Sat 9th May 2015 Umrah Training VOLUNTEERS Br Zahir Hussain Shaykh Nasir Zameer Br Mohammed Shakeeb fasdfdf We are a non-profit organisation and a registered charity Welcome and Introduction Tuesday 19th May 2015 B’ham – Istanbul 3.55pm - 9.45pm (3 hours 50 min) (3hour 10 min transit) WEAR IHRAAM Istanbul – Jeddah 12.55am – 4.45am (3 hours 55 min) Outbound flight Sat 30th May 2015 Medina - Istanbul 3.25am - 6.50am (3 hours 30 min) (1 hour 15 minutes transit) Istanbul – B’ham 8.05am – 10.15am (3 hours 55 min) Inbound flight Objectives of our journey Individual goal setting Preparation and planning AF Tours educational overview The Flight itineraries The Umrah ◦ Ihraam ◦ Tawaaf (circumbulation) ◦ Sa’ee between Safa and Marwa Overview ANJUM HOTEL MAKKAH ***** MARWAH Fahd Gate SAFA Abdul Aziz Gate Royal In Madinah **** Objectives of your journey? 1. 2. 3. Individual goal setting Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Purpose of Umrah عن أبي هريرة أن رسول اهلل صلى اهلل عليه :العمرة إلى العمرة كفارة لما بينهما وسلم قال .والحج المبرور ليس له جزاء إال الجنة The Prophet (SAW) said: "(The performance of) Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous Umrah; and the reward of Hajj Mabrur is nothing but Jannah” [Bukhari and Muslim]. Purpose of Umrah Abdullah Ibn Mas’ood (ra) reports that Rasoolollah (saw) said, “Perform Hajj and Umrah one after the other for surely they (Hajj and Umrah) remove poverty and sins just as the furnace removes dirt of iron, gold and silver.” (Tirmidhi, Nasa’ee) Spiritual Benefits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Visiting Makkah where the reward of Salah and Aa’maal is increased 100,000 times To be able to perform Tawaaf To kiss the Hajarul Aswad and view the Kaba-tullah Increase our Duas and make repentance. To inculcate brotherhood, unity and humbleness into our lives. OUR GOAL an excepted Umrah is: 1. A Umrah free of sin; i.e conducted with full obedience to Allah (swt) 2. An Umrah performed with the intention of seeking Allah's pleasure only and not to show off 3. An Umrah performed in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) 4. An Umrah which is not followed by disobedience How to maximise on this journey? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Maximising time in the Masjid Daily recitation of the Quran (1 Juz) Morning & evening Zikr Excessive Salawaat on the prophet DUAS at every point of this journey To create an internal feeling of Ummah-hood Essentials for the journey Tasbeeh & Tawaaf/Sa’ee Tasbeeh Tawaf/Sa'y counter beads Sunnah dua book. Small pocket Quran. • Only carry small quantities of Money and avoid carrying valuables. • You can buy a Saudi SIM card for aprox £10. It is much cheaper than roaming and to make calls. Necessary acts of Umrah The Fardh acts of Umrah are 2: 1.Ihraam (special dressing, niyyah and talbiya) 2.Tawaaf The Wajib acts of Umrah are 2: 1.Sa’ee between Safa and Marwa 2.Halaq or Qasr (shaving or trimming the hair) Preparation for Ihraam Before arriving at the Meeqat and wearing your Ihraam clothing Take care of personal hygiene including 1. Clip nails & trim hair 2. Remove pubic and armpit hair. 3. Take a shower (ghusl) for Ihraam. This is a Sunnah. If not possible perform ablution. 4. Put perfume on your body (head,beard) 5. Put Ihraam sheets on (rida’ & ezar) – (Men only) Ihraam & Talbiyah for Women It is equally a Sunnah for a woman to shower before Ihraam. 2. A woman in her days of impurity takes a shower and assumes Ihraam, but does not pray 2 rakaahs before Ihraam. 3. Women will remain in their normal clothes keeping the body fully covered except the face. 4. The majority of scholars say that a woman should make Talbiyah in a low voice. 