
管卫东 SSAT阅读!
⺴⽹网校特聘⾼高考辅导教师,多家媒体教育版块的专栏作家。 管卫东⽼老师微信:gwd_1970 管卫东⽼老师新浪微博:管卫东GWD
Lecture One
2.与 SSAT 考试精神的契合.........................................................................................14
3.进⼊入 SSAT 的世界.....................................................................................................18
4.与 SSAT 考试精神的契合.........................................................................................18
Lecture Two
3.SSAT 阅读第⼀一⼤大难点:逻辑思维.........................................................................20
4.SSAT 阅读第⼆二⼤大难点:英语难度.........................................................................20
Lecture Three
Lecture Four
Lecture Five
1.成功是 99% 努⼒力 +1% 的灵感...............................................................................44
Lecture Six
1.对成功最重要的 1% 的灵感....................................................................................55
2.SSAT ⽅方法⼤大讨论:⾃自⼰己的灵感.............................................................................55
Lecture Seven
Lecture Eight
Lecture Nine
2.SSAT 阅读究竟是考什么的?..................................................................................80
Lecture Ten
Lecture One
与 SSAT 考试精神的契合
进⼊入 SSAT 的世界
2.与 SSAT 考试精神的契合
有独⽴立⻅见解,果断判断的你:SSAT 词汇出题的要求
Tactile is to touch as
(A) detectable is to drink
(B) audible is to sound
(C) potable is to food
(D) servile is to obey
(E) nutritious is to meal
(A) build
(B) type
(C) live in
(D) engage
(E) enable
懂得欣赏,成熟⾃自⽴立的你:SSAT 阅读出题的要求
The Brooklyn Bridge in New York has been featured in movies, photographs, and media
for over a hundred years, but the bridge is much more than just a pretty sight. It opened
on may 24, 1883, and, at 3,460 feet, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world,
measuring 50% longer than any previously built. The Brooklyn Bridge was a symbol of
American strength and vitality, but its completion followed years of toil and sacrifice.
John Augustus Roebling, a German immigrant, envisioned the bridge that would link
Manhattan to Brooklyn over the East River. While in preparations for building, however,
John Roebling was injured when a ferry pinned his foot to a pylon, and he died weeks later
of tetanus. This first setback to the building of the bridge was indicative of the problems
that would plague its construction as well as the harrowing tenacity that led to its
Washington Roebling took over the project upon his father’s death. Washington
persevered through many hurdles in the building of the bridge including fires, accidents,
industrial corruption, and loss of public support. He continued, however, in his push to
complete the bridge. In fact, it is said that he worked harder and longer than any worker
he employed in even the most dangerous circumstances. While working in the caissons,
underwater chambers that supported the bridge, he was stricken by the decompression
sickness that led to his paralysis. Nothing could stop him, though, and he continued
construction by sending messages to the site through his wife, Emily.
Fourteen years after construction began, the Brooklyn Bridge celebrated its grand
opening. The total cost to build the bridge was fifteen million dollars, and 27 people died
in its construction, but it stood as a tribute to American invention and industry.
1. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) convince the reader that the Brooklyn Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the
(B) describe Washington Roebling’s rise to success
(C) show that Americans have an inborn talent for inventiveness
(D) describe how the Brooklyn Bridge was a great success despite the hardship faced in
building it
(E) describe the dangers of tetanus
2. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that Washington Roebling
(A) was injured by a ferry
(B) was determined to build the bridge despite many setbacks
(C) suffered from depression after his unjury
(D) had a son who completed the building of the bridge
(E) was happy not to have to go back to the construction site after his injury
3. Which one of the following is given as a difficulty faced in building the Brooklyn Bridge?
(A) An excessive number of pylons in the East River.
(B) An outbreak of tetanus among the workers.
(C) An increase in public support.
(D) A lack of funds to keep building.
(E) The death of the man who envisioned the bridge.
4. Washington Roebling can best be described as
(A) persistent
(B) weak
(C) clumsy
(D) dangerous
(E) cautious
5. Which of the following is NOT stated about the Brooklyn Bridge?
(A) It was a sign of American power.
(B) It cost millions of dollars to build.
(C) It was not worth the money lost in building it.
(D) It has been seen in the movies.
(E) It has been around for over a hundred years.
关注社会,体验⼈人⽣生,体味⽣生活的你:SSAT 阅读题材的要求
By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world.
The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept
Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.
On this green bank, by this soft stream,
We set to-day a votive stone;
That memory may their deed redeem,
When, like our sires, our sons are gone.
Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.
----“Concord Hymn” by Ralph Waldo Emerson
1. The statements in lines 3-4 most likely mean
(A) the narrator is a farmer
(B) the place described is a battle site
(C) a crime took place at that site
(D) the farmers described were all killed
(E) it is a cold day
2. In the poem, the speaker claims which of the reasons for writing this poem?
I. To warn future generations about the horrors of war
II. To keep the memory of the great deeds of soldiers alive
III. To gain courage to fight himself
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) II and III only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II and III
3. The “votive stone” referred to in line 10 probably refers to (A) a candle
(B) a weapon
(C) an old stone fence
(D) a war memorial
(E) a natural landmark
4. With which statement would the author most strongly agree?
(A) All war is in vain.
(B) Farming is a difficult life.
(C) It is important to remember the brave soldiers.
(D) How a man fights is as important as how he lives his life.
(E) A memorial is an insignificant way to remember the past.
3.进⼊入 SSAT 的世界
SSAT 考试介绍
-SSAT 考试全称
-SSAT 考试分类
-SSAT 考试流程
SSAT 阅读介绍
-SSAT 阅读题材
-SSAT 阅读题⺫⽬目
4.与 SSAT 考试精神的契合
Lecture Two
SSAT 阅读第⼀一⼤大难点:逻辑思维
SSAT 阅读第⼆二⼤大难点:英语难度
• 情商⽐比智商重要
⼀一篇 SSAT 阅读⽂文章
A 永远不可能建⽴立起桥梁来跨过在科学家和⼈人本主义者之间的鸿沟。
B 中世纪在智慧上⽐比之前的罗⻢马帝国更低
C 历史的书写应该强调智慧活动⽽而不是技术进步。
D 历史学家智识上偏⻅见可能导致他们对⽂文明有⼀一个不精确的看法。
E 希腊罗⻢马时期的发明为中世纪节约⼈人⼒力的⼯工具的发明提供了点⼦子。
SSAT 阅读和中⽂文阅读的区别
3.SSAT 阅读第⼀一⼤大难点:逻辑思维
4.SSAT 阅读第⼆二⼤大难点:英语难度
Conceptually, it is hard to reconcile a defense attorney's duty to ensure that false testimony
is not knowingly put forward with the attorney's mandate to mount the most powerful
defense conceivable for the client.
Lecture Three
• 创新是成功的源动⼒力
• 和美国⼈人⼀一样对待单词
• 和美国⼈人⼀一样接受句⼦子
• 和美国⼈人⼀一样读⽂文章
• 作业
• 创新需要敢于质疑
• 记忆的⽅方法
The first old “horseless carriages” of the 1880s may have been worthy of a snicker or
two, but not the cars of today. The progress that has been made over the last one
hundred years has been phenomenal. In fact, much progress was made even in the first
twenty years ---- in 1903, cars could travel at 70 miles per hour. The major change from
the old cars to today is the expense. Whereas cars were once a luxury that only the very
wealthy could afford, today, people of all income levels own cars.
In fact, there are so many cars that if they were to line up end to end, they would touch
to the moon. Cars are used for everyday transportation for millions of people, for
recreation, and for work. Many people’s jobs depend on cars ---- police officers, health
care workers, and taxi drivers all rely on automobiles.
One thing that hasn’t changed is how cars are powered. The first car ran on gas and diesel
fuel just as the most modern ones do. The newer cars, however, are much more fuel
efficient and much research is devoted to saving fuel and finding new sources of energy
for cars.
1. The “progress” mentioned in line 2 most likely refers to (A) the ability of a car to move forward
(B) technological advancement
(C) research
(D) the new types of fuels available
(E) the most of the car
2. Which of the following is answered by the passage? (A) What are some ways people use cars?
(B) Why did people laugh at the “horseless carriage”?
(C) Where will the fuels of the future come from?
(D) When will cars become even more efficient?
(E) How much money is spent on cars today?
3. The passage is primarily concerned with
(A) the problem of fuel consumption
(B) the difficulty of driving
(C) the invention of the car
(D) the development of the car from the past to now
(E) the future of automobiles
4. According to the passage, scientists devote much of their research today to
(A) making cars faster
(B) making more cars
(C) making cars more affordable
(D) making cars more fuel efficient
(E) making cars that hold more people
5. When discussing the technological advances of the early car, the author’s tone could
best be described as
(A) proud
(B) hesitant
(C) informative
(D) pedantic
(E) sarcastic
6. The author would most likely agree that
(A) cars are incredibly useful to many different sorts of people
(B) the problems we face in the future are very important
(C) cars are more trouble than they are worth
(D) early car owners were all snobs
(E) we will never make the same technological advances as we did in the past
(A) bend
(B) deform
(C) color
(D) amuse
(E) occupy
(A) clean
(B) relaxing
(C) frown
(D) harsh
(E) irresponsible
(A) attempt
(B) recount
(C) diminish
(D) conserve
(E) forbid
1. Composer is to score as
(A) conductor is to orchestra
(B) operator is to telephone
(C) teacher is to classroom
(D) attorney is to trial
(E) author is to book
2. Stanza is to poem as
(A) sonnet is to play
(B) drama is to theater
(C) paragraph is to essay
(D) teacher is to class
(E) preface is to book
3. Sovereign is to monarchy as principal is to
(A) school
(B) administrators
(C) workers
(D) crew
(E) town
-每天的 3 遍
-每周的 3 遍
-每⽉月的 3 遍
-cut slice chop 的对⽐比
• 对认识单词的态度
-对介词 of 的理解
(1)From time to time, we have been tempted to believe that society has become too
complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to
government for by, and of the people.
(2)All I ask, however, in regard to the blacks, is that whatever rule you adopt, whether
of intelligence or wealth, as the condition of voting for whites, you shall apply it equally to
the black man.
(3)He was engaged in knitting it about his throat with exquisite attention to its
position, when the cry was repeated up and down the line in a muffled roar of sound.
