TAWAWA CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CONGRESS 2015 PREPARATION PACKET TAWAWA CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CONGRESS 2015 PREPARATION PACKET Evidence of Discipleship – Each One Reach One “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 (NIV) TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I: Getting Prepared ……………………………………………………………………….1 Memo to Pastors, Presiding Elders, CED Directors and Component Presidents……. 2 Preparation Timelines and Expectations…………………………………………………. 3 Section II: Tawawa Activities ……………………………………………………………………...4 Golf Outing Team Roster Form …………………………………………………………….5 Oratorical Contest ……………………………………………………………………………6 Bible Bowl and AME Challenge …………………………………………………………...10 Basketball Tournament ……………………………………………………………………..11 Talent Show ………………………………………………………………………………….11 Section III: Behavior Expectations & Chaperone Requirements …………………………..12 Tawawa Behavior Expectations ……………………………………………………………12 Chaperone Guidelines……………………………………………………………………….13 What to Pack………………………………………………………………………………….14 Section IV: Registering & Volunteering for Tawawa 2015……………………………………15 Registration Dates & Fees…………………………………………………………………..15 Registration Form…………………………………………………………………………….16 Youth Permission and Medical Authorization Form………………………………………17 Volunteer Sign Up Form……………………………………………………………………..18 Summary Registration Form for Those Registering By Mail…………………………….19 Memo Regarding Background Checks…………………………………………………….20 Background Authorization Form…………………………………………………………….21 SECTION I: GETTING PREPARED VISION We project to the future, to give life to bold and vibrant new ideas preserving our legacy of Christian Education in service for the Lord. We remain current, as we expose our youth to diverse tributaries of learning, focusing on spiritual enlightenment and educational opportunities to prepare aspiring leaders. Utilizing the new discipleship strand to produce multiple Christ centered outcomes across the district. With our firm foundation, we preserve and pay homage to our historical TAWAWA experience equipping all generations to witness and win souls for Christ. MISSION The Christian Education Department of The Third Episcopal District provides an intergenerational comprehensive unified curriculum designed to inspire discipleship through Christ centered learning experiences that meet spiritual needs in the 21st century. TAWAWA 2015 GOALS Three hundred and fifty (350) people of all ages will participate in the energy, excitement, and excellence of Tawawa 2015 through: Worshipping God Together*Engaging in Dynamic Christian Education*Experiencing Fun Christian Fellowship*Inviting New Disciples to Follow Jesus*Energizing and Recharging for year-round Servant Leadership as Jesus’ Disciples 1 AMEC THIRD EPISCOPAL DISTRICT Christian Education Department The Right Reverend McKinley Young, Presiding Bishop Dr. Dorothy Jackson Young, Episcopal Supervisor 288 South Hamilton Road, Columbus, Ohio 43213-2034 Office Phone (614) 575-2279 Rev. Dr. Otis J. Gordon, Jr. – CED Chairman (419) 243-2237 Rev. Karen R. Schaeffer, Ph.D. – CED Director (513) 305-8295 TO: FROM: DATE: Presiding Elders, Pastors, CED Directors & Component Presidents Rev. Dr. Otis J. Gordon, Jr. and Rev. Karen R. Schaeffer, Ph.D. 3/27/15 TAWAWA CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CONGRESS 2015 Evidence of Discipleship – Each One Reach One John 13:34-35 (NIV) JULY 6 – JULY 9, 2015 Denison University in Granville, Ohio TAWAWA 2015 will be held on July 6, 2015 through July 9, 2015, at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. This Christian Education Congress brings all components of the Third Episcopal District into worship, study and fellowship together. On-site registration is 10:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. on Monday, July 6th. Engaging learning activities start immediately upon arrival and continue throughout the three-day congress. Please make plans now to register and remit fees by June 23, 2015. Fees cover CED activities, a dormitory room for 3 nights and 8 meals. Fees are $155.00 for youth and $225.00 for adults staying on campus. (Bedding packets and towels are included in the registration fee.) Two hotel options are available. Those electing to reside at the Courtyard Marriott (740-344-1800) or Cherry Valley Lodge (800-788-8008) in Newark make reservations directly with the facility. The AMEC room rate at Courtyard Marriott is $96.00 plus taxes per night. June 13, 2015 is the registration deadline at the Marriott. The AMEC rate at Cherry Valley Lodge is $119.00 plus taxes per night and their registration deadline is July 1, 2015. Every church must have an adequate number of chaperones to supervise their children and youth. Chaperones must be 21years of age or older, must attend chaperone orientation and must stay overnight in the dormitory with the youth they are supervising. Watch for updates on our district website at http://3dame.org 2 PREPARATION TIMELINES BRING REGISTRATION FORM WITH PARENTAL PERMISSION AND MEDICAL FORMS WITH YOU TO TAWAWA. Date Task to complete Please designate one person to coordinate Tawawa planning and registration for your local Church. By March This should be your Christian