2015-012 Ff!. 1011..t Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale Notice is hereby given of a public non-judicial foreclosure sale. 1. Property to Be Sold. (I 0!4 The property to be sold is described as follows: . to ;:o;r ~.-9 1~ ~~ <" l?tco/) . ,...t ,)o,~~~1t1 :'{_, LI e·so '-·~',;~,;~._ltJ/elat . -;-,!::;;"' 'CJ '·"R. J.W. SCATES SURVEY, ABST. 69, TRACT 67 AND 62, SEVEN OAKS, TEXAS 175960 (under recorded Deed of Trust #2003-1365-760) (SEE EXHIBIT A) 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the deed of trust recorded under 2003-1365-760 of the Real Property Records of Polk County. Texas. dated July 1 L 2003 and recorded on December 31, 2003. 3. Date, Time. and Place of' Sale. time. and place: rr'I_ The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date. Date: April 7. 2015 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 10:00 A.M or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: At the area at the Polk County Courthouse in the city of Livingston. Texas designated by the Commissioner's Court of Polk County. Texas where foreclosure sales are to take place. Such designation, which has been recorded in Volume 637. Page 900 of the Official Records of Polk County, Texas, is located inside the north entrance of the Polk County Courthouse at the posting board. The deed of trust permits the beneficiary to postpone, withdraw. or reschedule the sale for another day. In that case. the trustee or substitute trustee under the deed of trust need not appear at the date. time. and place of a scheduled sale to announce the postponement. withdrawal. or rescheduling. Notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements of the Texas Property Code. The reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. 4. Terms of' Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. subject to the provisions of the deed of trust permitting the beneficiary thereunder to have the bid credited to the note up to the amount of the unpaid debt secured by the deed of trust at the time of sale. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay cash on the day the property is sold. The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the deed of trust. but prospective bidders are reminded that by law, the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property. if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and hav'e not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the beneficiary has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in .. as is, where is" condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title (if any) provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the property. Pursuant to section 51.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by the trustee or any substitute trustee. 5. Type of Sale. The sale is a non-judicial deed-of-trust lien foreclosure sale being conducted pursuant to the power of sale granted by the deed of trust executed by Jesse Hooey, as Borrower to H.M.M. Co., Inc. dba Realty Mortgage, as Lender and Beneficiary. 6. Obligations Secured. The deed of trust provides that it secures the payment of the indebtednesses and obligations therein described (collectively, the ··obligations") including but not limited to (a) the promissory note in the original principal amount of $45,000.00, executed by Jesse Hooey, as Borrower. and payable to the order of H.M.M. Co., Inc. dba Realty Mortgage. H.M.M. Co., Inc. dba Realty Mortgage is the current owner and holder of the Obligations and is the beneficiary under the deed of trust. As of March 1L2015. there was owed $$47.870.72 on the note. Questions concerning the sale may be directed to the undersigned at 713.443.6744. 7. Default and Request lo Act. Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the beneficiary has requested me, as Substitute Trustee. to conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the beneficiary may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. Dated: Wednesday, March 11, 2015. ~~Kevin S. St~g, Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 6567 Houston. Texas 77265 Phone: 713.443.6744 Fax: 713.490.3175 . f"IELD NOTES fol' .. Re-SurT•7 or tlae A.A.Smith S2 ~Cl'• tl'act or .. la11d i11 ..Jo1. W. SoUH Su.rn7;A-69, Polle Co11nt7, 'lexaa. Bebg t~ .•-.me. tract at lt.A4 ducribad in Deed elated J'ac.21, 192.4, tro• ·. c;.orge H. Slll1tb et ux, to El.lier Siil.th, &.ad tecorded 1D Vol,'128 Page 477; Deed Record• of·Polk Cowa~7, Tex••· ·ARD DESCJq'BED ~1 M;:~ee .and Bo\Uld• u · t~l~owe: BBGirfflxNG · at tb• oris.1;{~ 11ortb•.. t corner or Hld · S2 acre tract, ~-~ "· ·.at concrete monwuat toi-.'."conaor, troa which a Poat Oak •tUllJI bale · · bra~ S. 34-4S z. 4.1 i:t:·· &Dd e.. 71D• 7"dh.mkd.X, ·bra. H.JS E. S.8 tt. · 0 and a Pia• S"cUa.lllkd,X,b~e. H.J6-JO W, 7.7 tt. and a Pina 16"dia.alcd. x, br•. s.b9 w. 7.2 rt. and a Pia• S"d1a.111kd.X,br1. a.70 B. 9.2 rt. THENCE Soutb·O • 08' East, with tb~ aaat 11aa ot tbe Red 1ottoraon .)4 aaro-traat;, 1,781,3 teat, to concrete aonum1nt for the ~r1g1nal l0Qtb•e1t corner ot tb11 traot; tram wbicb a Wbite Oak etwiip bra. H.zs E. IST•ra•) lJ.6 rt~ a.aid • Pia Oak ll"clla.llkd.X, bre. :•·l E. 18.4 ft. a.ad a Pln Oak 8 d1a~mkd.~, bH •. S.$'6 E. 8.CI .rt.. . . . T!1£NCE Nortb 86-t!!i iut, wttb old llne and toaoe,baiag tba oze1g1nal . north l1ne or tho J,J.R1oe Estat. 