Vol 22. No. 14 Saturday, 18th of april, 2015 Pages 8, Price 2.00 NFA NUEW Reaches Out to Young Members, Says Chairwoman Qatar Supports Ministry of Agriculture’s Locust Eradication Programme The Ministry of Agriculture has secured around USD 200 thousand from Qatar in donation for combating desert locust. The Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Arefaine Berhe, said that Eritrea is working on priority basis to combat desert locust, and that the support would be channeled for the purchase of pesticides. Similarly, Mr. Huruy Asgedom, Director General of Agricultural Inspection, stated that due attention is given to the implementation of the program. In handing the donation, the Qatari Ambassador to Eritrea, Mr. Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Himedi, noted that the Eritrean government is exerting vigorous endeav- At a meeting in Hagaz town the religious leaders and youth friends called for exerting integrated efforts on the part of the community towards upgrading student competence. Father Gebriel Ukbu, head of the Catholic Church in Hagaz, explained the importance of conducting early follow up on students, and that a new library would be opened in Hagaz that could help in the efforts of nurturing competent students and develop the culture of reading. Sheik Mohammed Ahmed Mantai, head of the Islamic Aukaf in the sub-zone, called on the students to seriously concentrate in their education taking into consideration the huge investment the Government is making for the development of education. Mr. Mohammed-Ali Bidiho, member of the Anseba Regional Assembly, called on the students to refrain from harmful practices and focus on their education. Likewise, Cap. Yohannes Tekle, members of the youth friends, called on the students to equip themselves with theoretical and practical education and work for their better future. The participants on their part commending for the opportunities they have been provided, expressed resolve to become exemplary students. In other related news from the region, the Health Ministry’s branch in Keren sub-zone, in collaboration with the Education Ministry, the NUEYS and NUEW, has organized promotional activity at Keren Stadium focusing on ensuring mother and child well being. Mr. Dirar Gebreab, head of health institutions in the sub-zone, said that the event is aimed at promoting community-led health activities, expanding vaccination coverage, prenatal and antenatal care, doing away with female genital mutilation, underage marriage and combating sexual transmitted diseases. Ms. Letenigus Abraha, Committee member, pointed out that the nation’s impressive achievement in the health sector attests to the enhanced efforts being made by the Ministry and partners. Activities highlighting the significance of mother and child wellbeing featured on the occasion. Up scaling student competence ors for the development of the Agriculture sector. In this regard, the donation is aimed at reinforcing such endeavors, he stressed. The Chairwoman of the National Union of Eritrean Women, Ms. Tekha Tesfamichael, said that nurturing competent young members and organizing effective promotional activities are among the priorities of the Union. She made the remarks during an interview with the national media. The NUEW Chairwoman went on to explain that the Union is exerting the necessary effort to raise the organizational and economic capacity of female nationals. She noted the significance of women’s active economic participation, and that the NUEW is exerting persistent endeavors to this end in collaboration with partners. Eritrean women are playing active role in the nation-building process as they did in the days of the armed struggle for independence, she added. Moreover, Ms. Tekha explained that the tour and meetings by the Union’s envoy in the United States and Europe have made it possible to portray Eritrea’s correct image and that of the NUEW. The NUEW Chairwoman went on to remind members of the Central Council and pertinent bodies to enhance role with a view to realizing the set goals. A Rally for Truth, Peace, Justice and Eritrea in Oakland, CA Eritrean community members residing in California, USA, held a Rally for Truth, Peace, Justice and Eritrea in connection with the 13th anniversary of the final and binding ruling of the EritreaEthiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC) on border delimitation. Over 500 Eritrean citizens and Friends from San Francisco, Santa Rosa and San Jose cities participated in the rally chanting slogans for “Peace and Justice” and “End of Ethiopian occupation of sovereign Eritrean territories, in addition to disseminating brochures and pamphlets portraying Eritrea’s correct image. Likewise, representatives of the event handed memorandum that was delivered by the Eritrean Cyclists in Geneva city, to the UN headquarters and over 5,000 signatures of the participants to the representative of US Congresswoman, Barbara Lee. Meanwhile, Coalition of Eritrean-Canadian Communities and organizations called on the international community to put an end to UN Security Council Sanction Resolutions and to compel Ethiopia to immediately put an end its illegal occupation of sovereign Eritrean territories. In other related news, Eritrean organizations in Germany held a rally in connection with the 13th anniversary of the final and binding ruling of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC) on border delimitation and to put an end to Ethiopian occupation of sovereign Eritrean territories. The participants of the rally have disseminated brochures and pamphlets in their respective cities of habitat portraying Eritrea’s correct image and to put an end to the illegal and unjust UN sanctions against Eritrea. Moreover, a memorandum was delivered to the German Foreign Minister, committee members of external affairs in the German Parliament, City Mayors and Administrators, Party heads, members of the German Regional Assemblies, apart from journalists who were documenting the event. 2 Eritrea Profile, Saturday 18th of april, 2015 Could Never Be Riper Solomon Mengsteab The history of Africa is dominated by the scars of the wounds inflicted by the darkest side of human malice. We, Africans, are the most exploited, humiliated and tormented people in the whole wide world. The western world has committed the worst immoral and inhumane atrocities which are too cruel to inflict upon any living thing let alone human being. For hundreds of years, Europeans have treated Africans incomparably worse than they treat domesticated or wiled beasts. Even though slaves were bought and sold as if they were animals, the dreadful life they had was far worse than that of the animals. The slave/colonial masters hardly tortured, starved, raped and/or murdered their horses, donkeys, cows or dogs. The slaves and servants on the other hand, suffered from these and a great many more anguishes of despicable callous, in addition to the utter labor exploitation, under their respective masters. The details of the torment Africans underwent in those days could not have been up until now or will not have been in any future, listed and exhibited adequately in any history books that have or shall have ever been written. That was long time ago nonetheless. Time has passed, things have changed we are not chained and goaded to the market any more like beasts. We are neither compelled to serve Europeans on our own soil as if they were divine masters. We are free, have sovereign countries and once more we are at liberty to decide what is best for us