease problems will plague it. Average soil will do, with little or no fertilizer. It is an elegant plant with strong stems and long narrow leaves. Although it is best in light shade, the leaves will turn bright gold in autumn if it is planted in full sun---they contrast nicely with purple-leaved plants like Eupatorium ‘Chocolate.’ If floppiness occurs after blooming, prune to half its original size. ‘Purple Sensation’ violet-purple ESU-ESU 24-30”H x 12”W Reddish violet balls are 4-5” across. Strap-shaped 4” foliage diasappears after the flowers appear. Excellent for the back of the garden as a vertical accent, as well as a specimen plant behind daylilies and daisies. Attractive to bees, butterflies, and birds. Great in a children’s garden. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. hubrichtii Questions? steel blue LSP-ESU 24"H x 24"W Perennial of the Year for 2011. This species has threadlike leaves on strong, stiff stems. Forms a neat bush---great for contrasting with broadleaf plants like bergenia. Wonderful golden fall color. Email us at [email protected] 5 x 'Loreley' rosy pink LSU-MF 40"H x 30"W The semi-double flowers sport lovely, ruffled, light pink petals with darker rosy pink edges. The longlasting flowers are held on tall stems, making this a great flower for cutting. Dark green clumping foliage. 7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. tabernaemontana ‘Blue Ice’ blue LSP-ESU 12-18”H x 12-18”W An especially compact cultivar of Amsonia tabernaemontana. Clusters of dark blue star shaped flowers in spring. Wide lance-shaped leaves. Price for the above 2 varieties: $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x 'September Charm' Questions? pink LSU-MF 30"H x 30"W Deeply cupped, dark pink flowers. Mahogany stems. A hybrid from the 1930's; developed in America. 7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Email us at [email protected] ANEMONE zones 5-8 (Windflower) Hybrid Japanese Anemone. This group of plants is undemanding, easily grown, and exotic. They are beautiful in all respects. Their lush foliage is reason enough to grow them. Leaves are vaguely maple-like. Many varieties have purple flower stems. The flower buds are attractive, as are the elegant flowers usually colored pink or white. They cut well. Most of the varieties are quite large, and some of them spread freely. They bloom late, providing an unexpected show that adds grace to the often tiredlooking late-summer garden. We've found they grow well in sun or moderate shade, but they do require a rich, well-drained soil. They dislike winter wet and summer drought. Different species names are often ascribed to these plants, notably hupehensis, vitifolia and japonica. All are parents to some extent. tomentosa 'Robustissima' pink MSU-LSU 40"H, spreading Probably the hardiest variety. Formerly known as A. vitifolia 'Robustissima.' Blooms about a month earlier than most Japanese Anemones. This is one of the few plants that will grow in dry shade, which will help curb this plant’s aggressive nature. Zone 4. Fall-flowering Anemonesi These Japanese Windflowers have deeply divided dark green leaves. If division is necessary, it should be done in spring. Cut them down after a hard frost. 6 sows freely; plant a wide variety of plants and see what interesting natural hybrids may occur. Cut back spent blooms and most of the foliage to rejuvenate the plant if reseeding is not desired. A longer plant life will be assured with rigorous deadheading. Short varieties, 6-14” highi x ‘Biedermeier’ mix LSP 12”H x 12”W The blooms are a cheery array of pink, blue and purple shades. Use heuchera, Woodland Asters or Ferns to camouflage its leaves when they fade later in the season. x ‘Spring Magic Pink and White’ x 'Whirlwind' white LSU-EF 40"H x 40"W An American hybrid from 1887. Some folks feel this is the most beautiful type. Blooms are semi-double. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. pink LSP-ESU 12-14”H x 8-10”W Soft dusty pink petals around a near white cup. Tidy bluish-green deeply lobed leaves. Combine with astilbes, primrose and forget-me-nots. x ‘Spring Magic Yellow’ Spring-flowering Anemonesi yellow LSP-MSU 12-16”H x 12-16”W Bright yellow long-spurred flowers. Tidy bluish-green deeply lobed leaves. Nice compact habit. Price for the above 3 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. Taller varieties, 18-36” highi x ‘Blue Jay’ dark blue/white MSP-LSP 30”H x 12-14”W Slender, strong stems topped with dark blue flowers with large white centers. Large blue-green, deeply divided leaves. From the ‘Songbird Series’. sylvestris white MSP, EF 10-18"H x 12"W Snowdrop Anemone. A colonizing plant that spreads freely in light, rich soil. Heavier soil will restrict its growth. Any exposure will do, but light shade is preferred. The 1” or larger flowers occur in spring, then sporadically in the summer, with an additional flush in the fall. The leaves are deeply divided. From Europe and Siberia. Hardy in zones 3-9. $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. AQUILEGIA zones 2-9 (Columbine) A group of plants that has been a favorite for ages. The flower, in bud or at maturity, is a curious beauty, and its shape defies description---you just have to see one. They come in a way range of colors. The leaves are generally blue green and deeply divided. A rich well-drained, slightly acidic soil will yield the best results. Most varieties will tolerate some sun if they are in a moisture retentive soil. Aquilegia self- canadensis red/yellow MSP-ESU 20-30”H x 12”W This North American native has 1-2” long nodding flowers: yellow sepals with red curved spurs. Branched stems provide an airy look. Gray-green, lobed leaves. A woodland garden favorite. 7 x ‘Crimson Star’ skinneri ‘Tequilla Sunrise’ crimson/white SP-ESU 24-30"H x 18-24"W Large, upward facing, long spurred, bright crimson flowers with a white corolla and yellow stamens. x ‘Double Pleat Blackberry’ mixed colors MSP-LSP 24-36”H x 12”W A wonderful mix with large colorful flowers and contrasting centers. Mid green, lobed leaves form an airy clump. Includes white, yellow, red, and purple. Price for the above 3 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. vulgaris ‘Carol Ann’ dark purple LSP-ESU 24"H x 15"W The attractive fully double flowers have purple petals edged in white. Starred with golden yellow centers. The distinctive flowers dangle from sturdy stems. Price for the above 3 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. soft pink ESP-MSU 30”H x 18”W The soft pink “granny’s bonnet” flowers are double and spurless. Very unique in their shape. The deeply lobed leaves are attractive all season. v. ‘Clementine Salmon Rose’ rose ESP-MSU 12-18”H x 12-18”W The flowers are a lovely shade of salmon rose, taking on shades of lavender purple, giving a multi-color effect on one plant. The deeply lobed, medium green foliage is attractive all season. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 ml. x ‘Songbird Bunting’ ARABIS sky blue/white SP-ESU 18"H x 12"W Large, long-spurred, upward-facing, bicolored flowers on compact, bushy plants. Light sky-blue sepals and white petals. Foliage is fern-like. x ‘Songbird Mix’ zones 3-7 (Rock Cress) A great broadleaf evergreen plant for the rockery or the front of the garden. The leaves are lightly serrated and usually have a grayish cast. They should not be cut back for the winter, but we do remove the spent flowers for a neater look. In warm years, these plants often get leggy; cut back to promote new, compact growth. Often, some rebloom occurs. mixed colors MSP-LSP 24-36”H x 12”W A wonderful mix with large colorful flowers and contrasting centers. Mid green, lobed leaves form an airy clump. Includes white, yellow, red, and purple. x ‘Songbird Goldfinch’ yellow MSP-LSP 20-28”H x 18-24”W Attractive, large flowers in shades of primrose yellow are held in clusters above the green foliage. They face skyward, not nodding like other varieties. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Songbird Nightengale’ lavender/white MSP-LSP 12-18”H x 10-14”W Large 3”, long-spurred, lavender and white flowers. Medium green, lobed leaves form an airy clump. Great for a woodland or cottage garden. Cuts well. skinneri ‘Tequilla Sunrise’ x ‘Snowfix’ white SP 6”H x 12-24”W Masses of sweetly fragrant white flowers in spring. Forms a rounded mat of small green leaves in summer. Nice at the base of roses and in spring with pansies. orange/yellow MSP-LSP 16-20”H x 18-24”W Brilliant, festive and distinctive, these nodding flowers have bright red to copper to orange outer petals with bright golden yellow center petals. 8 ARENARIA x ‘Spring Charm’ ARALIA zones 4-7 (Sandwort) montana ‘Avalanche’ deep pink SP-ESU 6-8”H x 6-8”W Plants form a small mound of olive-green leaves, bearing masses of sweetly fragrant, deep-pink flowers for several weeks. Drought tolerant once established. Useful at the base of clematis and roses. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 5” pot. white ESU-MSU 6”H, spreading A sprawling, spiny, little, rock garden plant. It has small pointed leaves that are dark green and shiny. The tiny flowers are pure white. Perfect for a rock wall. Likes a well-drained, lean soil. From Europe. $5.99 5” pot. zones 3-9 (Spikenard) ARISAEMA zones 5-8 (Jack in the Pulpit) cordata ‘Sun King’ white MSU-LSU 36”H x 36”W Great for brightening up a shady spot. Bright gold leaves are held on contrasting reddish brown stems. If given at least a few hours of sun a day, the foliage will remain yellow all summer. In heavier shade, the foliage ranges from chartreuse to lime green. Tiny white flowers are followed by deep purplish black, inedible berries. Attracts honeybees. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS triphyllum deep purple ESP-MSP 12-36”H x 25”W Our native Jack in the Pulpit is a delightful plant for most any shaded garden. It has big, showy, segmented leaves--–either three or five segments. The spathe (the “Pulpit”) can vary in color from green to purple, sometimes with striping. The spadix (the “Jack”) can be green or brownish purple. A bright scarlet seed cluster follows in autumn. Needs a rich moist soil, and looks best planted in groups. 7.99 1Qt./946 ml. zones 2-6 (Kinnikinnick) ARMERIA zones 3-9 (Sea Thrift) A choice, easily grown plant for edging or the rockery. The grassy foliage looks good all season, so a frontal position is best. Flowers are held in a tight, 1” wide globe. Deadheading prolongs flowering. Known as sea thrift because it is found growing along sea coasts. Tolerant of salt. uva ursi ‘Massachusetts’ pale pink MSU 12”H, spreading A very cold hardy native groundcover. Clusters of pale pink bell-shaped flowers. Flowers can reach 2” across. Flowers are followed by red berries. Red-gold fall foliage. Evergreen. Great for rock gardens. $17.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 9 formosa ‘Joystick’ mix divided, rounded lobes. Softens and blends border colors. Great paired with Blue and white flowers. $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. mix ESU-LSU 8”H x 8-10”W This mix consists of lilac, red and white flowers. Flower shape is round, similar to an Allium, and measures 1½ - 2” in diameter. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. maritima ‘Armada Rose’ Questions? Email us at [email protected] rose ESU-LSU 8”H x 8-10”W Tiny rose flowers. A charming little plant. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. pseudarmeria ‘Ballerina Lilac’ lilac ESU-LSU 12-14”H x 12-16”W The vibrant lilac-pink flower clusters are held above the green strap-like foliage on sturdy stems. The flower clusters reach one inch in diameter. $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. ARTEMESIA ARUNCUS zones 4-8 (Goat's Beard) Although usually chosen for lightly shaded spots, we've found that these will do well in full sun if the soil is moist. They have creamy, plume-like flowers bearing some similarity to an astilbe, only shaggier. zones 4-9 (Wormwood) Some of the most easily grown plants in the world of perennials. Most tolerate exposure to sunlight and wind; well-drained soil is their only requirement. Most in this genus are grown for the effect of the silvergray leaves; Winter interest is good too. x aethus ‘Noble Spirits’ white ESU-LSU 12”H x 18”W Long white flowers. Soft, ferny, deep green leaves that turn bronzy red in cool fall weather. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. sylvester ‘Guinea-Fowl’ schmidtiana ‘Silver Mound’ white ESP-LSP 22”H x 20”W Dwarf Goat’s Beard. Lots of creamy white flower plumes. Tall upright stems. Looks nice through winter. They do well along streams and ponds. x ‘Misty Lace’ gray leaves 12”H x 20”W This plant has a dome-shaped habit with silky, lacy gray foliage. Prefers a lean diet. Non-flowering. Admired by all who see it for the first time. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. stelleriana ‘Silver Brocade’ creamy white ESU-LSU 18”H x 24”W Creamy white flower spikes above deep green leaves. Nice for smaller gardens. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. gray leaves 6-12”H x 20”W ‘Silver Brocade is interesting in color, shape and texture! The felty, silvery foliage (with a hint of green) is uniquely shaped. The leaves are deeply 10 ASARUM zones 4-8 (Wild Ginger) i. ‘Cinderella’ rose pink ESU-MSU 24"H x 20"W Vanilla-scented, rose-pink flowers in large, compact clusters from midsummer to early fall. Deadheading the flowers of 'Cinderella' will stimulate another bloom cycle about a month after the first one. A butterfly favorite. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. canadense brown SP 4-6”H, spreading Native. Canadian Ginger. Hugs the ground with matte green, heart-shaped leaves. Flowers are tucked under leaves. The roots and leaves smell like ginger. Slowly spreads. Perfect under for hostas, ferns and shrubs. 3.99 2.5” pot. syriaca purple ESP-MSU The dense round clusters of purple flowers are very sweet smelling and produce abundant nectar. They are followed by soft spiny seed pods. Upright stems with opposite, oblong-ovate, mid-green leaves. $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. europeanum reddish brown SP 5-8”H, spreading European Ginger. Hugs the ground with matte, medium green, heart-shaped leaves. Slowly spreads. The roots and leaves smell like ginger. Reddish brown insignificant pitcher-shaped flowers. Perfect underplanting for small shrubs, hostas, ferns. Plant in woodland gardens or shady rock gardens. ASCLEPIAS tuberosa orange MSU-LSU 24”H x 15”W Native prairie. Butterfly Weed. One of the few orange colored flowers, and it is mildly fragrant. Attracts Monarch butterflies. Showy seedpods turn mahogany in fall. Will tolerate filtered shade. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. tuberosa ‘Hello Yellow’ zones 3-9 (Silkweed, Milkweed) The various members of the Milkweed clan all have silky tufts attached to their seeds, to help them travel. All have fleshy, tuberous roots. They are slow to start in the spring; mark your plants well so you don't behead them during early-spring cultivation. yellow ESU-LSU 24”H x 24”W These massive clusters, up to 3” in diameter, of bright golden yellow flowers are irresistible to butterflies and bees. They are followed by showy seedpods that turn handsome mahogany in fall. They seed pods are great for dried arrangements. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. incarnata deep pink ESU-MSU 24"H x 20"W Native prairie. Red Milkweed. Attractive in leaf and flower. Attracts butterflies. Dried seed pods can be used indoors. Likes average to moist soil. Height can vary considerably, up to 48" high. $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. 11 ASTER Compact habit, even without pinching. Intense purple, semi-double, daisy flowers with golden central discs. Disease resistant. Will take up to a half day of shade. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. n.-a. ‘Vibrant Dome’ zones 4-9 The asters are a large group of plants, with over 600 species distributed throughout the world. All have green leaves and daisy type flowers and most require sun. Although they are generally used for autumn show, a few bloom earlier. The fall bloomers look very good with the later flowering grasses such as miscanthus. Most varieties cut well, and many are appealing to butterflies. The less hardy are indicated. Average garden soil with even moisture. The asters are now arranged according to height, beginning with the shortest variety. Tall asters may be pruned by half around July 1 for a more compact, tidier habit. Deadheading may stimulate rebloom. hot pink LSU-EF 20”H x 30”W A sport of ‘Purple Dome’ with fantastic flower power. Loaded with hot pink flowers late in the season. Forms a neat, compact mound. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x novae-belgii ‘Alert’ red LSU-EF 12-15”H x 12”W New York Aster, Michaelmas Daisy. The novae-belgii group is a hybrid group created by crossing several North American species. Wonderful, yellow centered, ruby-red blooms in a semi-double form. Slender, smooth leaves on a neat compact plant. Cuts well. x dumosus ‘Professor Kippenburg’ lavender LSU-EF 12-18”H x 18-24”W Mid size aster with semi-double, lavender blue daisylike flowers with yellow centers. Reliable performer. Good cut flower. Combine with roses or hibiscus. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. lateriflorus x ‘Bluebird’ violet-blue MSU-EF 36”H x 18-24”W Smooth Aster. Violet-blue flowers - up to 1½” wide, with yellow centers. Foliage is smooth, narrow and blue-green in color. Stems have a gentle arch to them. A great mid-garden filler for the cottage garden. A good companion for ornamental grasses and sedum. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x novae belgii ‘Wood’s Blue’ light blue LSU-EF 8-12”H x 12-15”W Dense compact mound of light blue to lavender 2” blooms with bright yellow centers. Leaves are disease resistant. Works well with sedum and rudbeckia. x n.-b. ‘Wood’s Pink’ novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' pink LSU-EF 8-12” H x 12-15”W Wonderful clear pink daisy-like flowers with small yellow centers. Foliage is rust and mildew resistant. Good with Eupatorium ‘Chocolate’ and Phlox ‘Nicky.’ deep purple LSU-EF 18"H x 30"W 12 x n.-b. ‘Wood’s Purple’ purple LSU-EF 8-12”H x 12-15”W Vibrant purple 2” flowers with gold centers. Compact, neat growth habit. Rust and Mildew resistant. Price for the above 4 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./946 ml. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. ASTILBE zones 4-9 There really is no plant that can be compared to astilbe; it is singular in flower form as well as foliage. The flowers are plume-like, and can be used cut either fresh or dried. The leaves vary a little by variety, and all are very desirable. Some have green leaves, others bronze; some are finely cut, others less so; some have a shine, while others have a matte finish. Any variety will be a beneficial addition. The bloom season for astilbe is generally early summer, but take note of the later-flowering types---these are valuable to astilbe lovers who want to extend the bloom season. Graham Stuart Thomas, the noted late plantsman, liked to combine the earlier-flowering varieties with Siberian Iris. Most of these varieties were developed in Germany in the early 1900's. They are native to Asia. Few plants are as easily grown to perfection as astilbe. Average garden soil with even, ample moisture is all that is required. If they dry out before they bloom, flowering may be inhibited. Some varieties are less tolerant of exposure to sun than others. However, most all of these will endure more sun than is generally believed, as long as moisture is provided. Division is best performed in August. We are now listing astilbe by color, beginning with the white flowered varieties, and following with progressively darker flowered varieties, then by height, starting with the shortest varieties. We hope this makes your plant selection easier. japonica x ‘Ellie’ white LSP-ESU 24”H x 20”W A shorter type with bright white, large, full plumes. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. arendsii x 'Weisse Gloria' white MSU-LSU 24-30"H x 24"W Also known as 'White Gloria.' The erect plumes are full and glowing white. Later than most white astilbe. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Soft Pink, Pink, Coral, Salmon, Rosee x ‘Color Flash’ blusih pink ESU-MSU 12”H x 18”W In spring, the leaves emerge brilliant green, quickly maturing to a mix of burgundy, purple and green. Blush pink flowers. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. chinensis x ‘Visions in Pink’ pink MSU 18”H x 18”W A very promising variety. It has a compact habit, with thicker than average flower spikes of pure pink. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. japonica x 'Peach Blossom' salmon MSU 24"H x 18"W Flower color is pure, pale salmon-pink. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. chinensis x ‘Sister Theresa’ Whitee chinensis ‘Visions in White’ pink ESU 24”H x 18”W A relative of the noted variety ‘Visions.’ This one has dense clusters of fragrant flowers on stiff stems. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. white ESU-MSU 18”H x 15-18”W Fluffy white flowers above deep green lacy leaves. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 13 chinensis x ‘Mighty Pip’ x ‘Delft Lace’ pink SP-ESU 24-36”H x 24”W Dense, deeply cut, dark blue-green leaves have dark red stems. Deep pink buds open to soft pink plumes. x ‘Rhythm and Blues’ raspberry-pink ESU-MSU 25”H x 16-20”W A newer hybrid astilbe that is more floriferous, with shorter denser plumes of bright raspberry-pink. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. thunbergii x 'Ostrich Plume' salmon-pink MSU 40-48"H x 24-36"W Strong and robust, ‘Mighty Pip’ produces extremely large plumes of salmon-pink blooms held above a large mound of dark green, toothed foliage. Rosy Red, Salmon Red, Redd x younique ‘Cerise’ cherry ESU-MSU 12-16”H x 15-18”W Upright plants with spikes of cherry red buds, opening to hot pink flowers. Bred by Dutch hybridizer Jan Verschoor for compact habit and lots of flowers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. c. ’Visions in Red’ rich coral-pink MSU 36"H x 36"W Giant arching plumes. First named in Germany in 1952 under the name 'Straussenfeder.’ $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. rosy-red ESU-MSU 15”H x 15-18”W Dark rosy-red buds open to vibrant pink-red spikes. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x younique ‘Carmine’ Pink-Lilac, Lavender, Pink-Purple, Purple-Rose x x ‘Color Flash Lime’ pink MSU 10"H x 18"W Blush pink flowers are held about 8” above the uniquely colored foliage. The foliage emerges light green maturing to an intense yellow as the season progresses. Dense, compact habit. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. chinensis ’Visions’ raspberry red ESU-MSU 16-20”H x 15-18”W Lots of bright raspberry red flowers. The flower spikes are airy but full. Bred by Dutch hybridizer Jan Verschoor for compact habit and lots of flowers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. japonica x 'Montgomery' purple MSU 15”H x 16”W Shorter, with lilac-purple plumes in late summer, lasting longer than many others. Bronze-green leaves. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Look at Me’ dark red LSP-ESU 24-30"H x 20"W Finely cut, dark green leaves. One of the best reds. chinensis 'Mighty Red Quinn' rosy red MSU-LSU 48-50"H x 22"W Towering red plumes that age to pink. Foliage starts reddish brown and ages to green. Excellent plant for the mixed shade garden and pond edges. Great pairing for Ligularia and Rodgersia. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. pink MSU 15-17"H x 24-36"W Bubble-gum pink flowers are held on gorgeous red stems. Truly stunning and unique. The large, full plumes are fragrant. Great as a dried flower. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Chocolate Shotgun’ ASTRANTIA pink MSU 24"H x 18"W Very attractive, chocolate brown foliage is complimented by the bright pink flowers. Dense, compact habit. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. chinensis ‘Maggie Daley’ zones 4-7 (Masterwort, Melancholy Gentleman) The long flowering Astrantias are European plants that have been used in cottage gardens for hundreds of years. The flower shape is unusual. The center is a dome of florets, surrounded by a star-like collar, and long lasting when cut. Very desirable as a foil for bright pinks or purples. The leaves are cut-leafed, and form a dense mound. Requires only average garden soil, with even moisture. May reseed freely. x ‘Abbey Road’ maroon ESU-LSU 16-18”H x 24”W Rich dark maroon flowers accented by a white base. This is a new variety that is very vigorous, freeflowering and has attractive large green leaves. lavender-purple MSU 28”H x 16-20”W The bright lavender-purple plumes are long and dense. Shiny dark green leaves. Compact habit. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 14 BAPTISIA x ‘Star of Beauty’ white & magenta LSP-EF 12-18”H x 15-18”W Pincushion-like white flowers with magenta tips. Deeply cut leaves. The flowers have a paper-like quality, but are more durable than they appear. x ‘Star of Fire’ red LSP-EF 18”H x 15-18”W A new Astrantia with deep red flowers. Price for the above 3 varieties: $7.99 1Qt./946 ml. x ‘Star of Magic’ A large genus of easily grown native legumes with only a few garden worthy species. These deeply rooted plants appreciate even moisture, but mature plants will tolerate dry conditions. australis x ‘Blue Towers’ blue SP-ESU 36-48"H x 60"W Enormous flower spikes hold large , periwinklelavander blue flowers. Spikes can reach 20”. The flowers are followed by pea-pod shaped seedpods. The chalky black pods are great for cutting and drying. Attracts butterflies. australis x ‘Indigo Spires’ pink ESU-LSU 20-24”H x 15-18”W Tall stems hold clusters of rosy-pink flowers. The show comes from the attractive variegated foliage. Variegation is dark green with creamy-white margins and very stable and free-flowing. $9.99 1Qt./946 ml. x ‘Star of Treasure’ rosy purple ESU-LSU 18”H x 15-18”W Rosy-purple star-like pincushion flowers almost appear red. Deeply cut green foliage. $7.99 1Qt./946 ml. AUBRIETA zones 3-9 (False Indigo, Wild Indigo) blue SP-MSU 36-48"H x 60"W Deep violet-blue flowers with yellow keels are held on 12-15” spikes. Very showy when in full bloom. The flowers are followed by pea-pod shaped seedpods. The chalky black pods are great for cutting and drying. Attracts butterflies. zones 4-9 (Purple Rock Cress) A very useful, easy-to-grow plant. Prolific bloomer. Especially suited to the rockery or edging. They look perfect cascading over a rock wall. We like to cut them back after flowering. Neutral or alkaline, welldrained soil is best. From the Mediterranean region. x ‘Audrey Purple Red Mix’ violet SP 3-6”H x 24”W ‘Audrey’ has larger flowers and a more compact habit than other varieties. Violet-purple flowers. Lovely with dwarf iris. $5.99 5” pot. AURINIA decadence ‘Cherries Jubilee’ orange SP-ESU 36-48"H x 60"W Deep maroon buds open to bicolor maroon and yellow flowers held on strong scapes above the blue-green foliage. Its unique in flower color makes this a desireable Baptisia. A Proven Winners selection. The flowers are followed by pea-pod shaped seedpods. The chalky black pods are great for cutting and drying. Attracts butterflies. Price for the above 3 varieties:$13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones 3-8 (Basket of Gold) An old plant formerly known as perennial alyssum. It performs reliably on rock walls and in rock gardens. Its loose habit fits this use perfectly. The leaves are gray-green. We cut the plant back severely after flowering for a neat appearance. Prefers lean soil. saxatilis ‘Summit’ bright yellow SP 6-8”H x 12-18”W A great spring flowering plant with tons of tiny, bright golden-yellow flowers. Nice compact habit. Forms a low mound of gray-green leaves. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. 15 p. ‘Pomponette Mix’ mix SP 6-8”H x 6-8”W The button-like flowers have tiny petals that form perfect little domes. This mix comes in colors of red, pink and white Deadhead to promote reblooms. Price for the above 3 varieties: $4.99 5” pot. BERGENIA zones 3-9 (Pigsqueak) Unusual foliage specimens are always welcome in the perennial garden. The huge, oblate leaves of bergenia provide a strong contrast for most any other plant, especially Ferns, dicentra, or galium. The usually evergreen leaves are thick and leathery, turning to russet in winter. Carmine flowers are held in irregular clusters atop thick stalks. These lime-loving, Siberian natives need only minimal care. They tolerate up to a half-day of shade. The paddle-shaped leaves are valuable for cutting and they are very long lasting. x ’Eden’s Dark Margin’ ‘Midnight Prairieblues’ blue ESP-LSP 36-48"H x 60"W Attractive, deep blue lupine like flowers. Slow growing at first, but eventually become almost shrublike in its dimensions. The flowers are followed by pea-pod shaped seedpods. The chalky black pods are great for cutting and drying. $17.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. BELAMCANDA pink-purple ESP 12”H x 12”W Clusters of small, pinkish-purple, bell-shaped flowers. Flowers are held on long, thick stems above the thick, leathery foliage. Foliage emerges deep-green maturing to a deep purple as the season progresses and begins to cool. Very attractive all season long. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones 4-10 chinensis ‘Freckle Face’ orange MSU-LSU 24-36”H x 15-18”W Bright orange-yellow flowers with deep orange spots. The seed pods display a large cluster of black seeds resembling blackberries. Sometimes known as the Leopard Lily. Tolerates clay, hot humid weather and dry soil. Seeds are poisonous if ingested. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. BELLIS zones 4-8 (English Daisy) ‘Habanera Mix’ mix SP 6”H x 6-8”W Fully-double, 2” flowers. Petals are finely rayed which gives it a fluffy appearance. A mix of white, rose, and red. Flowers are held on short stems above the basal foliage. Deadhead to promote rebloom. perennis ‘Galaxy Series’ x ’Perfect’ magenta LSP-ESU 12-16”H x 12”W Bright, attractive magenta-purple flowers cabbage-like leaves. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. mix SP 6”H x 6-8”W Semi-double, especially large flowers with yellow centers. A mix of white, rose, and red. 16 with Mixes well with Japanese ferns, dicentra and purple leafed heuchera. Too much sun may burn the leaves. $13.99 2Qt/1.89 l. m. ’Silver Heart’ blue MSP-MSU 6-12”H x 12-24”W The almost solid silver foliage has narrow green veins. Plants are vigorous and exhibit a heat tolerance during the summer. Panicles of sky-blue flowers are perfect for adding an airy feeling to a shady garden or an open woodland. Excellent with hosta, trillium and doronicum or interplant with spring bulbs such as daffodils. $11.99 2Qt/1.89 l. x ’Sakura’ pink LSP-ESU 10”H x 12”W Semi double pink flowers resemble cherry blossoms. They are held above the compact foliage – flowers height reaches 15”. The evergreen foliage is an attractive purplish-black throughout the winter. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. BRUNNERA CALAMINTHA zones 3-9 (Calamint) The calamints are easily grown plants that seldom need division. They prefer a sandy soil. zones 4-8 (False Forget-Me-Not) An easily grown plant from the Caucasus Mountains. It has plenty of small, pure blue flowers, beginning in mid-spring and continuing well into June, all the while displaying its large, heart-shaped leaves. Reseeds in some gardens. Brunnera prefer a rich soil and an evenly moist, almost damp location. Slug resistant. macrophylla pure blue MSP-ESU 12"H x 18"W The pure blue flowers are held on airy stems. Plant with spring flowering bulbs such as Narcissus. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. m. ’Alexander’s Great’ grandiflora 'Variegata' rose-pink LSP-MSU 15"H x 18"W From Southern Europe. A dense grower, with smalltoothed leaves that are freckled with silvery white spots. Cut back after flowering for a neat look. $7.99 2Qt./946 ml. sky-blue ESP-LSP 15”H x 28”W Larger than other False Forget-Me-Nots, ‘Alexander’s Great’ is bushel shaped and clumpforming. Fuzzy silver leaves with green veining and edges. Small, sky-blue flowers on slender stems are hels above the attractive foliage. Mixes well with Japanese ferns, dicentra and purple leafed heuchera. Too much sun may burn the leaves. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. m. ’Jack Frost’ CAMPANULA zones 3-9 (Bellflower) This large genus includes plants in all sizes from compact, ground huggers to tall, elegant ones. The flowers are usually bell-shaped; they vary in size. Some are open, some nodding. All are easy to grow and will provide a long period of bloom. No cottage garden should be without them. blue MSP-ESU 12”H x 18”W Dazzling display of vivid, dark green leaves covered with a frosty veil of silver. Small, bright blue flowers on slender stems. Long blooming and very showy. 17 green foliage is comprised of compact, clump forming rosettes. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. g. ‘Genti Blue’ blue LSP-ESU 17-19”H x 18-20”W Large, terminal clusters of blue, bell-shaped flowers. With a secondary bloom to extend into summer. Dense mounds of dark green foliage. g. ‘Genti White’ carpatica x ‘Deep Blue Clips’ white LSP-ESU 17-19”H x 18-20”W Large terminal clusters of pure white, bell-shaped flowers. With a secondary bloom to extend into summer. Dense mounds of dark green foliage. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2Qt./946 ml. deep-blue LSP-EF 8-12"H x 10"W Carpathian Bellflower. Plants are compact and bloom all season when deadheaded. Small oval upturned leaves. Bell shaped, deep-blue flowers. Use in mass groupings in front of the garden, rock gardens, crevice plantings, or containers. Questions? Email us at [email protected] c. x ‘White Clips’ white LSP-ESU 8-12"H x 10"W Carpathian Bellflower. Plants are compact and bloom all season when deadheaded. Small oval upturned leaves. Bell shaped, white flowers. Use in mass groupings in front of the garden, rock gardens, crevice plantings, containers, or the all white garden. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. persicifolia ‘Takion Blue’ light blue MSU-LSU 16-20”H x 12-16”W The bell-shaped lavender flowers reach 2-2½”. They face upward and outward! Deadhead to promote lengthened bloom time. Attracts hummingbirds. glomerata ‘Freya’ lilac blue MSU-LSU 12-16”H x 18-20”W Very compact and floriferous with full custers of small, star-shaped, lavender-blue flowers. Sturdy, 18 CEANOTHUS zones 3-9 (New Jersey Tea) americanus white LSP-ESU 36-48"H x 36-60"W Native. The tiny, white flowers appear on long stalks. They are both showy and fragrant. Flowes are held over toothed, broad, oval, green leaves. Forms a shrub. Dried leaves were used as a tea substitute (does not contain caffine) in American Revolutionary War times, hence its common name. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. CENTAUREA zones 3-9 (Bachelor Button) p. ‘Takion White’ A large genus in the daisy family. Only a small number are suitable for the garden; they are quite different from each other. All are easy to grow and are fairly pest free. Every variety of centaurea that we have seen is decorative when in bud. They cut well. montana ‘Amethyst Dream’ white MSU-LSU 16-20”H x 12-16”W The bell-shaped white flowers reach 2-2½”. They face upward and outward! Deadhead to promote lengthened bloom time. Attracts hummingbirds. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Sarastro’ deep purple ESU-MSU 20"H x 27"W Deep purple flowers – darker than typical centaurea flowers. Silvery green leaves. Its unusual flowers are very open, almost spidery. The center is pinkish. It will continue to bloom into September if the spent flowers are pruned regularly. If necessary, shear back the entire plant after flowering. Reseeds in some gardens. Blooms of Bressingham selection. dark purple LSP-MSU 12-18”H x 18-24”W Very dark-purple pendant bells are held on 18” flower spikes. Clumping habit – non-invasive. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Viking’ lilac LSP-MF 15-18”H x 18-24”W Bred in the Netherlands, this plant is super compact and dense with tons of everblooming lilac flowers in giant clusters. Great for mixed garden beds and cottage gardens. Try it with red or pink perennial hibiscus and some yellow daylilies. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. m. ‘Amethyst in Snow’ bicolor LSP-ESU 14"H x 24"W Beautiful flowers have satiny white tubular petals with deep purple centers. Silvery green leaves. Its unusual flowers are very open, almost spidery. Blooms of Bressingham selection. $4.99 5” pot. 19 CENTRANTHUS glabra zones 4-9 (Jupiter's Beard, Valerian) white LSU-EF 24-36”H x 12-24”W Spikes of elegant white flowers top shiny green foliage. The flowers resemble little turtles with their heads poking out. A fun and easy plant for children to grow. Great for pondside, butterfly and children’s gardens, boggy and wet areas, naturalizing, and accent plants. Hardy zones 5-8. 5.99 1Qt./946 ml. lyonii ’Hot Lips’ From the Mediterranean region, this likes a welldrained dryish, sweet soil. All have clusters of tiny, funnel-shaped flowers. When plants are about 6” tall, prune sharply to reduce floppiness. Prune the old flowers to encourage rebloom. After flowering, prune hard to promote growth that will help it over winter. rose-pink MSU-LSU 24”H x 20”W Lustrous, deeper green leaves than the species. Red stems persist throughout most of the season. Bronze green growth early in the season. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. CHRYSANTHEMUM zones 6-9 morifolium The Garden Mum. The modern hybrid varieties result from the crossing of many species and are now lumped under this one species name. There are many different shapes, colors and heights. Excellent for cutting They are easy to grow in good soil with added nitrogen. Pinch the plant evenly until about July 4 th. This will make a stockier plant and will increase the flower output. Divide in spring at least every two years or as necessary. Provide winter protection such as mulch and plant in a protected spot. The following mums are tender perennials. Mums need to be represented in every garden---it is hard to imagine a garden that wouldn’t benefit from the spectacular show these plants are capable of. x ‘Mammoth Dark Pink’ ruber 'Coccineus' carmine LSP-EF 24"H x 15"W An unusual, intense color that causes comment. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. CHEIRANTHUS zones 3-9 (Wallflower) cheiri 'Orange Bedder' orange LSP-ESU 6-12”H x 6-12"W The orange-red flowers are good for cutting. $4.99 5” pot. cheiri 'Prince Mix' mix LSP-EF 8”H x 8"W Dwarf, fragrant 1” flowers. Good basal branching for use in bedding. Mix of yellow, orange, and red. 3.99 1Qt./946 ml. CHELONE pink LSU-MF 36”H x 48”W Large semi-double dark pink daisy-shaped flowers with yellow centers. Mounded habit. These new mums have been bred for their hardiness and vigor by the University of MN. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Mammoth Daisy Lavender’ zone 3-10 (Turtlehead) These great American natives are an interesting group of plants with a curiously shaped flower. Once children hear the common name they are forever fascinated. All species are easy to grow, and are never bothered by pests. The dark green leaves always look good. It flowers for a fairly long time, and the blooming occurs at a useful season. Chelone grows best in moist soil, yet thrives in ordinary soil. Tolerates clay and in general likes a lean diet. deep lavander LSU-MF 36”H x 48”W Large semi-double deep lavender daisy-shaped flowers with yellow centers. Mounded habit. These new mums have been bred for their hardiness and vigor by the University of MN. 20 x ‘Mammoth Red Daisy’ r. ‘James Compton’ deep red LSU-MF 36-48”H x 36”W Large, deep red, daisy-shaped flowers with bright yellow centers. Mounded habit. These new mums have been bred for their hardiness and vigor by the University of MN. x ‘Mammoth Yellow Quill’ creamy white LSU-LF 60”H x 20”W This plant has outstanding, deeply cut, deep purplish leaves that create a dramatic base for the creamy white flower spikes, with a gentle pink tinge. These flower stalks extend 10-12” above the foliage, making a stunning statement. Zones 4-8. r. ‘Pink Spike’ yellow LSU-MF 36-48”H x 36”W Large daisy-shaped flowers with bright yellow quill petals and yellow centers. Mounded habit. These new mums have been bred for their hardiness and vigor by the University of MN. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Matchsticks’ pink LSU-MF 60”H x 36”W Starts with a bushy clump of rich, dark purple-bronze leaves, shiny and deeply cut. Flowers are tiny, soft pink and form a spike on dark purple stems. Price for the above 2 varieties: $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. COREOPSIS CIMICIFUGA zones 3-9 (Tickseed) yellow/red MF-LF 18-24”H x 18-24”W Sizzling blooms of golden-yellow with deep red tips, looking like matchsticks. All have daisy-like flowers. They are easy to place, requiring only average garden soil. All are very heavy bloomers, and cut well. Give them a hard shearing after the first flowering to promote rebloom. Big Bang Series The Big Bang Series is a new selection of Coreopsis that is reliably hardy and extremely floriferous. zones 3-9 (Snakeroot, Wandflower) A genus that is widely distributed over the warm, temperate regions of the globe. Only a few have garden value, but those make wonderful specimens. These varieties are elegant plants in both flower and leaf, and add grace to any garden. They are superb companions for various types of hosta and also variegated polygonatum. All are best in at least light shade, with a rich, evenly moist soil. All cut well, too. ramosa 'Atropurpurea' (CIM-05) white EF-LF 72"H x 36"W Extraordinarily elegant and graceful. This is the purple-leafed form of the plant, which originated in Germany. The divided leaves form a loose mound from which shoot the towering flower stalks. Very fragrant. Interesting companions are hosta varieties 'Sum and Substance' and 'Gold Standard.’ $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. r. ‘Hillside Black Beauty’ (CIM-12) x ‘Cosmic Eye’ (Big Bang) red/yellow ESU-MF 12-15"H x 15"W Single deep wine red flowers – the petal tips are bright sunshine yellow. Compact, well-branched habit. grandiflora ‘Golden Sphere’ creamy white EF 60-72”H x 30-36”W Dramatic, 4’ tall, dark, purplish-black foliage gives way late in season to tall stems of 12-14” spikes of creamy white aromatic flowers. Leaves are artistically cut and divided. A standout with Hosta ‘Great Expectations’ and kirengeshoma. Cuts well. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. yellow ESU-LSU 10-12”H x 24”W Fully double, golden-yellow flowers form bright spheres. Long bloom period. Mounded green foliage. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and 11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 21 grandiflora ‘Presto’ x ‘Mercury Rising’ gold ESU-LSU 6-8”H x 8”W Double, brilliant golden yellow flowers reach 2½” flowers. The have golden red centers and serrated petals. Great for mass plantings. magenta ESU-EF 15-18”H x 24-36”W Eye-catching in velvety magenta-claret. The small center is frilly and bright golden-yellow, punctuating the dark, rich petals beautifully. x ‘Red Satin’ red ESU-LSU 15-18”H x 18-22”W This threadleaf coreopsis has dark, ruby red flowers with golden-orange centers. Because the flowers are sterile they have a long life span. Price for the above 4 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Sunny Day’ yellow ESU-LSU 15-18”H x 18-22”W Single yellow daisy-like flowers are quite large. Deadhead to promote rebloom. Compact, bushy plant of green foliage. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. verticillata 'Mayo Clinic Flower of Hope' yellow ESU-EF 18-24"H x 18"W AKA Electric Avenue. Part of the Cruzin’ series. Masses of large, electric yellow flowers are held over dark green thread-like foliage. This Coreopsis is named in honor of the Mayo Clinic and to celebrate 150 years of service to humanity. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l x ‘Jethro Tull’ yellow LSP-LSU 15-18”H x 18-24”W A stunning cross of C. ‘Zamphir’ and ‘Early Sunrise’. Sunny yellow flowers with broad fluted petals. 22 CORYDALIS zones 5-8 (Hollowort, Fume Root) This family of plants will provide a delicately lacy texture to your garden. The dainty tubular flowers along with the soft almost fern-like leaves will catch your eye every time. Preferring shade to partial shade, this makes this an excellent companion for hosta and astilbe. They require a well-drained soil. v. 'Moonbeam' butter yellow ESU-EF 18"H x 18"W The most appealing coreopsis in terms of flower color, and the longest flowering of all verticillata types. Deserves a place in every garden. Thread-like leaves of deep green. A great companion for roses. This plant has performed well in containers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l flexulosa ’Blue Dragon’ violet-blue LSP-ESU 10”H x 10-12”W This species was first discovered in 1986 in Sichuan, China. A profusion of small violet blue flowers atop a neat dense clump of lobed leaves. Best part is the wonderful burgundy veining. Spreads quicker than other varieties. Sometimes known as ‘Purple Leaf.’ $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. v. ‘Route 66’ yellow/burgundy ESU-MF 24”H x 24”W A new threadleaf coreopsis with bright yellow flowers that have burgundy around the centers. On some petals, the burgundy reaches to the petal tips. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l v. 'Zagreb’ ochroleuca white LSP-LF 10-12”H x 12-14”W Ivory white, ½” tubular flowers in clusters. Blue-gray, finely lobed leaves resemble those of the dwarf dicentras in their intricacy. Evergreen. One of the latest blooming and longest blooming plants. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. lemon yellow ESU-LSU 15"H x 12-15"W Bright lemony yellow flowers cover the entire plant. Bushy, yet airy clump of thread-like leaves of deep green. A great companion for roses. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and 11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l 23 DELOSPERMA x 'Desante Blue' zones 5-8 (Hardy Ice Plant) blue LSP-ESU 28-34"H x 10-12"W Vibrant true blue flowers with light purple accents and white bees. Perfect for the English garden. Great companion for dianthus and coreopsis. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l x elatum Hybrids The “king of delphiniums” is the tall blue species that has been the parent of most garden hybrid varieties. Large, richly colored flowers held on strong stems above broad leaves. A great companion for daylilies, coreopsis, penstemon, and roses. Requires full sun, average to sandy, well-drained soil. Good drainage is a must. x ‘Fire Spinner’ tri-color LSP-EF 2-3”H x 12”W In late spring, its vibrant tri-colored flowers cover the tight evergreen mat of succulent foliage. x ‘Table Mountain’ magenta LSP-EF 3-6”H x 18-24”W Large flowers measure 1-2” in diameter. They range from magenta to fuschsia pink and completely cove rthe plant all season. Tight evergreen mat ofgreygreen succulent foliage takes on purple tones over the winter. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. DELPHINIUM zones 3-7 Few plants capture the gardener's eye as quickly as delphiniums. When in bloom they command center stage. The sheer size of flower stems alone (in some types) would be enough, but the brilliant shades of blue enhance their desirability even more. Other colors are also effective, but few perennials can boast of so striking a shade of blue. They are best grown in full sun, protected from the wind. Prune sharply after flowering for a neat appearance. Reblooming may occur following deadheading. Soil should be humusy, and nitrogen-rich. For best flowering, use a high phosphorous fertilizer in spring. They dislike clay; good drainage is essential. At the end of the season, be vigilant about cleaning up old leaves and other debris that can harbor disease. belladonna Hybrids: The flowers are freely arranged on multiple flower stalks. The leaves are deeply cut, and much bushier than the columnar types. Usually, staking is required. These are the best delphiniums for cutting. e. x 'Black-Eyed Angel' white/black LSP-MSU 36-60"H x 18-24"W Tall spires of frilly white flowers with black bees. The stems are very strong, holding up well in the landscape. e. x ‘Blue Lace’ Questions? blue ESU 48-72”H x 18-24”W Tall elegant spires of light blue flowers with a lavender pink tinge. Medium green, deeply lobed foliage. Part of the New Millennium series, known for its strong stems, vigor and heat tolerance. Email us at [email protected] 24 e. x ‘Moonlight Blue’ blue ESU 48-60”H x 24”W Bright clear blue flowers with a silvery sheen and black bees. Part of the New Millennium series – an English hybrid which is known for strong stems, vigor and heat tolerance. The flowers are often double or semi-double. Perfect cutting flower. e. x ‘Cobalt Dreams’ blue ESU 48-72”H x 18-24”W Tall, strong but elegant spires of true cobalt blue flowers with bright white central bees. Medium green, deeply lobed foliage. Part of the New Millennium series, known for its strong stems, vigor and heat tolerance. x e. ‘New Millenium Stars’ mixed LSP-MSU 36-72”H x 18-24”W A mix of all the millennium series. The flowers will range in color from white to pink to purple. x e.’Pink Punch’ x e. ‘Guardian Lavender’ lavender ESU 48-72”H x 18”W Low, mounding clumps of deeply lobed leaves below 46’ spikes of double lavender flowers. rose ESU 64”H x 24”W Intense dark shades of rose with white and dark bees. Part of the New Millennium series which is known for strong stems, vigor and heat tolerance. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. grandiflorum Hybrids x grandiflorum Beautiful airy flower spikes. The flowers are arranged loosely on many stems. Finely divided dark green leaves. Smaller in stature than other delphiniums. Native to Asia and W. North America. x e. ‘Guardian White’ white ESU 48-72”H x 18”W Spikes of double white flowers, held on strong stems. Medium green, deeply lobed leaves. Price for the above 5 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 25 DIANTHUS zones 3-8 (Carnations and Pinks) This genus holds many of the oldest cultivated plants of the Western World. Many of the species are from Europe and Asia and found their way into gardens at an early date, where selection and hybridizing began. Virtually all of today's varieties are low-growing plants. Most have fragrant flowers and they cut well. Many have notched petals. Deadheading prolongs flowering for most types. Foliage is usually blue-gray. Full sun with average soil on the sweet side is best. x g. ‘Summer Blues’ blue LSP-MSU 10-14”H x 10-14”W Eye-Catching! Light, yet very intense single blue flowers. Nice with dianthus and coreopsis. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l x g. ‘Summer Morning’ pink ESU-F 12”H x 12”W Soft pink flowers with lacy leaves. Forms a compact mound. Generally short lived, but their gentle beauty makes them well worth it. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x g. ‘Summer Nights’ blue ESU-MSU 10-12”H x 9-12”W ‘Summer Nights’ is earlier to bloom and more heat tolerant than other grandiflorums The cutleaf leaves are covered with midnight blue flowers. Great contrast with white Daisies and yellow Daylilies. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l x g. ‘Summer Stars’ barbatus x ‘Purple Bicolor’ purple/white LSP-MSU 8-12”H x 8-12”W Large fragrant clusters of deep violet purple flowers with pale lavender petal edges and centers. Great compact habit with short, sturdy stems. blue ESU-MSU 10-12”H x 9-12”W Forms a low, bushy mound of lacy green leaves. Plants bear loose sprays of single, spurred white flowers throughout the summer. $5.99 2Qt/1.89 l. DESMODIUM zones 3-9 (Showy Tick Trefoil) canadense pink ESU-LSU 36-48"H x 36-60"W Native. Showy pink to purple pea-shaped flowers have 2 yellow spots near the base of the upper lobe. They are held on stalks above the tri-lobed green foliage. They flowers attract bees of all kinds. After the flowers are spent, flat pods appear. They measure 1 – 2½” long. They are covered with fine hairs which stick to anything that passes by. Great for mass plantings. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l.; b. x ‘Red’ red LSP-ESU 12-18”H x 15-18”W 3-4” wide red flowers. Very fragrant. b. x ‘Red Picotte’ white/red LSP-ESU 8-12”H x 8-12”W Large clusters of frilly bicolor flowers. Dark burgundy red centers with bright white outer petals. b. x ‘White’ white LSP-ESU 12-18”H x 15-18”W 3-4” wide white flowers. Very fragrant. Price for the above 4 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l 26 x ‘Coral Reef’ x ‘Rosebud’ coral pink ESU-EF 9-12”H x 12-18”W Described as “frilly and feminine”, these beautiful flowers are delicately fringed. Light pink to white edges with darker coral-pink towards their centers. They have a strong spicy scent which becomes more noticable when cut. Grey-green, glaucous foliage. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Early Bird Chili’ salmon LSP-MSU 12”H x 16”W Tiny, double, salmon-pink flowers resemble rosebuds. They compliment its attractive blue-green foliage. Highly fragrant and great for cutting. Deadheading promotes rebloom. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Tickled Pink’ pink MSP-MF 6-12”H x 12-15”W Semi-double deep lavender pink flowers with a strong, spicy scent. Blue needle-like leaves. $5.99 1Qt./946 l. pink SP-EF 5-8”H x 8”W Fragrant, double, dark coral colored flowers and bluegreen needle like leaves. Very early and long flowering. Low mounding foliage, 8” flower stems. x ‘Early Bird Fizzy’ DICENTRA zones 3-9 (Bleeding Heart) pink SP-F 5-8”H x 8”W Double lavender flowers with deeply fringed petal edges and deep maroon centers. Very early and long flowering. Low mounding foliage, 8” flower stems. x ‘Early Bird Frosty’ A highly valued genus, some varieties of which are among the most beloved of all plants. Average, evenly moist garden soil is best. We offer large roots, with four to eight eyes. We suggest division every three years or so for all except the spectabilis types. white SP-F 5-8”H x 10”W Fragrant, double, pure white flowers. Needle-like blue-gray foliage stays about 5” while the flowers are on 8” stems. Very early and long flowering. x ’Early Bird Radiance’ cuccullaria white ESP 12-15”H x 12-15”W Duutchman’s Breeches. This native Bleeding Heart has unusual, if not quite unique shaped flowers. They look like upside-down pantaloons – hence their common name. The white flowers have yellow tips and appear waxy in texture. Foliage is fern-like and grayish-green in color. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Fire Island’ crimson SP 6-8”H x 8-12”W Early to bloom, these rich crimson flowers are fully double and are held above dense, blue foliage. Price for the above 4 varieties: $5.99 1Qt./946 l. gratianopolitanus ’Firewitch’ bright pink ESU 6-8”H x 18-24”W Small fragrant flowers of bright pink make a bold statement. Will rebloom. Try it in containers. Voted 2006 Perennial Plant of the Year. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l g. ’Red Beauty’ red LSP-MSU 12-15”H x 18-24”W Flaming magenta red clusters of heart-shaped flowers with white tips. Finely textured mounds of attractive, blue-green foliage. $13.99 2Qt./1.89 l. formosa ‘King of Hearts’ red ESU-LSU 6-8”H x 8-12”W Fragreant, single, scarlet red flowers. are held above grassy, gray-blue foliage. Remove spent flowers to encourage continued blooming. Great for planting in rock gardens or border edging. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l x ‘Raspberry Swirl’ pink MSP-LSU 8-10”H x 10”W A new variety with rosy-pink, heart–shaped flowers. Gray–green, deeply cut, almost lacy leaves with a neat compact habit. Very floriferous. Said to be better, stronger than D. ’Luxuriant,’ but with finer features. f. 'Luxuriant' strong pink LSP-EF 12"H x 18"W A very fine perennial. Blooms heavily over a very long period. Leaves are ferny, colored blue-gray---a great contrast for the pink flowers. A likely hybrid that originated in Wisconsin, but its precise origins are unclear. Once established, it will tolerate dryish soil. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. white/raspberry MSP-EF 10-14”H x 14”W Bright blooms, rich velvet red with white blotches. Compact bluish foliage. Repeat bloomer. 27 spectabilis pink/white LSP-ESU 36"H x 40"W The old-fashioned Bleeding Heart, native to China. It was introduced to Europe in 1810, but was lost and then reintroduced in 1846. It has been very popular ever since. No other plant can match it in flower form. The clear pink, heart-shaped flowers are suspended along a delicate, arched stem. Great for cuts. Once established, it will tolerate dryish soil. s. ‘Alba’ pure white LSP-ESU 30”H x 30”W This is an equally elegant, but less vigorous form. Price for the above 2 varieties: $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6l. s. ‘Goldheart’ albus ‘Albiflorus’ white LSP-MSU 28-32"H x 18-24"W White, open flaring, 6-petaled flowers with long, eyelash-like stamens. Leathery green foliage. Attractive brown seed pods in fall. $7.99 1Qt./946 l. pink LSP 36”H x 24-30”W An exciting variety with brilliant gold leaves. Bright pink nodding blooms. Nice companion for dark leaved hostas, ferns and spring tulips. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. s. ‘Valentine’ red MSP-ESU 30”H x 20”W An exciting new bleeding heart – like the classic spectabilis but with dark red heart shaped flowers hanging from arching stems. Very dark green leaves. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. DICTAMNUS zones 3-8 (Gas Plant) This Eurasian genus has only one species of garden value, and it has become quite famous. When in flower it exudes a flammable gas; accounts of the ignitability of this gas appear in many gardening books. We have had success under the following conditions: in late afternoon on a calm day with 70 degree temperature and 50% humidity, hold a lit match alongside the stem immediately under the flower cluster. The flames last only a second or two, but they are significant. The foliage and the blossom will not be harmed. The flowers are very good for cutting, and have strong stems. The leaves are striking and have a citrus scent when bruised. A mature plant forms a small bush. Plants usually bloom at least one year after planting, and are slow to reach maturity. They are well worth the wait as they are very showy and need no care. This plant secretes oil, which is a skin irritant for some people. a. rubra rosy-lavender ESU 24"H x 24"W Flowers are highlighted with purple streaks. Leathery green foliage. Attractive brown seed pods in fall. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. DIGITALIS zones 4-9 (Foxglove) No garden would be complete without this favorite. They are stately plants, adding a strong vertical effect to the lightly shaded garden in early summer. The flowers cut well. The plants like an evenly moist, well-drained soil. Many species are biennial, but some are reliably perennial. We like to scatter seed to ensure future plants. All will flower the second year. Digitalis is latin for “finger of a glove”, referring to the shape of the flowers. Toxic if eaten. 28 x ‘Polkadot Pippa’ pink ESU-EF 24-36”H x 24-36”W Apricot-pink flowers with creamy yellow throats. Well-branched and bushy, these strong stemmed digitalis are uniform in habit and their flowers are evenly spaced. x ‘Polkadot Princess’ pink ESU-EF 24-36”H x 24-36”W Bright pink flowers. Well-branched and bushy, these strong stemmed digitalis are uniform in habit and their flowers are evenly spaced. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l purpurea x ‘Camelot Rose’ x ‘Dalmation Peach’ rose ESU 48”H x 12-18”W Amazing foxglove flowers that bloom reliably in the first and second summer. Spikes of deep rose flowers with heavily speckled throats. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l p. x 'Excelsior Hybrids' peach ESU-MSU 24-48”H x 18”W Pure peach foxglove with slightly darker freckles in the throats. Flowers starting the first year. x ‘Dalmation Purple’ purple ESU-MSU 24-48”H x 18”W Deep purple foxglove with dark freckles in the throats. Flowers starting the first year. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l x ‘Dalmation Mix’ mixed colors LSP-ESU 60"H x 30"W Many good colors. The flowers are nearly horizontal, and are arranged all the way around the stalks. p. x ‘Pam’s Choice’ white ESU 36-48”H x 24-36”W A biennial with statuesque columns packed with showy white bells, displaying freckled to nearly solid maroon throats. Pleated green leaves are held in rosettes. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. p. x ‘Sugar Plum’ mix ESU-MSU 24-48”H x 18”W Srtong colors on sturdy spikes that are uniform in height. Flowers starting the first year. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l bright pink ESU 30-42”H x 12-24”W Amazing foxglove flowers that bloom reliably. Spikes of pink flowers with heavily spotted dark purple throats. Makes quite an inpact in the garden. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l DORONICUM zones 4-8 (Leopard's Bane) A wonderful group of spring flowering plants. These European daisy flowers cut well, and as such are one of the best early sources for cut flowers. They like a humus-rich soil with even moisture. The foliage sometimes dies down in late summer, so use other plants to make the resulting gap less noticeable. ferruginea ‘Gigantea’ yellow-orange ESU-MSU 48”H x 20”W Tall, slender spikes covered with yellow, trumpet-like flowers marked with orange. Deep green leaves occur in rosettes at the base as well as along the stem. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. 29 x ‘Amazing Dream’ orientale ‘Little Leo’ pink LSP-MSU-EF 16”H x 20”W Compact and very floriferous. Bright, deep pink flowers. Long show of color. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. yellow MSP-LSP 12-24”H x 12”W Bright yellow daisy flowers on slender stems. Green, heart-shaped, toothed leaves form a solid clump. $4.99 5” pot. DRACOCEPHALUM zones 5-9 (Dragonhead) Requires full sun, moderately fertile, well-drained soil. Great for use in front of the garden, as a pathway edging or in rock gardens. grandiflorum ‘Altai Blue’ x ‘Cheyenne Spirit’ blue ESU-MSU 6-8"H x 8-12"W A small, upright plant in the mint family. It has intense blue, hooded flowers with darker blue spots on the lower lips. The medium green oval leaves are often aromatic. Requires full sun, moderately fertile, well-drained soil. Native to Siberia. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. mix ESU-EF 22-30”H x 18-28”W Rich shades of red, orange, magenta, golden-yellow and white. Bright cheerful colors. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Questions? Email us at [email protected] ECHINACEA x ‘Firebird’ scarlet MSU-EF 24”H x 24”W Vibrant scarlet red flowers with blackened central cones. Quite stunning in the garden. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Hot Papaya’ zones 3-9 (Purple Coneflower) Native prairie. A widely grown, showy plant. Their daisy flowers appear over a long period; an interesting characteristic is how their petals arch down from the bronzy, prominent cone. All types cut well---deadheading promotes rebloom. The seeds are enjoyed by goldfinches. Heat and drought tolerant, they are easy to grow in most soils. Try mixing different colors together for a pleasant effect. Freely reseeds if some of the seedheads are left. orange ESU-LSU 34”H x 18-24”W These magnificent fragrant blooms are the first ever orange-red double coneflowers. The color stays true and doesn't fade. Excellent for cutting. Attracts butterflies. 30 x ‘Hot Summer’ orange LSP-MSU 24-36”H x 12-18”W Flowers open yellow-orange but gradually mature to orange and finally deep red, often resulting in a large number of different flower colors appearing on the same plant at the same time. Fragrant. Price for the above 2 varieties:$11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. purpurea rose purple MSU-EF 40"H x 24"W Native prairie. Reliable. Superb alongside perovskia. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. p. ‘Big Kahuna’ mango MSU-EF 18-20”H x 18-20”W Large, golden-mango flowers have a reddish-brown central cone. Flowers are fragrant. Well-branched and bushy, with a sturdy habit. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. p. ‘Butterfly Kisses’ pink MSU-EF 18”H x 14-16”W Flowers appear to be pom-pon shaped! They are bright pink with lighter ray petals. The fragrant flowers can reach 3” in diameter. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l p. ‘Cleopatra’ x ‘Mama Mia’ yellow MSU-EF 15-18”H x 18-24”W Large, 3-3½" golden yellow petals that frame bright orange cones. Ray petals lighten to a pastel yellow with age, and flutter like the yellow Mediterranean butterfly Cleopatra. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. p. ‘Hot Lava’ salmon MSU-EF 20”H x 30”W Very large flowers. Unique flower color changes from red to ornage to coral to pink. Multiple flower colors on the same plant brings interest to the garden. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. pallida mauve ESU-MSU 36”H x 20”W Native prairie. Pale Purple Coneflower. Similar to the Purple Coneflower except the flower petals of pallida are a softer color, narrower, and more widely spaced. Also, the flower petals are much more pendulous than those of E. purpurea. Narrow, dark green leaves. $7.99 2Qt/1.89 l. x ‘Purple Emperor’ blood orange MSU-EF 24”H x 36”W The wide petals on this showy Coneflower are blood red with a deeper red toward the center. Lavaorange central cone. Heavily petalled, it’s flowers appear fuller. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. magenta MSU-EF 15-18”H x 12-16”W Cheerful, large magenta pink flowers on a neat, more compact plant. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. 31 p. ‘Julia’ orange MSU-EF 15-18”H x 18-24”W Glowing tangerine orange, single flowers with a deep copper cone are produced on very strong, wellbranched stems above a stocky clump of compact, deep green foliage. As the flowers broaden and age, they lighten a bit to golden orange. $9.99 2Qt/1.89 l. p. ‘Pow Wow White’ white LSP-EF 24”H x 30-32”W Large pure white daisy flowers with orange cones. Tons of flower power – has more flowers than any compact echinacea we’ve seen. A superb compliment to PowWow Wildberry. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l p. ‘Magnus’ rose MSU-EF 30”H x 20”W True rose color, daisy-like flowers are larger than species, with the petals held more horizontally. Dark green, toothed leaves. Great cut flowers. p. ‘Magnus Superior’ rose pink MSU-EF 40”H x 18”W Bred to honor the 25th anniversary of Magnus. It has deeper lavender pink blossoms, darker stem color and larger coppery colored central cones. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. p. ‘Maui Sunshine’ p. ‘Pow Wow Wildberry’ deep pink LSP-EF 24”H x 30-32”W 3-4 inch flowers of deep intense rose-purple. The flowers hold their deep color well. 2010 All American Selections award winner. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. yellow MSU-EF 36-48”H x 24-36”W Large, flat, bright yellow flowers have an orange button-shaped central cone. Well-branched and bushy, with a sturdy habit. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. p. ‘Meteor Yellow’ yellow MSU-EF 19”H x 19”W Double, sunny-yellow, anemone-shaped flowers. Exceptionally branched, this beauty will give you an abundance of flowers. Upright, compact habit. p. ‘Milkshake’ vanilla MSU-EF 30-36”H x 24-36”W Flowers are pom-pon shaped. They are creamy vanilla in color with same color ray petals. Extra full crests. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. 32 p. ‘Supreme Flamingo’ coral MSU-EF 26”H x 15”W Fully double, richly-colored flowers. Coral to salmonpink colors combine in each flower. Very showy’ Price for the above 3 varieties: $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Tiki Torch’ orange MSU-EF 32”H x 24”W Large, bright pumpkin orange flowers. Upright, wellbranched flowering stems. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. p. 'White Swan' Questions? creamy-white MSU-EF 18-36"H x 20"W Also known as E. purpurea 'Alba.' $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Email us at [email protected] ECHINOPS zones 3-8 (Globe Thistle) Echinops are easily grown old-world plants. They require only sunlight and well-drained soil---they tolerate dry soil, too. Because of their singular, imposing appearance, they are usually planted singly. Compliments Echinacea and Phlox nicely. x 'Raspberry Truffle' raspberry MSU-EF 18"H x 24"W Salmon-pink blooms on chocolate stems. Thick, purpurea -like foliage, strong, upright stems. Great cut flower. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x 'Salsa Red' pink MSU-EF 22"H x 26"W Very floriferous in bright, rich red! Carefully bred and selected to have well-branched, sturdy and compact foliage with a high bud count. Great cut flower. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Supreme Cantalope’ ritro light blue ESU-LSU 36-48”H x 16”W Something different in a flower shape. Ball-shaped blue flowers with a spiky appearance. Clump forming with coarse prickly leaves. Cut just as flowers open if you intend to dry them. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. cantalope MSU-EF 26”H x 15”W The color of ripe cantaloupe! Cantalope petals with darker central catalope cones. Quite spectacular. p. ‘Supreme Elegance’ mauve MSU-EF 30”H x 19”W Full, richly-colored flowers. Mauve pink petals with deeperrose-red centers. Color deepens even more as the flowers age. 33 EREMURUS zones 5 (Foxtail Lily) ritro ‘Veitch’s Blue’ light blue ESU-LSU 36-48”H x 16”W Something different in a flower shape. Steel blue globe-shaped flower heads with a spiky appearance. Very heavy flowering. Cut just as flowers open if you intend to dry them. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. ECHIUM i. ‘Romance’ salmon ESU-MSU 36”H x 20-24”W Tall spikes of dusty salmon star-like flowers. Contrasting orange stamens with yellow centers. The strap-like leaves form rosettes at the base of flower stems; they die back during flowering. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones 3-9 (Red Feathers) amoenum red SP 12”H x 8-10”W This charming little plant has a basal clump of long, lance-shaped fuzzy green leaves topped by spikes of rusty red flowers. Tolerates drought once established. Sometimes considered a short-lived perennial – allow some flower heads to go to seed to ensure next year’s plant. Perfect for rock gardens. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. Questions? Email us at [email protected] i. ‘Ruiter hybrids’ mix ESU-MSU 48”H x 20-24”W Dramatic flowers in a wide range of pastel colors; yellow is the most common. Each bold spike is a dense mass of tiny star-shaped flowers that open from the bottom up. The strap-like leaves form rosettes at the base of flower stems; they die back during flowering. Requires well-drained rich soil. Mulch with dry compost in late fall. Try with late blooming Daylilies. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 34 ERIGERON wind and rain storms and has lasted through two winters in an elevated bed with no winter protection. It has quickly become one of our favorites. x ‘Goldrush’ zones 4-7 (Fleabane) yellow SP 8-12”H x 10-12”W Bright sunny yellow flowers and a nice compact habit. Cheery cottage garden look. $3.99 1Qt./1.89 l. EUPATORIUM zones 5-9 unless noted A valuable group of mostly native, late-flowering plants. Most of them attract butterflies. Some varieties can be pinched for greater flower production, and height control. Most like a rich, moist soil, and full sun. They are easy to grow, without insect or disease problems. Hardiness varies, but all are plenty hardy in Southeast Wisconsin. x ‘Azure Fairy’ lavender MSU-LSU 12-18”H x 12-18”W Interesting semi-double lavender flowers have very narrow petals and yellow centers. Lance-shaped foliage. Appearance is similar to asters. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. ERYNGIUM zones 4-10 (Sea Holly) There are many species in this widely scattered valuable genus. Hardiness varies widely. All the types we’ve seen have an attractive, thistle-like flower that can be used cut, either fresh or dried. The taller ones sometimes need support. Easy to grow. Pest and disease free – easy plant to grow. x ‘Big Blue’ x ‘Phantom’ purple MSU 36-40”H x 36-40”W Vanilla scented domes of small lavender flowers. Provides wonderful vertical interest in the garden. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. purpureum ‘Little Joe’ pink MS-EF 48-60”H x 36-48”W Shorter in stature than the species. Clump-forming, stiff, upright, purple stems topped with pink flower heads. Use as a specimen plant in sunny areas. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. blue MSU-EF 24-30”H x 24-30”W Flower opens pure white, darkeing to brilliant blue. As the bloom matures, the color moves down the stem, until the entire flowering stalk is an iridescent shade of blue. Flowers reach 4” across $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. planum ‘Blue Hobbit’ blue MSU-LSU 12”H x 18”W This compact eryngium explodes with intense blue flowers accented by spiky blue bracts and silvery green serrated leaves. Great contrast plant. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. ERYSIMUM zones 6-8 rugosum ‘Chocolate’ (Wallflower) white LSU-EF 36-48”H x 48”W Unusual, chocolate brown leaves with deep, shiny purple stems make a wonderful contrast to the bright white flowers. Hardy in zones 4-8. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. This is a charming old fashioned flower with a bushy habit. Tolerates drought once established. The plant that we have in our garden here at the store flowers from spring until frost. It bounces back quickly from 35 EUPHORBIA georgianum 'Pictum' zones 4-9 (Spurge) gray and mahogany 20"H x 30"W Japanese Painted Fern. A most unusually colored fern. This type has received much-deserved notice. The fronds are muted gray-green, contrasting sharply with purplish-mahogany stems. There is a faint silvery sheen on the whole plant. This Japanese native is best grown in light shade with a rich, moistureretentive (not soggy) soil where it will reproduce quickly. This was the Perennial Plant Association’s plant of the year for 2004. Zones 5-8. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l x ‘Ghost’ The euphorbias are a fascinating group of perennials, many of which are not hardy here. The varieties we list are very durable. The true flower of euphorbia is tiny; the bracts (leaves that surround the flower) turn brilliant colors in some varieties, and are falsely thought by some to be the flower. They need an average to poor soil, not too wet, and not compacted. Prune after flowering for tidiness, if desired. non-flowering 30-36”H x 24-36”W This new fern is a cross between a Lady Fern and a Japanese Painted Fern. This is a clump forming, formal upright fern with silvery-gray foliage, aging to green, providing a backdrop for light new growth. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l epithymoides polychroma brilliant yellow LSP 12"H x 20"W Cushion Spurge. Forms a perfect mound of chrome yellow for about six weeks in spring, turning green and finally mahogany red in fall. Will take some shade. polychroma ‘Bonfire’ DRYOPTERIS erythrosora ‘Brilliance’ non-flowering 18-24”H x 24”W A colorful, brilliant form of Autumn Fern. New leaves are coppery orange and stay glossy, even at maturity. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l chartreuse LSP 12-24"H x 24-36"W Green spring foliage quickly transforms to a rich maroon red. Blooms in spring with contrasting chartreuse flowers. Forms a rounded mound.. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. MATTEUCCIA pensylvanica FERNS bright green up to 60" long Native. Ostrich Fern. A big, bold Fern. It spreads quickly by underground runners. Will thrive in most any exposure or soil, even moist; however, if grown in sun it must be fairly moist soil. Sometimes classed in the genus onoclea or pteretis. Hardy in zones 2-8. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones-see description ADIANTUM pedatum non-flowering 18”H x 24”W Maidenhair Fern. Blackish stems sprout 12” before any foliage appears. Delicate fronds grow every direction. The effect is of ladies’ braided hair. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Questions? ATHYRIUM Email us at [email protected] felix femina ‘Lady in Red’ non-flowering 24-36”H x 36”W A delicate-looking, lacy fern with arching green fronds and brilliant burgundy stems. Spreads nicely but does not run. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l 36 OSMUNDA x aristata ‘Bijou’ bicolor ESU-EF 6”H x12”W Daisy-like flowers in hot yellow, orange and red. Extremely long bloom time. It has a wonderful neat, compact growth habit. x a. ‘Monarch Mix’ mix ESU-EF 6”H x12”W Daisy-like flowers in yellow, orange and red. Extremely long bloom time. This strain has nice long stems which are desirable for cut flowers. x grandiflora ‘Arizona Red Shades’ red ESU-EF 12”H x12”W Profuse, large, vibrantly colored flowers. Large, crimson red blossoms. About 20% of the flowers have slight yellow tips. It has a wonderful neat, compact growth habit. x g. ‘Arizona Sun’ cinnamomea bright green 36-60"H x 60"W Native. Cinnamon Fern. Clump forming, spreading slowly. Its long, wide fronds are slightly woolly, especially at the base. The fertile fronds are totally different. They grow from the center of the crown and grow straight up. They are laden with cinnamoncolored spore cases, also woolly in appearance. They grow in sun or shade, but require more moisture than most other varieties. Hardy in zones 4-9. $9.99 $2.75 Qt./2.6 l. red and yellow ESU-EF 12”H x12”W Profuse, large, vibrantly colored flower, with wide red flower centers, with golden yellow petal tips. Has a wonderful neat, compact growth habit. Price for the above 4 varieties: $4.99 5” pot. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x g. 'Goblin' mostly red ESU-LSU 12"H x 18"W The 3" flowers are dark rusty-red, tipped with yellow. No staking required. Coloration varies. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x g. 'Mesa Bright Bicolor' FILIPENDULA zones 3-9 An exceptional group of plants that deserves more attention. Highly distinctive ornamental leaves and flowers. The flowers all resemble astilbe, but are more irregular, and less formal. Even the flower buds are beautiful. Quite carefree, but they do require an evenly moist, well-drained soil. rubra 'Venusta Magnifica' d ESU-LSU 12"H x 18"W Large, golden flowers have a distinct copper halo around a copper-red center. Sturdy and upright. $4.99 5” pot. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. soft pink ESU-MSU 72-80"H x 36"W Queen of the Prairie. This is a cultivar of a native prairie species. Massive fingered leaves emerge mahogany and turn green. The plentiful flower heads are each larger than a man's fist. Spreads freely in rich soil. Always popular here. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. GAILLARDIA GAURA zones 5-9 (Bee Blossom) lindheimeri ‘Belleza Dark Pink’ pink ESU-MF 24-36”H 12-24”W Clumping upright habit. Delicate-looking five-petaled flowers of rose pink. Flowers continuously. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. zones 3-9 (Blanket Flower) A very popular plant known for its heat tolerance. The flowers are daisy-like, with a wide range of bright, warm colors. They cut well and last long and have a long bloom season, especially if deadheaded. Staking may be required for tall forms. Easy to grow. 37 x ‘Havanna Blues’ blue ESU-MF 8-10”H x 8-10”W 2½“ soft blue flowers look huge on this small geranium. Retains flower color throught the season. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. himalayense 'Birch’s Double' vivid lavender-blue LSP-ESU 16"H x 24"W There is some violet in this double flower. Being sterile, this cultivar blooms longer than others of this species. Its reddish foliar color in autumn is worth noting. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Laura’ l. 'Rosy June' bicolor MSU-LSU 24"H x 18"W White flowers with pink picotee edges. Very pretty, delicate flowers resemble butterflies in the breeze. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. l. 