90 acre tract ,no• sub-d1T1ded; at 17) teet, pan concrete mon\llDeDt tor ea1d.R1ce trac:t 1 1 Inf corner 1-n · tb• Smitb south line; Slid at i,347.24 toet, coaorete mon1.1111eat tor · the soutbeaJt corner o{ this traet, tram wblcb a Pod- Oe)c iow die. lllcd. X,bre, S,74 E. 20.~ tt.-·~~d. l'lDD 26"cUa. lllkd. X,br1. ~. S tr •. 9.6 tt. and a S•aet Gum 1& dJ.a~.ial(d.X,bra. s. 29 £. ~6~S n. . · a TBEHCB 11or~b .) • Z4' w.. ~, wltb old. -rked 11.DO and totaee, l,l72 teet, to concrete aon1.11N1nt tor tho northeast corner at tbis tract, from 1fh1cb a Pine 1) 11 41•.lllkd.X, bt-a. s. 46 E. · 24 tt •. aJld a Blaok GWll 20ft dia.mkd.X,br•. H.64 w. 20.2 rt. and a Pine 1.4" dia.~d.X,br1. Ii. !J7 i. 25 tt. II.lid·· Wblte Oak a~ump bra._ lf,)D "·· 1).2 •a.rat, and, •. · _.e twirp bole( S.CWll 'l)ft I br1, s ..SO E. 4 nru. · . .a THENCE Soutb 88 ·• 44' 'lfo•t, J.,246 t1et1, to t.'be place conta1nlfl8 $2.862061 acre1 ot ·1aad. ,. ..... ....":-'... . ,.;·,, or beg1Dn1"6i: lot, tract or parcel of land out of• 160"acxe tract of' land, Nore or less, the J, W, Scates Leasu~: situated .ln Polk Countr, TeJCa.t, and .11~re part-· . icularly dcscrlbed by '!ct:t;J. and tiounds as follows; · · I of 'BL.OCK NO. 5, 8.EGI~IHG at.the Hortbwest cornet of Block No. 4, iron Uake 1 red oak 16 inches in dlaioeter beat1,.N,. 39 deg. E. · 16 varas; · . . TH!NCE N. 25.7S deg. w. 84 varas to' Wilts Creek, Wlllow 10 inches in dJa, .mar~ed X on S~uth bank, a.pine f~ .the Nortb Bank 2~ !~ches in dla. mkd x; THfNCE up s1id creek H 8S deg. B 60 varas, an 11111 24 lnchea in diaAeter marked X on South bank Creek; . i THENCE H 25.15 deg; W, 130 'fans to the Northwest .corner said 90 acre tract, iron stake, pine 6 inches in diuieter marked X Dears H. 40 deg. W',·l/'l.·varas; ·· . . THfNC~ N. 88.7S deg. B 500 Yaras to the Northeast corner iaid tract, stake on East bank,~O.varas Crom eater of creek; Tlt!N°Cl! S. 25. 75 deg. Ji ... acre .· ~· 210. vans X bears ff. 77 deg. B. 14 90 v~tas; to iron staltc, Sweet 011111 4 lnches marked ., TH.ENCE S. 88.• 7 S deg; W. ~60 varas to PLACE OP BJ;GINNINC, conta!n'lnf 20 acres, nore or less; and being the same tree~ of land described in deed fron B. H. Jones to Viola Jones dated Pebruary ll, 1964, recorded· in Vol. 202, page 268 et seq of the Deed Records.of Polk County, Texas, to which deed and its recorda~lon reference i:'s here 1ude fo.r all per.lnt.ent. purposes. ... .'·'..-.. ·!t t .. .'·. Being a portion 9~ that .certain Third Tract on the J. W. Scates survey,-Abstrac.t 69, as co~veyed to Ber1n9 Manufacturing Comp.lny by H; H. Crai9/···et ux, deed dated Hay .12,· 1910, re~orded ln Volume J6,· ·Page 475, Deed Rec:o.tds of Po.lk cou.nty, Texas. and a1so ~eing a part of Tract 19 ~onveyed to South.land Paper Mills. Inc· •. by Texas t.on9 Leaf ~umber Company by deed dated December 12," J.938, recorded ln Voluine .1,16, Pa9e 208, Deed Records of Polk County, Texas. said by prop~rty herein conveyed ~ein9 described by metes.and ~unds as folJ..o .... s: 8e9lnnln9 at th~·Northwest corner of tha J. F. Peters 100 acre tract, a 4'.' x 4" concrete 111om.1menl from wh,ch a 10" Pi.ne bearss 29• 4S' West 4.20 varaa, a 11· Plne bears South o4" JO' West 0.8S'varas, a 8" Pine bea~s South 5• 45' East l.05 va'cas a.nd a 11" Pine bears South 37• lO' East 4.JS vara&s '' · Thence South :is 0 l:s.• East at 127 ."!2. vacaa a point in center o! Wills Cree)(~: · '!;hence south 02• 34' West .with Wills. CreeJc at 107 .66 varas to Southea&t C:Ol'ner Of the 8. p, Watt& 100 acre tract; Thence North 1° 17' West at i26.89 vara~ to point.; Thence NoJ:"th e1•·ss• East ai S4.22 varas to the place of beg inn in<~ and conta1nin9 l. 764 acres of. la".'d.". r ~ :.... ":.~' '• I. . ··.'~~ ,-------... 1· j .• I ... •" Being a portion. ci f tha,t ·cer~ain Third Tract on the .J. w·. Scates Survey. Abstract 69, as deeded to Berlng Manufacturing Company by H. H. Craig, et ux, by deed dated Hay 12,.1910, of record in Volume 36. Page 475, Deed Records of Polk County" Texas, an~ also being a part o~ Tract 19 as deeded to 'southland.Paper HUl&, Inc .. by Telllla~.Long Leaf Lumber Company by deed· dated December 12. 1938, of record.in Volu~e 116. ' Page 208, Deed Records of Polk County, Te1Caa.· Said property · · herein conveyed .'being d~scr p:1ed 't71 111etes . . ~nd bounds . . as ..fol lows: . . .. Seqi.nnin<j at a point .1.n the East Baundary Une of the Watts lOO Acre tract from which a 15" Pine bears South 79• £.:ist 9.20 varas; and a· 17• Pine bears South 52" £ 6.SO varas: s. F. . Thence North e7• 52' East at 478.77.varas to corner from w'hl.ch a 6• Ironwood 'beers' ti.o;rth 15" lO' West 7.90 varas and ·a 16~ Pine bea(S North 25~.jo• West S.JO varas; ,Thence South 4° 05' East at 28.JO varas a 411 x 4~ monument for corner £rem which a 18• Plne bears S .5°JO'' West )'.60 varas, a 6" Ironwood bears North u• JO' We$t 7.90 varas. a 4• Sweet. Gwa llears North eJ• 45' w·est ·5.50" vara& •!'Id a 16" Pine l::lears North 25" JO' East 5.30 varas, .be1nv in the .Horth Boundary line of the.J, F. Peters 100 acre tract; .:. .· concr~te .··. Thenc:e South ·97• 55' West. at '425.46 varaa pass the Northwest corner of the said Petera tract, at 479.68 varas · to point 1n the East Bounda.ry. line of sai·d, Watts 'tract.; ...... '1'henc:e North l 0 17' Wes.t ''at 27. '76 varas to. the place 'of '.!>eginning and contain1ng"",2.l7J aereii of land. · ·,. 2015-013 ~ <'~s.., f'o _..('-o Notice of Substitute Trustee's Sale Notice is hereby given of a public non-judicial foreclosure sale. 