(4)Known as the Fourteen Points, Wilson’s plan is best remembered for its first
point, which declared that international diplomacy should be conducted in the open and
that quiet, unpublicized diplomacy should be made illegal.
(5)These modern, politically correct yahoos would have you believe the garbage we
see scrawled on sidewalks and mailboxes every day is somehow contributing to our
quality of life.
(6)Thomas Jefferson looked at the West the way people look at outer space today, for
him, the West evoked the same excitement and wonder that many people feel today as
they gaze at the stars and dream of traveling to other galaxies.
(7)In addition, the disappearance of summer sea ice is likely to have devastating
consequences for some arctic animal species such as ice-living seals and for local people
for whom these animals are a primary food source, according to the final report of the
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment.
(8)But because Colonial Williamsburg offers not a segment of the history of a fine art,
but a model of an ongoing community, it is intelligible and interesting to nearly everybody.
(9)That such radical adaptations can occur demands a view of the brain as dynamic
and active rather than programmed and static, a supremely efficient adaptive system
geared for evolution and change, ceaselessly adapting to the needs of the organism----its
need, above all, to construct a coherent self and world, whatever defects or disorders of
brain function befall it.
(10)For instance, the very woman who had been drawn to him by the penetrating
intuition of the female heart he showed in his novels were appalled to discover how
insensitive and awkward the real man could be.
• ⽂文章的重点
The term “tides” has come to represent the cyclical rising and falling of ocean waters,
most notably evident along the shoreline as the border between land and sea moves in
and out with the passing of the day. The primary reason for this constant redefinition of
the boundaries of the sea is the gravitational force of the moon.
This force of lunar gravity is not as strong as Earth’s own gravitational pull, which keeps
our bodied and our homes from being pulled off the ground, through the sky, and into
space towards the moon. It is a strong enough force, however, to exert a certain
gravitational pull as moon passes over Earth’s surface. This pull causes the water level to
rise (as the water is literally pulled, ever so slightly, towards the moon) in those parts of
the ocean that are exposed to the moon and its gravitational forces. When the water
level in one part of the ocean rises, it must naturally fall in another, and this is what causes
water levels to change, dramatically at times, along any given piece of coastline.
1. Which one of the following is the most obvious effect of the tides? (A) A part of the beach that was once dry is now under water.
(B) Floods cause great damage during heavy rainstorms. (C) The moon is not visible.
(D) Water falls.
(E) The ocean rises.
2. The word “lunar” in the beginning of the second paragraph most nearly means
(A) weak
(B) strong
(C) destructive
(D) related to the moon
(E) foolish
3. It can be inferred from the passage that if one were to travel to the moon (A) that water would be found on its surface
(B) that an object, if dropped, would float away from the surface of the moon
(C) that other planets besides the moon have an influence on the tides of Earth’s oceans
(D) that tides are more dramatic during the day than during the night
(E) that an object, of dropped, would fall to the moon’s surface
4. The author’s primary purpose in writing this passage is to
(A) prove the existence of water on the moon
(B) refute claims that tides are caused by the moon
(C) explain the main cause of the ocean’s tides
(D) argue that humans should not interfere with the processes of nature
(E) convince students to study astrophysics
Immigrants’ adoption of English as their primary languages is one measure of assimilation
into the larger United States society. Generally languages define social groups and provide
justification for social structures. Hence, a distinctive language sets a cultural group off
from the dominant language group. Throughout United States history this pattern has
resulted in one consistent, unhappy consequence, discrimination against members of the
cultural minority. Language differences provide both a way to rationalize subordination
and a ready means for achieving it. !
Traditionally, English has replaced the native language of immigrant groups by the second
or third generation. Some characteristics of today’s Spanish-speaking population, however,
suggest the possibility of a departure from this historical pattern. many families retain ties
in latin America and move back and forth between their present and former communities.
This “revolving door” phenomenon, along with the high probability of additional
immigrants from the south, means that large Spanish-speaking communities are likely to
exist in the United States for the indefinite future.
1. The passage is mainly about
(A) Latin Americans in the United States.
(B) Immigrants in the United States.
(C) Cultural assimilation in the United States.
(D) Language distinction in the United States.
(E) The population of English language.
2. According to the passage, why do the immigrants adopt English as their primary
(A) They are forced to speak English by the U.S. government.
(B) They find English more beautiful than their own languages.
(C) They want to disconnect with their home country.
(D) They want to be part of the U.S. society.
(E) They think English can make them superior.
3. According to the passage, what is the undesirable consequence of the language
distinction in the United States?
(A) People speaking different languages cannot understand each other.
(B) Cultural groups compete with each other to win dominance.
(C) The society is at the stark of division.
(D) It is impossible to enforce uniform regulations in the society.
(E) Cultural discrimination germinates in the society
4. The meaning of the word “ties” is (A) Cords
(B) Connections
(C) Friendships
(D) Residences
(E) Relatives
5. Which of the following statements about the Spanish-speaking groups in the United
States is true?
(A) The Spanish-speaking group will probably exist in the United States forever.
(B) English has replaced Spanish by the second or third generations of the Spanishspeaking populations.
(C) Spanish-speaking families in the United States cut their connections with Latin
(D) The Spanish-speaking group is culturally dominant in the United States.
(E) The number of Spanish immigrants is declining in the United States.
6. Which of the following statements is or are true?
Ⅰ . Immigrants can quickly assimilate into the U.S. society.
Ⅱ . Language diversity causes cultural discrimination in the U.S. society.
Ⅲ . English always replaces the language of immigrant groups by the second or third
(A) Ⅰ only. (B) Ⅱ only.
(C) Ⅲ only.
(D) Ⅰ and Ⅱ. (E) Ⅱ and Ⅲ .
7. What is the tone of the passage?
(A) Admiring.
(B) Critical.
(C) Sarcastic.
(D) Neutral.
(E) Appreciative.
Bob Dylan was born on May 24, 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota, but his name wasn’t Dylan.
He was born Robert Allen Zimmerman, one of two sons born to Abraham and Betty
Zimmerman. Nineteen years later, he moved to New York City with his new name and a
passion to pursue his dream of becoming a music legend.
Bob Dylan’s career began like those of many musicians. He began to play in New York
City at various clubs around Greenwich Village. He began to gain public recognition as a
singer/songwriter and was even reviewed by the New York Times his first year in New
York. He signed his first record deal with Columbia Records a mere ten months after
moving to New York. From that point on, his career skyrocketed.
What is unique about Bob Dylan, given his huge success, is his vocal quality. Dylan’s singing
voice was untrained and had an unusual edge to it. Because of this, many of his most
famous early songs first reached the public through versions by other performers who
were more immediately palatable. Joan Baez was one of these musicians who performed
many of Dylan’s early songs. She furthered Dylan’s already rising performance career by
inviting him onstage during her concerts, and many credit her with bringing Dylan to his
vast level of national and international prominence.
In his career, which spans more than four decades, Dylan has produced 500 songs and
more than 40 albums. This king of songs has thirteen songs on Rolling Stone magazine’s
Top 500 songs of All Time, including his most famous song, “Like a Rolling Stone,” which
tops the list. In 2004, Bob Dylan was ranked second in Rolling Stone magazine’s 100
Greatest Artists of All Time, surpassed only by the Beatles.
In a recent television interview, Bob Dylan was asked why he became a musician. He
replied that from a very early age, he knew it was his destiny to become a music legend.
Certainly, that destiny has been realized!
1. Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?
(A) The beginning of Bob Dylan’s music career is similar to the beginning of the careers of
most other musicians.
(B) It is extremely important to follow your dreams.
(C) Bob Dylan never really knew what he wanted to be in life.
(D) Bob Dylan had great success despite his unusual style of singing.
(E) People hated hearing Bob Dylan sing his own songs.
2. The word “prominence” at the end of third paragraph most nearly means
(A) perception
(B) status
(C) obviousness
(D) protrusion
(E) failure
3. The passage most strongly supports which of the following statements about Joan Baez?
(A) She was jealous of Bob Dylan’s superior vocal training.
(B) She grew up in Minnesota.
(C) She has performed more of Bob Dylan’s song than of her own.
(D) She was destined to become a music legend.
(E) She was a struggling, undiscovered artist.
4. The phrase “king of songs” near the beginning of the fourth paragraph refers to (A) Bob Dylan’s prolific nature as a singer/songwriter
(B) Bob Dylan’s ownership of Rolling Stone magazine
(C) how most musicians regarded Bob Dylan as a king
(D) Bob Dylan’s perception of himself
(E) how no other artist has ever made so many songs
5. Which of the following is best supported by the passage?
(A) Bob Dylan has two brothers.
(B) Bob Dylan was reviewed by Columbia Records his first year in New York.
(C) “Like a Rolling Stone” is considered by some to be the best song of all time.
(D) Without Joan Baez, Bob Dylan would never have succeeded.
(E) Bob Dylan beat the Beatles to become the greatest artist of all time.
It is easy to lose patience with science today. The questions are pressing: How dangerous
is dioxin? What about low-level radiation? When will that monstrous earthquake strike
California? And why can’t we predict weather better? But the evidence is often described
as “inconclusive,” forcing scientists to base their points of view almost as much on
intuition as on science.
When historian and philosophers of science listen to these questions, some conclude that
science may be incapable of solving all these problems any time soon. Many questions
seem to defy scientific method, an approach that works best when it examines
straightforward relationships: If something is done to variable A, what happens to variable
B? Such procedures can, of course, be very difficult in their own ways, but for
experiments, they are effective.
With the aid of Newton’s laws of gravititional probe ---- or satellite ---- with incredible
accuracy. They do this by calculating the gravitational tugs from each of the passing planets
until the probe speeds beyong the edge of the solar system. A much more difficult task is
to calculate what happens when two or three such tugs pull on the probe at the same
time. The unknowns can grow into riddles that are impossible to solve. Because of the
turbulent and changing state of the earth’s atmosphere, for instance, scientists have
struggled for centuries to predict the weather with precision.
This spectrum of questions ---- from simple problems to those impossibly complex ---has resulted in nicknames for various field of study. “Hard” sciences, such as astronomy
and chemistry, are said to yield precise answers, whereas “soft” sciences, such as
sociology and economics, admit a great degree of uncertainty.
