www.aamj.in ANVESHANA AYURVEDA MEDICAL JOURNAL Review Article ISSN: 2395-4159 THE ROLE OF ADHARANIYA VEGA IN THE GENESIS OF DISEASES Singh Santosh Kumar 1, Sinha Ashok Kumar2 1 Asst. Prof. of Kriya Sharira, 2Asso. Prof. of Kayachiktsa, Gaur Brahman Ayurvedic College, Brahmanwas Rohtak, Haryana, India Corresponding Author: [email protected] ABSTRACT The study aims to point the influence of Adharaniya Vega. The suppression of natural urges brings changes in every system of the body such as cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urinary, nervous, endocrine, reproductive and musculoskeletal. Through the rigorous analysis of the literature it is found that Ayurveda has stated that maximum disease occurs due to Dharan of Adharaniya Vega (i.e. suppression of urges). Our classical text books have meticulously indicated diseases which will arise from suppression of corresponding Dharana of Adharaniya Vega. Moreover, suppression of Adharaniya Vega (urges) also enhances the process of jara (ageing). Suppression of Vega causes the increase of mostly Vata Dosha, which further attaches with other Dosha, to develop disease or symptoms. Therefore an attempt is made to focus the definite role of Adharaniya Vega in genesis of diseases. Key words: Adharaniya Vega, Ayurveda INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Ayurveda explains the knowledge of the do's and don'ts one has to follow, which favours the wellbeing of each individual to lead a healthy, happy, comfortable life, both physically and mentally.1 Ayurveda emphasizes that "prevention is better than cure". Acharya Charak, Acharya Sushruta and Acharya Vagbhatta have dedicated a complete chapter on the Adharaniya Vega and its manifestations and their principles of treatment. The long term suppression of Vega causes multiple diseases in the body.2 The living body can function normally, only when its Dosa, Dhatu and Mala are in a state of equilibrium. Hence an attempt is made here to throw light on role of Adharaniya Vega in genesis of diseases. Classical texts of Ayurveda viz. Charak, Sushruta and Vagbhatta Samhita with commentaries were consulted as references of adharaniya vega. Literature available regarding changes in body from various journals, and books were collected. These references from both the streams of knowledge were compared and analysed critically. Conceptual review: Conceptual review includes the study of different types of Adharaniya Vega & diseases it produces. Following tabular compilation of different Acharya is shown and it has been rigorously examined. Santosh and Ashok: The Role of Adharaniya Vega in the Genesis of Diseases Sl. no. Name of Adharaniya Vega suppressed 1 Suppression of urination urge 2 Suppression of defecation urge Formation of diseases/symptoms/signs Charak 3,4 Pain in urinary bladder dysuria, headache, forward bending stiffness in groins. 5 Suppression of vomiting urge 6 Suppression of sneezing urge 7 Suppression of eructation urge 8 Suppression of yawning urge 9 Suppression of hunger urge 10 Suppression of thirst urge 11 Suppression of tears urge 12 Suppression of sleep urge 13 Suppression of breathing urge on exertion Colic pain, headache, retention of flatus and faeces, cramps in calf muscles and flatulence. Pain in penis and scrotum body-ache feeling of pain in cardiac region, obstruction of urination. Retention of faeces, urine, and flatus, body-ache, flatulence, feeling of exhaustion without physical activity, vitiation of Vata causes abdominal diseases. Itching, urticarial rashes over skin, anorexia, blackcolour spot on face, swelling, anaemia, fever, skin diseases, nausea, erysipelas Stiffness in neck region, headache, facial paralysis, migraine, weakness of sense organs (eye, nose etc.) Hiccup, dyspnoea, anorexia, tremors, obstruction in cardiac region and chest. Postural bending, convulsion, contraction, numbness, tremors, unsteady movement of body parts. Emaciation, weakness, disorder of complexion, body-ache, anorexia,giddiness. Dryness or emaciation of throat and mouth, deafness, fatigue, depression, cardiac discomfort. Coryza, eye diseases, heart diseases, anorexia, giddiness. Yawning, body-ache, drowsiness, disease of head region, heaviness in eyes. Gaseous tumour, heart diseases and faint 14 Suppression of kasa urge9 ------- 3 4 Suppression of semen urge Suppression of flatus urge Sushruta5,6 Vagbhatta7,8 Difficulty in elimination of urine, decreased quantity of urine, pain in penis, groin, rectum, urinary bladder, scrotum and region of umbilicus. bladder distension causing pain, headache Splitting pain all over body. Formation of renal calculus, pain in bladder, penis, groins. Gurgling sounds and pain in abdomen, cutting pain in the rectum, constipation, belching, faeces coming out from mouth. Swelling and pain in urinary bladder, rectum, and scrotum, nonelimination urine, formation and elimination seminal stones. Flatulence, colic, oppression in the region of heart, headache, increased rate of respiration, hiccup, cough, rhinorrhoea, throat pain, elimination of Kapha and pitta, obstruction of faecal matter or its elimination from mouth. Abdominal gaseous tumour, upward movement of abdomen and pain, debility, obstruction to movement of flatus, urine and faeces, loss of vision and digestive activity and diseases of heart. Leprosy or skin disorders and symptoms produced by improper digestion of food. Herpes, rashes, skin diseases like leprosy, irritation of the