CMC in Edwards Summer 2015 Summer Class Schedule Register NOW! Register Today! REGISTRATION RESOURCES: Credit Registration: If you have taken a credit class in the past twelve months, you may scan a registration form and email it to [email protected], fax it in, or mail it in, along with payment. If you are a current student, you can also register online. If you are a new student or have not taken a class in the last 12 months, please walk in, fax in or mail in all required forms and payment to any Colorado Mountain College location. Fax registration form to 970-569-3309 Or, bring your registration form in! Taking exclusively non-credit/continuing education courses? Use Instant Enrollment. Go to, click the yellow bar (Continuing Education) and select “Register and Pay for Continuing Education Classes.” Have your credit card ready. You can also email your completed registration form to [email protected], or fax it, mail it, or drop it by CMC if you wish to pay with cash or check. you register at least one week prior to the start of class. Classes will be canceled that don’t meet minimum enrollment. It’s important to us that you are in the right class. Many courses require placement testing prior to enrollment. If you have taken the ACT or SAT within the past five years, you may provide those scores to determine proper placement. Otherwise, Accuplacer quickly assesses students in the skill areas of Reading, Sentence Skills and Math. Students can utilize online resources for preparation and then schedule a test time by calling the front desk. If you have a college degree or have taken college-level classes, you must provide transcripts as proof of pre-requisites, including college-level reading. Complete Catalog Information: Please see the Colorado Mountain College 2015/2016 Catalog at for complete information on Admission, Registration, Tuition and Payment. Visit our website and use the drop down menu “Academics” on our home page and select “Catalog.” Then select the appropriate option from the left menu bar. Financial Aid Information: Financial Aid Specialist: Peter Kuk 970-569-2936 or [email protected] Search for classes at any location: New student at CMC Edwards? Attend a Step 1 Orientation, and get all the info you need to start strong! Call the front desk to sign up: 970-569-2900. When faxing, please call 970-569-2900 to confirm receipt. ¿Necesita ayuda en español? 1-800-922-1205 OFFICE HOURS: Subject to change Monday - Thursday Friday (Excluding holidays) ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER PERIODICAL 8am - 7pm 8am - 5pm Begin on Page 2 CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASSES Begin on Page 7 SUMMER 2015 CALENDAR • Registration Begins: April 20 Placement Testing If your course has a & in the course description, a book is required. Order textbooks online at: Fax: 970.569.3309 CREDIT CLASSES Edwards Campus Register Early! We ask that How to Purchase Books: 970.569.2900 Email registration form to [email protected] Continuing Education Instant Enrollment: 150 Miller Ranch Road, Edwards, CO 81632 CLASSES BEGIN: Week of May 11 Go online to Questions? GO TO: EDWARDS CAMPUS: REGISTRATION BEGINS: April 20 • Classes Begin: May 11 & throughout the semester • No Classes: May 25 - Memorial Day July 3 - Independence Day • Last Day of Semester: August 7 • Fall Registration Begins: July 27 Colorado Mountain College is dedicated to the principle of providing equal opportunity with regard to all prospective and current employees and students. In addition, the College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, national origin or Vietnam-era/disabled veteran, or on any other basis prohibited by federal or state law, in employment or in the application, admission, operation, participation, access and treatment of employees and students, in any of the College’s programs and activities. The College complies with regulations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 in regard to sex discrimination and section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in regard to disability discrimination. Employee inquiries or specific complaints of alleged discrimination and/or compliance with Federal or State regulations may be directed to the College’s Vice President of Human Resources who serves as the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) Officer; student inquiries can be directed to the Vice President of Student Affairs who serves as the ADAAA (Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act) Officer at 802 Grand Avenue, Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601, 970-945-8691. Complaints may also be filed with the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Region VIII, 1961 Stout Street – Room 1426, Denver, CO 80294, 303-844-2024; 303-844-3439 (TDD). 2015/2016 Tuition Rates Per Credit Hour STATUS 100-200 COURSES 300-400 COURSES* In-District $57 $99 CMC Service Area $103 $205 In-State $107 $212 Out-of-State $373 $429 *Tuition rates for BSN classes are slightly higher. NEW for 2015: Discounts are available for second homeowners. Discounts continue for military/veterans and citizens aged 62 and over. Check our tuition page at or talk to front desk staff to see if you qualify. Colorado Mountain College – (USPS 023-404) (Summer, Volume 10, Issue 3, April 2015) is published quarterly during the months of August, December, April and June with multiple editions of each publication (except June.) Publications are produced by campus and central staff of Colorado Mountain College at 802 Grand Avenue, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601. Periodical postage rates paid at Glenwood Springs, CO and addition mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CMC Marketing Communications, Colorado Mountain College, 802 Grand Avenue, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601. d Leve g d verbs, mar an ommon c ce, and aker and e sp h c Fren nguage la c si a b s GW 1/3 8/25-1 /22 :8 refund GW -12/10 25FOR / 8 & p I TO REGISTER A CREDIT COURSE: 0 sh -5:20 d: 9/1 3:30CREDIT funINDICATED spanI reARE W COURSES BY THE GREEN, 5-DIGIT SYN. # M 5 8 2 rict: $ 82906 ) (3 Crwho in-Dist If you are a current student has taken Smith h III & Register NOW! con YOGA 85266 3) Transcripts or placement test scores for courses requiring a prerequisite. 4) Payment, or proof of financial aid, scholarships, or your enrollment in the Nelnet payment plan. R Colorado at detailState ibed in rGuaranteed r c ctions) s e e S d ch foTransfer Course r es are a s s e S la r c unde nish A it Syn#Hybrid Applies to five-dig H & Textbook/s required Credits Syn # Days 80008 MW ColoradoMtn. edu/classes 1/13-4/30 Co-requisites, textbooks & (See page 1 for placement testing and book ordering information.) dents of stu COURSE TITLE umber spot, and Credits Requirements: maximum n e e your um and r to th o ensur Syn # Days Start-End Time Start-End Date Art 90476 MW 5:30p-8p 90724 T 4p-7:20p rado M media, processes, techniques, tradition and terminology. Coloincluding Introduces the cultural significance of the visual arts, CO ALL & 6/8-8/5 5/12-8/4 1 CR 90669 M 11:30a-3p 5/11-6/15 d sma Refund Date e balle and th Withdraw Date In-District Rate d -Base Credit CTIVITIES C AL A PHYSI LASSES C Kentz ARATE K ) lley a I (1 CR V I g & n I i pr ng and a /11, S Traini /26-12 - 82815 eight 8 , W p 0 I 2 Instructor vel I Rate/ :30-3: LeIn-District TTh, 2 for 82814/ Additional Class Fees r Valley e bod pring Regist ) S R , C 1 1 1 II ( 6-12/ 825 & 2 I / i 8 h , a VE Tarmey Tai C 1/29 1:204/6 82 -$228 D evel II 0:30-1 TTh, 1 for 82823/L Y ) R r C e o (1 Regist d ( i k i Class Location: rts: A lenwood or tial A 20p,Withdraw ) GDate 4 1 / MarRefund : 26-10 11) (8/to 6:30-8 28(last h,Date 26 date TT(last 8 drop -12/ date to r o f with a/21 r 0 te get egisand 827of(1“W”) Rdrop 2 grade 8 (1 CR) r a refund) er fo Yoga 0, SV e v i t Regist empla , 8/27-12/1 , SV : Cont 3 a Yoga I W, 10-11:50 a, 8/25-11/ 0 5 : 1 1 CR) 9 2 8 0 82 Core ( , 8:3 W n i M p S ng: SV 82820 itioni 0/6-12/10, CondWithdraw l 1 a , Location Instructor Refund In-District c p i 5 s Phy 3:30Date - MW, Date ing: Rate 85236 n nditio cal Co ll (1 CR) i s /8, SV y h P rbe /25-12 a 8 B R) , a o 0 i 1:5 a (1 C Card , 10-1 Tabat M e d 9 r 2 V u 828 1, S : To g Lab 6-12/1 tionin -4:50p, 8/2 i d n o C Th, 4 13 - T EVHS VE VE Bailey Goike 28 86/16 5/26 7/23 7/17 $171 $171 Goike 5/26 7/17 $171 Gilgulin 5/26 7/17 $57 omt olorad c . w w w BUSINESS INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS & Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. 3 CR 90654 TTh 6p-8:15p 5/12-7/16 VE Bell 5/21 7/1 $171 SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. 3 CR 90655 MW 6p-8:15p 5/11-7/20 VE Bell 5/21 7/4 $171 MANAGEMENT A MAN-216 90659 TTh 3 CR 3p-5:15p 5/12-7/16 Bell 5/21 7/1 $297 LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT FOR CHANGE VE R &H Prerequisites: MAN-328, MAR-326 This class will be held live in Edwards, but available via IVS at other locations. Interactive Video (IVS) courses require classroom attendance. For information about this format, go to then select “Interactive Video System (IVS)” in the navigation on the left hand side. MAN-498 Computers - We have continuing education Computer classes, see page 9. 3 CR 90656 TTh 6p-8:15p 6/2-8/6 VE Casey 6/11 7/22 $171 2 CR 90671 W 4p-7:20p 5/13-8/5 VE Frankel 5/26 7/17 $114 2 CR 90503 Th 10a-1p 6/11-8/6 EVHS Kalaluhi 6/19 7/24 $114 90675 MT 1 CR 4p-9:30p 7/27-8/4 VEGETABLE PREPARATION & + Prerequisites: CUA-121 Students participating in cooking labs are required to have the following: chef coat, chef pants, apron, skull cap, non-slip kitchen shoes, and knife kit. BMHS Rymer 7/28 8/3 $57+$50 90507 W INTRODUCTION TO FOOD PRODUCTION 1 CR 1p-5:20p 6/10-7/8 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES & Prerequisites: Requires college-level reading. Co-requisites: CUA-101 Students participating in cooking labs are required to have the following: chef coat, chef pants, apron, skull cap, non-slip kitchen shoes, and knife kit. EVHS Kalaluhi 6/15 7/2 $57+$50 BASIC YEAST-RAISED PRODUCTS AND 90678 MT 1 CR 4p-9:30p 5/11-5/19 QUICKBREADS & + Prerequisites: CUA-141 Students participating in cooking labs are required to have the following: chef coat, chef pants, apron, skull cap, non-slip kitchen shoes, and knife kit. BMHS Smith 5/12 5/18 $57+$50 A CIS-118 INTRODUCTION TO PC APPLICATIONS & Culinary Arts AGRICULTURE AGR-122 AGROECOLOGY II Prerequisites: AGR-120 CULINARY ARTS CUA-101 FOOD SAFETY AND SANITATION & CUA-118 CUA-121 CUA-142 CUA-156 NUTRITION FOR THE HOSPITALITY PROFESSIONAL & 3 CR 90701 Th 3p-6:20p 5/14-8/6 VE Kalaluhi 5/26 7/17 $171 CUA-261 COST CONTROLS & Prerequisites: MAT-107 3 CR 90705 T 12p-3:20p 5/12-8/4 VE Rymer 5/26 7/17 $171 CUA-264 SUSTAINABLE FOODSERVICE OPERATIONS Prerequisites: CUA-115 3 CR 90708 M 12p-3:20p 5/11-8/3 VE Rymer 5/26 7/17 $171 & Be our fan! 2. Colorado Mountain College in Edwards FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.COLORADOMTN.EDU/EDWARDS e po improv ar s ll a Fitb . 