115 Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(2), 115-124 (2015) Technical Note Chemical scrubbing of odorous fumes emitted from hot-melted asphalt plants Ya-Chen Wu, Po-Cheng Chen, Hsiao-Yu Chang* and Ming-Shean Chou Institute of Environmental Engineering National Sun Yet-Sen University Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan Key Words: Hot-melted asphalt odors, chemical scrubbing, odor removal, VOCs, sodium hypochlorite ABSTRACT Hot-melted asphalt (HMA) plants use sized gravels, asphalt and/or recycled asphalt as raw materials. In the plants, the materials are heated to certain preset temperatures and blended at fixed ratios at around 170 °C to prepare the required HMA for road paving. In the asphalt-melting, hotblending and dumping operations, fumes and particulates are emitted from the process equipments and chimneys. The emitted gases contain various volatile organic compounds and poly aromatic hydrocarbons which are harmful to the health of the plant workers and nearby residents. Complaints from the residents also come with the fume and odorous emissions. In this study, an oxidationreduction-in-series scrubbing process was tested to remove odorous compounds in waste gases emitted from HMA plants. Waste gas samples for test were collected from the vent hole of an oven which contains heated samples of asphalt or recycled asphalt concrete. NaOCl solution was used to scrub and oxidize the compounds and H2O2 to reduce the chlorine emitted from the oxidative scrubber. A gas chromatography with a mass spectrophotometric detector (GC-MSD) was used for the identification of the odorous species and their concentrations in the waste gases. GC-MSD indicate that alkanes, arenes, alkenes, halides, esters, and carbonyl compounds are detected in the test gas. Scrubbing test results indicate that with oxidative solution of 60-120 mg L-1 residual chlorine at pH 7.0-7.5 and reductive solution of 35 mg L-1 H2O2 peroxide at pH > 12, over 90% of the non-methane hydrocarbon in the tested gas could be removed. Odor intensities could be reduced from 3,090 (expressed as dilutions to threshold) to 73. Pungent asphalt odor in the test gas was turned into slight sulfur smell after the scrubbing. For removing the odors from 500 Nm3 min-1 of the flue gas vented from a HMA plant, a cost analysis indicates the required total cost for chemicals (NaOCl, H2O 2 and NaOH) added to the scrubbers is around USD 94 d-1 for a daily operation time of 7.5 h. The cost is far lower than that by the traditional thermal incineration one (USD 836 d-1) or by the regenerative thermal oxidation one (USD 478 d-1). This study has successfully developed a cost effective chemical scrubbing technology for the removal of odorous compounds in gases emitted from HMA plants. INTRODUCTION Malodor might be thought of as the single or composite of chemical compounds which causes ill feelings by smelling through the sensory organ. It is often classified as sensory pollution resulting in damaging more mentally or psychologically than physically [1]. *Corresponding author Email: [email protected] Many of sources causing malodors are found to include chemical plants, oil refineries, sewage treatment plants, landfills, livestock facilities, etc. [2-5]. It is in fact known that some of these compounds, when accumulated beyond certain concentration ranges, can exert toxic effects on human beings [6]. Hot-melted asphalt (HMA) plants use sized 116 Wu et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(2), 115-124 (2015) gravels, asphalt and/or recycled asphalt as raw materials. In the plant, the sized gravels and/or recycled asphalt cement (RAC) are blended at fixed ratios and heated to around 170 °C, and then sprayed and blended with HMA to prepare the required HMA for road paving. In the asphalt-melting, hot-blending and dumping operations, fumes and particulates are emitted from process equipments and chimneys. As cited in AP42 [7,8], emitted