Acano Manager AM1.6 Installation Guide

Acano solution
Acano Manager R1.6
Installation Guide
April 2015
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 About the Acano Manager ........................................................................................ 3
1.1.1 Communication between Acano Manager and the Acano Solution ................ 3
1.1.2 Time-limited options in Acano Manager R1.6 ................................................. 4
1.2 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................ 4
1.2.1 Prerequisites for Acano Manager ................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Prerequisites for the Outlook Plugin ............................................................... 8
Installation Steps ............................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Downloading the Installation Files ............................................................................ 9
2.2 Installing the Acano Manager Service ...................................................................... 9
2.3 Installing the Interface File ..................................................................................... 11
2.4 Running the Acano Manager .................................................................................. 13
2.5 Configuring Acano solution CDRs to go to the Acano Manager.............................. 14
2.6 Checking API Configuration on the Acano Solution ................................................ 15
2.7 Defining the Acano Call Bridge to Monitor .............................................................. 15
2.8 Configuration for Call Bridge Clusters .................................................................... 17
2.9 Creating a coSpace (Virtual Meeting Room) .......................................................... 17
2.10 Making a Test Call ................................................................................................. 18
2.11 Active Directory Sync Setup ................................................................................... 20
2.12 Outlook Plugin Installation ...................................................................................... 25
2.12.1 Creating Exchange Mailbox Accounts for Rooms/Endpoints ........................ 25
2.12.2 Providing the plugin exe and the login details .............................................. 25
Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 26
3.1 Acano Manager Installer Does Not Run ................................................................. 26
3.2 Acano Manager Does Not Start .............................................................................. 26
3.3 Acano Manager Service Not Starting ..................................................................... 26
3.4 User Interface Not Displaying ................................................................................. 28
3.5 Acano Call Bridge Does Not Come Online within the Acano Manager ................... 29
3.6 Acano Manager Service Logs ................................................................................ 29
3.7 Acano Manager Installation Logs ........................................................................... 29
3.8 Removing the Acano Manager ............................................................................... 29
3.9 The Outlook plugin will not register to Acano Manager ........................................... 29
3.10 Call/coSpace Information is not being Displayed in the Outlook Invite .................... 30
3.11 AD Issues............................................................................................................... 30
3.11.1 No coSpace created in Acano Manager. ...................................................... 30
3.11.2 No user in Acano Server, but in Acano Manager.......................................... 30
3.11.3 No users or coSpaces on both Acano Server and Acano Manager. ............. 30
3.11.4 Users/coSpaces on both Acano Server and Acano Manager, but no
coSpace membership for the coSpace owner .............................................. 30
Figure 1: Acano solution communications involving Acano Manager
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1 Introduction
This document explains how to install the Acano Manager R1.6 release. Acano Manager is part
of the Acano solution and provides management and monitoring.
CAUTION: Acano Manager R1.6 requires the Acano server R1.6.3 or later.
Follow the steps in order. The document is written for experienced Windows and unified
communications operators.
Note: Any reference to the Acano solution or Call Bridge in this document applies equally to an
Acano Server deployment or a virtualized deployment.
1.1 About the Acano Manager
The Acano Manager is resource-intensive with specific server requirements and installation is
not recommended on a server hosting other applications or web sites. CPU time and memory
usage will vary between installations depending on the activity level and size of the video
network being managed.
The Acano Manager can be installed on a virtual server, but it must be provided with sufficient
processor resources, memory, and disk resources. The minimum requirements assume that the
Acano Manager has full access to resources. We strongly recommend installing on a dedicated
server: if there are many VMs running you can overload the host and the Acano Manager will
run slowly.
By default the Acano Manager is configured to auto-start when the host server starts.
1.1.1 Communication between Acano Manager and the Acano Solution
Acano Manager needs to retrieve the CDRs from the Acano solution and also access the API. If
the Acano Call Bridge is on one subnet and the Acano Manager on another, ports need to be
CDRs typically use port 5566 but can be configured to whatever the customer decides to
The Acano Manager API typically uses port 80 for HTTP or port 443 for HTTPS.