and lead our lives as we see them fit. Well, at least in principle. On the other hand, in de facto things haven’t really changed. Although time has passed and the days of slavery and colonization are officially long gone, the affliction of Africans Published Every Saturday & Wednesday Managing Director Azzazi Zeremariam Acting Editor Amanuel Mesfun [email protected] P.O.Box: 247 Tel: 11-41-14 Fax: 12-77-49 E-mail: profile@ zena.gov.er Advertisement: 12-50-13 Layout azieb habtemariam still persists on; just in different form, just by different agents. Despite all the flaunting conspicuous political changes that have emancipated Africa from the colonial rule, the multi-layered agonies of its people, if not worsened, have never been circumscribed. As if intended and determined to practically demonstrate the enigmatic paradox of nature, this long awaited and highly expected change, independence, didn’t change the life of Africans much; hasn’t brought about that much of independence, in all forms, whether political, economic, social or cultural. It seems it is as it’s widely said; the more things change the more they stay the same. All sorts of political systems and ideologies have been hypothesized and experimented throughout the continent. The so called democratic multi-party system, a single party system, Marxism, socialism, African socialism, ethnic federalism, all forms of civil and military dictatorship etc. Yet, the fate of the people of Africa didn’t vary as much as the diversity of the systems that have been attempted to be imposed. Some may fancy arguing that a lot has changed since the abolition of colonization. Such argument may set its premises on the fact that the GDP of African states is much larger than that of the days if independence. True, today the GDP of some African countries may be a lot larger than the others, there may be a great many rich in some African nations than the others and there may be a few skyscrapers in some major cities of the continent. There are even African multi-billionaires today. However, the lives of the vast majority of the people of Africa, the poor, haven’t changed at all. The British manage to be among the major economic and political powers in the world for centuries under, though constitutional yet still, a monarchy. The United States, led by dual party electoral system applying the state federalism is the contemporary super economic and political power on the globe. The ex-Soviet Union was one of the two power houses on the face of the earth for almost half a century during the Cold War under Marxism. Germany was super power trying to take over the world under the totalitarian rule of Hitler. Under a single party system, at the moment the Chinese are the second largest economy on the planet growing in an astonishing rate; expected to surpass the USA, the leading economic power, with in the next decade. The list can go on, world history is filled with these and many more histories of economic boom and/or political heydays of nations under different ideologies led by different political systems. Yet still, despite the countless attempts on the continent of Africa to apply all the systems mentioned above and a great many more, no African nation was ever successful in bringing none of the episodes of such heydays to its people, as a whole. Africa is a bountiful continent concerning natural resources. The continent is blessed with plentiful water resources which combined with the fertile land it possesses could feed not just Africans but the entire world. But then, the people of Africa, not once or twice but quite often, not in particular area but almost at every corner have died because of famine and have been constrained to be at the mercy of humiliating foreign alms. The most sought after minerals such as gas, gold, diamonds one can just name it, and they are, without a doubt, in abundance in Africa. But then again, others mine these and many other precious blessings or nature form our land, refine them with our labor, pirate and ship them to their countries greedily and relish the spoils prodigally. All the while the majority of the population of our beloved continent is toiling to survive in harsh conditions; living hand to mouth not even on the poverty line but ‘below poverty line.’ Born in the richest continent in the world and rightfully supposed to live and die in abundance, Africans are compelled and cheated into punitive life of drudgery, affliction and agonizing mendicancy. Labor is never in scarcity in Africa. Africans possess all the attributes required in good labor force; ability, motive and skill. To the opposite of the western world’s cliché implying, and sometimes blatantly inferring, that we are lazy, Africans actually work very hard. One of the reasons historians provide for the shipment of hundreds of thousands of slaves across the Atlantic by the Europeans was the physical capability of Africans for hard work. Even today, western companies make sure that the most exacting part of processing the minerals or agricultural products they plunder is done here on African soil, and that is not a mere co- incidence. There is no question to the motivation of the vast majority of Africans for hard work; simply, it is their daily meal. For, nothing motivates an individual to work than an impending ominous threat of starvation and death. Today, the preponderance percentage of the people of Africa toil hard just to manage a daily scrap. Furthermore, the number of highly educated Africans all over the world makes an axiomatic statement to the potential of skill in this tremendous working force, provided proper education and training. Africa has it all, the natural resource, the labor force, the motive, and the momentarily sufficient and potentially promising skill. The only factor missing in the equation is the conduit to coalesce these into the desired destination in harmonized collaboration. The combining force that guides all these blessings to make Africa better is a clear ideology and efficient and institutionalized economic and political systems. But not facsimiles of the hackneyed ideologies or replicas of political systems from abroad; this time we need something original. We need an indigenous ideological apparatus and institutionalized political system born out of it. We need a new way of doing things unspoiled by outsiders, an ideology that has its roots, environs and most importantly motivations on our own geographic, social, economic and political realities. After a long era of being dependent and looking overseas for the solutions of our problems the time could never be riper than now to look for our remedy in our own land. 3 Eritrea Profile, Saturday 18th of april, 2015 “The Book And The Film “Wedi Hadera Has Been The Greatest Gifts In My Life”: Wedi Hadera expectation. I have been for the first time to the Cinema Hall and when I saw many people there to attend the ceremony I was very proud. -How did you find the film? It is fantastic. It tells the whole story. And I liked the main character that represented me. He did it very well. -What are you doing in AliGidir? I am in Ali-Gidir as a farmer and I live there with my family. -How did you get the nick-name Wedi Hadera? It in the 60s. One from our colleagues gave me the name. -Wedi-Hadera I hope we shall meet at the inauguration of the second part of the film and thank you. Thank you very much! Vacancy Notice No. 2015/01 The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Eritrea invites applications from suitably qualified Eritrean nationals By: Yishak Yared