280 Park Avenue Electronic Tenant® Portal PDF

280 Park Avenue
Electronic Tenant® Portal
Created on July 5, 2015
Building Amenities: Telephone Service
Local and Long Distance Telephone Companies
AT&T - AT&T is among the world's premier voice, video and data communications companies, serving
consumers and businesses. For more information, visit their website at www.att.com.
Verizon – For more information, visit their website at www.verizon.com.
Time Warner Cable – For more information contact Michael King at 212-379-4184 or email him at michael2.king@twc
[email protected]
Building Amenities: High Speed Internet Access
High Speed Internet Access and Broadband Access:
Cogent Communications:
Cogent Communications is a tier 1 internet provider in the building offering dedicated fiber-optic
connections for all businesses. (2 Mbps, 100 Mbps, to GigE connections) Cogent fully owns and operates
its entire network with over 17% of the world's internet traffic on its back-bone. Month to Month contracts,
point to point & colocation services are available. For more information contact Scott Askins at
212-625-4766 or e-mail him at [email protected].
Zayo: Zayo offers a full-portfolio of optical networking services and solutions that address each potential
bottleneck from the individual server level all the way across the network. For more information please call
877-462-2683 or visit www.abovenet.com
Building Amenities: Cable Television
Time Warner Cable
As the largest provider of cable modem service in the U.S., Time Warner Cable offers consumers the
choice of Road Runner, AOL and Earthlink (an ISP not affiliated with the company), and other regional ISP
services. To get connected, call commercial sales at 212-598-1750 (M-F 9am-5pm).
Please note that the installation requires that the tenant hire an electrician to run cable from the D-Mark to
the tenant space and desired location within tenant space. For a building approved contractor, please
contact the Property.
Building Amenities: Restaurants
Starbucks; 212-573-9869
Building Operations: Building Management
The CBRE Property Management Office at 280 Park Avenue is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am until
6:00 pm. The Building’s engineering department and security department can be reached through the
Property Management Office.
The Property Management Office can be reached at (212) 682-7565. Should you call the Property
Management Office after hours, on holidays or on weekends, your call will automatically be forwarded to the
lobby desk where the security staff will be on hand to assist you.
The on-site office mailing address for the Property Management Office:
280 Park Avenue, 35th Floor West
New York, NY 10017-1272
Real Estate
Charles Marr
Assistant Real
Estate Manager
Jason Fallucca
Real Estate
Lauren LaCassa
Chief Engineer
Marty Dimaso
Assistant Chief
Joe Nicolosi
Fire Safety Director Desmond Ward
Phone Number E-Mail
(212) 682-7565
(ext 223)
[email protected]
(212) 682-7565
(ext 222)
[email protected]
(212) 682-7565
(ext 221
[email protected]
(212) 682-7565 [email protected]
(212) 682-7565 [email protected]
212-682-7565 [email protected]
Providing service to you is our primary business. Through frequent inspections of the Building and strict
management of Building Personnel, we hope to promptly and courteously respond to your needs and to
operate the Building in accordance with the highest standards. However, from time to time events may
occur or repairs may be needed of which we are not aware. Therefore, we request your assistance in
notifying us of any situation or condition that might exist that you feel needs special attention.
Please feel free to contact the Property Management Office at (212) 682-7565 during business hours.
During non-business hours, your telephone call will be forwarded to the security desk in the Main Lobby.
Any request for services will be handled promptly and courteously.
Building Operations: Building Office
The building office is located on the 35th floor of the West building.
Building Operations: Holidays
Listed below are the Building Holidays normally observed by CBRE at 280 Park Avenue. Please contact the
Building Office at (212) 682-7565 for list of the Building Holidays for the current year.
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Any heating, ventilation or air conditioning (HVAC) service supplied on a Building Holiday is considered
overtime service. If you need overtime HVAC service during a Building Holiday, please send a request to
the Property Management Office no later than two (2) business days before the holiday. Be sure to include
the floor(s) and time ventilation is needed. Overtime HVAC will be billed separately on a work order invoice
at the prevailing rates or the rates specified in you lease.
Cleaning service can also be provided upon your request. Please contact Faith Patel at (212) 714-0004
([email protected]).
Building Operations: Leasing
The leasing company for 280 Park Avenue is CBRE. Listed below is the contact information for the
authorized representatives.
Phone Number
Executive Vice
Peter Turchin
(212) 984-8364
Executive Vice
Glen J. Weiss
(212) 984-8122
Vice President
Andrew Ackerman (212) 894-7425
Senior Vice President David M. Kaufman(212) 356-4104
Vice President Leasing David Amsterdam (212) 216-1748
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Building Security: Introduction
For the safety of our tenants, visitors and property, CBRE has designed a security program consisting of
professionally trained and disciplined security staff personnel supported by a video monitoring and alarm
There are a minimum of two (2) security officers on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our security staff
is instructed to assist tenants and visitors in a courteous and professional manner.
All persons leaving the building with packages will be required to have an authorized building pass, a signed
authorization on your company letterhead. The building pass will identify the package and the person
authorized to remove it, as well as bear a designated authorized signature. The pass is turned over to the
security officer prior to the individual leaving the building.
All items leaving the building other than personal belongings are subject to inspection and must be
accompanied by a “Property Pass”, a signed authorization on your company letterhead specifying the
property and person removing property.
Security officers on a daily basis will routinely patrol the interior common areas of the building including the
emergency stairwells. They will stop and identify individuals found in unauthorized areas, i.e. the stairwells,
mechanical and electrical closets, freight and passenger elevator lobbies and other areas frequented only
by building personnel.
All incidents occurring in the building or within its contiguous area will be recorded by the security officer on
In the event of a building emergency during non-business hours, contact the security officer on duty at the
Fire Command Station in the main lobby at (212) 682-7565.
Building Security: Building Access
The building is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the following restrictions:
Entrance is restricted to tenants with valid CBRE ID’s and authorized visitors.
All visitors must be arranged the previous day by an authorized representative of the respective Tenant.
Visitors will be processed through the building’s Fast Pass system and issued a temporary visitor picture ID
at the time of arrival.
All deliveries and messenger services, except for individual food orders, flowers, legal papers, and money or
other redeemable currencies, are to use the messenger center at the loading dock.
Deliveries of individual food orders, flowers, legal papers, and money or other redeemable currencies must
be met in the main lobby by the tenant.
Hand trucks and carts are not allowed in the lobby or passenger elevators.
Non-Business Hour Access
After hours access to the Building is accomplished by use of the Tenant’s ID card system.
All visitors must be arranged the previous day by an authorized representative of the respective Tenant.
Visitors will be processed through the building’s Fast Pass system and issued a temporary visitor picture ID
at the time of arrival.
Building Security: Building ID/Access Cards
Photo building ID cards will be issued to all building tenant personnel. To request a new or replacement ID,
or to notify us of a card holder to be removed from the system, please use the form in the Forms Section.
The Security Office on the 35th floor west is open 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Tuesday through Thursday for
employee photographs for new ID’s.
The Security Office should be notified immediately of any employee terminations. Please return terminated
employees’ cards to the Security Office.
Building Security: Tenant Management Responsibilities
Safety and security issues within tenant space are the responsibility of tenant management. Tenants are
required to comply with national, state and local building and fire codes. Additionally, tenant management
should conduct periodic training sessions and inform all their employees of the safety policies and
emergency procedures of 280 Park Avenue. A representative of 280 Park Avenue Security is available
upon request to participate in tenant safety and security awareness sessions.
Building Security: Large Meetings/Functions
In an effort to efficiently process a high volume of people entering the building at relatively the same time,
meetings, parties or other special functions with 25 or more attendees requires additional staffing
assistance in the lobby, as well as a separate check-in table located away from the lobby security desk.