The IP interface is the one configured for the Web Admin Interface.
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Figure 1: Acano solution communications involving Acano Manager
1.1.2 Time-limited options in Acano Manager R1.6
See the Acano Manager R1.6 Release notes for new features and known issues.
Acano Manager has four internal options:
Call Management Dashboard (Calls In Progress page)
Legacy MCUs (Cisco Codian MCUs and Polycom RMX)
Billing Data Module
The default license includes “time-out” functionality for Call Management Dashboard and Billing
Data that expires 30 days after initial install. When the options time out, they are no longer
accessible from the menu. Customers can purchase license upgrades through their standard
Note: When the Call Management Dashboard times out, call management is limited to one call
at a time.
In addition the Outlook plugin has been available from R1.1. This allows users to schedule calls
using their Outlook client and reserve resources.
1.2 Prerequisites
1.2.1 Prerequisites for Acano Manager
Note: This document describes the prerequisites and procedure for a new installation. If you are
upgrading from an earlier version of the Acano Manager, you should have the following
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Ensure you have the following before starting the procedure described in this guide.
Acano Manager R1.6 requires R1.6.3 or later of the Acano solution.
Acano Manager runs on either a 32bit Windows operating system or 64bit Windows operating
systems. It can also run on VMWare ESX, Citrix XenServer and Virtual Server products and on
Microsoft Virtual Server 2012 or 2008.
Operating System
Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008 R2 (32 or 64bit).
All the latest security and service packs installed
Windows Platform (hardware or virtual)
Smaller systems (1-3 Acano Call Bridges; monitoring less than 400 Acano clients or
room systems): single processor, Intel Xeon processors (3.1 GHz or above)
Larger Systems (3 or more Acano Call Bridges): 1-2 processors Intel Xeon 2.4GHz or
above. (E5 is a four-core processor)
Memory: 8GB or more
Disk space: 100GB minimum including 20GB free disk space for logging, faster disks
(10krpm or 15krpm); preference is SSDs on bigger systems
SQL Database Server: Acano Manager stores all its customer data in its SQL database
named AMdb. This self-contained storage allows for convenient backup and recovery of
customer information.
SQL database is only created when you start the Acano Manager Service, not when you
install it
We recommend that SQL is hosted on a secondary system unless this is an evaluation
deployment. A secondary system is particularly important for deployments monitoring
100+ endpoints (Acano clients and/or room systems) or high-usage video networks:
there are performance benefits because of the high memory and disk I/O load
associated with running a SQL server
We recommend that the SQL server host is co-located with the Acano Manager so that
communications are <10ms.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or 2008 R2 (both 32bit and 64bit versions of either product
are supported). Express versions can be used in non-production environments
SQL user’s permissions: When setting up the user accounts on the SQL server for the
Acano Manager software ensure that the SQL user account (or the NT
AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account if using Windows authentication) that you are going to
use for the Acano Manager has sysadmin rights initially so it can create the AMdb
database within SQL. After this has been done, you can remove the sysadmin rights
because they are no longer required.
CAUTION: Do not use Windows Authentication where the AM Service and SQL Server are
on different machines.
Note: To avoid the SQL user account that Acano Manager uses requiring sysadmin rights,
you can have a DBA (Database Administrator) create a database named AMdb with
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“Owner” access rights. Then when AM starts for the first time all the database tables are
created within the AMdb.
Acano Manager databases are up to 5-10GB in size depending on the number of
monitored MCUS, and endpoints, and require an additional 5-10GB for SQL transaction
Note: we recommend that you take regular backups of the Acano Manager SQL database.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or 2008 R2 Database Server must be configured with Mixed
Authentication Mode enabled. All 32bit versions of Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
Databases that are likely to grow to more than 10GB (approximately 600+ monitored
Acano clients and/or room systems) must use a full edition of SQL Server 2012 or 2008,
because of the 10GB database limitation in the Express Edition
If you are using SQL Express (2008 R2/2012) we recommend that you use the SQL
Express Advance edition which contains Management Studio
User Interface: Acano Manager must be accessible by an IP Address on port 80 and by
Mail Server Access: Acano Manager requires access to an SMTP (Mail) server to send
email notifications. It does not require its own SMTP server and can be configured to use
existing mail servers. Acano Manager supports SMTP Auth login for authentication, if
Network Access to Managed Devices: Acano Manager needs specific protocols and
access to manage devices. Any network firewalls or NAT routers must allow traffic to flow to
and from Acano Manager.