1. Which of the following best tells what this passage is about?
(A) How the large variety of factors scientists deal with makes absolute scientific
accuracy impossible
(B) How Newton solved the problem of accuracy and science
(C) How “hard” science is more important than “soft” science
(D) Why historians do not study astronomy
(E) Why science now uses less and less conclusive evidence
2. According to the passage, it can be inferred that the scientific method would work best
in which of the following situations?
(A) Predicting public reactions to a set of policy decisions
(B) Identifying the factors that will predict a California earthquake
(C) Predicting the amount of corn that an acre will yield when a particular type of
fertilizer is used
(D) Determining the dangers of low-level radiation
(E) Calculating how much a cubic centimeter of water will weigh when cooled under
controlled conditions
3. The author suggests that accurately predicting the path of a planetary probe is more
difficult than
(A) forecasting the weather
(B) determining when an earth quake will occur
(C) predicting economic behavior
(D) explaining why people behave the way they do
(E) determining the gravitational influence of one planet
4. According to the passage, “hard” science can be distinguished from “soft” science by
which of the following characteristics?
(A) Seeking precise answers to its questions
(B) Identifying important questions that need answers
(C) making significant contributions to human welfare
(D) Creating debates about unresolved issues
(E) Formulating theories to explain certain phenomena
5. The author implies that when confronted with complex questions, scientists base their
(A) on theoretical foundations
(B) more on intuition than on science
(C) on science and intuition, in varying degrees
(D) on observations and past experience
(E) on experimental procedures
• 阅读⽰示例
Lecture Four
• 信息化年代互助才能成功
• 同学讨论:什么是客观?
• 同学讨论:干扰选项的设计⽅方法?
• 同学讨论:应对干扰选项的⽅方法?
• 作业
• 信息化年代我们需要什么
SSAT 是信息类考试
• 怎么理解公平性考试?
• 如何把错误的出得像正确的?
-A 推 B 原则
• 是以单词还是以句⼦子为最⼩小单位?
Flax has been raised for many thousands of years, for many different reasons. Probably the
two most important reasons are for the fabric made from it and the oil produced from it.
The woody stem of the flax plant contains the long, strong fibers that are used to make
linen. The seeds are rich in an oil important for its industrial uses.
The people of ancient Egypt, Assyria, and Mesopotamia raised flax for cloth; Egyptian
mummies were wrapped in linen. Since the discovery of its drying ability, the oil from
flaxseed, called linseed oil, has been used as a drying agent in paints and varnishes.
The best fiber and the best seed cannot be obtained from the same kinds of plant. Fiber
flax grows tall and has few branches. It needs a short, cool growing season with plenty of
rainfall evenly distributed. Otherwise, the plants become woody and the fiber is rough
and dry. On the other hand, seed flax grows well in places that are too dry for fiber flax.
The plants are lower to the ground and have more branches.
1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? (A) “How Mummies Were Preserved”
(B) “The Many Uses of the Flax Plant”
(C) “The Difference Between Seeds and Fibers”
(D) “The Types of Plant Life Around the World”
(E) “Ancient Sources of Oil and Linen”
2. The author suggests that ancient people raised flax primarily for
(A) its oil, used to preserve wood
(B) its oil, used as a rich source of nutrient
(C) its fabric, used for their clothes
(D) its fabric, used to wrap their dead
(E) its fabric and oil, for industrial uses
3. This passage sounds as if it were an excerpt from (A) a letter to the Egyptians
(B) a book on plant life
(C) a scientific treatise
(D) a persuasive essay from an ecologist
(E) a friendly reminder to a politician
4. Which of the following questions is answered by the passage?
(A) Can the same plant be grown for the best fabric and the best oil?
(B) How did the Egyptians wrap their mummies?
(C) What temperature is optimal for growing flax?
(D) How is flax harvested?
(E) Is it possible to produce a new type of flax for fabric and oil production?
5. Which of the following is the author most likely to discuss next?
(A) How flax is used around the world today
(B) Other types of useful plants
(C) Other sources of oil
(D) The usefulness of synthetic fabrics
(E) The advantages of pesticides and crop rotation
William, Duke of Normandy, conquered England in 1066. One of the first tasks he
undertook as king was the building of a fortress in the city of London. Begun in 1066 and
completed several years later by William’s son, William Rufus, this structure was called the
White Tower.
The Tower of London is not just one building, but an 18-acre complex of building. In
addition to the White Tower, there are 19 other towers. The Thames River flows by one
side of the complex and a large moat, or shallow ditch, surrounds it. Once filled with
water, the moat was drained in 1843 and is now covered with grass.
The Tower of London is the city’s most popular tourist attraction. A great deal of
fascinating history has taken place within its walls. The tower has served as a fortress,
royal residence, prison, royal mint, public records office, observatory, military barracks,
place of execution, and city zoo.
As recently as 1941, the tower was used as a prison for Adolf Hitler’s associate Rudolf
Hess. Although it is no longer used as a prison, the tower still houses the crown jewels
and a great deal of English history.
1. The primary purpose of this passage is to (A) discuss the future of the Tower of London
(B) discuss the ramifications of using the Tower as a prison
(C) argue that the Tower is an improper place for crown jewels
(D) describe and discuss the history of the Tower of London
(E) debate the relative merits of the uses of the Tower in the past to the present
2. All of the following were uses for the Tower of London EXCEPT (A) a place where money was made
(B) a palace for the royals
(C) a place where executions were held
(D) a place of religious pilgrimage
(E) a place where records were stored
3. Which of the following questions is answered by the passage?
(A) What controversy has surrounded the Tower of London?
(B) How much revenue does the Tower generate for England?
(C) In what year did construction on the Tower of London begin?
(D) What is the type of stone used in the Tower of London?
(E) Who was the most famous prisoner in the Tower?
4. When discussing the Tower of London the author’s tone could best be described as
(A) bewildered
(B) objective
(C) overly emotional
(D) envious
(E) disdainful
5. Which of the following does the author imply about Rudolph Hess?
(A) He was executed at the Tower of London.
(B) He was one of the last prisoners in the Tower of London.
(C) He died an untimely death.
(D) He was a tourists attraction.
(E) He was respectful of the great Tower of London.
6. The author would most probably agree that
(A) the Tower of London is useful only as a tourist attraction
(B) the Tower of London could never be built today.
(C) the Tower of London cannot generate enough revenue to justify its expense
(D) the Tower of London has a complex history
(E) the prisoners at the Tower were relatively well treated
Most art enthusiasts agree that Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is the most famous
painting in the world. It is the portrait of a woman, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, a
wealthy Florentine business man. The name roughly translates from Italian to mean
“Madam Lisa” and is a respectful term. Anyone who has ever viewed the painting,
seasoned art critic or inexperienced museum visitor, remembers well its greatest feature
---- Mona Lisa’s smile. It is this smile that has captured the imagination of the millions of
visitors who have seen the painting over the years.
There is something powerful and alluring contained in Mona Lisa’s smile that intrigues all
who see it. The reason for her smile has long been the subject of discussion in the art
world. But perhaps it is the fact that no one knows why she smiles that makes Mona Lisa
the most famous of all paintings. There is something so appealing and recognizably human
about an unexplained smile to which everyone can relate. Furthermore, if we ever tire of
analyzing why Mona Lisa smiles, we can consider how da Vinci managed to capture the
smile. What could he have been thinking while painting? A genuine smile is hard to capture
even in a photograph with a modern camera, yet Leonardo da Vinci managed to capture
this subtle expression in a painting. It is amazing that da Vinci was able to create for
eternity a frozen picture of a smile that in reality lasts less than an instant.
The painting now hangs in the Musee du Louvre in Paris, France. Several different owners
have possessed it at various times throughout history, including Louis XIV and Napoleon.
It was even temporarily in the possession of a former museum employee who stole it in
1911. He was caught in 1913. It is likely that all who held the painting at one time or
another wondered about the Mona Lisa smile, just as today’s museum visitors do. Now
the painting officially belongs to the French government. In some ways, though, it is really
a painting (and a mystery) that belongs to the world.
1. Which of the following best expresses the author’s attitude toward the painting?
(A) It should be well protected so that it is not stolen again.
(B) It is difficult to preserve such old masterpieces.
(C) Its greatest appeal is the mystery surrounding it.
(D) There will never be a painter as great as Leonardo da Vinci again.
(E) Everyone should have a chance to own great art.
2. Which of the following is a fact from the passage?
(A) A good smile lasts only a few seconds.
(B) There is tremendous mystery surrounding which painter created Mona Lisa.
(C) Napoleon donated Mona Lisa to the Musee du Louvre.
(D) There has been some focus on Mona Lisa’s smile in artistic communities.
(E) All art historians agree that Mona Lisa is the greatest work of art in the world.
3. The author implies which of the following?
(A) A painting can be owned, but the powerful effect of a work of art is available to
everyone who see it.
(B) Leonardo da Vinci was hiding a secret that he wished to reveal through his painting.
(C) Mona Lisa has caused much turmoil in the art world due to its peculiar details.
(D) The Musee du Louvre does not have proper equipment in place for capturing modern
(E) The only detail viewers of Mona Lisa can later recall is her smile.
4. The author’s tone can best be described as
(A) appreciative
(B) investigative
(C) artistic
(D) confused
(E) indifferent
Jose Ferrer was known as one of the most successful American film actors of his
generation, but he actually began his career in theater. He was born January 8, 1909 in
Puerto Rico and moved to the United States when he was six years old. His acting skills
were first showcased while he attended Princeton University and performed with the
Triangle Club, a student acting group whose alumni also include Jimmy Stewart and F.
Scott Fitzgerald.
After graduating, Ferrer continued to perform in theater until he made his broadway
debut in 1935 in the play Charley’s Aunt. He had many successful roles on Broadway,
including a role in 1943 when he played the villain Iago in Shakespeare’s play Othello. The
title role of Othello in that production was played by the acclaimed actor Paul Robeson.
With these two powerful performers, Othello became the longest running play in
Broadway history. This record still stands. Ferrer’s greatest role, though, was still to come.
In 1946, Ferrer was cast in the title role of Cyrano de Bergerac. He won the prestigious
Tony award as Cyrano, the tragic hero who fights men with supreme courage but
cowardly hides his love for the beautiful Roxanne. His success in this role led directly to
his repeated performances as Cyrano in a film version (for which he won an Oscar) and a
television version (for which he won an Emmy). He is the only actor to win all three of
those special awards for playing the same role. This feat is all the more remarkable
because Cyrano de Bergerac was known as a desirable role, one that had been played
very well previously by other talented actors.