1. Mawaqeet & Haram of Makkah Dhu-l Hulayfah Miqat boundaries for the foreigners N Al JuHfah Dhatu ‘Irq Ji'ranah Qarnu-l Manazil Jeddah Makkah Arafah Adhah Libn Yalamlam Note: for illustration purposes only, not scale. PRACTICAL DEMONSRTATION OF WEARING THE IHRAM IHRAAM CORRECT METHOD OF IHRAAM Make the intention & say the Talbiya ALLAA HUMMA INNEE U’REE-DUL UMRATA FA-YAS-SIR HAA LEE WA TA QAB-BAL-HAA MIN-NEE O Allah, I intend to perform Umrah. Make it easy for me and accept it from me Ihraam - اإلحرام Pray two rak’ahs of salaah (if it’s not a prohibited time) with your head covered. (To recite Surah Kafiroon & Surah Ikhlaas is Sunnah) Note: Up to this point, all what you did is preparation for Ihraam. Once is compulsory and thrice is sunnah From this point you are in a state of IHRAAM ! Restrictions of Ihraam Sexual intercourse: •… and all matters leading to it Cleansing: •You should not remove any hair from any part of the body intentionally. •You should not clip your nails. •You should not use scented soap Restrictions of Ihraam - محظورات اإلحرام Clothing: 1. Men cannot wear any sewn clothes such as a shirt, turban, topee, hooded cloak, trousers, underwear, shoes etc. 2. Men cannot cover BOTH their head or face with something that touches it. 3. Women can wear their normal clothes, but without covering their faces. Fragrance: 1.You should not perfume yourself, your clothing, your food or drink after entering Ihraam. This includes cleansing yourself with scented soap and shampoo. (refreshing towels given in flights) NB. You are permitted to use fragrance before entering the state of Ihraam Permissible in Ihraam There is no harm in using an umbrella, the roof of a car or tent for shade. There is also no harm in carrying your baggage on top of your head. Wearing sandals, rings, glasses, a watch, worn on your wrist or hung from your neck. Wearing a hearing aid or a speech aid. According to most scholars, it is permissible for you to cleanse yourself with unscented cleansers and to wash and scratch your head and body if there is a need, even if some of your hair falls unintentionally. Washing your Ihraam garments or put on new ones. Wearing a belt to keep your money and documents, and to tie your ezar (the lower part of the Ihraam). Arrive at Masjid Al-Haram BE READY & RELAXED Take a bath before entering Makkah and rest if possible Ensure your belongings are safe and sound Arrive at Masjid Al-Haram When you see the Ka'bah raise your hands and make DUA. There is no du'a established from the Prophet at this point. So you may make du'a with whatever you wish MARWAH Fahd Gate SAFA Abdul Aziz Gate 37 ‘Umra ) (العمرة- Summary 1. Ihraam ()اإلحرام 2. Tawaf )(الطواف 3. Sa’y between as-Safa and alMarwa (السعي بين الصفا و )المروة 4. Halq ( )الحلقshaving the head or Taqseer ( )التقصيرtrimming the hair Wudhu is required for all types of Tawaf. Tawaaf Hateem Ka'bah Door To Zamzam To Safa Start Line Umrah Tawaaf Tawaf around the Ka'bah Make the intention for Tawaaf which is FARD (obligatory) keeping the Ka’bah to your left ALLAA HUMMA INNEE U’REE-DUL taawafa FA-YAS-SIR HAA LEE WA TA QAB-BAL-HAA MIN-NEE Once you have made intention for Tawaaf you will stop reciting the Talbiya Go around the Ka’bah past the Stone seven times Al-Idtiba‘ ( ط َباع ِ ) اإلض: MEN ONLY ◦ wearing the Ihraam under your right armpit and over the left shoulder ◦ throughout the seven rounds of Tawaf ◦ Idtiba is the only time the shoulder will be uncovered. Ar-Ramal ( الر َمل َّ ): MEN ONLY ◦ a strong and quick walk with boldness, in which the shoulders are thrust forwards. ◦ in the first three rounds, then walk normally in the rest Umrah is a personal Ibadah (worship) between a servant and their creator The Black Stone & Istilaam Go straight to the Black Stone and facing it make takbeer like the way for Salah and recite Bismillahi Allahu Akbar Walillahil Hamd Then kiss it, and make sajda upon as the Prophet (pbuh) did that. If your are not able to kiss it then touch it with your right hand then kiss your hand. If you cannot touch it you should make a sign towards it with your hands and kiss your hand softly without making a sound. Remaining Istilaam’s 1. You will not turn your body towards the Kabah but just your chest. 2. Make the gesture of touching the Hajarul Aswad with your hands and then kiss your hands once without making a sound. One tawaaf will have 8 Istilaams. One for each circuit and one at the Tawaf/Sa'y counter beads end (7 + 1 = 8) Tawaf – Notes (1) 1.You do not have to say your intention out loud to begin Tawaf. Saying intentions out loud is something the Prophet (pbuh) never did except after Ihraam when he said, “Labbayk Allahuma Labbayk” 2.A state of wudhu’ is required for all kinds of Tawaf. 