Education Director or another Christian Education leader with 30, 2015 coordination and organization skills. Please provide them with a copy of this “Tawawa Christian Education Congress 2015 Preparation Packet”. Make financial plans to cover the costs associated with Tawawa. April 1 April 30, 2015 Begin Early Online Registration. There are limited youth dorm rooms with air conditioning. These rooms will be assigned to the Church groups that submit full payment AND a complete set of registration materials online. These room assignments will be given on a “first come, first served” basis. Instructions for online registration are included in the regular registration information below. Regular registration period begins. BRING PERMISSION AND MEDICAL FORMS WITH YOU TO TAWAWA. Anyone under the age of 18 must turn in a permission and medical form on arrival at Denison, or they will not be able to participate. To register online: Register at: http://3dame.org Gather individual registration, permission and medical Forms from each person who will be attending from your local church. Retain these hard copies for your files AND Enter each registration online, submit payment and print reciept. Online registration is preferred as it allows efficient assignment to all classes and selected activities. To register by mail: Gather all required individual registration, permission and medical forms from each person who will be attending from your local church. Complete the Registration Summary Form and mail it, along with your Certified Check or Money Order made out to The Third Episcopal District: Christian Education Dept. Third Episcopal District AME Church 288 S. Hamilton Rd. Columbus, OH 43213-2034 Be sure to retain copies of all registration materials in your files along with a copy of the Registration Summary Form that you mailed in. Volunteer Sign Up and Background Checks: If your chaperones and other volunteers have not By May 15, already done so, fill out and mail Volunteer Sign Up Forms and Background Authorization Forms to 2015 The Third District Office at 288 S. Hamilton Rd. Columbus, OH 43213-2034 Those who have a background check on file need a new one only if they have moved their membership to a new local Church. The Background Check costs $10.00. All checks and money orders are to be made payable to The Third Episcopal District. June 23, 2015 Late Registration. To avoid late fees, please make sure your registration materials have been received by the Third District Office, either online or via hard copy, before June 23, 2015. Adjustments in attendance numbers after this date require last minute changes in our arrangements with Denison University and thus necessitate a late fee. 3 SECTION II: TAWAWA ACTIVITIES Worship Opening service sets the tone for worship throughout Tawawa. There will be youth led praise and worship each morning and “The Hour of Power” at midday. During closing service young disciples will worship God in liturgical dance and dramatic presentations. Classes Adults, youth and children will in dynamic biblical study of discipleship and living. Each class will be geared to the age level of the participants. engage Christian Music & Christian Arts Choir rehearsal each day provides music education while preparing participants to serve during worship. Christian Arts choices also include: drama, visual arts and praise dancing. Oratorical Contest & Talent Show Prepare to be blessed by the voices of youth who bring persuasive oral presentations into competition. Discover the talents of Tawawa participants demonstrated through songs, dances and more. The Bishop’s Ball Come and enjoy this annual occasion when Bishop McKinley Young and Dr. Dorothy Young host an amazing and enjoyable ball. Dress up and put on dancing shoes for this fun and festive celebration with our episcopal leaders. Evidence of Discipleship – Each One Reach One John 13:34-35 (NIV) Bible Bowl and AME Challenge Church and scripture knowledge will be increased through this team-based learning challenge. Leading up to Tawawa, participants will prepare for the challenge using materials provided at: http:// 3dame.org Recreation Activities Swimming, Mini-Olympics, 3K Healthy Choices Walk/Run and Pre-Zumba are a few of the fun sports and recreational activities included on the Tawawa schedule. There will be fun activities for all age groups. PLEASE BRING SWIM WEAR AND A BEACH TOWEL. Lifeguards will be on site. Basketball Tournament A crowd favorite is our competitive team basketball tournament. All participants must fully participate in Tawawa. Block Party Kick off Tawawa with fun and games at the 2nd Annual Block Party on registration day! Golf Outing Adult golfers beware! The competition is fierce. Get your reservation in early to Rev. Dr. John E. Freeman at (937) 605-0856 or [email protected] and start working on your swing! 