Tenants have the option of providing their own receptionist/check-in attendant for the table, or a tenant may
request additional staffing from building security for a fee. A list of names of all attendees must be supplied
by the tenant in advance to the Lobby Security Desk. In addition, notification for any meeting, party or other
special function must be submitted via Quick Link Request Service using the work order system, and
received in the 280 Park Avenue Management Office at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance. If access is
not available, call Tenant Services at (212) 682-7565.
The notification should include the following:
Request for a separate check-in table and chairs in the lobby.
Request for Security to staff the check-in table if tenant not supplying staff.
Request for any other special services (i.e. janitorial, electrical, elevator).
Request overtime HVAC for non-business hours functions. (If desired)
Request elevator card access be deactivated on the function floor. (If desired)
The tenant will be charged a fee for any of the above requested services.
Building Security: Lost and Found
Please contact the Management Office at (212) 682-7565 to claim items that have been lost or found in the
Building Security: Personal Property
While building personnel are on guard to protect your property, we suggest the following to help
keep your possessions safe:
1. Notify the building management when loiterers are observed in corridors or washrooms. Immediately
report peddlers and canvassers.
2. When there is no one in the office, do not leave the door unlocked even for a short time.
3. Handbags, coats, and other valuables should not be left unguarded in reception or open office areas.
4. It is unwise to leave valuables or personal property on desks or in unlocked drawers.
5. Keys and any access cards should be collected from employees leaving your service.
6. Make sure that all doors are closed and locked when leaving your office.
7. Stairway doors must be kept closed at all times.
Building Security: Property Removal
All items leaving the building other than personal belongings are subject to inspection and must be
accompanied by a “Property Pass”, a signed authorization on your company letterhead specifying the
property and person removing property.
Building Security: Solicitation and Distribution
Solicitation or distribution of any kind is prohibited in all areas of 280 Park Avenue without prior written
permission from the 280 Park Avenue Management Office.
Please note the following definitions and guidelines:
Solicitation is asking, encouraging or recommending that employees, customers, or visitors contribute
money to, submit signatures for, or become members of any organization. Solicitation also includes the
selling of goods, services, merchandise, or tickets.
Distribution is delivering or dispensing non-work related literature, merchandise, or other materials.
Building Services: Tenant Contact Communication
All tenants should provide the building office with their most updated contact information and employee list.
It is the tenant’s responsibility to update this information as needed.
Building Services: Communication Services
A wide range of high capacity communication services is readily available through prominent
telecommunication companies including fiber optics, sophisticated telephone lines, satellite antennae and
other state of the art systems. For information regarding the specific companies and their services, contact
the Real Estate Services Coordinator at (212) 682-7565.
Building Services: Forms
For your convenience, we have included downloadable and printable PDF document forms that will expedite
various building management service requests. Hard copies of all forms are available from the Property
Management Office as well. To view and print PDF files, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If
not already installed on your computer, it can be obtained for free at www.adobe.com.
Please complete the following forms prior to move in, and update when necessary. Submit them to the
building office on 35th Floor West or fax to (212) 682-8030. Thank you.
Listed below are the forms we have in our possession. Please review this list and supply us with any
additional forms for inclusion in the Handbook.
Authorized Signatures Listing
Bomb Threat Checklist
Emergency Contact Information
FAQs: Hi-Rise Fire
Holiday Services Request Form
Request for Contractor Access
Request for ID/Access Card
Request for Lobby Directory Listing
Rules Governing Tenant Alteration of Demised Space
Regulations for Welding and/or Torch work
Building Services: HVAC
HVAC (Heating and Air Conditioning)
Air conditioning and heating will be provided, as is seasonally appropriate, to all floors and the main lobby
on business days (Monday through Friday) from 8:00am to 6:00pm.
Contact the Property Management Office at (212) 682-7565 for information regarding HVAC requirements
during non-business hours.
Building Services: Janitorial Services
Professional janitorial services are performed within the building’s common areas throughout the business
day, as well as within your office space from 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm Monday through Friday (except holidays).
The cleaning staff responds to the changing requirements of the buildings, as well as to specific tenant
service needs throughout each day. Daily janitorial services provided for in your lease include emptying
wastebaskets, vacuuming, and cleaning bathrooms. The office area, including furniture, tops of files, and
windowsills, are dusted weekly. Cleaning specifications are included in your lease agreement.
To help ensure that janitorial services are satisfactorily completed, please note the following:
Any item to be disposed of that is not in a recognizable trash container should be clearly marked
Mixed paper recycling is provided at each employee’s desk. A detailed list is included the Recycling
All waste and trash must be disposed of in accordance with applicable government regulations.
Questions can be directed to the State Environmental Affairs Office at (631) 444-0347.
Be aware that the disposal of plastic products, tea bags, cooking fats or oils, food scraps or cooking
residue, petroleum products or paint products of any type in sinks or toilets is strictly prohibited and
could cause a shutdown of the plumbing systems serving your location and other tenant spaces in the
Service elevator bays are not intended for storage, unless special arrangements have been made
with building management. Any materials found in these areas will be discarded.
Please refer to our Tenant Solutions section for a list of wide variety of additional cleaning service available
upon request. Please contact Tenant Services for a proposal.
Professional building maintenance and repair services are performed in the building’s common areas
throughout the business day. Precautions are taken to minimize excessive noise or disruptions to your
business operations. Maintenance services are also available to tenants for an additional charge.
Please refer to our Tenant Solutions section for a list of wide variety of additional services available upon
request. Please contact Tenant Services for a proposal.
Building Services: Mail Service
Our local post office is the Grand Central Station, located at 450 Lexington Avenue, between 44th & 45th
Streets. Contact the United States Post Office at (212) 330-5753 for more information. The Post Office
delivers directly to each tenant at 280 Park.
To establish new service, send a letter on your company letterhead requesting service to:
Post Office Manager
Grand Central Station
450 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10017-9998
Be sure to include the address (280 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017) and your floors or suite number.
Building Services: Engineering and Maintenance
A member of the engineering staff is on site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to operate and maintain all
HVAC, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems. The engineers will respond to all issues relating to
the above listed building systems as well as other tenant needs.
Additionally, the engineers are available, through the Property Management’s work order system, to perform
repairs and maintenance on lighting, locks, keys, ceiling tiles, minor carpentry, electrical repairs and other
general maintenance and repair requests.
The engineering staff at 280 Park Avenue is required to attend a three (3) year training program covering all
mechanical, electrical, HVAC, and plumbing aspects of the building operations and maintenance. Our staff
is comprised of New York City licensed engineers in air conditioning systems, fire suppression systems,
chemical handling, and other related building duties requiring state and municipal licensing.
All engineering staff personnel attend regularly scheduled on-the-job training sessions as well as training in
emergency response and safety procedures in the event of a fire, flood, black-out, and other building
During normal building operations, requests for engineering services are made through the Property
Management Office by calling (212) 682-7565 or through our on-line Service Request system. During
non-business hours, engineering requests will be received at the security console located in the main lobby,
which can be reached by calling the Property Management Office number, (212) 682-7565.
Building Services: Tenant Signage
280 Park Avenue presents office tenants with a number of signage opportunities under its uniform signage
program, including lobby directories and signage on a tenant's floor. Full floor tenant signage design and
materials must be approved by 280 Park Avenue Management. Please call the Property Management
Coordinator at (212) 682-7565 for more information.
Building Services: Additional Tenant Services
The following listed services are provided by Property Management on a work order basis:
1. Repair locks, replace keys, make additional keys
2. Repair desks and/or drawers
3. Repair file cabinets
4. Hang pictures
5. Repair chairs
6. Repair plumbing fixtures
7. Install shelving
8. Repair electrical outlets and/or appliances
9. Repair doors, install door stops
10. Paint walls
11. Repair ceilings and walls
12. Install ceiling heat panels
13. Repair and replace convector thermostats
14. Repair door closures
15. Supply after-hours heat and air conditioning
16. Rehang doors
17. Run co-ax cable and communication wire
18. Install door bells
19. General construction and project management services
Note: This list is comprehensive but is not intended to be all-inclusive.
