CALENDAR OF EVENTS March 19, 20, 21: TKCS Players Presents: Meet Me in St. Louis (See enclosed flyer) March 24: National Jr. Honor Society - 7:00 p.m. March 26: Jr./Sr. High Concert - 7:00 p.m. April 1: End of 3rd Quarter Missions Commissioning Service MARCH/APRIL 2015 NEWSLETTER THE KING’S CHRISTIAN SCHOOL April 2: Early Dismissal - NO AFTERCARE (Periods 1 - 4) April 3 - 10: NO SCHOOL April 14: Open House - 7:00 p.m. PTF Meeting (HS Library) - 7:00 p.m. April 16: Report Cards Posted April 17: Butterfly Ball (See enclosed flyer) Dress Down for Charity April 20 - 24: Achievement Testing In partnership with Christian parents, The King’s Christian School, a K-12, non-denominational, college preparatory school, equips and strengthens students through education and example that they might stand firmly upon the Word of God and become effective servantleaders who impact the world through their Christian walk. THE KING’S CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 5 CARNEGIE PLAZA CHERRY HILL, NJ 08003 John 3:16 FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONE AND ONLY SON, THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. FROM THE JR./SR. HIGH OFFICE DILIGENCE IS KEY…………………….. As we slowly drift out of this snowy bitter winter, it is time to start thinking about next year. Yes, while we slowly drift, time is flying and it is time for all 2015-2016 registered High School students to pick courses for next year! All courses are awarded on a first come, first serve basis. High School Students should be keeping track of their academic progress and have an idea of what courses they need to take to end their high school careers successfully. The Course Selection Guide, which is posted on the website on the High School tab, very carefully lays out what a student must take to graduate successfully in 4 years from TKCS. There is also a link to this Guide on the registration tab of NetClassroom. The students in Mrs. Francis' PreCalculus class recently participated in the 4th annual Unit Circle Contest. Prior to the contest, all students memorized the unit circle and practiced finding special angles of the 6 trig. functions. …and the winner is… Eric Galloway For the contest, students were given a time limit to solve a trig. function by memory. Paper and pencil were not allowed. Students who gave a correct answer moved on to the next round, which increased in level of difficulty. The winner of the contest received a delicious chocolate chip cookie cake baked and decorated by Mrs. Eller. The competition was great, as many students "survived" several rounds. The 2015 winner of the Unit Circle Contest was Eric Galloway. Right now, it is time to pick the courses for next year. This should be done in NetClassroom on the registration tab. Students must pick courses by April 15. It is important for students to do this so their choices are considered when the master schedule is designed. If a student does not pick their courses, Mrs. Silverman will pick them. Oh dear, it would be prudent for each student to exercise due diligence so they are not taking electives they are not interested in taking!! (NetClassroom Note: Remember, the student must pick the classes on their own NetClassroom tab and than you as a parent must go into your own NetClassroom and approve their choices.) Also, if your student is interested in taking an AP Class he/she MUST fill out and submit applications for each AP Course. These applications are available in the High School Office, Knightly Knews, and in the documents Library on the website. AP English Literature, AP English Language, AP US History, AP Biology and AP Calculus all need applications filled out and returned to the Academic Office no later than APRIL 1. THERE WILL BE NO EXTENSIONS!!! Therefore, the key word for high school students is DILIGENCE. Pick your course, get your AP applications turned in on time! Return with payment to: $40.00 per couple The King’s Christian School $10.00 for each 5 Carnegie Plaza additional girl Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 Here’s wishing all of you a wonderful spring! Daughter: ______________________________ In His Service, Daughter: ______________________________ card, visit and Daughter: ______________________________ on the Butterfly Ball page. John Walsh and Pam Silverman If you wish to pay by credit click Make checks payable to TKCS PTF. Daughter: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ Escort: _________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________________ Total Paid: ___________________ _ We cordially invite daughters in K-8th grades to participate in a memorable and wholesome evening together, escorted by their father/grandfather/uncle or other special role model. Philadelphia Middle School Trip Friday, April 17, 2015 Ballroom Doors will open at 6:30pm Dinner will be served at 7:00pm Partnering with The Center for Student Missions. In Philadelphia, the team will serve in shelters and food kitchens such as: MANNA (Metropolitan AIDS Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance), Philabundance Food Bank, Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission, & Hands of Hope. Please pray for Miss Brougham along with student leader Nick DiFazio and the Philadelphia team: David Barrow, Phoebe Deighan, Matt DiFazio, Ciara Donaldson, Stephen King, Amber McCullough, Jenna Nelson, Annie Panagotopulos, Jenna Skeens, Bella Trimble, and RJ Walsh. The King’s Christian School 5 Carnegie Plaza Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 $40.00 per couple $10. 