HITEC OLYMPIAD st th 21 – 24 April 2015 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 CONTACT INFORMATION Marketing Literary Sports Anas Shah 0310-5523593 Saqib Abbas 0332-8754987 Wasil Riaz 0322-6536207 Zulqurnain 0335-6328898 Nabeel Mustaq 0331-5695653 Usman Ahmed 0313-7333123 Science Creative Art Fun Fair Sharif Hassan 0343-6255205 Anns Nadeem 0300-6602224 Farhaj Ishtiaq 0300-7773373 Sabi Haider 0345-0410710 Adnan Sheikh 0336-8672733 Bilal Ibrahim 0312-7335223 [email protected] www.hitecuni.edu.pk www.facebook.com/hitecolympiad 21st – 24th April 2015 2 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 SCHEDULE DAY 1 (Tuesday 21st April 2015) EVENTS VENUE TIME INAUGURATION QIRAAT WORK SHOP ON JOURNALISM NAAT FUTSAL (1st round) BASKET BALL (1st round) TABLE TENNIS (GIRLS) (1st round) TABLE TENNIS (BOYS) (1st round) BADMINTON (BOYS ) (1st round) CRICKET (1st round) CHESS E-GAMING(1st round) WATER ROCKET (1st round) SPEED PROGRAMMING (1st round) SPEED WIRING (1st round) DUMB CHARADES(1st round) SKETCHING HITEC SECRETARIAT LAWN AUDITORIUM ISRAR BLOCK L1 (ME) GF AUDITORIUM STADIUM BASKETBALL GROUND ISRAR BLOCK (CE) SF ISRAR BLOCK (ME) GF ISRAR BLOCK ME LAWN HIT SPORTS GROUND ISRAR BLOCK L1 (EE) FF ISRAR BLOCK (CE LABS) SF INFRONT OF ISRAR BLOCK ISRAR BLOCK (CE LABS) SF ISRAR BLOCK (ELEC LABS) FF INFRONT OF ISRAR BLOCK ISRAR BLOCK DRAWING HALL SF 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM 12:30 PM – 01: 40 PM 12:30 PM – 01: 00 PM 01:50 PM – 03 :00 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM - 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM - 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM - 03 : 30 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM - 03 : 00 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM – 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM – 03 : 30 PM 01:30 PM - 03:30 PM DAY 2 (Wednesday 22nd April 2015) EVENTS VENUE TIME DRAMA COMPETITION PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES BAIT BAAZI FUTSAL (2nd round) BASKET BALL (2nd round) TABLE TENNIS GIRLS (2nd round) TABLE TENNIS (BOYS) (2nd round) BADMINTON (BOYS ) (2nd round) CRICKET (2nd round) BADMINTON (GIRLS, 1st round) E-GAMING (2nd round) WATER ROCKET (2nd round) SPEED PROGRAMMING (2nd round) SPEED WIRING (2nd round) DUMB CHARADES (2nd round) AUDITORIUM ISRAR BLOCK L2 (ME) GF ISRAR BLOCK L1 (ME) GF STADIUM BASKETBALL GROUND ISRAR BLOCK (CE) SF ISRAR BLOCK L1 (ME) GF ISRAR BLOCK ME LAWN HIT SPORTS GROUND HITEC COLLEGE HALL ISRAR BLOCK (CE LABS) SF INFRONT OF ISRAR BLOCK ISRAR BLOCK (CE LABS) SF ISRAR BLOCK (ELEC LABS) FF INFRONT OF ISRAR BLOCK 12:30 PM - 03:45 PM 12:30 PM – 03: 20 PM 12:30 PM – 03: 20 PM 01 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM - 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM - 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM - 03 : 30 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 01:30 PM – 04:30 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 12 : 45 PM – 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM – 03 : 30 PM 01 : 00 PM – 03 : 30 PM 21st – 24th April 2015 3 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 Fun fair and cultural show will also be part of HITEC Olympiad’15 at following timings:01: 00 PM to 08:00 PM on 22 & 23 April 2015. DAY 3 (Thursday 23rd April 2015) EVENTS VENUE TIME DECLAMATION (ENG) DECLAMATION (URDU) PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES (FINAL ) FUTSAL (FINAL ) BASKET BALL (FINAL ) TABLE TENNIS BOYS(FINAL ) BADMINTON (BOYS ) (FINAL ) CRICKET (FINAL ) E-GAMMING (FINAL ) WATER ROCKET (FINAL ) QUIZ SINGING BLUE’S CLUES BY ASHRAE AUDITORIUM AUDITORIUM AUDITORIUM STADIUM BASKETBALL GROUND ISRAR BLOCK (ME) GF ISRAR BLOCK ME LAWN HIT SPORTS GROUND ISRAR BLOCK (CE LABS) SF INFRONT OF ISRAR BLOCK ISRAR BLOCK L1 (ME) GF AUDITORIUM OPEN 09:30 AM – 10: 45 AM 11:50 AM – 12: 45 PM 12:50 PM – 01 :20 PM 09 : 45 AM –10: 30 AM 09 : 45 AM–10 : 30 AM 09 : 00 AM - 12 : 30 PM 10 : 00 AM - 10: 30 AM 09 : 45AM –10 : 30 AM 11 : 45 AM– 12 : 30 PM 11 : 45 AM –12 : 30 PM 09 : 00 AM-11 : 30 AM 01 : 40 PM – 02 : 50 PM 09 : 30 AM–10 : 30 AM OTHER MODULES: Video-graphy submission: Thursday (23-4-2015) at 10:00 AM Lecture Hall 1 Electrical Photography submission: Thursday (23-4-2015) at 10:00 AM Lecture Hall 1 Electrical Closing Ceremony will start at 03:00-04:30 PM at 23rd April, 2015 **GF (Ground Floor) **SF (Second Floor) **FF (First Floor) 21st – 24th April 2015 4 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 REGISTRATION DETAILS 1. 