Emergency Procedures: Bomb Threat
Responses in the Event of a Bomb Threat
Generally, when bomb threats are made by telephone, the call is received by an employee or a switchboard
The following responses should be familiar to all employees who may be in a position to receive a telephone
1. AVOID PANIC - Panic is one of the most contagious of human emotions, and once such a state is
reached, the potential for disaster is greatly increased.
2. Consider every threat to be authentic.
3. Never antagonize the caller (experience has shown that such action may cause the caller to terminate
the call, thus eliminating any chance of obtaining information).
4. Make a note of the TIME the call is received.
5. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Try to elicit as much information as possible. The
answers to any or all of the following questions would be of value:
a. When will the bomb explode?
b. Where is the bomb located?
c. Where are you now?
d. What type of bomb is it?
e. Why do you want to bomb this company?
f. What is your name?
g. How do you know so much about bombs?
6. WRITE the message exactly as received.
Note: A copy of the BOMB THREAT REPORT is included.
Click here to download a Bomb Threat Checklist
Bomb and/or Bomb Threat Outside the Building
A. Response by building management representative:
1. To determine if in fact there is a suspicious package or item.
2. Notify Property Manager and Chief Engineer.
3. Property Manager, if not already done, notify NYC Police Department.
4. Ascertain what immediate danger is posed to the property as well as its occupants and visitors.
5. As directed by the NYC Police Department, conduct a building evacuation or restrict pedestrian
access to the area where the device was placed.
6. Assist the NYC Police Department or other official Municipal, State and Government agencies
involved in nullifying the explosive or encoder device,
(i.e. providing equipment, manpower, locations of shut off valves to public utility supplies to the buildings,
7. Maintain contact with Tenant representatives advising them of the status of police and emergency
service activity and when building will be safe for reoccupancy.
It is not the function of Building Management or its designated representatives to state opinions as to the
type of device, the potential danger of the device, and the time needed to deactivate the device. The only
information passed on to tenants is that which is supplied by the public agencies and only that information
that is clearly public information. Once the police or other city, state or federal government agency
becomes directly involved in dealing with a bomb or bomb threat, they will make the final determination
when it is safe to return to the affected area.
Emergency Procedures: Elevator Entrapment
If you or one of your employees becomes entrapped in an elevator:
1. Immediately depress the alarm button which will signal an audible alarm and alert the lobby security
desk. The lobby security officer will automatically contact the passenger(s) via the elevator intercom
2. Remain Calm – upon notification of the elevator malfunction and entrapment, building Security will
immediately alert the building elevator mechanic of the situation. During business hours, Monday to
Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm, an elevator mechanic is in the building and can immediately respond to the
entrapment. During non-business hours, an elevator mechanic will be dispatched from a near-by
3. Our security staff has been directed to maintain constant contact with the entrapped passenger and
to keep the individual informed of the progress of restarting the elevator.
4. Upon notification of the entrapment, security staff will ask the entrapped person(s) for names &
company affiliation, as well as emergency contact information. Security staff will also inquire if
medical attention is required.
5. Those individuals who are entrapped in an elevator are strongly advised not to attempt to exit the
elevator without assistance from qualified individuals.
6. As soon as the elevator mechanic arrives at the elevator, he will secure the elevator, level it to a floor,
open the doors and allow the passengers to exit the elevator.
Note: Do not attempt to exit an elevator when it is not level to the floor without the direction and assistance
of a qualified individual.
Emergency Procedures: Emergency and Incident Reporting
In the event of an emergency, immediately call 280 Park Avenue Security at 212.682.7565, or notify the
appropriate emergency agency directly by dialing 911.
If the emergency agency is contacted directly, also notify 280 Park Avenue at 212.682.7565. Response to
the specific location of the emergency will be more timely if 280 Park Avenue Security is prepared and can
direct the emergency agency upon its arrival.
If any of the following incidents occur, they should be reported immediately to 280 Park Avenue Security at
Fire or smoke.
Thefts or other criminal activity.
Strangers or suspicious individuals.
Solicitors on the property.
Threats or harassment.
Bomb threats or suspicious packages.
Safety hazards.
Lost or found property.
The above list does not include all possible incidents or emergencies that should be reported. The
important factor to remember is: "If in doubt...call!"
Because many emergencies may potentially impact other tenants, such as a bomb threat, it is required that
each tenant notify 280 Park Avenue Security at 212.682.7565 of any emergency impacting their area. After
an initial impact assessment, 280 Park Avenue Management will forward information to other tenants as
Emergency Procedures: Evacuation Procedure
The most critical areas for immediate evacuation are the fire floor and floor immediately above it.
Evacuation from other floors shall be instituted by instructions from the fire command station or when
conditions indicate such action.
Evacuation should be via uncontaminated stairs. Avoid stairs being used by the Fire Department. If this is
not possible, try to attract the attention of the Fire Department personnel before the fire fighters open the
door to the fire floor.
Evacuation to two or more levels below the fire floor is generally adequate. Re-entry floors are clearly
marked. During fire emergencies, you will be able to enter such floors.
Using the Fire Warden phone, keep the fire command station in the lobby informed of your location.
General Guidelines
Review and study the floor plan and the number of exits for the purpose of dividing employees into
groups and to formulate the traffic pattern for each group to primary and secondary exits.
All personnel should be aware of the location and operation of the fire alarm boxes and Fire Warden
Throughout the daily occupancy of the floor, an examination should be performed to determine that all
fire doors to stairs are maintained in closed position. Be sure that no doors are obstructed,
inoperable, or locked in violation of law, rule or regulation.
No obstruction shall be permitted in corridors or aisle spaces. A minimum aisle space of at least
three (3) feet must be maintained.
Necessary exit signs and lights shall be kept lighted and in good order.
Sprinkler heads shall not be obstructed, with a minimum clearance of 18 inches from the ceiling.
Poor housekeeping is a fire breeder. Coordinate with the Property Management Office for daily
rubbish removal.
Helpful Hints
Do not attempt to fight a fire by yourself.
Do not run; walk quickly.
Do not panic; remain calm. Wait for help if necessary.
Do not open doors that feel hot.
Do not go back for personal property or for any other reason.
If exposed to heat or smoke, stay low to the floor.
Close, do not lock, doors behind you to prevent the spread of fire and/or smoke.
Click here to download a copy of FAQs: HI-RISE FIRE
Emergency Procedures: Fire Safety
280 Park Avenue is in full compliance with all Local Law 5 provisions and is fitted with a modern fire
alarm/emergency communications system. The Building is fully sprinklered.
The Class “E” System includes all-floor voice communication equipment, smoke detectors, elevator recall
capability, manual fire alarm pull boxes, and other related fire detection and emergency devices. Control of
these components is via the Fire Command Station located in the Building’s main lobby and allows the Fire
Safety Director communication with all parts of the Building.
The Building Life Safety System is comprised of the following components:
1. Fire Command Station
2. Emergency Lighting Systems
3. Communication System
4. Elevator Safety Control System
5. Automatic Sprinkler System
6. Smoke Detection System (Automatic Fire Alarm System)
7. Manual Fire Alarm System
8. Fire Warden Station
9. Fire Hose Connections in all Fire Stairwells
10. Strobe lights and speaker annunciators.
Located in the main lobby, the Fire Command Station affords a central location for emergency operations
and includes the following:
1. Public address communications systems to tenants.
2. Annunciator panels with display lamps indicating:
3. Results of combustion-detecting system (smoke detectors) by floor
4. Sprinkler valve tamper and water flow detecting devices by floor
5. Manual fire alarm pull boxes status display
6. Fail safe door release function
7. Trouble status display
The Building Management has developed a Fire Safety Plan for 280 Park Avenue.