The specific protocols and ports used are http (80) and https (443)
.NET Framework 4.5
ASP.NET and ASP Enabled: These IIS components must be enabled.
Web Server Roles & Service: The Acano Manager server must be set up as a web server
and have all the standard services enabled. Check that the following have been installed:
This is the basic minimum installation requirements for the Acano Manager Interface web
Note: The most common mistake is to miss the Application Development set of features. Be
sure to install them.
Note: you may require additional security items based upon your deployment requirements
(e.g. Windows Authentication if you intend to use it).
Windows Server 2008 series:
Install the IIS role with the following items installed/enabled.
Web Server
Common HTTP Features
Static Content
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Default Document
HTTP Errors
Application Development
.NET Extensibility
ISAPI Extensions
ISAPI Filters
Health and Diagnostics
HTTP Logging
Logging Tools
Request Monitor
Request Filtering
Static Content Compression
Management Tools
IIS Management Console
Windows Server 2012 series:
Install the IIS role with the following items installed/enabled.
Web Server (IIS)
Web Server
Common HTTP Features
Default Document
HTTP Errors
Static Content
Health and Diagnostics
Static Content Compression
HTTP Logging
Request Filtering
Application Development
.NET Extensibility 4.5
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ISAPI Extensions
ISAPI Filters
Management Tools
IIS Management Console
For Windows 2008 and 2008 R2, IIS7/IIS7.5 and .NET 4.5 only: The .NET Framework 4
can be installed side-by-side with previous versions of the .NET Framework on a single
computer. If IIS was enabled previously on the computer, the setup process for the .NET
Framework automatically registers ASP.NET 4 with IIS. However, if you install the .NET
Framework 4 before you enable IIS, you must run the ASP.NET IIS Registration tool in order
to register the .NET Framework with IIS and create application pools that use the .NET
Framework 4. If you are using Windows 2008 or 2008 R2, IIS 7 and .NET 4.5 has been
installed, run the following command from an account with Administrator rights.
On a 64bit system:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
On a 32bit system:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Note: These steps are not required with a Windows 2012 server.
Server Time: The correct server time is very important. Therefore we recommend that
Acano Manager and Acano Call Bridges are all time-synced to the same time (NTP) server.
1.2.2 Prerequisites for the Outlook Plugin
You need:
a Customer assigned to your account in order to use the plugin
the Acano Manager server address
your username and password for the Acano Manager server
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2 Installation Steps
This section describes the procedure for a new Acano Manager R1.6 installation. If you are
upgrading from an earlier version of the Acano Manager, you must backup the database and
then uninstall that version as described later in this document before following the procedure on
this section.
Follow these steps in the order provided.
2.1 Downloading the Installation Files
1. Download one pair of files from the Acano partner FTP site:
Interface file (the Management application) – for both the 32bit application or the 64bit
version (x64)
Service file (the Windows service) - either the 32bit application (x86) or the 64bit version
2. Upload the files to the Windows server (physical server or virtual) on which you will run the
Acano Manager.
Note: There are two installation files because they do not need to be co-located.
2.2 Installing the Acano Manager Service
1. If necessary log in to your Windows server (physical server or virtual) with an account that
has administrator privileges.
2. Open the directory in which you placed the installation files and right-click on the appropriate
Acano-Manager-x-x-x-x-Service.exe file.
3. Select Run as administrator.
The Acano Manager Installation Wizard starts. There is a pause while the installer searches
for the SQL server and the prerequisites. This can take up to 20 seconds (the Next button is
grayed during this time). When completed, click Next.
