NFIR ofIndianRailwaymen Federation National ROAD,NEWDELHI. 11O055 3, CHELMSFORD Affiliated to : IndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) InternationalTransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) Dated:r010412015 No. II/28/Part.V 'fhe Secretary(E), Railway Board, [qw Delhi Dear Sir, Sub: Children EducationAllowance/HostelSubsidy- Clarification -reg. Ref: DC/JCM Item No. Il20I2 discussedwith the Railway Board on 26th&.27rh June2012. {<**d<{<rt< Federationinvites kind attentionof the Railway Board to the issuespending with the RailwayBoardon the subjectunderDC/JCM Item No. ll20l2. 2. ln this connection,NFIR desiresto state that as per extant instructions,the term "Hostel Subsidy" means expensesincurred by the Railway employeesto meet with the Ilostel fees if his/her children who have been studying in the school/collegelocated at a minimum distance of 50 Kms., Federation desires to reiterate that there are institutions/collegesin various cities where the studentsare mandatorily required to opt for Hostel, those who do not opt are denied admission. In view of this reality of situation, imposing the condition of 50 Kms., distance is unjustified and therefore needs to be withdrawn. It has also been reported to NFIR by its affiliate SERMC that the South Eastern 3. Railway Authorities have imposed anothercondition that the distanceof 50 Kms., is to be certified by the District RevenueOfficer of the State Governmentevery time the claim is made. 4. Federation further desires to bring to the notice of Railway Board following contradictorysituations,arisingout of extantprovisions: (i) Para 1(a), (e) & (i) of DoP&T O.M. dated 02ndSeptember2008 circulatedunder Railway Board's letter dated01/10/2008(RBE 135/2008)clarifiesthat the Children EducationAllowance and Hostel Subsidiesare distinct, Railway employeescannot claim both concurrently. (ii) Instructions issued by the Railway Board under letter dated 0710612013 (RBE- 5512013),(further reference to question No. 9 of DoP&T O.M. No. 2ll0I+l08l2013€.stt.lAl-) have clarified that Hostel Subsidyincludesfee chargedfor boardingand lodging in addition to fee mentionedin para 1(e) of DoP&T O.M. dated f''u Septcmber2008. Contd....2 phone: 011-23343305, Rly. 22382,Telegram: RAILMMDOR Rly. OgO-22283, 65027299, ?2626,Fax: 011-23744013, Website: www' [email protected], E-mail: [email protected]; QUALITYOF LIFE OF HIV/ AIDS- PROLONGS EARLYDETECTION t/2/t and are not The position brought out above showsthat the two OMs are contradictory Allowance and Hostel conveying clear cut institctions for payment of Children Education Subsidy. raised above and NFIR., therefore, requeststhe Railway Board to examine the points to remove confusion' A arrangeto issue clarificatory instructions to ihe ZonalRailways/PUs th" instructions issuedmay be endorsedto the Federation. "opy-of Yours faithfu e 1" 4 (Dr. M. RagnhvaiatQ( General Secretary' SERMC Copyto GeneralSecretary,SERMC,Kolkata,in referenceto Jt. GeneralSecretary, SERMC/ADA/C'Ed/08/15 Adra Division's letterNo. & DivisionalCo-ordinator/SERMC, dated07/0412015. of affiliatedUnionsof NFIR (exceptSERMC)' Copyto GeneralSecretaries MediaCentre/lrtrFIR. FileNo. 0Il20I2 (DC). '*
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