Abstract This study lay in the field of agricultural extension and rural development. The problem addressed the traditional generating projects of Khartoum State farmers livelihood which were mainly production of vegetables crops, micro-investment in poultry and animal production. The importance of the study emerge from shifting to non-traditional ideas in livelihood generating projects and break the production seasonality, and depend on introducing of mushroom production technology as nontraditional idea for its importance as food to contribute in bridging the global and local food and obtaining food security. The study aimed to determine the impact of personal characteristics and training on changing farmers knowledge towards the adoption of mushroom production technology. One independent variable, the desire in training on mushroom production technology taken with a set of farmers personal characteristics on dependent variables, which are: Age, gender, education level, marital status, size of the agricultural holding and annual income. One hundred and seventy three trainees who have exposed to training program in mushroom production technology had been questioned using pre prepared questionnaire before and after training. The collected data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Frequencies, percentages and Chi-square were calculated at significant level of 0.05 . The main results of the study were that the training found had clear impact on changing the trainees knowledge about mushroom production technology, While there was no significant differences between the trainees personal characteristics and their desire in training exist for the gender character. The main recommendation of the study was the continuing of training for the farmers of Khartoum State and the other desired categories and involving the Ministry of Agriculture in the training process for the diffusion of the new technology. i الخالصة تقع ىذه الدراسة في نطاق اإلرشاد الزراعي والتنمية الريفية بوالية الخرطوم ,تتمثل مشكمة الدراسة في استخدام المزارعين لألساليب االستثمارية التقميدية في الحصول عمي معيشتيم والتي تتمثل في إنتاج محاصيل الخضر وتربية الدواجن واإلنتاج الحيواني .تنبع أىمية الدراسة في أىمية التحول من اإلنتاج التقميدي إلي أساليب جديدة مبتكرة لكسر موسمية اإلنتاج وتقديم تقانة إنتاج المشروم كفكرة جديدة غير تقميدية مع أىميتو الغذائية ليساىم في ردم ىوة الغذاء عالميا ومحميا والمساىمة في تحقيق األمن الغذائي .ىدفت الدراسة لتحديد اثر التدريب والخصائص الشخصية لممزارعين المتدربين عمي ىذه التقانة في تغيير معارف ىم تجاه تبني تقنية إنتاج المشروم .تم أخذ عامل مستقل واحد ىو الرغبة في التدريب عمي تقانة إنتاج المشروم مع مجموعة من الخصائص الشخصية كعوامل تابعة وىي العمر ,النوع ,مستوي التعميم ,الحالة االجتماعية ,حجم الحيازة الزراعية ,الدخل السنوي. مائة وثالثة وسبعون متدرب خضعوا لبرنامج التدريب في ىذا المجال تم جمع المعمومات عنيم بواسطة ا الستبيان المعد قبل وبعد التدريب .تم تحميل البيانات التي تم جمعىا باستخدام برنامج الحزم اإلحصائية لمعموم االجتماعية ) ,(SPSSومنيا تم حساب التك اررات والنسب المئوية ومربع كاي باستخدام درجة معنوية .0,05توصمت الدراسة إلي عدد من النتائج أىميا أن التدريب كان لو أثر واضح في تغيير معارف الم تدربين بينما لم يوجد اثر معنوي بين الخصائص الشخصية ورغبتيم في التدريب عدا خاصية النوع .كما خرجت الدراسة بعدد من التوصيات أىميا االستمرار في عممية التدريب لكل الفئات الراغبة في مجتمع الوالية مع اشتراك و ازرة الزراعة في عممية التدريب من أجل نشر التقانة الحديثة. ii CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction All developing countries have many problems in producing sufficient food. Poverty is increasing rapidly in these areas which necessitates the introduction of new crops to alleviate this poverty and to mitigate this food gap. One of these interventions is the introduction and growing of mushroom as vegetable crop, Badr (2005(. Mushrooms can be used as food (fresh, snacks, sweets...) as medicine and for industrial purposes (coloring, adsorbents...). In food there is a link between mushroom and food security. Mushrooms provide high protein and essential amino acids, Low in fat and high fiber. Also provide vitamins and thus stimulating the immune system. FAO (2000) reported that; Africa, compared to Asia, had enough land to feed itself, and there are great potential of mushrooms in African forests and other landscapes which largely untapped. There are long periods in which warm weather and air moisture combine to provide excellent conditions for the production of mushrooms, There are several varieties, including those grow on decaying roots, dead wood, and termite mounds or directly on cultivated land. There is much to do in sensitization and information, Also in research to increase knowledge and use of African mushrooms for food. “For example in Tanzania there are about 34 species of edible mushrooms spread all over Tanzania from forests to bush lands. The 34 species are from 13 genera, natural mushrooms are used mainly, as subsistence and very small portion being sold along the roads FAO (1999). According to Ramadan, R. (2003): in Sudan, There are many kinds of mushrooms, some tribes have traditional knowledge of knowing and iii eating mushroom while other do not consume it and consider it as disdainful thing. Tribes gave mushroom different names according to their culture and their local language. In northern Sudan mushroom is known as "Wad Al Werda" and that meaning the thing which causes fever, in other parts of Northern Sudan such as "Dongolla" people tend to eat mushroom and name it as "Goroo". Some Nile tribes call mushroom "Barnoog", and they have a proverb "Barnoog without root" describing or insulting those who may not have definite tribe or of mix origin. Some tribe know mushroom as "Gowangy", they eat it after drying it as porridge, in Gezira area some people eat it and call it "Al-Afan" and that meaning the (mould), in Al-Gadaref it named as Abo- Elefeen, in other area it is known as Afan Al-Watta and that means the mould too. Interviews with locals in Sinner area revealed that some people eat wild mushroom and call it "Abo-Zomo" and "Laham Al Watta" which mean the flesh of the land, other names around Sinnar includes "Lahm el fertit" referring to it as a food for pigs. Many people in the rainy agricultural area feel a pessimism about wild mushroom as the same as appearance of crow‟s dung. We can concluded that most Sudanese know Mushroom in the name of "Wad Al-Watta" , and that mean "the son of the land " . Other tribes know mushroom and do not eat it and consider it as disdainful thing ". One of disdainful name that southern Sudan tribes know mushroom as "Thaker Al-Watta" and this is meaning “penis of the land". The tribes who eat mushroom have ability to recognize the edible fungus from poisonous one and they did not cultivate it .They only collect it from nature. iv In Khartoum State some wild mushrooms appearing during the different seasons of the year. These can be found in nurseries, river bank, greenhouses and farms. The majority of imported mushroom are mainly consumed in Khartoum state as fresh or canned. Mushroom is popular in restaurants serving international cousins, takeaway, expatriates communities and intellectual Sudanese families who exposed to international cousins. 