Newsletter April

April, 2015
Grace Episcopal
Grace E
p i s c o pYorktown,
a l C h u r cVirginia
h, Yorktown, Virginia
From the Rector
Inside This Issue:
From the Rector
From the Assoc. Rector
Parish Nurse
Inspiration Corner
Book Store
Parish News
Prayer List
Thank You
Holy Week Schedule
When we look critically at the many thoughts and feelings that
fill our minds and hearts, we may come to the horrifying discovery that
we often choose death instead of life, curse instead of blessing, jealousy,
envy, anger, resentment, greed, lust, vindictiveness, revenge, hatred –
they all float in that large reservoir of our inner life. Often we take them
for granted and allow them to be there and do their destructive work.
But God asks us to choose life and to choose blessing. This choice
requires an immense inner discipline. It requires a great attentiveness to
the death-forces within us and a great commitment to let the forces of life
come to dominate our thoughts and feelings. We cannot always do this
alone; often we need a caring guide or a loving community to support us.
1 But it is important that we both make the inner effort and seek the sup3 port we need from others to help us choose life.
-- Henri Nouwen, Bread for the Journey
7 Dear People of Grace,
After becoming a ‘voice’ for a whole generation of seekers, Henri
8 Nouwen died in 1996. In walking his path he had discovered that if he
9 authentically shared the struggles of his own inner life – they spoke to
others. In The Prodigal Son, his enduringly powerful book on the para10
ble of the same name, he described his experience of depression. And in
10 his early and best-known book, The Wounded Healer, he outlined what
has now become almost a commonplace – that the strongest medicine
we have to offer others comes from our own experience of woundedness.
This newsletter should arrive close to Holy Week. Nouwen’s first
above summarizes something of the spirit of Lent and the
Passion. Why else would we enter the realms of self-denial and track
14 the dark story of the betrayal and death of goodness if not to see clearly
15 and confront the ways we ourselves continue to “choose death?”
At the end of Moses’ long and sacrificial ministry, he addresses
insert the people with this bald challenge, “See, I have set before you today life
and prosperity, death and adversity. I have set before you life and
death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God.” (Dt. 30:15, 19)
The choice still lives – for each one of us, a hundred times every
day. In a heartbeat our thoughts leap forward with judgment, anger
and a desire for revenge. And too often they break out of the confines of
our mind into our words and the things we do. Even when we master
the darkness and do the right thing – it seems there is sometimes little
reward. After all, Jesus was crucified. Kayla Mueller, the young woman who had gone to help with Syrian refugees, was killed by ISIS.
Continued next page
Continued from previous page
I mentioned Kayla in a sermon on the Sunday after her death. The next day a parishioner sent
me an email saying that she was offering an anonymous matching gift of $1,000 for the “Kayla Mueller
Fund,” to be sent in support of Doctors Without Borders. I announced it two days later at the Ash
Wednesday services and put an offering plate on a small table in the aisle. By the end of the second service, $650 was in it. The rest came in spontaneously on the next two Sundays and we quickly mailed out
$2,164 for the work Doctors Without Borders is doing with Syrian refugees.
Jesus says that unless a seed fall into the earth and die, it will not bear fruit. In the strange and
marvelous province of God, every choice for life bears more life – whether we see it in the moment or not.
The path to the “more life” is not straight, nor does it look like we would have it look. It twists and
turns, it goes dormant. But God does give the growth.
Nouwen’s second paragraph above is about Easter. When we let go of our dependence on the long
list – jealousy, anger, resentment, lust, greed, revenge and hatred – and choose life, something new can
be born. We say, “It’s just too hard, I can’t do it!” Nouwen says, “Of course not; you can’t do it alone!
That’s why you need guides and companions along the way. That’s why you need your community!”
This community and the people in it keep finding ways to choose life. Wonderfully overlaid with
the explosion of Earth’s spring season, on Easter Sunday we sing, “Jesus Christ is risen today!” To see
him is to choose. To follow him is to choose life. To look for the best in each person is to choose. To love
is to choose life.
Nouwen seems to have it right. Our own deepest struggles are usually pretty much what others
are struggling with as well. And, yes, our own wounds and our awareness of them are what gives us the
possibility of connecting meaningfully with our brothers and sisters. Let Easter speak to you again this
year by way of encouragement to keep choosing life! Because he is risen. He is risen indeed!
In Christ,
Please bring flowers and greenery
for the Easter flowering cross
on Easter morning!!!