7 /2 1 1 85267 How to use this schedule: Business - We have more continuing education Business classes, see page 8. A BUS-115 exer ottle an ater b ing a w br Please Location cla Instructor ss. 90726 Th 3 CR 11a-4p 5/14-8/6 VE A ART-151 PAINTING I + Explores the techniques, materials and concepts used in opaque painting processes in oil or acrylic painting to depict form and space on a two-dimensional surface. du LOCATIONS: omtn.e A ART-181 OIL PAINTING + radQUEST o l o c . AQS ALPINE SPORTS www Explores techniques, materials and concepts in oil. BMHS BATTLE MOUNTAIN HS EVGC EAGLE-VAIL GOLF CLUB EVHS EAGLE VALLEY HS GCGC GYPSUM CREEK GOLF MFC MINTURN FITNESS CENTER VVA VAIL VALLEY ANGLERS VE CMC IN EDWARDS WEB ONLINE 6:30p-8:20p Credits s prio early t a minim ess day . s both st to register n a i s h u s b s t Each cla enroll. it’s be ter than two llment is me lacontinuing education y roArt classes, page 7. 28. a o We have a lot of n n m e r o e m h t u w is m Additional y, July you reg ensure mini requirements: monda we ask FINE o s t ARTS in s g s e a l b fc call or check lasses start o L ART-110 all cAPPRECIATION online 31CR r all fART &+ o 5. f n io at at www. ollege Creading. Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and in registr ta n ou + Start-End Date Course Meeting Days, Times and Dates Synonym Number 4 CR Start-End Time CMC AA/AS Degree COURSE CODE urance d end ngth an moving ! ! y l r a e Register Course: Classroom/ Internet ser TTh F ITB COLLEGECREDIT SCHEDULEPH: 970-569-2900 h stre l to throug ll towe Credit Class Schedule ss e n l l e W & Health W ININ in person or online Students can register T TRAbyae-mail, H ce up online, go to G I nsign E for Inon-credit courses. m U T W uman Perfor To h a Click on the yellow I g C u o H C r I h d t B you er anContinuing ove AERO nal Trainbar, by using the guides Education. imprRegister Moher s designed to Perso st Tomgold 85259 syn # from this class schedule and the semester n o li i a t i Spec ise staPayment online is required. c r e x e code. Moher f ies o cises. 2) Registration form. PA 8/28 12you have not taken isites: S -8you p a new student : 9/or :50are Prerequ h If 6 refund T 1 7 1 $ 7 a class in the past ten months, you will need to 8290 trict: in-Discomplete (3 Cr) & and provide: h it v I Sm h 0 CB 7-12/1 5 2 / 8 :30p FOR A NON-CREDIT TO REGISTER COURSE: : 8/2 5:30-6 40 Refund NON-CREDIT COURSES ARE INDICATED BY THE GOLD, 5-DIGIT SYN. # 1 $ Cost: G an Bingam 1) Application for admission. anIsyou may register in person, credit classes, al sp n o W I T by /11 G 02 or online at vers a -1phone ember and rem not e c ti c s a r p ut spanI e past b onal I CB T ed in th will your a s r 2/9 ly 201 2015 conve isites: SPA-COLORADO 8/26-1 MOUNTAIN Not onSummer t some e e 0 1 m / p u 9 ly q 0 : b Prere 6-8:5 refund ll proba T t: $171 ic r 82908 t W G is he way. D in0/29 3 Cr) Bujan 8/27-1 /25 II & ( I COURSE CODE COURSEaTITLE 8 2p e : g d n L refu GW angu $225 sh lRequirements: 11 Colorado /2-12/ 17 spanI isites: SPA-112 9 9/ State Prerequ Th 4-5:30p efund: T 171 r $ : t Guaranteedr) 909 ic 2 r 8 in-Dist (3 C T Ion v Transfer Smith CB Ish I & vers a n n o a p c 8 / s 2 l sh 5-1Course spanI p 8/2 GW 8 0-9:20 refund: 9/9 anced v d 25-12/ a / 8 1 7 ) p 1 W 0 r $ C /9 :2 A0 G ct: & (3 6:30-9 1 refund: 9 7-12/1 $17 p 8/2 Applies 0 M 1 0 : 1 1 t 9 / :2 ic 2 9 9 r 8 : t :30 fund in-Dis 71 re to CMC Bujan 1 SV rict: $1 1 / AA/AS 2 1 8/28 12 p Title Course Code und: 9/ 6-8:50 1 refDegree 7 1 $ : t stric ) r (.5 Cr) (3 C cpr & h II & & s A ACC-122 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES II d I e used I r n a a a sp IVS Course rsT on materials I F y onal T W I G ti cia+ unP: ACC-121 & 1 2/9 comm ican Heart Asso d. in SPA-10 8/26-1 /10 se (key er a h m p c 9 A r 0 W u : :5 p Transfer Status d n e M Requirements b u o 6-8 f d e st a u r m lor 71 Course t: $1Web u anbdadvisor.Co Prerequisites and/or -Distric We n Moher e advanc Summer 2015 COURSE CODE COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGECREDIT SCHEDULEPH: 970-569-2900 COURSE TITLE Requirements: Credits Syn # Days Start-End Time Start-End Date Location Instructor Refund Date Withdraw Date In-District Rate L A Developmental Studies - Check out our continuing education Developmental Studies classes, see page 9. COLLEGE COMPOSITION & READING CCR-091 COMPOSITION & READING LAB Prerequisites: Reading Comprehension (RDG) score below 40 or Sentence Skills (SS) score below 50. Co-requisites: CCR-092 1 CR 91240 T 3p-5:30p 5/19-8/4 VE Zamora 6/1 7/17 $57 CCR-092 COLLEGE COMPOSITION & READING & Prerequisites: or Reading Comprehension (RDG) score between 40 & 61 and/or Sentence Skills (SS) score between 50 & 69. Students who score higher may also take this class. 5 CR 90554 91378 TTh TTh 6p-8:50p 12p-2:50p 5/12-8/4 5/12-8/4 VE VE Burroughs Zamora 5/26 5/26 7/17 7/17 $285 $285 Applies to CMC AA/AS Degree R IVS Course Education - Check out our continuing education ECE class, too! Page 10. W Web Course EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ECE-125 SCIENCE/MATH AND THE YOUNG CHILD & Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. 3 CR 90468 M 5:30p-9:10p 5/11-8/3 VE Givens 5/26 7/17 $171 A ECE-126 ART & THE YOUNG CHILD Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. 2 CR 90471 T 12p-2:50p 6/2-8/4 VE Goike 6/11 7/20 $114 A ECE-205 NUTRITION, HEALTH AND SAFETY Prerequisites: ECE-101 3 CR 90469 W 6p-9:20p 5/13-8/5 VE Marion 5/26 7/17 $171 & H Hybrid Course: Classroom/ Internet & Emergency Medical Services Textbook/s required These courses are only available to students already accepted into the paramedic program. + EMS-227 PARAMEDIC SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS + Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. Requires college-level math. Co-requisites: EMS-228 3 CR 90342 M 9a-11:50a 5/11-8/3 VE Owen 5/26 7/17 $171 EMS-228 PARAMEDIC SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS LAB + Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. Requires college-level math. Co-requisites: EMS-227 2 CR 90343 W 1p-4:50p 5/13-8/5 VE Schierer 5/26 7/17 $114 EMS-231 PARAMEDIC CARDIOLOGY + 5 CR 90326 T 9a-12:20p 5/12-8/4 VE Owen 5/26 7/17 $285+$550 EMS-232 PARAMEDIC CARDIOLOGY LAB + Co-requisites: EMS-231 1 CR 90341 T 1p-3:50p 5/12-8/4 VE Schierer 5/26 7/17 $57 EMS-233 PARAMEDIC MEDICAL EMERGENCIES + 4 CR 90345 M 12p-3:50p 5/11-8/3 VE Owen 5/26 7/17 $228 EMS-234 PARAMEDIC MEDICAL EMERGENCIES LAB + Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. Requires college-level math. 1 CR 90346 W 9a-11:50a 5/13-8/5 VE Schierer 5/26 7/17 $57 AQS ALPINE QUEST SPORTS BMHS BATTLE MOUNTAIN HS EVGC EAGLE-VAIL GOLF CLUB EVHS EAGLE VALLEY HS GCGC GYPSUM CREEK GOLF MFC MINTURN FITNESS CENTER VVA VAIL VALLEY ANGLERS VE CMC IN EDWARDS WEB ONLINE COMMUNICATION PUBLIC SPEAKING & Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. 3 CR 90472 90473 MW MW 6p-8:20p 2:30p-4:50p 6/8-8/5 6/8-8/5 VE EVHS Burnette Burnette 6/16 6/16 7/23 7/23 $171 $171 ENGLISH COMPOSITION I & + Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. 3 CR 90553 W 5:30p-9:15p 5/13-7/29 VE Jacobs 5/26 7/11 $171 ENGLISH L ENG-121 Fire Science Technology FST-101 FIREFIGHTER II 3 CR 92037 W F 12p-4:50p 8a-4:50p 6/17-7/17 6/17-7/17 VE Garvin 6/22 7/11 $171 FST-107 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS OPERATIONS (LEVEL I) Prerequisites: FST-100, Requires college-level composition and reading. 3 CR 92041 W F 12p-4:50p 8a-4:50p 5/20-6/12 5/20-6/12 VE Garvin 5/26 6/7 $171 90959 Th 4 CR 1p-3:50p 5/14-8/6 VE Ocepek 5/26 7/17 $228 FIRE HYDRAULICS & WATER SUPPLY + H Prerequisites: MAT-107 This class will meet both online and face-to-face at the Edwards campus. The first face-to-face meeting date is Thursday, 5/14 and future dates will be determined with the class after the first meeting. The instructor will provide information about the class schedule, face-to-face meeting times, and other details to help you succeed. You must have basic computer skills including the ability to navigate, use email, send attachments, and have DSL or high-speed Internet access. Instructor consent required before registering for this course [email protected] FST-203 Humanities PHILOSOPHY L PHI-112 ETHICS & + Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. 3 CR 90715 M 11:30a-2:50p 5/11-8/3 VE Gilgulin FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.COLORADOMTN.EDU/EDWARDS 5/26 7/17 $171 Colorado Mountain College in Edwards Additional requirements: call or check online at www. ColoradoMtn. edu/classes LOCATIONS: English & Communication - For English as Second Language (ESL) classes, see page 10. A COM-115 Colorado State Guaranteed Transfer Course 3. d Leve g d verbs, mar an ommon c ce, and aker and e sp h c Fren nguage la c si a b s GW 1/3 8/25-1 /22 :8 refund Moher e advanc GW -12/10 25FOR / 8 & p I TO REGISTER A CREDIT COURSE: 0 sh -5:20 d: 9/1 3:30CREDIT funINDICATED spanI reARE W COURSES BY THE GREEN, 5-DIGIT SYN. # M 5 8 2 rict: $ 82906 ) (3 Crwho in-Dist If you are a current student has taken Smith h III & Register NOW! con anIsyou may register in person, credit classes, al sp n o W I T by /11 G 02 or online at vers a -1phone PA 8/28 12you have not taken isites: S -8you p a new student : 9/or :50are Prerequ h If 6 refund T 1 7 1 $ 7 a class in the past ten months, you will need to 8290 trict: in-Discomplete (3 Cr) & and provide: h it v I Sm h YOGA 85266 W 0 CB 7-12/1 5 2 / 8 :30p FOR A NON-CREDIT TO REGISTER COURSE: : 8/2 5:30-6 40 Refund NON-CREDIT COURSES ARE INDICATED BY THE GOLD, 5-DIGIT SYN. # 1 $ Cost: G ININ in person or online Students can register T TRAbyae-mail, H ce up online, go to G I nsign E for Inon-credit courses. m U T W uman Perfor To h a Click on the yellow I g C u o H C r I h d t B you er anContinuing ove AERO nal Trainbar, by using the guides Education. imprRegister Moher s designed to Perso st Tomgold 85259 syn # from this class schedule and the semester n o li i a t i Spec ise staPayment online is required. c r e x e code. Moher f ies o cises. an Bingam 1) Application for admission. 