There was a special occasion on Saturday, 28 March 2015. It has been the inauguration ceremony of the film “Wedi Hadera” that has been produced in the form of film from the book “Wedi Hadera” written in 1985 by Mr. Alemseged Tesfai. The film has been produced in cooperation with the PFDJ Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of Health. After the end of the film a special guest came to the podium at an invitation of Mr. Alemseged Tesfai. That special guest was the owner of the story Mr. Woldemichael Fitur (a.k.a. Wedi Hadera). Our guest today is Wedi-Hadera. An excerpt of the interview follows. -Please tell us about yourself? I don’t actually remember the year I was born. I am somewhere in 80 years old. I was born at Deki-Shehai and when I was a child I moved with my parents to Badime and I grew up there. -Why did you move to Badime? The land is very fertile and as farmers we went to a better place for farming. I was there working as a shepherd. -What then? During that time grownups used to go to the bush for living as part of demonstrating their manhood. And I, like others, went to the bush to live. Such a behavior has been considered as bandits. And people used to respect you because they took you as a hero. -For how many years did you stay in the bush? I lived there for about five years. -The film that has been inaugurated on the 28 of March narrates your history and it has been first written in the form of a book in 1985. When and where did you meet with the writer of the book, Mr. Alemseged Tesfai? After he heard my story, Alemseged came to Nakfa where I have been stationed as EPLF combatant and he told me that he wants to write my story. At first I tried to tell him that I have no history worth to be written. But he convinced me and I told him the entire story that I had to go through. -How did Mr. Alemseged came to know about your history? Once I have been at Seber-Kete medical center recovering from my wound. At that time several combatants including the late artist Isaias Tsegai were there. I used to tell them my past adventures in the bushes. And the story reached Alemseged Tesfai. With that he came to meet me in 1984 at Jelhanti. -How did you feel when the book was published? I was very much exited. I feel that was the greatest gift in my life. And when I saw the film I have no words to describe my happiness. -How far did the book introduced you with the public? After the publication of the book many combatants started talking about me. And after independence a lot of people talk about me whenever they see me walking on the street. -When did you come to know that the book was to be produced in the form of a film? Alemseged called me to Asmara and told me that the book is to be produced in the form of a film. I automatically agreed and wished them good luck. And I was cordially invited at the inauguration of the film. -How was the inauguration ceremony? It was fantastic and beyond my for the post of Education Specialist. TYPE OF APPOINTMENT: Fixed-Term DURATION: One year LEVEL: NO-03 DUTY STATION: Asmara PURPOSE: Under the general supervision of the Chief, Education P—4, responsible for the management, planning, programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of UNICEF’s assistance on policy and quality education to the Ministry of Education, assisting the Government in the mobilization of the education sector for children’s learning, development and welfare. MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: 1.Assist the Government in planning, programming, implementing, monitoring and coordinating UNICEF supported education projects by: • Providing the necessary technical support and skills to plan and carry out effective, efficient and equitable children and women centered programmes and to more fruitfully utilize external assistance. • Ensuring that education programmes are coordinated with overall development programmes and effects. • Undertaking monitoring and data collection for the evaluation of projects. 2. Support policy and advocacy in education so that appropriate policies, strategies and actions are adopted to promote EFA (Education for ALL) attainment of MDG 2 & 3 and the post 2015 SDG, MTSP as well as direct educational programmes to the needs of disadvantaged children and women so that they benefit from UNICEF’s assistance and national efforts by: - Enhancing the partnership between education and other social sectors. - Initiating, planning and organizing workshops/seminars in relevant areas. 3. Ensure that UNICEF meets its support obligations adequately and on time by managing and controlling the provision of critical inputs by supervising the maintenance and updating of tools. Contribute to the development of sectoral documents for the CPR and plans of Action and other programme documents. 4. Ensure that the Government’s obligations in terms of reporting, monitoring, supervision, provision of personnel and funds for UNICEF supported activities are being met by: -Attending meetings to discuss the performance of supported activities and follow-up on mutually agreed courses of action. - Undertaking field trips and reporting findings, identifying operational constraints experienced and recommending actions for improved implementation. - Ensuring that UNICEF’s inputs are put to proper use as agreed in the plan of operation and plan of actions and the rolling work plans signed with the Government. 5. Ensure that other technical resources are fully utilized in UNICEF supported education activities as well as develop and maintain contacts with national and international agencies as well as other UN and bilateral agencies with a view of enhancing the complementation of efforts. 6. Prepare donor implementation and progress reports on the performance of assisted projects as appropriate; prepare programme/project status, reports required for management, board, budget review, programme analysis and annual reports etc. 7. Initiate and arrange technical support for undertaking surveys, studies, researches and evaluations to better document the effectiveness and efficiency of the education system. 8. Undertake any other duties assigned by the Head of the Section. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE: Education: Advanced University degree in Education or Social Sciences or a good first degree in Education or Social Sciences plus at least seven years of continuous service in the field of education programme planning, management and evaluation. Experience in a humanitarian, development, transition or emergency context will be an advantage. Work Experience: Advanced University degree in Education or Social Sciences or a good first degree in Education or Social Sciences plus at least seven years of continuous service in the field of education programme planning, management and evaluation. Experience in a humanitarian, development, transition or emergency context will be an advantage. Language: Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of any of the local languages of the duty station will be advantageous CANDIDATES SHOULD PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF COMPLETION/EXEMPTION FROM NATIONAL SERVICE. PLEASE NOTE THAT COMPLETION/EXEMPTION OF NATIONAL SERVICE IS A REQUIREMENT. COPY OF CARD/EXEMPTION MUST BE ATTACHED. APPLICATIONS WITHOUT THIS REQUIREMENT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Closing date of Application: Two weeks from date of advertisement Only qualified candidates will be short listed and invited for the interview. Please mail a recent CV and photocopies of academic