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: &~ 'T4,p ... s,,, ct. j( ~1!~ '"1( ~ •-{>,4..1. ~~ < ......t ~cor,>/.· 1 ~. L/ -'0~?'-1 ~~'C2£. I j.- -s.;,,. . :''/f..lr US HWY 59 (ti), WOODY LANE, SEVEN OAKS, TEXAS 75960 (under recorded Trust #2003-1312-585) (SEE EXHIBIT A) v Il·e~ of 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the deed of trust recorded under 2003-1312-585 of the Real Property Records of Polk County. Texas. dated February 6. 2003 and recorded on February 7. 2003. 3. Date, Time. and Place of' Sale. time. and place: The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date. Date: April 7. 2015 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 10:00 A.M or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: At the area at the Polk County Courthouse in the city of Livingston. Texas designated by the Commissioner's Court of Polk County. Texas where foreclosure sales are to take place. Such designation. which has been recorded in Volume 637, Page 900 of the Official Records of Polk County, Texas, is located inside the north entrance of the Polk County Courthouse at the posting board. The deed of trust permits the beneficiary to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for another day. In that case. the trustee or substitute trustee under the deed of trust need not appear at the date, time, and place of a scheduled sale to announce the postponement, withdrawal. or rescheduling. Notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements of the Texas Property Code. The reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. 4. Terms of' Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. subject to the provisions of the deed of trust permitting the beneficiary thereunder to have the bid credited to the note up to the amount of the unpaid debt secured by the deed of trust at the time of sale. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay cash on the day the property is sold. The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the deed of trust but prospective bidders are reminded that by law, the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any. to the extent that they remain in force and effect $'1 , and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters. if any. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the beneficiary has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in "as is. where is"" condition, \Vithout any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title (if any) provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the property. Pursuant to section 51.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by the trustee or any substitute trustee. 5. Type of Sale. The sale is a non-judicial deed-of-trust lien foreclosure sale being conducted pursuant to the power of sale granted by the deed of trust executed by Jesse Hooey, as Borrower to H.M.M. Co., Inc. dba Realty Mortgage, as Lender and Beneficiary. 6. Obligations Secured. The deed of trust provides that it secures the payment of the indebtednesses and obligations therein described (collectively. the '"Obligations") including but not limited to (a) the promissory note in the original principal amount of $65.000.00. executed by Jesse Hooey, as Borrower, and payable to the order of H.M.M. Co., Inc. dba Realty Mortgage. H.M.M. Co., Inc. dba Realty Mortgage is the current owner and holder of the Obligations and is the beneficiary under the deed of trust. As of March 11, 2015. there was owed $66,187.89 on the note. Questions concerning the sale may be directed to the undersigned at 713.443.6744. 7. Dej(wlt and Request to Act. Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the beneficiary has requested me. as Substitute Trustee, to conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the beneficiary may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. Dated: Wednesday. March 11, 2015. Kevin S. Steinberg, Substitute Trustee P.O. Box 6567 Houston. Texas 77265 Phone: 713.443.6744 Fax: 713.490.3175 . OBlBlT A, Page I of 3 Pages .. . '·'· .. ; ,i. "EXHIBIT A" FIELCJ NOTES FIELD NOTES ON TWO TRACTS OF LAND LOCATED IN THE JOSEPH W. SCATES SURVEY. ABSTRACT 69. POLK ·COUNTY, TEXAS, TRACT ONE, BEING ALL OF A 16.840 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEEQ IN VOLUME 972, PAGE 855, ET SEQUENCE, OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF SAID POtK COUNTY, BEING ALL OF PARCEL 3 DESCRIBED IN A DEED IN VOLUME 656, PAGE 871, ET SE0UENCE, OF SAID OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS AND ALL OF THE 2 470 ACRES DESCRIBED IN A. DEED IN VOLUME t0J5, PAGE 225 OF SAID OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS AND TRACT TWO BEING ALL OF PARCELS 1, 2 AND of AS OESCRIBED IN A DEED IN VOLUME 656, PAGE 877." ET SEQUENCE. OF SAID OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS AND THE 13.SJO ACRES DESCRIBED IN A DEED IN VOLUME 1035, PAGE 225, ET SEQUENCE, OF SAID OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS. SAIO TRACT ONE AND TRACT TWO BEING MORE PARTICULARL y DESCRIBED BY ME TE SAND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS; TBACTQNE• . •'. BEGINNINO AT A CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 16.840 ACRE TRACT, THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE LEE WARREN TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED IN VOLUME 321, PAGE 268, ET SEQUENCE. OF THE DEED RECORDS OF SAID POLK COUNTY AND BEING GN THE EAST LINE OF THE CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL 12.537 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED INTO ST. REGIS PAPER MILLS CORP. IN VOLUME 185. PAGE 3. ET SEQUENCE, OF SAiD DEED RECORDS, ALSO BEING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCR(SeO AND ON THE ..w;sr SIDE OF SEVEN OAKS LOOP: . THENCE NORTH 85"23'08'" eAST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID 18.840 ACRE TRACT, THE NORTH LINE OF SAID WARREN TRACT AND THE NORTH LINE OF THE VIOLA JONES 3.045 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED IN VOLUME 769, PAGE 178, ET SEQUENCE, OF SAID OFFICIAl PUBLIC RECORDS, A DISTANCE OF 924.09 FEET TO A 1· BOLT FOUND ON THE WEST RIGHT QF WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGH'WAY 59, AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 16.840 ACRE TRACT AND THE NORTHEAST· CORNER OF SAID JONES 3.045 ACRE TRACT. ALSO BEING THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF : THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED;. •.. THENCE NORTH 19"04'26~ EAST, ALONG THE EAST LJNE OF SAID 16.80 ACRE TRACT AND THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY 59, A DISTANCE OF 674.31 FEET TO A 112" IRON ROD FOUND AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 16.84CJ ACRE TRACT ANO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 3. ALSO BEING AN ANGLE CORNER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED: .i' THENCE NORTH 17•54·0~· EAST CONTINUE ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY UNe OF SAID HIGHWAY 59, THE MOS! EASTERLY EAST LJNE OF SAID PARCEL 3 AND THE EAST LINE OF SAID 2.470 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 297.Bg FEET TO CONCRETE RJGHT OF WAY MARKER FOUND FOR AN ANGLE CORNER IN SAID HIGHWAY 5!1, THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 2.470 ACRE TRACT AND THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS 1.542 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN~ DEED IN VOLUME 120, PAGE 500. ET SEQUENCE. OF SAID DEED RECORDS. ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF T!:l_E TRACT HE.R.tlfV. DE;SCRIBED:--- - ·----- 1 • 1;: EXHIBIT A, Page 2 of 3 Pages r6.840 ACRE TRACT, ~LSO BEING THE lrfOST WESTERLY NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED; • • ~:! ~ THENCE SOUTH z4•54150· EAST. ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF SEVEN OAKS LOOP. THE v.£ST LINE OF SAID •6.840 ACRE TRACT AND THE EAST LINE 0, SAID CHAMPION 12.537 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF S94.30 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 211927 ACRES OF LANO. •1·, • !•" TRACT lWQ; ·~ . BEGINNING AT A ,. BolT FOUND AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 4 ON THE SOUTH UNE OF THE CALVIN JONES. JR 30.12 ACRE TRACT AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED IN VOLUME 245, PAGE 2~P. ET SEQUENCE, OF SAID DEED RECORDS AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE CAL VIN JONES. JR ISECOND TRACT AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED IN VOLUME 335, PAGE 63. ET SEQUENCE. OF SAID DEED RECORDS. ALSO BEING THE MOST WESTERL y NORTHWEST CORNER 'OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED: ~ ~ oo·oo·w THENCE SOUTH EAST. ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4 ANO THE EAST 1.INE OF SAID JONES S~COND TRACT. A DISTANCE OF 1684.14 FEET TO A RAIL.ROAD IRON FOUND AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 4 AND THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID JONES SECOND TRACT ON THE NORTH LINE OF CALVIN JONES. JR. FOURTH TRACT. ALSO BEING THE MOST WESTERLY SOllrHWEST CORNER OF THE TR.A.CT HEREIN DESCRIBED; . THENCE SOUTH sg•z2·15· EAST, ALONG THE MOST NORTHERLY SOUTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4 AND THE NORTH LINE' OF SAID JONES FOURTH TRACT. A DISTANCE OF 1015.33 FEET TO A RAILROAD IRON FOUND AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID JONES FOURTH TRACT. AN ANGLE CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 4 AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2. ALSO . BEING AN INTERIOR CO~NER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED; i'". . THENCE SOUTH 03"04'#" WEST, ALONG THE EAST LJNE OF SAID JONES FOURTH TRACT AND THE WEST UNE OF SAIC1PARCEL 2. A DISTANCE OF 6P0.51 FEET TO A 112. IRON ROD FOUND FOR THE SOUTHm:ST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 2 AND tkE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS 1.54i.ACRE mACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED IN VOLUME 120, PAGE 500, ET SEQUENCE, OF SAID f)EED RECORDS AND BEING THE MOST SOVTHERL Y SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE TRAcr 'HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE SOUTH 53"53'28' EAST, ALO~G THE NORTH LINE OF SAID STATE OF TEXAS 1.542 ACRE TRACT, THE SOUTH UNE OF s.4.ID PARCEL 2 AND THE SOUTH LINE OF A 13.530 ACRE TR.A.CT DESCRIBED IN A DEED IN VOLUME 1035, PAGE 225, ET SEQUENCE. OF SAID OFFICIAL Puauc RECORDS, A DISTANCE OF 963.27 FEET TO A 112 INCH IRON ROD FOUND AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER SAID '3.530 ACRE TRACT, THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID 1.542 ACRE TR.ACT ON THE wesr RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF u. s. HIGHWAY 59. ALSO BEING THE MOST SOUTHERLY SOutHEAST CORNER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED; _______ ..._ THENCE NORTH tt•Ot'49"EAST, THE OF WAY LINE 0.f $.Alf? H/Gtf!VAY 59 .. _...