It is glowingly beautiful when it is full!
From the Associate Rector
Dear People of Grace,
Signs of Resurrection abound! Spring birdsong and flowers. Acts of forgiveness and hope. The church
will be filled with alleluias and Easter lilies and the burbling sounds of babies.
But long before Easter morning, in the dark days of Lent, reminders of Resurrection came to me in the
form of one card after another offering me condolences on the death of my father, Hugh McCulloch. Such
tender kindness. Over and over I asked myself, how can anyone deal with loss and sorrow and death
without a church community to surround them? My imagination can’t even go to such a sad place.
I received many priceless gifts from my father and mother. A stable home life, a good education, my
brother Bruce. They also brought me up in the church. I learned about Jesus in Sunday School. I sang
in the church choir from the 4th to the 12th grade and learned the liturgy and music of the church. I had
a rich if still adolescent context for my first of a continuing series of direct experiences of God’s presence.
I had a language to begin to describe these events, and a way of nurturing them.
The Grace Church Vestry made a memorial donation to my parents’ church in Bay Head, New Jersey
after my father died, and I wrote them to say thank you for their generosity, but also for their willingness to be leaders in our project here at Grace Church – providing a beautiful, ever-changing but ongoing container for holy experiences to which absolutely everybody is invited. Nurturing children and families in the story of Jesus and world-weary adults who’ve just about run out of hope as well, offering
them acceptance and love and a little holy work to do. This is life-giving. It is a foretaste of life eternal.
As for the condolence cards, I decided to take each one and write on its back one thing I know and love
about the person who sent it. I put them all in a pretty box, and today am mailing the whole collection
to my mother to savor in the days to come. She will see how surrounded with love I am. I hope she will
also reflect on how the seed she and my father planted when they took me to church every Sunday has
borne sweet fruit indeed.
Thank you all for your kindness, and for being real family to me here at Grace, a Resurrection family.
Love in Christ,
Everyone is invited to come for a potluck
luncheon in the Parish Hall at 11:30 a.m. on
Wednesday, April 8. Bring food to share
and your favorite story about gardening.
We'll have a roundtable conversation after
we enjoy our lunch.
From the Financial Director
2014 Financial Audit
Rick Wildes & Company PLCC, Certified Public Accountants, conducted an audit of Grace Church
financials for the year ending December 31, 2014. The firm issued an “unqualified” finding meaning that there were no issues with our financial operation or our operating procedures. Below is
the summary financial statement published in the report reflecting our revenue and expenses as of
the end of the year:
Operating Revenue and Expenses represents our annual Budget whereas Nonoperating Revenue
and Expenditures reflects our special collection Restricted Funds (i.e., Thanksgiving Basket, York
County Fool Closet, Lackey Free Clinic, Natasha House, etc.).
If you have questions or would like to see the full report, please contact Bob Frady at [email protected] or 898-3621, ext. 15.
April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day
This day exists to inspire, educate & empower the public & providers about the importance of
advance care planning and is an initiative to encourage patients to express their wishes regarding healthcare and for providers and facilities to respect those wishes, whatever they may be.
It is important that you communicate your end-of-life wishes. Decisions about end-of-life
care are deeply personal, and are based on your values and beliefs. Talking with your loved
ones, your healthcare providers, and even your friends are all important steps to make your wishes known. These conversations will relieve loved ones and healthcare providers of the need to guess what you would want if you are ever facing a
healthcare or medical crisis. While it can be difficult to initiate these conversations, ultimately, they can be an invaluable
gift to those you love and those providing medical care. It is impossible to foresee every type of circumstance or illness,
therefore, it is essential to think in general about what is important to you and to make sure your loved ones and care providers are aware of your priorities.
Complete your Advance Directive. ”Advance directive” describes two types of legal documents that enable you to plan for
and communicate your end-of-life wishes in the event that you are unable to communicate: a Medical Power of Attorney and a
Living Will.
A Medical Power of Attorney allows you to appoint a person you trust as your healthcare agent (or surrogate decision
maker), who is authorized to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to speak for yourself.
A Living Will allows you to document your wishes concerning medical treatments that you would or would not want if facing
a serious of life-limiting illness.