Through these roles, Ferrer earned a reputation on Broadway as an extremely flexible
actor, talented enough to play many diverse roles. Eight years after his debut in
professional theater, he finally started performing in movies. Once he began appearing in
films, that skill translated into many great performances and memorable roles. His film
career included both acting and directing opportunities and lasted nearly forty years.
1. Which of the following is the primary purpose of the passage?
(A) To discuss the success of Puerto Rican actors on Broadway
(B) To suggest that Jose Ferrer was the best actor ever to play Cyrano de Bergerac
(C) To provide a synopsis of the career of a well-regarded American actor
(D) To contrast the history of theater with the history of television
(E) To compare two great Broadway actors, Paul Robeson and Jose Ferrer
2. The author would most likely agree with which of the following?
(A) Ferrer’s career was long because he was able to play many different roles.
(B) Ferrer regretted waiting years before he became a screen actor.
(C) Princeton University’s Triangle Club allowed Ferrer to learn from Jimmy Stewart and
F. Scott Fitzgerald.
(D) Cyrano de Bergerac is the greatest role ever written for the Broadway stage.
(E) Cyrano de Bergerac was Ferrer’s favorite role to perform.
3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage
(A) Most members of the Triangle Club have successful acting careers.
(B) Ferrer was more honored by his Tony award than by his Emmy or Oscar.
(C) The record-setting run of Othello may have been in part due to Paul Robeson.
(D) Ferrer did not perform again on Broadway after he began performing in movies.
(E) Ferrer’s performance as Cyrano set a record that still stands today.
4. The author would most likely to agree with all of the following EXCEPT
(A) Paul Robeson was seen by some as a very talented actor.
(B) Ferrer is somewhat responsible for the success of the longest-running Broadway after
he began performing in movies.
(C) Some actors consider Cyrano de Bergerac a role they would like to perform.
(D) It is difficult to win prestigious acting awards.
(E) Ferrer’s successful performance in Othello was his first Broadway performance.
5. Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude towrds Jose Ferrer?
(A) Indifference
(B) Envy
(C) Friendship
(D) Isolation
(E) Admiration
• 阅读⽰示例
Lecture Five
成功是 99% 努⼒力 +1% 的灵感
1.成功是 99% 努⼒力 +1% 的灵感
• 分类的总结
Why 的研究
• 科学类⽂文章的做题流程
Twenty percent of all the land on Earth consists of deserts. When most people think of
deserts, they think of searing heat, big sand dunes, and camels. But not all deserts are huge
and piles ---- many are strewn with rocks and some, like those at high altitudes, may
actually be quite cold.
Desert life is interesting and varied as well. Though the desert is a punishing place ---- it is
difficult to find food and water in the desert ---- many animals live there. Because there is
so little water, desert animals have adapted. Camels can survive for days without drinking.
Other animals get their water from the insects and plants they eat.
The extreme temperatures of the desert can make life difficult as well. Many of the
mammals there have thick fur to keep out the heat and the cold. Some desert animals are
nocturnal, sleeping by day and hunting by the night when the air is cooler. It may seem
that all deserts are the same, but they are different as the animals that inhabit them.
1. The passage is primarily about
(A) deserts and desert wildlife
(B) nocturnal animals
(C) plant life of the desert
(D) sources of water in the desert
(E) average desert temperatures
2. Which of the following can be inferred as an example of an adaptation to desert life? (A) The large claws of the lizard
(B) The heavy outer shell of the beetle
(C) The long ears of the hedgehog that give off heat to cool the animal
(D) The large hood of the cobra that scares off predators
(E) The quick speed of the mongoose so that it may catch its prey
3. The style of the passage is most like that found in a(n) (A) scientific thesis
(B) general book on desert life
(C) advanced text on animal adaptions
(D) diary of a naturalist
(E) biography of a desert researcher
⽰示例 1:
4. According to the passage, camels are well adapted to desert life because
(A) they have long legs
(B) they have thick fur that keeps them cool
(C) they have large hooded eyes
(D) they are capable of hunting at night
(E) they can store water for many days
5. According to the passage, some deserts
(A) are filled with lush vegetation
(B) are home to large bodies of water
(C) actually get a good deal of rainfall
(D) can be in a cold climate
(E) are home to large, thriving cities
6. The word “punishing” in line 5 most closely means
(A) beating
(B) harsh
(C) unhappy
(D) deadly
(E) fantastic
Like snakes, lizards, and crocodiles, turtles are reptiles. The earliest fossils recognized as
turtles are about 200 million years old and date from the time when dinosaurs roamed
Earth. Unbelievably, turtles have changed little in appearance since that time.
There are many different types of turtles in many different climates around the world. In
contrast to other reptiles, whose populations are confined largely to the tropics, turtles
are most abundant in southeastern North America and southeastern Asia. They live in
lakes, ponds, salt marshes, rivers, forests, and even deserts. The sizes of turtles vary. Bog
or mud turtles grow no larger than about 4 inches (10 centimeters) long. At the other
end of spectrum is the sea-roving leatherback turtle, which may be more than 6.5 feet (2
meters) in length and weigh more than 1,100 pounds (500 kilograms).
Turtles live longer than most other animals, but reports of turtles living more than a
century are questionable. Several kinds, however, have lived more than 50 years in
captivity. Even in natural environments, box turtles and slider turtles can reach ages of 20
to 30 years, The ages of some turtles can be estimated by counting the growth rings that
form each year on the external bony plates of the shell.
1. The author mentions dinosaurs in the first paragraph to (A) illustrate the age of the turtle fossils
(B) uncover the mystery of turtle origins
(C) show that turtles may become extinct
(D) give an example of the type of predator that turtles once faced
(E) bring the file of the turtle into focus
2. Turtle are different from other reptiles because they
(A) date back to dinosaur times
(B) have not adapted to their environment
(C) live in different climates
(D) are desert dwellers
(E) are good pets
3. When the author discusses the theory that turtles may live to be more than 100, the
tone can best be described as
(A) respectful (B) ridiculing (C) horrified (D) interested (E) skeptical
4. One of the ways to verify the age of a turtle is to (A) measure the turtle
(B) count the rings on its shell
(C) examine the physical deterioration of its shell
(D) weigh the turtle
(E) subtract is weight from its length
5. The author would most probably agree that
(A) turtles are more interesting than other reptiles
(B) there is a lot to be learned about turtles
(C) turtles live longer than any other animal
(D) turtles can be very dangerous
(E) there are no bad turtles
The original Olympic Games started in Greece more than 2,000 years ago. These games
were a religious festival, and, at their height, lasted for five days. Only men could compete,
and the sports included running, wrestling, and chariot racing.
Today’s Olympic Games are quite a bit different. First, there are two varieties: Winter
Olympics and Summer Olympics. They alternate so that there are Olympic Games every
two years. The Olympics are no longer held only in one country. They are hosted by
different cities around the world. The opening ceremony is a spectacular display, usually
incorporating the traditional dances and culture of the host city.
The highlight of the opening ceremony is the lighting of the Olympic flame. Teams of
runners carry the torch from Olympia, the site of the ancient Greek games. Although the
games have changed greatly throughout the centuries, the spirit of competition is still
alive. The flame represents that spirit.
1. The passage is primarily concerned with
(A) justifying the existence of the Olympic Games
(B) explaining all about the games in Ancient Greece
(C) discussing the differences between Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics
(D) comparing the modern Olympic Games to those in Ancient Greece
(E) explaining the process for choosing a host country
2. The author mentions “traditional dances and culture of the host city” in order to (A) give an example of how the opening ceremony is so spectacular
(B) explain the differences among the different host cities
(C) show that Ancient Greek games were quite boring by contrast
(D) make an analogy to the life of the Ancient Greeks
(E) illustrate the complexity of the modern games
3. The author’s tone is the passage can best be described as
(A) disinterested
(B) upbeat
(C) gloating
(D) depressing
(E) fatalistic
4. The lighting of the torch is meant to symbolize (A) the destruction caused in Ancient Greece
(B) the spirit of Ancient Greek competition
(C) the rousing nature of the games
(D) the heat generated in competition
(E) an eternal flame so that the games will continue forever
5. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage (A) Women in ancient Greece did not want to compete in the Olympics.
(B) The Olympics were held every year.
(C) The Olympics used to be held in just one country.
(D) Ice skating is a winter event.
(E) Opening ceremonies today are more spectacular than ones in Greece.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the people of the United States from the people of
France in recognition of the friendship established between the two nations during the
American Revolution. Over the years, the Statue of Liberty has come to symbolize
freedom and democracy, as well as this international friendship.
Sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to design a sculpture with the
year 1876 in mind for completion, to commemorate the centennial of the American
Declaration of Independence. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (designer of the Eiffel Tower) was
called to address the structural issues of Bartholdi’s colossal sculpture. The Statue was a
joint effort between America and France and it was agreed upon that the America people
would build the pedestal, and the French people would be responsible for the Statue and
its assembly here in the United States. Lack of funds was a problem on both sides of the
Atlantic Ocean. In France, public fees, various forms of entertainment, and a lottery were
among the methods used to raise funds. In the United States, benefit theatrical events, art
exhibitions, auctions and prize fights helped to provide the needed funds. When
fundraising for the pedestal lagged, Joseph Pulitzer (noted for the Pulitzer Prize) used the
editorial pages of his newspaper The World to aid in the fundraising effort. Pulitzer’s
campaign of harsh criticism against both the rich, who had failed to finance the pedestal
construction, and the middle class, who were content to rely upon the wealthy to provide
the funds, was successful in motivating the people of America to donate.
Financing for the pedestal was completed in August 1885, and pedestal construction was
finished in April of 1886. The Statue was completed in France in July 1884 and arrived in
New York Harbor in June, 1885, on board the French frigate Isere. In transit, the Statue
was reduced to 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates. The Statue was reassembled on her new pedestal in four months time. On October 28, 1886, in front of
thousands of spectators, President Grover Cleveland accepted the Statue on behalf of the
United States. She was a centennial gift ten years late.