-.-·--······... : . . ALONG . .. WEST .RIGHT .. . - ·\ I ~ . EXHIBIT A, Page 3 of. 3 Pllgea :·j. .. THENCE NORTH 8'2'06'08' WEST, ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL .r AND A SOUTH LINE OF SAID CHAMF)ON 689 AClfE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 831. 14 FEET TO A r12· IRON ROD SET FOR THE NORTHINEST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 1 AND AN INTERIOR CORNER OF $AID 689 ACRE TRACT, ALSO BEING A NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE SOUTH 01'63'52" WEST, ALONG THE WEST UNE OF SAID PARCEL 1 AND AN EAST UNE OF SAID 689 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 70.00 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUNO FOR THE SOUTHYr'CST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 1 ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4 AND A SOUTHEAST CORNER Of! SAIO 689 ACRE TRACT, ALSO BEING AN 11"ERIOR CORNER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 8'2•06'08" WCST, ALONG THE MOST SOUTHERLY NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL. 4 AND A SOUTH UNE OF SAID 6811 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 874.80 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMEN·T FOUND AT A SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID 689 ACRE TRACT AND AN INTERIOR CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 4, ALSO BEING AN INTERIOR CORNER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 01•25·41· WEST, ALONG THE MOST WESTERLY EAST LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4 AND THE WEST UNE OF SAID 689 ACRE TRACT, A DISTANCE OF 1112.46 FEET TO A t' BOLT FOUND AT THE MOST NORTHERLY NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 4 AND THE SOVTHEAST CORNER OF SAID JONES 30.12 ACRE TRACT, ALSO BEING THE MOST NORTHERLY NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED: THENCE SOUTH sg•29·59· WE'ST, ALONG THE MOST NORTHERl. Y NORTH LINE OF SAID PARCEL 4 AND THE SOUTH l.INE OF SAID JONES 30. t2 ACRE T~CT, A DISTANCE OF 989.15 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINHfNG AND CONTAINING 73.707 AC~S OF LANO TOTAL ACRES IN TRACT ONE ANO TRACT TWO BEING t00.23" ACRES OF LAND, BEARINGS BASED ON ACTIJAL DEfO CALLS. NOVEMBER 29, 2000 ..... ·...., I -------·- --· ---·-·-..,-·- 2015-014 FILED Fq1 ~)()~~!~Qr,J 2015 MAR I 6 PH 12: t.5 177 JA\lE.S BOL 1 UVARD LI\ l'\CiSTO\. T.\ 77351 \'.(HICE OF ISl'.BSTITLTEI TRLSTEE'S SALE r·· IL Assert and protect vour rights as a member of the armed forces of the L nited States. If mu are ~;lweit(.1(. o._,; rTO~"t_) spouse is sening on active militan duh, including active militan duh as a member of the Texas-l\atfomd ,'Y :. '-l'!CK - '·•. -[)t.I Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed for'ces of· · the L nited States, please send written notice of the actiw duh militan service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. I. Date. Time. and Place of Sale. Date: April 07. 2015 Time: The sale \\"ill hegin at I :OOPM or not later than three hours after that time. INSIDE THE \!ORT! I ENTRANCE OF THF POLK COUNTY COURTHOUSE AT THE Place POSTl\IG BOARD OR AS DESIG\IA TED BY Tl IF COU\ITY COMl\1ISSIO\IERS or as designated hy the county commissioners. 1 Terms of Sale. Cash. --'· Instrument to be Foreclosed. .January 25. 2008 and County. Texas. with The Instrument to he foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated Document VOLUME 20081626. PAGE 177 real property records of POLK CHRISTI\iA JA\iET SMITH. grantor(s} and l IOMETRUST MORTCiAGE COl\IPY\Y. recorded in mortgagee. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed hy CllRISTl\I.·\ .IA\IET SM!Tll. securing the payment of the indehtednesses in the original principal amount of $40.392.00. and ohligations therein descrihed -l. including hut not limited to the promissory note and all modifications. rene\\·afs and extensions of the promissory note. BANK OF AMERICA. \i.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to he sold is descrihed as follm\s: 1.0TS O'\E Hl '\DRED Sl.\TY SEVf-R ( 167). O'\E ()\!:' lll''\DlnD Sf-.\f-.\TY 11711). ()'\f- HL1NDRLD l\DL-\'\ SLVLNTY SPRIN<iS THRU L\KL 11n1. LST\TLS. :\ A1'D ONE Ill \DRl.ll Sl lllll\ ISIO'\ PLAT THEREOF RLCOIWl:.D I \ \ Ol.L \II 2. l'A<il _1_1_ 6. flL \DRl D Sl.\TY EITll 1lhXi. 0'\fc Ill '-.DRLD Sl.\TY \l\I HL'\DlnD Sl\f-_'\TY ()'\f- (lJ I\ l'OI K 11711. ()'\f- Sl:\l''JTY COl \TY. Ill '\[)Rf[) SE\'fXlY HlUR TL.\AS 1174). AS SLCTION ]\\() SIXTIFN SllO\\\ O\B'l 111~ 11691. 11~~). 0\1 (Iii). OF \1.\1' OR I HL I'.\ I RLCORDS Mortgage Servicer Information. a sen icing agreement with the The Mortgage Sen 1cer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by \ irtue of Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Sen icing Agreement and Texas Property Code ~ 51.0025. the Mortgage Sen icer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced ahme. BA\iK OF A\1ERICA. N.A .. AS SUCCESSOR BY MFRGFR TO BAC IIOME LOANS SERVICING. LP. as Mortgage Senicer. is representing the current mortgagee. \\hose address is: co BA\iK OF AMERICA. \i ..-\ .. AS SLCCESSOR BY MERCiER TO BAC IIOME LOA\iS SER\'fCl\iG. LP 7105 CORPORA TE DRIVE Sub,titulL' TruslCL' l'" ~ARRI TT DAHi"- I IC\l'Pll:R Tl R\I R & f-\(il I. LLI' 15000 Sunc\or l3ouk,ard. SuitL' 100 ..