1.2 Research Problem Farmers, traditionally, produce few agricultural crops which has long been a major threat to the livelihood security of Sudanese farmers in general and to Khartoum State farmers in particular . Micro-investment projects submitted for funding spin around a limited number of ideas or an ongoing circle that include (poultry, calves and sheep fattening, greenhouses and protected nurseries etc.). The main effort is to look for non-traditional crop that suit microfinance, break seasonality, compute fairly with larger investors, and contribute to former livelihood security and health, especially in the light of the fear of food shortage/gap and in the pursuit of food security as a result of the increasing numbers in world's population especially in developing countries. The lack of sufficient awareness of the important of this fungus in terms of production, adoption, acceptance and embracing it in local food diet, the problem of marketing coupled with short shelf life of mushrooms and absence of marketing efforts. v 1.3 Importance of Research: The importance of this research stems from the importance of mushroom as a food which can contribute in bridging the food gap, enhance the quality and diversity of food in the Sudanese diet. It also contains a considerable amount of minerals such as potassium, sodium and phosphate that have significance and vital role in human health. It also has medicinal value and its extracted helps in boosting treatment and control of many diseases such as diabetes, anemia, cancer, heart disease and others. The anticipated impact of mushroom adoption, cultivation, consumption and marketing in the livelihood security of farmers and environment makes it a good solution in developing country such as Sudan. 1.4 Research objectives: The main objective of this research are: To explore the changing farmer‟s knowledge about mushroom production. To find out farmer‟s personal characteristics affect changing of farmer‟s knowledge toward adopting mushroom production. vi 1.5 Research Hypothesis: Training has a positive impact on change farmer‟s knowledge toward adopting mushroom production. The farmer‟s personal characteristics have a negative impact on the adopting process of mushroom production. Table (1): Dependent and independent variable: independent variable desire in training on mushroom production dependent variable Age Gender education level marital status size of agricultural holding income vii CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Adoption process: 2.1.1 Definition of adoption process: A diffusion of innovation with in a social system takes place through its adoption by individual or groups. Adoption is a decision to make full use of an innovation as the best course of action available. The decision to adopt an innovation, involves a process composed of learning, deciding, and acting over a period of time. The adoption process, as a decisionmaking process goes through a number of mental stages before making a final decision to adopt an innovation. Decision - making is a process comprising a sequence of stages with a distinct type of activity occurring during each stage. The way in which an individual adopts an innovation is involves the following five steps namely, (Awareness stage, Interest stage, Evaluation stage, Trial stage and Adoption stage). Rogers. E. (1983). a) Awareness Stage This is the starting stage wherein the farmer comes to know the existence of the new idea but he doesn‟t have full information about the idea. At this stage farmer is aware of the idea, but lacks detailed information about it. b) Interest Stage The farmer develops interest in the innovation and seeks additional information about it either from extension officer or from fellow farmers or from any source, which he feels credible. That means the farmer viii acquires more information about an innovation or idea by wanting to know what the innovation/idea is, how it works and what its potentialities are. c) Evaluation Stage At the evaluation stage, the farmer makes mental application of the new idea in the present and anticipated future situations and decides whether or not to try it. He judges the utility of the innovation, makes an assessment whether the idea is applicable to own situation and if applied what would be the result. d) Trial Stage The farmers may not take up any new idea and an innovation right away on a large scale because he/she doesn‟t want to take risk even though the potential of the idea has been proved. The new idea is applied on a small scale in order to determine its utility or feasibility and applicability in own situation. e) Adoption Stages Being satisfied with the performance of the new idea tested on small scale in his own situation, the farmer uses the new idea continuously on a full scale. Trial may be considered as the practical evaluation of an innovation. The innovation becomes a part of his normal farming activity. It provides the advantage of the innovation and hence the farmer takes final decision and applies the innovation in a scale appropriate to own situation on a continued basis. ix Based his observations of farmers behavior (earliness or lateness) of adoption, Swanson (1984) mentioned that: possibility of classifying farmers in term of possessing more or less of that traits. Those few who are first to try out a new idea are called Innovators. If the new idea survives for an appreciable length of time and is accepted by more than the first few; one can identify a second category of farmers, they called early adopters. Then if the new idea continues to spread, the bulk of farmers who ultimately accept the new idea can be classified as Early and Late Majority, depending on the time (relatively early or late) at which they make the decision to adopt. Finally, some minority of