CPM Algebra 1 Name: ______________________________________ Chapter 9 Tentative Homework Sheet * Chapter 9 Team Test 04/28-‐29 * *Chapter 9 Individual Test 05/1 * The chart below lists the tentative schedule for homework assignments. The homework assignments due the date listed, usually assigned the day before. A stamp in the “Done On Time” box means you completed the homework on time and earned five points. A stamp in the “Done Later” box means you completed your homework but after it was due and you earned four points. A stamp in the “Half Credit” box means you did not complete the homework, but you started it and you earned two to three points depending on the amount of work completed. A stamp in the “Did Not Do” box means you did not do the homework and you earned zero points. You then will have time to revise any “Half Credit” and “Did Not Do” stamps, as the homework assignments will be collected every Friday. For each homework assignment, you will be awarded points based off the highest valued stamp. * HOMEWORK CLUB AT LUNCH HAS STARTED! IT IS MANDATORY FOR STUDENTS WHO DID NOT COMPLETE THEIR HW AND RECOMMENDED FOR STUDENTS WHO WANT EXTRA SUPPORT! * *Use the online book for “HW Help”! Access the online book through the website or your individual account* * I WILL TUTOR YOU AT LUNCH ON ANY DAY! * * * * Assignments #46-49 are due Friday, April 10! * * * Date # Due CW 9-38 to Mon 46 04/06 9.1.4 9-50 to 47 9.2.1 9-55 pg. 435 9-59 to Thurs 48 04/09 9-43 pg. 432 Tues/ Wed 04/07 04/08 HW Assn 9.2.2 9-64 pg. 439 Done On Time Done Later Half Credit Did Not Do 9-70 to Fri 49 04/10 9.3.1 9-76 pg. 443 Homework Points for Second Semester Week 13:
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