The Dish winter 2014 Two High School Students Organize BackPack Program for Hungry Children in O’Neill Cultivating a positive change in the community can seem like an overwhelming task at times. Two philanthropically minded high school students in O’Neill, Nebraska demonstrate how the power of an idea and the motivation to see it to fruition can make a lasting impact for those in need. hunger as their focus. They were inspired to start a BackPack program in O’Neill for children in need. They did research and engaged individuals and organizations in the community for support. Grace Bunner and Amanda Pischel are sophomores at O’Neill Public High School and members of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). Last spring while preparing for their Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) project, the ladies chose childhood Grace and Amanda contacted Food Bank for the Heartland, learned about the BackPack program and made preparations to start a program at O’Neill Elementary School. Arrangements were made to have the packs delivered to North Central District Health Department where they could be “I saw an episode of Chopped on the Food Channel where contestants were competing for their charities that provide food to hungry children, and I decided that I wanted to help hungry children in my community,” said Grace. “No child should be hungry. My desires and the new category for STAR were definitely a best fit.” stored until volunteers from the community delivered them to O’Neill Elementary School each week. Grace and Amanda coordinated all of the details. O’Neill’s BackPack program began in November 2013. Forty packs are being distributed each week to children in need. Currently, Food Bank for the Heartland’s BackPack program distributes 7,900 packs of food each week to 200 schools across Nebraska and western Iowa. The schools give the packs to children who are at risk of hunger to take home during weekends. The food is provided to the schools at no cost to them. In July, Grace and Amanda’s STAR project was one of only eight projects chosen nationwide for a presentation at FCCLA Nationals in Nashville in the No Kid Hungry category. It received a gold medal. DO FACTS COUNT ANYMORE? Recently I was on a panel talking about hunger and food insecurity. Afterwards a woman came up and said, “Well, I don’t support people who get food stamps – they don’t deserve it.” The next day my colleague, Bill Bolling, CEO at the Atlanta Community Food Bank, writing in that food bank’s newsletter, asked a question that recalled that woman’s comment. With his permission, some of his remarks are captured here: “…she looked me in the eye and said she doesn’t like to support people who use food stamps because they buy things she views as unhealthy like soft drinks, snack food, beer and cigarettes. When I told her that was not quite true, that people couldn’t purchase cigarettes, beer, or even toiletries with food stamps, I detected a chill. She then told me she didn’t think people who could work should get any help at all. When I told her that most people who receive food stamps do in fact work, but make very low wages, that access to food stamps is strictly income The Chew’s Michael Symon to Entertain Guests at Celebrity Chef Celebrity Chef has become an important tradition for Food Bank for the Heartland. Since 2001, the event has celebrated food and its meaning in our lives by bringing together supporters in the community to showcase the talents of a notable chef while raising awareness and funding for Food Bank for the Heartland. based, she didn’t seem to believe me… she had a strong narrative about fraud and abuse and worthiness. Facts didn’t seem to matter for her.” Food stamps are a lightning rod for many of us, a symbol of all that’s wrong in our country. But according to research released this summer by the USDA and by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, food stamps have lifted people out of poverty, reduced food insecurity, provided for healthier newborns, and have correlated with improved educational achievement and less reliance on welfare in adulthood by women who had received food stamps for periods during their childhood. Do the facts count anymore, and if so, whose facts count more? Bill went on to discuss, “If we don’t share a common set of facts as a community, how can we plan, how can we determine priorities, how can we trust each other? Let’s move from throwing our personal sets of ‘facts’ at each other like rocks, and determine what works. Today our greatest poverty may be our lack of constructive ideas and courage to try them.” His holiday wish closed with, “May those with a strong moral compass stand up and speak up for what is right. If we can’t agree on the facts, may we dig deep into our collective soul to take the higher path based on common values and higher aspirations to make the world a better place for everyone. It requires a generous heart full of grace and brutal honesty about what we know in our hearts is true.” Thank you, Bill. And thank you, friends, for knowing what in your heart is true and blessed in this holiday season and throughout the coming year. Steaks and chops and wings, oh my! Food Bank for the Heartland is thrilled to feature meat-loving chef, Michael Symon, at the 13th annual Celebrity Chef fundraiser on March 6. Chef Symon appears on ABC’s The Chew and on the Food Network’s Iron Chef America. He is the chef and owner of Lola, Lolita and The B Spot in Cleveland and Michael Symon’s Roast in Detroit. He is the author of Carnivore: 120 Recipes for Meat Lovers and 5 in 5: 5 Fresh Ingredients + 5 Minutes = 120 Fantastic Dinners. Chef Symon was honored with a prestigious James Beard Award in the Best Chef Great Lakes category in 2009. Presented by ConAgra Foods and featuring KETV as the media partner, this year’s Celebrity Chef event is being held at the Embassy Suites in La Vista. Julie and Paul Maass are the honorary chairmen. Sally Christensen is the event chairman. Individual