'Whirling Butterflies' white ESU-MF 24”H x 24”W The bright white flowers are truly double. Fresh, bright green foliage. This is a great geranium for a cottage garden or perennial border. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. white MSU-LSU 32"H x 18"W Unlike the species in several ways. Color is pure white, accented by red stems. It is more floriferous, and its habit is more compact, less sprawling. GENTIANA macrorrhizum zones 5-7 This tough species is frequently used in places where an undemanding groundcover is needed. It is a European species, cultivated in England by 1600. It was valued, in part, for its extremely fragrant foliage--especially noticeable when a leaf is crushed. It is from this plant that “oil of geranium” is derived. This is an underground spreader and provides a dense cover of leaves; both features serve to suppress weeds effectively. Its foliage is quite decorative, colored medium green, not shiny, and turning reddish in autumn. It grows well in most any soil. It is very happy growing underneath shallow rooted maples. It likes mostly sun, but tolerates half shade easily. It will tolerate a dry site once established. x ‘Pink Penny’ x ‘X Blue’ blue MSU-EF 24”H x 15”W Trumpet shaped blue flowers atop deep green leaves. Upward facing, big flowers up to 2”. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. GERANIUM zones 4-8 (unless noted) (Cranesbill) Fully hardy, these are not the common greenhouse plants (actually pelargoniums) seen in many gardens. Most true geraniums have peak bloom in late spring, some continuing through the summer. Most have rounded green leaves, often lobed. They are free from insects and disease and don't require frequent division. A post-flowering shearing is sometimes beneficial. Well-drained soil is preferred by all. deep pink ESU-MF 12”H x 14”W An offspring of the popular ‘Jolly Bee’. Large, cupped, deep pink flowers with dramatic dark veins. The long bloom time (4-5 months) makes it perfect for garden edges where it can be enjoyed all summer. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. pratense ‘Hocus Pocus’ purple ESU-MSU 16”H x 20”W The Meadow Cranesbill. Clusters of large, lavenderpurple, saucer-shaped flowers on dark stems. The white veining on the petals is a nice contrast. Bronzy, deeply divided leaves are distinctive. Full sun is best. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Double Jewel’ white/pink eye ESU-MSU 15-20”H x 15”W Pretty double white flowers with a dash of pink at their centers. This shorter, more compact geranium is great for patio containers. 38 s. 'Striatum' soft pink LSP-EF 6-8"H x 15"W Formerly known as G. lancastriense. The soft pink flower color is enhanced with delicate, violet-purple veining. One of the best uses we've seen for this is as an underplanting for German Iris. It weaves about the iris, covering the base of that plant, and blooming after most iris have finished. This is one of the longest-flowering geraniums in our garden. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Rozanne’ violet-blue LSP-MF 12-20”H x 24-36”W Wonderful new long blooming introduction. Large 2½” saucer-shaped violet-blue flowers with a lighter eye. Mound of leaves is slightly marbled, deep green and turns reddish-brown in the fall. Nice casual habit. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Sandrine’ purple LSP-MF 18”H x 36”W Large, 2” rich purple flowers with black throats contrast well with it’s golden yellow foliage. Makes for a very showy, very unique geranium. Foliage will green as season progresses. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. sanguineum ‘Elke’ GEUM zones 5-8 (Avens) Best in dry, well-drained soil in full to part sun. Tolerates light shade, especially in the hot afternoon sun. Dislikes wet winter soil. x ‘Alabama Slammer’ deep pink MSP-MSU 10”H x 36”W Large flowers of bright pink with white accents at the centers and edges. Darker rose pink veining. Leaves have red tones in cool fall and spring weather. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. yellow MSP-MSU 10-14”H x 10”W Ruffled, golden yellow flowers have fiery red-orange markings and gold centers. This geum produces both single and semi-double flowers on the same plant. Flowers reach 1½“ across. Attractive deep burgundypurple stems. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Banana Daiquiri’ yellow MSP-MSU 10-16”H x 18”W Clear, lemony yellow semi-double flowers are held on fuzzy green stems over bright green foliage. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. chiloensie ‘Red Dragon’ s. ‘Max Frei’ magenta pink MSP-MF 10-12”H x 24”W Bright magenta pink, cup shaped flowers. Rich green leaves. Leaves have red tones in cool weather. scarlet MSP-MSU 16-20”H x 12-18”W Fully-double blooms in intense, bright scarlet red. Great for the front of the perennial garden and cottage gardens. x ‘Sangria’ oragey red MSP-MSU 10-18”H x 10”W Semi-double hot sangria-red colored flowers. Somewhat hairy green foliage. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 39 x ‘Tequila Sunrise’ 'Festival Star' yellow MSP-MSU 10”H x 10”W Semi-double rose colored flowers with rose tips held on attractive 18” burgundy stems. Somewhat hairy green foliage. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. white LSP-MSU 12-18”H x 16-24"W Tiny pure white flowers in cloud-like sprays which completely cover the foliage. Slightly fragrant. Great used as a cut or dried flower. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. repens white; single ESU-EF 6"H x 30"W Blooms for an exceptionally long time, sometimes resting in the middle of the season. Looks perfect undulating amongst rocks or over a bank. r. 'Rosea' pale pink; single ESU-EF 6"H x 30"W Identical to the species, except for color. Price for the above 2 varieties: $4.99 5” pot. x ‘Totally Tangerine’ orange MSP-MSU 18-20”H x 12-18”W Extra large, warm yellow-orange. Blooms heavily because flowers are sterile. Deep green foliage. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. triflorum pinkish purple ESP-MSU 6-18”H x 6-12”W Pink to purple nodding flowers followed by fruiting heads that are accompanied by feathery plumes. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. GYPSOPHILA 'Summer Sparkles Chispa' white LSP-MSU 23-27"H x 30-40"W Semi-double, tiny white flowers in cloud-like sprays which completely cover the grey-green foliage. Slightly fragrant. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones 3-8 (Baby's Breath) The cut flower value of these plants, both fresh and dried, is well known. The taller types with double flowers are noteworthy in this regard. The short types serve well in the rockery. All have a softening effect on the garden, however they are used. All are heavy flowering. They are demanding in only one respect---they need rather sweet soil with excellent drainage. The repens species is less fussy about soil. HELENIUM zones 3-9 (Helen's Flower) A great plant for mid to late summer color. They have a showy, daisy type flowers in a wide range of warm shades. Great for cutting. They are strong-stemmed, but the taller types may need staking. If desired, they can be pinched in spring to reduce height. Deadheading is beneficial. Best planted in groups. Any good soil will do, but even moisture is best. Keep nitrogen to a minimum. Divide every other year, in spring. No serious pest or disease problems. cerastoides 'Pixie Splash' white/pink LSP-ESU 3-5"H x 8-12"W White flowers splashed with pink. Great in the border or for use in hanging baskets. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. 40 HELIANTHUS zones 4-10 (Perennial Sunflower) A large group of showy sun-lovers, these natives are well suited to naturalizing, or the rear of the garden. x m. ‘Sunshine Daydream’ yellow MSU-EF 60-72”H x 24-36”W Lots of double golden yellow flowers on a tall, sturdy plant. Deep green leaves. The flowers are full and rounded – similar to a dahlia. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. autumnall ‘Rubinzwerg’ Questions? red MSU-EF 28-32”H x 15-18”W A shorter type, with burnished-red petals around a yellow and brown center. Also known as ‘Ruby Dwarf.’ $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Fuego’ Email us at [email protected] golden orange ESP-LSU 18”H x 20-24”W Mariachi series. The swirling red and golds of this flower resemble dancing fire. Maroon and yellow central cones. HELIOPSIS zones 4-9 (Ox Eye Sunflower) Native. This plant blooms for a long period, all the while maintaining a bushy (not floppy) habit. The flowers are very showy and the seed heads are attractive---goldfinches enjoy them. The leaves are deep green, and pointed. It can be pinched in spring to control height, if desired. Heliopsis like good, evenly moist soil, but not overly fertile. Cuts well. x ‘Mardi Gras’ yellow/orange/red ESU-LSU 40”H x 20”W Each flower is uniquely blended bright golden yellow, deep orange and red. Dark brown rounded centers. x ‘Salsa’ red ESP-LSU 18-20”H x 20-24”W A dwarf Helenium with deep red flowers. Plants remain compact and flowers are held nicely above the foliage, exellent branching for continuous bloom all summer. Narrow mid-green leaves. x ‘Siesta’ h. x ’Summer Nights’ golden-yellow LSU-EF 36-48”H x 36-48”W Deep golden yellow flowers with mahogany centers top dark red stems and red-tinged leaves. red ESP-LSU 18-20”H x 20-24”W Mariachi series. Intense – almost fluorescent – bluered flowers. Maroon and yellow central cones compliment the brightly colored petals. Price for the above 4 varieties:$11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 41 x ‘Champion’ cream LW-MSP 12-15”H x 16-24”W This plant produces clusters of rosy cream buds which open to outward facing, 2½-3”, creamy white flowers. It is an early bloomer, dark green evergreen leaves. x ‘Green Gambler’ green LW-MSP 18-22”H x 24”W Part of the Winter Thriller series. Bright, fresh, apple green flowers have some burgundy spotting, and veining on every petal. Look closely, you may spot some double flowers! x ‘Joker’ white LW-MSP 10”H x 18”W More floriferous than most Helleborus – well over 100 flowers per clump! Creamy white flowers with pink flushed backs. Dark green foliage. x ‘Maestro’ h. x ‘Sunburst’ gold MSU-EF 30-36”H x 18-24”W Deep golden yellow flowers with darker gold centers. They reach 2–2½” wide. The green and silvery variegated foliage is absolutely stunning. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. pink LW-MSP 13-16”H x 24”W Creamy white flowers with a dusty rose colored reverse side. Compact green leaves with lighter veins and burgundy red stems. Price for the above 4 varieties: $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Mango Magic’ orange LW-MSP 18-22”H x 24”W Very large, 3” blooms! Flower are a creamy orange with mango tones and red flecks and edges. Flowers will stay up to three months becoming papery as they age, very exquisite. x ‘Merlin’ h. x ‘Tuscan Sun’ golden yellow LSU-EF 36-48”H x 36-48”W Deep golden yellow flowers with mahogany centers top dark red stems and red-tinged leaves. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. HELLEBORUS pink LW-MSP 12-15”H x 16-24”W The outward-facing flowers start light pink changing to pink then dark raspberry as they mature. The dark blue-green foliage has dark stems. It is an early bloomer. Plant with spring flowering bulbs. x ‘Pink Frost’ zones 4-8 (Christmas Rose, Lenten Rose) pink LW-MSP 12-15”H x 24”W Flowers are a combination of white, pink, adn deep rose tones. They are upward facing which is unusual for Hellebores. Burgunsy stems support leathery green foliage with a silver frosting. Price for the above 2 varieties: $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Winter Thrillers Midnight Ruffles’ Quickly gaining in popularity, this sumptuous plant puts on a glorious show in late winter and early spring when the garden is just barely showing signs of life. The gorgeous flowers vary in size, but all are thickly textured and delicately colored. The leaves are also quite grand. They are vaguely hand-shaped and are often glossy and deep green in color. All prefer a site in partial shade with a well-drained alkaline soil. Useful in containers and as cut flowers. PPA Perennial Plant of the Year 2005. black LW-MSP 18-22”H x 24”W Large 3”, velvety black flowers with contrasting light yellow stamens have three times the number of petals than a single hellebore. It retains its color for up to 12 weeks, long after the flowers are spent. $24.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 42 x ‘Winter Thriller Mix’ x 'Stella de Oro' mix LW-MSP 18-22”H x 24”W Part of the Winter Thriller series. The large, single flowers of this exciting mix are heavily spotted. They include shades of red, pink, purple, yellow, green, aprict and more! $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. golden-yellow ESU-LF 14"H x 24"W One of the first varieties to bloom, and the last to stop. Occasionally, this popular variety will rest for a short period during the hottest part of the season. Trumpet-like flowers are 2½” wide. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x 'Stella Supreme' HEMEROCALLIS zones 3-9 lemon ESU-LSU 10-14"H x 18-24"W Clear yellow flowers with a citrus fragrance. Rebloomer. An improved form of 'Stella D'Oro'. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x 'When My Sweetheart Returns' (Daylily) Daylilies have naturalized along many highways throughout North America; it’s difficult to think of a hardier plant. Their vigorous growth habit is not usually impeded by any insects or disease. They seem to grow in any soil, and they are quite salt tolerant. While a profusion of bloom is assured in any sunny garden, part shade is easily tolerated. Although the flower of this plant does indeed last only one day, a scape will have numerous buds, and a plant will have many scapes. Therefore a mature plant will have many flowers open at any one time. By choosing varieties that bloom at different times, the Daylily garden can be in bloom for months. The many thousands of Daylily cultivars that have been created can make choosing varieties a real chore, but we offer an opportunity to avoid that frustration--you can choose from the varieties we have carefully selected. A wide color range and season of bloom is available. Season of bloom indicated is within the Daylily world; i.e., from midJune to mid-August, in most cases. Height refers to the plant in flower. We list daylilies by color, beginning with the lightest colored, progressing through the darker colors, and finishing with the bicolors and multicolored varieties. We hope this makes shopping easier for you. apricot yellow ESU-LF 14-16"H x 18-24"W Medium 4” flowers are a peachy/apricot yellow with a large rosy eye and lemon throat. Ruffled petals. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Orange Shadess x ‘Madeline Nettles Eyes’ orange/purple ESU-LSU 20-24”H x 2030”W Tangerine orange flowers have dark purple eyes and edges. It’s throat is a greenish-yellow. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Primal Scream’ orange E-MID 34"H x 18-24"W A Proven Winners selection. Humungeous flowers with twisted, fuffled petals. They are tangerine orange in color putting on quite a show. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Purple and Lavender Shadess White Shadess x ‘Heavenly Angel Ice’ creamy white E-MID 22-24"H x 18-20"W Extremelely large 7-8” almost true white flowers. This is a spider type with long and ruffled flowers. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Yellow Shadess x ‘Just Plum Happy’ x 'Happy Returns' pink/purple ESU-MF 12-16”H x 18-24”W Large, bright rose pink flowers from June until frost. The flowers are 6” in diameter. Wide deep purple eye zone. Repeat flowers all summer. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. lemon-yellow E-MID 18"H x 20"W Descended from 'Stella de Oro,' this rebloomer is a much purer yellow than its parent. 3” blooms. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 43 x 'Purple d’ Oro' purple LSP-MSU 18-24"H x 18-24"W Reddish-purple flowers have ruffled edges and yellowish throats. Trumpet-like flowers are 2½-3” wide. Deadhead for maximum rebloom. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. Pink Shadess x 'Little Anna Rosa' pink ESU-LF 14"H x 24"W Small, but abundant flowers are dark pink with darker pink veining and greenish-yellow throats. Ruffled edges. Slightly fragrant. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Red Hot Returns’ Redss red MSU-EF 24-28"H x 18-24"W Cherry red, ruffled flowers have contrasting yellow halos around chartreuse throats. A truly red rebloomer that does well in northern climates. x ‘Rosy Returns’ rosy pink ESU-LF 12-14”H x 18-24”W An everblooming daylily with large 4” bright rosy pink flowers and a yellow throat. Reblooms constantly. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Earlybird Cardinal’ watermelon ESU-MF 21”H x 12-18”W 4” wide, watermelon red flowers with a pie crust edge and chartreuse throat. It produces 6 or more fans per season compared to 2-3 fans produced on an average daylily. It also tends to produce more than one flower scape per fan, so the plants quickly grow to form a highly floriferous, robust clump. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x 'Pardon Me' x ‘Ruby Spider’ red ESU-LSU 34"H x 18-24"W The gigantic 9”, dark ruby red flowers have petals that are long and spoon-shaped. The petals open very wide and flat, displaying the large, golden yellow throat and matching midribs nicely. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x 'Spacecoast Early Bird' red MSU 18"H x 18"W This noted smaller variety has a red, yellow throated flower. Its about 3" wide, fragrant, and stays open into the evenings---and a repeat bloomer. Vigorous. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. rose LSP-MSU 23-25"H x 18-24"W One of the earliest blooming Daylilies. 3½” round dusty rose flowers have recurved ruffly petals with narrow gold edges. Very floriferous. Semi-evergreen foliage. Rebloomer. 44 x Sun Dried Tomatoes’ red MSU-EF 32-36"H x 18-24"W Large, 6” flowers are rich red with golden green throats. They retain their rich color all day in the sun. Petals are recurved with ruffled edges. Price for the above 2 varieties:$13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Bicolor, Multicolorr x ‘Bettylen’ purple/cream ESU-MSU 20”H x 20”W Bold purple flowers with white toothed edges and green throats. Very striking. x ‘Big Smile’ x ‘Stephanie Returns’ yellow/pink ESU-MSU 24”H x 20”W Huge, 7” wide, sunny yellow flower with ruffled pink edges and a chartreuse throat. Good bud count. Price for the above 2 varieties:$11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Diva’s Choice’ lavender/purple ESU-LSU 16-18”H x 1824”W Light peachy pink ruffled flowers with narrow purple eyes and chartreuse throats. They also have reddish veining and purple midribs. The recurved sepals are a deeper rose purple. This variety produces an abundance of flowers and is a repeat bloomer. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. pink/yellow ESU-MSU 22-24”Hx18-24”W Large, 6” wide, bicolor flowers are bright bubble-gum pink with highly ruffled clear yellow edges and a yellow throat. Good bud count. x ‘Lacy Doily’ HEUCHERA peach ESU-LSU 23-25”H x 24”W Super bloomer! 4” double flowers are shades of peach, apricot and coral. Fragrant rebloomer. Price for the above 2 varieties:$13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones 3-10 (Coral Bells) The popularity of this old garden plant has been on the rise due to the introduction of many new varieties by some adventuresome hybridizers. Most heuchera cultivars are flowering in early June and don't stop until the end of August. The delicate blooms are long-lived when cut and are displayed in profusion. Many of the newer varieties have made significant improvements in foliage. Look for varieties that add a lot of interest even when not in flower. Be sure to deadhead regularly to prolong the bloom season. Heuchera will grow in most any well-drained, evenly moist, alkaline soil. They are tolerant of juglone from Black Walnut trees. Best when grown in full sun, but they will tolerate a couple hours of shade, especially at high noon. Divide every three years. Some good plants to associate with heuchera include brunnera, Shasta Daisy, scabiosa, and most any plant with a vertical emphasis, such as iris. x ‘Siloam Peony Display’ peach ESU-MF 18”H x 18-24”W Fully double, peach colored blossoms with ruffled petals. They bloom in midsummer and then again later in the season. The fragrant flowers are up to 6” wide and have a rose blush band near the flower’s center. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Ambers x ‘Dolce Crème Brule’ pink SP LSP-MSU 8-12”H x 16-24” With its unusual coloring, this is one of the best bronze-leafed Coral Bells. Mounded habit. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. 45 x ‘Mahogany’ white LSP -ESU 14”H x 16”W Glossy mahogany red leaves with ruffled edges. Holds its deep color through the season. White flowers. Try with variegated polemonium, yellow and orange leaved heucheras, and bright green ferns. x ‘Georgia Peach’ white SP ESU-MSU 12-18”H x 15”W Large 8” leaves of peachy deep pink with silver sheen. This heuchera was bred for tolerance to hot, humid weather. Color deepens as summer progresses. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Marmalade’ red SP 8-12”H x 12-18”W Vigorous, with rich, shiny, heavy leaves ranging in color from amber to deep sienna. Bronzy-red flowers. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Ginger Ale’ pink SP-ESU 18”HF x 10-12”W The leaves are actually ginger ale colored with darker veining and a creamy overlay. Keeps its color through the summer. Pale pink flowers. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. Purples x ’Black Beauty’ white SP 9”H, 24”in bloom, 18”W Shiny deep maroon leaves form a compact, mounded plant. Small white flowers. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 46 x ’Plum Pudding’ white LSP-MSU 16H” x 10-12”W One of the best heucheras for foliar show. The maple-shaped leaves are a deep, purple-maroon with a hint of silver, and stay that way all season and on into winter. Tiny whitish flowers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Red/Rusts x ‘Fire Alarm’ x ‘Magnum’ pink ESU-MSU 9”H x 14”W Foliage is bright red early and darkens to a brownred as the season progresses. Foliage forms a medium mound and has a leathery texture. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. white MSU 10-12”H x 16”W Huge 8-10" leaves, deep burgundy-red with dark veins and a soft silver overlay. Drought tolerant. Try using with green leaved types for lovely foliage contrast. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. micrantha diversifolia 'Palace Purple' Chartreuse/Greens x ‘Dolce Key Lime Pie’ whitish MSU-LSU 15-20”H x 20"W The fantastic, maple-leaf, purple leaves are the main feature here. Discovered by a curator at Kew Gardens in England, but the species originated in the western United States. A top performer at the Chicago Botanic Garden heuchera trials. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. SP 12”H x 12”W Striking, beautiful lime green leaves that intensify with the onset of cool temperatures. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Lime Marmalade’ white MSU 16”H x 24”W A strong chartreuse heuchera with ruffled leaf edges. Vigorous, large mounding habit. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Midnight Rose’ purple MSU 10-24”H x 16”W Dark, almost black leaves that are heavily speckled with spots of bright rose pink. Later in the season, the leaves lighten and they are marbled with cream and pink. White flowers in midsummer. x ‘Obsidian’ Greens x ‘Lipstick’ red LSP-ESU 9”H x 18” HF x 14”W Abundant, lipstick red flowers. Foliage is silver with distinct deep emerald green veining. Lobed leaves. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. sanguinea ‘Firefly’ cream ESU-MSU 10”H, 24”HF x 16”W Illustrious deep purple, nearly black glossy leaves that hold their deep color all season. Said to be the darkest heuchera to date. Creamy white flowers contrast nicely with the magnificent leaves. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. red SP 6”, 18”Hw/flower x 15”W Maple shaped medium green leaves form a low clump, topped by lots of bright red “coral bell” flowers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 47 ‘Yellowstone Falls’ white SP-ESU 6”H x 24”W Trailing Foamy Bells, a trailing heucherella. Beautiful chartreuse to lime green leaves with dark red markings. Great as a groundcover in a shady area. Be careful not to bury the crowns when planting. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Paris’ rose red LSP-MF 8”H, 14”HF x 114”W Soft green leaves with a white overlay. Dark green veins. The flowers are large for a coral bell and are a deep rose color. Repeat flowers to frost. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. HIBISCUS zones 5-9 (Rose Mallow) These huge plants have some of the most spectacular flowers of all perennials---children love them. They bloom from the hottest part of summer well into fall with huge flowers---up to 8” wide. Many are almost clown-like, with showy bicolor flowers. Easy to grow, likes a damp soil. The semi-woody stems die back in winter. New shoots don’t emerge late in spring. Some people prune the shoots by a third when they are a foot tall, to sport a stockier, bushier plant. HEUCHERELLA zones 4-8 Originally raised at England’s Bloom’s Nursery, this is a bigeneric cross between Tiarella and Heuchera. Growing rather like a smallish heuchera, it forms a neat mound of green leaves, with pink, sterile flowers on wiry stems. In general, they bloom just before heuchera. A good, light, evenly moist soil is ideal. ‘Redstone Falls’ white ESU-LSU 10”H x 36”W Trailing Foamy Bells, a groundcover heucherella. Mounding, then it sends out trailing stems that stay low. The warm, rich, autumnal colored foliage is broadly lobed with deep veins. x ‘Fire Ball’ red MSU-MF 48-60”H x 24-36”W Large 10-12” flowers of deep clear red. Green leaves with purple shades and red veining in the stems. 