Girls on the Run of Charlotte

Girls on the Run of Charlotte
SOUTH REGION 5k Event Guide
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Whitehall Corporate Center
Charlotte, NC
National Sponsors:
Dear 5k Participants, Partners & Community Members,
For the first time, our Girls on the Run of Charlotte Council will host two
regional 5ks to better serve the needs of our GOTR families, as well as
create a smaller community event. We are so excited about hosting the
Girls on the Run 5k Series this spring!
This event guide will provide details for the SOUTH Region GOTR 5k.
Prior to 5k day please review this event guide for all of the details you will
need to prepare for the event.
We hope you have a wonderful experience as thousands of girls cross the 5k
finish line to accomplish a goal they set just 10 weeks ago at the beginning of
the program.
Ann DellaValle
Girls on the Run of Charlotte, Events Manager
Girls on the Run Program Participants, Coaches, Family & Community Members
SOUTH Region 5k Girls on the Run of Charlotte Spring 2015
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Participant Arrival Time:7:30 am
5k Start Time: 9:00am
Whitehall Corporate Center
3701 Arco Corporate Drive
Charlotte, NC 28273
The Girls on the Run 5k is the culminating event of the 10-week program.
Whether running, walking, skipping or jumping across the finish line on
5k day, completing the GOTR 5k is a goal set by the girls at the beginning
of the program.
Proceeds from the 5k benefit Girls on the Run of Charlotte, so all girls
who wish to participate in the program have the opportunity regardless
of financial circumstances.
New this Spring, Girls on the Run of Charlotte is hosting two regional 5ks this spring;
a South 5k and a North 5k to better serve the needs of our GOTR families and to create a
smaller regional community event.
The spring 2015 Girls on the Run sites listed below have been assigned to the SOUTH Region
GOTR 5k on Saturday, May 2, 2015 at Whitehall Corporate Center in Charlotte, NC.
All Girls on the Run program sites have been assigned to their specific regional 5k based on
their site/team location within the Charlotte area. The program sites/teams will need to
attend the 5k to which they have been assigned.
If the site your GOTR Girl is participating in or the site you are affiliate with is NOT listed
below, that site has been assigned to participate in the other GOTR 5k and you will need to
register for the NORTH GOTR 5k.
SOUTH REGION 5k Sites: (In Alphabetical Order)
Albemarle Road Elementary
Bain Elementary
Ballantyne Elementary
Berewick Elementary
Berryhill School
Chantilly Montessori
Charlotte Country Day School
Charlotte Secondary School
Collinswood Language Academy
Community Charter School
Cotswold Elementary
Crestdale Middle
Crown Point Elementary
Dilworth Elementary
Eastover Elementary
EE Waddell Language Academy
Elizabeth Lane Elementary
Elizabeth Traditional Elementary
Elon Park Elementary
Endhaven Elementary
Greenway Park Elementary
Hawk Ridge Elementary
Idlewild Elementary
Lansdowne Elementary
Lebanon Road Elementary
Matthews Elementary
McKee Road Elementary
Military and Global Leadership Academy
Mint Hill Middle
Myers Park Traditional
Olde Providence Elementary
Omni Montessori
Palisades Park Elementary
Park Road Montessori
Pineville Elementary
Pinewood Elementary
Piney Grove Elementary
Polo Ridge Elementary
Providence Day School
Providence Spring Elementary
Rama Road Elementary
Randolph Middle School
Saint Gabriel Catholic School
Saint Patrick Catholic School
Selwyn Elementary
Smithfield Elementary
Sterling Elementary
Winget Park Elementary
There are two ways to register for the Girls on the Run 5k:
Please note: Online registration closes on Wednesday, April 29th at 5:00pm!
Park Road Shopping Center 4237 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28209
REGISTRATION TENT AT THE 5k > Saturday, May 2 > 7:00am-8:45am
Whitehall Corporate Center 3700 Arco Corporate Dr., Charlotte, NC 28273
*All locations accept: cash and credit cards.