4 THIRD EPISCOPAL DISTRICT A.M.E. CHURCH 2015 TAWAWA Golf Outing _____________________________________________________________________________________ GOLF TOURNAMENT APPLICATION REGISTRATION DETAILS: Where/When: Monday, July 6, 2015 at Denison Golf Course- 555 Newark Rd, Granville, OH 43023 Check-in: From 7:30 a.m. – Straight starts at 8:05 am Registration includes: Beverages, Green fees, Cart, and Prizes! (740) 587-4653 TOURNAMENT FORMAT: Groups of four. Every person for themselves. Team leader will keep scores. Hole-in-one on selected par 3 wins a prize. Longest drive on designated hole wins a prize. Closest to the pin on designated par three hole wins a prize Overall best two scores wins a prize SPONSORSHIP, TEAMS OR INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS (circle one): $65 Early Entry/ per Individual _____________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT (Check One): **Check: Cash: **Make checks payable to: The Third Episcopal District. Mail check and applications to: UNITED A.M.E. Church Attn: TAWAWA GOLF REGISTRATION 286 East Church Street, Xenia, Ohio 45385 SIGNATURE LINE: ____________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________________________ E-MAIL:_____________________________________________________________________ Player Name PLAYER ROSTER INFORMATION Address or E-Mail Phone (Leader) 1. 2. 3. 4. For any additional questions, please contact Rev. Dr. John E. Freeman at (937) 605-0856. 5 Paid Amount Tawawa Third Episcopal District • Oratorical Contest 2015 Each Presiding Elder is asked to have at least one representative from their District participate in the Oratorical contest during Tawawa. The CED Tawawa Committee is suggesting that time be allotted during each Church School Convention for contestants to make their presentations. Contestants should come prepared from their local church and present their speech from memory. It will be mandatory that each participant provide a typed copy of their oratorical contest speech. The winner(s) will represent the District during TAWAWA. Local churches should prepare young people with a clear understating of an Orator- One who delivers an oration; a speech with power, using good expression, vigor, enthusiasm, and gusto. The speech must be delivered by memory (no notes). Topic for the oratorical contest is: “Evidence of Discipleship: Each One Reach One” Speeches should respond to the following guidance questions: 1. What is your scriptural foundation? 2. What is evidence of discipleship? 3. What does the concept each one reach one mean? 4. How do we encourage/empower others to become disciples? 5. How do we manifest the each one reach one concept? The Age ranges and time limits are as follows: Ages 7-9 (2 minutes) Ages 10-12 (3 minutes) Ages 13-15 (4 minutes) Ages 16-18 (5 minutes) Each contestant will be judged in the following areas: Appearance Poise Personality Adherence to theme Structure of message (is it well organized) Logic (does it make sense) Use of imagery or examples Articulation Pronunciation Eye Contact Gestures Timeliness Effectiveness of message Adherence to typed speech It is suggested that each District utilize the following individuals to assist in making the oratorical contest process effective and efficient: 6 Judges Should have a printed sheet prepared for them with scoring points and criteria (One judge should be assigned the task of rating the contestants adherence to the typed version of their speech on a 0 to 20 scale. The score of 20 would indicate that the contestant said each word exactly as it was written on the typed version of their speech. The score of 0 would indicate that the contestant did not adhere to the typed version of their speech at all. These points should be added to the contestants final score on the judges score sheets. Timekeeper Timekeeper for the contest who must be seated on the main floor and in full view of the contestants as they deliver their orations. (Need a person for this task) Stop watch or stop watch on cell phone A bright sign to hold up when one minute is remaining Tabulators (Need at least two people for this position) Judges give the scorecard to the tabulators immediately after each contestant. Tabulators start calculating scores The tabulators will have a thorough knowledge of the scoring process, be adept with a calculator (to check judges’ addition totals). The tabulation process should be thorough and not be expedited or abbreviated by time restraints. Before the results of the tabulation are announced, all tabulators as well as the contest chairman should be certain that the proper procedures were followed and correct winner(s) identified. Escorts Two to escort young person onto the stage to proper location in front of microphone, one to escort young person off the stage (Need at least two people for this position) Escorts to stay with or near youth at all time during the program Ushers Ushers to assist with seating of audience and ensuring of consistency of lack of movement and distractions during orations. Suggested Resources/Materials Required: Clipboards for judges Stopwatches (2) Pencils Calculator or adding machine Judges’ instructions/Scorecards Judges’ scratch tally sheets Tabulator instructions/Tabulation Card Timekeeper Instructions/Timekeeper record Card 7 Tawawa Third Episcopal District • Oratorical Contest 2015 Guidance Document for Participants Each Presiding Elder is asked to have at least one representative from their District participate in the Oratorical contest during Tawawa. Contestants should come prepared from their local church and present their speech from memory (no notes). It will also be mandatory that they provide a typed copy of their speech to the judges prior to the contest starting. Topic for the oratorical contest is: “Evidence of Discipleship: Each One Reach One” Speeches should respond to the following guidance questions: 1. What is your scriptural foundation? 