gases contain various volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as long-chain aliphatic or oxygenated hydrocarbons with 12-15 carbon number, benzene, toluene, xylenes, ethyl benzene, cumene, phenols, formaldehyde, poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated hydrocarbons, and carbon disulfide. In addition, when the hot vented gas contacts with steam or air, the content of PAHs and thiophenic compounds would increase. The US EPA reported that the emission factor of VOCs is around 0.003 kg Mt-1 HMA. Nearly all the emitted chemical compounds are harmful to the health of the plant workers and nearby residents. In Taiwan, the Environmental Protection Administration has been receiving numerous complaints relating to the odors emitted from asphalt plants for a long time. At present, waste gases from the hot-blending and dumping operations are collected, combined and transported to a control system. In general, a bag filter is used to remove the mists in the collected gas. Vent gas from the bag filter still contains various odorous VOCs. The odorous VOCs should further be diminished to eliminate possible public complaints. As reported by the Asphalt Odor Control News™ [9], a plant uses a scrubber and a fabric-over-strainer sock filter to remove the mists in the gas vented from asphalt cement storage tanks, and successively directs the gas to an AC (activated carbon) unit, where all odorous compounds are adsorbed. The method is technically and economically feasible for the control of small flow rates of the odorous gas vented from asphalt cement storage tanks as cited. However, frequent replacement of the AC will be required for high rates of odorous gas vented from HMA hot-blending and dumping operations. This leads to high AC replacement costs. Cook et al. [10] investigated the performance of a full-scale biofilter for treating off-gases from polymermodified asphalt production. The biofilter was effective in controlling odor from the production process and removed 98% of the H2S with concentrations less than 400 ppm. Chemical scrubbing is generally used for the control of gases with inorganic acid or base pollutants such as SO2, HCl, HNO3, H2S and NH3 [11,12]. For the scrubbing control of waste gases with VOCs, an oxidant is generally added to the scrubbing water to oxidize the VOCs. Aqueous NaOCl was found to be among the most effective oxidants. A few studies focused on the NaOCl oxidation of aqueous organics such as benzene, toluene, xylenes, phenolates, aldehydes, and ketones. Chungsiriporn et al. [13] proposed the removal of toluene from waste air using a spray wet scrubber combining the absorption and oxidation reaction of NaOCl solution. The oxidation reaction yields the oxidation products including salt and chloride ions as given by the Eq. 1 C 6H5CH3 + 3NaOCl → C6 H5COOH + 3NaCl + H2O (1) With conditions of air flow rate of 100 m 3 h -1, influent toluene concentration of 1,500 ppm (6,160 mg Nm-3), NaOCl concentration of 0.02 M (1,490 mg L-1), NaOCl solution feed rate of 0.8 m3 h-1 (1.19 kg NaOCl h-1), the highest toluene removal efficiency was around 92%. Mirafzal and Lozeva [14] presented phase transfer catalyzed oxidation of alcohols with NaOCl in ethyl acetate media with excellent yield of aldehydes or ketones as oxidized products. Cheng and Hsieh [15] integrated chemical scrubber with NaOCl and surfactant to remove hydrocarbons in cooking oil fume. Results proposed suitable operating parameters of NaOCl scrubber system at pH 6.5, 200 ppm of NaOCl and 11 L m-3 of liquid/gas ratio. Under the conditions, NMHC (non-methane hydrocarbon) in the cooking fume could be removed from 19 ± 13 to 4 ± 2 mg as CH4 m-3. Addition of 0.08 mL surfactant (22 mg L-1 sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate) to the NaOCl solution further increased the NMHC removal to 86% (NMHC decreased from 11 ± 11 to 2 ± 2 mg as CH4 m-3). The study did not indicate, however, which