2) Registration form. 3) Transcripts or placement test scores for courses requiring a prerequisite. TTh 4) Payment, or proof of financial aid, scholarships, or ember and rem not e c ser ti your enrollment in the Nelnet payment plan. exer c s a I r p urance span ast but d p l n e e & CO a th d n n o CB ed in aT I BALL gth a your 2015 s T n l I 9 e r il / r F e 1 w 2 st o 0 v 1 t ly 2 Summer COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGECREDIT SCHEDULEPH: 970-569-2900 h el PAcon 8/26 Not on ly meet some throug all tow isites: S -8:50p /10 b moving and sm Prerequ 6 fund: 9 le e t r ll proba t o b T 1 7 ater e balle rict: $1 82908 GW he way. ng a w and th in-Dist ase bri 0/29 ) 1 le n r C P ja 7 u 3 2 ( / B 8 COURSE CODE COURSEaTITLE Credits Syn # Days Start-End Start-End Date Location cla Instructor Refund Withdraw In-District 2p ss. e III & : 8/25L e po refund ngu g GW a improv ar l Requirements: Time Date Date Rate h $225 s 11 2 I / 1 2 s n 1 1 ll Colorado a a A p 2 P s 9/ Fitb 7 isites: S . State nd: 9/1 7 Prerequ Th 4-5:30p u f /2 e 1 r 1 T 171 $ d : t Guaranteedr) e 909 ic 2 s r 8 -Ba in-Dist (3 C 85267 T Ion v Transfer Credit CTIVITIES Smith CB Ish I & vers a n n o a A p c 8 / L s 2 Kentz l A sh 5-1Course spanI HYSIC ASSES p 8/2 GW d P DEVELOPMENTAL MATH e c 8 n 0-9:20 refund: 9/9 / CL 5-12 adva r) 1 TE p 8/2 W MAT-911 A 3 C LANDING:ASSESSMENT ct: $17 92198 MW (SOFT NC 6p-8:50p 7/6-8/3 VE TBD 7/2 $40 : 9/9 KARA 0-9:20 refundPREP 10 G / :3 & 2 6 1 ) 7 R 2 Applies 1 C / y M 1 8 e 7 1 ll 1 ( a $ & SKILL REFRESHER & p I 0 t: /1 82910 ring V gI&I :30-9:2 -Distric fund: 9 inAccuplacer , Spcan and a This course isBuforjastudents totre-take Math also choose n inwho have an Accuplacer Elementary Algebra score of less than or equal to 29 and an Arithmetic score of less than or equal to 39. Students who want to prepare 2/11tests 71 re to CMC Trainthe 1 V S h 6 2 g 15 i / 8 1 rict: $1 e 8 2 1 / , 8 W AA/AS 2 p this non-credit option. 1 0 I 2 8/28 :30-3: 814/Level I 12 p TTh, 2 for 85/26 2 und: 9/ 6-8:50 1 refDegree 91251 MW MAT-050 QUANTITATIVE LITERACY & 4 CR 3:30p-5:50p 5/11-8/3 VE Gifford 7/17 $228g Valley r e 7 $1 bod egist prin ) R ) S r R , C Prerequisites: Accuplacer Arithmetic Reasoning score of 41 strict: C 1 ) r 1 .5 1 C II ( &( 6-12/ 825 r & & (3 2 p I I / c I i 8 or higher or Elementary Algebra score of 30-84. d h , h & se Is - 82 are u Tai C 30-11:20a a Id D spanIVS Course vel II FIrsT iation materials onal W , 10: 5/26 3/Le7/17 ITy LITERACY GMAT-055 h 2 n 91343 T 4 CR TTh 3:30p-5:50p 5/12-7/30 VE Gifford $228 ALGEBRAIC & 8 c u T 2 o m ss 8 9 Y / A r m 1 2 t o 0 r o 1 f ) 1 a c e R r 6 in A C e 2 H SP 8/ key Prerequisites: Algebra (Elementary egist o (1 sedor. Accuplacer 0 u erican MAT-050 a R 1 d d ( h i m / p e c 9 . A r k 0 i W u : n :5 t p d 6-8 d ts: A efun st be ColoradoM score ofu60-84. 71 rCourse 1Web ial Ar 0p, Glenwoo /14) or and m r. $ t o r : t is a v ic r M d 0 2 -Dist t Weba :30-8: 8/26-1 COLLEGE-LEVEL TTh, 6 for 82826 ( /21-12/11) detail a MATH in ) s d e n r 0 ib io t (1 iste 5/26828277/6 descr for Sec COLLEGE ALGEBRA & 91792 MW 4 CR 3p-5:50p 5/13-7/22 VE Jenkins Reg $228 (1 CR) rchMAT-121 sses are nder SeaL er for Yoga 0, SV e v i u t nish cla Syn#Hybrid Regist Prerequisites: MAT-055 or Accuplacer Elementary Algebra empla , 8/27-12/1 , SV it score of 85 or higher. : Cont 3 a five-dig Course: Yoga I W, 10-11:50 a, 8/25-11/ 0 5 : 1 1 CR) 9 Classroom/ 2 8 0 82 Core ( , 8:3 W n i M p S Internet ng: SV 82820 itioni 0/6-12/10, tudents 3 CR Cond7/17 s l 1 f a o 90385 , 5/11-8/7 VE Gotzinger 5/26 $171 MOT-150 PHARMACOLOGY FOR MEDICAL c r p i e 5 s b :30Phy & m num ot, and ASSISTANTS + H MW, 3 W 9a-4:50p 6/3 maximu nsure your sp o the 236 d 5 n Textbook/s 8 ning: a m t Prerequisites: college-level to e math.yRequires imu Requires nditio R) rior in ly W 9a-4:50p 7/29 p o r m C a s e l a required a SV r a h e d c t composition and reading. is ess Physi arbell (1 C 8/25-12/8, has bot becollege-level businand t to reofgonline ss This . s t la o e c B R) , w a t m h o class is a combination coursework hands-on mandatory laboratory sessions at the Edwards campus. The instructor will provide more information about the class schedule, face-to-face meeting times, and other details to help ’s 0 c i s t n Ea 1:5 a (1 C tha ll. i nt i Card nrosucceed. ter basic llmeincluding , 10-1 lahave Tabat y eyou roskills a M o You must computer the 2 ability to navigate, use email, send attachments, and must have DSL or high-speed Internet access. There is a mandatory orientation for 2this class. e n n m e d . r 9 o r e 8 m h V u t u w is Additional 828 nim b: To /11, S , July you reg ensMEDICAL ure mi ASSISTANT ng La onday /26-12 90352 requirements: 5 CR 5/11-8/7 VE Connerton 5/26 +W mINTERNSHIP ioni7/17 , 8$285 we ask lMOT-183 o s t p t i in 0 s d g 5 s n : e a 4 b o C 4fc es call or check Prerequisites: - TTh, ll class MOT-110, MOT-120, MOT-130, MOT-136, start o online r all faMOT-138, 82813 . o MOT-140, MOT-150 and HPR-178 5 f 1 n io at at www. ollege Assisting program. You will be subject to a CMC background check, which starts at $26, and are required to have proof of immunizations, including in CMedical registr This class is designed for students who are in their final semester oftathe o Moun ColoradoMtn. Colorad 2 MMR, Hepatitis B, current flu shot, varicella (chickenpox) vaccination, and a negative TB test within the past year. You are also required to have Healthcare Provider CPR certification. Instructor consent required before registering for this edu/classes class. Please email Amy Connerton at [email protected] for more information. n Math ss e n l l e W & Health R ! H ! y l r a e Register Medical Office Technology + Music du LOCATIONS: omtn.e radQUEST o l o c . AQS ALPINE SPORTS L www BMHS BATTLE MOUNTAIN HS EVGC EAGLE-VAIL GOLF CLUB EVHS EAGLE VALLEY HS GCGC GYPSUM CREEK GOLF MFC MINTURN FITNESS CENTER VVA VAIL VALLEY ANGLERS VE CMC IN EDWARDS WEB ONLINE MUSIC APPRECIATION + Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. This class requires additional on-line assignments. 3 CR MUSIC APPRECIATION + Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. 3 CR MUS-120 L MUS-120 90511 90713 M M 10a-2p 6p-9:20p 6/8-8/3 EVHS Kissane 6/16 7/21 $171 5/11-8/3 VE Kissane omt olorad c . w w 5/26 w 7/17 $171 7/7-7/9 7/11-7/12 VE O’Brien 7/7 7/12 $57+$30 5/14 7/22 $57 Physical Activity & Recreation - Check out our continuing education Physical Activity classes, too! Page 11. OUTDOOR STUDIES Colorado Mountain College operates under Special Use Permit by the White River National Forest, USDA Forest Service. A OUT-102 BACKCOUNTRY NAVIGATION 1 CR 90674 TTh SaSu 6p-8:50p 8a-5p Class Requirements: Description: Learn the proper use of maps, compass and other tools while navigating the wilderness in this beginner course. First class meets at CMC; additional locations to be announced. Fee: An additional charge of $30 is paid to CMC for USFS permit fees. Age: Participants must be 18 before July 7. A OUT-119 FLYFISHING I 1 CR 90676 W Sa 5:30p-9:20p 8a-6p 5/13-5/20 5/16-5/23 VVA Perry Class Requirements: Description: Gain knowledge in the selection and use of equipment, fly-casting techniques, fly fishing entomology and guiding techniques. You are required to have a valid Colorado fishing license. All classes meet at Vail Valley Anglers, 97 Main St # E-102, Edwards. Fee: An additional charge of $150 is paid to Vail Valley Anglers. Age: Participants must be 17 before May 13. A OUT-137 KAYAKING 1 CR 90660 WF SaSu 5:30p-9:20p 8a-6p 6/24-6/26 6/27-6/28 AQS Glackin 6/22 6/28 $57 Class Requirements: Description: This is a basic kayaking course. You will learn water reading skills, boating safety, hazard evaluation, paddling strokes, bracing techniques, peel out and eddy turns, and rescue techniques. Rescue includes wet exits, Eskimo rolls and Eskimo rescue. All classes meet at Alpine Quest Sports, 34510 Hwy. 6, Edwards. Fee: An additional charge of $75 is paid to Alpine Quest Sports. Age: Participants must be 17 before June 24. 4. Colorado Mountain College in Edwards FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.COLORADOMTN.EDU/EDWARDS Summer 2015 COURSE CODE COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGECREDIT SCHEDULEPH: 970-569-2900 COURSE TITLE Requirements: Credits Syn # Days Start-End Time Start-End Date 6:30p-9:50p 8a-6p 6/16-6/18 6/20-6/21 Location Instructor Refund Date Withdraw Date In-District Rate 6/16 6/21 $57+$30 OUTDOOR STUDIES - CONTINUED OUT-221 TOP ROPE CLIMBING 1 CR 92545 TTh SaSu VE Tucholke Class Requirements: Description: Get introduced to the principles of climbing, including terminology, equipment, basic techniques, safety and etiquette. All equipment is included, but participants are highly encouraged to have their own climbing shoes. First class meets at CMC; additional locations to be announced. Fee: An additional charge of $30 is paid to CMC for USFS permit fees. Age: Participants must be 18 before June 16. OUT-275 ROCK CLIMBING II 1 CR 90733 T FSaSu 6:30p-9:20p 8a-5p 7/21 7/24-7/26 VE Tucholke 7/21 7/26 $57+$45 L Colorado State Guaranteed Transfer Course A Applies to CMC AA/AS Degree R IVS Course Class Requirements: Description: This course introduces lead climbing skills and techniques; proper usage of climbing equipment; climbing ethics and safety; and terminology. A three-day camping trip to the Grand Junction area is required. Logistics are covered the first night of class. Most climbing equipment is included, but participants are highly encouraged to have their own climbing shoes. Fee: An additional charge of $45 is paid to CMC for USFS permit fees. Age: Participants must be 18 before July 21. W Web Course PHYSICAL EDUCATION H 92181 MTh A PED-102 WEIGHT TRAINING I 1 CR 7:30a-9a 6/1-8/6 MFC Class Requirements: Description: This class includes a two-month access pass to Minturn Fitness Center. All classes meet at Minturn Fitness Center, 1000 Maloit Park Rd, Minturn. Fee: An additional charge of $100 is paid to Minturn Fitness Center. Age: Participants must be 15 before June 1. Wurth 6/11 7/17 $57 A PED-102 WEIGHT TRAINING I 1 CR Class Requirements: Description: All classes meet at Eagle Valley High School, 641 Valley Rd, Gypsum. Age: Participants must be 15 before June 9. 90578 TTh 6p-7:30p 6/9-8/6 EVHS TBD 6/17 7/29 $57 & A PED-105 FITNESS CIRCUIT TRAINING 1 CR Class Requirements: Description: All classes meet at Eagle Valley High School, 641 Valley Rd, Gypsum. Age: Participants must be 15 before June 8. 