4. If you see a screen similar to the following, some prerequisites are missing. Depending on
the missing item(s) you may choose to cancel the installation and deal with these item(s)
now before restarting at step 3 above. If not be sure to install them afterwards.
5. Read the license terms and then agree to them. Click Next.
6. Choose where the Windows Service will be loaded and click Next.
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7. Select the SQL Database server and instance from the drop-down list and ensure the
Database Name is AMdb.
8. If this is the first time you are installing Acano Manager, select the type of authentication for
the SQL databases: Windows or SQL. If you are using SQL:
a. For Login enter your SQL user name.
b. For Password enter the password associated with the SQL user name above.
CAUTION: Do not use Windows Authentication where the AM Service and SQL Server are
on different machines.
9. If this is the first time you are installing Acano Manager, you will be prompted to set the SQL
connection string for the master database. (See the notes in the Prerequisites section about
access rights.)
10. Click Test Connection.
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If the connection completes successfully, you see “Success” beside the button and Next is
11. Click Next.
12. Keep the defaults and click Install.
13. When the installation has completed, click Finish.
2.3 Installing the Interface File
1. Return to the directory in which you placed the installation files and right-click on the AcanoManager-xNN-Interface.exe file.
2. Select Run as administrator.
3. The Acano Manager Installation Wizard starts. When the Welcome screen displays, and the
Next button becomes active click Next.
4. If you see a screen telling you that some prerequisites are missing you may choose to
cancel the installation and deal with these item(s) now before restarting at step 16 above. If
not be sure to install them afterwards.
5. Read the license terms and then agree to them. Click Next.
6. Complete the IIS details to create a new web site for the Acano Manager (see below),
keeping the Use a Custom Application Pool Instead of the Web Site Default check box
selected. Then click Next.
This example creates a virtual directory ‘AM’ under c:\inetpub\wwwroot
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7. Create a new Application Pool based on the example below and click Next.
8. Choose where the Interface files will be installed and click Next.
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9. At the confirmation page, check your previous selections and then click Install.
10. When the installation has completed, click Finish.
Four configuration files are created during installation:
License file: vq.lic
Service configuration file: vq.service.exe.config
Web configuration file web.config
Monitor configuration file vq.Monitor.exe.config
2.4 Running the Acano Manager
Acano Manager R1.6 can be started in two ways: starting it via the Windows Service panel:
open the list of Windows Services and start the Acano Manager Service. Then go on to step 29
to open a browser and log in. The alternative is to follow the steps below, which makes it easier
to see the log files generated by the Acano Manager Importer
1. Go to Program Files > Acano Manager > Monitor (or Program Files x86 > Acano
2. Right-click on VQ.Monitor.exe and select Run as administrator.
The Monitor opens on the Status page and looks similar to the following:
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3. For the Primary Service, click Start.
This starts the Acano Manager Service. (You can check it is running in the Windows
Services window).
When the service is running, the Monitor polls the service every second and updates the
Statistics page. (The Monitor can be closed and the service keeps running.)
4. Open the Acano Manager in a browser by entering your equivalent of the following url:
5. Log in with the following credentials: User = Admin, password = password1
2.5 Configuring Acano solution CDRs to go to the Acano
Configure the Acano Call Bridge to send CDRs to the Acano Manager as follows:
1. Sign in to the Acano solution Web Admin Interface and go to Configuration > API settings.
2. Set the CDR URI to be that of the Acano Manager (e.g. http://<acano manager system IP
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2.6 Checking API Configuration on the Acano Solution
1. Add a user through MMP command:
user add <username> api
Enter a password twice when prompted. On first login, you will be asked to configure a new
2.7 Defining the Acano Call Bridge to Monitor
Define the Acano Call Bridge that you want to monitor within the Acano Manager as described
below (example over page).
1. In the Acano Manager go to System Data & Diagnostics > MCU List.
2. Click Add new MCU.
3. Complete the fields for the Acano Call Bridge to be managed using the example below.
For Customer (optional), if required, enter a name for the MCU’s owner
For Name, enter the name for this MCU
For Type and Version, select Acano
Additional fields now display, see the example below.