1 representative team per competition from one university except E-Gamming. 2. Students can submit the forms to DSA Office by post or hand /ambassadors of HITEC Olympiad at their university along with the payment. 3. Students from other universities can also book stalls on Fun Fair. 4. Registration charges are given below. Event Description Number of Registration Fee Members Per team E-Gaming Fifa'14 Counter Strike Call of duty 4 Need for speed Water Rocket Speed programming Speed wiring Dumb Charades Declamation English Declamation Urdu Qiraat Naat Baitbazi Parliamentary Debates Journalism Futsal Cricket Basketball Chess Table Tennis Single Table Tennis Double Badminton Single Badminton Double Singing Comp 1 5 5 1 2 2 5 or 8 8 8 1 1 2 1 2 Sketching Comp Photography & Video-graphy 600 800 1000 500 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 2000 2000 2000 500 500 1000 1000 1000 300 300 Photography 300 Video-graphy 500 1000 Drama Festival Quiz Comp Blue Clues by ASHRAE 21st – 24th April 2015 3 300 750 5 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 LITERARY RULES FOR QIRAAT AND NAAT: Participants can only recite the Quranic verses. Participants can recite in both Hadr and Mujawwid styles. For Naat competition, any Naat can be prepared by the participants, but its tune should not resemble any song. Maximum time for one Naat is 5 minutes after which there will be negative marking. Generally marking criteria will be based on following Recitation style (for Qirat) Tajweed (for Qirat) Lyrics (for Naat) Talaffuz or pronunciation (both for Naat as well as Qirat) Voice quality (both for naat as well as qirat) It is a solo event. You cannot work in a team. The decision given by the judges would be final. Judges’ decision could not be challenged. Any misbehavior or violation of rules would lead to the disqualification of the participant. RULES FOR PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES: Speaker Introduction by the Prime Minister First Member of the Opposition 21st – 24th April 2015 Objectives Present the basic case for the bill Define the objectives. Present a rebuttal; Refute the government’s case Time 2 1.5 6 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 Ask the other side questions. Second Member of the Government Second Member of the Opposition [optional] Third Member of the Government [optional] Leader of the Opposition Discussion period Ask the other side some questions; Respond to relevant questions Ask the other side some questions; Respond to relevant questions. Ask the other side some questions; Respond to relevant questions. Reject the proposed plan; Ask the other side some question. New evidence or points may not be introduced. 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 5 Official rebuttal by the Leader of the New evidence or points may not be introduced; Opposition Ask the other side some questions Respond to relevant questions. Official rebuttal by the Prime Respond to relevant questions. Minister 1.5 1.5 Evidence: Evidence must be fair and accurate. New points of evidence may be presented throughout the debate. Ethics: Participants in the debate (called “members”) must use parliamentary language, following the rules of decorum. Members must be polite. Members must not insult their opponents. Discussion methods: Members may ask questions and respond to questions addressed to them. They may refute statements made or provide evidence or points in support, all in the interests of construction discussion. New evidence or points may not be introduced during the discussion period. The two opposing sides will ask questions alternately. Team Composition: Teams: Two teams of speakers are formed, one of which (the Government) supports the bill or resolution, and the other (the Opposition) opposes it. Each team is made up of two or three speakers (members). If the teams include three members, the Government team includes the Prime Minister, the Second Member and the Third Member, while the Opposition team includes the First Member, the Second Member and the Leader of the Opposition. If the teams include only two members, the Third Member of the Government and the Second Member of the Opposition are left out. Procedure: Members, first address the person who presides over the parliamentary debate, using the title, Mister Speaker” or “Madame Speaker.” All members must address 21st – 24th April 2015 7 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 the Speaker at the beginning of the speech. Participants in the debate and the public audience make up the “House” and the resolution is called the “bill.” Members always refer to the person whom they are addressing in the third person singular (for example, “the Prime Minister,” “the Leader of the Opposition,”. RULES FOR BAIT BAZI: A team will comprise of two members. A university can register only one team. The couplet must be in Urdu language. A couplet should be genuine and not your own. A vulgar couplet would not be tolerated and will result in the disqualification of the team. A couplet must not exceed two lines. You can’t break the chain and always have to follow the last letter of the last word of the couplet presented. Repetition of couplets is not allowed. A team can have maximum of thirty seconds to think. Consulting audience is not allowed, in case of such practice the team will be disqualified. You can be asked to mention the name of the poet or where the couplet was published in case of a doubt about the couplet presented. The decision of the judges will be final which can’t be challenged. RULES FOR ENGLISH DECLAMATION: Topic for English Declamation 1. Sweet are the uses of adversity. 2. We have guided missiles but mis-guided men. 3. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 4. When small men cast tall shadows; its evening time. Only individual participants may register and the declamation must be in English. A speaker may agree or disagree with the topic. The contest will be spread over two rounds. In the 1st round, all registered participants must participate. Those qualifying will proceed to the second round. A speaker will speak for a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 minutes in Initial Round and minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 minutes in final round. Marks will be deducted for failing to observe the stipulated time limit. Paper reading is not allowed. Marks will be deducted for paper reading. The decision of judges will be final and un-challengeable. Use of derogatory remarks about an important personality, national leaders, religious sects, defence services, court of law, government agencies and institutions 21st – 24th April 2015 8 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 or use of vulgar and indecent language is strictly prohibited and may lead to disqualification of the speaker. A university can nominate only one participant. The speakers will be judged by a panel of judges. The decision of the judges will be final and binding. RULES FOR URDU DECLAMATION: Topic for Urdu Declamation 1. ن ام ج نوں م یں خود ک و ف سادی دی کھا 2. م یں را س توں ک ی طرف را س تے ب نات ا وں 3. م س لم وں م یں ف رن ی ے پ یر ن م یرا 4. بن ا مومن ک ا ب ے زری ن ہ ی سے A speaker will speak for a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 minutes. Marks will be deducted if a speaker fails to wind up his/her speech within the scheduled time. After 3 minutes a bell will sound and final bell will be sounded after 5 minutes. Paper reading is not allowed. Marks will be deducted in case of paper reading. Use of derogatory remarks about an important personality, national leaders, religious sects, defence services, court of law, government agencies and institutions or use of vulgar and indecent language is strictly prohibited and may lead to disqualification of the speaker. A university can nominate only one participant. The speakers will be judged by a panel of judges. The decision of the judges will be final and binding. RULES FOR JOURNALISM: A team will comprise of maximum of 2 participants. This competition is a team effort. Each team will write a report covering first 2 days of HITEC OLYMPIAD`15. The report must be in English language. The report should be maximum of 1000 words. Each team is required to submit their work in a digital format (doc or docx) on 22nd April 2015 1100 hrs. E - Mail ID: [email protected] The report must be relevant to the subject of the event and submitted within the time limit. Examples can be cited from any source but plagiarism is highly discouraged and will result in disqualification of the team. A Workshop about the event will be arranged on the 1st day of the event to give the participants an idea about how to write a good report. 