qualifications including telephone numbers or post office box indicating Vacancy Number 2015/01 in a sealed envelope addressed to: Chief of Operations UNICEF Eritrea P.O. Box 2004 Asmara Quote: Education Specialist Please note that UNICEF is a smoke-free environment. Eritrea Profile, Saturday 18th of april, 2015 Job Title & number required ADS Mine Foreman (02)ማይንፎርማን Responsible for coordinating and overseeing mining activities on shift and ensuring optimum utilization and efficient of machinery and the recovery of commodity bearing ore according to production targets with the assistance of the various mine technical systems deployed on the mine. Ensures adherence to the Mine Health, Safety and Environmental procedures and legal requirements Co-ordinates the shift handover by checking physical mining activities and communicates to relevant peers, supervisors and employees Plan activities in accordance with operational and maintenance schedules (short term production targets) and allocates Duties & Responsibilities resources as required by utilizing the fleet management systems capabilities Co-ordinates and monitors mining activities to ensure adherence to mine standards and operational targets and efficiencies Liaises with internal and external stakeholders of various mining processes to ensure operational optimization Utilizes the different mining technical systems facilities and functionalities to monitor, optimize and manage loading, hauling, drilling and support equipment. Gathers, analyzes and trends relevant mining activities information to compile reports according to departmental procedures and requirements. And as per Job Description. Excellent leadership and organizational skills. Solid written, verbal communication and group presentation skills, Experience Knowledge & Skill with MS office software and functional keyboard skills, Excellent working knowledge of all aspects of mining operational theory Requirement including open pit operation. Excellent knowledge of consumable products used in the mining industry including their safe use and applications. Ability to effectively plan daily, weekly and monthly work activities. Education High School graduate with a Demonstrated ability to organize, direct and supervise work. Minimum of 3-5 years varied operations experience, including supervisory, within an open pit mining environment,2 years’ Experience Required experience as a Dispatcher of Open Pit Mining Equipment. Physical Requirement To be able to pass a full Doctor’s examination. To be available to work in accordance with ZMSC rosters. Job Title & number required Mine Services Foreman (01)ማይንሰርቪሰስፎርማን Duties & Responsibilities Coordinate all daily operations and tasks involved in the mine operation and services department. These will include, but are not limited to: Regular daily operation work and mine service road building and maintenance Site waste disposal and reclamation work Drainage work Special projects, such as Tailings dam, and any other construction projects that require earthworks. Complete all tasks in a safe, productive and timely manner. Coordinate and manage sub-contractors that may be required to complete the above operations. Be involved in longer term planning for the above operations. Promote safety to staff within the operation. Complete area safety inspections as required. Conduct/attend weekly safety meeting. Complete all reporting requirements. Maintain excellent housekeeping standards throughout the mine. Ensure inspections are completed on contractor and BGC equipment on a daily basis and risk assessment is completed before commencing new project, or the ones that do not take place often. And as per Job Description. Knowledge Requirement Education & Skill Good leadership and supervision experience. Communicating skill. Team work skill. Excellent English. Experience Required Mine Engineering Degree. Mining experience. Physical Requirement To be able to pass a full Doctor’s examination. To be available to work in accordance with ZMSC rosters. Job Title & number required Mobile Equipment Coordinator (02)ሞባይልኢኩይፕመንትኮኦርዲነተር Duties & Responsibilities Manage and administrate company mobile equipment’s. Supervise equipment workers in the execution of the duties and responsibilities. Drive culture of safety at mobile equipment’s. Ensure compliance with all safety policies. Plan, coordinate, and oversee day-to-day activities and operations of mobile equipment’s. Direct and control mobile equipment maintenance repairs and shop overhead cost. Ensure compliance with Preventative Maintenance Programs. Monitor mobile equipment service failure history, identifies trends, and develops action plans to prevent future failures. Coordinate and prioritize repairs for plant. Education Ability to use and maintain tools and equipment including measuring instruments. Working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Candidate must have a strong desire to be a part of a start-up/high growth company with an entrepreneurial spirit and a fast-paced, results-orientated culture. Knowledge of mobile equipment operating and repair is preferred. Experience Required Preferred candidate has 5+ years’ experience in a supervisory or leadership role within the heavy equipment industry. Physical Requirement To be able to pass a full Doctor’s examination. To be available to work in accordance with ZMSC rosters. Job Title & number required Excavator Operator (07)ኤክስካቫተርኦፕሬተር Knowledge Requirement & Skill Pre-check vehicle prior to start up including checking oil and other fluid levels. Ensure all daily operations and tasks involved in mine operations are coordinated to achieve production targets in a safe and efficient manner within budget requirements. Complete all tasks in a safe, productive and timely manner. Coordinate and manage sub-contractors that may be required to complete any mine operations. Abide by all ZMSC safety policies and ensure employees are in compliance with safety procedures. Attend safety trainings, as required and ensure employees attend necessary safety training. And as per Job Description. Duties & Responsibilities Knowledge Requirement Education & Skill Communicating skill. Team work skill. Experience in operating equipment’s.Training Operating skill. Driver License. Experience Required At least 1 year experience as Excavator Operator. Physical Requirement To be able to pass a full Doctor’s examination. To be available to work in accordance with ZMSC rosters. General Information and other requirements: Place of work: Koka Gold Mine Site. Occasional assignment to other locations. Salary: As per Company scale. Additional Requirement for nationals: Having fulfilled his/her National Service obligations and provide evidence of a release paper from the Ministry of Defense. Having finished registration and duty performing for the National Army, and present the release paper or registration card issued by National Army. Provide a Clearance paper from office of the Eritrean Police and present Medical Certificate from Hospital. Present Clearance paper from the current/last employer. Only short listed applicants would be considered as potential candidates for an interview. Application documents will not be returned back to the sender and/or applications should be sent through the Post Office. Deadline for application: 10 days from the day of publication in the Newspaper. Address: Please mail your applications to: ZARA MINING SHARE CO. P. O. Box 2393. Asmara, Eritrea. Note to Eritrean applicants: Please send a copy of your application to: Aliens Employment Permit Affairs P.O. Box 7940 Asmara, Eritrea. 