The purpose of the Fire Safety Plan is to establish a safe and orderly method of evacuating the Building
occupants in the event of a fire or other emergency. It also provides instructions for the use of all available
fire appliances, including fire alarms, and warden telephones.
The Fire Safety Plan will provide you with information and instructions applying to all Building occupants
which will ensure the prompt reporting of a fire, the quick response to fire alarms, and the immediate
initiation of safety procedures. It is mandatory that all Tenants participate in periodic drills and training.
Fire Safety Director
The Building’s Fire Safety Director, as well as the Property Manager, the Chief Engineer; staff engineers
and security officers assigned to all shifts are periodically trained Fire Safety Directors / Fire Evacuation
Supervisors. They are familiar with the Fire Safety Plan and its evacuation procedures.
Click here to download a copy of FAQs: HI-RISE FIRE
Fire Safety Team Instructions
Upon activation of the fire evacuation signal, the person nearest to the Fire Warden phone should
immediately contact the lobby fire command station via this intercom.
Floor Fire Warden
The Floor Fire Warden, and/or his designated alternate, is in charge of the Floor Fire Safety Team and
responsible for the team’s presence and performance.
The Fire Safety Team organization chart must be kept updated and an updated copy is to be forwarded to
the Building’s Fire Safety Director.
At the sound of the evacuation signal, the Floor Fire Warden will establish a command post by the
nearest Fire Warden phone then call the lobby fire command station.
Relay reports from your Deputy Fire Wardens and/or searchers to the fire command station as to
location and extent of the fire.
Direct members of your team to assist disabled personnel down the stairs two or more levels below
the fire. If necessary, move the occupants to still lower levels.
As soon as you have received confirmation of successful evacuation from your Fire Safety Team,
report an “All Clear” to the lobby fire command station.
Once you have reached the designated area of refuge, conduct a head count to assure that all
personnel has been safely evacuated, report this to the fire command station over the Fire Warden
Deputy Fire Wardens
As soon as the fire evacuation signal is sounded, report to your designated station, then direct
personnel to the fire exits. Once the command for evacuation is given, start moving the occupants
down the fire stairways to the designated re-entry floors.
Report the completion of your assigned evacuation area to the Floor Fire Warden.
Your primary concern is to be sure conference rooms, lunch areas, washrooms, etc., have been
evacuated. Report back to the Floor Fire Warden.
Alarm Transmission
1. Should you discover fire or smoke, go to the nearest fire alarm box on your floor and activate the
This alarm will be received at the fire command station in the lobby, and by the Fire Department, via a
franchised central station. It will also cause the fire evacuation signal to sound over the speaker system on
your floor and the floor above.
If you are unable to get to a fire alarm box, get to a phone and call 911.
Note: In this case, your next call should be made to the Fire Command Station in the lobby: (212)
682-7565. Report all particulars to the attendant on duty, who will activate the building fire alarm system.
2. In case of fire, use the stairs, unless otherwise instructed - The elevators serving the fire floor will
have been recalled to the Sky Lobby.
If at any time you only suspect the odor of smoke, report it to the lobby fire command station, using the Fire
Warden phone.
Emergency Procedures: Medical Emergency
In the event that someone in your office should have a medical emergency, do the following:
1. Call 911 and direct them to send an ambulance to 280 Park Avenue - give your company name, floor
and telephone.
2. Notify the Property Management Office at (212) 682-7565.
Upon notification a member of the security staff will meet the ambulance crew in the loading dock and direct
them to the freight elevator. The security officer will operate the elevator to the floor requesting the
ambulance and remain there to expedite the removal of the emergency victim from the building.
Please supply the security officer, after the removal of the victim to the hospital, with the identity of the victim
and all related information.
Emergency Procedures: Workplace Violence
The generic term, “Workplace Violence”, is currently being utilized in society to describe a broad range of
issues dealing with acts of violence, threats of violence, harassment, intimidation and other disruptive
behavior occurring at, or resulting from, an individual’s employment. It typically involves co-workers, but
may involve non-employees against employees.
Tenants periodically report potential workplace violence concerns to 280 Park Avenue Management and
request security assistance. The purpose of this section is to outline the roles, responsibilities and
limitations of the security assistance that may be provided by 280 Park Avenue Management and to ensure
that tenants have no other express or implied expectations. 280 Park Avenue Management has no
responsibility or liability for workplace violence.
Tenant Management Responsibilities
Safety and security issues within tenant space are the responsibility of tenant management. Awareness,
early intervention and prevention of workplace violence are tenant issues that are best dealt with by the
tenant's human resources professionals, as well as managers and supervisors within the tenant’s
organization. All tenants are encouraged to develop a workplace violence prevention program for their
Tenants are advised to notify local authorities and to seek legal or other professional counsel regarding any
threat of potential violence. Additionally, if the threat includes the potential for violence to occur on 280 Park
Avenue property, the information should be provided to 280 Park Avenue Management for response
assessment and evaluation.
280 Park Avenue Management also encourages tenants to utilize their own proprietary or contract security
officers to provide security coverage within their leased space. Upon request, 280 Park Avenue
Management can provide tenants with contact names and telephone numbers of local contract security
firms. Tenants shall not deploy their own proprietary or contract security officers in the common areas of
the property without express approval from 280 Park Avenue Management.
Any acts or imminent threats of violence on 280 Park Avenue property should be reported directly to 280
Park Avenue Security at 212.682.7565 for response from the New York Police.
280 Park Avenue Management Responsibilities
Upon notification of a specific act or threat of violence, 280 Park Avenue Management shall make an
assessment and evaluation of the situation on an individual basis, considering the totality of the
circumstances and facts of each case. Every situation is unique, fluid and unpredictable; therefore
necessitating flexibility in response action.
280 Park Avenue Management may notify the police.
280 Park Avenue Management may notify other tenants and occupants, if there is reason to believe that
they may be impacted by the threatened violence.
280 Park Avenue Management may provide reasonable assistance in the common areas of 280 Park
Avenue, which is practical to expect and within the limitation of authority of its security services provider, to
assist the tenant in its efforts to mitigate potential violence committed or threatened on 280 Park Avenue
property. The response and assistance provided by 280 Park Avenue Management may vary depending
upon the specific information available. However, general guidelines and limitations are provided below.
Uniformed Security Services
280 Park Avenue Management contracts with an independent security services firm to provide uniformed
security services in the common areas of the property. The security staff are employed, trained and
supervised by such independent security services firm. The general responsibilities of the security staff at
280 Park Avenue are as follows.
Assist tenant employees, visitors and customers with directions and information.
Perform non-business hours access control services for the office buildings.
Patrol the common areas of the complex.
Document any observed or reported unusual, unfavorable, or criminal activities.
Respond to emergencies and other requests for assistance.
Notify public emergency agencies for assistance and response as appropriate.
Security officers can no accept any packages or messages on behalf of a tenant
280 Park Avenue security officers have limited training and authority in dealing with potentially violent
situations and should not be considered an alternative to public law-enforcement agencies.
Security Response to Acts or Imminent Threats of Violence
Upon notification by a tenant, of an act or imminent threat of violence occurring on the property, 280 Park
Avenue Security will:
Notify New York Police for response and assistance.
Dispatch security staff to meet and escort New York Police to the exact location and stand-by to
assist New York Police as directed.
Summon New York Emergency Medical Services (EMS), if appropriate.