2. What is evidence of discipleship? 3. What does the concept each one reach one mean? 4. How do we encourage/empower others to become disciples? 5. How do we manifest the each one reach one concept? The Age ranges and time limits are as follows: Ages 7-9 (2 minutes) Ages 10-12 (3 minutes) Ages 13-15 (4 minutes) Ages 16-18 (5 mintues) Each contestant will be judged in the following areas (a copy of the judges score sheet is attached): Appearance (Please dress in business causal attire) Poise Personality Adherence to theme Structure of message (is it well organized) Logic (does it make sense) Use of imagery or examples Articulation Pronunciation Eye Contact Gestures Timeliness Effectiveness of message Adherence to typed speech Each Presiding Elder is asked to email the names and ages of the young people representing their District to Rev. Dr. Otis Gordon ([email protected]) immediately following their Church School Convention. 8 Tawawa Third Episcopal District • Oratorical Contest 2015 Judges Score Sheet Contestant Name_______________________________ Age ________ Home Church _____________________________________ Subtotals Personal Qualities (15 pts) Appearance (5) Poise (5) Personality (5) _______ _______ _______ _______ Content (35 pts) Adheres to theme (10) Structure-Is it well organized? (10) Logic-Does it make sense (10) Use of imagery or examples (5) _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Delivery (40 pts) Articulation (10) Pronunciation (10) Eye Contact (10) Gestures (5) Timeliness (5) _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Effectiveness (10 pts) Did speech arouse a response in listeners? (5) Was it believable (5) _______ _______ _______ Total Score: __________ Judge _________________________________ 9 BIBLE BOWL AND AME CHALLENGE Each Presiding Elder District may enter one team. Teams should consist of 3-5 players and represent one or more local congregation(s) from within the Presiding Elder district. Team members must have competed on a team that placed within the top three in the Presiding Elder District Bible Bowl and AME Challenge. Team members must be between ten and eighteen years of age. TEAMS WILL COMPETE IN ROUNDS TWO TEAMS AT A TIME. REGISTERED TEAMS WILL BE ASSIGNED SLOTS IN THE COMPETITION RANDOMLY VIA DRAWING OF TEAM NAME. JUDGES AND COMPETITION VOLUNTEERS There will be 3 judges, a facilitator, a game board operator, a buzzer verifier, and a timekeeper. The facilitator will administer the questions. In case of discrepancies with questions or answers, the judges’ decision will be final. RULES o Players must stay seated on their chairs. A team game buzzer will be on the table in front of each team. o Teams should not respond to the questions until recognized by the buzzer verifier. The player cannot answer the question until called to respond. The player who pressed the buzzer is responsible for answering the question. o In order for an answer to be deemed correct, the judges must verify it matches the content on the study guides. Some questions will be based on direct memorization of the questions and answers on the study guide. Some questions will require inference to demonstrate comprehension of the study materials. All answers will be readily verifiable from the study guide. o If a player buzzes in before a question is completely read, the player must answer the question correctly without hearing the additional content of the question. If the answer is correct, it counts, if not, the other team has the opportunity to answer after hearing the entire question reread. o Ten seconds will be given for a team to buzz in after the question has been read in its entirety. If no team buzzes within that timeframe, the facilitator will move to the next question. o The team that buzzes in first will be given 15 seconds to complete the answer. If the answer is not given in that time frame, the other team is given 10 seconds to answer. All Bible questions and answers will be taken from the Gospel of John using the official YPD Quadrennial Bible Bowl Questions http://midwestwms.org/uploads/Bible_Bowl_Questions_17th_Quadrennial_Convention.pdf AMEC questions will be taken from the official website of the AME Church. In the drop-down menu under “OUR CHURCH”. Questions and answers derived from the sections: Our Church, Our Name, Our Mission, Our Motto, Our Beliefs, Our Structure and Our History are posted at: http://3dame.org Memory verses from the book of John (NIV OR KJV only) will be used as tie-breakers. Awards will be given to the first and second place teams. 10 BASKETBALL 1. All participants must be registered for Tawawa in order to participate and must attend sessions. 2. Selection of teams and coaches is to be handled through the Presiding Elder District. 3. Each Presiding Elder District can enter one team per age group. 4. There will be 4 age groups: 7-9, 10-12, 13-16, 17-up. 5. We would like for each team to have T-Shirts with team name on them. 6. Each team should be made up of no more than 8-10 players. 