These forms may be obtained from your physician, your lawyer and from organizations such as:
Aging With Dignity (Five Wishes) – http:// aging with
Lifecare Advance Directives –
MedicAlert Foundation –
Talking with Others about Their End-of-Life Wishes
Even if you have done everything to communicate your own end-of-life wishes, you may find yourself in a situation where you
need to take the initiative and have the discussion with family members or loved ones who have not shared their end-of-life
wishes with you. Here are a few helpful pointers to keep in mind as you plan for having this conversation:
Select an Appropriate Setting. Plan for the conversation; find a quiet, comfortable place that is free from distraction to
hold a one-on-one discussion. Usually, a private setting is best.
Ask Permission. People cope with end-of-life issues in many ways. Asking permission to discuss this topic assures your
loved one that you will respect his/her wishes and honor them. Some ways of asking permission are: “I would like to talk
about how you would like to be cared for if you got really sick. Is that okay?” “If you ever got sick, I would be afraid of not
knowing the kind of care you would like. Could we talk about this now?
Know What To Expect. Keep in mind that you have initiated this conversation because you care about your loved one’s
wellbeing – especially during difficult times. Allow your loved one to set the pace. Try to focus on maintaining a warm and
caring manner throughout the conversation by showing your love and concern - Nod your head in agreement, hold your loved
one’s hand, reach out to offer a hug or comforting touch. Questions you may want to ask your loved one about his or her endof-life care wishes include: If you were diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, what types of treatment would you prefer? Have
you named someone to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so? How would you like your choices honored at the end of life? What can I do to best support you and your choices? Understand that it is normal to encounter resistance the first time you bring up this topic. Don’t be surprised or discouraged; instead, plan to try again at another time.
Be a Good Listener. Keep in mind that this is a conversation, not a debate, sometimes, just having someone to talk to is a
big help. Be sure to make an effort to hear and understand what the person is saying. These moments, although difficult, are
important and special to both of you. Some important things you can do are: Listen for the wants and needs that your loved
one expresses. Make clear that what your loved one is sharing with you is important to you. Show empathy and respect by
addressing these wants and needs in a truthful and open way. Verbally acknowledge your loved one’s rights to make life
choices – even if you do not agree with those choices.
Having conversations with your loved ones about their end-of-life wishes can be a sensitive discussion. These conversations
matter and are needed to learn about your loved one’s wishes so that those wishes can be honored at the end of life.
The information in this article is from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. For more information, visit
their website at or contact Nancy Sullivan.
“A Sinful Slaying”
A Performance by the Grace Full ? Players
May 1 and 2, 2015
Showtime 6:00 p.m.
In Grace Church’s version of “A Dinner and A Movie,” you will be mesmerized by the many interesting
characters in this intriguing and captivating play. To name a few, meet:
Jean Claude Monet, the flamboyant, egotistical but shrewd Pastor of the Church DeMonet (isn’t that
a trip? ….he named the church after himself!!!), in Jonesville, a fast growing suburb of Ft. Worth, Texas,
is working hard to increase his fortunes but running into all kinds of twists and turns.
Clarece DeMonet, the wife of the pastor; very sophisticated, extremely well dressed, headstrong and
Obediah Jones, a prominent, influential and veeerrrry rich attorney in Jonesville who is a Deacon of
the Church DeMonet and contributes a great deal of money to it.
Cooter Cardwell, Church custodian, organist for the choir and cousin of the church’s lay leader, Chad.
Chad Cardwell, Church DeMonet’s lay leader. Very handsome -- a ladies man and he knows it!!
Rev. Taylor Thompson, the Associate pastor of the Church DeMonet. Hard working and devoted to
the church; he has a squeaky clean reputation but naïve to the goings on.
Jim Banker, Televangelist. Flamboyant, loud, egotistical, a sharp dresser; and his wife Sally Rae
Banker, always over the top in speech and attire and always overly made up.
Bonita “Boom Boom” Bloxom, Sexy, smart Administrative Assistant to Deacon Jones and is routinely spoiled by the Deacon.
All proceeds go to support June 2015 Mission Trip to
Holy Cross Anglican School in Belize
From the Outreach Commission
The Thanksgiving Basket recipient for the month of April will be Episcopal Relief and Development in celebration of the 75th anniversary of this wonderful organization.
The Adopt-A-Backpack Ministry needs volunteers each week to provide a backpack of needed food to
students at York Middle School. We provide for 10 students each week. Please see the signup sheet in
the Parish Hall. Thank you!
Special thanks to Carolyn Griffith, Melinda Reed and Elizabeth O’Brien!