280 Park Avenue security officers do not have the authority to restrain or arrest suspects.
Security Response to Potential Threats of Violence
Unauthorized Individuals
Based upon information provided by the tenant regarding a specific unauthorized individual who poses a
threat of violence, 280 Park Avenue security officers on patrol or stationed on post may be instructed to be
vigilant for attempts at entry made by unauthorized individuals.
If there is an outstanding court issued restraining order or arrest warrant in effect at the time of the
unauthorized individual’s observation, Security can request immediate New York Police response to
enforce the court order. However, it will be necessary for Security to possess a copy of the court order to
provide it to New York Police upon their arrival.
Security Escorts
280 Park Avenue Security may provide security escorts within 280 Park Avenue upon request. Any tenant
employee can request this service by calling 212.682.7565. However, since a security officer may not
always be readily available, advance notification is encouraged to avoid any delays in waiting for an escort.
It is important to note that the security escort cannot go beyond 280 Park Avenue property and the sole
purpose of the escort is to provide a uniformed security officer as a visual deterrent and to provide timely
communication for requesting New York Police assistance if necessary during the escort. 280 Park Avenue
security officers do not have authority to restrain or arrest suspects.
Green Operations: Recycle
Recycling Program
Recycling is a simple and practical response to many of the environmental problems our country is now
facing. Furthermore, recycling is the law in New York City. All commercial premises must, under Local Law
87, separate designated recyclable on-site or make acceptable arrangements with their respective carting
Blue Mixed-Paper Container
White Paper, computer paper, colored paper, magazines, newspapers, cards, file
folders, books, junk mail, etc.
Place all dry paper in the blue mixed-paper container at your desk.
No food, wet garbage or non-paper waste should be discarded in these bins. As a
reminder of current recycling procedures, the cleaning staff will not put plastic liners in
these bins unless specifically instructed otherwise.
Redeemable Bottles & Cans Container
Aluminum soda cans, plastic soda bottles, glass soda bottles, and any other beverage
containers that specify “Redeemable.”
Place all redeemable bottles & cans in the black container.
Not for food waste, this will be located in kitchens, pantries and adjacent to vending
Black Garbage Container
Food and food packaging, plastic utensils, coffee cups, plant clippings, plastic wrap,
Styrofoam, light bulbs, wet paper, etc.
Place all items except dry paper and redeemable bottles & cans in the black
There will be several of these bins on each floor, located in kitchens and other central
Please contact the Property Management Office at (212) 682-7565 with any questions regarding the
Recycling Program.
Green Operations: Green Services
Green Services
Recycling Services
We offer larger slim jim bins often used in copy rooms or common areas for purchase and even larger
wheeled recycling hampers for use during special activities such as office cleanouts. Please contact Tenant
Services for a proposal.
The following recycling services are also available to tenants:
Collection and transfer of recycling materials; wood, metal, paper, cardboard, etc.
Computer and office equipment
Furniture disposal
Energy Conservation Retrofits
Lighting: Lower wattage lamps that provide the same light are available for use in many
circumstances. Our engineers can retrofit your fixtures so that these lamps will be able to be used,
thus reducing electrical usage.
Occupancy sensors: These devices detect when a person is working in a room or office. After a room
has been empty for a certain time, they will automatically turn off the lights, again reducing the
electrical demand on the space.
Water saving devices: faucets, toilets, etc. in some cases fixtures in tenant spaces can be retrofitted
with lower flow devices that aid in water conservation.
Green Operations: Resource Conservation
Mission Statement
It shall be the goal of the Ownership to conserve energy and natural resources while properly maintaining
the integrity of its assets and maximizing their competitiveness in the marketplace.
Through these efforts we continue to improve our natural resource efficiency and demonstrate that the
operation of commercial real estate can be conducted with a conscious regard for the environment while
mutually benefitting our customers and shareholders.
Energy Conservation
Ownership is committed to reducing the energy consumed by our buildings.
To achieve this competitive designation, we have continually looked for ways to reduce energy. Energy
efficient measures include:
T-8 lighting
Motion sensors
VFD’s on pumps, cooling tower fans AHU’s
High efficiency chiller
Water side economizer (plate and frame heat exchangers)
Premium efficiency motors
Lighting retrofits to accommodate lower wattage lamps
Computerized Energy Management System
Online energy use tracking
Cleaning Services
Green Tips
Turn off computers, printers, and copiers when leaving the office at the end of the day or for an
extended period of time.
Turn off lights and audio visual equipment in conference rooms when not in use.
Turn off lights when leaving your office at the end of the day or for an extended period of time.
Turn off lights in rooms that have little use such as closets, store rooms, etc.
Turn off electrical appliances when not in use such as coffee makers.
Use revolving doors rather than side doors when leaving the building.
Introduction: Welcome
The tenant information provided in this Electronic Tenant® Handbook is meant to provide you with a better
understanding of 280 Park Avenue and to facilitate your company’s operations. There is a great deal of
information contained within this handbook; take the time to familiarize yourself with this handbook and it will
become a valuable resource for you and your company. Please note that the 280 Park Avenue Management
Office is available to help in any way possible. Your first call for any problem or question can always be
directed to 280 Park Avenue Management Office, (212) 682-7565 and we will assist you from there.
Every attempt has been made to provide current and accurate information in this handbook, but it is
possible that some items will change over time. The 280 Park Avenue Management Office will promptly
notify you of any such changes. Please feel free to contact the 280 Park Avenue Management Office with
any questions you may have. We are here to serve you.
Introduction: Operating Instructions
You move through the Electronic Tenant® Handbook just as you would a traditional Internet site. It’s as
simple as pointing and clicking. The main page features a Table of Contents that provides links to each
Chapter. Upon entering a Chapter, you will find links to the specific information provided in that Chapter’s
Sub-Sections. You may return to the Table of Contents or Chapter Overview at any time by clicking the
clearly labeled link on every page.
Special Features
This Electronic Tenant® Handbook has special features, such as a Search engine. In order to take
advantage of these useful features, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. This
software is free and easy to use, and can be obtained by clicking here.
The Electronic Tenant® Handbook is updated on a regular basis, so please be sure to periodically check for
updates and new information. In order to keep you abreast of your property’s operations, we have included
a monthly Building Calendar and Announcement Board. Here, you will find information regarding
scheduled maintenance and events taking place at the property.
If you are having trouble accessing the Electronic Tenant® Handbook or need assistance, please e-mail or
call the 280 Park Avenue Management Office at (212) 682-7565.
Policies and Procedures: Deliveries
All construction deliveries must be scheduled through the Property Management Office at least 24 hours in
advance of the required activity.
Loading Dock
Each building is equipped with a loading dock. Each loading dock is open for normal deliveries Monday to
Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
To ensure the safety of the building, all deliveries will be curb side. No vehicle will be allowed to enter either
loading dock without prior express permission from the Property Management Office.
No truck deliveries are allowed after 6:00 pm without prior arrangement. Any request for service after
hours, on weekends or holidays must be made by with the Property Management Office and must be made
at least 24 hours in advance.
Trucks will access the docks on east 49th Street, which is a west-bound street into the loading dock.
Policies and Procedures: Freight Elevators
Each building is equipped with a freight elevator, which are available for normal business operation activity
Monday to Friday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
All other use of either freight elevator must be coordinated with the Property Management Office in writing,
at least 24 hours prior to the requested date and will be billed at the prevailing rates.
Policies and Procedures: Housekeeping and Material Storage
These guidelines are intended to outline best practices for housekeeping and material storage in
commercial office buildings. These guidelines do not relieve any party from their responsibilities of
complying with federal, state or local ordinances and codes which may exceed these guidelines.
Smoking is prohibited in all storage areas.
Trash shall not be staged in common areas.
No materials shall be stored in electrical or telecommunications rooms or closets.
Tenant storage shall only be allowed in designated areas.
Storage of material and supplies shall not block walkways, access corridors, stairs, emergency
equipment or exits.