For IP address, enter the IP address of the Acano Web Admin Interface.
TCP/IP Port number: change to 443
Select Use HTTPS
For the number of ports, enter the number of actual audio/video ports on the Acano
solution and then the usable numbers. The actual and usable numbers can be the same
but if you want to allow for oversubscription enter a lower number for the usable figures.
We suggest a minimum of 100 video ports and 500 audio ports
For Listener Port, select 5566 (for CDRs)
For User name and Password enter the details used to log in to the Acano Call Bridge
(that is, the username and password used to access the Acano Solution API that you
set/made note of in the previous section). The Verify Password field is only required if
you subsequently change the MCU’s login details and therefore need to update the
details here to match
For Meeting Room Range (coSpace range), enter a range of numeric values that Acano
Manager will use (each a maximum length of 15 digits) to be used as coSpace IDs.
Note: The range is intended to keep numeric numbers within dial plan ranges; for
example to prevent two Acano servers assigning the same numeric URI which would
cause the SIP server/gatekeeper to reject a call using the second one because it is a
There is no notion for ‘ranges’ for alpha URIs.
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For State, when adding a new MCU until you click Done the MCU is offline
4. Click Done.
5. For State, select Online from the drop-down list as shown above.
6. Ensure that the Windows firewall on the Acano Manager service allows traffic from the
Acano Call Bridge through (and vice versa). By default, the Acano Manager assumes port
5566 but so long as communication is allowed in both directions, the actual port number is
less important.
(The symptom if the firewall is blocked is that when you add participants into a call, they will
not join and an invite timeout diagnostic code is the disconnect reason.)
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Note: If you have the Multiple MCU add-on module, you require an updated license file. After it
has been upgraded, you can set up additional (Cisco and Polycom) MCUs using the procedure
above. Email your current license file vq.lic to [email protected] so we can upgrade it.
2.8 Configuration for Call Bridge Clusters
If you are using Call Bridge clustering and want Acano Manager to monitor the cluster and
manage calls on it, perform these steps.
1. Change the CDR listener port for each Call Bridge so that each Call Bridge has a unique
CDR listener port.
2. Using the API perform a GET method on the /callbridges node of one of the clustered Call
Bridges to determine the name of all the Call Bridges.
3. Ensure that the MCU set up in Acano Manager in the previous section has the correct name
(MCU names must match the Call Bridge name exactly).
4. Set up the other Call Bridges as MCUs in Acano Manager one at a time, using the name
returned by the API call as the MCU name and the CDR listener port configured above.
2.9 Creating a coSpace (Virtual Meeting Room)
Note: These instructions create a coSpace and must not be confused with the steps to create a
scheduled call.
1. Go to coSpace List.
2. Click Add New.
3. Complete the details using the example below.
For PIN and Guest PIN: (optional) enter a PIN or click Generate to have the Acano
Manager auto-generate a PIN for this coSpace
For CDR Tag (optional) enter a string to be used in the CDRs to identify this coSpace
Select Allow Background Call so that the coSpace is always available
Select the coSpace Owner.
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4. Click Save.
2.10 Making a Test Call
1. Call into the coSpace you created above.
2. Go to Call List to view all the calls you have scheduled.
The call will be run at the scheduled time.
3. To monitor the call that you have just created, go to Manage or Calls in Progress. From this
page you can monitor the call, change layouts, mute audio & video, and add and remove
participants/devices. (Tooltips are displayed for each icon.)
4. It is also worth looking at MCU Port Usage. We recommend selecting the Split Y Axis check
box to make the details clearer, as shown below.
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5. You may also like to download the CDRs for billing purposes. Go to Billing Export, select
the filter criteria and click Export.
An Excel spreadsheet billing.csv downloads that looks similar to the following:
Note: The Outlook plugin add-on module allows users to schedule, update and delete calls from
Outlook. There is a separate Installation Guide for the Outlook plugin (coming soon).
