APRIL 2015 E EL B R AT I N 19 G C Your Community News Source — Serving Sun City Roseville — Online at: SUNS SUNSENIORNEWS.COM YEARS! IN THIS ISSUE Letters fro the Editors..............................................3 Continued Water Conservation ..............................4 From Your Placer County Supervisor ....................5 Neighborhood Watch/Citizens Patrol ................6 SSN Gardening .......................................................6 Executive Director Comments ...............................7 Ambassador, Compliance, Website ..........................8 Sunshine Services ........................................................9 Favorite Restaurants, Music & Laughter ................. 11 Singers, Harmonicoots, Dance, Fine Arts ........12-13 Creative Arts, Needle Arts........................................ 14 Cinema, Roseville Stamp, Heartland, Travel...... 15 RV, Boomer, Jewish Fellowship ........................... 17 Computer, Democrats, Republicans, Veterans ...18 Birders, Garden, Trails ......................................... 21 Meet Barbara O’Malley... BY ANN WAHLENMEIER If you have never met Barbara O’Malley, let me introduce you. If you already know her, read on… there may be things you don’t know. First, I have to let you know Barbara is tall and lithe with an athlete’s physique. That’s because she plays tennis three times a week, golf once, and swims laps in the pool on her days off. Barbara is a California girl. She was born in Oakland, CA and attended school in Burlingame, graduating from Burlingame High School in 1946. “I graduated about the time the GI’s were coming home from World War II,” explains Barbara. Joe O’Malley was one of those soldiers. Joe was a Marine who saw action in the Pacific. Like most GI’s returning from war, Joe did not want to talk about it... he just wanted to get on with his life. They fell in love and married in October 1947. WWII taught American women they Barbara O’Malley Photo by Richard Paine could be valuable assets in the workforce. Barbara was one of those women. When she finished her Community College education she went to work, earning enough money to put Joe through college with the help of the GI Bill. Joe’s father, a lawyer, wanted Joe to study law and join his law firm. While Joe tried law school, he was more interested in the new phenomenon: electronics. He spent his career insuring huge computers were working properly. “He needed to carry a beeper in those days,” Barbara explains. And like the firemen, when the beeper went off, Joe went to work. Along the way Joe and Barbara raised two daughters and a son. Daughter Patricia lives with her husband, Wayne, in Salt Lake City. She is a Social Worker for the organ transplant division of University of Utah Hospital. Tom and his wife Gail live in Minnesota. They adopted two Korean children. And sadly, daughter Sue passed away when she was 41. Barbara has seven grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren. “As a family, we moved a lot during (cont’ on page 19) Cycling, Croquet, Bocce ..................................... 22 Softball, He & She Golf ......................................... 23 Sierra Pines Ladies Golf, Golden Niners ............ 24 Timber Creek Men’s Golf, Tennis, ....................... 25 Table Tennis, Water Fitness, Billards ..................... 26 Bulletin Board ....................................................... 27 Mah Jongg, Bridge, Singles ................................ 29 SCR Writer — Nothing to Say ............................. 31 SHORS, Bowling ................................................. 32 Seniors Need to Know!........................................ 33 Antiques Roadshow — Style Event......................... 33 Obervations on Then and Now................................ 34 Sun Senior News Classifieds ...........................35 And Much More . . . SCR Foundation ECRWSS RESIDENT ROSEVILLE, CA 95747 Sun Senior News 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3-405 Roseville, CA 95747 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ROSEVILLE, CA PERMIT NO. 70 N businesses in our community. The Awards Luncheon that follows is perfect for the A charitable service organization by and hungry participants. Yep! – All this for just for the residents of Sun City Roseville a $60 entry fee. This entry fee plus green cart fees include golf, tee prizes, BY GEORGE PORTER, City Rosevill and n the lunch and awards. SCRF Board Member e Su An entry form is required and you can get yours at The FOUNDATION Foundation’s Timber Creek or Sierra Pines Pro Golfing Day At Sun City Shop, or from the Foundation Roseville website at www.scrfoundation. org. Format is a four-person June 5th this year is all eig scramble. The Shotgun Start is about golf! h hb Yep! June 5th - that’s ors H ing Neig at 7:30 AM for Timber Creek and elp 8:30 AM for Sierra Pines. Mulligans when the Foundation hosts our will be available for a fee. And, check 18th annual Golf Tournament this this – our Club Pros will hit a drive for any year. And, as in past years, there’s a tasty team, if they choose, on a designated hole luncheon to follow. on both courses. It’s worth the small fee Whether you are a beginner, preparing just to see these big hitters smoke that ball! for the Seniors Tour, or somewhere in All good things like this have a deadline; between - you should definitely sign up this year it is Friday, May 29. Tournament for it. This is a hugely popular event each Chairman and Foundation Director Jim year, and is another of your Foundation’s Viele [771-2631] can answer any questions fundraising events that enable us to carry out you have about this year’s event. The Pro our various programs and services. Shop is the place to drop off your Entry The tournament is played on all 27 Form with your check made payable to the holes; Men, Women, or Mixed Groups play; SCR Foundation. Golfers can play either 9 or 18; Players may Jim also has a few open spots left for arrange their own foursome – or – sign up volunteers to help with registration and on individually and be assigned to one. The the course – so be sure to give him a ring tournament features awards and a drawing if you can volunteer to fill one of the open for gifts donated by Sun City groups and bo rs Timber Creek Women’s Golf .................................. 25 positions. Also, Head Pro Mark Gouger has promised that June 5 weather will be perfect for golf (but, of course, Mark makes this promise every year!) Roseville’s New Mobile Library, The month of April brings exciting news from The Friends of the Roseville Public Library. We are excited to announce the launch of Roseville’s New Mobile Library, which the Friends of the Roseville Public Library helped to fund. Please join us on Saturday, April 11th from 1-3pm at the Vernon Street Town Square as we kick off Mobile Library Services in our community. There will be a formal dedication ceremony, food, music, games, crafts and fun for the entire family. Are you smarter than the staff of the Roseville Public Library??? The only way to find out is by joining us for our 1st Annual Trivia Night Challenge. This fund raising event will be held at 7pm on Monday, April 13th at Monk’s Cellar, located in Downtown Roseville at 240 Vernon Street. 2 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Specializing in the Western Placer Area t"DUJWFJO3FBM&TUBUFBOE-FOEJOHGPSPWFSZFBST Offering options for... t$POTJTUFOU1MBDFS$PVOUZ5PQ1SPEVDFS Social Security Income Optimization FREE HOME MARKET EVALUATION '3&&1"35*"-45"(*/( VIRTUAL TOURS ON A NEW LISTING! 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WO O D C R E E K w D E N T I S T RY 'PPUIJMMT#MWE4VJUFt3PTFWJMMF (Corner of Pleasant Grove & Foothills) Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 The Sun Senior News - Roseville is a monthly publication, published by EGnews Inc. Mailing Address: 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB 405 • Roseville, CA 95747 (916) 727-6383 • Fax: (916) 727-6373 • E-mail: [email protected] Ad rates are available on the Internet at http://www.egnews.com PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS Mark Bernard, Targa Funk, Emily Goldthorpe ADVERTISING Liz & Gregg Goldthorpe Gregg & Liz Goldthorpe CONTRIBUTORS Ann Wahlenmeier, George Porter, Richard Plecker, Jack Duran, P.J. Palmer, Earl Wiklund, Barbara Blank, Janet Pence, Charlyn Ross, Jenifer Martin, Martin Green, Jane Bohn, Jackie Proett, Joan Rego, Gene Ballard, Phyllis Oberlin, Cory Blasser, Donna Fontaine, Charlee Swartz, Tim Miles, Tim Miles, Mercedes B. Pack, Janice Marcum, Barbara Woolman, Pam Hemingway, Ilene Herman, Peg Hall, Nancy Peffley, Paul Regier, Janet Morelli, Elna Ragan, Ed Underwood, Jim Berkovec, Bert Donlon, Joan & Dwight Rose, David Casten, Gerrie Gohr, Babara Glegg, Arlene Lizotte, Tom McClelland, Dolly Manning, John Quintel, Dale Mellberg, Karen Yeates, Barbara Woolman, Derek Tegg, Carol Bacigalupi, Barbara O’Malley, Karleen Monroe, Darlene Kapur, Norm Duroff, Susan Feldman. CIRCULATION The Sun Senior News is delivered free directly to 3,400 homes in the Sun City community. The delivery is targeted for the first week of each month. SUBSCRIPTIONS For a one-year mailed subscription to the Sun Senior News, send address and $36 to the Sun Senior News Subscription, 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3-405, Roseville, CA 95747. Please make checks payable to: Sun Senior News. DISPLAY ADS A variety of display ad sizes are available to fit your business needs and budget. For rate information call Liz at 727-6383. Display ads must be submitted by the 10th of each month to guarantee placement in the following month’s issue and to avoid late fees. The publisher (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right to refuse any display ads it deems unsuitable. CLASSIFIED ADS For classified ads, please complete the form provided in this issue. Send appropri- Letters to the Editors... Authors are solely responsible for the content of their letters. Considering the restaurant expansion EDITORS Elizabeth “Liz” & Gregg Goldthorpe ate payment with completed form to the Sun Senior News. Deadline for the classified ads is the 15th of each month. The publisher (EGnews Inc.) reserves the right to refuse any classified ads it deems unsuitable. SUBMISSIONS The Sun Senior News welcomes announcements from social clubs, schools, charitable organizations, non-profit organizations, local government and community events. Also, editorial contributions as well as articles, cartoons and photographs are welcomed and considered for publication. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month. All information submitted to the Sun Senior News must be accompanied by your name, phone number and written consent. All letters received become the property of the publisher (EGnews Inc.). The Sun Senior News reserves the right to condense and edit letters for publication and liability purposes. The Sun Senior News is Printed on Recycled Paper All content and letters to the editors represents the opinion of the various authors and all content and letters should be considered as opinion and editorial in nature. Any representations expressed by the various authors are not necessarily shared or verified by the publisher. Advertisers are solely responsible for all representations made by their advertisements. EG NEWS INC. is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any advertisements. The presence of an ad within our publications or electronic communications does not imply endorsement of the advertised company, product, or service. Readers should use all due diligence regarding representations, products or services before an transaction is preformed. Sun Senior News is not associated with Del Webb Corporation. Del Webb’s Sun City is a registered trademark of Del Webb Corporation. EG Graphics, publishers of the Antelope News, Sun Senior News - Roseville, Sun Senior News - Lincoln Hills & Woodcreek News. I have been asked by several people what I think about the two proposed lodge projects. Unfortunately, I do not have enough information to form a clear picture in my mind of the projects. There are some questions that come to mind that would help me understand the scope and need the projects. I understand that décor changes or goes out of style. So when I think about the lodge and the proposed updating on the one hand I think it is time. On the other hand there are many of us who are still happy with the way things are. Many think the lodge is fine the way it is. I understand that we have reserve funds that are intended for specific purposes. These projects would be funded in that way. My concern is how much will it cost in monthly fee increases to build the fund back up for the next thing that needs fixing. We know that things are getting older and will need more attention in the future. We have all heard the horror stories of gigantic onetime assessments to meet some emergency. So we understand the need for the fund itself. The big problem; is understanding what needs to be done as opposed to what some want to be done. As in most cases, the loudest voices prevail which seems to be the case here. Loud wants more room for drinking and eating. The less noisy side wants to preserve the simple elegance, for which we are all proud, to entertain our family and friends. The issue here is the estimated cost before ever displaying a plan. Reason should tell us that there are always cost overruns. Could there be plans that would consider both sides of the issue? One plan for the loud proponents who want it “all”, another “plan” that incorporates some lesser costly options. Then put both plans up for a vote and select the plan with the most votes. Let’s considered why we need a ••• Send your letters to the editor... See this page for details! RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • BONDED • INSURED State Farm ® has reduced auto rates in CALIFORNIA Featuring the Hepa Rotobrush System You Will Feel Better Breathing Clean Air Helps Relieve Chronic Illness from Contaminated Environments Julie Bowen, Agent Lic. #OB98828 1328 Blue Oaks Blvd, Ste 190 NE Corner-Foothills & Blue Oaks Roseville, CA 95678 916-783-4010 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (not in NJ), State Farm Indemnity Company (NJ) Bloomington, IL • Insurance and discounts subject to qualifications. restaurant and bar. My understanding is that it is to serve the needs of the residents, as it should be. But, if a main reason is to serve people who come here to use the golf course it doesn’t make sense to me to expect the residents to foot the bill for non-resident desires. Some would say that it will encourage more revenue. That may be, BUT how many years will it take to collect about $1.5 million dollars selling food and drinks at competitive prices with other golf courses, bars and restaurants? Not in our lifetime! What will be next? The kitchen will have to be remodeled in order to serve the, hopefully, increase in clientele. Then of course there will have to be more employees from kitchen help to bartenders and servers. All of which will receive our customary generous salary and benefit package. Let’s not forget other sides to consider. A new restaurant here would just be nice. The number of homes that pay the assessments will never increase. Just as the lodge facility needs increasing refurbishment so do our residences need more costly kinds of attention? This should be considered when determining what the community as a whole can afford. Most of us helped establish this great community. Many of us have been retired over 25 years. Retirement benefits from those years do not keep pace with the newly retired benefits. Betty Melton AIR DUCT CLEANING GREAT NEWS! Get a free car insurance quote - save up to 35% Call my office 24/7. LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE. Providing Insurance and Financial Services RELIEVES PROBLEMS FROM: Allergies • Asthma Headaches • Sneezing • Dust Odors • Sinus Congestion Respiratory Infections SOURCE REMOVAL OF: Mold • Bacteria • Fungi Dustmites • Lint • Soot SAVES ENERGY: Helps Restore HVAC Systems to Run at Maximum Capacity • Dryer Vent Cleaning 773-2810 SENIOR DISCOUNTS Lic.#14909 ® 3 A merican Air Duct Cleaning 4 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Specializing in Sun City Home Sales since 1999 As a former New Home Sales Associate of the Del Webb Corp, I specialize in the sales of homes in the two Sun City communities. My clients find tremendous value in my knowledge of the communities, the lifestyle and the floor plans. When you list your home with me, I provide: • Strategy for getting the highest price for your home, including photography and staging • Excellent exposure for your home on my website which is dedicated to your Sun City community, as well as on national real estate websites such as Zillow and Trulia. • Referrals to trusted tradesmen and oversight to make your move easy • 30 years of real estate experience working on your behalf Call me for a free home evaluation today. Continued Water Conservation Necessary As Dry Spell Continues Customers urged to continue saving 20 percent of their home water use BY R I C H A R D P L E C K E R , Environmental Utilities Director The continued drought statewide is causing Roseville to buckle down water use for another year. Last year, our customers achieved a 19.4 percent reduction. We appreciate those efforts and hope our customers continue the trend. With our diversified water supply portfolio, combined with keeping pace with reduced water demands, we’re optimistic we will weather another dry year. It will take some effort, though, and your ongoing water conservation efforts will certainly help get us there. Our water supply portfolio The City’s main water supply source is Folsom Lake, which the United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) operates, as part of the larger Central Valley Project (CVP). The City maintains water supply contracts with both Reclamation and Placer County Water Agency (PCWA). Every February, Reclamation provides Roseville an initial CVP water allocation based on foreseeable conditions in the coming year. This year Roseville’s early allocation is 25 percent of normal or one-half of last year’s total. Often, this is the worst-case scenario because Reclamation announces final allocations in May and, between now and then, things could change. We imagine that if we get increased precipitation and more snowpack, allocation numbers could look more favorable. Even with a 25 percent CVP supply allocation, our varied water supply portfolio and sustained conservation efforts will enable us to meet customers’ water needs this year. In addition to water from the CVP, we have built infrastructure and established long-standing relationships that bolster our water supply reliability. • Roseville has additional contracts for surface water from PCWA and others • We have a growing, robust and sustainable groundwater system that we can activate • Our recycled water program, established nearly two decades ago, continues as an investment that offsets drinking water resources by using treated wastewater for irrigation How you can do your part We’re asking residents to continue to do their part and reduce water use by 20 percent. What does a 20 percent continued reduction mean to you? Sign up for the WaterInsight Prograßm at www.roseville.ca.us/waterinsight and we will help you find out. We have a water efficiency staff that is more than happy to assist you develop a customized plan for reducing water use, and we have rebates and other programs that make saving water easy and affordable. Please visit roseville.ca.us/savewater or call 916-7745761 to learn more. FREE Wi-Fi in Vernon Street Town Square Shelley Weisman 916.595.0130 www.BuySunCityRoseville.com #1 Active Adult Community Specialist at Lyon Real Estate In time for event season, visitors to the area around the Vernon Street Town Square in Downtown Roseville will now be able to connect to the internet via a free wireless network thanks to a partnership between the City of Roseville and Consolidated Communications. The free Wi-Fi service is available along Vernon Street between Taylor Street and Lincoln Street. The Vernon Street Town Square has attracted more than 100,000 visitors since it opened in August 2013, hosting a variety of events including concerts, festivals, farmers markets, wine tastings, yoga classes and children’s story time. “The Town Square is the an important element of our downtown revitalization efforts,” said Roseville City Manager Ray Kerridge. “Having free Wi-Fi is a civic amenity that we’re pleased to be able to offer through this partnership with Consolidated Communications.” “The free network allows our residents, businesses and visitors an easier and faster way to engage with the City digitally,” said Roseville Chief Information Officer Hong Sae. “We are proud to partner with the City of Roseville to bring free WiFi to Downtown visitors,” said Gabe Waggoner, vice president of operations for Consolidated Communications. “Giving back to the communities we serve, and where our employees live and work is a strong tradition for our company. And, with our offices just a block from the Town Square; this was a natural fit for us.” Consolidated Communications (CCI) provides broadband communications solutions to residential and businesses customers locally in the greater Sacramento region and nationwide in 11 states. Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 From Your Placer County Supervisor BY JACK DURAN District 1 Supervisor As with any jurisdiction, Placer railyard. To the contrary, most of County faces challenges. While the homeless in Placer County we are in a well-run, economically come from Placer County; it’s a healthy county – not to mention homegrown issue. one of the most beautiful – we The solution to this regional Jack Duran face issues that require innovative issue that stretches across many thinking and problem solving. jurisdictional boundaries will likely We have been grappling with the be a compendium of services and programs. issue of homelessness for some time now The myriad circumstances that leave and I’m pleased to say that we stand on someone homeless are idiosyncratic. So too the cusp of taking a big step forward on must be the solutions. This isn’t a cookie positively changing the unfortunate reality cutter business and we must individualize that affects far too many people in the how we treat it. area. The county commissioned Dr. Robert We are looking forward to hearing G. Marbut, Jr., a nationally recognized Dr. Marbut’s final report as it will give expert on homelessness, to do a study on us additional facts so we may then make homelessness in Placer County and report informed decisions on how best to proceed. back to us with his findings. I am also looking forward to working with Those findings, along with our non-profit and faith based communities, recommendations on how to proceed, will and local governments in an effort to take be presented to the board of supervisors in large steps to confront this issue-and again, the coming weeks. As I’ve said previously on it is not just a County issue, the issue and this topic, we need to know where we are, solutions belong to both the County and what our actual homeless baseline really its cities. is, before we can move forward to solve Just as we must tailor assistance for the this problem. homeless to the individual’s need, a similar Some preliminary data that Dr. Marbut movement is occurring within our criminal compiled showed some surprising things. justice system. The tired and unsuccessful The Union Pacific’s J.R. Davis rail yard model of making criminals serve their time here in Roseville is often singled out as a and then cutting them loose back into society significant source of homeless. However, ended up with most of them returning to jail. the data indicates that only a very small Statistics show a dismal three-year, postpercentage of our homeless come from the release failure rate of 67 percent. We are now embarking on a program that will get needed help to both those about to be released and those who were recently released. We’re identifying propensities for unhealthy behaviors and requiring offenders avail themselves to services to keep them out of the revolving jailhouse door. In fact, we are building a new facility offering centrally located services. The Placer County ReEntry Program (PREP) provides a breadth of services that include cognitive behavioral thinking classes, substance abuse education, treatment referrals, job training, mentorship and employment placement, education and G. E. D. preparation, life skills, and anger management, along with relational and family skill development. We are finding the solutions to successfully helping both the homeless and criminal offenders often run on parallel tracks. Dealing with these seeming disparate populations frequently involves the same agencies. There is a criminal element to the homeless issue and law enforcement and probation will need to be at the table if we are to craft solutions. Getting both groups the health services they need involves the county’s many Health and Human Services divisions. A disproportionate number of the homeless are veterans, and many are incarcerated. We particularly owe it to the men and women who have given of themselves to their country to provide them with the services they need to overcome the trauma many experienced in the war zones where they were stationed. The county’s Veterans Services office will play a key role 5 in assisting both populations. I am proud to be part of a group of elected and appointed government officials who work with residents, businesses, the faith-based community and other service providers to give another chance to those who are either less fortunate than we are, or have just made some bad mistakes. One of the admirable human traits is helping others. I am continually amazed to see those who live and work in Placer County open their hearts and get down to work to help our community members in need, regardless of where we find them. As always, it is an honor and a privilege to serve you. I always welcome your feedback and can be reached by e-mail at jduran@ placer.ca.gov or by phone at 916-787-8950. HAPPY 6 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Neighborhood Watch/Citizens Patrol BY P. J. CONRADI How burglar-proof are you? This is a re-write of an article which is available in its entirety on the Roseville Police website. It may all sound familiar, however, we have recently experienced some thievery—here in Sun City—which could have been prevented had these simple steps been followed. Many home burglaries are quick, opportunistic thefts of bicycles, tools and other valuables from open garages. Please keep your garage door closed at all times, unless you’re working inside of it or in view of it. Burglars often check at the front door of the house to see if anyone is home, then go through the side gate into the backyard, out of sight, where they can enter through a the garage side door, a back window or a slider, so lock your gate. If someone answers at the front door, they’ll claim to be looking for someone, or have some other excuse. If a stranger knocks on your door, don’t answer it unless you have a dead bolted security door. Yell at them through the door and ask what they want. If they seem suspicious, call police and ask for an officer to check them out. Be ready to give the dispatcher as much information as possible about their physical, clothing and vehicle description. Roseville’s Municipal Code requires door-to-door solicitors to have a valid license and permit. They are not to knock at houses with “no solicitors” signs posted. Even if they’re legitimate solicitors, it never hurts to call police so an officer can check them out. If you’re leaving town, do everything possible to make your home look lived-in. Don’t announce your vacation plans on social media. Put lights on timers. Stop your newspaper, mail and other deliveries, or ask trusted neighbors to pick up such things, and give them your contact information. Be that good neighbor and keep an eye out. If you see suspicious activity, call 911 immediately. Also, I look forward to seeing you at our monthly meeting on April 13th at 10:00 in the ballroom. The speaker will talk about the Sun City Sunshine Services. Important Phone Numbers — P.J. Conradi, Citizen Patrol & Neighborhood Watch Director Citizens Patrol Office: 774-3853 [email protected] Neighborhood Watch Office: 774-3817 [email protected] Roseville Police/Fire - Emergency: 9-1-1 From your cell phone: 916-786-6444 Roseville Police Non-Emergency: 916-774-5000 Try us in Lincoln...a place You Can Trust for your car repairs and maintenance. We have 17 25 Years of Honesty & Integrity behind us. “Duncan’s Automotive fixed a problem that I had been to 3 different places over the course of 2 years”. -P. Buntiny -Citrus Heights VAL U A B L E C O U P O N 0QFO4BUVSEBZTJO-JODPMOt8F/PX%P4NPHT*O-JODPMO approved Oil Change Winter Service Special $89 most cars 24 19 $$ 95 95 95 t-VCF0JM0JM'JMUFSt#SBLF*OTQFDUJPOt5FTU#BUUFSZt (Synthetic Oil Extra.) For Most Cars and Light For Most Cars and LightTrucks Trucks t1PJOU*OTQFDUJPOt*OTUBMM8JQFS#MBEFTt FREE Lincoln Lincoln (most cars) 27 point safety inspection Also Citrus Heights Citrus Heights and and Roseville Locations Roseville Locations Also Good at: 645-2860 726-8473 789-0303 Good at: 645-2860 726-8473 789-0303 April 30, 2015 x/xx/xx. Not Valid with any other offer. Expires 12/15/03. x/xx/xx. Not Valid with any other offer. Expires 12/15/03. A place where your car is done when promised! Automotive 645-2860 185 Flocchini Circle, Lincoln MasterAuto Repair Professionals www.DuncansAutomotive.com SSN Gardening Corner — Spring Garden Checklist BY GEORGE PORTER To achieve a beautiful yard and garden throughout the year, much can be done in spring to ensure this. Here are the ones I try to somehow get done: 1. Fertilize. We apply the first dosage to everything except our lawn around Presidents Day. If you missed that holiday, start your routine with an Easter feeding. Then repeat at 6-week intervals (or major holidays) through Labor Day. 2. Use Systemics. These fertilizer-like products (powder or granules usually) can control both pests and diseases that show up during the season. They are a much superior option to using harsh chemicals later. Any good Nursery will have these products. 3. Plant Annuals. As you know, annuals are only good for the current year – but they are MANY in number and color and generally are pretty hardy in our area. Best of all, rather than blooming once, they tend to bloom off and on all season long. Consider using color combinations that “sing” together, like blue and yellow, orange and purple, red and white, etc. 4. Check Irrigation. This is not always easy to do – but crawling around to make sure all your emitters and sprayers are still working pays off. The ugly alternative is that your most cherished plants go thirsty and have to be replaced. Consider also improving the ‘reach’ of your drip emitters by changing some of them to sprayers. 5. Improve Soil. If there is any single item that creates an Oscar-level performance from your favorite plant, it is the soil that you prepare for the plant to live in. And plant encyclopedias tell us that plants need different soils. Some like it heavy, others demand rich, many require fast draining, and soil chemistry (pH level) is important – acidic vs. alkaline. The soil you prepare (and then the food and water you introduce along the way) makes all the difference for our plants. 6. Grow Food. Unless your yard is covered in shade, chances are good that you have a sunny spot for a tomato plant or a zucchini squash. Or, perhaps, a Meyer Lemon tree. I get a real charge from growing a few food plants and so does my wife. She insists on picking everything, but I don’t mind since I’m the primary eater! George Porter directed the landscaping and landscape maintenance work for over 20-years at the Northgate Property Owners Association in Walnut Creek, CA before moving to Sun City Roseville (SCR) in 1999. At SCR, he has worked with various staff specialists to provide the landscape designs and upgrades to the Common Areas as well as a number of Golf Course locations. At his SCR home, he grows almost all of the plants used in his designs. His home and garden have been featured on a number of local home/garden tours. Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Executive Director Comments Our Focus on Community Projects Continues… BY EARL WIKLUND The workgroup assigned to develop the background facts on Artificial Turf has completed their work. Aided by the Architectural Review Committee and staff, this completed a two year review. Their final report was submitted to the Board in February which resulted in the First Consideration of a resolution to change the Associations Design Guidelines. This develops standards for the quality of artificial turf and installation requirements if the Board decides to vote for approval of allowing artificial turf in our front yard landscape. The Board would like to hear from all residents on their thoughts prior to voting on the measure at their April Board Meeting. Residents are invited to attend one of the following meetings to voice their opinion on this issue: Board Planning Session on March 19th or April 16th in addition to the two Board Meetings on March 27th and April 24th. Check the resident website to review the proposed resolution and recommended changes to the current Design Guidelines. The annual election of Board members is fast approaching. This year you will also find the question of whether to approve the expansion of the Timbers Restaurant and Lounge on the ballot. Workgroups and staff have been meeting for nearly two years on analyzing improvements needed at Timbers and working with an architect to design a larger and more efficient size and layout to address the issues identified. The current workgroup is finalizing a presentation to discuss all the facts surrounding the project with proposed solutions, design and costs associated with the expansion plans. There will be quite a number of presentations starting in April and running through early June. Please attend one of these presentations and become familiar with all the facts. The Parking Lot Repair and Seal project is finally out to bid. Eight contracting firms participated in a construction walk through meeting in early March. We expect the majority of these contractors to submit a bid in response to a 20 page RFP. The Association is using the services of an asphalt consultant and civil engineer on the project; both with 40 years of experience. This will be a big job and each of us will probably be impacted if we choose to visit the Lodge during the months of May and June. The entire lot will be effected and the work will be done by section (1 of 3 at a time) allowing the Lodge to remain open during the work. We will provide traffic control assistance in an effort to make access to the Lodge as easy as possible. But expect some changes on how you enter the parking lot, where you normally park and what entrance you use. We will continue to communicate throughout the project and alert you of changes so you can stay ahead of the construction work. Looking out to 2016, we continue to get organized on the refurbishment of the Lodge, portions of the Fitness Center and locker room and the older bathrooms and Deli at Sierra Pines. The actual work at the Fitness Center will start October 2015 with other portions completed in 2016. The Sierra Pines work will occur later in 2015 with the Lodge refurbishment work to be done in February 2016. Plans for our 20 Year Anniversary Celebration are taking shape with the festivities planned for May 2016. In the meantime, enjoy yourself when you are out and about in the Community. Enjoy. SCR Resident Alton Pryor’s New Book — “Frontier Doctors and Snake Oil Peddlers” Western history. Pioneer doctors in the old west had no antibiotics, antiseptics or anesthesia other than chloroform, whiskey and laudanum. Many Civil War surgeons had never witnessed a major amputation and few had ever treated a gunshot wound. The frontier was simply a dangerous place to become sick. Pryor takes both an entertaining look at frontier medicine and at the great strides that some physicians and scientists made in the field of medicine, particularly from the standpoint of sanitary precautions, both in medicine and everyday living. The book is priced at $14.95 and is available from Stagecoach Publishing, 5360 Campcreek Loop, Roseville, CA 95747, 916-771-8166, and at www. stagecoachpublishing.com Pity the poor family whose bottle of Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup patent medicine went dry. It was the standard treatment for frontier families whose babies were fussing or cutting teeth. It didn’t just put the babies to sleep, Mrs. Winslow’s syrup carried a whopping dose of morphine. Early doctors on the frontier were still practicing the ancient medicine of “bloodletting, purging and blistering”. These accepted cures were often worse than the disease and seldom cured anything. If a patient got better it was because of the patient’s stamina, not harsh treatments. “Frontier Doctors and Snake Oil Peddlers” is a new book by SCR author Alton Pryor, who writes about California and Rick’s Team Invites You To Compare! Get Rid of That Ugly Lawn! Stop Wasting Water! Fire the Gardener! 30 years experience, a degree in Landscape Architecture, former head designer at Capital Nursery! t"3$1MBOT1SPWJEFEt8PSSZ'SFF*OTUBMMBUJPO t4QSJOLMFST%SJQ-JHIUJOH4PE1MBOUT1MBOUJOH %SBJOBHF#PVMEFST%FTJHO YOU HAVE CHOICES! We would like to be one of them. If you are considering buying or selling your home, we will be happy to meet with you and discuss our unique service. Consultations are always FREE! Compare our services to anyone’s. You won’t be disappointed! References available! We can assist you in all phases of landscaping! ‘Where dreams become reality’ is our motto! 916-233-8679 Call today for a free consultation and estimate. Landscape Contractor License 805112 MySunCityRoseville.com Sun City Roseville Real Estate Services Serving your real estate needs since 1983 with integrity and good old-fashioned hard work. y Traditional worship service 916.238.2150 y Choir y Bible studies y Fellowship groups MySunCityRoseville.com Sunday Morning Worship y 10:00 AM (916) 771– 4447 y www.pgcc.ws 7 Rick Johnson (BRE# 01073601) [email protected] 8 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Ambassador Committee BY BARBARA BLANK Hello from your Ambassadors! Please meet Carolyn Amador and Betty Smith. They are the co-chairs of the Realtor Relations sub-committee. On April 7, they will host a luncheon meeting for realtors Carolyn Amador who sell in our community. This is an opportunity to express our appreciation and to provide Realtors with important information about SCR. The first New Resident Welcome of the year was a great event. Betty Smith We w e l c o m e d 80 excited new residents from as far away as Pennsylvania, Michigan, South Carolina and New York. We really enjoy meeting them and providing them with helpful information about our community. Photos of this event were taken by Bill Blank and can be seen on the website. Ambassadors are always “on the job” promoting SCR. Janet Norris gave prospective buyers a tour of our facilities; Valerie Rice and Kathy Casten attended the Roseville Chamber meeting; and Betty Smith and Carita Connelly assisted with a recent concert; and Carolyn Amador and Jane McNally will be helping with the comedy show on April 15. The 2015 Haggin Oaks Golf Expo will be held on April 24 -26. Mark Gouger, Head Golf Professional, has arranged to have a booth again this year featuring our award winning golf courses. Information regarding our public facilities will also be available to share with those attending. Ada Hale is organizing the volunteers to staff the booth for Mark. We’ll thank them and show their names in the next issue. Stay tuned – next month you’ll meet Ada Hale and Jackie Phillips. All residents are welcome to attend Ambassador Meetings. The next one will be held on April 21, at 2:00 p.m. in the Card Room. For those of us fortunate enough to have a golf course lot, we have the same responsibilities with the knee wall – No growth of our plants over the wall – Trim, Trim, Trim, and again, Neat and Attractive. Pride of Ownership should be apparent. Have you looked at the bark or stone accent in your garden lately? Are you seeing weeds, clumps of wild grass or general unsightliness? A little effort of spraying or pulling will improve the look and possibility avoid receiving a letter from us to comply. Please help us to help you in maintaining this beautiful community. Questions, please call Lorri Booth, Community Standards Director at 774-3869 or her assistant Ryan O’Connell, 774-3863 Website Work Group Compliance Committee BY JANET PENCE Spring Is In The Air — So many beautiful trees, bushes, vines and plantings are putting on a wonderful show of color for all of us. With all of this going on please take a moment and look at your bushes, trees and vines, especially if you are fortunate to share the common walls on Del Webb, Sun City Blvd or Fiddyment with the Association. Did you know that if you share this wall it is your responsibility to keep your trees, bushes and vines on your side of the wall. You must maintain and trim – plantings should be neat and not creeping over the wall. BY CHARLYN ROSS Why Is Sun City Roseville So Great — Sun City Roseville is great, because it is not stagnant! From its inception, the mission of our community has been “…to skillfully manage and as appropriate, enhance association facilities and assets…” In fact, that quote is taken from the community’s Mission Statement found on the Resident Website, www.suncityresident.com, under the “Sun City “ menu. As I have been a resident for over 18 years, I can comfortably speak from experience. The Association staff, in conjunction with the Board of Directors and the various committees, has worked to keep Sun City Roseville a vibrant, up-to-date, community that constantly strives to meet the needs of its residents. We have seen proof of that in past years with previous refurbishing of the Lodge, Timbers Restaurant, and Fitness Center, as well as the enlargement of and enhancements to Sierra Pines, the new Croquet Court, the relocation of the Horseshoe Pitching Court, and, over the past 10 years, the addition of and improvements to our Resident and Public Websites. The Resident Website currently reports on the many support groups that are focusing on new improvements – the next refurbishment of the Lodge, the Lodge entrance canopy cover, energy saving lighting in the Lodge and parking lots, the parking lot resurfacing, and additional storage for clubs and groups’ equipment, to name a few. Another improvement in the works is changing the service, which hosts our Resident Website. When that change is completed the website will remain as secure as our current one, but will provide improved performance with faster response and several added features. The Website Staff will be sending out emails to inform residents on the progress of this improvement, and to clarify any action that a resident may need to take once the change is final. The Association continually demonstrates that it recognizes the importance of considering the needs of its current residents. Adopting recent communication innovations that might improve our Website is just one example. Staying true to its Mission Statement is what (cont’ on page 9) Monthly Events at Sierra Pointe Easter Eggstravaganza Saturday, April 4th • 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. A fun-filled afternoon for kids of all ages. Bounce houses, games, balloon magic, face painting, and an Easter Egg Hunt (for 12 and under— please bring your own basket or other egg-tainer). RSVP by April 2nd—so the Bunny has plenty of eggs to hide! Downsizing from A to Z Thursday, April 9th • 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Are you dreading the daunting details of downsizing? Call to reserve your place at the table for a lunch and learn program. Presentation by Jennifer Hilton, Senior Move Manager. Seating is limited and by reservation only. There is no charge. RSVP by Friday, April 3rd. All programs are free. (916) 780-3330 SIERRA POINTE 5161 Foothills Boulevard, Roseville, CA 95747 License# 315002050 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Website Work Group (cont’ from page 8) makes Sun City Roseville a good investment and a great place to live. Sun City Roseville Needs You! Many of us still remember the slogan popularized during World War II…”Uncle Sam Needs You!” Well, I am borrowing that phrase to get your attention. Sun City Roseville Really Needs YOU. Each resident owns 1/3,110 part of the common areas and facilities. Because of this, it is important for each of us to be familiar with the rules, regulations, and the working of the Board of Directors and Committees, all of which provide direction for this community. During the months of May, June, and July, a major effort will be made to recruit members for vacancies on the Board of Directors and Committees. During Courier Days, the first Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday of each of those months, an information table will be set up in the Lodge lobby to answer resident’s questions and provide applications for the vacant positions. An active membership in one of the many clubs and groups provides other opportunities to get involved. And, since the focus of this article is our websites, that would include the Website Work Group. This Work Group holds its monthly meeting, the first Wednesday of the month at 9:00 AM in the Lodge Aspen Room. Anyone with an interest in helping staff maintain and improve these important community communication features is welcome to join us. Sunshine Services BY JENNIFER MARTIN Melton at 784-1666. We’re Here To Help Flyer: Many residents have been referring to outdated “We’re Here to Help” flyers and are unable to connect with the designated contacts for services. If you haven’t picked up the new and revised flyer in the kiosk at Timbers Lodge, go to page 91 of your 2015 Membership Directory & Community Guide Gratitude: Heartfelt thanks to Kathleen Crawford for her outstanding three years of service as Sunshine Services Secretary. Janice White has agreed to serve in this position. We also want to acknowledge Edna Zissler who has graciously stepped up to fill the new position of Chair of Hospitality. G e n e r a l Meeting: You are all invited to our next general meeting at Sierra Pines on April 9 at 10 AM. Sunshine Council member and author Jennifer Martin will Rosemary Sheldon, Sunshine Council member, thanks speakers share her research Pam Murphy (Senior Care Consulting) and Carol Kinsel of thirty years as she (Senior Care Solutions) at February’s general meeting. looked for a cure for an auto immune for current information. disorder she had. She will illuminate how to Medical Equipment Loan Program: research the cause of any disease and how Planning a trip that would be made more environmental and nutritional factors may be enjoyable with the use of a wheel chair? You can contributing to it. This is a free event, open to check out a chair, free to residents, by calling the public. Refreshments will be served. Larry Leighton at 462-7261. Also, there are Position Open: The Sunshine Council is new walking canes called “Hurricanes” now looking to fill the position of Program Chair. available on loan. The primary responsibility of the Program Thought for the Day: To succeed in life you Chair will be to find speakers for the general need two things: ignorance and confidence.meetings that are held three times a year. If -Mark Twain you’re interested in applying, please call Betty Community Public Parking Lot Sale The Roseville/WestPark Parking Lot Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 25 in the parking area at St. John’s Episcopal Church located at 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd. in Roseville. This event is open to all individuals and organizations, from crafters to garage sale enthusiasts, with items both new and used. You are invited to participate. The cost for one parking space for your sale set up is only $25. “This is a unique opportunity for anyone in the area to show and sell their wares,” states Mary Circle, event chairperson. “And all income from the day belong to the vendor.” Reservations for a selling space must be made by Friday, April 17. Please call the church at 786-6911 for details. Vendors will provide their own booth or table with set up available prior to the sale opening time at 8:30 a.m. Closing time will be 3:30 p.m. and all items must be removed then. “And if you have nothing to sell then come to browse and buy from both friends and neighbors,” invites Mary. Southern Comfort HEATING & AIR Call Now For /FF 5 expires 4/30/201 533-3962 916 Please patronize our advertisers, and let them know you saw their ad in the Sun Senior News! 9 Prompt Response to Your Needs. Free Estimates & Second Opinions. We Send Technicians NOT Salesmen. -ARK!DAMS/WNERs9EARS%XPERIENCE )NSUREDs"ONDEDs,IC 10 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 JO KOY APRIL 3 - 7:3OPM PETER FRAMPTON THE FAB FOUR WITH CHEAP TRICK JUNE 6 - 7PM THE ULTIMATE TRIBUTE GEORGE THOROGOOD & THE DESTROYERS AND BRIAN SETZER JOE TAY & AMANDA LEE JUNE 19 - 7PM APRIL 10 - 7:30PM APRIL 12 - 6:30PM & 9PM D.L. HUGHLEY BRIAN REGAN APRIL 24 - 7:30PM JUNE 26 - 8PM WILLIE NELSON, ALISON KRAUSS & UNION STATION FEATURING JERRY DOUGLAS SOUL LEGENDS OLD SCHOOL TRIBUTE MAY 9 - 7:30PM THE FAMILY STONE JULY 17 - 7PM MAY 16 - 8PM FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF PERFORMANCES, VISIT THUNDERVALLEYRESORT.COM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE THUNDER VALLEY BOX OFFICE, CALLING 800-745-3000 OR AT THUNDERVALLEYRESORT.COM FREE VALET PARKING TAKE I-80 TO HWY 65, LEFT ON SUNSET LINCOLN, CA • 877-468-8777 THUNDERVALLEYRESORT.COM Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Favorite Restaurants BY MARTIN GREEN Beverly and I went to Cha Cha’s Mexican restaurant shortly after it opened and a number of times after that. For some reason, we hadn’t gone there for quite a while until recently when our LEO (Let’s Eat Out) group went there for lunch and we were happy to become reacquainted with it. Cha Cha’s is a mid-sized place with its outstanding feature a tree in its center festooned with balloons, which give it a festive air. It’s also filled with pottery and other artifacts brought from Mexico by coowner Martha Draper. Cha Cha’s menu starts with appetizers such as guacamole al molga jete (avacado with onions, tomatoes, cilantro, oaxacan cheese and a touch of garlic), mole nachos and shrimp peto quesadilla. Then comes soups and salads, followed by burritos. The burritos include Cha Cha’s original macho burrito and a steak and shrimp mole burrito. Specialty plates and grilled entrees include most traditional Mexican dishes: fajitas, enchiladas, tamales, chile relleno and three taco entrees. I had my usual, which was the two tamales (choice of chicken or pork) with Spanish rice and refried pinto or whole black beans. Beverly had her usual, which was the chicken burrito and shredded beef enchilada. One of the other LEO members had the burrito grande, which lived up to its name. It was huge. Martha embellished our meal by giving us a complementary guacamole appetizer and then, to close it out, complementary desserts of flan. Cha Cha’s serves beer, wine and liquor, including margaritas , Beverly’s favorite. I always have a Dos Equis beer (think that’s what it is). For tequila lovers, I’ll mention that they have over 100 different kinds (didn’t know there were that many). The restaurant is at 6130 Stanford Ranch Road; the phone number is 782-8787. Last month, we had a report on a new restaurant in Lincoln, Rum Thai Bistro, thanks to an e-mail from Michele McEwen. Valerie Green (no relation) of SCLH e-mailed about the same restaurant, writing: “My friend and I stopped into the new Rum Thai Bistro the other day and were impressed with the quality of food, the portions and the price! Lunch is $7.95 and includes, salad, entrée and dessert. We spoke with the owner Pon Sawagwon who is from Thailand but has spent the last 32 years in the United States and the last 23 of those years in the restaurant business. “When Pon decided to open Rum Thai he wanted to have the best quality and freshest ingredients available, all as organic and locally sourced as possible. It makes a difference because what we tasted, and we’ve been back since, was delicious. There are rice dishes, noodles, curries, soups and salads to choose from as well as Thai specialties like Pad Thai Drunken Noodle, a Thai version of Sweet and Sour and Papaya Salad. For a treat try the Asparagus sautéed with prawns or Rock Cornish Hen or Kai Yang, Thai style barbeque chicken with pickled garlic sauce. They now have a beer/wine license so you can enjoy an adult beverage with your meal. Rum Thai Bistro is in the Raley’s shopping center in Lincoln by DT Noodle. They are closed Sunday, open 11-3 and 4:30-9:30 or 10pm on weekends.” So Rum Thai Bistro has a second PLACER COUNTY GRAND JURY The Placer Superior Court is seeking applications from Placer County citizens interested in an opportunity to serve on the 2015-2016 Grand Jury. Additional details, including dates and times for informational sessions, and applications are available by contacting (916) 408-6186, or by visiting the Court’s website at www.placer.courts.ca.gov. Applications are due May 15, 2015 at 3PM. We On ly Use the Best A ll Natu ra & Lotio l Oils ns Our Therapist Are Califoria Certified and Have Advanced Skills in Geriatric Massage Therapy Senior special 1 hr full body massage $45.00 $39.99 endorsement and sounds like another good and affordable Asian restaurant in our area. Gary Haight e-mailed about what sounds like an interesting high-scale restaurant: “it’s called Cibo 7 Restorante and Wine Bar. It’s two doors down from Paul Martin’s on Eureka. The owner is Chad Lanza. They make an effort to get to know you. The service is excellent. All of the servers and staff work together to take care of you. They feature some excellent upscale Italian creations. They have a good wine selection, reasonably priced by the bottle. The food is not cheap, but the portions are good. We always share items, so that keeps it reasonable.” Gary referred me to the restaurant’s website for details. The website is headlined: Rustic Fine Dining, Hand Selected Allocated Wines, Old World Charm.” It also says: “Europeaninspired cuisine that emphasizes the freshest local ingredients.” The dinner menu, which is pretty extensive, has four sections: “Salade, Primi/Antipasto,Pastas and Principale/Placas.” I’ll just mention several of the entrees. For seafood lovers, there’s fennil broth, Alaskan king crab legs, fresh white fish, whole prawns, diver scallops, savory clams, penn cove mussels and grilled house focaccia, all on one plate. For meat fanciers, there’s marinated skirt steak and an eight ounce sterling silver prime filet mignon with spinach and vegetables. And for others there’s duck confit risotto. As noted above, Cibo 7 is a high-scale restaurant with prices to match. The hours are: Monday-Friday, 4-10; social hour (MondayFriday) 4-6:30; Saturday, 2-10; wine-tasting, Saturday 2-4; Sunday 5-9. Cibo 7 is at 1465 Eureka Road; the phone is 789-8585. Please e-mail about your favorites, old or new, to [email protected]. 11 Music & Laughter BY JANE BOHN Have you heard the performances of our Karaoke singer(s) at Music and Laughter lately? Yes, its been a hoot as new interesting entertainment appears for our responsive loyal audience. Did you know we’ve also been giving away prizes each month? If you are a regular attendee or new to our group we hope you’ll mark your calendar for our upcoming gatherings on April 8th, and particularly on Wednesday evening May 13th, when, due to popular demand, we hope to have a surprise professional entertainer on hand (with over thirty years experience) coming to perform for the whole show. You won’t want to miss that one. Some of you may have heard her before. Many of you keep asking me to get her back. Can you guess who it might be? Now here comes a huge “thank you” to our recent performers who captivated the audience with various forms of entertainment: Joan Thiomas, Armando Gaytan, Carver Sears, Gary Mills, the “Sweet Traditions” (Sandy Howell and her four part harmony group) Ken Roberts, Jan Montero, John Feller, Dottie Ferguson, and Frank Bohn (singing with yours truly.) Needless to say the entertainment was exhilarating and fun for all. Tell your friends and neighbors and (cont’ on page 12) 12 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Luxury Senior Living Assisted Living • Memory Care Music & Laughter (cont’ from page 11) come bring your smiles to our Sierra Pines Lodge, not only on April 8th and the special evening of May 13th, but each 2nd Wednesday evening of the month at 7pm. Check out our NEW flyers at the kiosk which now indicate the dates of our upcoming shows at the bottom of the flyer. We know you’ll have fun with this group who love to blend Music and Laughter for a joyful uplifting of the Spirit. ••• Oakmont of Roseville has been selected as a “Caring Star” of 2015, honoring service excellence based on consumer ratings and reviews posted on Caring.com, the leading senior care website. “Oakmont staff made it very easy for my mother to transition into her new life. They are welcoming, friendly, and engage with the residents. I am very pleased and confident that my mother is respected and safe.” Sun City Singers Our new Accompanist Nina Malone with Director Paul Melkonian. BY JACKIE PROETT It’s April and the only thing we’re missing is winter! The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and the Easter Bunny is hopping our way. But fireplaces didn’t glow, heavy sweaters weren’t worn and the event of the year was the “NOSnow Train”. This has to be the longest spring in tarnation! The Singers don’t mind because June 1st, our concert date is probably the latest Spring Concert we’ve ever had, which only affirms that this is the longest spring in tarnation! At last, the title can be revealed, “THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES”. Not one memory as in the song title, but many memories that we share, in music, with our audience. From Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire to Sinatra and Como, the music during our school years, sock hops, weddings, babies, like spring, new beginnings. Mark your calendars now. June 1, Timbers Ballroom, 7PM. The tickets remain $10.00 (the best deal in town), but unlike the title, the ticket Chairman can’t be revealed until May. You may be looking forward to a basket full of chocolate eggs for Easter, but we received a special treat in February. Our Valentine was the return of Nina Malone who accompanied us several years ago. She is such a pro and gives us and Director, Paul Melkonian terrific support! Maybe she’ll even lend her lovely voice now and then. Our final Wrap Party will take place on June 10th. Wednesday at Sierra Pines 5:30 PM. The Sopranos will be hard at (cont’ on page 13) SIERRA COLLEGE THEATRE ARTS PRESENTS MUSIC AND LYRICS BY STEPHEN SONDHEIM • DIRECTED BY SCOTT ADAMS Debbie M., resident’s daughter The community you’ve imagined… the care your loved one deserves. April 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2015 Friday | Saturday 8:00pm, Sunday 2:00pm, Thursday 7:00pm (Thursday Director’s Discussion 5:30pm) SIERRA COLLEGE ROCKLIN CAMPUS DIETRICH THEATRE 5000 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677 $15 general, $10 Students and Seniors (Students $8 with ASSC Sticker) Tickets may be purchased one hour before curtain or online at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/993580 www.sierracollege.edu/events Moving Life Forward 1101 Secret Ravine Pkwy Roseville, CA 95661 (adjacent to Sutter Medical Center) 916-297-4512 Accessible Van Conversions Sales — Rentals — Service oakmontofroseville.com Toll Free 888-852-6981 Tours Available Today! • In Stock New/Used • Scooters/Wheelchairs/Modular Ramps/Stair Lifts • Cutting Edge Assistive Technology & Mobility Consultants RCFE #317005187 Vehicle Lifts and Seating Systems 6550 Freeport Blvd. Ste A Sacramento, CA 95822 www.AbilityCenter.com Available! Funding Now Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 SCR Dance Club Sun City Singers (cont’ from page 12) work chairing this Installation Meeting and dinner. Sure to be fun! If you loved our Concert music and love to sing, please join us. We meet at 2:30 on Thursday at the back of the Ballroom. ••• Harmonicoots BY JOAN REGO The Harmonicoots’ Board has made the decision not to host the eleventh Jamboree on Tuesday May 12, 2015; therefore there will be no ticket sales on April 1 as in the past years. The good news is that this makes it the perfect time to jump in for our Jamming sessions on Thursday afternoons at 1:00 PM at Sierra Pines. If you’ve ever played the harmonica as a youngster, you’ll find it makes you feel young again. If you have never played we have beginning classes to help you get started. Playing the harmonica is a fun way to improve your lung health, meet other players, and, the music is great! So come give us a test drive. ••• BY GENE BALLARD The Dance Club sponsors dances and weekly dance classes for Sun City residents. Dance Classes Most classes encourage participants at the beginner level. Cost of the classes range from $3 to $5 per session. Except as noted below, classes are taught in the Timbers Ballroom. Ballroom Dance: Learn Foxtrot, Rumba, Waltz, Tango, Cha-Cha, Swing and more. Partners are not required and all attendees get to dance. Contact Gene Ballard 412-6614 Jazz/Tap: If you enjoy show tunes and like to dance with pizzazz, Jazz/Tap is for you. At Each session we do a half hour of each dance type. This invigorating dance class is taught by Alyson Meador at Sierra Pines. Contact Lali Hearn 773-0238 Thursdays 11:00 AM (Practice); Tuesday 12:00 PM (Performing) Clogging: Classes are taught using lots of great tunes and techniques by our capable teacher Janice Hanzel. While learning basic steps, clogging is fun exercise to music, low impact, and great for your mind. Classes are taught in the Ponderosa room at the Pines. Beginners: Friday at 9:00 AM; Intermediate: Friday at 10:00 AM Contact Carolyn Winter 772-5541 or Shelly Winters 772-3142 CA LIC. #0620650 Serving Sacramento Valley Seniors and Adult Living Communities Auto Home RV Umbrella For Quotes or Questions - Call Brian Santa Maria (916) 488-4426 [email protected] Country Couples: Dance to country music. Learn to do the Cowboy Cha-Cha, Midnight Waltz, Rumba-Stroll and others. Thursday at 5:00 PM - Contact Jim Keener 771-5207 Line Dance: Level 1 Tuesday 5:30 and Thursday 2:15 Contact Bill Swayne 772-1156. Level 2 Tuesday 1:15 - Instructor Sandy Gardetto, Contact PJ Palmer 990-4125. Level 3 Tuesday 2:30 - Contact Jeanie Keener 771-5207. Level 4 Thursday 3:45 - Instructor Sandy Gardetto, Contact Pj Palmer 9904125. ••• Fine Arts BY PHYLLIS OBERLIN April is here and our Membership meeting on Thursday, April 9 at 1 pm in the Fine Arts Room we will feature Sonja Hamilton. She is an artist, teacher and art show judge noted for her fluid, concise watercolors, be they landscapes, seascapes or florals. She has paintings in private collections around the world. She has taught for 30 years and led teaching tours to Italy, Greece, France and Belgium. Sonja draws and paints in many mediums, she says, “she finds watercolor exciting, spontaneous and challenging”. When she paints, she says her cares leave and she becomes totally immersed in what she is doing. “Watercolor is a joy… 13 It is who I am” Join us for this wonderful presentation. Our schedule of classes in April will include: Mondays am Oil Painting with Brooke Walker-Knoblich; Mondays pm Watercolor & Pastels with Sharyn Miller; Tuesdays am Watercolors with Michael Mikolon; Tuesdays pm Drawing with Rosanne Kaufmann; Wednesdays – Open Studio; Thursdays pm Oil Painting with Marian Fagan Batten; Fridays am Open Studio; Fridays pm Oil Painting with Marian Fagan Batten. Details are in the Kiosk or the windows next to the art room. Beginners are welcome in all classes. If you have always thought you would like to try drawing and or painting; give it a whirl. We have a good time! Third Saturday Reception will be held Saturday, April 18 from 5:30 to 7 pm in the Fine Arts Room. Join us enjoy some refreshments and vote for your favorite painting. A special reception will be held on Saturday, April 25 for the art students of Woodcreek High School and prizes will be awarded. We invite all to come to our meeting and enjoy the demonstrations and receptions. ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 14) 14 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Creative Arts Club BY CORY BLASSER The annual Spring Fine Arts Show was held on March 21 and 22 in the Timber Creek Ballroom. A more complete report will follow in the May Courier. A big thanks to Lois Habein for heading this event for us. Club Business: Breakfast at the Timbers with the Clay group will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at “8am”. The first breakfast was held on Wed., Feb. 18. We had a great group of ladies show up (pictured are: Nancy, Ann, Pam, Juanita and Peggy) fun was had by all! Try to keep the 3rd Wednesday of the month open and join the group. The club council meeting was held on March 18. The general meeting was held on the March 26. Minutes are posted in the CAC room. Mary Ann Chittick is working with our club to continue to place work from our creative arts group in the Demonstration Gardens. Kiln’s are maintained by Juanita. For any questions concerning the kiln’s contact her at (204-4231). Classes: Ceramics – Tue 10AM-1PM Instructor: Vickie Soares Contact: Yoshi Polgar (771-5382) Learn to paint on ceramic greenware. Decorative Painting — Thur 9:00AM11:30AM Instructor: Lois Habein (772-2484) Paint on anything Stained Glass— Fri 2:00PM-4:00PM Instructor: Shirley Moe (771-5572) Workshops: Pottery— Wed/Fri 9:00AM-12:00PM Contact & Informal Instructor: Juanita Stonebraker (204-4231) Woodcarvers— Tue 1:00PM-4:00PM Woodworkers are no longer conducting classes but workshops on a drop on basis. Creative Arts consists of a group of residents with a desire to learn and share their craft with each other. Drop in and experience a class. For information about our club look for the flyers in the Lodge kiosk or on the wall next to the Creative Arts. ••• Needle Arts BY DONNA FONTAINE The best way to describe our March 4th guest speaker would be to say we were “BEA dazzeled” (my word). Thom Atkins is more than an everyday quilter. He is an artist who designs, teaches and lectures on the construction of “Art Quilts.” He was nurtured from childhood, by a family of creative adults his grandmother, mother and sister. His art design background, lead him to bronze sculpturing which ended when his wrist and thumbs were injured in a car accident. Thus began his love of fabrics and the added dimension of incorporating beads into his quilting. He is a confessed “beadaholic.” The beautiful quilted panels that were hung for us to see were breathtaking, beaded works of art. He advises us to “Believe and trust our imagination and creativity, we all have them, although some of us have let them atrophy, sent them into hiding or suppressed them. Find them, woo them, and appreciate them in yourself and others.” A great goal for all our member. Special thanks to March 2015 general Meeting, Guest Speaker Thom Atkins - Renouned Beaded Quilter. the creative team o f L e e Pr a g e r , Betty Bourdet and Sue Rohrke who designed a creative quilted banner to adorn the podium during Needle Arts Meetings and events. Thanks to Francisco from our maintenance department who was the instigator behind the project. April 1st’s General Meeting will bring us another multi talented person: Lorna Miser. She has had a varied career built around her passion for knitting, crocheting and sewing. She is a delightful speaker, has owned her own yarn dyed yarn company, and is an author of knitting books. April Classes: Cards with Mina: 4/10 Fri., 4/17 Fri. 4/23, Thurs. 1-4PM Mary Boyer 4/24 Fri. 9-11:30AM (cont’ on page 15) Now Offers MLS® Laser Therapy! BeneÀWVRI0/S Laser Therapy Non-Surgical Treatment No Negative Side EIIHFWV Speeds Healing Process 6WURQJ$QWL,QIODPPDWRU\(IIHFW 5DSLG5HOLHIRI3DLQ CA BRE #01229917 MLS Laser Therapy Treats Arthritis & Bursitis Pain Sports InjurieV6prains & Strains Repetitive Motion Injuries Post-Surgical Swelling Heel PaiQTendonitis Don’t Let Pain Slow You Down. Pam Cabezas Larry Pearson 916-521-0676 916-521-6565 CA BRE#01922151 CA BRE#01938527 Call Family Chiropractic Today! 916-788-1588 963 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Ste. 130 Roseville, CA 95678 www.familychiropracticroseville.com www.WeSellSunCity.com 4011 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. #110 Roseville, Ca 95747 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Please patronize our advertisers, and let them know you saw their ad in the Sun Senior News! Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Necktie $20 each or $30 Both Super Sweatshirt with Joann 4/29 Wed. 9-4 PM (with lunch break) All Day: $15 ••• Cinema Group BY CHARLEE SWARTZ “Titanic is too good to sink,” a film critic wrote. It’s also a fascinating subject, which the Cinema Group keeps afloat with the presentation of our special guest speaker, Barbara Chronowski. She played a first-class passenger in the 1997 movie, and is a member of the Titanic Historical Society. Barbara’s talk, “Memoirs of a Titanic Survivor,” recounts her experiences in Mexico during the film shoot and includes the showing of rare behind-the-scenes photos. Following Barbara’s talk, “Ghosts of the Abyss,” James Cameron’s exciting documentary film will take us on his expedition to the wreck of this tragic ship and the re-creation of its lost glory. Friday, April 17, 2015 • 1:30 PM at Sierra Pines. ••• Roseville Stamp Club BY TIM MILES The latest Scott stamp catalog lists 16 different 1-cent Franklin stamps issued between 1922 and 1938. Some are perforated and some are plain-edged or, as they are called in the hobby, imperforate, flat-plate or rotary press prints, and assorted perforation measurements. The particular makeup of any of these stamps can affect the value from pennies to many dollars. Folks who collected when they were kids and still have the albums put away may be sitting on a windfall, depending on the stamp. This is just one reason why we caution our friends to take a peek in their stamp albums and see what they have. Roseville Stamp Club meets in the Sun City Sierra Pines meeting rooms on the 2nd and 4th Thursday nights at 6:30 pm. We welcome anybody with a curiosity about the hobby to attend. We have a complete library of current catalogs for every stamp in the world and we are happy to help you put a current value on your old album. We have slide shows, discussions, quizzes, and you can reconnect to a great way to enjoy the hobby again, if you wish. Our yearly dues are very reasonable. Besides meetings we have several dinners 6HQLRU&DUH 6HQLRU&DUH &RQVXOWLQJ Phone: 916-847-3838 Fax: 916-771-3504 [email protected] 7541 Locomotive Lane Roseville, CA 95747 “Sun City Roseville Resident” “Resources for Home Care, Assisted living and Veterans Aid & Attendance Allowance.” each year in local restaurants. The big Westpex Stamp Show is coming up Apr 24-26 at the Airport Marriott in Burlingame and it draws a big crowd every year with dealers from all over the country in attendance. Collectors looking to fill a gap in their collection can be counted on to attend. Roseville Stamp Club will have a large contingent going down. The foregoing will give you an idea of what the Club does and how it serves to help us as collectors. See you at a coming meeting!! ••• Heartland Club BY MERCEDES B. PACK The Heartland April event will feature vaudevillian, Tony Castle. He was a huge success several years ago when he first appeared for us. This will be his last performance, as he will be moving away. The date is Saturday, April 25, 6 P.M. at Sierra Pines. It’s a potluck. The following is a suggestion of what you could bring according to your last name — A-C: Salads; D-H Side Dishes; I-R: Main Dishes; S-Z: Desserts. The cost is $6.00 for members, which covers beverages, eating setups, and entertainment: non-members $11.00, which must be attached with a member’s check. This is different from previous arrangements, as we want to give members the advantage of attending. Please note that attendance is limited to the first 75 tickets sold. The Heartland Club is open to ALL residents of Sun City (single or otherwise). This is a very comfortable group devoted to having fun. Check out our SCR Web site Photo Gallery to view some past events. The Heartland Club meets four times a year, usually on the last Saturday of January, April, July, and October. Membership is only $3.00 per person. The membership year is from July to July. Make your check to “Heartland Club” and forward to Joe Golda (Treasurer) 772-2928, 4144 Enchanted Circle. You may also call him for information and/ or tickets. Want more information about the Club? Call our President Joe Flores 580-3787. ••• SCR Travel Club BY JANICE MARCUM Our next meeting is April 27 at 4 PM in the ballroom. NOTICE THE TIME CHANGE! Our speaker will be Robin Padilla, speaking on “Seniors in Defense”. Robin is an entertaining and informative speaker with a mission of equipping, empowering and educating seniors how to protect themselves. April 24 6:30 PM Sierra Pines - meet others who want to travel but would like (cont’ on page 17) EARL WOOD O’BRIEN’S BOARDING & PROFESSIONAL GROOMING CENTER %RDUGLQJ*URRPLQJ Dog & Cat Boarding Obedience & Field Training 24 Hour On-Site Supervision New directions due to construction detours: + Fiddyment Rd to Village Green, Village Green to Bob Doyle, Rt on Bob Doyle to Westpark, Left on Westpark to Phillip Rd Detour, Follow Detour to 5480 Phillip Rd. LINCOLN WWTP Reasonable Rates PHILLIP RD. DETOUR N Senior Discount WESTPARK BOB DOYLE (cont’ from page 14) For more info call Charlee Swartz, 771-4860. PHILLIP RD. Needle Arts 15 VILLAGE GREEN SUN CITY ROSEVILLE 65 PLEASANT GROVE FIDDYMENT WWW.OBRIENSKENNEL.COM BLUE OAK BASELINE ROAD GARY’S SPRINKLER REPAIR SERVICE 24 yrs exp. / Lincoln Resident / Licensed A Family Tradition Since 1934 400 Douglas Blvd. • Roseville 783-0474 t%SPVHIUQSPPGJOHt7BMWF3FQMBDFNFOU t$MPDLTXBUFSTBWJOHNPEFMT t-FBLT t%SJQ4ZTUFN$IFDL3FQBJS t"MM8PSL(VBSBOUFFE FD#734 916-223-3706 LIC# 869624 16 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 45 YEARS OF LOCAL EXPERIENCE Open Daily 9am to 5pm and after hours by appointment. Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 SCR Travel Club (cont’ from page 15) a travel companion. $5 admission gives you a wonderful evening of wine, snacks and company of people who enjoy going places. Open to all Sun City residents.. RSVP to Bobby Bartelt 771-0567 or [email protected] or Norma Price 773-7216 or [email protected] . Summer Festival June 19 at Sierra Pines from 6:30 until 9 - Registrations are now being taken. Attendance limited to 100, so plan to get your reservation in soon. If you want to sit with your friends, place all names on one form and attach all checks. Questions contact Joey Woods at 474-5671 or email [email protected] 2015 trips include • Mystery Trip-April 15-18 Pat Drosdat 781-9988 Wait List • South Africa – April 22 – May 5 Linda Bevins 666-7627 • Alaska Land & Sea-May 27-June 10 Marian Kress 771-3238 • Eureka and the Coast with Carson Inn-June 14-17 Pat Drosdat 781-9988 Wait List • Maine’s Rugged Coast-July 25-Aug 1 Sherrill Pahl 71-4245 • Pearl Mist Cruise Chicago to Toronto August 18-25 Janice Marcum 771-4758 Closed • So. Italy, Sicily & Rome Oct 8 – 20 Rudy Ketola 774-9729 • Grand Circle Panama Canal & City Small Ship October 27 - November 7 Joey Woods 474-5671 • Christmas on the Danube November 27 – December 5 Vicki Evans (925)9988465 2016 trips include • California Coastal Cruise-April 24-May 1 Joey Woods 474-5671 • The Seine: Paris to Normandy River Boat Cruise-March 17-29 Joey Woods 474-5671 • Real Affordable Peru-June 17-27 Sherrill Pahl 771-4245 17 RV Group Boomer Generation Jewish Fellowship BY BARBARA WOOLMAN Many thanks to all who helped out at our “Spring Training” Fling in March. We all had a great time. What wasn’t to like--- BBQ’d chicken & ribs, potato salad, cole slaw, cake, along with peanuts and homemade “crackerjack” for nibblies. The baseball balloons, gloves and baseballs made colorful centerpieces, and the whole party was very festive. . The little RV trip to Laughlin in March was a hoot. The campground had 700 sites, all with complete hook-us. We paid $99 for the whole week, along with two great buffets. One interesting side trip was a visit to the tiny, very old mining town of Oakman. The miners must have left a few burros around who multiplied mightily, because the only street was filled with them. Tourists were feeding the burros who seemed highly indifferent to any traffic--pedestrian or otherwise. A day down in Lake Havasu City to see London Bridge was such an anomaly-imagine driving over a stone bridge that’s over six centuries old right in the middle of the desert! Plans are in the making for a trip to Vallejo the last week in April. We’ll be staying at the local Elks Lodge RV park, and there are all sorts of things to do. Vallejo has lovely old Victorians to tour, and who can resist shopping in Benicia? We can take a mini Bay cruise on the hour-long ferry ride to the Ferry Building which has an interesting docent led tour. The Walt Disney museum on the Presidio grounds is most remarkable, and we also could visit the Maritime Academy. A “MUST” activity would be a docent tour of Mare Island where we can see and learn about the twelve magnificent Tiffany stained glass windows. Contact Barbara Woolman, 771-8820, or Ed Underwood, 773-2728, for further information. BY PAM HEMINGWAY By the time you read this, Boomer Generation members will have celebrated a “post-Mardi Gras” evening in our usual style. Barbeque by Sandra Dee and dancing to Cajun music always make for a fun event. Next up on the Boomer event calendar is the 4th annual Wine and Cheese tasting on Thursday May 21st. Sign-ups will begin at the general meeting on Thursday April 16th at Sierra Pines. Please contact Michael Hemingway at [email protected] to join the Event Planning Committee for this always informative and tasty event! Boomer Golf is scheduled for April 11th and 25th at Sierra Pines. If you want to join your fellow boomers for 9 holes of fun, low stress golf, sign up at [email protected] . For info about Boomer Golf, contact Jim and Helen McMahon at hlmcmahon2@ gmail.com . At the February general meeting, members were surveyed about themes for the July and September events and about participating in “special interest groups” under the Boomer Generation umbrella. Boomer Generation members Vernita Hillwig and Joan Rose gave reports on the golf and book club groups that currently exist. President Nancy Schubach has been e-mailing members regarding the survey results and we’ll also have a discussion at the April 16th general meeting. Join us at 7:00PM at Sierra Pines to get all the updates. BYO beer and wine for some after meeting socialization. Would you like to join the Boomer Generation? Contact Tena Johnson at [email protected] to get your questions answered, or send your check for $10 to Tena at 7140 Secret Garden Loop. Be sure to include your e-mail address so you don’t miss any info about Boomer fun! BY ILENE HERMAN This month we celebrate Passover, the weeklong commemoration of the Jews flight from slavery in Egypt. The different foods and the songs and stories surrounding the festive Seder meal make this a very special holiday. Our Fellowship Seder will take place on April 7 at 6PM at the Timbers. Details will follow. Since Passover precludes our holding our monthly Friday Shabbat service we will end our Passover Seder with a yahzeit service, a time to recite the memorial Kaddish prayer. Don’t miss the inspiring film Miriacle at Midnight. Social Chair Abbott will bring us the movie on Monday, April 13 in the Lodge’s Birch/Cedar rooms at 1PM. Starring Sam Waterson and Mia Farrow, it tells the true story of a Danish family who risked their lives to save thousands of their Jewish countrymen. Our Fellowship is lucky to have Cora Rose as a valued member and long time Treasurer. She and her husband Dave moved here in 2004 from upstate New York after Dave retired from his dental practice and Cora from a 21-year career as a corporate accountant with IBM. They are delighted to live closer to daughter Melissa who preceded them to California and is the Mom of their two granddaughters, Jordan 12 and Kaci 10. Son Michael, now a San Franciscan, makes the whole family Californians. Cora and Dave Roses embraced our great lifestyle immediately and continue to participate in many clubs and activities. Among their many interests, both Roses enjoy bridge, biking, theater, concerts and travel. Cora has given much to our community. She was a four-year member of the Finance Committee, chairing it the last two years. She is now spending her final year on our Board of Directors as its four-year Treasurer. Our Fellowship salutes you, Cora! ••• ••• ••• ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 18) *G:PVS'FFU)VSU$BMM%S,FMMFS%1. %S#SJBO1,FMMFS%1. Board Certified in Podiatric Surgery and Podiatric Medicine by the ABMSP 0O4JUF93BZ%JBHOPTUJD6MUSBTPVOE 916 t*OHSPXO/BJMT t)FFM1BJO t#VOJPO4VSHFSZ t$VTUPN0SUIPUJDT t$PSOT$BMMPVTFT t"OLMF*OKVSJFT 434-6410 t)BNNFS5PFT t%JBCFUJD'PPU$BSF t'MBU'FFU t1MBOUBS'BTDJJUJT t/BJM$BSF t-"4&3'VOHVT/BJM5NU LINCOLN PODIATRY CENTER 5IJSE4Ut-JODPMO “Don’t Pay Big Companies Overhead!” “Savings from $500 up to $2450 on New System Installs” We have over 200 happy, installed customers in Sun City already! “Our quality and pricing can’t be beat.” 4FSWJDFt4BMFT 18 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Computer Club BY P.J. PALMER General Meeting – April 27rd - Fourth Monday - 10:00 AM, Ballroom. Bob Ringo will bring us another interesting program about Google and its docs. All are welcome. Council Meeting – April 27 - Fourth Monday, 9:00 am Computer Room. All members are welcome. Special Interest Groups (SIGs): Digital Imaging And Editing – April 6th - First Monday, 7:00 PM, Computer Room. Watch demonstrations on Photoshop Elements and related topics. Learn to process images on your computer. Call Charlyn Ross at 772-1447. Genealogy - April 9th (National former POW recognition Day) – Second Thursday, 1:30 PM, Card Room. Our speaker will be Bob Ringo helping us Research with Google; shortcuts and hints. All are welcome. Questions? P.J. Cousineau-Palmer at 916-990-4125 or [email protected]. PC Forum – April 2th - First Thursday, 3:00 PM, Computer Room. Topics for more advanced computer users, but all are welcome. Call Carver Sears at 771-2672. PC SUPPORT GROUP – February 6th (ARMY Day-fly the flag) Second Monday, 3:00 – 5:00 PM, Computer Room. Free support workshop for beginner to intermediate Computer user. Alternates with Android Tablet and Android Phone information/workshop – Come and sign up in Room. MAC@NIGHT –April 14th - Second Tuesday, 7:00 PM, Aspen Room. All levels of experience using the Macintosh, iPad and iPhone. Information: call Charlyn Ross at 772-1447. Photo SIG – April 17th – Third Friday, 10:00 AM, Computer Room. April’s theme: “Architecture – All or Part of”. Members email up to three photos to [email protected] by April 13th. Contact Richard Paine rmp31@ surewest.net. iDEVICES – April 22nd (Earth Day) - 4th Wednesday, 6:00PM - Computer Room. Bring your iPhone or iPad, your user ID and your password. Contact Rita Gordon at 916-622-4729. Or visit her in the Computer Room on Monday April 6th from 1:00-3:00pm. ••• Sun City Democrats BY PEG HALL Join us on Wednesday, April 22 for a meeting of the Sun City Democrats that will feature an outstanding resident. Starting at 9:30am in Sierra Pines we will hear a presentation by P.J. Conradi, new director of Citizen Patrol/Neighborhood Watch. Residing in Sacramento from a very young age, P.J. pursued a 30-year career in the Sacramento Police Department. Between 1968 and 1998 he served as a street cop, a detective and a patrol sergeant, changing jobs often enough to give him variety and broad experience. After retirement he had no inkling that he would work again in a law enforcement-related field. Then last September his wife pointed out that the director position here, which had just opened up, would be a natural fit for him. He is doing innovative things with this half time job, bringing a new perspective to it. P.J. manages Citizens Patrol and Neighborhood Watch as separate but sister programs that are ideally suited to our community. If you would like to serve on the nominating committee for next year’s officers, contact Club President Susan Cohn. ••• Sun City Republicans BY NANCY PEFFLEY Monday, April 6, 2015 – 7:00 p.m. Sierra Pines Clubhouse. Our Speaker from