21st – 24th April 2015 9 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 RULES FOR QUIZ: Team composition: 3 members per team Round 1(Evaluation Round): All the teams will participate in this short round. Each team will be asked 8 questions and 4 winner teams will be selected for final round. This round will take almost 45-50 minutes maximum. (If there are more teams in competition, up to 6 teams can be selected for final) Round 2 (Final Round): Winner of Evaluation round will play in this round. This round will begin within 15-20 minutes of previous round. And this round will comprise of 3-4 interesting rounds in it. They can be changed if required. Summary is as follows: Round 1: Buzzer Round (With more than 12 questions so each team have chance to get almost 3 questions) Round 2: MCQs with 5 questions for each team Round 3: Picture Round with one question for each team Round 4: To be decided (optional) This round will take almost 30-35 minutes maximum. Subject of Quiz: Islamic Studies, Information Technology, General Knowledge (History), Science and Sports. 21st – 24th April 2015 10 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 SPORTS RULES FOR FUTSAL: Each Team will Comprise of 5 Players Including The Goal Keeper Maximum 10 (5 Starting + 3 Substitutes). Cleats / Trainers and Shin Pads Should Be Worn. Two Halves of 20 minutes will be played. Standard FIFA Rules will apply. 15min break between the matches. RULES FOR CRICKET: Each team will comprise of 8 players (no substitutes) 6 Over’s per inning Matches to be played with tape ball Standard cricket rules will apply. 15min break between the matches. RULES FOR BASKETBALL: Each team to comprise of minimum 5 and maximum 10 players (5 starting + 5 Substitutes) Players are required to wear proper non-marking shoes General FIBA rules apply 15min break between the matches. 21st – 24th April 2015 11 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 RULES FOR BADMINTON [MALE AND FEMALE] Both, Singles and doubles tournament will take place. Players are required to wear proper non-marking shoes Group stages and quarters will be played with Pakistani shuttles 3 sets (1 set = 15 points) 30min break between each match RULES FOR TABLE TENNIS [MALE AND FEMALE]: General ITTF (International Table Tennis Federation) rules apply Serve change after 5 and the winner of rally takes the point Both, Singles and doubles tournament will take place. Players are required to wear proper non-marking shoes 3 sets (1set = 11 points). 30 min break between each match. RULES FOR CHESS (MIXED): Standard chess rules will apply. 2 minutes per move will be allowed. 21st – 24th April 2015 12 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 CREATIVE ARTS RULES FOR SINGING: First 10 to 15 contestants signed up and paid for the competition are in… Firstcome-first-serve. Dues are non-refundable. Professional or amateur status will not persuade entries. A student can participate in both duet and solo. Max time limit is 4 minute for both duet and solo otherwise marks will be deducted. If anyone wants to perform with instrumental or karaoke then he/she must have karaoke in USB flash drive. Registration fee is 300 rupees per entry. RULES FOR THEME SKETCHING: An exhibition of sketches shall be carried out during the judgment round and will be open for all to view. The regulations and dues for Theme Sketching are: Theme will be announced at the contest. Two different themes will be announced. Organizers will provide the sheet only Participants have to bring their own tools. Participants will be given 3 hours to complete the contest. Participants must arrive on time. No admittance will be allowed. Participants must arrive 20 minutes before the start of contest. Sketch/image traced with the use of projector and other means are prohibited. 21st – 24th April 2015 13 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 Sketch/image must be drawn on the sheet provided. First 30 to 40 contestants signed up and paid for the competition are in... First-come-first-serve. Registration fee is 300 rupees per entry and Dues are non-refundable. RULES FOR PHOTOGRAPHY: First 30 to 40 contestants signed up and paid for the competition are in... First-come first-serve. 