90595 MW 6p-7:30p 6/8-8/5 EVHS TBD 6/16 7/28 $57 + Hybrid Course: Classroom/ Internet Textbook/s required 90691 MW 1 CR 5p-8p 6/1-7/1 EVGC Welsh 6/5 6/25 $57 A PED-202 GOLF I Class Requirements: Description: Beginning golfers will receive an orientation to the game. Each lesson will include one hour of group instruction followed by two hours of skill development on the Willow Creek Par 3 course. You may rent clubs if you do not have your own. All classes meet at Eagle-Vail Golf Course, 459 Eagle Dr, Avon. Fee: An additional charge of $150 is paid to Eagle-Vail Golf Course. Age: Participants must be 17 before June 1. 90695 TW A PED-202 GOLF I 1 CR 5p-8p 6/2-7/1 GCGC Buzbee 6/8 6/25 $57 Class Requirements: Description: Beginning golfers will receive an orientation to the game. The class will include five swing training sessions and five nine-hole rounds under the oversight of a PGA or LPGA instructor. Students who complete the entire course will receive a complimentary 3-play punch card for GCGC. You may rent clubs if you do not have your own. All classes meet at Gypsum Creek Golf Course, 530 Cotton Ranch Dr, Gypsum. Fee: An additional charge of $190 is paid to Gypsum Creek Golf Course. Age: Participants must be 14 before June 2. 92218 T/F A PED 216 PHYSICAL CONDITIONING 1 CR 9a-11a 6/2-7/21 MFC Class Requirements: Description: This class includes a two-month access pass to Minturn Fitness Center. All classes meet at Minturn Fitness Center, 1000 Maloit Park Rd, Minturn. Fee: An additional charge of $100 is paid to Minturn Fitness Center. Age: Participants must be 15 before June 2. A PED-223 BEGINNING MOUNTAINEERING 1 CR 90670 T FSaSu 6p-8:50p 8a-5p 6/2 6/5-6/7 VE Wurth 6/9 7/10 $57 Tucholke 6/2 6/7 $57+$45 Class Requirements: Description: Students will learn basic mountaineering skills in the alpine environment, including the appropriate use of crampons and ice axes. Self-arrest techniques will be practiced. This is a three-day overnight course in the Gore Range. You will need your own backpacking gear and food. Technical gear will be provided. First class meets at CMC; additional locations to be announced. Fee: An additional charge of $45 is paid to CMC for USFS permit fees. Age: Participants must be 18 before June 2. Science BIOLOGY 5 CR 90610 TW Th 9a-11:50a 9a-11:50a 6/2-8/5 6/4-8/6 VE Samila 6/11 7/22 $285+$40 4 CR 90956 TW Th 12p-2:15p 12p-2:50p 6/2-8/5 6/4-8/6 VE Churchman 6/11 7/17 $228 COLORADO HISTORY & + Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. 3 CR 90711 W 6p-9:20p 5/13-8/5 VE Bundsen-Goodrich 5/26 7/17 $171 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY & + H Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. This class is a hybrid class which requires additional on-line assignments. 3 CR 90516 T 6p-8p 6/9-8/4 EVHS Barthuly 6/17 7/17 $171 5/11-8/3 VE Langmaid 5/26 7/17 $396 L BIO-111 GENERAL COLLEGE BIOLOGY WITH LAB & Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE L ENV-101 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & Prerequisites: Requires college-level composition and reading. Social & Behavioral Science HISTORY L HIS-225 PSYCHOLOGY L PSY-226 Sustainability Studies SUSTAINABILITY INTERNSHIP 90720 M 4 CR 4p-7p Prerequisites: Requires college-level reading. Students will work with the instructor to find a convenient time during the week for meeting over the course of the term. SUS-387 Register Early! Each class has both a minimum and maximum number of students who may enroll. It’s best to register early to ensure your spot, and we ask you register no later than one week prior to the start of class to ensure minimum enrollment is met. Registration for all Summer classes begins April 20, 2015. FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.COLORADOMTN.EDU/EDWARDS Colorado Mountain College in Edwards 5. Additional requirements: call or check online at www. ColoradoMtn. edu/classes LOCATIONS: AQS ALPINE QUEST SPORTS BMHS BATTLE MOUNTAIN HS EVGC EAGLE-VAIL GOLF CLUB EVHS EAGLE VALLEY HS GCGC GYPSUM CREEK GOLF MFC MINTURN FITNESS CENTER VVA VAIL VALLEY ANGLERS VE CMC IN EDWARDS WEB ONLINE d Leve g d verbs, mar an ommon c ce, and aker and e sp h c Fren nguage la c si a b s GW 1/3 8/25-1 /22 :8 refund Moher e advanc GW -12/10 25FOR / 8 & p I TO REGISTER A CREDIT COURSE: 0 sh -5:20 d: 9/1 3:30CREDIT funINDICATED spanI reARE W COURSES BY THE GREEN, 5-DIGIT SYN. # M 5 8 2 rict: $ 82906 ) (3 Crwho in-Dist If you are a current student has taken Smith h III & 1) Application for admission. anIsyou may register in person, credit classes, al sp n o W I T by /11 G 02 or online at vers a -1phone 2) Registration form. Online Learning Classes Summer 2015 3) Transcripts or placement test scores for courses 8 A 2 P / con S 8 Register NOW! 0 CB 7-12/1 5 2 / 8 :30p FOR A NON-CREDIT TO REGISTER COURSE: : 8/2 5:30-6 40 Refund NON-CREDIT COURSES ARE INDICATED BY THE GOLD, 5-DIGIT SYN. # 1 $ Cost: G YOGA W 266 IN in person All classes85meet May Students 26-Aug. 7 unless noted. n INotherwise a can register or online m a T TRAbyae-mail, Bingrequire a text. H e c G I n E for Inon-credit courses. To sign up online, go to Most classes m W r fo T r e IRCU d Human P through a Click on the yellow OBIC ou er an guides yEducation. Please visit ove T bar,oContinuing by using the imprRegister l na her ed toand n M Persorequirements, g si m e o for full course description syllabus. d T 85259 s gold syn # from this class schedule and the semester st n o li i a t i a c 12you have not taken isites: p a new student TTh : 9/or :50are requiring a prerequisite. Prerequ h If 6-8you refund T 1 7 1 $ 7 a class in the past ten months, you will need to st 8290 trict: Spe 4) Payment, or proof of financial aid, scholarships, or Cr) ember n-Discomplete n xercise Moher and provide: ies of e code. Payment online is required. ith i v & (3 cises. and rem not r r I e m e c se S x h ti your enrollment in the Nelnet payment plan. e c s a I e r c n p n ut e past b endura & CO al spa CB ed in th will your aT Ion 01 BALL gth and s T n I 9 e r / r F e 2 st o v 1 t ly 2 Summer 2015 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGECREDIT SCHEDULEPH: 970-569-2900 h el PAcon 8/26 Not on ly meet some throug all tow isites: S -8:50p /10 b moving and sm Prerequ 6 fund: 9 le e t r ll proba t o b T 1 7 ater e balle rict: $1 82908 GW he way. ng a w and th in-Dist ase bri 0/29 ) 1 le n r C P ja 7 u 3 2 ( / B 8 & COURSE CODE COURSEaTITLE Credits Syn # Days Start-End Start-End Date Location cla Instructor Refund Withdraw In-District 2p ss. : 8/25L ge I I I e po Syn# Syn# Course Code lRequirements: Course Course Title refund ngu Title GW a improv ar Time Course Code Date Date Rate h $225 s 11 2 I / 1 2 s n 1 1 ll Colorado a a A p 2 s ACC-115 isites:Payroll SP 9/ (3 CR) /17 Fitb 89918 90379 HPR-106 Accounting Law & Ethics for Health Professionals (2 CR) meets 5/11-8/7 . State nd: 9 7 Prerequ Th 4-5:30p u f /2 e 1 r 1 T 71 1Principles $ d : A ACC-121 t Guaranteedr) 89922 89991 e 909 HPR-118 Accounting I (4 CR) Introduction to Nutrition (2 CR) ic 2 s r 8 v -Ba in-Dist (3 C 85267 aT Ion Transfer Credit CTIVITIES Smith CB A ACC-122 Ish I & verIIs(4 A HPR-178 89924 89992 n n Accounting Principles CR) Medical Terminology (2 CR) o a A p c 8 / L s 2 Kentz l A sh 5-1Course spanI HYSIC ASSES p 8/2 GW d P e c L 91337 89993 ACC-265 HUM-123 8 n Review Course Enrolled Agent (3 CR) The Modern World (3 CR) 0-9:20 refund: 9/9 / CL 5-12 adva r) 1 TE p 8/2 W /9 A ct: $17 (3 C AIPB Certification KARA 0-9:20 Review d(3: 9CR) 10 G n / :3 A 91340 89994 & ACC-267 HWE-100 u 2 Human Nutrition (3 CR) 6 f 1 e ) r 7 R 2 Applies 1 C / y M 1 8 e 7 1 ll 1 ( a $ p V 0 II /1 rict: 82910 :30-9:2 Spring 89996 ng I & fund: 9 L ANT-101 A HWE-111 89926 in-DistAnthropology (3 CR) Health & Fitness (3 CR) and a 2/11, 71 re to CMC Traini 1 jan Cultural V t u S h 6 5 B 2 g 1 i / 8 1 rict: $1 e 8 2 1 / , 8 W AA/AS 2 p 1 0 I 2 L ANT-111 L LIT-115 89929 89997 Physical Anthropology (3 CR) Introduction to Literature I (32CR) 8/28 :30-3: 814/Level I 12 p TTh, 82 und: 9/ 6-8:50 1 refDegree r ey o f r e L A 89928 7 ART-110 LIT-267 Art Appreciation (3 CR) The Bible As Literature (3RCR) ng Vall $1 bod egist pri89998 ) ) S r R , C strict: C 1 ) r 1 .5 1 C II ( &( 6-12/ 82589999 r & & (3 A ART-139 2 p I I / 91491 c I i MAN-488 8 Digital Photography I (3 CR) Business Strategy (4 CR) d h , h & se Is Tai C 30-11:20a aId aterials are u I - 82 D spanIVS Course FIrs1:T Digital evel I3-5:15p, onal on mArt (3 CR) , 10: (3 CR) 3/LT/Th, ITy ti h 2 AGW ART-149 mMixed 91495 90659 n MAN-498 Media Leadership/Management for Change IVS: T ia 8 c u T 2 o ss 8 9 Y / A r m 1 2 t o 0 r o 1 f ) 1 a c e R r 6 in A C e 2 H SP 8/ 5/12-7/16 d. .edu (key rican Media egist o (1 seDigital 0A ART-249 AmeMixed a R 1 d ( h i / p c 9 r k 0 91501 i W u : n II: Art (3 CR) :5 t p d 6-8 d ts: A efun ust be ColoradoM r 71 rCourse 1Web ial Ar 0p, Glenwoo /14) o90059 and m r. A $ t MAR-216 Principles of Marketing (3 CR) o r : t is a v ic r M d 0 2 L AST-101 89930 includes lab -Dist t WebaAstronomy I (4 CR) :30-8: 8/26-1 ) TTh, 6 for 82826 ( /21-12/1190041 detail a ns) MAR-326 Contemporary Marketing (3 CR) in d e L r 0 90997 AST-150 ib io Astrobiology (3 CR) e 1 r t t ( c c s s i e 7 e S g 2 d e r R 828 (1 CR) ch fo L MAT-121 College Algebra (4 CR) sses are nder SearL er for Yoga 90012 V e 89933 v BIO-105 includes lab Science of Biology (4 CR) i u t nish cla Syn#Hybrid Regist /10, S pla it /27-1290455 L MAT-122 ontem 505/19-8/6 SV 8 College Trigonometry (3 CR) IVS: T/Th, 7:30-9:20p, C , , : 3 a I five-dig / 1 a 89934 BIO-106 includes lab Basic Anatomy & Physiology (4 CR) Course: Yog -11: 25-1 / 0 8 1 , , a W 0 L MAT-125 90013 1 CR) Survey of Calculus (4 CR) Classroom/ -9:5 82821 L BIO-204 89936 includes lab Microbiology (4 CR) Core ( , 8:30 W n i M p S Internet 0 g: V L MAT-135 90019 Introduction to Statistics (3 CR) 8282 /10, S tionin A BIO-216 89937 Human Pathophysiology (4 CR) f students Condi 5p, 10/6-12 l a o c r i e s b L MAT-135 90456 Introduction to Statistics (3 CR) PhyIVS: T/Th, 5:30-7:20p, :30& , and um num (3yoCR) 89939 BUS-102 Entrepreneurial Operations MW, 3 ur spot the maxim g: 236 n d e 5/19-8/6 r 5 i n Textbook/s u 8 n a s o n o i m t t to e (3 CR) imu A BUS-115 89940 Condi arly s prior Business eto a minIntroduction required /8, SV MGD-105 Typography & Layout (3 CR) ysical bell (1 CR) 2591540 ess day . s both st to register h n a i P s h u s b s r / -12 t a 8 la o e e c B R) , b w a t m h o ’s A 0 89942 c i BUS-216 s t n Legal Environment of Business (3 CR) Ea ti .i ha 1:5 a (1 C Card 91498 MGD-111 Adobe Photoshop I (3 CR) , 10-1 Tabat y enroll ter no later t m enrollmen a M e m d . 