Storage of material shall be in stable piles or on racks or shelves designed for the weight of the
material being stored.
Tenants must coordinate any temporary storage or staging of materials in common areas with 280
Park Avenue Management.
All material must be stored so as to maintain at least 18 inches of clearance between the top of the
stored material and the deflector of the sprinkler system.
Designated Storage
Designated storage areas, where provided, shall be for general storage of materials typically found in
office environments, such as office supplies, computer equipment, limited amounts of furniture and
similar items.
Hazardous/controlled materials shall not be stored in general tenant storage. See the Hazardous or
Controlled Materials section below for more detailed information.
Designated storage areas shall not be used for conduct of business or for process equipment
Designated storage areas shall be arranged as to provide visual access to the area by 280 Park
Avenue Management.
Tenants are responsible for maintaining designated storage areas neat and clean, including pest
control where applicable.
Hazardous or controlled materials are generally defined as those having properties that are a physical
hazard such as toxicity, corrosiveness, flammability, reactivity, or are regulated because of environmental
or health hazard concerns, or are classified as hazardous by the Federal OSHA Communication Standard,
29 CFR 1910 subpart “Z” or the ACGIH threshold limit values for chemical substances and physical agents
in the work environment (latest edition).
Reporting Policy
All tenants/contractors shall report all hazardous/controlled materials used or stored within tenant space to
280 Park Avenue Property Management at least annually, or whenever a change in the type and/or quantity
of the materials change. The Hazardous/Controlled Material Storage Questionnaire shall be used for all
Prior to commencement of any work, contractors shall furnish 280 Park Avenue Management with a
Hazardous/Controlled Material Storage Questionnaire, listing all chemicals intended for use or necessary to
the completion of his/her contractual tasks. Additionally, the location of where the Material Safety Data
Sheets will be maintained and copies of any permits and/or registrations shall be provided to 280 Park
Avenue Management.
Employee Training
It is the responsibility of the tenant and contractor to provide their respective employees with information,
training, and essential safety equipment relative to hazardous chemicals or materials in their work areas at
the time of their initial assignment and/or whenever a new hazard is introduced into their work area.
Storage and Transfer of Hazardous or Controlled Materials
280 Park Avenue Management must review and approve all proposed storage areas for hazardous or
controlled materials. 280 Park Avenue Management reserves the right to require specific storage area
arrangements including special containment, ventilation, fire protection, construction or other considerations.
Methods of storage, use and handling of hazardous or controlled materials shall be in accordance with
applicable federal, state, and local regulations and/or with the manufacturer’s instructions. Prior to storage,
280 Park Avenue Management shall conduct a survey of the proposed area to identify active or inactive
floor drains or other passages through which spills could be transported.
280 Park Avenue Management must review and approve the transfer route of materials from the designated
storage area to the point of use.
Dispensing of hazardous or controlled materials shall not be done in common areas or other areas not
specifically approved or equipped for dispensing.
Operating Procedures
Tenants/contractors owning or using the materials shall be responsible for compliance with applicable
federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations applicable to the use, storage, and disposal of
hazardous materials as defined in applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and
regulations. This includes any permits and/or other reporting requirements.
Tenants/contractors shall also ensure compliance with the following 280 Park Avenue chemical safety
operating procedures:
Flammable and combustible liquids are to be stored in approved, fire-rated flammable liquid cabinets
inside the building. If approved, fire-rated flammable liquid storage cabinets are not available,
tenant/contractor shall ensure that flammable and combustible liquids are removed from the building
when not in use. All containers shall be clearly labeled.
Tenant/contractor shall ensure that flammable and combustible materials are used with extreme
caution when near possible ignition sources.
Hazardous chemical containers are not to be stored directly on the floor/ground. Secondary
containers or baffled trays are to be used to ensure containment of potential spills. Additionally, spill
control kits and trained personnel to handle spills shall be provided by tenant/contractor owning or
using the materials.
All chemical containers utilized by the tenant/contractor shall be labeled in accordance with state and
federal regulations and have a sticker affixed identifying the tenant/contractor by name and
emergency phone number, chemical name and hazards associated with the use of the material.
All work performed with the following materials (i) Toxic Chemicals, (ii) Glues, (iii) Urethanes, (iv)
Epoxies, (v) Oil Paint, Lacquers, etc. (vi) Any other product containing petroleum distillates or which
emits a strong or offensive odor] must be scheduled and approved in advance with 280 Park Avenue
Management. Depending upon the material, work location, time of day, outside temperature, etc., the
appropriate ventilation precautions as listed below shall be implemented.
Proper ventilation shall be provided to minimize large concentrations of fumes generated from
the materials.
Air handling equipment or other building ventilation systems may need to be arranged to
minimize the transfer of fumes generated from the materials.
It may be necessary to complete the work during non-business hours.
It may also be necessary to implement a temporary ventilation system connected directly to
outside air.
Chemicals of any type are not to be discharged or released into any sewer drain, placed in trash
containers, or emptied onto the ground.
All unused chemicals and/or chemical containers and related waste products are to be removed by
the tenant/contractor and disposed of in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal
Tenant/contractor shall notify the Security Office, at 212.682.7565, in the event of any chemical spill
or leak in order to initiate required emergency responses, proper notifications and clean-up
procedures. Chemically contaminated debris resulting or arising from actions of the tenant/contractor
(i.e., sand, gravel, dirt, concrete) are the responsibility of the tenant/contractor and are not to be
disposed of without notification to 280 Park Avenue Management.
Tenant/contractor shall report the location of any/all observed unlabeled chemicals/materials to 280
Park Avenue Management.
Consumption of food and beverage is prohibited in areas designated for the storage of
hazardous/controlled substances.
Policies and Procedures: Insurance Requirements
Contractor shall at all times provide and maintain the following types of insurance protecting the interest of
Owner and Contractor with limits of not less than those set forth by each below.
To cover full liability under the Workmen's Compensation Laws of the work site(s), with Employer's
Liability coverage in limits not less than $1,000,000.00 per accident, disease each employee and
disease policy limit. This insurance must be endorsed with an endorsement in a form approved or
permitted by the applicable statutes or regulations of the State of New York, waiving the carrier's right
of subrogation with respect to Owner. The State of New York must be listed under paragraph 3(a) of
the policy's declaration page.
a. Provide coverage for any and all claims for damages due to bodily injury (including
death), personal injury, or property damage. Such insurance coverage shall:Be on an
“occurrence form” providing coverage in no case less than the most current ISO form
GC 00 01 or its equivalent.
b. Provide a coverage in the amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per
occurrence and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in aggregate;
c. Include at least those coverages generally designated permises/Operations,
Products/Complete Operations for three years after completion of the project, and
contain no exclusions for contractual liability of an insured contract. Contractor's
d. Owner Indemnities shall be named as additional insures by endorsement (ISO Forms
CG 20 10 10 10 or GC 20 33 10 01 and GC 20 37 10 01) or their equivalent. Contractor
also agrees that it will obtain a waiver of subrogation endorsement (ISO Form CG 24 04
10 93 or its equivalent) from its insurance carriers with respect to the Owner Indemnities;
e. The policy can not contain a self-insured retention greater than Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000) per occurrence;contractor will have any self-insured retention shown on the
certificate of insurance. Self-insured retentions greater than $50,000 must be approved
by Owner in writing.
Covering all owned, non-owned and hired automobiles with the following minimum limits:
a. Bodily Injury
$1,000,000.00 each person
$1,000,000.00 each occurrence
b. Property Damage
1,000,000.00 each occurrence
c. Combine single Limit 1,000,000 per accident.
4. Umbrella/Excess Liability Insurance
Provide coverage limits excess of the Commercial General Liability, Commercial Auto Liability and
Employer’s Liability policies with limits of $5,000,000 per occurrence and in the annual aggregate.
