Your Feedback - A Better Southland

Submission for 10 year Plan
respect.pdf; Neglected War Memorial grounds Matuara Island Southland 2015
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Southland District Council: Submission (10 year Plan)
To whom it may concern
I write with submissions, for the long term plan, on the following:
Suggestion: that Mersey Street in Fortrose be sealed please.
Customer Service
Suggest that some Council personnel receive more Customer Service training, specifically on how to politely (and
compassionately) reply to emails/phone calls, and/or response letters to the newspaper; and posted letters please.
Also some SDC contractors out in the field need to improve their customer services skills and respect ratepayers
more when on their property.
Suggest SDC develop a Customer Service Charter like Waikato Regional Council have refer weblink:‐us/Customer‐service‐charter/
I note that Southland District Council has a Best Practice Guidelines - Customer Service and within it it mentions the
All staff are responsible for the delivery of customer service. How you treat customers reflects on the whole of Council
and is critical to the achievement of councils roles and responsibilities. You are expected to act professionally in all
that you do, show courtesy, helpfulness and respect at all times.
Your Council also has a Code of Conduct and one of the codes is about respect weblink:
Customers who complain about potential safety issues, i.e wandering & uncontrolled dogs need to be respectful
thanked for caring about humanity.
Also please show more compassion to people who have been distressed because of dog control issues. Thanks.
This submission on customer service is because of some unprofessional/disrespectful situations that I have
experienced with some of SDC personnel.
(I do however fairly acknowledge, and have complimented through your SDC compliment system, some staff that
have shown excellent caring customer service skills.)
Property Maintenance - Mataura Island War Memorial grounds
In February I noted that the Mataura Island War Memorial grounds were unkempt (refer photo).
I suggest that these important property areas, belonging to SDC, are maintained on a more regular basis please.
My respect for War Memorials and the mana that surrounds their history has been important to me all my life because
of proudly watching my WWII War Veteran father march at ANZAC Days. Now I march in his honour and I want to be
respected for caring about these War Memorial areas that are sacred and our taonga in our country.
Recently I have had reply letters of support from the Royal New Zealand Returned Services Association National
President and the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage about my concern.
Please refer to my ANZAC poem attached entitled `Respect` (attached).
Suggest that Southland District Council elected members appreciate ALL volunteers more. Volunteers care about
their community and ALL volunteers should be appreciated i.e certificates/letters of appreciation. (some people may
not want certificates but others will value them)
Council Staff also need to value the volunteer work that people in the community do because if volunteers feel
disrespected they may decide to not continue to do volunteer work. Volunteers are an integral part of any community individually or as a team.
Submission Hearing:
I would like to present my submission to council please. (Afternoon)
Thank you for your time.
Yours Faithfully
Miss WJ Baker
Submission 074
Draft LTP 2015-2025
Dianne and Tony Miller
219 Waipati Road, Chaslands,
To Whom it may concern,
Southland District Council Long Term Plan
We wish to write in support of the upgrading and tar-sealing of the Curio Bay –
Haldane road including the Slopepoint section.
While living and working in The Catlins is an honour and pleasure we are often
limited by remote location and low population base and this means we often miss
out on, have to fight extremely hard or pay great amounts of money for the great
technology that others may take for granted i.e. reliable landline telephones,
cellphone coverage, fast internet and unfortunately safe roads.
We run three businesses from our farm including farm accommodation so we deal
with international and national visitors and gain important feedback on their
experiences and the gravel roads are not enjoyed and often avoided.
In The Catlins tourism remains an increasing industry. This industry is boosting the
economy and quality of life in many areas that desperately require it. The heart of
this industry is our amazing scenery, rich history, geological features and the
outstanding wild life. To gain access to some of our iconic 'Must sees” is via these
gravel roads.
The increasing accidents caused by the high usage of these gravel roads places
our declining community emergency volunteers under extreme pressure as they
deal with crashes, injuries or death not to mention the time away from their jobs,
businesses or families.
We feel the tar-sealing of these gravel roads is urgent and should be given top
priority that is why I have taken time to write my submission. The benefits to
everyone will be unbelievable.
Your faithfully
Dianne Miller (Mrs)
Tony Miller (Mr)
Submission 078
Draft LTP 2015-2025
Submission 078
Draft LTP 2015-2025
Submission 079
Draft LTP 2015-2025
Submission 079
Draft LTP 2015-2025
Submission 080
Draft LTP 2015-2025
Online Submission Form
Your Contact Details
Blair Stewart (Chairperson)
Riverton/Aparima Community Board
214 Rocks Highway
Post Code
Do You Want to Speak to Council?
I do not wish to be heard in support of my submission
Your Feedback
Submission 080
Draft LTP 2015-2025
Roading Service Levels
Preferred Option: No preferred option
Roading Rate Model
Preferred Option: No preferred option
Sealing the last section of the Catlins road
Preferred Option: No preferred option
Ageing Infrastructure - Funding of depreciation
Preferred Option: No preferred option
Draft Development Contributions Policy
Draft Maori Freehold Land Policy
Draft Rates Remission Policy
Draft Revenue and Financing Policy
Early Repayment of Rates Policy
Fees and Charges Schedule
Other Feedback
Submission 080
Draft LTP 2015-2025
Is there anything else you think we should consider over the next 10 years to help build a better Southland?.
The Riverton/Aparima Community Board request the following change to the Parks and Reserves Schedule
of Projects for the Riverton/Aparima Community Board 2015/2016. $100,000 labelled as Grandstand Work
be renamed to a Replacement Grandstand Facility.
Help us improve this plan!
How easy was the Consultation document to read? Very Easy
Please comment on how we can improve the plan:
The Board felt this is a well presented document and the online facility very easy to negotiate and
The Board acknowledge and commend the work undertaken by staff in the preperation of this document.