KTKZ 1380 Sacramento will be Phil Cowan, who hosts the early morning show 6-9 a.m. weekdays. For eighteen years, Phil was part of the Paul and Phil Show on another local station and gained a large following. His show is intelligent, conservative talk and we all look forward to his visit. Our March Meeting with Carol Garcia, Mayor of Roseville, was spirited and she informed us of substantial water rate increases and well as sewer rate increases over this next year, beginning this summer. She also indicated large housing developments and universities, and a large convention center coming to us soon. The Club is planning a pizza party at Sierra Pines to be held on Wednesday, May 6th. Be sure to save the date – more information will be sent to you. For further details, please call Carole at 781-2468. ••• Veterans Club BY PAUL REGNIER It’s April, flowers, bunnies, eggs and the signal that spring is here. That darn calendar just flies! We had 124 members and guests at the March meeting to listen and question our speaker, Jonn Melrose, from the Placer County Veterans office. John gave a great talk and also answered many of the questions from the floor. This year is loaded with events; BarB-Q’s, Dinner and dances and more. Your officers are busy making plans so that boredom cannot become an issue. I sat next to our outgoing Secretary, Harvey Schmidt, and had a chance to say thanks for all he did and had done for this great club. He said that he “just could not keep up the pace like he wanted to do (cont’ on page 21) Roseville Toyota & Scion www.RosevilleToyota.com rvice e S & Par ts pen Dept. O eek aW 7 Days — Fleet Department Retail Program — Let us show you the quick and easy no hassle way of buying your next vehicle!! Call Our Fleet Managers.... you Get pric r flee t i pho ng by ne! No Hassle Pricing Top Dollar Paid For Trade-ins Deal Directly With Fleet Managers Buy Directly From Fleet Managers at Fleet Prices Choose from the Largest Inventory of New & Certified Vehicles in Northern California! Chris Robin Eric tt Email us at [email protected] Check Our Inventory On-line at: www.RosevilleToyota.com 700 Automall Dr., Roseville Inside the Roseville AutoMall Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 SUN SENIOR PROFILES Getting to know you... Barbara O’Malley 19 Joe and Barbara O’Malley — October 1947 (cont’ from page 1) Barbara saw a major those days,” Barbara change in Joe. says, explaining son’s Tom comments that, “He was “they were moving forgetting things. again!” The diagnosis was When the dementia,” Barbara describes. children grew up and With that had families of their diagnosis, Barbara own, Barbara went couldn’t see herself back to work at Los living alone in Altos High School the Santa Cruz supervising the Mountains. She’d English Resource heard about Del Center. She retired Webb’s Sun City after 13 years and was surprised and Roseville and pleased to have decided to take a earned a pension of look at it while Joe her own. was still active. When Joe and Sun City became Barbara O’Malley Barbara decided to the perfect place for retire, they chose Photo by Richard Paine Joe and Barbara. Boulder Creek, a little Barbara has an town nestled in the Santa Cruz Mountains exercise routine. When Joe couldn’t play of Northern California. Avid golfers and golf or tennis anymore, she took him to the tennis players, Barbara and Joe enjoyed exercise gym while she swam in the pool. ten years in that beautiful area. Sadly Joe passed away in 2011. As time passed in Boulder Creek, “I believe strongly in family. With Joe Announcing XXXGPSNVMBmUUDPN Pilates t4NBMM(SPVQ 'JUOFTT5SBJOJOH t'JUOFTT t$SPTT'JU 5BDUJDBM'JUOFTT Milestone Physical Therapy Pain Management t#BMBODF5SBJOJOH t#MBEEFSDPOUSPM t"OE.PSF XXXNJMFTUPOFXFMMOFTTPSH Lic. # LCO3688 and LCO4061 Since 1973 Paul’s SAFE & LOCK .PO'SJ 4BU.PCJMF4FSWJDFCZ"QQU XXXQBVMTTBGFBOEMPDLDPN Riverside Ave Vernon St Senior Discounts Cirby Way Paul’s Showroom Location Auburn Blvd. I-80 AUTO t St. John’s Episcopal Church welcomes YOU . Foothills Blvd LOCKOUTS * Thinning/ Pruning of all plants shrubs and trees * Tree Training/ Maintenance * Weed Abatement * Planter Beds * Pathways/ Walkways/ Walls Licensed/Insured * Boulders/ Stream Beds #23559/03224 * Bark Installation FREE ESTAMATES! www.rebarktime.com “to come experience the love of JESUS CHRIST” Commercial • Residential • Safes t#VSHMBSZ'JSF4BGFT t-PDLT3FLFZFE t4BMFTWJTJUPVSTIPQ t-PDL4FSWJDF3FQBJS t1SPGFTTJPOBM-PDL*OTUBMMBUJPO t4FSWJDF3FQBJS t$PNCPT$IBOHFE t,FZT$VU 782-4486 $JSCZ8BZ4UF 3PTFWJMMF Know a neighbor who should be recognized? Well, just let us know! Call us at 727-6383 or e-mail us at [email protected]! 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Roseville Quality Locksmith Service HOME “I sometimes wonder what plan God has for me--why am I still here?” Barbara muses. Whatever it is, this 86-year-old woman certainly has the energy and enthusiasm to carry it through. Tree Care – Planting- Irrigation- Fertilization Offering programs in: Formula F.I.T.T. gone and the children strewn in several places, I make sure we manage to get together.” Once she rented a huge house in Utah to get the entire O’Malley family together. “I love my life in Sun City. The best part is the wonderful friends I have made.” In addition to tennis, golf and swimming, she plays bridge with a Lodge group and with friends. She volunteers for the Foundation, answering the phone for the Maintenance guys; is secretary to the SCR Bridge Club, has held several offices for the Tennis Club and Sierra Pines Ladies Golf Club, and serves in several ministries at St. Clare Catholic Church. REBARK TIME, INC. A New Fitness and Wellness Center Coming to Rocklin and Surrounding Areas in February! Strength & Conditioning and Pilates Apparatus Studio Barbara and Joe O’Malley — Circa 1996. ????? SUNDAY SERVICES 8 a.m. Traditional Eucharist 9:30 a.m. ADULT EDUCATION 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Worship praise music/ Sunday school /youth group The Reverend Cliff Haggenjos, Rector twww.stjohnsroseville.org 20 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 What people are saying about Whisper Hearing... “ I am very happy with my aids and the special service you provide. Thank you!” –James A Meucci, M.D. “I have recommended Whisper to friends, family and went to the office in Lincoln, Ca and found them great... I can now have conversations with family. It is indeed a wonderful life now.” –Dorothy Alexander Glad to have switched to Whisper. Will always recommend them.” -Judi Cordova “My hearing devices changed my life for the better. The association is not only most professional but personable.” –Wini Dick “The staff at Whisper Hearing Center was very helpful and friendly. The insurance billing process was painless and my son’s hearing aids are a great help to him.” –Karla and Matthew Metcalf The day I got my hearing aids I apologized to my husband for the many times I asked him to repeat something he’d said and for the loud T.V. - Now I think he has the TV too loud. - Caroline Ghinassi Talk with an Audiologist at Whisper Hearing When it comes to quality, expertise and value - Whisper can’t be beat! • complete hearing exams by Doctors of Audiology • personalized convenient service • breakthrough hearing technology • astonishingly reasonable prices Charles Sanders AuD, Doctor of Audiology Carol Trussell AuD, Doctor of Audiology Tracy Volkman M.S., Audiologist CARMICHAEL 6633 Coyle Ave., Suite 1 Carmichael, CA 95608 (916) 961-2154 ROSEVILLE LINCOLN TJ Maxx Shopping Center 1850 Douglas Blvd., Suite 992 Roseville, CA 95661 Raley’s Shopping Center 905 State Hwy 65, Suite 30 Lincoln, CA 95648 (916) 784-3500 (916) 434-1110 Free Hearing Screenings 2nd Monday, Every Month 8:30 - 11 am, the lodge at Sun City Roseville www.whisperhearing.com Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Veterans Club (cont’ from page 18) any longer”. Two days later, Harvey said goodbye to all of us. God bless you, Harvey and thank you for all you have done. In my service years, I never liked hearing TAPS blown. Now, there is a deeper meaning. Our April Speaker will be Ed Franklin. Ed served on the infamous, “Ghost Ship” that served in the Pacific in the fifties. This ship was one of the most hidden and protected vessels in our history. I hope Ed brings some photos along with his talk. This ship is the cover story in the current Sun Senior News. You may want to get a jump start because Ed’s story will be almost not believable. Special thanks goes to all those that help at our meetings, our greeters, our flag handlers and our community supporters, Raley’s (oh, those donuts), Original Pete’s Italian, and Roseville Auto Spa. To all of you, thanks. See you at the meeting. God Bless. ••• SCR Birders BY JANET MORELLI The Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, between West Sacramento and Davis, was the destination for SCR Birders on March 5th. This is the large area of wetlands, grasslands, and rice growing areas south of the Yolo overpass on Hwy. 80 which plays host to migrating and resident bird species. The mostly auto tour, with many stops to let Birders step out of the autos to get a better view of the ducks, geese, shorebirds, grassland birds, and raptors, resulted in the birders sighting 30 species. Shovelers, Pintails, Red Winged Blackbirds, and Egrets were among the most prevalent species with much smaller numbers of Coopers Hawks, Horned Larks, Ravens, and Greater Yellowlegs observed. Two field trips are scheduled for the month of April. On April 2nd, the Birders will travel to the “Humbug” trail in Folsom. Birders will meet in the lobby of the Timbers at 7:15 am. Participants should bring binoculars, a small notebook to record findings, and (at this time of the year) mosquito repellent. The second trip in April will be on Thursday, April 16th, to the South Bluff Trail off Foothills Blvd. in Roseville. On previous trips to this area, we have been rewarded with sightings of Yellow Billed Magpies and Wood Ducks. Again we will meet in the Timbers lobby at 7:15 am. All SCR residents are welcome to participate in the scheduled birding trips. For more information, please call Janet Zeitman at 771-5235. Birders at Turkey Creek in March. ••• SCR Garden Club BY RAYANN GOLDA On Tuesday, April 7, 2015 the Garden Club will present “All About Orchids “as presented by our very own SCR resident and orchid expert, Richard Buchter. His presentation several years ago was so well received that we look forward to learning more. Bring your questions. The meeting begins at 7 PM. The Garden Club meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7 PM at Sierra Pines. The exceptions are the months of July and August when we are all on vacation. Visitors and new members are always welcome. Dues are $10 per year. Questions: Cathy Barta 772-3150 ••• Rod & Reel Club BY ED UNDERWOOD Seven of our members attended the seminar presented by Thomas “Tome” Amberson on bass & stripper fishing in the Delta. It was very interesting. Gordon Holt, with 5 Rivers Guide Service, showed a video on the history of fishing the California North Coast Rivers. It was very detailed and well done . We are planning to have a BBQ at the April meeting. Like to fish and comraderie with others? Come join us on the first Friday of every month at Sierra Pines at 1:00 PM. More information from Skip Hans at 740-4150. ••• SCR Trails Club BY BY JIM BERKOVEC Sun City Trails Club Hikes, April 2015 Hikes begin at 8:00 am note time change April 2 - Redbud Trail Leader Don Stoye; $10.00 ride I5 north to Hwy 20 west to TH SCR-TH = 102 miles; #5.5 (moderate) 5 miles; Elev gain = 925 feet TH elev = 1000 feet; Single track Mostly shady. Out and back Facility-TH; Lunch-Barton Flat on Cache Ck April 9 - Bridgeport Leader Charlie Baughman; $8.00 ride Hwys 80/49/20 to Pleasant Valley Rd to TH SCR-TH = 59 mi; #4.5 (moderate); 6 miles; Elev gain = 700’ TH elev = 600’ Two Segments: (1)Buttermilk Bend trail along Yuba River- out & back, easy, single track (2) Pt. Defiance, moderate, uphill, rocky sections Facility-TH; Lunch-Pt. Defiance (tables and restroom) April 16 - Frog Pond Loop Leader Don Stoye; $8.00 ride I5 past Woodland; Hwy 16 north past Runmsey 5 mi to TH; SCR-TH-74 miles; #5.5 (moderate) 6.5 miles; Elev gain-1300 feet TH elev-500 feet; Dirt road, single track Sun/shade; Semi loop Facility near TH; Lunch- Frog Pond April 23 - Spenceville Leader BJ Stokes; $6.00 ride Hwy 65 north to Sheridan; Camp Far West Rd to TH SCR-TH-35 miles; #3.5 (easy to mod) 6 miles; Elev gain-450 feet TH elev-350 feet; Dirt road and single track Out and back w/partial loop; Sun/ shade No Facility; Lunch below the falls along the creek April 30 - Independence Trail (to Jones Bar) Leader Dori Zuchold; $8.00 ride I80 east to Hwy 49 to beyond Nevada City to TH SCR-TH-55 miles; #4 (easy to moderate) 7 miles; Elev gain-450 feet TH elev-1500 feet; Road and single track Mostly shade; Out and back Facility at Gov. Ctr. & TH; LunchYuba River Hikes begin at 8:00 am note time change ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 22) Affordable Computer Help PC Help IN YOUR HOME xRemove Viruses xFix Spyware xWireless Setup xCustomized Training xMemory Upgrades xAll your Computer Help Needs 21 x15% Senior Discount xDSL setup xSpeed up your PC xFriendly Personal Service, E-Mail Help xNew PC Setup & Transfer Files Your Fulltime Computer Specialist Jerry Shores 663-4500 PO Box 981, Lincoln, CA 95648. Reg No. 85117 22 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 SCR Cycling Club BY ANN WAHLENMEIER You can tell it’s April. The cyclists are out on their bikes riding here and there and everywhere. It’s a wonderful site. April 2 is the date for the first Kaffee Klatch. George and Karen Porter are the hosts. Address: 7410 School House Lane. The Club Rides sound enticing. April 17: Quentin Miller has planned a ride from Davis to Winters. There are 10 mile and 22 mile flat rides as well as a 29 mile climbing ride. The club has done this set of rides before. It’s a fun ride at least for the flat riders! The climbing riders I can’t speak for! And there are some good restaurants for riders to fuel up on. If you haven’t signed up, you still have time. April 26 & 27: The next major ride on the calendar is the Wildflower ride in Chico. Thanks to the hard work of Bill & Kathy Burger, Linda and Larry Fletcher, and Ginny Taylor there is something for everyone in this event. It has been suggested that participants bring their bike locks. Ginny is looking for those who are interested in touring Bidwell Mansion. Other rides in the planning: Norm Boice is putting together a Turkey Creek ride starting at the tennis courts and riding to Twelve Bridges. Details to follow. May 22: Sutter Buttes. Dave Axthelm has been formulating the plans for this ride. There is always a good turnout. It’s also an enjoyable ride with several choices of rides. For the most part the rides are flat. More information to come! Like to learn more about the Cycling Club? Contact Rich Fitzgerald at 7723732. As always, ride safely and have fun! ••• Croquet Club BY BERT DONLON All Sun City residents are invited to a free four week course, An Introduction to Croquet. Jim Miller will be offering this four-week series of classes discussing the basic mallet grip, the different shots possible, controlling both your ball and the ball you are striking and rules of the game. Basic strategy and other topics will also be discussed. These classes are for new and inexperienced members of the club and are also open to all Sun City residents. This four-week class will be held on four consecutive Wednesdays beginning on April 8th. All lessons are from 9:30 until 11:00 and each Wednesday lesson will be repeated on the following Saturday at the same times. Each game will conclude with supervised play. Wearing white is not required for these lessons. All Sun City residents are also invited to attend full-court six and nine wicket tournaments this month. The game certainly becomes even more of a challenge when played on the full 84 by 105 foot court. The tournament for nine wicket players will take place on April 27th and 28th followed by the six-wicket tournament on April 29th and 30th. Carolyn Miller’s committee of Richard Kay, Anita Brittain, Jane McNally, Ann Smith, Trudy Cook and Gwen Picanco organized this event and are looking into having full court tournaments again in the fall. The March General meeting and luncheon was another big success. Sylvia Richlin and Joan Donlon once again came up with a great luncheon with the Saint Patrick’s Day theme. We do like to party... and we do it very well! See you on the courts! ••• Bocce Club BY JOAN & DWIGHT ROSE The 2015 Bocce season is in full swing. The first event for the year was a hot dog social for all the inactive members on March 15. The next social will be Tuesday, April 7, “Bring a Guest” and on April 10 the Newcomers/Seasoned Players will gather at the courts to play and socialize. The first party of the year is April 4, the Spring Fling at the Pines. The next big event is the start of our mini-leagues. The mini-leagues are a series of tournaments over 5 weeks played on your choice of Sunday, Thursday or Friday nights. The teams, formed by a random draw, play together for the entire 5 weeks and play against all the other teams in their night. At the end of the 5 weeks we have a BYOP (that’s bring your own party) with the teams from all three nights where we present the awards. The Spring mini-league begins with the wine and cheese sign up on Friday, April 17 at 6:00 pm at the courts. Play will run from Sunday, April 19 through Friday, May 22, which will be the BYOP award night. There will be two more mini-leagues throughout the season, one in the Summer and another in the Fall. The Saturday Tournaments will begin on Saturday, April 18. Get in touch with Jack McKinney 783-1976 or Bill Pagano 749-4440 for more information. The Full 84 by 105 Foot Croquet Court Ready for the Full Court Tournament. (cont’ on page 23) 400 The Leader in Active Adult Communities 380 360 340 320 300 280 SUN CITY HOMES SOLD IN 2014* 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 Sun City Roseville & Sun City Lincoln Hills PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 916-408-4444 60 40 20 0 * Top Ten Real Estate Offices for Sun City Roseville and Sun City Lincoln Hills combined. 1-1-14 thru 12-31-14. These Sales Figures Were Provided By Metrolist Services Inc. Lic. # 01441035 Each office is independently owned and operated Visit our Website at www.CBSunRidge.com for current listings Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Bocce Club (cont’ from page 22) For a list of all our activities and events, check out the Bocce Club website at www. Scres.org. If you are new to Bocce and would like to try out this fun game, give a call to Linda Vincent 742-5141 or Dick Geistert 774-6721 for some one on one lessons and then join us for play, fun socials, tournaments and parties. If you want to join, call Peggy Mucci membership chairman 865-4820. See you on the Courts! ••• SCR Senior Softball Coldwell Banker Sun Ridge Real Estate, Lenora Harrison at 916-765-4188 Dr. Satbir Kahlon, Dentistry, Rachelle at 916-784-2129 Eskaton Village, Dorothy Bennett at 916-789-7831 Thunder Valley, Cindy Eveler at 916-408-8398 A/C Girl, Laura Costello at 916832-0010 Next, are the managers who provide team leadership on the ball field. This job takes a commitment of time and energy starting with the draft in March, managing the 20 season games, and competing for the League Championship and Playoff Champion in September. The April Courier has an interesting BY DAVID CASTEN Don’t miss the SCR Senior Softball season opener on April 8 at Mahany Park. Coffee and donuts will be served starting at 8:00; opening ceremonies at 8:30; with the games beginning at 9:00. Two of the things that make senior softball in our community so successful are the local businesses that sponsor the teams and the players who step up to manager a team. First the sponsors, we have five team sponsors this year. Their contributions are used for team uniforms and equipment. Below are the sponsors and their contact information. Please consider calling them if you are in need of the services they provide: article featuring our SCR Senior Softball Club! ••• He and She Golf BY GERRIE GOHR Excitement is growing about the upcoming He And She Golf Challenge scheduled for Friday, April 10. Helen and Jim McMahon and their committee are working hard to make a fun event for all of us. Competition will be tough, so get the big driver ready (clean those groves), wipe off the putter and practice the chipping. After all the competition the social fun begins on the Pines Patio. Pizza and salad will be enjoyed by all. What a great way to begin the spring season. Winners will be 2015 Managers from left to right: Jim Bisenius, Larry Davis, and Larry Larsen, Tom Watwood. Not pictured is John Raniseski. Raniseski 23 announced in next month’s Senior News. Golfing on our play days have been full and the small change in our schedules has not discouraged members from signing up and bundling up on the cool mornings. The games we play are fun and the opportunity to meet new people is more rewarding than winning. If you know any new residents who are looking for a special club encourage them to look into He and She Golf. Between the 18 Holers and the 9 Holers 87 golfers played on March 2nd. 9 Hole Results Game Strike Three/ Spring Training Closest To The Pin — Lady: Maddi Robinson 45’5”; Joan Rose 54’1” Man: Phil Gohr 32’7”; Bob Schesser 44’6” First Place Score 30: Barbara /Ed Clegg, John Desmond/Janet Morrelli, Frankie Lee/Ed Schesser, Patti/Bob Strube. Second Place 31: Kate Druge, Diane/Ron Feist, Heidi Gongaware, Bernie Gould, Sol LaBrada, Sharon Nagel, Pat/Jack Ramos, Darlene. Third Place 34: Aud Bair, Donna/Ernie Biagi, Bill Challenger, Eleanor/J.D. Dean, Shelia/John Long, Brad Owens, Ellen Thomas, Evon/Ed Steele. 