4 Eritrea Profile, Saturday 18th of april, 2015 ADS 5 Vacancy Announcement Bisha Mining Share Company PLC is inviting interested applicants for the positions of; 1. Concentrate Screening and Blending Supervisor (01) Duties and responsibilities • Prestart checks for potafill Screening plant prior to shift start, and solving any breakdown issues during the screening process. Making sure the potafill is as close to 100% available during the process. • Diagnosing faulty parts for the portafill and having ability to carry out installations and replacements where necessary in conjunction with HME. • Liaising with the operators driver during the shift to ensure that speed of operation is maintained. • In relation to the blending plant after arrival, to report to the commercial manager on weekly basis the milestones achieved up until the point of commissioning. • Liaise with the Sannong the Chinese supplier to plan the Commissioning date such that their representative will attend and provide operational training • Determine the human resourcing requirement for all of the areas of this operation. Namely screening, blending, and bagging for direct sale ore. • Maintain the inventory and keep records of portafill screening plant and sannong blending plant spare parts and requisition replacements where necessary. • In conjunction with commercial develop a weekly blending and bagging program including the ratios • In conjunction with commercial develop a monthly logistics plan for dispatch of bagged DSO to Massawa for supply to end users. • Demonstrate a high level of safety awareness and ensure that such each screening , blending, bagging shift is made a safe as possible for the operators and any other attendees. • Plan and coordinate the process flow mobile equipment requirements during the blending process, and contribute ideas to improve efficiencies. Profile: Qualifications and Experience Formal Education, Certifications or Equivalents Diploma of Mechanical Engineering. Certificates to operate mobile equipment (forklift, Front end loader, bobcat) Working Experience – Nature & Length Minimum 5 years’ experience working in concentrate load out facility. Experience in dry solids blending plant an advantage Leadership Experience – Nature & length of time Ability to organize and lead work teams to attend to the 3 main activities Other skills and abilities Must be well versed in English and a good communicator at a grass root level General Information and other requirements: •Place of Work: Bisha. •Salary: As per Company salary scale. •Additional requirement for Nationals: •Having fulfilled his/her National Service obligation and provide evidence of release paper from the Ministry of Defense. •Present clearance paper from current/last employer. •Testimonial documents to be attached (CV, work experience credentials, a copy of your National identity Card etc.) •Only shortlisted applicants would be considered as potential candidates for an interview. •Application documents will not be returned to sender. •All applications should be sent through the post office. •Deadline for application: 10 days from the day of publication in the Newspaper Address: Please mail your applications to; Bisha Mining Share Company P. O. Box 4276 Asmara, Eritrea Note to Eritrean applicants: Please send a copy of your application to Aliens Employment Permit Affairs, P. O. Box 7940 Asmara, Eritrea STATE OF ERITREA MINISTRY OF AGRICULTUR NATIONAL AGRICULTURE PROGRAMME (NAP) Invitation For Bids (Ifb) TENDER:No.06.2/01/FP/NCB/NAP/IFAD/GRANT/DSF-8107-ER/ZOBA DEBUB/ ST/2015 1 The Government of the state of ERITREA has received a Grant from the International Fund for Agricultural Development towards the cost of National Agricultural Project (NAP) and it is intended that part of the proceeds of this Grant will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for the supply of:- Lot.1 Dairy Animals Local Breed (Barka or Hamerenya). 2 The Eligible bidders should have a professional experience and provide renewed license for the year of 2014 appropriate for the livestock supply. 3 Bid shall be valid for a Period of 90 days after bid opening, and must be accompanied by a bid Security of 2% and delivered to Procurement and Supplies Management Unit Office on or before May/07/2015 local hours 14:30 PM and will be opened on the same date at 15:00 PM Local hours in the presence of the bidders or bidders’ Representatives who wish to attend. 4. Eligible bidders may bid for a complete lot. Bid for partial lot will be rejected as non Responsive 5. A complete set of bidding documents may be collected by any interested Eligible bidder from the address below. Ministry of Agriculture, Procurement and Supply management Unit, Sawa Street, Tel: 181077/76 Fax: 181415, P.O.Box:1048, Asmara, Eritrea. 6. Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 3:00 PM Local Time hrs on May 07, 2015. The Ministry of Agriculture reserves the right to accept or reject this bid fully or in part if it finds any option better than this IFB without needing to justify the grounds for it doing So and Compensation which the bidder may incurred in preparing its bid. Africa’s Cuba: Eritrea... continued from page 8 unpredictable and couldn’t be relied upon to do certain things that Washington might want to do.” Denial of Remittance: Violation of Eritrea’s Right to Development The much talked about 2% Rehabilitation and Development fund that Eritreans in the Diaspora pay, also had nothing to do with Somalia; it has been a target of the US from as far back as 1999 (during the Eritrea-Ethiopia border war). A leaked US diplomatic cable from Asmara makes it clear that the Americans were bent on “disrupting the hard currency supply chain” so that they can “significantly and detrimentally impact the operations of the GSE [Government of the State of Eritrea]”. We also read in the Wikileak cables that the Americans were strategizing with the Ethiopians on this very evil scheme. As the Late Ethiopian Prime Minister said then, “Isaias’ calculations would be shattered, if the U.S. and others imposed financial sanctions on him and particularly cut off Isaias’ funding from Qatar and other countries and the important funding from the Diaspora in the U.S.” Another Ethiopian official repeats in the Wikileak cables that “cutting off the flow of money to Eritrea was essential. Particularly, remittances from the U.S. were a major source of funding for Eritrea.” The Ethiopian officials were assured by US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Karl Wycoff “that the U.S. remains committed to achieving a UNSC sanctions regime against Asmara and continues to broaden the discussion beyond the P3 and Uganda with a hard push by USUN” and that “USG was also expanding efforts to undercut support for Asmara,” noting for example he had been sent on “a trip to Cairo, Riyadh, Jeddah and other cities both to promote efforts to undercut flows of support to Asmara.” “The USA and Europe are continuing to bankroll Ethiopia’s defiance and aggression.” Despite all these conspiracies and hostilities, however, Eritreans believe a long-term and fruitful relationship between Eritrea and the other nations in the region is essential for maintaining peace and security, and fighting off poverty and extremism in the Horn of Africa. Therefore, Eritreans and their friends are demanding that all progressives urge members of the UN Security Council to do what is moral and ethical: to lift these unjust sanctions against Eritrea. During the past decade and a half, the priorities of Eritrea have been to achieve food security, eradicate diseases such as malaria, decrease infant and maternal mortality rates and increase access to education to all sectors of the population. Based on its own and other independent evaluations, Eritrea has achieved modest successes in these efforts. However, Ethiopia’s continued occupation of Eritrean territories and a de facto state of war is violating Eritrean people’s right to development, dignity, security and peace. All this has been made possible because the USA and Europe are continuing to bankroll Ethiopia’s defiance and aggression. Eritreans worldwide are therefore calling on all progressive peace- and justice-loving friends and organizations to support their demands for peace and urge their national governments to reign in the lawless minority regime in Ethiopia that continues to wreak havoc over the lives of the peoples in the Horn of Africa region in general, but the people of Eritrea in particular. Elias Amare is a journalist/researcher and peace activist based in Asmara, Eritrea. 