9 o r 8 2 h V u 2 u w o ,S Additional gis 89944 828 uly Writing (3 CR) minim Communication Lab: T y,&JReport yoAu reBUS-217 91499 -12/11 MGD-141 reBusiness Web Design I (3 CR) requirements: monda ioning :50p, 8/26 we ask AlasBUS-226 o ensu BusinessbStatistics s t t i in s d g n e 4 o 89945 (3 CR) C 4fc call or check 90332 MOT-120 classes Medical Office Financial Management (3 CR)13meets - TTh,5/11-8/7 start o online r all fall Introduction to Chemistry I (5 CR) 828 . lab o 5 f 1 L 89946 n CHE-101 includes io t e a g r t e ll 90378 MOT-130 meets 5/11-8/7 is at www. Insurance Billing & Coding (3 CR) o reg tain C o Moun ColoradoMtn. A CIS-118 Intro to PC Apps (3 CR) Colorad Office 2010: 89947 | Office 2013: 89948 L MUS-120 90022 Music Appreciation (3 CR) edu/classes ss e n l l e W & Health R ! H ! y l r a e Register + COM-125 Interpersonal Communication (3 CR) 89951 CRJ-208 Criminal Evidence (3 CR) 89952 CRJ-216 Juvenile Law & Procedures (3 CR) 89955 ECE-101 Intro to Early Childhood (3 CR) 89956 ECE-103 Guidance Strategies-Children (3 CR) 89957 ECE-122 Interventions Infants/Toddler (3 CR) 89958 ECE-220 Curriculum Development: Methods & Technology (3 CR) ECE-240 Admin. of ECE Programs (3 CR) A ECE-256 Working w/ Parents & Families (3 CR) L ECO-201 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 CR) 89963 L ECO-202 Principles of Microeconomics (3 CR) L ECO-245 ECO-429 A A A PAR-118 Contracts (3 CR) 90031 PAR-201 Civil Litigation (3 CR) 90032 PAR-213 Legal Research & Writing I (3 CR) 90033 PAR-289 Capstone (3 CR) L PHI-111 Introduction to Philosophy (3 CR) L 89959 PHI-112 Ethics (3 CR) L 89960 PHI-113 Logic (3 CR) 90037 L 89961 PHI-218 Environmental Ethics (3 CR) 90038 A PHY-213 Phy Calc-Base III: Modern (3 CR) 89964 L POS-111 American Government (3 CR) 90039 Issues in Environmental Economics (3 CR) 89965 L PSY-101 General Psychology I (3 CR) 90040 Economics for Managerial Decisions (3 CR) 89966 L PSY-102 General Psychology II (3 CR) 90042 EDU-132 Plan & Deliver Instruction to Adults (3 CR) 89967 A PSY-110 Career Development (3 CR) 90043 EDU-133 Adult Basic & Adult Secondary Education (3 CR) 89968 L PSY-235 Human Growth & Development (3 CR) 90044 L ENG-121 English Composition I (3 CR) 89969 REE-103 Real Estate Brokers I (6 CR) L ENG-122 English Comp II (3 CR) 89971 L SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology I (3 CR) 90045 A ENG-221 Creative Writing I (3 CR) 89972 L SOC-215 Contemporary Social Problems (3 CR) 90046 L ENV-101 Intro to Environmental Science (4 CR) 89973 SUS-301 Systems Thinking & Sustainability (3 CR) FIN-331 Financial Markets & Institutions (3 CR) 89977 SUS-310 Ecology & Sustainability (4 CR) L GEO-105 World Regional Geography (3 CR) 89978 SUS-331 Cultural/Place-Based Equity (3 CR) 90053 L HIS-101 Western Civilization: Antiquity-1650 (3 CR) 89979 SUS-421 Fostering Sustainable Behavior (3 CR) 90054 L HIS-121 US History to Reconstruction (3 CR) 89981 SUS-430 Sustainable Business (3 CR) 90055 L HIS-225 Colorado History (3 CR) 89983 SUS-431 Social Entrepreneurship (3 CR) 90056 HOS-110 Intro to Hospitality (3 CR) 89984 HOS-115 Intro to Spa Management (3 CR) 89986 HOS-116 Spa Retailing (3 CR) 89987 HOS-226 Supervision in Hospitality Industry (3 CR) 89989 HOS-255 Human Resource Management (3 CR) 89990 du LOCATIONS: omtn.e radQUEST o l o c . AQS ALPINE SPORTS www BMHS BATTLE MOUNTAIN HS EVGC EAGLE-VAIL GOLF CLUB EVHS EAGLE VALLEY HS GCGC GYPSUM CREEK GOLF MFC MINTURN FITNESS CENTER VVA VAIL VALLEY ANGLERS VE CMC IN EDWARDS WEB ONLINE A A Collaborate: W, 6-8p Collaborate: T, 5:30-8:50p Collaborate: Th, 6-8p includes lab CMC Bachelor’s Degree Information TWO NEW BACHELOR’S DEGREES AWAIT APPROVAL CMC Hopes to Offer Four-Year Degrees in Elementary Education and Applied Science Colorado Mountain College has applied for approval to offer two new bachelor’s degrees: • A Bachelor’s of Applied Science degree adds management and leadership skills to any CMC two-year Associate in Applied Science degree. • A Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education We hope to receive approval from the Higher Learning Commission in early summer. If you would like to receive updates about these potential degree options, fill out the form at You will be one of the first to know when the new degrees are approved. Colorado Mountain College already offers three other bachelor’s degrees in: • Business • Sustainability • Nursing Learn more about current and proposed bachelor’s degrees at 6. Colorado Mountain College in Edwards FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.COLORADOMTN.EDU/EDWARDS 90034 m o d a r olo 90035 www.c 90036 IVS: MW, 1:30-3:35p, 6/1-8/5 meets 5/11-6/19 91494 90150 90047 includes lab 90746 Summer 2015 COLORADO COLORADO MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN COLLEGE COLLEGECREDIT CONTINUING EDUCATION SCHEDULEPH: SCHEDULE PH: 970-569-2900 970-569-2900 Continuing Education Class Schedule How to use this schedule: Course Code Art ART-901-VE03 91430 T 3p-6p Murphy Refund: 5/8 5/12-6/30VE $125 PLEIN AIR Plein Air is a French expression which means “in the open air,” and is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors. Class is outside, weather permitting; otherwise in studio. Students need watercolor block, brushes and containers. A complete supply list is at the front desk. OPEN STUDIO PAINTING Open to beginners and advanced students. Designed for students to focus on their own personal exploration or choose to work with the master artist on a specific subject. You may choose from various mediums in paint. 92294 W3p-6p Sage Refund: 6/1 6/3-7/8 $125 ART-901-VE06 ART-901-VE04 92292 M8a-12p Sage Refund: 5/29 5/26-6/30VE $125 6/1-7/6 VE $125 VE Location Cost (may not include text/ supplies) PAINTING SEASONAL FLOWERS Painting class for all levels and all mediums. As in Chinese brush painting, we will paint flowers that are in bloom or getting ready to bloom. The focus is on composition, color, dimension, perspective and drawing; and how to translate what you see into a painting. This is a studio class, so we will be painting from live potted or cut flowers or reference photos. Bring your own flowers, or use flowers supplied for class. Art critic Brian Sherwin, Editor of The Art Edge, said about Marjory Wilson’s botanical paintings, “Marjory’s botanical paintings offer a glimpse of the intricate beauty found in nature. She places viewers in front of these delicate shapes and patterns... reminding us to take a closer look at the world around us. In a sense, her work offers a visual journey of exploration.” PHOTOGRAPHY - BETTER COMPOSITION WITH YOUR DSLR CAMERA This is a more advanced “photo composition” class to help students understand that there is more than just pointing and shooting and hoping they get a good shot. Students will learn to think and compose the elements within their viewfinder. Class will have open discussions and critique time of students work. Students will be asked to bring to class: DSLR camera, owner’s manual, and camera accessories of choice. Please NO “Point and Shoot” or “Mirrorless” cameras. Other class items/materials for course: drawing tablet / newsprint paper (8.5 x11), 2-3 charcoal pencils (peel away preferred) or sharpener, 12” ruler or straight edge, creative thinking cap. ART-901-VE02 ART-901-VE08 91419 W10a-2p 6/24-7/29VE Wilson Refund: 6/22 $125 92328 TTH 6:30p-8:30p7/30-8/6 VE Chinn Refund: 7/28 $125 VE PLEIN AIR ADVANCED This class is for those with some experience painting and plein air painting. The class will concentrate on deepening and cultivating our visual sensitivity by looking critically at nature and painting with the loaded brush - aspiring to broad yet particular summations of form, naturalistic color and clarified visual mood. Emphasis will be placed on the perceptual processes in front of nature, the editorial response that follows in the head of the painter, and the way that perception translates into paint; and on shaking up and/or questioning what is meant by “finish.” 91403 T 11a-3p SwansonRefund: 5/22 1/25-4/5 $160 Start Date /End Date ART-901-VE07 INTERMEDIATE PHOTOGRAPHY A more advanced photography class. Students will need to have strong understanding of the basic functions and settings of their camera beyond just setting it on “Auto.” This is an introduction type class of photo composition to help students understand that there is more than just pointing and shooting and hoping they get a good shot. Students will learn about “thinking and composing” the elements within a viewfinder. Understanding the elements and what makes a good composition. Class will have open discussions and critique time of students’ work. Students will be asked to bring to class: DSLR Camera, Owner’s Manual, and camera accessories of choice. Please NO “point and shoot” or “mirrorless” cameras. Other class items/materials for course: drawing tablet / newsprint paper (8.5 x11) 2-3 charcoal pencils - (peel away preferred) or sharpener 12” ruler or straight edge, and creative thinking cap. Classes will meet on Thurs, June 11, 6-8 p.m. in the classroom; and in the field on Mon, June 15, 6-8p.m. and Wed, June 17, 6-8 p.m. ART-901-VE01 CHI-901-VE01 55339 T 6:30p-8:30p Smith Refund: 1/21 Synonym Number – you’ll need this Meeting Meeting to register for or Days Times inquire about the course. Instructor Refund Date: last date to drop and get a refund. Show Your Creative Side CERAMICS OPEN STUDIO Are you an experienced ceramics student? Practice your craft during self-guided studio time. Students are welcome to use the studio when classes are not in session; facilitated studio time will be on Tuesdays from 3-6 p.m. BEGINNING MANDARIN CHINESE This class introduces the basic skills of Mandarin Chinese, the national language of Course the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan. Description Speaking, listening, reading, and writing using pinyin and simplified characters will be covered. Title 91504 MWTh 6p-8p Chinn Refund: 6/2 6/4-6/10 VE $145 For more offerings, check out our credit Art classes on page 2! Register Early! Each class has both a minimum and maximum number of students who may enroll. It’s best to register early to ensure your spot, and we ask you register no later than one week prior to the start of class to ensure minimum enrollment is met. Registration for all Summer classes begins April 20, 2014. FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.COLORADOMTN.EDU/EDWARDS Colorado Mountain College in Edwards 7. ge: d verbs, mar an ommon c ce, and aker and spe French guage n s basic la GW 1/3 8/25-1 /22 8 : refund d Level: Moher e advanc 0 CB 7-12/1 5 2 / 8 :30p FOR A NON-CREDIT TO REGISTER COURSE: : 8/2 5:30-6 40 Refund YOGA W NON-CREDIT COURSES ARE INDICATED BY THE GOLD, 5-DIGIT SYN. # 1 $ : 6 t 6 s 2 o C 85 