All insurance in the amounts specified shall be written in a company or companies satisfactory
to Owner with the minimum A.M. Best Insurance Rating of “”VII”. Contractor shall file with
Owner before ad copies of additional insured endorsements. All policies shall require that the
Owner be given thirty (30) days (ten (10) days for non-payment of premium) prior written notice
to (Owner’s name and address). All insurance coverage’s maintained by Contractor shall be
primary insurance as to each Owner Indemnitee. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained
by Owner or any Owner Indemnitee shale be in excess and non-contributory to Contractor
The certificates shall clearly indicate the particular job by name, location and date of contract
(or approximate date if known at the time insurance certificate is requested).
The following shall be named as additional insured on all policies of insurance including
completed operation (except Worker’s Compestaion) required to be carried by Contractor,
Subcontractor and Sub-contractors by Contractors Documents; copies of additional insured
edoresments must accompany the cerficate of insurance:
Broadway 280 Park Fee, LLC
SL Green Operating Parnship L.P.
Vornado Realty, L.P.
SLG Park Avenue Investor LLC
Vornado 280 Park JV Member LLC
280 Park Venture, LLC
280 Park Management, LLC
280 Park Holdings LLC
280 Park REIT LLC
SLJ Property Services, LLC
Broadway Real Estate Services, LLC
Investcorp International Realty, Inc.
Certificate Holder should be made out to:
CBRE, Inc.
280 Park Avenue
3rd Floor West
New York, NY 10017
Attention: Charles Marr
Policies and Procedures: Messenger Center
The Messenger Center handles all deliveries in the building, excluding newspapers, US mail, food and
flowers, legal papers, money or other redeemable currencies. The Messenger Center operates Monday
through Friday, excluding holidays, from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm, and can be reached at 212-682-8045. The
Messenger Center is located on 49th street between Park Avenue and Madison Avenue, in the building’s
West loading dock.
Tenants should direct all messenger services delivering or picking up packages at the Building that all
deliveries must be made to and picked up from the Messenger Center. Promptly after a delivery is received
at the Messenger Center, they will contact you, at a telephone number you designate; you may either
retrieve the delivery at the Messenger Center at that time or the messenger center will deliver it to you at the
next regular distribution of deliveries throughout the Building.
In order to coordinate the pick-up of outgoing packages, the messenger center will pick up packages from
throughout the Building during regular scheduled pick ups and bring them to the Messenger Center for
pick-up by the designated courier, or you may deliver outgoing packages to the Messenger Center directly.
Policies and Procedures: Miscellaneous Policies
No animals are allowed in 280 Park Avenue, with the exception of animals in the company of, and trained to
assist, physically challenged persons.
Bicycles, Skateboards, In-Line Skates, Scooters
Bicycling, skating, or skateboarding is prohibited in 280 Park Avenue. Bicycle racks are provided for
convenience at various locations around 280 Park Avenue. However, 280 Park Avenue is not responsible
for theft or damage of bicycles or other personal property left at these bicycle racks. Storage of bicycles in
any common area lobby, service area, stairwell, or corridor is prohibited. Bicycles, skateboards and gas
powered scooters are strictly prohibited from being brought into 280 Park Avenue.
For information regarding the NYC “bicycle access law” please contact the building management office at
Common Areas Housekeeping
All common area lobbies, freight bays, stairwells, and corridors must remain clear and free of debris at all
times. Storage of furniture, boxes, or equipment in these areas is strictly prohibited. Any items found in
these areas will be treated as abandoned and will be removed by 280 Park Avenue Management at the
tenant’s cost.
Holiday Décor
All decorations must be made from artificial flame resistant materials. Decorations of a natural evergreen
variety or other natural decoration (i.e. laurel, holly, wreaths, etc.) are prohibited. Decorations may be used
in open areas only and are prohibited in elevators, stairwells, and confined areas.
Use of Stairwells
Use of the building core stairwells is generally limited to emergency exit only. Opening the door will cause
an alarm in the Security Office. The stairwell doors are locked from the inside; therefore, once in the
stairwell, an exit can only be made at the lobby level. In the event of a fire alarm, however, all the doors
unlock automatically, permitting re-entry at any floor. Use of the stairwells for inter-floor travel requires
express approval from 280 Park Avenue Tenant Services by calling (212) 682-7565.
Use of Freight Elevators
Tenant employees are prohibited from using the freight elevators to access their floors unless they are
transporting equipment or materials that are not allowed in the passenger elevators to or from their office
area. Exceptions to this policy include access to mechanical floors or floors which are not accessible
through the passenger elevators during certain non-business hours. These exceptions require express
approval from both 280 Park Avenue Tenant Services.
Each tenant is only allowed 2 trips in the elevator during business hours (7 am to 6 pm). Any other
deliveries, pickups or construction must be scheduled before 7 am, after 6 pm or on the weekend.
Photography, Video Filming
All activities in the common areas of 280 Park Avenue involving photography, video taping, or filming for
media or commercial purposes requires the approval of 280 Park Avenue Management. Approvals should
be coordinated through the Marketing Director at (212) 682-7565.
Policies and Procedures: Moving Procedures
An office space move requires a tremendous amount of coordination with many different people. 280 Park
Avenue Management will assist you in every way possible to ensure a smooth and comprehensive
It is also important that your moving contractor familiarize himself with this section thereby ensuring a
timely, efficient and safe move. 280 Park Avenue Management requests that both tenants and moving
contractors adhere to these procedures.
Tenant Relocation Checklist
This checklist is to be used as a preparation guide for your move.
Select move date.
Hire a moving contractor and provide him/her with information regarding building procedures and
Obtain name of moving contractor and person to contact.
Supply the 280 Park Avenue Management Office with the moving contractor contact information.
Submit moving contractor’s Certificate of Insurance to the 280 Park Avenue Management Office
evidencing the moving contractor’s insurance as detailed in the Certificate of Insurance section.
Certificates of Insurance should be sent to the 280 Park Avenue Management Office, ATTN: Real
Estate Services Coordinator or faxed: 212.682.8030.
Schedule service elevator and loading dock for move.
Moving Procedures
The moving contractor will perform all services required to move the furniture contents, office
machines, records, and supplies. These services will include pick-up, delivery, and placement of the
equipment to the designated location on the appropriate floor in the building. Freight or furniture may
not be hauled on passenger elevators without permission from the Management Office.
All moving contractors working at 280 Park Avenue must utilize labor that will work in harmony with
other labor at 280 Park Avenue.
Each employee of the moving contractor must be bonded and uniformly attired in the same type and
color uniforms plainly lettered with the moving contractor’s name.
Reasonable care must be exercised at all times to prevent personal injuries and property damages.
Inspection of the Premises
The moving contractor will be responsible for inspecting the assets to be moved and the facilities of the new
location prior to the move. The moving contractor will acquaint itself with the conditions existing at the new
location, so that it may furnish such equipment and labor necessary to provide for the orderly, timely, and
efficient movement of the assets. The contractor will acquaint itself with all available information regarding
difficulties, which may be encountered, and the conditions, including safety precautions, under which the
work must be accomplished. Temporary staging of furniture and/or equipment in public areas is not
permitted. Only furniture that can be put in place at the time of the move-in should be brought to the site.
Supervision, Labor, Materials, and Equipment
The moving contractor will furnish all supervision, labor, materials, supplies, and equipment necessary to
perform all the service contemplated in an orderly, timely, and efficient manner. Such equipment includes,
among other things, dollies, trucks, etc. as may be required. All materials and handling vehicles used in the
interior of the building must have rubber-tired wheels and must be maintained free from grease, dirt or
trackable material. These vehicles are not allowed on the escalators or passenger elevators. Masonite
floor covering material, provided by the mover, must be laid down to protect finished floors or carpeting and
corridor walls prior to moving any material and then removed at the completion of the move.
