2015 Heart of Indiana Boer Goat Show The Johnson County 4-H Goat Club will hold the first annual Heart of Indiana Boer Goat Show on May 23, 2015 at the Johnson County Fairgrounds, Franklin, IN. All shows are official ABGA sanctioned shows and ABGA rules shall govern. The base date for all classes will be May 23, 2015. Early entries must be postmarked by May 16, 2015, or late fees will apply. The show committee will be available to check in Boer goats at 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm on Friday, May 22rd and from 6:30 am to 8:30 am on Saturday, May 23th. All goats must be penned by 8:30 am on Saturday and are released after they have been shown. Out of state goats must have health certificates signed by a veterinarian. In-state goats are not required to obtain health papers. The Johnson County 4-H Goat Club and the Johnson County Fairgrounds will not be responsible for any losses, damages, or accidents which could result in personal loss or injury. No dogs and no smoking are permitted in the barns or show areas. Show 1 starts at 9:00 am with Showmanship Classes. Showmanship classes will only be available prior to Show 1. Show 2 begins ½ hour after completion of Show 1. Class Numbers: SSa. SSb. SSc. SSd. Beginner Showmanship – Under 10 years of age day of show Junior Showmanship – 10 to 12 years of age day of show Intermediate Showmanship – 13 to 15 years of age day of show Senior Showmanship – 16 to 19 years of age day of show 1. Percentage Does 0 to under 3 months 2. Percentage Does 3 to under 6 months 3. Percentage Does 6 to under 9 months 4. Percentage Does 9 to under 12 months 5. Champion Junior Percentage Doe 6. Reserve Champion Junior Percentage Doe 7. Percentage Does 12 to under 16 months 8. Percentage Does 16 to under 20 months 9. Percentage Does 20 to under 24 months 10. Champion Yearling Percentage Doe 11. Reserve Champion Yearling Percentage Doe 12. Percentage Does 24 to under 36 months 13. Percentage Does 36 months and over 14. Champion Senior Percentage Doe 15. Reserve Champion Senior Percentage Doe 16. GRAND CHAMPION PERCENTAGE DOE 17. RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION PERCENTAGE DOE 18. Fullblood/Purebred Does 0 to under 3 months 19. Fullblood/Purebred Does 3 to under 6 months 20. FullbloodPurebred Does 6 to under 9 months 21. Fullblood/Purebred Does 9 to under 12 months 22. Champion Junior Fullblood/Purebred Doe 23. Reserve Champion Junior Fullblood /Purebred Doe 24. Fullblood/Purebred Does 12 to under 16 months 25. Fullblood/Purebred Does 16 to under 20 months 26. Fullblood/Purebred Does 20 to under 24 months 27. Champion Yearling Fullblood/Purebred Doe 28. Reserve Champion Yearling Fullblood/Purebred Doe 29. Fullblood/Purebred Does 24 to under 36 months 30. Fullblood/Purebred Does 36 months and over 31. Champion Fullblood/Purebred Senior Doe 32. Reserve Champion Fullblood/Purebred Senior Doe 33. GRAND CHAMPION FULLBLOOD/PUREBRED DOE 34. RES. GRAND CHAMPION FULLBLOOD/PUREBRED DOE 35. Fullblood/Purebred Bucks 0 to under 3 months 36. Fullblood/Purebred Bucks 3 to under 6 months 37. Fullblood/Purebred Bucks 6 to under 9 months 38. Fullblood/Purebred Bucks 9 to under 12 months 39. Champion Junior Fullblood/Purebred Buck 40. Reserve Champion Junior Fullblood/Purebred Buck 41. Fullblood Bucks 12 to under 16 months 42. Fullblood/Purebred Bucks 16 to under 20 months 43. Fullblood/Purebred Bucks 20 to under 24 months 44. Champion Yearling Fullblood/Purebred Buck 45. Reserve Champion Yearling Fullblood/Purebred Buck 46. Fullblood/Purebred Bucks 24 to under 36 months 47. Fullblood/Purebred Bucks 36 months and over 48. Champion Senior Fullblood/Purebred Buck 49. Reserve Champion Senior Fullblood/Purebred Buck 50. GRAND CHAMPION FULLBLOOD/PUREBRED BUCK 51. RES. GRAND CHAMPION FULLBLOOD/PUREBRED BUCK
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