Individual (14 & Up)
Youth (13 & Under)
Through 5/1
5k Day 5/2
Girls on the Run Program Participants are already registered
for the 5k by GOTR and do not need to register!
Entries are non refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances.
Management reserves the right to cancel or modify the event due to unfavorable conditions.
Registration fees are not refundable in the event of cancellation due to “Acts of God”.
Packet Pick-Up:
At packet pick up registered 5k participants will receive a 5k bib and t-shirt*.
*All GOTR Program Participants will receive a 5k shirt and bib from their
Coaches. For all other 5k participants, 5k shirts will be distributed on a first
come, first serve basis at the packet pick-ups below:
OMEGA SPORTS PARK ROAD > 4237 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28209
Friday, May 1st > Noon - 7:00pm
PACKET PICKUP TENT AT THE 5k > 3701 Arco Corporate Dr, Charlotte, NC 28273
Saturday, May 2nd > 7:00am - 8:45am
Be prepared to run in any weather, the 5k will go on regardless of
inclement weather, so be sure to dress warm and in layers. The
police will determine if we will require a delayed start if we experience
lightning prior to the beginning of the 5k start. We do not have a
weather makeup date.
What to Wear:
Girls on the Run Program Participants should wear their new Spring 2015 lime green GOTR
program t-shirt. This program t-shirt indicates to our volunteers that your daughter receives
a medal when she crosses the finish line. Only GOTR Program Participants receive medals at
the finish line. Remember to dress appropriately for the weather
Girls on the Run Program Participants
should wear their green GOTR Program
t-shirt during the 5k!
Heart & Sole Participants
should wear their teal Program
t-shirt during the 5k!
Team Unity:
We highly encourage each GOTR team to be creative to make their group stand out! This is
fun long held tradition at the GOTR 5ks. Prior to 5k day teams can decorate program t-shirts,
or plan to wear unique hats, shoelaces, tutus, or other fun, creative items to embrace the
uniqueness of their team.
Running Strollers:
For the safety of the runners, we ask all running strollers to start in the back of the second
wave. Adult participants must register for the 5k, accompany the stroller at all times, and
assume all responsibility for the child's participation in the 5k. All children 6 and over must
register in the youth category for the 5k.
Pet Policy:
For safety, all furry friends are not allowed on the course or at
the event, so please leave all pets at home on 5k day! All pets
will be asked to return to their vehicles if spotted at the event.
We will not have an official photography company for the 5k, but
will have preselected volunteer photographers capturing the fun
of the 5k event! If you’d like to share any of your photos with us,
please email your photos to: [email protected].
Merchandise Sales:
Get your GOTR Gear! Don’t forget to bring cash or credit cards to purchase items from our
GOTR Shop Merchandise Tent at the 5k! We will also have The Coffee Priest coffee truck
at the event, with a percentage of coffee sales benefitting Girls on the Run of Charlotte.
Register to Volunteer:
The 5k would not possible without our amazing volunteers! Interested in Volunteering?
or contact Volunteer Coordinator, Brittney Riddick: [email protected]
Additional Questions:
If you have additional questions regarding Girls on the Run or the upcoming 5k,
please contact our local office at 704-837-0088. We are happy to assist you!
Event Timeline:
5:30 am GOTR Staff & Race Management Arrive for Set Up
6:00 am Vendors Set Up / Team Captains Arrive
6:30 am Volunteers Arrive & Check In at Volunteer Tent
7:00 am All Vendors Must be Set Up
7:00 am Onsite 5k Registration & Packet Pick Up Opens
7:30 am All Coaches & Participants Arrive
8:30 am Warm-up/Stretch Session with Queen City Dance Out
8:45 am Participants travel with to their wave to their Start Line
9:00 am GREEN WAVE 5k Start (GOTR Sites beginning with M-Z)
9:05 am PINK WAVE 5k Start (GOTR Sites beginning with A-L)
Two-Tiered Wave Start
Girls on the Run institutes a two-tiered 5k start. A two-tiered start splits the start field into
two groups each containing roughly half of the 5k participants. The first wave will start at 9:00
am and then the second wave will begin at 9:05 am. This process has been implemented to
ensure a safe event for all participants. Girls on the Run plans to do their best to ensure that
both waves receive the same countdown and start line
experience. This process will also shorten the interim between start and finish.