YORK COUNTY FOOD CLOSET: Our Red Ball Express wagon needs food donations. Canned fruits,
meats, vegetables, and peanut butter and jelly are needed at this time. Special thanks to Al Crane and
his volunteers!
SAINT FRANCIS PROJECT: We also collect pet foods for our local SPCA. These donations can be left
in the pet food bin as well.
Stop Hunger Now: Over 15,000 meals were prepared with love!!
A huge thank you to Kathy Michaels, and all who helped in any way with our STOP HUNGHER NOW
Outreach Event. Special thanks to our local Scouts and York High School students! It was a terrific success! Special thanks to those who helped clean up! Kevin we appreciate you!
May 1 and 2, 2015
The GRACE FULL? PLAYERS will present
“A Sinful Slaying”
All proceeds go to support the June 2015
Mission Trip to Holy Cross Anglican School in Belize.
Special Thanks to our Parish Book and Gift Shop Volunteers for your ministry!
Outreach Donations were given to:
York County Food Bank for $500
Local Red Cross for $300
Our Clergy Discretionary Funds for $100 each.
Together in Christ,
Donna Hines and Brenda Moore
News from Stewardship
Volunteer Group of the Month: Christmas Is Everyday
Members of Grace Church always seem to find a way to lift up those in need. In 2003
Kathy Michaels was called to provide a small measure of joy for our troops serving in
the Middle East. Out of that calling emerged “Christmas Is Everyday,” a simple program of stuffing stockings full of items like cookies, microwave popcorn, lollipops,
playing cards, boxing them up and shipping them to members of our Armed Forces
serving in Iraq and later Afghanistan. Kathy would get names and addresses of the
combatants from friends, her Grace Church family and sometimes total strangers
who learned about her work. At the height of the war, she had as many as 20 names
on her list and she sent 120 to 130 care packages out each month. In 2007 the Outreach Committee formally adopted “Christmas Is Everyday” and relieved Kathy of funding and implementing the program on her own . Kathy continues to lead the effort and has picked up many allies along the way. Several Girl Scout troops are now involved, providing cookies and volunteer labor,
and both the DAV and VFW are now program contributors. Over time, the goodie vehicle morphed
from a stocking to a red or white paper bag with a “Christmas Is Everyday” sticker that also identifies Grace Church. The joy these goodie bags brought our servicemen and -women has come full circle, as one of the recipients, Stephen Grimsley, now helps prepare bags for those still serving overseas. Michael Washburn was so grateful for these small tokens of love that upon his return to the
states he presented the church with a framed print of “Michael the Archangel” that hangs in the
Parish Hall today. Kathy is most thankful for the many volunteers that assist her, some of whom
aren’t members of Grace Church. Sylvia Browne, Greg McCarthy, Sharon Stack and Daisy Fletcher
are just a few of her faithful elves. If you know of a serviceman or -woman serving in the Gulf region
that needs a touch of Grace or you would like to help spread some cheer, please get in touch with
Kathy (aka Santa).
Submitted by Roselyn Washburn
“Bells across the Land:
A Nation Remembers Appomattox”
Thursday, April 9, 3:00 p.m.
in front of the church
He Loves You
-by Helen Steiner Rice
It's amazing and incredible,
but it's as true as it can beGod loves and understands us all,
and that means you and me.
His grace is all-sufficient
for both the young and old,
For the lonely and the timid,
for the brash and for the bold.
His love knows no exceptions,
so never feel excludedNo matter who or what you are,
your name has been included.
And no matter what your past has been,
trust God to understand.
And no matter what your problem is,
just place it in His hand.
For in all of our unloveliness
this great God loves us stillHe loved us since the world began,
and, what's more, He always will!
The Civil War remains the deadliest war in American history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated
750,000 soldiers and an undetermined number of
civilian casualties. On April 9, 1865, Union Gen.
Ulysses S. Grant met Confederate Gen. Robert E.
Lee to set the terms of surrender of Lee’s Army of
Northern Virginia. While Lee’s surrender did not
end the Civil War, the act is seen by most Americans as the symbolic end of four years of bloodshed.
In conjunction with an event at Appomattox
Court House National Historical Park, the National Park Service and its partners have invited communities across the nation to join in this commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the end of the
Civil War. The bells will ring first at Appomattox
at 3:00 p.m. on April 9, 2015. The ringing will coincide with the moment the historic meeting between
Grant and Lee in the McLean House at Appomattox Court House. After the ringing at Appomattox,
bells will reverberate across the country. Churches,
temples, schools, city halls, public buildings, historic sites, and others have been invited to ring bells
precisely at 3:15 pm for four minutes (each minute
symbolic of a year of war).