farmers accepts the idea very late, and is conventionally called Laggards. Several points can be made with respect to the types of adopters, given the fact that some farmers are very early in adopting a new idea and some are very late, with the majority in between, it is possible to use that factual information to describe adoption behavior in terms of the familiar bell shaped or normal curve. The important point here is that if adoption behavior is observed over time, it can be seen to follow a certain pattern and is predictable. In term of time, it is useful to characterize individuals who make the decision to adopt at different points in time. Classification with respect to some dimension is an early step toward gaining scientific understanding. The particular category labels chosen and the dividing lines between categories have gained acceptance as being useful but are not to be interpreted as representing sharp differences between types of people. x 2.1.2 Factors Determining the Rate of Adoption: Rogers, E. (1983) mentioned several factors that influenced determining the rate of adopt any new initiatives, These factors include the following: Perceived characteristics of innovations: Relative advantage a. The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being better than the idea it supersedes. i) Cost. ii) Status aspect, evidence based practices. iii) Over adoption, the adoption of an innovation by an individual when experts feel that should reject it. b. Generalization The relative advantage of an innovation, as perceived by members of a social system, is positively related to its rate of adoption. c. Preventive Interventions A preventive innovation has a particularly slow rate of adoption because individuals have difficulties in perceiving its relative advantage. Relative advantage of a preventive innovation is highly uncertain d. Communication campaign. Intends to generation specific effects on the part of a relatively large number of individuals within a specified period of time and through an organized set of communication activities. e. Formative research xi Ongoing tested on intended audience to make sure the campaign in order to improve effectiveness. Compatibility: a) The degree to which an innovation is perceived as consistent with the exiting values, past experiences, and needs of potential adopters b) Compatibility with values and beliefs c) An innovation may be compatible with deeply embedded cultural values but also with previously adopted ideas d) The more compatible innovation with norms and values, the less change in behavior it represents e) Innovation negativism – the degree to which an innovation‟s failure conditions a potential adopter to reject future innovations. f) Compatibility with needs g) Change agents seek to determine the needs of their clients, and then to recommend innovations that fulfill these needs. Complexity i) The degree to which an innovation is perceived as relatively difficult to understand and use. ii) The more complex an innovation is perceived, the slower the rate of adoption xii Trialability i) The degree to which an innovation may be experimented with on a limited basis ii) The more trialable, the greater the rate of adoption Observability i) The degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others ii) Observability is positively related to the rate of adoption Type of Innovation Decision: refers to the number of people involved in the adoption process: a) Optional innovation decisions taken by individuals independent of others, independent of the decisions of other members of the system. b) Collective innovation decision require consensus among many people in a system or organization, allegedly causing adoption to be slower. The choices could be to adopt or reject an innovation. All units of the system must conform to the system‟s decision once it is made. c) Authority innovation decisions involve only a few relatively powerful individuals who possess power, status, or technical expertise can decide on adoption or rejection by a collective decision. Collective and authority decision types are much more common than optional. Authority decisions have the fastest rate of adoption, but can be circumvented during their implementation. d) Contingent innovation decision type is the fourth type in which choices to adopt or reject can be made only after a prior innovation – decision. For example, an individual member of a social system may be free to xiii adopt or not to adopt a new idea only after his/her system‟s innovation decision. Communication Channels: Communication Channel diffusing the innovation at various states in the innovation decision process is: a) Mass media channels: Mass media channels are all those means of transmitting messages that involve a mass medium, such as radio, television, newspapers, and so on, which enables a source to reach an audience of many. b) Interpersonal channels: Interpersonal channels involve a face-to-face exchange between two or more individuals. Localite sources of information belong to the same social system as that of the receivers. Their knowledge about objects and events are restricted, generally confined to the local system. Examples are relatives, friends, neighbours etc. On the other hand, cosmopolite sources of information are from outside the social system of the receivers. Their knowledge about objects and events are wider, and as such, they can bring new ideas to the receivers. Examples are extension agents (personal cosmopolite), mass media (impersonal cosmopolite) etc. c) Hybrid Media: The Internet- New media have emerged that tend to combine the functional properties of mass media and of interpersonal communication. This is because they can potentially reach large numbers of people in many locations, but at the same time support a level of interactivity that is higher than with conventional mass media. Many of the hybrid media are xiv based on technology and often referred to as information and communication technology. Nature of the Social System: Connected largely with social influence and societal characteristics that shape diffusion: Knowledge and perception are subject to social influences and related to social interests. a) Social Norms people‟s, social background, socio cultural values and beliefs. b) Pattern of network interconnectedness in social networks- political contexts and group interest, individual interest in specific interaction settings Extent of Change agent’s promotion efforts: Greatest response to change agent effort occurs when opinion leaders adopt, which usually occurs somewhere between 3 and 16 % adoption in most systems. 