TOR Land Information System -Jomi

Terms of Reference
For developing Enterprise Framework for Bangladesh Land
Information Management.
Access to Information - II
Prime Minister’s Office
Government of Bangladesh
1. Introduction
The UNDP funded Access to Information (a2i) Program at the Prime Minister’s Office has been
spearheading the government’s efforts to take services to the door-step of the people for the last few
years and has achieved significant successes in drawing national attention and gaining much-soughtafter leverage in influencing ICT related policies with great impact on national development. Bangladesh,
a South-Asian developing country is characterized by very high population growth and scare land. It
spills out jumbled and spontaneous land development within urban areas as well as other areas within
the country. The rapid increase of population is continuously reducing the land-man ratio of the country.
The rate of land transfer and conversion is also very high in Bangladesh. Rapid population growth
combined with fast rate of land transformation urges for an effective land administration and
management system. However, the conventional land administration system cannot keep pace with the
growing demand and changing situation of the land market. Inappropriate land administration and
management system is the cause for unplanned growth, and this eventually generates problems in
community life. Traditional land records increase difficulties in the security of land tenure and land
transfer. For this, it becomes an obligation to establish a compatible land administration and
management system by setting up a holistic approach. Land Information System (LIS) is the most
feasible systematic approach for developing an efficient land administration and management system in
Bangladesh. This paper focuses on the issues that are needed to be addressed in formulating a viable
land administration and management policy for the planned and controlled growth in Bangladesh. The
A2I Phase II project has been working on indentifying way of better Land Management system
supported by ICT innovation being simplified by standard BPR. Delivery of social justice through proper
land management and development is important for effective governance which is an integral part of
digital Bangladesh mission. A common information management framework in Land sector is an
indentified necessity that can supplement digital Bangladesh mission.
2. Scope of work
2.1. Assist a2i Technology Team members designing scalable Central Database for Land Information
2.2. Prepare Data Dictionary and Architectural Data Diagram for Land Information Management
Architecture in collaboration with a2i e-Service Team.
2.3. Design, Develop and assist in developing user friendly, interoperable, browser independent UIs for
Land Service related applications .
2.4. Design, Develop and assist in developing technology framework for common reporting system in
Land service related applications.
2.4. Define required middleware and tools required to build Central Land Management Framework.
2.5. Develop data migration tool framework that will comprising of ETL architecture and Intermediate
DB Design and necessary technology guidelines.
2.6. Test and assist in testing Land Application Prototype and Central database .
2.7. Develop and assist in developing Land Information Architecture data management guideline.
2.8. Design and develop Open Data Platform for citizen inclusion in Land Information.
2.9. Creating necessary plug-ins for future integration with other systems.
2.10 Creating Data Analytics Platform for future BI Application to be developed.
3. High Level Design
This Land Framework will have 3 major components:
3.1 Central Database: This will be the base repository for Land Information irrespective of application
citizens are getting access to. It will have structural capacity to contain Geo Info, Electronic Records,
Configuration info, Tax Info etc.
3.2 API server: This will manage integration and data access by Land Services from Application to
Central DB.
3.3 Application DB: This will integrate Land Centric Citizen services like Mutation, Khas Land etc.
3.4 Open Data Layer: As result of data mining, this component will form a dataset for open access by any
other services or for public access.
4. Technology Specification
4.1 Technology Platform
1. Need to use Open Source Development Platform.
2. PHP based platform with tool architecture like Bootstrap, framework like CakePhp/Phalcon can
be used.
3. Future technology Change, iterative prototyping and agility in product design are the generic
4. Technology and all related design/data will be open to a2i.
5. Need to work in IDE with a2i Tech Team.
4.2 Security
The vendor should follow any of the industry standard secure development methodology such as (but
not limited to) Comprehensive Lightweight Application Security Process (CLASP) by OWASP etc. The
vendor should consider (but not limited to) common vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection, Cross Site
Scripting (XSS) etc. Vendor will undertake responsibility for Input Validation Controls,
Authorization/Authentication Control and other security controls in place in both test and production
environment of application.
5. Duration of the assignment
5.1 Total Duration of the assignment is 75 man-days to be completed by maximum 5 months.
5.2 Vendor will provide on-site hands-on work at a2i office atleast 3 working days per week. During this
time a2i Technology Experts will be engaged with them.