4-10 photographs can be submitted by every contestant to represent the theme. All participants will be gathering at lecture hall 01(ME-04) Mechanical Department at the mention time for the announcement of THEME and for the briefing of details rules and submission procedure. Photograph must be captured within the mentioned time. Edited and post processed photographs will not be accepted. Contestant should have enough knowledge to brief the concept of the picture in front of the audience if asked. Registration fee is 300 rupees per entry and dues are non-refundable. RULES FOR VIDEO-GRAPHY: Each team has to present a video on any open topic of their choice with a clear theme. No video should be less than its minimum time limit (3 minutes). No video should exceed its maximum time limit (12 minutes). Marks will be deducted for each extra minute. Judges are the ultimate authority and no one can challenge their decision. Participating teams are not allowed to portray any content in their videos which is below moral standards e.g. loose or non – parliamentary language. Videos pointing any political or national issues including social taboos would also be encouraged if and only if presented in a proper manner. Animated videos will not be catered. Videos (Films / Documentaries) will be played on a multimedia projector (1200 X 800 pixels) therefore they must be submitted in good quality in a digital format. Videos must be sent for the final review before Last Date of Registration to the event co-coordinator. Cell: 0334-5344803 E-mail: [email protected] All submissions should be playable on universal codec. If the submission requires any special codec, they should also be submitted along. The video should be students’ original work and should contain minimal referral material. 21st – 24th April 2015 14 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 The referral material should be credited by adding source name in the video. Grading would be done by experienced panel of judges. Registration fee is 500 rupees per entry. RULES FOR DRAMA FESTIVAL Each team has to present a drama on any open topic of their choice with a clear theme and message. No drama should exceed its maximum time limit (20 minutes). Marks will be deducted in case of violation of time limits. For stage setting maximum of 5 minutes will be provided prior to performance. If this limit is exceeded then additional time will be counted in the performance. Judges are the ultimate authority and no one can challenge their decision. Participating teams are not allowed to portray any content in their performances which is below moral standards e.g. loose or non – parliamentary language. In case of violation, performance will be disqualified. Dramas pointing any political or national issues including social taboos would also be encouraged if and only if presented in a proper manner. HITEC Team will only provide the following items: o 2 tables and 8 chairs o Computer (one of the team members would operate the computer) o Sound System (4 to 6 microphones) Anything not mentioned in the list will have to be arranged by the teams themselves. Participants are supposed to set the stage prior to their performance. In case of any activity that may cause harm to facilities provided by HITEC (stage, microphones, etc.) will result in immediate disqualification of teams. Note: The stage of HITEC is carpeted. First 8 to 10 contestants signed up and paid for the competition are in... First-comefirst-serve. Each team can comprise max 10 members. Registration fee is 1000 rupees per entry Dues are non-refundable. 21st – 24th April 2015 15 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 SCIENCE E-Gaming: Counter Strike Call of Duty 4 Need For Speed Fifa’14 RULES FOR E-GAMING: Team changes should be informed 15-20 minutes prior to the start of match. For FPS games players are allowed to bring their own earphones and mouse. For Team Games: Teams should be complete and present before the start of the match. Any member missing should be informed. Otherwise the late arrivals won't be entertained or allowed to play the match. In case of any problem or for reporting some player, organizers should be informed immediately. Any kind of system or device malfunctioning should be reported to organizers immediately. Any kind of tackling on your own will not be the responsibility of the organizers. Disqualification: o Any kind of use of cheat tool will result in ban. o Use of foul language or name can result in ban. o Intentional disconnection from the game will result in disqualification. Rules for Counter Strike: 5 Players per team is allowed. 