Group Camp: 100 Years of Oak Street Scouts Fri 1st Apr - Mon 4th Apr 2015 Dear Parents / Carers We’re bringing all sections together - Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, for a grand centenary camp at Linnet Clough Scout Camp, near Marple Bridge, near Stockport. Many additional volunteers help run this camp as it is Oak Street’s biggest standalone camp. The atmosphere is always great because there are so many people involved. The Linnet Clough site itself is a huge camp site with dozens of high quality and adventurous activities, including the infamous Cube. For more details, see One of the activities is Air Rifle Shooting, for which there is a special additional parental consent form, see attached. During the camp, all children will be placed into mixed teams, consisting of an equal measure of beavers, cubs and scouts. The plan is for all scouts to attempt 74 things during the camp - a huge challenge! Some activities will be reasonably easy and quick, others will test body and mind! • • • Friday: Parents to transport children to Group Camp. A detailed map of the immediate area + directions will be published nearer the time. The address is: Linnet Clough Scout Camp, Gibb Lane, Mellor, Marple Bridge, Stockport SK6 5NB. Arrive/drop-off at 7:00pm. Some parents may wish to share the delivery of their children with other parents? Sat / Sunday: Days to be crammed full of activities, e.g. The Cube, canoeing, air rifle shooting. Monday: Parents to pick up scouts at Linnet Clough at 12:00 noon. Cost of the camp is subsidised, bringing it down to £50 per scout. This includes all activities, food, etc. If your child is interested in attending the camp please complete and return the consent form (and rifle shooting form) along with the money by 7:00pm Tuesday 21st April 2015. If you require any further details please let a leader know and we will only be too happy to help. Yours in Scouting Chris Melleney Scout Leader PS: please pay special attention to the Kit List. Thank you. Kit List Your child will require the following items if possible: • Swim wear • 65l Rucksack with rucksack liners for anything that you want to keep dry • Sleeping bag, Thermal roll • Small pillow (which should be compressed in a compression sack and packed inside rucksack, not in a bin liner) • Torch and spare batteries (head torch if possible) • Towel(s) and wash kit • Lunch box, Water bottle • Warm coat • Waterproof jacket and waterproof trousers • Hat, Gloves, etc • Hiking boots and walking socks • Spending money (in a zipped pocket) • Spare Clothes • First Aid Kit (if owned) • Bin bag or plastic bag each (for their inevitable rubbish) • Pen, Paper • Camera (optional) • Old trainers / suitable footwear for dossing around • Several spare plastic bags for wet/used clothes • Uniform: Full uniform upon arrival please. Only to be changed if inclement weather conditions, i.e. waterproof trousers for bottom half, waterproof jakcet over scout uniform top half. Neckers a must. Notes to parents: can scouts please bring all their kit in a one large rucksack please. 65 litre recommended. Please do not bring suitcases or holdalls. Please do not put pillows in bin bags. Pillows can be placed in a small compression sack (available from Go Outdoors) and packed within large rucksack. Please do not have any items secured loosely on outside of rucksack flapping about. NB: We will NOT be responsible for any lost items of clothing ALL items should be labelled with your child’s name. Please! 74th Oak Street Scout Troop Please return the entire form (with camp fees) to the leader in a marked envelope please. General Consent Form REF. GROUP CAMP 2015 This part to be returned to the parent/guardian as receipt of consent and receipt of payment. Please return the lower section of this form, completed and signed by: 9pm Tues 21st Apr 2015 (closing date deadline). To the Leader: Chris Melleney, 3 Welby Place, S8 9DA Mobile number: 07876 400786. PAYMENT RECEIVED? th For: 74 Oak Street Scout Troop, Canterbury Road, Sheffield, S8 9QS. Child’s name: Name of event: 100 Years Group Camp Address: Linnet Clough Scout Camp, Gibb Lane, Mellor, Amount paid: Marple Bridge, Stockport SK6 5NB On (date): Received by: Fri 1st Apr - Mon 4th Apr 2015 Date: The Home Contact if necessary is: Name: (Leader to sign and date as receipt) SAM PLEASE INPUT DETAILS Address: Telephone: Home: Mob: All activities will be run in accordance with The Scout Association’s safety rules. No responsibility for the personal equipment/clothing and effects can be accepted by the camp organisers and The Scout Association does not provide automatic insurance cover in respect to such items. This part to be retained by the Leader in charge. I give permission for: ________________________________________________ To attend (event): 100 Years Group Camp On (date): Fri 1st Apr - Mon 4th Apr 2015 Date of birth: ______________________ Has she/he been in contact with any infectious diseases within the 3 weeks? YES/NO Date of last tetanus immunisation: ___________________________________________________________ Medicines currently being taken: ___________________________________________________________ Does she/he have any allergies to food, medicines or other? ___________________________________________________________ Does she/he have any special dietary needs? ___________________________________________________________ Does she/he have any special needs? Please continue overleaf if necessary: ____________________________________________ Can she/he swim 50 metres and tread water? YES / NO May she/he bathe under careful supervision? YES / NO Name, address and telephone number of own Doctor: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ During the event I can be contacted in an emergency at: Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Landline: ____________________________________ Mobile: ____________________________________ I understand that the Leader reserves the right to send any participants home if necessary. I give permission for my child to take part in organised activities. I give permission for emergency first aid to be administered, should the need arise, e.g. plasters, sting relief. I give permission for a leader to administer pain relief tablets (age appropriate) should the need arise. If it becomes necessary for my child to receive medical treatment by a doctor or other hospital staff and I cannot be contacted by telephone or any other means to authorise this, I hereby give my general consent to any necessary medical treatment and authorise the Scouter in charge to sign any document required by the hospital authorities. I am willing for any photographs taken at camps and activities to be used for display or promotional purposes. Name of parent/guardian: _________________________________________________ Signature of parent/guardian: _________________________________________________ Date of signature: _________________________________________________
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