eyes, anaemia, fevers, associated with cough, difficulty in breathing, nausea, discoloured patches on face, generalised oedema Severe diseases of head, eyes, and ears, feeling of fullness of throat and mouth pricking sensation and typical sound in throat. Headache, debility of sense organs, stiffness of neck and facial paralysis Several severe forms of Vataj diseases are produced Anorexia, tremors feeling of obstruction in the heart and chest, flatulence, cough, hiccup Rigidity of neck and throat, diseases of head region and ears, mouth, nose, eyes diseases are serious in nature. Similar diseases as produced by suppression of sneezing. Stupor, body-ache, loss of taste, giddiness and dimness of the vision, emaciation. Pain in body, loss of appetite, exhaustion, emaciation pain in abdomen, giddiness. Dryness of throat and mouth, hindrance to hearing and discomfort in heart. Emaciation, debility, deafness, delusion, giddiness, heart diseases. Heaviness in head region, eye diseases, severe rhinitis. Increased Yawning, body-ache, diseases of body parts, head and eyes, stupor. Diseases of heart, delusion/fainting, abdominal gaseous tumour Acharya Vagbhatta has clearly mentioned that all diseases occur from voluntary suppression and forceful initiation of the Vega of body.10 Suppression of urge causes Dosha to accumulate and increase slowly. DISCUSSION Above description draws a notion that suppression of adharaniya Vega affects AAMJ / Vol. 1 / Issue 2 / Mar – Apr 2015 Cramping pain in calf region, rhinitis, headache, upward movement of Vayu, cutting pain in rectum, oppression in region of heart faecal vomiting. Pain and swelling of the genitals, fever, pain in the region of heart, obstruction to micturition, enlargement of scrotum and impotence. ------- Rhinitis, eye-ache, pain in head and heart, stiffness in neck loss of appetite, giddiness, tumours in abdomen. Delusion, heaviness of head and eyes, lassitude, repeated yawning and pain in all over body. Abdominal gaseous tumour, diseases of heart and delusion. Dyspnoea, anorexia, heart diseases, emaciation, and hiccup every system of our body. Normal functioning of Cardio vascular system is influenced when individual suppresses urge of flatus, srama janya svasha (dyspnoea on exertion), kasa (cough), thirst, tears and Urdhva Vata (eructation). Gastrointestinal system is seen affected by observing the symptoms like pain in rectal region, cramps in calf muscle, gurgling sounds in abdomen occurs due to 79 Santosh and Ashok: The Role of Adharaniya Vega in the Genesis of Diseases suppression of urge of faeces. Obstruction of urine, faeces, flatus occurs due suppression of flatus urge. Anorexia, nausea occurs due to suppression of vomiting urge and also in suppression of hunger urge. Diseases of head region are seen by observing symptoms like pratisyaya (rhinitis/cold), eye diseases, giddiness occurs due to suppression of lacrimation urge (tears). Deafness due to suppression of thirst urge. Heaviness in eyes, frequent yawning occurs due to the suppression of sleep urge. Headache occurs due to suppression of urination urge, defecation urge, and sneezing urge. Ardhavabhedaka (migraine),weakness of sense organs and Ardita (facial paralysis) occurs due to suppression of sneezing urge. Nervous system is seen affected by finding symptoms and signs like Indriya Daurbalya due to suppression of sneezing urge. Convulsion, spasm, anaesthesia, tremors and unsteady body like signs occur due to suppression of yawning urge. Depressed body activity occurs due suppression thirst urge. Genitourinary system is seen influenced by suppression of semen urge which present symptoms like pain in penis, scrotal region and retention of urine. Effect on skin is assessed by observing the symptoms like visarpa (erysipelas), itching, urticarial rashes, pallor, kustha (group of skin disorder) occurs due to suppression vomiting urge. Suppression of Adharaniya Vega is one of important aetiological factor in Rajyakshma (tuberculosis)11, Gulma12 (abdominal tumour), kustha13 (skin diseases), Udara Roga14 (ascites), Grahini.15 Suppression of flatus, faeces and urine are one of many the causes in Atisara16 disease. Vatarakta17 is produced when sleep urge is supressed (ratri jagran). AAMJ / Vol. 1 / Issue 2 / Mar – Apr 2015 CONCLUSION From above discussion, a conclusion is drawn that suppression of natural urges are root cause of many diseases. We can make people aware to avoid suppression of natural urges, so that they may not suffer from corresponding diseases. Its awareness campaign can be an important method to prevent many diseases among the masses. Furthermore studies are required on this topic to establish the mechanism of formation of diseases from individual Vega Dharana. REFERENCES 1. Ashtang samgraha of Vagbhatta, English, translated by Prof K.R. Srikantha Murthy; chapter 5 verses 43, p-79 Chaukhamba Orientalia 3rd edition 2000. 2. Ashtang samgraha of Vagbhatta, English, translated by Prof K.R. Srikantha Murthy; chapter 5 verses p-75 Chaukhamba Orientalia 3rd edition 2000. 3. Prof. P.V. Sharma, English translation Charak samhita volume I, Sutra Sthana 7th chapter; p-47-53, Chaukhamba Orientalia 5th edition1998. 4.Pandit Kashi Nath shastri and Dr Gorakha Nath Chaturvedi, savimarsha vidyotini Hindi vyaakhya on Charak samhita, Sutra Sthana chapter 7, page 150-160 Chaukhamba Bharti academy, reprint edition 2003. 5. Prof. K.R. 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