2.1.3 Theories of technology adoption: Doss (1999) posits that we must recognize that technology adoption and technology impacts depend on intricate webs of interaction that defy simple generalizations. Farmers have subjective preferences for technology characteristics (Ashby & Sperling, 1992) and these could play major roles in technology adoption. Adoption or rejection of technologies by farmers may reflect rational decision making based upon farmers‟ perceptions of the appropriateness xv (inappropriateness) of the characteristics of the technologies. This means that several factors will determine whether a technology will be adopted or rejected by farmers. Leeuwis (2004) posits that improving food production and fostering economic development is not just a matter of individuals receiving messages and adopting the right technologies, but has more to do with altering interdependences and co-ordination between various actors. 2.1.4 Dimensions of technology adoption: According to Leeuwis model (2004), adoption of technology is pegged on four dimensions: knowledge, interests, ability to do it and being allowed to do it. These four variables can be helpful in understanding what farmers do and not to do at a given time. By doing so it gives us some entry points for contributing to change and innovation. Knowledge. Believe/know, this dimension has to do with the knowledge of the farmers. Whether they understand all the concepts of the whole process and whether they believe they can do it. Wesonga, et al (2002) cites several reasons for neglect of mushroom in developing countries: comparatively little scientific study has been done on tropical mushrooms; literature on mushroom growing is expensive and not aimed at developing countries, unavailable technical skills to produce spawn and suitable strains are hard to find. Interests. The dimension of interests has to do with claims and benefits. Farmers would have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages before they adopt the innovation. For farmers to adopt they have to compare between the advantages and disadvantages of the innovation. According to Odendo et xvi al (2004) women are involved in most of the mushroom management practices even though the decision to venture to mushroom production is highly vested on men. This means that there are power relations in mushroom production above the fact that it also increases the workload for the women. Farmers who want to adopt an innovation must also fully understand the benefits related to it. Ability. Ability relates to farmers‟ access to factors of mushrooms production. The role played by women in rural mushroom production can be very significant because certain parts of the mushroom cultivation process, such as filling substrates in containers and harvesting, are ideally suited for women‟s participation (Marshall & Nair, 2009). Initial costs determine adoption decisions especially in the case of the resource-poor smallholders they may become a limiting factor for adoption (Batz et al, 1999). This means that if farmers are resource poor and access to capital is limited, profitable technologies might not be adopted if it requires a high capital outlay. Another aspect has to do with their conditions in terms of soil fertility, ease of transport to market, availability of inputs etc. The ability of marking the product is important since one of the benefits of the produce is high income then they must be able to market it to realize its benefit. Social pressure. Being allowed to do it has to do with social pressure. Leeuwis (2004) cites that farmers have direct and indirect relationships with other people who often have certain explicit or implicit ideas about what they would like a farmer to do in a specific context. Such factors can include spouses, children, relatives, village leaders, neighbours, communication workers, xvii politicians among others. Thus, it is conceivable that while a farmer holds an attitude towards an innovation that is largely positive, social pressure from his/her neighbours may influence his/her decision to adopt it (Burton, 2004). The interests by farmers to adopt a technology can be based on their perception on its claims and benefits. Singh et al (2008) posits that the high profitability of mushroom can make the unemployed youths, housewives and farmers to be attracted towards this enterprise because the space required for mushroom cultivation is available even at home and the surplus manpower of a family owing mushroom unit can be judiciously utilized. The claims are the perceived disadvantages of the technology. Mushroom production is associated with high labour requirement especially during substrate preparation and sterilization (Odendo et al., 2004). 2.1.5 Impact of new technologies on farmers’ wellbeing and rural livelihood security in India: According to Souvenir, I T M T, (2010): Agricultural innovations and diffusion of new technologies are the important factors in the country's quest for food, nutrition, environmental security and enhancement of income and employment. Agricultural research in India has generated outstanding productivity increases in the past and shall continue to play an important role in supporting rural livelihoods and accelerating rural growth. However, rising population and per capita income are pushing up the food demand, which needs to be met through enhanced productivity per unit area, input, time and energy. At the same time, the issues of decreasing factor productivity and resource use efficiency have also emerged. Furthermore, many promising research findings have not xviii reached the farmers, due to either inadequacies in research designs or research results, deficiencies of delivery systems or lack of economic incentives. This is particularly visible in the complex environments and less favored areas. In order to address the problems of poverty and hunger, it is critical to redirect and augment resources devoted to agricultural research to the farming and livelihood systems of the poor rural communities. Further, to utilize the technological breakthroughs that are already available for commercial use, the agricultural research priorities and strategies will have to be revised and new system wide approaches need to be developed and adopted. 