18 Hole Results Team Play Closest To The Pin — Lady: Rolene Haulman 24’1” (cont’ on page 24) Celebrate the Earth Festival SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 10am - 3pm LUBE, OIL & TIRE ROTATION t0JMDIBOHFVQUPRUT (.(PPEXSFODIRVBMJUZPJM t"$PJMmMUFS t$IBTTJTMVCF t*OTQFDUJPOJODMVEJOHESJWFCFMUT IPTFBJSmMUFSBOEUJSFQSFTTVSF t'MVJEMFWFMDIFDLTJODMVEJOH CSBLFnVJEEJGGFSFOUJBMnVJE SFBSXIFFMESJWF USBOTGFSDBTFnVJE XIFFMESJWF USBOTNJTTJPOnVJE XJOETIJFMEXBTIFSnVJE t5JSF3PUBUJPO ENTERTAINMENT | LOCAL FOOD | GREEN VENDORS KIDS ACTIVITIES | SCAVENGER HUNT | ANIMAL SHOWS ELECTRIC VEHICLES | LIVE MUSIC 39 $ 95 FREE FAMILY EVENT! .PTU(..PEFMT-0'305414PNF)JHIFS0GGFSFYQJSFT.BZ 4/30/15 783-5233 "VUPNBMM%St3PTFWJMMF 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd. Roseville, CA in Mahany Park roseville.ca.us/earthday Roseville Electric Utility Environmental Utilities Alternative Transportation 24 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 He and She Golf (cont’ from page 23) Man: Herb Tom 8’2” First Place 79 Tie: Joanne/Mike Mastalski, Cherrie/TomHerb/ Marcia Chambers, Larry Murray, Bobbi/Bill Dunk. Second Place 81: Joan Nakao, Rodger Page, Cheryl Simmons, Bus Sylvia. Congratulations to the winners and players. ••• Sierra Pines Ladies Golf BY BARBARA CLEGG PHOTOS BY ARLENE LIZOTTE Put on your “big girl shorts”, grit your dental varieties, smile, get out your last new Izod clothes, clean up your golf shoes, ditch the shabby worn out winter garb, and lose the thinning winter gloves! The competition for Putt 4 Points is on April 1: would I kid you?? No fool you. Eclectic play starts April 8!! Sign up at the Pines Pro Shop. You are all champions in waiting, so practice, practice, practice. You are up for it: I have watched you “kick the proverbial” all winter. Don’t let me down, I am very sensitive… Do not miss the Spring Luncheon verified to be held on May 13 at 1:00 PM at the Pines. I have heard that the food is going to be fabulous, given the cooks! Sign up with check in hand at the Pines, as this is always a wonderful social event. This year it is headed by Chair Pati Struble and a superb committee. That’s what they told me to tell you. Warm welcome to another lovely asset to our club from Murphy’s. Deanna Back Row, Big Sisters welcoming (front row) Little Sisters. Golden Niners Hey! You broke 50? Which direction? Parker is the proud mother of two and was a joyful, successful wallpaper hanger. How many of those do you know, joyful or otherwise? Ask her why she loved it and she’ll tell you. She is delightful and enjoys bridge and golf. She was a competitive skier in high school and sounds like champ material. Please don’t scare her! Council will meet on April 8 at 2:00 PM in the Fine Arts room, so as to be close to the Timber’s bar after their Putt 4 Points morning. But, I jest and digress. General meeting will be at Sierra Pines at 2:00 PM, on April 15, after rotation on the Oaks at 8:00 AM or Lakes at 10:30 AM. A social will naturally follow on the patio. Do I hear shouts of joy as you read? We still have winter rules and our regular starting times for April have changed to 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM. April 29 you may choose your own foursome, even if you don’t know them and they really don’t want to play with you, give it a shot. You could have some new BFFs (Best Friends Forever, for those out of the loop). ••• BY TOM MCCLELLAND Golden Niner top individual winner for February was Joseph Whiteside who was on a first-place team three of four weeks. He earned $36 in trade. Other winners that month were Tom Farrell, $34; Kevin Avery, $26; and Joe Harnsberger, $25. January’s top winners were Bill Fass, $24; Don Mertz, $22; and Pat McDonald, $21. A New Golf Software revision was purchased for $361 that is now compatible with newer Microsoft Operating systems (Vista, 7 and 8). This software is used to maintain membership information and handicaps. It also is used to build teams for our weekly games. Mike Cepress and Jerry Bell installed and tested it. They also upgraded their old Lotus Scorecard programs to Excel programs. Lowell Ploss and Deane Johnson did a great job with the conversion. It’s being used each week. The Niners organized a booth at the March SCR New Member Acquisition event at the lodge. Setting up the booth are Mike Cepress and Phil Zeitman. The club is supporting the SCR Foundation Golf Tournament by sponsoring a hole. Sun City golfers can join the funloving group by applying at the Pines. Dues are $35 a year. The Niners play (cont’ on page 25) Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Golden Niners (cont’ from page 24) every Tuesday morning in team games, drawing new partners each week. The Niners play play team games with new partners every Tuesday. Teams are chosen based on relative handicaps. Most ride in carts but a few of them walk the course. ••• Timber Creek Women’s Golf Club BY DOLLY MANNING Our Roseville Spring weather is the best ever for golfing. We are so lucky. So, get your competitive drive tuned up as yearly tournaments are starting. The Eclectic tournament begins March 1 and monetary awards will begin for Birdies and Chip-in. The Eclectic tournament will award two levels, golfers from the Forward Tees and golfers from the Red Tees. Birdies are equalized by the new rating for the Forward Tees. Currently most of our weekly tournament winners are being separated between the Forward Tees and the Red Tees. We also have team competition combining golfer from the Forward Tees and the Red Tees. Great participation. Having gotten used to the Daylight Saving time (losing and hour of sleep) and earlier tee time in March (8:30) we are moving along with Spring’s earlier tee times. April start us at 8:00am. Hopefully it rains. Our first major tournament the 36 Better Ball Tournament is scheduled for April 22nd and the 29th. This is a two partner team game pitting like partners for monetary award and trophy. The award ceremony and luncheon is being planned by last year’s winners, Sharon Sampson and Jody Mickey. Also, on the 22nd, Carol Roden has arranged for WGANC (Women’s Golf Association of Northern California) to conduct a Rules Seminar at Timber Creek. She has invited ladies from Sierra View County Club in Roseville and our own Niners to attend. The WGANC representatives will present a Rules clinic on our course. Kathy Casten has completed the TCWGC photo Gallery for 2015. She and Sherrill Pahl will work with the SCR website to see if and how we can switch over to use it for our club. The SCR photo gallery is new this year. Get ready to start snapping pictures on your IPhone or Smartphones. ••• Timber Creek Men’s Golf Club BY JOHN QUINTEL This month our schedule of events speeds up. On April 14, the Spring Swing Tournament kicks off our busy month. Ed Van Patten and Rich Johnson are handling signups, so don’t forget to sign up by either Tuesday or at the Wednesday General Meeting. The “Great Card Game” format SCR Tennis Club will keep you guessing! Then on April 24 (Friday) the Putting Championship returns to Sierra Pines. Ernie Bell, Ed Daley and Ted Allen are setting things up and will be handling signups. Don’t miss out on this fun competition and the free Pizza when you are done. And, finally, we will be hosting the CVS Tournament here at Timber Creek on Monday, April 27. As always Ernie Bell makes this event one of the most, if not the most, popular among CVS players, and really showcases our golf course. He can’t do it by himself, so if you can help, please add your name to the Volunteer list of “Ernie’s Helpers” in the Club Room. It is a lot of fun, and for you new members, it is a great way to meet and get to know other members of the Club. Speaking of CVS Tournaments, keep an eye out this month for Ernie’s email regarding signing up for the May 18 tournament at Cameron Park. KCRA A-list voting also takes place during April. Be sure to cast your vote to let the public know that our golf courses, restaurant and catering are simply the best in the region. Let’s keep getting the word out that we are still number one!! If you have been considering volunteering for the First Tee program, come hear about the opportunities available from our own Steve Fernandez, at our April General Meeting. Finally, February hole-in-ones: Ed Lick, hole #4 and Jack Mc Kinney, hole #16. BY DALE MELLBERG As I write this report, I am just amazed at the beautiful weather that we have been having this winter which given us a lot of time to hone our skills on the courts. Our first tourney was March 14th, our Get Lucky Tournament which was run by Kathy and Dirk Fowler. A good time was had by all, and I will post the winners next month. The tournaments in the future will need some people to step up and volunteer to help run them. We are getting new members all the time, and we welcome all who would like to join us and play. It has come to the board’s attention that some members are bringing in people to play who do not live in Sun City, which is fine, but they need to sign a waiver and have a guest pass before they play. Linda Gordon is forming a team to help with the liquid refreshments at our parties, so if anyone would like to help out contact Linda, as she will be glad to hear from you. Last, but certainly not least, I want to say that our club is run, and may I say very well, by Susan Pankoff. So until next month, keep those racquets swinging. ••• (more Club News cont’ on page 26) ••• FORGET MOW , BLOW , & GO! ™ THE PLACE FOR MEMORY CARE Somerford Place ǤǤǤơǡ ǡ̹̺ǡǡ ̺Ǥ̹ ǡ̹ ƤǡǨ MARTIN'S LANDSCAPE The Higher Standard QUALITY YARD SERVICE • ONE-TIME CLEAN-UPS • LAWN AERATION RE-BARKING • IRRIGATION REPAIR & INSTALLATION • DE-THATCHING Call For FREE Estimate! 530.740.3592 Email: [email protected] +'%) ')$ ',))*#&+*)$#-#&!.#+"+""$$&!*' %%')0$'**2, +'$1"#%)*')'+") ')%*' %&+#2*'.,&)*+&+"*(#$#1)+"0 &,) ',*#*'&+"$+*+*#&+"+*,!!*+**'#$#1+#'&#+&("0*#$ &%&+$/)#*)+"*+.0*+'()-&+&()'$'&!'!&#+#-$#& Call 916-772-6500 to schedule a tour Call 916-772-6500 today to schedule a tour or to RSVP or RSVP to our special event. for one of our fabulous upcoming events: Starting the New Year off Right! Taking care of yourself as a caregiver Celebrating Special Moments Caregiver Support Group with Your Loved One February 5th, 2013 at 10am 1st Thursday of Every Month 9:30am January 9th, 2013 at 10am Continental breakfast will be served www.PeckHeatingAndAir.com 916-409-0768 Ca ll No w Spring is coming.. Sp rin g Tu ne -U p Be prepared! $ 6 9 50 Three Generations Strong 110 Sterling Court 25 3 Roseville, CA 95661 916-772-6500 www.SomerfordPlaceRoseville.com #&* 3,$+0)#&* 34#-+),$#+0)& 26 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Table Tennis BY KAREN YEATES Keep up the good work on signing up for being the room/key monitors. It is working out well. For anyone traveling to China this year, the International Table Tennis Federation has moved its Table Tennis museum from Lausanne, Switzerland to Shanghai, China this past year (2014). That could be one of the highlights on your trip! So what’s the difference between Ping Pong and Table Tennis? The first action game of tennis on a table was in 1890. In 1898 the first table tennis sets were manufactured by an English sports company (John Jaques & Son). They used rackets with velum stretched over an outer casing attached to a handle. This gave rise to the name Ping Pong due to the sound made by different sized rackets striking a ball. As popularity grew, two rival organizations were formed – the Table Tennis Association and the Ping Pong Association. The sports company allowed its trademarked name “Ping Pong” to be used if their equipment was used exclusively. As more tournaments were organized, they would threaten legal action if the name Ping Pong was used but not the equipment. So an alternative name was needed and Table Tennis was chosen. Since then, the modern game has been known as Table Tennis. The name “ping pong” is still used in certain parts of the world where it was promoted extensively in the early 1900s by equipment manufacturers owning the trademark. Ping Pong is still a registered trademark in the USA and now owned by Escalade Sports. The name has also remained popular by the media who often use it in a derisory context about the sport of table tennis. Although people use these two terms interchangeably, Ping Pong remains a registered trademark and brand of equipment, while the official name of the sport since 1926 is Table Tennis. ••• Water Fitness BY BARBARA WOOLMAN SCRWFC’s Water Fitness Council met recently to finalize how we are going to be operating, based on the discussion at our emergency general meeting on January 23. There are some changes, but most of the decisions come from your input. • The MWF 10 AM class is canceled. • The Deep Water Class will be held on MW at 10 a.m. • The 11 and 12 noon classes on TTH will BOTH continue. By much hard work, Instructor Annette Sweetman and her class members have miraculously increased their enrollment---19 in 11TH class and 21 in TTH noon class. Amazing! Prices will be as follows: • $51 per quarter for classes that meet Roseville Theatre Arts Academy presents Featuring: two days a week • $75 per quarter for classes that meet three times a week • $20 per quarter for FLEX members, as well as $2/ticket ($20 for a 10 ticket pack) With our new pricing schedule, we will need 20 members in a class in order for it to finance itself, but some of the bigger classes sustain the lower enrollment in some classes. The Council decided to hold off for another quarter before we take up the concept of free make-up classes. We’re of two minds--some of us think ‘you’ve already paid for the class, why can’t you make it up?’, while others of us say, “it would be a nightmare to track and what limits might be needed?” We’ll revisit this question in the future after we can analyze the effects of our new pricing structure. Men’s 8 Ball Winners: Jim D’Orso and Paul Garcia. that the minutes of the latest General and Council meetings will be available there. We are also looking into the possibility of posting our Tournament dates and times on the monthly schedule provided but most of our ‘players’ are aware of the information already. The Tournament Winners for February brought a very unusual result. Marie Levens and Ken Evans made a ••• repeat visit to the winner’s circle. This occurred on February 10th, exactly 2 Billiards Club weeks following their win BY DEREK TEGG on January 27th. What are At our last General the statistical possibilities Meeting held at the of this happening twice in Lodge Card Room on 2 weeks --- astronomical, February 24th a lengthy I’d say! discussion regarding the The Tournament most efficient method of Winners were:communicating to our February 3: Men’s members was debated. 9 Ball. Paul Garcia and It was decided that we Charlie Mitchell. should make more use February 10: Open 8 Two Time Winners Ken Evens of our Sun City Website and Marie Levens. and it has been arranged (cont’ on page 29) “A remarkable piece of theatre . . . a masterpiece . . . Author Ken Ludwig has verve, a sound grasp of plot mechanics and a rare ability to couple high art with low comedy.” — The London Times Maggie Hamrick Judith Jesness Mike Mechanick Brent Null Janey Pintar Anthony Raddigan Michelle Evans Raskey Jake Romero Directed by: For tickets and more information, visit Jon Jackson www.rosevilletheatreartsacademy.com or call the Box Office at (916) 772-2777 241 Vernon Street in Downtown Roseville A Main Stage Production Sponsored by Winner of 3 Tony Awards & 4 Drama Desk Awards Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 27 BULLETIN BOARD APRIL / MAY ONGOING — All Tuned Up All Tuned Up meets every Thursday, 9-10:45 A.M., at Sierra Pines, Ponderosa Room. All musicians are welcome. Sun City Roseville has a lot of talent. We want people with and without instruments. Come and sing or just listen. For more information, call Letha Dawson at 916-872-8019. Do you speak French and/or Spanish? FRENCH - 3rd Tuesday 2-4 PM. SPANISH - 3rd Wednesday 2-4 PM. Have fun retaining or improving your language skills with videos, games and other activities. Fluency not required, but some knowledge of the language is helpful as activities are not lessons. - Sandy Haley [email protected], 792-2881. Tuesday Evening Men’s Poker Got the Tuesday night blues, how much idol and reality TV can you watch! All right I made my spiel, come on down to the lodge and join us in the poker room from 6 to 9:30pm for some friendly action of poker. Our games are 95% “split the pots” and remember we don’t have a yearly dues. Questions, give me a call Ed Day at 771-0638. Grief Support Group If you are suffering a loss, experiencing hurt and loneliness, you can find solace, comfort and encouragement among others who are or have experienced the same feelings. Please call Jackie Groff at 771-7565. COMMUNITY — AARP – Free Tax Returns AARP volunteers will prepare and electronically file Federal and State income tax returns for low-to-middle income seniors at the SCR Lodge Computer Room and at SAFE Credit Union on Blue Oaks Blvd. now through April 15. There is no charge for these services that are sponsored by the IRS and AARP. Volunteers are tested annually by IRS and are trained for most returns, except those for real estate rentals and complex small business. To make an appointment for any Roseville site, call Maidu Senior Center, 774-5960, beginning in early January. Semper Fi Association Breakfast: Every 1st Monday, 9:00am, at Legends Sports Bar & Grill in Roseville (5880 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd.). Residential & Commercial • Interiors & Exteriors Cabinet Refinishing • Pressure Washing — Free Estimates — Dave Pitts • 916.349.2143 Family owned and operated. • Lic. No. 699100 Specializing In Professional, Reliable Service 21 Years of Experience Cabinets Authorized Dealer Houk Investments, Inc Est. 1999 We specialize in converting your ideas into distinctive, attractive and yet economical Cabinetry Please contact us at: solutions for your home 916-632-9556 or business. Fax: 530-745-2530 >\Ñ°>ÓÓJ ÞV>LiÓȵV ÑUÑåååµÑ ÞV>LiÓȵV All USMC personnel and Naval Corpsmen are welcome. Contact Richard Martinez at 916-543-7965. Sons in Retirement Branch 98 The Rocklin/Rosevile Branch of SIR meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday in the ball room of the Timbers at Sun City Roseville beginning at 10:30a.m. Join retirees for fellowship, lunch, golf, fishing, cards, and even bocce ball… many other activities also available. Call Tom Werth at 782-3536 for more information. Sons In Retirement Lincoln/Roseville Branch Meeting held the third Tuesday of each month at Strikes Unlimited, 5681 Lonetree Blvd., Rocklin. Lunches are $16, please contact Chet Winton at 408-8708 if interested in attending a luncheon or joining. Senior Peer Counseling Senior Peer Counseling provides free, inhome counseling to Placer County residents age 55 and above who are experiencing depression, anxiety, substance abuse, family conflict and financial stress. Contact Melinda Lacey, MSCC 530-886-3413. Essential Tremor Support Essential Tremor Support meets on the 1st Saturday of each month with the exception of July and December. The meetings are open to all and are held at the Kaiser Hospital on Douglas in Roseville. We meet at 10AM in Building D, 3rd fl., Conference room 2-3. For further information call Paula Lavin 771-4866. Stardust Cowboys in Loomis Stardust Cowboys are the headliners for the next event in the First United Methodist Church of Loomis concert series. Showtime is 7 p.m. at the church, 6416 Brace Road, Loomis, on Saturday, April 11. The performers are a western music band, more specifically playing “cowboy & western swing”. As a dance band they play mostly western swing. Another name for the genre would be “Texas style” western swing. The group belongs to the Sacramento Western Swing Society that hosts monthly dances. They play original music and Bob Wills which was a very popular dance band playing across the nation in the 1940’s and 50’s. This is a form of western jazz, and actually a madein-America music genre. Tickets are $12 in advance or $15 at the door. Call Sherra Blind, 543-0629, or [email protected]. 28 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Earn 100 slot points or equivalent in table games play to get 5 FREE PLAY $ 5 DINING OFFER $ VALID AT ANY RESTAURANT FOR CLUB MEMBERS 55 AND OVER Monday - Friday PLAY FREE DAILY! 