Grace Church will join the national
commemoration on April 9 at 3:00. We will share
some prayers for peace and reconciliation and then
ring our historic bell so that it can be heard
throughout Yorktown.
Although 150 years may seem like a long
time ago, it is actually only several generations
past. Civil War memories in family stories are still
very much with us as we struggle with reconciliation issues today. This is an opportunity for us to
come together to honor the end of the bloodiest war
in our history and hope for future of peace within
our communities.
New Readings:
I Will See You in Heaven by Friar Jack Wintz—the Bible gives many clues that we will be with our
pets in heaven for eternity
What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey—Large Print—offers compelling, true portraits of
grace’s life-changing power
A Life God Rewards by Bruce Wilkinson—“Why Everything You Do Today Matters Forever”
All Easter Items Will Be 50% Off Starting Easter Monday 4-6-15 until 4-16-15
Mother’s Day Is Coming and The Shop Has Your Gifts:
Jewelry--angel, cross, meaningful word, and the Lord’s Prayer bracelets and angel earrings; Grace
Heals crosses are back in stock; Episcopal shield necklaces and earrings; and a big selection of all
types of secular jewelry
Accessories--scarves, belts, silk flowers, coin purses, and many purses. Bargain of the month is a
Vera Bradley cross-body bag for $30--never used--regular price $79
Unique tea/coffee mugs; spoon rests; flower clocks; garden items; beautiful greeting cards
Graduation Day Is Also Coming; Need A Gift?
How about a personal Book of Common Prayer or a Bible for your graduating Senior!
Donations were given to:
Grace Church of $50 in memory of one of our loyal volunteers—Don Kuchenbuch
All Saints Church, Bay Head, N.J. of $50 in memory of Dr. Hugh McCulloch, Jr.—the Rev. Connie
Jones’s father
Vestry Meeting Summary for March 2015
The regular meeting of the Grace Church Vestry was called to order on Monday, March 9. All
members were in attendance except for Brenda Moore and Gerry Smelt. Rick Wildes, our auditor,
gave the audit report which will be forwarded to the Diocese. The audit was expanded this year to
include the Day School and Book Store. David Grimsley and Jerry Twigg presented the results of the
committee convened to explore renovation/expansion options for Riverview. The results will be taken
into consideration and discussed further at the April vestry meeting. Commission Highlights:
Outreach: The Stop Hunger Now Event will take place on March 15, with 15,000 meals to be
prepared. The school backpack program is underway and being organized by Elizabeth O’Brien and
Carolyn Griffith. Stewardship: Art Boyce reported on the diocesan vestry training event he attended
has sprung, and with school sports and after
school and weekend programs, the kids are out
and adults are busy with many outdoor
activities. To keep our neighbors in need of
nutritious meals, please continue your greatly
appreciated weekly donations of non-perishable
food and household paper products in the "Red
Ball Express" wagon in the Parish Hall. Al
Crane 867-8643
the EYC for promoting donations and collecting
pet food, and related new pet products for the
Peninsula Pet Pantry in the Saint Francis Box
in the Parish Hall!! During Easter, many
people contemplate giving pets as gifts. Please
remember to consider the long-term
responsibilities of raising, training, and keeping
pets in a welcome and healthy environment. If
you have questions contact a local veterinarian,
and if you do desire to give or purchase a pet for
your family visit a local pet shelter
recommended by a friend or veterinarian as a
source. Al Crane 867-8643
We are in the process of reviewing and
updating the listing of over 76 known veterans
buried in the Grace Church Cemetery. The list
will posted on the Parish Hall bulletin board in
mid April for review and submission of any
additional updates. The Annual Grace
Church Memorial Day Ceremony will be held at
10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 25, in the cemetery.
Al Crane 867-8643
Episcopal Church Women/
Naomi Dozier (ECW)
Grace Church ECW and Naomi Dozier will
hold their Spring Business Meeting and
Luncheon on Monday, May 11, at 10:30
a.m. in the Parish Hall. Jean Kirkham,
Queen of Grace Church gardens, will
speak on how it is best to grow flowers and
plants. Please come and give Jean a big
welcome from our ECW. Lunch will be
served after the meeting and is $5 per person. Deadline for signing up is Friday,
May 8. Look for the signup sheet posted in
the Parish Hall or outside the church after
Easter Sunday. We will also vote on how
to spend the money from our Thanksgiving
Pie Sale. Hope to see you there!