\dd1son. T L'\as 7500 I Illlll llllllll lllll lllll Ill lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111 '\'-.l'-,~'-.!(1 :p! ('1°' ~(1201 l)- \cr-i,\ ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF TH£ UNITED STATES. IF YOU OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD, THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT or THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE or TliC ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. NOTICE OF SALE BY SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF POLK § § § 2015-015 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Note: Note dated May 9, 2005 executed and delivered by Barry L. Miller anj Shi,·: _·y A. Miller to First Financial Bank, N.A. Security Instrument: Deed of Trust, dated May 9, 2005, executed and delivered by Barry L. Miller :rnd Shirley A. Miller to First Financial Bank, N.A., to secure payment of that cert~in Note, recorded on May 10, 2004, as Document Number 4119, in Volume 20051447, Page 574, in Polk County, Texas. Original Creditor: First Financial Bank, N.A. Current Owner: Federal National Mortgage Association ("Fannie Mae") Current Holder: Green Tree Servicing LLC Loan Servicer: Green Tree Servicing LLC ("Green Tree") by virtue of its loan serv1c111g agreement with Fannie Mae. Pursuant to §51.0025 of the Texas Property CoJe, Green Tree is authorized to administer the foreclosure of property under §51.0025 of the Texas Property Code on behalf Fannie Mae, as its mongr!:ze servicer. Green Tree is representing Fannie Mae under a servicing agreement with Fannie Mae and Green Tree. Green Tree Servicing LLC's addrcs~ 1s 42 so North Freeway, Fort Worth, TX 76137. Appointed Substitute Trustees: JIM MILLS, SUSAN MILLS, EMILY NORTHERN, ALEXANDR1\ ZOGRAFOS, LORI STEWART, MARLENE ZOGRAFOS, ALFRED PEREZ 9065 Jollyville, Suite 203A, Austin, TX 78759 ~ -ri 1/ \ Note: Eaclt substitute trustee is autliorized Individually, to AND act a/011e wit/tout tl1e joinder T. J. RINEY, J.O. C~WSE, S.G. HARVEY, B.K. oft/1e otller trustees. 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75225 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 124 Cundlclight Ln. Livin ton. TX 773SI . ' . .~ p,;°'<:::> ~· i~ PAC~~· ~-: -.:i The Substitute Trustees are authorized to sell the Premises at public venue to the highest bidder or bidders, for cash. Property to be sold: '-'"- \. .::c. (-:., ( j ;;;:::. 0-> -;>... c <=.r1 :JC BORROWER: Miller, Barry L. & Shirley A GREEN TREE ACCOUNT#: 68747103 FANNIE MAE ACCOUNT#: 1698653330 .~ > 0 O"\ 0 ....,, ;o :::0 ..,., -::::J -.. c- :I: '"1'; ' , c..> z:- 124 Candlelight Ln., Livingston, TX 77351, and as further described in RP FILE NO. GTFAOZ-165 i- -:0 Exhi~J:t A attached hereto, along with the improvements on such real property and :.my after acquired permanent improvements or title to such improvements and/or real property (the "Premises" as described in §9.604 of the Texas Uniforr.1 Commercial Code). Date of Sale: Tuesday, April 7, 2015. Time; of Sale: The sale will begin no earlier than 1:00 PM and no later than three (3) hours thereafter. Location of Sale: At the County Courthouse in Polk County, Texas, at the posting board insi,J~ the North entrance of the courthouse, unless the location of the sale lrns been otherwise designated to a specific location by the Commissioner's Court of Pcii!< County. If such a designation by the Commissioner's Court has been m::iue and recorded after the date hereof and prior to the time of the sale, then the Substit·.itl: Trustee will sell the Premises at the area designated by the Commissioner's Court of Polk County, Texas. Terms of Sale: The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the provisions of the Deed of Trust permitting the beneficiary thereunder to have the bid credited to the note up to the amount of the unpaid debt secured by the Deed of Trust at the time of sale. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay their bid immediately in cash if their bid is accepted. The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in th,~ Security Instrument, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have 110t been subordinated to the Security Instrument. The sale shall not cover any part -..Jf the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the Secur :.\' Instrument. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. Pursuant to the Security Instrument, the beneficiary has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only p:;rt of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in "as is, where is" condition, without any express or implied warrantir.:s, t:XCl ~t as to the warranties of title (if any) provided for under the Deed of Tn:'.>l. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the, nature and physical condition of the property. Pursuant to section 51.