April 2015 Temple Topics

Temple Topics
Congregation Ohev Shalom
Nisan/Iyar 5775
Marlboro, NJ
April 2015
In This Issue:
Rabbi Pont.............................p.5
Cantor Krieger.......................p.7
Executive Director...............p.11
Siman Tov & Mazal Tov.......... p.12
Ritually Speaking................p.13
Israel Affairs........................... p.14
Second Generation.............p.15
Preschool................................ p.17
Adult Education..............p. 18-19
Hebrew School..................... p. 19
Youth..................................... p. 21
Contributions............... pp.32-33
Yahrzeits...................... pp.34-35
APRIL 14, 2015
7:00 PM
Begins at
6:30 PM
We will read
the names, ages,
and places of
birth of victims
who perished
in the Sanctuary
Sandy Rubenstein, a child of Holocaust survivors,
will relate her father’s story. In 1996, her father,
Joseph Horn, published his memoirs. He spoke of
his experiences to actualize the words he chose for
his foreword: "I implore God to give me the
strength to do justice to those we left behind. To tell
their story and mine so it may touch the hearts of
people, now and in the future. To make sure, to the
extent that I can, that our ordeal will not have been
in vain."
Temple Topics
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April 4
April 11
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MJC Officers 2014/2015
Jeff Wolf – Fundraising
VACANT - Youth
Rhonda Eiger – EVP
Wayne Kaufman - Recording Secretary
Neil Kipnis – House VP
Liz Reingold - Membership
Janine Zaslavsky/Stefanie Schneider
Sisterhood Co-Presidents
Andrea Barnett – Ritual
Wayne Sherman – Education
Len Whitman – Treasurer
Barry Lurie – Financial Sec.
April 2015 - Page 2
Phoebe Dichner – Primetimers
Marvin Glickstein – Second Generation
Hebrew School:
Rabbi Ron Koas
Lissette Allen
Chai Office: 732-536 2303
Rene Kipnes
Bonnie Silverman
Lori Solomon
Dale Mesmer
Patty Dorfschneider
Sylvia Ohrwashel
Howard Shafran - Men’s Club President
Main Office: 732-536-2300
Rabbi Pont
Cantor Krieger
Bonnie Komito
Beth Josephs
Reba Schneiderman x106
Jeff Katz – President
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Congregation Ohev Shalom
Congregation Ohev Shalom Gala Journal Dinner
May 31, 2015
Cocktails 7:30 pm
Dinner and Dancing 8:30 pm
Cocktail Attire
Couvert $90 per person
Please call 732-536-2300 to reserve your seats.
Jay Solomon, Guest of Honor
Immediate Past President
Lori Solomon, In Recognition of 13 Years of Service
MJC Youth Director
Howard Topal, Ohev Shalom Award
Advertising Journal Rates
Marlboro Jewish Center is hereby authorized to
insert advertising in its Journal as indicated.
Life is a beach at MJC!
Packages denoted with an * include 2 tickets to Journal Dinner.
) Platinum Page * (Inside covers/Inserts)
) Diamond Page *
) Sapphire Page *
) Gold Page *
) Silver Page *
) Bronze Page *
) White Page
) Half Page
) Quarter Page
) Eighth of a Page
$ 750
$ 500
$ 250
$ 150
$ 100
$ 50
Print name/company name as it is to appear in ad.
April 2015 - Page 3
Temple Topics
Passover Schedule of Services 5775/2015
Friday, April 3
7:00 am
5:00 pm
7:04 pm
Erev Passover/First Seder
Siyyum B’Chorim/Service for the First Born
Evening Service
Candle Lighting
Saturday, April 4
9:15 am
12:30 pm
After 8:05 pm
First Day Passover/Second Seder
Morning Service
Mincha Service
Candle Lighting
Sunday, April 5
9:15 am
10:00 am
8:15 pm
Second Day Passover
Torah Study
Morning Service
Ma’ariv Service
Thursday, April 9
7:11 pm
8:15 pm
Erev Seventh Day Passover
Candle Lighting
Ma’ariv Service
Friday, April 10
9:15 am
10:00 am
7:12 pm
8:15 pm
Seventh Day Passover
Torah Study
Passover Services
Candle Lighting
Shabbat/Passover Service
Saturday, April 11
9:15 am
12:30 pm
8: 13 pm
Eighth Day Passover
Morning Service with Yizkor
Mincha Service
Holiday Ends
April 2015 - Page 4
Congregation Ohev Shalom
From Rabbi
Michael Pont
When I was about eight years old, I spent the day with
my great aunt, Tillie Lichtenstein z”l. We went to the
market, just to buy a jar of pickles, and Aunt Tillie
realized she did not have her pocketbook. “Oh well,
we’ll just wait, I’m sure a friend of mine will come in and
I can borrow some money.” I thought that was crazy,
but sure enough after five minutes one of her friends
did arrive! The friend bought the pickles for us, and we
were on our way.
I was impressed, so much so that I remember the incident
clearly. Was this “The late 70’s pickle miracle of the
Detroit suburbs?” Was it luck, or miraculous? Do we
believe in miracles? What is a miracle, anyway?
Rabbi Jack Riemer related a story about an atheist named
Robert Ingersol, who spoke around the country, trying
to convince people that there is no God. Mr. Ingersol
once addressed a huge crowd at an outdoor rally. And in
his talk he said: “God, if there is a God, I challenge you
to prove it. If You exist, then I challenge you to send a
stroke of lightning and hit this tree. If you can do that,
then I will believe that you exist. And if not, then I ask all
the people in this audience to join with me in believing
that there is no God.” Sure enough, just as Ingersol
finished speaking, a bolt of lightning came out of the sky
and struck the tree. In response he said, “Wasn’t that a
remarkable coincidence!” Ingersol, and those like him
who do not believe in God or in miracles, will find ways
to deny what happens. So many people are like this!
The Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Hasidism, lamented,
“The world is full of wonders and miracles, but we each
take our hand and cover our eyes and see nothing.”
Is the Baal Shem Tov right? Are we oblivious to the
many blessings in our lives? In the book, Small Miracles
for the Jewish Heart, the authors assert, “The history
of the Jewish people is drenched in miracles … we are
not privileged to witness the scope and grandeur of
God’s miracles in the same manner as our Forefathers
did, but we do experience the ‘coincidences’ that
attest to God’s presence. These are gentle taps on our
shoulder to remind us that God is with us always, even
in the ordinary details of day-to-day life.” (pp. vii-viii)
I experience these ‘gentle taps’ fairly often – do you?
Do you ever think about someone and then they call,
or you see them unexpectedly? How often do we say,
“I was just thinking about you!” Are such moments
mere coincidences, as Robert Ingersol claims, or are they
examples of God’s love and concern for us?
Recognizing the divine influence in our lives is one
reason we sing “Dayenu” on Pesach. We thank God for
what God gave and gives us, and even if God did not
do so much for us, “Dayenu” – it would still be enough.
On this Rabbi Riemer wrote, “For even partial favors are
still favors. And even small miracles are still miracles.”
There is a midrash about two Israelites, Shimon and
Reuven, trudging through the mud of the Red Sea at
the time of the Exodus. Shimon is ecstatic over God’s
wonder and that his life was saved. Reuven sulks all the
way across muttering, “Look at this mud! I’m wearing a
brand new pair of boots that I bought just before we left
Egypt. And by the time we get to the other side, these
boots are going to be so full of mud that I will never get
them clean again.”
The choice is ours. We can feel gratitude in witnessing
God’s glory in the world, or we can focus on the mud.
Starting this Passover, let’s try to be more attentive to all
of God’s miracles, Can we label such moments as “small
miracles?” The Baal Shem Tov is asking us to do just
that, to take our hand away from our eyes in order to
see God’s majesty, manifest in coincidences, unexpected
reunions, and a jar of pickles.
Rabbi Pont
April 2015 - Page 5
Temple Topics
Prepared by Rabbi Pont
Websites – This is by no means an exhaustive list, but here are a few good ones to check out.
a. Kosher4Passover.com – Recipes, haggadot, children’s activities, shopping, explanations, and more.
b. Learn.jtsa.edu – The Jewish Theological Seminary, our movement’s educational and spiritual center, has wonderful Passover material. Discover creative ways to lead the seder, activities for kids, and
insightful commentaries on the haggadah. Click on the ‘Holidays’ and ‘Passover’ links.
c. http://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/story/resources-passover-and-shavuot
d. Akhlah.com: The Jewish Children’s Learning Network – This is a non-profit, non-denominational organization with super information and activities for children of all ages.
e. MyJewishLearning.com – A wonderful resource for adult study!
f. http://www.uscj.org/JewishLivingandLearning/ShabbatandHolidayInformation/
– A site designed by United Synagogue with great information!
Haggadot, recommended by the Jewish Theological Seminary.
Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz. The Lovell Haggadah
Jonathan Safran Foer (ed.). New American Haggadah.
Shoshana Silberman. A Family Haggadah (for younger and also middle-school).
Noam Zion, David Dishon. A Different Night, The Family Participation Haggadah
Elie M. Gindi (Editor), Lee T. Bycel (Editor), Pamela B. Schaff (Editor).