INING in person or online an 1) Application for admission. Students can register T TRAbyae-mail, Bingam H s I ce up online, go to G n I a E for Inon-credit Tonsign credit classes, you may register in person, 2) Registration form. al sp Perform gh a U T W umancourses. Ionby GW R T I a C u s Click on the yellow 1 phone or online at o 1 H C r r / I d 2 B 3) Transcripts or placement test scores for courses ou th prove er anContinuing conve isites: SPA-102 8/28-1 /12 AERO nal Trainbar, uides yEducation. Register by using the m g i p u r 9 o e q 0 t TTh If you are a new student or you have not taken e : h r :5 d o so d e requiring a prerequisite. e Pr M 6-8 Per refun designthis 85259 class schedule and the semester 71 past list Tomgoldstasyn ion#s from $in1the 7 Th a t a class ten months, you will need to i : 0 c t 9 e ic 2 p r 8 t S r se i 4) Payment, or proof of financial aid, scholarships, or embe n in-Discomplete and provide:v & (3 Cr) Payment online is required. cises. Moher f exerccode. and rem series o Smith your enrollment in the Nelnet payment plan. exer sh I I e c n practice past but not n a a r p u CO d e al s and en CB ALL & ed in th will your th PH: aT Ion 01 B g s T n I 9 e r / r F e 2 st o Summer 2015 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION SCHEDULE 970-569-2900 v 1 h el t PA-2 con 8/26Not only ly meet some throug 0 all tow isites: S -8:50p b moving nd: 9/1 and sm Prerequ u 6 f le e t r ll proba t o b T 71 ter e balle rict: $1 82908 W g a wa he way. and th in-Dist se brin /29 G a 0 ) 1 le n r C P ja 7 u 3 2 ( B 8/ III & 2p : 8/25 class. e po guage refund n GW a improv ar 5 l 2 2 h 1 $ s 1 2 I / 1 2 s n 1 1 ll a PA sp 9/2 Fitba isites: S : 9/17 d n 7 Prerequ Th 4-5:30p u f /2 e 11 . = Certificate in Non Profit = Google + T 71 r ed ict: $1 s r 82909 t a ) is B v r D C t in (3 Ion Administration 85267 ES ways to use ediDiscover Cr4 ITIbest Vthe Smith ersaT I sh I & 8 CB I v T n n C o a A p c = Creative Problem Solving L Kentz and emerging social ls sh 5-12/ YSIC AthisSpopular spanI W S H p 8/2 G E d P 0 9 e S / :2 c 9 9 = : 8 n 0 Get Things Done nd 2/ LA platform to raise your online Cmedia adva r) 8/25-1 /9 1 refu TE = Interview Skills for Managers ct: $17 profile, and connect with current -9:20p (3 C :9 0 GW KARA 0 d 1 n / :3 & u 2 6 f 1 e ) r 7 R 2 C / y M 1 8 e 7 1 ll 1 I( = Introduction to Project Management Va 0p t: $ and potential contacts. /11 82910 g I & I new pring :30-9:2 -Distric fund: 9 and a /11, S 5 rainin for2Business n in 2 71 re T = 1 1 ja V t 4 You will gain the skills, tools and Instagram $ u S h 6 B : t g 1 i / 8 1 ric e 8 2 1 / , 8 W 2 p 1 0 l II Platforms = :Managing 8/28templates to confidently develop 30-3:2 Social LeveMedia /12 p TTh, 2 for 82814/ 6-8:50 1 refund: 9 lley and maintain a project. Certificate r e $17 bod ing Va Regist strict: CR) 1, Spr 1 .5 Cr) 1 Cr) ( / ( = Management Certificate 2 3 4Twitter I ( 1 I & 6 r & & 2 p I I / 5 c I i 8 2 d h , 8 sh Tai C4 = Powerful Presentations & Effective ls are use T a Id & Facebook 11:20afor Business II - 82 D spanI y FIrs ociation materia 10:30- 2823/Level onal T W , I G h n T u T m ss 8 9 Y Speaking Techniques 4LinkedIn / A r m 1 2 t o 0 r o 1 f ) 1 a c e R r 6 in SPA nH 8/2 iste . key o (1 C Certificate RegSocial ( /10 p America be ( = ikidBusiness Media for A : 6-8:50 1 refund: 9 s d d t st r nwoo 7 al Ar nd mvuisor.Colora o 1 i a le $ t ) G r : 4 , t a 1 p ic M d 0/ 20 -Distr t Weba :30-8: 8/26-1 TTh, 6 for 82826 ( /21-12/11) detail a ns) in d = e Content Marketing io er 10 describ CR) Regist for 82827 ( or Sect = eMarketing Essentials Certificate sses are nder Search f r oga (1 , SV e la Y t c s e i h g v is i e u t n R 0 = Google Analytics empla , 8/27-12/1 , SV it Syn# : Cont 3 a five-dig Yoga I W, 10-11:50 a, 8/25-11/ = Inbound Marketing Certificate 0 CR) 5 : 1 9 2 828 ore (1 4 Inbound marketing is a way to C , 8:30 W n i M p :S 82820 10, SV help potential customers find you ioning udents ondit p, 10/6-12/ t C s l f a o c r i be through organic search. It is a Phys MW, 3:30-5 m num ot, and maximu nsure your sp o the process of using your website in a d ing: n 85236 a or t dition ) to e imum i n r in ly p o r m C a s e l y a way that attracts visitors naturally a SV R ca ter sd oth Physi arbell (1 C 8/25-12/8, s has b ’s best to regis two busines met. s la c B , through search engines, the a h o is it (1 CR) an Eac Cardi M, 10-11:50 enroll. r no later th llment abata o T y r a e n blogosphere, and social media. m e d . 9 o r e 8 m 2 wh ou ist mu , SV 8282 Lab: T y, July e mini you reg = Managing & Marketing Webinars -12/11 monda ioning :50p, 8/26 we ask lass to ensur s t i in d g n e Co = Mobile Marketing Certificate fc ses b h, 4-4 start o all clas 3 - TT 0 GW 5-12/1 2 / 8 & TO REGISTER FOR A CREDIT COURSE: 0p /10 sh I :30-5:2 COURSES fund: 9 spanI MW 3 CREDIT 85 reARE INDICATED BY THE GREEN, 5-DIGIT SYN. # 2 $ 6 : 0 t 9 ric 82 ) (3 Crwho in-Dist If you are a current student has taken Smith h III & Register NOW! MANAGEMENT lness l e W & h t l Hea ! SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS All classes offered online! Participate 24/7! NEW MEDIA MARKETING Many more online classes are available! Update your Skills! ! y l r a e r Professional Development has never been easier! e t s i g Re f BUSINESS n for all istratio reg Practices in Event Management Best 4 Gain the key components of successful events to understand the planning cycle and anticipate the du challenges to creating a great tn.emany m o d a r o l o c . event. www = Cash is King = Cyber Security for Managers = Entrepreneurship Certificate 4 Entrepreneur Boot Camp 4 The Business Plan 4 Entrepreneurial Marketing = Getting Started in Voice Over = Mastering Computer Skills for the Workplace = Practical Math for the Workplace = Researching Public Records = Workplace Ethics and Etiquette = BUSINESS COMMUNICATION = = = = = = Certificate in Customer Service Certificate in Presentation Media 4Prezi 4 Graphic Design for Visual Presentations 4 Photoshop for Presentations Effective Copywriting Evernote Intercultural Communication Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Fundamentals 4 NLP is a powerful change management tool that transforms the way people think and act to have the greatest impact both professionally and personally. HUMAN RESOURCES 15. ollege Earn credit hours tain C toward PHR, o Moun Coloradand GPHR Recertification: SPHR = Business Coaching Certificate = Conflict Management = Interview Skills 4 Acquire new skills in job interviewing. You should attend if you want to improve your chances for being hired for a position, as well as if you are a leader who wants to improve the results of your hiring practices. = Management Boot Camp = Negotiation: Get What You Want = Supervisory and Leadership Certificate = Using Personality Profiles for Better Work Performance = Workplace Ethics and Etiquette = Applying Lean Sigma Practices to HR Functions LEADERSHIP = = = = Certificate in Leadership Development Executive Leadership Certificate Executive Leadership in the 21st Century Fatal Leadership Errors = ASK your employer 8281 Video Marketing Certificate about Professional Development Funds! These one-month classes start: May 4 | June 1 | July 6 | Aug 4 mt lorado o c . w w w For more information, including class descriptions, dates and costs: then click on UGotClass. CMC has partnered with UGotClass to offer you online professional development. The topics are current and the instructors are experts in their fields. The course content is rolled out in weekly units and you are able to participate anytime, 24/7, from any computer with an Internet connection. LEED GREEN WORKPLACE = = = LEED AP + BDC LEED v4 Accredited Professional for Existing Buildings: Operations + Maintenance Exam Prep & Study Group LEED v4 Green Associate Exam Prep & Study Group Customized Business Services Discover why businesses are turning to CMC’s Customized Business Services to breathe new life into their professional development programs. Our team of professional trainers can bring customized classes to your company. Here are some of the trainings we’ve recently brought to businesses like yours: •Crucial Conversations® •Understanding Your Team •Emotional Intelligence •Effective Change Management •Supervisory & Leadership Skills •Spanish for the Workplace 8. Colorado Mountain College in Edwards •English as a Second Language (ESL) •TiPS Alcohol Server Certification •Generational Differences •Communication Essentials •Change Anything® •And More! FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.COLORADOMTN.EDU/EDWARDS Contact Kim Blackford at 970-569-2933 or [email protected] Summer 2015 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION SCHEDULE Be our fan! INTRO TO MAC Explore the environment of Mac OS X (Mavericks) and learn to use its various applications such as Safari, Calendar, Mail, Contacts, Address Book and Finder. You will also use the operating system to manage files and folders, save information, keep updated, understand hardware and manage storage space. Basic computer skills required. CIS-901-VE05 92111 Th8a-12p 7/16-7/23 VE Hintermeister Refund: 7/14 $75 PH: 970-569-2900 INTERMEDIATE iPAD You will learn to optimize your iPad using system preferences and how to customize your device to increase functionality through third-party apps. You will see how an iPad can replace a computer for most of your digital needs. The latest features of iOS8 will also be explored. Please bring your own iPad and charger to class. CIS-901-VE10 92001 Sa1:30p-5:30p 7/18 Callier Refund: 7/16 $50 VE INTRO TO iPHONE Apple’s iPhones are small, powerful, and very useful, and they just got better than ever! Apple recently released its latest operating system for the iPhone, iOS8. This new operating system features improvements for photo editing and sharing, text messaging, smart search, contacts, family sharing and more. This course will explore some of these updated features, while covering basics such as exterior hardware, upgrading OS, settings, phone, mail, camera, calendar and basic VE maintenance. Please bring your own iPhone and charger to class. WORDPRESS WordPress is a powerful Web site management tool that anyone can use to design, build and manage a Web site. WordPress is popular, powerful and FREE! Learn how to set up WordPress to make your Web site easy-to-manage. Topics include: setup & installation, themes, plugins, widgets, media, blogging, and SEO. CIS-901-VE08 91271T9a-4p Blizzard Refund: 6/19 Do your software skills need a charge? We can give them a boost. For more offerings, check out our