2.2 Mushroom Production and Technology: Mushroom is a simple form of life known as fungus and most of the fungi are the mushroom which can be visible to eye not like other fungi. The origin of the term "MUSHROOM" is from the Latin word "fungo” that means "flourish".Although the benefits and food value to mushroom; there are some poisons type of them. 2.2.1What is mushrooms? According to Miles & Chang (2004): "Mushroom is a macro fungus with a distinctive fruiting body that can be either epigeous (aboveground) or hypogenous (underground) and large enough to be seen with the naked eye and to be picked by hand". That includes both Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes, hypogenous as well as epigeous species, fleshy and non-fleshy textured macro fungi, edible or non-edible, or poisonous or medicinal species. xix 2.2.2Types of mushroom Acording to N.N. Patil (2010): Mushroom were classified into three types according to their growing characteristics. A) Parasitic mushrooms They attack a living host plant, usually a tree and eventually kill it. An example of a parasitic mushroom is the Honey mushroom. This type of mushroom can be cultivated but will require a living host. B) Mycorrhizal mushrooms These mushrooms form a symbiotic relationship with the roots of trees. Examples include the Boletes, Truffles, Chanterelles, and Amanitas. Cultivation of this type of mushroom requires other half of the symbiotic relationship, which is the live tree. It is almost impossible to establish this symbiotic relationship under controlled conditions on a commercial basis. However, success has been achieved with truffles whereby a grower inoculated the roots of small oaks with the mycelium, and then waited for more than ten years before harvesting the truffles. C) Saprophytic mushrooms These grow on dead organic matter such as dead trees, stumps, old roots, grass, straw, compost, etc. Mushroom in this group which are successfully cultivated including Shiitake, Oyster, Champignons or White Button mushrooms (Agaricus spp.), Portobello, Enokitake, Reishi, Maitake, Paddy Straw mushroom, and many others. 2.2.3 Food Value of Mushroom Sufficient food supply is a country's most valuable asset. With increasing population and conventional agricultural methods we cannot cope with xx the food problem. In view of the current energy food crisis it has become most important to make a substantial breakthrough in the technology of food production to meet a serious food deficit situation. According to Nita Bahl (2000) Mushroom provide a rich addition to the diet in the form of protein, carbohydrate, valuable salts and vitamins. As food the nutritional value of mushroom lies between meat and vegetables. Mushroom contains protein which consists of various amino acids. All the essential amino acids required by an adult are present in mushroom. Some of amino acids are absent in vegetable proteins. Protein of mushroom like other fungal protein is intermediate in quality between vegetable and animal protein. Mushroom are a good source of energy, also made similar observations and stated that one pound (454 g) of fresh mushroom provides 120 K calories. 2.2.4 Cultivation of commercial species of mushrooms: N.N. Patil (2010) mentioned: Mushroom are cultivated and consumed worldwide for both culinary and medicinal purposes. The commercial potential of an edible species for any grower depends on a number of factors including edibility and shelf life, local and regional culinary customs, and the existence of a distribution network, among others. Some edible species are cultivated and consumed internationally while other edibles have not yet achieved worldwide culinary appeal and are therefore cultivated only in countries where a local market has developed. Many mushrooms species can be cultivated at home on a small scale using various methods. Since home cultivation is mainly a hobby, the experimentation alone can lead to a satisfactory experience. xxi Commercial cultivation, on the hand, requires reproducible, quantitative results. A steady supply of mushrooms is necessary in order to enable the commercial grower to satisfy the demands of potential customer such as food distributors, supermarkets and restaurants. Cultivation techniques have been determined for a number of edible and medicinal mushroom species, which have a high potential for commercial production. 2.2.5 The prospects of mushroom cultivation: According to Paul S. Teng, (2008): Some reasons are as follows: (1) Mushrooms can convert waste materials into human food by growing on all types of wastes and degrading them by secreting extensive enzyme complexes. (2) Mushrooms are relatively fast-growing organisms, some tropical mushrooms can be harvested and consumed 10 days after spawning. By using different varieties, mushrooms can be producedall year round. (3) Mushroom cultivation is labor-intensive and can provide jobs for many in tropical countries. (4) It requires minimum land unlike other crops, and is again suitable in places where land is scarce and expensive. (5) Mushrooms have been accepted as human food from time immemorial, and can immediately supply additional protein to the human diet. (6) Mushrooms should be used as a type of vegetable; this would be beneficial to the public once it is grown as widely and cheaply as other common vegetables. xxii (7) It represents one of the world‟s greatest relatively untapped source of nutritious and palatable food for the future. 2.2.6 Factors influence mushroom cultivation: According to Soliman, H. et al (2013).: They are many factors are important when the process of mushroom cultivation, are as follows: Sanitary measures: a) The cultivation room should be easily closed. b) Windows and openings lined with wire net to prevent insects and rats from entering the room. c) Room floor made from concrete with smooth surface of ceramics. d) The room equipped with drainage facilities. Humidity: Humidity of the production room: The relative in the production room should be kept between 70 – 80%. It should be emphasized that under lower humidity the substrate becomes dry and the product fruits become wilted and dry. To achieve the desirable humidity, the room ground should be sprayed with water. Water on the room ground should be changed every day to avoid accumulation of contaminants. Humidity of substrate: The fungi mycelium grow well on wet substrate (65% moisture). Increasing water content of substrate reduces aeration and encourages xxiii the growth of bacteria. Reducing water content of substrate affects the growth of fungi and reduces its substrate degrading function. Temperature: Optimum room temperature for maximum fruit growth range between (18 - 25)ᵒ C. Fruiting starts 7 – 10 days after the end of the incubation period and the removal of the plastic covers. Aeration: Aeration is an important factor to produce good quality mushrooms. The room should be aerated by opening the windows or providing it with a ventilator. If aeration is poor, stems of fruits are prolonged and production of fruits without caps take place. Lighting: Direct sunlight should be avoided as it has a negative effect on the quality of the fruits produced. Oyster mushroom require (3 – 4) hrs light daily. This could be provided by indirect sunlight or by electric light, increasing the intensity of light produces undesirable dark colored fruits . 