1. According to the passage, the Statue of Liberty was intended to celebrate the (A) centennial of the Declaration of Independence
(B) end of the Civil War
(C) end of hostilities between France and the United States
(D) start of the twentieth century
(E) dawn of a new era of international cooperation
2. In line 8, which word can be substituted for “address” without changing the meaning of
(A) speak to !
(B) focus on (C) forward
(D) lecture
(E) label
3. From his actions, it can be inferred that Joseph Pulitzer’s attitude toward the Statue of
Liberty was
(A) openly hostile
(B) extremely cautious
(C) enthusiastically supportive
(D) completely neutral
(E) overly critical
4. According to the passage, the Statue of Liberty symbolizes
I. democracy
II. freedom
III. international friend ship
IV. a treaty between the United Stated and France
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and III only
(D) I, II and III only
(E) I, II, III and IV
5. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT:
(A) The United States agreed to finance and build the pedestal.
(B) Bartholdi needed to help with structural issues of the statue.
(C) Joseph Pulitzer was instrumental in raising money for the pedestal.
(D) The designer of the Eiffel Tower was called in to help raise funds for the project.
(E) The statue was completed in France before the pedestal was fully funded.
6. The main purpose of the passage is to
(A) inform the reader about the history of the Statue of Liberty
(B) describe how Bartholdi designed the Statue of Liberty
(C) compare fundraising efforts in the United States and France
(D) defend the use of newspaper editorials to help raise funds for the project
(E) explain how the Statue of Liberty was assembled on her pedestal
The summer holidays! Those magic words! The mere mention of them used to send
shivers of joy rippling over my skin. All my summer holidays, from when I was four years
old to when I was seventeen (1920 to 1932), were idyllic. This, I am certain, was because
we always went to the same idyllic place, and that place was Norway.
Except for my ancient half-sister and my not-quite-so-ancient half-brother, the rest of us
were all pure Norwegian by blood. We all spoke Norwegian and all our relations lived
over there. So in a way, going to Norway every summer was like going home.
Even the journey was an event. Do not forget that there were no commercial aeroplanes
in those times, so it took us four whole days to complete the trip out and another four
days to get home again.
1. The author’s goal in writing was to express
(A) his affection for Norway
(B) his dislike of his half-sister and half-brother
(C) dismay at the drudgery of the journey
(D) how different life was back then
(E) his realization that the trip was so long
2. The author uses the word “idyllic” in the first paragraph to mean
(A) scary
(B) pleasant
(C) religious
(D) cold
(E) boring
3. The author uses the analogy that “going to Norway every summer was like going
home” to illustrate
(A) how much he dreaded the journey
(B) how frequently they went to Norway
(C) why his half-sister and half-brother were going along
(D) how long they stayed in Norway
(E) how happy and comfortable he was there
4. The author mentions the length of the trip in order to (A) make the reader sympathetic to his plight
(B) make the reader understand why the trip was an adventure
(C) help the reader visualize the boredom that he faced
(D) give the reader some sympathy for the half-sister and half-brother
(E) help the reader visualize Norway
By day the bat is cousin to the mouse;
He likes the attic of an aging house.
His fingers make a hat about his head.
His pulse-beat is so slow we think him dead.
He loops in crazy figures half the night
Among the trees that face the corner light.
But when he brushes up against a screen,
We are afraid of what our eyes have seen;
For something is amiss or out of place
When mice with wings can wear a human face.
---- Theodore Roethke
1. The “hat” referred to in line 3 is meant to refer to (A) the attic of the house
(B) the bat’s head
(C) the bat’s wings
(D) the death of the bat
(E) the mouse
2. The passage uses which of the following to describe the bat?
I. The image of a winged mouse
II. The image of a vampire
III. The way he flies
(A) I only
(B) I and II only
(C) II and III only
(D) I and III only
(E)I, II and III
3. The author mentions the “crazy figures” in line 5 to refer to
(A) the comic notion of a mouse with wings
(B) the pattern of the bat’s flight
(C) the shape of the house
(D) the reason the bat appears dead
(E) the trees in the yard
4. The author would most probably agree with which of the following statements?
(A) Bats are useful animals.
(B) Bats are related to mice.
(C) Bats are feared by many.
(D) Most people have bats in their attic
(E) Bats are uninteresting phenomenon.
• 思考:还有更有效的⽅方法吗?
Lecture Six
对成功最重要的 1% 的灵感
SSAT ⽅方法⼤大讨论:⾃自⼰己的灵感
1.对成功最重要的 1% 的灵感
成功是 99% 努⼒力 +1% 的灵感,⽽而 1% 的灵感才是最重要的
⽣生活中的 28 原则
-曾经的记忆:2 的学习
-考考你的思维:B 亏了吗
2.SSAT ⽅方法⼤大讨论:⾃自⼰己的灵感
Why 和 how 对⽐比
-why : 研究清楚每道题的原因,是在没有时间压⼒力下的思考过程
-how : 研究如何快速的获得结果,是在有时间压⼒力时的思维习惯
• 官⽅方资料的理解
Typical lemurs are primates with bodies similar to those of monkeys but with pointed
muzzles and large eyes; most have long, bushy tails. Their fur is wolly and may be colored
red, different from the Latin lemurs, the Roman name for vampire-like ghosts of the dead,
which these large-eyed creatures were thought to resemble. Found only off the east coast
of Africa on the island of Madagascar and neighboring islands, lemurs spend some time on
the ground but most often are in the trees, building nests high in the branches. Besides
leaves, lemurs eat eggs, fruit, insects, and small animals. They are active throughout the day
and night and are reputed to be gentle, friendly creatures. Besides typical lemurs, the
lemur family includes avahi, aye-aye, loris and galogo.
However, contrary to popular belief, the so-called flying lemur is not even a primate,
much less a true lemur; it is, in fact, a member of an altogether different order of
mammals known as Dermoptera.
1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? (A) The Lemur: Friend or Enemy?
(B) Madagascar’s Loneliest Creature
(C) The Lie of Flying Lemurs
(D) Facts about Lemurs
(E) The Diet of the Lemur
2. The passage is most likely to be found in a !
(A) biology textbook
(B) zoologists letter
(C) fiction about Madagascar
(D) historical essay
(E) tourist’s guidebook
3. According to the passage, all of the following are true about Lemur EXCEPT (A) much of their time is spent in trees
(B) most Lemurs have long, bushy tails
(C) many people believe the flying lemur is a true lemur
(D) they eat only fruits and leaves
(E) the body of the lemur resembles the body of the monkey !
4. The passage suggests that
(A) the typical lemur is a member of Dermoptera
(B) the word lemur comes from Italian
(C) the lemur is not an aggressive animal
(D) monkeys often have larger eyes than typical lemurs
(E) flying lemurs can only be found off the east coast of Africa
5. What is the meaning of the underlined words “resemble”?
(A) come from
(B) be similar to (C) enjoy
(D) die for
Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with her
husband, Pierre, she discovered radium, an element widely used for treating cancer, and
studied uranium and other radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie’s amicable
collaboration later helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.
Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a professor of physics.
At a early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a blithe personality. Her great
exuberance for learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high school. She
became disgruntled, however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed
to women. Determined to receive a higher education, she defiantly left Poland and in
1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French university, where she earned her master’s degree
and doctorate in physics.
Marie was fortunate to have studied at the Sorbonne with some of the greatest scientists
of her day, one of whom was Pierre Curie. Marie and Pierre were married in 1895 and
spent many productive years working together in the physics laboratory. A short time
after they discovered radium, Pierre was killed by a horse-drawn wagon in 1906. Marie
was stunned by this horrible misfortune and endured heartbreaking anguish.
Despondently she recalled their close relationship and the joy that they had shared in
scientific research. The fact that she had two young daughters to raise by herself greatly
increased her distress.
Curies’s feeling of desolation finally began to fade when she was asked to succeed her
husband as a physics professor at the Sorbonne. She was the first woman to be given a
professorship at the world-famous university. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in
chemistry for isolating radium. Although Marie Curie eventually suffered a fatal illness
from her long exposure to radium, she never became disillusioned about her work.
Regardless of the consequences, she had dedicated herself to science and to revealing the
mysteries of the physical world.
1. The passage is mainly about
(A) accomplishments made by Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre
(B) summary of life and contribution of Marie Curie
(C) how Marie studied at the Sorbonne
(D) famous female scientists from 1800s to 1900s
(E) Nobel Prize winner and the first woman to be given a professorship
2. What’s the meaning of “disgruntled” in passage 2?
(A) annoyed
(B) display
(C) competitive
(D) determining
(E) interested
3. According to the passage, the author would most likely to DISAGREE that
(A) The Curies’ friendly collaboration helped to unlock the secrets of the atom.
(B) Marie had a bright mind and a lighthearted personality.
(C) Marie left Poland and traveled to France to enter the Sorbonne.
(D) Marie began to feel desolated when she returned to the Sorbonne to succeed her
(E) Marie won the Nobel Prize in 1911 for her contribution to chemistry.
4. The style of the passage is most like that found in a (A) newspaper article
(B) biography for celebrity
(C) passage in an encyclopedia
(D) chemistry textbook
(E) cookbook
5. The tone of the passage can be best described as:
(A) admiring
(B) informality
(C) ambivalent
(D) anger
(E) reminiscence
How did the earliest, most primitive forms of life begin? Let’s start with the formation of
the earth 4.5 billion years ago. We can allow the first few hundred million years to pass
while the Earth settles down to more or less its present state. It cools down and
squeezes out an ocean and an atmosphere. The surrounding hydrogen is swept away by
the solar wind, and the rain of meteors out of which the Earth was formed dwindles and
virtually ceases.
Then, perhaps 4,000 million years ago, the Earth is reasonably quiet and the period of
“chemical evolution” begins. The first live molecules are small ones made up of two to
five atoms each ---- the simplest form of life we can imagine ---- a single-strand RNA
In 1954 a chemistry student, Stanley Lloyd Miller, made a fascinating discovery that shed
light on the passage from a substance that is definitely unloving to one that is, in however
simple a fashion, alive. He began with a mixture of water, ammonia, methane, and
hydrogen (material he believed to have been present on the Earth at its beginning). He
made sure his mixture was sterile and had no life of any kind in it. He then circulated it
past an electric discharge (to mimic the energy sources roiling the planet at that time). At
the end of the week, he analyzed his solution and found that some of its small molecules
had been built up to larger ones. Among these larger molecules were glycine and alanine,
the two simplest of the twenty amino acids. This was the first proof that organic material
could have been formed from the inanimate substances that existed on Earth so long ago.