components in the fume gas were removed or oxidized. Literature data [16,17] indicate that there may be aromatics, phenols, furfural, PAHs (from naphthalene, C 10 H 8 , to dibenzo (a,h) anthracenes, C 22 H 14 ), and carbonyls (C1-C10 aldehydes, acrolein, butanone, and benzaldehyde) in cooking fumes. To the authors’ knowledge, there is no report on the removal of VOCs or odorous compounds emitted from HMA processes by chemical scrubbing approaches. In the present study, chemical scrubbing technology using NaOCl as an oxidant for VOCs and odors and alkaline H2O2 as a reducing agent for the emitted chlorine was tested for its applicability to the odor control of the HMA processes. Emission characteristics, effects of pH and concentration of the NaOCl on the VOC and odor removal efficiencies, and effects of pH and H2O2 concentration on the chlorine removal efficiencies will be presented. Cost analysis and a comparison will also be made for the developed chemical control process Wu et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(2), 115-124 (2015) and other competitive processes. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1.Experimental Systems Schematics of the experimental systems are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Figure 1 shows a gas generation oven (Hipoint Precision Oven, Type: OV-40, Taiwan) in which asphalt or RAC was placed in an aluminum foil plate and the oven heated to around 250 °C to generate the fume gas for tests. Fume gas samples were collected in 25-L bags from the vent hole of the oven by a gas sampling pump drawing at a fixed flow rate of 2-3 L min-1. The scrubbing system shown in Fig. 2 consists of a gas pump and 2-1 L scrubbing bottles. The first bottle (oxidation scrubber) was filled with 600 mL of aqueous NaOCl solution for absorbing and oxidizing the chemicals from the induced fume gas at a fixed flow rate of 1 L min-1. The second one (reduction 3 TI 2 1 4 1 Oven 5 4 Gas pump (operated at 2-3 L min-1) 2 Asphalt or recycled 5 Waste gas storage bag asphalt cement (25 L) 3 Temperature indicator Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the test waste gas generation and collection system. 3 3 6 1 2 4 5 1 Waste gas storage bag (25 L) 4 Oxidation scrubber 2 Gas pump (operated at 1.0 L min-1) 5 Reduction scrubber 3 Gas sampling port 6 Scurrbed Gas vent Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the 2-step chemical scrubbing system. 117 scrubber) contained 600 mL of aqueous H 2O 2 and NaOH solution for absorbing the chlorine gas stripped from the aqueous NaOCl solution and reducing it to NaCl following the chemical reaction: Cl2 + H2O2 + 2 NaOH → 2 NaCl + O 2 + 2 H 2O (2) Asphalt and RAC used in this study were obtained from a local HMA plant. The collected RAC was cut into pieces of approximately 2.54 x 2.54 cm in size. All chemicals (aqueous NaOCl solution with 12 wt% available chlorine, 35 wt% aqueous H2O2 solution, 98 wt% H2SO4, and NaOH) are all reagent grades. 2.Scrubbing Solution Tests were performed with an initial available chlorine concentration of 60, 120, 240, and 480 mg L-1. Effects of initial pH on the odor and/or NMHC removal were then tested with the different initial available chlorine levels. H2O2 solution in the second bottle was kept at an initial concentration of 35 mg L-1 and adjusted to pH 12.5 by adding 25 wt% NaOH solution. Around 34 mL of the NaOH solution or 10 g pure NaOH was required for 1 L of H2O2 solution. The scrubbing liquors were eventually drained to the wastewater treatment system after experiment. 