Exceptional Medicine PeaceHealth Southwest Physicians Journal n Volume 4, Number1, Fall 2011 “Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related death in North America and is a growing health crisis across the world.” —- Riyad Karmy-Jones, MD, FACS, FRCSC PeaceHealth Southwest Regional Cancer Center 2011 ANNUAL REPORT FIGHTING A PREVENTABLE DISEASE: LUNG CANCER DIAGNOSIS, STAGING, AND TREATMENT Exceptional Medicine PeaceHealth Southwest Physicians Journal Fall 2011 Volume 4, Number 1 PUBLISHI N G S TA F F Editorial Director Kenneth Cole Contributing Editors Alden Roberts, MD Brian Harwood, MD Submission Guidelines Exceptional Medicine is a free, editorial-reviewed publication by credentialed Medical Center staff for regional physicians. For complete details and submission guidelines, go to www.swmedicalcenter.org/exceptionalmedicine or contact the editorial staff ([email protected] or 360.514.3066). TABLE OF CONTENTS Fighting a Preventable Disease: Lung Cancer Diagnosis, Staging, and Treatment Riyad Karmy-Jones, MD; Dennis Febinger, MD; William McBride, MD; Fan Zhou, MD; Aruna Reddy, MD; Kelly Smith, MD; S. Christopher Hoffelt, MD; Becky Hambright, RN, OCN, CCRP; Clifford S. Pukel, MD; Marie Tesdale, RHIT, CTR 2 Introduction 3 Epidemiology 4 Solitary Pulmonary Nodule 6 Pathology of Lung Cancer 12 Biomarkers and their Implications in NSCLS 14 Staging 17 NSCLC vs. SCLC 19 Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Lung Cancer 20 Evolution of Radiation Therapy 22 Pre-operative Physiologic Assessment 25 Extent of Resection 27 Thoracic Incisions and Approaches 28 Complications of Surgery 29 The PeaceHealth Southwest Experience 31 Lung Cancer and Research 32 Conclusion www.swmedicalcenter.org/exceptionalmedicine Mission Statement We carry on the healing mission of Jesus Christ by promoting personal and community health, relieving pain and suffering, and treating each person in a loving and caring way. © Copyright 2011 PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center, Marketing Department, PO Box 1600, Vancouver, WA 98668 Fighting a Preventable Disease: Lung Cancer Diagnosis, Staging, and Treatment Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the United States. In women, deaths from lung cancer became more common than from breast cancer in 1987, and in men 31% of all deaths have been attributed to lung cancer. Lung cancer results in more deaths than colon, breast, pancreas and prostate (the next four most common) combined. In this report, we examine several facets of lung cancer including diagnosis, staging, and treatment. Riyad Karmy-Jones, MD, Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon Dennis Febinger, MD, Thoracic and Vascular Surgeon William McBride, MD, Pulmonologist Fan Zhou, MD, Pathologist Aruna Reddy, MD, Medical Hematologist/Oncologist Kelly Smith, MD, Medical Hematologist/Oncologist S. Christopher Hoffelt, MD, Radiation Oncologist Becky Hambright, RN, OCN, CCRP, Cancer Research Registered Nurse Clifford S. Pukel, MD, Medical Hematologist/Oncologist Marie Tesdale, RHIT, CTR, Certified Tumor Registrar Volume 4, Number 1 Correspondence: Riyad Karmy-Jones, MD [email protected] PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center Regional Cancer Center PO Box 1600 Vancouver, WA 98668 360-514-2174 www.swmedicalcenter.org/cancercenter Thoracic and Vascular Surgery 404 NE 87th Avenue, Suite 301 Vancouver, WA 98664 360-514-1854 Exceptional Medicine 1 INTRODUCTION Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancerrelated death in North America and is a growing health crisis across the world. It is particularly frustrating that this is very nearly a completely preventable disease, the primary etiology being self-induced inhalation of carcinogens. Unfortunately, anywhere from 60-80% of patients who present with lung cancer are past the point where real cure can be entertained, and even in early stage (“curable”) cases there is a marked risk of recurrence, often in association with continuing the primary behavior that led to the cancer in the first place (i.e. smoking) (Figure 2). 1, 2 Primary lung cancer can be divided into three basic groups, non-small cell (NSCLC), small cell, and intermediate or benign (carcinoid). Small cell cancer is generally NOT a surgical disease. The primary forms of NSCLC are adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These subtypes, as will be discussed, respond differently to different regimes, and there has been a great deal of increased understanding of the genetics of these lesions. Because there are multiple treatment options and because patients usually present with multiple co-morbidities, a multi-disciplinary approach is required. The primary questions when a patient presents with a lung mass or pleural effusion are: 1. What is it? 2.If it is lung cancer, what are the treatment options? When discussing treatment of confirmed lung cancer, it is important to note that treatment can include surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy, or a combination in different sequence. Each has different variations that can be employed depending on the circumstances. How to best choose among the options depends on staging, which can be considered in two parts. 2 We define the first part for the patient as “how far has the cancer spread”. This defines the extent of resection and risk of recurrence after treatment. The most basic premise is that if the cancer appears to be limited to one lobe, surgery plays a critical role in cure. If the cancer has spread outside of the chest, or to the contralateral lung, surgery has very limited role except in rare circumstances. If the mediastinal nodes are involved, and this is known prior to surgery, then surgery may play a role, but as an adjuvant therapy following chemotherapy with or without radiation. It is also important to recognize “stage migration”. Thus the 5-year disease-free survival of clinical stage IA lung cancer is 50%, but of pathological (i.e. after surgery) is 70-80%. This is because in a number of cases occult disease (nodes, pleura, etc.) is found at surgery. In these cases there is often a role for adjuvant chemotherapy. On the other hand, some cancers are found to be smaller or less involved than anticipated. There is significant variation in survival based on stage and other factors. The overall 5-year survival from 1974-1976 was 12.5%, while from 1995-2001 it had increased to 15.7%. The overall 5-year survival for local disease was 49%, regional 16%, and distant disease 2%. 3 The second component of staging is assessing risk of death or risk to quality of life. In the simplest terms, what is the risk of respiratory failure and/or cardiovascular complications? Certain procedures (such as sleeve resection or chest wall reconstruction) may be associated with increased risk of complications. It is ideal, at the initial consultation, to go over these issues with each patient. Most patients are scared, having learned that they may have or do have lung cancer. Understanding the plan and steps incorporates them in the decision making process and allows them to regain autonomy. www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Figure 1: 10-year Lung Cancer Incidence – PeaceHealth Southwest 2001-2010 The number of lung cancer cases at PeaceHealth Southwest peaked in 2007 at 167. 200 Number of Cases 180 160 146 140 140 149 167 156 147 142 150 2008 2009 135 130 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2010 Year Finally, the Achilles heel of therapy is systemic recurrence. Like other cancers, NSCLC should be considered a systemic disease. Continued surveillance is required even after “curative” treatment. In addition, although most results are defined in terms of disease-free survival, a number of patients survive but have recurrence. The primary point is that while there is still significant progress to be made, the multidisciplinary team can treat lung cancer with the goal, if not of always obtaining a cure, of extending not only life but also quality of life. EPIDEMIOLOGY Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the United States. In women, deaths from lung cancer became more common than from breast cancer in 1987, and in men 31% of all deaths have been attributed to lung cancer. Lung cancer results in more deaths than colon, breast, pancreas and prostate (the next four most common) combined. 4 Volume 4, Number 1 The etiology of lung cancer is related to exposure to toxins and genetic risk factors. Given that there are multiple risk factors that overlap, one assessment implicated smoking as the etiology of cancer in 90% of cases, occupational exposures 9-15%, radon exposure 10%, and outdoor pollution 1-2%.5 Compared to patients who have never smoked, smokers have at least a 20-times increased risk of developing lung cancer. The rate of occurrence appears to lag by about 20-years from the onset of smoking. Between 1995 and 1999 in the United States 122,800 deaths were directly attributed to smoking-induced lung cancer.6 Cigar and pipe smokers have an increased risk also, but their risk is slightly less than that of cigarette smokers, possibly due to different smoking patterns. Passive smoking is a risk. Non-smokers married to smokers have a greater than 30% increased risk of developing cancer, and nearly one quarter of the cases of lung cancer in those who have never smoked has been attributed to passive or second-hand smoke exposure. Exceptional Medicine 3 SOLITARY PULMONARY NODULE The detection of a solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN) is a common reason for referral to a pulmonary or thoracic physician. Improved understanding of the epidemiology of SPNs and advances in diagnostic techniques have lead to evidence-based strategies for their evaluation. Solitary pulmonary nodules are defined as intraparenchymal lesions less than or equal to 3 cm in greatest dimension. The majority of SPNs are incidental findings in asymptomatic patients.7 Currently, many are detected by routine CXR, although this is likely to change with the increasing use of CT scanning as a screening technique. The prevalence of SPNs in various populations has been reported in recent studies. A 2007 review of the results of eight screening trials found SPNs in 8-51% of high-risk patients.8 One of the largest trials of CT screening for early detection of lung cancer found SPNs in 13% of enrollees.9 More recently, the National Lung Screening Trial reported that 31.6% of such patients screened with low-dose CT scanning had positive results which required further evaluation to exclude lung cancer.10 The ideal clinical evaluation strategy should accurately distinguish malignant SPNs from benign lesions while minimizing the morbidity and cost associated with the evaluation itself. Several clinical factors have been shown to be useful in estimating the likelihood of malignancy. These include the prevalence of malignant SPNs within the population as well as individual characteristics such as lesion size, patient age and whether the patient has been a cigarette smoker. Several researchers have proposed quantitative models to estimate the probability of malignancy in an individual SPN based on these factors.11 4 The majority of SPNs reflect benign disease. This is especially true for SPNs found on a CT scan used as a screening tool. In a review of 955 patients with SPN discovered on plain CXR from 1983, 51% of lesions were found to be non-malignant.12 More recently, the NLST investigators found that 96.4% of SPN detected on screening CT were non-malignant.10 Benign SPNs are commonly caused by granuloma (80%) or hamartoma (10%). Increased lesion size is associated with increased risk of malignancy. In one study, the likelihood of malignancy was 0.2% for nodules smaller than 3 mm, 0.9% for nodules 4 to 7 mm, 18% for nodules 8 to 20 mm, and 50% for nodules larger than 20 mm. 13 The probability of a SPN being malignant is increased in older patients. One study stratified the percentage of SPNs that were malignant according to the patient’s age and found that 3% of SPNs were malignant in patients between ages 35 and 39, 15% between ages 40 and 49, 43% between ages 50 and 59, and 50% or higher at age 60 or