Family Haggadah: Hagadah Shel Pesah
Ellen Schecter (Editor), Neil Waldman (Illustrator). The Family Haggadah
Chaim Stern. Gates of Freedom; A Passover Haggadah
Rachel Anne Rabbinowicz (Editor). Passover Haggadah: The Feast of Freedom
Agency Appointment
Sale of Hameitz for Pesach
I hereby appoint Rabbi Michael Pont of the Marlboro Jewish Center, 103 School Road West, Marlboro, New Jersey
07746, to be my agent for the purpose of selling my Hameitz. I understand that Rabbi Pont will select a purchaser
of his choice for this sale. I understand that the sale will be conditionally consummated at 10:30 a.m. on April 3,
2015. I accept the definition of Hameitz as set by Jewish law and tradition (i.e., leavening, leavened products, and
leavening processes). I understand that under no circumstances may I use, or benefit from, Hameitz from 10:30
a.m. Friday, April 3, 2015 until 8:13 p.m. on Saturday, April 11, 2015.
Name __________________________________________
This form must be signed and returned no later than
FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2015, 10:00 a.m.
Fax: 732 536-0707
It is customary to make a special solicitation of funds before Passover, known as “Maot Hittin,” to be used to help
those in need. This year you are encouraged to include a modest contribution to the Marlboro Jewish Center’s
Tzedakah Fund which will be used to support families in need.
I enclose $ _________ for the Marlboro Jewish Center’s Tzedakah Fund. Please make your check payable to MJC
Tzedakah Fund.
April 2015 - Page 6
Congregation Ohev Shalom
From Cantor
Wayne Krieger
I want to thank all our Megillah readers who did such an
outstanding job this year: Gabi Kaplan, Jessica Kaplan,
Jared Katz, Hayley Tyson, Cory Fox, Ross Schneider,
Ben Rock, Rabbi Pont, Noah Schneider, Jason Sherman,
Jacob Jasser, Shawn Konichowsky, Matthew Labkovski,
Ally Heller, Gillian Teitelbaum, Josh Eiger, Zachary
Labkovski, Hannah Eiger, Gabe Pont, Justin Goldenberg
and Cantor Krieger. There were 5 new readers this year.
Also, Kol Hakavod to the high school band Gematria
who stole the show: Josh Eiger on alto sax, Cory Fox
on trombone, Noah Schneider on percussion, Jason
Sherman on trumpet, and our great singers Hannah
Eiger, Gabi Kaplan, Jessica Kaplan and Josh Eiger.
Our Adult choir will participate in the Yom Hashoah
program on Tuesday evening, April 14th starting at 7:00
pm. Sandy Rubenstein will be our guest speaker. Our
6th and 7th graders will join us for the program. Nancy
and I wish everyone in the community a happy Passover.
The Adult choir will also sing in the Yom Haatzmaut
service on Friday night April 24th. My daughter Yael is
expecting her second baby at the end of April.
7 Rules of Life
Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the
What others think of you is none of your business.
Time heals almost everything, give it time.
Don’t compare your life to others and don’t judge them.
You have no idea what their journey is all about.
Stop thinking too much, it’s alright not to know the
answers. They will come to you when you least expect it.
No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.
Smile. You don’t own all the problems in the world.
On Being a Teaching Cantor
By Cantor Elias Roochvarg
Some cantors have voices like real Rolls Royces: You
hear just one note and you’re awed.
When they sing a prayer, well, everyone there thinks
they’re hearing directly from Gawd.
Some cantors have entrepreneurial skills. They bring six
concerts a year.
From Klezmers to Rappers and other toe-tappers, in
whatever style you want to hear.
Some cantors compose (there are a handful of those), and
others lead three and four choirs.
These skills they all ply, as they sincerely try to fulfill
their congregants’ desires.
And then there are those…like ME, I suppose, whose
gifts are more modest in size.
We teach the kids the trup and pray when they get up on
the bimah, they won’t paralyze.
We lead you in prayer, Torah readers prepare, do
weddings and brisses and such,
Bar Mitzvahs galore; each year a few more, and the kids
all come through in the clutch.
Visit the sick, console the bereaved, so many tasks in my
And then, I should add; aren’t you glad that my wife is
a pediatrician.
And so, though my voice is not a Rolls Royce, nor even a
Mercedes or Hummer,
I love this profession and each Bar Mitzvah session. To
do anything else would be a bummer!
The following leaf has been
added to our Tree of Life:
The Plotkin Family
In Celebration of
Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah
March 14, 2015
Memorial Plaques have been installed in
the Sanctuary in loving memory of:
Ethel Paltrowitz
Gilbert Weiner
April 2015 - Page 7
Temple Topics
6:30 PM
Once again we will participate in the international program “Unto Every Person There Is A Name” sponsored by
B’nai B’rith and Yad Vashem. We will read the names, ages, and places of birth of victims who perished during the
The reading of the names will begin at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary and will continue after the Yom HaShoah service
has concluded.
Individuals who know the names of relatives or friends who perished in the Holocaust are encouraged to read those
names as well.
To volunteer to read names, please call Marvin Glickstein at 732-972-0259, Sylvia Neugeboren at 732-536-1671, or
the Synagogue Office at 732-536-2300.
April Calendar of Weekend Services
Friday night/Passover
Friday Night
Friday Night
5:00 pm only
9:15 am and 12:30 pm Mincha
9:15 am and 8:15 pm
9:15 am and 8:15 pm
9:15 am and 12:30 pm Mincha
9:00 am and 8:15 pm
6:15 pm and 8:15 pm
9:15 am and 7:45 pm Mincha
9:00 am and 8:15 pm
6:15 pm and 8:15 pm
9:15 am and 7:15 pm Mincha
9:00 am and 8:15 pm
We announce of the engagement of:
Hannah Chalal, daughter of Drs. Diane and Jeff Chalal
Amy Wisel, daughter of Laurie and Marty Wisel
We announce of the birth of:
Tessa Berlin, granddaughter of Leslie and Steve Berlin
Amelia Sophia Krupnick, granddaughter of Dr. Marty and Jan Krupnick
Mazel Tov to:
Barbara Friedeman on the celebration of her grandson, Max Emerson Friedeman’s Bar Mitzvah on April 18th in
Brick, NJ. Max is also the grandson of the late Bert Friedeman.
Roberta and Keith Rosenthal on the celebration of their granddaughter, Sophie Maya’s Bat Mitzvah on the
weekend of April 18th in New York City.
April 2015 - Page 8
Congregation Ohev Shalom
From the President
Jeff Katz
Winter is finally over and we all deserve a nice warm
spring. There are many things going on at MJC during
the spring to look forward to. Passover is just around
the corner and has always been one of my favorite Jewish
April 14 is our annual Yom Hashoah program and this
year we have scheduled a speaker that should be very
interesting. She tells the personal story of her father and
also talks about how we must stand up to hatred and
Anti-Semitism today. She also happens to be the sister of
one of our congregants, Ellen Blumen. If you have not
attended one of these programs in the past, please mark
it on your calendars. It is critical that as Jews we never
Our biennial Journal Dinner Dance is coming up on
May 31. This year’s Journal honors our immediate
Past President Jay Solomon who I had the pleasure of
working closely with for two years as his Executive Vice
President. We are also honoring Lori Solomon for her
outstanding leadership of our Youth Programs for the
past 13 years. Many of our kids have participated in her
Youth programs including my two kids. In addition,
we are honoring Howard Topal with the Ohev Shalom
award for his many years of dedicated service to MJC.
He has served as a trustee, chaired the House Committee
and has always been willing to step up and help where
The Journal is an opportunity for us all to support MJC
and celebrate along with our honorees. The Journal is
also an opportunity for members and our local business
community to support MJC with a donation. MJC
members support the local business community all year
long and this is a chance for them to give back. If you
own a local business or would like to help with soliciting
donations please contact Bonnie Komito or me. The
Journal is an important part of our fundraising goal for
the year so please consider a donation.
There will be two congregation meetings coming up
in the April/May time period. The first meeting is to
elect officers and trustees for our next fiscal year. The
second is to vote on the budget for next year. The Budget
Committee has been working hard to develop a well
thought out and balanced budget for next year. Please
try to attend and support MJC at these meetings.
In many of my reports I encourage you to attend one of our
services or events. They are an opportunity to mingle and
hang out with friends and fellow congregants. They also
may make you feel a little better inside as you feed your
soul. Recently, I attend a joint B’nai Mitzvah (Riklan)
on a Saturday morning. The kids did a terrific job in
leading the service and teaching us some Torah. Later in
the service came a special event. As the processional to
return the Torah to the ark began, the sanctuary doors
opened and in marched 40 kids from our pre-school.
They marched behind the Torah and climbed the bima
to watch the end of the Torah service. I defy anyone to
witness this and not have a big smile.
I also attended the first of Allan Sugarman’s March
discussions. There was a very nice turnout and as always,
Allan did a wonderful job of teaching and entertaining
us with some Jewish History. Please look for more of
these types of events in the future and plan to attend
one of them. We are trying to plan events that will be
meaningful and engaging for the MJC community.