credit Computer class on page 2! GOOGLEIZE YOUR BUSINESS Let instructor Trent guide you in selecting appropriate Google applications for your business needs. This class is an overview of Google’s suite of tools, most of which are free: Gmail, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Docs, Voice, etc. EXCEL 2013 LEVEL II This second-level class covers a large variety of topics in Excel 2013 such as: managing and linking formulas across multiple worksheets, outlining and calculating subtotals, creating and using cell and range names, and sorting and filtering data. You will also learn to use templates, document, audit, and protect spreadsheets. Additionally, some advanced formatting, sharing and collaboration, and web features are covered. This class will help you take your use of excel to the next level. Cost includes workbook; please register a week in advance. If you want to copy the class files that go with the workbook, please bring a flash drive to class. MAR-901-VE01 CIS-901-VE02 Business MARKETING 91285T12p-3p Blizzard Refund: 5/29 6/2 $35 VE 6/23 $75 INTRO TO iPAD Explore basic iPad functions, such as upgrading OS, email, calendars, notes, Internet browsing, iTunes, media browsing, exterior hardware and basic maintenance. Apple’s mobile tablets are lightweight, robust and versatile. Some special features you will use include editing and organizing photos, sending voice text messages, and exploring heath/fitness apps that can synchronize with trainers and doctors. Please bring your iPad and charger to class. CIS-901-VE09 92000 Sa1:30p-5:30p 7/11 Callier Refund: 7/9 $50 VE CIS-901-VE11 92013 Sa 8:30a-12:30p7/11 Callier Refund: 7/9 $50 VE INTERMEDIATE iPHONE Beyond the basics, this class will help you optimize advanced phone settings. Increase your phone’s functionality through the use of third-party apps and learn short cuts to make using them easier. Please bring your own iPhone and charger to class. CIS-901-VE12 92109 Sa 8:30a-12:30p7/18 Callier Refund: 7/16 $50 VE 92101 Th8a-11:30a 6/11-6/18 T8a-11a 6/16 VE Hintermeister Refund: 6/9 $99 ONLINE MARKETING TOOL BOX Would you like to increase traffic to your business? Come learn tools, tips and techniques to improve search results and turn Web page visitors into paying customers. EXCEL 2013 LEVEL III In this third level class for Excel 2013, you will work with many advanced functions such as logical, conditional, financial, lookup and text functions. In-depth charting features will be explored. Pivot tables and MAR-901-VE02 pivot charts, which are used when working 91286T9a-12p 7/21 VE with large data sets, are covered in this class. Blizzard Refund: 7/17 $35 Importing and exporting data used, data validation, advanced filtering, Goal Seek and how to run and record a basic macro round out the topics in this advanced session. Cost includes workbook; please register a week in advance. If you want to copy the class files EXCEL 2013 LEVEL I that go with the workbook, please bring a If you work with numbers, graphs and flash drive to class. databases, Excel 2013 will help you get things done. Come practice the CIS-901-VE03 fundamentals of Excel, such as moving 92103 Th8a-11:30a 6/25-7/2 around in the spreadsheet, entering/ T8a-11a 6/30 VE modifying data, and formatting. Additional Hintermeister Refund: 6/23 $99 key concepts covered include formulas, functions, basic charts and print layout. COMPUTER BASICS WINDOWS Whether you are a beginner, or someone Start at the beginning with this basic who has been using Excel superficially for class. Learn about memory storage, RAM some time, this seminar is the place to start! and ROM. Learn how to navigate the Cost includes workbook; please register a Windows hierarchy of folders and files to week in advance. If you want to copy the open, save and move documents. Set up class files that go with the workbook, please your own hierarchy to reflect how you use bring a flash drive to class. the computer. Learn how to use a variety of applications that are included with CIS-901-VE01 the Windows operating system. Become 92099 Th8a-11:30a 5/28-6/4 proficient enough to go home and work T8a-11a 6/2 VE with confidence on your own computer. Hintermeister Refund: 5/26 $99 Computers CIS-901-VE04 92110 Th 12:30p-4:30p7/2-7/16 VE Hintermeister Refund: 6/30 $129 GED & College Prep GENERAL EQUIVALENCY DIPLOMA GED PREPARATION IN ENGLISH - EDWARDS Students can register at the front desk BEFORE the first class. Mandatory registration and orientation: Monday, June 1st 6:30p.m. This class will prepare you for the GED Tests in Math Reasoning, Reasoning through Language Arts, Science and Social Studies. GED-911-VE01 90466 MW 6:30p-8:50 6/1-7/29 VE Thomson $30 GED PREPARATION IN SPANISH - EDWARDS Todos los estudiantes deben estar inscritos antes de las clases. Orientación//Inscripción obligatoria el martes, 2 de junio a las 6:30p.m. Martes y Jueves clase de: matemáticas. Costo $30.00 por las dos noches. GED-911-VE02 90467 TTh 6:30p-8:50p 6/2-7/30 VE Hayden $30 MATHEMATICS SOFT LANDING: ASSESSMENT PREP & SKILL REFRESHER This course is for students who have an Accuplacer Elementary Algebra score of less than or equal to 29 and an Arithmetic score of less than or equal to 39. Students who want to prepare to re-take the Accuplacer Math tests can also choose this non-credit option. MAT-911-VE01 92198 MW 6p-8:50p 7/6-8/3 FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.COLORADOMTN.EDU/EDWARDS VE TBD 7/2 Colorado Mountain College in Edwards $40 9. ge: d verbs, mar an ommon c ce, and aker and spe French guage n s basic la GW 1/3 8/25-1 /22 8 : refund d Level: Moher e advanc 0 CB 7-12/1 5 2 / 8 :30p FOR A NON-CREDIT TO REGISTER COURSE: : 8/2 5:30-6 40 Refund YOGA W NON-CREDIT COURSES ARE INDICATED BY THE GOLD, 5-DIGIT SYN. # 1 $ : 6 t 6 s 2 o C 85 INING in person or online an 1) Application for admission. Students can register T TRAbyae-mail, Bingam H s I ce up online, go to G n I a E for Inon-credit Tonsign credit classes, you may register in person, 2) Registration form. al sp Perform gh a U T W umancourses. Ionby GW R T I a C u s Click on the yellow 1 phone or online at o 1 H C r r / I d 2 B 3) Transcripts or placement test scores for courses ou th prove er anContinuing conve isites: SPA-102 8/28-1 /12 AERO nal Trainbar, uides yEducation. Register by using the m g i p u r 9 o e q 0 t TTh If you are a new student or you have not taken e : h r :5 d o so d e requiring a prerequisite. e Pr M 6-8 Per refun designthis 85259 class schedule and the semester 71 past list Tomgoldstasyn ion#s from $in1the 7 Th a t a class ten months, you will need to i : 0 c t 9 e ic 2 p r 8 t S r se i 4) Payment, or proof of financial aid, scholarships, or embe n in-Discomplete and provide:v & (3 Cr) Payment online is required. cises. Moher f exerccode. and rem series o Smith your enrollment in the Nelnet payment plan. exer sh I I e c n practice past but not n a a r p u CO d e al s and en CB ALL & ed in th will your th PH: aT Ion 01 B g s T n I 9 e r / r F e 2 st o Summer 2015 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE CONTINUING EDUCATION SCHEDULE 970-569-2900 v 1 h el t PA-2 con 8/26Not only ly meet some throug 0 all tow isites: S -8:50p b moving nd: 9/1 and sm Prerequ u 6 f le e t r ll proba t o b T 71 ter e balle rict: $1 82908 W g a wa he way. and th in-Dist se brin /29 G a 0 ) 1 le n r C P ja 7 u 3 2 ( B 8/ III & 2p : 8/25 class. e po guage refund n GW a improv ar 5 l 2 2 h 1 $ s 1 2 I / 1 2 s n 1 1 ll a PA sp 9/2 Fitba isites: S : 9/17 d n 7 Prerequ Th 4-5:30p u f /2 e 11 . T 71 r ed ict: $1 s r 82909 t a ) is B v r D C in EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (3 Ion 85267 Credit CTIVITIES Smith ersaT sh I & 8 CB I v n n o a A p c L Kentz ls sh 5-12/ YSIC A SSES spanI W H p 8/2 G d P 0 9 e / :2 UNIVERSAL PRECAUTIONS/ c 9 9 : 8 n 0 nd 2/ C LA adva r) 8/25-1 /9 1 refu TE CHILDCARE ct: $17 -9:20p (3 C :9 0 GW KARA 0 d 1 n / :3 & u 2 6 f 1 e ) r 7 R 2 C / y M 1 8 e 7 1 ll 1 Learn about infection control measures I( Va 0p t: $ /11 82910 gI&I pring :30-9:2 -Distric fund: 9 and a /11, S 5 childcare providers need to follow to rainin n in 2 71 re T 1 1 ja V t $ u S h 6 B : t 2 g 1 i / 8 1 ric e 8 2 1 / , 8 W 2 p 1 20 II protect children and providers from 8/28:30-3: Level /12 p TTh, 2 for 82814/ 6-8:50 1 refund: 9 infectious disease. This on-line course lley r e $17 bod ing Va Regist meets the requirement for the required strict: CR) 1, Spr 1 .5 Cr) 1 Cr) ( / ( 2 3 I ( 1 I & 6 r & & 2 p I I / 5 c I i 8 2 d 8 Universal Precautions training required sh Tai Ch 30-11:20a, ls are use T a Id & II - 82 D spanI y FIrs ociation materia 10: /Level onal T W by the Colorado Department of Human , 3 I G h 2 n T 8 u T 2 m ss 8 9 Y / A r m 1 2 t o 0 r o 1 f ) 1 a c e R r 6 in e SPA nH Services - Childcare Licensing. Certificate 8/2 . key (1 C Regist ( /10 p America be ( ikido od A : 6-8:50 1 refund: 9 s d t st of completion will be provided by CMC’s r nwo 7 al Ar nd mvuisor.Colora o 1 i a le $ t ) G r : 4 , t a 1 p ic M d 0/ 20 instructor. -Distr t Weba :30-8: 8/26-1 TTh, 6 for 82826 ( /21-12/11) detail a ns) in d e io er 10 ECE-901-LV90 describ CR) Regist for 82827 ( or Sect sses are nder Search f r oga (1 , SV e la Y t c s 91981 W 5/11-8/7 WEB e i h g v is i e u n R 0 lat it Syn# 7-12/1 ntemp check Petty Refund: 5/8 $20 For more : Coofferings, a, 8/2 out our 3, SV five-dig Yoga I W, 10-11:50 a, 8/25-11/ CR) -9:50 2821 Education re (1 8credit page o3! C , 8:30classes on W n i M p :S 82820 10, SV ioning udents ondit p, 10/6-12/ t C s l f a o c r i be Phys MW, 3:30-5 m num ot, and maximu nsure your sp o the d ing: n 85236 a or t dition ) to e imum i n r in ly p o r m C a s e l y a a SV R ca ter sd oth Physi arbell (1 C 8/25-12/8, s has b ’s best to regis two busines met. s la c B , a h o is it (1 CR) an Eac Cardi M, 10-11:50 enroll. r no later th llment abata o T y r a e n m e d . 