3.Sample Analysis In the course of reaction, gas samples collected was analyzed for THC (total hydrocarbon), NMHC, Cl2, and odor intensity. Scrubbing liquors were also determined for pH and residual chlorine, if necessary. THC concentrations in gas samples were analyzed with a portable flame ionization detector (FID, Thermo, TVA-1000B, USA). The FID was calibrated monthly by standard methane gases in the concentration range from 0.5 to 50,000 ppm. Compositions of VOCs in gas samples were analyzed by a gas chromatography (GC, 6890N Series, Agilent, USA) coupled with a mass spectrometry (MS, 5973 Network Mass Selective Detector, Agilent, USA). The GC/MS was calibrated by a standard gas with compounds shown in Table 1 before each sampling day. The standard gas was stored in a cylinder [18]. NMHC concentrations in gas samples were analyzed using a GC (GC-14B, Shimadzu, Japan) with a capillary column (0.53 mm id and 30 m long, coated with 5 mm-thick polydimethylisioloxane, Alltech. No. 16843) and a FID. A chlorine analyzer (ToxiRAE II, 045-0516-000, USA) was used for the analysis of gaseous chlorine concentrations with the minimum detection limit of 0.1 ppm. A pocket colorimeter (No. 58700-00, HACH, 118 Wu et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(2), 115-124 (2015) Table 1. GC/MS gas calibration compounds Compound MDL (ppb) Acetone Acetonitrile 0.32 Benzene Bromodichloromethane 0.25 Bromomethane 0.31 1,3-Butadiene 2-Butanone (MEK) Carbon Tetrachloride 0.27 Chlorobenzene 0.26 Chloroethane Chloroethene 0.27 Chlorodifluoromethane 0.26 Chloroform 0.26 Chloromethane 3-Chloro-1-propene 0.17 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.29 Dibromochloromethane 0.22 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.25 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.24 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.23 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.25 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.19 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.24 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.21 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.29 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.27 Dichloromethane 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.27 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.26 Compound cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloro- 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane Ethylbenzene Heptane Hexane Hexachlorobutadiene Methyl methacrylate 4-Methylpentan-2-one alpha-Methylstyrene n-Octane Pentane Propane Prop-2-enal 2-Propenenitrile Styrene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Toluene m/p-Xylene o-Xylene Vinyl Acetate MDL (ppb) 0.23 0.29 0.22 0.15 0.17 0.13 0.23 0.17 0.41 0.31 0.28 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.20 0.15 0.27 0.18 MDL: Method Detection Limit Japan) was used for the detection of residual chlorine in the scrubbing liquor [19]. Deionized water was used as a blank to calibrate the colorimeter each time before the measurement. 4.Olfactory Test In Taiwan, the “Triangular Odor Bag Method” used in Japan [20,21] has officially been adopted for measuring the odor index. The sensory test is conducted by at least 6 members of the panel. Each panel is given 3 bags: 1 with a certain dilution of the sample gas and 2 with odor-free air, and the panel asked to choose the odorous bag after smelling all the gases in the bags. If the panel can tell the bag with the odorous gas, the odorous gas is then further diluted and the test continued until all panels are unable to identify the bag with odor. Test data are then used to obtain the odor index as shown by an example shown in Table 2 [22]. In the Table, by deleting the highest and the lowest of the individual panel values (Xi), the average threshold X of the panel and the odor index Y are calculated as follows: The odor index Y of 550 represents a dilution of 550 of the odorous gas by fresh air, around 50% of Table 2. Example of sensory test for sample collected at exhaust port Dilution ratio 30 100 300 1000 3000 10000 Threshold of each panel (Xi) Excluding maximum/minimum values Logarithm 1.48 2 2.48 3 3.48 4 A / C 2.24 Excluded B / C 2.74 C / 3.74 Excluded C Panel D / C 2.74 E / C 2.24 F / C 3.24 Average 2.74 : positive answer, C: negative answer Wu et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(2), 115-124 (2015) general audience can detect the odor and the other 50% cannot. According to the stationary air pollution source emission standards [23], gas odor intensities Y should be not greater than 1,000, 2,000 and 4,000, respectively, for emission stack heights of lower than 18, 18-50, and higher than 50 m. Stack heights for most of HMA plants in Taiwan are in the range of 18-50 m. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1.THC Concentrations in the Generated Gas Figure 3 shows variations of THC concentrations in the generated gas with heating time and temperature. THC concentrations were higher when the asphalt was heated up to 250 °C then at 200 °C. At the same heating temperature, RAC yielded lower THC concentrations than the original one because of the lower asphaltine contents in the cement. Another possible reason for the lower THC emissions from the RAC may be that the VOCs therein have almost all volatized with a paving time of years. However, in the plant, RAC is usually crushed, screened, and preheated to 200-250 °C and blended with sized gravels with lower preheat and drying temperatures of 110-150 °C. The relatively higher preheat temperatures of RAC make the hot emission gas more odorous than that for gravels. While virgin asphalt is heated only to 140160 °C before blending with the preheated gravels, the odorous intensities of the gas emitted from the blending operation are thus less than those from the preheating of the crushed RAC. Figure 3 also shows that THC concentrations in the gases emitted from the heated asphalt and RAC were roughly stable for heating times of over 25-30 min and the emitted gases were subsequently discharged into Fig. 3. Variations of THC concentrations in the generated gas with heating time and temperature. 119 the scrubbing solutions. 2.Water Scrubbing Tests Tests were initially performed by scrubbing the gases only with deionized water filled in both scrubbers. Results of the water-washing tests shown in Table 3 indicate that VOC removal efficiency was approximately 71% for RAC and 68% for regular asphalt. Although some water-soluble VOCs in both gas emissions were removed, a significant odor remained as noted by nose sniffing. Thus, odor removal efficiency by transferring VOCs from gas to aqueous phase has not been substantiated. This implies that water scrubbing without chemical addition is not a good practice for the odor control of emissions from HMA plants. Data shown in Table 3 also indicate that methane accounts around 10% of the THC in both emitted gases. Water-insoluble methane is of course not easily removed by water. 3.Dependency of NMHC Removal on the Initial Available Chlorine Concentration without pH Adjustment Results shown in Table 4 and Fig. 4 show an optimal initial available chlorine concentration ([Cl2]o) of 60 mg L-1 for NMHC removal. The NMHC removal efficiencies of gas emissions from RAC and regular asphalts were 91 and 93%, respectively. The higher NMHC removal at a [Cl2]o of 60 ppm might result from the lower pH (initial 9.4 and final 7.3) which gave a higher ratio of [HOCl]/([HOCl] + [OCl-]). HOCl has a stronger oxidation power than OCl-. Chlorine concentrations in the exhaust gas from the oxidation liquid increased with increasing operation time and increasing [Cl2]o as shown in Fig. 5. Data indicate that a lower [Cl 2] o gave a higher chlorine loss of around 6-7 ppm especially at the end of the operation because of the decreasing solution pH with the operation time. Chlorine in the exhaust gas from the oxidation liquid could be absorbed by the reducing liquid with initial concentration of 35 mg L -1 H 2O 2 adjusted to pH 12.5. Exhaust gas from the reducing liquid had a chlorine of as low as < 0.2 ppm which is slightly lower than the odor threshold of 0.21-0.34 ppm. Table 3. NMHC removal by 2-satge water scrubbing Gas concentration NMHC Heated sample Scrubbing (ppm as methane) THC