above.14 The evaluation of a SPN should be guided by an evidence-based approach such as one published by the American College of Chest Physicians.15 The roles of newer diagnostic techniques including endobronchial ultrasound bronchoscopy (EBUS) and electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB) have not been fully defined. They complement standard bronchoscopy, CT-guided biopsy and surgical biopsy. In summary, a SPN is a common reason for referral to specialists for clinical evaluation. The evaluation should be evidence-based and utilize newer, minimally invasive techniques. www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Table 1: Proposed IASLC ATS ERS Classification for Small Biopsy Samples 2004 WHO Classification IASLC/ATS/ERS Classification for Small biopsy Adenocarcinoma Mixed subtype Acinar Papillary Solid Adenocarcinoma, with a variety of special patterns Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (nonmucinous) Adenocarcinoma with lepidic pattern Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (mucinous) Mucinous adenocarcinoma Fetal Adenocarcinoma with fetal pattern Mucinous (colloid) Adenocarcinoma with colloid pattern Signet ring Adenocarcinoma with signet ring cell features Clear cell Adenocarcinoma with clear cell features Solid adenocarcinomas Non-small cell carcinoma, favor adenocarcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Papillary Clear cell Small cell Basaloid Squamous cell carcinoma, with specific features Squamous cell carcinoma Non-small cell carcinoma, favor squamous cell carcinoma Small cell carcinoma Small cell carcinoma Large cell carcinoma Non-small cell carcinoma, NOS Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) Non-small cell carcinoma with neuroendocrine (NE) morphology, possible LCNEC Large cell carcinoma with NE morphology (LCNEM) Non-small cell carcinoma with NE morphology (negative NE markers) Adenosquamous carcinoma Non-small cell carcinoma, with squamous cell and adenocarcinoma patterns. This could represent adenosquamous carcinoma. Adenosquamous carcinoma Non-small cell carcinoma, NOS, equivocal immunostains. This could represent adenosquamous carcinoma. Sarcomatoid carcinoma Poorly differentiated NSCLC with spindle and/or giant cell carcinoma. Modified from Travis WD, et al. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6:244. Volume 4, Number 1 Exceptional Medicine 5 Table 2: IASLC ATS ERS Classification of Lung Adenocarcinoma in Resection Specimens Preinvasive lesions Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia Adenocarcinoma in situ (≤3 cm, formerly BAC) Nonmucinous Mucinous Mixed mucinous/nonmucinous Minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (≤3 cm lepidic predominant tumor with ≤5 mm invasion) Nonmucinous Mucinous Mixed mucinous/nonmucinous Invasive adenocarcinoma Lepidic predominant (formerly nonmucinous BAC pattern, with >5 mm invasion) Acinar predominant Papillary predominant Micropapillary predominant Solid predominant with mucin production Variants of invasive adenocarcinoma Invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma (formerly mucinous BAC) Colloid Fetal (low and high grade) Enteric Modified from Travis WD, et al. J Thorac Oncol 2011; 6:244. PATHOLOGY OF LUNG CANCER Tissue diagnosis and classification of lung malignancy has currently undergone a revolutionary change. Diagnosis of a generic non-small cell carcinoma is no longer acceptable, and separation of adenocarcinoma from squamous cell carcinoma should always be attempted. Immunohistochemistry and molecular testing have been increasingly utilized to further classify adenocarcinomas into several treatment- appropriate groups. Multiple testings often exhaust the small amount of tumor tissue sample. Tissue sample preservation should be carefully planned ahead since small biopsies are apparently now the majority sample type for initial diagnosis of lung cancer. Tumor pathology is now beyond just morphologic assessment. 6 Combined efforts from clinicians, radiologists and pathologists are required to achieve a clinically meaningful diagnosis. I. Classification Traditionally, classification of lung carcinoma has been based mainly on H&E sections of biopsies or cytologic preparations. The tumors were grouped essentially into two types: small cell carcinoma and non-small cell carcinoma. The 2004 World Health Organization (WHO) schema of lung tumors has been the foundation for lung cancer classification. In 2011, a multidisciplinary expert panel representing the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC), the American Thoracic Society (ATS), and the European Respiratory Society www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 (ERS) proposed a major revision of the classification system, primarily reworked the classification of adenocarcinomas. The diagnostic terms are sometimes phrased differently when the diagnostic specimens are small biopsies (Table 1) compared to the large excisional specimens (Table 2). Most of the lung cancers are carcinomas or epithelial tumors (>98%). Roughly 20% of the carcinomas are small cell carcinoma, and 80% of them are non-small cell carcinoma (NSCLC). Amongst the NSCLC, 30% are squamous cell carcinoma, 60% adenocarcinoma and 10% other carcinomas including large cell carcinoma. These numbers may vary in different regions of the world such as Europe where squamous cell carcinoma is still more common than adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma Adenocarcinoma is defined as an epithelial tumor with glandular differentiation and/ or mucin production. Some tumors may not have the typical adenocarcinoma morphology but express markers typical for adenocarcinoma (TTF-1, CK7, Napsin A and Mucin). These tumors should be signed out as NSCLC, favor adenocarcinoma. Possibility of adenosquamous cell carcinoma cannot be entirely ruled out. New development in this 2011 adenocarcinoma classification includes recognition of morphological heterogeneity, pathologic sequence of tumorigenesis (dysplasia, carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma), and molecular as well as radiologic association with different adenocarcinomas. The term bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC) has been eliminated and is now replaced with adenocarcinoma in situ, minimal invasive adenocarcinoma, or lepidic adenocarcinoma. Volume 4, Number 1 Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH) AAH is a localized, small (<0.5cm) proliferative disease of alveolar lining cells. AAH is composed of cuboidal round cells with frequent nuclear inclusions. It may be regarded as a high-grade dysplasia in the sequence of lung cancer carcinogenesis. AAH is found in 9-16% of patients with lung cancers, often adenocarcinomas. AAH is often multifocal, which explains the frequent incidence of multicentric synchronous and metachronous carcinomas of the lung. Adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) AIS is a localized, small adenocarcinoma (<3cm) with a restricted growth along the framework of alveoli, or so called lepidic growth pattern. No apparent stromal, vascular or pleural invasion should be seen. Papillary and micropapillary patterns are absent. The vast majority of AIS tumors are previously known as non-mucinous bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC), and they should have minimal nuclear atypia. Typical mucinous BAC is not included here. Minimal invasive adenocarcinoma (MIA) MIA is a small, solitary adenocarcinoma (<3cm) with a predominant lepidic pattern and an invasive tumor less than 5mm in any focus. Tumors are excluded from this category if they invade lymph-vasculatures, pleural membrane, or exhibit tumor necrosis. Patients with MIA, like AIS, had reported a 100% 5-year survival rate. Invasive adenocarcinoma (IAC) IAC consists of over 70% of the surgical resected lung cancers. The invasive component should measure more than Exceptional Medicine 7 5 mm in greatest dimension. Invasion is defined by non-lepidic growth pattern, and myofibroblastic reaction associated with the invasive tumor. Many of these tumors show a mixture of complex heterogeneous histologic subtypes. The previous mixed subtype is eliminated since over 90% of the IAC are mixed. An adenocarcinoma should be classified according to its predominant pattern and other subtypes should also be listed with a percentage attached. The major histologic patterns include acinar, solid, papillary, micropapillary, lepidic, and mucinous histologies. Acinar predominant adenocarcinoma contains mostly malignant Glands or cribriform histologies, and is still the most common histology with an average clinical aggressiveness. Lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma (LPA) predicts an excellent prognosis with a 90% 5-year recurrencefree survival. Micropapillary predominant adenocarcinoma is apparently associated with worse clinical outcomes. Solid predominant adenocarcinoma also shows an unfavorable prognosis. Papillary predominant carcinoma is normally of intermediate grade or clinical aggressiveness. Some histologic subtypes preferably host a particular molecular mutation. Mucinous adenocarcinoma, formerly mucinous BAC is strongly associated with KRAS mutations (80-100%), rarely EGFR mutation. Signet ring cell carcinoma and clear cell carcinoma are commonly classified within the adenocarcinomas of the solid pattern. More than 50% the cases with the EML4-ALK fusion mutations have the signet ring cell histology. The rest of ALK+ cases are found in the acinar histology. EGFR mutations are almost equally represented amongst the different subtypes of the non-mucinous adenocarcinomas but are significantly lower in tumors of the acinar histology and almost absence from the mucinous adenocarcinoma. 8 Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) Squamous cell carcinoma is defined as epithelial carcinoma showing keratinization and / or intercellular bridges. Over 90% of squamous cell carcinomas occur in cigarette smokers and the majority of them arise centrally in the mainstem, lobar or segmental bronchi. Histologic variants include papillary, clear cell, small cell and basaloid SCC. Typical squamous cell carcinomas are positive for CK5/6, p63, and 34BE12 by immunohistochemistry. Adenosquamous cell carcinoma (ASC) ASC is a carcinoma exhibiting both squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma features or coexisting both squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma elements in at least 10% of each tumors. They express a wide range of low molecular and high molecular cytokeratins (CK18, CK7, CK5/6, 34BE12 and p63). ASC usually has an unfavorable prognosis compared to pure adenocarcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas with current treatment modalities. Small cell carcinoma (SCLC) Small cell carcinoma has a small nucleus that is often smaller than three resting lymphocytes. SCLC tumor cells have scant cytoplasm, fine nuclear chromatin and frequent apoptoses. They are mitotic active usually over 1 to 5 per HPF. Some difficult cases may require immunohistochemistry to determine if the neuroendocrine differentiation is present. A panel of antibodies including CD56, chromogranin and synaptophysin are normally utilized. Neuroendocrine differentiation does not define a small cell carcinoma and other neuroendocrine tumor entities need to be ruled out. www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) contain tumor cells of the “neuroendocrine” features: smooth nuclear contour, fine nuclear chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli and scant cytoplasm. They often show organoid nesting, palisading, rosette-like structure and sometimes nuclear molding. Most of the NET can be classified into one of the four categories: typical carcinoid, atypical carcinoid, large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC), and small cell carcinoma (SCLC). A mitotic count of 11 or more per 10 high power fields is one of the major criteria separating LCNEC / SCLC from the carcinoids. Accurate separation of LCNEC from SCLC can be difficult if it is not impossible. Some NSCLC tumors may not have the typical neuroendocrine morphology, but definitely show neuroendocrine differentiation (NED) by immunohistochemistry. These tumors should be classified as NSCLC-NED. Large cell carcinoma (LCC) LCC is a heterogeneous group of undifferentiated non-small cell carcinomas composed of large polygonal cells or anaplastic large tumor cells, and it cannot be further classified into one of the known categories. Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, basaloid carcinoma, lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma with rhabdoid phenotype are included there. It is often classified as NSCLC-NOS in the new classification scheme. II. Tissue is the issue: Obtaining pathology samples Tissue is the issue. A general oncology dictum says “no meat, no treat”, emphasizing the critical importance of tissue diagnosis before starting a therapy with potential Volume 4, Number 1 side effects. Approximately 70% of lung cancers are diagnosed and staged on small biopsies or cytology rather than large surgical specimens. About 80% of the tumors in the small samples are diagnostic and adequate for tumor classification. However about 20% of tumors cannot be classified and are signed out as NSCLC-NOS. With molecular profiling and appropriately selected immunohistochemistry, the NSCLC-NOS group can be sized down to 10%. Tissue examination of the primary tumor is preferred. There are several modalities to choose for tumor sampling and the selection is based on the size and location of the primary tumor in the lung, metastatic status, and anticipated treatment plan. CT-guided percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy (TNAB) tend to have the highest diagnostic accuracy. However, the bronchoscopic biopsy allows sampling the peri-bronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes during the same procedure. Among the bronchoscopic techniques, EBUS-guided sampling appears to be superior to conventional flexible bronchoscopic sampling of small lesions (<3 cm), but indifferent for larger lesions. CT-guided needle biopsy Transthoracic needle biopsy (TTNB) is the most commonly used diagnostic procedure with the diagnostic accuracy over 80% for benign tumor and reaching 90% for malignant tumors. Most of the CT-detected lung cancers are adenocarcinomas, which often show ground glass opacity (GGO) on CT. Greater than 75% of tissue diagnostic accuracy can be achieved for small GGO (<2cm) whereas the accuracy is improved significantly to 90% when the TNAB is performed on a GGO lesion of 2 cm or greater. The size of the needle used to obtain biopsy specimens has shown to affect slightly the diagnostic rate but the 19-G / 20-G Exceptional Medicine 9 needles produce significantly less side effects than 18-G needles. Compared to 20-G needles, 18-G needles apparently provide larger specimens (10-15% more or ~10 mg) and more DNA quantity for future molecular testing. Transbronchial biopsy For central tumor lesions, endobronchial biopsy provides the highest sensitivity (74%) followed by bronchial brushing (59%) and washing (48%). For peripheral tumors, the sensitivity of bronchial brushing is the highest (52%), followed by transbronchial biopsy (46%), and bronchioalveolar lavage/ washing (43%). Diagnosing a peripheral nodule <2cm by endobronchoscopy and biopsy was around 33%, in contrast to 62% when the nodules are greater than 2cm. Aspiration, aspiration / biopsy and cutting needle biopsy are equally capable of diagnosing lung cancer. Tissue biopsy has apparent advantage over aspiration for extra tissue available for immunohistochemistry and molecular testing. Thoracentesis Pleural effusions are present in up to 30% of all patients with NSCLC. Thoracentesis detects up to 65% of malignancy. Examination of pleural fluid is now mandatory for all patients with NSCLC. When a malignant effusion is confirmed, the patient’s pathologic stage will move up to M1a. An adequate sample requires at least 50 ml of pleural fluid for cytology. If the first sample is negative, a second thoracentesis is recommended. About 30% of the initial false negative cases will be positive in subsequent samples. III.Pathology tissue examination and molecular testing Recent developments on NSCLC treatment have had a significant impact on how the 10 NSCLC should be accurately classified. Adenocarcinoma histology predicts favorable outcome to pemetrexed therapy in advanced cancer patients. Patients with squamous cell carcinoma should not be treated with bevacizumab due to potential life-threatening hemorrhage. Adenocarcinomas with the EGFR mutation have a significantly better complete response rate and progressfree survival with EGFR-TKI (erlotinib or gefitinib) treatment. EML4-ALK fusion genes identify a small group of young patients who often are non-smokers and their tumors may be targeted by ALK inhibitor (crizotinib) on clinical trials. Adenocarcinomas with KRAS mutations usually show little response to the treatment using EGFR-TKI. Further testings on adenocarcinoma of the lung for EGFR, KRAS, BRAF mutations and EML4-ALK fusion gene should be considered and testing strategy and algorithm should be developed. General specimen requirements for molecular tests EGFR or KRAS analysis studies using PCRbased technologies often requires a minimum of one 8-10 µm unstained FFPE slide with a tissue surface area equal or greater than 25mm2, containing 25% viable tumor cells and ideally over 50% of tumor cells on the tissue section. One H&E stained slide should be available for pathology assessment. The pathologist’s task includes selecting the most tumor rich tissue core that has minimal stromal cells, inflammatory cells or necrosis. If tumor cells are less than 25% but more than 10%, and the tissue sample is abundant, tumor enrichment by manual or lasercaptured micro-dissection may be performed to help achieve a reliable testing result. We should keep in mind that the suggested minimal tissue amount is for an average specimen, sample adequacy also depends on the quality of DNA (fragmentation), testing technology, and mutation types. www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 DNA fragmentation comes from many variables that cannot be assessed before the testing. Fixative type, tissue block age, time-to-fixation, time-in-fixative, and tissue type are only a few of the fixation-related parameters. It has been shown that the best results are obtained when formalin fixation time is between 6-12 hours for a small biopsy and 8-18 hours for a larger specimen. Specimens for FISH study need to have a sufficient number of tumor cells with good quality chromosomal DNA and excellent cytomorphology as well. An H&E slide and a 4-6 µm unstained tissue section on a positively charged slide with more than 50 tumor cells is needed minimally. Ideally the tissue section should contain some nontumor cells used for internal controls. Adenocarcinoma with EGFR mutation Activating EGFR mutations in the TK domain result in deregulation of this pathway and neoplastic proliferation. Such mutations are often seen in the lepidic, papillary and micropapillary adenocarcinoma, rarely in mucinous carcinomas and occasionally in acinar adenocarcinoma. The recommended testing method is direct sequencing of PCRamplified DNA targeted around the common mutations. Immunohistochemistry using the nonselective anti-EGFR antibodies provides controversial testing results, and should not be used for guiding therapy selection. EGFR FISH may be performed to assess if an increased copy number of chromosome 7 with or without EGFR amplification. Only the mutation status provides the best predictor of potential response to EGFR-TKI therapy. EGFR mutation is often associated EGFR amplification, but not always associated with the EGFR protein expression. Antibodies to the most common EGFR Volume 4, Number 1 mutations have been developed and they are promising tools for identification of specific EGFR mutations by IHC. The EGFR mutated tumors may develop resistance. The primary resistance mostly comes from the KRAS mutations (insertion mutation of exon 20), and the secondary resistance is often associated with T790M substitution in exon 20 in 50% of these resistant patients whereas amplification of MET gene accounts for approximately 20% of the cases. Adenocarcinomas with EML4-ALK fusion gene Approximately, 5% of NSCLC harbor an EML4-ALK fusion gene that is created by inversion within the chromosome 2p. The EML4-ALK fusion gene is often found in signet-ring cell carcinoma, mucinous carcinoma and solid carcinoma subtypes. Tumors of predominant lepidic histology are rarely associated with the ALK fusion gene. FISH analysis with a break-apart probe for ALK gene is currently the preferred test. The tumors with EML4-ALK may be screened by immunohistochemistry using antibodies to the fusion protein antigen. Adenocarcinoma with KRAS mutation Ras mutations are commonly associated with adenocarcinoma and rarely squamous cell carcinoma. KRAS mutations are identified in up to 30% of pulmonary adenocarcinomas. Adenocarcinomas with activating KRAS mutations tend to be smaller tumors with a poorly differentiated histology and often show mucinous and micropapillary as the dominant pattern. Whether KRAS mutation is a reliable predictor for resistance to TKI drugs remains controversial. KRAS mutation test is normally performed on a FFPE tumor tissue sample by sequencing after PCR amplification. Exceptional Medicine 11 Adenocarcinoma with BRAF mutation (BRAF and MAP kinase pathway) About 3% of pulmonary NSCLC have somatic mutations in BRAF. Near half of the mutations are V600E. Tumors with BRAF mutations often exhibit micropapillary, papillary and lepidic histologic patterns. Patients with BRAF mutated tumors have shown better clinical outcome compared with those with KRAS mutations. Summary Selecting therapy based on histologic subtype and molecular mutation status is now changing the landscape of how a lung cancer is classified and tested. Adenocarcinoma must be reliably differentiated from squamous cell carcinomas primarily by histomorphology assisted by immunohistochemistry. When adenocarcinoma is diagnosed, defining subtype and testing for molecular mutations are required for most cases. Preservation of the tumor samples during the diagnostic workup should be actively managed. A reflex testing protocol or well-thought testing algorithm will help use the tissue sample effectively and minimize the need for re-biopsy. Selecting molecular testing methodology is also critical, since not all commercial tests are created equal, or clinically relevant. EGFR mutation analysis is currently the test of choice, not EGFR over expression by IHC or gene copy amplification by FISH. Adequate assessment during the needle biopsy procedure and tumor tissue selection before molecular testing by a pathologist will help assure an accurate diagnosis, quality result of molecular testing and decrease re-biopsy procedure. BIOMARKERS AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS IN NSCLC For decades tumors have been classified based on histological analysis of stained tissue sections for diagnosis and classification. Novel research techniques have provided deeper insight into 12 the molecular basis of cellular transformation and have demonstrated the heterogeneity that exists at a molecular level even in tumors that are in a similar subclass.16 It is common knowledge that in the metastatic setting in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) only a subset of patients with any specified type of cancer benefit from chemotherapy. This is not surprising given the molecular heterogeneity of tumors. Systematic sequencing of cancer genome has identified several abnormalities including chromosomal aberrations and deletions, overexpression of oncogenes, deletions or mutations of tumor suppressor or DNA repair genes.17 In some situations these altered genes or the proteins they encode are targets for new drug development and in other cases they serve to predict prognosis or response to treatment. A prognostic marker is a biomarker that is indicative of patient outcome independent of the treatment received. A predictive marker is a biomarker that is indicative of therapeutic efficacy and can be a target for therapy.18 In NSCLC, the prognostic and predictive value of several biomarkers has been explored. Examples include activating mutations involving the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and oncogenes KRAS and the EML4-ALK (anaplatic lymphoma kinase) genes. EGFR is involved in cell cycle regulation, and the intracellular domain of the EGFR includes a tyrosine kinase (TK), which plays a critical role in cell signaling and carcinogenesis in selected patients with NSCLC.19 KRAS oncogene is expressed in virtually all mammalian cells and is believed to regulate signal transduction pathways that control cell growth and activate mutations resulting in cell growth. ALK (anaplatic lymphoma kinase) is a receptor tyrosine kinase and its exact role in human biology is not clear. Activating mutations in the TK domain of EGFR or chromosomal rearrangement mutations leading to the fusion oncogene EML4-ALK (echinoderm microtubule associated protein like-4 and anaplatic lymphoma kinase) can result in production of www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 potent kinases that result in deregulation of the cell cycle promoting tumor growth.20 NSCLC.26 EGFR, KRAS and ALK mutations are all mutually exclusive. EGFR mutations are more common in adenocarcinomas, women, never smokers or light smokers defined as 10-pack-years or less, are found in about 10% of NSCLC in the Western population versus 30% in Asians. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) that target EGFR including Gefitinib and Erlotinib are available. EGFR does not appear to be prognostic independent of therapy but is predictive of response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). ALK mutation is found in 3-4% of all NSCLC, is more common in never smokers or light smokers; about 90% of ALK positive patients are never or light smokers. It is also seen in adenocarcinomas and more so with signet ring features. An ALK kinase inhibitor, Crizotinib, that targets the ALK rearrangement is also available. EGFR and ALK mutations can be tested by immunohistochemistry (IHC) or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or mutation analysis. ALK can be detected by IHC using an ALK specific antibody. However, FISH is more sensitive and specific for detecting the EML4-ALK gene rearrangement.21 EGFR mutation status is a better predictor of response to TKIs in NSCLC than FISH or IHC.22 EGFR and ALK mutations are mutually exclusive. Other markers that have been studied include excision repair cross complementation group 1 (ERCC-1) and ribonucleotide reductase-M1 (RRM-1). These genes have multiple effects; including repair of damage to DNA. High ERCC-1 levels are prognostic of better survival compared to low levels independent of therapy. High levels are predictive of poor response to platinum based chemotherapy. High RRM-1 levels are prognostic of better survival compared to low levels independent of therapy. High levels are predictive of poor response to Gemcitabinebased therapy.27,28 Multiple other biomarkers are being studied and preliminary results are encouraging but they need to be validated and tested in larger settings.29,30 Response rates for mutation-positive tumors with specific inhibitors average about 60-70%, and the responses are typically longer lasting than with traditional chemotherapy.23,24 A phase 3 randomized trial, PROFILE 1007 comparing Crizotinib to standard chemotherapy in ALK positive NSCLC has completed accrual. A phase 1 trial NCT00585195 remains open for ALK positive NSCLC patients and other solid tumors. FDA has recently approved Crizotinib for ALK positive NSCLC. KRAS mutations occur in up to 30% of NSCLC patients, predominantly in adenocarcinomas and have been associated with a poor prognosis.25 KRAS mutation is an independent predictor of resistance to therapy with EGFR-TKIs in Volume 4, Number 1 The absolute survival benefit of chemotherapy in the adjuvant setting is about 4.2% at 5 years.31 This suggests that large numbers of patients who do not benefit from adjuvant therapy will receive it. Translational research is focusing on identifying subsets of patients who would benefit from adjuvant therapy, and this may in future help provide individualized therapy. Researchers at MD Anderson Cancer Center explored a novel statistical model to match Erlotinib, Erlotinib with Bexarotene, Sorafenib or Vandetanib to specific tumor molecular profiles in patients with advanced NSCLC who had previously received other therapies as part of a phase II trial.32 The first 97 patients were randomized equally to the four treatments and subsequently adaptive randomization was employed whereby information from treated patients’ biopsies and outcomes was employed to guide assignment of drugs to new patients. Biopsy specimens were analyzed for various molecular markers and correlated with responses and outcomes. It is interesting to note that 61% of patients with a KRAS mutation in their tumors who took Sorafenib had disease control at eight weeks, compared with 32% for the other three drugs. Erlotinib worked best against EGFR mutations; Exceptional Medicine 13 Vandetanib for high VEGFR-2 expression and the Erlotinib-Bexarotene worked best with Cyclin D1 defects or amplified numbers of the EGFR gene. These findings are interesting and need to be confirmed and validated in larger settings. Figure 2: AJCC Lung Cancer Stage at Diagnosis PHSW 2010 41% of patients diagnosed with lung cancer at PeaceHealth Southwest in 2010 were Stage IV. 1% To summarize, the complex pathogenesis of NSCLC involving multiple pathways is just beginning to be unraveled. Novel research techniques may pave the way for possible personalized medicine in the near future. Stage 3 Stage 4 22% Anatomic staging provides a rational basis for choosing among the many options for treating non-small cell lung cancer.33 It is critical to understand that lung cancer should be thought of as a systemic disease not a mere local process, and patients need to understand that part of what we try and achieve by staging is to predict whether chemotherapy and/or radiation can play a role in reducing late recurrences. As noted, in the simplest terms, if the cancer is limited to the lung, then surgery plays the preeminent role. If the cancer has spread beyond the chest, except in certain specific circumstances, surgery has no role to play, and definitive chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy is employed. If the central mediastinal nodes are involved then either pre-operative chemotherapy (sometimes with radiation) or definitive chemotherapy/radiation (occasionally followed by surgery) is employed.34 If there is extensive local invasion (chest wall, vertebra, possibly great vessel) then pre-operative radiation and/or chemotherapy is often utilized to provide better systemic treatment and to “shrink” the tumor, hopefully techniques may pave providing a “sterile” the way for possible margin (Tables 4-7).34 In personalized medicine in general, if surgery can be incorporated into therapy, the near future. survival is improved. Disease-free survival following surgery for Stage I-II NSCLC is 50-80% and for intermediate (IIIA) 2540% following induction therapy. 14 Stage 2 26% STAGING Novel research Stage 1 41% Unknown 11% Techniques of staging If there is evidence of extra-thoracic metastatic disease, every effort should be made to rule this out. In general, the most common areas of suspicion are pleural effusion, liver and/ or adrenal metastases. These can be biopsied or aspirated, but on occasion thoracoscopic or laparoscopic exploration may be required. Most of the issues concerning staging relate to lymph node assessment (Figure 3, Table 3). Supraclavicular lymph nodes that are suspicious may be sampled by image-guided biopsy or cut down. Cervical mediastinal nodes (along the trachea) are accessible to mediastinoscopy. Aorto-pulmonary nodes are generally approached by anterior mediastinotomy. Anterior mediastinotomy may be performed to assess how fixed a left upper lobe lesion or nodes are to mediastinal structures or Table 3: Lymph Node Assessment Technique Nodal Stations Within Reach Mediastinoscopy 2,3,4, anterior 7 Anterior Mediastinoscopy 5,6 Endobronchial Ultrasound 2,3,4,6,7,10.11 Endoesophageal Ultrasound Posterior 2 & 4,7,8,9 VATS 5,6,10,11 www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Table 4: TNM Classification TX Positive cytology only T1 < 3 cm T1a < 2 cm T1b >2-3 cm T2 Main bronchus > 2 cm from carina, invades visceral pleura, partial atelectasis T2a >3-5 cm T2b >5cm – 7 cm T3 >7 cm; chest wall, diaphragm, pericardium, mediastinal pleura, main bronchus < 2 cm from carina, total atelectasis, separate nodule(s) in same lobe T4 Mediastinum, heart, great vessels, carina, trachea, esophagous, vertebra; separate tumor nodule(s) in different ipsilateral lobe N1 Ipsilateral peribronchial and/or hilar N2 Subcarinal, ipsilateral mediastinal N3 Contralateral mediastinal or hilar, scalene or supraclavicular M1 Distant metastasis M1a Separate tumor nodule(s) in Contralateral lobe; pleural nodules or malignant effusion (pleural or pericardial) M1b Distant metastasis Table 5: Stage Grouping Occult carcinoma TX N0 M0 Stage 0 Tis N0 M0 Stage IA T1a,b N0 M0 Stage IB T2a N0 M0 Stage IIA T2b T1a,b T2b N0 N1 N1 M0 M0 M0 Stage IIB T2b T3 N1 N0 M0 M0 Stage IIIA T1a,bT2a,b T3 T4 N2 N1,2 N0,1 M0 M0 M0 Stage IIIB T4 Any T N2 N3 M0 M0 Stage IV Any T Any N M1 Volume 4, Number 1 Exceptional Medicine 15 Table 6: Staging in NSCLC Stage Primary Treatment Adjuvant Treatment I Surgery None II Surgery Chemotherapy NOT RT IIIA (N2 found pre-op) Definitive Chemo/RT Possibly Surgery IIIA (N2 found intra-op) Chemo/RT IIIB Definitive Chemo/RT Rare Surgery IV Definitive Chemo/RT Rare Surgery Table 7: Survival by Stage after RO Resection Stage 5 yr survivial (%) IA=T1N0M0 IB=T2N0M0 IIA=T1N1M0 55% IIB=T2N1M0 39% IIB=T3N0M0 Relapse Rate (%) Local Distant 67% 10 15 57% 10 30 38% 12 40 IIIA=T3N1M0 25% Rare Surger IIIA=T1-3N2M0 23% 15 2R 2L 4R Figure 3: Lymph Node Regions 4L 3 10R 60% 6 10L 7 11R 16 11L 8R 8L 9R 9L www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Figure 4: PET Scan: Large Tumor, Right Upper Lobe The majority of the uptake is central, suggesting the peripheral portion of the mass may represent post-obstructive bronchitis rather than tumor extension. the main pulmonary artery. Cancers that are solidly fixed are often not amenable to surgical resection. Endobronchial (EBUS) and endoesophageal (EUS) ultrasound-guided approaches have become more prominent.35,36 It is tempting to use PET scan as the primary staging modality, but the accuracy and dependability can vary from patient to patient. Large central tumors have a higher risk of mediastinal node involvement. Cancers with relatively low PET uptake may present with false negative mediastinal PET studies. Alternatively, PET scans can be falsely positive in the setting of extensive lung inflammation or in regions where granulomatous infections are endemic (Figure 4). Pleural effusions usually portend extensive disease. Aggressive attempts at excluding the presence of malignant cells should be performed, including in all but small effusions pleural aspiration and not infrequently thoracoscopic exploration prior to resection. NSCLC VS. SCLC There are several types of lung cancer, and they are divided into two groups – non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) – based on their behavior, staging, Volume 4, Number 1 treatment and prognosis. NSCLC accounts for approximately 80% of lung cancers and is defined as any type of epithelial lung cancer other than SCLC.37 Adenocarcinoma, squamous cell cancer and large cell cancer are the three most common types of NSCLC. SCLC comprises about 15% of lung cancers. Whereas NSCLC, particularly adenocarcinoma, can occur in nonsmokers, SCLC is almost always associated with tobacco use.37 NSCLC and SCLC appear differently under the microscope. SCLC is characterized by sheets of small cells with scant cytoplasm, finely granular nuclear chromatin and absent or indistinct nucleoli with light microscopy. In addition, the presence of neuroendocrine granules can be detected with electron microscopy.38 NSCLC has abundant cytoplasm, coarse nuclear chromatin and prominent