1,000 FREE PLAY $ TOP PRIZE DAILY • 11AM - 8PM MORE JACKPOTS, MORE WINNERS, MORE OFTEN! HWY 50 @ Red Hawk Parkway • 888-573-3495 • redhawkcasino.com Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Billiards Club (cont’ from page 26) Ball. Marie Levens and Ken Evans. February 17: Men’s 8 Ball. Paul Garcia and Jim D’Orso. February 24: Open 8 Ball. TIE Ken Evans and Charlie Mitchell. Terry Smith and Jim D’Orso. ••• Mah Jongg Club BY CAROL BACIGALUPI Spring has sprung and in addition to enjoying beautiful flowers and weather, we’re loving our new cards! Well maybe not loving them but excited about the new challenges that come every year at this time. We’ll be pros in no time as long as we keep playing and remember to have fun. Fortunately Cindy Faulkner still has room in her upcoming class so please call her at 772-0682 if you’re interested in learning about Mah Jongg and how to play this ancient enjoyable game. Class is ready to begin so call her NOW for details on time and place. Our next fun luncheon and play will be on April 24 at the Pines. Please check in the card room during regular play for the details and sign up sheet. Cost is $10 and checks only please made out to SCRMJC. It’s always a nice afternoon with good food and interesting hands since we’ll all be struggling with our new cards. It’s also the time of year for anyone interested in becoming a club officer or volunteering to host future luncheons to contact our president Gerraldine Evans. Give her a call at 774-1180 for information; we can only continue both the club and the luncheons if we have participants in the various roles that keep all clubs going. Don’t hesitate to jump in; those of us who have been involved are happy and willing to help all along the way. Allergy season is upon us so please help all the sufferers, who really thank you, by keeping all our events fragrance free. ••• SCR Bridge BY BARBARA O’MALLEY There is still time to enroll in Bob Bogg’s class on Conventions. The 10week class begins April 7, 2015 from 8:30 to 10AM in the Card Room. Cost of the lessons and all materials is $25 per person. He promises every student will become comfortable with all conventions played by the elite Sun City Roseville bridge players. Sorry to report Monday and Wednesday evening drop-in social bridge has been cancelled. Mel Clarke has led these two bridge groups for over 6 years. Unfortunately there is not enough interest for him to continue. Thank you Mel for your perseverance! Sun City Roseville offers so many choices of activities that we often miss events. Here are some important dates to help all of you dedicated bridge players with your social calendar: SCR Bridge Club quarterly parties will be held in the Ballroom on June 19, 2015 (this is the 3rd Friday of the month), September 11, 2015 (the 2nd Friday), & December 11, 2015(the 2nd Friday). Willi’s Wednesday afternoon social bridge group enjoys a bridge luncheon in the Solarium every 5th Wednesday of the year—April 29, 2015, July 29, 2015 and September 29, 2015. Jean Hawkins is in charge of these events. Doors to the Solarium open at 11AM, food service begins at 11:30. Since only 8 tables can be accommodated, only the first 32 paid guests can be accepted. The Duplicate Exchange meet at Sun City Lincoln Hills will be held April 29, 2015. Barbara Ohman and Barbara Rothkin are chairing this event. All of the above dates, together with your regular weekly games, should keep SCR Bridge alive and well! ••• Singles Club BY KARLEEN MONROE April 1 - General Meeting - and it’s not an April Fool. We will have two speakers, Wayne Wiley and Derrick Ogden from the City of Roseville Planning Services Development Dept. They will be speaking on Future Development and Planning for Roseville. This presentation should be very interesting for us all. April Dates to Celebrate - April 7, 29 World Health Day; April 15, Tax Day; April 22, Administrative Professionals Day and Earth Day. April 18 - Saturday Night Social Theme for the Social this month will be “Easter.” Please join us at Sierra Pines at 6 P.M. Sign up at the general meeting to bring a meat dish, side dish, salad, dessert or pay $10 at the door, guests pay $12. The club will supply wine. You need to make reservations NO LATER THAN noon Thursday April 16. Call Janet Knoedler at 781-2744 or Dorothy Leo at 773-3401. April 27 - Dinner on the Town will be at Claim Jumper, 250 Harding Blvd. Choices are sliced tri-tip served with mashed potatoes and vegetables; baby back ribs with mashed potatoes and cheese toast; meatloaf with mashed potatoes and vegetables. All dinners include a small salad and dessert. Price $22, includes tax and tip. Happy hour will be from 5-6 with dinner at 6. Last day for signups is April 23 at noon. For reservations call Marina Tan @ 772-7913. Anyone living single in Sun City Roseville is eligible to join our Club. More information is available on the website. General meetings are in the ballroom at 6:00 P.M. the first Wednesday of each month Contact Pauline Battle, membership chair for further information at 771-0890. ••• Helping you Buy and Sell Del Webb Lifestyle Since 1997! Price per Square Foot? ! S S E L E C I PR Put my 18 years’ Del Webb Experience, Legal Education and Marketing Expertise to work for YOU! Paula Nelson [email protected] 916-240-3736 BRE lic. # 01156846 www.PaulaNelson.net Each office independently owned and operated. 30 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 The General Federation of Women’s Clubs Celebrates 125 Years! The General Federation of Women’s Clubs celebrates its 125th anniversary on April 24th. The GFWC Women’s Improvement Club of Roseville is proud to be a part of this the oldest women’s volunteer organization in the world. The GFWC was federally charted by 56th United States Congress. The GFWC International’s project for all of our clubs is domestic violence awareness. This has been in the spotlight lately because of many of our sports teams and their issues. It is an issue right here in the Placer County and Sacramento area with our four women’s shelter’s that have overnight accommodations for victims of violence and their families. Which we do support. The GFWC and our 11 local clubs have also supported local libraries. The Roseville Women’s Improvement Club donated the matching funds required to get a Carnegie library for Roseville in the 1920’s. All of our clubs have supported libraries and in 2000 we donated 13.5 million dollars to libraries all over the USA. The National Association of Libraries credits the GFWC with starting 75% of the Nation’s libraries. Books and libraries are still as important to education and our children today as they were in 1890 when the GFWC began. Some of the other projects the GFWC and our clubs have worked on are the California Capitol Park Tree Project, and Pure Food & Drug Act of 1906, child labor laws with Jane Adams as the head of the GFWC’s Child Labor Committee. National parks Service & 6 National Parks with our GFWC President Mary Belle King Sherman on those committees. The GFWC had a woman on the delegation to aid in the formation of the United Nations. All the GFWC women’s clubs strongly supported the “Violence against Women Act” in Congress, 20 years ago, The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that was signed in January 2009 was supported by the GFWC and all of our member clubs. We give scholarships to women who are “Survivors of Domestic Violence” each year at our annual convention, putting our money where our mouth is to help women! We are not just a club that helps locally, which we proudly do. We also help nationally and internationally. Our next meeting is April 22, Wednesday at Sierra View Country Club for lunch RSVPs are required. If this may be a place for you contact Dori at 332-7133 find us on Facebook at Women’s Improvement Club of Roseville; check out www.gfwc.org & www. cfwc.org we hope to see you at the next meeting. The Tour de Lincoln — Local Bike Ride in Its 14th Year! The Tour de Lincoln, a benefit bike ride for the Lincoln Volunteer Center takes place May 16th. In its 14 year, the Tour is the Volunteer Center’s biggest fundraiser each year. Four different routes provide riders of all skill levels and ages a chance to participate in a wonderful day of cycling and enjoying the scenic backroads of South Placer County. The Start/Finish is at McBean Park in Lincoln. The four routes include: The Pleasure Cruise (10 miles) Leave McBean Park and pass through the cottonwood trees along Auburn Ravine. The course is almost completely Class 2 bike lanes and rolls along a section of the Lincoln Hills Golf Course. The Rolling Hills (20 miles) A shorter version of the Country Climb with beautiful scenery, less vertical gain, one rest stop and SAG support. The Country Climb (40 miles) A beautiful ride winding through the hills and countryside between Lincoln and Auburn. Beautiful valley views, challenging climbs (1500 vertical gain), and passes by several horse ranches. Well-stocked rest stops and SAG support. The Metric Century (63 miles) Some of the Country Climb plus MORE! More beautiful valley views, more horse ranches, more climbing, (3,800 vertical gain) more miles. Well-stocked rest stops and SAG support. There are two ways to register for the ride; 1. Online registration, log in to active.com and type in Tour de Lincoln, 2. Log in to tourdelincoln. org and print out a Rider Application, fill it out and mail it with your payment. On ride day May 16, riders can check in beginning at 7:00am and begin riding after check in. On all four routes there are multiple rest stops with food, water, and porta-potties. After the ride, a great post-ride barbecue from 11:30 to 2:30 with live music is included in the registration price. Beer and wine is also available for an additional cost. For non-riders, volunteers are needed throughout the day to assist with the event. Volunteers can choose from three different shifts. The set-up registration shift is from 6:00am-10:00am, the lunch serving shift is from 10:30am-2:30pm, and the tear-down clean-up shift is from 1:00-5:00. Every volunteer will receive a Tour t-shirt and lunch. For more information call the Lincoln Volunteer Center at 916-645-6254, or email to: [email protected]. Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 SCR Writer — Nothing to Say BY DARLENE KAPUR “What do you mean we’ve lost our second engine?” I close the best seller and stare at my computer. I have nothing---nada, zip, zero. The screen’s blank; empty of clues, inspiration, and ideas. What ever happened to once upon a time? I loved that opening as a child; it held such promise. Today, there has to be a quick hook. Would Hemingway achieve the same fame in the current market, I wonder? I read less than half For Whom the Bell Tolls years ago and laid it aside. I’ll finish it later I told myself. In 1925, F. Scott Fitzgerald was an established author with three books on the market by Scribner when he met Hemingway, then a green writer with only 88 pages of stories and poems published. They began a close friendship that was later marred by Hemingway’s jealously and insecurities. But, in 1925, Hemingway wanted only for the more experienced Fitzgerald to read and critique his new manuscript, The Sun Also Rises. Maxwell Perkins, the editor of both writers, wrote to his boss, Charles Scribner, that year expressing his doubts about the young author’s book. In the end, he said he was accepting it “with misgivings.” Fitzgerald, in the meantime, wrote a thoughtful ten page critique to Hemingway saying in part “…the first chapter gives the impression of condescending casualness… there are about 24 sneers, superiorities and nose-thumbings-at-nothing…descriptions that could be found in guidebooks…” and, “…Ernest, I can’t tell you the sense of disappointment that beginning gave me…” The book, when published, begins with a line that was on page 17 in the original copy. Fitzgerald gave friendship, advice and council to Hemingway over the coming years, even as the younger author began downplaying his friend’s role in his early launch as his own fame began to grow. Up until his death, Fitzgerald continued to refer to Hemingway as “the greatest living writer of his time.” In contrast, two decades after Fitzgerald’s death, Hemingway could not stop defaming Fitzgerald in articles, interviews, and in his book, A Moveable Feast. I was curious about Fitzgerald’s words to Hemingway, and the window they gave into the inexperienced and clumsy work of someone who was not, it turns out, born with a silver pen in his hand. Yet, my own story goes wanting and I sit, staring into the white. Oh, I could write something. That part of day in, day out writing is there, but I want to be excited and energized about the topic, the characters and the line. When’s that coming back I ask the gods. As I edit and scan this paltry effort, alert for a missing dot or comma, an uncapped letter or incomplete thought, something Elmore Leonard wrote in a piece for the New York Times comes to mind. “If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it. Or, if proper usage gets in the way, it may have to go. I can’t allow what we learned in English composition to disrupt the sound and rhythm of the narrative. It’s my attempt to remain invisible, not distract the reader from the story with obvious writing.” Leonard is emphatic about exclamation points—only one or two per 100,000 words. Nor should a writer ever use a verb other than “said” to carry dialogue. No describing landscape or scenery. He believes readers are only interested in people and dialogue. Mr. Leonard then names five authors who are exceptions to his rules. Most books banned by the authors’ home countries have something important to say. Elif Shafak’s Bastard of Istanbul and, In The Name of Honor, by Mukhtar Mai still haunt me. Recently, I read excerpts from interviews with book agents who were asked their pet peeves with manuscripts. “Don’t have anything about dreams or waking up from a dream at the end. Don’t describe someone as beautiful or handsome; if they are too perfect, it turns me off. Don’t start with ‘beginning of time’ scenarios. Do not write about the weather to set a scene. And, please, do not have a women waking up to a strange man standing in her bedroom and she suddenly finds him attractive.” These comments were rather amusing considering the numerous times the very same no no’s appear early in best sellers. I just finished a Lee Childs book. From page one he describes the heat and desert so often that I wanted to shout, “I get it, you’re hot and dry, the air is hot and dry, the landscape is desolate, hot and dry, the town is hot and dry with black top ready to melt because it is so hot and dry.” Kathleen O’Neal’s books are always about the beginning of time for Native Americans. All her characters are consumed with the weather and have countless dream episodes with strange men and women drifting in and out. In the majority of her books, Anne Perry knows only one season--winter, with frequent references to the cold, drizzle and fog coming off the Thames. Nora—I woke from a dream and found a mysterious, handsome man who was soaked from a beginning of time rainstorm standing by my bed. Later, as we played tic tac toe on the scratch marks I’d made on his chest, I wondered why I always forget to bolt the door on dark and stormy nights —Roberts is a perfect example of someone who has an altar to these don’ts next to her laptop as she bangs out, No No’s for Dummies. I’ve beaten this dead horse quite enough and will go for a walk in the preserve. If I’m lucky, I’ll hear pheasants squawking down in the reeds, because they have something to say. *Excerpts on Hemingway from www.literary traveler.com/authors HAPPY NEW 2015 CLUB CAR PRECEDENT i2 Golf Car $7995* List price $9575 Winterize and upgrade your golf car with Nick’s Custom Golf Car seats, full enclosures and custom wheels Our Rocklin office offers new and used golf car sales, service, parts and mobile technical support. For a complete listing of inventory at both our locations please visit our website www.nicksgolfcarts. com to begin your Nick’s Custom Golf Cars experience. 31 *Standard Features included in sales price: Five HP Motor with 24 mph Speed Capability, Monsoon Canopy, Split Windshield, Headlight, Tail and Brake Light System, Full View Mirror, Precedent Wheel Covers and Single Point Battery Watering System. Nick’s Custom Golf Cars 4325 Dominguez Rd, Unit B Rocklin, CA (916) 625-9164 www.NicksGolfCarts.com 32 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 SHORS (Seniors Helping Our Roseville Schools) BY NORM DUROFF Burger, fries and a vanilla shake was my request to my 1st grade class as they lined up for lunch. One six-year old boy said, “no way Mr. Norm, how about some Pizza?” Well, this continues each lunch time, and now the kids enjoy our little joke. We definitely have bonded and they look forward to my help with reading, math, etc. This is what makes volunteering so rewarding. Nancy Schmitz, who sorts the hundreds of boxtops you bring to the lodge office, distributes them to our schools. The teachers are thrilled to receive them so they can be redeemed for 10 cents each and can be used to purchase items that are in short supply. Easter Eggs are a fun project for the kids, and I get to help with sorting out the paint colors also the clean up of the tables at the end. I must remember not to wear any good clothes! I am now a “Lifetime Member” of SHORS and you can be too! A one-time fee of just $10 makes you a “Lifetime Member of SHORS“ and helps our Roseville Schools. For information on helping SHORS as a school volunteer or as a support person please contact: Co-Presidents - Jan Newburn 916-791-6416, [email protected] or Norm DuRoff 916-772-0672, normbd13@ hotmail.com Bowling Summer Leagues are Forming! Age: 50+, Sun City Residents and outside also, invite your friends! Location: Strikes Unlimited, Rocklin Tuesday - Pin Blasters Start May 19th at 9:30 AM Contact Pat Basnett, 916-580-9523 [email protected] Wednesday - Silver Strikers (9 pin no-tap) Start June 3rd at 12:30 PM Contact John Bache, 916-546-6478 [email protected] Thursday - Incredi Bowls Start May 21st at 9:30 AM Contact Karol Rich 916-543-0241 [email protected] Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Seniors Need to Know! Long Term Care Insurance: Use it or loose it! BY SUSAN FELDMAN If you’ve been paying premiums on a long term care insurance (LTCi) policy for years and wondering “What does this policy cover?”, “When do I use it?” and “How do I use it?” read on. Given the choice, most people wish to age in their own home, in familiar surroundings with family, neighbors and pets. If you had the foresight to purchase a long term care policy with an “In Home Care” benefit, you’re in luck. Locate the Policy: If you have your hands on the policy, that’s great. If you can’t find it, call the insurance company and request a copy. Make sure your adult children and/or power of attorney know you have a policy and where it is. Nothing is worse than paying into a policy and not remembering to use it. Schedule of Benefit: This summary page states the coverage of the policy. For example, how much the policy will pay for in-home care, assisted living or nursing home care? Some even have a benefit for home modifications and fall alert devices. Elimination or Deductible Period: This is the portion the policy holder is expected to pay before the insurance company pays. It can be 0, 30, 60, 90 or up to 100 days. How those days are counted toward your deductible can vary. Some are individual days of care while others are calendar days. This may be waived in certain situations such as hospice. Qualifying Need: The critical “trigger” to use the policy hinges on needing either stand-by or hands-on assistance with at least 2 of these Activities of Daily Living (ADLs); transferring, toileting, incontinence care, bathing, dressing and feeding (not meal prep), or cognitive impairment requiring supervision (exact definition varies by insurance). Qualified Caregiver: While some LTCi companies allow family members to be the caregiver, most require a licensed home care agency to provide the care. Use it or Loose it: Tapping into your LTCi policy when there is adequate need yet not waiting too long (investment wasted) simply takes evaluation. If qualified assistance is needed to help a senior stay home safely, possibly relieving a spouse or adult child of the tasks, why not investigate starting a claim? After all, that’s why you purchased the policy in the first place. Be aware that in many cases, premium is waived while receiving benefits. And, benefits are lost if not utilized by end of life. If you’d like assistance in navigating the waters of your long term care insurance policy, I’d be happy to meet with you, review the policy, discuss care needs and do a home safety assessment. Just email or call to set up this complimentary service. The views expressed here are those of Ms. Susan Feldman, and do not necessarily represent those of the Commission or individual members. Gibson Ranch — Civil War Days Experience Gibson Ranch Regional Park is hosting their annual Civil War Days Experience on May 1, 2015– May 3, 2015. This unique exhibition is a great opportunity for students and families to get a “hands on” introduction to how life was in the 1860s. Last year over 2,000 children had the chance to meet re-enactors who were on hand to showcase camp life, village life, health care, cooking and to recreate actual skirmishes between Union and Confederate forces. Infantry, cavalry and cannons are there for all to experience. On Friday, May 1, 2015, rain or shine, the park is dedicated to provide an educational venue for hundreds of school children from this region. On Saturday, May 2rd and