00 for each additional girl For every adult ticket sold, The King’s Christian School will donate $2.00 to Alex’s Lemonade Stand. The King’s Christian School presents th 5 Annual Butterfly Ball Team Washington D.C. The Washington D.C. team will be working with Kyle Antinore, TKCS Alumnus, who is a full-time missionary with the Center for Student Missions and a former King's mission team member and leader. Please pray for safe travel for our students, that they will work effectively as a team and that they will be effective messengers of Christ's love. The D.C. team includes: Brent Bowman, Ella Bronkema, Lydia Cho, Allie Fort, Kiaira Harris, Mary Hutchings, Jada Nelson, Jonathan Savidge, Quassan Scanes, Leaders: Jack and Robin Savidge Team Jamaica Jim and Peni Koch (pronounced Cook) are missionaries with Kingdom Builders Ministry in Jamaica which provides gospel teaching, comfort and practical help to the people of Jamaica. This spring, a team of students from TKCS will be giving up their spring break to serve in Jamaica. The majority of their time will be spent building a home for a family in need. They will also visit a hospital and nursing home to pray with and for the patients and offer gift bags of hygiene items. The team will visit nearby towns to interact with local families and children. We are now accepting donations in the elementary office: small hygiene items, small toys, stuffed animals, balls, stickers, crayons, coloring books etc. Please pray for Joe and Brianna Lombardo as they lead this team of great students: Matt Savarese, Cole Trimble, Ryan Anderson, Matt Buchan, Molly Kepner, Christine Panagotopulos , Julianna Holloway, Esther Cho, Rachel Conover, Rachel Whitbeck, and Torie Friend. Commissioning Service Everyone is invited to our Commissioning Service on Wednesday, April 1 at 2:00 p.m. in the APR. King’s Spirit Wear! all: ets, c k ic t 10 serve 20x1 To re 7 6 . 9 8 856.4 One week only! From the Library: Did You Know… WE NOW HAVE A CODING CLUB! Interested students in grades 4 to 6 have been meeting together every Wednesday morning before school to learn to code. We have been using a software program called Scratch, developed at M.I.T., designed to introduce students to computational thinking and the fundamentals of computer programming. Be sure to check out our students' first projects on the Greeting Card Projects page of the library website! To get there, simply scan the QR code with your cell phone or tablet, or type this URL into the address bar of your Internet browser: Easter Luncheon (served during lunchtime) $5.00 per student All students: $5.00 For all students, Pre-School thorugh 12 th Grade The meal includes: Ham, Corn, Macaroni & Cheese, Salad, Drink & a cookie Tuesday, March 31st Student Name:____________________________________ Grade:__________________ Last day to order is Friday, March 27th Please turn in your money to your homeroom teacher. Yes, I am paying $5.00 and will be eating at the luncheon. No, I will provide lunch from home. FEBRUARY SMART COOKIES This program is designed to reward students for their academic excellence & positive actions. Students of the Month January & February The goal of the Students of the Month program is to reward teamwork, positive behavior, extra effort, good student citizenship and servant leadership. The Junior Class cordially invites you to A Night in Paris Criteria: Positive Attitude Junior High: Junior and Senior Prom Friday, May 15, 2015 Seven o’clock in the evening Jenna Skeens Amber McCullough Rianna Minter Will Wan Annie Panagotopulos High School: Mary Hutchings Lauren Wang 9th Grade Daniel Ji 8th Grade Joseph Chen Brent Bowman Mani Zheng Andrew Young Indian Springs Country Club 115 S Elmwood Road Marlton NJ 08053 Promenade Begins at 5:30 pm At The King’s Christian School Lexy Betz Esther Cho Jordan Carr Lydia Cho Cole Trimble Quassan Scanes Torie Friend Blair Daniel Heather Xu 11th Grade 7th Grade Tickets go on sale Monday April 13th and are $70 a person Eric Galloway Tessa Podawiltz Natalie Vosbikian Each month, one student chosen from grades 6-8 & one student from grades 9-12 will be honored for exhibiting a positive influence to classmates by showing respect, active participation in the classroom, dedication to work, and servant leadership. Each month, staff members nominate students whom they feel have “made a difference in the classroom.” May 1st tickets will be $80 a person
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