9 o r e 8 m 2 wh ou ist mu , SV 8282 Lab: T y, July e mini you reg -12/11 monda ioning :50p, 8/26 we ask lass to ensur s t i in d g n e Co fc ses b h, 4-4 start o all clas 3 - TT 0 GW 5-12/1 2 / 8 & TO REGISTER FOR A CREDIT COURSE: 0p /10 sh I :30-5:2 COURSES fund: 9 spanI MW 3 CREDIT 85 reARE INDICATED BY THE GREEN, 5-DIGIT SYN. # 2 $ 6 : 0 t 9 ric 82 ) (3 Crwho in-Dist If you are a current student has taken Smith h III & Register NOW! Desarrolla seguridad en ti mismo y mejora tus habilidades laborales con las clases de ESL en CMC! lness l e W & h t l Hea Education ! ! y l r a e r e t s i g e R r all ation fo registr f Refresh Your ECE Skills. llege tain Co o Moun d ra lo o C Be our fan! 8281 15. ESL Classes .edu domtn olora www.c mt lorado o c . w w w Up to five leveled ESL classes offered at each location: Low Beginning, High Beginning, Low Intermediate, High Intermediate and Advanced classes. English As Second Language (ESL) Clases de Inglés como Segundo Idioma! EDWARDS PM CLASSES AT CMC Mandatory registration and orientation both nights: Monday, May 11th and Wednesday, May 13th at 6:00 p.m. Orientación/Inscripción obligatoria las dos noches: 11 y 13 de mayo a las 6:00 p.m. 5/11-6/22 MW 6:30-8:50p Registration fee: $30 per person EDWARDS AM CLASSES AT CMC Mandatory registration and orientation both days: Tuesday, May 12th and Thursday, May 14th at 9:30 a.m. Orientación/Inscripción obligatoria las dos dias: 12 y 14 de mayo a las 9:30 a.m. 5/12-6/18 TTh 9:30a-11:50a Registration fee: $30 per person Get first aid & CPR skills here. AVON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PM CLASSES Mandatory registration and orientation both nights: Tuesday, May 12th and Thursday, May 14th at 6:00 p.m. Orientación/Inscripción obligatoria las dos noches: 12 y 14 de mayo a las 6:00 p.m. 5/12-6/18 TTh 6:30p-8:50p Registration fee: $30 per person For more offerings, check out our credit Medical Assisting classes on page 4. GYPSUM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PM CLASSES Mandatory registration and orientation both nights: Monday, May 11th and Wednesday, May 13th at 6:00 p.m. Orientación/Inscripción obligatoria las dos noches: 11 y 13 de mayo a las 6:00 p.m. 5/11-6/22 MW 6:30p-8:50p Registration fee: $30 per person INTENSIVE ENGLISH READING & WRITING Continuing or returning intensive students can register at the front desk BEFORE the first class. Mandatory registration and orientation for NEW STUDENTS: Monday, May 11th at 6:00 p.m. This Intensive English Class is designed for advanced and pre-college students. ESL-919-VE55 90305 MW 6:30p-8:50p 5/11-7/13 VE Zaremba $30 INTENSIVE ENGLISH GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY Continuing or returning intensive students can register at the front desk BEFORE the first class. Mandatory registration and orientation for NEW STUDENTS : Monday, May, 11th at 9:30 a.m. This Intensive English Class is designed for advanced and pre-college students looking for intermediate and advanced grammar instructions. Text required. ESL-920-VE55 92497 M 9:30a-2p 5/11-7/20 VE Hychalk $30 Develop self confidence and improve your job skills with ESL classes at CMC! 10. Colorado Mountain College in Edwards Health & Wellness HEALTH PROFESSIONAL BASIC FIRST AID AND CPR CPR FOR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER This class is designed for the general Designed for healthcare professionals, population and outdoor enthusiasts, but available to the public, this CPR and follows American Heart Association class is open to individuals interested in guidelines. Learn basic first aid skills; how developing the ability to recognize several to administer CPR to infants, children, life-threatening emergencies, administer and adults; and how to use an AED. The CPR, use an AED, and relieve choking textbook and an individual pocket mask safely and effectively. This class meets the for CPR are included in the class fee. requirements for the American Heart Students who successfully complete this Association Basic Life Support certification. class will receive a certification card valid An individual pocket mask and text are for two years. included in the class fee. Students who successfully complete this class will receive a HWE-901-VE04 certification card valid for two years. 90597 Sa9a-3:50p 5/16 VE HWE-901-VE02 90585 Sa 9a-3:50p 6/13 Carmichael Refund: 6/11 $66 VE HWE-901-VE03 90591 Sa9a-3:50p 8/1 Carmichael Refund: 7/30 $66 FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.COLORADOMTN.EDU/EDWARDS VE Carmichael Refund: 5/14 $66 HWE-901-VE05 90600 Sa9a-3:50p 7/11 Carmichael Refund: 7/9 $66 VE Summer 2015 COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE Physical Activity & Recreation TAP DANCE Grab your tap or hard-sole shoes and come join dance instructor Kitty. Increase balance and find rhythm as you shuffle-hop-step your way to fun. DANCE INTRO TO COUNTRY WESTERN DANCE Singles and couples are welcome in this introduction to classic country dances. You will get to know dances such as the Country Two-Step, Western Waltz, Line Dancing and Country Swing. Class will not be held on July 2, but students are encouraged to attend the 4-Eagle Ranch Country Dance. Class will not be held on July 16. DAN-901-VE02 91402 Th7:30p-8:30p 6/11-7/30 VE Barry Refund: 6/9 $115 BALLET BARRE You will create a lean, firm, sculpted body by combining the muscle-shaping principles of isometrics and the bodyelongating practice of dance conditioning in a powerful exercise format. DAN-901-VE03 91411 T 6:30p-7:30p5/12-8/4 VE Miller Refund: 5/8 $115 DAN-901-VE04 CONTINUING EDUCATION SCHEDULE 91424 W6:30p-7:30p5/13-8/5 VE Miller Refund: 5/11 $115 DAN-901-VE05 91380T8:30a-9:30a5/12-8/4 VE Gwathmey Refund: 5/8 $25 BELLY DANCE BASICS & BEYOND Explore exotic rhythms and build your core strength while practicing the art of Moroccan-style belly dance. Learn basic customs and traditions of Raks al-baladi or “Dance of the People.” DAN-901-VE06 PH: 970-569-2900 Register now! Classes fill quickly! NOW is your time! 91427 M6:45p-8:15p5/11-8/3 VE Frazer Refund: 5/8 $115 BELLY DANCE - LEVEL II This class starts mid-semester and expands on Belly Dance Basics & Beyond. You will continue exploring shimmies, fluid and percussive movements while working on choreographed pieces. DAN-901-VE07 91429 M6:45p-8:15p6/22-8/3 VE Frazer Refund: 6/19 $60 For more offerings, check out our credit Outdoor classes on page 4! Get Active! Colorado ASSET Colorado ASSET allows undocumented students to pay local tuition provided they meet certain requirements. Now is your time! Don’t miss out. See if you qualify and find out how to apply. Learn more! www.ColoradoMtn.Edu/ASSET OUTDOOR STUDIES STAND-UP PADDLEBOARDING Learn Stand-Up Paddleboarding in one day with an ACA SUP certified instructor. You will begin on flat water and progress to a class II river. Students must provide their own footwear; all other river equipment is provided. An additional charge of $50 is paid to Alpine Quest Sports. All classes meet at Alpine Quest Sports, 34510 Hwy. 6, Edwards. Participants must be 14 years old before July 26. OUT-901-VE01 91431 Su 9a-2p TBD Refund: 6/12 6/14 $79 AQS PHYSICAL EDUCATION PILATES Pilates is a total-body workout emphasizing core strength, flexibility and balance. The workout will be customized to your ability and will increase in intensity as you become stronger. This class is a blend of Eastern and Western exercise traditions. PED-901-VE01 91651 MTh 8:30a-9:30a 6/1-8/6 Cope Refund: 5/29 $145 VE PED-901-VE02 91663 MW5:30p-6:30p 5/11-7/8 Hill Refund: 5/8 $125 Colorado Mountain College operates under Special Use Permit by the White River National Forest, USDA Forest Service. VE YOGA IN THE SUN An innovative indoor/outdoor class for all levels. You will stretch and move through a combination of yoga postures and walking. Please bring sunscreen, hat and sunglasses. PED-901-VE05 91690 W12p-1p McCann Refund: 5/18 5/20-7/22VE $75 FOR MORE INFO GO TO WWW.COLORADOMTN.EDU/EDWARDS GENTLE YOGA Yoga beginners take note-this is the introductory class you need to start your adventure. Instructor Jill will guide you on a journey to poses, terminology and concepts. This class is also designed for students who wish to continue exploring gentle practice. PED-901-VE03 91659 Th 3:45p-4:45p 6/4-8/6 VE Gordon Refund: 6/2 $75 FLOW YOGA Flow yoga or Vinyasa is a practice of combining asanas (poses), movement and breath with meditation. This is a slow, deliberate practice that will challenge you as you transition poses on inhaling and exhaling. Some previous yoga experience required. PED-901-VE04 91675 Th 5p-6:15p Gordon Refund: 6/2 6/4-8/6 VE $90 LIFEGUARD CERTIFICATION Lifeguard candidates will learn to prevent and respond to aquatic facility emergencies. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a Lifeguard Training/ First Aid and CPR for the Professional Rescuer certificate that is nationally recognized by the American Red Cross. An additional charge of $75 is paid to Avon Rec Center. All classes meet at Avon Rec Center, 90 Lake St, Avon. Participants must be 15 years old before May 29. PED-901-VE06 91695 FSa 9a-5p MSu 9a-1p Graham Refund: 5/27 Colorado Mountain College in Edwards 5/29-5/30 5/31-6/1 ARC $125 11. CMC in Edwards Summer 2015 CLASS TITLE DATE PAGE Yoga in the Sun 5/20 + 11 Plein Air 5/26 + 7 Excel 2013 Level I 5/28 + 9 Lifeguard Certification 5/29 + 11 Plein Air Advanced 6/1 + 7 GED Preparation in English 6/1 + 9 Pilates 6/1 + 11 Online Professional Development Classes (UGotClass) 6/1 + 8 GED Preparation in Spanish 6/2 + 9 JUNE Continuing Education Classes Listed by Start Date! CLASS TITLE DATE Date + = Class meets more than one day PAGE MAY Googleize Your Business 6/2 + 9 Open Studio Painting 6/3 + 7 Intermediate Photography 6/4 + 7 Gentle Yoga 6/4 + 11 Flow Yoga 6/4 + 11 Excel 2013 Level II 6/11 + 9 Intro to Country Western Dance 6/11 + 11 CPR for Healthcare Provider 6/13 10 Stand-Up Paddleboarding 6/14 11 Belly Dance - Level II 6/22 + 11 WordPress 6/23 9 Painting Seasonal Flowers 6/24 + 7 Excel 2013 Level III 6/25 + 9 Online Professional Development Classes (UGotClass) 5/4 + 8 Belly Dance Basics & Beyond 5/11 + 11 JULY ESL Classes - Edwards Campus 5/11 + 10 Computer Basics: Windows 7/2 + 9 ESL Classes - Gypsum Elementary School 5/11 + 10 Online Professional Development Classes (UGotClass) 7/6 + 8 Intensive English Grammar & Vocabulary 5/11 + 10 Intro to iPad 7/11 9 Intensive English Reading & Writing 5/11 + 10 Intro to iPhone 7/11 9 Pilates 5/11 + 11 Basic First Aid and CPR 7/11 10 Universal Precautions/Childcare 5/11 + 10 Intro to Mac 7/16 + 9 Ceramics Open Studio 5/12 + 7 Intermediate iPad 7/18 9 Ballet Barre 5/12 + 11 Intermediate iPhone 7/18 9 ESL Classes - Avon Elementary School 5/12 + 10 Online Marketing Tool Box 7/21 9 ESL Classes - Edwards Campus 5/12 + 10 Photography - Better Composition with Your DSLR Camera 7/30 + 7 Tap Dance 5/12 + 11 AUGUST Ballet Barre 5/13 + 11 CPR for Healthcare Provider 8/1 11 Basic First Aid and CPR 5/16 10 Online Professional Development Classes (UGotClass) 8/4 + 8 Done with this schedule? Please recycle it at any CMC location. Register Early! Classes Fill Quickly! MAIL: Colorado Mountain College, 150 Miller Ranch Rd, Edwards, CO 81632 FAX: 970.569.3309 E-MAIL: [email protected]
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