The waves are split based upon GOTR Team/Site Name:
PINK WAVE: Sites beginning A-L
GREEN WAVE: Sites beginning with M-Z
Who Starts First?
We are in a SPRING Season so the GREEN WAVE will begin first for this 5k!
Spring Seasons: GREEN WAVE begins first.
Fall Seasons: PINK WAVE begins first
SOUTH 5k > May 2, 2015
Whitehall Corporate Center
Please Note: This map may change prior to or on 5k day due to last minute sponsor additions, based on unforeseen
weather circumstances, or other needs deemed necessary by the Event Team. We will make every effort to provide
the most up to date map at the event on 5k day, on our 5k website, and in future Event Guide emails.
Again this Spring, we will be using the flutter flags to indicate team meeting locations.
Please use the reference guide below to direct you to your assigned meeting location.
PINK WAVE (A-L) Starts in the SECOND WAVE this Spring
> “You Are Amazing” Flag: Sites beginning with A-C
> “You Are Awesome” Flag: Sites beginning with D-L
GREEN WAVE (M-Z) Starts in the FIRST WAVE this Spring
> “Go*Go*Go” Flag: Sites beginning with M-0
> “You Can Do It” Flag: Sites beginning with P-Z
Event Location:
Whitehall Corporate Center
3701 Arco Corporate Drive
Charlotte, NC 28273
From I-77 Southbound:
Recommend if coming from the middle of Charlotte (Uptown, Myers Park, SouthPark, SouthEnd)
Take I-77 South/US-21 toward Columbia/Fort Mill
Take exit 1B for James G Martin Freeway/I-485 (Inner loop) North/West toward Pineville/Huntersville
Keep right at the fork to continue toward I-485 (Inner loop) North/West toward Pineville/Huntersville
Keep right at the fork to continue on Exit 3
Follow signs for Goode Freeway/Interstate 485 (Inner loop) North/West
Merge onto I-485 (Inner loop) North/West
Take Exit 3 on the right for Arrowood Road
At the stoplight turn left onto Arrowood Road
Turn left onto Whitehall Park Drive to enter Whitehall Corporate Center
From 485 (Outer loop) South/East
Recommended if coming from West Charlotte (Charlotte Douglas International Airport/Steele Creek)
Take 485 (Outer loop) South/East toward Columbia
Take Exit 3 for Arrowood Road
Turn right onto Arrowood Road
At the first light turn left onto Whitehall Park Drive to enter Whitehall Corporate Center
From 485 (Inner loop) South/West
Recommended if coming from East or South Charlotte (Ballantyne, Pineville, Matthews, Mint Hill)
Take 1-485 (Inner loop) South/West toward Pineville
Take Exit 3 for Arrowood Road
Turn left onto Arrowood Road
Turn left Whitehall Park Drive to enter Whitehall Corporate Center
After Entering Whitehall Corporate Center:
Follow Girls on the Run/Start to Finish event signage
All cars will be directed by parking marshals to the closest open parking lot
Girls on the Run Event Village will be at 3701 Arco Corporate Drive
Parking Map & Key:
Police officers and
EMS will be at the
event to assist with
logistics and safety.
Please locate the
nearest Police officer,
EMS unit, or GOTR 5k
Volunteer in case of an
Thank You to our GOTR
Charlotte Partners!
Platinum Partners
Silver Partners
Bronze Partners
Thank You to our GOTR
Charlotte Partners!
Finish Line Partners
Mile Marker Partners
Race Patron Partners