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2.11 Active Directory Sync Setup
Management of the Active Directory (AD) configuration process moved from the Acano Server to
Acano Manager from R1.1. If you intend to use LDAP services such as Active Directory (AD) to
import users (and optionally coSpaces) follow the steps in this section.
1. Record the AD settings on the Acano Server Web Admin Interface Configuration > AD
Settings page (in case you need to perform a rollback).
2. Run Acano Manager in non-AD-authenticated mode (this is the default mode).
3. Log in to the Acano Manager interface as Admin with the password you used in R1.0.
4. In Acano Manager from System Data & Diagnostics, go to Directory Services and add an
AD Server using the details that you recorded above. . (Do NOT perform a sync yet.)
When the Directory Services page opens, it prefills the defaults for importing users. You must
supply the details for the AD/LDAP server, user name, password, base node and filter.
Note 1: When no Customer is selected, the Username field has a default domain suffix of
“”. Changing the Customer (from the drop-down list) results in this changing to a
default of “”. After the default value has been displayed, you can override it (for
example, changing the ‘.com’ to ‘.net’).
Note 2: Acano Manager performs the AD import and creates users and coSpaces in Acano
Manager which results in the coSpaces also being created on the Acano Server. On
completion, Acano Manager instructs the Acano Server to perform a sync, at which point the
Acano Server performs an AD import and creates the users. Finally, for each imported user,
Acano Manager adds the user as a coSpace member to the user’s coSpace. This enables the
coSpaces to be managed from Acano Manager.
Note 3: When running the Importer, Acano Manager only creates new coSpaces that do not
have URI clashes. Also Acano Manager will never remove any coSpaces that were not created
by using Acano Manager. This means that any coSpaces that are already on the Acano server
stay on the Acano server and are not be created in Acano Manager until someone dials into
that coSpace.
Note 4: Each imported user must have a unique XMPP user ID (JID), constructed using the JID
field in the Field Mapping Expressions section of the Configuration > Active Directory. In order
to construct a valid JID, any LDAP attribute used in the JID field mapping expression must be
present in each LDAP record that is to be imported. To ensure that only records that have these
attributes present are imported, we recommend that you include presence filters (i.e. those of
the form (=*)) using a ‘&’ (AND) in the Filter field under Import Settings for each attribute used in
the JID field mapping expression.
For example, suppose your JID field mapping expression is
[email protected], and you wish to import users who are members of the
group cn=Sales,cn=Users,dc=company,dc=com, an appropriate import filter would be
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a quote
from the
or the
of an
g point.
You can
the text
in the
. Use the
Tools tab
to change
of the pull
quote text
5. Click Test Connection. box.]
This tests that Acano Manager can communicate with the AD server.
6. If the connection was successful, click Done.
7. Remove the AD configuration from the Acano Server Web Admin Interface.
8. From the Windows Services dialog start the Acano Manager Importer Service and click
Running the Importer Service automatically starts the sync. The import can take several
minutes. Log files are in the Importer subdirectory of the Acano Manager directory.
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Success or errors are indicated in the Alert panel.
If emails are enabled, the Importer’s result and logs are emailed to you. If emails are not
enabled, look in the \Acano manager\Importer directory. You see the log file of the import. If
you see a second, error file then the import had issues. Check the error details and
reconfigure the AD server in Acano Manager. Then retry the sync.
The import process results in all non-Admin level user accounts on the Customer/Tenant
being deleted within Acano Manager. Any associated calls/coSpaces will also be deleted
from Acano Manager. When the Synchronize command is given to Acano Server, the user
list will be refreshed (and new users added, no longer existing users on AD will be deleted
along with any coSpaces associated with the user). It is important to note that users can
only be created on the Acano Server via Active Directory/LDAP
9. Go to the Acano Manager\Importer directory.
You see the log file of the import and the users and coSpaces created. The users and
coSpaces are pushed to the Acano solution database subsequently.
If you see a second (error) file then the import had issues. Check the error details and
reconfigure the AD server in Acano Manager. Then retry the sync.