CH4 NMHC removal % Before 20 1.9 18.1 RAC After 6 1.9 5.3 71 Before 28 3.3 24.7 Asphalt After 11 2.9 7.8 68 120 Wu et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(2), 115-124 (2015) Table 4. NMHC removal data by the 2-satge chemical scrubbing Heated [Cl2]o (mg L-1) Scrubbing pH of the oxidation liquid** Sample* RAC 60 9.40 Before After 7.34 120 9.66 Before After 7.78 240 9.88 Before After 8.32 480 10.1 Before After 9.36 Asphalt 60 9.42 Before After 7.52 120 9.87 Before After 7.83 240 10.0 Before After 8.50 480 10.1 Before After 9.26 Gas concentration (ppm as methane) NMHC THC CH4 NMHC removal % 34.2 4.2 30 5.4 2.7 2.7 91 17.4 5.7 11.7 9.7 7.0 2.7 77 21 5.9 15.1 9.1 6.3 2.8 82 30.7 7.9 22.8 14.2 9.1 5.1 78 33.7 8.3 25.4 9.1 7.2 1.9 93 10.2 3.0 7.2 3.9 2.5 1.4 80 28.3 6.2 22.1 10.9 5.8 5.1 77 15.6 4.0 11.6 5.1 3.5 1.6 87 *Heating temperature: 250 °C **Without pH adjustment 4.Dependency of NMHC Removal on the Initial pH With Fixed Initial Available Chlorine of 60 mg L-1 of the oxidation treatment is the best with near-neutral pH, reasonable with acidic, and poor with alkaline conditions. According to results without pH control (Fig. 4), oxidation removal of the NMHC in the emitted gas had a higher efficiency of over 90% at [Cl2]o of 60 mg L-1. The efficiency dropped to around 83% at pH 8 due to an increase in [Cl2]o to 120 mg L-1 with a higher caustic soda in the added NaOCl solution. Effect of pH on the oxidation removal of the NMHC might be important. Figure 6 shows variations of NMHC removal efficiency from the generated gas with initial pH of the oxidation liquid with fixed initial available chlorine of 60 mg L-1. Both of the asphalt and RAC gas emission washing were optimized at pH 6.0-7.5, with NMHC removal efficiencies of over 90%. Removal efficiency dropped to less than 90% at pH 8. The effectiveness Fig. 4. Dependency of NMHC removal on the initial available chlorine of the oxidation liquid without pH control. Fig. 5. Variations of Cl2 in the exhaust gas from the oxidation liquid with scrubbing operation time for the four runs with different initial available chlorine concentrations in the oxidation liquid. pH of the oxidation liquids were not adjusted. Wu et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(2), 115-124 (2015) Fig. 6. Variations of NMHC removal efficiency from the generated gas with initial pH of the oxidation liquid with fixed initial available chlorine of 60 mg L-1. 5.Dependency of NMHC Removal on the Initial Available Chlorine with Neutral pH Figure 7 shows variations of NMHC removal efficiency from the generated gas from RAC and asphalt with initial available chlorine concentration in the oxidation liquid with initial pH adjusted to 7.0 and 7.5. The NMHC removal increased with an increase in [Cl2]o, however, it leveled off with [Cl2]o above 120 mg L-1 ; for cost effective, the operating concentration of [Cl2]o is recommended to be 60-120 mg L-1 with pH controlled to in the range of 7.0-7.5. 6.GC-MSD Examination It is well perceived carbonyl compounds as major 121 odorous pollutants. Carbonyls are directly discharged from such primary sources as exhaust gases of motor vehicles and incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in industrial machinery and industrial processes [24]. GC-MSD results (Table 5) indicate that alkanes, arenes, alkenes, halides, esters, and carbonyl compounds are detected in the test gas. Most VOCs are oxygenated ones among which acrolein and acetone are major components. For RAC generated gas, around 9899% and 90% of the influent acrolein (1.39 ppm) and acetone (3.64 ppm), respectively, could be removed by the 2-stage scrubbing system operated at the optimal conditions as stated in the previous section. However, alkanes, alkenes (mainly 1,3-butadiene), aromatics, and chlorinated hydrocarbons were not effectively removed. The reasons may be the lower water solubility and less reactivity of NMHCs with the oxidant. 