21st – 24th April 2015 16 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 Organizers will decide which team joins T and which joins CT. Official Maps will be played only. Players can bring their own mouse and headphones/earphones. Number of rounds 15/20. Each round will be 90/120 secs long. The starting money shall start from $1000. No uses of Commands are allowed. Victory Condition: First Team to win more than 50% rounds. In case of tie: 1 extra round will be played. Buy Time: 20 secs Freeze Time: 5 sec C4s must be placed at a visible place. Hiding it in a corner or dark place will result in penalty (opponent team will be declared winner) CFGs are not allowed. Disqualification: o In case of change of player, organizers must be informed at least 10-15 minutes before the match, otherwise the team will be disqualified. o Any case of cheating or hack tool used, team will get disqualified. o Each team should notify the case of absence of its member 10-15 minutes before the match, otherwise team will be disqualified. o Use of foul language in the game is banned. If found player will be disqualified. o Foul names are banned. Any kind of change in name during the match can lead to disqualification. o Any kind of help to team mates verbally/non-verbally can disqualify the player. Rules for Call of Duty 4: Search and destroy match Pro-mode will be used Matchmod mr12 will be used in pro-mode having max of 12 rounds. Team with maximum wins will qualify for next round Team side decision as well as in case of a tie knife round will decide wining team. Round time limits can be changed by organizing team. Foul language will not be tolerated and the team will be warned and after 2 warnings DISQUALIFY. In promod (1 sniper, 1 demolition, 2Smgs and maximum of 5 assault rifles are allowed for a single team) Bring your own headphones. 21st – 24th April 2015 17 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 Any attachments are not allowed. Binds, cfgs, hacks or any kind of cheat is prohibited. Players can bring their own mouse, keyboard. Rules for Need for Speed: Sprint Races. 4 players per race as per standard game play Tuning is allowed, but no performance upgrades are allowed. Visual upgrades are allowed. Players must choose from the available cars. Players must maintain the final screen after they end a race. So the judges can confirm their position. Top 2 players per race will qualify further. Disqualification: o Use of abusive or foul language during match or in name will result in warning and then ban. o Any kind of aid from a cheat program can result in disqualification. Rules for Fifa’14: 1 vs 1 only Match time will be set by organizing team. Winner will qualify for next round In case of tie, players will decide to take extra time/penalties/golden goal. Foul language will not be tolerated and the team will be warned and after 2 warnings DISQUALIFY. RULES FOR WATER ROCKET: Standard plastic bottle(s) of 500ml, 1 liter, 1.5 liters and 2.25 liters are permitted to be used. Maximum volume capacity must not exceed 3 liters. Only air and water must be used to propel the rocket. A launcher and a pump will be provided for rockets using a standard Pepsi bottle orifice/nozzle. Participants who wish to design unique nozzles for their rockets must also design and bring their own launchers with them. Maximum pressure will be 110 psi. However, the team may launch the rocket before the maximum limit. Each team must decide on the amount of water to be used in their rocket. Teams must submit their rockets at the event desk by 1:30 PM on the day of the competition. Late submission of the rockets will be penalized by 10 points from the final scores. 