nucleoli with glandular or squamous architecture.37 Immunohistochemical staining of SCLC is typically positive for markers of neuroendocrine differentiation including chromagranin A, neuron-specific enolase, neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and synaptophysin. Ten percent of NSCLC will be immunoreactive for one or more of these markers of neuroendocrine differentiation, so these results cannot be used alone to distinguish SCLC from NSCLC.39 SCLC often presents as a hilar mass with bulky mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Among NSCLC tumor types, adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma tend to be peripherally located while squamous cell cancer tends to be centrally located. SCLC is commonly associated with paraneoplastic syndromes.37 Neurologic syndromes are immune-mediated and include Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, cerebellar ataxia, sensory neuropathy, limbic encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, autonomic neuropathy, and retinopathy.40 Tumors can also secrete hormones including vasopressin and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) causing syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and Cushing’s syndrome, respectively.37 Exceptional Medicine 17 Table 8: Estimated Cancer Deaths from Lung Cancer - 2010 In 2010, lung cancer deaths in Washington State accounted for nearly 2% of the nationwide total. Estimated Cancer Deaths from Lung Cancer – 2010 n Washington State – 3,110 n United States – 157,300 *Data from ACS Cancer Facts and Figures 2010 and National Cancer Institute NSCLC and SCLC have different staging systems. NSCLC is classified as stage I through IV based on tumor size, regional lymph node involvement and presence of distant metastases. Only onethird of NSCLC is diagnosed at an early stage and is amenable to potentially curative therapy.37 SCLC is classified as either limited or extensive stage. Limited stage disease is defined as being encompassed within one radiation port and is usually limited to one hemithorax. Extensive stage disease is defined as disease that extends beyond this area. Most patients present with distant disease, however, 30-40% of patients have limited-stage disease at diagnosis.41 NSCLC is much less sensitive to chemotherapy and radiation than SCLC. SCLC is associated with a 50-75% response rate to chemotherapy. Patients often experience quick tumor shrinkage with rapid improvement in tumor-related symptoms. Unfortunately, these tumors will usually relapse and become drug resistant. NSCLC, on the other hand, is associated with only a 25-35% response rate to chemotherapy.37 Treatment strategies for NSCLC and SCLC cancer are different. Surgical resection offers the best chance for long-term survival and cure in patients with resectable NSCLC. Surgical resection is indicated for good surgical candidates with stage I and II NSCLC.42 Poor surgical candidates may benefit from radiotherapy.43 Adjuvant chemotherapy in stage IB, II and III patients has been shown to improve survival.44 The treatment of Stage IIIA disease is 18 controversial and can include either concurrent chemoradiation or surgery with neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy.37 Stage IIIB disease is treated with concurrent chemoradiation.45 Platinum-containing doublets are used for stage IV disease.46 SCLC is usually considered a systemic disease due to its tendency to be widely disseminated at the time of diagnosis. Surgical resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy is only attempted in a small number of patients (about 5%) with stage I (T1-2, N0) disease.47 Chemotherapy given concurrently with radiation to the thorax is recommended for other patients with limited-stage disease whereas combination platinum-based chemotherapy is the cornerstone of treatment for patients with extensive-stage disease.41,48,49,50 Patients with a complete or very good partial remission with induction chemotherapy should receive prophylactic cranial radiation in order to decrease the risk of brain metastases and prolong 3-year survival by 5%.51,52 SCLC has a worse prognosis than NSCLC. SCLC has a more aggressive clinical course with a rapid doubling time and propensity to spread quickly. Without treatment, the median survival of SCLC is only 2-4 months. With treatment, the median survival is 14-17 months for limited-stage disease and 9-10 months for extensive-stage disease.37 The median survival for NSCLC is 59 months for stage IA, 42 months for stage IB, 34 months for stage IIA, 23 months for stage IIB, 14 months for stage IIIA, 8 months for stage IIIB and 4 months for stage IV disease.53 www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Table 9: Lung Cancer First Course Treatment by AJCC Stage PHSW- 2010 Stage III and IV cancers were most often treated with a combination of diagnostic procedure, radiation, and chemotherapy. Stage I Stage II D 3 1 4 17 1 26 D,S 6 3 0 1 0 10 D,R 23 8 5 8 0 44 D,C 0 0 2 8 0 10 D,S,C 1 1 3 0 0 5 D,R,C 0 0 15 12 0 27 D,S,R,C 0 0 0 1 0 1 R,C 0 0 0 4 0 4 S 1 0 0 0 0 1 C 0 0 0 1 0 1 Other/No txt 0 2 0 4 0 6 34 15 29 56 1 135 Total Stage III Stage IV Unknown Total D = Diagnostic procedure DS = Diagnostic procedure, surgery D,R = Diagnostic procedure, radiation D,C = Diagnostic procedure, chemotherapy D,S,C = Diagnostic procedure, surgery, chemotherapy D,R,C = Diagnostic procedure, radiation, chemotherapy D,S,R,C = Diagnostic procedure, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy R,C = Radiation, chemotherapy S = Surgery alone C = Chemotherapy CHEMOTHERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF LUNG CANCER The use of various chemotherapy agents in the treatment of both early stage and advanced lung cancer is now well established. There are several drugs and drug combinations which are typically used in either increasing the likelihood of cure in patients with early stage disease or extending the life of patients with more advanced disease. Very often we use combinations of both chemotherapy and radiation treatment together in what is commonly called concurrent chemoradiation. Carboplatinum, Taxol, gemcitabine, Navelbine, docetaxel, and pemetrexed are all used in various treatment schemes and regimens very often in what are called doublets (i.e. two chemotherapy Volume 4, Number 1 drugs combined). The use of biological agents such as bevacizumab, which is a monoclonal antibody that inhibits blood vessel development, and through that mechanism may sometimes help in controlling advanced lung cancer, has also been shown to have some modest benefit. Other drugs used in the setting of the treatment of small cell lung cancer includes etoposide, carboplatinum, cisplatin, irinotecan, and topotecan, which in a similar fashion are used in various combinations in treating both limited stage and extensive stage disease. Once again, in small cell lung cancer we very often combine radiation therapy with these drugs to increase the likelihood of a meaningful and sustained response. Exceptional Medicine 19 More recently, drugs which fall under the general rubric of chemotherapy, but are more specifically called targeted therapy, modify various enzyme pathways. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as erlotinib and gefitinib can be used to treat lung cancer patients with adenocarcinoma, and sometimes significant benefit can be achieved with a very modest degree of toxicity with these agents. Genetic testing is now performed to determine who would most likely benefit from these and other drugs, and gene mutation analyses of EGFR, KRAS, and ALK which can help predict the likelihood of a response to these oral agents. EVOLUTION OF RADIATION THERAPY FOR NON-SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER CONTINUES TO IMPROVE OUTCOMES Modifying the immune response to cancer with cancer vaccines and by other novel approaches is an area of interest which hopefully over the next decade will translate into more effective and less toxic therapies for the treatment of cancer, specifically in preventing or reducing the likelihood of disease recurrence. Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death in the United States and worldwide. Most cases are categorized as “non-small cell carcinomas,” (NSCLC) which is a group consisting of several subtypes. Squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and large cell carcinoma are the most common. Radiation therapy is a local therapy, and similar to surgery, the therapeutic use of radiation for NSCLC depends more on stage and potential for surgical intervention than type. One of the fundamental difficulties we have encountered in the treatment of lung cancer is a process called tumor heterogeneity where tumor cells have already mutated, and so in treating a mass measuring one centimeter or greater, you are dealing with billions of cells, some of which are inherently resistant to the chemotherapy drugs administered. Very often we see an initial response to treatment based on shrinkage of the tumor on CT scans, but then recurrent disease develops in many other locations. This is a source of great frustration and disappointment to patients, their families, physicians, and nurses. Nevertheless, continued efforts to create more specific and elegant methods of treatment will help prolong patient’s lives and also, of great importance, create a much better quality of life by reducing the side effects of drugs that are very often only modestly effective. 20 Radiation therapy, or the use of x-rays to destroy cancer cells, has been an important component of lung cancer treatment for more than 100 years. While the early use of radiation therapy was largely limited to palliation of symptoms, recent technology and carefully designed clinical trials have firmly established radiation as a component of standard care for most stages and types of lung cancer. Stage I Stage I NSCLC includes tumors limited to a relatively small area of the lung, without evidence of spread to lymph nodes or distant areas in the lung or body. For decades, surgery has been the mainstay of treatment for early stage lung carcinoma. Surgical techniques continue to improve, and generally confer cure rates from 60-90% for stage I disease. For patients unfit for surgery, radiation therapy was historically a poor second line method of treatment. Six to eight weeks of treatment was standard yet cumbersome, damaging to lung, and resulted in poor cancer control rates, 40-50%.54 Innovations in radiation therapy delivery, including image guidance, intensity modulated radiation therapy, and highly accurate beam delivery have allowed more aggressive www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 treatment with substantially greater dose in fewer treatments, delivered with minimal collateral effects. This technique has been called stereotactic radiation, stereotactic ablative radiotherapy, or radiosurgery. A large body of evidence, including data from PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center, has routinely demonstrated 90% or greater control rates and brought this treatment to the first line of care for medically inoperable stage I and selected stage II NSCLC patients.55,56 Outcomes for this subgroup of patients treated at PeaceHealth Southwest were presented at the annual meetings of the American Society for Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting in 2010, and updated for the CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery Summit, 2011. Sixty-one patients were treated for biopsyproven stage I carcinoma of the lung, receiving 3500cGy to 6000cGy in three to five sessions with the CyberKnife, an image-guided robotic radiotherapy system. Control of the treated site of disease was 94%, survival was 77% at three years, and toxicity was primarily mild. Example cases shown in (Figures 5 and 6) represent the typical success seen with this treatment. Stage II, III Stage II and III non-small cell lung carcinomas primarily consists of disease with evidence of spread to one or more adjacent lymph nodes. Lung cancer in this stage is still considered curable, and as discussed elsewhere in the annual report, anatomic resection plays an important role and can be curative. However, complete gross total resection does not guarantee cure nor local disease control; local and regional failure rates from 6 to 65% have been reported, depending on extent of lymph node involvement.57 For this reason, postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) directed toward tumor bed and/or regional lymph nodes has been studied and used frequently as an adjuvant to prevent recurrences. While PORT seems sensible and beneficial, major benefit has been difficult to demonstrate in clinical trials. A nonrandomized Volume 4, Number 1 meta-analysis of the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Result Database suggested worse survival with PORT in stage I and II disease and improved survival in stage III disease when mediastinal lymph nodes are involved.58 Two randomized studies have shown improved recurrence-free survival, but no improvement in survival. As a result, PORT can be recommended after surgery for patients with N2 disease.59,60 About 35% of patients with non-small cell lung cancer have stage III disease, which generally is considered locally advanced. Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy have been used alone or most often in combination as an attempt at cure. However, survival is generally poor, and patients often have comorbidities complicating ideal treatment delivery. Concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy has emerged as the best known treatment for stage III NSCLC without resection. Many prospective studies such as CALGB 9431 and the LAMP trial have defined the standard as a two-drug platinum-based regimen with radiation therapy with 60-63Gy over 6-7 weeks. This modern treatment course is extremely difficult with severe toxicity routinely in 25% or more of the patients, but survival has improved as a result. Median survival is beyond 16 months in most studies, substantially better than prior decades. Newer radiation delivery techniques such as IMRT have allowed safer dose escalation, which along with new systemic therapies represent the current focus of lung cancer clinical trials. Advanced Lung Cancer Unfortunately up to 25-50% of lung cancer patients present with advanced disease, generally incurable. Radiation plays a very common and effective role in the palliation of symptomatic brain, bone, liver, and lung metastases with little to no impact on survival. However, as chemotherapy and targeted drugs demonstrate improvements in survival, the use and importance of local therapy may expand for selected patients. Exceptional Medicine 21 Figure 5: Example Case 1 77-year-old male, stage IA left upper lobe adenocarcinoma, recent MI and COPD precluded surgery, 6000cGy in 3 fractions delivered in 2007. Three years later there is no evidence of recurrence. Figure 6: Example Case 2 73-year-old female, stage IB poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the right middle lobe, central by RTOG criteria. FEV1 = 1.1, dyspnea symptoms precluded surgery. 5400 cGy in 3 fractions delivered in 2007. Three and a half years later there is no evidence of recurrence. Conclusion Every stage of lung cancer has seen measurable improvements in survival over the past decade. As outlined in this section, innovations in radiation therapy and prospective clinical trials continue to demonstrate the role of radiation as an effective sole modality for early stage NSCLC and as a component of therapy for more advanced stages. Current clinical trials will continue to define the proper role of each treatment modality to minimize toxicity and continue the trend toward better survival. 22 PRE-OPERATIVE PHYSIOLOGIC ASSESSMENT While anatomic staging plays a key role in determining what options may be optimal from an oncologic sense, staging should also encompass an assessment of risks of a particular intervention. These are not exact as one would like and vary in specificity with regards to both risk of in-hospital mortality and qualityof-life impact. The key areas that need to be assessed are lung function, cardiac risk factors, emotional and nutritional status. While the www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 risk of all complications is assessed, the critical complications are death, respiratory failure, and myocardial infarction.61 Approximately one quarter of patients with non-small cell lung cancer present with clinical stage I disease. Of these, less than one-fifth have reduced pulmonary function.62 Untreated stage I lung cancer has a rapidly declining survival curve, from 80% at one year, to 50% at 18 months and virtually 100% by three years.63 While many patients are at risk for mortality due to other causes (cardiac, stroke, respiratory), this high death rate means that in all but the most debilitated patients some attempt at treatment should be considered. Balancing the risk benefit of surgery and extent of surgery (lobectomy, segmentectomy or wedge) with a non-surgical procedure (cyberknife, radiofrequency ablation, cryoablation) or “medical” treatment is usually difficult but critically important. The first chance for assessment is in the initial consultation. Does the patient have active bronchitis, asthma and/or other lung diseases? Is the patient still smoking? A simple test is to walk the patient for a few minutes or even up two flights of stairs. Oxygen saturation less than 90% at rest or desaturate greater than 5% with exertion, have six minute walk less than 500 ft and/or climb greater than 12 ft are at increased risk.64 If the patient’s heart rate increases more than 20% this is a sign of deconditioning.61 Many patients are relatively sedentary and may have occult cardiac or coronary disease. Signs and symptoms of cor pulmonale (leg swelling, orthopnea) should be sought for. Emotional status can affect choices. Patients who are depressed or have chronic pain issues may not be able to tolerate certain approaches or participate reliably in postoperative care. Malnourished patients can have problems with wound healing. Smaller body habitus patients may have more postoperative neuropathic pain, while obese patients are at increased risk of deep venous thromboembolism and wound infection. Volume 4, Number 1 All patients require pulmonary function tests. The basic tests include FEV1 and DLCO. These can be standardized by age, weight and gender. FEV1 greater than 80% predicted is generally thought to be sufficient for pneumonectomy, greater than 60% for lobectomy. Patients with DLCO and/or FEV1 less than 60% predicted may require split lung function testing. By quantifying perfusion to areas of resection the predicted post operative (PPO) percentage can be calculated for FEV1, DLCO and Maximal Voluntary Ventilation (MVV). If PPO percentage for either FEV1 or DLCO is less than 40%, further steps may be required, including rehab, aggressive smoking cessation, and/or further testing, including MVO2 (Figure 7). Patients in these categories are at increased risk of death and/or prolonged respiratory failure. Some patients can improve enough with smoking cessation that surgery does become possible. Many patients who are deconditioned have cardiac risk factors, including right heart failure, coronary artery disease and/or rhythm disturbances. Intra-pericardial resections and pneumonectomy are associated with an increased risk of supra-ventricular dysrythmias. Lung resection is considered “intermediate” risk (<5% reported cardiac risk generally). Patients who are active and have no prior history or symptoms to suggest an increased risk factor generally do not require further evaluation. Patients with prior history of vascular disease, coronary symptoms, deconditioning and/or evidence of heart failure who are undergoing more than a wedge resection generally do undergo some screening. The assessment of psychological status is harder to define. Some patients have extreme anxiety and depression, but post-operatively are so relieved that they do extremely well. Other patients and/or family have become so despondent and co-dependent that postoperative care is difficult. Patients who will not do incentive spirometry for example, or who have such pain issues that the slightest Exceptional Medicine 23 Figure 7: Step-wise Assessment of Pulmonary Function in Patients Undergoing Lung Resection This assessment assists in determining when to offer or defer surgery as treatment. Spirometry FEV1 > 80% DLCO > 80% FEV1 < 80% DLCO < 80% FEV1 > 40% DLCO > 40-50% MVO2 VO2 Max > 15 ml/kg/min PPO-VO2 Max > 10ml/kg/min VO2 Max < 15 ml/kg/min PPO-VO2 Max < 10ml/kg/min Defer Surgery 24 Offer Surgery www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 incision will be perceived as disabling may not be good candidates for surgery. Patients who are malnourished may need supplementation preoperatively and should be cautioned about the possible need for post-operative tube feeding.65 Age need not be a contraindication to surgery with curative intent. For patients older than 70 years, mortality for lobectomy appears to be 4-7% and pneumonectomy 14% while for those younger than 70, mortality following lobectomy ranges from 1-4% and pneumonectomy 5-9%.64 Some patients older than 80 years may also undergo surgery with curative intent, with 30-day mortality ranging between 1.6-8.8%.63, 66 Ultimately, these tests and assessments, while giving some basis for discussing risks and benefits of operation, are only guidelines. Each patient will need to be individually assessed and involved in making the decision. EXTENT OF RESECTION The basic principles of resection are as follows: 1. The tumor and draining lymph complex should be completely resected when possible; 2.The tumor should be completely excised without spoilage or traversing; 3.Any structure involved should be resected en bloc to achieve clear margins; 4.Multi-station lymph node sampling should be performed and if hilar nodes are involved as complete a resection as possible be performed. There has been ongoing debate about whether lobectomy is required for all T1N0 NSCLC lesions. The Lung Cancer Study Group published a series in 1995 that demonstrated as threefold increase in loco-regional recurrence after wedge and 2.4-fold increase with segmental resection compared to lobectomy. This translated in the follow up to a nearly significant difference in cancer-free survival. 67 More recently, given improved imaging and pre-operative staging, it has been argued that Volume 4, Number 1 peripheral lesions 2 cm or smaller can be adequately managed with segmental or wedge resection, although in general the margin should be about the same size as the primary.68 Mery and colleagues noted that the survival advantage of lobectomy was not apparent for patients older than 71 years.69 It was not entirely clear how many of these older patients had significant morbidities and reduced life expectancy. These arguments can be summarized as follows: Lobectomy is still the standard of care in patients with adequate cardiopulmonary status; for patients who are medically frail, wedge may be appropriate; proper and complete lymph node staging is critical. Lobectomy Pneumonectomy is is still generally associated with a reduced survival the standard of care in compared to lobectomy. patients with adequate This may be due to cardiopulmonary status more locally advanced cancer requiring larger resection, but it also has been linked to long-term morbidity related to loss of lung function and cardiac stress. Both Deslauriers et al and Ludwig et al noted improved 5-year survival for sleeve lobectomy compared to pneumonectomy when matched for stage (T and N status). Deslauriers’ group noted a lower loco-regional recurrence (22%) with sleeve lobectomy vs. pneumonectomy (35%) (Figure 8 and 9).70 Mortality rates are generally the same or lower than standard lobectomy and airway complications less than 3%.71 Pulmonary artery involvement may mandate pneumonectomy. However, tumors or fixed nodes at the apical branches of both upper lobe pulmonary arteries, or upper lobe cancers involving the pulmonary artery in the fissure, may be managed by lateral resection (usually closed primarily) or true sleeve resection with end-to-end reconstruction. Survival is primarily influenced by stage ranging from 5-year disease free for N0 disease of 60% to 25% for N2 disease.72 Exceptional Medicine 25 Figure 8: CT Scan Showing Tumor Involving Origin of the Right Upper Lobe Bronchus Figure 9: Principles of Right Upper Lobe Sleeve Lobectomy Standard amputation of the bronchus could be expected to leave a positive margin. Correlating extent of surgery with stage Pathological stage I disease after complete resection has 60-70% 5-year disease-free survival. Stage 1A tumors do not benefit from adjuvant therapy. Some Stage IB may, depending on specific prognostic factors (microvascular invasion etc), benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy, although this is still debated. Completely resected pathologic Stage II disease has a 5-year disease-free survival of 40-50%, with two thirds of relapses being systemic. There is emerging consensus that adjuvant chemotherapy increases disease-free survival. Thus, Locally advanced cancer requires en bloc resection. As noted previously, the majority of these patients have undergone preoperative chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. There is evidence that induction therapy with chemotherapy improves 5-year survival following resection, and there appears in most patients, pneumonectomy (especially right sided) after chemotherapy, with or without radiation, should be avoided in most cases. 