Happy Pesach and L’Shalom
Condolences To:
Elyse and David Spiewak on the passing
of David’s mother, Helene Spiewak.
Rhonda and Mark Eiger on the passing of
Mark’s grandmother, Lillian Stein.
Leslie and Steve Berlin on the passing of
Steve’s father, Irving Berlin
Hope and Ken Block on the passing of
Hope’s grandmother, Tillie Kravitz.
Suzanne and Kenny Rubinstein on
the passing of Kenny’s mother, Esther
April 2015 - Page 9
Temple Topics
4 way s to he lp
MJC Social Action
Passover Kosher
Meals-On-Wheels (KMOW)
to help
1. Sponsor
2. Pack
3. Drive
4. Chometz
See below for details.
1. Sponsor a box—for $36 —or whatever amount— you can help in this mitzvah. Make your checks
out to MJC, Passover KMOW.
2. Pack—on Tuesday, March 31st from 7:00-8:00 PM join us in the dining room to pack all the nonperishable items. All members of the family are welcome.
3. Drive—on Thursday, April 2nd at 12:00PM help us pack the hot food items and get on the road
to deliver the boxes to those families that can’t get out for Passover. All members of the family
are welcome. (We need to know if you can drive a route by March 29th!)
4. Chometz Food Drive--Clean your closets and do a Mitzvah, we are looking for UNOPENED,
NOT expired chometz, look for the blue bins in both buildings. (We will except any NON JAR
4 ways to do Mitzvot. If you are available to help please email Jodi Kiste at [email protected]
April 2015 - Page 10
Congregation Ohev Shalom
From The
Bonnie Komito
When I looked at the Jewish calendar for April there was
a picture of a page in the Haggadah and a piece of Matzah.
The page shown had a copy of the Four Questions and
what struck me was that the word “why” was bolded and
stood out in English and Hebrew. “Why” is a question
that most of us must ask ourselves and others countless
times a day. In this context it refers to the why’s of
Pesach, but in the month of April it has an even broader
meaning for the Jewish people.
As the month continues, we celebrate Yom HaShoah
- Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yom Hazikaron Israeli Memorial Day and Yom Ha’atzmaut - Israel
Independence Day. Beginning with Passover, each of
these holidays requires that we remember the history of
our ancient ancestors and more recent generations, and
that we retell the story. But why? Why is it important
to remember and why is it important to celebrate these
holidays that are both joyous and somber? It is in the
retelling that we carry on the traditions of the Jewish
people. We get the chance to share the stories with our
children and within our congregation. This action
and observance cements the sacred connection between
generations and keeps our community strong.
Passover is probably my favorite holiday. The Seder
memories of my childhood have shaped everything
about the way my family still celebrates this holiday - the
foods we prepare, the way we set the tables and arrange
the Seder plate, and the absolute sheer joy of bringing
together nuclear and extended family with friends and
neighbors. I truly believe that my most important job
as a “Gamma” is to keep creating warm and wonderful
Jewish memories with my grandchildren. There’s no
better way than to share all the delicious smells and
tastes, the glow of the candles, the wonderful traditions
and the stories of the Haggadah and Pesach’s past, and
of course the hunt for the affikomen. The lessons about
freedom, advocacy and ritual also ring clear through the
story that is retold and understood as the children listen,
participate and mature year to year.
At a time when the Jewish community in Europe has
rising fears, our college youth are facing growing AntiIsrael bias and anti-Semitism on campuses throughout our
country, and acts of random violence occur throughout
the world – all of these lessons that we learn by observing
the Jewish Holidays in April have renewed meaning.
As we are taught to remember, retell and advocate for
what is good, participation in the community is really
Sharing information and staying on top of the news
is vital to a secure future. Ongoing programs at MJC
bring current information to the congregation through
the Israel Affairs Committee, Adult Education, Second
Generation and Torah and Talmud Study. The children
in our Hebrew School also participate in thought
provoking, contemporary Jewish discussions that shape
their values and address the question “Why.” When we
learn together within the congregation, each individual
adult or child becomes a participant in the larger
community and is able to interpret contemporary issues
in the context of Jewish history, tradition and text.
The same goes for programs that seem more social in
nature. Whether you are coming to Sisterhood or
Men’s Club programming, a Prime Timer’s meeting, a
Shabbat Dinner or a Simcha, coming together is good
for the community and for you! We invite you to save
the date, Sunday, May 31st at 7:00 pm for the 2015 Gala
Dinner Dance in honor of Past President, Jay Solomon,
Howard Topal, the Ohev Shalom Award Winner, and
Lori Solomon, in honor of Distinguished Service to MJC
Youth Programs. Please join us to celebrate these leaders
that inspire our community.
Have a Zissen Pesach, a sweet and happy month of April,
and a meaningful answer to some of the Why’s of Jewish
April 2015 - Page 11
Temple Topics
Siman Tov and Mazal Tov – We Celebrate...
April B’nai Mitzvah
Ryan Kirschner
Adam Wolf
A p r i l 1 8 th
A p r i l 1 8 th
On April 18th, Shabbat Shemini the congregation
will celebrate along with the Kirschner family.
Ryan Kirschner, son of Jennifer and Gregg
Kirschner will be called to the Torah to become
Bar Mitzvah.
On April 18th, Shabbat Shemini the congregation
will celebrate along with the Wolf family. Adam
Wolf, son of Sima and Jonathan Wolf will be
called to the Torah to become Bar Mitzvah.
Emma Pont
Matthew Levine
A p r i l 1 9 th
A p r i l 2 5 th
On April 19th, Rosh Hodesh Iyar, the congregation
will celebrate along with the Pont family. Emma
Pont, daughter of Rabbi Michael and Natalie
Pont will be called to the Torah to become a Bat
On April 25th, Shabbat Tazria/Metzora, the
congregation will celebrate along with the Levine
family. Matthew Levine, son of Rona and Alan
Levine will be called to the Torah to become a
Bar Mitzvah.
Shane Rubin
A p r i l 2 5 th
On April 25th, Mincha, the congregation will
celebrate along with the Rubin family. Shane
Rubin, son of Amy Rubin will be called to the
Torah to become a Bar Mitzvah.
April 2015 - Page 12
Congregation Ohev Shalom
Ritually Speaking
If you are anything like me, you are probably reading
this article after the Passover Seders have come and
gone. Who has time to do anything else on the days
leading up to the Seders? We are shopping, cleaning,
cooking, planning and inviting. We love to invite guests
to our seders. It is part of our tradition and we love
sharing what we do with extended family and friends.
Very often our kids would plan a year in advance which
friend they would get to invite the following year. Many
times these were non-Jewish friends who expressed an
interest in Jewish and religious customs in general.
Our guests were participants in my family’s favorite
holiday. We commonly dress up the customary table
script with recreations of the story of Moses, singing
popular song parodies made especially for the seder,
toy plagues and once even sitting in tents for the first
part of the seder (as if we personally made the journey
out of Egypt)! Our guests went right along with us,
very much included in the fun.
So you could imagine my surprise this past year when
a Jewish friend of mine said that “non-Jews are not
allowed at a seder.” I had never heard anything limiting
like that. “Let those who are hungry come and eat.”
That is the line from the Hagaddah. That is the line that
we have interpreted to mean any one who is hungry
for knowledge, traditions, warmth. We also interpret
it literally and donate to food banks or invite someone
who cannot make one on their own. But where did my
friend’s idea come from? After doing some research
I found there was a context for that belief in some
circles. The context seems to stem from the idea that
there is a prohibition on cooking during the Yom Tovim
for anyone but those who are commanded to observe
Passover (so that there is enough for them). Another
context may be that no uncircumcised male can eat
from the Paschal lamb which represents the sacrifice.
And still another source, as suggested by Rabbi Pont,
may be from the fear of disruption by an anti-Semitic
guest as might have been true during certain centuries.
But according to a response written by Rabbi Rivon
Krygier (Adathshalom.org), there is a long list of
reasons why a non-Jewish guest can and should be
invited. These reasons include education, honoring
of one’s parents (that of intermarriage or conversion),
to bring people close, and finally, to walk in ways of
peace. This last one seems very relevant to me given
the political climate of the last year. The more people
understand and experience the joy of Jewish ritual the
more good “Public Relations” we can nurture.
My family has always gained a wealth of enjoyment
and warmth from having special guests both Jewish
and non-Jewish at our Seder. We get the chance to be
teachers and to share with others the joy we receive
from our Jewish traditions and identities. It helps to
make it all new, year after year and we do not tire of
the Seder. It is by far our most favorite holiday, matza
and all.
Pesach is one of the Shalosh Regalim (3 Pilgrimage
Days). Besides the food, it is full of tradition and
Torah study! Make a pilgrimage to MJC on April 4 &
5 and again to close the holiday on April 10 & 11th to
sing Hallel, study Torah and enjoy the pageantry of the
So, if you did get a minute to reach this before Pesach
is over, from our home to yours, I wish you a zissen
pesach, a Chag Pesach sameach and a spirit of renewal
that comes from reveling in our Jewish traditions.
See you in shul!