1. According to the passage, when does the earth settle down to more or less its present
(A) 4.5 billion years ago
(B) first few hundred million years
(C) 4,000 million years ago
(D) around 4.0 billion years ago
(E) in 1954
2. Why does the author name the changes on earth 4,000 million years ago as “chemical
(A) it is our imagination
(B) the initial life form made by molecule appears
(C) molecules are small ones
(D) strand RNA molecule comes as the only form of life
(E) an amazing ocean and an fantastic atmosphere can be found at that time
3. All of the following are assumed by Stanley Lloyd Miller to be on Earth from the
beginning EXCEPT
(A) water
(B) ammonia
(C) methane
(D) oxygen
(E) hydrogen
4. All of the following can be inferred from the passage EXCEPT?
(A) there used to be rain of meteors out of which the Earth was formed
(B) 3 atoms are able to form a live molecule
(C) Stanley Lloyd Miller believes that electric discharge is similar to the energy sources
roiling the planet
(D) before 1954, there is no evidence that inanimate substance on earth can form organic
material (E) glycine and alanine are larger than the other eighteen animo acids
5. Which of the following is the author most likely to discuss next?
(A) more recent proof and studies of how the earliest life is formed.
(B) the academic background and future development of Stanley Lloyd Miller.
(C) researches on glycine and alanine and other animo acids.
(D) the theories behind the chemical evolution.
(E) the reason that surrounding hydrogen is swept away by the solar wind.
Unlike photographers on Earth, astronauts have the opportunity to take photographs
from unprecedented perspectives. However, the fairly easy task of taking a photograph on
Earth is much more arduous in space. Zero gravity makes it difficult to stand still, but at
least it makes it easy to move heavy camera equipment. On a more fundamental level, the
spacesuits and other accessories worn by astronauts prove to be very cumbersome when
trying to snap the shutter. Other technicalities also make space photography less than
straightforward. For example, photos could be blurred by dirt on windows, and there is
always the risk of damaging film due to exposure to just a small amount of radiation.
1. The author’s primary purpose is to (A) praise astronauts who have the ambition to be a qualified photographer
(B) overcome opposition to damage film due to exposure to radiation
(C) critique the process of standing against zero gravity and holding the spacesuits
(D) establish the importance of the astronauts who take photograph in space
(E) illustrate the difficulties faced by people taking pictures in space
2. What is the meaning of the underlined word “cumbersome” in the passage?
(A) dirty
(B) heavy
(C) fundamental
(D) straightforward
(E) generous
3. It can be inferred from the passage that
(A) experience of taking photograph on Earth is not as useful when in space.
(B) it is worse to have dirt on a window than to have film exposed to radiation.
(C) the absence of gravity is a big challenge faced by astronauts.
(D) astronauts are jealous of photographers who take photographs on Earth.
(E) opportunities to take photographs in space are more abundant than on Earth.
4. According to the passage, all of the following would affect space photography EXCEPT
(A) bulky clothing and gloves
(B) dirty windows
(C) moving heavy equipment
(D) film exposed to radiation
(E) floating in zero gravity
• 谁才是你最⼤大的竞争对⼿手?
Lecture Seven
• 速度是成功的关键!
• 效率决定速度
• 充分性做题法的低效性
• 必要性做题法的⾼高效性
• 作业
• 什么是效率?
• 什么是充分性做题法?
• 什么是必要性做题法?
Do not try to puzzle your reader unnecessarily; a puzzled reader is an antagonistic reader.
Do not expect readers to guess why a character does something or how it happens that
some remark is made. It may be that you want readers to stop and wonder for a minute;
if so make it perfectly clear that everything is going to be all right later on. If you want
readers to be troubled by a nagging question, and go through a part of your story with a
kind of expectancy, let one of your characters do something outrageous ---- turn, perhaps,
and throw an apple core through an open window. But then be sure that before your
story is finished you explain in some manner that inside the open window lives the
character’s great-uncle, who keeps a monkey who devours apple cores and catches them
on the fly as they come through the window. Readers bring with them a great body of
knowledge which you may assume, but they must rely on you for all information
necessary to the understanding of this story which, after all, you have written.
1. The author assumes that a successful writer must (A) anticipate the reader’s responses
(B) challenge the reader’s beliefs
(C) acknowledge the reader’s sophistication
(D) ignore the reader’s shortcomings
(E) share the reader’s convictions
2. The underlined word “assume” most likely means (A) receive
(B) seize
(C) take responsibility for
(D) pretend to have
(E) take for granted
3. The tone of this passage is most likely to be described as (A) ambivalent
(B) gratitude
(C) somber
(D) didactic
(E) hostile
4. What is the reason for the author to make the character throw an apple core through
an open window?
(A) because a monkey that lives inside the open window always eat apple and throws
cores for fun.
(B) because the character’s great-uncle is going to open the window.
(C) because readers bring with them a great body of knowledge which depends on the
writers to explain.
(D) because this outrageous action can make readers go on reading with questions and
(E) because the author should be sure that his story has been finished before.
5. The passage is most likely to be found in a(n)
(A) encyclopedia
(B) historical essay on American writers
(C) romantic stories from 19th century
(D) a father’s letter for his son
(E) workbook for creative writers
To imagine lake Vostok, you must first envision a great lake in a living landscape, a week’s
walk from end to end, too wide to see across from the highest hills on its flanks. Now
simplify. Erase the surrounding woods and fields; hide the encircling hills. Remove the
changing seasons and the replenishing rain. Shut out the sky. Leave only the waters, the
minerals, the muddy depths. The trap, squeeze, and estrange them from everything that
lives and dies. From your creation emerges a simple world that hungers for more.
To scientists, Lake Vostok, beneath 2.5 miles of solid ice, is unbearably attractive. If it ever
had a direct link with the air above it, that connection ended some millions of years ago.
Its sediments contain a unique record of Antarctica’s climate that could revolutionize the
science of the frozen continent. There could be prehistoric life in its waters, an indigenous
ecosystem surviving with few resources ---- no sunlight, the tiniest of flesh-food inputs
---- and spurring adaptations never seen before. Were Lake Vostok open to the rest of the
world, its faint records and fragile life-forms would have been overwritten long ago.
Vostok’s existence was unknown until 30 years ago, when radar and seismographs
allowed scientists to piece together a map. The first hints of water under the ice were
detected in the 1970s; much later, in the early 1990s, satellites and data from earlier
seismic surveys revealed Lake Vostok’s full extent. In 1995, a borehole was drilled from
Russia’s Vostok station quite by chance, long before anyone suspected something
important might be below. The borehole came within 400 feet of entering the lake, but
the drillers stopped short of breaking through to the waters beneath.
1. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) encourage further exploration of a living landscape
(B) discuss the fragility of an Antarctic lake as a simple world
(C) examine theories about the possibility of lake Vostok
(D) Introduce the significance and earlier discovery of lake Vostok
(E) describe the beautiful sightseeing places of lake Vostok
2. The opening sentence of the passage emphasizes Lake Vostok’s
(A) isolation
(B) vastness
(C) beauty
(D) diversity
(E) depth
3. The underlined word “simple” most nearly means
(A) naive
(B) demure
(C) fundamental
(D) common (E) unconditional
4. According to the passage, which is true about the lake Vostok?
(A) Its faint records and fragile life-forms would have been overwritten long ago.
(B) In 1970s, a borehole was frilled from Russia’s Vostok station.
(C) It is beneath 2.5 kilometers of solid ice.
(D) Scientists have overwritten its records long ago.
(E) Scientists come to know Vostok’s existence three decades ago.
5. All of the following are the reasons Lake Vostok is unbearably attractive to scientists
(A) Its fragile life-forms and faint records have been overwritten long ago.
(B) Its water may contain early forms of life.
(C) A peculiar record of Antarctica’s climate can be found in its sediments.
(D) The spurring adaptations in Lake Vostok is special.
(E) It’s an ecosystem surviving in rigid environment.
6. Which of the following is the author most likely to discuss next?
(A) Other lakes as famous as Lake Vostok
(B) Drillers started again to break through to the waters beneath
(C) The further exploration of Lake Vostok
(D) A description of what Lake Vostok was like in prehistoric times
(E) Other attractions of Lake Vostok in scientists’ discussion
Tea is consumed by more people and in greater amounts than other beverage in the
world, with the exception of water. The tea plant, from whose leaves tea is made, is native
to India, China, and Japan and was first cultivated for use by the Chinese in prehistoric
times. The plant, which is characterized as an evergreen, can reach a height of about thirty
feet but is usually pruned down to three or four feet for cultivation. It has dark green
leaves and cream-colored, fragrant blossoms.
Cultivation of the tea plant requires a great deal of effort. The plant must grow in a warm,
wet climate in a carefully protected, well-drained area. Its leaves must be picked by hand.
Cultivation in North America has been attempted, but was found to be impractical
because of a shortage of cheap labor. Today, the plant is cultivated in the lands to which it
is native, as well as in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Taiwan, and South America.
Tea was probably first used as a vegetable relish and for medicinal purpose. In the 1400s
Chinese and Japanese Buddhists developed a semi-religious ceremony surrounding teadrinking. It was not until after 1700, however, that it was first imported into Europe. Today,
the United Kingdom imports more tea than does any other nation ---- almost one third
of the world’s production. The United States is also a large importer, but Americans have
seemed to prefer coffee ever since the famous Boston Tea Party in 1773.
1. This passage is primarily about
(A) the use of the tea plant
(B) the tea trade
(C) the tea plant
(D) the cultivation of the tea plant
(E) tea-drinking throughout history
2. Which of the following statements is mentioned in the passage?
(A) Tea plant was first cultivated in India in prehistoric time.
(B) Tea is the largest import of the United Kingdom.
(C) South America is one of the countries that tea plant is native to.
(D) Tea plant has smell-less flowers.
(E) Tea plant grows well in well-drained soil.
3. Why a large supply of cheap labor important for the cultivation of tea?
(A) Since the tea plant can reach a height of about thirty feet.
(B) Since the tea plant is hand picked.
(C) Since the tea can be used as a vegetable relish and for medicinal purpose.
(D) Since the tea plant can only be cultivated in the lands to which it is native.