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the trustee reserves tb right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sak of the day held by the trustee or any substitute trustee. Type of Sale: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 124 Candlelight Ln. Livin on, TX 77351 The sale is a non-judicial sale being conducted pursuant to the power of s... : RP FILE NO. GTFAOl-165 BORROWER: Miller, Bany L & Shirley A. GREEN TREE ACCOUNT#: 68747103 FANNIE MAE ACCOUNT#: 1698653330 I granted by the Security Instrument executed by Barry L. Miller and Shirley A. Miller. Default and Notice: Default has been made in payment of the Note and Security Instrument and the Note is now unpaid, delinquent and in default. All required notices have been given to Barry L. Miller and Shirley A. Miller and any and nll other nccess:Ty parties with regard to the defaulted indebtedness. Green Tree hns requ~stcd t:1~ undersigned, substitute trustee, to post, file and give notice of foreclosure of the Security Instrument and the lien thereof in accordance with applicable Texa:; !.... v and the terms and provisions of the Security Instrument. Dated: March I 0, 2015. AFTER RECORDING, PLEASE RETURN TO: Riney Packard, PLLC Attn: TJ. Riney Two Lincoln Centre 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75240 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 124 Candlelight Ln. RP FILE NO. GTFAOl-165 BORROWER: Miller, Barry L. & Shirley A GREEN TREE ACCOUNT II: 68747103 L..::::Li~vm:.:i;i:;:t~on~.TX:.:.:..;7~73~S~l~~~~~---L~~~~~~~~~~~-'-F~A=N=N=IE;;;;...;...;M~A=E~A~C~CO~UN~IT~#~:~l~69~8=65~33~3~0~---- 1 . • EXHIBIT "A" Lot rou~ (4), Block Tbxee C3J, of MIMOJU:AL PO:D1'1', a subdivision in Polk County, !fmr:aa, as depicted upon. the »lat. thereof raaorded :l.n Volume 4, Pa~e 14 of the llat l.ecord• of Polk towlty, Texas. PROPERlY ADDRESS: 124 Candlelight Ln. Livin ton. TX 7735 I RP FILE NO. GTFAOl-165 BORROWER: Miller, Barry L. & Shirley A GREEN TREE ACCOUNT#: 6&747103 2015-016 ,,,('\ d ·,,\ ·; Cl Ill lt\A'\JCIAI Sl'RVICIMi. 11C1Cll 1 I (IKC1.JH!JS1J \\I sr C.\111.1 IJRl\'I Of\ \L\Sf.,.,\ I\ ri1,11 ~~ ''.\~ V>TICE OF TRl STE E'S SALE ~ ~0 ~ -<' .,..>..,,,-r'(_ ~ ~ ~ ~ is hc·1 c111 made for all pu1 poses WI IFRLi\S_ Jct:.iutt has occurred 111 the payment of said 111dcbtcJ11ess_ and the >amc ts now who IIv Jue. a11J the o\\ncr ;.rnJ hokkr has requested to sel: said p111pert\ to sat1sl\ -;,m[ 111Jehtednc->-> WllLRLAS the urnkrs1gncJ hJ;, been appnmti:u Subs:1tr::c I rustcc 111 the pl Jee: of s:11J or1g111;.il I ru,•..:i:. ,·,mtmgcnC\ and Ill th<: manner 1~uth11111c1! b' said I <:.-..a\ J J,1rn,: h;uil\ Sccu1 il\ ln;,trumcnt. and UfHlll WI ILRLAS. ant lr<lcr t\l l'ruccc<l with Not1ci: \lf hircclllsun: Sak and l·orccllNtrc Sale \\as cntcrcd 1m I lcl'<:mbcr I K. 2111.t under l'aus<: No ll\'2XS68 1n the -11 Ith Jud1c1al f11.str1ct Polk L'\lunt\_ TF'\AS., NOW. ·1111 RI H )!{[-_ \i() I IC!· IS llU{I llY ,;1vJ·N ::1at \Ill I l I S()A Y, April 7, 2015 l~ct\\CCll l<.'.11 u'cl.1ck A~·J :md li1ur o'clock P\l and lwg111rnng lll'l L'Jrl1c·r th:u1 11111 I' to.I 11~ not l:Jter than thrL'<.: hours thnc<Ilk,_ I \\ill s.:11 sa1J R.:al L,wt<: :.it :lw l(lunt\ Counhousc 111 POl.h: COl 'N rY. T.\ to the highest bidder for c:1sh The sale\\ ill he conducteJ 111 the area of the l'm11thousc c.ks1g11atcJ ll\ the C1>111m1s-.111ncrs Court. o!'s:uu L'OU11t). pursuant tu Section ~51 1!02 of the Tc\as P11ipc1tY Cmk ,1,; :.11rn:nded; if no area 1s lks1gnatcd ll\ the ('omm1ss1011crs· ('our1. the sak \1ill he C(ltiductcd 111 the area 1111111cd1;itch adi;1ccnt I nc\1) ln the locat1011 \\hc1c this Nl•llcc lli'T1ustci:\ SJle \\,ts posted Said Real ht;.ite "Jescnh<'d as follcl\\s In the Count\ c1f POI K_ State ofTe:us LOTSl:LLVIN(l\i. IWILVl(l2).AN\) lllll{ffl'.\i1l3).llltlCI\. IWC112LSl.CllONONl1:)0l'll:\/\S ACRl·.S Sl 11m1 \ ISION. POI I\. l'Ol JNTY, 11'\\S_ AS DLl'ICI 1.D l ll'ON Pl.\ I 11 ll·Rl.OI- 1{1 LOIWI D IN \'OU IMI I' \( iE ~ l OF lllL PLAT RLCOIWS OF POil\. Cl ll 'Nl'Y, TLX,\I.; M11Jlgagl· Servicer NPtchnlucr J 8Ll \\ ISi C'.\ITU: DRIVI. ONAI ASl-..A_ T\ 7736tl CinrJ:\1\NCl/\l SrRVJCJNC l IL' CJ rII l\'i\NCIAL SLRVICINCi I.LC A o.+r11\ I .AS('( ll .INAS RI VD IR\'IN(i TLX.\S 750JCJ J)] co./\ cP. ')-', U f\(i_ AK.\ .TACl('Jl::.~~l . ·~ ,,_ WllERFi\S. 011 f1ecemhl'! 19. 2!H16. JEH Di\ VIS ll JNC. JR_ JAU)l IFIYNN Hl 'SRAN[) AN[) \\'IFF_ as Gra11tr1qs)_ .:xecuteJ a Ti:-.:a, Hr1111c F~uil\ Si:c·u11tv Instrument u1me\1112 tu DF,\N'\;1.. JPS. :.1s I ruskc. the Real L;,t:.ite hcrc1na!kr d~srnhcJ. w ( '1111 [:\.\N( 'L\L IN_<· 111 p'.1' '.nent of a ,\ch_i therc111 desn1hed <:· 1e_ ).;.io; I hime ]·.quit) Secur1t\ l11strumc11t \\d' l:kJ 111 the rcJI P'"f'<:rt\ records Pl POl.K ( t ll IN 11 _ I'\ anJ "rcc<HdcJ u11d1r (le · · I· 1k. Instrument Numhc·1 I Jlit ·(;_to '"h1ch rl'fi:rence ~ L \\VARL LlMlTIJ) I.I ABILITY COt-.ll'A\'Y The Mortg;.igc Sc1\'1cc1 ts .iuthur11c:J lo reprc-;cnt th<.: '\otchulJ<.:1 b\· \·ntuc 11!' ~l scl\ 1clllg ag1 cement with the '\\lt<.:holJcr Pursu:mt to 1hc Serv1cmg i\grcl'llwnt anJ J'r:-.;1s l'r"pmv Cock~' I ()()'.;'.'.th.: \k1r1gJgL• ~c·ry1ccr 1s authonLL·d to colk~1 the JL·ht Jnd to Jd1111111stcr any rcsulllng foreclosure nfthc property securing the aho,c3~loan I ~-., CAR< ll.YN !CC!Cl L·/p Sk1p1rn Sd1"an1 LL!' 1~Iii:' Nmth\\c~t lrce\\i\\ Suite I 21di I lm1sto11. TX 770.+ll ( 71 3 )-lh2-25{i5 .\ssert and protect vour rh::hts as a member of the armed forces of the l'nited States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active militarv duty, including actin militan duty as a member of the Texas ~ational Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the acth e military sen· ice to the sender of this notice immediately. ~ 2015-017 ' \;;/\TlOKSTAR MCJRTGAGE LLC 1C,,-E) FHA.-'93-Si4%10-703 LO\TKG. MARY 0Jr 508 FJRST STREET. LJYI'.