2.2.7 Enterprise Issues in Mushroom Businesses: Mushroom cultivation is big business in North America, Between 2002 to 2003, 260 mushroom growers in the USA produced more than 383 million kilograms of mushrooms. Certified organic mushrooms accounted for only 1% of all sales, although 12% of growers were certified organic. xxiv The vast bulk of sales were of the Agaricus species, which includes white button mushrooms, portobellas and criminis. Total production of Auricularia spp. in 1991 exceeded 465,000 tons in fresh weight. This value is an increase of 346,000 tons or 290% over the net weight of mushrooms produced in 1986. (Chang, 1993). Auricularia spp. production now represents about 11% of the total cultivated mushroom supply worldwide. Worldwide production of F.velutipes (enoki) has increased from about 100,000 tons in 1986 to about 187,000 tons in 1991. Japan is the main producer of enoki. In 1986, Japan produced 74,387 tons; by 1991, production had risen to 95,123 tons. In 1993, Japan produced 103,357 tons. From these data, it is evident that a faster growth rate, in terms of total production, is being enjoyed by other countries. In the United States, for example, enoki production has increased at an estimated rate of 25% or more per year for the last four years. Production of the straw mushroom increased from 178,000 tons in 1986 to about 253,000 tons in 1991. Volvariella accounts for approximately 6% of the total worldwide production of edible mushrooms. Countries like Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines have active homegrown mushroom industries supplying the fresh produce market. 2.2.8 Marketing channels of mushroom production: Marketing channel is defined as a set of interdependent organizations that help make a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumers (Kotler, 2010). xxv The chain of intermediaries through which the various farm commodities pass between producers and consumers is called marketing channel. The existence of the agricultural farm depends on the marketing channel mainly because the agricultural commodities move from farmers to ultimate consumers through various market intermediaries that operate in the marketing system and marketing efficiency. However, market linkage is the most appropriate in the context of the farmers‟ involvement and the market to supply goods to consumers (Kit. et al., 2006; and Shepherd, 2007). Usually, marketing channel links the producers and consumers, and thereby supplying goods from producers to consumers. A large number of intermediaries are involved in the marketing channels and they earn their daily livelihoods. 2.2.9 Impact of mushroom production on rural area development and livelihood security: Now mushroom is being cultivated in more than 100 countries of the world and the estimated total production is over 12 million tons (Suman and Sharma, 2007). Mushroom is considered as one of the important food items since ancient time and its consumption is being increased over the period for its significant role in human health, nutrition and diseases (Suzuki and Oshima, 1976; Uddin, et al., 2011). The edible mushrooms are also good source of protein, vitamins and minerals (Khan et al., 1981). Recently, unemployment is increasing rapidly both in developed and developing countries. In this situation, self-employment can be one important way to increase employment rate for small, marginal poor farm households for generating employment and earning extra money. They xxvi can easily cultivate mushroom in their home yard because it requires small piece of land where mushrooms can be grown. The objectives of rural development in developing countries are mainly diversification of rural income and attaining a competitive structure for agriculture in order to increase job opportunities and development. Small family farms are disadvantaged groups since they do not have enough land to produce crops and raise animal. Also rural environment can be protected by improvement of Environmental-Friendly Agricultural Practices. Especially, farmers in forest villages both do not have agricultural land and have to protect forest ecosystem. Mushroom production can be meaningful to the extent that non agricultural job and income opportunities. Intensive type of mushroom production could provide good alternative income opportunities for small family enterprises since they do not have adequate land to produce crops and raise animal. Also, mushroom production gives additional/alternative income to farmers looking for a value-added product and a way to supplement farm income while making use of by products or co-products from other crops. Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) production is a lucrative and profitable cottage industry for low income rural households (Lelley, 1988) and this industry is providing full or part time employment to rural and urban poor and marginal people in many developing countries (Ferchak and Croucher, 2001. 