6 Eritrea Profile, Saturday 18th of april, 2015 Teklehaimanot Yemane Education: A Powerful Tool To Create Innovative And Entrepreneuriallocal st Communities In The 21 Century As far as I am concerned there are three tools which I appreciate the most: Education, Technology and Language. If you think of these facts in any perspectives, they are nothing but real precious tools for life and living. And by default education is the mother of the rest. It is in fact the most influential implement ever formulated to evolvesocieties and communities dynamically. Desires for National so as global innovations and entrepreneurship are stimulated by education. Without the right education, a community remains blind of growth and prosperity. Change is imagined by educated minds. Education is therefore enlightenment for growth and prosperity. Though it requires a big amount of financial budget, it is of a primary thing of a nation or a community to invest upon. Keeping this in mind the state of Eritrea has invested in education right from the outset of independence. Under the theme of ‘education for all,’ schools along with their educational facilities have been constructed in many Eritrean cities, towns and villages. Education has been made available to every citizen free of cost. Furthermore, inorder to face the rapid development of technology, media, and language diversity, coping with the current educational demands of the society, higher educational Institutions (HEIs) were constructed to inspire national innovations and entrepreneurship efforts.. To have a profound performance in the workspaces, students and instructors from colleges are made to closely study their fields in association with stake holders such us mining companies and renowned industries. Moreover linking local HEIs with international universities and Institutions, results in internationally collaborative citizens for the common good of the world in general and for the local community in particular. This is at the core mission of all the Eritrean HEIs. Educational institutionsone way or another, play a critical role in the reformation of societies and the environment they live in. International linkage with stakeholders, foreign universities and institutions will definitely enhance the academic performance and professional skill set of students. Keeping this into consideration the National Board for Higher Education and Research in Eritrea has linked with a number of universities and institutions from a many countries like China, India, Turkey, Russia, Finland, Kenya and more. Education by itself it’s an exposure – an exposure for a greater social consciousness. Such linkages help in reducing the time required to inspire innovation and entrepreneurship by exposing students to current developments and let them think far beyond. Taking the Eritrean Institute of Technology E.I.T.) as an example we can notably see that the institution is playing an indispensable role in connecting its students and instructors with the real world environment. Four years back, the EIT in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance has taken the initiative to develop an in-house Enterprise Business Application Software which is named by Eritrean Integrated Tax Administration System (ErITAS). Moreover an advanced datacenter and network infrastructure has been implemented to support the business application. Personally, my involvement in this national project has rewarded me with an indispensable professional skill in the real world and likewise to my team members. As a team of developers and IT experts we were able to explore our potential gained from our academic Institution, EIT. Engaging young graduates and students in such national projects creates an opportunity for further experiments. Such environments are able examining your current potential so to clarify what you are required to study in the future. I know better because now I have a deeper knowledge of my professional requirement tasks in the future. The Eritrean diverse educational institutions for Science, engineering, health, business and economics, agriculture, marine and medicine are potential factors for national innovation and entrepreneurship. Our HEIs have many young people primed for greater things.To create a renaissance of a remarkable change, we need to launch major new initiatives that will be a focus for investors and new innovators have to be instigated, while engaging students and scholars to be motivated to the fullest.. In order to achieve an evolution of such kind we need to build educationally aware, technologicaly equipped and socially conscious community of innovators and entrepreneurs. And at the very step, education will of a great necessity.Back before seven years, while I was working as a mathematics teacher in Adi-Ugri Secondary School, as part of my internship, I was inspired by the social problems I encountered there. It was a call for me to explore my potential to work harder so as to solve them by myself. If there are two words which encourage development are: innovation and entrepreneurship. It is therefore the task of education with a good mix of social context that inspires innovation and entrepreneurship within the local communities. Invest in education to invest in prosperity! Rivers of Consciousness Social: http://www.facebook.com/riversofconsciousness | Contact Address: [email protected] SMS Message to: +2917261231 Eritrea Profile, Saturday 18th of april, 2015 ‘A House is not a Home,’ elaborated Polly Adler (1900-1962). To understand this quote, however, one has to investigate such life walks experiences. Just last week I had my best moment with my friend at Bar Zilli here in Asmara. This bar which is positioned at a juncture between Semaetat and Beirut avenues has its own powers of magnetizing keen individuals. Constructed in a model which was developed from 1930s radio, the architectural style of this bar is one of the triumphing assets Asmara is proud of. And indeed, Asmara’s crown of beauty is well excelled by embracing like this bar as part of its signaling tiaras. Historically, bars were not commonly welcomed homes of entertainment in 1940s. The traditional beer selling homes— Enda Suwas—were dominant and had reserved their great roles. And as current renowned bars, Enda Betebet, Enda Venti-Uno, Enda Kebab, Desta’s and Kedes homes, were some of the 1960s well famed homes for selling traditional beers, Suwa. However, with the diminishing rate of income and other problems, Suwa