7.Olfactory Test Kim and Park [25] show the relationship between olfactory and indirect instrumental methods for odor detection. It confirms that the odorant concentration data measured by instrumental method can be used effectively to account for the odor intensity estimated by the sensory method for samples collected from sources with high activities. In the present study, sensory tests indicate that the scrubbed gas has no asphalt odor. One test indicates the odor intensities could be reduced from 3,090 (expressed as dilutions to threshold) to 73. Pungent asphalt odor in the test gas turned into slight sulfur smell after the scrubbing. Since the stack heights for most of HMA plants in Taiwan are in 18-50 mm the odor intensity of 73 meets the requirement [23]. 8.Economic and Performance Assessments Fig. 7. Variations of NMHC removal efficiency from the generated gas with initial available chlorine concentration in the oxidation liquid with initial pH adjusted to 7.0 and 7.5, respectively, for RAC and asphalt. Solutions of NaOCl, H2SO4, H2O2 and NaOH are needed to add to the two-stage chemical scrubbers used in the present study. From the experimental data, an average of 1 kg of 12% available Cl 2 bleaching solution is required for oxidizing 1000 Nm 3 of the emitted gas. According to the equations Cl2 + 2NaOH = NaOCl + NaCl + H2O and 2NaOCl + H2SO4 = 2HOCl + Na2SO4, for neutralization of 1 mol NaOCl (71 g of available chlorine) to HOCl, it requires 0.5 mol H2SO4 (50.5 g of 97% H2SO4). Accordingly, 0.0854 kg of 97% H2SO4 [(1 x 0.12)/(71 x 50.5)] = 0.0854) is required for neutralization of 1 kg of the bleaching solution for 1,000 Nm3 waste gas. According to data shown in Fig. 5b, effluent gas from the oxidation liquid with an initial available chlorine of 60 mg L-1 has Cl2 of 3.66 ppm at 20 min, Wu et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(2), 115-124 (2015) 122 Table 5. GC-MSD data for the gases before and after the chemical scrubbing treatment NMHC (ppm) RAC Asphalt Before After Before After Alkanes Propane 0.56 0.38 0.34 0.34 n-Pentane 0.27 0.31 0.17 0.19 n-Hexane 0.21 0.23 0.14 0.12 Heptanes 0.09 0.11 0.08 0.06 Octanes 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.03 Sub. sum 1.18 1.08 0.77 0.73 Olefins 1,3-Butadiene 0.066 0.093 0.063 0.08 Sub sum 0.066 0.093 0.063 0.08 Aromatics Benzene 0.27 0.28 0.11 0.10 Toluene 0.079 0.05 0.05 0.04 Ethyl benzene 0.009 0.007 0.007 0.004 m/p-Xylenes 0.023 0.019 0.020 0.01 o-Xylene 0.009 0.008 0.011 0.004 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 ND 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene 0.003 0.001 0.003 < 0.001 Styrene 0.003 < 0.001 0.002 < 0.001 Sub. sum < 0.39 < 0.37 < 0.21 < 0.16 ChloroChloromethane 0.030 0.036 0.018 0.021 Chloroethane 0.005 0.006 0.003 0.003 hydrocarbons Bromomethane < 0.0011 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 Vinyl chloride < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 Dichloromethane 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.002 Chloroform ND 0.037 ND 0.024 1,1,2,2-tetraethane ND ND 0.002 ND Sub. sum < 0.045 < 0.087 < 0.029 < 0.054 Oxygenated Acetonitrile 0.045 ND 0.057 0.003 Acrolein 1.39 0.013 1.17 0.018 hydrocarbons Acetone 3.64 0.037 0.86 0.083 Methyl ethyl ketone 0.84 0.018 0.78 0.046 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 0.044 < 0.001 0.025 0.002 Sub sum 5.96 < 0.069 2.89 0.152 Esters Ethyl acetate 0.29 0.022 0.36 ND Methyl methacrylate 0.007 ND ND ND Sub. sum 0.30 0.022 0.36 ND Total 7.94 1.72 4.32 1.17 ND: not detected and the chemicals required for reduction of the Cl2 introduced to the reducing liquid and neutralization of the reduced product (HCl) can be calculated by following the stoichiometry of Eq. 2. Taking 1000 Nm3 of the influent gas with 3.66 ppm Cl2 to the reduction liquid as a base: Mass of Cl2 emitted = = 1000 Nm3/(22.4 Nm3 kmol-1) x [3.66 ppm/(106 ppm)] 1.63 x 10-4 kmol Mass of H2O2 required = 1.63 x 10-4 kmol x 34 kg kmol-1 = = 0.556 