\IGSTCiK. D: 7735 l FILED FOR RECORI File Number 15-019682 2015 HAR 17 AH g: 20 J\OTlCE OF TRl:STEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on Februa11· 22. 2006, MARY B LOVl~G. A SINGLE WOMA'.\'. :i.s Gr'JPlOf(sL executed a Deed of Trust com eymg !o ELDON J Yo"u:-;GBLOOD, as Trustee, the Re:i.l Estate hereinafter desc~ibe~10:1H,iJAGE fL ELECTROJ\IC REGISTR4TION SYSTEMS, ll\C.. AS '.'\OMJ'.:EE FOR H0!\1El23 l CORPORATION in p2ynw11 ofa debt therein descnbed The Deed ofTrust was filed m 1.hc real prope00)!!~AJ"'p,f~6&f '---' CULT;-\TY, TX and 1s recorded under Clerk's F Jle/Instrurnem "!'\u:11'.:ier 2 J4 J, to which reference is berelri )n:lae fofa1l' pu/p~ WHEREAS. default k:s occun-ed in tl1e payment of said indebtedness_ and tlie same is 110\\" \\"holly due. and the u\\Tlt:r ::ind holder has requested to sell sJid property to satisfy said mdebtedness; WHEREAS. L11e unJersigned has been appointed Substitute Truslee in the place of said original Trustee. upon contingency and m Lhe m::inner a:JthorizeJ by said Deed of Trust, and NOW, TIITREFORE. NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN tl1:it on Tl""ESDAY, April 7, 2015 between ten o·clock AM :ind fuur o·clock PM am! beginni1'.g not earlier tl1an 1 0(1 P.M. or not later t1Mn thn:e hours t11erecifter_ l "11l ,;ell said Real Estcite 31 the Co'1n1) CounhoC!Se m POLK COUNTY, TX 10 the highest bidder for cash. The sale w1ll be conducted 1111he area of the Courthouse des1gnmed hy the Comrrnss1oners Court of said count), pursuant to Section ~51.002 of the Te,'.35 Propeny Code as ame:1ded_ if no area 1s des1gn81ed by the Commisswners· Court, the sale 1\ill be conducted in the area immediately adJacem I next) to the location wl1e··e 1his '-:ot1ce of Trustee's Sale was posted. Said Real Estate 1s described c:s follows Tn the County of POLL Stale of Texas: FIELDNOTES TO 0 293 ACRE OF LAND AS SITuA TED IN THE CITY OF LIVTNGSTO;-\, IN rnE l\1. L CHOATE SLRVEY. A-15. POLK COUNTY. TEXAS, AND BEING ALL OF LOT 10 AND THE WEST 14 FT OF LOT 23, BLOCK 2 OF THE J. S. HOLLB1AN ADDITION AS SHO\\~ ON PLAT RECORDED IN VOLl'lV'.J: I, PAGE 65 OF THE POLI\. COLNTY PLAT RECORDS AND BEING THE RESIDUE OF THOSE CERTAIN TR/\CTS AS CONVE'r'"ED BY BARNEY GENE HOLLINGSHEAD AND .101"--:\lE L Th'N HOLLINGSHEAD TO GRACE L BOS\VELL A:\D JOI-IN E BOSWELL BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLL:ME -W5, PAGE 350 OF 11-iE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAJD COUNTY SAJD 0 293 ACRE AND BElt\G MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRJBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN EXHJBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO A..-"1\.TI MADE A P.l\Jl.T HEREOF FOR ALL PL!RPOSES PrnpeTly AJJn:ss 508 FffiST STREET LJVI;-\GSTO:;.J, TX 77351 NAT10NSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Mortpge Servicer NATJONSTARMORTGAGE LLC Noteholder: 8950 CYPRESS WATERS BLVD COPPELL. TEXAS 75019 CORPOR'.f;T~~R~a.k TI1e Mortgage Servicer is author12ed to represent the Noteholder by \'Jrtue o - se '1cm2 agree . "ith the Noteholder Pursuam to the Sm·ici.ng Agreement and Texas Property Code ~51 0025, me ~1ortgage Servi 'r is =u..illlli:l to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property securing the aboYe refere ~ lo I 3105 Northwest Freeway, Suite 1200 Houston. TX 77040 ---- (713\462-2565 THE STA TE OF _,_/_,,,,,e.==-..;:>f""'/i~i:...=5_ _ _ __ 1 COUNTY OF /_ : b e ,- ./- '/ I BJ;{DRE ME, !he W1dersigned, a Notary Public in and for said CoW1ty and Stace, on this day personally appeared J<o t1 Jfc:, ,rm c-~ri ,Substitute Trustee, "l"Tiown to me to be the person a•d officer whose name is subscribed io the foregoing instrwnent and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated _...,GIVEN U~DER MY H.A.ND A-'D SEAL OF OFFlCE this / fo day of ,ff, c;, .r ch ~' ~-- L.-L.. ~ 20__/_!L. N___..O_T~~~~UB-L-IC~~~~t_o_r~----~-~~ L1be.c+Y KIMBERLY BUSH Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires February 27, 2017 My commission expires: ;) • T:Re or Print Name ofNotarv ~;CV\ pe r\y (b COUNTY. 0 \f \ _ ~I- ~ usn, • Assert and protect Your rights as a member of the armed forces of the r nited States. If you are or vour spouse is serving on actiYe militan' duty, including active militan' duty as a member of the Texas '.\ational Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active military sen'ice to the sender of this notice immediately. i:Jc- 1497-782 EXHIBIT A ;:Ei.. ~t~CT::S TC -C .i91 >.C.(:l! ·:·l-' t,;i.J{D k~ ;:;TtJ~:r-.t..t: P.-1 TRI CIT'~' ·:-;; t.7"'•.iliiC::ST~)}, .!~ TK:t M. I._ cii.oA~ z::'li\'1i:Y~ A<.~ r~;;Li:. TELAS, }.}I~ tre::~::J >.~L o:r :.crp :.c Ml~ ~ ~I'.~T ~" ::--T. Jf ;.wo. 2.l • D...-..i,.,;.t... ~ Llt' 1.'tt:, J ~ ti 1 !:iCLL~HJ..:_O.: )J)w1r:!~ J:...!j ~il]dtf~ ::wr.:N'T'i. <1N i:' LAT R!:~n~~~ T~i ...;o::.L"JofZ : , '{>,1...G:r;: ;: ; .:;p 'I'!t.=:. ~CU'... c.::·Ut~ I':.~ T ·R.!:CCBLS >.~1:: BE'.!liG, 't'~ F.t!ilDU! Of T:~S~ ::?!:P.l">ilN 'i'~.i\C:'~ 3-. t'•htJ'.,'1-'"'~ i.:'! i~.t,t::Y --,;:1:;i. ~Cit.Ll:~1!:.mIB>,1) J..ll'D "~tf!t:t: ~"'...'11H JO!.LIH.'.l!JIE}J:i ~ ~P.AC!? ~ • l>OSWtt.1 J>..l;'J J;:l'J-l 1: _ &C·!7~r;;;_:;. ~y :-:E:I:D F.l;:CUPJ')F'..,f) !H VoL-::M:t: 405. FA3'!'! 15.u 01' 'l..."'1:.!: G:f"!"lC1.l...:. ?.f(,:;JDS S),;:;, c::;:rN':Y. SHD ~ ;'SJ AGRE :;:r:::;.; ~'l'.lli~: !~~1-cTllUL)..JJ.Y W~~~P"-!3.!L 31' iifC~!:.5 1'.!:D !!OU!ff.iS .>.S P:Lt.:1#5: or f,J;:'il}i~:;:llG u.t ~ ir:in. 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