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10. Users imported from AD have a user type “user”. If users imported from AD need promoting
to “Operator” or “Administrator”, this can be done from an existing Admin account. In the
Acano Manager interface go to User List and convert one or more of the users imported
from AD to have an administrator role.
11. After placing Acano Manager into AD Authentication mode only the Admin level accounts
from your previously configured R1.0 users will work; therefore make sure you know the
Admin account password now.
12. Place Acano Manager into AD Authentication mode: go to Global settings and check that
Use AD Password Verification is selected. Click Save.
After switching to this mode the other user accounts become active and users can log into
Acano Manager and manage their own coSpaces.
13. Restart the Acano Manager Service.
14. From the DOS shell issue an IISReset command (IISReset)
15. Remove the AD configuration from the Acano Server.
16. Configure how you want future syncs to occur in one of the following ways.
a. Directly from the Windows Services control panel
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b. Via the AM Monitor Application.
The Monitor application has the benefit that it also allows management and viewing of the
importer logs:
Double-click on a log file to review it:
Note: On starting the Importer Service, its default is to synchronize with the AD/LDAP server(s)
immediately and then daily at 10.00 AM (server time).
To change the default synchronization time, edit the config file C:\Program Files\Acano
Manager\ImporterService\vq.importerservice.exe.config and change the value of <add
key="StartTimeHours" value="10"/> to the required time. Then stop and restart the Importer
Service for this change to take effect.
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2.12 Outlook Plugin Installation
If your users will be installing the Outlook plugin, then follow the steps in this section.
2.12.1 Creating Exchange Mailbox Accounts for Rooms/Endpoints
1. In Outlook create an Exchange Mailbox Account for each endpoint, participant or meeting
room that you want to be available to the outlook plugin.
Note of the Exchange account email address.
2. Log in to Acano Manager and go to Endpoints.
3. Create or edit the endpoints, adding the exchange account email address in the Exchange
Mailbox field.
2.12.2 Providing the plugin exe and the login details
1. Provide your users with
The Outlook plugin exe file so that they can install it
The Outlook plugin Installation and Getting Started Guide
The URL of the Acano Manager Service host server
Their username and password. If your installation uses Active Directory imported users,
this is the user name and password that AD requires
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3 Troubleshooting
3.1 Acano Manager Installer Does Not Run
The .NET Framework 4 can be installed side-by-side with previous versions of the .NET
Framework on a single computer. If IIS was enabled previously on the computer, the setup
process for the .NET Framework automatically registers ASP.NET 4 with IIS. However, if you
install the .NET Framework 4 before you enable IIS, you must run do the following:
If you are using Windows 2008 or 2008 R2, IIS 7 and .NET 4.5 has been installed, therefore
you must run the ASP.NET IIS Registration tool in order to register the .NET Framework
with IIS and create application pools that use the .NET Framework 4. Run the following
command from an account with Administrator rights. Then retry the installation.
On a 64bit system: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe
On a 32bit system: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
On Windows 2012, ASP.NET 4.5 is a Windows component and can be installed and
uninstalled just like any other Windows component. If you are running Windows 2012, and
see the message "CAQuietExec: The error indicates that this version of ASP.NET must first
be registered on the machine." do the following:
a. - Go to Web Server (IIS) > Web Server > Application Development > ASP.NET 4.5
b. - Enable "IIS-ASPNET45" using Server Manager using the Powershell command "dism
/online /enable-feature /featurename:IIS-ASPNET45"
3.2 Acano Manager Does Not Start
In the first release you can only monitor one Acano solution with Acano Manager. Setting up
more than one is liable to cause a problem on start-up.
3.3 Acano Manager Service Not Starting
The most common causes of the Acano Manager not starting are errors in the SQL connection
string at installation, or problems with the database authentication (SQL or Windows).
If you see the following in your SQL logs, you didn’t have sufficient permissions when setting up
the SQL database – see the prerequisites section in this guide.