48 x ‘Heartthrob’ burgandy MSU-LF 48”H x 72”W Flowers reach 8-10” wide and sport a black center and black veining. Burgandy-maroon petals are slightly ruffled. x ‘Lord Baltimore’ red MSU-MF 48-60”H x 36”W Crimson red, 5 petaled flowers up to 10” in diameter. Vigorous, sturdy and upright. x ‘Midnight Marvel’ red MSU-LF 48”H x 36”W Dark purple tinted, maple-like foliage that is covered with 8 to 9" scarlet red flowers from late summer into fall. It flowers at each of the leaf nodes, producing a full, long flowering, shrub-like mound. x ‘Jazzberry Jam’ magenta MSU-LF 48-60”H x 72”W Flowers are a deep magenta with a red eye, reaching up to 9" accross! The billowy, ruffled, overlapping petals are quite showy. Questions? x ‘Summer Storm’ pink MSU-MF 48”H x 36”W Large maple-shaped leaves of the deepest purple. Large, 8” pink flowers with darker veins and a deep pink center. Flowers much longer than other hardy hibiscus. Best color in cool weather. Email us at [email protected] 49 HOSTA zones 3-8 The usefulness of this plant cannot be overstated. It is the epitome of low-maintenance shade gardening. Although most hostas prefer part shade, some do well in sunnier locations. Hostas prefer a humus-rich soil that will provide enough moisture in the dry months. The variegated types will do better in partial shade rather than dense shade. The foliage is very striking throughout the growing season. Hostas are usually pest-free and can be used as groundcover because they are so carefree, decorative, and so much variety is available. The many types of leaf form, leaf color and flower color are reflected in our variety list. This guide shows mature plant height (H,) plant height in flower (HF,) and mature plant width (W.) Leaf color is given, followed by flower color. Sometimes it takes a plant several years to acquire the mature characteristics. Hostas are separated into two groups---variegated and non-variegated. Within those groups, they are arranged by size, beginning with the smallest variety. We hope this makes shopping easier for you. x ‘Summerific Berrylicious’ mauve LSU-EF 54-60”H x 54-60”W Huge 8-9”, mauve lavender blossoms with a deep strawberry red eye. They have attractive, ruffled, overlapping petals. They are produced on all sides of the dense, bushy, rounded clump of thick, bright green, maple-like leaves. x ‘Cherry Cheescake’ white LSU-EF 48-60”H x 48-60”W Magenta tipped white flowers with magenta veining and a cherry red eye. Thes e large showy flowers measure 7-8” across. They have attractive, ruffled, overlapping petals. Variegated Leaf - Small to Larges x ‘Alakazaam’ green/yellow; lav MSU 5”H, 15”HF x 10”W This miniature is perfect for the edge of a shady garden. It has long, narrow green leaves with bright yellow ruffled margins. As the season progresses the margins brighten to a creamy white. $13.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Rainbow’s End’ green/yellow; lav MSU 6”H, 10HF x 24”W Yellow centered sport of "Obsession" features very thick, shiny, rubbery-like dark green leaves. The bright yellow streaked center becomes white by summer. Large lavender flowers on red flower scapes. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Diamonds are Forever’ green/white; lav MSU 10”H, 16”HF x 24”W This distinct, crisp variegation can be seen from a distance. Green leaves with pure white margins. $13.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Lakeside Paisley Print’ x ‘Summerific Cranberry Crush’ scarlet MSU-EF 36-48”H x 48-60”W Red, almost near-black buds open to glossy, deep scarlet red. The 7-8” wide flowers have heavily overlapping petals. Glossy, deep green, leathery, maple-like leaves with slight purple overtones Price for the above 9 varieties: $17.99 2 Gallon. white/green; lav MSU 10”H, 22”HF x 20”W Heart shaped leaves with wavy edges. Wide green margins with creamy white center markings that resemble feathers. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 50 x ‘Fire & Ice’ white/green; lav MSU 12”H, 15”HF x 15”W Unique variegation is the most striking feature of this smaller variety. Its leaves are pure white in the center, with an irregular margin of deep dark green. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Moonstruck’ blue/white; lav MSU 10-12”H, 18”HF x 20”W Narrow blue leaves have a creamy white pattern in their centers. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Wolverine’ green/gold; lav MSU 15-18”H, 20”HF x 40”W 10” long, wavy, tapering leaves. They are blue-green with wide chartreuse-gold margins. Forms a dense mound with a cascading habit.. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Ivory Queen’ white/blue; lav MSU 12”H, 24”HF x 18”W The reverse pattern of ‘Blue Ivory.’ Ivory white centers with powdery blue margins. Very attractive. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x 'Patriot' green/white; lav ESU-MSU 15"H, 24"HF x 24"W This newer variety promises to be a standard-bearer in years to come. It is a "sport" of the popular type 'Francee'---the main distinction is that 'Patriot' has broader variegation---1" irregular bands of white. The large leaves are fairly thick, which means they are slug-resistant, compared to the thin leafed varieties of yesteryear. A winner in every way. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x 'Blue Ivory' green/white; lav LSU 16"H, 24"HF x 18-24"W Deep blue, broadly spear-shaped leaves with a very wide ivory margin, which becomes whiter in midseason, making the contrast even more striking. Forms a mound of thick, slug-resistant foliage. Lavender flowers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Dream Queen’ cream/blue; white MSU 18”H, 26” HF x 24”W Large, nearly round blue-green leaves with narrow, creamy white centers. White flowers. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 51 x ‘Twilight’ x ‘Victory’ green/yellow; lilac ESU 28"H, 32"HF x 46"W This giant hosta has shiny green substantial leaves with yellow margins. As leaves mature the margins fade to a creamy pale yellow. Like other giant hostas it takes a few seasons to reach its full size. Price for the above 4 varieties: $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l sieboldiana 'Frances Williams' yellow/green; lav MSU 22"H, 30"HF x 30"W Large deep green leaves with yellow edges. Large, broad, coarse leaves. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Francee’ green/white; lav LSU 24”H, 28”HF x 28”W Award-winner. Leaves are colored rich green, thinly edged in pure white. Leaves are 2-3” wide, becoming more heart shaped as the plants age. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. gray-green/blue/yellow; lilac MSU 30"H, 32"HF x 32"W A classic variety.’ 'Frances Williams' has bold leaves that are irregularly variegated with greenish-yellow. Perfect when planted with yellow epimediums. Light morning sun is desirable. Although this is a popular old variety, you may want to consider an improved form---‘Olive Bailey Langdon.’ $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l sieboldiana ‘Olive Bailey Langdon’ gold/blue/green; white ESU 24”H, 32”HF x 36”W A new and improved H. ‘Francis Williams.’ The gold leaf edges are more resistant to scorching. Thick, corrugated leaves have blue-green centers with irregular yellow margins. Works well with an underplanting of Galium. Slug resistant. x ‘Winter Snow’ s. 'Great Expectations' blue/gray/gold; white ESU-MSU 24"H, 30-36"HF x 36"W Destined for greatness, it already ranks very high on the Hosta Popularity Poll. It is a 'sport,' or variant, of H. 'Elegans,' and is similar in habit. The large leaves are colored in a very striking design. The leaf center is irregularly painted with a large section of creamy yellow. The leaf edge has a broad but irregular band of green and blue variegation. It is heavy flowering, with clusters of white flowers just above the leaves. Many enthusiasts feel this will surpass even H. 'Frances Williams' in popularity, and that's saying a lot. It is fairly slow to reach maturity and its full splendor, but it’s worth the wait. x ‘Liberty’ blue/cream; lilac ESU 24"H, 36"HF x 36"W This sensational variety is a sport of ‘Sagae.’ Thick, slightly wavy, dark green leaves are widely edged in yellow, fading to cream later in the season. Pale lavender flowers. Attracts hummingbirds. x ‘Regal Supreme’ cream/green; lav LSU 20"H, 36"HF x 60"W It makes a massive 5' wide clump of huge chartreuse leaves, each with a nice white border. The clumps are topped with arching spikes of large lavender flowers in early summer. x ‘Guardian Angel’ green/blue; white LSP 24”H, 36”HF x 36”W Everyone needs a guardian angel — even in the garden. Emerging leaves display near white centers turning mint green with age. Leaf point has a gentle half twist to it. Near-white flowers in late spring. blue/yellow; lav MSU 20”H, 43”HF x 20”W Frosty blue leaves have a wide, wavy yellow margin early in the season. Centers turn to a blue-green and the margins turn to creamy yellow or creamy white in summer. 52 Questions? Email us at [email protected] x ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ blue-grey; lav 8”H; 12”HF x 12-16”W Thick (almost rubbery), round, blue-green to graygreen leaves. Clusters of lavender, bell-shaped flowers are produced on short 12" scapes in midsummer. Forms a perfectly symmetrical mound. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Sagae’ yellow/blue; lav LSP 22-28”H, 34”HF x 70”W This plant has a wonderful form. The large heartshaped leaves grow up and outward. They are medium green with narrow irregular margins which will vary from pale yellow to cream during the season. Price for the above 4 varieties: $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Solid Colored Leaf – Small to Largea x ‘Curly Fries’ x ‘Rainforest Sunrise’ lime green; lav 6”H; 16”HF x 16”W It forms an arching, wiggly clump of extremely rippled, narrow leaves. Very unique in form. This miniature would look great in containers, alongside paths, or the front of the border. green/yellow; lav MSU 8”H, 18”HF x 16”W Leaves of this smaller Hosta emerge a solid light green then develop dark green borders with luminous gold centers. Slug resistant with light lavender flowers. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Golden Tiara’ green/yellow; lav MSU 5”H, 10”HF x 12-16”W An award winning small hosta. Green foliage with yellow margins. Perfect for edging gardens and walks. 53 progresses. Lavender blyue flowers on chartreuse scapes. Great for patio containers or garden edge. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Grand Tiara’ 20”W green/yellow; lavender MSU 14”H, 34”HF x Substantial thick foliage is dark green with wide chartreuse margins. Bell-shaped, purple striped flowers are held above the foliage. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘June’ x ‘Fire Island’ yellow; lav 10-14”H; 30”HF x 18-20”W Bright, shocking yellow leaves with slightly rippled leaf edges. They are set off by deep red leaf stems. In summer they darken to chartreuse. Lavender flowers. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l gokld/blue; lav MSU 14”H, 28”HF x 24”W Large, heart shaped leaves are gold with an irregular blue-green margin. Gold centers become creamy yellow or creamy white as they mature. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. t. x 'Halcyon' x ‘June Fever’ blue; violet MSU 18"H, 28”HF x 36"W An exceptional plant with thick, heart-shaped leaves. Forms a nice clump. Heavy-flowering with pale blueviolet flowers. Best in shade; morning sun is okay. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd’ yellow; lav MSU 15”H, 24”HF x 24”W Very shiny leaves with bright yellow to orangish centers that turn to a chartreuse later in the season. Very thin blue-green leaf edges. Lavender flowers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. blue; near white ESU 20”H, 24”HF x 45”W A distinctive variety with huge, cupped leaves. Leaf size is about 10” long and nearly as wide. Leaf color is blue with a thick, heavy corrugation. Mounded habit. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. plantaginea ‘Aphrodite’ green; white LSU 18”H, 24”HF x 24”W Large, trumpet-shaped, very fragrant, double white flowers. Large, shiny green leaves are heart-shaped. One of the few double flowered hostas. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘June Spirit’ green/blue; lav MSU 14”H, 20”HF x 26”W Shiny leaves with wide, deep green margins and chartreuse centers that turn yellow as the season 54 x ‘Joy Ride’ sieboldiana 'Elegans' blue-green; lav MSU 16”H, 24”HF x 36”W This hosta has mounds of wavy blue-green leaves accented with folded edges. Very attractive when planted in groups, looks as though it is undulating. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. blue-gray; white MSU 24"H, 27"HF x 48"W A favorite for many years. Huge, roundish leaves are heavily puckered and have a great frosty gray color. Flowers are short-stemmed. The plants develop a richer blue-gray with age; young plants are often gray-green. Works nicely with any pink astilbe. x 'Big Daddy' gray-blue; white ESU 30"H, 36"HF x 36"W A huge plant with large, roundish leaves over 12" long. They have the puckered, seersucker texture quite like the sieboldianas. One of the best big blues. Price for the above 2 varieties: $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x 'Coast to Coast' gold; white ESU 30"H, 36"HF x 36"W A huge plant with large, solid-gold leaves. As leaves mature, they become a lighter gold with nearly white undersides. They also become thicker, puckered and more wavy with age. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘T Rex’ blue-green, white ESU-MSU 30”, 38”HF x 38”W x ‘Cathedral Windows’ Huge, blue-green, matte heart-shaped leaves measure up to 18” long and 14” wide. Creamy white flowers. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x 'Blue Angel' gold/geen; white MSU 19”H, 26”HF x 40”W Large, rounded leaves. Bright golden centers inside wide, dark greenborders. Flowers are very fragrant. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. blue; white ESU-MSU 36"H, 48"HF x 48"W A gorgeous hosta from the Aden breeding program. This plant must have sieboldiana blood as it has some traits of that species, notably its huge size, white flowers, and heavily puckered leaves. 'Blue Angel' is rather slow to mature, taking a few years to achieve a grand presence in the garden. Leaf size 14" x 20". $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Devil’s Advocate’ blue-green; white 36”H; 48”HF x 48”W This beast of a hosta has striking, heart shaped bluegreen leaves with wide lime green margins. This is a sport of ‘Blue Angel’. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l x ‘Praying Hands’ green/yellow, lav MSU 14”H, 18”HF x 30”W The deep green leaves are unusually folded. They have narrow creamy yellow edges and form a unique upright clump. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 55 sempervirens 'Purity' white LSP, EF 8"H x 12"W The autumn bloom is not as heavy as spring, but worthwhile nevertheless. Large flowers. $4.99 5” pot. IRIS zones, see descriptions germanica zones 3-9 (German Iris) It’s hard to picture any perennial more exotic than the German Iris. The variety of colors, including multicolors, and the intriguing flower structure make the iris very popular. They prefer well-drained, slightly alkaline soil in full sun. Division every 2-3 years will help keep the clumps healthy and vigorous. A shallow planting is required, so the rhizome tops are exposed to sun. Good vertical accent. Cuts well. g. x 'Dangerous Mood’ x ‘Sum and Substance’ chartreuse; lavender ESU 36”H, 48”HF x 36”W Bold and beautiful: Large semi-gloss leaves are vivid chartreuse green depending on lighting conditions. Somewhat puckered. Moderately sun tolerant. black/blue LSP & EF 36-38"H x 12-18"W Large, blue-black bicolor flowers. Plae blue standards compliment the midnight-black falls. g. x 'Immortality' white ESU, LSU 36"H x 18"W Reblooming variety with pure white flowers accented with lemon yellow beards. g. x 'Laugh Lines’ x ‘Empress Wu’ blue, lavender MSU 40”H x 60”W A massive hosta that can grow over 4’ tall. Enormous blue-green leaves with prominent veins. Pale lavender flower. An excellent specimen. Bold statement. Price for the above 2 varieties: $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. HOUTTUYNIA red/white LSP & EF 36-38"H x 12-18"W The flower color of Laugh Lines is quite unique. It is deep reddish-purple with plicata striped white falls. They are heavily ruffled. Well-branched, 8-10 flowers per stem. g. x 'Rare Treat’ zones 5-8 white/blue LSP & EF 30"H x 18"W White centers on both the standards and their falls with dark lavender-blue ruffled edges. g. x 'Ruby Morn’ (Chameleon Plant) cordata 'Chameleon' white MSU 8"H, spreading From Korea, this highly variegated plant has leaves colored green, golden yellow, and burnt red; the leaves are heart-shaped. Flowers are insignificant. Some shade is tolerated, but best color is in full sun. $5.99 5” pot. IBERIS red LSP & EF 39-41"H x 12-18"W Huge flowers are a very deep, dark,. wine red.They have ruffled edges and mustard beards. Wellbranched, 9-12 flowers per stem. g. x 'Slovak Prince’ white LSU 36-33-35"H x 12-18"W Standards are white with an orchid cast and a rimmed with a fine gold ruffled edge. Falls are grapepurple and have heavily veined white throats. They are also quite fragrant. zones 4-9 (Candytuft) One of the earliest bloomers in spring. The bright white flowers light up the garden. The evergreen leaf is like a fleshy needle, colored dark green---a nice contrast for the flowers. Flourishes in any decent soil. Mildly tolerant of salty conditions. Can be used to make a nice, uniform edge. 56 g. x 'Superstition’ purple LSU 32-38"H x 18"W One of the darkest purple, almost black, Bearded Iris. Velvety and rich. Price for the above 7 varieties: $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. g. x 'Tall Cool One’ blue LSU 41"H x 12-18"W The white standards are ruffled and widely flared. Periwinkle blue falls have a touch of gold in their beards. Color adds a “cooling” effect to the garden. $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. pallida 'Variegata' lavender purple LSP 16-18"H x 15"W Zebra Iris. A striking plant of ornamental value all summer long. The typical blue-gray iris leaves are heavily variegated with creamy white. Fragrant flowers. Looks great next to purple leaved heuchera $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. pumila x ‘Blue Denim’ (IRI-50) s. x ‘Dance and Sing’ yellow SP 30”H x 12-18”W This sunny Siberian Iris has over-sized, rich, clear buttery yellow flowers. Price for the above 3 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. mid blue LSP-ESU 10”H x 12”W $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. sibirica zones 3-10 (Siberian Iris) This beardless iris is very easy to grow and always looks great. Average flower size is 3-4" in diameter and they appear in early summer; a few rebloom. The sword-like leaves are bright green and remain erect for a long time. While they grow in mostly sun in average soil, they do prefer a moist, but not soggy location. Division every few years is a good idea---late summer is the best time. Deadhead right after flowering to retain energy and promote rebloom. s. x ‘Caesar’s Brother’ JASIONE zones 6-9 perennis laevis ‘Blue Light’ lavender MSU 15”H x 12-15”W Clusters of round sky-blue flowers resembling scabiosa. Greyish-green leaves. Great for containers. Wonderful cut flower. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. KALIMERIS zones 5-9 (Blue Star) purple SP 36-48”H x 30-36”W A tall Siberian Iris with solid deep purple flowers. Great along pond edges where it will keep out weeds. incisa ‘Blue Star’ lavender ESU-EF 15”H x 18”W Flowers are light lavender and resemble asters with yellow centers. They are 1” wide and bloom all season. Mounding habit. Also known as Boltonia incisa. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. s. x ‘Contrast in Styles’ purple ESU 30”H x 18-24”W 5” blooms. Outer petals are rich plum-purple with bold yellow and white markings towrd their bases. Blue-purple styles. Very showy. 57 x ‘Thunder & Lightning’ red ESU-LSU 12-18”H x 12-18”W Deep violet red pincushion-shaped flowers on long stems above creamy white and green variegated leaves. Flowers all summer. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. KNIPHOFIA zones 4-7 (Poker Plant) An African plant with foliage that looks like a large cluster of arching green spikes. The tropical looking flowers poke out of the top of the leaves. Exotic. x ‘Border Ballet’ mix MSU-LSU 18”H x 18”W This mix is made up of soft colors in shades of cream, salmon, orange, peach and red. Provides continuous color all season. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. hirsuta x ‘Fire Dance’ yomena ‘Variegata’ lavender MSU 18”H x 12-24”W Variegated green and white foliage which turns gold through the season. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. KIRENGESHOMA orange MSU-LSU 18”H x 18”W A dwarf poker plant that is reliably cold hardy. Wonderful, neat, tidy and unique little plant for perennial gardens. Coral red and lemon yellow. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. uvaria x ‘Echo Rojo’ zones 5-9 (Yellow Waxbells) An interesting Japanese genus. It is quite uncommon and is one of the more interesting items in our catalog. It is totally unique, yet graceful in habit and form. Best in a shady, moist garden with acidic soil. ornage MSU-LSU 38-50”H x 25-34”W Burnt orange bottlebrush flowers are held above the grassy, evergreen foliage. palmata yellow LSU-EF 36"H x 30"W The waxy, yellow, shuttlecock-shaped flowers are unlike anything we've seen. Flower stems are dark mahogany colored. Cuts well. The maple-like leaves are as big as a hand. Superb late-season show. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. KNAUTIA LAMIASTRUM zones 4-8 galeobdolon ‘Herman’s Pride’ yellow LSP-ESU 10”H x 18”W Erect stems with small yellow flowers. Globe-shaped habit, with green leaves that are heavily mottled in silver. Grown for leaves more than flowers. $4.99 1Qt./946 ml. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones 5-9 (Red Pincushion Flower) macedonica ‘Mars Midget’ LAVANDULA red MSU-MF 16”H x 20”W Prolific, ruby-red, 2” wide, rounded flowers on multiple branches. More compact than the species. Average to lean well-drained soil. Works well with rudbeckia, Phlox ‘David’ and light colored roses. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. m. ‘Red Cherry’ zones 5-9 (Lavender) An ornamental herb from the Mediterranean region. Originally sought after for its flower and fragrance. The plant has a bushy, erect form, almost shrub-like. Foliage is gray-green, rather needle-like. Plants do best in a sandy, sweet soil in full sun. We like to plant lavender alongside a path, where its fragrance will be released if brushed against. In Wisconsin, we usually cut plants down to about 6" in early spring. red MSU-MF 20”H x 24”W Bright cherry red flowers atop wiry stems. Flowers heavily. Deer resistant and drought tolerant. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. 58 angustifolia 'Hidcote Blue' for cutting. Deadheading helps keep them blooming. This vigorous plant likes division every other year, in spring. Prune sharply after flowering for tidiness. No other care is needed. Wet winter soil is this plants worst enemy. Well-drained, good garden soil is best. blue-purple ESU-MSU 16"H x 18"W Fragrant gray-green leaves. An English cultivar. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $?.?? 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. a. 'Munstead' violet-blue ESU-MSU 12"H x 18"W A cultivar named for famed English plantswoman Gertrude Jekyll’s home and garden. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. a. 'Sweet Romance' violet-blue ESU-LSU 12-18"H x 12-18"W Blooms the first year and a little earlier than other Lavenders. Gray-green foliage forms a small mound topped by the lavender blue flowers. Very fragant. Plant where it may be brushed against, like along walkways, to release the wonderful scent $7.99 1Qt./946 ml. LAVATERA superbum ‘Banana Cream’ yellow ESU-LSU 15-18”H x 18-24”W Semi-double 4” creamy yellow daisies. Flowers profusely. Strong plant with a nice compact habit. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x s. ‘Becky’ zones 5-9 white ESU-MSU 36-42”H x 24-36”W One of the taller Shasta Daisies, and average flower size is over 4” wide. The flowers are typical---white petals with a rich yellow center. Named the Perennial Plant Association Plant of the Year for 2003. x s. ‘Bright Side’ (Tree Mallow) Similar to other genera in the mallow family, such as malva or sidalcea. Lavatera is the larger, bushier relative. The large, five-petaled flowers are held on long stalks. Palmate leaves. Average garden soil with plenty of sun is all that is required. This genus is widely distributed throughout Europe and Asia. x ’Barnsley Baby’ white ESU-EF 32”H x 18-24”W Large, pure white flowers and bright yellow centers. An improved version of ‘Becky’. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x s. ‘Daisy May’ pink MSU-EF 30-36”H x 24-30”W A more compact form of ‘Barnsley,’ with the same cheerful, rosy-eyed, soft pink flowers. Stiff dark stems and palmate leaves. Try it with echinops. LEONTOPODIUM white ESU-EF 12-24”H x 10-14”W Proven Winners selection. Very large, showy buds open into beautiful daisies. Great in containers. Wonderful cut flowers. 7.99 1Qt./946 ml. x s. ‘Real Charmer’ zones 4-8 (Edelweiss) alpinum white ESU-EF 4-8”H x 8-12”W This is a real charmer. An abindance if creamy white flowers and star shped brachts. Low, clumping silvery-gray foliage. Great for use as a groundcover or underplanting. $5.99 5” pot. LEUCANTHEMUM (Shasta Daisy) cream ESU-EF 22”H x 20-22”W The large, double flowers are creamy to lemony in color. Deep gold central disks.. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Questions? zones 4-9 Email us at [email protected] A hybrid species created by Luther Burbank in his late 19th century garden near Mt. Shasta, hence the name. These classic plants were bred for flower output and vigor; Burbank succeeded. All varieties exhibit great quantities of strong-stemmed flowers 59 x s. ‘Silver Princess’ white MSU-LSU 14”H x 16”W Single white daisies all summer long and into fall if deadheaded. Dwarf, compact, mounded habit with medium green leaves. Combine with roses and phlox. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x s. ‘Sunbeam’ yellow MSU-LSU 36”H x 18”W Large, deep yellow flowers with deep golden centers. x s. ‘Whoops-a-Daisy’ x s. ‘Real Galaxy’ white ESU-EF 22”H x 18”W Large 4" wide flowers bloom during June and July then, if cut back, will re-flower in September. The large eyed double flowers have narrow and finely fringed pure white petals and large golden centers. Cuts well. white MSU-LSU 15”H x 22”W Large, 3-4” wide , single white flowers with gold centers. Dense, mounded, tidy foliage is completely covered by flowers when plant is in full bloom. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. LIATRIS zones 3-9 (Gay Feather) A group of hardy American plants that are very worthy of a place in the garden. They give a strong vertical effect, and their color is brilliant. They are unusual in that the flowers on the spikes open from the top down rather than the reverse. Butterflies love them. Linear leaves. In recent years liatris has become a favorite for cutting because it lasts so long. All are easy to grow in well-drained soil. x s. ‘Real Glory’ white ESU-EF 26”H x 16”W Pure white petals open flat and gradually reflex, exposing an ever enlarging frilly yellow dome. Cuts well. Deadhead to encourage continuous bloom x s. ‘Real Neat’ s. ‘Floristan White’ white ESU-EF 16”H x 14”W Multiple rows of perfectly fluted horizontal petals and solid gold centers. Cuts well. Deadhead to encourage rebloom. Great for cutting and cottage gardens. Price for the above 3 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. white MSU-MF 30”H x 18”W Forms a low clump of grass like leaves with spikes of fuzzy white flowers. Easy to grow. This was one of the best types of Liatris at the Chicago Botanic Garden trials. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. 60 dentata 'Desdemona' reddish-orange MSU-LSU 40"H x 30"W A spectacular cultivar from 1940. This is a darkleafed form, with the stems and leaf undersides colored purple. Flowers are daisy-type, in longstemmed clusters. Very bold in flower and foliage. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x hessei ‘Little Lantern’ yellow MSU-LSU 20”H x 20”W The smallest ligularia available at this time. Spikes of bright yellow flowers held elegantly above attractive leaves. An impressive plant for the shady garden. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. ‘Osiris Café Noir’ s. 'Kobold' violet MSU-LSU 24"H x 20"W Numerous sturdy flower spikes; shorter than most others in this genus. Named in 1946. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. yellow MSU-EF 24”H x 20”W The leaves start out deep purple-black and transition through bronze shades, finishing olive green. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. stenocephala ‘Little Rocket’ LIGULARIA zones 3-8 A superb genus with a number of showy species and cultivars. They are natives to China and Japan, with the first varieties being cultivated in the West after 1850, and many not until 1900. All are big plants, beautiful in flower and leaf. For best contrast, try planting any of these alongside small or finely cutleafed plants. The flowers are quite distinct from one another, but all are in the gold shades. They all seem to prefer an evenly moist soil in a sunny spot, as long as the climate doesn't get hot. If this doesn't describe your garden, give the plant light shade and keep it in a low, but well-drained part of your garden. Here they will be protected from the drying sun and should be less inclined to dry out. yellow MSU-LSU 36-48”H x 24”W Yellow flowers on rocket-like spikes. Rich, green serrated leaves are arrow shaped. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. LILIUM zones 4-8 (Lily) Lilies are stately plants that dignify the garden in a way no other plant can. A garden without them is difficult to imagine---the spectacular bloom from June well into August would be sorely missed. Any sunny location would welcome a few of these, and the wide color range means there are varieties suited to every garden. Plant the bulbs 6-7” deep in moist but well drained, organically rich soil. An excellent lowmaintenance plant that is completely hardy. Asiatic Hybrids These modern hybrids are distinguished by a cluster of flower buds at the top of the stem. The flowers open almost flat and face straight out or upward. They are very suitable for cutting. x ‘Black Out’ red LSP-ESU 36-48”H x 12-15”W Deep scarlet red flowers with darker accents toward center. Beautiful and dramatic. x ’Cancun’ x ‘Bottle Rocket’ MSU-LSU 28-34”H x 24-28”W Mustard yellow flowers held on chocolate stems. A dense clump of arrow shaped green leaves. Flowers are held like a bouquet in the center of the clump. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. red/yellow LSP-ESU 38”H x 12-15”W Striking combination. Bright yellow petals are edged with red. Petal tips are solid scarlet red. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. 61 x ‘Double Sphinx’ stems. Compact habit. Cuts well. Great for use in containers. x ‘Tiny Robin’ red ESU-MSU 26-36”H x 15”W Dramatic bright red double blooms on relatively short stems. Faint speckling. Asiatic Pot Lilies These lilies are bred to be small in stature. They are suitable in containers or to fill in small garden areas. x ‘Glow’ pink LSP-MSU 12-14”H x 10-12”W Dark pink flowers. High flower count. They are held on strong stems. Compact habit. Cuts well. Great for use in containers. x ‘Tiny Shadow’ yellow LSP-MSU 36-48”H x 15”W The yellow petals are highlighted by dark brown stamens. Vigorous plants produce strong stalks filled with buds.Great for use in hot colored borders. x ‘Harvest Patio Combo’ orange LSP-MSU 12-14”H x 10-12”W Burnt orange flowers with dark maroon centers. High flower count. They are held on strong stems. Compact habit. Cuts well. Great for use in containers. x ‘Tiny Toons’ mixed LSU-EF 14-16”H x 12”W-24 A blend of Tiny Bee, Tiny Ghost & Tiny Skyline, great for late summer/fall season. x ‘Spring Patio Combo’ pink LSP-MSU 14-16”H x 15”W Large flowers are pink with orange tinged centers. They are held on strong stems. Compact habit. Cuts well. Great for use in containers. Price for the above 12 varieties $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. mixed LSU-EF 14-16”H x 12”W-24 A blend of Tiny Puppet, Tiny Snowflake & Tiny Todd, great for late summer/fall season. x ‘Tiny Dancer’ LA Hybrids This class of hybrids results from breeding that includes longiflorum and Asiatic Lilies, creating a brand new category of lilies. Try something new! x ‘Royal Sunset’ pink/white LSP-MSU 12-14”H x 15”W Large flowers are bicolor, dark pink with large white centers. They are held on strong stems. Compact habit. Cuts well. Great for use in containers. x ‘Tiny Diamond’ orange ESU-MSU 36-48”H x 15-20”W Orange petals with deep orange-red petal tips. Strong stems with narrow, deep green foliage. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. rose LSP-MSU 12-14”H x 10-12”W Rosy-red with magenta pink toward the center and diamond-white starburst in the center. They are held on strong stems. Compact habit. Cuts well. Great for use in containers. x ‘Tiny Double Orange’ Oriental Hybrids These showy Lilies are very elegant despite their spectacularly colored flowers. They cut well. The flowers open flat, and some recurve slightly; many are heavily spotted. All are at least slightly fragrant. They flower in mid to late summer, well after most Lilies have finished. They tend to have wide leaves. x ’Acapulco’ orange LSP 14-16”H x 24”W Double orange blooms in late spring. Compact habit. Cuts well. Great for use in containers. x ‘Tiny Dragon’ pink MSU-LSU 36”H x 14”W Large, fragrant, rose-pink flowers with a darker midrib and faint white margins. Upward tilting flowers. Splendid next to delphiniums and white roses. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ’Anika’ red LSP-MSU 12-14”H x 10-12”W Large flowers dark red. High flower count. They are held on strong stems. Compact habit. Cuts well. Great for use in containers. x ‘Tiny Padhy’ purple/white ESU-MSU 18-24”H x 24”W Deep burgundy-purple flowers with bright white petal tips. Bred to be compact. Narrow, dark green leaves. x ‘Tiny Parrot’ white MSU-LSU 36-40”H x 14”W The slightly ruffled, double white petals have a lime green stripe along its mid-rib. Very fragrant, long lasting and pollen free!! yellow LSP-MSU 12-14”H x 10-12”W Bright yellow flowers with heavily spotted maroon centers. High flower count. They are held on strong 62 LINUM x ’Belonica’ white MSU-LSU 48”H x 12”W Clear white large flowers have a flocking on the petals which adds teture and richness. Very fragrant! Great in an all white or moon garden. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ’Elena’ perenne ‘Nanum Sapphire’ sky blue LSP-MSU 16”H x 12”W A profusely flowering old-fashioned plant with ¾”, sky blue flowers. Cut back after flowering. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. pink MSU-LSU 36-40”H x 14”W Large double flowers. Rose-pink flowers with a darker mid-rib. Very fragrant, long lasting and pollen free!! Excellent cut flower. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x 'Stargazer' LOBELIA zones 3-8 x ‘Black Truffle’ red MSU-LSU 36-48”H x 24-36”W Foliage emerges so black it is nearly black. It turns an iridescent maroon as it ages. Bushy, upright habit. Bright red flowers. rose-pink MSU-LSU 24-28"H x 18"W This outstanding hybrid was a sensation in the potted plant trade when it was first introduced. The 8" wide flowers are upward facing, and arranged in a cluster. The rich pink flowers have cinnamon colored spots and the petals are edged in white. x ’Sunny Grenada’ cardinalis brilliant red MSU-EF 30-36"H x 24-30"W Native prairie. Cardinal Flower. A strong, vigorous lobelia that surprises gardeners with its rapid growth. New growth in spring is maroon and deep olive green. Flowers start in July and continue for 812 weeks. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. x ‘Fan Burgundy’ burgundy MSU-LSU 24”H x 12-18”W Tubular, deep burgundy red flowers with a soft, velvety look and texture. The flowers are held on long spikes on a strong, compact plant. Cut back after flowering. Ideal for pondside and for boggy sites as well as woodlands or naturalizing. x ‘Fan Salmon’ salmon MSU-LSU 20-24”H x 16”W A rich, warm salmon color, with long spikes and large flowers. Basal branching habit. Cuts well. x ‘Fan Scarlet’ red/white MSU-LSU 16-18”H x 12”W Dark burgundy red flowers with bright white edges. They are heavily spotted and extremely fragrant. Nice dark green foliage. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ’Thalita’ scarlet MSU 36-44”H x 12-14”W Double flowers. Deep red or scarlet depending on where it is planted. This is one of the darkest double Oriental Lilies. Very fragrant. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. LIMONIUM zones 4-9 (Flax) pink MSU 36-40”H x 12”W Large double flowers. Looks like four flowers sitting inside of each other! Lightly scented. Pollenless. Sturdy stems. Great cut flower. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ’Casa Blanca’ zones 4-9 (German Statice) dumosum ‘Wood Creek’ white MSU-EF 12-18”H x 12-18”W Light and airy appearance with bright white flowers that cover the plant all summer. Multi branched, thin but stiff stems. syn. Goniolimon tataricum. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. scarlet MSU-LSU 24”H x 12-18”W Vibrant, deep scarlet flower spikes contrast nicely against bronze leaves. Has a strong upright, habit. Price for the above 3 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 63 fulgens ‘Queen Victoria’ x ‘Popcicle’ scarlet LSU-EF 36”H x 12”W Scarlet Lobelia. Clump-forming with narrowly lanceshaped maroon leaves up to 6” long. In late summer it bears tubular scarlet flowers. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. mix LSP-ESU 18”H x 12-24”W Grows into well-established, multi-stemmed clumps. Colors include red, yellow, pink, purple and bicolors. LUPINUS zones 4-8 (Lupine) A fantastic group, noted mainly for the hybrids common in today's gardens. The flower spikes can be over 24" long and 3" wide, thickly set with curious pea-like flowers. The color range is wide and bright. Some plants have solid color flowers while others are bicolor. Foliage is attractive, too. Culture is not difficult once an appropriate site has been found. A rich soil in full sun in a cool climate is best, but failing that, they may be sited in light shade, and out of afternoon sun. Again, even moisture is important. Fungicide applications may be required. x ‘Tutti Frutti’ mix ESU-MSU 36-40”H x 12-16”W Stunning, tight, full flower spikes with bright rich colors in striking combinations. An improvement over the famous ‘Russell Hybrids’. Price for the above 4 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Questions? Email us at [email protected] LYCHNIS zones 3-9 Plants in this genus are quite diverse in habit, but they are similar in hardiness and siting needs. Full sun and well-drained soil are required. x ‘Gallery Blue’ blue LSP-ESU 18-24”H x 12-16”W Lovely spires of blue pea-like flowers. Great in cottage gardens, against fences or walls, or a s a specimen. arkwrightii ‘Orange Gnome’ orange-red ESU 8”H x 12”W Arkwright’s Campion. A brilliant display of intense, orange-red, uniquely shaped flowers on a compact plant. Soft, dark green, oblong leaves. Works nicely with the shorter blue campanulas. Zones 4-9. $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. x ‘Gallery Mix’ mix LSP-ESU 12”H x 15”W Lovely flower spikes covered with pea-like flowers in shades of pink, red, yellow and blue. 64 LYSIMACHIA zones 3-8 A genus of vigorous plants, native mostly to Eurasia. atropurpurea 'Beaujolais' rose ESU-LSU 24-36"H x 12-24"W Great combination of dark rose flower spikes and dusty gray-green leaves. Long, straight, dark, reddish-brown stems with pointed, stiff oblong leaves. Colonizes quickly. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. MALVA zones 4-9 (Musk Mallow) A valuable group of plants, related to hibiscus and Hollyhock. The 2” wide flowers occur most of the summer. They appear all up and down the plant. After the first flush of bloom, shear back by a third to encourage rebloom. Lower leaves are kidney shaped while the upper leaves are more finely cut. Not fussy about soil, will tolerate dryness once established. sylvestris ’Mystic Merlin’ coronaria ‘Blood Red’ red ESU-MSU 24-30”H x 12”W Brilliant strong red flowers with felted grey foliage. Removing spent flowers helps to promote new flower growth throughout the season. Great for cutting. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. flos cuculi purple ESU-EF 36”H x 24”W Flowers are in shades of violet purple to mauve. Reseeds easily, so well worth the try. Downy, lobed green leaves. Easy to grow and long lasting color. s. ’Zebrina’ lavender LSP-ESU 30”H x 12”W The long rather lance shaped leaves are grassy looking, colored bluish-green. The plant makes neat rosettes, from which rise the long, rather wobbly, flower stems. The flowers are ragged edged stars, a warm rose purple, sometimes white. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. haageana x ‘Lumina Red’ raspberry-purple ESU-EF 24-36”H x 15”W Usually a short-lived perennial with exciting, 2” flowers: pale pink with raspberry-purple brush marks coming from their centers. Re-seeds easily, so well worth the try. Downy, lobed green leaves. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. red ESU 12”H x 12”W Uniform, compact habit with bright red blooms and contrasting dark bronze leaves. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. h. x ‘Lumina Salmon shades’ MERTENSIA zones 3-9 (Virginia Bluebells) virginica salmon ESU 12”H x 12”W A wonderful new Lychnis radiates rare salmon colored flowers with green leaves. Uniform compact habit. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. viscara x ‘Visca Fire’ blue MSP-LSP 24"H x 16"W Native. One of our most beloved native wildflowers. The nodding, bell-shaped flowers open in arching sprays. Color is magnificent blue; buds are sometimes pink. Cuts well. The elongated leaves are dark green. Foliage on this woodland plant will disappear by midsummer. This plant is a natural colonizer. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. red ESU 12”H x 12”W Pretty, small red flowers are held above its clumps of grass-like leaves. Evergreen. Use in the rock garden. $4.99 5” pot. 65 MONARDA d. ‘Grape Gumball’ zones 3-9 (Bee Balm) magenta ESU-LSU 20-24”H x 16-24”W Large vibrant magenta flowers reach 2–2½“ wide. Above average resistance to powdery mildew. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and 11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. d. ‘Jacob Kline’ This well-known native plant has many virtues. A heavy bloomer, with unique, brightly colored flowers that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Benefits from deadheading. Cuts well. Leaves and stems are mint-scented. An easily grown, hardy plant. Likes an evenly moist, lean soil. Provide plenty of air circulation. Can be pinched once in spring. Cut back in autumn. Divide every two years. x ‘Balmy Purple’ red LSP-ESU 48”H x 30”W A large flowered variety, reported to be the most mildew resistant of all the red monarda. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. d. 'Pardon My Pink' purple ESU-LSU 10-12”H x 8-10”W Large purple flowers reach 2–2½“ wide. Above average resistance to powdery mildew. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and 11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Bubblegum Blast’ pink ESU-LSU 9-12"H x 16-20"W A very compact Bee Balm with large pink flowers. Mildew resistant. Mid-green aromatic leaves. d. 'Pardon My Purple' purple ESU-LSU 9-12"H x 16-20"W A very compact Bee Balm with large violet purple flowers. Mildew resistant. Mid-green aromatic leaves. Price for the above 2 varieties: $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. d. ‘Raspberry Wine’ pink ESU-LSU 24”H x 32”W Large hot pink flowers reach 2–2½“ wide. Above average resistance to powdery mildew. x ‘Cherry Pops’ raspberry MSU-LSU 36”H x 24”W The main feature of this large flowered type is its bold, raspberry color flowers. Mildew resistant and comes highly rated from the Chicago Botanic Garden. fistulosa ‘Claire Grace’ red ESU-LSU 20”H x 26”W Large vibrant magenta flowers reach 2–2½“ wide. Above average resistance to powdery mildew. Price for the above 2 varieties $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. didyma ‘Fireball’ pink MSU-LSU 36-48”H x 24-48”W Soft lavender pink flowers. Great for the butterfly garden. Mildew-resistant. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. red ESU-LSU 16-20”H x 16-20”W The best short red monarda available. d. ‘Grand Marshall’ violet MSU-LSU 16”H x 16-20”W Beautiful large violet-fuchsia flowers. This, new type is medium-sized and has excellent mildew resistance. Price for the above 2 varieties $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. d. ‘Grand Mum’ MYOSOTIS zones 3-8 (Forget-Me-Not) No one should be without this old-fashioned favorite. The true blue flowers have a distinct yellow eye. It blooms on and off from spring into August. Myosotis is a fast spreader, both by seed and stolons. Best grown in evenly moist soil in light shade. sylvatica ’Bluesylva’ pink MSU-LSU 15-18”H x 20”W Mauve pink flowers and dark green leaves. Highly resistant to mildew, it has a compact, rounded form and loads of large flowers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and 9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. d. ‘Grand Parade’ pink LSP-LSU 6-8”H x 8-12”W Very neat, bushy variety with tiny bright blue flowers. Long blooming habit makes this an excellent choice as an underplanting near shrubs or hosta or as a mass planting. s. ’Rosylva’ violet ESU-LSU 12-18”H x 16-20”W A strong plant with purple-violet flowers. Dark green leaves. Heavy bloomer. Resistant to powdery mildew. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and 11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. pink LSP-LSU 6-8”H x 8-12”W Very neat, bushy variety with tiny solid pink flowers. Long blooming habit makes this an excellent choice as an underplanting near shrubs or hosta. 66 snowsylva ‘White’ x f. ’Walker’s Low’ white ESP-ESU 8-10”H x 8-12”W A mass of snow white flowers early in the season. Compact, uniform growth. Long flowering. Price for above 3 varieties: $4.99 5” pot. purple ESU-LSU 18-24”H x 18-24”W Tough, easy plant with bluish-purple flowers. Small, aromatic, gray-green leaves. Works well in cottage gardens---good for filling holes and weaving the garden together. Prune hard in early spring if a smaller plant is desired. This was the Perennial Plant Association’s 2007 Plant of the Year. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Little Trudy’ NEPETA zones 3-9 (Catmint) Catmint is rather vigorous, like its brethren, but not at all a pest. It is a bushy plant, with small gray or green leaves. It blooms well in June, after which it is deadheaded. It reblooms in late summer. Ideal for the rockery or as an edger. You will love it. Requires a sandy, well-drained soil. Mildly salt tolerant. pink ESU-EF 10”H x 12-18”W A dwarf catmint with small but plentiful clusters of lavender-purple flowers. The silver-green leaves form a dense, wide clump. Fragrant. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Questions? Email us at [email protected] faasseni ’Cat’s Meow’ OENOTHERA purple LSP-ESU 12-18”H x 12-18”W Proven Winners selection. Dense puple flowers are very colorful. Very even, uniform grower. It stands strong with no flopping. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. f. ’Junior Walker’ zones 4-8 (Evening Primrose) A large group of plants, most of which are native to North America. They have good-sized, open, cupshaped flowers. There are a number of annual and biennial species. We list the proven perennial types. They are all easy to grow in most any garden soil. fruticosa ‘Fireworks’ lavender ESU-EF 15”H x 30”W Small, pale lavender blue flowers with blue-green foliage. Foliage is aromatic if crushed or bruised. yellow SP-MSU 15-18”H x 12-18”W Dark bronze tinted leaves and red stems contrasted by canary yellow flowers. Cup shaped, 4 petaled flowers. Red flower buds. Very showy. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Lemon Drop’ lemon-yellow LSP-EF 8-12”H x 12”W Bright, lemon-yellow flowers from spring through fall. Makes a great companion for poppies and lilium. $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. f. ’Purrsian Blue’ blue ESU-EF 14-18”H x 18-30”W Very floriferous. Periwinkle blue flowers are held above fragrant blue-green foliage. Uniform, tidy habit. It stands strong with no flopping. Price for the above 2 varieties $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 67 ORIGANUM (Ornamental Oregano) missouriensis yellow MSU 10"H x 24"W The Missouri Primrose. Huge, pure yellow flowers can reach 4" or 5" in diameter. The bizarre seedpods are also huge. This is an excellent companion for poppies, as it fills in nicely after the poppies finish blooming. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l.; rotundifolium x ‘Kent Beauty’ pink ESU-LSU 6-8” H x 12”W A bushy plant with small, rounded, light green leaves on trailing stems. Soft pink to lavender flowers. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. OPUNTIA (Prickly Pear) PAEONIA zones 4-9 (Peony) Considered by many to be the queen of the perennial garden. Massive, showy blooms from pure white to red and all shades in-between top the lustrous, deep green leaves. Excellent for cutting. Extremely longlived and undemanding, the Peony is best in an open area with full sun with well-drained humus-rich soil. Planting depth is critical, however. The new eyes (tiny pink buds) should be two inches below the soil level. Too deep planting can affect the blooming. An age-old plant from China, this should be well represented in every garden. Plant a wide variety to extend blooming season. Itoh hybrids Itoh hybrid peonies are crosses between herbaceous and tree peonies, with the best traits of each. They were introduced by Toichi Itoh, a breeder in Japan. They look like tree peonies but behave like herbaceous peonies, dying back to the ground in autumn and coming up in spring. They are rare and highly prized for their large fragrant flowers, as well as being strong and disease resistant. They are very long lived and put on an amazing show for decades. i. x ‘Bartzella’ humifusa yellow SU 24”H x 24”W Prickly Pear Cacti that grows flat and rounded, with smaller rounded red fruit attached. Resembles a ball and paddle toy. Bright yellow flowers. Prefers full sun and well-drained, dry, lean soil. Rocky, sandy soil is best. This is the only native cactus found in northeastern US, and Canada. The fruits are edible and popular around the world. $7.99 1Qt./946 ml. yellow SP 36”H x 36”W Very large, bright yellow double flowers with a touch of red at the center and a nice fragrance. $49.99 2Gal. 68 i. x ‘Canary Brilliants’ yellow SP 24-32”H x 24-36”W Large, semi-double creamy yellow flowers with apricot hues in their center. Light, sweet fragrance. Wonderful cut flower. $39.99 2Gal. i. x ‘Scarlet Heaven’ x l. ‘Charles Burgess’ red LSP-ESU 36”H x 30-36”W Enormous crimson red flowers with a bright mass of golden stamens. This is a “WOW” flower. Price for the above 2 varieties:$21.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x l. ‘Coral Sunset’ scarlet SP 25-32”H x 28-35”W Large, single, flowers are scarlet red with golden anthers.. Herbaceous peonies Herbaceous peonies die back to the ground in autumn and come up from the ground in spring. When leaves turn brown in fall, cut it back and dispose of dead foliage---don’t put it in the compost pile. In spring, a peony ring is beneficial. Install it just as the plant emerges from the ground. As the plant grows, it will support the flowers but not be seen. x lactiflora ‘Armani’ coral LSP-ESU 24-36”H x 24-30”W Large, semi-double flowers are coral with hints of pink and rose and gold stamens. Slightly fragrant. $17.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x l. ‘Duchess de Nemours’ white LSP 34”H x 30-32”W Large, very fragrant, full double white flowers with light yellow centers. Glossy green leaves. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x l. ‘Felix Crousse’ red LSP-ESU 30-36”H x 30-36”W One of the darkest flowered Peonies! Satiny red , fully double flowers with ruffled petals. carmine red SP 28”H x 18”W Double, dark pink to carmine red flowers---they are large and fragrant with ruffled silver edges. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x l. ‘Kansas’ carmine red MSP 34”H x 20”W Wonderful rich carmine-red double flowers on sturdy upright stems. Dark green deeply lobed foliage makes a nice bush. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x l. ‘Karl Rosenfield’ red SP 30-36”H x 30-36”W Bright crimson flowers with a mild fragrance. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 69 x l. ‘Lady Orchid’ flower about 5-6" in diameter. Flower size will increase to its mature size of 6-8" in two years or so. Each plant will require one square yard of space in several years. Flowering occurs early. These plants are heavy feeders. Try a few of these classic plants. x ‘Hana-kisoi’ pink LSP 30”H x 12-24”W Soft pink fully double flowers. Slightly fragrant. Choice selection for cut flowers. $17.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x l. ‘Moonriver’ pink Double apricot-pink flowers with a lighter pink edge. Also known as Paeonia ‘Floral Rivalry’. x ‘High Noon’ pink LSP-ESU 2436”H x 24-30”W Fully double, fragrant, creamy pink flowers. x l. ‘Raspberry Sundae’ creamy-white MSP-LSP 35”H x 28”W Double, creamy-white flowers, swirled with pale pink. $21.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x l. 'Sarah Bernhardt' yellow SP 48-72”H x 36”W Fully double, bright, clear yellow flowers with a red flare it the base of the petals. Nice fragrance. x ‘Hoki’ pink LSP-ESU 40"H x 36"W Petals have a hint of salmon, and are edged in faint silver. A little taller and later than most doubles. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x l. ‘Sorbet’ scarlet red Semi-double, scarlet flowers, and large gold stamens. Price for the above 3 varieties:$29.