7. Every player must play at least 2 quarters. 8. Schedule of team play will be made up once all teams are registered. 9. There shall be 4 quarters of play for each game. 10. Clock stops on time-outs only. 11. Every age group will have a championship game time permitting. 12. All teams shall be co-ed. 13. Prayer will be given at the start of each game! TALENT SHOW Those wishing to participate in the Tawawa Talent Show must sign up during pre-registration within the following categories: Drama Visual Arts Instrumental Music Vocal Music Dance Other (must specify and meet criteria) Performances will be timed. Talent presentations must be no longer than 4 minutes and may include between 1 and 10 participants per act Criteria Preparedness & ability to engage the audience must be confirmed by pastor or CED director during the pre-registration process. Must abide by the behavioral expectations for Tawawa: Safety, Respect & Leadership Costumes must be modest. Shirts and blouses must cover the complete torso and shorts must be mid-thigh or longer. Content of the presentation must include only polite language with no gender or racial slurs, sexually explicit words or cussing. 11 SECTION III: BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS & CHAPERONE REQUIREMENTS TAWAWA 2015 BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS “Conduct yourself in a Christ-like manner at all times.” At Tawawa, each one shows respect for persons, places and things; by insuring the safety and well being of self and others; and by demonstrating leadership. The rules listed below are requirements. These examples of respect, safety and leadership are not a complete list. Any violation of respect, safety or leadership will be corrected. Unsafe or persistently disrespectful behavior may result in dismissal at the expense of parent/legal guardian. RESPECT 1. Follow the instructions of the adults in charge at all times. 2. Comply with Tawawa dress code at all times 3. Use technology responsibly and put electronics away when requested to do so 4. Males stay in male dorms and females stay in female dorms -Females must not go into male dorms and males must not go into female dorms. 5. Show consideration for others by observing campus quiet times outside from 10pm-6:30 am and inside between midnight and 6 am. SAFETY 6. Use the buddy system (at least two youth together at all times). 7. Youth must remain on campus at all times. 8. Drugs, alcohol, or sexual involvement will result in immediate dismissal at the parent’s expense. 9. All youth must stay in their assigned dorm after curfew. LEADERSHIP 10. Attend and actively participate in all classes and worship services 11. Display leadership qualities by making good common-sense decisions and encouraging peers to do the same 12. Be on time for each activity and event ___________Copy to be signed by each youth and given to local chaperone____________ I ________________________understand the behavior expectations for proper conduct at Tawawa and I agree to abide by these rules. Signature _________________________________________ Date ____________ (Student) 12 TAWAWA CHAPERONE GUIDELINES All Chaperones are adults (at least 21 years of age). These adults are proxy parental figures during the time youth are at Tawawa. Chaperones ensure the safety of the youth they are responsible for by accompanying them at any time when they are not directly under the supervision of other adults (e.g. a teacher or teacher’s assistant). The Lead Chaperone for males and the lead chaperone for females insure that quiet hours are respected and that all students are in their dorms at the scheduled time. They help the Chairperson of the Discipline committee redirect and correct as needed. The Lead Chaperones work with the security team to assist students who lock their keys in their room and helps the chaperones make sure all students stay inside their dorms from Midnight until 6:30 am. INSTRUCT & MODEL Instruct the youth in the behavior expectations and the purpose for them. Review the behavior expectations with youth frequently. Be an example of the behaviors expected from the youth. Be a positive role model SUPERVISE Know room numbers and class schedule for each person in your group. Actively move around keeping your eyes and attention focused on the youth (have eyes in the back of your head). When seated, chaperones are in an area where they can keep an eye on the youth they are responsible for (those chaperoning young children must be in close physical proximity). ENCOURAGE & SUPPORT Wake youth in the morning with words of encouragement for the day. Provide prompts, reminders and acknowledgements to keep youth attending classes, worship and prayer services as well as other activities. Ensure that youth are in their rooms at curfew. Provide a nighttime routine that helps them settle down. REDIRECT & CORRECT Immediately correct any youth who is behaving in a way that violates respect, safety or leadership expectations by reminding them of the expectations for their behavior. If redirecting the youth with a reminder of the relevant expectation is not sufficient, call for back up as needed. Place any child or youth who does not respond positively to correction