Summer Term Newsletter 2015

8th June 2015
Summer Term Newsletter
Welcome back to Scouting for the final Term of the year.
As you can see we are in the throes of smartening up the hut. All the jobs that needed to be
done are finally being sorted out and we have the space that we hoped for so that we can
plant veg and flowers. We even have a family of blue tits in one of the new bird boxes and a
small pond full of tadpoles!
Subs –£30 per term - A reminder that subs are due at the beginning of each term, please let
a leader know if you have any difficulties regarding the payment of them. It was agreed at
the AGM not to increase them this year.
Volunteers – We are looking for the Following people to help support the Group
Group Secretary – An individual who has time to help with administration, support for
Fundraising and general liaison between the GSL and Chairman
Beaver Scout Treasurer – An individual to collect and do the Banking for both Monday and
Friday Beaver Group
Beaver Scout Leader – An individual or individuals who would like to run Beavers. Full
training and support would be given. I have had some interest but happy to discuss if
anyone feels that they would like to know more.
All positions require the individual to be cleared under the Data and Barring Service
(previously CRB) and attend 2 Scouting Modules. If you would like to know more please
speak to Roo – GSL.
Fundraising – This is key to keeping the subs down and running the hall. We would
appreciate volunteers to help run some events. Again please see the GSL for information
and any ideas you may have. We are looking for a team of at least six parents to work with
the Group Chairman to raise funds for the Group.
Cash for Clothing – We are again collecting clothes that can be turned into cash for the
Groups. Please see the Notices that are currently in the foyer of the hall.
Group T – Shirts
Please make orders through your
section leadership team
• Children's sizes - £7.50
• Adult’s sizes - £10
T – Shirt Order Form
Name________________ Section ______ Size ___________________payment £______
Please return to the Leadership team.