Regis University & National University of Ireland, Galway School of Computer & Information SciencesSchool of Computer & Information Sciences Syllabus COURSE TITLE: Thesis Fundamentals COURSE NUMBER: MCT 624 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Assists students in developing a thesis topic working under an approved research director. PREREQUISITE COURSES: MCT609/MCT 619, MCT610, MCT611, MCT613, MCT614, and MCT 615. COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, you should be able to: 1. Synthesize the MScSED Thesis Process. 2. Critique research articles and discuss the scholarly research merits of each. 3. Critically evaluate a body of literature that leads to an IT research problem. 4. Construct a research problem (thesis statement) based on research literature review. 5. Defend a logical and sound argument related to thesis topic. 6. Evaluate the research method used to conduct a research study. 7. Explain thesis research study assertions, methodology, success criteria. 8. Synthesize your thesis research findings thus far to evaluate how each article relates to thesis research problem or research question. 9. Describe the use ethical human subject research techniques for primary research (required for Regis University advised students only). 10. Develop an effective project plan for the Thesis Process. 11. Explain how the literature addresses a research problem or research questions for thesis topic area. 12. Apply graduate thesis writing style and guidelines. COURSE MATERIALS: Required Texts: Locke, L., Silverman, S., & Spirduso, W. (2010). Reading and Understanding Research (3rd edition). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. Required Resources: American Psychological Association (current edition). APA Publication Manual. Retrieved from Ellis, T. J., & Levy, Y. (2006). A Systems Approach to Conduct an Effective Literature Review in Support of Information Systems Research. Nova Southeastern University. Informing Science Journal Volume 9, 2006. Retrieved from view.pdf. Ellis, T. J., & Levy, Y. (2008). Framework of Problem-Based Research: A Guide for Novice Researchers on the Development of a Research-Worthy Problem. Nova Southeastern University. Retrieved from Library Tutorials*: NUIG Library Tutorials - Writing, Referencing & Avoiding Plagiarism (WRAP) which contains resources from NUIG Library, IT Online programme, as well as other universities (e.g. Purdue's OWL). See Regis University Library Tutorials see Technology Tools: Minimum Technology Requirements: Optional Materials: None PRE-ASSIGNMENT: 1. Locke et al, Part 1: The Nature and Uses of Research Reports 2. Review: -Regis University Library Tutorials AND -NUIG Library Tutorials RELATED STANDARDS None COURSE ASSIGNMENTS AND ACTIVITIES Please note that this course is Pass/No Pass. Check with your facilitator if you need more information. Shared Course Since this MCT 624 Thesis Fundamentals course is a shared course between Regis University (RU) and National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG), each has a thesis process and related assignments that are somewhat different between the universities. Therefore, you will be instructed by your facilitator for specific required assignments for RU-advised students, or for NUIG-advised students. Please check with your facilitator for additional required assignments. Please note that the table below includes the discussion activities that are required and common amongst the two universities. Your facilitator will provide points or percentages for all assignments. Week Title Readings/Resources Discussions Introductions – due by Wednesday of Week 1 Thesis Process – Steps 1 & 2 – Idea Paper Submit to Thesis Advisor 1 MScSED Graduate Thesis Process Read: Locke et al. (2010) Part 1: The Nature and Uses of Research Reports Thesis Process – Step 3. Thesis Statement (draft) - begin Article Critiques Assignment 1 (two articles provided) & Discussion 2 Identifying Your Thesis Research Problem 3 Telling the Research Story 4 Working with Your Thesis Research Problem Article Critique Assignment 2 on Thesis Topic (begin) Article Critique Assignment 2 – selected article on Thesis Topic -–Discussion Ellis & Levy (2008). See Required Resources Thesis Process – Step 3. Thesis Statement above. (draft) - Submit to Thesis Advisor Research References Exercise & Discussion Ellis & Levy (2006). Peer Review of Thesis Statement See Required Resources (draft) & Discussion above. Annotated Bibliography versus Literature Review Discussion Locke, et al. (2010) Part Research Problem Discussion 2 Quantitative Research Thesis Process – Step 3. Thesis Statement – Review Ellis & Levy Submit to Thesis Advisor (2008) article from Week 2. Thesis Process - Step 4. Thesis Proposal 5 6 Investigating Research Methodologies Design Science Research Ethics 7 Project Plan Locke et al. (2010) Part 3 Qualitative Research Select one – Design Science Articles, eBook, or white paper from list provided (see Week 6 ToDo List page) Regis University (RU)-advised students ONLY -Human Subject Research in Qualitative Research Studies (Responsible Conduct of Research Course (RCR) module) (draft) - Begin Evaluate Research Articles - Quantitative or Qualitative - Discussion Thesis Process – Step 4 - Thesis Proposal (draft) – Submit to Thesis Advisor Design Science Critique & Discussion Peer Reviews of Thesis Proposal Drafts Logical Fallacies versus Sound Judgments Exercise & Discussion Project Plan – AND Submit Thesis Proposal to Thesis Advisor Literature Review - Begin Course Reflections Discussion – facilitator lead Approved Thesis Proposal None 8 Course Reflections Peer Review of final Thesis Proposal – Complete by Wednesday Thesis Process – Step 4. (Final) APPROVED Thesis Proposal – Due Literature Review – Due University Policies Regis University (RU) Policies (links): You will be asked to enter a valid Regis University UserID and password to access the following policies. Academic Integrity Attendance Participation Confidential Proprietary Information Policy Dayton Memorial Library Diversity Equal Access and Disability Services Human Subjects Review (IRB) Inclement Weather and Class Cancellation Late or Incomplete Course Procedures Learner Conduct Writing Assistance OTHER INFORMATION: NOTE TO LEARNERS: On occasion, the course facilitator may, at his or her discretion, alter the Learning Activities shown in this Syllabus. The alteration of Learning Activities may not, in any way, change the Learner Outcomes or the grading scale for this course as contained in this syllabus. Examples of circumstances that could justify alterations in Learning Activities could include number of learners in the course; compelling current events; special facilitator experience or expertise; or unanticipated disruptions to class session schedule.
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