on a schedule of “check in” with an assigned supervisor. __________________Copy to be signed at Chaperone Training_______________________ I ________________________understand and agree with the guidelines for chaperones at Tawawa. Signature __________________________________________Date ______________ 13 WHAT TO PACK Evidence of Discipleship – Each One Reach One John 13:34-35 (NIV) PLEASE BRING FLOOR FANS FOR USE IN NON-AIRCONDITIONED DORM ROOMS. Clothing needs include: 1. Basics When packing for Tawawa, you will usually need enough clean clothing for the duration of the time spent there. The modesty requirements described areTawawa dress code. o Clothing should be modest and not revealing, therefore crop tops, low-waist jeans, and short shorts are a definite no-no. o Clothing with controversial or offensive writing or imagery is also highly inappropriate. You will need a daily change of clothes and extra items just in case. o Underwear for every day, as well as extras, should also be included. o Socks, sweaters, pajamas –cool sleepwear o Modest swimwear and swim caps, for those who choose to swim. o Tennis shoes are appropriate and also the best option for outdoor activities and exercise. Flip flops or sandals are acceptable for use near the pool. Personal hygiene items are imperative, including deodorant, shower shoes, towels (for swimming), toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, hairbrush, shampoo and conditioner. During registration each attendee will receive sheets for a twin size bed, as well as towels and washcloth. o Feel free to bring a pillow and a comforter. Pack a sleeping bag or exercise pad just in case we have extremely hot weather and need to arrange “lock in sleepovers” in the airconditioned dorm lounges. Semi-Formal wear for the Bishop’s Ball. Women and girls semi-formal outfits are dressier than typical Church attire. Dresses or flowing pants made of fabrics similar to silk, satin or brocade are generally worn. Hem lengths for dresses or skirts should be near the knee or longer, and tops should not be cut too low or be too revealing. For men and boys, semi-formal attire means a suit, with vest optional. A tie, either bow or straight, should be worn, and the shirt should be a simple button down. Be sure to pack sunscreen and insect repellant to avoid getting sunburned or bitten by a mosquito. If you wear glasses, be sure to bring these and a spare pair if necessary, also contact lenses and lens solution if applicable. It is always a good idea to bring a laundry bag for dirty clothes. Some extra money will be a good idea for purchasing a T-Shirt or extra snack items 2. Spiritual Essentials Since you are attending a Christian camp, a Bible is an essential item to bring with you as you will be studying it. o Ensure camper’s name, address, church name, and pastor’s name are securely placed within Bible (to assist with locating owner if lost). Also be sure to bring a notebook and pens/pencils for note taking. A small light may also be helpful for nighttime reading. 14 SECTION IV: REGISTERING & VOLUNTEERING FOR TAWAWA 2015 THIRD EPISCOPAL DISTRICT TAWAWA CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CONGRESS 2015 Evidence of Discipleship – Each One Reach One John 13:34-35 (NIV) REGISTRATION DATES & FEES April 1 - Early Online Registration Begins Beginning June 23 – $15.00 Late Fee Per Person Youth Registration Ages 7 Through 18 years $155.00 per person Registration includes lodging in a student dormitory, all classes and activities, linen packet and eight meals beginning with dinner on Monday. Air-conditioned dorm rooms and spaces in dormitories with air-conditioned lounges will be assigned to Church groups who register online early. These assignments will be made on a fist come, first served basis with those registering first getting airconditioned rooms. Adult Registration Lodging on Campus $225.00 per person Registration includes lodging in adult quad, classes, activities, linen packet and eight meals beginning with dinner on Monday. Registration Lodging off Campus-All Age Groups $145.00 per person Registration includes classes, activities and eight meals beginning with dinner on Monday. (DOES NOT INCLUDE LODGING) *Bedding and towels are included in the registration fees. 15 TAWAWA CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CONGRESS 2015 Registration Form July 6, 2015 – July 9, 2015 To be completed by all participants adults and youth. Evidence of Discipleship – Each One Reach One John 13:34-35 (NIV) Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Last First Age: Adult (26 and over) Young Adult (19-25) Middle Initial Teen (16-18) Teen (13-15) Pre-Teen (10-12) Child (7-9) Child (4-6) Home Address _____________________________________________________________________ Street Email _______________________________ Apt# City State Home Phone _______________________ Zip Cell Phone ________________ Church ___________________________________ City_______________________Pastor __________________________ Presiding Elder____________________________________ Music and Christian Arts –you must check one box in this section. Choir Visual Arts Praise Dance (Liturgical Dance) Drama Sports and Physical Fitness-check two boxes in this section ALL AGE