x 10-2 kg pure H2O2 1.59 x 10-2 kg 35% H2O2 solution Mass of NaOH required = 1.63 x 10-4 kmol x 2 x 40 kg kmol-1 1.30 x 10-2 kg pure NaOH 2.90 x 10-2 kg 45% NaOH solution = = According to the above calculations, it requires 0.0159 and 0.0290 kg, respectively, of 35% H2O2 and 45% NaOH solutions to treat 1,000 Nm3 of the waste gas. In addition to the required chemicals, it is necessary to treat wasted scrubbing liquids from both scrubbers before dumping them into receiving water bodies or sewage systems. According to Eq. 2, 1 mg L-1 of available chlorine needs 0.479 mg L-1 of H2O2 (34/71 = 0.479) and 2.50 mg L-1 of 45% NaOH (80/(71 x 0.45) = 2.50) to reduce to NaCl. For the reduction of 60 mg L-1 available chlorine in the waste liquor, it requires 28.7 mg L-1 H2O2. A combination of equal amounts of the waste oxidation liquid (60 mg L-1 available chlorine) and reducing liquid (35 mg L -1 available chlorine) results in total removal of free chlorine in the combined liquid. It needs only stoichiometric amount of H2SO4 to neutralize the caustic soda in the drained liquid. The maximum amount of 97% H2SO4 is 0.0165 kg [(0.029 x 0.45)/(40 x 49 x 0.97) = 0.0165) for 1,000 Nm3 waste gas. Wu et al., Sustain. Environ. Res., 25(2), 115-124 (2015) Table 6 lists the requirement of chemicals and the costs for treating 1000 Nm3 of the waste gas. Current methods used by HMA plants to remove odor include traditional thermal oxidation (TO) and regenerative thermal oxidation (RTO). This study comparatively evaluates economics of TO, RTO and the developed chemical scrubbing technology. For removing the odors from 500 Nm3 min-1 of the flue gas vented from a HMA plant, cost analysis shown in Table 7 indicates the required total cost for chemicals (NaOCl, H2SO4, H2O2 and NaOH) added to the scrubbers and waste Table 6. Requirement of chemicals and the costs for treating 1000 Nm3 of the waste gas Amount Unit cost Cost Chemical (kg) (USD kg-1) (USD) Bleaching solution 1.00 0.167 0.167 (12% Cl2) Sulfuric acid (97%) 0.102 0.067 0.00068 Hydrogen peroxide 0.016 0.5 0.008 (35%) Sodium hydroxide 0.029 0.333 0.0097 (45%) Total 0.185 Table 7. Economic and performance assessment Thermal Chemical RTO oxidation scrubbing 300,000 400,000 100,000 Investment (USD) Power 20 60 45 requirement (kW) Electricity 15 45 34 (7.5 h d-1) (kWh) Fuel 660 237 0 (7.5 h d-1) (L) (heavy oil) (diesel) 12% NaOCl 0 0 225 solution (7.5 h d-1) (kg) 97% H2SO4 0 0 22.9 (7.5 h d-1) (kg) 35% H2O2 0 0 3.6 solution (7.5 h d-1y) (kg) 45% NaOH 0 0 6.5 solution (7.5 h d-1) (kg) Daily electricity 11.2 33.6 25.2 cost (USD kWh-1) Daily fuel cost 825 444 0 (USD) Daily chemical 0 0 42 cost (USD) Sum of daily cost 836 478 93.4 (USD) Operation and Simple Simple Simple maintenance Facility life (yr) 10 10 10 Odor intensity > 95 > 95 > 95 reduction (%) 123 liquids was around USD 42 d-1 for daily operating time of 7.5 h. In the estimation, the costs for final disposal of the spent oxidation and reducing liquors need to be added. The cost of USD 42 d-1 is far lower than that by TO (USD 836 d-1) or by RTO (USD 478 d-1). This study has successfully developed a cost effective chemical scrubbing technology for the removal of odorous compounds in gases emitted from HMA plants. CONCLUSIONS In this study, an oxidation-reduction-in-series scrubbing process was tested to remove odorous compounds from waste gases emitted from HMA plants. GC-MSD examination results indicate that alkanes, arenes, alkenes, halides, esters, and carbonyl compounds are detected in the test gas. Scrubbing test results indicate that with oxidative solution of 60-120 mg L-1 residual chlorine at pH 7.0-7.5 and reductive solution of 35 mg L-1 hydrogen peroxide at pH > 12, over 90% of the NMHCs in the tested gas could be removed. Odor intensities could be reduced from 3,090 to 73. Pungent asphalt odor in the test gas was turned into slight sulfur smell after the scrubbing. 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