3.A menstruating woman does not make Tawaf until she becomes pure. 4.All kinds of Tawaf, including optional Tawaf, consist of seven circuits around the Ka'bah. Tawaf – Notes (2) Continue Tawaf without interruption, unless it is necessary, otherwise it will be void. When it is time for the obligatory Salaat you stop your Tawaf, join the Salaat in your place and then resume your Tawaf from where you left. If you need to go to the bathroom you may interrupt your Tawaf and go. Make Wudu before coming back to resume your Tawaf. You resume your Tawaf from where you left. However, some scholars say that you need to start over from the beginning of that circuit only (this is a safer option). The Ka’bah should be to your left. Do not do Tawaf with your back or right to the ka’bah. Do not walk backwards. Tawaf shall be performed within the boundaries of Al-Masjid AlHaraam. Mistakes of Tawaaf 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. To stand longer than needed at the hajarul Aswad. This is done to prolong the Ad'iyah and Ishaarah Men who only wear the bottom garment of the Ihraam. This exposes their sattar at times which is Haraam. To have the Kaba in any other direction but the LEFT. To push and shove anyone. This is HARAAM To prey Salah behind Maqaam Ibraheem or prolong supplication when there are large crowds. To perform tawaaf from inside the Hateem. To crowd, push and shove for the sake of touching or kissing the Hajarul-Aswad. To recite specific Duas for each circuit of the Tawaaf. To raise your voice whilst making dua during Tawaaf. This causes disturbances to fellow Muslims. To touch or kiss the Kaba other than the HajarulAswad or Rukn Yamaani. Maqam Ibraheem مقام إبراهيم 1. When you finish the 7th round cover your right shoulder and move to the Place of Ibraheem. 2. Place the Maqam Ibraheem between yourself and the Ka'bah and then pray two rak'ahs. And recite therein Surat Al-Kafiroon and Surat Al-Ikhlas. - If there is a rush, pray your two Rakaahs where ever possible. Drink Zamzam زمزم 1. Zamzam water is availble in coolers everywhere in the Masjid. 2. In the Mataaf area they are located behind the Maqaam Ibrahim against the walls. Facing the Kabah, drink Zamzam water to your full. Al-Multazam - الملتزم 1. Al-Multazam: you may cling to the place between the corner of the Black Stone and the Door of the Ka’ba (~6.5ft), placing your chest and face and forearms upon this place, and making du’a. Sa’ee between Safa & Marwah السعي بين الصفا و المروة It is Mustahab to perform a ninth Istilaam before going for Sa’ee Sa’y between Safa & Marwah Once on top of the Safa, face the Ka’ba and say: Allahu Akbaru, Allahu Akbaru, Allahu Akbar هللا أكبر، هللا أكبر،هللا أكبر Laa ilaaha illaa Allahu waHdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahu-l mulk wa lahu-l Hamd, yuHyee wa yumeetu, wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in qadeer له،ال إله إال هللا وحده ال شريك له و هو، يحيي و يميت،الملك وله الحمد على كل شيء قدير Make du'aa to Allah with whatever you wish أدع هللا بما شئت Sa’y between Safa & Marwah 1. Then you descend from Safa and start walking in the direction of Marwah. 2. You walk till you reach the green sign-post. You then jog till you reach the next green sign-post. Then you walk up to al-Marwah and ascend it. 3. Do upon Marwah as you did upon Safa. This forms one complete lap. The green markings/lights are known as Meelain Akh’darain Halq or Taqseer 1.Then when you finish the seventh lap upon the Marwah you shave the hair of your head, thus ending the 'Umrah. 2.Women trim their hair the length of a finger joint. 3.Everything that became forbidden to you upon entering Ihraam now becomes permissible again. Share your contact details, Saudi number or UK number as most communications will be done via SMS Shaykh Nasir’s contact details: TURKISH AIRLINES 0207 471 6666
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