21st – 24th April 2015 18 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 Scores will be measured in terms of distance between the launch pad and the landing point. Each team will fire two launches, and the average of the two launches will be taken as final score. In the event of a tie, a third launch will be fired. Teams will not be allowed to modify/repair their rockets once submitted. RULES FOR SPEED PROGRAMMING: Use of mobile phones and other communication devices is strictly prohibited during the competition. Anyone seen using devices will be immediately disqualified. Such devices should be switched off and placed in pockets / hand bags and not visible or accessible during the competition. You are not allowed to collaborate with anyone else other than your team member during the contest. Software Specifications: Windows 7 or XP Visual Studio Dev C++ Matlab Scilab Programming Languages: (C++, C) Allowable programming languages in which participant can make the programs for the given problems are Each team can consist of 2 participants of undergraduate level. You are not allowed to collaborate with anyone else other than your team member during the contest. Rules for Program Submission: The competition would include a number of challenging problems each of which would require you to develop some algorithm and get the output in a fixed format on the console. You will be required to submit the program files (Problem1.cpp, Problem2.java etc) only. Each file should be named according to the problem number. All files should be placed in a folder named after the participants’ names. Programs should be properly commented. Scoring Rules: Teams are ranked according to the number of problems solved; a team solving more problems will be ranked higher. If two or more teams have the same number of solved problems, ties are broken in favour of the team with the earliest time of the final submission (that being the time when the team “finished” the contest). 21st – 24th April 2015 19 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 Penalty marks will be deducted for each incorrect submission. The decision of the Judges will be final and could not be challenged. RULES FOR SPEED WIRING: Each team will consist of 2 members. Conversation and sharing of any material between the teams is strictly prohibited. Circuit schematics will be provided on the spot. Prerequisites for this competition include concepts related to Digital Logic Design, Circuit Analysis and Basic Electronics. Datasheets for the IC's will be provided. Supplies, components and wires will also be provided to the participants. Participants have only one chance to get their circuit evaluated. There would be no second chance. Once a team announces the completion of their circuit, time will be noted and team would have to leave the table. Judgment will be based on: Time in which circuit is implemented. Working condition of the circuit. Judges' decision will be considered final and could not be challenged. Only top two teams will be announced after the contest. Any helping material, if found, or any cheating attempt will lead to disqualification from the competition. In case of violating the above rules, using unfair means, misbehaving, creating disturbance, or showing non-serious attitude during the contest, the case of such teams will also be reported to their institutes. RULES FOR DUMB CHARADES: Team should be of maximum four & minimum two members. Minimum time for guessing will be 150 seconds (2-5 minutes). Moving of lips and pointing towards any obstacles is not allowed otherwise team will be disqualified. There will be three rounds, which will include guessing Movies, Characters and Objects. Each team, on its turn, will pick a chit from a box, the member who will pick that chit will tell the name of movie/character/object to his/her team member through gestures. If team guesses the correct name then a team will get 10 points and after this a question will be asked by judges, right answer will give a team, 20 marks and for wrong answer, 5 marks will be deducted. Every member should participate in either of the rounds. 21st – 24th April 2015 20 HITEC OLYMPIAD’ 15 BLUE CLUES BY ASHRAE RULES FOR BLUE CLUES: Team consists of 3 members. Calculators are allowed. Discussions with outsiders are not allowed. Participants must solve all the equations within given time. The team who will reach the final destination will be considered as winners. Winners will be awarded with the shields and certificates for all participants. There is no restriction on the teams participated from each university. This is an open event. Maximum teams can participate in this event. For further details LIASION HEAD: ALLAH YAR KHAN 0346-2031730 TECHNICAL HEAD SHAHERYAR KHAN 0304-9066273 21st – 24th April 2015 21
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