GROUPS, YOUTH AND ADULTS “Healthy Choices” 5 K Fun Walk/Run Swimming Mini-Olympics Pre-Zumba (gentle movement and stretching for adults) Talent Show (Optional Non-competitive competition; your act must be approved by your pastor. Please check the category you will participate in and provide details. o Poetry, o Rapping o Dance, o Instrument, o Singing, o Jokes Details (name of piece/group name/number of people in act) o Other (specify)______________ Competitions-check those you have pre-qualified for o Oratorical Contest (must have won at Presiding Elder District competition to qualify) o Third District Bible Bowl AME Challenge (Must be on Presiding Elder District Team) o Basketball Tournament (Must be on a Presiding Elder District Team) o Golf Outing (Adults Only-Please fill out and return Team Roster by June 23rd) Please note, photographs and other audio-visual recordings will be collected throughout Tawawa. These materials will be used to inform others about the activities and benefits of participating in this Christian Education Congress. These recordings and images may be used in online and print materials as well as other media to promote Third District ministries. All participants under the age of 18 must have parent permission on this registration form, and provide a signed, completed Youth Permission/Medical Authorization Form. Hard copies of these documents must be turned in at the registration table when you arrive at Tawawa 2015. Signature of Parent or Guardian______________________________________________________ 16 Attach Proof of Insurance YOUTH PERMISSION AND MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION FORM Name _________________________________________________ Date of Birth __________ Age ________ Last First Middle Initial Parent/Guardian Information ________________________________________________________________________________________ Father’s Name (or Guardian) Place of Employment Business Phone Cell Phone ________________________________________________________________________________________ Mother’s Name (or Guardian) Place of Employment Business Phone Cell Phone Emergency Contact: Two Persons to be called in event that Parent/Guardian cannot be reached. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Name Phone ________________________________________________________________________________________ Chaperone’s Name Cell Phone Medical Authorization Parents/Guardian give permission to provide emergency treatment for children who become ill or injured while under church authority, when parents/guardians cannot be contacted. Part I or II MUST BE COMPLETED. EMERGENCY INFORMATION MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION INSURANCE COMPANY _____________________________________________________ CARD NUMBER ____________________________________________________________ Part I. Granting Medical Consent - If reasonable attempts to contact me, other parent, or guardians, have been unsuccessful, I give my consent for: 1. Administration of Treatment deemed necessary by resident doctor or dentist Dr. ____________________________________ or Dr. _____________________________________ 2. Transfer my child to ______________________, the resident hospital. This authorization does not cover major surgery unless the medical opinions of two other licensed physicians or dentists, concurring in the need for such surgery, are obtained prior to the performance of such surgery. Please check/list applicable medical conditions: Allergies Asthma Seizures Other chronic medical conditions or dietary restrictions (specify): Signature of Parent/Guardian _______________________________________ Date _________________ Part II. Refusing Medical Consent - I do not give my consent for emergency medical treatment of my child. In the event of illness or injury requiring emergency treatment, I want authorities to take no action or to: Signature of Parent/Guardian ________________________________________Date _________________ 17 TAWAWA 2015 VOLUNTEER SIGN UP FORM Evidence of Discipleship – Each One Reach One John 13:34-35 (NIV) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name _______________________ Email ______________________ Phone Numbers (home) _______________ (cell) __________________ Address ________________________________________________________ Street Apt. City State Zip Church ________________________________________________________ Name City Pastor ________________________ Presiding Elder ______________________ Please place a check beside the volunteer job you most want to help with. Teacher ___ Chaperone ___ Musician ___ Registration ___ Block Party ___ Sons of Allen Security ___ Usher ___ Host/ Hostess ____ Multi-Media ___ ____Golf _____Basketball ____ Refreshments____ Other__________________ (please specify) Please complete this form and a Background Authorization Form*. Keep a copy for your files and mail both forms along with your $10.00 check no later than May 15, 2015 to Christian Education Department, Third Episcopal District AME Church, 288 South Hamilton Road, Columbus, Ohio 43213-2034. *All youth workers must have a background check. 