We would like to invite you to
enjoy two free Mommy & Me
Mondays 9:35 – 10:35 for mixed ages
Wednesdays 9:35 – 10:45 for 12 – 18 months
Friday 9:45 – 10:45 for 3 – 12 months
Please bring your babies and see what
we are all about, and how wonderful our
teacher is…
Parents, grandparents and little ones are
all welcome!
Either drop by or call the Pre-School
office at: 732-536-2303, ext. 100 for more
April 2015 - Page 13
Temple Topics
Israel Affairs
Yom Ha’atzmaut - Israel Independence Day
Last May we celebrated Israel Independence Day
with MJC’s First Annual Yom Ha’atzrmaut dinner.
Our menu was foods you would typically eat in Israel.
Dave from Exquisite Caterers worked with us to make
it a “different” dining experience for the 165 people
(yes that many) who attended. Our JNF speaker told
us about all the infrastructure projects that were in
progress, besides planting trees. It was a ful-fill-ing
evening from a dining, JNF and Shabbat experience.
The Hebrew calendar follows the lunar cycle and
dates change. The Second Annual Yom Ha’atzmaut
dinner (actually begins on 4/23) will be on Friday
April 24th at 7 PM, we will keep most of the menu
items and try to add a few new ones.
As part of our involvement with JNF, MJC partnered
with LOTEM - Making Nature Accessible. This
organization makes parks and outdoor facilities
accessible to physically challenged people and
children with special needs. The kids in the school
and others in the MJC family are aware of this and
similar programs. In Israel, where most teens enter
the IDF when they are eighteen and have finished
high school, what happens to the special needs youth?
They see their “friends” leave for military service and
they are not included, that is until now.
A new “Special in Uniform” program in Israel
integrates these youth into the IDF. It prepares
them for careers outside the IDF that use their full
potential and promotes a more inclusive society. Our
speaker will be Lieutenant Colonel Tiran Attia who
retired from the IDF in 2014 and is now the Director
of “Special in Uniform”, a new JNF Partner. Prior
to that he spent ten years as the commander of SarEl, which brings in 10,000 volunteers from thirty
countries each year, to do volunteer projects for the
IDF. That brought him into contact with people who
had disabilities and wanted to volunteer. The Sar-El
program evolved to include them in supporting the
IDF. He will be joining us after services for more
April 2015 - Page 14
Yom Ha’Zikaron
This is an annual day of Remembrance in Israel
that memorializes those who have fallen since 1860
when Jews first moved to Palestine, whether soldier
or civilian, and includes Victims of Terrorism. The
sirens sound, vehicles stop, drivers and pedestrians
stand at attention in memory of the victims. For
those few minutes the country comes to a complete
stop. This year we are pleased to begin a program
with the Hebrew School, explaining the significance
of this day. We are working with Rav Ron Koas on
the program that will include a video about Michael
Levin, a Lone Soldier from Holland PA, who died
fighting for Israel in the 2006 Lebanon engagement.
This will be held at the Chai building on Tuesday
evening 4/21. Watch the weekly newsletter and other
e-mails for details.
Israel Night at the Movies
Our future schedule is The Ballad of the
Weeping Spring 4/19 and Kadosh 5/ 17. This is
still FREE for MJC members and only $7 for nonmembers, with refreshments included.
Celebrate Israel Parade
SAVE THE DATE of May 31st, 2014 for the 51st
Annual Celebrate Israel Parade in NYC. The Web
site will be MJCParade2015.eventbrite.com. Watch
for more information in the spring.
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Congregation Ohev Shalom
Second Generation
TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2015 - 7:00 PM
Second Generation of Marlboro Jewish Center will present
our Yom HaShoah Remembrance Program on Tuesday,
April 14th at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary. Sandy Rubenstein
will be our guest speaker.
Sandy Rubenstein is a teacher at the Horace Mann School
in New York. Teaching is her passion, what she loves to
do and has been doing for over thirty years. She is also the
child of Holocaust survivors. In 1996, her father, Joseph
Horn, published his memoirs, Mark It With a Stone, the
fulfillment of a life-long dream. In 2008, the book was
reprinted in paperback, with an introduction written by
Sandy Rubenstein from the point of view of a child of
With his book in hand, Horn began speaking of his
experiences at schools and community groups in order to
actualize the words he chose for his foreword: “I implore
God to give me the strength to do justice to those we left
behind. To tell their story and mine so it may touch the
hearts of people, now and in the future. To make sure, to
the extent that I can, that our ordeal will not have been in
Joseph Horn was also interviewed by Steven Spielberg’s
Shoah Foundation in 1995 and left behind a three-hour
visual and oral testimony of his recollections of the war
years, a gift for his family and for future generations,
a tribute to the loved ones who perished, a record of his
Joseph Horn passed away in 1999, 30 years after moving
to Glen Rock and 60 years after the Nazis began a series
of devastating actions that would leave him as the sole
survivor of his Polish family.
Sandy Rubenstein, speaks to middle and high school
students and others. Teaching about the lessons of the
Holocaust is a calling, a compelling force for her. As she
relates her father’s story, sharing excerpts from his book,
she intersperses video clips of her father speaking directly
about his experiences: a powerful medium. Students are
riveted and full of questions. She addresses the need for
young people, our future leaders, to reflect on their own
moral responsibilities to stand up against today’s hate,
bigotry, and genocide.
Sandy Rubenstein has been selected to receive the Honey
and Maurice Axelrod Award, given in cooperation with
The New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education and
The Anti-Defamation League of New Jersey. This award
recognizes individuals whose work “is making a significant
difference in eliminating bias, bigotry and intolerance
wherever and whenever they exist.”
Horn and his wife, Dinah, did not discuss their wartime
experiences with their three daughters — not until Sandy,
at age 10, discovered a black notebook with yellowed pages
covered in her father’s handwriting.
“I knew it was something my parents didn’t want me to
see,” Sandy Rubenstein recalls today. “I locked myself in
the bathroom [to read it] because I yearned to know where
they got those tattoos, why they spoke with foreign accents,
why we had no grandparents. I read voraciously, and the
more I read the less I really understood.”
The stories gradually started spilling out when she
confronted her parents with her discovery. The notebook,
she learned, contained memoirs her father had started to
write in a displaced-persons’ camp in Stuttgart.
“I remember the sadness that would come over his eyes
when I asked certain questions,” said Rubenstein, a
Woodcliff Lake resident. “He would pat my head and
bemoan the fact that this was the legacy he had to leave us.
He did not belabor the answers; he was patient and wise.”
The Horns both came from the same city, Radom, and had
met in its ghetto when Dinah (then Danka) was 12 and
Joseph was 15. Dinah survived Bergen-Belsen and met
up with her future husband again at the DP camp. “My
father arrived in New York in 1947; my mother arrived
in July 1949 and they were married in November 1949,”
Rubenstein related.
“My dad was 12 when the war began, the same age as
many of the children I speak to,” she said. “The day he
was supposed to enter seventh grade, the bombs began to
fall. There’s a clip of him talking about what it was like
on that day. When we talk about statistics, it doesn’t mean
anything. But to tell one personal story touches hearts.”
Rubenstein is hopeful that her presentations encourage
students to “reflect on their own moral responsibility, and
to stand up and fight against genocide and prejudice, which
still occur today. The concept of remembrance is not only
about what happened in the past, but how to behave in the
future. I believe this heartfelt program marks the advent of
ways to teach the Holocaust after survivors are no longer
with us.”
If you are interested in joining or obtaining more
information about Second Generation, please call the
synagogue office at 732-536-2300 or contact me at
Marvin Glickstein
President – Second Generation
April 2015 - Page 15
Temple Topics
Friday, April 24, 2015
Please join us for a
Israel Affairs Shabbat Dinner
We will usher in Shabbat together with our families.
6:15 p.m. Early Service in the Beit Midrash
7:00 p.m. Dinner in the Dining Room
8:15 p.m. Late Service in the Sanctuary
It will be a wonderful evening with exciting food, good friends, and
of course, singing.
Reservations must be received (no later than, no exceptions)
April 22, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.
Payment must be made in advance.
RSVP To MJC main office 732-536-2300
Dinner - $15.00 per adult - $6.00 per child (for children under 13)
April 2015 - Page 16
Congregation Ohev Shalom
“Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wonder where
the flowers is”
~Ogden Nash
This is just one version that comes to my mind of
the poem that I learned as a child. There are still
mountains of snow outside, but all that we in the
Preschool can think of is spring, green grass and
flowers. So, it seems appropriate that these are the
spring themes here in the Preschool. You know it’s
time for spring when the children are saying that they
are so sick of snow already, enough! But, in spite of all
the bad weather and complaints, we managed to keep
everybody busy.
We “fought back” against a horrible February with
our FUNruary month filled with great activities.
Each day was something different and I can’t thank
all who participated enough! We couldn’t have
made FUNruary a success without the support of the
encouraging parents and fabulous staff. Each day was
eagerly anticipated by the children. Their excitement
was contagious and we made forever memories.
I hear from parents in the public schools that their
children wish they could be back here at MJC because
we do “such fun things.” FUNruary ended on a Friday
which enabled us to finish our special month with
corresponding Shabbat Delight festivities. Shabbat
was a treat with a unique celebration in our gym with
all the classes together to sing Shabbat songs with Mrs.