Ladies’ Night Out
All ladies, 10 and over, are invited to Ladies’
Bunco Night, Friday, April 17. Join us in the
Parish Hall at 6PM for heavy appetizers, sangria, and sodas. We will start playing about
7:00 p.m. This is a fundraiser for the Belize
Mission so a generous donation would be welcome. Invite your neighborhood Bunco group.
Mark your calendar!!! See your there!!! Look
for the signup sheet in the Parish Hall!
Apr 27
Caroline Saunders
William White
Apr 29
Caroline Smith
Ken Yerby
and Anniversaries
Apr 1
Richard Allan “Ricky” Hamers, III
Apr 2
Cathy Miller
Apr 3
Suzanne Daniel
Apr 5
Janaan Muntean
Apr 8
Joseph & Beth Wilson
Apr 12
David & Betty Aldred
Mit Tuovila
Apr 8
Elizabeth Elrod
Libby Fisher
Apr 9
Donna Brownlee
Sam Ketchum
Apr 10
Sue Kidd
Eino Hirv
Apr 11
Katherine Speegle
Apr 12
Kevin James
Apr 15
Betty Aldred
Emily Dugan
Susie Engle-Hill
Glenn Shean
Apr 17
Diane Nelson
Apr 19
Maura Marcella
Bill Randolph
Apr 22
Katherine Thompson
Apr 25
Gilbert Bahn
Apr 26
Tom Bailes
I believe we are here for a reason.
I believe we were not born into
this generation by accident. I believe that the community of which
we are a part came into being
with a purpose. In a time when so
many shadows hang over our
world, our task is to be an alternative of light. Where there is
doubt, we can inspire hope. Where
there is anger, we can offer reconciliation. Where there is prejudice,
we can embody shared respect. To
do this, we do not have to agree on
how we pray or how we vote. We
only need to agree that what
unites us is stronger than what
divides us: our vocation is to show
the world that love is stronger
than fear.
-- Bishop Steven Charleston
Kat Sage
Please pray today especially for: Clifford
Hallmark, Verlene Smith, Aalar Hirv, Jane Laswell,
Edith Green, Dylan Kelley, Lars Dittmann, Laura
Etheridge, Julie Bleier, Sally Hartsfield, Libby Fisher,
Molly Boon, Lucinda Brackman, Sue Cundiff, Betty
Burwell, Wyatt Cottrell, Michael Barnes, Carolyn
Rhoads, Scott Markwith, Joe Adam, Martha Dowling,
Theresa Robertson, Bruce Jackson, Lasell, and Leland
Please pray for those who have
died and those who mourn
their passing:
Donna Brown,
friend of Britt McCarley
Don Kuchenbuch
Jack Pruden
Megan Martin,
daughter of Sally Hartsfield
Jennifer Dittmann,
Please continue to remember in your prayers:
Louis Wagner, Joan Householder, Martha Sim,
Johnnie Bakkum, Clarence Prillaman, Brian
Hennessy, Joe Walsh, Sean Fitzpatrick, Carole
Bridges, Hester G., Eric Aucoin, Sarah Weitchel,
Mildred Lawson, June Curtis, Donald Markwith,
Larry Kline, Amy Fuchs, Brian Smythe, Nancy Fuchs,
Rose Warner-Ballard, Jennifer Carsten, Marie
Loomis, and Ferne Gapcynski.
We pray for others in the military and/or family
and friends of parishioners serving overseas:
especially Lt. Matthew Irwin, Case Zuiderveld, Craig
Hennings, Lt. Col. John Hennings, Holly and Michael
West, Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi, T. Mace Langston,
Capt. Todd W. Blanchette, Petty Officer Second Class
Joshua Kline, SSgt. Michael Douglas Brown, Lt.
James Gouger, Carlette Carter, Jacob Edwards,
Michael Loveland, and Laura and John Roy.
sister of Christine Dragoo
Sarah McCullom,
friend of Gordon Rheinstrom
Reinhold Beuer-Tajovsky
Nannie Milliner
Dear Friends at Grace,
I really thought I would just “fly under the
radar” for my birthday on March 8, but my
big 80 was not to be passed over. I was
overwhelmed by all the cards and fond
wishes and celebratory hugs and loving
comments that filled my heart with joy.