2.2.10 Mushroom project in Sudan: Increasing attention is being given to the role of smallholder subsistence agriculture in ensuring the food security of the African continent, as 73% of the rural population consists of smallholder farmers. In sub-Saharan xxvii Africa, agriculture accounts for approximately 21% of the continents GDP and women contribute about 60 – 80% of the labor used to produce food both for household consumption and for sale. The important role of smallholder subsistence farmers in Sudan, of which the majority are women, was highlighted in several occasions. Women constitute 80% of the farmers in the traditional sector and 49% in the irrigated sector. According to mushroom project publication: in Sudan, the ten year strategy plan targeting the agricultural sector encouraged foreign investment and large scale farming through providing access to productive resources such as land, irrigation, credit, technology, extension services and training. This has adversely affected small and marginal farmers leading to a wide spread of poverty among them. The importance of this shift has put a tremendous strain on small and marginal farmers especially women who are concentrated in the subsistence sector and whose ability to move into large scale farming is limited by various constraints, including: a) Time (double burden of productive and reproductive tasks). b) Systemic (low access to credit, technological packages and marketing information). c) Socio-cultural (traditional responsibility for feeding and care of the household). Over the years, mushroom production has proved to be a successful solution to poverty and health among smallholder subsistence agriculture. Mushroom production has shifted small and marginal farmers to a better position, a legacy of such success is still echoing in India and China rural areas. Nowadays mushroom consumption is picking up due to the arrival xxviii of many investors from Asia in addition to the increase in awareness among Sudanese on the important of mushroom. This is quite evident from the statistics of consumption especially in Khartoum State, the location of this project. In 2010, Al Zaeim Al Azhari University, Sudan, in partnership with Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, India, establish mushroom project entitle "Mushroom technology and farming for livelihood security of small and marginal farmers of Khartoum State, Sudan“. The project was funded under programme known as; Development Partnership in Higher Education (Del PHE) and administrated by the British Council and the Department for International Development (DFID). The project team included Dr. A.I.Abdalla ,Dr. O . Abdal Maboud ,Dr. H. H. M. Khalaf and Dr Mustafa Yousif Mohammed .The project aimed to the introduction of mushroom species including Agaricus bispours, Lentinus edodes, Pleurotus florida, Pleurotus sajur caju, Ganoderma and milky mushroom. These strains has been introduced from India, Malaysia & Egypt. 2.2.11 The Objectives and anticipated outcome of Mushroom Project in Sudan: The overall objectives and anticipated outcomes of the project are summarized in the following: 1. Introduction of Mushroom Technology and Farming to a large deprived sector of small and marginal farmers that possess diet which consistently been marked as poor in term of diversity, quantity and quality. xxix Anticipated outcome: The of mushroom technology and farming is expected to enhance the diversity and quality of vegetables consumed by farmers, providing this sector of the society with an additional vegetable of high quality proteins, minerals and vitamins which can be of direct benefit to human health and fitness. 2. Introducing Mushroom Technology and Farming in the curriculum and research activities of the faculty of Agriculture at Al Zaiem Al Azhari University. Anticipated outcome: Acquainting students and faculty with the subject, stimulating research interests and initiating training program, extension activity and degree program in area of mushroom science and technology. 3. Improving production cycle and minimizing the impact of seasonality of production by integrating mushroom farming inbetween main crops when the farming schedule is light. Anticipated outcome: This will generate an additional family income that will bring an equitable economic growth in income of small and marginal farmers around Khartoum State. 4. Providing the knowledge and skill to initial a cottage industry on mushroom to farmers, extension and microfinance bodies. xxx Anticipated outcome: Providing a mean for generating employment, particularly for rural women and youths in order to raise their social status. 5. Better management and recycling of farms waste product in the production of mushroom. Anticipated outcome: Stimulate green attitudes, reduce environment pollution and build awareness on organic farming around farmers of Khartoum State. xxxi CHAPTER FIVE SUMMARY, CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter devoted to the Summary of the finding of the research, Conclusion and testing of hypothesis and the recommendation. One hundred and seventy three (farmers, rural women, small investors, disables and graduates) of Khartoum state trained on mushroom production technology. All respondents who exposed to the training in mushroom production were interviewed using questionnaire addresse the farmer‟s personal characteristics and their knowledge about mushroom production before and after training. The collected data were fed to computer and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) frequencies; percentage and chisquare test were calculated. A significance level of 0.05 was used in comparisons of the collected data. 5.1. Summary of finding: High percentage (78%) of the respondents in the age group (20 – 50) years. Almost the gender of the respondents distributed equally (55 %) of them were female and (45%) were male. High percentage (73%) of the respondents were Graduate and Post Graduate education. Average percentages (53 %) of the respondents were single. xxxii A percentage of (28%) of the respondents their agricultural holdings was less than 5 acres. A percentage of (36%) of the respondents income is less than five thousand pounds. A percentage (64%) of the respondents did not have any information about mushroom production before interviewees training, after training all showed (100%) adequate information about mushroom production. The majorities of respondents (86%) did not have knowledge about method of mushroom producing before training, after training all interviewees showed (100%) adequate knowledge about mushroom production. An average percentage (36%) of the respondents mentioned that mushroom cultivated directly in the soil before their exposed to training, but after the training, 41% of them mentioned mushroom cultivated on special pre-prepared medium. The majority of respondents (73%) did not have knowledge about types of mushroom before training, after training all interviewees showed (100%) adequate knowledge about types of mushroom. An average percentage (61%) of the respondents did not have the knowledge about benefits of mushroom food before training, after training all interviewees