Mason. The Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers put on
a Shabbat concert for all to enjoy and share in together.
We made delicious challahs to eat both in school
and to bring home to our families. Each age made
appropriate Shabbat crafts to go home and “delight”
their families.
The Grand Finale was a Shabbat Dinner at the Temple
with our families. The Pre-K and Kindergarten sang
beautiful Shabbat songs with Mrs. Mason. The Rabbi
and Cantor delighted the children with their Shabbat
repertoire. It was a delightful ending to our FUNruary
and the fleeing Jews. They can set a Passover table
and have made beautiful projects which we hope will
adorn their family tables for years to come. The young
children will share their knowledge at school wide
Passover Seders and the Kindergarten children will do
a fabulous inter-active seder which when finished will
give them their own haggadahs. We even grew our
own parsley during Tu B’Shevat which now should be
ready for your seder plates.
We hope by the time you read this, the grass will be
growing, the birds will be singing and we can’t wait
for the May flowers to be in bloom. We also hope
everyone has a wonderful Pesach!
Please check out the Marlboro Jewish Center Preschool
Facebook page. Like us…share us! We have the best
parents, faculty and office staff around, so please if you
know us, have known us, or want to know us please
spread the word!
It’s so nice to see families whose children have grown
and whose children and grandchildren are now
attending MJC Preschool. We appreciate all your
support and loyalty. We don’t just “like” you, we love
you…and your children!
Don’t forget to tell your friends and family to sign
their children and/or grandchildren up for our great
Preschool. We have it all…A fabulous, loving,
experienced staff and a great “public school-like”
facility. We have computer classes and a speech
therapist on premises. We have Project X-tra
(enrichment and/or support), and a full size gym
(where not only do our children have gym each time
they come to school but where we also hold our
after school tennis and soccer programs). We have a
wonderful music teacher, Before Care and After Care.
These are just some of the extras we have to offer.
We have it all and then some! Please call the PreSchool office for further information at: 732-536-2303,
extension 100.
Rene Kipnes, Director
March continued the excitement with the celebrations
of Dr. Seuss’ Birthday and Purim. Beautiful costumes
were readied and shalach manot were made and
shared with our families. We kicked off the MJC
Purim Carnival with our kindergarten shining stars. I
was happy to see many, many Pre-School families in
attendance to enjoy the carnival.
We concluded March into April with our
celebrations of Passover. The children are amazingly
knowledgeable. They know the story of the exodus
and the plagues that befell the Jewish people. They
know about mean King Pharoah, Moses, the Dead Sea
April 2015 - Page 17
Temple Topics
Adult Education
We Love To Learn at MJC!
We are pleased to offer you these Adult Education
courses. To sign up, please call the office at 732536-2300, or the respective individual as noted
below. All sessions are held in the Main Building
unless otherwise indicated.
Upcoming Courses:
The Nuremberg Trials -- Wednesday, April 1 and
April 15 from 7:30 - 8:30 in the Chai Building
The Nuremberg Trials, where Nazi officers were tried
for their crimes, almost didn’t happen. Powerful forces wanted no trial at all but summary execution of the
leading Nazis. Winston Churchill and U. S. Treasury
Secretary Morgenthau supported this position. However, Secretary of War Stimpson wanted a fair
trial. At first President Roosevelt opposed a trial but
then changed his mind. In this two-part session, our
own Bob Salman will lead us through events leading
up to the trials and highlights of the trials themself.
This is a joint class with Hebrew High School and
Adult Education.
Megilat Ruth -- Monday, May 4 and May 11 from
7:15 - 8:15
In our canon we have several books that are read at
different times during the year. Megilat Ruth, the
Book of Ruth, is read on Shavuot. In the weeks
before Shavuot join Dr. Beth Banks Cohn as we read
the story of Ruth. It has love, romance, disappointment and redemption! We’ll discuss the story, the
relationship to the holiday and lessons we can use in
our lives today.
Don’t Forget About These Ongoing Study
The Rabbi’s Study Challenge!
In the spirit of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Rabbi
Pont has issued the MJC Rabbi’ Study Challenge.
Gather eight people to your home and invite the
Rabbi to come over for some Jewish learning. When
we embrace Judaism at home, we do so in a comfortable setting with friends. The topic is your choice
– just let Rabbi Pont know in advance. Pick a topic
that piques your interest - Jewish parenting and family issues, Bible and Jewish texts, Israel, you name it!
April 2015 - Page 18
Here are a few ground rules:
1. Groups should be at least eight people. Six
people must be members of MJC. “I am your
rabbi and want to do this in order to grow
and benefit our congregation. But I am also
happy to spend time with your friends in the
broader community.” Rabbi Pont
2. At least eight people should be Bar or Bat
Mitzvah age or older.
3. The Rabbi will travel to homes in Marlboro,
Morganville, Manalapan or Monroe Township. If you live in another town, discuss it
with Rabbi Pont.
Contact Rabbi Pont directly to accept the challenge:
[email protected], or call 732-536-2300.
Shabbat Morning Study with the Rabbi Various
dates, 9:15 - 10:00am
Back by popular demand! Join Rabbi Pont in studying the Parshat HaShavua (the weekly Torah portion)
before services on Shabbat morning. Come just to
study or stay for our abbreviated service. Coffee,
juice and cake are served. Check the Weekly Email
for the latest schedule. Shabbat morning study will
resume its weekly schedule for the summer months
starting June 27, 2015.
The MJC Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group
Now entering our second year, the MJC Rosh
Chodesh Women’s Group would like to invite all
women in the congregation to join us to celebrate
the new month. Traditionally, Rosh Chodesh – the
beginning of each new Hebrew month – was considered a holiday for women. In Ancient Times, through
the Middle-Ages, women did no work and joined
together to enjoy each others’ company on this day.
In that tradition, we will meet once a month, on or
close to Rosh Chodesh to study and create a community of Jewish women.
Meets once a month, in the home of Beth Cohn,
according to the Rosh Chodesh calendar. Please
email Beth at [email protected] for more information and a schedule.
Talmud – Mondays at 8:30 pm, in Nutrition
Room. Led by Rabbi Oratz.
If you think of the Torah as Cliff Notes, this is the
full explanation. No Hebrew needed, extremely interesting, keeps your brain active. Join in lively discussions as we learn, beginners welcome. Our longest
running class, since 1986!
MJC Book Club First Tuesday of every month,
The MJC Book Club has been running for 40 years!
We’re always open to new members and we’d be
pleased to have you join us. If you are interested in
joining us, and we hope you are, please send your
name and e-mail address to [email protected]
and we will add you to our mailing list.
Congregation Ohev Shalom
Hebrew School
Ma Kore (What’s Going on) in our School / Rabbi
Ron Koas
We had a very busy winter.
We had a great mock wedding for 6th graders.
Students in 6th grade planned the wedding with
their amazing teachers, Morah Lori and Morah
Katy. They wrote a ketubah and decorated it, made
a chupah, chose the bride and the groom and asked
me “to officiate” the wedding. Cantor Nancy led
us with Jewish wedding music and the atmosphere
was very festive.
Rabbi Pont attended as a wedding crasher and told
us about his wedding and showed us pictures.
All grades went to the Purim celebration in the
synagogue and we all had lots of fun. Many students
came with costumes. The madrichim helped with
the organization of the evening.
On February 20th our 5th graders had their
Kabbalat Shabbat Service. The students were well
prepared for the service by Cantor Nancy, Morah
Lori, and Cantor Carla and Moreh Zack.
Some of our 4th graders came and participated
in the service. They did a great job! Thank you
Morah Robin and Morah Lily for encouraging 4th
grade students to participate in this service.
In Hebrew High we continue to study Spiritual
Judaism with Morah Lori, Jewish Values through
movies with Moreh Zack, Jewish Cooking and
Kashrut with Morah Regina, Jewish Band with
Cantor Krieger and confirmation class with Rabbi
Pont and Cantor Krieger.
Spring has sprung at MJC Religious School. Spring
is a rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal and regrowth.
It’s time to reflect and think about our school, or in
simple words, how to make our school even better.
I am always here if you have any questions or
suggestions about our school.
April 2015 - Page 19
Temple Topics
MJC Purim Carnival!
April 2015 - Page 20
Congregation Ohev Shalom
March Madness gratefully is over in the Youth
Department and we survived to tell the tale!!
On March 8, 2015, MUSY held its annual Purim
Carnival and it was a rousing success. It began
with a wonderful performance from our own MJC
Kindergarten. Special thanks to Sara Mason for
her great direction, and the entire MJC Preschool
family for their continued support of the Youth
Department. We also have to thank Exquisite
Caterers for their food donation. A really big thank
you to our adult volunteers, who willingly made
food, sold food, stood at the blow ups and were just
there whenever help was needed. Yasher Koach
to Sara Benz and Shelly Chikis, our co-chairs, and
all MUSYers and Kadimaniks that worked so hard
for our success. I have to thank my staff, Greg
Yellin, Eric Silverman and Lissette Allen for their
commitment to our kids every day of the year and
especially for the Purim Carnival. A special thank
you to my dedicated youth commission, Rhonda
Eiger, Michele Herling, and Barbara Godlewicz.
