New Mexico Health Connections (NMHC) is a non-profit
health plan built by New Mexicans, for New Mexicans. Our
focus is on individuals and small businesses—especially
the uninsured.
• NMHC is a Consumer Operated
and Oriented Health Plan, or
CO-OP. As a CO-OP, NMHC members
will have a say in how we run our
business—advising on benefit design,
premium structure, and the provider
network. In addition, our members
will have the opportunity to become
a part of our Board of Directors.
• NMHC focuses on New Mexico
communities by establishing
and fostering relationships with
community organizations and
leveraging the services that they
provide to share with our members.
As a non-profit health plan, we feel
it is our responsibility to serve as a
community asset.
• As a non-profit health plan, NMHC
is mission-driven rather than profitdriven. Any profits we make must be
reinvested into specific things such
as programs intended to improve the
quality of health care delivered to our
members, and member benefits.
• We believe in supporting the health
of our members by emphasizing the
importance of preventive care.
• Most importantly—our philosophy
revolves around removing barriers
to care.
• Innovation drives us. We have
no legacy costs, and no large
administrative staff or salaries. Nor
do we have large corporate brick
and mortar facilities to fund, or outof-state headquarters to answer to
—which translates to an increased
ability to invest in quality outcomes
with our provider groups, reducing
costs to our members.
– All of our plans have no copay for
generic medications for 9 chronic
Hypertension, Depression,
Bipolar Disorder, Diabetes,
Hypercholesterolemia, Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,
Coronary Artery Disease,
Congestive Heart Failure,
and Asthma.
• NMHC is building for the healthcare
of the future, rather than building
on the healthcare infrastructure of
the past.
– We have no copay for the first 3
outpatient Behavioral Health visits,
and no copay for most generic
behavioral health medications.
NMHC0057-1 013
Receive important information about your enrollment options at MyNMHC.org