26 to be an increased advantage with the addition of pre-operative radiation therapy, particularly for T3 (chest wall) lesions.73 Typical cases of T3 resection include chest wall, pericardium and/or diaphragm (Figures 10 and 11). More advanced T4 cases may involve partial resection of superior vena cava, partial left atrial resection, great vessel resection or vertebral resection.73, 74 Locally advanced tumors can be managed by induction chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy with excellent results. For example, with apical (Pancoast) cancers, after induction therapy, completely resected posterior tumors with negative nodes have up to 40-50% 5-year diseasefree survival; while anterior (including vessel resection) have up to 30% 5-year disease-free survival.73, 75 Yildizeli and colleagues reviewed 271 patients with locally advanced (T4) non-small cell cancer who underwent resection. 30-day mortality was 4% and major morbidity 35%. Overall 5-year survival was as follows: mediastinal (including left atrium, esophagus or aorta)-61.2%; carina-42.5%; superior sulcus-36.6%; superior vena cava29.4%.74 These data demonstrate that resection for locally advanced cancer is still possible, albeit at an increased risk. Surgery after induction therapy is generally felt to be associated with increased risk of complications. In one review, complications after all forms of resection occurred in 38% of patients, of which 16% were major.76 In particular, pneumonectomy is associated with increased mortality and complications related www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Figure 10: Posterior Apical Tumor Post Induction Chemoradiation to stump dehiscence. Thus, in most patients, pneumonectomy (especially right sided) after chemotherapy, with or without radiation, should be avoided in most cases. The most common problem facing clinicians is the question of whether or not resection can be performed in the presence of N2 disease. When N2 (Stage IIIA) disease is confirmed preoperatively, surgery becomes adjuvant therapy, following chemotherapy (with or without radiation therapy). If there is a good clinical response the patient may be a candidate for resection with curative intent, albeit with the caveats discussed earlier. Port and associates found that a 50% or greater reduction in SUV by PET was associated with a significantly greater disease-free survival, and this can be used to help determine whether or not the patient can undergo surgery with curative attempt.77 Patients who do undergo resection, and who require lobectomy, can have as high as a 25% 5-year disease-free survival.78 The problem is that this will not be known until surgery, and it is not clear that patients with residual disease do any better than those who did not undergo surgery. Survival after resection of “occult” N2 disease is still in the 25-30% range (i.e. in patients who did not have documented N2 disease prior to resection). Adjuvant chemotherapy will be required. In summary, for patients who are a good operative risk and when appropriate staging does Volume 4, Number 1 not indicate mediastinal N2 disease (clinical stage I), lobectomy is the standard of care except for small peripheral lesions, older patients, or those with reduced pulmonary reserve. Patients with clinical stage II disease (confirmed by biopsy) may benefit from induction chemotherapy, but generally surgery is performed and if confirmed there is data that supports adjuvant chemotherapy. Patients with stage IIIA disease proved prior to resection generally undergo induction chemo-radiation therapy, and then are either restaged and if a good response may be offered adjuvant surgical resection. Lobectomy or sleeve lobectomy is preferred to pneumonectomy if R0 resection is possible. THORACIC INCISIONS AND APPROACHES The principles of lung resection require that there be complete resection of gross tumor, that there be extensive lymph node resection for accurate staging and possibly better cure rates, and that it be done safely. The standard approach has been postero-lateral thoracotomy. This usually involves dividing the latissimus dorsi while attempts are made to spare the serratus anterior. Partial or occasionally complete muscle sparing is associated with quicker functional recovery of the shoulder. Usually one or two ribs are “shingled” (cut) to reduce postoperative pain but patients commonly experience a numb patch anteriorly and should be warned of this. Anterior thoracotomy or sternotomy may also be used in specific settings. In general we reserve sternotomy for anterior cancers involving the subclavian vessels or superior vena cava, or for mediastinal invasive cancers like thymic cancer. Thoracoscopy refers to procedures performed using a camera. Some minimal procedures (wedge resection, pleurodesis) are possible with only two or three small sub-centimeter incisions. In rare circumstances, this medical thoracoscopy can be performed under local anesthesia. VideoAssisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS) refers to any procedure performed under thoracoscopic Exceptional Medicine 27 Figure 11: Operative View After an en-bloc resection of the upper lobe and three levels of posterior ribs with reconstruction with bio-prosthetic material, all margins were clear and nodes negative. guidance, including formal anatomy lung resection. VATS lobectomy requires an additional access port, in the anterior axillary line, which can vary in length but the critical difference is that rib spreading is not performed (Figure 12). VATS lobectomy for early stage lung cancer now is accepted to have the same oncologic result as formal lobectomy, as long as the basic principles of resection are observed. VATS lobectomy appears to be associated with a quicker recovery time and less morbidity than “open” thoracotomy, although up to 7% of patients still experience intercostals pain, and the risks of air leak and other complications are similar to thoracotomy. COMPLICATIONS OF SURGERY The most common complication that patients want to discuss is, not unnaturally, the risk of death. In general mortality following lobectomy is quoted as 1-4% and pneumonectomy 6-9%. The majority of deaths does not occur intra-operatively, but arise from post-operative complications. Pneumonectomy after radiation is associated with a marked increase in risk and most centers believe that it is contra-indicated, although some report good results with 5-year disease-free survival in the 35% range in well-selected patients. The primary risk factors relate to pulmonary issues, particularly pneumonia and respiratory failure. 28 The leading factors contributing to these are post-operative pain and active lung inflammation secondary to recent or ongoing smoking. Pain can be minimized by using thoracoscopic approaches, nerve blocks, pain catheters and/or epidurals. Recently, there is evidence that pre-medication with Lyrica, Tylenol and Celebrex is associated with reduced pain post operatively. Muscle sparing incisions are also associated with quicker recovery and less pain. Patients who are smoking should stop for at least two weeks and any signs of active bronchitis should be sought out and treated by appropriate antibiotics. Cardiac dysrhythmias occur anywhere from 2-30% of patients. Risk factors include pneumonectomy and intra-pericardial resections. There is no evidence that supports prophylactic treatment. A number of technical complications should be discussed with patients. Persistent air leak greater than seven days can be frustrating. Usually these are managed by putting the chest drains to Heimlich valve. Nearly 85% will seal spontaneously over 1-3 weeks. Bronchopleural fistulas from pneumonectomy stump leaks occur more often after radiation therapy, but can be related to empyema, long stump and/or residual cancer at the resection line. If noted within seven days, re-operation is possible via the thoracotomy, but after that period generally a trans-sternal approach is recommended. If the fistula is small, claggett window can be employed, or a combination approach using omental or muscle flaps with a clagget type approach. The most frustrating chronic problem is residual pain, often accompanied by strips of numbness. This arises from intercostal nerve injury and can persist for more than six weeks in about 7% of patients. Usually this resolves but occasionally more interventions, such as rib blocks, are required. This is more commonly a problem with posterior incisions and small patients due to the smaller rib spacing, as well as patients with a history of anxiety, chronic pain and/or depression. www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Figure 12: Postoperative view after VATS Lobectomy Arrow indicates a 5 cm-long accessory site. THE PEACEHEALTH SOUTHWEST EXPERIENCE Starting in late 2006 the oncology community began a multidisciplinary approach incorporating the medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, pulmonary physicians and thoracic surgeons. A cornerstone of this has been a multidisciplinary review board that meets biweekly to review cases. This meeting is attended by all three main medical groups: Southwest Medical Group, Vancouver Clinic and Northwest Oncology. From 2006-2010 Southwest Medical Group performed lung resection on 59 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma 31, squamous cell 19, undifferentiated or sarcomatoid 8, focal BAC 1) (Figure 13). These numbers do not include resection of metastases, mediastinal or thymic cancer resection, esophageal resection, typical carcinoid, management of malignant pleural effusion, or any surgery for traumatic or benign disease. Clinical and pathologic stages are listed in Figure 14. Age ranged from 42-84 years (average 66 + 10 years). Thirty-four (58%) were women. Thirtysix (61%) had COPD, defined as FEV1 < 60% Volume 4, Number 1 predicted, and/or DLCO < 60% predicted, and/ or active bronchitis requiring treatment. Twenty (34%) had a history of coronary artery disease defined as prior MI, coronary stent or CABG. All patients underwent preliminary staging with CTPET, and any with large lesions (> 3 cm), central lesions, adenopathy > 1 cm, questionable PET + adenopathy, clinical suspicion for T3 lesions and/ or were deemed high operative risk underwent mediastinoscopy or EBUS/EUS. Only those with no evidence of N3 or central N2 disease underwent resection. Patients who were N2 positive initially but who after induction therapy and restaging were N2 negative were considered for resection. Six (10.2%) underwent induction chemotherapy and 5 (8.5%) underwent definitive chemoradiation prior to surgery. Operative and 30-day mortality was 0. In 19 cases (32.2%) final pathologic stage was less than initial clinical stage, in 13 (22%) it was greater (Figure 14). Of patients receiving induction chemoradiation, no viable cancer was seen in 6 (54%) of resected specimens. At an average follow up of 33.9 and 19.6 months, survival was 88.1% and disease-free survival 72.9%. Two patients died from other disease without evidence of recurrence, 5 died with evidence of recurrent disease. Postsurgical therapy was administered in 24 cases (41%), included chemotherapy in 23.7%, radiation in 1.7%, chemoradiation in 13.6%, and cyberknife in 1.7%. The most common reason was the presence of occult N1 or N2 disease or vascular invasion. In 18 cases there had not been any induction therapy. The overall incidence of recurrence was 14/59 (24%), 2 loco-regionally, the remainder new lung or metastatic disease. The incidence of recurrence based on pathology was: BAC 0/1; squamous cell 3/19 (15.7%), adenocarcinoma 8/31(25.8%); undifferentiated/sarcomatoid 3/8 (37.5%). The impact of stage migration on 5-year survival is reflected by the differences in clinical and pathological stage outcomes. For local disease there are better 5-year outcomes for Exceptional Medicine 29 Figure 13: Procedures Performed for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer at PHSW VATS lobe procedures made up the majority of procedures performed for non-small cell lung cancer. 