The day ended with MUSY making a big donation
to Tikkun Olam. Thanks so much to the entire MJC
family for their continued support of our youth.
April is a compressed month because of Pesach but
all of our kids will have at least one meeting, some
spring break, and most of all some spring weather!!!
The planning for the rest of this year and the
planning for next year never stops, just like our kids!
Dates to Remember:
MUSY - April 16th, 23rd and 30th.
Kadima - April 13th and 27th.
PreKadima - April 20th.
Katan - April 19th.
Youth Commission – April 20th.
Zissen Pesach to you and yours from me and mine,
Lori Solomon
Youth Director
New Customer Special
20% OFF your 2nd order!
April 2015 - Page 21
Temple Topics
Calling all Pre School Families
Come join us for Tot Shabbat
To Be Held on Saturday Morning, April 25th
- 11:00am in the in
Room, Main
Main Building.
the War
This special service will be led by preschool music
teacher, Sara Mason. We will sing Shabbat songs, say
prayers, hear stories and have challah and juice.
All are welcome, grandparents too!
It’s okay to dress casual.
Congregation Ohev Shalom 103 School Road West Marlboro, NJ 07746
732-536-2300 www.mjcnj.com
April 2015 - Page 22
Congregation Ohev Shalom
Sisterhood is pre-selling our new cookbook. We have received many wonderful recipes and this cookbook
is sure to be a winner! The cost for cookbooks is $18 and can be reserved by emailing Randi Marder at
[email protected].
We will be forming Mah Jongg classes in April. If interested in learning how to play, please contact Janine
Zaslavsky at [email protected].
Sisterhood is selling SHOPRITE Scrip. Be sure to get yours here! We have denominations of $100, $50, and
$25 available to purchase. Email Stefanie Schneider for more information or to make a purchase at stefbeth@
The Boutique is stocked with exciting Passover items.
Contact Jackie Bernstein at [email protected].
Save the Date
May 1st – Sisterhood Shabbat Service – Join us as we lead you through the Friday Night Service with our
children and families together on the bima. Don’t miss this special night! Look for Shabbat Dinner sign up
information as it gets closer.
We are also working on our Annual Sisterhood Member Dinner. All current Sisterhood members will receive
an invitation. If you are not a member, sign up now!
A special thank you to Elyse Spiewak for teaching pilates on March 1st. It was a great event and we thank her
for donating all the proceeds to Sisterhood.
*Interested in chairing an event? Please contact Stefanie Schneider at [email protected]
Adult Education
Adult Bat Mitzvah
Have you ever wished you could become a Bat Mitzvah?
Maybe it wasn’t the tradition in your family growing up.
Maybe you had one, but it was on a Friday night and you
didn’t have the opportunity to read from the Torah. Or
maybe you converted to Judaism as an adult. Whatever
your reason, the opportunity to become an Adult Bat
Mitzvah is back at Marlboro Jewish Center!
This two year program will cover many topics, including but not limited to: Building Blocks of Jewish Prayer,
Mitzvot as a System for Jewish Living (including Mitzvot
specifically for women), Shabbat, Monthly Cycles, Yearly
Cycles, G-d, Torah (including Women in the Torah) and
Rabbi Pont will lead the faculty who will consist (in addition to Rabbi Pont) of: Cantor Krieger, Rabbi Koas and
Dr. Beth Banks Cohn.
“We are very excited to be able to offer this program to
our congregants,” said Rabbi Pont recently. “There is
something special about forming a group that is motivated
and interested in broadening their Jewish Knowledge.
And to end it with a special ceremony such as a Bat
Mitzvah will be truly meaningful – not just to the women,
but to their families as well.”
The group will meet for the first time on May 3rd at 10am
and will meet twice monthly. The group’s Bat Mitzvah
will take place on May 6, 2017. The cost for the two-year
program is $180.00 for members and $360.00 for nonmembers.
If you are interested or have additional questions, please
RSVP to one of the Adult B/M Co-Chairpersons: Rhonda
Bosin at [email protected], Suzie Rubinstein at
[email protected] or Rabbi Pont at rabbipont@mjcnj.
April 2015 - Page 23
Temple Topics
Come and Celebrate Your Baby or Grand Baby
Or Come and Help Us Celebrate Your Friends’ New Baby
Please join us for services on
Saturday Morning, May 16th at 9:15am
Rabbi Pont will bless all our new babies and their parents
At a special celebration at 10:45am
Siblings, Grandparents, Extended Family and Friends are welcome
Festive Kiddush luncheon to follow
Please RSVP to Reba 732-536-2300 ext.106 by May 8th
April 2015 - Page 24
Congregation Ohev Shalom
April 2015 - Page 25
A great party starts with a beautiful invitation.
Temple Topics
From traditional to unique invitations, LM Designs provides a
personalized solution that fits your needs, style and budget.
MJC Sisterhood Boutique News
The MJC Boutique has beautiful
Judaica, Houseware items and Jewelry
perfect for gift giving or simply to
decorate your own home! Get prepared
for the holidays by stopping in and
checking out our new inventory!
Our new store hours are:
Main Building Thursdays 11:30am to 1:30pm
Chai Building Sundays 9:00am - 11:30am.
Wedding • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Save the Date • Engagement • Rehearsal Dinner
Showers • Christening • Communion • Graduation • Baby • Sweet Sixteen • Anniversary
Seasonal/Holiday • Birthday • Moving • Corporate
By appointment in Holmdel with Lori Mausner 732.335.4002 [email protected]
Bereavement Group
An Introduction to Lost & Found
Bereavement Support
The advancement of bereavement support groups can be
attributed in no small part to feelings of commonality,
which serve therapeutically for most individuals. The
sharing of common experiences and feelings cannot
develop in individual counseling. Group participants
realize that they are not alone, that others have felt as
they do and have moved to another plateau.
You can also contact Jackie Bernstein
@ (917) 578-7876 or HYPERLINK
“mailto:[email protected][email protected] to make
arrangements for any purchases. We
welcome suggestions for any items
you would like to see stocked in the
Steve Rogers
LIC. #0015603
Lawn Sprinkler Company
275 Route 79
(732) 970-9300
Morganville, NJ 07751
Fax (732) 970-9309
E-Mail: [email protected]
Participants not only discus their feelings, but everyday
issues that are common to each member of the group.
Within the safety of the group, participants are exposed
to various emotions; anger, sadness, disappointment,
fear, loneliness, etc. and learn from each other.
The MJC Lost and Found Bereavement Support group
meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at
the Marlboro Jewish Center. The meeting for April is
on Tuesday, April 14th. For information call Rabbi Pont
at MJC 732-536-2300.
April 2015 - Page 26
Total Home Improvement Company
“Serving Your Home Improvement Needs For Over 50 Years”
• Doors
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• And Much More
Barry & David Fisher
Showroom Hours:
Mon - Fri 9-4:30 / Sat 8-2:30
Shop At Home Service Available
Congregation Ohev Shalom
Kosher Meals on Wheels Runs on Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers to deliver meals to homebound seniors in
Monmouth County. Currently, we are looking for volunteers in the
Marlboro/Manalapan and Roosevelt areas.
Meal pick-up is at Marlboro Jewish Center at 10:30am Monday through
Friday. Call Joanne at 732-774-6886 Ext. 20
April 2015 - Page 27
Temple Topics
One Prescription,
One Customer at a Time
arlboro Village
Pharmacy is a
full service retail
pharmacy offering prescription
and over-the-counter
medications, compounding
and specialty drugs, vitamins
and supplements, natural and
homeopathic remedies, and
medications for pet family
members. The pharmacy also
offers a large selection of high
quality natural and organic
products, and a wide array of
exclusive products imported
directly from Europe.
Why would a customer
recommend your pharmacy
to family and friends?
A prescription can be filled
at any chain drugstore,
but what sets Marlboro
Village Pharmacy apart is an
unparalleled level of customer
care and personal attention.
Customers always have
access to a knowledgeable
and dedicated pharmacist with
20 years of experience in retail
and hospital, free prescription
pickup and delivery, and 24hour emergency service. As
a service to our customers,
we also offer a unit dose
packaging free of charge that
makes it easy and safe to self
administer medications.
What sets your pharmacy
apart from other stores?
Marlboro Village Pharmacy
offers a full range of
pharmaceutical products
that simply are not available
through chain pharmacies such
as out-of-stock medications,
compounded medications
and specialty drugs, surgical
supplies, a full line of Solgar
vitamins and supplements, and
a wide selection of natural and
homeopathic remedies.
Pharmacy products are
complemented by a wide
selection of top quality natural
and organic beauty and
personal care products that
Stan Hish
we have the capacity and
expertise to prepare custom
formulations including unique
Where does homeopathy fit
dosage forms (sprays,
in your pharmacy practice?
sublingual drops and troches,
I am a firm advocate of
or suppositories), combined
homeopathy due to its natural
formulations (multiple
origins, efficacy, and safety. I
medications in a single dose),
have a complete understanding allergen-free medications
of homeopathic principles and (without preservatives, sugars,
can counsel patients on how to or dyes), and discontinued
safely and effectively use these medications.