18 SUMMARY REGISTRATION FORM FOR THOSE REGISTERING BY MAIL THIRD EPISCOPAL DISTRICT TAWAWA 2015 July 6-9, 2015 – Denison University Evidence of Discipleship – Each One Reach One John 13:34-35 (NIV) Those registering by mail instead of online, mail this registration form with Check or Money Order to Christian Education Department, Third Episcopal District AME Church, 288 South Hamilton Road, Columbus, Ohio 43213-2034. ******************************************************************************************************************* I. Youth Mail In Registration – April 30, 2015-June 29, 2015 Annual Conference __________________________________________________ $155.00 Presiding Elder _____________________________________________________ II. Adult Mail In Registration – April 30, 2015 – June 29, 2015 $225.00 Church ____________________________________________________________ III. Mail In Registration for Those Living Off Campus Pastor _____________________________________________________________ $145.00 Late Fee $15.00 per person after June 30, 2015 NAME AGE/ ADULT M/F EMAIL & PHONE # OPTIONAL ACTIVITIES (See checklist on Registration) ON OR OFF CAMPUS AMT. PAID TOTAL $________ (This form may be duplicated as needed) 19 THIRD EPISCOPAL DISTRICT AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 288 S. Hamilton Road Columbus, OH 43213 Office email: [email protected] Phone: (614) 575-2279 Fax: (614) 575-2375 Website: www.thirddistrictame.org The Right Reverend McKinley Young, Presiding Bishop Dr. Dorothy Jackson Young, Episcopal Supervisor TO: Presiding Elders, Pastors, CED Directors, Component Leaders & Tawawa Workers FROM: The Office of Presiding Bishop McKinley Young DATE: 4/1/2015 RE: Background Checks Disciplinary requirements regarding background checks: Pastors must obtain a new background check when moved to a new appointment. Tawawa requirement for background checks: Denison University requires confirmation of background checks for all volunteers serving at Tawawa. Third District background check process: The purpose of our background checks is to protect all youth and other vulnerable groups across all Third District AMEC functions. We comply with state and federal laws requiring your specific consent to conduct background checks and to let you know the results. The Third District AME Church conducts basic screening background checks to manage risk related to offenses of an abusive, violent or sexual nature. The district does not examine credit records or motor vehicle offenses. All information provided to the district is strictly confidential and shared only with Bishop McKinley Young and his administrative staff. Records are maintained in a secure location. Background check authorization forms Please complete the attached form to provide the information needed to complete your background check. Your check or money order in the amount of $10.00 and your signature indicating authorization to conduct the background check must be included. You can learn more about Lexis Nexis background checks at http://www.lexisnexis.com. W ES T V I R GI N I A ANNUAL CONFERENCES P I T TS B U R GH S OU T H O HI O O HI O N OR T H O HI O THIRD EPISCOPAL DISTRICT AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 288 S. Hamilton Road Columbus, OH 43213 Office email: [email protected] Phone: (614) 575-2279 Fax: (614) 575-2375 Website: www.thirddistrictame.org The Right Reverend McKinley Young, Presiding Bishop Dr. Dorothy Jackson Young, Episcopal Supervisor BACKGROUND CHECK AUTHORIZATION Last Name __________________________________First Name___________________________________ Middle Name________________________________ Name Suffix__________________________________ Other Last Name (s) __________________________Other First Name (s) ___________________________ Other Middle Name (s) _______________________ Presiding Elder District _______________________ Local Church __________________________________ (City & State)_______________________________ Please check all that apply o o o o o Pastor Church School Teacher Other Youth Worker or Serving Vulnerable Populations at Local Church Tawawa Volunteer including, but not limited to Chaperone, Dorm Monitor Tawawa Teacher Approximate Annual Salary (Pastors and Paid Church Staff only) $__________________________________ SSN __________________________________ Apt # __________________________________ Sex __________________________________ City _____________________________________ Date of Birth ______________________________ State________________ Zip Code ____________ Street # __________________________________ County __________________________________ Street Name ______________________________ Phone # ________________________________ I, _____________________________________, authorize the use of this information for the purpose of conducting a federal and state criminal background check. I understand that this background check is being conducted to provide protections for minors and other vulnerable individuals and to help the Third District of the AMEC manage risks. o I have enclosed a $10.00 check or money order to cover the cost of this background check. Signature _____________________________________ ANNUAL CONFERENCES P I T TS B U R GH S OU T H O HI O O HI O N OR T H O HI O W ES T V I R GI N I A Date ___________________
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