homes soon started giving their role to licensed bars. And with time, namely applauded bars blossomed in moderate number. With this historical account was then I was in bar Zilli. Every individual young in the Bar had, no matter of its version, a mobile that rung after such every limited time. And in regard to technological advancements, I took a report of the ‘World Economic Forum’ communiqué which was then publicized on its 12 February of 2015 summit. Even though the discussants acclaimed that technology has created multiple opportunities, similarly, technology has also been running with great forces for destroying such other possibilities. That is why once an expert in technological synergies told us that there was no any challenge with technology-centered advancements, but a new opportunity for creating fresh problems. In countries like Eritrea, however, yet, there are great expectations to armor our lines of living with the support of such advancements. And amid this was my cellphone buzzed. Just my friend told me that he was yet in Nakfa House. For the sake of God, I was not ready to undermine such events with words like ‘aye habesha. However, I remembered Eritreans defiant and neglecting stance to accept the bid of one famous German architectural firm which was commissioned to design the headquarters of the National Bank of Eritrea in the first independence years. And to say a spade is a spade, the firm proposed that the most ‘prestigious’ location for the building was the site in front of the current Eritrean Airlines office, or just across Daniel Fast Food till the road that heads away to the Mufti’s headquarters office. And as a bombshell to those who pay interesting glance in such architectural and urban legacies, a grotesque 14 storey glass building with numerous smaller structures around it, occupying four blocks of historic Asmara’s, was proposed. And over this, the central building was, as clearly witnessed in the architectural firm’s blue print, to remain the tallest to be was the dream. However, many opposed the proposal and denied it unequivocally. As a result of this is, therefore, the National Bank of Eritrea which is located near Daniel Fast Food has been saved from such ‘urbanizing’ initiatives but 7 Wisdom Begins In Wonder: Once At Bar Zilli ruining omens. Unfortunately, even the Cultural Assets Rehabilitation Project has delimited all buildings which are located within the 4 square kilometer perimeters in Central Asmara as a zone in which ‘banned to incept, to change complete designs or to construct other buildings’ in 2001, Asmara has still remained with some buildings which let the city to have heart-stabbing scar in its alluring face. Nakfa House, Red sea Trading Corporation, the Blue Building, Housing and Commerce Bank of Eritrea are some of the buildings which were built in ad hoc decisions. Therefore, keeping architectural aesthetics of Asmara and other cities expect to pay higher glance on how to create an integrated podium for harmonized urban development. Meanwhile, my friend arrived with one well packaged book. It was a book entitled ‘Eritrea Remembered.’ This book which came as a result of the efforts that were activated by the Peace Corps Volunteers who had such great time in Eritrea in 1960s is really an impressive chronicle. Even if I write a song about Asmara, a dirge of care for celebrating Mendefera’s agricultural possibilities, or even if I walled words of poem about Keren or Adi Keih, yet, I am referring to their own respective residents. Just persons are creators and mentors of cities beautification. Therefore, in this book which was published in December 2011, Wayne Kessler who had devoted a two years time in Adi-Tekelezan voiced that: “People say that Abeba was our home-maid. But she was a good mother. One day, she wanted to prepare a meal for us but when we declined, she rummaged around and produced six eggs for me to take to Laurie in California. I almost cried.” (Returning to our Fu- Bar Zilli ture, Eritrea Remembered, edited by Marian Haley, p.13, December 2011) Of course, like those moms who live with their angelic characteristics, fathers who are yet hopeful of the every coming future, children who love to play fairly are there on the streets, in that home and at that corner. Hence, what kind of books are, therefore, going to explain Eritreans pain, love, desperation, care, patience, entangled challenges they had, moments they created and of their intact culture of hospitability? Wisdom begins in wonder. From 1889 till 1991, indeed, just for 101 years, Eritreans were enforced to join the tactically deformed war, and, in the late thirty years heavy wars, they waged determining struggle thereby to shatter such colonial forces. And triumphantly, all other colonial pillars collapsed after a new era has signaled in the country. In connection with this therefore, I had just debated with my friend on a critical question which was once raised by Ahmed Kabana on his exclusive book ‘The Art of Incursion and Deferring Societies from their Life Tracks.’ In this book which was published in 2013, Ahmed advocated that war plays vital role in creating a hallmark in peoples’ mind which would then be a source of all polarizing ideological differences, culture of killing and abusing others. However, this evidently proved to be a mere coverage in regard the culture and art of Eritreans. Why? Just wisdom begins in wonder! Yosief Z. Abraham Eritrea Profile, Saturday 18th of april, 2015 By: Elias Amare MONDAY April 13, was the 13th anniversary of the ruling of the Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC), and the continued illegal occupation of sovereign Eritrean territories by Ethiopia since then. Also, it’s been well over five years since the US engineered unjust sanctions at the UN Security Council against Eritrea in late 2009. In a “Global Action Day of Resistance,” Eritreans and their friends worldwide held rallies, online petitions, cycling tours, etc., to protest these injustices against Eritrea, a country in the Horn of Africa that many progressive analysts are recognizing as the “Cuba of Africa.” In the US, Eritreans in the Bay Area, California, held a protest rally in Oakland. In Europe, more than twenty five cyclists from ten different countries (Canada, Denmark, Eritrea, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK), starting in Goteborg, Sweden, stopping over ten German and three Swiss cities, are rode over 1700 km, highlighting along the way the truth about Eritrea and its people and how, despite repeatedly being wronged by the west, the country is forging forward and has become an oasis of peace and harmony in the Horn of Africa. The demands of this Eritrean Global Action Day of Resistance are: - An immediate and unconditional implementation of the 13-year old, final and binding, boundary decision and an end to Ethiopia’s illegal occupation of sovereign Eritrean territories, including the town of Badme; and - An end to the illegal UN sanctions imposed on Eritrea in December 2009, which have long been proven to be based on totally fabricated and falsified “evidence” by Ethiopia and its handlers. Africa’s Cuba: Eritrea Endures 13 Years Of Illegal Occupation And Sanctions African Unity (OAU), now the African Union. The Algiers Agreements, brokered and authored by the US State Department, called for the delimitation and demarcation of the EritreaEthiopia border and that punitive actions would be taken against the party that did not abide by its treaty obligations. The independent and