The pharmacy offers
We offer a wide selection of
customized solutions for a
homeopathic remedies for
multitude of medical conditions
a multitude of acute health
including hormone restoration
conditions such as allergies,
therapy (HRT), men’s health,
coughs, colds, flu, insomnia,
pain management, sports
stress, and pain.
medicine, pediatric, podiatry,
dermatology, dental, and
Can you tell us more about
your Compounding practice? veterinary.
promote overall health and
Compounding is a process
of making medications from
“scratch” by mixing individual
ingredients together in the
exact strength and dosage
form prescribed by a physician.
At Marlboro Village Pharmacy,
As a compounding pharmacist,
I received specialized training
and certifications, and I am
ready to answer any questions
or recommend a custom
solution specific to a patient
and condition.
12 School Road West, Marlboro, NJ 07746 | (732) 617-6060
www. marlborov illag erx.c om
April 2015 - Page 28
Congregation Ohev Shalom
April 2015 - Page 29
Temple Topics
It is always easier and kinder to our
loved ones if we plan for the
inevitable far in advance. In an
effort to serve our congregational
family, MJC is fortunate to have a
several sections with plots available
for purchase at Beth Israel Cemetery
in Woodbridge, New Jersey.
It is always easier and kinder to our loved ones if we plan for the inevitable far in
Cemetery is beautifully
and well
In an effort
to serve
family, MJC is fortunate to have a
several sections with plots available for purchase at Beth Israel Cemetery in Woodbridge,
Plots can be secured by a deposit and may be paid for through a pre-arranged
plan. Single, multiple or large family plots are available. We have
New Jersey.
priced the plots well below the current market retail value.
Bonnie is
our Executive
Director, for
732-536-2300 or e-mail [email protected].
Plots can be secured by a deposit and may be paid for through a pre-arranged installment
plan. Single, multiple or large family plots are available. We have priced the plots well
below the current market retail value.
Please contact Bonnie Komito, our Executive Director, for further information at 732536-2300 or e-mail [email protected].
349 Route 9 South
Ashley Plaza
Manalapan, New Jersey
(Between Gordons Corner
and Taylors Mills Rds)
FAX 732-536-0579
April 2015 - Page 30
We can help you manage Reflux,
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50 Franklin Lane, Manalapan, NJ
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E-mail: [email protected]
Stamp Out
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Congregation Ohev Shalom
Serving Marlboro - 40 Years
316 Tennent Road
Morganville, NJ 07751
Free Estimates
April 2015 - Page 31
Temple Topics
Youth Initiatives and Education
Prayer Book
For the Yahrzeit of:
Louis Lefkowitz by Michael and Meryl Ginsberg and Family
Sarah Poller by Marcia Huttner
For the Yahrzeit of:
Emanuel Goldman by Gaye and David Goldberg
In memory of:
Hugh Bleiweis by Robin and Joseph Windman
Bubbie (Mark Eiger’s grandmother) by Jay, Lori and Matt Solomon
Fromkin Family Community Outreach and Educational Fund
For the Yahrzeit of:
Irving Bluberg by Beverly Gursky
In memory of:
Josh Greenberg by Sue and Allen Holeman
Fleischer Legacy Fund
For the Yahrzeit of:
Penina Hauptman by Sheryl and Sheldon Feinland and Family
Louis Treiber by Sheryl and Sheldon Feinland and Family
Minnie Treiber by Sheryl and Sheldon Feinland and Family
Phyllis Feinland by Sheryl and Sheldon Feinland and Family
Joseph Goldberg by Harvey Goldberg
Esther Novick by Rose Liebman
Max Fleischer by Nadler Family
Jack Sharnak by Sherry Hoffer
George Meller by Sherry Hoffer
Murray Hoffer by Sherry Hoffer
Sam Rosenblatt by John and Dorothy Gutman
Anne Levy by Mark Levy
In memory of:
Hugh Bleiweis by Carol and Ed Marder
Hugh Bleiweis by David and Nadine Green
Hugh Bleiweis by Sylvia Fleischer
Hugh Bleiweis by Vera and Ron Gordon
Harold Siegel by Nadler Family
Torah Restoration
For the Yahrzeit of:
Ruth Greenspan by Debra Vogel
Arthur Harris by Cliff and Gail Harris
Alex Lindenbaum by Herb and Anita Lichter
Beit Midrash
For the Yahrzeit of:
Ethel Gerber by Richard and Susan Schraer
Raphael Goldberg by Richard and Susan Schraer
Martin Wallack Am Yisrael Chai
For the Yahrzeit of:
Frances Heiss by Marilyn and Howard Heiss
Jacob Weingarten by Gideon Weingarten
In memory of:
Sylvia Weiner by Mikki and Paul Wolfman
Cynthia Meckler by Mikki and Paul Wolfman
In honor of :
Emma Pont’s Bat Mitzvah by Marina and Leonard Popivker
Holocaust Remembrance Fund
In honor of :
Reva Salman’s complete and speedy recovery by Sylvia Fleischer
Robert & Gabriella Kaldor Memorial Fund
For the Yahrzeit of:
Malvina Berlinerblau by Esther Borenstein
Rachel Donowitz by Irene Donowitz Smollik
Saul Smollik by Arnold Smollik
Susan Smollik by Arnold Smollik
Sophie Altman by Elizabeth Sternberg
Esther Mishkin by Mishkin Family
Rose Tuchman by Zinstein Family
Martin Horowitz by Gail, Leonard and Margo Greenbaum
Anna Kaufman by Judy, Gill, Teri and Scott Zuckerman
For the Yahrzeit of:
Samuel Luger by Stanley and Jean Rosen
Joseph Zandman by Elinor and Mel Goldberg
In memory of:
Sylvia Weiner by Gil and Judy Zimmerman
Helene Spiewak by Gil and Judy Zimmerman
In honor of :
Hy Grossman’s special birthday by Arthur and Sheila Lopater
Carolyn Weil Memorial Fund
Tzedakah Fund
In memory of:
Allen Sanft by Nat and Ronnie Weil
Belle Gross by Nat and Ronnie Weil
Lauren Pruzan Memorial Fund
For the Yahrzeit of:
Francine Herschberg by Nancy and Mitchell Muntner
Morris Schwartz by Gail Dresher
April 2015 - Page 32
For the Yahrzeit of:
Mollie Palatnik by Lois and David Ratner
Frieda Friedman by Josephs and Citron Families
Rose Citron by Josephs and Citron Families
Leo Wisel by Hank and Shelley Wisel
Leon Meller by Anne Meller
Joseph Krauss by Diane and stew Krauss
Celia Appel by Jack and Ruth Appel and Family
Abraham Sales by Rita Sales
Rae Lesof by Meryl Elfant
Bessie Alexander by Gerard and Andrea Haft
Leon Weintraub by Miriam Keppler
George Meller by Anne Meller
Congregation Ohev Shalom
Selma Fried by Jan and Martin Krupnick
Miriam Novick by Esther Kaplan
Mary Ellen Slade by Howard and Sheila Slade
Joel Powell by Diane Powell-Goldberg, Alysa Slifkin, Richard Powell
Benjamin Weiss by Marilyn Nates
In memory of:
Irving Berlin by Phoebe Dichner
Irving Berlin by Diane and Stuart Schauman and Family
Hugh Bleiweis by Stanley and Sheila Mandel
Sylvia Weiner by Stanley and Sheila Mandel
Sylvia Weiner by Reba Schneiderman and Dan Gelbman
Charlotte Rick by Robin and Joseph Windman
Helene Spiewak by Randi and Steven Marder
Jaqueline Burns by Louis Insalaco
Harriet P. Citron by the Josephs and Citron Families
In honor of :
Eric Salant’s birthday by Merle and Fred Harris
Melinda Salzer’s complete and speedy recovery by Phoebe Dichner
Phyllis Schnall’s 80th birthday by Sol and Lee Leibel
Refuah Shlema to Kochava Krieger by Sol and Lee Leibel
Shiva/Chesed Minyan
For the Yahrzeit of:
Sally Treiber by The Kirsch, Feinland, Cohen and Treiber Families
Ida Seligman by Edith Seligman
Wynette Delson by Lauren Levitt
Herbert Kirsch by Susan, Jeffrey, Evan and Lauren Kirsch
Milton Danzig by Mel and Genia Danzig