2014-01-23 12:13:25.580 WARNING: DataHelper.CheckException Exception:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): CREATE DATABASE permission
denied in database 'master'.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception,
Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
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stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior,
SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet
bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String
methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite)
1 completion, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
at VQ.DataHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(DbCommand cmd)
Acano Manager Logs
Check the log files in the service directory (Program Files > Acano Manager.> Service) for
references to connections errors or login failures. They are named in the format vqservice_startdate- of log_and_time. Examples are:
2013-12-19 23:08:57.654 WARNING: DataHelper.CheckException Exception:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for user
2013-12-23 12:49:12.910 WARNING: DataHelper.CheckException Exception:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): A network-related or
instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL
Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the
instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow
remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
Windows Event View
Look in the Windows Event View and you should see an error like his example:
The first line in the error message will have a “database access failed” message.
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3.4 User Interface Not Displaying
If the Acano Manager Service started but the user interface does not display in a browser, check
the IIS settings and configuration.
Can you see the default IIS home page when you type http://localhost in your browser? If
this page does not display or causes an error, then the problem is likely to be in the IIS setup.
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Ensure that the correct roles and services have been installed as per the prerequisites section in
this guide.
If you are using Windows 2008 or Windows 2008 R2, did you register .net 4,5 with IIS7 and
IIS7.5, as mentioned in the prerequisites section in this guide.
At this stage, if the default IIS home page does display correctly and the Acano Manager user
interface still does not then, contact Acano support.
3.5 Acano Call Bridge Does Not Come Online within the Acano
Check the configuration – and that the number of video and audio ports selected is non-zero.
3.6 Acano Manager Service Logs
Acano Manager captures all the status messages that it generates and stores them in logs files
in Program Files> Acano Manager> Service.
In general, these messages are provided for information, but they are a good source of data
when troubleshooting. The presence of such messages is not a cause for concern necessarily; if
you are experiencing a specific problem with the operation or performance of the Acano
Manager software, Acano support can interpret logged messages and their significance for you.
3.7 Acano Manager Installation Logs
When the Acano Manager is installed messages that the installer generates are stored in logs
files in the directory C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Temp. To access these logs enter
the command %temp% in a browser window or as a line command in a command prompt.
3.8 Removing the Acano Manager
To uninstall the Acano Manager, complete the following steps:
1. In the Control Panel, go to the add/remove software function.
In the list you see three entries: Acano Manger Service, Acano Manager Interface and the
Acano Manager Importer.
2. Uninstall the Acano Manager Interface and the Importer.
3. Uninstall the Acano Manager Service. This removes the software.
4. Go to the directory that the Acano Manager was installed in and remove it.
5. Go to wwwroot and remove the \Acano manager directory.
3.9 The Outlook plugin will not register to Acano Manager
1. Are the user credentials correct: is there an account in AM with these credentials?
2. Are you using a proxy server; if so this must be configured in the plugin’s Connection
Settings page (see below).
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3.10 Call/coSpace Information is not being Displayed in the
Outlook Invite
1. In Acano Manager go to Alerts and check that the settings for either “Send Email” or
“Outlook” are checked for Call Booked.
3.11 AD Issues
These are some of the issues you may come across when configuring the AD section in Acano
3.11.1 No coSpace created in Acano Manager.
1. Check whether there is an incorrect or missing entry in the URI field.
3.11.2 No user in Acano Server, but in Acano Manager
1. Check the Event log on the Acano server for “sync operation failed”.
3.11.3 No users or coSpaces on both Acano Server and Acano Manager.
1. There are incorrect settings on the Directory Services Configuration page. Check the
settings: an incorrect Filter setting is the most common cause of issues.
3.11.4 Users/coSpaces on both Acano Server and Acano Manager, but no
coSpace membership for the coSpace owner
1. Rerun the Acano Manager Importer and check the Importer log (at C:\Program Files\Acano
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© 2015 Acano (UK) Ltd. All rights reserved.
This document is provided for information purposes only and its contents are subject to change without notice. This document may
not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose other than the recipient’s personal use, without our
prior written permission.
Acano and coSpace are trademarks of Acano. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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