Sunday, May 3th, the park is open to the public to visit Union, Confederate, and Civilian Camps, enjoy parades, and participate in photo ops with General Robert E. Lee and President Lincoln, witness battle reenactments, and more. Make a point to come and experience this for yourself. Gibson Ranch 8556 Gibson Ranch Rd, Elverta $7 per person, under 10 yrs. free Saturday, May 2nd • 9am - 5pm Sunday, May 3rd • 9am - 3pm ESTATE PLANNING LAW OFFICE OF JAMES S. HALL (916) 772-2522 Offering our clients experienced professional services with convenient access to their attorney. AARP LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDER • Living Trusts • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Health Care Directive • Document Review & Updates • Probate 1380 Lead Hill Blvd., Suite 106 • Roseville, CA 95661 Phone: (916) 772-2522 • Email: [email protected] Website: www.JSH-legal.com Member: California State Bar, Placer County Bar Association, AARP Legal Network Attorney 33 Antiques Roadshow — Style Event Debuts in New Roseville Location What’s the story behind that brass lamp you inherited, could it be a real Tiffany? Unravel the mysteries behind your collectibles in Roseville at the upcoming Antique Answers: Evaluation Day event on Saturday, May 2 from 10 to 5. Held in the Valley Springs Church Youth Center, 2401 Olympus Dr., Roseville, the event is presented by the nonprofit American Association of University WomenRoseville South Placer (AAUW-RSP). Appointments are recommended to ensure that an item is seen by the right specialist. Cost is $12 for one item evaluation, rugs, photography, pottery, china, dolls, toys, decorative arts and many other types of antiques and collectibles. Make an appointment: send in your name and phone number by email (to antiqueanswers@gmail. com) or call (916-772-6763). The volunteers at AAUW-RSP will call you back and give you a time slot for Saturday, May 2 between 10 AM and 5 PM. What the fundraiser helps — AAUW-RSP supports education of local women and girls, as well as promoting equity in the workplace with projects such Their antiques are ready for evaluation: AAUW-RSP Philanthropy committee members include (from left) Sue Cofer, Barbara Fraivillig, Virginia Legarre, Susan Hall, and Jane Nichols (bottom row) and Lynda Braun, Marty Greenfield, and Maria Actis, Philanthropy Chair (back row). Photo by Kathleen Scott. $22 for two evaluations, $10 each for three or more item evaluations. Call or email now for appointments (required). What to expect, what to bring — Whether you bring in a model train, Native American pottery, or interesting jewelry, chances are the evaluators will be able to tell you the items backstory. There’s no limit on the number of items but they must be small enough to be hand-carried (no guns or big heavy items). A number of professional appraisers donate their time to this effort; they include: Gary Cox (Antique Answer Man); Bob Hensley Estate Services; Charles Gray & Lynne Holmberg-Gray, Fine Arts; Malcom Howe; Debra Jensen (Ormolu Appraisals); Brian Johnson (B&C Estate Sales); Brad Lomazzi (Railroad Americana); Kathy Pratt Estate Sales; Gary Schiff Estate Services; B. Velasco (Hand Pickin Emporium); Joy Zgola (Capital Estate Liquidation). What to bring: posters and artwork (paintings watercolors, prints, lithographs and etching, drawings), jewelry, railroadiana, as Tech Trek, Sierra College Leadership and Branch Scholarships. Tech Trek is a week-long residential math/science summer camp for girls entering the eighth grade; past branch recipients were from Lincoln, Granite Bay, and Roseville and many went on to college majors in science/technology/ engineering/math (STEM). The AAUWRSP Branch has sent more than 66X girls to the Tech Trek camps and it has awarded college scholarships since 1991. AAUW-RSP is a nonprofit charitable organization and a 501(c)(3). Details: An appointment is required; email them at [email protected] or call (916-772-6763). After an appointment is made, you’ll be directed to send a check for $12 per evaluation/ $22 for two / $10 each for three or more. The event is Saturday, May 2 at the Valley Springs Church Youth Center, 2401 Olympus Dr., Roseville. Parking is free. AAUW Roseville South Placer is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations may be tax deductible. Why Not Save $$ When Selling Your Home? Full Service Less Cost‚ I List for 1.5%* Kathy Sullivan I Also Represent Buyers Realtor - 30 Years Experience Sun City Resident 916-761-4502 BMXBZT!XBWFDBCMFDPNtXXXTFMMOTBWFXJUILBUIZDPN Action Realty BRE #00887979 *Based on My Listing Commission of 1.5% of Sale Price. An additional Commission is Paid to the Buyer’s Agency. If I Represent Seller & Buyer, Total Commission is 4%. 34 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Observations on Then and Now BY MARTIN GREEN As part of Grandparents Day at our seven year old grandson’s school, Beverly and I were asked to write him letters describing how life was when we were kids his age. This, of course, brought back memories, many memories, of a time which was so different from today. I grew up in New York, the Bronx, in a tenement, not a house. The country was in a depression, not a recession, but the real Great Depression, which started in 1929, the year in which I was born. A coincidence, I’m sure. When I was seven, I went to a school called P.S. 20, not a new one like my grandson’s, but a brick building that dated back to the Civil War. I walked the two or three blocks to the school, like all the other kids, with no parents hovering round and no crossing guards and somehow made it there (and back) safely. Back then we didn’t know what pedophiles were. Backpacks hadn’t been invented so we carried our books. I remember that a pencil box, which also held an eraser and a ruler, was an important part of school equipment. Of course, we had no computers, iPads, iPhones or any of that but using just paper and pencils, we managed to learn how to read, write and do arithmetic. But what I remember most about those days, was not going to school but what we did after school. We had no Little League, no soccer, no other “organized” sports. We simply ran down from our tenement apartments into our playground, which was the street. We played street games---stoop ball, off-the-point, curves, slug ball, punch AL & MARCIA GIBSON ball and, when we were old enough, stick ball. There weren’t that many cars then so it was pretty safe playing in the street, although I remember one time when I was playing stoop ball, I was going back to make a catch and I was hit by a car. It must have been a glancing blow as I don’t recall being hurt and I certainly didn’t stop playing in the street. We didn’t have television, which must be incomprehensible to kids today. How did we manage? We did have radio, with such programs as Let’s Pretend (every Saturday morning), Jack Armstrong (the All-American boy), and the Lone Ranger (with its rousing theme song which we didn’t know was the William Tell Overture). On Sundays, no matter where we were we had to rush home to listen to The Shadow (with his faithful companion Margo Lane), Jack Benny, something in between and Fred Allan. The candy store was an important part of our life. For just one penny, you could actually buy something. Three cents would get you something good. For a nickel, you could get a chocolate bar or even a rubber ball. For 15 cents, you could get a frappe (like a small ice cream sundae) and for a quarter a banana split. It was a Depression and nobody had any money, but things didn’t cost a lot. At a deli, you could get two hot dogs (with mustard and sauerkraut) and a soda for 25 cents. We didn’t have air-conditioning. In the summer, the only place where you could cool off was in the movies. We’d go on Saturday morning to see cartoons, serials EXCLUSIVE SUN CITY SERVICES [email protected] t0WFS:&"34PGDPNCJOFE3FBM &TUBUF&YQFSJFODF t-POHUJNF46/$*5:3FTJEFOUT t'PSNFS#30,&308/&3PG4BO+PTF PGmDF/BUJPOBM3FBM&TUBUF$PNQBOZ t.PSF,OPXMFEHF.PSF&YQFSUJTF .PSF4FSWJDFT t$VSSFOU-JTUJOHT'MPPSQMBOTBOE $PNNVOJUZ*OGPSNBUJPOBU XXXBNHJCTPO(P-ZPODPN Model Wilshire 2.FREE professional carpet cleaning Delta Breeze 3.FREE professional window cleaning 5.FREE property evaluations for Estate Purposes had been stirred up and I could probably go one for a few more pages. I’m sure that readers have childhood memories of their own. Are things, with all of our technology, any better now? Good question. As I wrote to my grandson, things were very different back then: no TV’s, no cars, no computers, no cell phones and of course no money. But we were happy because we didn’t know any better and when we wanted to play we just had to go out on the street. Jessup Theatre to Perform Steel Magnolias William Jessup University will present Robert Hartling’s Steel Magnolias beginning Friday, April 17 at 8pm in the Academic Warehouse. The growing university’s Creative Arts department will perform six shows of the well-loved story centering around the bond of friendship shared by six women in northwest Louisiana. Other performances are Saturday, April 18 at 8pm; Sunday, April 19 at 3pm; Friday, April 24 at 8pm; Saturday, April 25 at 8pm and Sunday, April 26 at 3pm. This marks the third production since the department’s inception in 2013. Past performances include Little Women and White Christmas. General admission is $15 and $10 for students and alumni. To purchase tickets visit http://www. jessup.edu/media/events/event/steelmagnolias/ Roseville Update 1.FREE professional house cleaning 4.FREE professional yard clean-up 771-3177 like Superman, and a movie, often a cowboy film like Hopalong Cassidy. This kept us occupied all morning for what, 15 cents? I’m sure our parents were very happy. We didn’t have fridges. The ice man would come around in his horse-drawn wagon and put a new block of ice in our ice box. He usually had an older kid riding with him and that kid was an object of envy. In the winter, we had steam heat from radiators that came from a coal furnace in the basement. I don’t know why, but watching the coal coming down the cute from the coal truck was endlessly fascinating. Sometimes, probably because our landlord was trying to save money, we had no heat so we banged on the radiator with wooden spoons. We also didn’t have washing machines or dryers. My mother washed clothes using a washing board and my father hung out the clothes to dry on a clothes line that ran from our building, over a yard to the next building. Sometimes (it was the Depression), a man would come around and sing in the yard. My mother would wrap a penny in a piece of paper and I’d throw it down to him. I guess even a few pennies were important in those days. No one in our family lived in a house and nobody had a car. There were no supermarkets. I sometimes went with my mother to the little stores in our neighborhood. Fruits and vegetables were in outside bins and the women would feel them to see if they were fresh and exchange remarks with the men selling them. Sometimes, men would come around in horse-drawn wagons selling fruit and vegetables, calling out their wares. Shopping was a lot more personal back then. I wrote above that many memories ACTIVE Listings Average List Price PENDING Sales Average Pending List Price SOLD Last 2 months Average Sale Price 2 $544,500 1 $505,500 2 $537,000 1 $790,000 1 $420,000 1 $360,000 1 $360,000 2 $349,000 3 $368,800 Timberlodge Hearthwood Stonecrest 3 $493,300 Summit 1 $455,000 Plumas 3 $446,200 1 $535,000 Turnberry Sierra Ironwood 1 $429,900 Grove Yosemite 3 $434,600 Calaveras 3 $362,500 Parkland 1 $368,000 Baywood 3 $391,300 Regent 1 $399,950 Shasta 2 $360,000 Pinery Countryrose 2 $352,500 2 $394,900 Rosetree 2 $320,000 3 $325,300 1 $315,000 Orchard 3 $321,800 1 $295,000 Timberrose 1 $299,900 3 $288,500 2 $273,700 1 $240,000 Meadow 1 $285,000 Rosegarden Willow NOTE: The statistics above do not reflect any consideration in value for model options nor location. “We appreciate the opportunity to compete for your business” BRE# 00456442 & 01243980 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 SUN SENIOR NEWS C L A S S I F I E D S SERVICES EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONAL: Finish carpentry, cabinetry, trim, rehingeing, baseboards, painting, fence restoration. Call Bob, 916-505-7674. ••• BBQ CATERING – Free quote at: W W W. S T I L L S M O K N B B Q . c o m 916-955-3302. #40 person minimum. ••• I BUY MOTORHOMES. Lived in Lincoln Hills for 12 years. Free Estimates. Jerry 916-622-9067. ••• JAFRA Independent Consultant, Cathy Gray. Cell phone: 916-622-1489. Email: [email protected]; www.myjafra.com/cathygray ••• $$ SAVE MONEY WHEN SELLING HOME. 30-yr. Experienced Agent will list your home for 1.5%! Full service @ less cost! Sun City resident-action realty BRE#00887979 Kathy 916-761-4502. www.sellnsavewithkathy.com ••• ALTERATIONS BY BETH. Sun City resident who has been sewing over 40 years, and experienced in tailoring and making clothes. References. 916667-6188. ••• HARDWOOD/LAMINATE. $600 for a 10’x12’ room. Over 50 colors. Good references. Randy 916-847-4357. Lic#852123. ••• HEALTHY FEET PLUS: RN specializing in in-home foot care and health coaching for diabetics and those with problem feet, difficult nails and calluses. Call Debbie at 916-698-3176. ••• GARY’S SPRINKLER REPAIR: Lic# 869624. Valves replaced, drip systems checked, timers, broken pipes. 916223-3706. ••• FENCE REPAIR, PAINTING & Power Washing: Reasonable, many Sun City references. Please call Josh at 916-307-8430. ••• AFFORDABLE COMPUTER HELP. Computer help in your Home. 15% SENIOR DISCOUNT! Speed Up your Computer! Viruses, Bugs, Spyware, Malware, Adware, Tracking Cookies, Trojans & Internet Popups removed. New PC setup, Wireless, High Speed Internet, Tune-ups, Upgrades, System Restores, New installation, Customized PC Training in your HOME, or general PC HELP. PO Box 981, Lincoln, CA 95648. Reg #85117. Call Jerry at 916663-4500. ••• FOUND/WANTED FOR RENT/FOR SALE WANTED: BUYING OLD COINS, pay cash, free appraisals, discreet, I pay more! Private collector, SC resident. Call Jerry 772-4268. ••• WANTED: RECORDS. 1950’s and 60’s: jazz, blues, rock, classical, etc. Buying small and large collections: LP’s, 45’s and 78’s. Also looking for reel-to-reel tapes (all types) and music memorabilia. Call 530-273-8490. ••• FOUND: WOMAN’S GLASSES, Cottage and Stonework Court. Call after 9:30am 916-772-2814. ••• FOR SALE: WATER PUMP ¼ hp GE Motor series 2 at 70pgh with bypass at 130psi. $95 OBO, call 916-771-3906. ••• ANNOUNCEMENTS LOOMIS QUILT AND FIBER GUILD’S Upcoming Quilt Show — 2015 Quilt Show: April 18 & 19, 2015 from 10am to 4pm. Blue Goose Event Center at 3550 Taylor Road, Loomis. Admission $7; children 12 and under admitted free. For more information contact: Guild President, Phyllis Smith at 916-791¬3569 or [email protected] ••• COMMUNITY PARKING LOT SALE: Sat, April 25 from 8:30am-3:30pm. 2351 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville. Selling Space $ 25. Open to ALL! St. John’s Episcopial Church: 786-6911. ••• THE ROSEVILLE CHAPTER NO. 9 of the Widowed Persons Association will be hosting its Annual Spring Fashion Show during its general information and luncheon meeting on Friday, April 10, 2015, at Woodcreek Country Club at 5880 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd in Roseville off Hwy 65 between Blue Oaks Blvd and Pleasant Grove Blvd. For information and time, contact Bonnie Garcia at 916-990-9751 or Marilyn Revel at 916471-5399. ••• ROSEVILLE ELKS BINGO! 3000 Brady Lane, Roseville. First Tuesday of the month! Spaghetti dinner starting at 5:30 pm, $8. Stay for BINGO starting at 7pm. Open to the public. All cash prizes! All proceeds benefit our Veterans. For more info: 916-783-4515. ••• ANSWER THE CALL TO HELP FIGHT CANCER. Help by donating gently used furniture, clothing and household items. Volunteers are needed to pick up and deliver your donations to the American Cancer Society’s Discover Shop in Roseville. Call 771-5267 for more info. ••• VOLUNTEERS WANTED! Kitten fostering, admin, medical assist, blood draws, cleaners, socializers. Kitten Central of Placer County 916-645-2217 or [email protected] ••• Kitten Central a local non-profit for abandoned/sick kittens is accepting gently used items for our annual Yard Sale in May. Appliances, furniture, household etc. Contact Rebecca at 916-652-7229 or email [email protected] ••• YARD SALE – HUGE 50+ Tables. Fri, Sat & Sun., May 1-3 at Kitten Central of Placer County 5130 Fruitvale Rd, Newcastle, CA 95658. Fri/Sat 7-7, Sun 8-3 Accepting E-waste those 3 days also! ••• Hundreds to Participate in American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Roseville on May 2, 2015 at Cooley Middle School. WHAT: Hundreds of cancer survivors, caregivers, volunteers, and teams of walkers from schools, businesses, places of worship, and more will come together for the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life of Roseville. WHEN: May 2, 2015, 9:00am for 24 hours The opening ceremony and celebratory cancer survivors lap will begin at 9:00am on Saturday, May 2nd. We will honor and remember members of our community who have battled cancer in a touching Luminaria Ceremony that evening at 9:00pm. The closing ceremony will be at 8:30am on Sun., May 3rd. WHERE: Cooley Middle School, 9300 Prairie Woods Way, Roseville. For more information visit our website at www.relayforlife.org/rosevilleca or contact Kelly Ackenheil at [email protected]. ••• SIFIED R CLAS U O Y E NEWS! PLAC SENIOR N U S E H 15! AD IN T E: APRIL DEADLIN **F R E E A D S — INCLUDE: FREE Classified Ads for Sun City Residents! Non-business ads only. Please see “Free Ads” First 15 words are FREE (for Sun City residents only), additional words $1 each For Sale of personal items, i.e., cars, boats, bikes, house items, etc. Lost and found items/pets Yard Sales, Wedding, or Death Announcements Notices of meetings or events by local non-profit groups. NO Real Estate, Timeshares, Business Ads, Services or Products! BUSINESS ADS Anything of a commercial nature, including real estate, business ads, services or products 15 words for $25. Additional words $1 each. $65 for three months, same ad. Sun Senior News has a distribution of 3,400 copies, which go directly to residents in Sun City the first week of each month. Classified ads must be received by the 15th of the month. PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD: Write your ad on the form provided and mail to: R - SUN SENIOR NEWS CLASSIFIED FORM Sun Senior News 5098 Foothills Blvd., #3 PMB405 Roseville, CA 95747 Classified ads ARE NOT TAKEN over the phone. Submit by mail only. Ads must be received by the 15th of the month to appear in the following issue. WE DO NOT ACCEPT illegible ads, incomplete forms, and ads not accompanied by payment. Please make checks or money orders to Sun Senior News. EGnews Inc./SUN SENIOR NEWS reserves the right to refuse any ads they deem unsuitable. ERRORS can be compensated only if the negligence is ours, and we are notified within the first week of the insertion, and insofar as the error, in our judgement, materially affects the content and advertising value of the ad. Compensation will be in the form of additional advertising space or credit, and will not exceed the value of the ad. Your canceled check is your receipt. Ad: _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ( Any business ad 1-month $25 • Any business ad 3-months $65 ) ( Service ) ( Wanted Lost / Found ) ( For Sale) ( Announcement) Additional words (over 15) ________________ x $1 = $_____________________ Number of months ad is to run: ____________ Total enclosed: _______________ Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ City: _________ Zip: _____________ Daytime Phone: _____________________ 35 36 Sun Senior News • ROSEVILLE • APRIL 2015 Selling ONLY Sun City Homes for 18 Years The Schlaegel Team Choose the agents who do everything to achieve the highest selling price for your home. We take the worry and hassle out of your NPWJOHi8&%0*5"--wBOEIBWFSFGFSFODFT to prove it. Martin Schlaegel Nancy Peffley Realtor Realtor (916) 771-8599 cell (916) 765-5172 (916) 774-9432 cell (916) 532-0053 [email protected] [email protected] #FGPSF-JTUJOHZPVSIPNFDBMMVTBOEmOEPVU our exclusive approach to preparing your home to sell. Sun City Residents and Specialists in Sun City Properties When You List Your Home With Thompson + Brown Our “Showcase Service” Will Provide: 1. FREE Carpet Cleaning 2. FREE House Cleaning 3. FREE 1-Time Yard Clean-up, Weed Removal & Trimming 4. FREE Donation Service 5. FREE Connection with Estate Sale Company to help sell un-needed Furniture and Household Goods ES VIC R E S E ESTAT N W O R B N O S P M THO AL RE L A N O FESSI PRO + NGLE A A NEW " F $ PXODPN AR Q H P M D F E N " O U IPNQTPOCS SHIO t A F E D OL B 3 JMIPNFT!U H S F M B 8B t&N RK D WO WITH 'BY See our website for more info! www.thompson-brown.com We have names of quality local tradesmen that we have been working with for years. PLEASE CALL FOR RECOMMENDATIONS. Fence repair and painting, power washing, contractors, pressure washing, plumbers, electricians, A/C and heating, roofers, house painters interior/exterior, carpet cleaner, moving companies, organizing and packing, help in finding an independent or assisted care facility. See ALL Sun City sales activity as it happens at: SoldinSunCity.com
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