30 25 N 20 15 10 5 be l lo e ev es ch y+ pn eu m on ec to m sle tw om ct lo bi al y l be st he lo be +c +p be lo w ev sle a ec on al e y to m be pn eu m op en lo be lo ts va en gm se w ed ge t 0 pathological stage IA and IB, while the opposite is true for loco-regional disease (IIA-IIIA) (Figure 15). This is because some patients with clinically more advanced disease are found to have more local (lower stage) disease and vice-versa. Of the six patients with no viable cancer found, two (33%) have experienced metastases. Of note, these patients were all clinical Stage IIIA or IIIB with mediastinoscopic or EBUS confirmed N2 disease. At an average follow up of 29 and 12 months, four are alive and disease free, one is alive with recurrence and one patient has died with recurrence. This is a review of a small number of patients with limited 5-year follow up. However, our experience reflects the national one. At 3-years, survival for IA was 100%, IB 92%, stage II 78% and stage IIIA 45% which parallels other reports. Surgery can be performed safely, in selected 30 patients, even after induction therapy. Induction therapy does appear to help in “down staging” patients. Metastases remain the Achilles heel of cancer therapy, particularly with adenocarcinoma and undifferentiated cancer. Continued efforts in early detection, improved staging, and systemic therapy for what really is a systemic disease are ongoing. While the overall picture appears grim, there is hope. Each patient should be addressed as an individual in a multidisciplinary manner. Automatic therapeutic nihilism, in which it is assumed that a patient is not an operative candidate, should be avoided. At the same time, careful selection should include not only risks of mortality, but also risks to quality of life. Ultimately, a realistic presentation of all possible options should be presented, but the patient must make the final decision. www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Figure 14: Clinical and Final Pathological Stages at PHSW 20 18 Clinical Stage 16 Pathologic Stage 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 IA IB IIA IIB IIIA LUNG CANCER AND RESEARCH PeaceHealth Southwest has participated in organized cancer research since the 1980s. The four main cancer sites have been our primary focus: Breast, Colon, Lung, and Prostate. Of the four, lung cancer remains one of the most difficult to detect and treat. Through the years, we have participated in industry (pharmaceutical-sponsored) clinical trials, as well as National Cancer Institutesponsored studies made available through the Community-based Clinical Oncology Programs (CCOP) and our affiliation with the Columbia River Oncology Program (CROP). Some of these studies have included Alimta (Pemetrexed) for Mesothelioma and Tarceva (Erlotinib) for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. Both of these drugs went on to receive FDA approval Volume 4, Number 1 IIIB IV NO VIABLE CANCER based upon the results of many studies, including the ones that were available here. We have a variety of clinical trials open at this time for treatment of various stages of lung cancer, both small cell and non-small cell. Currently, we are also participating in a clinical trial testing a vaccine for a type of non-small cell lung cancer tumor that expresses the MAGE-A3 gene. Through other research studies, it has been shown that MAGE-A3 gene expression is indicative of a tumor that is more aggressive and more likely to recur when compared to tumors that do not express the gene. The vaccine has been developed to try to train the body’s immune system to respond to these tumor cells wherever they may be found with the ultimate hope that we will be able to prevent recurrence for those patients with MAGE-A3 positive tumors. Exceptional Medicine 31 Vaccine treatment has been hypothesized for many years—teaching the body to use its own immune system to recognize and destroy tumor cells by training the immune system to respond to specific genes or proteins found in the tumor cells. Many hours of laboratory and clinical research have already been invested in this type of treatment. Today, it is very exciting to be a part of this new wave of research and cancer treatment. As our ability to identify gene expression and isolate specific proteins found in tumors improves, immunology becomes the next major area of cancer management and treatment. PeaceHealth Southwest remains committed to participation in clinical research to provide our patients with state-of-the-art cancer care for all tumor sites. CONCLUSION 32 Five-year disease-free and overall survival for local and loco-regional NSCLC based on clinical and final pathological stage. 100 Clinical 1A-1B 90 Pathological 1A-1B Clinical 2A-3A 80 Pathological 2A-3A 70 60 50 40 30 When patients are informed that they have a lung mass, they are generally appropriately scared. It is important to let them into the planning phase early, to explain the role of the various staging and clinical assessments. Patients often have a burning desire to proceed quickly to definitive therapy, but it is not uncommon to have many confounding variables, such as underlying lung disease, prior inflammatory lesions, etc. In general, we aim to have definitive therapy started within six weeks, but the rapidity of the approach needs to be balanced by the risk factors to the patient, including quality of life. Sitting down with the patient, going over the films, discussing possible options, taking them through the staging process smoking cessation offers and just talking with the best chance to the patient and their decrease the incidence of families may be the lung cancer and improve most important aspect of management. the chances of survival. Ultimately Figure 15: Five-year Survival at PHSW 20 10 0 5-YEAR SURVIVAL 5-YEAR DISEASE-FREE SURVIVAL It is important to note that effective, durable and tolerable treatments, both for cure and long-term control of non-resectable cancers, are continuing to emerge. Physicians should not automatically take a nihilistic approach to lung cancer. Because of the multiple issues and options outlined, a multi-disciplinary approach provides the optimal treatment. Ultimately smoking cessation offers the best chance to decrease the incidence of lung cancer and improve the chances of survival. www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Figure 16: 10-year Cancer Incidence – PeaceHealth Southwest 2001-2010 The number of cancer cases noted at PeaceHealth Southwest peaked at 1265 in 2009 and dropped to 1092 in 2010. 1300 1265 1255 1250 1232 Number of Cases 1214 1200 1183 1229 1214 1191 1173 1150 1100 1092 1050 1000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year Table 10: Comparative Cancer Incidence - 2010 In 2010, lung cancer was the number two cancer incidence at PeaceHealth Southwest. At 12% of all incidences, PeaceHealth Southwest lung cancer incidences were lower than those of Washington state (13%) and the US (15%). PHSW Site WA State Number Percent Number National Percent Number Percent Breast 304 28 4,900 14 209,060 14 Lung & Bronchus 135 12 4,320 13 222,520 15 Colorectal 88 8 * * 142,570 9 Corpus/Uterus 57 5 1,010 3 43,470 3 Melanoma 55 5 1,930 6 68,130 4 Lymphoma 54 5 1,600 5 74,030 5 Bladder 53 5 1,720 5 70,530 5 Brain/Other CNS 50 5 * * 22,020 1 Thyroid 39 4 * * 44,670 3 Prostate 34 3 5,220 15 217,730 14 223 20 * * 414,830 27 1,092 100 34,500 100 1,529,560 100 Other Total *Washington State and National Data from ACS Cancer Facts and Figures 2010 Volume 4, Number 1 Exceptional Medicine 33 Table 11: PeaceHealth Southwest Primary Site Table - 2010 With 135 cases, lung cancer was the second most frequently identified primary cancer site at PeaceHealth Southwest in 2010. Primary Site: Oral Cavity and Pharynx 13 % 1.2 Tongue 5 0.5 Salivary Glands 2 0.2 0.3 Gum & Other Mouth 3 Tonsil 2 0.2 Hypopharynx 1 0.1 152 13.9 7 0.6 10 0.9 5 0.5 Colon 66 6.0 Rectum and Rectosigmoid 22 2.0 Digestive System Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Anus and Anal Canal 4 0.4 Liver & Intrahepatic Bile Duct 4 0.4 Gallbladder 2 0.2 Other Biliary 5 0.5 18 1.6 Pancreas Peritoneum, Omentum & Mesentery 9 0.8 139 12.7 Nose, Nasal Cavity & Middle Ear 1 0.1 Larynx 3 0.3 135 12.4 Bones and Joints 2 0.2 Soft Tissue (including Heart) 4 0.4 Skin excluding Basal & Squamous 59 5.4 Malignant Melanoma – Skin 55 5.0 4 0.4 Respiratory System Bronchus and Lung (Non-small cell=113, Small cell=22) Other Non-epithelial Skin 3 0.3 Breast 304 27.8 Female Breast 301 27.5 Basal/Squamous Cell Skin Male Breast 3 0.3 103 9.4 Cervix 13 1.2 Corpus Uteri 57 5.2 Ovary 14 1.3 Vulva 17 1.6 2 0.2 Male Genital System 44 4.0 Prostate 34 3.1 Female Genital System Other Female Genital Organs Testis 9 0.8 Penis 1 0.1 Urinary System 80 7.3 Urinary Bladder 53 4.9 Kidney & Renal Pelvis 27 2.5 Brain & Other Nervous System 50 4.6 Brain 20 1.8 Other Nervous System 30 2.7 Endocrine System 44 4.0 Thyroid gland 39 3.6 Other Endocrine (including Thymus) Lymphomas Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Nodal=6) 5 0.5 54 4.9 6 0.5 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Nodal=35, Extranodal=13) 48 4.4 Myeloma 12 1.1 Leukemia 15 1.4 Lymphocytic Leukemia 3 0.3 12 1.1 Mesothelioma 1 0.1 Kaposi Sarcoma 1 0.1 12 1.1 Myeloid & Monocytic Leukemia Ill-Defined/Unspecified 34 Number of cases www.swmedicalcenter.org Fall 2011 Figure 17: PeaceHealth Southwest Frequency of Cancer by Gender – 2010 Top Ten Sites Lung cancer was sited in women (69) only slightly more often than in men (66) in 2010. 50 0 100 301 48 40 Colorectal Site 350 66 69 Lung/Bronchus 0 57 Melanoma 27 28 Lymphoma 29 25 Bladder 13 40 19 31 Brain/Other Nervous System 12 Throid Prostate 300 3 Breast Uterus 250 200 150 27 34 0 Number of Cases Figure 18: PeaceHealth Southwest Major Cancers – Stage at Diagnosis – 2010 In 2010, lung cancer was diagnosed most often at Stage IV. 160 Number of Cases 140 Stage 0 135 Stage 1 120 Stage 2 100 80 60 Stage 3 82 Stage 4 55 56 40 20 Unknown 43 34 29 23 15 9 0 0 Breast 22 18 24 0 6 1 Lung/Bronchus 32 12 5 Colorectal 2 0 6 1 Uterus 6 2 11 8 1 1 Melanoma Site Volume 4, Number 1 Exceptional Medicine 35 References 1. cancer Iaftsol. 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Volume 4, Number 1 Exceptional Medicine 37 Enhancing Patient Care Electronically— Our New SmartChange Newsletter PeaceHealth Southwest has a new resource to inform physicians about the status of our electronic health record and related workflow changes. Our SmartChange newsletter and SmartPath website are great resources for staying informed on project milestones, timelines and training dates. We anticipate some big changes with our CPOE implementation next summer and the conversion to ICD-10 coding by October 2013. You can view the latest issue of SmartChange by logging onto our SmartPath website at www.swmedicalcenter.org/smartpath. PO Box 1600 Vancouver, WA 98668
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