showed (100%) adequate knowledge about benefits of mushroom food. xxxiii The majority of respondents (87%) did not have the knowledge about benefits of medicinal mushrooms before training, but after training all interviewees showed (100%) adequate knowledge about benefits of medicinal mushroom. The majority of respondents (79%) did not have the knowledge about economic benefits of mushroom before training, but after training all interviewees showed (100%) adequate knowledge about economic benefits of mushroom. The majority of respondents (90%) did not have the knowledge about social benefits of mushroom before training, after training all interviewees showed (100%) adequate knowledge about social benefits of mushroom. High percentage (98%) of the respondents never exposed to training on mushroom production before training, but after training all interviewees showed (100%) have exposed to training on mushroom production. The majority of respondents (84%) desire for training on mushroom production mainly for investment. xxxiv 5.2 Conclusion: 5.2.1. The impact of training on mushroom production for respondents had clear impact on changing their knowledge towards adoption of mushroom production in Khartoum state in all selected items. 5.2.2 All chi-square test for dependency of respondents personal characteristics not significant to their desire in training except the character of their gender. Dependence on the above conclusions the author accepted the following hypothesis: Training has a positive impact in changing respondents knowledge toward adopting mushroom production technologies. Not all respondents personal characteristics have a positive impact towards adoption of mushroom production technologies. xxxv 5.3 Recommendations: Based upon the findings of this study the author recommended the following: 5.3.1 To the Al Zaeim Al Azhari University: Intensification of production of mushroom seeds in mushroom production unit, for providing all the desired farmers in Khartoum state in particular and desired farmers in Sudan in general. Continuation and expansion of training sessions on mushroom production to cover wide range of farmers in whole country. Encouraging the trained farmers to start their production of mushroom in associations to ensure and organize the production and marketing processes. 5.3.2 To the Department of Agricultural Extension in Khartoum: Activating the role of agricultural extension to work on the deployment of mushroom production technologies among state farmers. Working intensively on introducing and diffusion of mushroom as a promised future food to the Sudanese food table. 5.3.3To the state Ministry of Agriculture: Support and develop the project of mushroom production in Khartoum in particular and Sudan as general. Adopting clear strategy for the diffusion and dissemination of mushroom production technology throughout the country. xxxvi REFERENCES Ashby, J. and Sperling, L., (1992) Institutionalizing participatory, client-driven research and technology development in agriculture. Paper presented at the Meeting of the CGIAR Social Scientists, 15-22 September, The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 115-122. Badr ,Ahmad.( 2005) mushroom growers' handbook 2, shiitake cultivation Mushroom. Bahl, Nita. (2005) Handbook on Mushroom (Fourth Edition) Printed at Chaman Enterprises, New Delhi. BATZ, F. J., et al. (1999). The influence of technology characteristics on the rate and speed of adoption. Agricultural Economics.pp 21, 121-130. Burton, R. J. F. 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FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.1, April 2000 http://www.fao.org/docrep/004/X4868E/x4868e11.htm www.sudabids.com/reports1-archive.php?id=1065ar.wikipedia.org / wiki xl APPENDIX Al Zaeim Al Azhari University Faculty of Agriculture Mushroom technology and farming project Age: 20 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50 51 – 60 more than 60 Gender: male female ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Education: Illiterate Primary education Intermediate education Secondary Education Graduate education Post Graduate marital status: Married Single Widow Divorce ) ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( Size of holding less than 5 5 – 10 11 – 15 16 – 20 more than 20 ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Income: less than 5 thousand pounds 5 – 10 thousand pounds more than 10 thousand pounds ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) xli ( ( ( Have you any information about mushroom? Yes ( ) No ( ) DO you know mushroom production methods ? Yes ( ) No ( ) Where is mushroom cultivation? soil ) ( lab ) ( Natural environment ) ( Industrial environment ) ( The species of mushrooms? Did you know Yes ( ) No ( ) Know the benefits and value of mushroom as a food? Did you Yes ( ) No ( ) Know the mushroom medicinal values? Did you Yes ( ) No ( ) know the economic benefits and value of mushrooms? Did you Yes ( ) No ( ) know the social benefits of mushrooms? Did you Yes ( ) No ( ) Are you exposed to previous training on mushroom production technology? Yes ( ) No ( ) Why do you desire in training? general information for investment open training ) ) ) xlii ( ( ( ثسن هللا السحوي السحين جبهعخ الصعين االشُسي كليخ الصزاعخ هشسوع روطيي رمبًخ وإًزبج فطس الوشسوم أسزجبًخ الزدزيت للوصازعيي العوس : 30 – 20سٌخ 40 – 31سٌخ 50 – 41سٌخ 60 – 51سٌخ أكثس هي 60سٌخ الٌوع: ذكس ( أًثي ( ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ( ( ( ) ) الوسزوى الزعليوي: ( أهي ( إثزدائي ( هزوسط ( ثبًوي ( جبهعي فوق جبهعي ( ) ) ) ) ) ) الحبلخ االجزوبعيخ: ) هزصوج ( ) عبشة ( ) ( ازهل ) هطلك ( حجن الحيبشح: ألل هي 5فداى 10 – 5فداى 15 – 11فداى 20 – 16فداى أكثس هي 20فداى ( ( ( ( ( الدخل السٌوي: ألل هي 5الف جٌيَ ( ( 10 – 5الف جٌيَ أكثس هي 10الف جٌيَ ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) xliii ُل رعسف أي هعلوهخ عي فطس الوشسوم؟ ) ًعن ( ) ال ( ُل رعسف طسيمخ اًزبج ُرا الفطس؟ ) ًعن ( ) ال ( في زأيك أيي يصزع ُرا الفطس؟ ) ( في الزسثخ ) ( في الوعول ) في ثيئخ طجيعيخ ( ) في ثيئخ صٌبعيخ ( ُل رعسف أًواع الفطس الوسزصزع هٌَ؟ ) ًعن ( ) ال ( ُل رعسف فوائد ُرا الفطس الغرائيخ؟ ) ًعن ( ) ال ( ُل رعسف فوائد ُرا الفطس الطجيخ؟ ) ًعن ( ) ال ( ُل رعسف فوائد الزصبديخ؟ ) ًعن ( ) ال ( ُل رعسف فوائد الفطس االجزوبعيخ؟ ) ًعن ( ) ال ( ُل رلميذ دوزح ردزيجيخ في هجبل رمبًخ اًزبج فطس الوشسوم؟ ) ًعن ( ) ال ( لوب رسغت في الزدزيت في ُرٍ الدوزاد؟ ) ( للوعسفخ العبهخ فمط ) لالسزثوبز في هجبل إًزبجَ ( ) ( الى الزدزيت هجبًي xliv
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