Sheldon Bosin by Rhonda Bosin
Florence Levine by Linda Levine
Max Manning by Leslie and Steven Berlin
Paula Treiber by Eric, Sandy, Brett and Lindsey Cohen
Louis Treiber by Eric, Sandy, Brett and Lindsey Cohen
In memory of:
Irving Berlin by Edith Seligman
Sunny Weiner’s parents by Leah and Jeff Rosenberg
Sylvia Weiner by Edith Seligman
Sylvia Weiner by Shelley Finkelstein
Sylvia Weiner by Sheryl Feinland, Susan Kirsch and Sandy Cohen
(Minyan Sisters)
In honor of :
Jeff and Diane Chalal’s daughter’s engagement by Edith Seligman
Leslie and Steven Berlin’s new granddaughter by Susan and Jeffrey
Kirsch and Family
Theodore & Dora Steinkohl Social Action
For the Yahrzeit of:
Harry Blumenstein by Alice Kushner
Albert Brodsky by David Wiener
Gladys Grantz by Carl Grantz
Dora Steinkohl by Marilyn and Carl Grantz
In honor of :
Phyllis Schnall’s special birthday by Sharon and Dan Steinhorn
Synagogue Enhancement Fund
For the Yahrzeit of:
Helen Kasof by Richard and Roselyn Kasof
Dorothy Jessurun by Carolee Forst
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory of:
Stephen Eierman by Cherie Baum
Endre Klein by Rebecca Klein
Isaac Danger by the Blatt Family
Sidney Kaplowitz by Robin and Martin Ladman
Rhoda Singer by Sandy and Howard Singer
Bernard Singer by Sandy and Howard Singer
Emma Operowsky by Sandy and Howard Singer
Sol Goldstein by Ellie and Mel Goldstein
Hugh Bleiweis by Judy and Howard Topal
Hugh Bleiweis by Anne Klepner
Sonya Silver by Anne Klepner
Herman Klepner by Anne Klepner
Gertrude Sherman by Irwin Sherman
Gary Blum’s mother, by Reba Schneiderman
Herbert Simon by Reba Schneiderman
Bernard Bernstein by Marsha Huttner
Rose Fisher by Barry Fisher & Family
Helen Schmall by Susan and Harvey Joseph
Max Epstein by Elyce and Sandor Epstein
Helene Spiewak by Carrie and Drew Cowit
Mona Greenbaum by Gail and Leonard Greenbaum
In Honor of:
Emma Pont’s Bat Mitzvah by Rise and Joel Samit
Emma Pont’s Bat Mitzvah by Elyce and Sandor Epstein
Emma Pont’s Bat Mitzvah by Gloria and Jack Cohen
Phyllis Schnall’s birthday by Carol Hinkis
The Aufruf of Aaron Chalal and Courtney Dworkin by Drs. Diane and
Jeff Chalal
The Engagement of Hannah Chalal and Craig Reinfeld by Drs. Diane
and Jeff Chalal
A Donation has Been Made By:
Sherry and Michael Lieberman
In Appreciation of Rabbi Pont By:
Irwin Sherman
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory of:
Moses Beller by Nancy Beller-Krieger
Philip Pearlstein by Drs. Caryn and Eric Pearlstein
In memory of:
Reba Schneiderman’s mom by The Salant Family
Lori Solomon’s dad by The Salant Family
Saul Salanat by the Salant Family
April 2015 - Page 33
Temple Topics
Yahrzeits - April
March 28 – April 3 Gertrude Farb
Samuel Lichtig
April 11 – April 17
Theodore Enicoff
Norman Anchin
Joseph Kleinkopf
Diana Miller
Ruth Benenson
Israel Firschein
Sheldon Basis
Louis Morris
Ida Seligman
Leo Drimmer
Samuel Friedman
Bernard Eisenberg
Ida Ewig
Sally Treiber
Joseph Elkin
Moses Hochberg
Benjamin Fishbach
Alfred Goodman
Ida Abramson
Helen Gold
Bernice Lieberman
Michael Fuchs
Mira Kharkover
Martha Brody
Bryan Haberman
Ryan Markel
Joel Powell
Lillian Levine
Ira Cohen
Eugene Brown
Shirley Gollin
Marion Loeb
Esther Greenberg
Arnold Eagle
Joseph Krimko
Susan Smollik
Robert Kapp
Joseph Klotz
Sallye Greenberg
Sam Luger
Charles Stearn
Marsha Pollack
Herman Beinhacker
Joseph Klepner
Esther Laufer
Reuben Udasin
Aaron Siegel
Bertram Bergrin
Dorothy Klieger
Rae Lesof
Anna Drayer
Jeanne Cohen
Miriam Rubin
Lawrence Brickman April 4 – April 10
Henry Ferber
Kenneth Fishbach
Philip Wiser
Gladys Richter
Sheldon Bosin
Saul Goldberg
Saul J. Ganz
Samuel Zaffos
Pearl Rittenburg
Selma Fern
Mona Greenbaum
Max Gershfeld
Daniel Cohen
Linda Schaeffer
Max Fleischer
Arnold Kaufman
Anita Fruchtman
Isidore Clair
Minnie Schopin
Alex Lindenbaum
Ruth Langer
Bob Kaldor
Stanley Glanzrock
Nathan Weiss
Irving Michaels
Lester Leventhal
Yolanda Mermel
Josef Greenberg
Janet Bayer
Robert Rose
Murray Newmark
Bertha Rabinowitz
Joseph Grossman
Leon Colchamiro
Alfred Sherman
Murray Rubin
Moris Shaw
Charna Gundelman
Isidore Elfont
Florence Spierer
Anita Stein
Eva Udasin
Eva Greenberg
Selma Fried
William Wilansky
Ida Sturm
Felice Berney
Ilona Kaldor
Albert Hochman
Esther Emen
Herbert Woonteiler
Maurice Blank
Mark Kaldor
Helen Kasof
Mary Funt
Albert Brodsky
Gussie Fox
Zina Kazan
Martin Lindenberg
Miriam Novick
David Geduld
Morris Green
Edward Landau
Edith Rosen
Harry Basowitz
Gertrude Heitner
Jack Greenberg
Merwin Lavine
Sonia Sherwin
Ruth Branson
Sidney Herman
Louis Hofman
Jessie Litvin
Shirley Cohen
Bruno Kirchheimer
Jean Levine
Beryl Kaplan
Gertrude Marrow
Joyce Decker
Manuel Lurie
Max Stein
Abraham Levy
Linda Rosenberg
Chester Glazer
Werner Markus
Frieda Isenburger
Fay Lichtenstein
Rose Rothman
Anne Levy
Marvin Michaels
Ethel Vodofsky
Mark Seligman
Yetta Slade
Herbert Simon
Luba Pius
Joseph Zandman
Nathan Shurpin
Esther Tobias
Len Weisman
Morris Waldman
Joseph Baratz
Richard Franzel
Max Cohen
Murray Fox
Arthur Danziger
Betty Keats
April 2015 - Page 34
Congregation Ohev Shalom
Yahrzeits - March
Howard Moroff
Sara Rotches
Blanka Strauss
Louis Barsher
Alfred Unger
Betty Powell
Florence Solomon
Donald Tripolsky
Pauline Cohen
Phyllis Wolfson
Lottie Senft
William Edelman
Ray Vogel
Faith Fishman
Hyman Borodinsky
Rose Smith
Irving Galansky
Jack Derector
Shirley Goodman
William Lenner
Sydney Gershowitz
Miriam Friedman
Dr. Harold Harris
Larry Nadler
Nathan Padnis
Phyllis Penales
April 18 – April 24 Abraham Leiderman Judith Jacobs
Selma Cohen
Clara Mandelbaum
Evelyn Robbins
Rose Silverman
Anna Singer
Henrietta Karasick
Erwin Margulies
Alice Schneider
Eric Stamp
Etta Wexler
Shirley Pollack
Esther Singer
Ruth Singer
Barnet Chernick
Simmy Borow
Sherry Stearnui
Mark Stamm
Melville Wolfe
Bertie Dim
Arlinie Brown
Joseph Bass
Beatrice Schrager
Leona Goldstein
Benjamin Chancy
Paul Greenberg
Charlotte Solomon
April 25 – May 1
Morris Levine
Harriet Citron
Alex Greif
William Solomon
Betty Chandros
Robert Rendelstein
Gertrude Davidson
Murray Landau
Morris Wiskin
Myrna Edelson
Monroe Stavenhagen Isidore Drayer
Lucia Levy
Selby Finz
Cila Erlich
Miriam Zwerin
Edward Spector
Harriet Glassman
Esther Finkelstein
Abraham Feuerstein Lillian Jay
Anne Wadler
Sy Kessler
David Gontarski
Moses Gladstone
George Levinson
Pearl Wiener
Harry Lapidus
Leonard Gottlieb
Barbara Kaplan
Willie Mandelbaum
Norman Abramsky
Joseph Levine
Ida Magid
Al Lipton
William Sheinberg
Milton Ackerman
Vitali Levy
Celia Rosenblatt
Harriet Rice
Harry Gulkis
Nathan Aig
Mendel Maybruch
Julius Roth
Jack Rogers
Wendy Leibowitz
Max Heitner
Lee Moss
Alvin Schoenfeld
Aaron Rubin
Dorothy Serin
Edith Kessel
Hyman Safran
Pauline Weiner
Karen Rubin
Samuel Kirsch
Milton Skowronek
Dorothy Zide
Jack Shein
Rachel Hammer
Upon Kindling
The Yahrzeit Candle
O God, Source of life and love, we turn to You at this time of remembering,
As we light this candle in memory of our departed.
In Your Keeping, the soul of our beloved still glows, As brightly as the “heavenly firmament.”
Truly, “the human soul is the light of the Lord.”
By Your light, may we who lovingly remember see light:
And may the memory of our departed abide with us, as a lasting benediction.
April 2015 - Page 35