Crating, Padding, and Packing Material
The moving contractor will take every precaution by means of crating and padding to safeguard property
from damage. All padding and packing materials are to be removed by the mover at the end of each day.
They may not be left overnight. The moving contractor must also furnish, install, and remove protective
materials wherever necessary to protect the building from damage.
Floor and Wall Protection
The moving contractor must at all times protect and preserve all materials, supplies, and equipment. All
reasonable requests to enclose or specially protect such property will be complied with. This means that:
All corners must be taped.
Masonite floor protection must be used on all floor surfaces.
Materials transported in elevators must not exceed weight restrictions.
Large, high-density items such as safes require special handling to ensure building and elevator floor
loading limits are not exceeded. The 280 Park Avenue Management Office must be notified at least
one week in advance before a tenant move that includes this type of equipment.
Clean-up After Move
The moving contractor must remove all Masonite, padding, and other trash after the move and ensure that
no empty boxes are left behind. All areas are to be broom cleaned at the end of each workday. Caution
must be exercised so debris does not drop in the elevator shaft ways. The 280 Park Avenue Management
Office will remove any leftover material and a charge will be made to the tenant for the post-move cleaning.
Permits, Franchises, Licenses or Other Lawful Authority
The moving contractor, at its own expense, will obtain and maintain any necessary permits, franchises,
licenses, or other lawful authority required for effecting the movement, handling, and other services to be
performed. Before the move is made, the moving contractor may be required to produce evidence of such
authority to the 280 Park Avenue Management Office.
Service Elevator Reservations
At least one (1) week prior to any tenant move, it is necessary to reserve a service elevator by submitting
the request via http://280parkave.info. If access is not available, call Tenant Services at (212) 682-7565. An
hourly fee will be charged to the tenant for an elevator operator. If a scheduling conflict precludes exclusive
use, an alternate time may be necessary. See Service Elevator Reservation Information in Section 8 for
more information regarding the service elevators in each office building, including days and times available
for exclusive use reservations. Any questions regarding elevator reservations can be answered by calling
the Property Management Coordinator at (212) 682-7565.
Loading Dock Limitations
Trucks are not allowed to back into the East or the West Loading dock.
Policies and Procedures: Smoking
280 Park Avenue is a “Smoke Free” building in accordance with Local, State and Federal regulations.
As such, smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building including toilet rooms, lounges, stairwells,
elevator landings, or lobbies.
If you wish to smoke, you must leave the building.
Thank you for not smoking at 280 Park Avenue.
Policies and Procedures: Tenant Alterations
Click here to download the Regulations For Welding and/or Torch Work
Tenant Solutions: Overview
CBRE offers a full range of tenant services in an effort to assist you in managing the operational needs of
your business.
To coordinate an additional service, obtain a quotation or find out more information, please submit a request
on http://280parkave.info; Select The Request Service Quick Link.
We look forward to assisting you with your upcoming business needs.
Tenant Solutions: Cleaning Services
The cleaning contractor at 280 Park Avenue is BMS. Their building sales representatives are Larry Natoli
and Faith Patel.
The night cleaning staff is responsible to:
Sweep all uncarpeted flooring.
Sweep all carpeting and rugs 4 nights per week and vacuum once a week.
Empty all trash receptacles and remove to designated areas within the building.
Hand dust and wipe clean all furniture, file cabinets, fixtures, windowsills, and convector enclosed
tops within arms reach.
Move and dust under all desk equipment and replace equipment to original area
Clean all glass and marble furniture tops and glass doors.
Dust chair rails, trim, and baseboards.
Clean all water coolers and fountains.
Spot mop all resilient tile flooring.
Wipe clean all interior metal work.
Keep all slop sinks neat and clean.
Utilize only a minimum amount of lighting necessary when cleaning.
In addition, the public lavatories will be cleaned nightly in accordance with the Lease Agreement and in
compliance with the contractor’s agreement with CBRE.
The day cleaning staff will police all public lavatories and clean the public areas leading to and from Tenant
The day staff will also clean and police all public space within the Building as well as the perimeter of the
Building and contiguous areas outlined in the contractor’s agreement with CBRE.
Other non-specified cleaning services requested will be the responsibility of the Tenant to arrange with the
building’s cleaning contractor.
Other emergency or non-scheduled cleaning services may be coordinated through the Property
Management Office by calling (212) 682-7565.
Tenant Solutions: Extra Rubbish Removal
Rubbish that is not consistent with normal office occupancy should not be left abandoned in the freight
elevator vestibule or in any public corridor. Arrangements must be made during normal business hours with
the Property Management Office to remove this type of rubbish, for which there will be an additional charge.
The type of material that will fall into the category of extraordinary is rubbish that does not readily fit into an
average-sized waste container in a business office (2-3 gallons).
The cleaning contractor will not remove any abandoned or extraordinary rubbish from tenant floors. Only if
prior arrangements have been made with the Property Management Office will extra rubbish be removed.
No tenant is to directly contact the cleaning contractor or its representatives in regard to this service.
It is requested that all tenants cooperate in this matter to alleviate potential fire hazards as well as
maintaining an image consistent with the goals of Boston Properties.
Tenant Solutions: Repairs and Maintenance
Furniture and office system assembly and repair
Wall surface repairs
Installation of door kick plates
Installation of white boards, cork boards, pictures and artwork
Signs and directory manufacturing, installation and maintenance
Caulking replacement
Emergency light/exit sign repair
Light bulb change and relamping
Circuit tracing and identification
Weekly test operation of tenant emergency generators
Annual tenant generator service
Electrical transformer maintenance
Installation, repair and relocation of light fixtures, switches, receptacles, and circuit breakers
Disconnect switches and check meters
Building Holiday Services – cleaning and/or HVAC
Extended HVAC services
Other miscellaneous installations (i.e. keyboard trays, etc.)
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Preventive maintenance programs for retail equipment
Preventive maintenance for supplemental/ computer room units
Supply and exhaust fan maintenance and repair
Maintenance of air filters
Air and water balancing
Installation and relocation of thermostats
Drain cleaning
Drain and grease trap maintenance
Faucet repair or replacement, i.e., hands free/automatic bathroom systems
Supply lines for coffee or ice makers
Water filter replacement for water purification systems (drinking water, coffee, and ice makers)
Fixture and appliance replacement
Installation, repair and maintenance of hot water heaters, dish washers, and garbage disposals
Drinking and decorative fountain repair
Backflow prevention, testing and repair
Installation and replacement of check meters
Tenant Solutions: Security and Life Safety
Building Access
Replacement or additional access cards
Locksmith Services
Lock outs
Key duplication
Complete lock and key service
Additional Services
We can provide a list of preferred vendors and contractors for the following services within tenant suites:
Fire suppression system installation and inspection for special-use areas
CCTV surveillance, recording and monitoring systems
Security officer details
Electronic access control
Tenant Solutions: Space Improvements
Air Conditioning
Supplemental air conditioning unit design and installation
Furniture and office system assembly and repair
Wall surface repairs
Installation of door kick plates
Installation of white boards, cork boards, pictures and artwork
Signs and directory manufacturing, installation and maintenance
Caulking replacement
Construction Services
Office build outs
Complete floor renovations and remodeling
Construction management services
Project management for redesign and rebuild of office suites
Tenant Solutions: Green Services
Recycling Services
Collection and transfer of recycling materials; wood, metal, paper, cardboard, etc.
Recycling bins
Computer and office equipment
Furniture disposal
Bottle and can recycling
Fluorescent lamps
Energy Conservation Retrofits
Occupancy sensors
Water saving devices; faucets, toilets, etc.
Dry method carpet cleaning
Upholstery cleaning