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 1. ‘Kaoukamon’ maroon SP 48-72”H x 36”W Very dark maroon double flowers will stand out in the garden. A highlight for the spring garden. x ‘Kinkaku’ (PAE-31) pink/cream SP-ESU 28”H x 20”W Highly unusual color arrangement: rose pink, cream, then rose pink petals. Deeply divided green leaves make a nice bush. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. orange Double, yellow-range petals edged in darker orange. x ‘Kinshi’ Fernleaf Peonies This is the most sought after plant in our display garden. The finely cut foliage sparkles in the morning dew. It is short and compact, and interesting all season long. The intense, dark red flowers are available in single or double form. They flower well before traditional peonies. It is not unusual for this plant to take a couple of years to bloom as it is slow to develop. Once established, gardeners show it off like a trophy. tenuiflora ‘Rubra Flora Plena’ light yellow SP-ESU 48-60”H x 36”W Huge, semi-double, lemon-yellow flowers. Light, sweet fragrance. Large, medium green leaves on woody stems. Wonderful cut flower. x ‘Shima Nishiki’ bicolor SP-ESU 36”H x 36”W Large double, red and white candy striped. PAPAVER red ESP-ESU 15”H x 15”W Fernleaf Peony, an age-old plant. Double, blood red flowers. Unique, deeply divided, ferny foliage. Place near bold leaved plants for change of texture. $59.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones 3-7 (Poppy) atlanticum tangerine MSU 6-12”H x 6-10”W Soft tangerine tissue paper flowers on an erect, clump-forming plant. The pods are narrow and clubshaped. Sometimes referred to as the Moroccan Poppy. Good cut flower. Average to poor soil. bracteatum ‘Great Red Poppy’ Tree Peonies (suffruticosa) Tree peonies have the same location and care requirements as do the herbaceous Peonies with one exception---do not cut the trees down in autumn as you would the bushes. Remove dead branches in spring or fall. Ultimate height of these trees will be 30-48" depending on various climatic factors. These grafts from Japan are a wonderful value Most of the plants we sell will bloom the first season with a red MSP-LSP 30-48”H x 36”W Exceptionally large, intense red, papery flowers up to 7” across with a contrasting black center. The species is native to the Caucasus. Zones 5-8. Price for the above 2 varieties: $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. 70 orientale Huge, ruffled, papery flowers are a brilliant wine red. Velvety black centers surround purple stamens. o. x ‘Eye Catcher’ Oriental Poppy. The paper-like qualities of the exquisite Poppy flower make it a favorite in the garden. The Poppies are known for their spectacular late spring-early summer show. Best in a sunny location, planted in groups. A dryish soil is best. Loosen the soil to a depth of at least 12 inches--deep enough to accommodate the Poppy’s taproot. Plant the crown 1-2 inches below soil surface. Gently fill in dirt and compost around the root ball, taking care to eliminate any air pockets. Apply bone meal or lime into the top of the soil along with a high phosphorous fertilizer. Poppies are valuable as cut flowers if the end of the cut stem is singed with a flame. Height up to 48”. Will flower the second year after planting. Because they leave a gap in the garden when they finish flowering, we sometimes recommend perovskia or gypsophila as a companion, to fill in the space. Curious buds and distinctive seedpods add to their appeal. Introduced from Armenia in 1714. o. ‘Beauty of Livermore’ orange LSP-ESU 16-22”H x 12-18”W Large, brilliant orange with a dark maroon blotch at the base of every petal. o. x ‘Manhattan’ pink LSP-ESU 30”H x 18-24”W Large fuchsa-pink ruffled petals have a crepe-like appearance. Their centers are a dark purple-black. Flowers measeure 4-6” across. Very showy. o. x ‘Mrs. Perry’ pink LSP-ESU 18-24”H x 12”W Clear, soft, true pink flowers with a deep burgundy blotch at the base of every petal. Price for the above 4 varieties: $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l.; o. ‘Prince of Orange’ orange SP-ESU 36”H x 24”W Large orange flowers with a dark blotch at the base of the petals. Dark green, serrated, hairy leaves add interesting textural element to these plants. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. red LSP-ESU 30-36”H x 24”W This is a bold, dark red form. Flowers up to 4” wide. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. o. x ‘Bolero’ rosy pink LSP-ESU 30”H x 24”W Dramatic rosy purple-red flowers accented by a distinctive black blotch at the base of each petal. o. x ‘Brilliant’ scarlet LSP-ESU 36-48”H x 24”W A garden favorite. Large scarlet flowers with black centers. Distinctive seed pods follow flowering. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. o. ’Raspberry Queen’ pink SP-ESU 30-38”H Beautiful crepe-paper petals form large blooms in late serrated, hairy leaves add element to these plants. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Summer Breeze Series’ x 18-24”W of deepest rose-pink spring. Dark green, interesting textural mix ESU-MSU 12-15”H x 18”W Covered with bright yellow, orange, and white flowers over a long season. Similar in appearance to Icelandic poppies. Grow in fertile soil in full sun. Does not seed. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. o. x ‘Central Park’ wine red LSP-ESU 30”H x 18-24”W 71 PENSTEMON heterophyllus ‘Electric Blue’ zones 4-8 (Beardtongue) blue ESU-LSU 18”H x 14”W Vivid blue trumpets are held on flower spikes. They have a purple flush where they meet the stem. Glossy green foliage Drough resistant. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. A very large group of plants indigenous to North America; the varieties on our list are all hardy to zone 4 unless noted. Most of these bloom in late spring and early summer. All need full sun and welldrained soil. All have tubular flowers. PEROVSKIA zones 5-10 (Russian Sage) A huge, stunning aromatic herb from the Himalayan region. It is one of the longest-flowering plants we know of. It adds a mist-like quality to the garden before and well after it blooms. Foliage is gray-green, with silvery-white stems. A sunny site with average garden soil is all that is needed. No pests or disease. Very heat and salt tolerant. Excellent winter interest. One of the most delightful plants in our garden. We especially like it growing with the ‘Knockout’ rose. Prune back to new growth in spring. barbatus ‘Prairie Dusk’ purple ESU-MSU 22”H x 20”W Showy vertical display of purple flowers high- lighted with a little white on the interior of the trumpets. Long, narrow leaves on the lower half of the stems. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. coccineus ‘Jingle Bells’ red ESU-MSU 24-36”H x 36”W Scarlet red tubular flowers. Very striking. Hummingbirds love them. Drought and heat tolerant. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. ‘Dark Rose’ deep pink ESU-MSU 24-36”H x 36”W Deep rose pink tubular flowers on a sturdy plant. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. digitalis ‘Dark Tower’ atriplicifolia blue-lavender ESU-MF 48"H x 60"W This is our most popular perovskia. A must for any sunny garden. The leaves are delicately notched. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. a. ‘Lacey Blue’ pink ESU-MSU 30-36”H x 30”W Very deep wine red leaves contrast beautifully with the tubular flowers that are deep lavender toward the base and light pink at the tip. The seeds have ornamental value and are useful cut. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. d. ‘Pocahontas’ lilac blue MSU-EF 32-36"H x 18"W Upright, with a thicker, tighter habit, keeping branches from flopping over. Soft, lilac blue flowers adorn panicles, giving an airy, open feel. Silvery-gray ferny leaves are aromatic when crushed. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. a. ‘Little Spire’ burgundy ESU-MSU 24”H x 12”W Clusters of showy pink tubular flowers are held on red stems over burgundy foliage. Stems stay red after the flowers are spent and provide interest until the first frost. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. violet blue MSU-MF 28”H x 24”W At a height and spread less than half that of its cousins, this is a very useful plant. Long bloomer. 72 a. ‘Peek-a-Blue’ our varieties are MILDEW RESISTANT. Cut back immediately after initial bloom to promote secondary blooming. Colors of these hybrids are very clear and true. They make good cut flowers. Most are very fragrant. If height or floppiness becomes a concern, pinch the plants when about 12” tall. A moist, welldrained, sunny site is best, combined with a moderate to heavy fertilizing schedule. An evenly moist soil reduces stress. Most types self-sow readily, so remove unwanted seedlings. Free airflow is good. p. ‘Blue Flame’ lavender blue MSU-EF 24-28"H x 20-28"W Short, compact habit. Lacy, silvery-green leaves topped with lavender blue flowers. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. a. ‘Silvery Blue’ blue MSU 20”H x 20”W Unlike other perovskia’s gray-green foliage, ‘Silvery Blue’ has metallic silver stems and leaves with lavender purple flowers. Striking in the garden. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. PERSICARIA blue/white ESU-LSU 12-18"H x 12-18"W Blue buds open to white flowers with a violet blue flush. Excellent resistance to powdery mildew, long bloom time and short, sturdy stems. p. ‘Blue Paradise’ zones 4-8 (Fleeceflower) There has been some taxonomic confusion with these plants in recent years. Persicaria, polygonum, tovara, and fallopia are closely related, that much is certain. Though some in this genus are invasive, we do not offer those. In our garden, these have spread no more than a typical perennial. All have jointed stems, and cylindrical flower clusters. All have a long season of bloom and are hardy. Leaves turn red in autumn. A soil on the damp side is preferred. blue-purple MSU-LSU 28”H x 24”W The strongest colored “ink” blue phlox we have seen. Shorter than most varieties. p. ‘Coral Flame’ coral MSU-EF 12-20”H x 12-24”W Bright, coral flowers in large, fragrant clusters. Bred in the Netherlands for their dwarf stature. Neat, rounded habit. Disease resistant. polymorpha white ESU 70”H x 48-60”W, expanding Dynamic. Very large variety with slightly arching, fluffy white plumes. Extremely showy from a distance. Large, rough, dark green, pointed leaves. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. p. 'David' white MSU-EF 40"H x 24"W Large, fragrant flower heads on stiff stems. Good with echinops and verbascum. Perennial Plant of the Year for 2002. Disease resistant. Price for the above 4 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. p. 'David’s Lavender' PHLOX zones, see descriptions There are many valuable species and cultivars in this genus. The individual flowers are similar but they differ widely in growth habit and foliar arrangement. Many are North American natives. paniculata zones 4-8 lavender MSU-EF 36-48"H x 24-36"W Large, fragrant flower heads on stiff stems. The densely packed, tubular lavender flowers are held above deep green leaves. Disease resistant. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. (Summer Garden Phlox) The spectacular show by Garden Phlox is equaled by no other summer blooming perennial. The 5-8 wide flower heads are very fragrant and long lasting. All of 73 p. 'Early Start Light Pink' p. ‘Jeana’ pink MSU-LSU 12"H x 10"W Very compact, densely branched plants are easily covered with dense clusters in light pastel pink. Easy to manage in a sunny border, with no need of staking. Space plants to provide good air circulation. p. 'Early Start Pink' pink ESU-LSU 24-36"H x 24-36"W Lavendar-pink flowers are sweetly fragrant. Jeana’s incredible resistance to mildew keeps the foliage a clean green. p. 'Lord Clayton' cherry MSU-EF 24-30"H x 24-30"W Uniques cherry-red flowers held above deep purplegreen foliage. In spring, foliage emerges deep purple with lime green stems. p. ‘Pink Flame’ pink MSU-LSU 12"H x 10"W Very compact, densely branched plants are easily covered with dense clusters in bright pink. Easy to manage in a sunny border, with no need of staking. Space plants to provide good air circulation. p. 'Early Start Violet' pink ESU-LSU 12-18"H x 12-18"W Beautiful clear pink flowers with a darker pink eye. Excellent resistance to powdery mildew, long bloom time and short, sturdy stems. p. ‘Red Riding Hood’ purple MSU-LSU 12"H x 10"W Very compact, densely branched plants are easily covered with dense clusters in violet purple. Easy to manage in a sunny border, with no need of staking. Space plants to provide good air circulation. p. 'Fireworks’ red MSU-LSU 22”H x 12-18”W Large heads of bright cherry-red flowers. p. ‘Red Super’ magenta MSU-LSU 18-22"H x 12"W Very large flowers for a phlox! Fireworks has hot magenta red flowers with white “starbusrst” centers and red eyes. Shows incredible resistance to mildew.. p. ’Flamingo’ red MSU-EF 20-30”H x 24-30”W Bright red flowers, turning darker toward the center. Dark green leaves. Try with perovskia or daisies. p. ‘White Flame’ white ESU-MSU 12”H x 24”W A dwarf variety with a sturdy habit and flowers as large as the tall cultivars. Blooms early, reblooms. Price for the above 7 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. pink MSU-EF 24-30”H x 18-22”W Large, fragrant clusters of bright pure pink flowers dotted with a distinctive dark rose eye. Stiff upright stems. Try it with hibiscus and verbascum. Price for the above 5 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. PHYSOSTEGIA zones 2-9 (Obedient Plant, False Dragonhead) These are vigorous plants(except for Miss Manners), taking as much room as allowed. We prefer a lessthan-ideal soil to help restrict them. Hundreds of tubular flowers are neatly arranged on each stem. Leaves are deep green. Native to North America. p. ‘Forever Pink’ pink ESU-LSU 16"H x 4-8"W Mounds of wide overlapping petals on bright true pink flowers cover the entire plant. Blooms intermittently throughout summer into fall. Very showy. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. p. ‘Glamour Girl’ virginiana ‘Miss Manners’ white MSU-EF 18-24”H x 15-20”W An exceptional newer variety with a more controlled habit---some in this genus are too invasive to be suitable garden plants. Sturdy upright stems. coral ESU-LSU 32"H x 18-24"W Large, hot coral pink flowers are held on dark purple stems. Flowers retain color well as they age. 74 grandiflorus ‘Astra Double Blue’ blue ESU-MSU 12”H x 6”W A dwarf variety with semi-double blooms. Balloon-like buds that open to a five-petaled, saucer-like star. g. ‘Astra Pink’ pink ESU-MSU 4”H x 6”W A neat dwarf variety. g. ‘Astra Semi-Double Lavender’ lavender ESU-LSU 6-12”H x 6-8”W Semi-double 3” flowers with thicker petals than older varieties, so they last longer. Blooms all summer. Compact habit. g. ‘Astra Double White’ v. ‘Pink Manners’ white ESU-MSU 12”H x 6”W A dwarf variety with semi-double blooms. Balloon-like 3” buds that open to a five-petaled, saucer-like star. Price for the above 4 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. pink MSU-LSU 36”H x 20”W Spikes of pale pink to white buds open to lavender pink flowers with a white throat. Like other Obedient Plants, the flowers remain in position when twisted on the stem. Upright, strong stemmed, clump forming Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. PHYTEUMA zones 4-8 (Horned Rampion) scheuchzeri purple MSP 8”H x 12”W Interesting spiked global flowes are held above its tufted evergreen foliage. They are an attractive blue-purple that have a silvery sheen to them. A curious plant for the garden. Small and compact, great for the front of the border. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. PLATYCODON g. ‘Hakone Double Blue’ blue ESU-MSU 18-24”H x 18”W Spikes of semi-double, blue bell-shaped flowers rise above the foliage from early to mid summer. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones 3-8 (Balloon Flower) Perfectly suited to North American gardens, this plant is native to China and Japan. It emerges late in the season, about the time Bleeding Heart is in bloom. The curious flower blooms resemble small balloons, which expand, and silently burst open, displaying a five-pointed star about 3" across. They are one of the stronger-blooming summer plants. Platycodon will rebloom heavily if deadheaded. They cut well. The taller varieties may need staking. We've had success in controlling their height by pinching plants back by a third when they are about a foot high. This delays flowering only slightly. They are happy in most any well-drained soil. In certain gardens we've seen some varieties reseed freely. The blue varieties work well with the many yellow flowers of midsummer. Foliage is undistinguished, but it turns burnt gold in autumn. g. 'Sentimental Blue' blue ESU-MSU 6-8"H x 12"W This heavy bloomer has very large flowers for a plant of its size---they are about 2" wide. They are upward facing, so their full beauty can be appreciated. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 75 PODOPHYLLUM reptans zones 4-8 (May Apple) sky blue MSP-LSP 12-18”H x 12-18”W Sky-blue, bell-shaped flowers in loose, terminal clusters appear on sprawling stems in mid to late spring. Compound leaves with oval leaflets are arranged like the rungs of a ladder. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. r. ‘Stairway to Heaven’ blue SP 12-18”H x 12-18”W The tri-colored foliage is green with a creamy white edge, splashed with pink. Remains showy from spring to frost. Brilliant blue flowers in spring. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. peltatum POLYGONATUM white MSP 15”H x 12”W North American woodland plant. This plant has a distinctive, exotic appeal. It looks like a small umbrella, forming a green canopy. The white flowers are held along the stem, under the leaves. They are followed by the pea-like seed pods-–-the “apples” of the common name. A treasure for the shady garden. $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. (Solomon's Seal) POLEMONIUM zones 5-9 zones 3-7 (Jacob's Ladder) One of the most attractively foliated plants we offer. The graceful arrangement of leaves, leaflets and stems vaguely forms a ladder. The flowers are small but plentiful. They like an evenly moist, well drained soil and protection from the afternoon sun. caeruleum ‘Bambino Blue’ odoratum ‘Variegatum’ white SP 18-24”H x 15”W A must for any shade garden. Dark, gracefully arching stems display dangling white bells. Irregular near white margins on dark green leaves. Pleasing, neat appearance all season. $17.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. blue LSP-MSU 24”H x 24”W Bright blue flowers with light yellow centers and medium green Jacob’s ladder foliage. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. c. ‘Bressingham Purple’ POTENTILLA violet MSU-LSU 16-24”H x 18”W A beautiful newer form with dark purple leaves and violet-purple flowers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Heaven Scent’ zones 4-9 (Cinquefoil) A very colorful, easy to grow group of plants. They bloom heavily in early summer with roundish, flat flowers, and some will have a minor rebloom in late summer. The foliage is reminiscent of strawberries. Excellent choice for the garden edge or the rockery. astrosanguinea ‘Fireball’ purple LSP-ESU 18”H x 12”W A small Jacob’s Ladder, but even though it’s small it still packs a punch. Sprays of small, lightly-fragrant purple bells. Foliage emerges with a burgundy flush before becoming the deep green ladder-like foliage we come to expect from polemonium. $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. mix ESU-LF 24”H x 18”W A double flowered mixture in red, gold, orange and bicolors. 76 x ‘Super Nova Mix’ mix SP-ESU 6-10”H x 6-12”W Multiple flower stems hold the brightly colored, extra-large 2" blooms on 4-5" umbels. Improved disease tolerance and greater adaptability over a range of temperatures make Super Nova even more desirable. $5.99 5” pot. PRUNELLA zones 4-8 (Selfheal) grandiflora ‘Bella Deep Rose’ pink LSP-ESU 6-8”H x 8-10”W Lacy green foliage is topped with whirls of rose colored flowers. Can be used as a groundcover. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. thurberi amorubens ‘Monarch’s Velvet’ red MSU 24”H x 24”W A creeper that makes a nice dense maintenance free mat. Cherry red blooms with deep red center. Price for the above 5 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. PRIMULA zones (see description) (Primrose) These are among the most beloved of all plants. Being one of the first to bloom has something to do with this; early-flowering plants are always noticed and easily remembered. Primroses are easy to grow, but one must be careful to meet their site requirements, or they will not perform well and be short-lived. Most all varieties like a humus rich soil that retains moisture in the dry months, yet drains freely at season's end. Of the varieties on our list, only P. japonica wants full protection from the sun. The others are content with only afternoon shade. g. ‘Freelander Blue’ x ‘Pacific Hybrids’ x ‘Summer Daze’ purple SP-MF 7-11”H x 18-24”W A tidy, compact plant with spikes of tubular purple flowers. Long blooming---spring through fall---usually taking a break during the hottest summer weather. Full sun to part shade in average soil. Tolerant of poor soil conditions. Perfect for the the garden edge. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. mix SP-ESU 6-8”H x 6-12”W Large flower size and clear, vibrant colors - including yellow, maroon, lavender, white, pink, and blue-violet. Most have large eyes of contrasting colors. $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. pink SP-MF 7-11”H x 18-24”W Lots of vibrant pink tubular flowers. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 77 PULMONARIA zones 3-9 (Lungwort) A superb genus of interesting and worthwhile plants. This is the answer if you need an edging plant in a shady or semi-shaded area. They can take some sun, but they really revel in “coolth.” All of these are very hardy plants that require little maintenance and are long-lived. Most varieties have a broad, downy leaf, and many are spotted. Occasionally we see leaf damage from excess heat or sun. If this happens, trim back the damaged leaves and new growth will follow. All bloom in very early spring---it is the first plant to attract hummingbirds. Once the flowering starts, it is several weeks before the foliage matures. The long list of common names is amusing: Spotted Dog, Soldiers and Sailors, Joseph and Mary, Bethlehem Sage, Bloody Butcher and Lungwort. x ‘Dark Vader’ vulgaris ‘Rubra’ red MSP 10-12”H x 12”W Bell-shaped magenta to wine red flowers, about 2-3 inches wide. After the flowers are spent, attractive, fluffy seed heads appear. The fern-like foliage completes this graceful plant. 5.99 5” pot. RATIBIDA zones 3-8 (Gray Headed Coneflower) columnaris ‘Red’ pink/blue ESP-ESU 12”H x 20”W Dark green leaves with silver speckling. Sprays of blue to pink flowers. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Little Star’ red ESU-EF 24”H x 18”W Flower heads are shaped like sombreros. The flower’s central brown disk protrudes ½ - 2 “ above the drooping petals. Leaves on the lower portion of the stem are feathery and deeply cleft. Branched and leafy in lower part of plant, with long leafless stalks. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. pink/blue ESP-ESU 8-12”H x 12-18”W Comapct yet floriferous. Early pink buds open and mature to the deepest cobalt blue. Named after the small silver spotting on the leaves. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Raspberry Splash’ RHEUM (Ornamental Rhubarb) pink/blue ESP-ESU 8-12”H x 12-18”W A mounding variety that features upright narrow silvery-blotched leaves and bright raspberry flowers. x ‘Silver Bouquet’ pink/purple ESP-ESU 10”H x 20”W Abundat flowers change from pink to blue as they mature. Silver leaves mottled with silvery white brighten up a shady area. Can use a groundcover. Price for the above 2 varieties: $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. PULSATILLA (Pasque Flower) palmatum var.tanguticum pink SU 6’H x 3-4’W Large palmate leaves emerge red and age to green. Huge panicles of dark pink flowers add to the drama. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 78 RODGERSIA h. ‘Cherry Brandy’ zones 3-8 (Rodger’s Flower) red MSU-MF 24”H x 15”W Deep maroon red with dark brown centers. The flowers are 3-4” wide. Flowers midsummer into fall. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. Rodger’s Flower is spectacular. It is particularly noted for its bold foliage. It needs a moist location out of direct sun, or at least midday sun. A fluffy flower, not unlike astilbe, appears in July. From Asia. henrici ‘Cherry Blush’ SALVIA (Meadow Sage) pink ESU-MSU 38”H x 30”W Forms large clumps of large rough quilted foliage. The green leaves take a on bronze tinge in spring and again in fall. Pink flowers are held on tall panicles. $13.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. RUDBECKIA zones 5-10 This is a large genus in the mint family. Various species are found throughout the world; many are not hardy. All varieties listed are easy to grow, requiring no excessive care. Removal of spent blooms lengthens the flowering season of the sylvestris (formerly superba) types; they will then frequently bloom into September. All S. sylvestris varieties have slightly hairy, mid-green, linear leaves. pratensis ‘Royal Crimson Distinction’ zones 3-8 (Brown-eyed Susan) The rudbeckias are among the showiest and most carefree plants of the summer garden. No sunny garden should be without these long-flowering plants. Attractive foliage adds to their desirability. All species in this genus are native to North America--they have no serious pest or disease problems. Goldfinch enjoys the seed heads of many varieties. Most any garden soil will do. Mildly salt tolerant. fulgida 'Goldsturm' crimson MSP-MSU 18-24”H x 12-18”W Stately spires of crimson red flowers. Hummingbirds love this variety! $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x superba ‘Merleau Blue’ violet blue MSP-MSU 12-15”H x 12-18”W Deep violet-blue flower spikes on a compact, well branched plant. Plant with iris and rudbeckia. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. golden yellow ESU-EF 24"H x 24"W This cultivar was first raised in Germany in 1937. One of the most useful of all perennials---valuable in all seasons. It has beautiful, 2½-3" wide, golden flowers with prominent, brown, central cones. Dark green leaves turn bronzy in fall. Plant in multiples for best effect. Reseeds freely if not deadheaded. Our plants are vegetatively propagated---others sell seed grown plants, but they are not true clones, and are inferior. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. f. 