4/22/2015 Civility and governance in Higher Education: Creating healthy institutions to better serve students and society LU D M I L A P R A S L O VA , P R O F E S S O R A N D I N T E R I M D I R E C T O R , G R A D U AT E P R O G R A M I N O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L P S Y C H O L O G Y ; S P E C I A L A S S I S TA N T T O T H E P R O V O S T F O R A C C R E D I TAT I O N , V A N G U A R D U N I V E R S I T Y O F S O U T H E R N CALIFORNIA* DORETHA O'QUINN, P R O V O S T, V A N G U A R D U N I V E R S I T Y O F S O U T H E R N CALIFORNIA K I M B E R LY G R E E N E , G R A D U AT E S T U D E N T, V A N G U A R D U N I V E R S I T Y O F SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SAMANTHA SAUCEDO , G R A D U AT E S T U D E N T, C H I C A G O S C H O O L F O R P RO FESSIONAL P SYCHOLOGY JOHN KIM, A S S O C I AT E D I R E C T O R O F I N S T I T U T I O N A L R E S E A R C H , V A N G U A R D UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA * This work was in part supported by Biola University Center for Christian Thought APPLICATION Doretha O'Quinn, Provost, Vanguard University of Southern California 2 1 4/22/2015 WHAT IS ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE a shared understanding of what the organization is about and how it should operate, Conger & Benjamin, 1998 Organizational Cultural Lens, Civility and Voice Lewin, 1930, Widlavsky, 1984, Douglas, 1986, Bolman&Deal 1991,1997 -Structural (factory or machine) (Concepts: rules, roles, goals, policies technology, environment) (Image of Leadership: Social Architecture, Autocratic)-Basic Leadership Challenge: ability Bureaucratic, Hierarchal, structure, task driven) Contention- Hi voice, Lo civility , -Human Resource (family) (Concepts: needs, skills, relationships) (Image of Leadership: Empowerment Participant, Collaborative, democratic, transformation) -Basic Leadership Challenge: ability to align organizational and human needs Empowerment, Corporate -Collaboration – Hi voice, Hi civility -Political (jungle) -Symbolic (theatre or carnival) (Concepts: power, conflict, competition, Organizational politics) (Image of Leadership: Advocacy, Individualism, Nursing Father Autocratic) (Basic Leadership Challenge: Personal agenda Power base) -Corrosion-Lo voice, Lo civility (Concepts: culture, meaning, metaphor, ritual, ceremony, stories, heroes) (Image of Leadership: Inspiration, egalitarian, Laissez-Faire) (Basic Leadership Challenge: create faith, beauty, meaning) -Compliance- Lo voice, Hi civility 2 4/22/2015 CURRENT APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP Strategic Leader, Bennis & Nanus, 2003 Leader of Change, Kotter, 2006 Team Building, Lencioni, 2012 Charismatic Leader, Phillips, 1999 Servant Leader, Greenleaf, 1998, 2002 Bureaucratic Leader, Terry, 2003 Transactional Leader, Bertocci, 2009 Collaborative Leader, Christlip, Larson, 1999 Transformational Leader, Bertocci, 2009 Effective Leadership Approaches for Engaging Civility & Voice Collaborative Leadership: Intentional and skillful management of relationships that enables others to succeed individually while accomplishing a collective outcome Aligning people’s action to accomplish goals and problem solving Facilitation of two or more group working toward a shared outcome in a manner that reflects collective ownership, authorship, use, or, responsibility Possess knowledge, skills and dispositions that enables leadership actions such as optimizing assets, seeking new solutions, sustaining focus, promoting trust, or setting and monitoring goals and progress. (taken from University of WisconsinEaClaire, Preparing Collaborative Leaders) Transformational Leadership: Leader identifies the needed change, creates the vision to guide the change through inspiration and execute the change with the commitment of members of the group Ability to motive people with a shared vision of the future, effective and efficient communicator High level of communication and involvement with management to meet goals Focus on big picture within the organization and delegate smaller tasks to team to accomplish goals. 3 4/22/2015 Leadership Role in Creating Voice and Civility Climate Socializing the Vision and Values of the Organization – Conger & Benjamin 1998 Build a Culture of Discipline & Responsibility – Collins, 2001 Shared Power, Geus, 1997 4
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