tickets are $150, and patron tickets are $300. Patron ticket holders may attend an exclusive party with Michael Symon at 5:00 p.m., prior to the start of Celebrity Chef and receive a copy of his latest cookbook. At the main event, guests will enjoy cocktails and appetizers, a cooking demonstration by Chef Symon during dinner, a raffle and a live auction. The dinner menu is inspired by Chef Symon’s Greek and Sicilian ancestry. For more information or to reserve your ticket for Food Bank for the Heartland’s Celebrity Chef, please contact Joani Mullin at [email protected] or 402.905.4810. Raises $800,946.20 for BackPack Program Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of the Woodhouse Auto Family, Clear Channel, KGBI-FM and the community, thousands of children across Nebraska and western Iowa will get the food they need. The Woodhouse Challenge V collected an incredible $800,946.20 for Food Bank for the Heartland’s BackPack program during October and November, surpassing the goal of $800,000! For the fifth year, the Woodhouse Auto Family challenged its employees and the community; both responded with tremendous support. Lance and Becky Pittack, owners of the Woodhouse Auto Family, graciously donated $200,000 to the Food Bank’s BackPack program and challenged Woodhouse employees and the community to raise $200,000 and $400,000, respectively. Woodhouse employees generated $200,737.03 while the community challenge netted $400,309.17, bringing the entire campaign total to $800,946.20. Since 2009, the Woodhouse Challenge has donated more than $2.4 million to the BackPack program! “On behalf of Woodhouse, I would like to thank the community and our employees for all that they have done and their willingness to share God’s blessings in making a difference in a child’s life and for giving them hope,” said Woodhouse CEO Lance Pittack. “Together we can make a difference!” All funds from the Woodhouse Auto Challenge are directed toward the Food Bank’s BackPack program. The program provides nutritious weekend meals to children in approximately 200 schools in Nebraska and western Iowa. Money raised from the Woodhouse Challenge will ensure over 5,000 children will receive weekend BackPacks for an entire school year. Currently, the program is distributing 7,900 packs each week to children in need. An enormous thank you to Lance and Becky Pittack, the Woodhouse Auto Family employees and customers, Clear Channel, KGBI-FM, and the community for your extraordinary support and generosity! Shining the Light on Hunger during the Holidays Food Bank for the Heartland 10525 J Street • Omaha, NE 68127 (402) 331-1213 Staff Susan Ogborn, President & CEO [email protected] Jack Round, Director of Finance & Accounting [email protected] Brian Barks, Director of Development & PR [email protected] Ericka Smrcka, Director of Programs & Advocacy [email protected] Amy Wackerhagen, Director of Agency Relations [email protected] Sarah Grobbelaar, Director of Talent [email protected] Dave Love, Distribution Center Director [email protected] Kevin Hood, Sourcing Specialist [email protected] Angie Grote, Assistant Director, Marketing & Brand Management [email protected] Joani Mullin, Event Planning Specialist [email protected] Michelle Sause, Child Hunger Program Coordinator [email protected] Jason Moucka, Agency Relations Specialist [email protected] Steph Montgomery-Loder, Hunger Free Heartland Director [email protected] Dennis Thomas, Commercial Food Manager [email protected] Lori Heesch, Child Hunger Program Specialist [email protected] Board Tarna Kidder, Chairman Kiewit Construction Building Group Thomas M. Burke, Vice-Chairman EMC Corporation Bill Larson, Treasurer First Data Resources Stephen J. Ciesielski, Secretary Javlin Capital Susan E. Ogborn, President Food Bank for the Heartland Rod Anderson, Masimore, Magnuson and Associates Mary Balluff, Douglas County Department of Health Sally Christensen, First National Bank Richard Gregory, Community Volunteer Jeffrey P. Hoffmann, Bank of the West Kathy Kimball, American National Bank Michael P. Kubasik, Travel and Transport Jeff Olson, Mi Mama’s Tortillas Julie Schultz Self, Koley Jessen Tara Stingley, Cline Williams Nina Swanson, PayPal Nancy Todd Carol A. Williams, Mutual of Omaha Bradley Wright, Black Hills Energy Fr. Damian Zuerlein, St. Columbkille Church Stephen Gehring, Legal Counsel, Cline Williams The holiday season was brighter for thousands of hungry families in our community because of ConAgra Foods’ seventh annual Shine the Light on Hunger campaign that was part of the Holiday Lights Festival in Omaha. All of the proceeds from the ConAgra Foods Ice Skating Rink were donated to the Food Bank for the Heartland. The ConAgra Foods Foundation also matched other donations of food and funds contributed during Shine the Light on Hunger. Thank you to ConAgra Foods, Baker’s supermarkets and everyone who generously gave food or funds and helped raise awareness of hunger. The proceeds from Shine the Light on Hunger benefitted Food Bank for the Heartland and will provide thousands of meals to children, families and seniors in Nebraska and western Iowa who are in need. Top Food Donors Help Feed Those in Need in Nebraska and Western Iowa Food Bank for the Heartland receives generous donations of food every day from supporters in the community: truckloads from our manufacturing and retail partners, fresh produce from local producers and nonperishable items collected at food drives. Many supporters contribute to the Food Bank's mission of serving the hungry in Nebraska and western Iowa. The Food Bank wishes to recognize some of the largest food donors year-to-date through October: Wal-Mart (top retailer) Tyson (top manufacturer) Affiliated Foods Midwest Baker’s First Data food drive Garden Fresh Vegetables Hormel Foods Kellogg’s Michael Foods Mi Mams’s Tortillas No Frills Omaha Steaks Rotella’s Italian Bakery Target Trader Joe's Wenninghoff Farms
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