neutral Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC) delivered unanimously its final and binding delimitation decision on 13 April, 2002, and because of Ethiopia’s intransigence the Commission, which was ready to demarcate the border physically, was forced to publish its virtual demarcation decision on 30 November, 2007. Eritrea had fully accepted the decisions; Ethiopia, however, has rejected it calling it “totally illegal, unjust, and irresponsible” and has refused to abide by the EEBC’s demarcation directives. Ethiopia, in breach of international law and its obligations under the Algiers Agreement, continues to occupy sovereign Eritrean territories, including the town of Badme, the casus belli for the conflict. As the EEBC had stated it in its final report, “Ethiopia has so persistently maintained a position of non-compliance with its obligations in relation to the Commission.” Furthermore, Ethiopia has failed to comply with the Commission’s Order of 17 July, 2002, that required Ethiopia to “return to Ethiopian territory of those persons in Dembe Mengul who were moved from Ethiopia pursuant to an Ethiopian resettlement program since 13 April, 2002.” 8 Ethiopia continues to occupy sovereign Eritrean territories, including the town of Badme, the casus belli for the conflict. four years, the UN Security CounBaidoa by air with arms and ammuGroup’s 2013 report, the Russian cil should terminate sanctions imnition during the same period.” Permanent Representative, Ambasposed in 2009 by UNSC resolution “Eritrea has refused to be subsador Vitaly Churkin, dismissed it as 1907.” servient to misguided US policies “dishonest and politically motivatThere is no, and there has never for the region.” ed.” Besides China and Russia, the been “intelligence, real or fabricatThis US-Ethiopia conspiracy Group’s report was also dismissed ed,” that links Eritrea to any form against Eritrea gets as far as the US by Norway, Italy, and South Africa. of extremism in the Horn of Africa giving an approving nod to Ethiopia Even the Somali Government itself other than what the Ethiopians proto employ terrorist groups against has wholesale rejected the Monitorvided the Somalia-Eritrea MonitorEritrea. One of the Wikileak cables ing Group’s report. ing Group. All evidence indicates says: “Meles said one option would Both UNSC Resolutions 1907 that most of the fabrication against be to directly support opposition (2009) and 2023 (2011) were inEritrea has been generated by Ethiogroups that are capable of sending cubated in the U.S. and hatched in pian operatives at home and abroad, ‘armed propaganda units’ into EriEthiopia. US Ambassador Donald its highly-paid lobbyists in Washingtrea. Meles said that the groups with Yamamoto is quoted by one of the ton, D.C., and other capitals, as well the most capability to operate inside Wikileaked cables admitting that the as the Ethiopian minority regime’s Eritrea are those ‘that you don’t like US had “advised the Prime MinWestern enablers. from the lowlands, like the Keru’ ister and his senior leadership … As for the Somalia-Eritrea Moniwho he said would be ‘much betany case against Eritrea should toring Group, this is a group that ter able to survive in Eritrea.” This be raised by other countries. Any UN Sanctions: a Travesty of has lots of problems when it comes is a jihadist terrorist group that had charges levied by Ethiopia would Justice to credibility. This is a group that murdered a Canadian geologist in be viewed only in the context of Though the pretext for the unjust cannot “execute its responsibilities cold blood in western Eritrea and is their border conflict.” UN Security Council sanctions on and mandate with professionalism, responsible for the March 20, 2015 The 2011 sanctions were also adEritrea, first on December 23, 2009 impartiality and objectivity.” It is attempt to sabotage at the Canadian opted under the false accusations or(Resolution 1907) and the other one a Group that is influenced left and owned Bisha gold mine in Eritrea in chestrated by the US using Ethiopia from December 5, 2011 (Resoluright “by political considerations the vicinity of the area the Ameriand Kenya as actors. On the absurd tion 2023), were to “serve” peace outside of its mandate.” The discans and Ethiopians were talking accusation from Ethiopia, Ambasand security in Somalia, as the past graceful exits of Dinesh Mahtani about 5 years ago. sador Vitaly Churkin of Russia said, Ethiopia’s Occupation: a Threat five years have made it clear, pun(its financial expert), in the fall of All these US hostilities against Er“the Security Council was not preto Regional Peace ishing innocent Eritrea based on 2014, after he was caught red-handitrea stem from the fact that Eritrea sented with convincing proof of EriThe Algiers Agreement was false premises has neither brought ed advocating for “regime change” has refused to be subservient to mistrea’s involvement in that incident. signed in December, 2000, in Algepeace to Somalia nor security to the in Eritrea on behalf of the UN, and guided US policies for the region. We have not seen the results of any ria by President Isaias Afwerki for Horn of Africa. The very forces that before that the firing of coordinator As Professor Richard Reid, a history investigation of that incident, if inEritrea and by the late Prime Minorchestrated lies against Eritrea are Matt Bryden for his dubious behavprofessor at SOAS, University of deed there was one.” ister Meles Zenawi for Ethiopia and still wreaking havoc in the region. ior as a monitor, are two latest cases London, put it, US policy is biased On the accusations from Kenya, witnessed and guaranteed by SecreFormer US Assistant Secretary for that show this monitoring group has in favor of Ethiopia and against Erithe UN Monitoring group itself adtary General Kofi Annan on behalf African Affairs and veteran Ambascompletely lost its legitimacy as an trea “for all sorts of reasons” one of mitted that it “has found no evidence of the United Nations, Senator Reno sador Herman Cohen said it well a impartial UN investigative body. them being: to substantiate allegations that EriSerri (EU Special envoy for the year ago: “There is no, and there has never “Eritrea was seen as a bunker trea supplied Al-Shabaab with arms Horn of Africa) on behalf of the Eu“Those of us who know Eritrea been ‘intelligence, real or fabricatstate; they were less easy to conand ammunition by air in October ropean Union, President Abdelaziz well, understand that the Eritrean ed,’ that links Eritrea to any form of trol. Ethiopia had a more reliable and November 2011. No evidence Bouteflika of Algeria, President leadership fears Islamic militancy extremism in the Horn of Africa.” military perhaps. Their policy was to substantiate the allegations that Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, Secas much as any other country in In fact, the group has completely more directable and perhaps preone or more aircraft landed at Baidretary of State Madeleine Albright the Horn of Africa region. … In lost its credibility among many UN dictable. Whereas Eritrea, from the oa International Airport between 29 on behalf of the United States, Secview of the absence of any intelSecurity Council members, includmid 1990s, it was clearly seen as October and 3 November 2011, or retary General, Salim Ahmed Salim ligence, real or fabricated, linking some of its permanent members, that Eritrea supplied Al-Shabaab in representing the Organization for ing Eritrea with Shabaab for over continued on page 5 Russia and China. 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