(E) Since many workers are transporting tea from China to Europe.
4. All of the following are agreed by the author EXCEPT that
(A) tea is consumed by more people and in greater amounts than other beverage in the
(B) the tea plant is described as an evergreen
(C) warm climate and carefully protection are required for the tea plant to grow well
(D) the famous Boston Tea Party is held in 1773 in USA
(E) tea wasn’t initially consumed as beverage
5. Which of the following is the author most likely to discuss next?
(A) the details of the Boston Tea Party
(B) other examples of plants drunk by Chinese people
(C) current trends in tea consumption
(D) a description of tea plant in prehistoric times
(E) question the significance of tea plant
Madman’s Song
Better to see your cheek grown hollow,
Better to see your temple worn,
3 Than to forget to follow, follow,
After the sound of a silver horn,
Better to bind your brow with willow,
And follow, follow until you die,
7 Than to sleep with your head on a golden pillow,
Nor lift it up when the hunt goes by.
Better to see your cheek grown sallow,
And your hair grown gray, so soon, so soon,
11 Than to forget to hallo, hallo,
After the milk-white hounds of the moon.
1. Given the context, the word “hallo” (line 11) is probably meant to convey which of the
following? !
(A) A form of greeting
(B) Another form of the word “hallow” (line 1)
(C) An echo
(D) A sound that hounds might make such as baying at the moon
(E) A variation on the word “halo”
2. The attitude of the author toward the reader is best described as
(A) openly hostile
(B) gently insistent
(C) didactic
(D) ambivalent
(E) disgusted
3. In this poem, the images are meant to convey which of the following?
I. someone who has been committed to an insane asylum
II. someone who has lost passion for life
III. someone who has been filled with passion
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) II and III only
(D) III only
(E) I, II, and III
4. The author uses “the sound of a silver horn” to compare to
(A) kind of a traditional music
(B) a story told by grandmother with silver hair
(C) calls from one’s dream and goal
(D) imagination of the song in the ancient time
(E) noise in author’s ears
5. The author is mostly likely addressing the poem to someone
(A) who has lost touch with what is important
(B) who is ashamed of her background
(C) who has become very wealthy
(D) who is about to die
(E) who is vain
• 什么是真正最有效的⽅方法?
Lecture Eight
• 超越⾃自我是成功的保证!
• 考场状态下的成功
• 临场状态练习法
• 作业
• 再⼀一次的突破
• 临场状态的分析
• 模拟临场
Although eating too much fat has been shown to be harmful, some fat is essential in the
human diet. Fat helps in the absorption of some vitamins, provides our bodies with
insulation, and is a source of energy. And eating some fat in a meal helps people to feel full
for a longer period of time, so they will not want to snack between meals. But not all fat
is healthy. There are two kinds of fat, saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fat is the kind
of fat that is usually solid at room temperature. It is found in meat and dairy products.
This kind of fat is very high in calories, and it raises the blood cholesterol level. High
blood cholesterol can clog the arteries, which may lead to heart attacks.
There are two types of unsaturated fat. One type, called polyunsaturated, or “essential
fatty acid”, is found in fish, sunflower seeds, corn oil, and walnuts. Some research suggests
that essential fatty acid help to prevent heart disease and aid in healthy brain function and
vision. Monounsaturated fat can lower cholesterol levels. However, even though some fat
is needed, dietary guidelines suggest that no more than 30% of calories in a person’s diet
should come from fat.
1. According to the passage, all of the following are the benefit of some fat EXCEPT
(A) it extends the time before we feel hungry
(B) it provides heat for our body
(C) it assists our body to adopt some vitamins
(D) it helps us to prevent from heart disease
(E) it can make us solid at room temperature
2. Unsaturated fats could be found in all of the following EXCEPT
(A) walnuts pie
(B) tuna salad
(C) olive
(D) sausages
(E) peanut jam
3. The best title for this passage is (A) Why Fat is Harmful
(B) Types of Two Different Fat
(C) How to get fat in food
(D) The Role of Fat
(E) Benefits of Unsaturated Fat
4. According to the passage,
(A) all fats contain the same amount of calories
(B) monounsaturated fat has the smallest number of calories
(C) saturated fatty acid is one type of unsaturated fat
(D) essential fatty acid is one type of unsaturated fat
(E) 30% of calories in a person’s diet is suggested to adopt from fat
We live in a small town in Monmouth shire, at the head of one of the coal valleys. !
Unemployment was endemic there, and enforced leisure gave rise to protracted bouts of
philosophy and politics. Most men leaned toward politics, since it gave an appearance of
energy and deceived some people into believing they possessed power and influence. It
was, if you like, political theory, imaginative and vituperative. The hills about our town
were full of men giving their views an airing; eloquence was commonplace.
True power lay in the hands of a small group ---- the aldermen and councilors of the
town. To a man, they sold insurance and were prosperous. This was because they ran the
municipal transport, the public parks and gardens, the collection of taxes, the whole
organization of local government in the town and its surrounding villages. They hired and
fired, dispensed and took away.
They were so corrupt that the Mafia never got a toehold among us. Those Italian boys
would have starved. In order to get anywhere in out town, you had to buy insurance.
When teachers, for example, got their salaries at the end of the month, most of them
paid heavy insurance. The remainder of the teachers was the sons and daughters of
1. In the context of the passage, the underlined word “airing” means
(A) open and public
(B) breathing and breezing
(C) white and open
(D) discussion and debates
(E) commonplace
2. According to the passage, the powerful people in town all
(A) open parks
(B) smoke cigars
(C) teach school
(D) own antiques
(E) sell insurance
3. The attitude of the writer toward the aldermen and councilors of the town is (A) cheerful
(B) apologetic
(C) suspicious
(D) unfavorable
(E) calculating
4. Why do the teachers in the last
(A) They are in poor health.
(B) They can be free of starvation.
(C) They can have freedom in transportation if they have the insurances.
(D) They want to get financial security.
(E) Laws make them to pay the insurances.
5. According to the passage, all of the following are reasons why the aldermen and
councilors of the town have power EXCEPT
(A) They are in charge of the transportation in the town.
(B) They run the local government.
(C) They pay taxes and hire employees.
(D) They run public places like parks and gardens.
(E) They have power over the town’s surrounding villages.
6. Which of the following is true about the town?
I. The town is controlled by a small group who sell insurances.
II. The teachers in the town have high salaries.
III. The transportation in the town is very convenient
(A) I only
(B) I and II only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III
The Second World War was a watershed event for all Americans. It brought the Great
Depression to an end and marked the beginning of significant social and political changes
for women and racial minorities. Chinese American women played an important role in
these long-term changes.
Encouraged by motives ranging from Chinese nationalism to American patriotism,
Chinese American women initiated an outpouring of highly organized activities in such
areas as fund-raising, propaganda, civil defense, and Red Cross work. While some women
in San Francisco’s Chinatown joined in the armed services, many others went to work in
businesses outside their neighborhood and in defense industries for the first time.
1. The passage is mainly about
(A) the contributions of Chinatown to the war effort
(B) different jobs held by women during the Second World War
(C) how the Second World War ended the Great Depression
(D) how the Second World War affected Chinese American women
(E) how the feminism influenced Chinese American women
2. The author’s attitude toward Chinese American women can be best described as
(A) confused
(B) envious
(C) sarcastic
(D) sympathetic
(E) appreciative
3. It is most likely that Chinese American women set going well-organized activities during
the Second World War because
(A) they were concerned about their own property
(B) they wanted to take care of their family
(C) they were forced by the American government
(D) they were eager to devote themselves to a country
(E)they had to fight against the Great Depression
4. According to the passage, all of the following is mentioned to be possible jobs taken by
Chinese American women during the Second World War EXCEPT
(A) raising money for national defense (B) tending elders in their neighborhood
(C) working in military factories
(D) nursing wounded soldiers
(E) promoting the patriotic spirit
5. It can be inferred from the passage that “armed services” is most likely to be found in (A) the neighborhood of Chinatown
(B) San Francisco’s Red Cross work
(C) business industries
(D) the front line of Second World War
(E) Chinese organized activities
6. This passage is most likely found in a(n) (A) novel written in World War Two
(B) textbook on American history
(C) letter to a beloved family member
(D) autobiography of a famous person
(E) editorial in a newspaper in 1940s
It hung in Napoleon’s bedroom until moving to the Louvre in 1804. It caused traffic jams
in New York for seven weeks as 1.6 million people jostled to see it. In Tokyo viewers were
allowed ten seconds each. The object of all this attention was the world’s most famous
portrait, the Mona Lisa.
Historically, its subject was nobody special, probably the wife of a Florentine merchant
named Giocondo. But her portrait set the standard for High Renaissance paintings in
many important ways. The use of perspective, which created the illusion of depth behind
Mona Lisa’s head, and triangular composition established the importance of geometry in
painting. It diverged from the stiff, profile portraits that had been the norm by displaying
the subject in a relaxed, nature, three-quarter pose.
One of the first easel paintings intended to be framed and hung on a wall, the Mona Lisa
fully realized the potential of the new oil medium, Instead of proceeding from outlined
figures, as painters did before, Leonardo modeled features through light and shadow.
Starting with dark undertones, he built the illusion of three-dimensional features through
layers and layers of thin, transparent glazes. This technique rendered the whole, as
Leonardo said, “without lines of borders, in the manner of smoke.” His colors ranged
from light to dark in a continuous gradation of subtle tones, without crisp separating
edges. The forms seemed to emerge from, and melt into,shadows.
1. The main purpose of this passage is to (A) illustrate the characteristics and the value of a well-known masterpiece
(B) introduce the painting technique of an important genre
(C) describe the contribution of a distinguished artist
(D) discuss the influence of an artistic reform
(E) refute the norm of an aesthetic practice
2. The author cites Napoleon’s bedroom to illustrate the (A) ambition of Napoleon
(B) fame of the Mona Lisa
(C) mystery of the Mona Lisa
(D) long history of the Mona Lisa
(E) political use of the Mona Lisa
3. By mentioning the identity of Giocondo, the model of Mona Lisa, the author contrasts
(A) humble origins and her portrait’s monetary value
(B) uncomely appearance and her portrait’s beauty
(C) ordinary status and her portrait’s artistic importance
(D) immoral habit and her portrait’s fame
(E) early death and her portrait’s eternity
4. According to the passage, the traditional principle on displaying subject is characterized
as (A) romantic
(B) rigid
(C) loose
(D) free
(E) illusive
5. The passage lists which of the following as feature of the Mona Lisa?
I. graze layers
II. subtle change
III. imposing backdrop
IV. outlined figure
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) I, II and III only
(E) I and IV only
6. As it is used in paragraph 2, the underline word “diverge” most nearly means (A) differ
(B) display
(C) symbolize
(D) build
(E) come
• 倚天屠⻰龙记的暗⽰示
Lecture Nine
• 返璞归真的总结是成功的升华!