Thank you all so much for the expressions
of love that made this birthday a day/year to remember. A very special THANK YOU to my Saturday morning group who surprised me with a
“donut cake” complete with a sparkler that simply
would NOT quit and a thoughtful gift that
touched me deeply. I do so love all the special
folks at Grace who show me every day living proof
that Grace Happens.
Blessings, Liz Landgraf
Community Supported Agriculture
Thanks to all who are participating in our Community Supported Agriculture program! Dayspring
farmer, Charlie Maloney, has designated 5:00-6:00 p.m. on Fridays as the drop-off time for our produce
shares. (Please no later than 6:00 p.m.) Depending on the weather, the first drop-off is scheduled for
May 8th at the Parish Hall.
If you made a deposit for your share, the balance is requested by May 1. Please make your check to
Dayspring Farm and give it to Courtney Kelley or Sharon Jones.
Subscribers are responsible for picking up their produce regularly. If you are not able to pick it up, you
are encouraged to find a friend or neighbor to get that week's share. Please call Sharon a week in advance if you know you will be away and don't wish to have your share delivered to the church. If you get
in a bind on a Friday afternoon and are unable to pick up, we will place your produce in the refrigerator
in the Parish Hall. If it is not picked up by Sunday morning, it will be placed in a communal basket and
shared with the congregation.
As Sharon will be organizing the Friday pickups, it is important that she has your cell phone number
so she can stay in touch and be sure your share is correctly administered. Please email her at [email protected] or call 897-6143. Please also feel free to contact her with questions or concerns.
Agape Meal
5:30 p.m. Parish Hall (Foot washing outdoors)
Maundy Thursday Eucharist,
7:00 p.m. Church
and Stripping of the Altar*
The Watch
Begins after Maundy Thursday
Service through noon on Good Friday
(sign up for one-hour blocks)
Good Friday Liturgy for Good Friday
12:00 p.m. Church
(no child care provided)
Stations of the Cross
5:00 p.m.
(gather at Church door)
Liturgy for Good Friday*
Holy Saturday The Great Vigil
Easter Day Holy Eucharist Rite I
7:00 p.m. Church
7:00 - Beach at Waterman’s Museum
8:30 a.m. - Church
Easter Breakfast
9:30-11:00 a.m. Parish Hall
Festival Holy Eucharist Rite II*
11:00 a.m. Church Yard
with music and Procession of Crosses
followed by reception , Easter Egg
Hunt and activities for children
Church Yard
*child care provided
A monthly publication of Grace Episcopal Church
Editor: Courtney Kelley
Grace Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 123
111 Church Street
Yorktown, VA 23690
Yorktown, VA 23690
Office: (757) 898-3261
[email protected]
We’re on the web:
and Facebook at Grace Episcopal Church and
Day School of Historic Yorktown
The Rt. Rev. Herman Hollerith,
David Douglas, Senior Warden
Diocese of Southern Virginia
7:45 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite I
*9:00 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II
Vance Field, Junior Warden &
11:20 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite I
Art Boyce, Stewardship
Jim Noel, Stewardship
10:00 AM - Holy Eucharist
Donna Hines, Outreach/Environ.
Carol Romeo, Parish Administrator
& Healing Service
Brenda Moore, Outreach/Environ.
Cornelia Taylor, Director of Children’s
& Youth Ministries
Suzanne Daniel, Organist/Choir Dir.
The Rev. Carleton B. Bakkum, Rector
The Rev. Constance M. Jones,
Associate Rector
Nancy Pendleton, Parish Life
Elizabeth O’Brien, Christian Form.
Courtney Kelley, Secretary
Kevin James, Sexton
Diane Garrison, Nursery Supervisor
Joanna Taylor-Wilson, Nursery Asst.
Karen Jackson, Treasurer
*Nursery Provided
Bob Frady, Financial Director
Nancy Sullivan, CFNP, Parish Nurse
Susan Carter, Director
Jean Grinnell, Assistant Director
Brenda Moore, Archivist
Marilyn Staton, Parish Life
Hugh Brownlee, Evangelism/Comm.
Lynn Grimsley, Evangelism/Comm.
Gerry Smelt, Worship
Resident Spiritual Director
Mrs. Elsa Bakkum, M.Div.
Please visit Grace Church’s Website for the most up-to-date calendar listings at and click on “Calendar.”