'Little Goldstar' golden yellow MSU-EF 14-16"H x 14-16"W Knee high, it forms a bushy, short clump of rich green foliage covered with a dome of closely spaced, starburst-shaped, 2-2.5”, golden yellow blossoms held just above the foliage. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. h. ‘Cappaccino’ x s. ’Carradonna’ purple MSP-MSU 20-22”H x 20”W Combination of rich purple flowers stalks and even darker purple stems. Contrasting mid-green soft leaves. Neat, compact, upright growing habit. Plant with Achillea x ’Moonshine.’ A German cultivar. Highly recommended by the Chicago Botanic Garden. x s. 'May Night' orange ESU-EF 18-20”H x 12”W Abundant, large, 4” flowers cover the entire plant! Burnt orange petals with cappuccino coloring at their base. Coffee colored central discs. Great for cutting. deep purple LSP-MSU 24"H x 28"W Deeper colored, larger, and earlier-flowering than 'East Friesland.’ It was bred in Germany by Karl 79 Foerster, and introduced as ‘Mainicht’ in 1956. It was chosen as the Perennial Plant Association’s Plant of the Year in 1997, and was the highest rated Salvia sylvestris in the trials at the Chicago Botanic Garden. x s. ’Sensation Rose’ rose pink SP-LSU 12”H x 12”W A compact selection with brilliant rose pink flowers on plentiful spikes. Excellent for smaller areas. x s. ‘Sensation Deep Blue’ dark blue ESU-EF 12”H x 12-15”W Dense spikes of soft dark blue flowers. Long flowering time. Compact habit. x s. 'Sensation Sky Blue' columbaria 'Butterfly Blue' blue-lavender ESU-LSU 12"H x 14"W A very long-blooming sort with a dwarfish habit. Always looks neat. Attracts butterflies. c. 'Pink Mist' light blue LSP-MF 12"H x 12"W Soft light blue flower spikes on compact plants. Deadheading will increase bloom time. Price for the above 5 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. SANGUINARIA pink lavender ESU-LSU 20"H x 15"W Pinkish counterpart to S. 'Butterfly Blue.' Neatly growing. Easy to grow. Will tolerate partial shade. Flowers attract butterflies and bees. Price for the above 5 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones 3-9 (Bloodroot) canadensis white ESP 10”H x 12”W Striking white flowers very early, followed by curiously green leaves with grayish undersides. This plant has red sap, hence the name. $5.99 1Qt. /946 ml. SAPONARIA zones 3-9 (Soapwort) ocymoides pink LSP-MSU 8”H x 24”W Rock Soapwort. A very pleasing variety, with small flowers and leaves. It is very heavy flowering. Good for rock gardens or on the edge of a raised bed. $4.99 5” pot. SCABIOSA c. 'Ritz Blue' blue-lavender ESU-LSU 12"H x 14"W A very long flowering plant with a dwarf habit. Flowers are colored a refreshing blue. Attracts butterflies. Decorative, mid-green leaves. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. c. 'Vivid Violet' zones 3-10 (Pincushion Flower) One of England's most favored flowers for cutting. These prolific plants bloom early and heavy, and continue on to a lesser degree if the spent flowers are removed. The flowers are long stemmed, except for the dwarf varieties. The foliage is neat, forming a low mound of decorative leaves. Scabiosa is easy to grow, the only requirement being a well-drained soil. violet ESU-LSU 11"H x 18"W Abundant, large, vivid-violet pincushion flowers. Very vigorous. Extremely long bloom time. 5.99 1Qt./946 ml. 80 SEDUM x ‘Moonlight Serenade’ zones 3-9 (Stonecrop) peach LSU-MF 14-18”H x 18”W Upright sedum with large clusters of fruity raspberry pink buds opening to contrasting peachy gold flowers. The season of interest is extended even further with the deep burgundy seed heads. x ‘Mr. Goodbud’ This broad group offers much for both perennial and rock gardens. Some types grow in a mat-like fashion, while others are best used as an upright ornamental specimen. All have thick, fleshy, succulent-like leaves. The spectabile species and its hybrids are nearly indestructible. Taller types may benefit from shearing by half when they are about 8” tall--produces stockier growth. All will do well in poor soil. Moderately salt tolerant. Most prefer full sun, but some will tolerate shade. Try them in containers, too. x ‘Cherry Tart’ mauve MSU-MF 15-18”H x 15”W Beautiful dark mauve flowers. The flower buds are light pink, and deepen to an intense rosy mauve. Upright compact habit. Price for the above 3 varieties: $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x spectabile ‘Autumn Charm’ cherry LSU-MF 4-6”H x 18”W Masses of brilliant pink, 5" diameter flower clusters explode above cherry-red. Compact growth habit. x ‘Dazzleberry’ red LSU-MF 14-18”H x 18”W This is the new, variegated version of the popular ‘Autumn Joy’. Succulent light green leaves with serrated yellow edges. Stiff stems support large clusters of rosy-red flowers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. s. 'Autumn Joy' raspberry MSU-MF 6-8”H x 18”W Bright raspberry-pink flowers stand staunchly upright on 8” stems. The smoky blue leaves mature to dark purple, emphasizing the flowers. x ‘Firecracker’ bronze red LSU-MF 18-24"H x 30"W For years considered to be the best variety of the larger sedums. It is easy to grow and always looks good. The flowers open bronzy red and eventually turn dark brown, all the while holding their shape. Retains its good looks all winter. It belongs in every low maintenance garden. Attracts butterflies. x s. ‘Carl’ cherry MSU-MF 6”H x 18”W Mounds of bright, shiny, cherry-red succulent foliage all season. x ‘Jade Tuffet’ pink MSU-MF 18”H x 24”W Hot pink flowers are held on ruby red stems above its glossy jade succulent foliage. Compact, upright habit. Attractive in all its parts! x ‘Lemonjade’ magenta ESU-MSU 18”H x 18-24”W Compact habit and large clusters of brilliant magenta pink flowers which are held on reddish stems. s. 'Neon' yellow MSU-MF 16-18”H x 16-24”W Bright citron yellow flowers completely cover the plant. As the season progresses, seed heads take on a peachy tone. Price for the above 3 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Lime Zinger’ pink LSU 18-24”H x 18-22”W Big clusters of numerous, tiny, star-shaped flowers. Intense, vibrant shade of neon pink. Succulent bluegreen leaves. Great with later ornamental grasses. Price for the above 3 varieties: $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. pink MSU-MF 6-8”H x 18”W Succulent leaves of bright lime green edges in cherry red and topped for several weeks by flop-resistant pink blossoms. x ‘Maestro’ Questions? Email us at [email protected] mauve MSU-MF 24-30”H x 30”W The large 5-7” flower heads bear bright red buds which open to rich mauve pink blossoms held on bright purple stems in late summer. 81 SEMPERVIVELLA x ‘Thundercloud’ white MSU-EF 8-10”H x 10-15”W Billowy mounds of white to soft pink flowers. Mounding gray green leaves with textured edges. Deciduous. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. cream LSP-MSU 2-6”H x 6-8”W A succulent with rosettes of thick fleshy green, velvety leaves. The waxy cream–colored flowers are yellow centered and held on stalks above the foliage. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. SEMPERVIVUM zones 4-10 (Hen & Chicks) This old European plant is perfect for introducing children to gardening. Besides being indestructible, the curious, fleshy leaves are short, pointed, and are arranged like a nest. Foliage color varies from solid green to solid purple and all shades and combinations in between; some will change color as the season progresses. New, smaller shoots appear alongside the rosette, forming a tight cluster of “hen and chicks.” x ‘Thunderhead’ rose LSU-MF 27”H x 24”W Huge, deep rose flower heads that look like Oregon's summer thunderhead clouds. Very stout, upright stems are a mid-border marvel. Handsome, greygreen foliage is the perfect foil for the dramatic long lasting flowers. One of the most majestic Sedums Terra Nova® has introduced. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Carmen’ green/red tips MSU-EF 4-6”H x 12-15”W Large 5” wide rosettes are tipped in burgundy. In winter the entire rosette turns a lovely violet. 82 x ‘Jade Rose’ green/rose leaves LSU-MF 4-6”H x 8-12”W Rosy red coloration on the inside of the succulent leaves, flowers are reddish-pink. x ‘Jovibarba’ x ‘Brilliant’ red MSU-EF 30-36”H x 12-14’W Bright red hollyhock-like flowers on strong, wiry stems. Glossy green foliage. Resembles a miniature hollyhock. Will rebloom of cut back. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. green/rose leaves LSU-MF 4-6”H x 8-12”W Green succulent foliage with rosy pointed tips. Pink flowers are held in clusters above the foliage. x ‘Moss Rose’ . x ‘Little Princess’ green/rose leaves LSU-MF 4-6”H x 8-12”W Rosy red coloration on the inside of the succulent leaves, flowers are reddish-pink. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 1Qt./946 ml. tectorum ‘Mixture’ pale pink MSU-EF 11-15”H x 12-14’W Soft, pale pink rose hollyhock-like flowers on strong, wiry stems. Glossy green foliage. Resembles a miniature hollyhock. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. pinkish MSU 4-6”H, 10” in bloom; spreading The plant is low, but reaches 10” in height with its bizarre flower stalks. Looks best on a rock wall, in containers, or in nooks and crannies. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. SIDALCEA SILENE zones 4-8 (Royal Catchfly) regia scarlet MSU-LSU 36-48”H x 18-24”W A clump forming perennial with small clusters of 2 inch wide scarlet flowers. The sticky calyx can trap small insects, hence the common name. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. zones 4-8 (Prairie Mallow) A fine plant from the mallow family. It is like a smallscale Hollyhock, but is hardy and has no pest or disease problems. Use it for a good vertical effect. Prune old flowers for a secondary bloom. 83 x robotii ‘Rolly’s Favorite’ with trillium, ferns, violets, columbine and other woodland favorites. Winter protection suggested. $7.99 3½” pot pink MSP-LSU 16-18”H x 15”W A cross between Silene and the former Lychnis genus. Small bushy plants with soft pink flowers with white centers. Starts flowering in spring and will continue all summer if cut back after initial flush. 11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. SISYRINCHUM STACHYS zones 3-9 These hardier stachys originate from Europe and Asia. They are in the mint family and are easy to grow in average garden soil. Heat and drought tolerant. byzantina 'Big Ears' zones 4-8 (Blue Skies; Blue Eyed Grass) angustifolium lavender MSU 8-10"H x 30"W This somewhat bizarre version of the common Lamb's Ears has real virtue. Reputed to be non-flowering, it has bloomed modestly for us. Its huge leaves are much larger than those of 'Silver Carpet,' but it is not ungainly. It creeps about at a moderate rate, softening the garden edge. It is mildly salt tolerant. Also known as 'Helene von Stein.' byzantina 'Fuzzy Wuzzy' blue LSP-ESU 12”H x 4”W Native to eastern North America, and commonly known as Blue-Eyed Grass. Not a true grass, this perennial has grass-like leaves and forms a tight mound that spreads slowly. The flower stems bear tiny, star-shaped flowers of considerable charm. $3.99 1Qt./946 ml. SOLIDAGO lavender MSU 8-10"H x 30"W Soft, fuzzy, silver-gray leavesare held in rosettes. They form a dense foliage mat up to 8” off the ground. Small lavender flowers appear on flowering stems rising to 14-16" tall. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. zones 3-10 (Goldenrod) A much-maligned plant that is not responsible for most hay fever. Its pollen is heavy and is not wind borne. It is easy to grow in sun or light shade, and not particular about soil. Great for late color. caesia STOKESIA gold LSU 18-24”H x 16-20”W Arching stems of golden yellow flowers are complimented by its blue-green stems and foliage. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. SPIGELIA zones 5-9 (Stokes' Aster) laevis ‘Color Wheel’ white LSU 12-18”H x 12-18”W Flowers begin white and gradually darken to various shades of lavender then purple. New white flowers contrast well with the older flowers. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. zones 6-8 (Indian Pink) Questions? Email us at [email protected] marilandica red LSP-MSU 12-18”H x 15-18”W Beautiful plant with red tubular flowers that have little yellow “stars” at the flower tips. Bright green shiny leaves. Usually prefers light to full shade, but for some it grows well in full sun. Rich, well drained soil is best, but it is said to tolerate clay. Deadhead to prolong flowering. All parts are poisonous if ingested. Excellent hummingbird attracting plant. Try 84 STYLOPHORUM THALICTRUM zones 4-8 (Celandine Poppy, Wood Poppy) zones 5-9 (Meadow Rue) This underused genus warrants closer inspection of its many virtues. The plentiful small flowers on most varieties appear billowy when planted in groups. The foliage is especially delightful---all species vaguely resemble aquilegia in that regard; most have a bluegray cast. Both the flower and foliage are excellent when cut. In addition to the perennial garden, thalictrum can be very useful when naturalizing semishaded areas. Most of the varieties are quite tall, but in spite of their delicate appearance they rarely need staking. If the foliage becomes stressed, shear back to basal leaves. They like a rich soil with even moisture. Try a few different types and see if you don't find them as appealing as we do. x ‘Black Stockings’ diphyllum yellow MSP-LSP 12-18”H x 12”W The Celandine Poppy, native to eastern North America and first cultivated in 1854. An elegant plant with bright green oak-like leaves. The 2” wide yellow flowers resemble Poppies. Likes a damp, humusy soil. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. lavender MSU 72”H x 24”W A tall thalictrum with nearly black stems, contrasting green leaves, topped off by fluffy lavender flowers. A newer type, destined for great popularity. TANACETUM zones 4-8 c. x ‘Robinson’s Hybrid’ mix LSP-ESU 24”H x 18”W One of the heavier bloomers in the flower garden. Semi-double daisy flowers in a range of pink, rose, red, and white. Aromatic, deeply cut foliage. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. ichangense ‘Evening Star’ pink SU 12”H x 12”W A small plant with green to red leaves with silver veining in the center. Tufts of lavender pink flowers held on wiry stems. Price for the above 2 varieties: $9.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Purplelicous’ purple ESU-MSU 12-14”H x 8-10”W Very compact, a miniature version of ‘Lavender Mist’. Lavender-purple flowers that grow on strong, selfsupporting dark purple stems over low mounds of green foliage. x ‘Tukker Princess’ yellowe ESU-MSU 72-84”H x 24-36”W This large beauty has fluffy heads of bright lemon yellow flowers in summer. Ferny, blue-green foliage on stong stems. Adds color and fine texture to the shady garden. Price for the above 2 varieties: $11.99 2Qt./1.89 l. niveum white ESU-LSU 18”H x 30”W Abundant, small yellow-eyed daisies completely smother the decorative gray cut leaf foliage beneath the flowers. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. 85 TRADESCANTIA x ‘Ocean Blue’ zones 5-9 (Spiderwort) blue ESU-LF 30-32”H x 28-30”W Nice blue, larger than normal flowers. This fast grower remains upright. $9.99 2.75 Qt/2.6 l. x ‘Amethyst Kiss’ blue ESU-EF 12-18”H x 12 x 18”W A long flowering perennial with a bold, casual appearance. Periwinkle blue flowers are accented with yellow tipped stamens and fluffy golden pollen. Deadheading promotes rebloom. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x andersoniana This is a hybrid species. T. virginiana, a North American native, is one of its parents. When out of bloom, which is seldom, it resembles a Daylily with narrow leaves. The unusual flower consists of three large petals, with a group of large stamens in the center. Flowers are usually held in clusters. This is a great plant for areas that are difficult to grow in, but if the soil is too rich and moist, Spiderwort can be invasive. If the foliage becomes unsightly, simply cut it back to nearly ground level, and it will sprout new growth and rebloom in late summer and fall. a. x ‘Blue Stone’ TRICYRTIS zones 5-9 (Toad Lily) A fascinating group of plants, principally from Japan and other parts of Asia. The flowers especially are rather exotic. All are late summer or autumn flowering. The leaves are usually deep green, with the shape and the arrangement on the stem being similar to a Lily. Since the flowers are small we like planting along a path where they can be seen up close. blue LSP-EF 12-24”H x 18-24”W Clear blue flowers with green foliage tinged with purple. Deadheading promotes rebloom. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. a. x ‘Red Grape’ x ‘Dark Beauty’ violet-purple MSU-EF 36”H x 24”W Exotic looking flowers with white petals speckled with violet-purple. They are held on dark purple stems with dark purple leaves. formosana ‘Autumn Glow’ red LSP-EF 12-18”H x 12-18”W A long flowering perennial with a bold, casual appearance. Violet-red flowers are accented with magenta stamens and fluffy golden pollen. Gray-green foliage. Deadheading promotes rebloom. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. yellow LSU-MF 24-26”H x 24-36”W Long blooming variety with unique orchid-like flowers in reddish purple shades with blue violet speckles. Large, dark green leaves have wide yellow borders. a. x ‘Sweet Kate’ blue LSP-EF 24”H x spreading A long flowering perennial with a bold, casual appearance. The bright chartreuse, long, narrow leaves make an outstanding backdrop for the deep blue-purple flowers. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. f. ‘Gilt Edge’ lavender pink MSU-MF 10-12”H x 16-24”W Long blooming variety with unique orchid-like flowers in dark lavender-pink shades with darker spots. 86 Large, glossy dark green leaves are edged in bright yellow. A showy combination. Price for the above 3 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. f. ‘Samurai’ also yield disappointing results. The best effect is achieved when planted in groups of three. Primary bloom is in late spring or early summer, but secondary bloom frequently occurs in late summer. x 'New Moon' purple LSU-MF 12”H x 12”W The gorgeous flowers resemble small orchids--spotted purple with yellow throats. The foliage is also special---green leaves have a creamy edge. Cut stems are long lasting. An easily controlled slow spreader. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Golden Festival’ yellow MSP-MSU 24"H x 16-20"W Large, creamy yellow flowers are held on sturdy stems above the deep green palmate foliage. The best effect is achieved when planted in groups of three. May rebloom in fall. x 'Orange Crest' yellow LSU-EF 15-17”H x 12”W Exotic looking flowers with lemon yellow petals speckled with violet-purple. Flowers resemble orchids. Vigorous grower with green foliage. orange MSP-MSU 20-24"H x 18-22"W The cup-shaped flower is a brilliant yellow-orange with darker orange central petals. Finely cut foliage. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. TRILLIUM VERBASCUM zones 4-9 zones 5-8 (Mullein) A big family of large, sun loving plants, many of which are biennial, with only a few perennials of value. x ’Banana Custard’ yellow MSP-MSU 24-36”HF x 24”W Tall spikes of bright sunny yellow flowers. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. chaixii ’Wedding Candles’ white ESU-LSU 24-36”HF x 18”W Abundant white flowes with violet Branches resemble candelabras. filaments. grandiflora white ESP-MSP 15”H x 12”W Great White Trillium. A choice woodland native. The charming large, three petaled, white flowers often fade to pink as they age. Slow to multiply, but still one of our most treasured woodland wildflowers. $7.99 1Qt./946 ml. TROLLIUS zones 3-8 (Globeflower) This easy-care perennial is one of the finest of the early-season cut flowers. Long-lived when cut, the orange or yellow blooms offer endless appeal because of their curious, globular shape. The finely cut leaves are ornamental, too. Trollius is thoroughly hardy but the planting site should be chosen with care. If placed correctly it will need no care thereafter. Globeflowers require either a rich, moist spot in a sunny location or a rich, peaty soil in semi-shade. Soil should not be soggy in any case, yet a too dry soil will x ’Southern Charm’ apricot MSP-MSU 24-36”HF x 24”W Charming apricot flowers with fuzzy purple centers. Medium green elongated leaves with a velvety texture on the newest ones. Price for the above 2 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./2.6 l. 87 x ’Summer Sorbet’ x ‘Blue Explosion’ raspberry MSP-MSU 18-30”HF x 16-20”W Upright spikes are covered with iridescent shades of raspberry pink. Flowers reach ¾ to 1” in diameter. $9.99 2Qt./2.6 l. blue ESU-LSU 15-18”H x 15-18”W Tightly bunched flower spikes of blue. Very long flowering. Compact plant habit. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘First Love’ VERNONIA zones 3-8 lettermanii ‘Iron Butterfly’ pink LSP-LSU 6-8”H x 18-20”W Intense, brilliant pink, almost fluorescent, flower spikes. Often buds are still developing at the tips while they are in full bloom at the base of the flower. Compact plant habit. Great for border edges. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. incana ’Pure Silver’ pink LSU-EF 30-36”H x 30”W A tall slender stem with alternate, 5” long leaves. They are topped by dense flower clusters of bright pink. Full sun and evenly moist fertile soil is ideal, but part sun is tolerated as well as moist or dry sites. Tolerates occasional flooding for short periods of time. Use for height in the back of the garden, naturalizing, prairie or native specimen. Adds texture to the garden. Plant with ornamental grasses, rudbeckia or helianthus. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. VERONICA blue ESU-LSU 12”H, 18”HF x 12”W Pretty blue flowers compliment the attractive pure silver foliage. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. zones 4-9 (Speedwell) This is a broad genus, which includes many useful plants. They are valued for their low maintenance needs. The leaf type varies with the species but all have a similar flower---a long, tapering spike densely covered with small flowers. When cutting, choose a spike that is open only one-third. Shear the plants after flowering. Most perform best in full sun, but will take some shade. Good, well-drained soil is best. x ‘Pink Bomb’ pink ESU-LSU 12-15”H x 12-15”W Medium pink flower spikes. Often buds are still developing at the tips while they are in full bloom at the base of the flower. Compact plant habit $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Pink Explosion’ pink ESU-LSU 15-18”H x 15-18”W Tightly bunched flower spikes of white with a soft pink blush. Very long flowering. Compact plant habit. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. spicata ’Royal Candles’ x ‘Blue Bomb’ blue ESU-LSU 12-15”H x 12-15”W Bright blue-purple flower spikes. Often buds are still developing at the tips while they are in full bloom at the base of the flower. Compact plant habit. Great for containers. $11.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. blue-purple ESU-LSU 3-4”H, 12-15”HF x 12-18”W Very nice compact habit. Dark green, 3” leaves are oblong with serrated edges. Coreopsis ‘Sweet Dreams’ and Sedum ‘Frosty Morn’ make good neighbors. 88 x ‘Spike’ x ‘Halo Sky Blue’ blue ESP-ESU 24-36”H x 12-15”W Vibrant blue flowers are held on 12-15” sturdy spikes. Blooms last 3-4 weeks. Price for the above 2 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Sweet Lullaby’ lavender/yellow SP 8-10”H x 12-14”W Lavender purple upper petals; lavender purple and bright yellow lower petals with dark purple 'whiskers'. Floriferous, long bloom season. x ‘Halo Sky Violet’ burgundy/purple SP 8-10”H x 12-14”W Intense coloring! Extra-large, deep purple upper petals edges in a strong burgundy; lower petals have the same coloration as the uppers but with a yellow throat and with burgundy 'whiskers'. Floriferous, long bloom season. Price for the above 4 varieties: $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. x ‘Isabella’ pink ESP-ESU 4-6”H x 10-12”W Proven Winners selection. Beautiful bluish pink flowers. Compact plant habit. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. x ‘Venice Blue’ blue ESP-ESU 10-12”H x 12-14”W Large, deep blue flower – it has the largest flowers in its class. Compact plant habit. Great for containers. $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. and $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. VERONICASTRUM white SP 6-8”H x 12-15”W 1½” ivory-white flowers have purple edges. Slightly fragrant. Compact, mounded habit. Rebloomer. x ‘Laura’ zones 3-8 virginicum rosy-lilac SP 6-8”H x 12-15”W 1½” ivory-white flowers have purple edges. Slightly fragrant. Compact, mounded habit. Rebloomer. x ‘Sarah’ lilac-rose ESU-LSU 36-48”H x 24-36”W Native. This veronicastrum resembles a veronica with long, dense, racemes of tiny, tube-like lilac-rose flowers. Lance-shaped leaves. Provides a strong vertical accent. $9.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. VIOLA yellow SP 6-8”H x 12-15”W Light creamy yellow flowers with a darker yellow eye. Slightly fragrant. Sporadic rebloom. Price for the above 3 varieties: $5.99 2Qt./1.89 l. zones 5-9 (Tufted Pansy) Pansy-like in flower, these bloom profusely in late spring and early summer, and will continue sporadically if blooms are removed. Violas have traditionally been grown in part shade, but can take full sun if soil is cool and moist (not soggy.) x ‘Celestial Northern Twilight’ puprle/yellow SP 6-8”H x 8-10”W Medium purple upper petals; light purple and bright yellow lower petals with burgundy 'whiskers'. Floriferous, long bloom season. x ‘Celestial Northern Lights’ wickrotti x ‘Ultima Morpho’ blue/yellow SP 6-8”H x 8-10”W Distinctive mid blue upper petals; bright yellow lower petals with 'whiskers'. Floriferous, long bloom season. $7.99 2Qt./1.89 l. purple/yellow SP 6-8”H x 8-10”W Distinctive dark purple upper petals; light purple and bright yellow lower petals with 'whiskers'. Floriferous, long bloom season. x ‘Halo Lilac’ Questions? lavender/white SP 8-10”H x 12-14”W Light purple blended with white upper petals; lavender purple edges with bright white centers and bright yellow throat. Floriferous, long bloom season. Email us at [email protected] 89 YUCCA $21.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. f. ‘Golden Sword’ zones 4-10 (Adam’s Needle) filamentosa ‘Color Guard’ cream MSU-LSU 48”H 60”HF x 24”W Long narrow leaves have wide bright yellow centers and green margins. Flower spikes of bell-shaped white blossoms in summer. Striking accent plant. $15.99 2.75 Qt./2.6 l. gold MSU-LSU 36”H 72”HF x 36”W Deep green leaves with wide golden yellow centers. They hold their yellow color through the summer while other yuccas fade. The leaves then turn to pink and coral in fall. Masses of creamy white flowers on large, 3-4’ spikes late in summer. 90
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