SSAT 阅读究竟是考什么的?
2.SSAT 阅读究竟是考什么的?
• 求同求异逻辑
-⼆二分法在 SSAT 阅读的应⽤用
There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any courses like a page
Of prancing poetry
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!
---- There Is No Frigate Like A Book 1890
1. The poem implies
(A) boats are unlike books
(B) it is better to have a vehicle for the body than for the mind
(C) there are more books than boats
(D) books are excellent ways to experience the world
(E) the author values the practical over the frivolous
2. In line 3, “coursers” most nearly means
(A) swift horses
(B) slow skiffs
(C) text books
(D) ancient chariots
(E) poetic device
3. The speaker’s tone is best described as (A) cheerfully lecturing
(B) forcefully instructive
(C) tirelessly proactive
(D) gently persuasive
(E) selfishly sincere
4. Which of the following does the poem imply
(A) The poor are less likely to travel than the rich.
(B) Saved money should be put forward travel.
(C) Literature is an inexpensive means of escape.
(D) Literature should be free.
(E) Literature can touch a person’s soul.
The Taft-Hartley Act, passed by the United States Congress in 1947, gave states the power
to enact “right-to-work” law that prohibits union shop ( 必须加⼊入公会条款 )
agreements. According to such an agreement, a labor union talks for wages and working
conditions for all workers in a business, and all workers are required to belong to the
union. Since 1947, 20 states have adopted right-to-work laws. Much of the research
concerning right-to-work laws implies that such law has not actually had a significant
impact. This point of view, however, has not gone uncriticized. Thomas Carroll said that
the conclusions drawn by previous researchers are limited on the assumption that, unless
right-to-work laws significantly reduce union membership within a state, they have no
effect. Carroll argues that the right-to-work laws “do matter” in that such laws make
differences in real wages across states. Specifically, Carroll indicates that while right-towork laws may not “destroy” union by reducing the absolute number of unionized
workers, they do stop the spread of unions and thereby reduce wages within right-towork states. Because the counteracting power of unions is weakened in right-to-work
states, manufacturers and their suppliers can act jointly in competitive labor markets, thus
lowering wages in the affected industries.
1. This passage is primarily to
(A) refute the criticism
(B) validate the justice of a judgment
(C) introduce the content of an agreement
(D) compare the points of two groups of lawyers
(E) illustrate the mechanism by which unions influence wages
2. “Right-to-work” law in this passage is enacted to
(A) free workers from unions
(B) introduce workers to unions
(C) improve working condition for workers
(D) help supplier against manufacturers
(E) launch counterattack against criticizers
3. Both Carroll and previous researchers in this passage agree that “right-to-work” law (A) hardly made any influence
(B) effectively prohibited union shop agreement
(C) importantly increased the wage of workers
(D) notably weakened the competitiveness of workers
(E) insignificantly affected the number of union members
4. The passage suggests that in term of worker’s wages, the spread of unions is (A) useless
(B) harmful
(C) beneficial
(D) dispensable
(E) unhelpful
5. According to the passage, Carroll’s attitude toward “previous researchers” is likely to
(A) condemnation
(B) appreciation
(C) indifference
(D) opposition
(E) sarcasm
6. In right-to-work state, the following statements can be inferred from the passage
(A) some workers do not belong to the labor union
(B) some workers are not included in the negotiations of the labor union
(C) manufacturers have bigger influence on workers’ wages than the past
(D) the membership in labor unions stops to increase
(E) union shop agreement is held to some degree
Between 1910 and 1930, over ten percent of the Black population of the United States
migrated to the North. It has been frequently assumed, but not proved, that the majority
of the migrants in what has come to be called the Great Migration came from rural areas
and were motivated by two factors: the collapse of the cotton industry following the boll
weevil infestation, and the increased demand for labor following the stop of European
immigration caused by the First World War in 1914. This led to the conclusion that the
migrants’ lack of economic mobility afterwards is tied to rural background that implies
unfamiliarity with urban living and a lack of industrial skills.
But who actually left the South has never been completely investigated. Although
numerous investigations document a movement from rural southern areas to southern
cities prior to the Great Migration, no one has considered whether the same migrants
then moved on to northern cities. In 1910 ten percent of the Black work force reported
themselves in “manufacturing and mechanical jobs”. The Great Migration could easily have
been made up entirely of this group. It is perhaps surprising that an employed population
could be motivated to move, but an explanation lies in the labor conditions in the South.
About thirty-five percent of the urban Black population in the South was engaged in
skilled trades. Some were from the old artisan class of slavery, which had had a monopoly
of certain trades, but they were gradually being pushed out by competition. The remaining
sixty-five percent, more recently urbanized, worked in newly developed industries. Wages
in the South, however, were low, and Black workers were aware that they could earn
more even as unskilled workers in the North than they could as artisans in the South.
After the boll weevil infestation, urban Black workers faced competition from both Black
and White rural workers. Thus, a move north would be seen as advantageous to a group
that was already urbanized and steadily employed.
1. What is the primary purpose of this passage?
(A) showing evidence to a doubtable viewpoint
(B) giving examples of a wide-spread phenomenon
(C) finding the motivation of a historical action
(D) challenging the validity of an early conclusion
(E) explaining the economic status of a group of people
2. According to the author, the urbanized and employed Black population moves to the
north mainly because of
(A) meager wage and fierce competition in the South
(B) good salary and equal working opportunities in the North
(C) ongoing technical reform and emerging civic revolution in the North
(D) collapsing cotton industry and boring working condition in the South
(E) decreasing European migration and increasing living pressure in the South
3. Which of the following is most likely to be true when urbanize Black migrated to
(A) They would suffer the lack of industrial skills.
(B) They would have lower income than in the south.
(C) They would find their white colleagues friendly.
(D) They could hardly adapt to their new environment.
(E) They would find living styles in northern cities familiar.
4. The author would mostly agree that the boll weevil infestation (A) had no effect on Great Migration at all
(B) prevented southern rural Black from going to the North
(C) motivated southern rural Black to migrate to the North
(D) brought southern rural Black to the cities in the South
(E) stopped European workers from moving to the North
5. The passage mentions which of the following as situations before Great Migration
between 1910 and 1930? I. European workers arrived in America
II. southern rural workers moved to the North
III. southern urban workers went to the North
IV. southern rural workers migrated to southern cities
(A) I only
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(D) I and IV only
(E) III and IV only
6. It can be inferred from the passage that the salaries of unskilled workers (A) had been increased since the Great Migration
(B) had been decreased since the boll weevil infestation
(C) were lower than artisan’s between 1910 and 1930
(D) were higher than artisan’s because of the Great Migration
(E) were equal to artisan’s because of the raising competition
Even if the civilian population in Britain had wanted to know the realities of the war, they
couldn’t have without experiencing them: its conditions were too novel, its cruelty too
unprecedented. The war would have been simply unbelievable. From the very beginning a
fissure was opening between the army and the civilians.
The causes of civilian incomprehension varied. Few soldiers wrote the truth in letters
home for fear of causing needless uneasiness. If they did ever write the truth, it was cut
off by company officers, who censored all outgoing mail. The press was under rigid
censorship throughout the war. Only those willing to file wholesome, optimistic copy
were permitted to visit France, and even they were seldom allowed near the battlefields
of the front line. Typical of there reporters was George Adam, Paris correspondent of the
Times. His Behind the Scenes at the Front, published in 1915, exudes cheer toward the
common British soldier, whom he depicts as well fed, warm, safe, and happy ---- better off,
indeed, than at home. !
Lord Northcliffe, the publisher of the Times, eventually assumed full charge of government
propaganda. It is no surprise to find Northcliffe’s Times on July 3, 1916, reporting the first
day’s attack during the battle of the Somme with an exaggerated confidence which could
not help but deepen the division between those on the spot and those at home. “Sir
Douglas Haig telephoned last night,” says the Times. “that the general situation was
favorable.” It soon comes to rhetoric of heroic romance:”There is a fair field... and we
have elected to fight out our quarrel with the Germans and to give them as much battle
as they want.” No wonder communication failed between the troops and those who
could believe news like that as factual proof.
1. The communication failure discussed in the passage was mainly caused by (A) the soldier’s hatred on the indifferent civilians
(B) the official’s willingness to face the reality of the war
(C) the civilians’ feeling of guilt about sending men off to war
(D) the civilians’ lack of awareness about the experience of soldiers
(E) the reporter’s fear of causing unnecessary stress among civilians
2. Under the censorship in this passage, reporters can go to the battlefield of the frontline (A) when they were loyal to the country
(B) when they wrote optimistic report
(C) when they were permitted to visit France
(D) when they were allowed by the authorities
(E) when they were employed by the Times
3. The author suggests that the attitudes of civilians were strongly affected by
(A) pacifists’ efforts to end the war
(B) press’ reports which were censored
(C) soldiers’ lack of opportunities to write
(D) journalist’s misunderstanding about military
(E) government’s inadequate control over media
4. It can be inferred according to the passage that for the British, the first day of the battle
of Somme on July 3rd,1916 is most likely to be (A) promising
(B) favorable
(C) confused
(D) tough
(E) easy
5. The author’s attitude toward the news in Times in the wartime can be characterized as
(A) distain
(B) distrust
(C) ambivalent
(D) admiring
(E) hesitant
6. According to the passage, the exaggerated reports by Northcliffe’s Times are likely to
be sort of (A) pacifists’ protest
(B) officials’ corruption
(C) soldiers’ dissatisfaction
(D) government’s propaganda
(E) reporters’ noncooperation
• 如何完成教,学,管,评,测?
Lecture Ten
• 细节决定成败
• ⾃自我的成熟
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• 第⼆二阶段:熟练阶段
• 第三阶段:考试阶段
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