I HEMANT MEENA(130020081), if elected as the PFA secretary of
Hostel 8, propose to do the following-
1. Initiative
 Will update the photos of all cultural events on the mess notice
 Will get new DSLR and TRIPOD for the hostel.
 Will manage workshops of charcoal painting.
2. Intra & GC’s
 Photography competition whose winner will be decided by maximum
number of vote.
Coordinate with other hostel PFA secy to conduct workshops before
Intra hostel competition which help in practice before GC’s.
Follow up the intra and workshop.
Will try to get maximum number of participation from the hostel.
3. Genral
 Work in GC’s and PAF to the the best of my abilities.
Conduct Photoshop and basic DSLR workshops.
Upload the photos of all the GC’s and Intra.
Will make poster for the events in the hostel.
Will ensure that all fine arts and camera attribute are well maintain.
4. Credentials
 Worked as Organizer in Mood Indigo.
 Working as Coordinator in E Cell.